Файл: _rootinc/whm.inc.php
Строк: 510
* Cpanel/WHM XML API class
* Auther: Arash Hemmat
* License: GNU GPL
* Date: September 25 2007
class Whm
public $protocol = null;
public $host = null;
public $user=null;
public $password = null;
public $accessHash = null;
public $errors=array();
public $fp=null;
* initialization
public function init($protocol,$host,$user,$password,$accessHash)
$this->password = $password;
$this->accessHash = str_replace(array("r", "n"),"",$accessHash);
* connect to the xml api
* Output: true on success, false on fail
public function connect($api_path)
if ($this->protocol == 'http') {
* Uncomment to use unsecure HTTP instead
$this->fp = fsockopen($this->host, 2086, $errno, $errstr, 30);
} else if ($this->protocol == 'https') {
* Open a socket for HTTPS
$this->fp = fsockopen("ssl://" . $this->host, 2087, $errno, $errstr, 30);
* Die on error initializing socket
if ($errno == 0 && $this->fp == false)
$this->errors[]="Socket Error: Could not initialize socket.";
return false;
elseif ($this->fp == false)
$this->errors[]="Socket Error #" . $errno . ": " . $errstr;
return false;
* Assemble the header to send
$header = "";
$header .= "GET " . $api_path . " HTTP/1.0rn";
$header .= "Host: " . $this->host . "rn";
$header .= "Connection: Closern";
if ($this->accessHash) {
$header .= "Authorization: WHM " . $this->user . ":" . $this->accessHash . "rn";
} else {
$header .= "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($this->user . ":" . $this->password) . "rn";
$header .= "rn";
* Send the Header
if(!@fputs($this->fp, $header))
$this->errors[]='connect: Unable to send header.';
return false;
* Close the socket
public function disconnect()
* Get the raw output from the server
* Output: string
public function getOutput()
$rawResult = "";
while (!@feof($this->fp))
$rawResult .= @fgets($this->fp, 128); // Suppress errors with @
* Ignore headers
$rawResultParts = explode("rnrn",$rawResult);
$result = $rawResultParts[1];
* Output XML
return $result;
* create a cpanel account
* Output: array on success, false on fail
public function createAccount($acctDomain,$acctUser,$acctPass,$acctPackg,$acctTheme,$acctEmail,$userIP,$acctReseller='0')
if (preg_match("/[а-яёЁїЇіІєЄӘәҒғҚқҢңӨөҮүҰұҺһ]/ui",$acctDomain)) {
$idna = new idna_convert();
$acctDomain = $idna->encode($acctDomain);
if ($userIP) {$ipAddon="&ip=y&customip=$userIP";} else {$ipAddon="&ip=n";}
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
if ($xmlstr=='') {
$this->errors[]='createAccount: No output';
return false;
else if (preg_match("/password/ui",$xmlstr) and !preg_match('/<createacct>/ui',$xmlstr)) {
$this->errors[]='createAccount: Authentication error';
return false;
} else {
$xmlArray = toarray($xmlstr,"createacct",1);
if($xmlArray[status][0][value] == 1) {
return $result;
$this->errors[]="createAccount: ".$xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
return false;
* suspend a cpanel account
* Output: string (statusmsg) on success, false on fail
public function suspend($acctUser,$reason)
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
if ($xmlstr=='') {
$this->errors[]='suspend: No output';
return false;
else if (preg_match("/password/ui",$xmlstr) and !preg_match('/<suspendacct>/ui',$xmlstr)) {
$this->errors[]='suspend: Authentication error';
return false;
} else {
$xmlArray = toarray($xmlstr,"suspendacct",1);
if($xmlArray[status][0][value] == 1)
return $xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
$this->errors[]="suspend: ".$xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
return false;
* suspend a cpanel reseller account
* Output: string (statusmsg) on success, false on fail
public function suspendReseller($acctUser,$reason)
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
if ($xmlstr=='') {
$this->errors[]='suspendReseller: No output';
return false;
else if (preg_match("/password/ui",$xmlstr) and !preg_match('/<suspendreseller>/ui',$xmlstr)) {
$this->errors[]='suspendReseller: Authentication error';
return false;
} else {
$xmlArray = toarray($xmlstr,"suspendreseller",1);
if($xmlArray[status][0][value] == 1)
return $xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
$this->errors[]="suspendReseller: ".$xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
return false;
* unsuspend a suspended cpanel account
* Output: string (statusmsg) on success, false on fail
public function unsuspend($acctUser)
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
if ($xmlstr=='') {
$this->errors[]='unsuspend: No output';
return false;
else if (preg_match("/password/ui",$xmlstr) and !preg_match('/<unsuspendacct>/ui',$xmlstr)) {
$this->errors[]='unsuspend: Authentication error';
return false;
} else {
$xmlArray = toarray($xmlstr,"unsuspendacct",1);
if($xmlArray[status][0][value] == 1)
return $xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
$this->errors[]="unsuspend: ".$xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
return false;
* unsuspend a suspended cpanel reseller account
* Output: string (statusmsg) on success, false on fail
public function unsuspendReseller($acctUser)
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
if ($xmlstr=='') {
$this->errors[]='unsuspendReseller: No output';
return false;
else if (preg_match("/password/ui",$xmlstr) and !preg_match('/<unsuspendreseller>/ui',$xmlstr)) {
$this->errors[]='unsuspendReseller: Authentication error';
return false;
} else {
$xmlArray = toarray($xmlstr,"unsuspendreseller",1);
if($xmlArray[status][0][value] == 1)
return $xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
$this->errors[]="unsuspendReseller: ".$xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
return false;
* terminate a cpanel account
* Output: string (statusmsg) on success, false on fail
public function terminate($acctUser,$keepDns=0)
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
if ($xmlstr=='') {
$this->errors[]='terminate: No output';
return false;
else if (preg_match("/password/ui",$xmlstr) and !preg_match('/<removeacct>/ui',$xmlstr)) {
$this->errors[]='terminate: Authentication error';
return false;
} else {
$xmlArray = toarray($xmlstr,"removeacct",1);
if($xmlArray[status][0][value] == 1)
return $xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
$this->errors[]="terminate: ".$xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
return false;
* change password
* Output: string (statusmsg) on success, false on fail
public function changePassword($acctUser,$newPassword)
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
if ($xmlstr=='') {
$this->errors[]='changePassword: No output';
return false;
else if (preg_match("/password/ui",$xmlstr) and !preg_match('/<passwd>/ui',$xmlstr)) {
$this->errors[]='changePassword: Authentication error';
return false;
} else {
$xmlArray = xml2array($xmlstr);
if($xmlArray[passwd][0][status] == 1)
return $xmlArray[passwd][0][statusmsg];
$this->errors[]="changePassword: ".$xmlArray[passwd][0][statusmsg];
return false;
* terminate a cpanel reseller account
* Output: string (statusmsg) on success, false on fail
public function terminateReseller($acctUser)
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
if ($xmlstr=='') {
$this->errors[]='terminateReseller: No output';
return false;
else if (preg_match("/password/ui",$xmlstr) and !preg_match('/<terminatereseller>/ui',$xmlstr)) {
$this->errors[]='terminateReseller: Authentication error';
return false;
} else {
if (preg_match("/<accts>/ui",$xmlstr)) {
return true;
} else {
$this->errors[]="terminateReseller: ".$xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
return false;
# $xmlArray = toarray($xmlstr,"terminatereseller",1);
# if($xmlArray[status][0][value] == 1)
# {
# return $xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
# }
# else
# {
# $this->errors[]="terminateReseller: ".$xmlArray[statusmsg][0][value];
# return false;
# }
* Upgrade/Downgrade and Account (Change Package)
* Output: array on success, false on fail
public function changepackage($accUser,$pkg)
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
if ($xmlstr=='') {
$this->errors[]='No output';
return false;
else if (preg_match("/password/ui",$xmlstr) and !preg_match('/<changepackage>/ui',$xmlstr)) {
$this->errors[]='Authentication error';
return false;
else {
$xmlArray = toarray($xmlstr,"changepackage",1);
if($xmlArray[status][0][value] == 1)
return $result;
return false;
public function changelanguage($accUser,$lng)
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
$this->errors[]='No output';
return false;
return true;
* list packages
* Output: array on success, false on fail
public function listPkgs()
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
if($xmlstr == '') {
$this->errors[]='No output';
return false;
else if (preg_match("/password/ui",$xmlstr) and !preg_match('/<listpkgs>/ui',$xmlstr)) {
$this->errors[]='Authentication error';
return false;
} else {
$xmlArray = toarray($xmlstr,"listpkgs",1);
if ($xmlArray[name]) {
while (list($i,$v) = each($xmlArray[name])) {
$resultArray[] = $v[value];
return $resultArray;
} else {
return false;
public function parkDomain($mainDomain,$domain)
if (preg_match("/[а-яёЁїЇіІєЄӘәҒғҚқҢңӨөҮүҰұҺһ]/ui",$domain)) {
$idna = new idna_convert();
$domain = $idna->encode($domain);
if (preg_match("/[а-яёЁїЇіІєЄӘәҒғҚқҢңӨөҮүҰұҺһ]/ui",$mainDomain)) {
$idna = new idna_convert();
$mainDomain = $idna->encode($mainDomain);
//connect using prpoer xml api address
//get the output
$this->errors[]='No output';
return false;
if (preg_match("/was successfully parked/iu",$xmlstr)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;