Файл: ather_lib/css_compressor/css-compression.php
Строк: 1172
* CSS Compressor 1.0
* September 5, 2009
* Corey Hart @ http://www.codenothing.com
* Credit to Martin Zvarík @ http://www.teplaky.net/ for pointing out the url and emtpy definition bug.
// Define path to vars directory
define('CSSC_VARS_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/vars/');
Class CSSCompression
* Class Variables
* @param (array) selectors: Holds CSS Selectors
* @param (array) details: Holds definitions of selectors
* @param (array) options: Holds compression options
* @param (array) stats: Holds compression stats
* @param (boolean) media: Media is present
var $selectors = array();
var $details = array();
var $options = array();
var $stats = array();
var $media = false;
* Extend the default options with user defined POST vars.
* @params none
function __construct(){
// Converts long color names to short hex names (aliceblue -> #f0f8ff)
$this->options['color-long2hex'] = true;
// Converts rgb colors to hex (rgb(159,80,98) -> #9F5062, rgb(100%) -> #FFFFFF)
$this->options['color-rgb2hex'] = true;
// Converts long hex codes to short color names (#f5f5dc -> beige)
// Only works on latest browsers, careful when using
$this->options['color-hex2shortcolor'] = false;
// Converts long hex codes to short hex codes (#44ff11 -> #4f1)
$this->options['color-hex2shorthex'] = true;
// Converts font-weight names to numbers (bold -> 700)
$this->options['fontweight2num'] = true;
// Removes zero decimals and 0 units (15.0px -> 15px || 0px -> 0)
$this->options['format-units'] = true;
// Lowercases html tags from list (BODY -> body)
$this->options['lowercase-selectors'] = true;
// Compresses single defined multi-directional properties (margin: 15px 25px 15px 25px -> margin:15px 25px)
$this->options['directional-compress'] = true;
// Combines multiply defined selectors (p{color:blue;} p{font-size:12pt} -> p{color:blue;font-size:12pt;})
$this->options['multiple-selectors'] = true;
// Combines selectors with same details (p{color:blue;} a{color:blue;} -> p,a{color:blue;})
$this->options['multiple-details'] = true;
// Combines color/style/width properties (border-style:dashed;border-color:black;border-width:4px; -> border:4px dashed black)
$this->options['csw-combine'] = true;
// Combines cue/pause properties (cue-before: url(before.au); cue-after: url(after.au) -> cue:url(before.au) url(after.au))
$this->options['auralcp-combine'] = true;
// Combines margin/padding directionals (margin-top:10px;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:4px;margin-left:1px; -> margin:10px 5px 4px 1px;)
$this->options['mp-combine'] = true;
// Combines border directionals (border-top|right|bottom|left:1px solid black -> border:1px solid black)
$this->options['border-combine'] = true;
// Combines font properties (font-size:12pt; font-family: arial; -> font:12pt arial)
$this->options['font-combine'] = true;
// Combines background properties (background-color: black; background-image: url(bgimg.jpeg); -> background:black url(bgimg.jpeg))
$this->options['background-combine'] = true;
// Combines list-style properties (list-style-type: round; list-style-position: outside -> list-style:round outside)
$this->options['list-combine'] = true;
// Removes multiply defined properties
$this->options['rm-multi-define'] = true;
// Readibility of Compressed Output
$this->options['readability'] = 0;
// Merge Preferences against defaults
if ($_POST && count($_POST)){
$opts = explode(',', 'color-long2hex,color-rgb2hex,color-hex2shortcolor,color-hex2shorthex,fontweight2num,format-units,lowercase-selectors,directional-compress,multiple-selectors,multiple-details,csw-combine,auralcp-combine,mp-combine,border-combine,font-combine,background-combine,list-combine,rm-multi-define,readability');
foreach ($opts as $key)
$this->options[$key] = ($_POST[$key] && $_POST[$key] == 'on') ? true : intval($_POST[$key]);
* Cetralized function to run css compression
* @param (string) css: CSS Contents
function compress($css){
// Start the timer
$time = explode(' ', microtime());
$this->stats['before']['time'] = $time[1] + $time[0];
// Initial count for stats
$this->stats['before']['size'] = strlen($css);
// Send body through initial trimings
$css = $this->initialTrim($css);
// Seperate the element from the elements details
$css = explode("n", $css);
foreach ($css as $details){
$details = trim($details);
// Determine whether your looking at the details or element
if ($this->media && $details == '}'){
$MEDIA_STR .= "}n";
$this->media = false;
else if ($this->media){
$MEDIA_STR .= $details;
else if (strpos($details, '{') === 0){
$details = substr($details, 1, strlen($details)-2);
$details = explode(';', $details);
foreach($details as $line){
if (preg_match("/^(url|@import)/i", $line)){
$storage .= $line.";";
list ($property, $value) = explode(':', $line, 2);
// Fail safe, remove unknown tag/elements
if (!isset($property) || !isset($value))
// Run the tag/element through each compression
list ($property, $value) = $this->runSpecialCompressions($property, $value);
// Add counter to before stats
// Store the compressed element
$storage .= "$property:$value;";
// Store as the last known selector
$this->details[$SEL_COUNTER] = $storage;
else if (strpos($details, '@import') === 0){
// Seperate out each import string
$arr = explode(';', $details);
// Add to selector counter for details storage
// Store the last entry as the selector
$this->selectors[$SEL_COUNTER] = trim($arr[count($arr)-1]);
// Clear out the last entry(the actual selector) and add to the import string
$IMPORT_STR .= trim(implode(';', $arr)).';';
else if (strpos($details, '@media') === 0){
$this->media = true;
$MEDIA_STR .= $details;
else if ($details){
// Add to selector counter for details storage
$this->selectors[$SEL_COUNTER] = $details;
// Store the number of selectors before compression
$this->stats['before']['selectors'] = count($this->selectors);
// Compression Functions
if ($this->options['lowercase-selectors']) $this->lowercaseSelectors();
if ($this->options['multiple-selectors']) $this->combineMultiplyDefinedSelectors();
if ($this->options['multiple-details']) $this->combineMuliplyDefinedDetails();
foreach ($this->details as &$value){
if ($this->options['csw-combine']) $value = $this->combineCSWproperties($value);
if ($this->options['auralcp-combine']) $value = $this->combineAuralCuePause($value);
if ($this->options['mp-combine']) $value = $this->combineMPproperties($value);
if ($this->options['border-combine']) $value = $this->combineBorderDefinitions($value);
if ($this->options['font-combine']) $value = $this->combineFontDefinitions($value);
if ($this->options['background-combine']) $value = $this->combineBackgroundDefinitions($value);
if ($this->options['list-combine']) $value = $this->combineListProperties($value);
if ($this->options['rm-multi-define']) $value = $this->removeMultipleDefinitions($value);
// Run final stats
// Format css to users preference
$css = $this->readability($IMPORT_STR, $this->options['readability']);
// Add media string with comments to compress seperately
if ($MEDIA_STR){
$this->media = true;
$css = "/** Media Types are not compressed with this script, cut out and compress each section seperately **/"
."n$MEDIA_STRnn/** The rest of your CSS File **/n$css";
// Final count for stats
$this->stats['after']['size'] = strlen($css);
// Compression time
$time = explode(' ', microtime());
$this->stats['after']['time'] = $time[1] + $time[0];
// Return compressed css
return $css;
* Runs initial formatting to setup for compression
* @param (string) css: CSS Contents
function initialTrim($css){
// Regex
$search = array(
1 => "/(/*|<!--)(.*?)(*/|-->)/s", // Remove all comments
2 => "/(s+)?([,{};:>+])(s+)?/s", // Remove un-needed spaces around special characters
3 => "/url(['"](.*?)['"])/s", // Remove quotes from urls
4 => "/;{2,}/is", // Remove unecessary semi-colons
5 => "/s+/s", // Compress all spaces into single space
// Leave section open for additional entries
// Break apart elements for setup of further compression
20 => "/{/",
21 => "/}/",
// Replacements
$replace = array(
1 => ' ',
2 => '$2',
3 => 'url($1)',
4 => ';',
5 => ' ',
// Leave section open for additional entries
// Add new line for setup of further compression
20 => "n{",
21 => "}n",
// Run replacements
return trim(preg_replace($search, $replace, $css));
* Runs special unit/directional compressions
* @param (string) prop: CSS Property
* @param (string) val: Value of CSS Property
function runSpecialCompressions($prop, $val){
// Properties should always be lowercase
$prop = strtolower($prop);
// Remove uneeded side definitions if possible
if ($this->options['directional-compress'] && preg_match("/^(margin|padding)/i", $prop)){
$val = $this->sidesDirectional($val);
// Font-weight converter
if ($this->options['fontweight2num'] && $prop === 'font-weight'){
// Static so it won't be re-included every loop
static $fontweight2num;
if (! $fontweight2num)
include(CSSC_VARS_DIR . 'fontweight2num.php');
// All font-weights are lower-case
$low = strtolower($val);
if (isset($fontweight2num[$low]))
$val = $fontweight2num[$low];
// Remove uneeded decimals/units
if ($this->options['format-units']){
$val = $this->removeDecimal($val);
$val = $this->removeUnits($val);
// Seperate out by multi-values if possible
$arr = explode(' ', $val);
foreach ($arr as $k=>$v)
$arr[$k] = $this->runColorChanges($v);
$val = trim(implode(' ', $arr));
// Return for list retrival
return array($prop, $val);
* Finds directional compression on methods like margin/padding
* @param (string) val: Value of CSS Property
function sidesDirectional($val){
// Check if side definitions already reduced down to a single definition
if (strpos($val, ' ') === false){
// Redundent, but just in case
if ($this->options['format-units']){
$val = $this->removeDecimal($val);
$val = $this->removeUnits($val);
return $val;
// Split up each definiton
$direction = explode(" ", $val);
// Zero out and remove units if possible
if ($this->options['format-units']){
foreach ($direction as &$v)
$v = $this->removeDecimal($this->removeUnits($v));
// 4 Direction reduction
$count = count($direction);
if ($count == 4){
if ($direction[0] == $direction[1] && $direction[2] == $direction[3] && $direction[0] == $direction[3]){
// All 4 sides are the same, combine into 1 definition
$val = $direction[0];
else if ($direction[0] == $direction[2] && $direction[1] == $direction[3]){
// top-bottom/left-right are the same, reduce definition
$val = $direction[0].' '.$direction[1];
// No reduction found, return in initial form
$val = implode(' ', $direction);
// 2 Direction reduction
else if ($count == 2){
if ($direction[0] == $direction[1]){
// Both directions are the same, combine into single definition
$val = $direction[0];
// No reduction found, return in initial form
$val = implode(' ', $direction);
// No reduction found, return in initial form
$val = implode(' ', $direction);
// Return the value of the property
return $val;
* Remove's unecessary decimal's
* @param (string) str: Unit found
function removeDecimal($str){
// Find all instances of .0 and remove them
$pattern = "/^(d+.0)(%|w{2})/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){
$search = $matches[0][$i];
$replace = intval($matches[1][$i]).$matches[2][$i];
$str = str_ireplace($search, $replace, $str);
return $str;
* Removes suffix from 0 units, ie 0px; => 0;
* @param (string) str: Unit string
function removeUnits($str){
// Find all instants of 0 size and remove suffix
$pattern = "/^(d)(%|w{2})/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){
if (intval($matches[1][$i]) == 0){
$search = $matches[0][$i];
$replace = '0';
$str = str_ireplace($search, $replace, $str);
return $str;
* Converts long rgb to hex, long hex to short hex,
* short hex to short name(Only works in some browsers)
* @param (string) val: Color to be parsed
function runColorChanges($val){
// Transfer rgb colors to hex codes
if ($this->options['color-rgb2hex']){
$pattern = "/rgb((d{1,3}%?(,d{1,3}%?,d{1,3}%?)?))/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $val, $matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){
unset($new, $str);
$hex = '0123456789ABCDEF';
$str = explode(",", $matches[1][$i]);
// Incase rgb was defined with single val
if (!$str) $str = array($matches[1][$i]);
foreach($str as $x){
$x = strpos($x, '%') !== false ? intval((intval($x)/100)*255) : intval($x);
if ($x > 255) $x = 255;
if ($x < 0) $x = 0;
$new .= $hex[($x-$x%16)/16];
$new .= $hex[$x%16];
// Repeat hex code to complete 6 digit hex requirement for single definitions
if (count($str) == 1) $new .= $new.$new;
// Replace within string
$val = str_ireplace($matches[0][$i], "#$new", $val);
// Convert long color names to hex codes
if ($this->options['color-long2hex']){
// Static so file isn't included with every loop
static $long2hex;
if (!$long2hex)
// Colornames are all lowercase
$low = strtolower($val);
if (isset($long2hex[$low]))
$val = $long2hex[$low];
// Convert 6 digit hex codes to short color names
if ($this->options['color-hex2shortcolor']){
// Static so files isn't included with every loop
static $hex2short;
if (!$hex2short)
// Hex codes are all lowercase
$low = strtolower($val);
if (isset($hex2short[$low]))
$val = $hex2short[$low];
// Convert large hex codes to small codes
if ($this->options['color-hex2shorthex']){
$pattern = "/#([0-9a-f]{6})/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $val, $matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){
// Use PHP's string array
$hex = $matches[1][$i];
if ($hex[0] == $hex[1] && $hex[2] == $hex[3] && $hex[4] == $hex[5]){
$search = $matches[0][$i];
$replace = '#'.$hex[0].$hex[2].$hex[4];
$val = str_ireplace($search, $replace, $val);
// Return transformed value
return $val;
* Converts selectors like BODY => body, DIV => div
* @params none
function lowercaseSelectors(){
foreach ($this->selectors as &$selector){
$comma_arr = explode(',', $selector);
foreach ($comma_arr as &$comma_val){
$spaces_arr = explode(' ', $comma_val);
foreach ($spaces_arr as &$space_val){
if (strpos($space_val, '>') !== false){
$b_arr = explode('>', $space_val);
foreach ($b_arr as &$b_val){
if (strpos($b_val, '+') !== false){
$c_arr = explode('+', $b_val);
foreach ($c_arr as &$c_val){
$c_val = $this->lowerSelectorExtras($c_val);
$b_val = trim(implode('+', $c_arr));
$b_val = $this->lowerSelectorExtras($b_val);
$space_val = trim(implode('>', $b_arr));
else if (strpos($space_val, '+') !== false){
$b_arr = explode('+', $space_val);
foreach ($b_arr as &$b_val){
$b_val = $this->lowerSelectorExtras($b_val);
$space_val = trim(implode('+', $b_arr));
$space_val = $this->lowerSelectorExtras($space_val);
$comma_val = trim(implode(' ', $spaces_arr));
// Don't add commas if none were found
$selector = ($comma_arr[1] != '') ? trim(implode(',', $comma_arr)) : trim($comma_arr[0]);
* Helper method for above lowercaseSelectors() function,
* Does the actual strtolower function on the parsed selector
* @param (string) val: CSS Selector
function lowerSelectorExtras($val){
// Check for pseudo
if (strpos($val, ':') !== false){
list ($sel, $pseudo) = explode(':', $val);
// Check for pure html tag
if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+$/i", $sel)){
$sel = strtolower($sel);
// Check for class attachment
else if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+.S+$/i", $sel)){
list ($tag, $class) = explode('.', $val, 2);
$sel = strtolower($tag).".$class";
// Check for id attachment
else if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+#S+$/i", $sel)){
list ($tag, $class) = explode('#', $val, 2);
$sel = strtolower($tag)."#$class";
return "$sel:".strtolower($pseudo);
// Check for class attachment
else if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+.S+$/i", $val)){
list ($sel, $class) = explode('.', $val, 2);
return strtolower($sel).".$class";
// Check for id attachment
else if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+#S+$/i", $val)){
list ($sel, $class) = explode('#', $val, 2);
return strtolower($sel)."#$class";
// Check for pure html tag
else if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+$/i", $val)){
return strtolower($val);
return $val;
* Combines multiply defined selectors by merging the definitions,
* latter definitions overide definitions at top of file
* @params none
function combineMultiplyDefinedSelectors(){
$max = array_pop(array_keys($this->selectors))+1;
for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++){
if (!$this->selectors[$i]) continue;
for ($k=$i+1; $k<$max; $k++){
if (!$this->selectors[$k]) continue;
if ($this->selectors[$i] == $this->selectors[$k]){
$this->details[$i] .= $this->details[$k];
unset($this->selectors[$k], $this->details[$k]);
* Combines multiply defined details by merging the selectors
* in comma seperated format
* @params none
function combineMuliplyDefinedDetails(){
$max = array_pop(array_keys($this->selectors))+1;
for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++){
if (!$this->selectors[$i]) continue;
$arr = explode(';', $this->details[$i]);
for ($k=$i+1; $k<$max; $k++){
if (!$this->selectors[$k]) continue;
$match = explode(';', $this->details[$k]);
$x = array_diff($arr, $match);
$y = array_diff($match, $arr);
if (count($x) < 1 && count($y) < 1){
$this->selectors[$i] .= ','.$this->selectors[$k];
unset($this->details[$k], $this->selectors[$k]);
* Combines color/style/width of border/outline properties
* @param (string) val: CSS Selector Properties
function combineCSWproperties($val){
$storage = array();
$pattern = "/(border|outline)-(color|style|width):(.*?);/is";
preg_match_all($pattern, $val, $matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){
$storage[strtolower($matches[1][$i])][strtolower($matches[2][$i])] = $matches[3][$i];
// Go through each tag for possible combination
foreach($storage as $tag => $arr){
// Make sure all 3 are defined and they aren't directionals
if (count($arr) == 3 && !$this->checkUncombinables($arr)){
// String to replace each instance with
$replace = "$tag:".$arr['width'].' '.$arr['style'].' '.$arr['color'];
// Replace every instance, as multiple declarations removal will correct it
foreach ($arr as $x=>$y)
$val = str_ireplace("$tag-$x:$y", $replace, $val);
// Return converted val
return $val;
* Combines Aural properties (currently being depreciated in W3C Standards)
* @param (string) val: CSS Selector Properties
function combineAuralCuePause($val){
$storage = array();
$pattern = "/(cue|pause)-(before|after):(.*?);/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $val, $matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){
$storage[strtolower($matches[1][$i])][strtolower($matches[2][$i])] = $matches[3][$i];
// Go through each tag for possible combination
foreach($storage as $tag => $arr){
if (count($arr) == 2 && !$this->checkUncombinables($arr)){
// String to replace each instance with
$replace = "$tag:".$arr['before'].' '.$arr['after'];
// Replace every instance, as multiple declarations removal will correct it
foreach ($arr as $x=>$y)
$val = str_ireplace("$tag-$x:$y", $replace, $val);
// Return converted val
return $val;
* Combines multiple directional properties of
* margin/padding into single definition.
* @param (string) val: CSS Selector Properties
function combineMPproperties($val){
$storage = array();
$pattern = "/(margin|padding)-(top|right|bottom|left):(.*?);/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $val, $matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){
if (!isset($storage[$matches[1][$i]])) $storage[$matches[1][$i]] = array($matches[2][$i] => $matches[3][$i]);
// Override double written properties
$storage[$matches[1][$i]][$matches[2][$i]] = $matches[3][$i];
// Go through each tag for possible combination
foreach($storage as $tag => $arr){
// Drop capitols
$tag = strtolower($tag);
// Only combine if all 4 definitions are found
if (count($arr) == 4 && !$this->checkUncombinables($arr)){
// If all definitions are the same, combine into single definition
if ($arr['top'] == $arr['bottom'] && $arr['left'] == $arr['right'] && $arr['top'] == $arr['left']){
// String to replace each instance with
$replace = "$tag:".$arr['top'];
// Replace every instance, as multiple declarations removal will correct it
foreach ($arr as $a=>$b)
$val = str_ireplace("$tag-$a:$b", $replace, $val);
// If opposites are the same, combine into single definition
else if ($arr['top'] == $arr['bottom'] && $arr['left'] == $arr['right']){
// String to replace each instance with
$replace = "$tag:".$arr['top'].' '.$arr['left'];
// Replace every instance, as multiple declarations removal will correct it
foreach ($arr as $a=>$b)
$val = str_ireplace("$tag-$a:$b", $replace, $val);
// String to replace each instance with
$replace = "$tag:".$arr['top'].' '.$arr['right'].' '.$arr['bottom'].' '.$arr['left'];
// Replace every instance, as multiple declarations removal will correct it
foreach ($arr as $a=>$b)
$val = str_ireplace("$tag-$a:$b", $replace, $val);
// Return converted val
return $val;
* Combines multiple border properties into single definition
* @param (string) val: CSS Selector Properties
function combineBorderDefinitions($val){
$storage = array();
$pattern = "/(border)-(top|right|bottom|left):(.*?);/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $val, $matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){
if (!isset($storage[$matches[1][$i]])) $storage[$matches[1][$i]] = array($matches[2][$i] => $matches[3][$i]);
// Override double written properties
$storage[$matches[1][$i]][$matches[2][$i]] = $matches[3][$i];
foreach ($storage as $tag => $arr){
if (count($arr) == 4 && $arr['top'] == $arr['bottom'] && $arr['left'] == $arr['right'] && $arr['top'] == $arr['right']){
// String to replace each instance with
$replace = "$tag:".$arr['top'];
// Replace every instance, as multiple declarations removal will correct it
foreach ($arr as $a=>$b)
$val = str_ireplace("$tag-$a:$b", $replace, $val);
// Return converted val
return $val;
* Combines multiple font-definitions into single definition
* @param (string) val: CSS Selector Properties
function combineFontDefinitions($val){
$storage = array();
$pattern = "/(font|line)-(style|variant|weight|size|height|family):(.*?);/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $val, $matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){
// Store each property in it's full state
$storage[$matches[1][$i].'-'.$matches[2][$i]] = $matches[3][$i];
// Combine font-size & line-height if possible
if (isset($storage['font-size']) && isset($storage['line-height'])){
$storage['size/height'] = $storage['font-size'].'/'.$storage['line-height'];
unset($storage['font-size'], $storage['line-height']);
// Run font checks and get replacement str
$replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'size/height', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'font-size', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-style', 'font-variant', 'size/height', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-size', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-style', 'font-weight', 'size/height', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-style', 'font-weight', 'font-size', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-variant', 'font-weight', 'size/height', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-variant', 'font-weight', 'font-size', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-weight', 'size/height', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-weight', 'font-size', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-variant', 'size/height', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-variant', 'font-size', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-style', 'size/height', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-style', 'font-size', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('size/height', 'font-family'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('font', $storage, array('font-size', 'font-family'));
// If replacement string found, run it on all options
if ($replace){
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++)
if (! isset($storage['line-height']) ||
(isset($storage['line-height']) && stripos($matches[0][$i], 'line-height') !== 0))
$val = str_ireplace($matches[0][$i], $replace, $val);
// Return converted val
return $val;
* Combines multiple background props into single definition
* @param (string) val: CSS Selector Properties
function combineBackgroundDefinitions($val){
$storage = array();
$pattern = "/background-(color|image|repeat|attachment|position):(.*?);/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $val, $matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){
// Store each property in it's full state
$storage[$matches[1][$i]] = $matches[2][$i];
// Run background checks and get replacement str
// With color
$replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('color', 'image', 'repeat', 'attachment', 'position'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('color', 'image', 'attachment', 'position'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('color', 'image', 'repeat', 'position'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('color', 'image', 'repeat', 'attachment'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('color', 'image', 'repeat'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('color', 'image', 'attachment'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('color', 'image', 'position'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('color', 'image'));
// Without Color
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('image', 'attachment', 'position'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('image', 'repeat', 'position'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('image', 'repeat', 'attachment'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('image', 'repeat'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('image', 'attachment'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('image', 'position'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('image'));
// Just Color
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('background', $storage, array('color'));
// If replacement string found, run it on all options
if ($replace){
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++)
$val = str_ireplace($matches[0][$i], $replace, $val);
// Return converted val
return $val;
* Combines multiple list style props into single definition
* @param (string) val: CSS Selector Properties
function combineListProperties($val){
$storage = array();
$pattern = "/list-style-(type|position|image):(.*?);/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $val, $matches);
// Store secondhand prop
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++)
$storage[$matches[1][$i]] = $matches[2][$i];
// Run search patterns for replacement string
$replace = $this->searchDefinitions('list-style', $storage, array('type', 'position', 'image'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('list-style', $storage, array('type', 'position'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('list-style', $storage, array('type', 'image'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('list-style', $storage, array('position', 'image'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('list-style', $storage, array('type'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('list-style', $storage, array('position'));
if (!$replace) $replace = $this->searchDefinitions('list-style', $storage, array('image'));
// If replacement string found, run it on all options
if ($replace){
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++)
$val = str_ireplace($matches[0][$i], $replace, $val);
// Return converted val
return $val;
* Helper function to ensure flagged words don't get
* overridden
* @param (array/string) obj: Array/String of definitions to be checked
function checkUncombinables($obj){
if (is_array($obj)){
foreach ($obj as $item)
if (preg_match("/inherit|!important|s/i", $item))
return true;
return false;
return preg_match("/inherit|!important|s/i", $obj);
* Helper function to ensure all values of search array
* exist within the storage array
* @param (string) prop: CSS Property
* @param (array) storage: Array of definitions found
* @param (array) search: Array of definitions requred
function searchDefinitions($prop, $storage, $search){
// Return storage & search don't match
if (count($storage) != count($search))
return false;
$str = "$prop:";
foreach ($search as $value){
if (!isset($storage[$value]) || $this->checkUncombinables($storage[$value]))
return false;
$str .= $storage[$value].' ';
return trim($str).';';
* Removes multiple definitions that were created during compression
* @param (string) val: CSS Selector Properties
function removeMultipleDefinitions($val){
$storage = array();
$arr = explode(';', $val);
foreach($arr as $x){
if ($x){
list($a, $b) = explode(':', $x, 2);
$storage[$a] = $b;
if ($storage){
foreach($storage as $x=>$y)
$val .= "$x:$y;";
// Return converted val
return $val;
* Runs final counts on selectors and props
* @params none
function runFinalStatistics(){
// Selectors and props
$this->stats['after']['selectors'] = count($this->selectors);
foreach ($this->details as $item){
$props = explode(';', $item);
// Make sure count is true
foreach ($props as $k=>$v)
if (!isset($v) || $v == '')
$this->stats['after']['props'] += count($props);
* Reformats compressed CSS into specified format
* @param (string) import: CSS Import property removed at beginning
function readability($import){
if ($this->options['readability'] == 3){
$css = str_replace(';', ";n", $import);
if ($import) $css .= "n";
foreach ($this->selectors as $k=>$v){
if (! $this->details[$k] || trim($this->details[$k]) == '')
$v = str_replace('>', ' > ', $v);
$v = str_replace('+', ' + ', $v);
$v = str_replace(',', ', ', $v);
$css .= "$v {n";
$arr = explode(";", $this->details[$k]);
foreach ($arr as $item){
if (!$item) continue;
list ($prop, $val) = explode(':', $item, 2);
$css .= "t$prop: $val;n";
$css .= "}nn";
else if ($this->options['readability'] == 2){
$css = str_replace(';', ";n", $import);
foreach ($this->selectors as $k=>$v)
if ($this->details[$k] && $this->details[$k] != '')
$css .= "$v {nt".$this->details[$k]."n}n";
else if ($this->options['readability'] == 1){
$css = str_replace(';', ";n", $import);
foreach ($this->selectors as $k=>$v)
if ($this->details[$k] && $this->details[$k] != '')
$css .= "$v{".$this->details[$k]."}n";
$css = $import;
foreach ($this->selectors as $k=>$v)
if ($this->details[$k] && $this->details[$k] != '')
$css .= trim("$v{".$this->details[$k]."}");
// Return formatted script
return trim($css);
* Display's a table containing the result statistics of the compression
* @params none
function displayStats(){
// Set before/after arrays
$before = $this->stats['before'];
$after = $this->stats['after'];
// Calc final size
$size = $before['size']-$after['size'];
// Display the table
echo "<table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='2' style='width:400px;margin-bottom:20px;'>
<tr bgcolor='#d1d1d1' align='center'>
<th bgcolor='#f1f1f1' style='color:#8B0000;'>Results »</th>
<th width='100'>Before</th>
<th width='100'>After</th>
<th width='100'>Compresssion</th>
<tr bgcolor='#f1f1f1' align='center'>
<th bgcolor='#d1d1d1'>Time</th>
<td>".round($after['time']-$before['time'],2)." seconds</td>
<tr bgcolor='#f1f1f1' align='center'>
<th bgcolor='#d1d1d1'>Selectors</th>
<tr bgcolor='#f1f1f1' align='center'>
<th bgcolor='#d1d1d1'>Properties</th>
<tr bgcolor='#f1f1f1' align='center'>
<th bgcolor='#d1d1d1'>Size</th>
* Byte format return of file sizes
* @param (int) size: File size in Bytes
function displaySizes($size){
$ext = array(' Byte', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' PB', ' EB', ' ZB', ' YB');
for($c=0; $size>1024; $c++) $size /= 1024;
return round($size,2).$ext[$c];
/* Create the object */
$CSSC = new CSSCompression;