Файл: upload-2031-rs1/install/model/upgrade.php
Строк: 255
class ModelUpgrade extends Model {
public function mysql() {
// Upgrade script to opgrade opencart to the latest version.
// Oldest version supported is 1.3.2
// Load the sql file
$file = DIR_APPLICATION . 'opencart.sql';
if (!file_exists($file)) {
exit('Could not load sql file: ' . $file);
$string = '';
$lines = file($file);
$status = false;
// Get only the create statements
foreach($lines as $line) {
// Set any prefix
$line = str_replace("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `oc_", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . DB_PREFIX, $line);
// If line begins with create table we want to start recording
if (substr($line, 0, 12) == 'CREATE TABLE') {
$status = true;
if ($status) {
$string .= $line;
// If line contains with ; we want to stop recording
if (preg_match('/;/', $line)) {
$status = false;
$table_new_data = array();
// Trim any spaces
$string = trim($string);
// Trim any ;
$string = trim($string, ';');
// Start reading each create statement
$statements = explode(';', $string);
foreach ($statements as $sql) {
// Get all fields
$field_data = array();
preg_match_all('#`(w[wd]*)`s+((tinyint|smallint|mediumint|bigint|int|tinytext|text|mediumtext|longtext|tinyblob|blob|mediumblob|longblob|varchar|char|datetime|date|float|double|decimal|timestamp|time|year|enum|set|binary|varbinary)(((.*)))?){1}s*(collate (w+)s*)?(unsigneds*)?((NOTs*NULLs*)|(NULLs*))?(auto_increments*)?(default '([^']*)'s*)?#i', $sql, $match);
foreach(array_keys($match[0]) as $key) {
$field_data[] = array(
'name' => trim($match[1][$key]),
'type' => strtoupper(trim($match[3][$key])),
'size' => str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', trim($match[4][$key])),
'sizeext' => trim($match[6][$key]),
'collation' => trim($match[7][$key]),
'unsigned' => trim($match[8][$key]),
'notnull' => trim($match[9][$key]),
'autoincrement' => trim($match[12][$key]),
'default' => trim($match[14][$key]),
// Get primary keys
$primary_data = array();
preg_match('#primarys*keys*([^)]+)#i', $sql, $match);
if (isset($match[0])) {
preg_match_all('#`(w[wd]*)`#', $match[0], $match);
} else{
$match = array();
if ($match) {
foreach($match[1] as $primary) {
$primary_data[] = $primary;
// Get indexes
$index_data = array();
$indexes = array();
preg_match_all('#keys*`w[wd]*`s*(.*)#i', $sql, $match);
foreach($match[0] as $key) {
preg_match_all('#`(w[wd]*)`#', $key, $match);
$indexes[] = $match;
foreach($indexes as $index) {
$key = '';
foreach($index[1] as $field) {
if ($key == '') {
$key = $field;
} else{
$index_data[$key][] = $field;
// Table options
$option_data = array();
preg_match_all('#(w+)=(w+)#', $sql, $option);
foreach(array_keys($option[0]) as $key) {
$option_data[$option[1][$key]] = $option[2][$key];
// Get Table Name
preg_match_all('#creates*tables*ifs*nots*existss*`(w[wd]*)`#i', $sql, $table);
if (isset($table[1][0])) {
$table_new_data[] = array(
'sql' => $sql,
'name' => $table[1][0],
'field' => $field_data,
'primary' => $primary_data,
'index' => $index_data,
'option' => $option_data
// Get all current tables, fields, type, size, etc..
$table_old_data = array();
$table_query = $this->db->query("SHOW TABLES FROM `" . DB_DATABASE . "`");
foreach ($table_query->rows as $table) {
if (utf8_substr($table['Tables_in_' . DB_DATABASE], 0, strlen(DB_PREFIX)) == DB_PREFIX) {
$field_data = array();
$field_query = $this->db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $table['Tables_in_' . DB_DATABASE] . "`");
foreach ($field_query->rows as $field) {
$field_data[] = $field['Field'];
$table_old_data[$table['Tables_in_' . DB_DATABASE]] = $field_data;
foreach ($table_new_data as $table) {
// If table is not found create it
if (!isset($table_old_data[$table['name']])) {
} else {
// DB Engine
if (isset($table['option']['ENGINE'])) {
$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` ENGINE = `" . $table['option']['ENGINE'] . "`");
// Charset
if (isset($table['option']['CHARSET']) && isset($table['option']['COLLATE'])) {
$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `" . $table['option']['CHARSET'] . "` COLLATE `" . $table['option']['COLLATE'] . "`");
$i = 0;
foreach ($table['field'] as $field) {
// If field is not found create it
if (!in_array($field['name'], $table_old_data[$table['name']])) {
$sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` ADD `" . $field['name'] . "` " . $field['type'];
if ($field['size']) {
$sql .= "(" . $field['size'] . ")";
if ($field['collation']) {
$sql .= " " . $field['collation'];
if ($field['notnull']) {
$sql .= " " . $field['notnull'];
if ($field['default']) {
$sql .= " DEFAULT '" . $field['default'] . "'";
if (isset($table['field'][$i - 1])) {
$sql .= " AFTER `" . $table['field'][$i - 1]['name'] . "`";
} else {
$sql .= " FIRST";
} else {
// Remove auto increment from all fields
$sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` CHANGE `" . $field['name'] . "` `" . $field['name'] . "` " . strtoupper($field['type']);
if ($field['size']) {
$sql .= "(" . $field['size'] . ")";
if ($field['collation']) {
$sql .= " " . $field['collation'];
if ($field['notnull']) {
$sql .= " " . $field['notnull'];
if ($field['default']) {
$sql .= " DEFAULT '" . $field['default'] . "'";
if (isset($table['field'][$i - 1])) {
$sql .= " AFTER `" . $table['field'][$i - 1]['name'] . "`";
} else {
$sql .= " FIRST";
$status = false;
// Drop primary keys and indexes.
$query = $this->db->query("SHOW INDEXES FROM `" . $table['name'] . "`");
foreach ($query->rows as $result) {
if ($result['Key_name'] != 'PRIMARY') {
$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` DROP INDEX `" . $result['Key_name'] . "`");
} else {
$status = true;
if ($status) {
$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` DROP PRIMARY KEY");
// Add a new primary key.
$primary_data = array();
foreach ($table['primary'] as $primary) {
$primary_data[] = "`" . $primary . "`";
if ($primary_data) {
$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` ADD PRIMARY KEY(" . implode(',', $primary_data) . ")");
// Add the new indexes
foreach ($table['index'] as $index) {
$index_data = array();
foreach ($index as $key) {
$index_data[] = '`' . $key . '`';
if ($index_data) {
$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` ADD INDEX (" . implode(',', $index_data) . ")");
// Add auto increment to primary keys again
foreach ($table['field'] as $field) {
if ($field['autoincrement']) {
$sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` CHANGE `" . $field['name'] . "` `" . $field['name'] . "` " . strtoupper($field['type']);
if ($field['size']) {
$sql .= "(" . $field['size'] . ")";
if ($field['collation']) {
$sql .= " " . $field['collation'];
if ($field['notnull']) {
$sql .= " " . $field['notnull'];
if ($field['default']) {
$sql .= " DEFAULT '" . $field['default'] . "'";
if ($field['autoincrement']) {
$sql .= " AUTO_INCREMENT";
// Update any additional sql thats required
// Settings
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` WHERE `store_id` = '0' ORDER BY `store_id` ASC");
foreach ($query->rows as $setting) {
if (!$setting['serialized']) {
$settings[$setting['key']] = $setting['value'];
} else {
$settings[$setting['key']] = unserialize($setting['value']);
// Set defaults for new voucher min/max fields if not set
if (empty($settings['config_voucher_min'])) {
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `value` = '1', `key` = 'config_voucher_min', `code` = 'config', `store_id` = 0");
if (empty($settings['config_voucher_max'])) {
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "setting` SET `value` = '1000', `key` = 'config_voucher_max', `code` = 'config', `store_id` = 0");
// Update the customer group table
if (in_array('name', $table_old_data[DB_PREFIX . 'customer_group'])) {
// Customer Group 'name' field moved to new customer_group_description table. Need to loop through and move over.
$customer_group_query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "customer_group`");
foreach ($customer_group_query->rows as $customer_group) {
$language_query = $this->db->query("SELECT `language_id` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "language`");
foreach ($language_query->rows as $language) {
$this->db->query("REPLACE INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "customer_group_description` SET `customer_group_id` = '" . (int)$customer_group['customer_group_id'] . "', `language_id` = '" . (int)$language['language_id'] . "', `name` = '" . $this->db->escape($customer_group['name']) . "'");
$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . DB_PREFIX . "customer_group` DROP `name`");
// Rename the option_value field to value
if (in_array('option_value', $table_old_data[DB_PREFIX . 'product_option'])) {
$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . DB_PREFIX . "product_option` DROP `value`");
$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . DB_PREFIX . "product_option` CHANGE `option_value` `value` TEXT");
$this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . DB_PREFIX . "product_option` DROP `option_value`");
// Sort the categories to take advantage of the nested set model
// Function to repair any erroneous categories that are not in the category path table.
public function repairCategories($parent_id = 0) {
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "category` WHERE `parent_id` = '" . (int)$parent_id . "'");
foreach ($query->rows as $category) {
// Delete the path below the current one
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "category_path` WHERE `category_id` = '" . (int)$category['category_id'] . "'");
// Fix for records with no paths
$level = 0;
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "category_path` WHERE `category_id` = '" . (int)$parent_id . "' ORDER BY `level` ASC");
foreach ($query->rows as $result) {
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "category_path` SET `category_id` = '" . (int)$category['category_id'] . "', `path_id` = '" . (int)$result['path_id'] . "', `level` = '" . (int)$level . "'");
$this->db->query("REPLACE INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "category_path` SET `category_id` = '" . (int)$category['category_id'] . "', `path_id` = '" . (int)$category['category_id'] . "', `level` = '" . (int)$level . "'");