Файл: titwar.ru/element_function/element_function_battle.php
Строк: 599
function RandEquipMission($equip) {
if ($equip <= 1) if (rand(0,100) < 30) return 1; else return 0;
else if ($equip <= 2) {
if (rand(0,100) < 30) return 2; else return rand(0,1);
} else if ($equip <= 3) {
$rand = rand(0,100);
if ($rand < 3) return 3;
else if ($rand < 30) return 2;
else if ($rand < 50) return 1;
else return 0;
} else if ($equip <= 4) {
$rand = rand(0,100);
if ($rand < 1) return 4;
else if ($rand < 4) return 3;
else if ($rand < 30) return 2;
else if ($rand < 50) return 1;
else return 0;
} else if ($equip <= 5) {
$rand = rand(0,200);
if ($rand == 0) return 5;
else if ($rand < 3) return 4;
else if ($rand < 20) return 3;
else if ($rand < 90) return 3;
else if ($rand < 160) return 2;
else return 0;
function KeyJournalMassiv($time) {
$tt = explode(' ', microtime());
$tt[1] = $tt[1] - $time;
$tt1 = explode('.', $tt[0]);
return $tt[1].$tt1[1];
function SetAbilitiesOgon($ogon, $race) {
if ($ogon == 0) $return = array('add_uron' => 10, 'active' => 10, 'refresh' => 25);
else if ($ogon == 1) $return = array('add_uron' => 15, 'active' => 12, 'refresh' => 23);
else if ($ogon == 2) $return = array('add_uron' => 25, 'active' => 14, 'refresh' => 21);
else if ($ogon == 3) $return = array('add_uron' => 40, 'active' => 16, 'refresh' => 19);
else if ($ogon == 4) $return = array('add_uron' => 60, 'active' => 18, 'refresh' => 17);
else if ($ogon == 5) $return = array('add_uron' => 85, 'active' => 20, 'refresh' => 15);
if ($race == 1) $return['add_uron'] = $return['add_uron'] + 10;
return $return;
function SetAbilitiesVoda($voda, $race) {
if ($voda == 0) $return = array('add_uron' => 60, 'active' => 10, 'refresh' => 25);
else if ($voda == 1) $return = array('add_uron' => 60, 'active' => 12, 'refresh' => 23);
else if ($voda == 2) $return = array('add_uron' => 60, 'active' => 14, 'refresh' => 21);
else if ($voda == 3) $return = array('add_uron' => 60, 'active' => 16, 'refresh' => 19);
else if ($voda == 4) $return = array('add_uron' => 60, 'active' => 18, 'refresh' => 17);
else if ($voda == 5) $return = array('add_uron' => 60, 'active' => 20, 'refresh' => 15);
if ($race == 2) $return['add_uron'] = $return['add_uron'] + 10;
return $return;
function SetAbilitiesVosdyh($vosdyh, $race) {
if ($vosdyh == 0) $return = array('chanse' => 3, 'add_hp' => 5, 'refresh' => 25);
else if ($vosdyh == 1) $return = array('chanse' => 4, 'add_hp' => 7, 'refresh' => 23);
else if ($vosdyh == 2) $return = array('chanse' => 5, 'add_hp' => 9, 'refresh' => 21);
else if ($vosdyh == 3) $return = array('chanse' => 7, 'add_hp' => 11, 'refresh' => 19);
else if ($vosdyh == 4) $return = array('chanse' => 11, 'add_hp' => 13, 'refresh' => 17);
else if ($vosdyh == 5) $return = array('chanse' => 15, 'add_hp' => 20, 'refresh' => 15);
if ($race == 3) $return['add_hp'] = $return['add_hp'] + 10;
return $return;
function SetAbilitiesZemlya($zemlya, $race) {
if ($zemlya == 0) $return = array('minus_uron' => 3, 'active' => 10, 'refresh' => 25);
else if ($zemlya == 1) $return = array('minus_uron' => 8, 'active' => 12, 'refresh' => 23);
else if ($zemlya == 2) $return = array('minus_uron' => 14, 'active' => 14, 'refresh' => 21);
else if ($zemlya == 3) $return = array('minus_uron' => 25, 'active' => 16, 'refresh' => 19);
else if ($zemlya == 4) $return = array('minus_uron' => 40, 'active' => 18, 'refresh' => 17);
else if ($zemlya == 5) $return = array('minus_uron' => 60, 'active' => 20, 'refresh' => 15);
if ($race == 4) $return['minus_uron'] = $return['minus_uron'] + 10;
return $return;
function ResetAbilitiesUser($user) {
// Умение Ловушка ветра
function AbilitiesVozdyh($quality, $race, $activate, $user_id) {
$cache = readcache('element_user_id'.$user_id.'_abilities_vozdyh');
$abilit = SetAbilitiesVosdyh($quality, $race);
$time = time();
if ($activate AND $cache <= $time) {
$cache = $time + $abilit['refresh'];
writecache('element_user_id'.$user_id.'_abilities_vozdyh', $cache);
if (rand(0, 100) <= $abilit['chanse']) {
return array('active' => true, 'add_hp' => $abilit['add_hp'], 'seconds' => ($cache - $time));
} else return array('active' => true, 'add_hp' => 0, 'seconds' => ($cache - $time));
} else {
if ($cache >= $time) { $seconds = $cache - $time; $act = true; } else { $seconds = 0; $act = false; }
return array('active' => $act, 'add_hp' => 0, 'seconds' => $seconds);
// Умение Земляной щит
function AbilitiesZemlya($quality, $race, $activate, $user_id) {
$cache = readcache('element_user_id'.$user_id.'_abilities_zemlya');
$abilit = SetAbilitiesZemlya($quality, $race);
$update = false;
$time = time();
$add_time = $abilit['active'] + $abilit['refresh'];
// Если есть кэш с умением, продолжаем, иначе создаем
if ($cache) {
// Если нужно активировать умение, добавляем время
if ($activate) {
// Если умение не активно, активируем
if ($cache <= $time) {
$cache = $time + $add_time;
$update = true;
} else {
$cache = $time;
if ($activate) $cache = $time + $add_time;
$update = true;
if ($update) writecache('element_user_id'.$user_id.'_abilities_zemlya', $cache);
if ($cache > $time) {
$other_time = $cache - $time; // Отнимаем время восстановления
if ($other_time >= ($add_time - $abilit['active'])) {
return array('add_procent' => $abilit['minus_uron'], 'activate' => true, 'seconds' => ($other_time - ($add_time - $abilit['active'])));
} else return array('add_procent' => 0, 'activate' => true, 'seconds' => $other_time);
} else return array('add_procent' => 0, 'activate' => false);
// Умение Огненная Сила
function AbilitiesOgon($quality, $race, $activate, $user_id) {
$cache = readcache('element_user_id'.$user_id.'_abilities_ogon');
$abilit = SetAbilitiesOgon($quality, $race);
$update = false;
$time = time();
$add_time = $abilit['active'] + $abilit['refresh'];
// Если есть кэш с умением, продолжаем, иначе создаем
if ($cache) {
// Если нужно активировать умение, добавляем время
if ($activate) {
// Если умение не активно, активируем
if ($cache <= $time) {
$cache = $time + $add_time;
$update = true;
} else {
$cache = $time;
if ($activate) $cache = $time + $add_time;
$update = true;
if ($update) writecache('element_user_id'.$user_id.'_abilities_ogon', $cache);
if ($cache > $time) {
$other_time = $cache - $time; // Отнимаем время восстановления
if ($other_time >= ($add_time - $abilit['active'])) {
return array('add_procent' => $abilit['add_uron'], 'activate' => true, 'seconds' => ($other_time - ($add_time - $abilit['active'])));
} else return array('add_procent' => 0, 'activate' => true, 'seconds' => $other_time);
} else return array('add_procent' => 0, 'activate' => false);
// Умение Водяной Крит
function AbilitiesVoda($quality, $race, $activate, $user_id) {
$cache = readcache('element_user_id'.$user_id.'_abilities_voda');
$abilit = SetAbilitiesVoda($quality, $race);
$update = false;
$time = time();
$add_time = $abilit['active'] + $abilit['refresh'];
// Если есть кэш с умением, продолжаем, иначе создаем
if ($cache) {
// Если нужно активировать умение, добавляем время
if ($activate) {
// Если умение не активно, активируем
if ($cache <= $time) {
$cache = $time + $add_time;
$update = true;
} else {
$cache = $time;
if ($activate) $cache = $time + $add_time;
$update = true;
if ($update) writecache('element_user_id'.$user_id.'_abilities_voda', $cache);
if ($cache > $time) {
$other_time = $cache - $time; // Отнимаем время восстановления
if ($other_time >= ($add_time - $abilit['active'])) {
return array('add_procent' => $abilit['add_uron'], 'activate' => true, 'seconds' => ($other_time - ($add_time - $abilit['active'])));
} else return array('add_procent' => 0, 'activate' => true, 'seconds' => $other_time);
} else return array('add_procent' => 0, 'activate' => false);
function EchoAbiliteBattle($ogon, $voda, $vozdyh, $zemlya, $target, $width_class, $width_image, $training, $url) {
echo '<div class="nfl p5 mb5 cntr small mlra">';
// Тергейт. Цель
if ($target) {
echo '<span class="inbl '.$width_class.' mt5 va_t">
<a class="atask" href="'.$url.'?go=attaka&target&action='.rand(1000000, 9999999).'">
<span class="inbl prel">
<img width="'.$width_image.'" height="'.$width_image.'" src="/images/equipment/epic/weapon.jpg" alt=""/>
<span class="small lngreen mt3">Цель</span>
// Бить врага
echo '<span class="inbl '.$width_class.' mt5 va_t">
<a class="atask" href="'.$url.'?go=attaka&action='.rand(1000000, 9999999).'">
<span class="inbl prel">
'.(($training == 1) ? '<img width="17" height="25" class="g-arrow" src="/images/green-arrow.png"/>' : '').'
<img width="'.$width_image.'" height="'.$width_image.'" src="/images/equipment/epic/weapon.jpg" alt=""/>
<span class="small lngreen mt3">Бить</span>
// Огненная сила
$add_uron = ($ogon['add_procent'] > 0) ? true : false;
echo '<span class="inbl '.$width_class.' mt5 va_t">
<a class="atask" href="'.$url.'?go=attaka&id=1&action='.rand(1000000, 9999999).'">
<span class="inbl prel">
'.((!$ogon['activate'] AND !$add_uron AND $training == 2) ? '<img width="17" height="25" class="g-arrow" src="/images/green-arrow.png"/>' : '').'
<img width="'.$width_image.'" height="'.$width_image.'" src="/images/fire.png" alt=""/>
'.(($ogon['activate']) ? (($add_uron) ? '<span class="small lngreen mt3">'.$ogon['seconds'].' с.</span>' : '<span class="small ccc mt3">'.$ogon['seconds'].' с.</span>') : '<span class="small lngreen mt3">Гот.</span>').'
// Водяной крит
$add_uron = ($voda['add_procent'] > 0) ? true : false;
echo '<span class="inbl '.$width_class.' mt5 va_t">
<a class="atask" href="'.$url.'?go=attaka&id=2&action='.rand(1000000, 9999999).'">
<span class="inbl prel">
'.((!$voda['activate'] AND !$add_uron AND $training == 3) ? '<img width="17" height="25" class="g-arrow" src="/images/green-arrow.png"/>' : '').'
<img width="'.$width_image.'" height="'.$width_image.'" src="/images/water.png" alt=""/>
'.(($voda['activate']) ? (($add_uron) ? '<span class="small lngreen mt3">'.$voda['seconds'].' с.</span>' : '<span class="small ccc mt3">'.$voda['seconds'].' с.</span>') : '<span class="small lngreen mt3">Гот.</span>').'
// Ловушка Ветра
echo '<span class="inbl '.$width_class.' mt5 va_t">
<a class="atask" href="'.$url.'?go=attaka&id=3&action='.rand(1000000, 9999999).'">
<span class="inbl prel">
'.((!$vozdyh['active'] AND $training == 4) ? '<img width="17" height="25" class="g-arrow" src="/images/green-arrow.png"/>' : '').'
<img width="'.$width_image.'" height="'.$width_image.'" src="/images/air.png" alt=""/>
'.(($vozdyh['active']) ? '<span class="small ccc mt3">'.$vozdyh['seconds'].' с.</span>' : '<span class="small lngreen mt3">Гот.</span>').'
// Земляной щит
$add_uron = ($zemlya['add_procent'] > 0) ? true : false;
echo '<span class="inbl '.$width_class.' mt5 va_t">
<a class="atask" href="'.$url.'?go=attaka&id=4&action='.rand(1000000, 9999999).'">
<span class="inbl prel">
'.((!$zemlya['activate'] AND !$add_uron AND $training == 5) ? '<img width="17" height="25" class="g-arrow" src="/images/green-arrow.png"/>' : '').'
<img width="'.$width_image.'" height="'.$width_image.'" src="/images/ground.png" alt=""/>
'.(($zemlya['activate']) ? (($add_uron) ? '<span class="small lngreen mt3">'.$zemlya['seconds'].' с.</span>' : '<span class="small ccc mt3">'.$zemlya['seconds'].' с.</span>') : '<span class="small lngreen mt3">Гот.</span>').'
echo '</div>';
//EchoAbiliteBattle(AbilitiesOgon(1, $user['lost_race'], true, $user['lost_id']), AbilitiesVoda(1, $user['lost_race'], true, $user['lost_id']), AbilitiesVozdyh(1, $user['lost_race'], true, $user['lost_id']), AbilitiesZemlya(5, 4, true, $user['lost_id']), true, 'w15', 35, 3, '/mission');
// Функция выводит мои и врага параметры в бою
function EchoTableUsersBattle($my_info, $bot_info) {
echo '<table><td class="mr5">'.(($my_info['user_race'] > 0) ? '<img width="50" height="50" src="/images/user_ava_'.$my_info['user_race'].'.png">' : '<img width="50" height="50" src="/images/icons/empty.png">').'</td>';
echo '<td class="small w90 white ml5" valign="top">';
echo '<span class="bl ml5 mb5 prg-bar"><span class="bl fl prg-blue" style="width:'.ceil(($my_info['user_hp'] / $my_info['user_other_hp']) * 100).'%"> </span>';
echo '<span class="bl fl prg-red" style="width:'.(($my_info['user_uron'] > 0) ? (int)(($my_info['user_uron'] / $my_info['user_other_hp']) * 100) : 0).'%"> </span></span>';
echo '<div class="fr bold">'.(($my_info['user_add_hp'] > 0) ? ' <span class="lngreen">+'.$my_info['user_add_hp'].'</span> ' : '').''.(($my_info['user_uron'] > 0) ? ' <span class="red">-'.$my_info['user_uron'].'</span>' : '').'</div>';
echo '<span class="ml5 yellow1 bold">'.ikonka_user($my_info['user_race'], 'online').' '.$my_info['user_name'].', <img src="/images/icons/heatpoints.png"> '.$my_info['user_hp'].'</span>';
echo '</td></table>';
echo '<table><td class="mr5">'.(($bot_info['user_race'] > 0) ? '<img width="50" height="50" src="/images/user_ava_'.$bot_info['user_race'].'.png">' : '<img width="50" height="50" src="/images/icons/empty.png">').'</td>';
echo '<td class="small w90 ml5" valign="top">';
echo '<span class="bl ml5 mb5 prg-bar"><span class="bl fl prg-blue" style="width:'.ceil(($bot_info['user_hp'] / $bot_info['user_other_hp']) * 100).'%"> </span>';
echo '<span class="bl fl prg-red" style="width:'.(($bot_info['user_uron'] > 0) ? (int)(($bot_info['user_uron'] / $bot_info['user_other_hp']) * 100) : 0).'%"> </span></span>';
echo '<div class="fr bold">'.(($bot_info['user_add_hp'] > 0) ? ' <span class="lngreen">+'.$bot_info['user_uron'].'</span> ' : '').''.(($bot_info['user_uron'] > 0) ? ' <span class="red">-'.$bot_info['user_uron'].'</span>' : '').'</div>';
echo '<span class="ml5 yellow1 bold">'.(($bot_info['user_race'] > 0) ? ikonka_user($bot_info['user_race'], 'online') : '<img src="/images/icons/arena.gif">').' '.$bot_info['user_name'].', <img src="/images/icons/heatpoints.png"> '.$bot_info['user_hp'].'</span>';
echo '</td></table>';
// Генерируем максимальное здоровье в бою
function GenerationMaxHeatpoints($heatpoints) {
if ($heatpoints > 0) $heatpoints = $heatpoints * 2; else $heatpoints = 50;
return $heatpoints;
function GenerationProtection($protection) {
// Если защита больше 5000 (70%) то за каждые 500 защиты сверх 5000 добавляем 1%
if ($protection > 5000) {
$add_pr = (int)(($protection - 5000) / 500);
if ($add_pr > 0) $add_pr = $add_pr * 1; else $add_pr = 0;
$procent = round((5000 / 7143) * 100, 2);
$procent = $procent + $add_pr;
} else $procent = round(($protection / 7143) * 100, 2);
return $procent;
// Генерируем удар, в зависимости от силы, умений, защиты
function GenerationUron($str, $time, $um_ogon, $um_voda, $um_zeml, $protection) {
// Вычисляем время последнего удара, насколько его нужно умножить. Если не указано, бьем максимально
if (!$time) { $x_time = rand(4,5).'.'.rand(10,99).''; } else {
$time = explode(' ', $time); // Время посл. удара, с учетом миллисекунд
$time_1 = $time[1] + $time[0]; // Время посл. удара, с учетом миллисекунд
$time_2 = explode(' ', microtime()); // Разбиваем текущее время на сек. и мс.
$x_time = round(($time_2[1] + $time_2[0]) - $time_1, 2); // Считаем, насколько умножить удар, в зависимости от посл.
if ($x_time > 5) $x_time = '5.'.rand(10,50);
// Считаем силу удара
$uron = (int)(($str / 15) * $x_time);
if ($um_ogon > 0) $uron = (int)(($uron / 100) * (100 + $um_ogon));
if ($um_voda > 0) $uron = (int)(($uron / 100) * (100 + $um_voda));
if ($um_zeml > 0) $uron = (int)(($uron / 100) * (100 - $um_zeml));
if ($protection > 0) $uron = (int)(($uron / 100) * (100 - $protection));
if ($uron <= 0) $uron = 1;
return $uron;
function Protection($protection, $max_protection) {
$procent = round(($protection / $max_protection) * 100, 2);
return ($procent > 50) ? 50 : $procent;
function GenerateUron($strlen,$last_time,$protection) {
$last_time = explode(' ', $last_time); // Время последнего удара, с учетом миллисекунд
$last_time_1 = $last_time[1] + $last_time[0]; // Текущие секунды + миллисекунды посл. удара
$last_time_2 = explode(" ", microtime()); // Разбиваем текущее время на сек. и мс.
$last_time_3 = round(($last_time_2[1] + $last_time_2[0]) - $last_time_1,2); // Считаем время от посл. удара к текущему
if ($last_time_3 > 5) $last_time_3 = '5.'.rand(10,50);
$uron = (($strlen / 15) * $last_time_3);
$minus = ($uron / 100) * $protection;
$uron = $uron - $minus;
return ($uron <= 0) ? 1 : ceil($uron);
function abilities_race_ogon($uron, $time, $procent, $time_activ, $time_refresh, $add_1) {
$active = false; $vosst = false;
if ($time >= time()) {
$other_time_activate = $time - $time_refresh; // Вычисляем, когда закончиться активность
if (time() < $other_time_activate) { // Прибавляем процент удара, если активно
if ($add_1 == 1) $add = ceil($uron * ('1.'.$procent)); else $add = $uron;
$active = $other_time_activate - time(); // Скоролько секунд ещё будет активно
} else {
$add = $uron;
$vosst = $time - time();
return array($add, $active, $vosst);
} return array($uron, $active, $vosst);
function abilities_race_voda($uron, $time, $time_activ, $time_refresh, $add_1) {
$active = false; $vosst = false;
if ($time >= time()) {
$other_time_activate = $time - $time_refresh; // Вычисляем, когда закончиться активность
if (time() < $other_time_activate) { // Прибавляем процент удара, если активно
if ($add_1 == 1) $add = ceil($uron * '1.60'); else $add = $uron;
$active = $other_time_activate - time(); // Скоролько секунд ещё будет активно
} else {
$add = $uron;
$vosst = $time - time();
return array($add, $active, $vosst);
} return array($uron, $active, $vosst);
function abilities_race_vozduh($procent, $bot_hp, $bot_hp_other, $user_hp, $user_hp_other) {
$rand = rand(1,100);
if ($procent >= $rand) {
$proc_hp = (int)(($bot_hp_other / 100) * $procent);
$proc_hp = ($proc_hp <= 0) ? 1 : $proc_hp;
$bot_hp = $bot_hp - $proc_hp;
$bot_hp = ($bot_hp <= 0) ? 0 : $bot_hp;
$user_hp = $user_hp + $proc_hp;
if ($user_hp > $user_hp_other) {
$proc_hp = $user_hp - $user_hp_other;
$user_hp = $user_hp_other;
return array(1, $bot_hp, $user_hp, $proc_hp);
} else array(0, $bot_hp, $user_hp, 0);
function abilities_race_zemlya($uron, $time, $procent, $time_activ, $time_refresh, $add_1) {
$active = false; $vosst = false;
if ($time >= time()) {
$other_time_activate = $time - $time_refresh; // Вычисляем, когда закончиться активность
if (time() < $other_time_activate) { // Прибавляем процент удара, если активно
if ($add_1 == 1) $add = ceil($uron * ('0.'.(100 - $procent))); else $add = $uron;
$active = $other_time_activate - time(); // Скоролько секунд ещё будет активно
} else {
$add = $uron;
$vosst = $time - time();
return array($add, $active, $vosst);
} return array($uron, $active, $vosst);