Файл: usr/modules/content/custom.php
Строк: 63
* @name JMY CMS
* @link http://jmy.su/
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2012-2014 JMY LTD
* @license LICENSE.txt (see attached file)
* @version VERSION.txt (see attached file)
* @author Komarov Ivan
if (!defined('ACCESS')) {
header('Location: /');
global $core, $db, $news_conf;
$where = 'l.lang = '' . $core->InitLang() . ''';
if($category != 'all')
$catsArr = array_map('trim', explode(',', $category));
$i = 0;
foreach($catsArr as $cat)
if($i == 1) $where .= " AND "; else $where .= " OR ";
$where .= "cat like '%," . $cat . ",%'";
$notcatsArr = array_map('trim', explode(',', $notin));
foreach($notcatsArr as $cat)
$where .= " AND cat NOT LIKE '%," . $cat . ",%'";
$core->tempModule = 'content';
$custom = '';
$query = $db->query("SELECT c.*, l.* FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_content as c LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."_langs as l on(l.postId=c.id and l.module='content') WHERE " . $where . " ORDER BY c.date DESC LIMIT 0, " . $limit . "");
if($db->numRows($query) > 0)
while($static = $db->getRow($query))
$cat = $static['cat'] !== ',0,' ? $core->getCat('content', $static['cat'], 'short', 3) : '';
$link = $static['cat'] !== ',0,' ? 'content/' . $core->getCat('content', $static['cat'], 'development') . '/' : 'content/';
//$cat_one = $static['cat'] !== ',0,' ? $core->getCat('content', $static['cat'], 'altname', 1) : 'index';
$short = $core->bbDecode(str($static['short'], 500), $static['id'], true);
$miniImg = _getCustomImg($short);
$core->tpl->setVar('TITLE', $static['title']);
$core->tpl->setVar('SHORT', '<div id="short-' . $static['id'] . '">' . $short . '</div>');
$core->tpl->setVar('DATE', formatDate($static['date']));
$core->tpl->sources = preg_replace("#\[short:([0-9]*?)\]#ies","str(strip_tags($core->bbDecode(str($static['short'], 500), $static['id'], true))), '\1')", $core->tpl->sources);
$core->tpl->sources = preg_replace("#\[img:([0-9]*?)\]#is", (!empty($miniImg[0]) ? '<img src="' . $miniImg[0] . '" border="0" width="\1" />' : ''), $core->tpl->sources);
$core->tpl->sources = preg_replace("#\[mini_img\](.*?)\[/mini_img\]#ies","if_set('" . (!empty($miniImg[0]) ? true : '') . "', '\1')", $core->tpl->sources);
$core->tpl->setVar('CATEGORY', $cat);
// $core->tpl->setVar('CAT_ONE', $cat_one);
$core->tpl->setVar('ALTNAME', $static['translate']);
$core->tpl->sources = preg_replace("#\[more\](.*?)\[/more\]#ies","format_link('\1', '" . $link . $static['translate'] . ".html')", $core->tpl->sources);
$core->tpl->sources = preg_replace("#\[category\](.*?)\[/category\]#ies","if_set('".$cat."', '\1')", $core->tpl->sources);
$core->tpl->setVar('ID', $static['id']);
$custom .= ob_get_contents();