Файл: whmcs/templates/orderforms/ajaxcart/js/jqueryfloat.js
Строк: 126
Class: FloatObject
function FloatObject(jqObj, params)
this.jqObj = jqObj;
case 'fast': this.steps = 5; break;
case 'normal': this.steps = 10; break;
case 'slow': this.steps = 20; break;
default: this.steps = 10;
var offset = this.jqObj.offset();
this.currentX = offset.left;
this.currentY = offset.top;
this.width = this.jqObj.width();
this.height = this.jqObj.height();
this.alwaysVisible = params.alwaysVisible;
this.alwaysTop = params.alwaysTop;
this.origX = typeof(params.x) == "string" ? this.currentX : params.x;
this.origY = typeof(params.y) == "string" ? this.currentY : params.y;
//now we make sure the object is in absolute positions.
this.jqObj.css({'position':'absolute' , 'top':this.currentY ,'left':this.currentX});
FloatObject.prototype.updateLocation = function()
this.updatedX = $(window).scrollLeft() + this.origX;
if( this.alwaysTop == false ){
if ($(window).scrollTop() > this.origY ) {
this.updatedY = $(window).scrollTop() + 5;
} else {
this.updatedY = $(window).scrollTop()+ this.origY;
if( this.alwaysVisible ){
if( this.origX + this.width > this.windowWidth() )
this.updatedX = this.windowWidth() - this.width + $(window).scrollLeft();
if( this.origY + this.height > this.windowHeight() )
this.updatedY = $(window).scrollTop() + this.windowHeight() - this.height;
if( this.updatedY < this.origY ) this.updatedY = this.origY;
if( $(window).scrollTop() > this.origY )
this.updatedY = $(window).scrollTop() + 5;
this.updatedY = this.origY + 5;
this.dx = Math.abs(this.updatedX - this.currentX );
this.dy = Math.abs(this.updatedY - this.currentY );
return this.dx || this.dy;
FloatObject.prototype.windowHeight = function()
var de = document.documentElement;
return self.innerHeight ||
(de && de.clientHeight) ||
FloatObject.prototype.windowWidth = function()
var de = document.documentElement;
return self.innerWidth ||
(de && de.clientWidth) ||
FloatObject.prototype.move = function()
if( this.jqObj.css("position") != "absolute" ) return;
var cx = 0;
var cy = 0;
if( this.dx > 0 )
if( this.dx < this.steps / 2 )
cx = (this.dx >= 1) ? 1 : 0;
cx = Math.round(this.dx/this.steps);
if( this.currentX < this.updatedX )
this.currentX += cx;
this.currentX -= cx;
if( this.dy > 0 )
if( this.dy < this.steps / 2 )
cy = (this.dy >= 1) ? 1 : 0;
cy = Math.round(this.dy/this.steps);
if( this.currentY < this.updatedY )
this.currentY += cy;
this.currentY -= cy;
this.jqObj.css({'left':this.currentX, 'top': this.currentY });
Object: floatMgr
$.floatMgr = {
FOArray: new Array() ,
timer: null ,
initializeFO: function(jqObj,params)
var settings = $.extend({
x: 0 ,
y: 0 ,
speed: 'normal' ,
alwaysVisible: false ,
alwaysTop: false},params||{});
var newFO = new FloatObject(jqObj,settings);
if( !$.floatMgr.timer ) $.floatMgr.adjustFO();
//now making sure we are registered to all required window events
if( !$.floatMgr.registeredEvents )
$(window).bind("resize", $.floatMgr.onChange);
$(window).bind("scroll", $.floatMgr.onChange);
$.floatMgr.registeredEvents = true;
} ,
adjustFO: function()
$.floatMgr.timer = null;
var moveFO = false;
for( var i = 0 ; i < $.floatMgr.FOArray.length ; i++ )
FO = $.floatMgr.FOArray[i];
if( FO.updateLocation() ) moveFO = true;
if( moveFO )
for( var i = 0 ; i < $.floatMgr.FOArray.length ; i++ )
FO = $.floatMgr.FOArray[i];
if( !$.floatMgr.timer ) $.floatMgr.timer = setTimeout($.floatMgr.adjustFO,50);
} ,
stopFloatChk: false ,
onChange: function()
if( !$.floatMgr.timer && !$.floatMgr.stopFloatChk ) $.floatMgr.adjustFO();
Function: makeFloat
$.fn.makeFloat = function(params) {
var obj = this.eq(0); //we only operate on the first selected object;
if( $.floatMgr.timer == null ) $.floatMgr.adjustFO();
return obj;
$.fn.stopFloat = function(params) {
$.floatMgr.stopFloatChk = true;
$.fn.restartFloat = function(params) {
$.floatMgr.stopFloatChk = false;