Файл: Tools/phpmyadmin/libraries/auth/cookie.auth.lib.php
Строк: 486
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
* Set of functions used to run cookie based authentication.
* @package PhpMyAdmin-Auth-Cookie
if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) {
* Swekey authentication functions.
require './libraries/auth/swekey/swekey.auth.lib.php';
if (function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt')) {
* Uses faster mcrypt library if available
* (as this is not called from anywhere else, put the code in-line
* for faster execution)
* Initialization
* Store the initialization vector because it will be needed for
* further decryption. I don't think necessary to have one iv
* per server so I don't put the server number in the cookie name.
if (empty($_COOKIE['pma_mcrypt_iv']) || false === ($iv = base64_decode($_COOKIE['pma_mcrypt_iv'], true))) {
srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, '');
if ($td === false) {
die(__('Failed to use Blowfish from mcrypt!'));
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND);
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->setCookie('pma_mcrypt_iv', base64_encode($iv));
* Encryption using blowfish algorithm (mcrypt)
* @param string original data
* @param string the secret
* @return string the encrypted result
* @access public
function PMA_blowfish_encrypt($data, $secret)
global $iv;
return base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, $secret, $data, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv));
* Decryption using blowfish algorithm (mcrypt)
* @param string encrypted data
* @param string the secret
* @return string original data
* @access public
function PMA_blowfish_decrypt($encdata, $secret)
global $iv;
return trim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, $secret, base64_decode($encdata), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv));
} else {
include_once './libraries/blowfish.php';
* Returns blowfish secret or generates one if needed.
* @access public
* @return string
function PMA_get_blowfish_secret()
if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['blowfish_secret'])) {
if (empty($_SESSION['auto_blowfish_secret'])) {
// this returns 23 characters
$_SESSION['auto_blowfish_secret'] = uniqid('', true);
return $_SESSION['auto_blowfish_secret'];
} else {
// apply md5() to work around too long secrets (returns 32 characters)
return md5($GLOBALS['cfg']['blowfish_secret']);
* Displays authentication form
* this function MUST exit/quit the application
* @global string the last connection error
* @access public
function PMA_auth()
global $conn_error;
/* Perform logout to custom URL */
if (! empty($_REQUEST['old_usr'])
&& ! empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['LogoutURL'])) {
/* No recall if blowfish secret is not configured as it would produce garbage */
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieRecall'] && !empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['blowfish_secret'])) {
$default_user = $GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
$default_server = $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'];
$autocomplete = '';
} else {
$default_user = '';
$default_server = '';
// skip the IE autocomplete feature.
$autocomplete = ' autocomplete="off"';
$cell_align = ($GLOBALS['text_dir'] == 'ltr') ? 'left' : 'right';
// Defines the charset to be used
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
/* HTML header; do not show here the PMA version to improve security */
$page_title = 'phpMyAdmin ';
include './libraries/header_meta_style.inc.php';
// if $page_title is set, this script uses it as the title:
include './libraries/header_scripts.inc.php';
<script type="text/javascript">
// show login form in top frame
if (top != self) {
<body class="loginform">
if (file_exists(CUSTOM_HEADER_FILE)) {
<div class="container">
<a href="<?php echo PMA_linkURL('http://www.phpmyadmin.net/'); ?>" target="_blank" class="logo"><?php
$logo_image = $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'logo_right.png';
if (@file_exists($logo_image)) {
echo '<img src="' . $logo_image . '" id="imLogo" name="imLogo" alt="phpMyAdmin" border="0" />';
} else {
echo '<img name="imLogo" id="imLogo" src="' . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'pma_logo.png' . '" '
. 'border="0" width="88" height="31" alt="phpMyAdmin" />';
echo sprintf(__('Welcome to %s'),
'<bdo dir="ltr" xml:lang="en">' . $page_title . '</bdo>');
// Show error message
if (! empty($conn_error)) {
// Displays the languages form
if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Lang'])) {
include_once './libraries/display_select_lang.lib.php';
// use fieldset, don't show doc link
PMA_select_language(true, false);
<br />
<!-- Login form -->
<form method="post" action="index.php" name="login_form"<?php echo $autocomplete; ?> target="_top" class="login">
echo __('Log in');
echo '<a href="./Documentation.html" target="documentation" ' .
'title="' . __('phpMyAdmin documentation') . '"> ';
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ReplaceHelpImg']) {
echo PMA_getImage('b_help.png', __('phpMyAdmin documentation'));
} else {
echo '(*)';
echo '</a>';
<?php if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer']) { ?>
<div class="item">
<label for="input_servername" title="<?php echo __('You can enter hostname/IP address and port separated by space.'); ?>"><?php echo __('Server:'); ?></label>
<input type="text" name="pma_servername" id="input_servername" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($default_server); ?>" size="24" class="textfield" title="<?php echo __('You can enter hostname/IP address and port separated by space.'); ?>" />
<?php } ?>
<div class="item">
<label for="input_username"><?php echo __('Username:'); ?></label>
<input type="text" name="pma_username" id="input_username" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($default_user); ?>" size="24" class="textfield"/>
<div class="item">
<label for="input_password"><?php echo __('Password:'); ?></label>
<input type="password" name="pma_password" id="input_password" value="" size="24" class="textfield" />
if (count($GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers']) > 1) {
<div class="item">
<label for="select_server"><?php echo __('Server Choice'); ?>:</label>
<select name="server" id="select_server"
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer']) {
echo ' onchange="document.forms['login_form'].elements['pma_servername'].value = ''" ';
echo '>';
include_once './libraries/select_server.lib.php';
PMA_select_server(false, false);
echo '</select></div>';
} else {
echo ' <input type="hidden" name="server" value="' . $GLOBALS['server'] . '" />';
} // end if (server choice)
<fieldset class="tblFooters">
<input value="<?php echo __('Go'); ?>" type="submit" id="input_go" />
$_form_params = array();
if (! empty($GLOBALS['target'])) {
$_form_params['target'] = $GLOBALS['target'];
if (! empty($GLOBALS['db'])) {
$_form_params['db'] = $GLOBALS['db'];
if (! empty($GLOBALS['table'])) {
$_form_params['table'] = $GLOBALS['table'];
// do not generate a "server" hidden field as we want the "server"
// drop-down to have priority
echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($_form_params, '', 0, 'server');
// BEGIN Swekey Integration
Swekey_login('input_username', 'input_go');
// END Swekey Integration
// show the "Cookies required" message only if cookies are disabled
// (we previously tried to set some cookies)
if (empty($_COOKIE)) {
trigger_error(__('Cookies must be enabled past this point.'), E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($GLOBALS['error_handler']->hasDisplayErrors()) {
echo '<div>';
echo '</div>';
if (file_exists(CUSTOM_FOOTER_FILE)) {
} // end of the 'PMA_auth()' function
* Gets advanced authentication settings
* this function DOES NOT check authentication - it just checks/provides
* authentication credentials required to connect to the MySQL server
* usually with PMA_DBI_connect()
* it returns false if something is missing - which usually leads to
* PMA_auth() which displays login form
* it returns true if all seems ok which usually leads to PMA_auth_set_user()
* it directly switches to PMA_auth_fails() if user inactivity timout is reached
* @todo AllowArbitraryServer on does not imply that the user wants an
* arbitrary server, or? so we should also check if this is filled and
* not only if allowed
* @return boolean whether we get authentication settings or not
* @access public
function PMA_auth_check()
// Initialization
* @global $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'] the user provided server to connect to
$GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'] = '';
$GLOBALS['from_cookie'] = false;
// BEGIN Swekey Integration
if (! Swekey_auth_check()) {
return false;
// END Swekey Integration
if (defined('PMA_CLEAR_COOKIES')) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'] as $key => $val) {
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie('pmaPass-' . $key);
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie('pmaServer-' . $key);
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie('pmaUser-' . $key);
return false;
if (! empty($_REQUEST['old_usr'])) {
// The user wants to be logged out
// -> delete his choices that were stored in session
// according to the PHP manual we should do this before the destroy:
//$_SESSION = array();
// but we still need some parts of the session information
// in libraries/header_meta_style.inc.php
// -> delete password cookie(s)
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieDeleteAll']) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'] as $key => $val) {
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie('pmaPass-' . $key);
if (isset($_COOKIE['pmaPass-' . $key])) {
unset($_COOKIE['pmaPass-' . $key]);
} else {
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie('pmaPass-' . $GLOBALS['server']);
if (isset($_COOKIE['pmaPass-' . $GLOBALS['server']])) {
unset($_COOKIE['pmaPass-' . $GLOBALS['server']]);
if (! empty($_REQUEST['pma_username'])) {
// The user just logged in
$GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $_REQUEST['pma_username'];
$GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = empty($_REQUEST['pma_password']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['pma_password'];
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer'] && isset($_REQUEST['pma_servername'])) {
$GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'] = $_REQUEST['pma_servername'];
return true;
// At the end, try to set the $GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_USER']
// and $GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_PW'] variables from cookies
// servername
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer']
&& ! empty($_COOKIE['pmaServer-' . $GLOBALS['server']])) {
$GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'] = $_COOKIE['pmaServer-' . $GLOBALS['server']];
// username
if (empty($_COOKIE['pmaUser-' . $GLOBALS['server']])) {
return false;
$GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = PMA_blowfish_decrypt(
$_COOKIE['pmaUser-' . $GLOBALS['server']],
// user was never logged in since session start
if (empty($_SESSION['last_access_time'])) {
return false;
// User inactive too long
if ($_SESSION['last_access_time'] < time() - $GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieValidity']) {
PMA_cacheUnset('is_create_db_priv', true);
PMA_cacheUnset('is_process_priv', true);
PMA_cacheUnset('is_reload_priv', true);
PMA_cacheUnset('db_to_create', true);
PMA_cacheUnset('dbs_where_create_table_allowed', true);
$GLOBALS['no_activity'] = true;
// password
if (empty($_COOKIE['pmaPass-' . $GLOBALS['server']])) {
return false;
$GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = PMA_blowfish_decrypt(
$_COOKIE['pmaPass-' . $GLOBALS['server']],
if ($GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_PW'] == "xff(blank)") {
$GLOBALS['from_cookie'] = true;
return true;
} // end of the 'PMA_auth_check()' function
* Set the user and password after last checkings if required
* @return boolean always true
* @access public
function PMA_auth_set_user()
global $cfg;
// Ensures valid authentication mode, 'only_db', bookmark database and
// table names and relation table name are used
if ($cfg['Server']['user'] != $GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_USER']) {
foreach ($cfg['Servers'] as $idx => $current) {
if ($current['host'] == $cfg['Server']['host']
&& $current['port'] == $cfg['Server']['port']
&& $current['socket'] == $cfg['Server']['socket']
&& $current['ssl'] == $cfg['Server']['ssl']
&& $current['connect_type'] == $cfg['Server']['connect_type']
&& $current['user'] == $GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_USER']) {
$GLOBALS['server'] = $idx;
$cfg['Server'] = $current;
} // end foreach
} // end if
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer']
&& ! empty($GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'])) {
/* Allow to specify 'host port' */
$parts = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server']);
if (count($parts) == 2) {
$tmp_host = $parts[0];
$tmp_port = $parts[1];
} else {
$tmp_host = $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'];
$tmp_port = '';
if ($cfg['Server']['host'] != $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server']) {
$cfg['Server']['host'] = $tmp_host;
if (!empty($tmp_port)) {
$cfg['Server']['port'] = $tmp_port;
unset($tmp_host, $tmp_port, $parts);
$cfg['Server']['user'] = $GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
$cfg['Server']['password'] = $GLOBALS['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
// Avoid showing the password in phpinfo()'s output
$_SESSION['last_access_time'] = time();
// Name and password cookies need to be refreshed each time
// Duration = one month for username
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->setCookie('pmaUser-' . $GLOBALS['server'],
// Duration = as configured
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->setCookie('pmaPass-' . $GLOBALS['server'],
PMA_blowfish_encrypt(!empty($cfg['Server']['password']) ? $cfg['Server']['password'] : "xff(blank)",
// Set server cookies if required (once per session) and, in this case, force
// reload to ensure the client accepts cookies
if (! $GLOBALS['from_cookie']) {
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer']) {
if (! empty($GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'])) {
// Duration = one month for servername
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->setCookie('pmaServer-' . $GLOBALS['server'], $cfg['Server']['host']);
} else {
// Delete servername cookie
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie('pmaServer-' . $GLOBALS['server']);
// URL where to go:
$redirect_url = $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . 'index.php';
// any parameters to pass?
$url_params = array();
if (strlen($GLOBALS['db'])) {
$url_params['db'] = $GLOBALS['db'];
if (strlen($GLOBALS['table'])) {
$url_params['table'] = $GLOBALS['table'];
// any target to pass?
if (! empty($GLOBALS['target']) && $GLOBALS['target'] != 'index.php') {
$url_params['target'] = $GLOBALS['target'];
* whether we come from a fresh cookie login
* Clear user cache.
PMA_sendHeaderLocation($redirect_url . PMA_generate_common_url($url_params, '&'));
} // end if
return true;
} // end of the 'PMA_auth_set_user()' function
* User is not allowed to login to MySQL -> authentication failed
* prepares error message and switches to PMA_auth() which display the error
* and the login form
* this function MUST exit/quit the application,
* currently doen by call to PMA_auth()
* @access public
function PMA_auth_fails()
global $conn_error;
// Deletes password cookie and displays the login form
$GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie('pmaPass-' . $GLOBALS['server']);
if (! empty($GLOBALS['login_without_password_is_forbidden'])) {
$conn_error = __('Login without a password is forbidden by configuration (see AllowNoPassword)');
} elseif (! empty($GLOBALS['allowDeny_forbidden'])) {
$conn_error = __('Access denied');
} elseif (! empty($GLOBALS['no_activity'])) {
$conn_error = sprintf(__('No activity within %s seconds; please log in again'), $GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieValidity']);
// Remember where we got timeout to return on same place
if (PMA_getenv('SCRIPT_NAME')) {
$GLOBALS['target'] = basename(PMA_getenv('SCRIPT_NAME'));
// avoid "missing parameter: field" on re-entry
if ('tbl_alter.php' == $GLOBALS['target']) {
$GLOBALS['target'] = 'tbl_structure.php';
} elseif (PMA_DBI_getError()) {
$conn_error = '#' . $GLOBALS['errno'] . ' ' . __('Cannot log in to the MySQL server');
} else {
$conn_error = __('Cannot log in to the MySQL server');
// needed for PHP-CGI (not need for FastCGI or mod-php)
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
} // end of the 'PMA_auth_fails()' function