Файл: system/classes/users.php
Строк: 236
class users {
var $user_data = NULL;
var $update_fields = NULL;
var $user;
public function add_user($login, $password, $mail, $sex){
global $db;
return $db -> query("INSERT INTO `users` (`login`, `password`, `sex`, `mail`, `date_registration`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP());", $login, encrypt_password($password), $sex, $mail);
public function print_avatar($user, $size = 0, $o = 1){
return '<img id="user_avatar" data-user="'.intval($user).'" class="image-radius" style="opacity: '.$o.'" src="/modules/get_avatar/?id='.intval($user).'&size='.intval($size).'" alt="">';
public function is_friend($user_id, $user_g){
global $db;
$c = $db -> query("SELECT count(*) from `users_friends` WHERE `user` = ? and `friend` = ?", $user_id, $user_g);
if($c[0]['count(*)'] > 0){
return 1;
return 0;
public function is_admin($user){
global $auth_user;
global $db;
$c = $db -> query("SELECT `level` from `users` WHERE `id` = ?", $user);
if($c[0]['level'] == 7){
return 1;
return 0;
public function add_friend($user_id, $user_g){
global $db;
return $db -> query("INSERT INTO `users_friends` (`user`, `friend`) VALUES (?, ?);", $user_id, $user_g);
public function delete_friend($user_id, $user_g){
global $db;
return $db -> query("DELETE from `users_friends` WHERE `user` = ? and `friend` = ?;", $user_id, $user_g);
public function get_friends($user){
global $db;
$c = $db -> query("SELECT * from `users_friends` WHERE `user` = ?", $user);
return $c;
return false;
public function count_friends($user){
global $db;
$c = $db -> query("SELECT count(*) from `users_friends` WHERE `user` = ?", $user);
return $c[0]['count(*)'];
return 0;
public function auth($login, $password){
global $db;
$q_login = $db -> query("SELECT `password`,`id`,`level` from `users` WHERE `login` = ?", $login);
$q_mail = $db -> query("SELECT `password`,`id`,`level` from `users` WHERE `mail` = ?", $login);
$q = $q_login;
$q = $q_mail;
if($q[0]['level'] <= 0)
return false;
if($q[0]['password'] == encrypt_password($password)){
$key = random_string(32, 'all');
setcookie('user', encrypt($q[0]['id']), time()+3600*24*366, '/');
setcookie('key', encrypt($key), time()+3600*24*7, '/');
$db -> query('INSERT INTO `users_auth` (`user`, `key`, `ip`) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `key` = ?, `ip` = ?;', $q[0]['id'], $key, ip2long(get_ip()), $key, ip2long(get_ip()));
return true;
return false;
public function unauth(){
global $user_id, $db;
setcookie('user', '', time()-3600*24*366, '/');
setcookie('key', '', time()-3600*24*366, '/');
$db -> query('DELETE FROM `users_auth` WHERE `user` = ?', $user_id);
public function is_auth(&$auth_user){
if($auth_user == 1)
return TRUE;
elseif($auth_user == 2)
return FALSE;
global $db, $user_id, $config;
if($config['demo'] == 'TRUE')
return TRUE;
if(empty($user_id) or empty($_COOKIE['key']))
return false;
$key = decrypt($_COOKIE['key']);
$q = $db -> query("SELECT `ip`,`key` from `users_auth` WHERE `user` = ?", $user_id);
if(get_ip() == long2ip($q[0]['ip']) and $q[0]['key'] == $key){
$last_update = get_variable('online_change::'.$user_id);
$user = new users($user_id, 'last_update');
$user -> set_online();
$user -> update();
set_variable('online_change::'.$user_id, 1, 300);
$auth_user = 1;
return TRUE;
$auth_user = 2;
return FALSE;
function __construct($user, $fields = '*'){
global $db;
if($fields !== false){
$q = $db -> query("SELECT ".$fields." from `users` WHERE `id` = ?", $user);
$this -> user_data = $q[0];
$this -> user = $user;
public function get($n){
global $db;
return $db -> query("SELECT `id`,`login`,`last_update` from `users` ORDER by `date_registration` DESC LIMIT ?,?", $n, get_elements());
public function get_online($n){
global $db;
return $db -> query("SELECT `id`,`login`,`last_update` from `users` WHERE `last_update` >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-60*15 ORDER by `date_registration` DESC LIMIT ?,?", $n, get_elements());
public function is_online(){
if($this -> user_data['last_update'] < time()-60*15)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
public function count(){
global $db;
$cache = new cache('users::count');
if($cache -> status == TRUE)
return $cache -> read();
$q = $db -> query("SELECT count(*) from `users`");
return $cache -> write($q[0]['count(*)']);
public function count_online(){
global $db;
$q = $db -> query("SELECT count(*) from `users` WHERE `last_update` >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-60*15");
return $q[0]['count(*)'];
public function get_sex(){
return $this -> user_data['sex'];
public function get_name(){
return $this -> user_data['login'];
public function get_mail(){
return $this -> user_data['mail'];
public function get_forum(){
return $this -> user_data['forum'];
public function get_elements(){
return $this -> user_data['elements'];
public function get_timezone(){
return $this -> user_data['timezone'];
public function get_level(){
return $this -> user_data['level'];
public function get_online_time(){
return $this -> user_data['last_update'];
public function get_registration(){
return $this -> user_data['date_registration'];
public function set_sex($str){
return $this -> update_field('sex', $str);
public function set_password($str){
return $this -> update_field('password', $str);
public function set_forum($str){
return $this -> update_field('forum', $str);
public function set_mail($str){
return $this -> update_field('mail', $str);
public function set_timezone($str){
return $this -> update_field('timezone', $str);
public function set_elements($str){
return $this -> update_field('elements', $str);
public function set_level($str){
return $this -> update_field('level', $str);
public function set_online(){
return $this -> update_field('last_update', time());
private function update_field($field, $value){
$this -> update_fields[] = $field;
$this -> user_data[$field] = $value;
public function update(){
global $db;
$fields_count = count($this -> update_fields);
$fields = $this -> update_fields;
if($fields_count == 0)
return false;
$sql = 'UPDATE `users` SET';
for($i = 0; $i < $fields_count; $i++){
$sql .= ' `'.$fields[$i].'` = ?';
if($i != $fields_count-1)
$sql .= ',';
$parametrs[] = $this -> user_data[$fields[$i]];
$sql .= ' WHERE `id` = ?';
array_unshift($parametrs, $sql);
$parametrs[] = $this -> user;
$this -> update_fields = NULL;
return call_user_func_array(array($db, 'query'), $parametrs);
function users_info(){
return users::count_online().' / '.users::count();