Файл: conf/top.php
Строк: 248
$user_top = $_SESSION['id'];
$query_hp = "Select hp, max_hp, last_active, radiation, bronya, antirad_time, regen, gruppa, read_ad, mentor_time, mentor_type, clan, location, sost_cl,sost_p, sost_w, time_p, speed_p, time_w, speed_w, message, m_fight from users where id = '$user_top'";
$result_hp = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_hp) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_hp = mysqli_fetch_array($result_hp);
$hp = $row_hp['hp'];
$read_ad = $row_hp['read_ad'];
$gruppa_inv = $row_hp['gruppa'];
$location = $row_hp['location'];
$antirad_time = $row_hp['antirad_time'];
$radiation = $row_hp['radiation'];
$regen = $row_hp['regen'];
$mentor_time = $row_hp['mentor_time'];
$mentor_type = $row_hp['mentor_type'];
$max_hp = $row_hp['max_hp'];
$last_active = $row_hp['last_active'];
$clan_ad = $row_hp['clan'];
$now = (date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$last_active = strtotime("$last_active");
/////////////////////////////////////////////////Атака всякой нечести:)
if ($m_fight<> 0) {
$query_at = "Select id_monster, hp, start, last_active, time_start, clan_id from m_fight where id_fight= '$m_fight' limit 1";
$result_at = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_at) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД2');
$row_at = mysqli_fetch_array($result_at);
if (!empty($row_at)) {
if ($row_at['start'] == 1 and $row_at['hp'] > 0) {
$m_at = $row_at['id_monster'];
$query_m = "Select name, screen, clan, max_people, max_hp, bronya, yron, speed, bonus_type, bonus, location, time_angry, location_name, respawn_time, max_aptechki from monsters where id_monster = '$m_at' limit 1";
$result_m = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_m) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД2');
$row_m = mysqli_fetch_array($result_m);
///////////////////////РАНДОМНАЯ Атака Монстра
$now = (date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$now = strtotime("$now");
$last_active = $row_at['last_active'];
$last_active = strtotime("$last_active");
$time = ($now - $last_active);
$speed = $row_m['speed'];
$count = ($time/$speed);
$count = round($count);
while ($s <> $count) {
$query_att = "Select id, hp, bronya, sost_cl, razriv_cl, sost_cl from users where location='$loca' and hp > 0 and last_active > NOW() - (60*5) and ban != 1 and m_fight = '$m_fight'";
$result_att = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_att) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД7');
$count_att = mysqli_num_rows($result_att);
$row_att = mysqli_fetch_array($result_att);
$rand_number = rand(1,$count_att);
while ($t<>$rand_number) {
$row_att = mysqli_fetch_array($result_att);
///////////Жертва выбраnа
if ($row_att['sost_cl'] > 0) {
$bron = $row_att['razriv_cl'];
else {
$bron = 0;
$p = rand(245,275);
$p = ($p/1000);
if ($bron <> 0) {
$attack = (($row_m['yron'] / $bron) * $p);
else {
$attack = ($row_m['yron'] * $p);
$hp_att = ($row_att['hp'] - $attack);
if ($hp_att <= 0) {
if ($count_att <= 1) {
if ($row_m['clan'] <> 0) {
$query = "update m_fight set start = 0, hp='$max_hp_m' where id_fight='$m_fight' limit 1";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД4g');
$query = "update users set m_fight = 0 where m_fight='$m_fight' limit $max_people";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД4gt');
$id_att = $row_att['id'];
if ($id_att == $user_top) {
$query_log = "insert into log (`time`, `user_id`, `sboitie`, `thing` , `yron`) values (NOW(), '$m_at', 10 , '$id_att', '$attack')";
$result_log = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_log) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД18');
if ($hp_att < 0) {
$query_log = "insert into log (`time`, `user_id`, `sboitie`, `thing` , `yron`) values (NOW(), '$m_at', 11 , '$id_att', '0')";
$result_log = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_log) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД18');
$query_reb = "update users set hp = '$hp_att' where id = '$id_att' limit 1";
$result_reb= mysqli_query($dbc, $query_reb) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД10');
if ($id_att == $user_id) {
$query_reb = "update m_fight set last_active=NOW() where id_fight = '$m_fight' limit 1";
$result_reb= mysqli_query($dbc, $query_reb) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД10');
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Конец нечести.
$last_active = $row_hp['last_active'];
$last_active = strtotime("$last_active");
if (!empty($clan_ad)) {
$mentor_time = strtotime("$mentor_time");
$razn_mentor = ($now - $mentor_time);
if ($razn_mentor_user < 3600) {
$query_ment = "Select mentor from clans where clan_id = '$clan_ad'";
$result_ment = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_ment) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_ment = mysqli_fetch_array($result_ment);
$mentor = $row_ment['mentor'];
if ($mentor_type == 1) {
$mentor = ($mentor/2);
$max_hp = ($max_hp+$max_hp/100*$mentor);
$hp_time = ($now - $last_active);
if ($hp > 0 ) {
$antirad_time = strtotime("$antirad_time");
$time = (date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$time = strtotime("$time");
$antirad_time = ($time - $antirad_time);
if ($location <> 'index' and $antirad_time > 7200) {
$query_loc = "select radiation from location where location_name = '$location' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД2');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
$radiation_loc = $row_loc['radiation'];
$hp_down_rad = ($radiation - $radiation_loc);
if ($hp_down_rad < 0) {
$regen = ($regen + $hp_down_rad);
$showregen = abs($regen);
if ($hp_time !=0) {
$hp_up = ($hp_time * $regen);
$hp_up = ($hp + $hp_up);
if ($hp_up <= 0) {
$query_time_hp = "update users set hp = 0, last_active = NOW() where id = '$user_top' limit 1";
$result_time_hp = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_time_hp) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$hp = 0;
if (($max_hp > $hp_up) and ($hp_up > 0)) {
$query_time_hp = "update users set hp = '$hp_up', last_active = NOW() where id = '$user_top' limit 1";
$result_time_hp = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_time_hp) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
if ($hp_up > $max_hp) {
$query_time_hp = "update users set hp = '$max_hp', last_active = NOW() where id = '$user_top' limit 1";
$result_time_hp = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_time_hp) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
else {
if ($hp<0) {
else {
if ($hp<0) {
$time_p = '--';
$speed_p = $row_hp['speed_p'];
$last_using_p = $row_hp['time_p'];
if ($speed_p <> 0) {
$timer_p = ($now - $last_using_p);
$time_p = ($speed_p - $timer_p);
if ($time_p <0) {
$time_p = 0;
$query_up_act = "update users set last_active = NOW() where id = '$user_top'";
$result_up_act = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_up_act) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$time_w = '--';
$speed_w = $row_hp['speed_w'];
$last_using_w = $row_hp['time_w'];
if ($speed_w <> 0) {
$timer_w = ($now - $last_using_w);
$time_w = ($speed_w - $timer_w);
if ($time_w <0) {
$time_w = 0;
<div id="top">
<img src="img/ico/life.png" alt="h" width="12" height="12"/><?php echo "$hp";?>
<img src="img/ico/pistol.png" alt="p" width="12" height="12"/><?php echo "$time_p";?>
<img src="img/ico/weapon.png" alt="w" width="36" height="12"/><?php echo "$time_w";?>
if ($row_hp['sost_cl']<=0 and $row_hp['bronya'] <> 0) {
if ($row_hp['sost_p']<=0 and $row_hp['speed_p'] <> 0) {
if ($row_hp['sost_w']<=0 and $row_hp['speed_w'] <> 0) {
if ($show==1) {
?> <a href="clothes.php?id=<?php echo "$user_top"; ?>"><img src="img/ico/redshield.png" alt="w" width="12" height="12" border="0"/></a> <?php
if ($location <> 'index') {
if ($regen > 0) {
?> <img src="img/ico/goodrad.png" alt="r" width="12" height="12"/>0<?php
if ($regen <= 0 and $regen > -10) {
?> <img src="img/ico/smrad.png" alt="r" width="12" height="12"/><?php echo "$showregen";
if ($regen < -10) {
?> <img src="img/ico/bigrad.png" alt="r" width="12" height="12"/><?php echo "$showregen";
if ($row_hp['message'] <> 0) {?> <a href="mail.php"><img src="img/ico/letter.png" alt="п"width="12" height="12"/></a><?php }
if ($speed_p == 0) {?><div class="zx"><p class="red"><img src="img/ico/redshield.png" alt="w" width="12" height="12" border="0"/> Оденьте пистолет. [<a class="red" href="bag.php">в рюкзаке</a>]</p></div>
<?php }?><?php
if ($row_hp['bronya'] == 0) {?><div class="zx"><p class="red"><img src="img/ico/redshield.png" alt="w" width="12" height="12" border="0"/> Оденьте костюм. [<a class="red" href="bag.php">в рюкзаке</a>]</p></div>
<?php }?><?php
$query_inv = "select user_id_in, clan_name, clan_id, id_in from in_clan where user_id = '$user_top'";
$result_inv = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_inv) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_inv = mysqli_fetch_array($result_inv);
$user_id_in = $row_inv['user_id_in'];
$clan_name = $row_inv['clan_name'];
$clan_id = $row_inv['clan_id'];
$id_in = $row_inv['id_in'];
$count_inv = mysqli_num_rows($result_inv);
if ($count_inv <> 0) {
<p class="zx"><span class="bonus"><img src="img/ico/point.png" width="12" height="12"/> <a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo "$id_in";?>"><?php echo "$user_id_in";?></a> приглашает вас вступить в
if ($gruppa_inv == 'svoboda') {?> <img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12"/><?php }
if ($gruppa_inv == 'dolg') {?> <img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12"/><?php }
if ($gruppa_inv == 'naemniki') {?> <img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12"/><?php }
?><a href="company.php?company_id=<?php echo "$clan_id";?>"><?php echo "$clan_name";?></a></span></p>
<p>[<a href="acceptinv.php?acc=1">Принять</a>][<a href="acceptinv.php?acc=2">Отклонить</a>]</p>
if (!empty($read_ad)) {
$query_ad = "select ad_nick, ad from clans where clan_id = '$clan_ad'";
$result_ad = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_ad) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_ad = mysqli_fetch_array($result_ad);
$ad = $row_ad['ad'];
$ad_nick = $row_ad['ad_nick'];
<p class="zx"><span class="white">Объявление отряда: </span><span class="bonus"><?php echo "$ad // $ad_nick"; ?></span> <span class="white">[<a class="white" href="hidead.php">скрыть</a>]</span></p>