Файл: conf/rebot.php
Строк: 66
$query_rebot = "Select id, hp, max_hp, last_active, time_p, yron_p, tochn_p, speed_p, gruppa, regen from users where location = '$location' and gruppa != 'dolg' and gruppa != 'svoboda' and gruppa != 'naemniki'";
$result_rebot = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_rebot) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД в респавне ботов');
$now = (date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$now = strtotime("$now");
while($row_rebot = mysqli_fetch_array($result_rebot)) {
$hp_rebot = $row_rebot['hp'];
$id_rebot = $row_rebot['id'];
if ($hp_rebot == 0) {
$max_hp_rebot = $row_rebot['max_hp'];
$last_active_rebot = $row_rebot['last_active'];
$last_active_rebot = strtotime("$last_active_rebot");
$razn_rebot_t = ($now- $last_active_rebot);
if ($razn_rebot_t >= 7) {
$query_reb = "update users set hp = '$max_hp_rebot', last_active=NOW() where id = '$id_rebot' limit 1";
$result_reb= mysqli_query($dbc, $query_reb) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД10');
else {
$last_active_us = strtotime("$last_active");
$hp_time_us = ($now - $last_active_us);
if ($hp_time_us !=0) {
$hp_up_us = ($hp_time_us * $regen_us);
$hp_up_us = ($hp_us + $hp_up_us);
if (($max_hp_us > $hp_up_us) and ($hp_up_us > 0)) {
$hp_us = $hp_up_us;
if ($hp_up_us > $max_hp_us) {
$hp_us = $max_hp_us;
$time_p_abot = $row_rebot['time_p'];
$time_p_abot = strtotime("$time_p_abot");
$razn_abot = ($now - $time_p_abot);
if ($razn_abot > $row_rebot['speed_p']) {
$query_abot = "Select id, hp, bronya, sost_cl, razriv_cl, sost_cl from users where location = '$location' and hp > 0 and last_active > NOW() - (60*5) and ban != 1 and id != '$id_rebot'";
$result_abot = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_abot) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД7');
$count_users = mysqli_num_rows($result_abot);
$row_count = mysqli_fetch_array($result_abot);
$rand_number = rand(1,$count_users);
while ($s<>$rand_number) {
$row_count = mysqli_fetch_array($result_abot);
$id_set_abot = $row_count['id'];
//////////////Выбрали жертву
if ($row_count['sost_cl'] > 0) {
if ($row_count['gruppa'] == 'mytants') {
$bron = $row_count['razriv_cl'];
else {
$bron = $row_count['bronya'];
else {
$bron = 0;
//////////////C бронёй разобрались
$p = rand(245,275);
$p = ($p/1000);
if ($bron <> 0) {
$attack = ((($row_rebot['yron_p'] * $row_rebot['tochn_p']) / $bron) * $p);
else {
$attack = ((($row_rebot['yron_p'] * $row_rebot['tochn_p'])/(300)) * $p);
$id_abot = $row_count['id'];
//////////Атаку знаем.
$hp_abot = ($row_count['hp'] - $attack);
if ($hp_abot < 0) {
$hp_abot = 0;
$query_log = "insert into log (`time`, `user_id`, `sboitie`, `thing` , `yron`) values (NOW(), '$id_rebot', 1 , '$id_abot', '$attack')";
$result_log = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_log) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД18');
$query_reb = "update users set hp = '$hp_abot' where id = '$id_abot' limit 1";
$result_reb= mysqli_query($dbc, $query_reb) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД10');
$query_reb = "update users set last_active=NOW(), hp='$hp_us', time_p=NOW() where id = '$id_rebot' limit 1";
$result_reb= mysqli_query($dbc, $query_reb) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД10');