Файл: conf/loc.php
Строк: 245
///////////////////////////////////////Все данные о локации
if (empty($err)) {
$err = $_GET['err'];
if (!empty($err)) {
<div id="error">
if ($err == 8) {echo "Нельзя использовать аптечки так часто";}
if ($err == 7) {echo "Нужно захватить БП чтобы двигаться дальше";}
if ($err == 6) {echo "Нет оружия данного типа";}
if ($err == 5) {echo "У вас сломано оружиe";}
if ($err == 4) {echo "Своих атаковать нельзя";}
if ($err == 3) {echo "Оружие не готово";}
if ($err == 2) {echo "У вас нет аптечек";}
if ($err == 1) {echo "Вы не можете телепортироваться";}
$attack = $_GET['attack'];
$attack = htmlentities($attack, ENT_QUOTES);
$re_p = $_GET['re_p'];
if ($lok_out <> 1) {
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] <> $us_gruppa) {
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="d"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="n"/><?php }?>
<a href="attack.php?attack=bp">Атаковать БП
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') { echo 'Долга'; }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') { echo 'Одиночек'; }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') { echo 'Свободы'; }?>
if ($row_loc['bp_count_grouppa'] == $us_gruppa and $row_loc['bp_count_now'] <>0) { ?> (<?php echo $row_loc['bp_count_now'];?>/<?php echo $row_loc['bp_count'];?>)<?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_count_grouppa'] <> $us_gruppa and $row_loc['bp_count_now'] <>0 ) { ?> (-<?php echo $row_loc['bp_count_now'];?>/<?php echo $row_loc['bp_count'];?>)<?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_count_now'] == 0 ) { ?> (0/<?php echo $row_loc['bp_count'];?>)<?php }
if (isset($attack)) {
$gruppa = $row['gruppa'];
$query_att = "Select id, nick, hp, gruppa, max_hp, last_active, radiation, regen, antirad_time from users where id = '$attack' and location = '$location' and last_active > NOW() - (60*5) and hp != 0 and gruppa != '$gruppa' and ban != 1 limit 1";
$result_att = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_att) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД5');
$row_att = mysqli_fetch_array($result_att);
if ($row_att != 0) {
$gruppa_us = $row_att['gruppa'];
$hp_us = $row_att['hp'];
$max_hp_us = $row_att['max_hp'];
$last_active_us = $row_att['last_active'];
$regen_us = $row_att['regen'];
$nick_us = $row_att['nick'];
$radiation_us = $row_att['radiation'];
$antirad_time_us = $row_att['antirad_time'];
$now = (date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$now = strtotime("$now");
//HP атакованного
$last_active_us = strtotime("$last_active_us");
$hp_time_us = ($now - $last_active_us);
if ($hp_time_us !=0) {
$antirad_time_us = strtotime("$antirad_time_us");
$time = (date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$time = strtotime("$time");
$antirad_time_us = ($time - $antirad_time_us);
$hp_down_rad = ($radiation_us - $radiation_loc);
if ($hp_down_rad < 0 and $antirad_time_us > 7200) {
$regen_us = ($regen_us + $hp_down_rad);
$hp_up_us = ($hp_time_us * $regen_us);
$hp_up_us = ($hp_us + $hp_up_us);
if (($max_hp_us > $hp_up_us) and ($hp_up_us > 0)) {
$hp_us = $hp_up_us;
if ($hp_up_us > $max_hp_us) {
$hp_us = $max_hp_us;
if ($row['speed_p'] != 0) {
<p><img src="img/ico/pistol.png" alt="p" width="12" height="12"/> <a href="attack.php?rand=0&weapon=pistol&attack=<?php echo"$attack"; ?>">Напасть</a> <?php
if ($gruppa_us == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svoboda.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($gruppa_us == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolg.png" width="12" height="12" alt="d"/><?php }
if ($gruppa_us == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochki.png" width="12" height="12" alt="n"/><?php }?>
<a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo"$attack"; ?>"><?php echo "[$nick_us]"; ?></a><?php
echo " ($hp_us)";?>
if ($row['speed_w'] != 0) {?>
<p><img src="img/ico/weapons.png" alt="a" width="12" height="12"/> <a href="attack.php?rand=0&weapon=avtomat&attack=<?php echo"$attack"; ?>">Напасть</a> <?php
if ($gruppa_us == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svoboda.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($gruppa_us == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolg.png" width="12" height="12" alt="d"/><?php }
if ($gruppa_us == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochki.png" width="12" height="12" alt="n"/><?php }?>
<a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo"$attack"; ?>"><?php echo "[$nick_us]"; ?></a><?php
echo " ($hp_us)";?></p>
if ($number_naim != 0 and $row['gruppa'] != 'naemniki') {
<p><img src="img/ico/to4nost.png" width="12" height="12"/> <a href="attack.php?group=naemniki&rand=1">Напасть на "одиночек"</a></p>
if ($number_dolg != 0 and $row['gruppa'] != 'dolg') {
<p><img src="img/ico/to4nost.png" width="12" height="12"/> <a href="attack.php?group=dolg&rand=1">Напасть на "долг"</a></p>
if ($number_svoboda != 0 and $row['gruppa'] != 'svoboda') {
<p><img src="img/ico/to4nost.png" width="12" height="12"/> <a href="attack.php?group=svoboda&rand=1">Напасть на "свободу"</a></p>
$query_number_mytants = "Select id from users where gruppa = 'mytants' and location = '$location' and hp != 0 and ban != 1 limit 1";
$result_number_mytants = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_number_mytants) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$number_mytants = mysqli_num_rows ($result_number_mytants);
if (!empty($number_mytants)) {
$number_mytants = mysqli_num_rows ($result_number_mytants);
?> <p><img src="img/ico/mytants.png" width="12" height="12" alt="m"/> <a href="attack.php?group=mytants&rand=1">Напасть на мутантов</a></p>
$query_number_bandits = "Select id from users where gruppa = 'bandits' and location = '$location' and hp != 0 and ban != 1 limit 1";
$result_number_bandits = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_number_bandits) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$number_bandits = mysqli_num_rows ($result_number_bandits);
if (!empty($number_bandits)) {
$number_bandits = mysqli_num_rows ($result_number_bandits);
?> <p><img src="img/ico/mytants.png" width="12" height="12" alt="m"/> <a href="attack.php?group=bandits&rand=1">Напасть на бандитов</a></p>
$query_number_bandits = "Select id from users where gruppa = 'monolits' and location = '$location' and hp != 0 and ban != 1 limit 1";
$result_number_bandits = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_number_bandits) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$number_bandits = mysqli_num_rows ($result_number_bandits);
if (!empty($number_bandits)) {
$number_bandits = mysqli_num_rows ($result_number_bandits);
?> <p><img src="img/ico/mytants.png" width="12" height="12" alt="m"/> <a href="attack.php?group=monolits&rand=1">Напасть на монолит</a></p>
$query_number_bandits = "Select id from users where gruppa = 'zombie' and location = '$location' and hp != 0 and ban != 1 limit 1";
$result_number_bandits = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_number_bandits) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$number_bandits = mysqli_num_rows ($result_number_bandits);
if (!empty($number_bandits)) {
$number_bandits = mysqli_num_rows ($result_number_bandits);
?> <p><img src="img/ico/mytants.png" width="12" height="12" alt="m"/> <a href="attack.php?group=zombie&rand=1">Напасть на зомби</a></p>
$need_health = ($max_health * 0.6);
if (($health < $need_health) and (!empty($aptechki))) {
$apt_time = $row['time_apt'];
$apt_time = strtotime("$apt_time");
$time = (date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$time = strtotime("$time");
$apt_time = ($time - $apt_time);
<p><img src="img/ico/apte4ka.png" width="12" height="12"/> <a href="uphealth.php">Использовать аптечку
if ($apt_time <=60) {
$ttt = (60-$apt_time);
echo "($ttt сек)"; }
$antirad_time = $row['antirad_time'];
$antirad_time = strtotime("$antirad_time");
$time = (date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$time = strtotime("$time");
$antirad_time = ($time - $antirad_time);
if ($hp_down_rad < 0 and $antirad_time > 7200 and $row['antirad'] <> 0) {
<p><img src="img/ico/antirad.png" width="12" height="12"/> <a href="useantirad.php">Использовать антирад</a></p>
///////////////////////////////////////Конец данным