Файл: bunker.php
Строк: 681
if ((!isset($_SESSION['id'])) or (!isset($_SESSION['nick']))) {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "reg.php";
$user_id = $_SESSION['id'];
$location = $_GET['location'];
$query = "Select gruppa, hp, max_hp, last_active, radiation, antirad_time, regen, opit, aptechki, speed_p, speed_w, antirad_time, antirad, location, time_apt from users where id = '$user_id' limit 1";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД1');
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$health = $row['hp'];
if ($health == 0) {//Если здоровье равно 0, то ссылкаемся на смерть
<script type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "death.php";
$max_health = $row['max_hp'];
$us_gruppa = $row['gruppa'];
$aptechki = $row['aptechki'];
$query_lvl = "Select lvl, opit from opit order by lvl desc";
$result_lvl = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_lvl) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД3');
$row_lvl = mysqli_fetch_array($result_lvl);
while (($row['opit']/100) < $row_lvl['opit']) {
$row_lvl = mysqli_fetch_array($result_lvl);
$us_location = $row['location'];
if (empty($location)) {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "zona.php";
else {
if ($location <> 'bunker1' and $location <> 'bunker2' and $location <> 'bunker3' and $location <> 'bunker4' and $location <> 'bunker5' and $location <> 'bunker6') {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "zona.php";
if ($us_location <> 'bunker1' and $us_location <> 'bunker2' and $us_location <> 'bunker3' and $us_location <> 'bunker4' and $us_location <> 'bunker5' and $us_location <> 'bunker6' and $us_location <> 'index') {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "zona.php";
if ($location == 'bunker1') {
if ($us_gruppa <> 'naemniki' and $us_location <> 'bunker3') {
$location = "$us_location";
if ($us_gruppa == 'naemniki' and $us_location <> 'bunker3' and $us_location <> 'index') {
$location = "$us_location";
if ($location == 'bunker2') {
if ($us_gruppa <> 'svoboda' and $us_location <> 'bunker4') {
$location = "$us_location";
if ($us_gruppa == 'svoboda' and $us_location <> 'bunker4' and $us_location <> 'index') {
$location = "$us_location";
if ($location == 'bunker6') {
if ($us_gruppa <> 'dolg' and $us_location <> 'bunker5') {
$location = "$us_location";
if ($us_gruppa == 'dolg' and $us_location <> 'bunker5' and $us_location <> 'index') {
$location = "$us_location";
if ($location == 'bunker5') {
if ($us_location <> 'bunker6' and $us_location <> 'bunker3' and $us_location <> 'bunker4') {
$location = "$us_location";
if ($location == 'bunker3') {
if ($us_location <> 'bunker5' and $us_location <> 'bunker4' and $us_location <> 'bunker1') {
$location = "$us_location";
if ($location == 'bunker4') {
if ($us_location <> 'bunker2' and $us_location <> 'bunker3' and $us_location <> 'bunker5') {
$location = "$us_location";
if ($location <> 'bunker1' and $location <> 'bunker2' and $location <> 'bunker3' and $location <> 'bunker4' and $location <> 'bunker5' and $location <> 'bunker6') {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "zona.php";
$query_loc = "select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = '$us_location' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД4');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] <> $us_gruppa) {
if ($us_gruppa == 'naemniki') {
if ($location == 'bunker3' and $us_location == 'bunker1') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker4' and $us_location == 'bunker3') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker5' and $us_location == 'bunker3') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker2' and $us_location == 'bunker4') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker5' and $us_location == 'bunker4') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker4' and $us_location == 'bunker5') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker6' and $us_location == 'bunker5') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($us_gruppa == 'dolg') {
if ($location == 'bunker5' and $us_location == 'bunker6') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker5' and $us_location == 'bunker3') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker5' and $us_location == 'bunker4') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker3' and $us_location == 'bunker4') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker2' and $us_location == 'bunker4') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker1' and $us_location == 'bunker3') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker4' and $us_location == 'bunker3') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($us_gruppa == 'svoboda') {/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ($location == 'bunker4' and $us_location == 'bunker2') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker3' and $us_location == 'bunker4') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker5' and $us_location == 'bunker4') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker3' and $us_location == 'bunker5') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker5' and $us_location == 'bunker3') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker1' and $us_location == 'bunker3') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'bunker6' and $us_location == 'bunker5') {
$location = "$us_location";
$err = 7;
if ($location == 'index') {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "zona.php";
$location = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($location));
$query_loc = "update users set location = '$location' where id = '$user_id' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД3');
////////////////////////////////////////////Названия локаций
if ($location == 'bunker1') { $page_title = 'Прачечная';}
if ($location == 'bunker2') { $page_title = 'КБО "Юбилейный"';}
if ($location == 'bunker3') { $page_title = 'Детский сад';}
if ($location == 'bunker4') { $page_title = 'Общежитие';}
if ($location == 'bunker5') { $page_title = 'Кинотеатр "Прометей"';}
if ($location == 'bunker6') { $page_title = 'Магазин "Книги"';}
///////////////////////////////Восстановление здоровья при переходе при старом счётчике
if ($location <> $us_location) {
$hp = $row['hp'];
$antirad_time = $row['antirad_time'];
$antirad_time = strtotime("$antirad_time");
$radiation = $row['radiation'];
$regen = $row['regen'];
$time_top = (date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$time_top = strtotime("$time_top");
$antirad_time = ($time_top - $antirad_time);
$max_hp = $row['max_hp'];
$last_active = $row['last_active'];
$last_active = strtotime("$last_active");
$hp_time = ($time_top - $last_active);
if ($antirad_time > 7200) {
$query_loc = "select radiation from location where location_name = '$us_location' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД2');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
$radiation_loc = $row_loc['radiation'];
$hp_down_rad = ($radiation - $radiation_loc);
if ($hp_down_rad < 0) {
$regen = ($regen + $hp_down_rad);
if ($hp_time !=0) {
$hp_up = ($hp_time * $regen);
$hp_up = ($hp + $hp_up);
if ($hp_up <= 0) {
$query_time_hp = "update users set hp = 0, last_active = NOW() where id = '$user_id' limit 1";
$result_time_hp = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_time_hp) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$hp_search = 0;
if (($max_hp > $hp_up) and ($hp_up > 0)) {
$query_time_hp = "update users set hp = '$hp_up', last_active = NOW() where id = '$user_id' limit 1";
$result_time_hp = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_time_hp) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$hp_search = "$hp_up";
if ($hp_up > $max_hp) {
$query_time_hp = "update users set hp = '$max_hp', last_active = NOW() where id = '$user_id' limit 1";
$result_time_hp = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_time_hp) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$hp_search = "$max_hp";
if ($hp_search == 0) {//Если здоровье равно 0, то ссылкаемся на смерть
<script type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "death.php";
if ($hp<=0) {
<div id="main">
<div id="error">Вас убили</div>
<div class="stats">
<p><img src="img/ico/point.png" width="12" height="12"/> <a href="death.php?re=1">Восстановиться</a></p>
$query_loc = "select count, lvl_need, lvl_to , count_now, bp_gruppa, bp_count, bp_count_now, bp_count_grouppa from location where location_name = '$location' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД4');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<div id="main">
<p class="podmenu"><?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
echo " $page_title"; ?></p>
<p><img src="img/ico/bp.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/> <?php echo $row_loc['count_now']; echo '/'; echo $row_loc['count'];?></p>
if ($row_loc['lvl_to'] < $us_lvl) {
<div id="error">
Ваш уровень стал слишком высоким для этой локации
if ($row_loc['lvl_need'] > $us_lvl) {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "zona.php?err=4";
//////////////////////РЕСПАВН БОТОВ
////////////////////// ДАННЫЕ О ЛОКАЦИИ
<div class="stats">
if ($location == 'bunker1') {
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker3' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/bottomright.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker3">Бежать к детскому саду</a></p>
if ($location == 'bunker2') {
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker4'";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/bottomleft.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker4">Бежать к общежитию</a></p>
if ($location == 'bunker3') {
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker1' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/topleft.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker1">Бежать к прачечной</a></p>
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker4' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/right.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker4">Бежать к общежитию</a></p>
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker5' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/bottomright.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker5">Бежать к кинотеатру</a></p>
if ($location == 'bunker4') {
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker2' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/topright.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker2">Бежать к КБО</a></p>
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker3' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/left.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker3">Бежать к детскому саду</a></p>
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker5' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/bottomleft.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker5">Бежать к кинотеатру</a></p>
if ($location == 'bunker5') {
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker3' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/topleft.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker3">Бежать к детскому саду</a></p>
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker4' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/topright.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker4">Бежать к общежитию</a></p>
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker6' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/bottom.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker6">Бежать к магазину</a></p>
if ($location == 'bunker6') {
$query_loc = "Select bp_gruppa from location where location_name = 'bunker5' limit 1";
$result_loc = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_loc) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$row_loc = mysqli_fetch_array($result_loc);
<p><img src="img/ico/top.png" width="12" height="12"/> <?php
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'svoboda') {?><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'dolg') {?><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="s"/><?php }
if ($row_loc['bp_gruppa'] == 'naemniki') {?><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/><?php }
?> <a href="bunker.php?location=bunker5">Бежать к кинотеатру</a></p>
if ($us_gruppa == 'naemniki' and $location == 'bunker1') {
?><p><img src="img/ico/out.png" width="12" height="12"/> <img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/> <a href="zona.php">Выйти из зоны</a></p><?php
if ($us_gruppa == 'dolg' and $location == 'bunker6') {
?><p><img src="img/ico/out.png" width="12" height="12"/> <img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/> <a href="zona.php">Выйти из зоны</a></p><?php
if ($us_gruppa == 'svoboda' and $location == 'bunker2') {
?><p><img src="img/ico/out.png" width="12" height="12"/> <img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="o"/> <a href="zona.php">Выйти из зоны</a></p><?php