Файл: activerat.php
Строк: 172
$page_title = 'Рейтинг';
if ((isset($_SESSION['id'])) and (isset($_SESSION['nick']))) {
<div id="main">
<div class="stats">
<p class="podmenu">Рейтинг активности</p>
if (empty($type)) {
<div class="stats">
<span class="bonus">Рейтинг активности игроков <img src="img/ico/patrul.png" width="16" height="16" alt="н"/></span>
$query_num = "Select id from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits'" ;
$result_num = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_num) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$total = mysqli_num_rows($result_num);
<p class="podmenu">Всего игроков <?php echo "[ $total ]"; ?></p>
if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
$cur_page = $_GET['page'];
else {
$cur_page = 1;
$result_per_page = 10;
$skip = (($cur_page - 1) * $result_per_page);
$num_page = ceil($total / $result_per_page);
if ($num_page > 0) {
if ($type==1) {
$query_us = "Select nick ,id,gruppa, last_active, activ from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits' order by activ DESC limit $skip, $result_per_page";
if ($type==2) {
$query_us = "Select nick ,id,gruppa, last_active, bronya from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits' order by bronya DESC limit $skip, $result_per_page";
if ($type==3) {
$query_us = "Select nick ,id,gruppa, last_active, razriv_cl from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits' order by razriv_cl DESC limit $skip, $result_per_page";
if ($type==4) {
$query_us = "Select nick ,id,gruppa, last_active, yron_p from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits' order by yron_p DESC limit $skip, $result_per_page";
if ($type==5) {
$query_us = "Select nick ,id,gruppa, last_active, tochn_p from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits' order by tochn_p DESC limit $skip, $result_per_page";
if ($type==6) {
$query_us = "Select nick ,id,gruppa, last_active, safety_p from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits' order by safety_p DESC limit $skip, $result_per_page";
if ($type==7) {
$query_us = "Select nick ,id,gruppa, last_active, yron_w from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits' order by yron_w DESC limit $skip, $result_per_page";
if ($type==8) {
$query_us = "Select nick ,id,gruppa, last_active, tochn_w from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits' order by tochn_w DESC limit $skip, $result_per_page";
if ($type==9) {
$query_us = "Select nick ,id,gruppa, last_active, safety_w from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits' order by safety_w DESC limit $skip, $result_per_page";
if ($type==10) {
$query_us = "Select nick ,id,gruppa, max_hp, last_active from users where gruppa <> 'mytants' and gruppa <>'bandits' and gruppa <> 'zombie' and gruppa <> 'monolits' order by max_hp DESC limit $skip, $result_per_page";
$result_us = mysqli_query($dbc, $query_us) or die ('Ошибка передачи запроса к БД');
$now = (date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$now = strtotime("$now");
while ($row_us = mysqli_fetch_array($result_us)) {
$nick = $row_us['nick'];
$id_us = $row_us['id'];
$gruppa = $row_us['gruppa'];
$last_active = $row_us['last_active'];
$last_active = strtotime("$last_active");
$razn_last_act = ($now - $last_active);
<div class="zx">
if ($gruppa == 'svoboda') {if ($razn_last_act < 300 ) {?><img src="img/ico/on.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><?php } else {?><img src="img/ico/off.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><img src="img/ico/svobodaon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><?php }}
if ($gruppa == 'dolg') {if ($razn_last_act < 300 ) {?><img src="img/ico/on.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><?php } else {?><img src="img/ico/off.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><img src="img/ico/dolgon.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><?php }}
if ($gruppa == 'naemniki') {if ($razn_last_act < 300 ) {?><img src="img/ico/on.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><?php } else {?><img src="img/ico/off.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><img src="img/ico/odinochkion.png" width="12" height="12" alt="н"/><?php }}
?> <a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo "$id_us"; ?>"><?php echo "$nick";?></a><b>
<span class="white">(
if ($type==1) { echo $row_us['activ'];}
if ($type==2) { echo $row_us['bronya'];}
if ($type==3) { echo $row_us['razriv_cl'];}
if ($type==4) { echo $row_us['yron_p'];}
if ($type==5) { echo $row_us['tochn_p'];}
if ($type==6) { echo $row_us['safety_p'] . '%';}
if ($type==7) { echo $row_us['yron_w'];}
if ($type==8) { echo $row_us['tochn_w'];}
if ($type==9) { echo $row_us['safety_w'] . '%';}
if ($type==10) { echo $row_us['max_hp'];}
<div class="zx">
$phpself= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$phpself = htmlentities($phpself, ENT_QUOTES);
if ($cur_page > 1) {
echo '<a href="' . "$phpself" . '?page=1' . '&type=' . $type . '"><<</a> ';
else {
echo '<< ';
if ($cur_page > 1) {
echo '<a href="' . "$phpself" . '?page=' . ($cur_page-1) . '&type=' . $type . '"><</a> ';
else {
echo '<';
if (($cur_page-3)>0) {
$k = ($cur_page-3);
?><a href="<?php echo "$phpself" . '?page=' . ($cur_page-3) . "&type=$type"?>"><?php echo "$k";?></a><?php
if (($cur_page-2)>0) {
$k = ($cur_page-2);
?> <a href="<?php echo "$phpself" . '?page=' . ($cur_page-2) . "&type=$type"?>"><?php echo "$k";?></a> <?php
if (($cur_page-1)>0) {
$k = ($cur_page-1);
?> <a href="<?php echo "$phpself" . '?page=' . ($cur_page-1) . "&type=$type"?>"><?php echo "$k";?></a> <?php
?> <span class="white"><?php echo " $cur_page ";?></span><?php
if (($cur_page+1)<=$num_page) {
$k = ($cur_page+1);
?> <a href="<?php echo "$phpself" . '?page=' . ($cur_page+1) . "&type=$type"?>"><?php echo "$k";?></a> <?php
if (($cur_page+2)<=$num_page) {
$k = ($cur_page+2);
?> <a href="<?php echo "$phpself" . '?page=' . ($cur_page+2) . "&type=$type"?>"><?php echo "$k";?></a> <?php
if (($cur_page+3)<=$num_page) {
$k = ($cur_page+3);
?> <a href="<?php echo "$phpself" . '?page=' . ($cur_page+3) . "&type=$type"?>"><?php echo "$k";?></a> <?php
if ($cur_page < $num_page) {
echo '<a href="' . "$phpself" . '?page=' . ($cur_page+1) . '&type=' . $type . '">></a> ';
else {
echo '>';
if ($cur_page < $num_page) {
echo ' <a href="' . "$phpself" . '?page=' . $num_page . '&type=' . $type . '">>></a> ';
else {
echo ' >>';