Файл: gallery/new.php
Строк: 140
* @package JohnCMS
* @link http://johncms.com
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2011 JohnCMS Community
* @license LICENSE.txt (see attached file)
* @version VERSION.txt (see attached file)
* @author http://johncms.com/about
defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') or die('Error: restricted access');
echo '<div class="phdr">' . $lng_gal['new_photo'] . '</div>';
$newfile = mysql_query("select * from `gallery` where time > '" . (time() - 259200) . "' and type='ft' order by time desc;");
$totalnew = mysql_num_rows($newfile);
if (empty($_GET['page'])) {
$page = 1;
} else {
$page = intval($_GET['page']);
$start = $page * 10 - 10;
if ($totalnew < $start + 10) {
$end = $totalnew;
} else {
$end = $start + 10;
if ($totalnew != 0) {
while ($newf = mysql_fetch_array($newfile)) {
if ($i >= $start && $i < $end) {
$d = $i / 2;
$d1 = ceil($d);
$d2 = $d1 - $d;
$d3 = ceil($d2);
if ($d3 == 0) {
$div = "<div class='c'>";
} else {
$div = "<div class='b'>";
echo "$div<br/> <a href='index.php?id=" . $newf['id'] . "'>";
$infile = "foto/$newf[name]";
if (!empty($_SESSION['frazm'])) {
$razm = $_SESSION['frazm'];
} else {
$razm = 50;
$sizs = GetImageSize($infile);
$width = $sizs[0];
$height = $sizs[1];
$quality = 100;
$x_ratio = $razm / $width;
$y_ratio = $razm / $height;
if (($width <= $razm) && ($height <= $razm)) {
$tn_width = $width;
$tn_height = $height;
} else if (($x_ratio * $height) < $razm) {
$tn_height = ceil($x_ratio * $height);
$tn_width = $razm;
} else {
$tn_width = ceil($y_ratio * $width);
$tn_height = $razm;
$format = functions::format($infile);
switch ($format) {
case "gif":
$im = ImageCreateFromGIF($infile);
case "jpg":
$im = ImageCreateFromJPEG($infile);
case "jpeg":
$im = ImageCreateFromJPEG($infile);
case "png":
$im = ImageCreateFromPNG($infile);
$im1 = imagecreatetruecolor($tn_width, $tn_height);
$namefile = "$newf[name]";
imagecopyresized($im1, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $tn_width, $tn_height, $width, $height);
switch ($format) {
case "gif":
$imagnam = "temp/$namefile.temp.gif";
ImageGif($im1, $imagnam, $quality);
echo "<img src='" . $imagnam . "' alt=''/><br/>";
case "jpg":
$imagnam = "temp/$namefile.temp.jpg";
imageJpeg($im1, $imagnam, $quality);
echo "<img src='" . $imagnam . "' alt=''/><br/>";
case "jpeg":
$imagnam = "temp/$namefile.temp.jpg";
imageJpeg($im1, $imagnam, $quality);
echo "<img src='" . $imagnam . "' alt=''/><br/>";
case "png":
$imagnam = "temp/$namefile.temp.png";
imagePng($im1, $imagnam, $quality);
echo "<img src='" . $imagnam . "' alt=''/><br/>";
$kom = mysql_query("select * from `gallery` where type='km' and refid='" . $newf['id'] . "';");
$kom1 = mysql_num_rows($kom);
echo "</a><br/>" . $lng['date'] . ': ' . functions::display_date($newf['time']) . '<br/>' . $lng['description'] . ": $newf[text]<br/>";
$al = mysql_query("select * from `gallery` where type = 'al' and id = '" . $newf['refid'] . "';");
$al1 = mysql_fetch_array($al);
$rz = mysql_query("select * from `gallery` where type = 'rz' and id = '" . $al1['refid'] . "';");
$rz1 = mysql_fetch_array($rz);
echo '<a href="index.php?id=' . $al1['id'] . '">' . $rz1['text'] . ' / ' . $al1['text'] . '</a></div>';
if ($totalnew > 10) //TODO: Переделать на новый листинг по страницам
echo "<hr/>";
$ba = ceil($totalnew / 10);
if ($start != 0) {
echo '<a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . ($page - 1) . '"><<</a> ';
$asd = $start - 10;
$asd2 = $start + 20;
if ($asd < $totalnew && $asd > 0) {
echo ' <a href="index.php?act=new&page=1">1</a> .. ';
$page2 = $ba - $page;
$pa = ceil($page / 2);
$paa = ceil($page / 3);
$pa2 = $page + floor($page2 / 2);
$paa2 = $page + floor($page2 / 3);
$paa3 = $page + (floor($page2 / 3) * 2);
if ($page > 13) {
echo ' <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . $paa . '">' . $paa . '</a> <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . ($paa + 1) . '">' . ($paa + 1) . '</a> .. <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . ($paa * 2) . '">' . ($paa * 2) .
'</a> <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . ($paa * 2 + 1) . '">' . ($paa * 2 + 1) . '</a> .. ';
} elseif ($page > 7) {
echo ' <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . $pa . '">' . $pa . '</a> <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . ($pa + 1) . '">' . ($pa + 1) . '</a> .. ';
for ($i = $asd; $i < $asd2; ) {
if ($i < $totalnew && $i >= 0) {
$ii = floor(1 + $i / 10);
if ($start == $i) {
echo " <b>$ii</b>";
} else {
echo ' <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . $ii . '">' . $ii . '</a> ';
$i = $i + 10;
if ($page2 > 12) {
echo ' .. <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . $paa2 . '">' . $paa2 . '</a> <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . ($paa2 + 1) . '">' . ($paa2 + 1) . '</a> .. <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . ($paa3) . '">' . ($paa3)
. '</a> <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . ($paa3 + 1) . '">' . ($paa3 + 1) . '</a> ';
} elseif ($page2 > 6) {
echo ' .. <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . $pa2 . '">' . $pa2 . '</a> <a href="?act=new&page=' . ($pa2 + 1) . '">' . ($pa2 + 1) . '</a> ';
if ($asd2 < $totalnew) {
echo ' .. <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . $ba . '">' . $ba . '</a>';
if ($totalnew > $start + 10) {
echo ' <a href="index.php?act=new&page=' . ($page + 1) . '">>></a>';
"<form action='index.php'>" . $lng['to_page'] . ":<br/><input type='hidden' name='act' value='new'/><input type='text' name='page'/><br/><input type='submit' value='Go!'/></form>";
echo "<br/>" . $lng['total'] . ": $totalnew";
} else {
echo '<p>' . $lng['list_empty'] . '</p>';
echo "<br/><a href='index.php?'>" . $lng['to_gallery'] . "</a><br/>";