Файл: admin/skins/lib/flot/API.txt
Строк: 2001
Flot Reference
Consider a call to the plot function:
var plot = $.plot(placeholder, data, options)
The placeholder is a jQuery
object or DOM element or jQuery expression
that the plot will be put into.
This placeholder needs to have its
width and height set as explained in the
README (go read that now if
you haven't, it's short). The plot will modify
some properties of the
placeholder so it's recommended you simply pass in a
div that you
don't use for anything else. Make sure you check any fancy
you apply to the div, e.g. background images have been reported to
be a
problem on IE 7.
The format of the data is documented below, as is
the available
options. The plot object returned from the call has some
methods you
can call. These are documented separately below.
Note that in
general Flot gives no guarantees if you change any of the
objects you pass
in to the plot function or get out of it since
they're not necessarily
Data Format
The data is an array of data
[ series1, series2, ... ]
A series can either be raw data or an
object with properties. The raw
data format is an array of points:
[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ... ]
[ [1, 3], [2, 14.01], [3.5, 3.14]
Note that to simplify the internal logic in Flot both the x and y
must be numbers (even if specifying time series, see below for
how to do
this). This is a common problem because you might retrieve
data from the
database and serialize them directly to JSON without
noticing the wrong
type. If you're getting mysterious errors, double
check that you're
inputting numbers and not strings.
If a null is specified as a point or if
one of the coordinates is null
or couldn't be converted to a number, the
point is ignored when
drawing. As a special case, a null value for lines is
interpreted as a
line segment end, i.e. the points before and after the
null value are
not connected.
Lines and points take two coordinates. For
filled lines and bars, you
can specify a third coordinate which is the
bottom of the filled
area/bar (defaults to 0).
The format of a single
series object is as follows:
color: color or number
label: string
lines: specific lines options
specific bars options
points: specific points options
yaxis: number
clickable: boolean
hoverable: boolean
shadowSize: number
You don't have to specify any of them except the
data, the rest are
options that will get default values. Typically you'd
only specify
label and data, like this:
label: "y = 3",
data: [[0, 3], [10, 3]]
The label is used for the legend, if you
don't specify one, the series
will not show up in the legend.
If you don't
specify color, the series will get a color from the
auto-generated colors.
The color is either a CSS color specification
(like "rgb(255, 100,
123)") or an integer that specifies which of
auto-generated colors to
select, e.g. 0 will get color no. 0, etc.
The latter is mostly useful if
you let the user add and remove series,
in which case you can hard-code the
color index to prevent the colors
from jumping around between the
The "xaxis" and "yaxis" options specify which
axis to use. The axes
are numbered from 1 (default), so { yaxis: 2} means
that the series
should be plotted against the second y
"clickable" and "hoverable" can be set to false
to disable
interactivity for specific series if interactivity is turned on
the plot, see below.
The rest of the options are all documented below
as they are the same
as the default options passed in via the options
parameter in the plot
commmand. When you specify them for a specific data
series, they will
override the default options for the plot for that data
Here's a complete example of a simple data specification:
[ {
label: "Foo", data: [ [10, 1], [17, -14], [30, 5] ] },
label: "Bar", data: [ [11, 13], [19, 11], [30, -7] ] } ]
All options are completely optional. They are
documented individually
below, to change them you just specify them in an
object, e.g.
var options = {
series: {
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true }
$.plot(placeholder, data,
Customizing the legend
legend: {
show: boolean
labelFormatter: null or (fn: string, series object ->
labelBoxBorderColor: color
noColumns: number
"ne" or "nw" or "se" or "sw"
margin: number of pixels or [x margin, y margin]
backgroundColor: null
or color
backgroundOpacity: number between 0 and 1
container: null
or jQuery object/DOM element/jQuery expression
The legend is generated
as a table with the data series labels and
small label boxes with the color
of the series. If you want to format
the labels in some way, e.g. make them
to links, you can pass in a
function for "labelFormatter". Here's
an example that makes them
labelFormatter: function(label,
series) {
// series is the series object for the label
'<a href="#' + label + '">' + label + '</a>';
"noColumns" is the number of columns to divide the legend
table into.
"position" specifies the overall placement of the
legend within the
plot (top-right, top-left, etc.) and margin the distance
to the plot
edge (this can be either a number or an array of two numbers
like [x,
y]). "backgroundColor" and "backgroundOpacity"
specifies the
background. The default is a partly transparent
If you want the legend to appear somewhere else
in the DOM, you can
specify "container" as a jQuery
object/expression to put the legend
table into. The "position"
and "margin" etc. options will then be
ignored. Note that Flot
will overwrite the contents of the container.
Customizing the
xaxis, yaxis: {
show: null or true/false
position: "bottom" or "top" or "left" or
mode: null or "time"
color: null or
color spec
tickColor: null or color spec
min: null or number
max: null or number
autoscaleMargin: null or number
transform: null or fn: number -> number
inverseTransform: null or
fn: number -> number
ticks: null or number or ticks array or
(fn: range -> ticks array)
tickSize: number or array
minTickSize: number or array
tickFormatter: (fn: number, object ->
string) or string
tickDecimals: null or number
labelWidth: null or
labelHeight: null or number
reserveSpace: null or true
tickLength: null or number
alignTicksWithAxis: null or number
All axes have the same kind of options. The following describes how
configure one axis, see below for what to do if you've got more than
x axis or y axis.
If you don't set the "show" option (i.e. it is
null), visibility is
auto-detected, i.e. the axis will show up if there's
data associated
with it. You can override this by setting the
"show" option to true or
The "position" option
specifies where the axis is placed, bottom or
top for x axes, left or right
for y axes. The "mode" option determines
how the data is
interpreted, the default of null means as decimal
numbers. Use
"time" for time series data, see the time series
The "color" option determines the color of the
labels and ticks for
the axis (default is the grid color). For more
fine-grained control
you can also set the color of the ticks separately
with "tickColor"
(otherwise it's autogenerated as the base color
with some
The options "min"/"max" are
the precise minimum/maximum value on the
scale. If you don't specify either
of them, a value will automatically
be chosen based on the minimum/maximum
data values. Note that Flot
always examines all the data values you feed to
it, even if a
restriction on another axis may make some of them invisible
makes interactive use more stable).
The "autoscaleMargin"
is a bit esoteric: it's the fraction of margin
that the scaling algorithm
will add to avoid that the outermost points
ends up on the grid border.
Note that this margin is only applied when
a min or max value is not
explicitly set. If a margin is specified,
the plot will furthermore extend
the axis end-point to the nearest
whole tick. The default value is
"null" for the x axes and 0.02 for y
axes which seems appropriate
for most cases.
"transform" and "inverseTransform" are
callbacks you can put in to
change the way the data is drawn. You can
design a function to
compress or expand certain parts of the axis
non-linearly, e.g.
suppress weekends or compress far away points with a
logarithm or some
other means. When Flot draws the plot, each value is
first put through
the transform function. Here's an example, the x axis can
be turned
into a natural logarithm axis with the following code:
transform: function (v) { return Math.log(v); },
inverseTransform: function (v) { return Math.exp(v); }
Similarly, for
reversing the y axis so the values appear in inverse
yaxis: {
transform: function (v) { return -v; },
inverseTransform: function
(v) { return -v; }
Note that for finding extrema, Flot assumes that
the transform
function does not reorder values (it should be
The inverseTransform is simply the inverse of the transform
(so v == inverseTransform(transform(v)) for all relevant v). It
required for converting from canvas coordinates to data
e.g. for a mouse interaction where a certain pixel is clicked.
If you
don't use any interactive features of Flot, you may not need
The rest of the options deal with the ticks.
If you don't specify
any ticks, a tick generator algorithm will make
some for you. The algorithm
has two passes. It first estimates how
many ticks would be reasonable and
uses this number to compute a nice
round tick interval size. Then it
generates the ticks.
You can specify how many ticks the algorithm aims for
by setting
"ticks" to a number. The algorithm always tries to
generate reasonably
round tick values so even if you ask for three ticks,
you might get
five if that fits better with the rounding. If you don't want
ticks at all, set "ticks" to 0 or an empty array.
option is to skip the rounding part and directly set the tick
interval size
with "tickSize". If you set it to 2, you'll get ticks at
2, 4, 6,
etc. Alternatively, you can specify that you just don't want
ticks at a
size less than a specific tick size with "minTickSize".
Note that
for time series, the format is an array like [2, "month"],
the next section.
If you want to completely override the tick algorithm,
you can specify
an array for "ticks", either like this:
[0, 1.2, 2.4]
Or like this where the labels are also customized:
[[0, "zero"], [1.2, "one mark"], [2.4, "two
You can mix the two if you like.
For extra flexibility
you can specify a function as the "ticks"
parameter. The function
will be called with an object with the axis
min and max and should return a
ticks array. Here's a simplistic tick
generator that spits out intervals of
pi, suitable for use on the x
axis for trigonometric functions:
piTickGenerator(axis) {
var res = [], i = Math.floor(axis.min /
do {
var v = i * Math.PI;
res.push([v, i +
} while (v < axis.max);
return res;
You can control how the ticks look like with
"tickDecimals", the
number of decimals to display (default is
Alternatively, for ultimate control over how ticks are
formatted you can
provide a function to "tickFormatter". The
function is passed two
parameters, the tick value and an axis object with
information, and
should return a string. The default formatter looks like
function formatter(val, axis) {
The axis object has "min"
and "max" with the range of the axis,
with the number of decimals to round the value to and
with the size of the interval between ticks as calculated
by the automatic
axis scaling algorithm (or specified by you). Here's
an example of a custom
function suffixFormatter(val, axis) {
if (val >
return (val / 1000000).toFixed(axis.tickDecimals) + "
else if (val > 1000)
return (val /
1000).toFixed(axis.tickDecimals) + " kB";
val.toFixed(axis.tickDecimals) + " B";
"labelWidth" and "labelHeight" specifies a fixed
size of the tick
labels in pixels. They're useful in case you need to align
plots. "reserveSpace" means that even if an axis isn't
shown, Flot
should reserve space for it - it is useful in combination
labelWidth and labelHeight for aligning multi-axis
"tickLength" is the length of the tick lines in pixels.
By default, the
innermost axes will have ticks that extend all across the
plot, while
any extra axes use small ticks. A value of null means use the
while a number means small ticks of that length - set it to 0 to
the lines completely.
If you set "alignTicksWithAxis" to
the number of another axis, e.g.
alignTicksWithAxis: 1, Flot will ensure
that the autogenerated ticks
of this axis are aligned with the ticks of the
other axis. This may
improve the looks, e.g. if you have one y axis to the
left and one to
the right, because the grid lines will then match the ticks
in both
ends. The trade-off is that the forced ticks won't necessarily be
natural places.
Multiple axes
If you need more than one
x axis or y axis, you need to specify for
each data series which axis they
are to use, as described under the
format of the data series, e.g. { data:
[...], yaxis: 2 } specifies
that a series should be plotted against the
second y axis.
To actually configure that axis, you can't use the
xaxis/yaxis options
directly - instead there are two arrays in the
xaxes: []
yaxes: []
Here's an example of configuring a
single x axis and two y axes (we
can leave options of the first y axis
empty as the defaults are fine):
xaxes: [ { position:
"top" } ],
yaxes: [ { }, { position: "right", min:
20 } ]
The arrays get their default values from the xaxis/yaxis
settings, so
say you want to have all y axes start at zero, you can simply
yaxis: { min: 0 } instead of adding a min parameter to all the
Generally, the various interfaces in Flot dealing with data
either accept an xaxis/yaxis parameter to specify which axis number
use (starting from 1), or lets you specify the coordinate directly
x2/x3/... or x2axis/x3axis/... instead of "x" or
Time series data
Time series are a
bit more difficult than scalar data because
calendars don't follow a simple
base 10 system. For many cases, Flot
abstracts most of this away, but it
can still be a bit difficult to
get the data into Flot. So we'll first
discuss the data format.
The time series support in Flot is based on
Javascript timestamps,
i.e. everywhere a time value is expected or handed
over, a Javascript
timestamp number is used. This is a number, not a Date
object. A
Javascript timestamp is the number of milliseconds since January
1970 00:00:00 UTC. This is almost the same as Unix timestamps, except
in milliseconds, so remember to multiply by 1000!
You can see a
timestamp like this
alert((new Date()).getTime())
Normally you want the
timestamps to be displayed according to a
certain time zone, usually the
time zone in which the data has been
produced. However, Flot always
displays timestamps according to UTC.
It has to as the only alternative
with core Javascript is to interpret
the timestamps according to the time
zone that the visitor is in,
which means that the ticks will shift
unpredictably with the time zone
and daylight savings of each visitor.
given that there's no good support for custom time zones in
you'll have to take care of this server-side.
The easiest way to think
about it is to pretend that the data
production time zone is UTC, even if
it isn't. So if you have a
datapoint at 2002-02-20 08:00, you can generate
a timestamp for eight
o'clock UTC even if it really happened eight o'clock
In PHP you can get an appropriate timestamp
'strtotime("2002-02-20 UTC") * 1000', in Python
'calendar.timegm(datetime_object.timetuple()) * 1000', in .NET
something like:
public static int
GetJavascriptTimestamp(System.DateTime input)
System.TimeSpan span
= new System.TimeSpan(System.DateTime.Parse("1/1/1970").Ticks);
System.DateTime time = input.Subtract(span);
return (long)(time.Ticks
/ 10000);
Javascript also has some support for parsing date strings,
so it is
possible to generate the timestamps manually client-side.
you've already got the real UTC timestamp, it's too late to use the
trick described above. But you can fix up the timestamps by
adding the time
zone offset, e.g. for UTC+0200 you would add 2 hours
to the UTC timestamp
you got. Then it'll look right on the plot. Most
programming environments
have some means of getting the timezone
offset for a specific date (note
that you need to get the offset for
each individual timestamp to account
for daylight savings).
Once you've gotten the timestamps into the data and
specified "time"
as the axis mode, Flot will automatically
generate relevant ticks and
format them. As always, you can tweak the ticks
via the "ticks" option
- just remember that the values should be
timestamps (numbers), not
Date objects.
Tick generation and formatting can
also be controlled separately
through the following axis options:
minTickSize: array
timeformat: null or format string
monthNames: null
or array of size 12 of strings
twelveHourClock: boolean
"timeformat" is a format string to use. You might use it
xaxis: {
mode: "time"
This will result in tick labels like
"2000/12/24". The following
specifiers are supported
%H: hours (left-padded with a zero)
%M: minutes (left-padded with
a zero)
%S: seconds (left-padded with a zero)
%d: day of month (1-31),
use %0d for zero-padding
%m: month (1-12), use %0m for zero-padding
year (four digits)
%b: month name (customizable)
%p: am/pm,
additionally switches %h/%H to 12 hour instead of 24
%P: AM/PM (uppercase
version of %p)
Inserting a zero like %0m or %0d means that the specifier
will be
left-padded with a zero if it's only single-digit. So
results in unambigious ISO timestamps like 2007-05-10 (for May
You can customize the month names with the "monthNames"
option. For
instance, for Danish you might specify:
["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr",
"maj", "jun", "jul", "aug",
"sep", "okt", "nov", "dec"]
If you
set "twelveHourClock" to true, the autogenerated timestamps
use 12 hour AM/PM timestamps instead of 24 hour.
The format string and
month names are used by a very simple built-in
format function that takes a
date object, a format string (and
optionally an array of month names) and
returns the formatted string.
If needed, you can access it as
$.plot.formatDate(date, formatstring,
monthNames) or even replace it with
another more advanced function
from a date library if you're feeling
If everything else fails, you can control the formatting by
a custom tick formatter function as usual. Here's a simple
which will format December 24 as 24/12:
tickFormatter: function
(val, axis) {
var d = new Date(val);
return d.getUTCDate() +
"/" + (d.getUTCMonth() + 1);
Note that for the time mode
"tickSize" and "minTickSize" are a bit
special in that
they are arrays on the form "[value, unit]" where unit
is one of
"second", "minute", "hour", "day",
"month" and "year". So
you can specify
[1, "month"]
to get a tick interval size of at least 1 month and
if axis.tickSize is [2, "day"] in the tick
formatter, the ticks have
been produced with two days
Customizing the data series
series: {
lines, points, bars: {
show: boolean
fill: boolean or number
fillColor: null or
points: {
radius: number
"circle" or function
bars: {
barWidth: number
align: "left" or "center"
horizontal: boolean
lines: {
steps: boolean
shadowSize: number
colors: [ color1, color2, ... ]
The options inside "series:
{}" are copied to each of the series. So
you can specify that all
series should have bars by putting it in the
global options, or override it
for individual series by specifying
bars in a particular the series object
in the array of data.
The most important options are "lines",
"points" and "bars" that
specify whether and how lines,
points and bars should be shown for
each data series. In case you don't
specify anything at all, Flot will
default to showing lines (you can turn
this off with
lines: { show: false }). You can specify the various
independently of each other, and Flot will happily draw each of
in turn (this is probably only useful for lines and points), e.g.
var options = {
series: {
lines: { show: true, fill: true,
fillColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)" },
points: { show:
true, fill: false }
"lineWidth" is the thickness of
the line or outline in pixels. You can
set it to 0 to prevent a line or
outline from being drawn; this will
also hide the shadow.
is whether the shape should be filled. For lines, this produces
graphs. You can use "fillColor" to specify the color of the
If "fillColor" evaluates to false (default for everything
points which are filled with white), the fill color is auto-set to
color of the data series. You can adjust the opacity of the fill
setting fill to a number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1
For bars, fillColor can be a gradient, see the gradient
below. "barWidth" is the width of the bars in units
of the x axis (or
the y axis if "horizontal" is true), contrary
to most other measures
that are specified in pixels. For instance, for time
series the unit
is milliseconds so 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 produces bars with
the width of
a day. "align" specifies whether a bar should be
(default) or centered on top of the value it represents.
"horizontal" is on, the bars are drawn horizontally, i.e.
from the y
axis instead of the x axis; note that the bar end points are
defined in the same way so you'll probably want to swap
coordinates if you've been plotting vertical bars first.
For lines,
"steps" specifies whether two adjacent data points are
with a straight (possibly diagonal) line or with first a
horizontal and
then a vertical line. Note that this transforms the
data by adding extra
For points, you can specify the radius and the symbol. The
built-in symbol type is circles, for other types you can use a
or define them yourself by specifying a callback:
cross(ctx, x, y, radius, shadow) {
var size = radius *
Math.sqrt(Math.PI) / 2;
ctx.moveTo(x - size, y - size);
ctx.lineTo(x + size, y + size);
ctx.moveTo(x - size, y + size);
ctx.lineTo(x + size, y - size);
The parameters are the drawing
context, x and y coordinates of the
center of the point, a radius which
corresponds to what the circle
would have used and whether the call is to
draw a shadow (due to
limited canvas support, shadows are currently faked
through extra
draws). It's good practice to ensure that the area covered by
symbol is the same as for the circle with the given radius,
ensures that all symbols have approximately the same visual
"shadowSize" is the default size of shadows in pixels.
Set it to 0 to
remove shadows.
The "colors" array specifies a
default color theme to get colors for
the data series from. You can specify
as many colors as you like, like
colors: ["#d18b2c",
"#dba255", "#919733"]
If there are more data series
than colors, Flot will try to generate
extra colors by lightening and
darkening colors in the theme.
Customizing the
grid: {
show: boolean
color: color
backgroundColor: color/gradient or null
labelMargin: number
axisMargin: number
markings: array of markings
or (fn: axes -> array of markings)
borderWidth: number
borderColor: color or null
minBorderMargin: number or null
clickable: boolean
hoverable: boolean
autoHighlight: boolean
mouseActiveRadius: number
The grid is the thing with the axes and a
number of ticks. Many of the
things in the grid are configured under the
individual axes, but not
all. "color" is the color of the grid
itself whereas "backgroundColor"
specifies the background color
inside the grid area, here null means
that the background is transparent.
You can also set a gradient, see
the gradient documentation below.
You can
turn off the whole grid including tick labels by setting
to false. "aboveData" determines whether the grid is drawn
the data or below (below is default).
"labelMargin" is the space
in pixels between tick labels and axis
line, and "axisMargin" is
the space in pixels between axes when there
are two next to each other.
Note that you can style the tick labels
with CSS, e.g. to change the color.
They have class "tickLabel".
"borderWidth" is the
width of the border around the plot. Set it to 0
to disable the border. You
can also set "borderColor" if you want the
border to have a
different color than the grid lines.
"minBorderMargin" controls
the default minimum margin around the
border - it's used to make sure that
points aren't accidentally
clipped by the canvas edge so by default the
value is computed from
the point radius.
"markings" is used to
draw simple lines and rectangular areas in the
background of the plot. You
can either specify an array of ranges on
the form { xaxis: { from, to },
yaxis: { from, to } } (with multiple
axes, you can specify coordinates for
other axes instead, e.g. as
x2axis/x3axis/...) or with a function that
returns such an array given
the axes for the plot in an object as the first
You can set the color of markings by specifying
"color" in the ranges
object. Here's an example array:
markings: [ { xaxis: { from: 0, to: 2 }, yaxis: { from: 10, to: 10 },
color: "#bb0000" }, ... ]
If you leave out one of the values,
that value is assumed to go to the
border of the plot. So for example if
you only specify { xaxis: {
from: 0, to: 2 } } it means an area that
extends from the top to the
bottom of the plot in the x range 0-2.
A line
is drawn if from and to are the same, e.g.
markings: [ { yaxis: { from:
1, to: 1 } }, ... ]
would draw a line parallel to the x axis at y = 1. You
can control the
line width with "lineWidth" in the range
An example function that makes vertical stripes might look like
markings: function (axes) {
var markings = [];
for (var x
= Math.floor(axes.xaxis.min); x < axes.xaxis.max; x += 2)
markings.push({ xaxis: { from: x, to: x + 1 } });
return markings;
If you set "clickable" to true, the plot will listen for
click events
on the plot area and fire a "plotclick" event on the
placeholder with
a position and a nearby data item object as parameters.
The coordinates
are available both in the unit of the axes (not in pixels)
and in
global screen coordinates.
Likewise, if you set
"hoverable" to true, the plot will listen for
mouse move events
on the plot area and fire a "plothover" event with
the same
parameters as the "plotclick" event. If "autoHighlight"
true (the default), nearby data items are highlighted automatically.
needed, you can disable highlighting and control it yourself with
highlight/unhighlight plot methods described elsewhere.
You can use
"plotclick" and "plothover" events like this:
$.plot($("#placeholder"), [ d ], { grid: { clickable: true }
$("#placeholder").bind("plotclick", function
(event, pos, item) {
alert("You clicked at " + pos.x +
", " + pos.y);
// axis coordinates for other axes, if
present, are in pos.x2, pos.x3, ...
// if you need global screen
coordinates, they are pos.pageX, pos.pageY
if (item) {
highlight(item.series, item.datapoint);
alert("You clicked a
The item object in this example is either
null or a nearby object on the form:
item: {
datapoint: the point,
e.g. [0, 2]
dataIndex: the index of the point in the data array
series: the series object
seriesIndex: the index of the series
pageX, pageY: the global screen coordinates of the point
For instance,
if you have specified the data like this
$.plot($("#placeholder"), [ { label: "Foo", data: [[0,
10], [7, 3]] } ], ...);
and the mouse is near the point (7, 3),
"datapoint" is [7, 3],
"dataIndex" will be 1,
"series" is a normalized series object with
among other things
the "Foo" label in series.label and the color in
and "seriesIndex" is 0. Note that plugins and options
transform the data can shift the indexes from what you specified
in the
original data array.
If you use the above events to update some other
information and want
to clear out that info in case the mouse goes away,
you'll probably
also need to listen to "mouseout" events on the
placeholder div.
"mouseActiveRadius" specifies how far the mouse
can be from an item
and still activate it. If there are two or more points
within this
radius, Flot chooses the closest item. For bars, the top-most
(from the latest specified data series) is chosen.
If you want to
disable interactivity for a specific data series, you
can set
"hoverable" and "clickable" to false in the options for
series, like this { data: [...], label: "Foo", clickable:
false }.
Specifying gradients
A gradient is
specified like this:
{ colors: [ color1, color2, ... ] }
For instance,
you might specify a background on the grid going from
black to gray like
grid: {
backgroundColor: { colors: ["#000",
"#999"] }
For the series you can specify the gradient as an
object that
specifies the scaling of the brightness and the opacity of the
color, e.g.
{ colors: [{ opacity: 0.8 }, { brightness: 0.6,
opacity: 0.8 } ] }
where the first color simply has its alpha scaled,
whereas the second
is also darkened. For instance, for bars the following
makes the bars
gradually disappear, without outline:
bars: {
lineWidth: 0,
fill: true,
fillColor: { colors: [ {
opacity: 0.8 }, { opacity: 0.1 } ] }
Flot currently only supports
vertical gradients drawn from top to
bottom because that's what works with
Plot Methods
The Plot object returned from the plot
function has some methods you
can call:
- highlight(series, datapoint)
Highlight a specific datapoint in the data series. You can either
specify the actual objects, e.g. if you got them from a
"plotclick" event, or you can specify the indices, e.g.
highlight(1, 3) to highlight the fourth point in the second series
(remember, zero-based indexing).
- unhighlight(series, datapoint) or
Remove the highlighting of the point, same parameters
If you call unhighlight with no parameters, e.g. as
plot.unhighlight(), all current highlights are removed.
You can use this to reset the data used. Note that axis
ticks, legend etc. will not be recomputed (use setupGrid() to
that). You'll probably want to call draw() afterwards.
You can
use this function to speed up redrawing a small plot if
you know that
the axes won't change. Put in the new data with
setData(newdata), call
draw(), and you're good to go. Note that
for large datasets, almost all
the time is consumed in draw()
plotting the data so in this case don't
- setupGrid()
Recalculate and set axis scaling, ticks,
legend etc.
Note that because of the drawing model of the canvas,
function will immediately redraw (actually reinsert in the DOM)
the labels and the legend, but not the actual tick lines because
they're drawn on the canvas. You need to call draw() to get the
- draw()
Redraws the plot canvas.
Schedules an update of an overlay canvas used
for drawing
interactive things like a selection and point highlights.
is mostly useful for writing plugins. The redraw doesn't happen
immediately, instead a timer is set to catch multiple successive
redraws (e.g. from a mousemove). You can get to the overlay by
up a drawOverlay hook.
- width()/height()
Gets the width and height
of the plotting area inside the grid.
This is smaller than the canvas
or placeholder dimensions as some
extra space is needed (e.g. for
- offset()
Returns the offset of the plotting area inside
the grid relative
to the document, useful for instance for calculating
positions (event.pageX/Y minus this offset is the pixel position
inside the plot).
- pointOffset({ x: xpos, y: ypos })
the calculated offset of the data point at (x, y) in data
space within
the placeholder div. If you are working with multiple axes, you
specify the x and y axis references, e.g.
o = pointOffset({ x:
xpos, y: ypos, xaxis: 2, yaxis: 3 })
// o.left and o.top now contains
the offset within the div
- resize()
Tells Flot to resize the
drawing canvas to the size of the
placeholder. You need to run
setupGrid() and draw() afterwards as
canvas resizing is a destructive
operation. This is used
internally by the resize plugin.
Cleans up any event handlers Flot has currently registered.
is used internally.
There are also some members that let you
peek inside the internal
workings of Flot which is useful in some cases.
Note that if you change
something in the objects returned, you're changing
the objects used by
Flot to keep track of its state, so be careful.
Returns an array of the data series currently used in
form with missing settings filled in according to the
options. So for instance to find out what color Flot has
to the data series, you could do this:
var series =
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; ++i)
A notable other interesting field besides
color is datapoints
which has a field "points" with the
normalized data points in a
flat array (the field "pointsize"
is the increment in the flat
array to get to the next point so for a
dataset consisting only of
(x,y) pairs it would be 2).
- getAxes()
Gets an object with the axes. The axes are returned as the
attributes of the object, so for instance getAxes().xaxis is the
Various things are stuffed inside an axis object, e.g. you
use getAxes().xaxis.ticks to find out what the ticks are for the
xaxis. Two other useful attributes are p2c and c2p, functions for
transforming from data point space to the canvas plot space and
Both returns values that are offset with the plot offset.
Check the
Flot source code for the complete set of attributes (or
output an axis
with console.log() and inspect it).
With multiple axes, the extra axes
are returned as x2axis, x3axis,
etc., e.g. getAxes().y2axis is the
second y axis. You can check
y2axis.used to see whether the axis is
associated with any data
points and y2axis.show to see if it is
currently shown.
- getPlaceholder()
Returns placeholder that the
plot was put into. This can be useful
for plugins for adding DOM
elements or firing events.
- getCanvas()
Returns the canvas used
for drawing in case you need to hack on it
yourself. You'll probably
need to get the plot offset too.
- getPlotOffset()
Gets the
offset that the grid has within the canvas as an object
with distances
from the canvas edges as "left", "right",
"bottom". I.e., if you draw a circle on the
canvas with the center
placed at (left, top), its center will be at the
top-most, left
corner of the grid.
- getOptions()
Gets the
options for the plot, normalized, with default values
filled in. You
get a reference to actual values used by Flot, so
if you modify the
values in here, Flot will use the new values.
If you change something,
you probably have to call draw() or
setupGrid() or
triggerRedrawOverlay() to see the change.
In addition to
the public methods, the Plot object also has some hooks
that can be used to
modify the plotting process. You can install a
callback function at various
points in the process, the function then
gets access to the internal data
structures in Flot.
Here's an overview of the phases Flot goes through:
1. Plugin initialization, parsing options
2. Constructing the canvases
used for drawing
3. Set data: parsing data specification, calculating
copying raw data points into internal format,
them, finding max/min for axis auto-scaling
4. Grid setup: calculating
axis spacing, ticks, inserting tick
labels, the legend
5. Draw:
drawing the grid, drawing each of the series in turn
6. Setting up event
handling for interactive features
7. Responding to events, if any
Shutdown: this mostly happens in case a plot is overwritten
Each hook is
simply a function which is put in the appropriate array.
You can add them
through the "hooks" option, and they are also available
after the
plot is constructed as the "hooks" attribute on the returned
object, e.g.
// define a simple draw hook
function hellohook(plot,
canvascontext) { alert("hello!"); };
// pass it in, in an
array since we might want to specify several
var plot =
$.plot(placeholder, data, { hooks: { draw: [hellohook] } });
// we can
now find it again in plot.hooks.draw[0] unless a plugin
// has added
other hooks
The available hooks are described below. All hook callbacks
get the
plot object as first parameter. You can find some examples of
hooks in the plugins bundled with Flot.
- processOptions [phase
function(plot, options)
Called after Flot has parsed and
merged options. Useful in the
instance where customizations beyond
simple merging of default
values is needed. A plugin might use it to
detect that it has been
enabled and then turn on or off other options.
- processRawData [phase 3]
function(plot, series, data, datapoints)
Called before Flot copies and normalizes the raw data for the given
series. If the function fills in datapoints.points with normalized
points and sets datapoints.pointsize to the size of the points,
will skip the copying/normalization step for this series.
In any
case, you might be interested in setting datapoints.format,
an array of
objects for specifying how a point is normalized and
how it interferes
with axis scaling.
The default format array for points is something
along the lines of:
{ x: true, number: true, required: true
{ y: true, number: true, required: true }
The first
object means that for the first coordinate it should be
taken into
account when scaling the x axis, that it must be a
number, and that it
is required - so if it is null or cannot be
converted to a number, the
whole point will be zeroed out with
nulls. Beyond these you can also
specify "defaultValue", a value to
use if the coordinate is
null. This is for instance handy for bars
where one can omit the third
coordinate (the bottom of the bar)
which then defaults to 0.
processDatapoints [phase 3]
function(plot, series, datapoints)
Called after normalization of the given series but before finding
min/max of the data points. This hook is useful for implementing data
transformations. "datapoints" contains the normalized data points
a flat array as datapoints.points with the size of a single point
given in datapoints.pointsize. Here's a simple transform that
all y coordinates by 2:
function multiply(plot, series, datapoints)
var points = datapoints.points, ps = datapoints.pointsize;
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i += ps)
points[i +
1] *= 2;
Note that you must leave datapoints in a good condition
as Flot
doesn't check it or do any normalization on it afterwards.
drawSeries [phase 5]
function(plot, canvascontext, series)
for custom drawing of a single series. Called just before the
drawing routine has been called in the loop that draws
each series.
- draw [phase 5]
function(plot, canvascontext)
Hook for drawing
on the canvas. Called after the grid is drawn
(unless it's disabled or
grid.aboveData is set) and the series have
been plotted (in case any
points, lines or bars have been turned
on). For examples of how to draw
things, look at the source code.
- bindEvents [phase 6]
function(plot, eventHolder)
Called after Flot has setup its event
handlers. Should set any
necessary event handlers on eventHolder, a
jQuery object with the
canvas, e.g.
function (plot, eventHolder)
eventHolder.mousedown(function (e) {
alert("You pressed the mouse at " + e.pageX + " " +
Interesting events include click,
mousemove, mouseup/down. You can
use all jQuery events. Usually, the
event handlers will update the
state by drawing something (add a
drawOverlay hook and call
triggerRedrawOverlay) or firing an externally
visible event for
user code. See the crosshair plugin for an example.
Currently, eventHolder actually contains both the static canvas
used for the plot itself and the overlay canvas used for
features because some versions of IE get the stacking
order wrong. The
hook only gets one event, though (either for the
overlay or for the
static canvas).
Note that custom plot events generated by Flot are not
generated on
eventHolder, but on the div placeholder supplied as the
argument to the plot call. You can get that with
plot.getPlaceholder() - that's probably also the one you should use
you need to fire a custom event.
- drawOverlay [phase 7]
(plot, canvascontext)
The drawOverlay hook is used for interactive
things that need a
canvas to draw on. The model currently used by Flot
works the way
that an extra overlay canvas is positioned on top of the
canvas. This overlay is cleared and then completely redrawn
whenever something interesting happens. This hook is called when
overlay canvas is to be redrawn.
"canvascontext" is the 2D
context of the overlay canvas. You can
use this to draw things. You'll
most likely need some of the
metrics computed by Flot, e.g.
plot.width()/plot.height(). See the
crosshair plugin for an example.
- shutdown [phase 8]
function (plot, eventHolder)
Run when
plot.shutdown() is called, which usually only happens in
case a plot is
overwritten by a new plot. If you're writing a
plugin that adds extra
DOM elements or event handlers, you should
add a callback to clean up
after you. Take a look at the section in
PLUGINS.txt for more info.
Plugins extend the functionality of Flot. To use a
plugin, simply
include its Javascript file after Flot in the HTML page.
you're worried about download size/latency, you can concatenate all
plugins you use, and Flot itself for that matter, into one big file
sure you get the order right), then optionally run it through a
minifier such as YUI Compressor.
Here's a brief explanation of how the
plugin plumbings work:
Each plugin registers itself in the global array
$.plot.plugins. When
you make a new plot object with $.plot, Flot goes
through this array
calling the "init" function of each plugin and
merging default options
from the "option" attribute of the
plugin. The init function gets a
reference to the plot object created and
uses this to register hooks
and add new public methods if needed.
See the
PLUGINS.txt file for details on how to write a plugin. As the
description hints, it's actually pretty easy.
The version number of Flot is available in