Файл: Application/system/languages/en/inside/dashboard.php
Строк: 196
$lang = array
'dashboard_title' => 'Dashboard',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_home' => 'News Feed',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_myinformation' => 'Configuration',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_myposts' => 'My Posts',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_myphotos' => 'My Photos',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_myvideos' => 'My Videos',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_mymessages' => 'My Messages',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_myfavorites' => 'My Likes',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_mycomments' => 'My Comments',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_followers' => 'My Followers',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_following' => 'My Following',
'dashboard_vmenu_opc_logout' => 'Log Out',
'dashboard_opc_admin' => 'Administration Area',
'dashboard_more_users' => 'Meet more users',
'dashboard_more_users_empty' => 'No more users',
'dashboard_more_users_hasphoto' => 'Has #NUM# post',
'dashboard_more_users_hasphotos' => 'Has #NUM# posts',
'dashboard_more_users_linkviewmore' => 'View more users',
'dashboard_no_session' => 'Close your session and login again.',
'dashboard_no_request' => 'Can not complete the request.',
'dashboard_txt_welcome' => 'Welcome to #SITE_TITLE#',
'dashboard_mi_title' => 'My Information',
'dashboard_mi_pi_title' => 'My Personal Information',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_fname' => 'First Name',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_lname' => 'Last Name',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_gender' => 'I am',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_gender_txtsex' => 'Select Sex',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_gender_male' => 'Male',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_gender_female' => 'Female',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_birthay' => 'Birthday',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_month' => 'Month',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_day' => 'Day',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_year' => 'Year',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_jan' => 'January',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_feb' => 'February',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_mar' => 'March',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_apr' => 'April',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_may' => 'May',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_jun' => 'June',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_jul' => 'July',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_aug' => 'August',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_sep' => 'September',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_oct' => 'October',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_nov' => 'November',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_dic' => 'December',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_bsubmit' => 'Update my Personal Information',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_msg1' => 'You must enter your Name.',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_msg2' => 'You must enter your Last Name.',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_msg3' => 'Select "Male" or "Female".',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_msg4' => 'You must indicate your full Date of Birth.',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_msg5' => 'Correct your Date of Birth.',
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_ok' => 'Your personal information was updated.',
'dashboard_mi_am_title' => 'About Me',
'dashboard_mi_am_form_msgcaption' => 'Enter text with information about you:',
'dashboard_mi_am_form_bsubmit' => 'Update text About You',
'dashboard_mi_am_form_msg1' => 'You have enter a text about you.',
'dashboard_mi_am_form_ok' => 'Your information About Me was updated.',
'dashboard_mi_mav_title' => 'My Avatar',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_msgcaption' => 'Choose an image to your profile',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_bsubmit' => 'Update My Avatar',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_msg1' => 'Click here to choose another image',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_msg2' => 'I do not like. Click here to choose another image',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_msg3' => 'You have to choose a JPG, GIF or PNG',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_msg4' => 'Image has not changed',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_msg5' => 'You did not select an image.',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_msg6' => 'It is a very large file',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_msg7' => 'Failed to upload file.',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_msg8' => 'It is a wrong file.',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_msg9' => 'No updated your avatar.',
'dashboard_mi_mav_form_ok' => 'Excellent!. Avatar updated.',
'dashboard_mi_ia_title' => 'My Information Access',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_username' => 'Username',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_email' => 'Email',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_currentpass' => 'Current password',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_newpass' => 'New password',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_newpass2' => 'Repeat new password',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_bsubmit' => 'Update my access information',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_msg1' => 'You must enter your current password.',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_msg2' => 'You must enter a new password.',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_msg3' => 'You have to repeat the new password.',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_msg4' => 'The passwords do not match.',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_msg5' => 'The information entered is incorrect.',
'dashboard_mi_ia_form_ok' => 'Your password has been updated.',
'dashboard_mi_lo_title' => 'My Location',
'dashboard_mi_lo_form_txtcountry' => 'Country',
'dashboard_mi_lo_form_txtregion' => 'Region',
'dashboard_mi_lo_form_txtcity' => 'City',
'dashboard_mi_lo_form_msgcombocountry' => 'Choose your country',
'dashboard_mi_lo_form_msgcomboregion' => 'Choose your region',
'dashboard_mi_lo_form_bsubmit' => 'Update My Location',
'dashboard_mi_lo_form_msg1' => 'You have choose a Country.',
'dashboard_mi_lo_form_msg2' => 'You have choose a Region.',
'dashboard_mi_lo_form_msg3' => 'You have enter a City.',
'dashboard_mi_lo_form_ok' => 'Your Location has been updated.',
'dashboard_mi_pr_title' => 'My Privacy',
'dashboard_mi_pr_form_txtprofile' => 'My profile is',
'dashboard_mi_pr_form_txtprivate' => 'Private',
'dashboard_mi_pr_form_txtpublic' => 'Public',
'dashboard_mi_pr_form_txtonlyfollowers' => 'Only followers',
'dashboard_mi_pr_form_bsubmit' => 'Update My Privacy',
'dashboard_mi_pr_form_msg1' => 'Choose a type of privacy.',
'dashboard_mi_pr_form_ok' => 'Your Privacy has been updated.',
'dashboard_activities_title' => 'News',
'dashboard_activities_follow' => 'Is now following to:',
'dashboard_activities_hasphoto' => 'Has #NUM# post',
'dashboard_activities_hasphotos' => 'Has #NUM# posts',
'dashboard_activities_createdalbum' => 'Has created an album:',
'dashboard_activities_txtcontains' => 'Contains',
'dashboard_activities_txtphoto' => 'post',
'dashboard_activities_txtphotos' => 'posts',
'dashboard_activities_inalbum' => 'In the album:',
'dashboard_activities_commentphoto' => 'Has commented on a photo:',
'dashboard_activities_favoritephoto' => 'Has added a photo to their Likes:',
'dashboard_activities_moredetails' => 'More details',
'dashboard_followers_title' => 'My Followers',
'dashboard_followers_nofollowers' => 'You do not have followers yet.',
'dashboard_followers_hasphoto' => 'Has #NUM# post',
'dashboard_followers_hasphotos' => 'Has #NUM# posts',
'dashboard_following_title' => 'My Following',
'dashboard_following_nofollowing' => 'You are not following anyone yet.',
'dashboard_following_hasphoto' => 'Has #NUM# post',
'dashboard_following_hasphotos' => 'Has #NUM# posts',
'dashboard_mynotifications_title' => 'My Notifications',
'dashboard_mynotifications_nonotifications' => 'You have no notifications.',
'dashboard_txt_buton_addpost' => 'Add Post',
'dashboard_mymessages_title' => 'My Messages',
'dashboard_mymessages_nochats' => 'You have no messages.',
'dashboard_myposts_title' => 'My Posts',
'dashboard_myposts_noposts' => 'You have no posts yet.',
'dashboard_myvideos_title' => 'My Videos',
'dashboard_myphotos_novideos' => 'You do not have videos',
'dashboard_myphotos_title' => 'My Photos',
'dashboard_myphotos_nophotos' => 'You do not have photos',
'dashboard_mylikes_title' => 'My Likes',
'dashboard_mylikes_nolikes' => 'No items in My Likes',
'dashboard_mycomments_title' => 'My Comments',
'dashboard_mycomments_nocomments' => 'You have not made any comment yet.',
'dashboard_mycomments_txtviewpost' => 'View post',
'dashboard_myphotos_tab1_txtcensors' => 'Censures',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_title' => 'My Cover',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msgcaption' => 'Choose an image to your cover',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_bsubmit' => 'Update My Cover',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg0' => 'Click here to choose an image',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg1' => 'Click here to choose another image',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg2' => 'I do not like. Click here to choose another image',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg3' => 'You have to choose a JPG, GIF or PNG',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg4' => 'Image has not changed',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg5' => 'You did not select an image.',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg6' => 'It is a very large file',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg7' => 'Failed to upload file.',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg8' => 'It is a wrong file.',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_msg9' => 'No updated your cover.',
'dashboard_mi_mcov_form_ok' => 'Excellent!. Cover updated.',
/* Version 1.2 */
'dashboard_mi_pi_form_msgwarning' => 'If you modified your first or last names, will be removed icon "Verified Profile".',
/* end version 1.2 */