Файл: Application/system/languages/en/global/global.php
Строк: 150
$lang = array
'global_txt_search' => 'Search people, hashtags',
'global_txt_languages' => 'Languages',
'global_txt_hashtag' => 'Hashtag',
'global_txt_title-trending' => 'Trending topics',
'global_txt_notrending' => 'No trends',
'global_tmenu_opc_register' => 'Register',
'global_tmenu_opc_profile' => 'My Profile',
'global_tmenu_opc_home' => 'Home',
'global_tmenu_opc_dashboard' => 'My Dashboard',
'global_tmenu_opc_messages' => 'My Messages',
'global_tmenu_opc_notifications' => 'My Notifications',
'global_tmenu_opc_logout' => 'Log Out',
'global_pagesmenu_title' => 'Information',
'global_pagesmenu_opc_about' => 'About',
'global_pagesmenu_opc_privacy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'global_pagesmenu_opc_termsofuse' => 'Terms of Use',
'global_pagesmenu_opc_disclaimer' => 'Disclaimer',
'global_pagesmenu_opc_contact' => 'Contact',
'global_pagesmenu_opc_people' => 'People',
'global_txt_moreitems' => 'More items',
'global_txt_morestories' => 'More Stories',
'global_txt_no_request' => 'Can not complete the request.',
'global_txt_allnotifications' => 'All notifications',
'global_txt_comment' => 'commented on',
'global_txt_like' => 'likes',
'global_txt_follow' => 'is following.',
'global_txt_photo' => 'your photo',
'global_txt_post' => 'your post',
'global_txt_allmessages' => 'All messages',
'global_txt_close_notification' => 'Close notifications',
'global_txt_joined' => 'Joined <b class="bold">#SITE_TITLE#</b> on',
'global_txt_directory' => 'Directory',
'global_txt_directory_hasphoto' => 'Has #NUM# post',
'global_txt_directory_hasphotos' => 'Has #NUM# posts',
'global_txt_search_post' => 'post',
'global_txt_search_posts' => 'posts',
'global_format_date' => 'l, F j, Y',
'global_format_date_simple' => 'F j, Y',
'global_time_sec' => 'second',
'global_time_secs' => 'seconds',
'global_time_min' => 'minute',
'global_time_mins' => 'minutes',
'global_time_hou' => 'hour',
'global_time_hous' => 'hours',
'global_time_day' => 'day',
'global_time_days' => 'days',
'global_time_mon' => 'month',
'global_time_mons' => 'months',
'global_time_yea' => 'year',
'global_time_yeas' => 'years',
'global_time_end' => '#TXTEND# ago',
'global_txtloading' => 'Loading...',
'global_txtclose' => 'Close (Esc)',
'global_txt_next' => 'Next',
'global_txt_prev' => 'Previous',
'global_txt_of' => 'of',
'global_txtloading' => 'Loading image',
'global_search_title' => 'Search',
'global_search_noresult' => 'No results.',
'global_search_qshort' => 'Please enter a search string.',
'global_search_moreresults' => 'More Results',
'global_search_msgclose' => 'Close',
'global_txt_search_users' => 'Search user',
'global_post_txtstatus' => 'Update your status',
'global_post_txtplaceholder' => 'What's on your mind?',
'global_post_txtbpost' => 'Post',
'global_post_txttitlevideo' => 'Share a video',
'global_post_txttitleimage' => 'Upload images',
'global_post_txtimgselected' => 'image(s) selected',
'global_post_txtsharevideo' => 'Share a video link from Youtube or Vimeo',
'global_post_txterror1' => 'Too many images. What message are allowed only',
'global_post_txterror2' => 'A file is very large',
'global_post_txterror3' => 'A file is invalid',
'global_post_txterror4' => 'The url of the video is incorrect',
'global_post_txterror5' => 'The message is empty or there is an error in attachments',
'global_msg_txtdeletemsg' => 'Delete this message',
'global_msg_txtlike' => 'Like',
'global_msg_txtunlike' => 'Unlike',
'global_msg_txtcomment' => 'Comment',
'global_msg_txtwithoutcomment' => 'Enter a comment',
'global_comment_txtbsave' => 'Save Comment',
'global_comment_txtleave' => 'Leave a comment...',
'global_comment_txtmorecomment' => 'View more comments',
'global_msg_menuadmin' => 'Administration Area',
'global_msg_nonlogin' => 'Log in to Like or Comment',
'global_reset_title' => 'Password Reset',
'global_reset_status0' => 'The link restoration is erroneous.',
'global_reset_status1' => 'The restoration link has expired.',
'global_reset_status2' => 'It has been restored password',
'global_reset_username' => 'Username:',
'global_reset_password' => 'New password:',
'global_post_emoticons_msgshow' => 'Show Emoticons',
'global_post_emoticons_msgclose' => 'Hide Emoticons',
'global_post_txttitlemusic' => 'Share a music',
'global_post_txtsharemusic' => 'Share a SoundCloud link or add a listened song',
'global_post_txttitlefood' => 'Add a place where you ate at',
'global_post_txtsharefood' => 'Add a place where you ate at',
'global_post_txttitlegame' => 'Add a played game',
'global_post_txtsharegame' => 'Add a played game',
'global_post_txttitlemovie' => 'Add a watched movie',
'global_post_txtsharemovie' => 'Add a watched movie',
'global_post_txttitlevisited' => 'Add a visited location',
'global_post_txtsharevisited' => 'Add a visited location',
'global_post_txttitlemap' => 'Add a place',
'global_post_txtsharemap' => 'Add a place',
'global_post_txttitlebook' => 'Add a book',
'global_post_txtsharebook' => 'Add a book',
'global_post_txt_ilistened' => 'I listened:',
'global_post_txt_iateat' => 'I ate at:',
'global_post_txt_ivisited' => 'I visited:',
'global_post_txt_iplayed' => 'I played:',
'global_post_txt_iwatched' => 'I watched:',
'global_post_txt_iread' => 'I read:',
'global_box_chat_txt_title' => 'Following Online',
'global_box_chat_txt_title_open' => 'Following Online',
'global_box_chat_txt_no_user' => 'There are no users online.',
'global_box_chat_txt_search' => 'Search',
'global_box_chat_txt_no_result_search' => 'No results were found.',
'global_box_chat_txt_in_followers' => 'In your Followers',
'global_box_chat_txt_in_others' => 'In others',
/* Version 1.2 */
'global_msg_txtshare' => 'Share',
'global_share_bsave' => 'Share',
'global_share_bcancel' => 'Cancel',
'global_share_writesomething' => 'Write something ...',
'global_share_txtokshare' => 'You shared the post.',
'global_txt_shared' => 'shared',
'global_txt_shared_nofound' => 'The shared post was eliminated.',
'global_txt_shared_a_post' => 'shared a post.',
/* end version 1.2 */