Файл: Application/system/controllers/ajax_reload-followers-dashboard.php
Строк: 46
// We check in which language we will work
$errored = 0;
$txterror = '';
$numitems = $iduser = 0;
if (isset($_POST["ni"]) && !empty($_POST["ni"])) $numitems = $this->db1->e($_POST["ni"]);
if (isset($_POST["idu"]) && !empty($_POST["idu"])) $iduser = $this->db1->e($_POST["idu"]);
if (!is_numeric($numitems) || $numitems <= 0) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if (!is_numeric($iduser) || $iduser <= 0) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($errored == 1) {
echo('0: '.$txterror);
} else {
$totalitems = $this->db2->fetch_field('SELECT count(iduser) FROM users, relations WHERE iduser=subscriber AND leader='.$this->user->id);
$r = $this->db2->query('SELECT iduser, code, firstname, lastname, username, avatar, num_posts, num_followers, num_following, validated FROM users, relations WHERE iduser=subscriber AND leader='.$this->user->id.' ORDER BY rltdate DESC LIMIT '.$numitems.','.$C->NUM_FOLLOWERS_PAGE);
$numitemsnow = $this->db2->num_rows();
$htmlResults = '';
while( $obj = $db2->fetch_object($r) ) {
$D->isThisUserVerified = $obj->validated==1?TRUE:FALSE;
$D->f_name = (empty($obj->firstname) || empty($obj->lastname))?stripslashes($obj->username):(stripslashes($obj->firstname).' '.stripslashes($obj->lastname));
$D->f_codeuser = $obj->code;
$D->f_avatar = $obj->avatar;
$D->f_numphotos = $obj->num_posts;
$D->f_username = $obj->username;
$htmlResults .= $this->load_template('__dashboard-one-follower.php', FALSE);
unset($r, $obj);
if ($totalitems <= $numitemsnow + $numitems) {
echo("2: ".$htmlResults);
} else {
echo("1: ".$htmlResults);