Файл: Application/system/controllers/ajax_admin-details.php
Строк: 145
// We check in which language we will work
// We are here only if you're logged in
if (!$this->user->is_logged || !$this->user->info->is_network_admin) {
echo('0: '.$this->lang('admin_no_session'));
$errored = 0;
$txterror = '';
if (isset($_POST["todo"]) && $_POST["todo"] != '') $action = $this->db1->e($_POST["todo"]);
if (!is_numeric($action)) {
$errored = 1;
$txterror .= 'Error. ';
echo('0: '.$caderror);
if ($action == 1) {
$status = -1;
$uid = 0;
if (isset($_POST["st"]) && $_POST["st"]!='') $status = $this->db1->e($_POST["st"]);
if (isset($_POST["uid"]) && $_POST["uid"]!='') $uid = $this->db1->e($_POST["uid"]);
if ($status == -1) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($uid == 0) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($action == 2) {
$level = -1;
$uid = 0;
if (isset($_POST["lv"]) && $_POST["lv"]!='') $level = $this->db1->e($_POST["lv"]);
if (isset($_POST["uid"]) && $_POST["uid"]!='') $uid = $this->db1->e($_POST["uid"]);
if ($level == -1) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($uid == 0) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($level==1) {
$levelnivel = 1;
} else {
$levelnivel = 0;
if ($action == 3) {
$uid = 0;
if (isset($_POST["uid"]) && $_POST["uid"]!='') $uid = $this->db1->e($_POST["uid"]);
if ($uid == 0) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($action == 4) {
$mvalidated = -1;
$uid = 0;
if (isset($_POST["mv"]) && $_POST["mv"]!='') $mvalidated = $this->db1->e($_POST["mv"]);
if (isset($_POST["uid"]) && $_POST["uid"]!='') $uid = $this->db1->e($_POST["uid"]);
if ($mvalidated == -1) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($uid == 0) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($action == 5) {
$uemail = $uusername = $ufirstname = $lastname = '';
$uid = 0;
if (isset($_POST["ue"]) && $_POST["ue"]!='') $uemail = $this->db1->e($_POST["ue"]);
if (isset($_POST["uu"]) && $_POST["uu"]!='') $uusername = $this->db1->e($_POST["uu"]);
if (isset($_POST["ufn"]) && $_POST["ufn"]!='') $ufirstname = $this->db1->e($_POST["ufn"]);
if (isset($_POST["uln"]) && $_POST["uln"]!='') $lastname = $this->db1->e($_POST["uln"]);
if (isset($_POST["uid"]) && $_POST["uid"]!='') $uid = $this->db1->e($_POST["uid"]);
if (empty($uemail)) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if (empty($uusername)) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
/* if (empty($ufirstname)) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if (empty($lastname)) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }*/
if ($uid == 0) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($action == 6) {
$npass = '';
$uid = 0;
if (isset($_POST["np"]) && $_POST["np"]!='') $npass = $this->db1->e($_POST["np"]);
if (isset($_POST["uid"]) && $_POST["uid"]!='') $uid = $this->db1->e($_POST["uid"]);
if (empty($npass)) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($uid == 0) { $errored = 1; $txterror .= 'Error... '; }
if ($errored == 1) {
echo('0: '.$txterror);
} else {
if ($action == 1) {
$this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET active=".$status." WHERE iduser=".$uid." LIMIT 1");
$txtreturn = $this->lang('admin_txt_msgok');
echo('1: '.$txtreturn);
if ($action == 2) {
$this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET leveladmin=".$levelnivel.", is_network_admin=".$level." WHERE iduser=".$uid." LIMIT 1");
$txtreturn = $this->lang('admin_txt_msgok');
echo('1: '.$txtreturn);
if ($action == 3) {
// look for the ids of albums
$allposts = $this->network->getPostsUser($uid);
foreach ($allposts as $onepost) {
$onepost = new post($onepost->code);
$this->db1->query("DELETE FROM activities WHERE iduser=".$uid);
$this->db1->query("DELETE FROM chat WHERE id_from=".$uid." OR id_to=".$uid);
$r = $this->db2->fetch_all('SELECT idpost FROM comments WHERE iduser='.$uid);
foreach($r as $oneitem) {
$this->db1->query("UPDATE posts SET numcomments=numcomments-1 WHERE idpost=".$oneitem->idpost);
$this->db1->query("DELETE FROM comments WHERE iduser=".$uid);
$r = $this->db2->fetch_all('SELECT idpost FROM likes WHERE iduser='.$uid);
foreach($r as $oneitem) {
$this->db1->query("UPDATE posts SET numlikes=numlikes-1 WHERE idpost=".$oneitem->idpost);
$this->db1->query("DELETE FROM likes WHERE iduser=".$uid);
$this->db1->query("DELETE FROM notifications WHERE from_user_id=".$uid." OR to_user_id=".$uid);
$r = $this->db2->fetch_all('SELECT leader FROM relations WHERE subscriber='.$uid);
foreach($r as $oneitem) {
$this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET num_followers=num_followers-1 WHERE iduser=".$oneitem->leader);
$r = $this->db2->fetch_all('SELECT subscriber FROM relations WHERE leader='.$uid);
foreach($r as $oneitem) {
$this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET num_following=num_following-1 WHERE iduser=".$oneitem->subscriber);
$this->db1->query("DELETE FROM relations WHERE leader=".$uid." OR subscriber=".$uid);
$this->db1->query("DELETE FROM users_pageviews WHERE iduser=".$uid);
$this->db1->query("DELETE FROM users WHERE iduser=".$uid);
echo('1: Ok');
if ($action == 4) {
$this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET validated=".$mvalidated." WHERE iduser=".$uid." LIMIT 1");
$txtreturn = $this->lang('admin_txt_msgok');
echo('1: '.$txtreturn);
if ($action == 5) {
// check if someone is using this email
$r = $this->db1->query("SELECT iduser FROM users WHERE iduser<>".$uid." AND email='".$uemail."' LIMIT 1");
if ($this->db1->num_rows($r) > 0) {
$errored = 1;
$txterror = $this->lang('admin_manageuser_txt_error5');
echo("0: ".$txterror); return; die();
// check if someone is using the username
$r = $this->db1->query("SELECT iduser FROM users WHERE iduser<>".$uid." AND username='".$uusername."' LIMIT 1");
if ($this->db1->num_rows($r) > 0) {
$errored = 1;
$txterror = $this->lang('admin_manageuser_txt_error4');
echo("0: ".$txterror); return; die();
$this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET email='".$uemail."', username='".$uusername."', firstname='".$ufirstname."', lastname='".$lastname."' WHERE iduser=".$uid." LIMIT 1");
$txtreturn = $this->lang('admin_txt_msgok');
echo('1: '.$txtreturn);
if ($action == 6) {
$salt = md5(uniqid(rand(),true));
$hash = hash('sha512', $salt.$npass);
$this->db1->query("UPDATE users SET password='".$hash."', salt='".$salt."' WHERE iduser=".$uid." LIMIT 1");
$txtreturn = $this->lang('admin_txt_msgok');
echo('1: '.$txtreturn);