Файл: system/core/model.php
Строк: 907
class cmsModel{
public $name;
public $db;
//условия для выборок
public $table = '';
public $select = array('i.*');
public $join = '';
public $where = '';
public $where_separator = 'AND';
public $group_by = '';
public $order_by = '';
public $limit = 1000;
public $perpage = 50;
public $keep_filters = false;
public $filter_on = false;
protected $privacy_filter_disabled = false;
protected $privacy_filtered = false;
private $cache_key = false;
public function __construct(){
$core = cmsCore::getInstance();
$this->name = str_replace('model_', '', get_called_class());
$this->db = $core->db;
protected function useCache($key){
$this->cache_key = $key;
protected function stopCache(){
$this->cache_key = false;
public function getContentTableStruct(){
return array(
'id' => array('type' => 'primary'),
'title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 100),
'content' => array('type' => 'text'),
'photo' => array('type' => 'text'),
'slug' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 100),
'seo_keys' => array('type' => 'text'),
'seo_desc' => array('type' => 'text'),
'seo_title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 256),
'tags' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 1000),
'date_pub' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'default_current' => true),
'date_last_modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp'),
'date_pub_end' => array('type' => 'timestamp'),
'is_pub' => array('type' => 'bool', 'index'=>true, 'default' => 1),
'hits_count' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true, 'default' => 0),
'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true),
'parent_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true),
'parent_type' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size'=>32, 'index'=>true),
'parent_title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 100),
'parent_url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 255),
'is_parent_hidden' => array('type' => 'bool', 'index'=>true),
'category_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true, 'default' => 1),
'folder_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true),
'is_comments_on' => array('type' => 'bool'),
'comments' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true, 'default' => 0),
'rating' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true, 'default' => 0),
'is_approved' => array('type' => 'tinyint', 'index'=>true, 'default' => 1),
'approved_by' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true),
'date_approved' => array('type' => 'timestamp'),
'is_private' => array('type' => 'bool', 'index'=>true, 'default' => 0),
public function getFieldsTableStruct(){
return array(
'id' => array('type' => 'primary'),
'ctype_id' => array('type' => 'int'),
'name' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 20),
'title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 100),
'hint' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 200),
'ordering' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true),
'fieldset' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 32),
'type' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 16),
'is_in_list' => array('type' => 'bool'),
'is_in_item' => array('type' => 'bool'),
'is_in_filter' => array('type' => 'bool'),
'is_private' => array('type' => 'bool'),
'is_fixed' => array('type' => 'bool'),
'is_fixed_type' => array('type' => 'bool'),
'is_system' => array('type' => 'bool'),
'values' => array('type' => 'text'),
'options' => array('type' => 'text'),
'groups_read' => array('type' => 'text'),
'groups_edit' => array('type' => 'text'),
public function getPropsTableStruct(){
return array(
'id' => array('type' => 'primary'),
'ctype_id' => array('type' => 'int'),
'title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 100),
'fieldset' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 32),
'type' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 16),
'is_in_filter' => array('type' => 'bool', 'index'=>true),
'values' => array('type' => 'text'),
'options' => array('type' => 'text'),
public function getPropsBindTableStruct(){
return array(
'id' => array('type' => 'primary'),
'prop_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true),
'cat_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true),
'ordering' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true),
public function getPropsValuesTableStruct(){
return array(
'prop_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true),
'item_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'index'=>true),
'value' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'size' => 255),
public function getRootCategory($ctype_name){
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
return $this->db->getFields($table_name, 'parent_id=0');
public function getCategory($ctype_name, $id, $by_field='id'){
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
$category = $this->getItemByField($table_name, $by_field, $id);
if (!$category) { return false; }
$category['path'] = $this->getCategoryPath($ctype_name, $category);
return $category;
public function getCategoryBySLUG($ctype_name, $slug){
return $this->getCategory($ctype_name, $slug, 'slug');
public function getCategorySLUG($category){
$slug = '';
foreach($category['path'] as $c){
if ($c['id'] == 1) { continue; }
if ($slug) { $slug .= '/'; }
$slug .= lang_slug( empty($c['slug_key']) ? $c['title'] : $c['slug_key'] );
return $slug;
public function getCategoriesTree($ctype_name, $is_show_root=true) {
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
if (!$is_show_root){
$this->filterGt('parent_id', 0);
return $this->get($table_name, function($node, $model){
if ($node['ns_level']==0) { $node['title'] = LANG_ROOT_CATEGORY; }
return $node;
public function getSubCategories($ctype_name, $parent_id=1) {
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
$this->filterEqual('parent_id', $parent_id);
return $this->get($table_name);
public function getSubCategoriesTree($ctype_name, $parent_id=1, $level=1) {
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
$parent = $this->getCategory($ctype_name, $parent_id);
filterGt('ns_left', $parent['ns_left'])->
filterLt('ns_right', $parent['ns_right']);
if ($level){
$this->filterLtEqual('ns_level', $parent['ns_level'] + $level);
return $this->get($table_name);
public function getCategoryPath($ctype_name, $category) {
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
if (!isset($category['ns_left'])){
$category = $this->getCategory($ctype_name, $category['id']);
filterLtEqual('ns_left', $category['ns_left'])->
filterGtEqual('ns_right', $category['ns_right'])->
filterLtEqual('ns_level', $category['ns_level'])->
filterGt('ns_level', 0)->
return $this->get($table_name);
public function addCategory($ctype_name, $category){
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
$category['id'] = $this->db->nestedSets->addNode($category['parent_id']);
if (!$category['id']){ return false; }
$category['title'] = $this->db->escape($category['title']);
$this->update($table_name, $category['id'], array(
'title' => $category['title']
$category['path'] = $this->getCategoryPath($ctype_name, $category);
$category['slug'] = $this->getCategorySLUG($category);
$this->update($table_name, $category['id'], array(
'slug' => $category['slug']
return $category;
public function updateCategory($ctype_name, $id, $category){
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
$category_old = $this->getCategory($ctype_name, $id);
if ($category_old['parent_id'] != $category['parent_id']){
$this->db->nestedSets->moveNode($id, $category['parent_id']);
$this->update($table_name, $id, $category);
$category['id'] = $id;
$category['path'] = $this->getCategoryPath($ctype_name, array('id' => $id));
$category['slug'] = $this->getCategorySLUG($category);
$this->update($table_name, $id, array(
'slug' => $category['slug']
$subcats = $this->getSubCategoriesTree($ctype_name, $id, false);
if ($subcats){
foreach($subcats as $subcat){
$subcat['path'] = $this->getCategoryPath($ctype_name, array('id' => $subcat['id']));
$subcat['slug'] = $this->getCategorySLUG($subcat);
$this->update($table_name, $subcat['id'], array('slug' => $subcat['slug']));
return $category;
public function updateCategoryTree($ctype_name, $tree, $categories_count){
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
$this->updateCategoryTreeNode($ctype_name, $tree);
$root_keys = array(
'ns_left' => 1,
'ns_right' => 1 + ($categories_count*2) + 1
$this->update($table_name, 1, $root_keys);
return true;
public function updateCategoryTreeNode($ctype_name, $tree){
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
foreach($tree as $node){
$this->update($table_name, $node['key'], array(
'parent_id' => $node['parent_key'],
'ns_left' => $node['left'],
'ns_right' => $node['right'],
'ns_level' => $node['level'],
$path = $this->getCategoryPath($ctype_name, array(
'id' => $node['key'],
'parent_id' => $node['parent_key'],
'ns_left' => $node['left'],
'ns_right' => $node['right'],
'ns_level' => $node['level']
$slug = $this->getCategorySLUG(array(
'path' => $path,
'title' => $node['title']
$this->update($table_name, $node['key'], array(
'slug' => $slug
if (!empty($node['children'])){
$this->updateCategoryTreeNode($ctype_name, $node['children']);
return true;
public function deleteCategory($ctype_name, $id){
// Эта функция должна быть переопределена и вызываться
// из дочернего класса чтобы после нее удалять все записи
// из категории
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
return true;
public function delete($table_name, $id, $by_field='id'){
$this->filterEqual($by_field, $id);
return $this->deleteFiltered($table_name);
public function deleteFiltered($table_name){
$where = $this->where;
return $this->db->delete($table_name, $where);
public function update($table_name, $id, $data){
$this->filterEqual('id', $id);
return $this->updateFiltered($table_name, $data);
public function updateFiltered($table_name, $data){
$where = $this->where;
return $this->db->update($table_name, $where, $data);
public function insert($table_name, $data){
return $this->db->insert($table_name, $data);
public function insertOrUpdate($table_name, $insert_data, $update_data = false){
return $this->db->insertOrUpdate($table_name, $insert_data, $update_data);
public function lockFilters(){
$this->keep_filters = true;
return $this;
public function unlockFilters(){
$this->keep_filters = false;
return $this;
public function resetFilters(){
$this->select = array('i.*');
$this->group_by = '';
$this->order_by = '';
$this->limit = '';
$this->join = '';
if ($this->keep_filters) { return; }
$this->filter_on = false;
$this->where = '';
$this->privacy_filtered = false;
return $this;
public function filter($condition){
if ($this->filter_on){
$this->where .= " {$this->where_separator} ({$condition})";
} else {
$this->where .= "({$condition})";
$this->filter_on = true;
$this->where_separator = ' AND ';
return $this;
public function filterStart(){
if ($this->filter_on){
$this->where .= " {$this->where_separator} (";
} else {
$this->where .= "(";
$this->filter_on = false;
return $this;
public function filterEnd(){
$this->where .= ' ) ';
return $this;
public function filterAnd(){
$this->where_separator = ' AND ';
return $this;
public function filterOr(){
$this->where_separator = ' OR ';
return $this;
public function filterNotNull($field){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$this->filter("$field IS NOT NULL");
return $this;
public function filterIsNull($field){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$this->filter("$field IS NULL");
return $this;
public function filterEqual($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
if (is_null($value)){
$this->filter("$field IS NULL");
} else {
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$this->filter("$field = '$value'");
return $this;
public function filterFunc($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$this->filter("$field = $value");
return $this;
public function filterNotEqual($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
if (is_null($value)){
$this->filter("$field NOT IS NULL");
} else {
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$this->filter("$field <> '$value'");
return $this;
public function filterGt($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$this->filter("$field > '$value'");
return $this;
public function filterLt($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$this->filter("$field < '$value'");
return $this;
public function filterGtEqual($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$this->filter("$field >= '$value'");
return $this;
public function filterLtEqual($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$this->filter("$field <= '$value'");
return $this;
public function filterLike($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$this->filter("$field LIKE '$value'");
return $this;
public function filterBetween($field, $start, $end){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$start = $this->db->escape($start);
$end = $this->db->escape($end);
$this->filter("$field BETWEEN '$start' AND '$end'");
return $this;
public function filterDateYounger($field, $value, $interval='DAY'){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$interval = $this->db->escape($interval);
$this->filter("$field >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$value} {$interval})");
return $this;
public function filterDateOlder($field, $value, $interval='DAY'){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$interval = $this->db->escape($interval);
$this->filter("$field < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$value} {$interval})");
return $this;
public function filterTimestampGt($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$field = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$field})";
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$this->filter("{$field} > '{$value}'");
return $this;
public function filterTimestampLt($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$field = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$field})";
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$this->filter("{$field} < '{$value}'");
return $this;
public function filterIn($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
if (is_array($value)){
foreach($value as $k=>$v){
$v = $this->db->escape($v);
$value[$k] = "'{$v}'";
$value = implode(',', $value);
} else {
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$value = "'{$value}'";
$this->filter("{$field} IN ({$value})");
return $this;
public function filterNotIn($field, $value){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
if (is_array($value)){
foreach($value as $k=>$v){
$v = $this->db->escape($v);
$value[$k] = "'{$v}'";
$value = implode(',', $value);
} else {
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$value = "'{$value}'";
$this->filter("{$field} NOT IN ({$value})");
return $this;
public function filterCategory($ctype_name, $category, $is_recursive=false){
if (!$is_recursive){
$this->filterEqual('category_id', $category['id']);
} else {
$table_name = $this->table_prefix . $ctype_name . '_cats';
$this->join($table_name, 'c', 'c.id = i.category_id');
$this->filterGtEqual('c.ns_left', $category['ns_left']);
$this->filterLtEqual('c.ns_right', $category['ns_right']);
return $this;
public function filterCategoryId($ctype_name, $category_id, $is_recursive=false){
if (!$is_recursive){
return $this->filterCategory($ctype_name, array('id'=>$category_id));
} else {
$category = $this->getCategory($ctype_name, $category_id);
return $this->filterCategory($ctype_name, $category, true);
public function disablePrivacyFilter(){
$this->privacy_filter_disabled = true;
return $this;
public function enablePrivacyFilter(){
$this->privacy_filter_disabled = false;
return $this;
public function filterPrivacy(){
$user = cmsUser::getInstance();
if ($this->privacy_filtered) { return $this; }
// Этот фильтр может применяться при подсчете числа записей
// и при выборке самих записей
// используем флаг чтобы фильтр не применился дважды
$this->privacy_filtered = true;
return $this->filter("(i.is_private = 0 OR i.user_id = '{$user->id}' OR (i.is_private = 1 AND EXISTS (SELECT id FROM {users}_friends WHERE user_id='{$user->id}' AND friend_id=i.user_id AND is_mutual=1)))");
public function filterHiddenParents(){
return $this->filterIsNull('is_parent_hidden');
public function filterFriends($user_id){
$user_id = intval($user_id);
$this->joinInner('{users}_friends', 'f', "friend_id = i.user_id AND f.is_mutual = 1 AND f.user_id = '{$user_id}'");
return $this;
public function applyDatasetFilters($dataset, $ignore_sorting=false){
if (!empty ($dataset['filters'])){
foreach($dataset['filters'] as $filter){
if (($filter['value'] === '') && !in_array($filter['condition'], array('nn', 'ni'))) { continue; }
if (empty($filter['condition'])) { continue; }
if ($filter['value'] !== '') { $filter['value'] = string_replace_user_properties($filter['value']); }
// общие условия
case 'eq': $this->filterEqual($filter['field'], $filter['value']); break;
case 'gt': $this->filterGt($filter['field'], $filter['value']); break;
case 'lt': $this->filterLt($filter['field'], $filter['value']); break;
case 'ge': $this->filterGtEqual($filter['field'], $filter['value']); break;
case 'le': $this->filterLtEqual($filter['field'], $filter['value']); break;
case 'nn': $this->filterNotNull($filter['field']); break;
case 'ni': $this->filterIsNull($filter['field']); break;
// строки
case 'lk': $this->filterLike($filter['field'], '%'.$filter['value'].'%'); break;
case 'lb': $this->filterLike($filter['field'], $filter['value'] . '%'); break;
case 'lf': $this->filterLike($filter['field'], '%' . $filter['value']); break;
// даты
case 'dy': $this->filterDateYounger($filter['field'], $filter['value']); break;
case 'do': $this->filterDateOlder($filter['field'], $filter['value']); break;
if (!empty ($dataset['sorting']) && !$ignore_sorting){
return true;
public function select($field, $as=false){
$this->select[] = $as ? "{$field} as {$as}" : $field;
return $this;
public function selectOnly($field, $as=false){
$this->select = array();
$this->select[] = $as ? "{$field} as {$as}" : $field;
return $this;
public function join($table_name, $as, $on){
$this->join .= "JOIN {#}{$table_name} as {$as} ON {$on}n";
return $this;
public function joinLeft($table_name, $as, $on){
$this->join .= "LEFT JOIN {#}{$table_name} as {$as} ON {$on}n";
return $this;
public function joinLeftInner($table_name, $as, $on){
$this->join .= "LEFT INNER JOIN {#}{$table_name} as {$as} ON {$on}n";
return $this;
public function joinLeftOuter($table_name, $as, $on){
$this->join .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN {#}{$table_name} as {$as} ON {$on}n";
return $this;
public function joinRight($table_name, $as, $on){
$this->join .= "RIGHT JOIN {#}{$table_name} as {$as} ON {$on}n";
return $this;
public function joinRightInner($table_name, $as, $on){
$this->join .= "RIGHT INNER JOIN {#}{$table_name} as {$as} ON {$on}n";
return $this;
public function joinRightOuter($table_name, $as, $on){
$this->join .= "RIGHT OUTER JOIN {#}{$table_name} as {$as} ON {$on}n";
return $this;
public function joinInner($table_name, $as, $on){
$this->join .= "INNER JOIN {#}{$table_name} as {$as} ON {$on}n";
return $this;
public function joinOuter($table_name, $as, $on){
$this->join .= "OUTER JOIN {#}{$table_name} as {$as} ON {$on}n";
return $this;
public function joinUser($on_field='user_id', $user_fields=array(), $join_direction=false){
if (!$user_fields){
$user_fields = array(
'u.nickname' => 'user_nickname',
'u.avatar' => 'user_avatar',
foreach($user_fields as $field => $alias){
$this->select($field, $alias);
switch ($join_direction){
case 'left':
$this->joinLeft('{users}', 'u', "u.id = i.{$on_field}");
case 'right':
$this->joinRight('{users}', 'u', "u.id = i.{$on_field}");
$this->join('{users}', 'u', "u.id = i.{$on_field}");
return $this;
public function joinUserLeft($on_field='user_id', $user_fields=array()){
return $this->joinUser($on_field, $user_fields, 'left');
public function joinUserRight($on_field='user_id', $user_fields=array()){
return $this->joinUser($on_field, $user_fields, 'right');
public function groupBy($field){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$this->group_by = $field;
return $this;
public function orderBy($field, $direction=''){
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
$this->order_by = "{$field} {$direction}";
return $this;
public function orderByList($list){
$this->order_by = '';
if (is_array($list)){
foreach($list as $o){
$field = $o['by'];
$direction = $o['to'];
if (!strstr($field, '.')){ $field = 'i.' . $field; }
if ($this->order_by) { $this->order_by .= ', '; }
$this->order_by .= "{$field} {$direction}";
return $this;
public function limit($from, $howmany='') {
$this->limit = (int)$from;
if ($this->limit < 0) { $this->limit = 0; }
if ($howmany){
if ((int)$howmany <= 0){ $howmany = 15; }
$this->limit .= ', '. (int)$howmany;
return $this;
public function limitPage($page, $perpage=false) {
if (!$perpage) { $perpage = $this->perpage; }
$this->limit(($page-1)*$perpage, $perpage);
return $this;
public function setPerPage($perpage){
$this->perpage = $perpage;
return $this;
public function getField($table_name, $row_id, $field_name){
$this->filterEqual('id', $row_id);
return $this->getFieldFiltered($table_name, $field_name);
public function getFieldFiltered($table_name, $field_name){
$this->select = array("i.{$field_name} as {$field_name}");
$this->table = $table_name;
$sql = $this->getSQL();
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
if (!$this->db->numRows($result)){ return false; }
$item = $this->db->fetchAssoc($result);
return $item[ $field_name ];
public function getItem($table_name, $item_callback=false){
$select = implode(', ', $this->select);
$sql = "SELECT {$select}
FROM {#}{$table_name} i
if ($this->join){ $sql .= $this->join; }
if ($this->where){ $sql .= "WHERE {$this->where}n"; }
if ($this->order_by){ $sql .= "ORDER BY {$this->order_by}n"; }
$sql .= "LIMIT 1";
// если указан ключ кеша для этого запроса
// то пробуем получить результаты из кеша
if ($this->cache_key){
$cache_key = $this->cache_key . '.' . md5($sql);
$cache = cmsCache::getInstance();
if (false !== ($item = $cache->get($cache_key))){
return $item;
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
if (!$this->db->numRows($result)){ return false; }
$item = $this->db->fetchAssoc($result);
$item = $item_callback( $item, $this );
// если указан ключ кеша для этого запроса
// то сохраняем результаты в кеше
if ($this->cache_key){
$cache->set($cache_key, $item);
return $item;
public function getItemById($table_name, $id, $item_callback=false){
$this->filterEqual('id', $id);
return $this->getItem($table_name, $item_callback);
public function getItemByField($table_name, $field_name, $field_value, $item_callback=false){
$this->filterEqual($field_name, $field_value);
return $this->getItem($table_name, $item_callback);
public function getCount($table_name, $by_field='id'){
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(i.{$by_field}) as count
FROM {#}{$table_name} i
if ($this->join){ $sql .= $this->join; }
if ($this->where){ $sql .= "WHERE {$this->where}n"; }
// если указан ключ кеша для этого запроса
// то пробуем получить результаты из кеша
if ($this->cache_key){
$cache_key = $this->cache_key . '.' . md5($sql);
$cache = cmsCache::getInstance();
if (false !== ($result = $cache->get($cache_key))){
return $result;
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
if (!$this->db->numRows($result)){
$count = 0;
} else {
$item = $this->db->fetchAssoc($result);
$count = (int)$item['count'];
// если указан ключ кеша для этого запроса
// то сохраняем результаты в кеше
if ($this->cache_key){
$cache->set($cache_key, $count);
return $count;
* Возвращает записи из базы, применяя все наложенные ранее фильтры
* @return array
public function get($table_name, $item_callback=false, $key_field='id'){
$this->table = $table_name;
$sql = $this->getSQL();
// сбрасываем фильтры
// если указан ключ кеша для этого запроса
// то пробуем получить результаты из кеша
if ($this->cache_key){
$cache_key = $this->cache_key . '.' . md5($sql);
$cache = cmsCache::getInstance();
if (false !== ($items = $cache->get($cache_key))){
return $items;
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
// если запрос ничего не вернул, возвращаем ложь
if (!$this->db->numRows($result)){ return false; }
$items = array();
// перебираем все вернувшиеся строки
while($item = $this->db->fetchAssoc($result)){
$key = $key_field ? $item[$key_field] : false;
// если задан коллбек для обработки строк,
// то пропускаем строку через него
if (is_callable($item_callback)){
$item = $item_callback( $item, $this );
if ($item===false){ continue; }
// добавляем обработанную строку в результирующий массив
if ($key){
$items[$key] = $item;
} else {
$items[] = $item;
// если указан ключ кеша для этого запроса
// то сохраняем результаты в кеше
if ($this->cache_key){
$cache->set($cache_key, $items);
// возвращаем строки
return $items;
public function getSQL(){
$select = implode(', ', $this->select);
$sql = "SELECT {$select}
FROM {#}{$this->table} i
if ($this->join){ $sql .= $this->join; }
if ($this->where){ $sql .= "WHERE {$this->where}n"; }
if ($this->group_by){ $sql .= "GROUP BY {$this->group_by}n"; }
if ($this->order_by){ $sql .= "ORDER BY {$this->order_by}n"; }
if ($this->limit){ $sql .= "LIMIT {$this->limit}n"; }
return $sql;
public function getMax($table, $field, $default=0){
$sql = "SELECT i.{$field} as {$field}
FROM {#}{$table} i
if ($this->where) { $sql .= "WHERE {$this->where}n"; }
$sql .= "ORDER BY i.{$field} DESC
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
if (!$this->db->numRows($result)){ return $default; }
$max = $this->db->fetchAssoc($result);
return $max[$field];
* Возвращает максимальный порядковый номер в таблице
* @param string $table
* @param string $where
* @return int
public function getMaxOrdering($table){
return $this->getMax($table, 'ordering');
* Возращает следующий порядковый номер в таблице для новых записей
* @param string $table
* @param string $where
* @return int
public function getNextOrdering($table){
return $this->getMaxOrdering($table) + 1;
* Пересчитывает порядковые номера в таблице
* @param string $table_name
* @param string $where
* @return bool
public function reorder($table_name){
$sql = "SELECT i.id as id, i.ordering as ordering
FROM {#}{$table_name} i
if ($this->where) { $sql .= "WHERE {$this->where}n"; }
$sql .= "ORDER BY ordering";
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
if (!$this->db->numRows($result)){
return false;
$ordering = 0;
while($item = $this->db->fetchAssoc($result)){
$ordering += 1;
$this->db->query("UPDATE {#}{$table_name} SET ordering = {$ordering} WHERE id = {$item['id']}");
return true;
* Расставляет порядковые номера для списка из ID записей
* @param string $table_name
* @param string $list
* @param array $additional_fields Список дополнительных полей и их значений, которые нужно обновлять вместе с ordering
* @return bool
public function reorderByList($table_name, $list, $additional_fields=false){
$ordering = 0;
$additional_set = array();
if (is_array($additional_fields)){
foreach($additional_fields as $field=>$value){
$value = $this->db->escape($value);
$additional_set[] = "{$field} = '{$value}'";
if ($additional_set){
$additional_set = ', ' . implode(', ', $additional_set);
} else {
$additional_set = '';
foreach($list as $id){
$ordering += 1;
$id = $this->db->escape($id);
$query = "UPDATE {#}{$table_name}
SET ordering = '{$ordering}' {$additional_set}
WHERE id = '{$id}'";
return true;
* Применяет к модели фильтры, переданные из просмотра
* таблицы со списком записей
* @param array $grid
* @param array $filter
* @return bool
public function applyGridFilter($grid, $filter){
// применяем сортировку
if (!empty($filter['order_by'])) {
if (!empty($grid['columns'][$filter['order_by']]['order_by'])){
$filter['order_by'] = $grid['columns'][$filter['order_by']]['order_by'];
$this->orderBy($filter['order_by'], $filter['order_to']);
// устанавливаем страницу
if (!empty($filter['page'])){
$perpage = !empty($filter['perpage']) ? intval($filter['perpage']) : $this->perpage;
$this->limitPage(intval($filter['page']), $perpage);
// проходим по каждой колонке таблицы
// и проверяем не передан ли фильтр для нее
foreach($grid['columns'] as $field => $column){
if (isset($column['filter']) && $column['filter'] != 'none' && $column['filter'] != false){
if (!empty($filter[$field])){
if (!empty($column['filter_by'])){
$filter_field = $column['filter_by'];
} else {
$filter_field = $field;
switch ($column['filter']){
case 'exact': $this->filterEqual($filter_field, $filter[$field]); break;
case 'like': $this->filterLike($filter_field, "%{$filter[$field]}%"); break;
case 'date':
$date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($filter[$field]));
$this->filterLike($filter_field, "%{$date}%"); break;
* Сортирует элементы массива $items в виде плоского дерева
* на основании связей через parent_id
* @param array $items
* @param array $result_tree
* @param int $parent_id
* @param int $level
public function buildTreeRecursive($items, &$result_tree, $parent_id=0, $level=1){
foreach($items as $num=>$item){
if ($item['parent_id']==$parent_id){
$item['level'] = $level-1;
if (!isset($result_tree[$item['id']])){
$result_tree[$item['id']] = $item;
$this->buildTreeRecursive($items, $result_tree, $item['id'], $level);
public function increment($table, $field, $step=1){
$sign = $step > 0 ? '+' : '-';
$step = abs($step);
$sql = "UPDATE {#}{$table} i
SET i.{$field} = i.{$field} {$sign} {$step}
if ($this->where) { $sql .= "WHERE {$this->where}"; }
return $this->db->query($sql);
public function decrement($table, $field, $step=1){
return $this->increment($table, $field, $step * -1);
* Преобразует массив в YAML
* @param array $array
* @return string
static public function arrayToYaml($array) {
$yaml = Spyc::YAMLDump($array,2,40);
return $yaml;
* Преобразует YAML в массив
* @param string $yaml
* @return array
static public function yamlToArray($yaml) {
$array = Spyc::YAMLLoadString($yaml);
return $array;