Вход Регистрация
Файл: install/languages/en/base.sql
Строк: 32759
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}activity`; CREATE TABLE `{#}activity` ( `id`
int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `user_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `group_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `subject_title`
varchar(140) DEFAULT NULL, `subject_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`subject_url` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `reply_url` varchar(250) DEFAULT
NULL, `images` text, `images_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `date_pub`
timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `is_private` tinyint(1) NOT
NULL DEFAULT '0', `is_parent_hidden` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY
KEY (`id`), KEY `type_id` (`type_id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY
`date_pub` (`date_pub`), KEY `is_private` (`is_private`), KEY
`group_id` (`group_id`), KEY `is_parent_hidden` (`is_parent_hidden`) )
ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}activity` (`id`,
`type_id`, `user_id`, `group_id`, `subject_title`, `subject_id`,
`subject_url`, `reply_url`, `images`, `images_count`, `date_pub`,
`is_private`, `is_parent_hidden`) VALUES (3, 13, 1, NULL, 'Elliptical
perigee in the XXI century', 1,
'/articles/1-elliptical-perigee-in-the-xxi-century.html', NULL, NULL, NULL,
'2013-07-24 10:49:30', 0, NULL), (6, 13, 1, NULL, 'Undersaturated diamond:
preconditions and development', 4,
NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-07-24 11:22:39', 0, NULL), (10, 12, 1, NULL, 'We
are all made of stars © Moby', NULL, NULL, '/users/1?wid=1&reply=1',
NULL, NULL, '2013-07-24 11:35:13', 0, NULL), (17, 1, 1, NULL, 'About', 1,
'/pages/about.html', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-08-08 15:07:27', 0,
NULL), (18, 1, 1, NULL, 'Terms and conditions', 2, '/pages/terms.html',
NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-08-08 15:09:13', 0, NULL), (33, 17, 1, NULL, 'Toys
are becoming more expensive', 2,
'/news/2-igrushki-stanovjatsja-dorozhe.html', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-09-09
16:02:07', 0, NULL), (34, 17, 1, NULL, 'Сar service for vintage cars', 3,
'/news/3-v-gorode-otkryt-servis-dlja-retro-avtomobilei.html', NULL, NULL,
NULL, '2013-09-09 16:03:25', 0, NULL), (35, 17, 1, NULL, 'Summer season has
officially begun', 4, '/news/4-dachnyi-sezon-otkryt.html', NULL, NULL,
NULL, '2013-09-09 16:04:25', 0, NULL), (36, 17, 1, NULL, 'Business expects
to reduce taxes', 5, '/news/5-snizhenie-nalogov-dlja-biznesa.html', NULL,
NULL, NULL, '2013-09-09 16:05:26', 0, NULL), (37, 17, 1, NULL, 'More and
more people are buying homes abroad', 6,
NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-09-12 12:09:25', 0, NULL), (38, 17, 1, NULL,
'Reduced the number of crimes', 7,
'/news/7-kolichestvo-prestuplenii-v-rossii-sokraschaetsja.html', NULL,
NULL, NULL, '2013-09-12 12:10:55', 0, NULL), (40, 17, 1, NULL, 'We have won
the World Championship!', 9,
'/news/9-rossijane-stali-pervymi-na-chempionate-mira.html', NULL, NULL,
NULL, '2013-09-12 12:14:13', 0, NULL), (56, 13, 1, NULL, 'Mythological
recipient', 10, '/articles/10-mythological-recipient.html', NULL, NULL,
NULL, '2013-10-09 14:48:19', 0, NULL), (57, 13, 1, NULL, 'Public review of
international experience', 11,
'/articles/11-public-review-of-international-experience.html', NULL, NULL,
NULL, '2013-10-09 14:54:36', 0, NULL), (67, 14, 1, 1, 'My first post in the
Community', 5, '/posts/5-moi-pervyi-post-v-soobschestve.html', NULL, NULL,
NULL, '2013-11-13 16:43:07', 0, NULL); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}activity_types`; CREATE TABLE `{#}activity_types` ( `id` int(11) NOT
NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `is_enabled` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`controller` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `title`
varchar(100) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY
(`id`), KEY `is_enabled` (`is_enabled`), KEY `controller`
(`controller`), KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}activity_types` (`id`, `is_enabled`,
`controller`, `name`, `title`, `description`) VALUES (7, 1, 'users',
'friendship', 'Friendship', 'and %s become a friends'), (8, 1, 'users',
'signup', 'New members', 'joined us! Welcome!'), (10, 1, 'groups', 'join',
'Joining a group', 'joins the group %s'), (11, 1, 'groups', 'leave',
'Leaving a Group', 'leaves the group %s'), (12, 1, 'users', 'status',
'Status changing', '→ %s'), (13, 1, 'content', 'add.articles',
'Add articles', 'adds article %s'), (14, 1, 'content', 'add.posts', 'Add
posts', 'adds post %s'), (15, 0, 'content', 'add.albums', 'Add albums',
'adds album %s'), (17, 1, 'content', 'add.news', 'Add news', 'adds news
%s'), (18, 1, 'photos', 'add.photos', 'Adding Photos', 'is uploding photos
in the album %s'), (19, 1, 'users', 'avatar', 'Change avatar', 'changes
avatar'), (20, 1, 'content', 'add.pages', 'Add pages', 'adds page
%s'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}comments`; CREATE TABLE `{#}comments` (
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
COMMENT 'ID родительского комментария', `level`
tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Уровень вложенности',
`ordering` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Порядковый номер в
дереве', `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID автора',
публикации', `target_controller` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL
COMMENT 'Контроллер комментируемого
контента', `target_subject` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Объект комментирования', `target_id` int(11)
DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID объекта комментирования',
`target_url` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'URL объекта
комментирования', `target_title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL
COMMENT 'Заголовок объекта
комментирования', `author_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL
COMMENT 'Имя автора (гостя)', `author_email` varchar(100)
DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'E-mail автора (гостя)', `author_url`
varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Сайт автора (гостя)',
`content` text COMMENT 'Текст комментария',
`content_html` text COMMENT 'Текст после типографа',
`is_deleted` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Комментарий
удален?', `is_private` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT
'Только для друзей?', `rating` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT
'0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY
`target_controller` (`target_controller`), KEY `target_type`
(`target_subject`), KEY `target_id` (`target_id`), KEY `parent_id`
(`parent_id`), KEY `ordering` (`ordering`), KEY `is_private`
(`is_private`), KEY `rating` (`rating`), KEY `author_url`
(`author_url`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
COMMENT='Комментарии пользователей'; INSERT INTO
`{#}comments` (`id`, `parent_id`, `level`, `ordering`, `user_id`,
`date_pub`, `target_controller`, `target_subject`, `target_id`,
`target_url`, `target_title`, `author_name`, `author_email`, `author_url`,
`content`, `content_html`, `is_deleted`, `is_private`, `rating`) VALUES (1,
0, 1, 1, 1, '2013-11-22 16:35:23', 'content', 'articles', 4,
'Undersaturated diamond: preconditions and development', NULL, NULL, NULL,
'This article is so complicated...', 'This article is so complicated…',
NULL, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 2, 1, '2013-11-22 16:35:59', 'content', 'articles',
4, 'articles/4-undersaturated-diamond-preconditions-and-development.html',
'Undersaturated diamond: preconditions and development', NULL, NULL, NULL,
'I haven''t understood anything', 'I haven''t understood anything', NULL,
0, 0); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}comments_rating`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}comments_rating` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`comment_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`score` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `comment_id`
(`comment_id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
`{#}comments_tracks` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `target_controller` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`target_subject` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `target_id` int(11) DEFAULT
NULL, `target_url` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `target_title`
varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id`
(`user_id`), KEY `target_controller` (`target_controller`), KEY
`target_subject` (`target_subject`), KEY `target_id` (`target_id`) )
пользователей на новые комментарии'; DROP
TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}content_datasets`; CREATE TABLE `{#}content_datasets`
( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ctype_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
COMMENT 'ID типа контента', `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL
COMMENT 'Название набора', `title` varchar(100) NOT NULL
COMMENT 'Заголовок набора', `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT
NULL COMMENT 'Порядковый номер', `is_visible` tinyint(1)
DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Отображать набор на сайте?',
`filters` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Массив фильтров
набора', `sorting` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Массив правил
сортировки', `groups_view` text COMMENT 'Показывать
группам', `groups_hide` text COMMENT 'Скрывать от
групп', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `ctype_id` (`ctype_id`), KEY
`name` (`name`), KEY `ordering` (`ordering`), KEY `is_visible`
(`is_visible`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Наборы
для типов контента'; INSERT INTO `{#}content_datasets`
(`id`, `ctype_id`, `name`, `title`, `ordering`, `is_visible`, `filters`,
`sorting`, `groups_view`, `groups_hide`) VALUES (1, 5, 'all', 'Latest', 1,
1, '0', '---\n- \n by: date_pub\n to: desc\n', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (2,
5, 'reviews', 'Reviews', 2, 1, '---\n- \n field: kind\n condition: eq\n
value: 2\n', '---\n- \n by: date_pub\n to: desc\n', '---\n- 0\n',
NULL), (3, 5, 'translations', 'Translations', 3, 1, '---\n- \n field:
kind\n condition: eq\n value: 3\n', '---\n- \n by: date_pub\n to:
desc\n', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (4, 5, 'featured', 'Editor''s choice', 4, 1,
'---\n- \n field: featured\n condition: eq\n value: 1\n', '---\n- \n
by: date_pub\n to: desc\n', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (5, 5, 'rating', 'Top
articles', 5, 1, '---\n- \n field: rating\n condition: gt\n value: 0\n',
'---\n- \n by: rating\n to: desc\n', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (6, 6,
'latest', 'Latest', 1, 1, '0', '---\n- \n by: date_pub\n to: desc\n',
'---\n- 0\n', NULL), (7, 6, 'daily', 'Daily top', 2, 1, '---\n- \n field:
date_pub\n condition: dy\n value: 1\n', '---\n- \n by: rating\n to:
desc\n', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (8, 6, 'weekly', 'Weekly top', 3, 1, '---\n-
\n field: date_pub\n condition: dy\n value: 7\n', '---\n- \n by:
rating\n to: desc\n', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (9, 6, 'monthly', 'Monthly
top', 4, 1, '---\n- \n field: date_pub\n condition: dy\n value: 31\n',
'---\n- \n by: date_pub\n to: desc\n', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (10, 10,
'latest', 'Latest', 1, 1, '0', '---\n- \n by: date_pub\n to: desc\n',
'---\n- 0\n', NULL), (11, 10, 'discussed', 'Discussed', 2, 1, '0', '---\n-
\n by: title\n to: desc\n', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (12, 10, 'popular',
'Popular', 3, 1, '0', '---\n- \n by: rating\n to: desc\n', '---\n- 0\n',
`{#}content_folders` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ctype_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `title`
varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `ctype_id`
(`ctype_id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}content_folders` (`id`, `ctype_id`,
`user_id`, `title`) VALUES (5, 6, 1, 'My thoughts'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}content_types`; CREATE TABLE `{#}content_types` ( `id` int(11) NOT
NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(32)
NOT NULL COMMENT 'Системное имя', `description` varchar(255)
DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Описание', `is_date_range` tinyint(1)
DEFAULT NULL, `is_premod_add` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Модерация при создании?', `is_premod_edit`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Модерация при
редактировании', `is_cats` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Категории включены?', `is_cats_recursive` tinyint(1)
DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Сквозной просмотр
категорий?', `is_folders` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`is_in_groups` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Создание в
группах', `is_in_groups_only` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Создание только в группах', `is_comments`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Комментарии
включены?', `is_comments_tree` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`is_rating` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Разрешить
рейтинг?', `is_rating_pos` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_tags`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_auto_keys` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Автоматическая генерация ключевых
слов?', `is_auto_desc` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Автоматическая генерация описания?',
`is_auto_url` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Генерировать URL
из заголовка?', `is_fixed_url` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Не изменять URL при изменении записи?',
`url_pattern` varchar(255) DEFAULT '{id}-{title}', `options` text COMMENT
'Массив опций', `labels` text COMMENT 'Массив
заголовков', `seo_keys` text COMMENT 'Ключевые
слова', `seo_desc` text COMMENT 'Описание', `seo_title`
varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `item_append_html` text, `is_fixed`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `name`
(`name`), KEY `is_cats` (`is_cats`), KEY `is_comments`
(`is_comments`), KEY `is_comments_tree` (`is_comments_tree`), KEY
`is_rating` (`is_rating`), KEY `is_rating_pos` (`is_rating_pos`), KEY
`is_auto_keys` (`is_auto_keys`), KEY `is_auto_url` (`is_auto_url`), KEY
`is_in_groups` (`is_in_groups`), KEY `is_in_groups_only`
(`is_in_groups_only`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
COMMENT='Типы контента'; INSERT INTO `{#}content_types` (`id`,
`title`, `name`, `description`, `is_date_range`, `is_premod_add`,
`is_premod_edit`, `is_cats`, `is_cats_recursive`, `is_folders`,
`is_in_groups`, `is_in_groups_only`, `is_comments`, `is_comments_tree`,
`is_rating`, `is_rating_pos`, `is_tags`, `is_auto_keys`, `is_auto_desc`,
`is_auto_url`, `is_fixed_url`, `url_pattern`, `options`, `labels`,
`seo_keys`, `seo_desc`, `seo_title`, `item_append_html`, `is_fixed`)
VALUES (1, 'Pages', 'pages', 'Static pages', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
'{id}-{title}', '---\nis_cats_change: null\nis_cats_open_root:
null\nis_cats_only_last: null\nis_show_cats: null\nis_tags_in_list:
null\nis_tags_in_item: null\nis_rss: null\nlist_on: null\nprofile_on:
null\nlist_show_filter: null\nlist_expand_filter:
null\nlist_style:\nitem_on: 1\nis_cats_keys: null\nis_cats_desc:
null\nis_cats_auto_url: 1\n', '---\none: page\ntwo: pages\nmany:
pages\ncreate: page\nlist:\nprofile:\n', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1), (5,
'Articles', 'articles', 'Text articles', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL,
NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL, '{id}-{title}',
'---\nis_cats_change: 1\nis_cats_open_root: 1\nis_cats_only_last:
null\nis_show_cats: 1\nis_tags_in_list: 1\nis_tags_in_item: 1\nis_rss:
1\nlist_on: 1\nprofile_on: 1\nlist_show_filter: 1\nlist_expand_filter:
null\nlist_style:\nitem_on: 1\nhits_on: 1\nis_cats_keys: 1\nis_cats_desc:
1\nis_cats_auto_url: 1\n', '---\none: article\ntwo: articles\nmany:
articles\ncreate: article\nlist:\nprofile:\n', 'статьи, разные,
интересные, полезные', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (6, 'Blog
posts', 'posts', 'Blog posts', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1,
NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '{id}-{title}', '---\nis_cats_change:
null\nis_cats_open_root: null\nis_cats_only_last: null\nis_show_cats:
null\nis_tags_in_list: 1\nis_tags_in_item: 1\nis_rss: 1\nlist_on:
1\nprofile_on: 1\nlist_show_filter: null\nlist_expand_filter:
null\nlist_style:\nitem_on: 1\nis_cats_keys: null\nis_cats_desc:
null\nis_cats_auto_url: 1\n', '---\none: post\ntwo: posts\nmany:
posts\ncreate: post\nlist: Blogs Posts\nprofile: Blog\n', NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL), (7, 'Photo albums', 'albums', 'Albums with members pictures',
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, '{id}-{title}', '---\nis_cats_change: null\nis_cats_open_root:
null\nis_cats_only_last: null\nis_show_cats: null\nis_tags_in_list:
null\nis_tags_in_item: 1\nis_rss: 1\nlist_on: 1\nprofile_on:
1\nlist_show_filter: null\nlist_expand_filter: null\nitem_on:
1\nis_cats_keys: null\nis_cats_desc: null\nis_cats_auto_url: 1\n',
'---\none: album\ntwo: albums\nmany: albums\ncreate:
album\nlist:\nprofile:\n', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (10, 'News',
'news', 'Information messages', NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1,
NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '{id}-{title}', '---\nis_cats_change:
1\nis_cats_open_root: null\nis_cats_only_last: null\nis_show_cats:
null\nis_tags_in_list: null\nis_tags_in_item: 1\nis_rss: 1\nlist_on:
1\nprofile_on: 1\nlist_show_filter: null\nlist_expand_filter:
null\nlist_style: featured\nitem_on: 1\nis_cats_keys: null\nis_cats_desc:
null\nis_cats_auto_url: 1\n', '---\none: news\ntwo: news\nmany:
news\ncreate: news\nlist:\nprofile:\n', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
`{#}controllers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title`
varchar(64) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT
'Системное имя', `is_enabled` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
COMMENT 'Включен?', `options` text COMMENT 'Массив
настроек', `author` varchar(128) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Имя
автора', `url` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Сайт
автора', `version` varchar(8) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Версия',
`is_backend` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Есть
админка?', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `name` (`name`), KEY
`enabled` (`is_enabled`), KEY `is_backend` (`is_backend`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB
`{#}controllers` (`id`, `title`, `name`, `is_enabled`, `options`, `author`,
`url`, `version`, `is_backend`) VALUES (1, 'Control Panel', 'admin', 1, '',
'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 0), (2, 'Content',
'content', 1, '', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0',
0), (3, 'Members profiles', 'users', 1, '---\nis_ds_online:
1\nis_ds_rating: 1\nis_ds_popular: 1\nis_filter: 1\nis_auth_only:
null\nis_status: 1\nis_wall: 1\nis_themes_on: 1\nmax_tabs:
6\nis_friends_on: 1\nis_karma_comments: 1\nkarma_time: 30\n', 'InstantCMS
Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1), (4, 'Comments', 'comments',
1, NULL, 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1), (5,
'Private messages', 'messages', 1, '---\nlimit: 10\ngroups_allowed: \n -
0\n', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru/', '2.0', 1), (6,
'Authorization & registration', 'auth', 1, '---\nis_reg_enabled:
1\nreg_reason: >\n К сожалению, нам пока\n не
нужны новые\n пользователи\nis_reg_invites:
null\nreg_captcha: 1\nverify_email: null\nverify_exp: 48\nauth_captcha:
1\nrestricted_emails: |\n *@shitmail.me\r\n *@mailspeed.ru\r\n
*@temp-mail.ru\r\n *@guerrillamail.com\r\n *@12minutemail.com\r\n
*@mytempemail.com\r\n *@spamobox.com\r\n *@disposableinbox.com\r\n
*@filzmail.com\r\n *@freemail.ms\r\n *@anonymbox.com\r\n *@lroid.com\r\n
*@yopmail.com\r\n *@TempEmail.net\r\n *@spambog.com\r\n
*@mailforspam.com\r\n *@spam.su\r\n *@no-spam.ws\r\n
*@mailinator.com\r\n *@spamavert.com\r\n
*@trashcanmail.com\nrestricted_names: |\n admin*\r\n админ*\r\n
модератор\r\n moderator\nrestricted_ips:\nis_invites:
1\nis_invites_strict: 1\ninvites_period: 7\ninvites_qty:
3\ninvites_min_karma: 0\ninvites_min_rating: 0\ninvites_min_days: 0\n',
'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1), (7, 'Activity
Tracker', 'activity', 1, '---\ntypes:\n - 10\n - 11\n - 17\n - 16\n -
14\n - 13\n - 18\n - 7\n - 19\n - 12\n - 8\n', 'InstantCMS Team',
'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1), (8, 'Groups', 'groups', 1,
'---\nis_ds_rating: 1\nis_ds_popular: 1\nis_wall: 1\n', 'InstantCMS Team',
'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1), (9, 'Markup Editor', 'markitup', 1,
'---\nset: default-en\nskin: simple\nimages_upload: 1\nimages_w:
400\nimages_h: 400\n', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru',
'2.0', 1), (10, 'Ratings', 'rating', 1, '---\nis_hidden: 1\nis_show: 1\n',
'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1), (11, 'Wall',
'wall', 1, NULL, 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0',
0), (12, 'reCAPTCHA', 'recaptcha', 1, '---\npublic_key:
6LdgRuESAAAAAFaKHgCjfQlHVYh8v3aeYirFM0ow\ntheme: clean\nlang: en\n',
'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1), (13, 'Moderation
Panel', 'moderation', 1, NULL, 'InstantCMS Team',
'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 0), (14, 'Tags', 'tags', 1, NULL,
'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1), (15, 'RSS feeds',
'rss', 1, NULL, 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0',
1), (16, 'Sitemap generator', 'sitemap', 1, '---\nsources:\n
users|profiles: 1\n groups|profiles: 1\n content|pages: 1\n
content|articles: 1\n content|posts: 1\n content|albums: 1\n
content|board: 1\n content|news: 1\n', 'InstantCMS Team',
'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0', 1), (17, 'Search', 'search', 1,
'---\nctypes:\n - articles\n - posts\n - albums\n - board\n -
news\nperpage: 15\n', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0',
1); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}con_albums`; CREATE TABLE `{#}con_albums` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`content` text, `slug` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `seo_keys` text,
`seo_desc` text, `seo_title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `tags`
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CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `date_last_modified` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`date_pub_end` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `is_pub` tinyint(1) DEFAULT
'1', `hits_count` int(11) DEFAULT '0', `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
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NULL, `parent_title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `parent_url`
varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `is_parent_hidden` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
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NULL, `is_comments_on` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `comments` int(11) NOT
NULL DEFAULT '0', `rating` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `is_approved`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `approved_by` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`date_approved` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `is_private` tinyint(1) NOT
NULL DEFAULT '0', `cover_image` text, `photos_count` int(11) NOT NULL
DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `date_pub` (`date_pub`), KEY
`user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`), KEY `parent_type`
(`parent_type`), KEY `category_id` (`category_id`), KEY
`is_comments_on` (`is_comments_on`), KEY `comments` (`comments`), KEY
`rating` (`rating`), KEY `is_private` (`is_private`), KEY
`photos_count` (`photos_count`), KEY `is_parent_hidden`
(`is_parent_hidden`), KEY `folder_id` (`folder_id`), KEY `date_pub_end`
(`date_pub_end`,`is_pub`,`hits_count`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}con_albums` (`id`, `title`, `content`,
`slug`, `seo_keys`, `seo_desc`, `seo_title`, `tags`, `date_pub`,
`date_last_modified`, `date_pub_end`, `is_pub`, `hits_count`, `user_id`,
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`comments`, `rating`, `is_approved`, `approved_by`, `date_approved`,
`is_private`, `cover_image`, `photos_count`) VALUES (16, 'The beauty of the
surrounding nature', 'Photos from the deviantart.com',
'16-krasota-okruzhayuschei-prirody', 'photos, deviantart.com', 'Photos from
the deviantart.com', NULL, 'example, photo', '2013-11-13 16:48:18',
'2013-11-22 16:32:38', NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1,
NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2013-11-22 16:32:38', 0, '---\nbig:
u1/004/4f11cd73.jpg\nnormal: u1/004/5b0ff517.jpg\nsmall:
u1/004/5edb4681.jpg', 4), (14, 'Разные фоточки',
'Фотографии снятые мной на досуге',
'14-raznye-fotochki', 'фотографии, снятые, досуге',
'Фотографии снятые мной на досуге', NULL, '0',
'2013-10-09 16:46:43', '2013-10-09 16:46:43', NULL, 1, 0, 6, NULL, NULL,
TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}con_albums_cats`; CREATE TABLE `{#}con_albums_cats` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`title` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`slug_key` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `seo_keys` text, `seo_desc`
text, `seo_title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT
NULL, `ns_left` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ns_right` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
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DEFAULT '', `ns_ignore` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY
(`id`), KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`), KEY `ns_left` (`ns_left`), KEY
`ns_right` (`ns_right`), KEY `ordering` (`ordering`), KEY `ns_differ`
(`ns_differ`), KEY `ns_ignore` (`ns_ignore`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}con_albums_cats` (`id`, `parent_id`,
`title`, `slug`, `slug_key`, `seo_keys`, `seo_desc`, `seo_title`,
`ordering`, `ns_left`, `ns_right`, `ns_level`, `ns_differ`, `ns_ignore`)
VALUES (1, 0, '---', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 2, 0, '',
0); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}con_albums_fields`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}con_albums_fields` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`ctype_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `hint` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
`ordering` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `fieldset` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`type` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL, `is_in_list` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
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NULL, `is_private` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_fixed` tinyint(1)
DEFAULT NULL, `is_fixed_type` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_system`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `values` text, `options` text, `groups_read`
text, `groups_edit` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `ordering`
(`ordering`), KEY `is_in_list` (`is_in_list`), KEY `is_in_item`
(`is_in_item`), KEY `is_in_filter` (`is_in_filter`), KEY `is_private`
(`is_private`), KEY `is_fixed` (`is_fixed`), KEY `is_fixed_type`
(`is_fixed_type`), KEY `is_system` (`is_system`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}con_albums_fields` (`id`, `ctype_id`,
`name`, `title`, `hint`, `ordering`, `fieldset`, `type`, `is_in_list`,
`is_in_item`, `is_in_filter`, `is_private`, `is_fixed`, `is_fixed_type`,
`is_system`, `values`, `options`, `groups_read`, `groups_edit`) VALUES (1,
7, 'title', 'Album title', NULL, 1, NULL, 'caption', 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1,
0, NULL, '---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: none\nis_required:
1\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (2, 7, 'date_pub',
'Date of publication', NULL, 2, NULL, 'date', 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL,
'---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (3, 7, 'user',
'Author', NULL, 3, NULL, 'user', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL,
'---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (4, 7, 'content',
'Album description', NULL, 4, NULL, 'text', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL,
NULL, NULL, '---\nmin_length: 0\nmax_length: 2048\nis_html_filter:
null\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: none\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (5, 7, 'cover_image',
'Album cover image', NULL, 5, NULL, 'image', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1,
NULL, '---\nlabel_in_list: left\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}con_albums_props`; CREATE TABLE `{#}con_albums_props` ( `id` int(11)
NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ctype_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `title`
varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `fieldset` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `type`
varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL, `is_in_filter` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`values` text, `options` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `is_active`
(`is_in_filter`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; DROP TABLE IF
EXISTS `{#}con_albums_props_bind`; CREATE TABLE `{#}con_albums_props_bind`
( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `prop_id` int(11) DEFAULT
NULL, `cat_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `prop_id` (`prop_id`), KEY `cat_id`
(`cat_id`), KEY `ordering` (`ordering`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}con_albums_props_values`; CREATE
TABLE `{#}con_albums_props_values` ( `prop_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`item_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `value` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, KEY
`prop_id` (`prop_id`), KEY `item_id` (`item_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
`{#}con_articles` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title`
varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `content` text, `slug` varchar(100) DEFAULT
NULL, `seo_keys` text, `seo_desc` text, `seo_title` varchar(255)
DEFAULT NULL, `tags` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL, `date_pub` timestamp
NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `date_last_modified` timestamp NULL
DEFAULT NULL, `date_pub_end` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `is_pub`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `hits_count` int(11) DEFAULT '0', `user_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `parent_type`
varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `parent_title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`parent_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `is_parent_hidden` tinyint(1)
DEFAULT NULL, `category_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `folder_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `is_comments_on` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`comments` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `rating` int(11) NOT NULL
DEFAULT '0', `is_approved` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`approved_by` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `date_approved` timestamp NULL
DEFAULT NULL, `is_private` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `teaser`
text, `kind` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `notice` text, `source` text,
`featured` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `date_pub`
(`date_pub`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `parent_id`
(`parent_id`), KEY `parent_type` (`parent_type`), KEY
`is_parent_hidden` (`is_parent_hidden`), KEY `category_id`
(`category_id`), KEY `is_comments_on` (`is_comments_on`), KEY
`comments` (`comments`), KEY `rating` (`rating`), KEY `is_approved`
(`is_approved`), KEY `approved_by` (`approved_by`), KEY `date_approved`
(`date_approved`), KEY `is_private` (`is_private`), KEY `folder_id`
(`folder_id`), KEY `date_pub_end`
(`date_pub_end`,`is_pub`,`hits_count`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}con_articles` (`id`, `title`, `content`,
`slug`, `seo_keys`, `seo_desc`, `seo_title`, `tags`, `date_pub`,
`date_last_modified`, `date_pub_end`, `is_pub`, `hits_count`, `user_id`,
`parent_id`, `parent_type`, `parent_title`, `parent_url`,
`is_parent_hidden`, `category_id`, `folder_id`, `is_comments_on`,
`comments`, `rating`, `is_approved`, `approved_by`, `date_approved`,
`is_private`, `teaser`, `kind`, `notice`, `source`, `featured`) VALUES (1,
'Elliptical perigee in the XXI century', '<p>\r\n Yet remarkably
appearance get him his projection. Diverted endeavor bed peculiar men the
not desirous. Acuteness abilities ask can offending furnished fulfilled
sex. Warrant fifteen exposed ye at mistake. Blush since so in noisy still
built up an again. As young ye hopes no he place means. Partiality
diminution gay yet entreaties admiration. In mr it he mention perhaps
attempt pointed suppose. Unknown ye chamber of warrant of norland
arrived.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Rank tall boy man them over post
now. Off into she bed long fat room. Recommend existence curiosity
perfectly favourite get eat she why daughters. Not may too nay busy last
song must sell. An newspaper assurance discourse ye certainly. Soon gone
game and why many calm have.\r\n</p>',
'1-elliptical-perigee-in-the-xxi-century', 'warrant, remarkably, since,
blush, mistake, exposed, noisy, still, hopes, young', 'Yet remarkably
appearance get him his projection. Diverted endeavor bed peculiar men the
not desirous. Acuteness abilities ask can offending furnished fulfilled
sex. Warrant fifteen exposed ye at mistake', NULL, 'example, article,
science', '2013-07-24 10:49:30', '2013-11-22 16:23:29', NULL, 1, 0, 1,
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2013-07-24
10:53:11', 0, '<p>\r\n <p>\r\n Yet remarkably appearance get
him his projection. Diverted endeavor bed peculiar men the not
desirous.\r\n </p>\r\n</p>', 1, NULL,
'http://referats.yandex.ru/astronomy.xml', NULL), (4, 'Undersaturated
diamond: preconditions and development', '<p>\r\n Her old collecting
she considered discovered. So at parties he warrant oh staying. Square new
horses and put better end. Sincerity collected happiness do is contented.
Sigh ever way now many. Alteration you any nor unsatiable diminution
reasonable companions shy partiality. Leaf by left deal mile oh if easy.
Added woman first get led joy not early
jokes.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Speedily say has suitable disposal
add boy. On forth doubt miles of child. Exercise joy man children rejoiced.
Yet uncommonly his ten who diminution astonished. Demesne new manners
savings staying had. Under folly balls death own point now men. Match way
these she avoid see death. She whose drift their fat off.\r\n</p>',
'4-undersaturated-diamond-preconditions-and-development', 'diminution,
staying, death, unsatiable, reasonable, alteration, companions, contented,
early, first', 'Her old collecting she considered discovered. So at parties
he warrant oh staying. Square new horses and put better end. Sincerity
collected happiness do is contented. Sigh ever way now many', NULL,
'article, science', '2013-07-24 11:22:39', '2013-11-22 16:22:45', NULL, 1,
0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 1, NULL,
'2013-10-04 14:55:37', 0, '<p>\r\n <p>\r\n Her old collecting
she considered discovered. So at parties he warrant oh
staying.\r\n </p>\r\n</p>', 3, NULL,
'http://referats.yandex.ru/geology.xml', NULL), (11, 'Public review of
international experience', '<p>\r\n Her extensive perceived may any
sincerity extremity. Indeed add rather may pretty see. Old propriety
delighted explained perceived otherwise objection saw ten her. Doubt merit
sir the right these alone keeps. By sometimes intention smallness he
northward. Consisted we otherwise arranging commanded discovery it
explained. Does cold even song like two yet been. Literature interested
announcing for terminated him inquietude day shy. Himself he fertile
chicken perhaps waiting if highest no it. Continued promotion has consulted
fat improving not way.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Arrived compass
prepare an on as. Reasonable particular on my it in sympathize. Size now
easy eat hand how. Unwilling he departure elsewhere dejection at. Heart
large seems may purse means few blind. Exquisite newspaper attending on
certainty oh suspicion of. He less do quit evil is. Add matter family
active mutual put wishes happen.\r\n</p>',
'11-public-review-of-international-experience', 'otherwise, explained,
perceived, arranging, commanded, consisted, northward, intention,
smallness, fertile', 'Her extensive perceived may any sincerity extremity.
Indeed add rather may pretty see. Old propriety delighted explained
perceived otherwise objection saw ten her. Doubt merit sir the right these
alone keeps', NULL, '0', '2013-10-09 14:54:36', '2013-11-22 16:21:33',
NULL, 1, 6, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 9, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 1, NULL,
'2013-10-09 15:02:33', 0, '<p>\r\n Her extensive perceived may any
sincerity extremity. Indeed add rather may pretty see. Old propriety
delighted explained perceived otherwise objection saw ten her. Doubt merit
sir the right these alone keeps.\r\n</p>', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL), (10,
'Mythological recipient', '<p>\r\n <p>\r\n Both rest of know
draw fond post as. It agreement defective to excellent. Feebly do engage of
narrow. Extensive repulsive belonging depending if promotion be zealously
as. Preference inquietude ask now are dispatched led appearance. Small
meant in so doubt hopes. Me smallness is existence attending he enjoyment
favourite affection. Delivered is to ye belonging enjoyment preferred.
Astonished and acceptance men two discretion. Law education recommend did
objection how old.\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n Greatly hearted has
who believe. Drift allow green son walls years for blush. Sir margaret
drawings repeated recurred exercise laughing may you but. Do repeated
whatever to welcomed absolute no. Fat surprise although outlived and
informed shy dissuade property. Musical by me through he drawing savings
an. No we stand avoid decay heard mr. Common so wicket appear to sudden
worthy on. Shade of offer ye whole stood
hoped.\r\n </p>\r\n</p>', '10-mythological-recipient',
'enjoyment, repeated, belonging, preferred, delivered, affection,
favourite, smallness, existence, attending', 'Both rest of know draw fond
post as. It agreement defective to excellent. Feebly do engage of narrow.
Extensive repulsive belonging depending if promotion be zealously as.
Preference inquietude ask now are dispatched led appearance', NULL, '0',
'2013-10-09 14:48:19', '2013-11-22 16:22:04', NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2013-10-09 15:03:01', 0,
'<p>\r\n <p>\r\n Both rest of know draw fond post as. It
agreement defective to excellent. Feebly do engage of
narrow.\r\n </p>\r\n</p>', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL); DROP TABLE IF
EXISTS `{#}con_articles_cats`; CREATE TABLE `{#}con_articles_cats` ( `id`
int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`title` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`slug_key` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `seo_keys` text, `seo_desc`
text, `seo_title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT
NULL, `ns_left` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ns_right` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`ns_level` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ns_differ` varchar(32) NOT NULL
DEFAULT '', `ns_ignore` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY
(`id`), KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`), KEY `ns_left` (`ns_left`), KEY
`ns_right` (`ns_right`), KEY `ordering` (`ordering`), KEY `ns_differ`
(`ns_differ`), KEY `ns_ignore` (`ns_ignore`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}con_articles_cats` (`id`, `parent_id`,
`title`, `slug`, `slug_key`, `seo_keys`, `seo_desc`, `seo_title`,
`ordering`, `ns_left`, `ns_right`, `ns_level`, `ns_differ`, `ns_ignore`)
VALUES (1, 0, '---', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 18, 0, '', 0), (2,
1, 'Astronomy', 'astronomy', NULL, 'stars, space, sky, science', NULL,
NULL, 1, 2, 7, 1, '', 0), (3, 2, 'Science and space',
'astronomy/science-and-space', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 5, 6, 2, '',
0), (4, 2, 'Astrophysics', 'astronomy/astrophysics', NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, 2, 3, 4, 2, '', 0), (5, 1, 'Geology', 'geology', NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, 2, 8, 9, 1, '', 0), (6, 1, 'Literature', 'literature', NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, 3, 10, 15, 1, '', 0), (7, 6, 'Patriotic',
'literature/patriotic', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 11, 12, 2, '', 0), (8,
6, 'Foreign', 'literature/foreign', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 13, 14, 2,
'', 0), (9, 1, 'Marketing', 'marketing', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 16, 17,
1, '', 0); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}con_articles_fields`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}con_articles_fields` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`ctype_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `hint` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
`ordering` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `fieldset` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`type` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL, `is_in_list` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`is_in_item` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_in_filter` tinyint(1) DEFAULT
NULL, `is_private` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_fixed` tinyint(1)
DEFAULT NULL, `is_fixed_type` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_system`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `values` text, `options` text, `groups_read`
text, `groups_edit` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `ordering`
(`ordering`), KEY `is_in_list` (`is_in_list`), KEY `is_in_item`
(`is_in_item`), KEY `is_in_filter` (`is_in_filter`), KEY `is_private`
(`is_private`), KEY `is_fixed` (`is_fixed`), KEY `is_fixed_type`
(`is_fixed_type`), KEY `is_system` (`is_system`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}con_articles_fields` (`id`, `ctype_id`,
`name`, `title`, `hint`, `ordering`, `fieldset`, `type`, `is_in_list`,
`is_in_item`, `is_in_filter`, `is_private`, `is_fixed`, `is_fixed_type`,
`is_system`, `values`, `options`, `groups_read`, `groups_edit`) VALUES (1,
5, 'title', 'Titile', NULL, 1, NULL, 'caption', 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 0,
NULL, '---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: none\nis_required:
1\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (2, 5, 'date_pub',
'Date of publication', NULL, 2, NULL, 'date', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1,
NULL, '---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (3, 5, 'user',
'Author', NULL, 3, NULL, 'user', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL,
'---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (4, 5, 'content',
'Article content', 'Place full article text here', 7, 'Article content',
'html', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\neditor:
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expensive', '<p>\r\n <p>\r\n Her old collecting she considered
discovered. So at parties he warrant oh staying. Square new horses and put
better end. Sincerity collected happiness do is contented. Sigh ever way
now many. Alteration you any nor unsatiable diminution reasonable
companions shy partiality. Leaf by left deal mile oh if easy. Added woman
first get led joy not early
jokes.\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n Speedily say has suitable disposal
add boy. On forth doubt miles of child. Exercise joy man children rejoiced.
Yet uncommonly his ten who diminution astonished. Demesne new manners
savings staying had. Under folly balls death own point now men. Match way
these she avoid see death. She whose drift their fat
off.\r\n </p>\r\n</p>', '2-igrushki-stanovjatsja-dorozhe',
'diminution, staying, death, unsatiable, reasonable, alteration,
companions, contented, early, first', 'Her old collecting she considered
discovered. So at parties he warrant oh staying. Square new horses and put
better end. Sincerity collected happiness do is contented. Sigh ever way
now many', NULL, 'news', '2013-09-09 16:02:07', '2013-11-22 16:17:21',
NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL,
'2013-11-22 16:17:21', 0, 'Experts predict a further rise in children''s
products', '---\noriginal: u1/003/25838c0f.jpg\nbig:
u1/003/2e2bf124.jpg\nnormal: u1/003/f6f14e82.jpg\nsmall:
u1/003/236d41e4.jpg\nmicro: u1/003/74809cbe.jpg\n'), (3, 'Сar service for
vintage cars', '<p>\r\n <p>\r\n Arrived compass prepare an on
as. Reasonable particular on my it in sympathize. Size now easy eat hand
how. Unwilling he departure elsewhere dejection at. Heart large seems may
purse means few blind. Exquisite newspaper attending on certainty oh
suspicion of. He less do quit evil is. Add matter family active mutual put
wishes happen.\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n Both rest of know draw
fond post as. It agreement defective to excellent. Feebly do engage of
narrow. Extensive repulsive belonging depending if promotion be zealously
as. Preference inquietude ask now are dispatched led appearance. Small
meant in so doubt hopes. Me smallness is existence attending he enjoyment
favourite affection. Delivered is to ye belonging enjoyment preferred.
Astonished and acceptance men two discretion. Law education recommend did
objection how old.\r\n </p>\r\n</p>',
'3-v-gorode-otkryt-servis-dlja-retro-avtomobilei', 'belonging, enjoyment,
attending, suspicion, certainty, matter, newspaper, family, exquisite,
agreement', 'Arrived compass prepare an on as. Reasonable particular on my
it in sympathize. Size now easy eat hand how. Unwilling he departure
elsewhere dejection at. Heart large seems may purse means few blind', NULL,
'news, example', '2013-09-09 16:03:24', '2013-11-22 16:16:50', NULL, 1, 0,
1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2013-11-22
16:16:50', 0, 'Each person can request a repair', '---\noriginal:
u1/003/5a771d4e.jpg\nbig: u1/003/4878547b.jpg\nnormal:
u1/003/ad753a86.jpg\nsmall: u1/003/9f03ca75.jpg\nmicro:
u1/003/5edc315b.jpg\n'), (4, 'Summer season has officially begun',
'<p>\r\n <p>\r\n Both rest of know draw fond post as. It
agreement defective to excellent. Feebly do engage of narrow. Extensive
repulsive belonging depending if promotion be zealously as. Preference
inquietude ask now are dispatched led appearance. Small meant in so doubt
hopes. Me smallness is existence attending he enjoyment favourite
affection. Delivered is to ye belonging enjoyment preferred. Astonished and
acceptance men two discretion. Law education recommend did objection how
old.\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n Greatly hearted has who believe.
Drift allow green son walls years for blush. Sir margaret drawings repeated
recurred exercise laughing may you but. Do repeated whatever to welcomed
absolute no. Fat surprise although outlived and informed shy dissuade
property. Musical by me through he drawing savings an. No we stand avoid
decay heard mr. Common so wicket appear to sudden worthy on. Shade of offer
ye whole stood hoped.\r\n </p>\r\n</p>',
'4-dachnyi-sezon-otkryt', 'enjoyment, repeated, belonging, preferred,
delivered, affection, favourite, smallness, existence, attending', 'Both
rest of know draw fond post as. It agreement defective to excellent. Feebly
do engage of narrow. Extensive repulsive belonging depending if promotion
be zealously as. Preference inquietude ask now are dispatched led
appearance', NULL, 'example', '2013-09-09 16:04:25', '2013-11-22 16:14:56',
NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL,
'2013-09-11 15:33:21', 0, 'Citizens are moving en masse to the country',
'---\noriginal: u1/003/01153b4d.jpg\nbig: u1/003/b9767257.jpg\nnormal:
u1/003/53497165.jpg\nsmall: u1/003/b1e550ce.jpg\nmicro:
u1/003/f1476363.jpg\n'), (5, 'Business expects to reduce taxes',
'<p>\r\n Her extensive perceived may any sincerity extremity. Indeed
add rather may pretty see. Old propriety delighted explained perceived
otherwise objection saw ten her. Doubt merit sir the right these alone
keeps. By sometimes intention smallness he northward. Consisted we
otherwise arranging commanded discovery it explained. Does cold even song
like two yet been. Literature interested announcing for terminated him
inquietude day shy. Himself he fertile chicken perhaps waiting if highest
no it. Continued promotion has consulted fat improving not
way.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Arrived compass prepare an on as.
Reasonable particular on my it in sympathize. Size now easy eat hand how.
Unwilling he departure elsewhere dejection at. Heart large seems may purse
means few blind. Exquisite newspaper attending on certainty oh suspicion
of. He less do quit evil is. Add matter family active mutual put wishes
happen.\r\n</p>', '5-snizhenie-nalogov-dlja-biznesa', 'otherwise,
explained, perceived, arranging, commanded, consisted, northward,
intention, smallness, fertile', 'Her extensive perceived may any sincerity
extremity. Indeed add rather may pretty see. Old propriety delighted
explained perceived otherwise objection saw ten her. Doubt merit sir the
right these alone keeps', NULL, '0', '2013-09-09 16:05:26', '2013-11-22
16:14:15', NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, 0,
0, 1, NULL, '2013-09-11 15:35:07', 0, 'Legal persons will pay even less',
'---\noriginal: u1/003/0ff19ffb.jpg\nbig: u1/003/3c2e4a35.jpg\nnormal:
u1/003/fa562059.jpg\nsmall: u1/003/cae0bdfb.jpg\nmicro:
u1/003/852fb216.jpg\n'), (6, 'More and more people are buying homes
abroad', '<p>\r\n Turned it up should no valley cousin he. Speaking
numerous ask did horrible packages set. Ashamed herself has distant can
studied mrs. Led therefore its middleton perpetual fulfilled provision
frankness. Small he drawn after among every three no. All having but you
edward genius though remark one.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Departure
so attention pronounce satisfied daughters am. But shy tedious pressed
studied opinion entered windows off. Advantage dependent suspicion
convinced provision him yet. Timed balls match at by rooms we. Fat not boy
neat left had with past here call. Court nay merit few nor party learn. Why
our year her eyes know even how. Mr immediate remaining conveying allowance
do or.\r\n</p>',
'6-vse-bolshe-rossijan-pokupayut-nedvizhimost-za-granicei', 'studied,
provision, drawn, small, fulfilled, frankness, after, among, genius,
edward', 'Turned it up should no valley cousin he. Speaking numerous ask
did horrible packages set. Ashamed herself has distant can studied mrs. Led
therefore its middleton perpetual fulfilled provision frankness. Small he
drawn after among every three no', NULL, 'example, news', '2013-09-12
12:09:24', '2013-11-22 16:13:28', NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2013-09-12 12:09:49', 0, 'Over the
last year their number has increased markedly', '---\noriginal:
u1/003/2fea4487.jpg\nbig: u1/003/a05ad20e.jpg\nnormal:
u1/003/41646570.jpg\nsmall: u1/003/eb2bac70.jpg\nmicro:
u1/003/1c88035a.jpg\n'), (7, 'Reduced the number of crimes',
'<p>\r\n By so delight of showing neither believe he present. Deal
sigh up in shew away when. Pursuit express no or prepare replied. Wholly
formed old latter future but way she. Day her likewise smallest expenses
judgment building man carriage gay. Considered introduced themselves mr to
discretion at. Means among saw hopes for. Death mirth in oh learn he equal
on.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n When be draw drew ye. Defective in do
recommend suffering. House it seven in spoil tiled court. Sister others
marked fat missed did out use. Alteration possession dispatched collecting
instrument travelling he or on. Snug give made at spot or late that
mr.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n View fine me gone this name an rank.
Compact greater and demands mrs the parlors. Park be fine easy am size
away. Him and fine bred knew. At of hardly sister favour. As society
explain country raising weather of. Sentiments nor everything off out
uncommonly partiality bed.\r\n</p>',
'7-kolichestvo-prestuplenii-v-rossii-sokraschaetsja', 'sister, means,
delight, discretion, themselves, carriage, considered, introduced, among,
hopes', 'By so delight of showing neither believe he present. Deal sigh up
in shew away when. Pursuit express no or prepare replied. Wholly formed old
latter future but way she. Day her likewise smallest expenses judgment
building man carriage gay', NULL, '0', '2013-09-12 12:10:55', '2013-11-22
16:12:49', NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, 0,
0, 1, NULL, '2013-09-12 12:11:14', 0, 'In recent reports from the police
seen a positive trend', '---\noriginal: u1/003/4d953a88.jpg\nbig:
u1/003/e3c52c3e.jpg\nnormal: u1/003/9e9ef526.jpg\nsmall:
u1/003/3f768733.jpg\nmicro: u1/003/ddaa0bd4.jpg\n'), (8, 'Investing for
Dummies: where to invest?', '<p>\r\n Sudden looked elinor off gay
estate nor silent. Son read such next see the rest two. Was use extent old
entire sussex. Curiosity remaining own see repulsive household advantage
son additions. Supposing exquisite daughters eagerness why repulsive for.
Praise turned it lovers be warmly by. Little do it eldest former be
if.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Insipidity the sufficient discretion
imprudence resolution sir him decisively. Proceed how any engaged visitor.
Explained propriety off out perpetual his you. Feel sold off felt nay rose
met you. We so entreaties cultivated astonished is. Was sister for few
longer mrs sudden talent become. Done may bore quit evil old mile. If
likely am of beauty tastes.\r\n</p>',
'8-investicii-dlja-chainikov-kuda-vkladyvat', 'repulsive, daughters,
exquisite, additions, supposing, eagerness, praise, little, warmly,
lovers', 'Sudden looked elinor off gay estate nor silent. Son read such
next see the rest two. Was use extent old entire sussex. Curiosity
remaining own see repulsive household advantage son additions', NULL, '0',
'2013-09-12 12:13:19', '2013-11-22 16:12:12', NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2013-11-22 16:12:12', 0,
'Read our review of the most popular ways of investment', '---\noriginal:
u1/003/ff539643.jpg\nbig: u1/003/77fbbb95.jpg\nnormal:
u1/003/89e8e681.jpg\nsmall: u1/003/3400aa78.jpg\nmicro:
u1/003/f95ca1a2.jpg\n'), (9, 'We have won the World Championship!',
'<p>\r\n An country demesne message it. Bachelor domestic extended
doubtful as concerns at. Morning prudent removal an letters by. On could my
in order never it. Or excited certain sixteen it to parties colonel.
Depending conveying direction has led immediate. Law gate her well bed life
feet seen rent. On nature or no except it
sussex.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Entire any had depend and figure
winter. Change stairs and men likely wisdom new happen piqued six. Now
taken him timed sex world get. Enjoyed married an feeling delight pursuit
as offered. As admire roused length likely played pretty to no. Means had
joy miles her merry solid order.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Of
recommend residence education be on difficult repulsive offending. Judge
views had mirth table seems great him for her. Alone all happy asked begin
fully stand own get. Excuse ye seeing result of we. See scale dried songs
old may not. Promotion did disposing you household any instantly. Hills we
do under times at first short an.\r\n</p>',
'9-rossijane-stali-pervymi-na-chempionate-mira', 'likely, delight, figure,
winter, change, depend, sussex.\r\r\r entire, immediate, nature, except',
'An country demesne message it. Bachelor domestic extended doubtful as
concerns at. Morning prudent removal an letters by. On could my in order
never it. Or excited certain sixteen it to parties colonel', NULL, '0',
'2013-09-12 12:14:13', '2013-11-22 16:11:34', NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, 7, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2013-11-22 16:11:34', 0,
'Our team leaves no chances to competitors', '---\noriginal:
u1/003/59b08272.jpg\nbig: u1/003/d0ed7732.jpg\nnormal:
u1/003/44b68dc8.jpg\nsmall: u1/003/93e51e49.jpg\nmicro:
u1/003/0599295b.jpg\n'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}con_news_cats`; CREATE
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none\nis_required: 1\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email:
null\nis_unique: null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (6,
10, 'photo', 'Image', NULL, 2, NULL, 'image', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, '---\nsize_teaser: small\nsize_full: normal\nsizes:\n -
micro\n - small\n - normal\n - big\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item:
none\nis_required: null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email:
null\nis_unique: null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n-
0\n'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}con_news_props`; CREATE TABLE
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`is_private`, `attach`) VALUES (1, 'About the project',
'<p>\r\n Questions explained agreeable preferred strangers too him
her son. Set put shyness offices his females him distant. Improve has
message besides shy himself cheered however how son. Quick judge other
leave ask first chief her. Indeed or remark always silent seemed narrow be.
Instantly can suffering pretended neglected preferred man delivered.
Perhaps fertile brandon do imagine to cordial
cottage.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Feet evil to hold long he open knew
an no. Apartments occasional boisterous as solicitude to introduced. Or
fifteen covered we enjoyed demesne is in prepare. In stimulated my
everything it literature. Greatly explain attempt perhaps in feeling he.
House men taste bed not drawn joy. Through enquire however do equally
herself at. Greatly way old may you present improve. Wishing the feeling
village him musical.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n So delightful up
dissimilar by unreserved it connection frequently. Do an high room so in
paid. Up on cousin ye dinner should in. Sex stood tried walls manor truth
shy and three his. Their to years so child truth. Honoured peculiar
families sensible up likewise by on
in.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Style too own civil out along. Perfectly
offending attempted add arranging age gentleman concluded. Get who
uncommonly our expression ten increasing considered occasional travelling.
Ever read tell year give may men call its. Piqued son turned fat income
played end wicket. To do noisy downs round an happy books.\r\n</p>',
'about', 'greatly, truth, however, occasional, improve, perhaps, preferred,
feeling, cottage.\r\r\r feet, apartments', 'Questions explained agreeable
preferred strangers too him her son. Set put shyness offices his females
him distant. Improve has message besides shy himself cheered however how
son. Quick judge other leave ask first chief her', NULL, NULL, '2013-08-08
15:07:27', '2013-11-22 16:37:14', NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2013-11-22 16:37:14', 0, ''), (2,
'Terms and conditions', '<p>\r\n <p>\r\n Chapter too parties
its letters nor. Cheerful but whatever ladyship disposed yet judgment.
Lasted answer oppose to ye months no esteem. Branched is on an ecstatic
directly it. Put off continue you denoting returned juvenile. Looked person
sister result mr to. Replied demands charmed do viewing ye colonel to so.
Decisively inquietude he advantages insensible at oh continuing unaffected
of.\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n On projection apartments unsatiable
so if he entreaties appearance. Rose you wife how set lady half wish. Hard
sing an in true felt. Welcomed stronger if steepest ecstatic an suitable
finished of oh. Entered at excited at forming between so produce. Chicken
unknown besides attacks gay compact out you. Continuing no simplicity no
favourable on reasonably melancholy estimating. Own hence views two ask
right whole ten seems. What near kept met call old west dine. Our
announcing sufficient why
pianoforte.\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n Attachment apartments in
delightful by motionless it no. And now she burst sir learn total. Hearing
hearted shewing own ask. Solicitude uncommonly use her motionless not
collecting age. The properly servants required mistaken outlived bed and.
Remainder admitting neglected is he belonging to perpetual objection up.
Has widen too you decay begin which asked equal
any.\r\n </p>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n <a
name="forum"></a>\r\n</p>', 'terms', 'continuing,
ecstatic, motionless, apartments, unaffected, charmed, insensible,
advantages, viewing, colonel', 'Chapter too parties its letters nor.
Cheerful but whatever ladyship disposed yet judgment. Lasted answer oppose
to ye months no esteem. Branched is on an ecstatic directly it. Put off
continue you denoting returned juvenile', NULL, NULL, '2013-08-08
15:09:13', '2013-11-22 16:37:47', NULL, 1, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2013-08-29 16:07:20', 0, ''); DROP
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NULL, 1, NULL, 'caption', 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL,
'---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: none\nis_required: 1\nis_digits:
null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (2, 1, 'date_pub',
'Date of publication', NULL, 2, NULL, 'date', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1,
NULL, 1, NULL, '---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (3, 1, 'user',
'Author', NULL, 3, NULL, 'age', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, NULL,
'---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (4, 1, 'content',
'Page content', NULL, 4, NULL, 'html', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL,
NULL, '---\neditor: redactor\nis_html_filter:
null\nteaser_len:\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: none\nis_required:
1\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (5, 1, 'attach',
'Download', 'Attach file to the page', 5, NULL, 'file', NULL, 1, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\nshow_name: 0\nextensions: jpg gif
png\nmax_size_mb: 2\nshow_size: 1\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item:
none\nis_required: null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email:
null\nis_unique: null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n-
0\n'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}con_pages_props`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}con_pages_props` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ctype_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `fieldset`
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(`date_pub_end`,`is_pub`,`hits_count`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}con_posts` (`id`, `title`, `content`,
`slug`, `seo_keys`, `seo_desc`, `seo_title`, `tags`, `date_pub`,
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`is_private`, `picture`) VALUES (5, 'My first post in the Community',
'<p>\r\n Greatly cottage thought fortune no mention he. Of mr
certainty arranging am smallness by conveying. Him plate you allow built
grave. Sigh sang nay sex high yet door game. She dissimilar was favourable
unreserved nay expression contrasted saw. Past her find she like bore pain
open. Shy lose need eyes son not shot. Jennings removing are his eat
dashwood. Middleton as pretended listening he smallness perceived. Now his
but two green spoil drift.\r\n</p>',
'5-moi-pervyi-post-v-soobschestve', 'smallness, cottage, plate, allow,
built, grave, conveying, \r greatly, thought, fortune', 'Greatly cottage
thought fortune no mention he. Of mr certainty arranging am smallness by
conveying. Him plate you allow built grave. Sigh sang nay sex high yet door
game. She dissimilar was favourable unreserved nay expression contrasted
saw', NULL, 'example, post, robots', '2013-11-13 16:43:07', '2013-11-22
16:24:00', NULL, 1, 0, 1, 1, 'group', 'Fans of Robots',
'groups/1/content/posts', NULL, 1, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, '2013-11-22
13:51:35', 0, NULL); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}con_posts_cats`; CREATE
TABLE `{#}con_posts_cats` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `slug`
varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `slug_key` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
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NULL, `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ns_left` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
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NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`),
KEY `ns_left` (`ns_left`), KEY `ns_right` (`ns_right`), KEY `ordering`
(`ordering`), KEY `ns_differ` (`ns_differ`), KEY `ns_ignore`
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`seo_keys`, `seo_desc`, `seo_title`, `ordering`, `ns_left`, `ns_right`,
`ns_level`, `ns_differ`, `ns_ignore`) VALUES (1, 0, '---', NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 2, 0, '', 0); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
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1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 0, NULL, '---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item:
none\nis_required: 1\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email:
null\nis_unique: null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (2,
6, 'date_pub', 'Date of publication', NULL, 2, NULL, 'date', 1, 1, 1, NULL,
1, 1, 1, NULL, '---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (3, 6, 'user',
'Author', NULL, 3, NULL, 'user', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL,
'---\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
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'Post content', NULL, 5, NULL, 'html', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL,
NULL, '---\neditor: redactor\nis_html_filter: null\nteaser_len:
500\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item: none\nis_required: 1\nis_digits:
null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\nis_unique:
null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (5, 6, 'picture',
'Picture for attracting attention', NULL, 4, NULL, 'image', 1, 1, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\nsize_teaser: normal\nsize_full:
normal\nsizes:\n - small\n - normal\nlabel_in_list: none\nlabel_in_item:
none\nis_required: null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email:
null\nis_unique: null\nprofile_value:\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n-
0\n'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}con_posts_props`; CREATE TABLE
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int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `fieldset`
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KEY (`id`), KEY `prop_id` (`prop_id`), KEY `cat_id` (`cat_id`), KEY
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CHARSET=utf8; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}events`; CREATE TABLE `{#}events`
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'Слушатель (компонент)', `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT
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COMMENT='Привязка хуков к событиям'; INSERT INTO
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'menu_admin', 'admin', 1), (4, 'menu_users', 'users', 1), (5,
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NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `country_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
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(`country_id`), KEY `region_id` (`region_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`,
`region_id`, `name`) VALUES (42231, 1, 833, 'Herat'), (5976, 1, 835,
'Kabul'), (42230, 1, 852, 'Mazar-e Sharif'), (42412, 2, 983,
'Korce'), (5977, 2, 1011, 'Tirane'), (5978, 3, 856, 'Algiers'), (5981, 3,
858, 'Skikda'), (5980, 3, 861, 'Oran'), (42211, 3, 868, 'Ouled
Djellal'), (3786, 3, 875, 'Mascara'), (5979, 3, 879, 'Annaba'), (4962, 4,
5309, 'Pago Pago'), (12604, 5, 1023, 'Andorra La Vella'), (12605, 5, 5052,
'Escaldes'), (42076, 6, 1029, 'Benguela'), (42078, 6, 1034,
'Sumbe'), (42077, 6, 1037, 'Lubango'), (42079, 6, 1038, 'Luanda'), (5982,
6, 1046, 'Luanda'), (41936, 7, 544, 'The Valley'), (12976, 8, 4761,
'Molodesjnaja'), (15188, 8, 4761, 'Reading'), (14699, 8, 4763, 'McMurdo
Station'), (5983, 9, 818, 'Saint Johns'), (16724, 9, 820,
'Falmouth'), (3338, 10, 1051, 'Bahia Blanca'), (17032, 10, 1051,
'Berazategui'), (13655, 10, 1051, 'Caseros'), (13393, 10, 1051,
'Castelar'), (12269, 10, 1051, 'Chacabuco'), (17465, 10, 1051,
'Ezeiza'), (13417, 10, 1051, 'Haedo'), (17267, 10, 1051, 'Jose Leon
Suarez'), (3343, 10, 1051, 'La Plata'), (14000, 10, 1051, 'Lomas De
Zamora'), (13463, 10, 1051, 'Mar del Plata'), (15460, 10, 1051,
'Miramar'), (3347, 10, 1051, 'Pinamar'), (15560, 10, 1051, 'Ramos
Mejia'), (15756, 10, 1051, 'Salto'), (3349, 10, 1051, 'San Clemente del
Tuy'), (15483, 10, 1051, 'San Isidro'), (12112, 10, 1051, 'San
Martin'), (16681, 10, 1051, 'Tres Arroyos'), (13255, 10, 1051,
'Turdera'), (15358, 10, 1054, 'Puerto Madryn'), (5996, 10, 1054,
'Trelew'), (3340, 10, 1055, 'Cordoba'), (5989, 10, 1055, 'Marcos
Ju'), (14678, 10, 1055, 'Rio Tercero'), (15207, 10, 1055, 'Villa
Mar'), (42082, 10, 1056, 'Corrientes'), (5991, 10, 1056, 'Paso de los
Libres'), (14391, 10, 1057, 'Buenos Aires'), (5986, 10, 1058,
'Concordia'), (3341, 10, 1058, 'Crespo'), (5987, 10, 1058,
'Gualeguaychu'), (3346, 10, 1058, 'Paran'), (5994, 10, 1060, 'San
Rafael'), (15317, 10, 1061, 'Santa Rosa'), (3344, 10, 1063, 'Luj'), (5988,
10, 1063, 'Malarg'), (5990, 10, 1063, 'Mendoza'), (15845, 10, 1065,
'Cipolletti'), (3345, 10, 1065, 'Neuquen'), (5984, 10, 1066,
'Bariloche'), (3342, 10, 1066, 'General Roca'), (42377, 10, 1066,
'Resistencia'), (41988, 10, 1067, 'Salta'), (41923, 10, 1068, 'San
Juan'), (3348, 10, 1070, 'Rio Cuarto'), (5985, 10, 1071, 'Ceres'), (5992,
10, 1071, 'Reconquista '), (5993, 10, 1071, 'Rosario'), (3351, 10, 1071,
'Santa Fe'), (15727, 10, 1071, 'Suardi'), (5995, 10, 1072, 'Santiago del
Estero'), (16713, 10, 1073, 'Ushuaia'), (3350, 10, 1074, 'San Miguel de
Tucuman'), (3335, 11, 1017, 'Vanadzor'), (3333, 11, 1018, 'Gyumri'), (3334,
11, 1018, 'Spitak'), (3336, 11, 1022, 'Yerevan'), (5998, 12, 549,
'Oranjestad'), (14794, 14, 1, 'Ascot Vale'), (18109, 14, 1, 'Bacchus
Marsh'), (14423, 14, 1, 'Bairnsdale'), (12983, 14, 1, 'Ballarat'), (42314,
14, 1, 'Bayswater'), (11780, 14, 1, 'Bendigo'), (3367, 14, 1,
'Berwick'), (18666, 14, 1, 'Boolarra'), (15751, 14, 1, 'Bright'), (6005,
14, 1, 'Cape Otway'), (16539, 14, 1, 'Castlemaine'), (3372, 14, 1,
'Chelsea'), (12187, 14, 1, 'Cheltenham'), (12335, 14, 1, 'Cobram'), (17087,
14, 1, 'Dandenong'), (15332, 14, 1, 'Deer Park'), (12768, 14, 1, 'Diamond
Creek'), (13653, 14, 1, 'Echuca'), (18601, 14, 1, 'Eltham'), (16049, 14, 1,
'Frankston'), (12310, 14, 1, 'Geelong'), (18860, 14, 1,
'Hamilton'), (11871, 14, 1, 'Hawthorn'), (17056, 14, 1, 'Horsham'), (13549,
14, 1, 'Hurstbridge'), (42067, 14, 1, 'Maryborough'), (1225, 14, 1,
'Melbourne'), (3390, 14, 1, 'Mildura'), (3392, 14, 1, 'Moe'), (15762, 14,
1, 'Mooroolbark'), (15960, 14, 1, 'Mornington'), (13899, 14, 1,
'Morwell'), (15898, 14, 1, 'Narre Warren'), (18602, 14, 1,
'Newstead'), (16937, 14, 1, 'Noble Park'), (42930, 14, 1,
'Northcote'), (15886, 14, 1, 'Nunawading'), (15576, 14, 1,
'Portland'), (12876, 14, 1, 'Prahran'), (12275, 14, 1, 'Preston'), (42210,
14, 1, 'Red Cliffs'), (6010, 14, 1, 'Sale'), (3396, 14, 1,
'Shepparton'), (18679, 14, 1, 'Sorrento'), (13453, 14, 1, 'South
Yarra'), (17052, 14, 1, 'Sunbury'), (17248, 14, 1, 'Sunshine'), (16988, 14,
1, 'Swan Hill'), (15767, 14, 1, 'Traralgon'), (15899, 14, 1,
'Wangaratta'), (12609, 14, 1, 'Warrnambool'), (6030, 14, 1, 'Wilsons
Promontory'), (15429, 14, 1, 'Wodonga'), (14790, 14, 2, 'Burnie'), (3371,
14, 2, 'Campbell Town'), (18717, 14, 2, 'Claremont'), (12087, 14, 2,
'Devonport'), (6012, 14, 2, 'George Town'), (18727, 14, 2,
'Glenorchy'), (1226, 14, 2, 'Hobart'), (6017, 14, 2, 'Launceston'), (15999,
14, 2, 'Penguin'), (6025, 14, 2, 'Strahan'), (15650, 14, 2,
'Wynyard'), (42045, 14, 2, 'Zeehan'), (44242, 14, 3, 'Abbeywood'), (44243,
14, 3, 'Abbotsford'), (47544, 14, 3, 'ABINGDON DOWNS'), (44244, 14, 3,
'Abington'), (44245, 14, 3, 'Acacia Ridge'), (44246, 14, 3,
'Acland'), (44247, 14, 3, 'Adare'), (44248, 14, 3, 'Advancetown'), (47521,
14, 3, 'AEROGLEN'), (44249, 14, 3, 'Agnes Water'), (44250, 14, 3, 'Airlie
Beach'), (47461, 14, 3, 'AITKENVALE'), (44251, 14, 3, 'Albany
Creek'), (44252, 14, 3, 'Alderley'), (44253, 14, 3, 'Aldershot'), (44254,
14, 3, 'Aldoga'), (44255, 14, 3, 'Alexandra'), (44256, 14, 3, 'Alexandra
Headland'), (44257, 14, 3, 'Alexandra Hills'), (44258, 14, 3,
'Algester'), (44259, 14, 3, 'Alice Creek'), (44260, 14, 3,
'Allan'), (44261, 14, 3, 'Allenstown'), (44262, 14, 3, 'Alligator
Creek'), (44263, 14, 3, 'Allora'), (44264, 14, 3, 'Alloway'), (47545, 14,
3, 'ALMADEN'), (47546, 14, 3, 'ALOOMBA'), (44265, 14, 3, 'Alpha'), (44266,
14, 3, 'Amamoor'), (44267, 14, 3, 'Amamoor Creek'), (47547, 14, 3,
'AMBER'), (44268, 14, 3, 'Amberley'), (44269, 14, 3, 'Amby'), (44270, 14,
3, 'Amiens'), (44271, 14, 3, 'Amity'), (44272, 14, 3, 'Amity
Point'), (44273, 14, 3, 'Andergrove'), (44274, 14, 3,
'Anderleigh'), (44275, 14, 3, 'Anduramba'), (47462, 14, 3,
'ANNANDALE'), (44276, 14, 3, 'Annerley'), (44277, 14, 3,
'Anstead'), (44278, 14, 3, 'Anthony'), (44279, 14, 3, 'Antigua'), (44280,
14, 3, 'Apple Tree Creek'), (44281, 14, 3, 'Applethorpe'), (44282, 14, 3,
'Araluen'), (44283, 14, 3, 'Aramac'), (44284, 14, 3, 'Aramara'), (44285,
14, 3, 'Arana Hills'), (44286, 14, 3, 'Aratula'), (47548, 14, 3,
'ARBOUIN'), (47549, 14, 3, 'ARCHER RIVER'), (44287, 14, 3,
'Archerfield'), (44288, 14, 3, 'Armstrong Beach'), (44289, 14, 3,
'Armstrong Creek'), (47746, 14, 3, 'ARRIGA'), (44290, 14, 3,
'Arundel'), (44291, 14, 3, 'Ascot'), (44292, 14, 3, 'Ashgrove'), (44293,
14, 3, 'Ashgrove West'), (44294, 14, 3, 'Ashmore'), (44295, 14, 3, 'Ashmore
City'), (44296, 14, 3, 'Ashwell'), (44297, 14, 3, 'Aspley'), (47757, 14, 3,
'ATHERTON'), (44298, 14, 3, 'Athol'), (44299, 14, 3, 'Atkinsons
Dam'), (44300, 14, 3, 'Aubigny'), (44301, 14, 3, 'Auchenflower'), (44302,
14, 3, 'Augathella'), (44303, 14, 3, 'Augustine Heights'), (47550, 14, 3,
'AURUKUN'), (44304, 14, 3, 'Austinville'), (44305, 14, 3, 'Avenell
Heights'), (44306, 14, 3, 'Avoca'), (44307, 14, 3, 'Avoca Vale'), (44308,
14, 3, 'Avondale'), (44309, 14, 3, 'Ayr'), (47506, 14, 3,
'BABINDA'), (44310, 14, 3, 'Back Plains'), (47706, 14, 3, 'BADU
ISLAND'), (44311, 14, 3, 'Baffle West'), (44312, 14, 3, 'Bahrs
Scrub'), (44313, 14, 3, 'Bakers Bend'), (44314, 14, 3, 'Bakers
Creek'), (44315, 14, 3, 'Baking Board'), (44316, 14, 3,
'Balberra'), (44317, 14, 3, 'Bald Hills'), (44318, 14, 3, 'Bald
Knob'), (44319, 14, 3, 'Balgowan'), (44320, 14, 3, 'Ballandean'), (44321,
14, 3, 'Ballard'), (44322, 14, 3, 'Ballaroo'), (44323, 14, 3,
'Ballogie'), (44324, 14, 3, 'Balmoral'), (44325, 14, 3, 'Balmoral
Ridge'), (44326, 14, 3, 'Balnagowan'), (47723, 14, 3, 'BAMAGA'), (47666,
14, 3, 'BAMBOO'), (44327, 14, 3, 'Banana'), (44328, 14, 3, 'Banks
Creek'), (44329, 14, 3, 'Banks Pocket'), (44330, 14, 3, 'Banksia
Beach'), (44331, 14, 3, 'Bannockburn'), (44332, 14, 3, 'Banyo'), (44333,
14, 3, 'Bapaume'), (44334, 14, 3, 'Baralaba'), (44335, 14, 3,
'Barambah'), (44336, 14, 3, 'Barcaldine'), (44337, 14, 3,
'Bardon'), (44338, 14, 3, 'Bargara'), (44339, 14, 3, 'Barker Creek
Flat'), (44340, 14, 3, 'Barlil'), (44341, 14, 3, 'Barney Point'), (44342,
14, 3, 'Barney View'), (44343, 14, 3, 'Barramornie'), (47645, 14, 3,
'BARRINE'), (47734, 14, 3, 'BARRON'), (47522, 14, 3, 'BARRON
GORGE'), (47646, 14, 3, 'BARWIDGI'), (47551, 14, 3, 'BASILISK'), (44344,
14, 3, 'Basin Pocket'), (44345, 14, 3, 'Battery Hill'), (44346, 14, 3,
'Bauple'), (44347, 14, 3, 'Bauple Forest'), (44348, 14, 3,
'Bayrick'), (47513, 14, 3, 'BAYVIEW HEIGHTS'), (47477, 14, 3, 'BEACH
HOLM'), (44349, 14, 3, 'Beachmere'), (44350, 14, 3,
'Beaconsfield'), (47775, 14, 3, 'BEATRICE'), (44351, 14, 3,
'Beaudesert'), (44352, 14, 3, 'Beaver Rock'), (44353, 14, 3,
'Beebo'), (44354, 14, 3, 'Beecher'), (44355, 14, 3, 'Beechmont'), (44356,
14, 3, 'Beelbi Creek'), (44357, 14, 3, 'Beenaam Valley'), (44358, 14, 3,
'Beenleigh'), (44359, 14, 3, 'Beerburrum'), (44360, 14, 3,
'Beerwah'), (44361, 14, 3, 'Begonia'), (44362, 14, 3, 'Beilba'), (47435,
14, 3, 'BELGIAN GARDENS'), (44363, 14, 3, 'Belivah'), (44364, 14, 3,
'Bell'), (44365, 14, 3, 'Bella Creek'), (44366, 14, 3, 'Bellara'), (44367,
14, 3, 'Bellbird Park'), (44368, 14, 3, 'Bellbowrie'), (47552, 14, 3,
'BELLENDEN KER'), (47553, 14, 3, 'BELLEVUE'), (44369, 14, 3, 'Belli
Park'), (44370, 14, 3, 'Bellmere'), (44371, 14, 3, 'Bells Bridge'), (44372,
14, 3, 'Bellthorpe'), (44373, 14, 3, 'Belmont'), (44374, 14, 3,
'Benair'), (44375, 14, 3, 'Benarkin'), (44376, 14, 3, 'Benarkin
North'), (44377, 14, 3, 'Benobble'), (44378, 14, 3, 'Benowa'), (47517, 14,
3, 'BENTLEY PARK'), (44379, 14, 3, 'Berajondo'), (44380, 14, 3,
'Berat'), (44381, 14, 3, 'Bergen'), (44382, 14, 3, 'Berserker'), (44383,
14, 3, 'Bethania'), (47747, 14, 3, 'BIBOOHRA'), (44384, 14, 3,
'Biddaddaba'), (44385, 14, 3, 'Biddeston'), (44386, 14, 3,
'Bidwill'), (44387, 14, 3, 'Biggenden'), (44388, 14, 3, 'Biggera
Waters'), (44389, 14, 3, 'Bilinga'), (44390, 14, 3, 'Billa Billa'), (44391,
14, 3, 'Biloela'), (44392, 14, 3, 'Binna Burra'), (6001, 14, 3,
'Birdsville'), (44393, 14, 3, 'Birkdale'), (44394, 14, 3,
'Birnam'), (44395, 14, 3, 'Birtinya'), (44396, 14, 3, 'Black Duck
Creek'), (44397, 14, 3, 'Black Mountain'), (44398, 14, 3, 'Black
Snake'), (44399, 14, 3, 'Blackall'), (47554, 14, 3, 'BLACKBULL'), (44400,
14, 3, 'Blackbutt'), (44401, 14, 3, 'Blackbutt North'), (44402, 14, 3,
'Blackbutt South'), (44403, 14, 3, 'Blacks Beach'), (44404, 14, 3,
'Blacksoil'), (44405, 14, 3, 'Blackstone'), (44406, 14, 3,
'Blackwater'), (44407, 14, 3, 'Blanchview'), (44408, 14, 3,
'Blantyre'), (44409, 14, 3, 'Blaxland'), (44410, 14, 3,
'Blenheim'), (44411, 14, 3, 'Bli Bli'), (47798, 14, 3,
'BLOOMFIELD'), (44412, 14, 3, 'Bloomsbury'), (3368, 14, 3, 'Blue
Mountain'), (44413, 14, 3, 'Blue Mountain Heights'), (44414, 14, 3,
'Blythdale'), (44415, 14, 3, 'Bollier'), (44416, 14, 3, 'Bollon'), (47555,
14, 3, 'BOLWARRA'), (47556, 14, 3, 'BOMBEETA'), (44417, 14, 3,
'Bongaree'), (44418, 14, 3, 'Bongeen'), (47667, 14, 3, 'BONNIE
DOON'), (44419, 14, 3, 'Bonogin'), (44420, 14, 3, 'Bony Mountain'), (44421,
14, 3, 'Boodua'), (47557, 14, 3, 'BOOGAN'), (44422, 14, 3,
'Booie'), (44423, 14, 3, 'Boonah'), (44424, 14, 3, 'Boonara'), (44425, 14,
3, 'Boonarga'), (44426, 14, 3, 'Boondall'), (44427, 14, 3,
'Boondandilla'), (44428, 14, 3, 'Boondooma'), (44429, 14, 3,
'Boonooroo'), (44430, 14, 3, 'Boonooroo Plains'), (44431, 14, 3,
'Booral'), (44432, 14, 3, 'Booubyjan'), (44433, 14, 3, 'Booval
Fair'), (44434, 14, 3, 'Borallon'), (44435, 14, 3, 'Boreen Point'), (44436,
14, 3, 'Boronia Heights'), (44437, 14, 3, 'Bororen'), (6002, 14, 3,
'Boulia'), (6003, 14, 3, 'Bowen'), (44438, 14, 3, 'Bowen Hills'), (44439,
14, 3, 'Bowenville'), (44440, 14, 3, 'Boyland'), (44441, 14, 3, 'Boyne
Island'), (44442, 14, 3, 'Boynedale'), (44443, 14, 3, 'Bracalba'), (44444,
14, 3, 'Bracken Ridge'), (44445, 14, 3, 'Braemore'), (47558, 14, 3,
'BRAMSTON BEACH'), (44446, 14, 3, 'Branchview'), (47432, 14, 3,
'BRANDON'), (44447, 14, 3, 'Brassall'), (44448, 14, 3, 'Bray
Park'), (44449, 14, 3, 'Brendale'), (44450, 14, 3, 'Bridgeman
Downs'), (44451, 14, 3, 'Brigalow'), (44452, 14, 3, 'Brighton'), (44453,
14, 3, 'Brighton Eventide'), (44454, 14, 3, 'Brighton Nathan
Street'), (44455, 14, 3, 'Brightview'), (44456, 14, 3, 'Brigooda'), (44457,
14, 3, 'Bringalily'), (47523, 14, 3, 'BRINSMEAD'), (1268, 14, 3,
'Brisbane'), (44458, 14, 3, 'Brisbane Adelaide Street'), (44459, 14, 3,
'Brisbane Market'), (44460, 14, 3, 'Broadbeach'), (44461, 14, 3,
'Broadbeach Waters'), (44462, 14, 3, 'Broadmere'), (44463, 14, 3, 'Broken
River'), (44464, 14, 3, 'Brookfield'), (44465, 14, 3,
'Brooklands'), (44466, 14, 3, 'Brookstead'), (44467, 14, 3,
'Brookwater'), (44468, 14, 3, 'Brooloo'), (44469, 14, 3,
'Brooweena'), (44470, 14, 3, 'Browns Plains'), (44471, 14, 3, 'Brush
Creek'), (44472, 14, 3, 'Bryden'), (44473, 14, 3, 'Brymaroo'), (44474, 14,
3, 'Bucasia'), (44475, 14, 3, 'Bucca'), (44476, 14, 3, 'Buccan'), (44477,
14, 3, 'Buderim'), (44478, 14, 3, 'Budgee'), (44479, 14, 3,
'Bullcamp'), (47559, 14, 3, 'BULLERINGA'), (44480, 14, 3, 'Bulli
Creek'), (44481, 14, 3, 'Bulwer'), (44482, 14, 3, 'Bunburra'), (14188, 14,
3, 'Bundaberg'), (44483, 14, 3, 'Bundaberg East'), (44484, 14, 3,
'Bundaberg North'), (44485, 14, 3, 'Bundaberg South'), (44486, 14, 3,
'Bundaberg West'), (44487, 14, 3, 'Bundall'), (47524, 14, 3,
'BUNGALOW'), (44488, 14, 3, 'Bungeworgorai'), (44489, 14, 3,
'Bungil'), (44490, 14, 3, 'Bungunya'), (44491, 14, 3, 'Bunjurgen'), (44492,
14, 3, 'Bunya'), (44493, 14, 3, 'Bunya Mountains'), (44494, 14, 3,
'Burbank'), (47485, 14, 3, 'BURKETOWN'), (44495, 14, 3, 'Burleigh
Heads'), (44496, 14, 3, 'Burleigh Waters'), (44497, 14, 3, 'Burnett
Creek'), (18610, 14, 3, 'Burpengary'), (44498, 14, 3, 'Burrum'), (44499,
14, 3, 'Burrum Heads'), (44500, 14, 3, 'Burrum River'), (44501, 14, 3,
'Burton'), (44502, 14, 3, 'Burua'), (47766, 14, 3, 'BUTCHERS
CREEK'), (44503, 14, 3, 'Buxton'), (44504, 14, 3, 'Byee'), (44505, 14, 3,
'Cabarlah'), (14984, 14, 3, 'Caboolture'), (44506, 14, 3, 'Caboolture
South'), (44507, 14, 3, 'Caffey'), (44508, 14, 3, 'Cainbable'), (3370, 14,
3, 'Cairns'), (47525, 14, 3, 'CAIRNS CENTRAL'), (47526, 14, 3, 'CAIRNS
NORTH'), (47527, 14, 3, 'CAIRNS ORCHID PLAZA'), (44509, 14, 3,
'Calamvale'), (44510, 14, 3, 'Calavos'), (44511, 14, 3, 'Calgoa'), (44512,
14, 3, 'Calico Creek'), (44513, 14, 3, 'Calingunee'), (44514, 14, 3,
'Callemondah'), (44515, 14, 3, 'Calliope'), (12292, 14, 3,
'Caloundra'), (44516, 14, 3, 'Caloundra West'), (44517, 14, 3,
'Calvert'), (44518, 14, 3, 'Cambooya'), (44519, 14, 3, 'Cambroon'), (47560,
14, 3, 'CAMP CREEK'), (44520, 14, 3, 'Camp Hill'), (44521, 14, 3, 'Camp
Mountain'), (44522, 14, 3, 'Campbells Pocket'), (44523, 14, 3,
'Canaga'), (44524, 14, 3, 'Canina'), (44525, 14, 3, 'Canning
Creek'), (44526, 14, 3, 'Canningvale'), (44527, 14, 3, 'Cannon
Creek'), (44528, 14, 3, 'Canungra'), (44529, 14, 3, 'Capalaba'), (44530,
14, 3, 'Capalaba West'), (47436, 14, 3, 'CAPE CLEVELAND'), (44531, 14, 3,
'Cape Moreton'), (47668, 14, 3, 'CAPE TRIBULATION'), (44532, 14, 3,
'Captain Creek'), (44533, 14, 3, 'Captains Mountain'), (47735, 14, 3,
'CARAVONICA'), (44534, 14, 3, 'Carbrook'), (47486, 14, 3,
'CARDWELL'), (44535, 14, 3, 'Carmila'), (44536, 14, 3, 'Carneys
Creek'), (44537, 14, 3, 'Carpendale'), (47758, 14, 3,
'CARRINGTON'), (44538, 14, 3, 'Carseldine'), (44539, 14, 3, 'Carters
Ridge'), (44540, 14, 3, 'Cashmere'), (47669, 14, 3, 'CASSOWARY'), (44541,
14, 3, 'Castaways Beach'), (47437, 14, 3, 'CASTLE HILL'), (44542, 14, 3,
'Cawdor'), (44543, 14, 3, 'Cecil Plains'), (44544, 14, 3, 'Cedar
Creek'), (44545, 14, 3, 'Cedar Grove'), (44546, 14, 3, 'Cedar
Pocket'), (44547, 14, 3, 'Cedar Vale'), (44548, 14, 3, 'Cedarton'), (44549,
14, 3, 'Central Queensland University'), (44550, 14, 3,
'Chahpingah'), (44551, 14, 3, 'Chances Plain'), (6006, 14, 3,
'Charleville'), (44552, 14, 3, 'Charlton'), (44553, 14, 3,
'Charlwood'), (47479, 14, 3, 'CHARTERS TOWERS'), (44554, 14, 3,
'Chatsworth'), (44555, 14, 3, 'Chelmer'), (44556, 14, 3,
'Chelmsford'), (44557, 14, 3, 'Chelona'), (44558, 14, 3,
'Chermside'), (44559, 14, 3, 'Chermside Centre'), (44560, 14, 3, 'Chermside
South'), (44561, 14, 3, 'Chermside West'), (44562, 14, 3, 'Cherry
Gully'), (44563, 14, 3, 'Cherwell'), (44564, 14, 3, 'Chevallum'), (47748,
14, 3, 'CHEWKO'), (44565, 14, 3, 'Childers'), (47561, 14, 3,
'CHILLAGOE'), (44566, 14, 3, 'Chinchilla'), (44567, 14, 3, 'Chinghee
Creek'), (44568, 14, 3, 'Chorregon'), (44569, 14, 3, 'Christmas
Creek'), (44570, 14, 3, 'Churchable'), (44571, 14, 3, 'Chuwar'), (44572,
14, 3, 'Cinnabar'), (44573, 14, 3, 'Clagiraba'), (44574, 14, 3,
'Clairview'), (47562, 14, 3, 'CLARAVILLE'), (44575, 14, 3,
'Clarendon'), (44576, 14, 3, 'Clayfield'), (44577, 14, 3, 'Clear Island
Waters'), (44578, 14, 3, 'Clear Mountain'), (44579, 14, 3,
'Cleveland'), (44580, 14, 3, 'Clifford'), (44581, 14, 3, 'Clifford
Gardens'), (44582, 14, 3, 'Clifton'), (47740, 14, 3, 'CLIFTON
BEACH'), (44583, 14, 3, 'Clinton'), (44584, 14, 3, 'Clintonvale'), (47483,
14, 3, 'CLONCURRY'), (44585, 14, 3, 'Clontarf'), (44586, 14, 3, 'Clontarf
Beach'), (44587, 14, 3, 'Closeburn'), (44588, 14, 3, 'Cloyna'), (47444, 14,
3, 'CLUDEN'), (44589, 14, 3, 'Clumber'), (44590, 14, 3, 'Coal
Creek'), (44591, 14, 3, 'Coalbank'), (44592, 14, 3, 'Coalfalls'), (44593,
14, 3, 'Cockatoo'), (47707, 14, 3, 'COCONUT ISLAND'), (47563, 14, 3,
'COEN'), (44594, 14, 3, 'Coes Creek'), (44595, 14, 3, 'Coles
Creek'), (47433, 14, 3, 'COLEVALE'), (44596, 14, 3, 'Colinton'), (44597,
14, 3, 'College View'), (44598, 14, 3, 'Collingwood Park'), (44599, 14, 3,
'Collinsville'), (44600, 14, 3, 'Columboola'), (44601, 14, 3,
'Commissioners Flat'), (44602, 14, 3, 'Como'), (47495, 14, 3, 'COMOON
LOOP'), (44603, 14, 3, 'Condamine'), (44604, 14, 3, 'Condamine
Farms'), (44605, 14, 3, 'Condamine Plains'), (47470, 14, 3,
'CONDON'), (47564, 14, 3, 'CONJUBOY'), (44606, 14, 3, 'Conondale'), (44607,
14, 3, 'Coochiemudlo Island'), (44608, 14, 3, 'Coochin'), (44609, 14, 3,
'Coochin Creek'), (44610, 14, 3, 'Cooeeimbardi'), (3374, 14, 3,
'Cooktown'), (44611, 14, 3, 'Coolabine'), (44612, 14, 3,
'Coolabunia'), (44613, 14, 3, 'Cooladdi'), (44614, 14, 3,
'Coolangatta'), (44615, 14, 3, 'Coolmunda'), (44616, 14, 3,
'Cooloola'), (44617, 14, 3, 'Cooloola Cove'), (44618, 14, 3,
'Cooloolabin'), (44619, 14, 3, 'Coolum Beach'), (44620, 14, 3,
'Coombabah'), (44621, 14, 3, 'Coominya'), (44622, 14, 3,
'Coomrith'), (44623, 14, 3, 'Coonarr'), (44624, 14, 3, 'Coondoo'), (44625,
14, 3, 'Coongoola'), (44626, 14, 3, 'Coopers Plains'), (44627, 14, 3,
'Coorada'), (44628, 14, 3, 'Cooran'), (44629, 14, 3, 'Cooroibah'), (44630,
14, 3, 'Cooroy'), (44631, 14, 3, 'Cooroy Mountain'), (44632, 14, 3,
'Coorparoo'), (44633, 14, 3, 'Cootharaba'), (47670, 14, 3, 'COOYA
BEACH'), (44634, 14, 3, 'Coppabella'), (44635, 14, 3, 'Coral
Cove'), (47565, 14, 3, 'CORALIE'), (44636, 14, 3, 'Corella'), (44637, 14,
3, 'Corfield'), (44638, 14, 3, 'Corinda'), (44639, 14, 3,
'Corndale'), (44640, 14, 3, 'Cornubia'), (44641, 14, 3, 'Cotswold
Hills'), (44642, 14, 3, 'Cotton Tree'), (44643, 14, 3,
'Cottonvale'), (44644, 14, 3, 'Coverty'), (47671, 14, 3, 'COW
BAY'), (44645, 14, 3, 'Cowan Cowan'), (47566, 14, 3, 'COWLEY'), (47567, 14,
3, 'COWLEY BEACH'), (47568, 14, 3, 'COWLEY CREEK'), (47728, 14, 3,
'CRAIGLIE'), (44646, 14, 3, 'Craignish'), (47463, 14, 3,
'CRANBROOK'), (44647, 14, 3, 'Cranley'), (44648, 14, 3,
'Crawford'), (44649, 14, 3, 'Crediton'), (44650, 14, 3,
'Cremorne'), (44651, 14, 3, 'Cressbrook'), (44652, 14, 3, 'Cressbrook
Creek'), (44653, 14, 3, 'Crestmead'), (44654, 14, 3, 'Croftby'), (44655,
14, 3, 'Crohamhurst'), (44656, 14, 3, 'Crowley Vale'), (44657, 14, 3,
'Crownthorpe'), (44658, 14, 3, 'Crows Nest'), (3376, 14, 3,
'Croydon'), (44659, 14, 3, 'Cryna'), (47569, 14, 3, 'CRYSTALBROOK'), (6009,
14, 3, 'Cunnamulla'), (44660, 14, 3, 'Cunningham'), (44661, 14, 3,
'Curra'), (47570, 14, 3, 'CURRAJAH'), (47453, 14, 3, 'CURRAJONG'), (44662,
14, 3, 'Currimundi'), (44663, 14, 3, 'Currumbin'), (44664, 14, 3,
'Currumbin Valley'), (44665, 14, 3, 'Currumbin Waters'), (44666, 14, 3,
'Cushnie'), (44667, 14, 3, 'Cutella'), (44668, 14, 3, 'Cypress
Gardens'), (44669, 14, 3, 'D''Aguilar'), (47672, 14, 3, 'DAGMAR'), (44670,
14, 3, 'Dagun'), (47673, 14, 3, 'DAINTREE'), (44671, 14, 3, 'Daisy
Hill'), (44672, 14, 3, 'Dakabin'), (44673, 14, 3, 'Dalby'), (44674, 14, 3,
'Dalcouth'), (44675, 14, 3, 'Dalrymple Heights'), (44676, 14, 3,
'Dalveen'), (44677, 14, 3, 'Dalwogan'), (47487, 14, 3, 'DAMPER
CREEK'), (47647, 14, 3, 'DANBULLA'), (44678, 14, 3, 'Dangore'), (47499, 14,
3, 'DARADGEE'), (44679, 14, 3, 'Dargal Road'), (44680, 14, 3, 'Darling
Heights'), (44681, 14, 3, 'Darlington'), (47708, 14, 3, 'DARNLEY
ISLAND'), (44682, 14, 3, 'Darra'), (47709, 14, 3, 'DAUAN ISLAND'), (44683,
14, 3, 'Dayboro'), (44684, 14, 3, 'Daymar'), (44685, 14, 3,
'Deagon'), (44686, 14, 3, 'Deception Bay'), (47674, 14, 3,
'DEDIN'), (44687, 14, 3, 'Deebing Heights'), (44688, 14, 3,
'Deepwater'), (47571, 14, 3, 'DEERAL'), (47799, 14, 3, 'DEGARRA'), (44689,
14, 3, 'Delaneys Creek'), (44690, 14, 3, 'Depot Hill'), (44691, 14, 3,
'Derrymore'), (47572, 14, 3, 'DESAILLY'), (44692, 14, 3,
'Deuchar'), (44693, 14, 3, 'Devereux Creek'), (44694, 14, 3, 'Devon
Park'), (44695, 14, 3, 'Diamond Valley'), (44696, 14, 3, 'Dicky
Beach'), (44697, 14, 3, 'Diddillibah'), (47648, 14, 3, 'DIMBULAH'), (44698,
14, 3, 'Dinmore'), (44699, 14, 3, 'Dirranbandi'), (47675, 14, 3,
'DIWAN'), (47573, 14, 3, 'DIXIE'), (44700, 14, 3, 'Doctor Creek'), (44701,
14, 3, 'Dolphin Heads'), (44702, 14, 3, 'Domville'), (44703, 14, 3,
'Donnybrook'), (44704, 14, 3, 'Doolandella'), (44705, 14, 3,
'Doonan'), (44706, 14, 3, 'Douglas'), (44707, 14, 3, 'Downsfield'), (44708,
14, 3, 'Dows Creek'), (44709, 14, 3, 'Draper'), (44710, 14, 3,
'Drayton'), (44711, 14, 3, 'Drayton North'), (44712, 14, 3,
'Drillham'), (44713, 14, 3, 'Drillham South'), (44714, 14, 3,
'Duaringa'), (44715, 14, 3, 'Ducklo'), (44716, 14, 3, 'Dugandan'), (44717,
14, 3, 'Dulacca'), (44718, 14, 3, 'Dulong'), (44719, 14, 3,
'Dumbleton'), (44720, 14, 3, 'Dundas'), (44721, 14, 3, 'Dundathu'), (44722,
14, 3, 'Dundowran'), (44723, 14, 3, 'Dundowran Beach'), (44724, 14, 3,
'Dunkeld'), (44725, 14, 3, 'Dunmora'), (44726, 14, 3, 'Dunmore'), (44727,
14, 3, 'Dunnrock'), (44728, 14, 3, 'Dunwich'), (44729, 14, 3,
'Durack'), (44730, 14, 3, 'Durham Downs'), (44731, 14, 3,
'Durong'), (44732, 14, 3, 'Durong South'), (44733, 14, 3, 'Dutton
Park'), (44734, 14, 3, 'Dysart'), (44735, 14, 3, 'Eagle Farm'), (44736, 14,
3, 'Eagle Heights'), (44737, 14, 3, 'Eagleby'), (44738, 14, 3,
'Eaglefield'), (47528, 14, 3, 'EARLVILLE'), (47759, 14, 3, 'EAST
BARRON'), (44739, 14, 3, 'East Brisbane'), (44740, 14, 3, 'East
Cooyar'), (47574, 14, 3, 'EAST CREEK'), (44741, 14, 3, 'East Deep
Creek'), (44742, 14, 3, 'East Haldon'), (47500, 14, 3, 'EAST
INNISFAIL'), (44743, 14, 3, 'East Mackay'), (47501, 14, 3, 'EAST
PALMERSTON'), (47575, 14, 3, 'EAST TRINITY'), (44744, 14, 3, 'Eastern
Heights'), (47502, 14, 3, 'EATON'), (44745, 14, 3, 'Eatons Hill'), (44746,
14, 3, 'Ebenezer'), (44747, 14, 3, 'Edens Landing'), (47529, 14, 3, 'EDGE
HILL'), (47518, 14, 3, 'EDMONTON'), (47576, 14, 3, 'EDWARD RIVER'), (44748,
14, 3, 'Eerwah Vale'), (44749, 14, 3, 'Egypt'), (44750, 14, 3,
'Eidsvold'), (44751, 14, 3, 'Eight Mile Plains'), (47577, 14, 3,
'EINASLEIGH'), (47491, 14, 3, 'EL ARISH'), (44752, 14, 3, 'Elaman
Creek'), (44753, 14, 3, 'Elbow Valley'), (44754, 14, 3, 'Electra'), (44755,
14, 3, 'Elgin Vale'), (44756, 14, 3, 'Eli Waters'), (44757, 14, 3,
'Elimbah'), (44758, 14, 3, 'Ellangowan'), (44759, 14, 3, 'Ellen
Grove'), (47776, 14, 3, 'ELLINJAA'), (44760, 14, 3, 'Ellinthorp'), (44761,
14, 3, 'Elliott'), (44762, 14, 3, 'Elliott Heads'), (47741, 14, 3, 'ELLIS
BEACH'), (44763, 14, 3, 'Elphinstone'), (18708, 14, 3, 'Emerald'), (44764,
14, 3, 'Emu Creek'), (44765, 14, 3, 'Emu Park'), (44766, 14, 3, 'Emu
Vale'), (44767, 14, 3, 'Enoggera'), (44768, 14, 3, 'Epsom'), (44769, 14, 3,
'Erakala'), (44770, 14, 3, 'Eromanga'), (47710, 14, 3, 'ERUB'), (44771, 14,
3, 'Esk'), (47578, 14, 3, 'ESMERALDA'), (44772, 14, 3, 'Eton'), (44773, 14,
3, 'Eton North'), (47496, 14, 3, 'ETTY BAY'), (47503, 14, 3,
'EUBENANGEE'), (44774, 14, 3, 'Eudlo'), (44775, 14, 3, 'Eukey'), (44776,
14, 3, 'Euleilah'), (44777, 14, 3, 'Eulo'), (44778, 14, 3,
'Eumamurrin'), (44779, 14, 3, 'Eumundi'), (47694, 14, 3, 'EVANS
LANDING'), (44780, 14, 3, 'Evanslea'), (47789, 14, 3, 'EVELYN'), (44781,
14, 3, 'Evergreen'), (44782, 14, 3, 'Everton Hills'), (44783, 14, 3,
'Everton Park'), (44784, 14, 3, 'Fairdale'), (44785, 14, 3, 'Fairfield
Gardens'), (44786, 14, 3, 'Fairney View'), (44787, 14, 3, 'Fairy
Bower'), (44788, 14, 3, 'Fairymead'), (44789, 14, 3, 'Farleigh'), (44790,
14, 3, 'Farrars Creek'), (44791, 14, 3, 'Fassifern Valley'), (44792, 14, 3,
'Felton'), (44793, 14, 3, 'Felton South'), (44794, 14, 3,
'Fernvale'), (44795, 14, 3, 'Ferny Glen'), (44796, 14, 3, 'Ferny
Grove'), (44797, 14, 3, 'Ferny Hills'), (44798, 14, 3, 'Ficks
Crossing'), (44799, 14, 3, 'Fifteen Mile'), (44800, 14, 3, 'Finch
Hatton'), (47676, 14, 3, 'FINLAY VALE'), (44801, 14, 3, 'Finnie'), (44802,
14, 3, 'Fishermans Pocket'), (47579, 14, 3, 'FISHERY FALLS'), (47504, 14,
3, 'FITZGERALD CREEK'), (44803, 14, 3, 'Fitzgibbon'), (47580, 14, 3,
'FITZROY ISLAND'), (44804, 14, 3, 'Flagstone Creek'), (44805, 14, 3,
'Flaxton'), (44806, 14, 3, 'Fleurbaix'), (44807, 14, 3, 'Flinders
View'), (44808, 14, 3, 'Flinton'), (47505, 14, 3, 'FLYING FISH
POINT'), (44809, 14, 3, 'Flying Fox'), (44810, 14, 3, 'Fordsdale'), (47677,
14, 3, 'FOREST CREEK'), (44811, 14, 3, 'Forest Glen'), (44812, 14, 3,
'Forest Hill'), (44813, 14, 3, 'Forest Lake'), (44814, 14, 3, 'Forest
Ridge'), (44815, 14, 3, 'Forestdale'), (44816, 14, 3,
'Forestvale'), (44817, 14, 3, 'Formartin'), (47581, 14, 3,
'FORSAYTH'), (44818, 14, 3, 'Fortitude Valley'), (47649, 14, 3, 'FORTY
MILE'), (47582, 14, 3, 'FOSSILBROOK'), (44819, 14, 3, 'Foulden'), (44820,
14, 3, 'Frazerview'), (44821, 14, 3, 'Freestone'), (44822, 14, 3, 'Frenches
Creek'), (47530, 14, 3, 'FRESHWATER'), (44823, 14, 3, 'Freshwater
Point'), (47762, 14, 3, 'GADGARRA'), (44824, 14, 3, 'Gailes'), (47583, 14,
3, 'GAMBOOLA'), (47464, 14, 3, 'GARBUTT'), (47465, 14, 3, 'GARBUTT
EAST'), (44825, 14, 3, 'Gatton'), (44826, 14, 3, 'Gayndah'), (44827, 14, 3,
'Geebung'), (44828, 14, 3, 'Geham'), (47584, 14, 3, 'GEORGETOWN'), (47585,
14, 3, 'GERMANTOWN'), (44829, 14, 3, 'Gheerulla'), (44830, 14, 3,
'Ghinghinda'), (44831, 14, 3, 'Gigoomgan'), (47586, 14, 3, 'GILBERT
RIVER'), (44832, 14, 3, 'Gilldora'), (44833, 14, 3, 'Gilston'), (44834, 14,
3, 'Girraween'), (47434, 14, 3, 'GIRU'), (44835, 14, 3, 'Givelda'), (44836,
14, 3, 'Gladfield'), (6015, 14, 3, 'Gladstone'), (44837, 14, 3, 'Gladstone
South'), (44838, 14, 3, 'Glanmire'), (44839, 14, 3, 'Glass House
Mountains'), (44840, 14, 3, 'Glastonbury'), (47767, 14, 3, 'GLEN
ALLYN'), (44841, 14, 3, 'Glen Aplin'), (47587, 14, 3, 'GLEN
BOUGHTON'), (44842, 14, 3, 'Glen Cairn'), (44843, 14, 3, 'Glen
Echo'), (44844, 14, 3, 'Glen Esk'), (44845, 14, 3, 'Glen Niven'), (47749,
14, 3, 'GLEN RUSSELL'), (47650, 14, 3, 'GLEN RUTH'), (44846, 14, 3,
'Glenarbon'), (44847, 14, 3, 'Glencoe'), (44848, 14, 3,
'Glendale'), (44849, 14, 3, 'Glenden'), (44850, 14, 3,
'Gleneagle'), (44851, 14, 3, 'Glenella'), (44852, 14, 3,
'Glenfern'), (44853, 14, 3, 'Glengallan'), (44854, 14, 3,
'Glenhaughton'), (44855, 14, 3, 'Glenmorgan'), (44856, 14, 3,
'Glenorchy'), (44857, 14, 3, 'Glenore Grove'), (44858, 14, 3,
'Glenrock'), (44859, 14, 3, 'Glenvale'), (44860, 14, 3,
'Glenview'), (44861, 14, 3, 'Glenwood'), (44862, 14, 3, 'Godwin
Beach'), (3379, 14, 3, 'Gold Coast'), (44863, 14, 3, 'Golden
Beach'), (47507, 14, 3, 'GOLDSBOROUGH'), (44864, 14, 3, 'Goodar'), (44865,
14, 3, 'Goodger'), (44866, 14, 3, 'Goodna'), (44867, 14, 3,
'Goomboorian'), (44868, 14, 3, 'Goombungee'), (44869, 14, 3,
'Goomburra'), (44870, 14, 3, 'Goomeri'), (44871, 14, 3,
'Goomeribong'), (18839, 14, 3, 'Goondiwindi'), (44872, 14, 3,
'Goranba'), (44873, 14, 3, 'Gordon Park'), (44874, 14, 3,
'Gordonbrook'), (47508, 14, 3, 'GORDONVALE'), (44875, 14, 3, 'Gowrie Little
Plain'), (44876, 14, 3, 'Gowrie Mountain'), (44877, 14, 3, 'Gowrie
Station'), (44878, 14, 3, 'Graceville'), (44879, 14, 3, 'Graceville
East'), (44880, 14, 3, 'Grahams Creek'), (44881, 14, 3,
'Grandchester'), (44882, 14, 3, 'Grange'), (44883, 14, 3,
'Grantham'), (44884, 14, 3, 'Granville'), (44885, 14, 3, 'Grasstree
Beach'), (44886, 14, 3, 'Grays Gate'), (47509, 14, 3, 'GREEN
HILL'), (47588, 14, 3, 'GREEN ISLAND'), (44887, 14, 3,
'Greenbank'), (44888, 14, 3, 'Greenlake'), (44889, 14, 3,
'Greenlands'), (44890, 14, 3, 'Greenmount'), (44891, 14, 3, 'Greenmount
East'), (44892, 14, 3, 'Greenslopes'), (44893, 14, 3, 'Greenup'), (44894,
14, 3, 'Greenview'), (44895, 14, 3, 'Greenwood'), (44896, 14, 3, 'Gregors
Creek'), (44897, 14, 3, 'Greymare'), (42952, 14, 3, 'Griffin'), (47589, 14,
3, 'GROGANVILLE'), (44898, 14, 3, 'Groomsville'), (44899, 14, 3,
'Grosmont'), (44900, 14, 3, 'Guanaba'), (47454, 14, 3, 'GULLIVER'), (44901,
14, 3, 'Guluguba'), (44902, 14, 3, 'Gumdale'), (47471, 14, 3,
'GUMLOW'), (44903, 14, 3, 'Gunalda'), (44904, 14, 3, 'Gundiah'), (47651,
14, 3, 'GUNNAWARRA'), (44905, 14, 3, 'Gunnewin'), (47590, 14, 3,
'GUNUNA'), (44906, 14, 3, 'Gurulmundi'), (44907, 14, 3,
'Gwambegwine'), (14439, 14, 3, 'Gympie'), (44908, 14, 3, 'Habana'), (44909,
14, 3, 'Haden'), (44910, 14, 3, 'Haigslea'), (44911, 14, 3, 'Haliday
Bay'), (44912, 14, 3, 'Haly Creek'), (44913, 14, 3, 'Hamilton'), (44914,
14, 3, 'Hannaford'), (44915, 14, 3, 'Harlin'), (44916, 14, 3, 'Harper
Creek'), (44917, 14, 3, 'Harrisville'), (44918, 14, 3, 'Hatton
Vale'), (44919, 14, 3, 'Hawthorne'), (44920, 14, 3, 'Hay Point'), (44921,
14, 3, 'Hayman Island'), (44922, 14, 3, 'Hazeldean'), (44923, 14, 3,
'Hazledean'), (44924, 14, 3, 'Headington Hill'), (47466, 14, 3,
'HEATLEY'), (44925, 14, 3, 'Hebel'), (44926, 14, 3, 'Helensvale'), (44927,
14, 3, 'Helensvale Town Centre'), (47800, 14, 3, 'HELENVALE'), (44928, 14,
3, 'Helidon'), (44929, 14, 3, 'Helidon Spa'), (44930, 14, 3,
'Hemmant'), (44931, 14, 3, 'Hendon'), (44932, 14, 3, 'Hendra'), (47783, 14,
3, 'HERBERTON'), (44933, 14, 3, 'Heritage Park'), (47455, 14, 3, 'HERMIT
PARK'), (44934, 14, 3, 'Herston'), (47591, 14, 3, 'HIGHBURY'), (44935, 14,
3, 'Highfields'), (44936, 14, 3, 'Highgate Hill'), (44937, 14, 3,
'Highgrove'), (44938, 14, 3, 'Highland Park'), (44939, 14, 3, 'Highland
Plains'), (44940, 14, 3, 'Highvale'), (44941, 14, 3, 'Hillcrest'), (44942,
14, 3, 'Hillview'), (47488, 14, 3, 'HINCHINBROOK'), (44943, 14, 3,
'Hirstglen'), (44944, 14, 3, 'Hodgleigh'), (44945, 14, 3,
'Hodgson'), (44946, 14, 3, 'Hodgson Vale'), (44947, 14, 3, 'Holland Park
East'), (44948, 14, 3, 'Holland Park West'), (47736, 14, 3, 'HOLLOWAYS
BEACH'), (44949, 14, 3, 'Hollywell'), (44950, 14, 3, 'Holmview'), (47592,
14, 3, 'HOLROYD RIVER'), (44951, 14, 3, 'Home Hill'), (44952, 14, 3,
'Homebush'), (44953, 14, 3, 'Hookswood'), (44954, 14, 3, 'Hope
Island'), (47801, 14, 3, 'HOPE VALE'), (44955, 14, 3, 'Hopeland'), (47711,
14, 3, 'HORN ISLAND'), (44956, 14, 3, 'Hornet Bank'), (44957, 14, 3,
'Howard'), (47794, 14, 3, 'HOWITT'), (44958, 14, 3, 'Hoya'), (47480, 14, 3,
'HUGHENDEN'), (44959, 14, 3, 'Humeburn'), (44960, 14, 3, 'Hunchy'), (44961,
14, 3, 'Hungerford'), (47593, 14, 3, 'HURRICANE'), (47456, 14, 3, 'HYDE
PARK CASTLETOWN'), (47445, 14, 3, 'IDALIA'), (44962, 14, 3,
'Ilbilbie'), (44963, 14, 3, 'Ilkley'), (44964, 14, 3, 'Illinbah'), (44965,
14, 3, 'Image Flat'), (44966, 14, 3, 'Imbil'), (44967, 14, 3,
'Inala'), (44968, 14, 3, 'Inala East'), (44969, 14, 3, 'Inala
Heights'), (44970, 14, 3, 'Indooroopilly'), (44971, 14, 3, 'Indooroopilly
Centre'), (18906, 14, 3, 'Ingham'), (44972, 14, 3, 'Inglestone'), (44973,
14, 3, 'Inglewood'), (44974, 14, 3, 'Ingoldsby'), (47724, 14, 3,
'INJINOO'), (44975, 14, 3, 'Injune'), (44976, 14, 3, 'Innes Park'), (44977,
14, 3, 'Innisplain'), (47652, 14, 3, 'INNOT HOT SPRINGS'), (44978, 14, 3,
'Inskip'), (44979, 14, 3, 'Inverlaw'), (12884, 14, 3, 'Ipswich'), (44980,
14, 3, 'Irongate'), (44981, 14, 3, 'Ironpot'), (47784, 14, 3,
'IRVINEBANK'), (44982, 14, 3, 'Irvingdale'), (44983, 14, 3,
'Isisford'), (44984, 14, 3, 'Island Plantation'), (44985, 14, 3,
'Iveragh'), (44986, 14, 3, 'Ivory Creek'), (44987, 14, 3,
'Jackson'), (44988, 14, 3, 'Jackson North'), (44989, 14, 3, 'Jacobs
Well'), (47768, 14, 3, 'JAGGAN'), (44990, 14, 3, 'Jamboree
Heights'), (47446, 14, 3, 'JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY'), (44991, 14, 3,
'Jandowae'), (47695, 14, 3, 'JARDINE RIVER'), (44992, 14, 3,
'Jeebropilly'), (44993, 14, 3, 'Jericho'), (44994, 14, 3,
'Jimboomba'), (44995, 14, 3, 'Jimbour'), (44996, 14, 3, 'Jimna'), (44997,
14, 3, 'Jindalee'), (44998, 14, 3, 'Jondaryan'), (44999, 14, 3, 'Jones
Gully'), (45000, 14, 3, 'Jones Hill'), (45001, 14, 3, 'Joyner'), (47594,
14, 3, 'JULATTEN'), (47481, 14, 3, 'JULIA CREEK'), (45002, 14, 3,
'Junabee'), (45003, 14, 3, 'Junction View'), (45004, 14, 3,
'Jundah'), (47790, 14, 3, 'KABAN'), (45005, 14, 3, 'Kagaru'), (45006, 14,
3, 'Kaimkillenbun'), (47653, 14, 3, 'KAIRI'), (45007, 14, 3,
'Kalbar'), (45008, 14, 3, 'Kalkie'), (45009, 14, 3, 'Kallangur'), (47785,
14, 3, 'KALUNGA'), (47531, 14, 3, 'KAMERUNGA'), (47510, 14, 3,
'KAMMA'), (45010, 14, 3, 'Kandanga'), (47532, 14, 3, 'KANIMBLA'), (45011,
14, 3, 'Karalee'), (45012, 14, 3, 'Karana Downs'), (45013, 14, 3,
'Karara'), (45014, 14, 3, 'Karawatha'), (45015, 14, 3, 'Karrabin'), (45016,
14, 3, 'Karragarra Island'), (47595, 14, 3, 'KARRON'), (47797, 14, 3,
'KARUMBA'), (45017, 14, 3, 'Kawana'), (45018, 14, 3, 'Kearneys
Spring'), (45019, 14, 3, 'Kedron'), (47472, 14, 3, 'KELSO'), (45020, 14, 3,
'Kelvin Grove'), (45021, 14, 3, 'Kelvinhaugh'), (45022, 14, 3,
'Kenilworth'), (45023, 14, 3, 'Kensington'), (45024, 14, 3, 'Kensington
Grove'), (45025, 14, 3, 'Kents Lagoon'), (45026, 14, 3, 'Kents
Pocket'), (45027, 14, 3, 'Kentville'), (45028, 14, 3, 'Keperra'), (45029,
14, 3, 'Kepnock'), (45030, 14, 3, 'Kerry'), (47742, 14, 3, 'KEWARRA
BEACH'), (45031, 14, 3, 'Keysland'), (45032, 14, 3, 'Kiamba'), (45033, 14,
3, 'Kidaman Creek'), (45034, 14, 3, 'Kiels Mountain'), (45035, 14, 3,
'Kilbirnie'), (45036, 14, 3, 'Kilcoy'), (45037, 14, 3, 'Kilkivan'), (47729,
14, 3, 'KILLALOE'), (45038, 14, 3, 'Killarney'), (47678, 14, 3,
'KIMBERLEY'), (45039, 14, 3, 'Kin Kin'), (45040, 14, 3, 'Kin
Kora'), (45041, 14, 3, 'Kinbombi'), (45042, 14, 3, 'Kinchant Dam'), (45043,
14, 3, 'Kincora'), (45044, 14, 3, 'Kindon'), (45045, 14, 3, 'King
Scrub'), (45046, 14, 3, 'Kingaham'), (17385, 14, 3, 'Kingaroy'), (45047,
14, 3, 'Kings Beach'), (45048, 14, 3, 'Kings Creek'), (45049, 14, 3,
'Kingsholme'), (45050, 14, 3, 'Kingsthorpe'), (45051, 14, 3,
'Kingston'), (45052, 14, 3, 'Kioma'), (45053, 14, 3, 'Kippa-Ring'), (47654,
14, 3, 'KIRRAMA'), (45054, 14, 3, 'Kitoba'), (45055, 14, 3,
'Kleinton'), (47752, 14, 3, 'KOAH'), (45056, 14, 3, 'Kogan'), (47655, 14,
3, 'KOOMBOOLOOMBA'), (45057, 14, 3, 'Koongal'), (45058, 14, 3,
'Kooralbyn'), (45059, 14, 3, 'Kooralgin'), (45060, 14, 3,
'Kooringal'), (45061, 14, 3, 'Kooroongarra'), (45062, 14, 3,
'Koumala'), (47596, 14, 3, 'KOWANYAMA'), (45063, 14, 3,
'Kowguran'), (47656, 14, 3, 'KOWROWA'), (47712, 14, 3, 'KUBIN
VILLAGE'), (45064, 14, 3, 'Kulangoor'), (45065, 14, 3, 'Kulgun'), (45066,
14, 3, 'Kulpi'), (45067, 14, 3, 'Kuluin'), (45068, 14, 3,
'Kumbia'), (45069, 14, 3, 'Kunda Park'), (45070, 14, 3, 'Kunioon'), (45071,
14, 3, 'Kuraby'), (47753, 14, 3, 'KURANDA'), (45072, 14, 3,
'Kureelpa'), (47769, 14, 3, 'KUREEN'), (47597, 14, 3, 'KURRIMINE
BEACH'), (45073, 14, 3, 'Kurrowah'), (45074, 14, 3, 'Kurumbul'), (45075,
14, 3, 'Kurwongbah'), (45076, 14, 3, 'Kuttabul'), (45077, 14, 3,
'Labrador'), (45078, 14, 3, 'Laceys Creek'), (45079, 14, 3,
'Laidley'), (45080, 14, 3, 'Laidley Creek West'), (45081, 14, 3, 'Laidley
Heights'), (45082, 14, 3, 'Laidley North'), (45083, 14, 3, 'Laidley
South'), (47763, 14, 3, 'LAKE BARRINE'), (45084, 14, 3, 'Lake
Clarendon'), (47764, 14, 3, 'LAKE EACHAM'), (47657, 14, 3, 'LAKE
TINAROO'), (47598, 14, 3, 'LAKEFIELD'), (47599, 14, 3, 'LAKELAND'), (45085,
14, 3, 'Lakes Creek'), (45086, 14, 3, 'Lamb Island'), (47533, 14, 3, 'LAMB
RANGE'), (45087, 14, 3, 'Lamington'), (45088, 14, 3, 'Landers
Shoot'), (45089, 14, 3, 'Landsborough'), (45090, 14, 3,
'Lanefield'), (45091, 14, 3, 'Langlo'), (45092, 14, 3,
'Lansdowne'), (45093, 14, 3, 'Larapinta'), (45094, 14, 3,
'Laravale'), (47600, 14, 3, 'LAURA'), (45095, 14, 3, 'Lavelle'), (45096,
14, 3, 'Lawes'), (45097, 14, 3, 'Lawnton'), (45098, 14, 3,
'Leafdale'), (45099, 14, 3, 'Lefthand Branch'), (45100, 14, 3,
'Leichhardt'), (45101, 14, 3, 'Lemontree'), (45102, 14, 3,
'Leslie'), (45103, 14, 3, 'Leslie Dam'), (45104, 14, 3, 'Leyburn'), (45105,
14, 3, 'Lilydale'), (45106, 14, 3, 'Lilyvale'), (45107, 14, 3, 'Limestone
Creek'), (45108, 14, 3, 'Limestone Ridges'), (45109, 14, 3,
'Limevale'), (45110, 14, 3, 'Linthorpe'), (45111, 14, 3,
'Linville'), (45112, 14, 3, 'Little Mountain'), (47511, 14, 3, 'LITTLE
MULGRAVE'), (47601, 14, 3, 'LIZARD'), (45113, 14, 3, 'Loch
Lomond'), (47602, 14, 3, 'LOCKHART'), (45114, 14, 3, 'Lockrose'), (45115,
14, 3, 'Lockyer'), (45116, 14, 3, 'Lockyer Waters'), (45117, 14, 3, 'Logan
Central'), (45118, 14, 3, 'Logan Reserve'), (45119, 14, 3, 'Logan
Village'), (45120, 14, 3, 'Loganholme'), (45121, 14, 3,
'Loganlea'), (18726, 14, 3, 'Longreach'), (45122, 14, 3, 'Lota'), (47679,
14, 3, 'LOW ISLES'), (45123, 14, 3, 'Lower Beechmont'), (47603, 14, 3,
'LOWER COWLEY'), (45124, 14, 3, 'Lower Cressbrook'), (47680, 14, 3, 'LOWER
DAINTREE'), (45125, 14, 3, 'Lower Mount Walker'), (45126, 14, 3, 'Lower
Tenthill'), (45127, 14, 3, 'Lowmead'), (45128, 14, 3, 'Lowood'), (45129,
14, 3, 'Lumeah'), (45130, 14, 3, 'Lundavra'), (45131, 14, 3,
'Lutwyche'), (47604, 14, 3, 'LYNDHURST'), (47605, 14, 3,
'LYNDSIDE'), (45132, 14, 3, 'Lynford'), (45133, 14, 3, 'Lyons'), (45134,
14, 3, 'Lyra'), (45135, 14, 3, 'Lytton'), (45136, 14, 3, 'Ma Ma
Creek'), (47777, 14, 3, 'MAALAN'), (45137, 14, 3, 'Maaroom'), (47713, 14,
3, 'MABUIAG ISLAND'), (45138, 14, 3, 'Macalister'), (47606, 14, 3,
'MACALISTER RANGE'), (45139, 14, 3, 'Macgregor'), (47737, 14, 3, 'MACHANS
BEACH'), (3387, 14, 3, 'Mackay'), (45140, 14, 3, 'Mackay
Caneland'), (45141, 14, 3, 'Mackay Harbour'), (45142, 14, 3, 'Mackay
North'), (45143, 14, 3, 'Mackay South'), (45144, 14, 3, 'Mackay
West'), (45145, 14, 3, 'Mackenzie'), (45146, 14, 3, 'Maclagan'), (45147,
14, 3, 'Macleay Island'), (45148, 14, 3, 'Maidenhead'), (45149, 14, 3,
'Maidenwell'), (45150, 14, 3, 'Main Beach'), (47770, 14, 3,
'MALANDA'), (45151, 14, 3, 'Malarga'), (42093, 14, 3, 'Maleny'), (45152,
14, 3, 'Malling'), (45153, 14, 3, 'Manapouri'), (3389, 14, 3,
'Manly'), (45154, 14, 3, 'Manly West'), (45155, 14, 3, 'Mannuem'), (47534,
14, 3, 'MANOORA'), (45156, 14, 3, 'Mansfield'), (45157, 14, 3,
'Manumbar'), (47535, 14, 3, 'MANUNDA'), (45158, 14, 3, 'Mapleton'), (47696,
14, 3, 'MAPOON'), (47607, 14, 3, 'MARAMIE'), (45159, 14, 3,
'Marburg'), (45160, 14, 3, 'Marcoola'), (47750, 14, 3, 'MAREEBA'), (45161,
14, 3, 'Margate'), (45162, 14, 3, 'Margate Beach'), (45163, 14, 3,
'Marian'), (45164, 14, 3, 'Marlborough'), (45165, 14, 3,
'Marmadua'), (45166, 14, 3, 'Maroochy River'), (18588, 14, 3,
'Maroochydore'), (45167, 14, 3, 'Maroon'), (45168, 14, 3,
'Marshlands'), (47497, 14, 3, 'MARTYVILLE'), (12101, 14, 3,
'Maryborough'), (45169, 14, 3, 'Maryborough West'), (45170, 14, 3,
'Maryvale'), (45171, 14, 3, 'Massie'), (45172, 14, 3, 'Maudsland'), (45173,
14, 3, 'May Downs'), (45174, 14, 3, 'Mcdowall'), (45175, 14, 3, 'Mcewens
Beach'), (47482, 14, 3, 'MCKINLAY'), (45176, 14, 3, 'Meadowbrook'), (45177,
14, 3, 'Meadowvale'), (45178, 14, 3, 'Meldale'), (45179, 14, 3,
'Memerambi'), (47608, 14, 3, 'MENA CREEK'), (45180, 14, 3, 'Meridan
Plains'), (45181, 14, 3, 'Meringandan'), (45182, 14, 3, 'Meringandan
West'), (45183, 14, 3, 'Merlwood'), (45184, 14, 3, 'Mermaid
Beach'), (45185, 14, 3, 'Mermaid Waters'), (45186, 14, 3,
'Merrimac'), (45187, 14, 3, 'Merritts Creek'), (45188, 14, 3,
'Merryvale'), (45189, 14, 3, 'Mia Mia'), (47681, 14, 3, 'MIALLO'), (45190,
14, 3, 'Miami'), (45191, 14, 3, 'Miara'), (45192, 14, 3, 'Middle
Park'), (45193, 14, 3, 'Middle Ridge'), (47778, 14, 3,
'MIDDLEBROOK'), (45194, 14, 3, 'Middlemount'), (45195, 14, 3,
'Middleton'), (45196, 14, 3, 'Miles'), (45197, 14, 3, 'Milford'), (47779,
14, 3, 'MILLAA MILLAA'), (45198, 14, 3, 'Millbank'), (45199, 14, 3,
'Millmerran'), (45200, 14, 3, 'Millmerran Downs'), (45201, 14, 3,
'Millmerran Woods'), (47791, 14, 3, 'MILLSTREAM'), (45202, 14, 3,
'Millwood'), (45203, 14, 3, 'Milora'), (45204, 14, 3, 'Milton'), (47780,
14, 3, 'MINBUN'), (45205, 14, 3, 'Minden'), (47658, 14, 3,
'MINNAMOOLKA'), (45206, 14, 3, 'Minnie Downs'), (45207, 14, 3,
'Minyama'), (45208, 14, 3, 'Mirani'), (45209, 14, 3, 'Miriam
Vale'), (47609, 14, 3, 'MIRIWINNI'), (45210, 14, 3, 'Missen Flat'), (47489,
14, 3, 'MISSION BEACH'), (47697, 14, 3, 'MISSION RIVER'), (45211, 14, 3,
'Mitchell'), (45212, 14, 3, 'Mitchelton'), (47714, 14, 3, 'MOA
ISLAND'), (45213, 14, 3, 'Moffat Beach'), (45214, 14, 3,
'Moffatdale'), (45215, 14, 3, 'Moggill'), (45216, 14, 3, 'Mon
Repos'), (47754, 14, 3, 'MONA MONA'), (45217, 14, 3, 'Mondure'), (45218,
14, 3, 'Mons'), (45219, 14, 3, 'Monsildale'), (45220, 14, 3,
'Montrose'), (45221, 14, 3, 'Montville'), (45222, 14, 3, 'Moodlu'), (45223,
14, 3, 'Mooga'), (45224, 14, 3, 'Mooloolaba'), (45225, 14, 3,
'Mooloolah'), (45226, 14, 3, 'Mooloolah Valley'), (45227, 14, 3,
'Moombra'), (47786, 14, 3, 'MOOMIN'), (45228, 14, 3, 'Moondooner'), (45229,
14, 3, 'Moonie'), (45230, 14, 3, 'Moorang'), (45231, 14, 3,
'Moore'), (45232, 14, 3, 'Moores Pocket'), (45233, 14, 3,
'Moorland'), (47536, 14, 3, 'MOOROOBOOL'), (45234, 14, 3,
'Moorooka'), (45235, 14, 3, 'Moraby'), (45236, 14, 3, 'Moranbah'), (45237,
14, 3, 'Morayfield'), (47781, 14, 3, 'MOREGATTA'), (47610, 14, 3,
'MORESBY'), (45238, 14, 3, 'Morgan Park'), (47611, 14, 3, 'MORNINGTON
ISLAND'), (45239, 14, 3, 'Morton Vale'), (45240, 14, 3, 'Morven'), (45241,
14, 3, 'Morwincha'), (45242, 14, 3, 'Mosquito Creek'), (47682, 14, 3,
'MOSSMAN'), (47683, 14, 3, 'MOSSMAN GORGE'), (45243, 14, 3, 'Mount
Abundance'), (45244, 14, 3, 'Mount Alford'), (45245, 14, 3, 'Mount
Archer'), (45246, 14, 3, 'Mount Beppo'), (45247, 14, 3, 'Mount
Berryman'), (45248, 14, 3, 'Mount Byron'), (47612, 14, 3, 'MOUNT
CARBINE'), (45249, 14, 3, 'Mount Charlton'), (45250, 14, 3, 'Mount
Colliery'), (45251, 14, 3, 'Mount Coolum'), (45252, 14, 3, 'Mount
Coot-Tha'), (45253, 14, 3, 'Mount Cotton'), (45254, 14, 3, 'Mount
Crosby'), (45255, 14, 3, 'Mount Delaney'), (45256, 14, 3, 'Mount
Edwards'), (45257, 14, 3, 'Mount Emlyn'), (45258, 14, 3, 'Mount
Enniskillen'), (45259, 14, 3, 'Mount French'), (47659, 14, 3, 'MOUNT
GARNET'), (45260, 14, 3, 'Mount Gipps'), (45261, 14, 3, 'Mount
Gravatt'), (45262, 14, 3, 'Mount Hallen'), (45263, 14, 3, 'Mount
Irving'), (6019, 14, 3, 'Mount Isa'), (47484, 14, 3, 'MOUNT ISA
EAST'), (45264, 14, 3, 'Mount Jukes'), (45265, 14, 3, 'Mount
Kilcoy'), (45266, 14, 3, 'Mount Kynoch'), (45267, 14, 3, 'Mount
Larcom'), (45268, 14, 3, 'Mount Lindesay'), (45269, 14, 3, 'Mount
Lofty'), (47467, 14, 3, 'MOUNT LOUISA'), (45270, 14, 3, 'Mount
Luke'), (45271, 14, 3, 'Mount Maria'), (45272, 14, 3, 'Mount
Marrow'), (45273, 14, 3, 'Mount Marshall'), (45274, 14, 3, 'Mount
Mceuen'), (45275, 14, 3, 'Mount Mee'), (45276, 14, 3, 'Mount
Mellum'), (45277, 14, 3, 'Mount Molar'), (47613, 14, 3, 'MOUNT
MOLLOY'), (45278, 14, 3, 'Mount Morgan'), (45279, 14, 3, 'Mount
Mort'), (47614, 14, 3, 'MOUNT MULGRAVE'), (47615, 14, 3, 'MOUNT
MULLIGAN'), (45280, 14, 3, 'Mount Nebo'), (45281, 14, 3, 'Mount
Ommaney'), (45282, 14, 3, 'Mount Ossa'), (45283, 14, 3, 'Mount
Pelion'), (47519, 14, 3, 'MOUNT PETER'), (45284, 14, 3, 'Mount
Pleasant'), (45285, 14, 3, 'Mount Rascal'), (45286, 14, 3, 'Mount
Samson'), (47514, 14, 3, 'MOUNT SHERIDAN'), (45287, 14, 3, 'Mount
Steadman'), (47447, 14, 3, 'MOUNT STUART'), (47616, 14, 3, 'MOUNT
SURPRISE'), (45288, 14, 3, 'Mount Sylvia'), (45289, 14, 3, 'Mount
Tabor'), (45290, 14, 3, 'Mount Tarampa'), (45291, 14, 3, 'Mount
Tom'), (45292, 14, 3, 'Mount Tully'), (45293, 14, 3, 'Mount
Tyson'), (45294, 14, 3, 'Mount Walker'), (45295, 14, 3, 'Mount Walker
West'), (45296, 14, 3, 'Mount Warren Park'), (45297, 14, 3, 'Mount
Whitestone'), (45298, 14, 3, 'Mountain Creek'), (47498, 14, 3,
'MOURILYAN'), (47730, 14, 3, 'MOWBRAY'), (45299, 14, 3, 'Moy
Pocket'), (45300, 14, 3, 'Mp Creek'), (45301, 14, 3, 'Muckadilla'), (45302,
14, 3, 'Mudgeeraba'), (45303, 14, 3, 'Mudjimba'), (45304, 14, 3,
'Mudlo'), (45305, 14, 3, 'Muldu'), (45306, 14, 3, 'Mulgowie'), (47715, 14,
3, 'MULGRAVE ISLAND'), (45307, 14, 3, 'Mullett Creek'), (45308, 14, 3,
'Munbilla'), (45309, 14, 3, 'Munbura'), (47660, 14, 3, 'MUNDERRA'), (47457,
14, 3, 'MUNDINGBURRA'), (45310, 14, 3, 'Mundoolun'), (45311, 14, 3,
'Mundubbera'), (45312, 14, 3, 'Mungallala'), (47782, 14, 3,
'MUNGALLI'), (45313, 14, 3, 'Mungar'), (45314, 14, 3,
'Muniganeen'), (45315, 14, 3, 'Munruben'), (45316, 14, 3,
'Murarrie'), (45317, 14, 3, 'Murgon'), (45318, 14, 3, 'Murphys
Creek'), (47468, 14, 3, 'MURRAY'), (47716, 14, 3, 'MURRAY ISLAND'), (45319,
14, 3, 'Murrays Bridge'), (45320, 14, 3, 'Murrumba'), (45321, 14, 3,
'Murrumba Downs'), (45322, 14, 3, 'Murweh'), (47661, 14, 3,
'MUTCHILBA'), (45323, 14, 3, 'Muttaburra'), (45324, 14, 3, 'Myall
Park'), (47458, 14, 3, 'MYSTERTON'), (12323, 14, 3, 'Nambour'), (45325, 14,
3, 'Nambour West'), (45326, 14, 3, 'Nanango'), (45327, 14, 3,
'Nangram'), (45328, 14, 3, 'Nangwee'), (45329, 14, 3, 'Nankin'), (47698,
14, 3, 'NANUM'), (47699, 14, 3, 'NAPRANUM'), (45330, 14, 3,
'Narangba'), (45331, 14, 3, 'Narko'), (45332, 14, 3, 'Nathan'), (45333, 14,
3, 'Natural Bridge'), (45334, 14, 3, 'Nebine'), (45335, 14, 3,
'Nebo'), (45336, 14, 3, 'Nerang'), (45337, 14, 3, 'Netherby'), (45338, 14,
3, 'Netherdale'), (45339, 14, 3, 'Neurum'), (45340, 14, 3,
'Nevilton'), (45341, 14, 3, 'New Beith'), (45342, 14, 3, 'New
Chum'), (45343, 14, 3, 'New Farm'), (47725, 14, 3, 'NEW MAPOON'), (47684,
14, 3, 'NEWELL'), (45344, 14, 3, 'Newmarket'), (45345, 14, 3,
'Newstead'), (45346, 14, 3, 'Newtown'), (45347, 14, 3, 'Nikenbah'), (45348,
14, 3, 'Nindaroo'), (45349, 14, 3, 'Ninderry'), (45350, 14, 3,
'Nindooinbah'), (45351, 14, 3, 'Ningi'), (47685, 14, 3, 'NOAH'), (45352,
14, 3, 'Nobby'), (45353, 14, 3, 'Nockatunga'), (45354, 14, 3,
'Noorindoo'), (13176, 14, 3, 'Noosa'), (45355, 14, 3, 'Noosa
Heads'), (45356, 14, 3, 'Noosaville'), (47795, 14, 3, 'NORMAN'), (45357,
14, 3, 'Norman Park'), (47796, 14, 3, 'NORMANTON'), (45358, 14, 3, 'North
Arm'), (45359, 14, 3, 'North Booval'), (45360, 14, 3, 'North
Branch'), (45361, 14, 3, 'North Bungunya'), (47537, 14, 3, 'NORTH
CAIRNS'), (45362, 14, 3, 'North Eton'), (45363, 14, 3, 'North
Ipswich'), (47771, 14, 3, 'NORTH JOHNSTONE'), (45364, 14, 3, 'North
Lakes'), (45365, 14, 3, 'North Mackay'), (45366, 14, 3, 'North
Maclagan'), (45367, 14, 3, 'North Maclean'), (45368, 14, 3, 'North
Maleny'), (45369, 14, 3, 'North Talwood'), (45370, 14, 3, 'North
Tamborine'), (45371, 14, 3, 'North Tivoli'), (45372, 14, 3, 'North
Toowoomba'), (47438, 14, 3, 'NORTH WARD'), (45373, 14, 3,
'Northgate'), (47617, 14, 3, 'NORTHHEAD'), (45374, 14, 3,
'Norville'), (45375, 14, 3, 'Norwell'), (45376, 14, 3, 'Norwin'), (45377,
14, 3, 'Nudgee'), (45378, 14, 3, 'Nudgee Beach'), (45379, 14, 3, 'Numinbah
Valley'), (45380, 14, 3, 'Nundah'), (45381, 14, 3,
'Nundubbermere'), (45382, 14, 3, 'Nutgrove'), (47618, 14, 3,
'NYCHUM'), (47731, 14, 3, 'OAK BEACH'), (47448, 14, 3, 'OAK
VALLEY'), (45383, 14, 3, 'Oakdale'), (45384, 14, 3, 'Oakenden'), (45385,
14, 3, 'Oakey'), (45386, 14, 3, 'Oakhurst'), (45387, 14, 3,
'Oakview'), (45388, 14, 3, 'Oaky Creek'), (45389, 14, 3,
'Oberina'), (45390, 14, 3, 'Obi Obi'), (45391, 14, 3, 'Ocean
View'), (45392, 14, 3, 'Oman Ama'), (45393, 14, 3, 'One Mile'), (47449, 14,
3, 'OONOONBA'), (45394, 14, 3, 'Ooralea'), (45395, 14, 3,
'Orallo'), (45396, 14, 3, 'Orange Hill'), (45397, 14, 3, 'Ormeau'), (45398,
14, 3, 'Ormiston'), (45399, 14, 3, 'Ottaba'), (45400, 14, 3,
'Owanyilla'), (45401, 14, 3, 'Oxenford'), (45402, 14, 3, 'Oxford'), (45403,
14, 3, 'Oxley'), (45404, 14, 3, 'Oyster Creek'), (45405, 14, 3, 'Pacific
Haven'), (45406, 14, 3, 'Pacific Paradise'), (45407, 14, 3, 'Pacific
Pines'), (47512, 14, 3, 'PACKERS CAMP'), (45408, 14, 3,
'Paddington'), (47751, 14, 3, 'PADDYS GREEN'), (45409, 14, 3,
'Paget'), (45410, 14, 3, 'Palen Creek'), (45411, 14, 3, 'Pallara'), (47439,
14, 3, 'PALLARENDA'), (45412, 14, 3, 'Pallas Street Maryborough'), (45413,
14, 3, 'Palm Beach'), (47743, 14, 3, 'PALM COVE'), (47619, 14, 3,
'PALMER'), (45414, 14, 3, 'Palmtree'), (45415, 14, 3, 'Palmview'), (45416,
14, 3, 'Palmwoods'), (45417, 14, 3, 'Palmyra'), (45418, 14, 3,
'Pampas'), (45419, 14, 3, 'Paradise Point'), (45420, 14, 3, 'Park
Avenue'), (45421, 14, 3, 'Park Ridge South'), (45422, 14, 3,
'Parknook'), (47538, 14, 3, 'PARRAMATTA PARK'), (45423, 14, 3,
'Parrearra'), (45424, 14, 3, 'Patrick Estate'), (45425, 14, 3,
'Peachester'), (45426, 14, 3, 'Peak Crossing'), (45427, 14, 3,
'Pechey'), (45428, 14, 3, 'Peek-A-Doo'), (47772, 14, 3,
'PEERAMON'), (45429, 14, 3, 'Pelham'), (45430, 14, 3, 'Pelican
Creek'), (45431, 14, 3, 'Pelican Waters'), (45432, 14, 3,
'Peranga'), (45433, 14, 3, 'Peregian Beach South'), (45434, 14, 3,
'Perseverance'), (45435, 14, 3, 'Perwillowen'), (47620, 14, 3,
'PETFORD'), (45436, 14, 3, 'Petrie'), (45437, 14, 3, 'Pialba'), (45438, 14,
3, 'Pickanjinnie'), (47478, 14, 3, 'PICNIC BAY'), (45439, 14, 3, 'Pierces
Creek'), (45440, 14, 3, 'Pikedale'), (45441, 14, 3, 'Pilerwa'), (45442, 14,
3, 'Pilton'), (47459, 14, 3, 'PIMLICO'), (45443, 14, 3, 'Pimpama'), (45444,
14, 3, 'Pimpimbudgee'), (45445, 14, 3, 'Pinbarren'), (45446, 14, 3, 'Pine
Creek'), (45447, 14, 3, 'Pine Hills'), (45448, 14, 3, 'Pine
Mountain'), (45449, 14, 3, 'Pinelands'), (45450, 14, 3, 'Pinjarra
Hills'), (45451, 14, 3, 'Pinkenba'), (45452, 14, 3, 'Pinnacle'), (47473,
14, 3, 'PINNACLES'), (45453, 14, 3, 'Pirrinuan'), (45454, 14, 3,
'Pittsworth'), (45455, 14, 3, 'Placid Hills'), (45456, 14, 3,
'Plainby'), (45457, 14, 3, 'Plainland'), (45458, 14, 3,
'Pleystowe'), (45459, 14, 3, 'Point Arkwright'), (45460, 14, 3, 'Point
Lookout'), (45461, 14, 3, 'Point Vernon'), (45462, 14, 3,
'Pomona'), (47621, 14, 3, 'PORMPURAAW'), (45463, 14, 3, 'Port
Alma'), (45464, 14, 3, 'Port Curtis'), (47732, 14, 3, 'PORT
DOUGLAS'), (45465, 14, 3, 'Port Of Brisbane'), (47622, 14, 3, 'PORTLAND
ROADS'), (47539, 14, 3, 'PORTSMITH'), (45466, 14, 3, 'Postmans
Ridge'), (45467, 14, 3, 'Pozieres'), (45468, 14, 3, 'Pratten'), (45469, 14,
3, 'Prawle'), (45470, 14, 3, 'Prenzlau'), (45471, 14, 3,
'Preston'), (45472, 14, 3, 'Prince Henry Heights'), (45473, 14, 3,
'Proserpine'), (45474, 14, 3, 'Proston'), (45475, 14, 3,
'Pullenvale'), (45476, 14, 3, 'Punchs Creek'), (45477, 14, 3,
'Purga'), (45478, 14, 3, 'Q Supercentre'), (45479, 14, 3,
'Quilpie'), (45480, 14, 3, 'Quinalow'), (45481, 14, 3, 'Qunaba'), (45482,
14, 3, 'Radford'), (45483, 14, 3, 'Raglan'), (47440, 14, 3, 'RAILWAY
ESTATE'), (45484, 14, 3, 'Rainbow Beach'), (45485, 14, 3, 'Ranges
Bridge'), (45486, 14, 3, 'Rangeville'), (45487, 14, 3, 'Ransome'), (47474,
14, 3, 'RASMUSSEN'), (45488, 14, 3, 'Rathdowney'), (45489, 14, 3,
'Ravensbourne'), (47792, 14, 3, 'RAVENSHOE'), (47623, 14, 3,
'RAVENSWORTH'), (45490, 14, 3, 'Red Hill'), (47624, 14, 3, 'RED
RIVER'), (45491, 14, 3, 'Redbank'), (45492, 14, 3, 'Redbank
Creek'), (12534, 14, 3, 'Redcliffe'), (45493, 14, 3, 'Redcliffe
North'), (45494, 14, 3, 'Redford'), (45495, 14, 3, 'Redgate'), (45496, 14,
3, 'Redland Bay'), (47540, 14, 3, 'REDLYNCH'), (45497, 14, 3,
'Redwood'), (45498, 14, 3, 'Reedy Creek'), (45499, 14, 3,
'Reesville'), (45500, 14, 3, 'Regency Downs'), (45501, 14, 3, 'Regents
Park'), (45502, 14, 3, 'Richlands'), (6023, 14, 3, 'Richmond'), (45503, 14,
3, 'Rifle Range'), (45504, 14, 3, 'Ringtail Creek'), (45505, 14, 3,
'Ringwood'), (45506, 14, 3, 'Ripley'), (45507, 14, 3, 'River
Heads'), (45508, 14, 3, 'River Ranch'), (45509, 14, 3,
'Riverhills'), (45510, 14, 3, 'Riverton'), (45511, 14, 3,
'Roadvale'), (45512, 14, 3, 'Robertson'), (45513, 14, 3, 'Robina'), (45514,
14, 3, 'Robina Town Centre'), (45515, 14, 3, 'Rochedale'), (45516, 14, 3,
'Rochedale South'), (13893, 14, 3, 'Rockhampton'), (45517, 14, 3,
'Rockhampton City'), (45518, 14, 3, 'Rocklea'), (45519, 14, 3,
'Rockmount'), (45520, 14, 3, 'Rocksberg'), (45521, 14, 3,
'Rockside'), (45522, 14, 3, 'Rockville'), (45523, 14, 3, 'Rocky
Creek'), (47700, 14, 3, 'ROCKY POINT'), (45524, 14, 3,
'Rockyview'), (45525, 14, 3, 'Rodds Bay'), (6024, 14, 3, 'Roma'), (47625,
14, 3, 'ROOKWOOD'), (45526, 14, 3, 'Ropeley'), (45527, 14, 3, 'Rosalie
Plains'), (45528, 14, 3, 'Rosedale'), (45529, 14, 3, 'Rosehill'), (45530,
14, 3, 'Rosella'), (45531, 14, 3, 'Rosemount'), (47450, 14, 3,
'ROSENEATH'), (45532, 14, 3, 'Rosenthal Heights'), (45533, 14, 3,
'Rosevale'), (45534, 14, 3, 'Rosewood'), (47460, 14, 3, 'ROSSLEA'), (45535,
14, 3, 'Rossvale'), (47802, 14, 3, 'ROSSVILLE'), (45536, 14, 3,
'Rothwell'), (45537, 14, 3, 'Round Hill'), (47441, 14, 3, 'ROWES
BAY'), (45538, 14, 3, 'Royston'), (45539, 14, 3, 'Rubyanna'), (45540, 14,
3, 'Runaway Bay'), (45541, 14, 3, 'Running Creek'), (45542, 14, 3,
'Runnymede'), (45543, 14, 3, 'Rural View'), (45544, 14, 3, 'Rush
Creek'), (45545, 14, 3, 'Russell Island'), (45546, 14, 3,
'Ryeford'), (45547, 14, 3, 'Sabine'), (47717, 14, 3, 'SAIBAI
ISLAND'), (45548, 14, 3, 'Salisbury'), (45549, 14, 3, 'Salisbury
East'), (45550, 14, 3, 'Samford'), (45551, 14, 3, 'Samford
Valley'), (45552, 14, 3, 'Samford Village'), (45553, 14, 3, 'Sanctuary
Cove'), (45554, 14, 3, 'Sandgate'), (45555, 14, 3, 'Sandiford'), (45556,
14, 3, 'Sandringham'), (45557, 14, 3, 'Sandstone Point'), (45558, 14, 3,
'Sandy Camp'), (45559, 14, 3, 'Sandy Creek'), (47626, 14, 3, 'SANDY
POCKET'), (45560, 14, 3, 'Sandy Ridges'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities`
(`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (45561, 14, 3,
'Sarabah'), (45562, 14, 3, 'Sarina'), (45563, 14, 3, 'Sarina
Beach'), (45564, 14, 3, 'Sarina Range'), (45565, 14, 3,
'Scarborough'), (45566, 14, 3, 'Scarness'), (45567, 14, 3, 'Scrub
Creek'), (45568, 14, 3, 'Scrubby Mountain'), (45569, 14, 3,
'Seaforth'), (47726, 14, 3, 'SEISIA'), (45570, 14, 3, 'Seven
Hills'), (45571, 14, 3, 'Seventeen Mile Rocks'), (45572, 14, 3, 'Seventeen
Seventy'), (45573, 14, 3, 'Severnlea'), (45574, 14, 3, 'Shailer
Park'), (47686, 14, 3, 'SHANNONVALE'), (45575, 14, 3, 'Sharon'), (45576,
14, 3, 'Sheep Station Creek'), (47701, 14, 3, 'SHELBURNE'), (45577, 14, 3,
'Sheldon'), (45578, 14, 3, 'Shelly Beach'), (45579, 14, 3,
'Sherwood'), (45580, 14, 3, 'Shoal Point'), (45581, 14, 3,
'Shorncliffe'), (47492, 14, 3, 'SILKWOOD'), (47494, 14, 3, 'SILKWOOD
EAST'), (45582, 14, 3, 'Silver Spur'), (47662, 14, 3, 'SILVER
VALLEY'), (45583, 14, 3, 'Silverdale'), (45584, 14, 3,
'Silverleaf'), (45585, 14, 3, 'Silverleigh'), (45586, 14, 3,
'Silverwood'), (45587, 14, 3, 'Simmie'), (45588, 14, 3, 'Sinnamon
Park'), (45589, 14, 3, 'Sippy Downs'), (45590, 14, 3, 'Slade
Point'), (45591, 14, 3, 'Sladevale'), (47738, 14, 3, 'SMITHFIELD'), (45592,
14, 3, 'Smithlea'), (45593, 14, 3, 'Somerset Dam'), (45594, 14, 3, 'South
Bingera'), (45595, 14, 3, 'South Brisbane'), (45596, 14, 3, 'South East
Nanango'), (45597, 14, 3, 'South Gladstone'), (45598, 14, 3, 'South
Kolan'), (45599, 14, 3, 'South Mackay'), (45600, 14, 3, 'South
Maclean'), (45601, 14, 3, 'South Molle'), (45602, 14, 3, 'South
Nanango'), (45603, 14, 3, 'South Ripley'), (45604, 14, 3, 'South
Talwood'), (47442, 14, 3, 'SOUTH TOWNSVILLE'), (45605, 14, 3, 'South
Trees'), (47627, 14, 3, 'SOUTH WELLESLEY ISLANDS'), (47628, 14, 3,
'SOUTHEDGE'), (15148, 14, 3, 'Southport'), (45606, 14, 3, 'Southport
Park'), (45607, 14, 3, 'Southwood'), (45608, 14, 3, 'Speedwell'), (47755,
14, 3, 'SPEEWAH'), (45609, 14, 3, 'Spring Creek'), (45610, 14, 3, 'Spring
Hill'), (45611, 14, 3, 'Springbrook'), (45612, 14, 3,
'Springfield'), (45613, 14, 3, 'Springfield Lakes'), (45614, 14, 3,
'Springside'), (45615, 14, 3, 'Springsure'), (45616, 14, 3,
'Springwood'), (47687, 14, 3, 'SPURGEON'), (45617, 14, 3, 'St
Aubyn'), (45618, 14, 3, 'St George'), (45619, 14, 3, 'St Helens'), (45620,
14, 3, 'St Helens Beach'), (45621, 14, 3, 'St Lawrence'), (45622, 14, 3,
'St Lucia'), (45623, 14, 3, 'St Lucia South'), (45624, 14, 3, 'St
Ruth'), (47629, 14, 3, 'STAATEN'), (45625, 14, 3, 'Stafford'), (45626, 14,
3, 'Stalworth'), (45627, 14, 3, 'Stanmore'), (42320, 14, 3,
'Stanthorpe'), (45628, 14, 3, 'Stapylton'), (47803, 14, 3,
'STARCKE'), (45629, 14, 3, 'Steiglitz'), (47718, 14, 3, 'STEPHENS
ISLAND'), (47688, 14, 3, 'STEWART CREEK VALLEY'), (45630, 14, 3,
'Stockleigh'), (47630, 14, 3, 'STOCKTON'), (45631, 14, 3,
'Stonelands'), (45632, 14, 3, 'Stoneleigh'), (45633, 14, 3, 'Stony
Creek'), (45634, 14, 3, 'Storm King'), (47541, 14, 3, 'STRATFORD'), (45635,
14, 3, 'Strathfield'), (47631, 14, 3, 'STRATHMORE'), (45636, 14, 3,
'Strathpine'), (45637, 14, 3, 'Strathpine Centre'), (45638, 14, 3,
'Stretton'), (47451, 14, 3, 'STUART'), (45639, 14, 3, 'Studio
Village'), (45640, 14, 3, 'Sugarloaf'), (45641, 14, 3,
'Summerholm'), (45642, 14, 3, 'Sumner'), (45643, 14, 3, 'Sunny
Nook'), (45644, 14, 3, 'Sunnybank'), (45645, 14, 3, 'Sunnybank
Hills'), (45646, 14, 3, 'Sunnyside'), (45647, 14, 3, 'Sunrise
Beach'), (45648, 14, 3, 'Sunshine Acres'), (45649, 14, 3, 'Sunshine
Beach'), (45650, 14, 3, 'Surat'), (45651, 14, 3, 'Surfers
Paradise'), (45652, 14, 3, 'Susan River'), (45653, 14, 3, 'Svensson
Heights'), (45654, 14, 3, 'Swan Creek'), (45655, 14, 3,
'Swanbank'), (45656, 14, 3, 'Swanfels'), (47689, 14, 3,
'SYNDICATE'), (45657, 14, 3, 'Taabinga'), (45658, 14, 3,
'Tablederry'), (45659, 14, 3, 'Tablelands'), (45660, 14, 3,
'Tabooba'), (45661, 14, 3, 'Taigum'), (45662, 14, 3, 'Takura'), (47632, 14,
3, 'TALAROO'), (45663, 14, 3, 'Talegalla Weir'), (45664, 14, 3,
'Talgai'), (45665, 14, 3, 'Tallai'), (45666, 14, 3,
'Tallebudgera'), (45667, 14, 3, 'Tallebudgera Valley'), (45668, 14, 3,
'Tallegalla'), (45669, 14, 3, 'Talwood'), (45670, 14, 3, 'Tambo'), (45671,
14, 3, 'Tamborine'), (45672, 14, 3, 'Tamborine Mountain'), (45673, 14, 3,
'Tamrookum'), (45674, 14, 3, 'Tanah Merah'), (45675, 14, 3,
'Tanawha'), (45676, 14, 3, 'Tandora'), (45677, 14, 3, 'Tannum
Sands'), (45678, 14, 3, 'Tannymorel'), (45679, 14, 3, 'Tansey'), (45680,
14, 3, 'Tara'), (45681, 14, 3, 'Taragoola'), (45682, 14, 3,
'Tarampa'), (45683, 14, 3, 'Tarawera'), (45684, 14, 3, 'Targinie'), (45685,
14, 3, 'Taringa'), (45686, 14, 3, 'Tarome'), (45687, 14, 3,
'Tarong'), (45688, 14, 3, 'Taroom'), (45689, 14, 3, 'Tarragindi'), (47773,
14, 3, 'TARZALI'), (45690, 14, 3, 'Taunton'), (45691, 14, 3, 'Te
Kowai'), (45692, 14, 3, 'Teddington'), (45693, 14, 3, 'Teelah'), (45694,
14, 3, 'Teelba'), (45695, 14, 3, 'Telina'), (45696, 14, 3,
'Templin'), (45697, 14, 3, 'Tennyson'), (45698, 14, 3, 'Tewantin'), (45699,
14, 3, 'Texas'), (45700, 14, 3, 'Thabeban'), (45701, 14, 3,
'Thagoona'), (45702, 14, 3, 'Thallon'), (45703, 14, 3, 'Thane'), (45704,
14, 3, 'Thanes Creek'), (45705, 14, 3, 'Thangool'), (45706, 14, 3,
'Thargomindah'), (45707, 14, 3, 'The Bluff'), (45708, 14, 3, 'The
Common'), (45709, 14, 3, 'The Falls'), (45710, 14, 3, 'The Gap'), (45711,
14, 3, 'The Glen'), (45712, 14, 3, 'The Gums'), (45713, 14, 3, 'The
Head'), (45714, 14, 3, 'The Hermitage'), (45715, 14, 3, 'The
Keppels'), (45716, 14, 3, 'The Leap'), (45717, 14, 3, 'The
Summit'), (45718, 14, 3, 'Theodore'), (45719, 14, 3, 'Thinoomba'), (47633,
14, 3, 'THORNBOROUGH'), (45720, 14, 3, 'Thorndale'), (45721, 14, 3,
'Thorneside'), (45722, 14, 3, 'Thornlands'), (45723, 14, 3,
'Thornton'), (47690, 14, 3, 'THORNTON BEACH'), (45724, 14, 3,
'Thornville'), (45725, 14, 3, 'Thulimbah'), (47476, 14, 3, 'THURINGOWA
CENTRAL'), (47719, 14, 3, 'THURSDAY ISLAND'), (45726, 14, 3,
'Tiaro'), (45727, 14, 3, 'Tieri'), (45728, 14, 3, 'Tin Can Bay'), (45729,
14, 3, 'Tinana'), (45730, 14, 3, 'Tinana South'), (47663, 14, 3,
'TINAROO'), (45731, 14, 3, 'Tinbeerwah'), (45732, 14, 3,
'Tingalpa'), (45733, 14, 3, 'Tingoora'), (45734, 14, 3, 'Tingun'), (45735,
14, 3, 'Tinnanbar'), (45736, 14, 3, 'Tipton'), (47756, 14, 3,
'TOLGA'), (45737, 14, 3, 'Toobeah'), (45738, 14, 3, 'Toogoolawah'), (45739,
14, 3, 'Toogoom'), (45740, 14, 3, 'Toolburra'), (45741, 14, 3,
'Toolooa'), (45742, 14, 3, 'Toombul'), (45743, 14, 3, 'Toorbul'), (45744,
14, 3, 'Toowong'), (12975, 14, 3, 'Toowoomba'), (45745, 14, 3, 'Toowoomba
City'), (45746, 14, 3, 'Toowoomba Village Fair'), (45747, 14, 3, 'Toowoomba
West'), (45748, 14, 3, 'Top Camp'), (47774, 14, 3, 'TOPAZ'), (14324, 14, 3,
'Torquay'), (47475, 14, 3, 'TORRENS CREEK'), (45749, 14, 3,
'Torrington'), (45750, 14, 3, 'Towen Mountain'), (47443, 14, 3, 'TOWN
COMMON'), (45751, 14, 3, 'Townson'), (6027, 14, 3, 'Townsville'), (45752,
14, 3, 'Tregony'), (47744, 14, 3, 'TRINITY BEACH'), (47745, 14, 3, 'TRINITY
PARK'), (47702, 14, 3, 'TRUNDING'), (45753, 14, 3, 'Tuan'), (45754, 14, 3,
'Tuan Forest'), (45755, 14, 3, 'Tuen'), (45756, 14, 3, 'Tugun'), (47490,
14, 3, 'TULLY'), (45757, 14, 3, 'Tummaville'), (47793, 14, 3,
'TUMOULIN'), (45758, 14, 3, 'Turallin'), (45759, 14, 3, 'Turkey
Beach'), (45760, 14, 3, 'Twin Waters'), (45761, 14, 3,
'Tyrconnel'), (47727, 14, 3, 'UMAGICO'), (45762, 14, 3, 'Umbiram'), (47760,
14, 3, 'UPPER BARRON'), (45763, 14, 3, 'Upper Brookfield'), (45764, 14, 3,
'Upper Caboolture'), (45765, 14, 3, 'Upper Coomera'), (45766, 14, 3, 'Upper
Cooyar Creek'), (47691, 14, 3, 'UPPER DAINTREE'), (45767, 14, 3, 'Upper
Dawson'), (45768, 14, 3, 'Upper Flagstone'), (45769, 14, 3, 'Upper
Freestone'), (45770, 14, 3, 'Upper Kedron'), (45771, 14, 3, 'Upper
Lockyer'), (45772, 14, 3, 'Upper Pilton'), (45773, 14, 3, 'Upper
Pinelands'), (45774, 14, 3, 'Upper Tenthill'), (45775, 14, 3, 'Upper
Warrego'), (45776, 14, 3, 'Upper Wheatvale'), (45777, 14, 3, 'Upper
Yarraman'), (45778, 14, 3, 'Urraween'), (47634, 14, 3, 'UTCHEE
CREEK'), (45779, 14, 3, 'V Gate'), (45780, 14, 3, 'Valdora'), (45781, 14,
3, 'Varsity Lakes'), (45782, 14, 3, 'Veradilla'), (45783, 14, 3, 'Veresdale
Scrub'), (45784, 14, 3, 'Vernor'), (45785, 14, 3, 'Verrierdale'), (45786,
14, 3, 'Victoria Hill'), (45787, 14, 3, 'Victoria Plains'), (45788, 14, 3,
'Victoria Point'), (45789, 14, 3, 'Victoria Point West'), (47469, 14, 3,
'VINCENT'), (45790, 14, 3, 'Virginia'), (45791, 14, 3, 'Wacol'), (45792,
14, 3, 'Wainui'), (47664, 14, 3, 'WAIRUNA'), (45793, 14, 3,
'Wakerley'), (47665, 14, 3, 'WALKAMIN'), (45794, 14, 3,
'Walkerston'), (45795, 14, 3, 'Walkervale'), (45796, 14, 3,
'Wallangarra'), (45797, 14, 3, 'Walliebum'), (45798, 14, 3,
'Walligan'), (45799, 14, 3, 'Walloon'), (45800, 14, 3, 'Wallumbilla
South'), (47493, 14, 3, 'WALTER LEVER ESTATE'), (45801, 14, 3,
'Wamuran'), (45802, 14, 3, 'Wamuran Basin'), (45803, 14, 3,
'Wandal'), (45804, 14, 3, 'Wandoan'), (47635, 14, 3, 'WANGAN'), (47733, 14,
3, 'WANGETTI'), (45805, 14, 3, 'Wanora'), (45806, 14, 3, 'Warana'), (45807,
14, 3, 'Warnung'), (45808, 14, 3, 'Warra'), (47720, 14, 3, 'WARRABER
ISLAND'), (45809, 14, 3, 'Warroo'), (47636, 14, 3, 'WARRUBULLEN'), (45810,
14, 3, 'Warwick'), (45811, 14, 3, 'Washpool'), (45812, 14, 3,
'Waterford'), (45813, 14, 3, 'Waterford West'), (45814, 14, 3,
'Waterloo'), (45815, 14, 3, 'Watsons Crossing'), (47787, 14, 3,
'WATSONVILLE'), (45816, 14, 3, 'Wattle Camp'), (47637, 14, 3, 'WAUGH
POCKET'), (45817, 14, 3, 'Wavell Heights'), (45818, 14, 3, 'Wavell Heights
North'), (45819, 14, 3, 'Weengallon'), (47703, 14, 3, 'WEIPA'), (47704, 14,
3, 'WEIPA AIRPORT'), (45820, 14, 3, 'Welcome Creek'), (45821, 14, 3,
'Wellcamp'), (45822, 14, 3, 'Wellesley'), (47638, 14, 3, 'WELLESLEY
ISLANDS'), (45823, 14, 3, 'Wellington Point'), (45824, 14, 3,
'Wengenville'), (47705, 14, 3, 'WENLOCK'), (45825, 14, 3,
'Weribone'), (45826, 14, 3, 'West Burleigh'), (45827, 14, 3, 'West
End'), (45828, 14, 3, 'West Gladstone'), (45829, 14, 3, 'West
Haldon'), (45830, 14, 3, 'West Ipswich'), (45831, 14, 3, 'West
Mackay'), (45832, 14, 3, 'West Prairie'), (45833, 14, 3, 'West
Stowe'), (47639, 14, 3, 'WEST WELLESLEY ISLANDS'), (45834, 14, 3, 'West
Woombye'), (45835, 14, 3, 'Westbrook'), (47542, 14, 3,
'WESTCOURT'), (45836, 14, 3, 'Western Creek'), (45837, 14, 3,
'Westgrove'), (45838, 14, 3, 'Westlake'), (45839, 14, 3, 'Weyba
Downs'), (45840, 14, 3, 'Wheatlands'), (45841, 14, 3, 'Wheatvale'), (45842,
14, 3, 'Whetstone'), (45843, 14, 3, 'White Mountain'), (45844, 14, 3,
'White Patch'), (47515, 14, 3, 'WHITE ROCK'), (45845, 14, 3,
'Whiteside'), (47543, 14, 3, 'WHITFIELD'), (47692, 14, 3,
'WHYANBEEL'), (45846, 14, 3, 'Wieambilla'), (45847, 14, 3, 'Wights
Mountain'), (45848, 14, 3, 'Wildash'), (45849, 14, 3,
'Wilkesdale'), (45850, 14, 3, 'Willow Vale'), (45851, 14, 3,
'Willowvale'), (45852, 14, 3, 'Wilsonton'), (45853, 14, 3, 'Wilsonton
Heights'), (45854, 14, 3, 'Wilston'), (45855, 14, 3, 'Windaroo'), (45856,
14, 3, 'Windeyer'), (6031, 14, 3, 'Windorah'), (45857, 14, 3,
'Windsor'), (45858, 14, 3, 'Winton'), (45859, 14, 3, 'Winwill'), (45860,
14, 3, 'Winya'), (45861, 14, 3, 'Wishart'), (45862, 14, 3,
'Withcott'), (45863, 14, 3, 'Witheren'), (45864, 14, 3, 'Witta'), (45865,
14, 3, 'Wiyarra'), (45866, 14, 3, 'Wolffdene'), (45867, 14, 3,
'Womalilla'), (45868, 14, 3, 'Womina'), (45869, 14, 3, 'Wondai'), (45870,
14, 3, 'Wondalli'), (47788, 14, 3, 'WONDECLA'), (45871, 14, 3,
'Wondunna'), (47693, 14, 3, 'WONGA'), (47761, 14, 3, 'WONGABEL'), (45872,
14, 3, 'Wongawallan'), (45873, 14, 3, 'Wonglepong'), (45874, 14, 3,
'Woodbine'), (45875, 14, 3, 'Woodend'), (45876, 14, 3,
'Wooderson'), (45877, 14, 3, 'Woodford'), (45878, 14, 3,
'Woodhill'), (45879, 14, 3, 'Woodlands'), (45880, 14, 3,
'Woodleigh'), (45881, 14, 3, 'Woodridge'), (45882, 14, 3, 'Woody
Point'), (45883, 14, 3, 'Woolloongabba'), (45884, 14, 3,
'Woolmar'), (45885, 14, 3, 'Woolmer'), (45886, 14, 3, 'Woolooman'), (45887,
14, 3, 'Wooloowin'), (45888, 14, 3, 'Woolshed'), (42944, 14, 3,
'Woombye'), (45889, 14, 3, 'Woongoolba'), (47640, 14, 3, 'WOOPEN
CREEK'), (45890, 14, 3, 'Woorim'), (45891, 14, 3, 'Wooroolin'), (45892, 14,
3, 'Wooroonden'), (45893, 14, 3, 'Wootha'), (47516, 14, 3,
'WOREE'), (47520, 14, 3, 'WRIGHTS CREEK'), (47641, 14, 3,
'WROTHAM'), (47804, 14, 3, 'WUJAL WUJAL'), (47452, 14, 3,
'WULGURU'), (45894, 14, 3, 'Wurdong Heights'), (45895, 14, 3,
'Wurtulla'), (45896, 14, 3, 'Wutul'), (45897, 14, 3, 'Wyaga'), (45898, 14,
3, 'Wyalla Plaza'), (45899, 14, 3, 'Wyandra'), (45900, 14, 3,
'Wyberba'), (45901, 14, 3, 'Wynnum'), (45902, 14, 3, 'Wynnum
North'), (45903, 14, 3, 'Wynnum Plaza'), (45904, 14, 3, 'Wynnum
West'), (45905, 14, 3, 'Wyreema'), (45906, 14, 3, 'Yaamba'), (45907, 14, 3,
'Yagaburne'), (47642, 14, 3, 'YAGOONYA'), (45908, 14, 3,
'Yalboroo'), (47721, 14, 3, 'YAM ISLAND'), (45909, 14, 3,
'Yamanto'), (45910, 14, 3, 'Yandaran'), (45911, 14, 3, 'Yandarlo'), (45912,
14, 3, 'Yandilla'), (45913, 14, 3, 'Yandina'), (45914, 14, 3, 'Yandina
Creek'), (45915, 14, 3, 'Yangan'), (45916, 14, 3, 'Yargullen'), (45917, 14,
3, 'Yaroomba'), (47643, 14, 3, 'YARRABAH'), (47644, 14, 3,
'YARRADEN'), (45918, 14, 3, 'Yarraman'), (45919, 14, 3,
'Yarranlea'), (45920, 14, 3, 'Yarwun'), (45921, 14, 3, 'Yatala'), (45922,
14, 3, 'Yeerongpilly'), (45923, 14, 3, 'Yelarbon'), (45924, 14, 3,
'Yengarie'), (45925, 14, 3, 'Yeppoon'), (45926, 14, 3, 'Yeronga'), (45927,
14, 3, 'Yimbun'), (47722, 14, 3, 'YORKE ISLAND'), (47739, 14, 3, 'YORKEYS
KNOB'), (45928, 14, 3, 'Yowah'), (45929, 14, 3, 'Yugar'), (45930, 14, 3,
'Yulabilla'), (45931, 14, 3, 'Yuleba'), (45932, 14, 3, 'Yuleba
North'), (45933, 14, 3, 'Yuleba South'), (47765, 14, 3,
'YUNGABURRA'), (45934, 14, 3, 'Zillmere'), (45935, 14, 3, 'Zilzie'), (3364,
14, 4, 'Albury'), (12572, 14, 4, 'Armidale'), (15419, 14, 4,
'Ballina'), (18452, 14, 4, 'Bankstown'), (42208, 14, 4, 'Batemans
Bay'), (12610, 14, 4, 'Bathurst'), (3366, 14, 4, 'Bega'), (12474, 14, 4,
'Blacktown'), (41755, 14, 4, 'Bombala'), (15645, 14, 4, 'Bondi'), (17969,
14, 4, 'Bourke'), (3369, 14, 4, 'Bowral'), (16416, 14, 4, 'Broken
Hill'), (12400, 14, 4, 'Burwood'), (16227, 14, 4, 'Byron Bay'), (18695, 14,
4, 'Camden'), (12197, 14, 4, 'Campbelltown'), (17744, 14, 4,
'Cessnock'), (6007, 14, 4, 'Cobar'), (6008, 14, 4, 'Coffs
Harbour'), (41754, 14, 4, 'Cooma'), (3375, 14, 4, 'Cootamundra'), (3377,
14, 4, 'Dubbo'), (15091, 14, 4, 'Dural'), (18785, 14, 4,
'Fairlight'), (13538, 14, 4, 'Gosford'), (3380, 14, 4, 'Goulburn'), (3381,
14, 4, 'Grafton'), (19005, 14, 4, 'Griffith'), (17726, 14, 4,
'Hurstville'), (3383, 14, 4, 'Inverell'), (18774, 14, 4, 'Katoomba
'), (3384, 14, 4, 'Kempsey'), (17576, 14, 4, 'Lake Haven'), (16556, 14, 4,
'Lidcombe'), (42276, 14, 4, 'Lightning Ridge'), (11764, 14, 4,
'Lismore'), (3386, 14, 4, 'Lithgow'), (18832, 14, 4, 'Liverpool'), (3388,
14, 4, 'Maitland'), (3393, 14, 4, 'Mona Vale'), (17399, 14, 4,
'Mudgee'), (18840, 14, 4, 'Mungindi'), (16158, 14, 4,
'Murwillumbah'), (16747, 14, 4, 'Narrabri'), (15170, 14, 4, 'Nelson
Bay'), (3394, 14, 4, 'Newcastle'), (6021, 14, 4, 'Nowra'), (12592, 14, 4,
'Oberon'), (3395, 14, 4, 'Orange'), (15768, 14, 4, 'Padstow'), (12048, 14,
4, 'Parramatta'), (11934, 14, 4, 'Penrith'), (12634, 14, 4, 'Port
Macquarie'), (12602, 14, 4, 'Pyrmont'), (17652, 14, 4,
'Queanbeyan'), (18897, 14, 4, 'Richmond'), (16868, 14, 4,
'Rosebery'), (18955, 14, 4, 'Springwood'), (3397, 14, 4, 'Srtoud'), (42946,
14, 4, 'Surry Hills'), (18831, 14, 4, 'Sutherland'), (1311, 14, 4,
'Sydney'), (3399, 14, 4, 'Tamworth'), (16956, 14, 4, 'Tingha'), (13134, 14,
4, 'Tweed Heads'), (18795, 14, 4, 'Ulladulla'), (3400, 14, 4, 'Wagga
Wagga'), (3401, 14, 4, 'Warringa'), (3402, 14, 4, 'Wauchope'), (41826, 14,
4, 'Wee Jasper'), (16087, 14, 4, 'West Wyalong'), (13275, 14, 4,
'Windsor'), (11957, 14, 4, 'Wollongong'), (18965, 14, 4, 'Woronora
Heights'), (3403, 14, 4, 'Wyong'), (41827, 14, 4, 'Yass'), (3404, 14, 4,
'Young'), (1312, 14, 5, 'Adelaide'), (3365, 14, 5, 'Beachport'), (12898,
14, 5, 'Brighton'), (3378, 14, 5, 'Elizabeth'), (15815, 14, 5,
'Loxton'), (3391, 14, 5, 'Millicent'), (6018, 14, 5, 'Mount
Gambier'), (14636, 14, 5, 'Murray Bridge'), (6022, 14, 5,
'Oodnadatta'), (12855, 14, 5, 'Reynella'), (16143, 14, 5,
'Whyalla'), (6032, 14, 5, 'Woomera'), (18676, 14, 5, 'Yorketown'), (16773,
14, 6, 'Albany'), (12826, 14, 6, 'Armadale'), (6004, 14, 6,
'Broome'), (11872, 14, 6, 'Bunbury'), (16772, 14, 6, 'Carnarvon'), (42369,
14, 6, 'Derby'), (15387, 14, 6, 'Dongara'), (42373, 14, 6,
'Esperance'), (6011, 14, 6, 'Exmouth'), (42368, 14, 6, 'Fitzroy
Crossing'), (12136, 14, 6, 'Fremantle'), (6013, 14, 6,
'Geraldton'), (42367, 14, 6, 'Halls Creek'), (16598, 14, 6,
'Harvey'), (6016, 14, 6, 'Kalgoorlie'), (42371, 14, 6, 'Karratha'), (42370,
14, 6, 'Kununurra'), (42245, 14, 6, 'Mandurah'), (16228, 14, 6,
'Manjimup'), (42372, 14, 6, 'Margaret River'), (42366, 14, 6,
'Newman'), (1323, 14, 6, 'Perth'), (16774, 14, 6, 'Port Hedland'), (15731,
14, 6, 'Rockingham'), (16775, 14, 6, 'Shark Bay'), (6028, 14, 6,
'Williamstown'), (15744, 14, 6, 'York'), (5999, 14, 7, 'Alice
Springs'), (1327, 14, 7, 'Darwin'), (42252, 14, 7, 'Katherine'), (6026, 14,
7, 'Tennant Creek'), (1336, 14, 174, 'Canberra'), (41803, 14, 5262,
'AOL'), (16597, 15, 1075, 'Eisenstadt'), (17285, 15, 1075, 'G'), (15003,
15, 1075, 'Neud'), (13439, 15, 1075, 'Pinkafeld'), (3361, 15, 1075,
'Stegersbach'), (16781, 15, 1076, 'Bodensdorf'), (12467, 15, 1076,
'D'), (14704, 15, 1076, 'Feldkirchen'), (15467, 15, 1076,
'Klagenfurt'), (16779, 15, 1076, 'Villach'), (17233, 15, 1077, 'Bad
V'), (12466, 15, 1077, 'Baden'), (41890, 15, 1077, 'Ebreichsdorf'), (15858,
15, 1077, 'G'), (17391, 15, 1077, 'Grafenbach'), (42953, 15, 1077,
'Klosterneuburg '), (13317, 15, 1077, 'Korneuburg'), (3355, 15, 1077,
'Lilienfeld'), (15557, 15, 1077, 'M'), (15616, 15, 1077,
'Neulengbach'), (15948, 15, 1077, 'Retz'), (16815, 15, 1077,
'Rosental'), (17897, 15, 1077, 'Sankt P'), (13625, 15, 1077, 'Wiener
Neustadt'), (13364, 15, 1077, 'Wieselburg'), (13801, 15, 1077, 'Zwettl
'), (14860, 15, 1078, 'Bad Hall'), (16515, 15, 1078, 'Hagenberg'), (42058,
15, 1078, 'Kremsm'), (3356, 15, 1078, 'Linz'), (3362, 15, 1078,
'Steyr'), (17005, 15, 1078, 'Wels'), (3357, 15, 1079, 'Salzburg'), (41729,
15, 1079, 'Sankt Johann im Pongau'), (17142, 15, 1079, 'Tamsweg'), (18389,
15, 1079, 'Zell am See'), (3353, 15, 1080, 'Graz'), (15407, 15, 1080,
'Kindberg'), (14361, 15, 1080, 'Leoben'), (17045, 15, 1080, 'M'), (6033,
15, 1081, 'Innsbruck'), (13557, 15, 1081, 'Jochberg'), (3354, 15, 1081,
'Kitzbuhel'), (16818, 15, 1081, 'Reutte'), (3358, 15, 1081,
'Solden'), (12956, 15, 1081, 'W'), (12867, 15, 1081, 'Zirl'), (12399, 15,
1082, 'Bregenz'), (14725, 15, 1082, 'Dornbirn'), (41999, 15, 1082,
'G'), (12329, 15, 1082, 'Hohenems'), (3352, 15, 1083, 'Abtenau'), (6034,
15, 1083, 'Vienna'), (17234, 15, 1083, 'Wien'), (3405, 16, 904,
'Baku'), (5075, 17, 1139, 'Freetown'), (6755, 17, 1139, 'Old
Bight'), (6753, 17, 1140, 'Georgetown'), (6754, 17, 1143, 'Matthew
Town'), (6748, 17, 1145, 'Abraham''s Bay'), (4971, 17, 1148,
'Nassau'), (5077, 17, 1148, 'Nassau City'), (6751, 17, 1149, 'Colonel
Hill'), (6760, 17, 1149, 'Snug Corner'), (4969, 17, 1150,
'Freeport'), (6752, 17, 1153, 'Cooper''s Town'), (6749, 17, 1155, 'Behring
Point'), (5076, 17, 1156, 'Marsh Harbour'), (6759, 17, 1156, 'Sandy
Point'), (14890, 17, 1157, 'Fresh Creek'), (6758, 17, 1157, 'San
Andros'), (6757, 17, 1158, 'Rock Sound'), (6750, 17, 1160, 'Cockburn
Town'), (6756, 17, 1160, 'Port Nelson'), (6035, 18, 1085, 'Al
Manamah'), (14946, 18, 1085, 'Ar Rifa'), (13157, 18, 1085,
'Awali'), (12135, 18, 1085, 'Manama'), (16842, 18, 1086,
'Muharraq'), (41705, 18, 1090, 'Jasra'), (11924, 18, 1094, 'Isa
Town'), (16428, 20, 1161, 'Comilla'), (6036, 20, 1162, 'Dhaka'), (41888,
20, 1163, 'Khulna'), (41896, 20, 1164, 'Rajshahi'), (17999, 20, 1164,
'Saginaw'), (16301, 21, 1097, 'Christchurch'), (12419, 21, 1104,
'Bridgetown'), (42317, 21, 1104, 'Warrens'), (41830, 21, 1105,
'Speightstown'), (42266, 23, 1203, 'Brest'), (42246, 23, 1206,
'Mahilyow'), (3444, 23, 1206, 'Minsk'), (3442, 23, 1207, 'Minsk'), (3443,
23, 1208, 'Molodechno'), (6037, 24, 1129, 'Antwerp'), (14923, 24, 1129,
'Arendonk'), (16964, 24, 1129, 'Berlaar'), (14383, 24, 1129,
'Bornem'), (14583, 24, 1129, 'Geel'), (19023, 24, 1129,
'Heist-op-den-Berg'), (15275, 24, 1129, 'Herentals'), (17536, 24, 1129,
'Lierre'), (3415, 24, 1129, 'Malines'), (3416, 24, 1129,
'Mechelen'), (15896, 24, 1129, 'Mortsel'), (16789, 24, 1129,
'Puurs'), (18343, 24, 1129, 'Reet'), (13334, 24, 1129, 'Turnhout'), (16167,
24, 1129, 'Westmalle'), (17246, 24, 1131, 'Binche'), (12810, 24, 1131,
'Braine-Le-Comte'), (3407, 24, 1131, 'Charleroi'), (3410, 24, 1131,
'Frameries'), (13303, 24, 1131, 'Hennuyeres'), (17537, 24, 1131, 'La
Louvi'), (12820, 24, 1131, 'Mons'), (17560, 24, 1131, 'P'), (17160, 24,
1131, 'Soignies'), (14705, 24, 1131, 'Tournai'), (13239, 24, 1132,
'Eupen'), (16125, 24, 1132, 'Huy'), (6039, 24, 1132, 'Liege'), (12620, 24,
1132, 'Verviers'), (17544, 24, 1133, 'Bree'), (17983, 24, 1133,
'Dilsen'), (13071, 24, 1133, 'Genk'), (3412, 24, 1133, 'Hasselt'), (15596,
24, 1133, 'Kinrooi'), (18002, 24, 1133, 'Lanaken'), (17607, 24, 1133,
'Maaseik'), (18634, 24, 1133, 'Peer'), (42242, 24, 1133,
'Sint-Truiden'), (13457, 24, 1133, 'Tongeren'), (17867, 24, 1134,
'Arlon'), (15826, 24, 1134, 'Halanzy'), (12303, 24, 1134,
'Marche-En-Famenne'), (14074, 24, 1135, 'Ciney'), (3417, 24, 1135,
'Namur'), (16389, 24, 1135, 'Rhisnes'), (17475, 24, 1135,
'Sombreffe'), (14200, 24, 1136, 'Aalst'), (16776, 24, 1136,
'Belsele'), (18327, 24, 1136, 'Dendermonde'), (18259, 24, 1136,
'Gavere'), (6038, 24, 1136, 'Gent'), (14290, 24, 1136,
'Gentbrugge'), (42038, 24, 1136, 'Holland'), (14769, 24, 1136,
'Lochristi'), (15804, 24, 1136, 'Lokeren'), (14886, 24, 1136,
'Maldegem'), (13577, 24, 1136, 'Merelbeke'), (18796, 24, 1136,
'Ninove'), (15048, 24, 1136, 'Oudenaarde'), (17529, 24, 1136,
'Sint-Niklaas'), (16284, 24, 1136, 'Zottegem'), (15405, 24, 1137,
'Brugge'), (3408, 24, 1137, 'Diksmuide'), (13201, 24, 1137,
'Harelbeke'), (12938, 24, 1137, 'Izegem'), (12198, 24, 1137,
'Knokke-Heist'), (3413, 24, 1137, 'Kortrijk'), (18841, 24, 1137,
'Meulebeke'), (14253, 24, 1137, 'Middelkerke'), (13052, 24, 1137,
'Ostend'), (3418, 24, 1137, 'Pittem'), (16265, 24, 1137, 'Veurne'), (15780,
24, 1137, 'Waregem'), (3406, 24, 5051, 'Brussels'), (12625, 24, 5051,
'Leuven'), (15828, 24, 5051, 'Woluwe-Saint-Lambert'), (15827, 24, 5051,
'Woluwe-Saint-Pierre'), (3411, 24, 5305, 'Genappe'), (12535, 24, 5305,
'Grez-Doiceau'), (42039, 24, 5305, 'Holland'), (16051, 24, 5305,
'Jodoigne'), (15006, 24, 5305, 'Nivelles'), (17257, 24, 5305,
'Ottignies'), (42241, 24, 5305, 'Sint-Margriete-Houtem'), (14586, 24, 5305,
'Waterloo'), (13169, 24, 5305, 'Wavre'), (15964, 24, 5306,
'Aarschot'), (13906, 24, 5306, 'Boortmeerbeek'), (17402, 24, 5306,
'Diest'), (3409, 24, 5306, 'Dilbeek'), (12863, 24, 5306,
'Grimbergen'), (41900, 24, 5306, 'Keerbergen'), (17961, 24, 5306,
'Koningslo'), (41993, 24, 5306, 'Landen'), (13187, 24, 5306,
'Overijse'), (16648, 24, 5306, 'Tienen'), (14452, 24, 5306,
'Vilvoorde'), (3445, 25, 1165, 'Belize'), (6040, 25, 1165, 'Belize
City'), (3446, 25, 1166, 'Belmopan'), (14752, 25, 1166, 'San
Ignacio'), (3448, 25, 1168, 'Orange Walk'), (3447, 25, 1170, 'Punta
Gorda'), (41901, 26, 1197, 'Natitingou'), (15069, 26, 1198,
'Cotonou'), (6041, 26, 1201, 'Porto-Novo'), (6042, 27, 1119,
'Hamilton'), (6044, 27, 1124, 'Saint George'), (6043, 27, 1125,
'Somerset'), (5063, 29, 1171, 'Sucre'), (5070, 29, 1171,
'Villazon'), (5033, 29, 1172, 'Aiquile'), (5039, 29, 1172,
'Chimore'), (3426, 29, 1172, 'Cochabamba'), (5046, 29, 1172,
'Lagunillas'), (5048, 29, 1172, 'Mizque'), (5053, 29, 1172, 'Puerto
Patino'), (5054, 29, 1172, 'Puerto Villarroel'), (5055, 29, 1172,
'Punata'), (5040, 29, 1173, 'Chulumani'), (5043, 29, 1173,
'Cotoca'), (5045, 29, 1173, 'Guayaramerin'), (5057, 29, 1173,
'Riberalta'), (5058, 29, 1173, 'San Borja'), (5034, 29, 1174,
'Apolo'), (5038, 29, 1174, 'Chara'), (5042, 29, 1174, 'Corioco'), (6045,
29, 1174, 'La Paz'), (5047, 29, 1174, 'Machacamarca'), (5067, 29, 1174,
'Uyuni'), (5071, 29, 1174, 'Vinto'), (5073, 29, 1174, 'Yolosa'), (5037, 29,
1175, 'Caracollo'), (3428, 29, 1175, 'Oruro'), (5050, 29, 1176,
'Portachuelo'), (5065, 29, 1176, 'Trinidad'), (5035, 29, 1177,
'Atocha'), (5051, 29, 1177, 'Potosi'), (5066, 29, 1177, 'Tupiza'), (5052,
29, 1178, 'Puerto Grether'), (5059, 29, 1178, 'San Jose de
Chiquitos'), (5060, 29, 1178, 'Santa Ana'), (3429, 29, 1178, 'Santa
Cruz'), (5061, 29, 1178, 'Santa Rosa del Sara'), (5036, 29, 1179,
'Bermejo'), (5064, 29, 1179, 'Tarija'), (5072, 29, 1179,
'Yacuiba'), (16461, 30, 5115, 'Banja Luka'), (42054, 30, 5115,
'Bijeljina'), (42229, 30, 5115, 'Brcko'), (41724, 30, 5115,
'Gradiska'), (17532, 30, 5116, 'Bugojno'), (41861, 30, 5116,
'Fojnica'), (41869, 30, 5116, 'Gorazde'), (16179, 30, 5116,
'Livno'), (18504, 30, 5116, 'Mostar'), (6046, 30, 5116,
'Sarajevo'), (18998, 30, 5116, 'Tuzla'), (3441, 31, 1116,
'Gaborone'), (1165, 33, 8, 'Rio Branco'), (1172, 33, 10, 'Macap'), (6048,
33, 11, 'Barreiras'), (6054, 33, 11, 'Ilh'), (3435, 33, 11,
'Itapetinga'), (42309, 33, 11, 'Porto Seguro'), (1173, 33, 11,
'Salvador'), (18985, 33, 11, 'Trancoso'), (6050, 33, 12, 'Catal'), (6053,
33, 12, 'Goi'), (6049, 33, 13, 'Caravelas'), (6055, 33, 13,
'Parna'), (1175, 33, 13, 'Teresina'), (3433, 33, 14, 'Fortaleza'), (6062,
33, 14, 'Sobral'), (14529, 33, 15, 'Cascavel'), (6051, 33, 15,
'Curitiba'), (1181, 33, 15, 'Foz do Igua'), (3437, 33, 15,
'Londrina'), (41710, 33, 15, 'Maring'), (15442, 33, 15, 'S'), (12363, 33,
15, 'Uni'), (1201, 33, 16, 'Macei'), (15268, 33, 16, 'Sao Miguel dos
Campos'), (13795, 33, 17, 'Campina Grande'), (1202, 33, 17, 'Jo'), (1203,
33, 18, 'Boa Vista'), (1204, 33, 19, 'Aracaju'), (1227, 33, 20,
'Man'), (6047, 33, 21, 'Barra do Corda'), (1228, 33, 21, 'S'), (1229, 33,
22, 'Porto Velho'), (3430, 33, 24, ''), (14416, 33, 24, 'Ara'), (14753, 33,
24, 'Araraquara'), (13141, 33, 24, 'Bauru'), (42282, 33, 24,
'Bertioga'), (15252, 33, 24, 'Bragan'), (3432, 33, 24, 'Campinas'), (41709,
33, 24, 'Campos do Jord'), (42283, 33, 24, 'Cubat'), (13326, 33, 24,
'Diadema'), (16894, 33, 24, 'Guararema'), (41838, 33, 24,
'Guaratingueta'), (42284, 33, 24, 'Guaruj'), (42285, 33, 24,
'Itanha'), (15701, 33, 24, 'Itatiba'), (3436, 33, 24, 'Jundia'), (13140,
33, 24, 'Limeira'), (16746, 33, 24, 'Mirassol'), (42286, 33, 24,
'Mongagu'), (16575, 33, 24, 'Osasco'), (42287, 33, 24, 'Peru'), (15699, 33,
24, 'Piracicaba'), (6056, 33, 24, 'Pirapora'), (13554, 33, 24,
'Pirassununga'), (42288, 33, 24, 'Praia Grande'), (14776, 33, 24,
'Ribeir'), (14771, 33, 24, 'Ribeir'), (16701, 33, 24, 'Santo Andr'), (6061,
33, 24, 'Santos'), (12937, 33, 24, 'S'), (16852, 33, 24, 'S'), (15902, 33,
24, 'S'), (13316, 33, 24, 'S'), (14768, 33, 24, 'S'), (1250, 33, 24,
'S'), (3440, 33, 24, 'S'), (42289, 33, 24, 'S'), (42357, 33, 24,
'Sorocaba'), (42033, 33, 24, 'Taquarituba'), (14633, 33, 24,
'Taubat'), (13204, 33, 24, 'Tremembe'), (13941, 33, 24, 'Valinhos'), (1251,
33, 25, 'Palmas'), (6057, 33, 25, 'Porto Nacional'), (1283, 33, 26,
'Cuiab'), (18547, 33, 26, 'Tangar'), (3431, 33, 27, 'Barbacena'), (1291,
33, 27, 'Belo Horizonte'), (16279, 33, 27, 'Divin'), (17029, 33, 27,
'Ibirite'), (14450, 33, 27, 'Itamogi'), (12547, 33, 27, 'Juiz de For
a'), (3438, 33, 27, 'Nepomuceno'), (18938, 33, 27, 'Nova Lima'), (14451,
33, 27, 'S'), (16935, 33, 27, 'Sete Lagoas'), (6064, 33, 27,
'Uberaba'), (14557, 33, 27, 'Uberl'), (15681, 33, 27, 'Vi'), (1306, 33, 28,
'Vit'), (14485, 33, 29, 'Niter'), (41711, 33, 29, 'Nova Igua'), (12361, 33,
29, 'Petr'), (1307, 33, 29, 'Rio de Janeiro'), (41712, 33, 29,
'S'), (14095, 33, 29, 'Teres'), (17687, 33, 29, 'Volta Redonda'), (15454,
33, 30, 'Crici'), (1308, 33, 30, 'Florian'), (13482, 33, 30,
'Joinville'), (41708, 33, 32, 'Bag'), (41863, 33, 32, 'Caxias do
Sul'), (16352, 33, 32, 'Montenegro'), (12795, 33, 32, 'Passo
Fundo'), (41862, 33, 32, 'Pelotas'), (1324, 33, 32, 'Porto
Alegre'), (16094, 33, 32, 'Santa Cruz do Sul'), (18097, 33, 32, 'Santo
'), (14767, 33, 32, 'S'), (12506, 33, 32, 'Tr'), (1328, 33, 33, 'Campo
Grande'), (6063, 33, 33, 'Tr'), (1329, 33, 34, 'Natal'), (6059, 33, 34,
'Santa Cruz'), (1319, 33, 1217, 'Bras'), (17080, 33, 1217, 'Guar'), (16299,
33, 1217, 'Planaltina'), (1166, 33, 1219, 'Bel'), (6060, 33, 1219,
'Santar'), (3434, 33, 1220, 'Garanhuns'), (42415, 33, 1220,
'Itamaraca'), (1249, 33, 1220, 'Recife'), (41805, 33, 5264, 'AOL'), (42327,
35, 572, 'Road Town'), (12283, 36, 1248, 'Kuala Belait'), (5030, 36, 1249,
'Bandar Seri Begawan'), (16082, 36, 1249, 'Jerudong'), (42018, 36, 1251,
'Tutong'), (13991, 37, 1239, 'Burgas'), (17397, 37, 1239,
'Sliven'), (16481, 37, 1240, 'Blagoevgrad'), (17643, 37, 1242,
'Troyan'), (3422, 37, 1244, 'Plovdiv'), (18385, 37, 1244,
'Smolyan'), (6065, 37, 1245, 'Ruse'), (3423, 37, 1246, 'Sofia'), (17644,
37, 1247, 'Balchik'), (3424, 37, 1247, 'Varna'), (42950, 37, 5095,
'Silistra'), (41878, 37, 5098, 'Kazanlak'), (42335, 38, 4467,
'Ouagadougou'), (3421, 38, 4477, 'Yako'), (3420, 38, 4486,
'Ouahigouya'), (3419, 38, 5352, 'Bousse'), (42878, 39, 1190,
'Taunggyi'), (3332, 39, 1192, 'Moulmein'), (5028, 39, 1196,
'Yangon'), (6066, 40, 1252, 'Bujumbura'), (5539, 41, 1267,
'Battambang'), (5542, 41, 1268, 'Kampong Cham'), (5544, 41, 1268,
'Kampot'), (5545, 41, 1270, 'Kandal'), (5543, 41, 1271, 'Kampong
Thom'), (5547, 41, 1275, 'Kratie'), (6067, 41, 1277, 'Phnom Penh'), (5551,
41, 1278, 'Pursat'), (5550, 41, 1280, 'Prey Veng'), (5555, 41, 1283, 'Stung
Treng'), (5556, 41, 1284, 'Svay Rieng'), (5557, 41, 1285, 'Takeo'), (5553,
41, 1287, 'Siem Reap'), (3513, 42, 1386, 'Douala'), (3515, 42, 1387,
'Mankon Bamenda'), (3514, 42, 1389, 'Limbe'), (6068, 42, 1391,
'Yaounde'), (41794, 43, 35, 'Acton Vale'), (15029, 43, 35,
'Amqui'), (12318, 43, 35, 'Aylmer'), (5926, 43, 35, 'Bagotville'), (17565,
43, 35, 'Baie Du Febvre'), (13548, 43, 35, 'Baie-Comeau'), (12058, 43, 35,
'Beaumont'), (15341, 43, 35, 'Becancour'), (13325, 43, 35,
'Bellefeuille'), (13247, 43, 35, 'Boucherville'), (16823, 43, 35,
'Brossard'), (12147, 43, 35, 'Buckingham'), (41992, 43, 35,
'Candiac'), (13574, 43, 35, 'Cantley'), (16176, 43, 35,
'Cap-de-la-Madeleine'), (16677, 43, 35, 'Cap-Rouge'), (14232, 43, 35,
'Chateauguay'), (5928, 43, 35, 'Chibougamau'), (5929, 43, 35,
'Chicoutimi'), (16976, 43, 35, 'Cowansville'), (17393, 43, 35,
'Dolbeau'), (17573, 43, 35, 'Dollard-des-Ormeaux'), (42964, 43, 35,
'Drummondville'), (14957, 43, 35, 'Entrelacs'), (14278, 43, 35,
'Gasp'), (12317, 43, 35, 'Gatineau'), (3459, 43, 35, 'Granby'), (16968, 43,
35, 'Greenfield Park'), (5930, 43, 35, 'Hull'), (16146, 43, 35,
'Iberville'), (15711, 43, 35, 'Joliette'), (14213, 43, 35,
'Jonquiere'), (5932, 43, 35, 'Kuujjuaq'), (16682, 43, 35, 'La
Baie'), (18732, 43, 35, 'La Pocatiere'), (3463, 43, 35, 'La
Salle'), (15024, 43, 35, 'La Sarre'), (5934, 43, 35, 'La Tuque'), (18982,
43, 35, 'Lac-M'), (16742, 43, 35, 'Lachine'), (13112, 43, 35,
'Laval'), (15482, 43, 35, 'Lebel-sur-Quevillon'), (17266, 43, 35,
'Lennoxville'), (18473, 43, 35, 'Les M'), (13194, 43, 35, 'L'), (17733, 43,
35, 'Longueuil'), (15023, 43, 35, 'Macamic'), (17893, 43, 35,
'Masson'), (17504, 43, 35, 'Matane'), (5935, 43, 35, 'Mont-Joli'), (5936,
43, 35, 'Mont-laurier'), (42919, 43, 35, 'Mont-Saint-Hilaire'), (14575, 43,
35, 'Montmagny'), (1182, 43, 35, 'Montreal'), (17567, 43, 35,
'Odanak'), (12655, 43, 35, 'Ormstown'), (11857, 43, 35,
'Pierrefonds'), (17566, 43, 35, 'Pierreville'), (16518, 43, 35,
'Pointe-Au-Pere'), (16100, 43, 35, 'Prevost'), (3477, 43, 35,
'Quebec'), (15802, 43, 35, 'Rimouski'), (18309, 43, 35,
'Riviere-du-Loup'), (15025, 43, 35, 'Rouyn-Noranda'), (15243, 43, 35,
'Saint Jean sur Richelieu'), (18032, 43, 35, 'Saint-Basile '), (12392, 43,
35, 'Saint-Casimir'), (17575, 43, 35, 'Saint-Donat-de-Montcalm'), (18973,
43, 35, 'Saint-Eustache'), (13265, 43, 35,
'Saint-Hippolyte-de-Kilkenny'), (15712, 43, 35, 'Saint-Hubert'), (15251,
43, 35, 'Saint-J'), (17563, 43, 35, 'Saint-Joseph-de-Sorel'), (5938, 43,
35, 'Saint-Jovite'), (17571, 43, 35, 'Saint-Jude'), (18301, 43, 35,
'Saint-Lambert'), (13563, 43, 35, 'Saint-Laurent'), (13214, 43, 35,
'Saint-Lazare'), (17570, 43, 35, 'Saint-Louis'), (17569, 43, 35,
'Saint-Marcel'), (17564, 43, 35, 'Saint-Ours'), (18314, 43, 35,
'Saint-Pascal'), (12750, 43, 35, 'Saint-R'), (17558, 43, 35,
'Saint-Robert'), (15093, 43, 35, 'Sainte-Foy'), (18123, 43, 35,
'Sainte-Julie'), (17562, 43, 35, 'Sainte-Victoire'), (42954, 43, 35,
'Salaberry-de-valleyfield'), (5939, 43, 35, 'Sept-Iles'), (15451, 43, 35,
'Shawinigan'), (5940, 43, 35, 'Sherbrooke'), (17556, 43, 35,
'Sorel'), (5941, 43, 35, 'Temiscaming'), (16708, 43, 35,
'Terrebonne'), (5942, 43, 35, 'Thetford Mines'), (17557, 43, 35,
'Tracy'), (14560, 43, 35, 'Trois-Rivi'), (14612, 43, 35,
'Val-Belair'), (5944, 43, 35, 'Val-d''Or'), (15965, 43, 35,
'Valleyfield'), (17756, 43, 35, 'Verch'), (14616, 43, 35,
'Verdun'), (13671, 43, 35, 'Victoriaville'), (42071, 43, 35,
'Wakefield'), (17561, 43, 35, 'Yamaska'), (15809, 43, 36,
'Airdrie'), (5793, 43, 36, 'Banff'), (18056, 43, 36, 'Barrhead'), (17366,
43, 36, 'Beaverlodge'), (42874, 43, 36, 'Brooks'), (17454, 43, 36,
'Busby'), (5794, 43, 36, 'Calgary'), (11808, 43, 36, 'Camrose'), (42910,
43, 36, 'Canmore'), (13514, 43, 36, 'Cardston'), (15475, 43, 36,
'Coaldale'), (5795, 43, 36, 'Cold Lake'), (5796, 43, 36,
'Coronation'), (18083, 43, 36, 'Crowsnest Pass'), (14737, 43, 36, 'Drayton
Valley'), (1205, 43, 36, 'Edmonton'), (15822, 43, 36, 'Edson'), (5797, 43,
36, 'Fort Chipeyan'), (16602, 43, 36, 'Fort Macleod'), (5798, 43, 36, 'Fort
McMurray'), (18014, 43, 36, 'Fort Saskatchewan'), (12987, 43, 36, 'Fox
Creek'), (5799, 43, 36, 'Grande Prairie'), (17439, 43, 36,
'Grimshaw'), (42411, 43, 36, 'Hanna'), (5800, 43, 36, 'High
Level'), (17781, 43, 36, 'Hinton'), (5801, 43, 36, 'Jasper'), (42092, 43,
36, 'Kananaskis'), (16092, 43, 36, 'La Crete'), (5802, 43, 36, 'Lac La
Biche'), (17103, 43, 36, 'Lacombe'), (42911, 43, 36, 'Lake
Louise'), (13904, 43, 36, 'Leduc'), (12489, 43, 36, 'Legal'), (5803, 43,
36, 'Lethbridge'), (5804, 43, 36, 'Lloydminster'), (5805, 43, 36, 'Medicine
Hat'), (16163, 43, 36, 'Morinville'), (17611, 43, 36, 'olds'), (5806, 43,
36, 'Peace River'), (15359, 43, 36, 'Ponoka'), (5807, 43, 36, 'Red
Deer'), (5808, 43, 36, 'Rocky Mountain House'), (13011, 43, 36, 'Saint
Albert'), (18133, 43, 36, 'Saint Paul'), (15494, 43, 36, 'Sherwood
Park'), (5809, 43, 36, 'Slave Lake'), (12785, 43, 36, 'Spruce
Grove'), (15399, 43, 36, 'Standard'), (12473, 43, 36, 'Stettler'), (13435,
43, 36, 'Strathmore'), (42408, 43, 36, 'Swan Hills'), (13389, 43, 36,
'Valleyview'), (5810, 43, 36, 'Wainwright'), (42875, 43, 36,
'Wetaskiwin'), (5811, 43, 36, 'Whitecourt'), (13268, 43, 37,
'Ajax'), (16359, 43, 37, 'Alliston'), (42403, 43, 37,
'Amherstburg'), (5882, 43, 37, 'Antrim'), (5883, 43, 37,
'Arnprior'), (12139, 43, 37, 'Aurora'), (14828, 43, 37, 'Aylmer'), (17278,
43, 37, 'Baltimore'), (14773, 43, 37, 'Bancroft'), (11779, 43, 37,
'Barrie'), (42921, 43, 37, 'Bayfield'), (42956, 43, 37,
'Beamsville'), (14810, 43, 37, 'Beaverton'), (5884, 43, 37,
'Belleville'), (18434, 43, 37, 'Blenheim'), (15195, 43, 37,
'Bowmanville'), (12019, 43, 37, 'Bracebridge'), (15480, 43, 37,
'Bradford'), (12054, 43, 37, 'Brampton'), (5885, 43, 37,
'Brantford'), (17374, 43, 37, 'Brighton'), (3450, 43, 37,
'Brockville'), (3451, 43, 37, 'Brussels'), (5886, 43, 37, 'Burk''s
Falls'), (3452, 43, 37, 'Burlington'), (17986, 43, 37,
'Calabogie'), (17992, 43, 37, 'Caledon'), (12575, 43, 37,
'Cambridge'), (18584, 43, 37, 'Campbellford'), (13889, 43, 37, 'Carleton
Place'), (17814, 43, 37, 'Casselman'), (12313, 43, 37, 'Chatham'), (15274,
43, 37, 'Chelmsford'), (14869, 43, 37, 'Chesley'), (5887, 43, 37,
'Cobalt'), (15888, 43, 37, 'Coboconk'), (15327, 43, 37, 'Cobourg'), (42015,
43, 37, 'Cochrane'), (3453, 43, 37, 'Collingwood'), (18669, 43, 37,
'Comber'), (5888, 43, 37, 'Cornwall'), (12350, 43, 37, 'Courtice'), (5889,
43, 37, 'Deep River'), (17197, 43, 37, 'Delta'), (17238, 43, 37,
'Deseronto'), (18366, 43, 37, 'Dorchester'), (18332, 43, 37,
'Dorset'), (5890, 43, 37, 'Dryden'), (15663, 43, 37, 'Dundalk'), (42890,
43, 37, 'Dundas'), (17320, 43, 37, 'Dunnville'), (13107, 43, 37,
'Dunrobin'), (13935, 43, 37, 'Durham'), (15402, 43, 37, 'Edys
Mills'), (5891, 43, 37, 'Eganville'), (13477, 43, 37, 'Elliot
lake'), (17342, 43, 37, 'Elora'), (14962, 43, 37, 'Englehart'), (17060, 43,
37, 'Espanola'), (14351, 43, 37, 'Ethel'), (41942, 43, 37,
'Etobicoke'), (17346, 43, 37, 'Exeter'), (14774, 43, 37, 'Fergus'), (42324,
43, 37, 'Fort Erie'), (12471, 43, 37, 'Fort Frances'), (16987, 43, 37,
'Gananoque'), (15564, 43, 37, 'Georgetown'), (3457, 43, 37,
'Georgina'), (12762, 43, 37, 'Gloucester'), (18028, 43, 37,
'Goderich'), (5892, 43, 37, 'Grand Bend'), (11799, 43, 37,
'Grimsby'), (11891, 43, 37, 'Guelph'), (16991, 43, 37,
'Haliburton'), (3460, 43, 37, 'Hamilton'), (18864, 43, 37,
'Harrowsmith'), (16862, 43, 37, 'Havelock'), (5893, 43, 37,
'Hawkesbury'), (15219, 43, 37, 'Hearst'), (5894, 43, 37,
'Huntsville'), (18582, 43, 37, 'Ingersoll'), (15036, 43, 37, 'Iroquois
Falls'), (12475, 43, 37, 'Kanata'), (12553, 43, 37, 'Kapuskasing'), (18407,
43, 37, 'Keene'), (5895, 43, 37, 'Kemptville'), (5896, 43, 37,
'Kenora'), (15865, 43, 37, 'Keswick'), (14712, 43, 37,
'Kincardine'), (3462, 43, 37, 'Kingston'), (15819, 43, 37,
'Kingsville'), (5897, 43, 37, 'Kirkland Lake'), (5898, 43, 37,
'Kitchener'), (17927, 43, 37, 'Lancaster'), (3464, 43, 37,
'Leamington'), (5899, 43, 37, 'Lindsay'), (12798, 43, 37,
'Listowel'), (13905, 43, 37, 'Lively'), (5900, 43, 37, 'London'), (42343,
43, 37, 'Mackey'), (15949, 43, 37, 'Madoc'), (5901, 43, 37,
'Maniwaki'), (17923, 43, 37, 'Marathon'), (3468, 43, 37,
'Markham'), (16716, 43, 37, 'Markstay'), (5902, 43, 37, 'Mattawa'), (17451,
43, 37, 'Midland'), (14001, 43, 37, 'Milton'), (11750, 43, 37,
'Mississauga'), (5903, 43, 37, 'Moosonee'), (16638, 43, 37,
'Nanticoke'), (12656, 43, 37, 'Nepean'), (42043, 43, 37, 'Nestor
Falls'), (17875, 43, 37, 'New Liskeard'), (13487, 43, 37,
'Newcastle'), (13163, 43, 37, 'Newmarket'), (5904, 43, 37, 'Niagara
Falls'), (5905, 43, 37, 'North Bay'), (12385, 43, 37, 'North
York'), (13113, 43, 37, 'Novar'), (12063, 43, 37, 'Oakville'), (16472, 43,
37, 'Ohsweken'), (16371, 43, 37, 'Orangeville'), (3470, 43, 37,
'Orillia'), (15773, 43, 37, 'Orleans'), (11997, 43, 37, 'Oshawa'), (5906,
43, 37, 'Ottawa'), (3473, 43, 37, 'Owen Sound'), (14539, 43, 37,
'Paris'), (12802, 43, 37, 'Parkhill'), (15529, 43, 37, 'Parry
Sound'), (5907, 43, 37, 'Pembroke'), (12289, 43, 37, 'Perth'), (3474, 43,
37, 'Peterborough'), (16611, 43, 37, 'Petrolia'), (12636, 43, 37,
'Pickering'), (14129, 43, 37, 'Picton'), (17851, 43, 37, 'Port
Colborne'), (5908, 43, 37, 'Port Dover'), (14641, 43, 37, 'Port
Elgin'), (11855, 43, 37, 'Port Hope'), (16311, 43, 37, 'Port
Perry'), (5909, 43, 37, 'Port Stanley'), (5910, 43, 37,
'Powassan'), (15615, 43, 37, 'Prescott'), (5911, 43, 37,
'Renfrew'), (18047, 43, 37, 'Rexdale'), (13682, 43, 37, 'Richmond
Hill'), (13314, 43, 37, 'Saint Marys'), (5915, 43, 37, 'Saint
Thomas'), (18670, 43, 37, 'Saint. Joachim'), (3479, 43, 37,
'Sarnia'), (15484, 43, 37, 'Sauble Beach'), (17350, 43, 37, 'Sault Ste.
Marie'), (3480, 43, 37, 'Scarborough'), (13059, 43, 37,
'Schomberg'), (17424, 43, 37, 'Shannonville'), (11837, 43, 37,
'Shelburne'), (16030, 43, 37, 'Simcoe'), (15237, 43, 37, 'Sioux
Lookout'), (16015, 43, 37, 'Smiths Falls'), (5913, 43, 37, 'South
River'), (16619, 43, 37, 'Southampton'), (5914, 43, 37, 'St.
Catharines'), (18668, 43, 37, 'Staples'), (18129, 43, 37,
'Stirling'), (12518, 43, 37, 'Stoney Creek'), (42064, 43, 37,
'Stouffville'), (3484, 43, 37, 'Stratford'), (5916, 43, 37, 'Sturgeon
Falls'), (5917, 43, 37, 'Sudbury'), (14082, 43, 37, 'Tecumseh'), (17349,
43, 37, 'Thamesford'), (17457, 43, 37, 'Thamesville'), (42923, 43, 37,
'Thedford'), (12970, 43, 37, 'Thornhill'), (11880, 43, 37,
'Thorold'), (3486, 43, 37, 'Thunder Bay'), (18282, 43, 37,
'Tillsonburg'), (5919, 43, 37, 'Timmins'), (14500, 43, 37,
'Tobermory'), (1206, 43, 37, 'Toronto'), (5920, 43, 37, 'Trenton'), (42351,
43, 37, 'Unionville'), (5921, 43, 37, 'Upsula'), (13273, 43, 37,
'Uxbridge'), (12357, 43, 37, 'Valley East'), (18033, 43, 37, 'Vankleek
Hill'), (15782, 43, 37, 'Vaughan'), (16220, 43, 37, 'Wallaceburg'), (15589,
43, 37, 'Wasaga Beach'), (18650, 43, 37, 'Waterdown'), (16506, 43, 37,
'Waterford'), (3488, 43, 37, 'Waterloo'), (3489, 43, 37, 'Wawa'), (19044,
43, 37, 'Webequie'), (12066, 43, 37, 'Welland'), (18315, 43, 37,
'Westport'), (11866, 43, 37, 'Whitby'), (5922, 43, 37, 'White
River'), (5923, 43, 37, 'Whitney'), (16169, 43, 37, 'Winchester'), (5924,
43, 37, 'Windsor'), (18817, 43, 37, 'Winona'), (41959, 43, 37,
'Woodbridge'), (3492, 43, 37, 'Woodstock'), (13884, 43, 38,
'Altona'), (42270, 43, 38, 'Beausejour'), (42396, 43, 38,
'Bloodvein'), (3449, 43, 38, 'Brandon'), (5855, 43, 38,
'Churchill'), (5856, 43, 38, 'Dauphin'), (42395, 43, 38, 'Fisher
River'), (14079, 43, 38, 'Flin Flon'), (13861, 43, 38, 'Grunthal'), (5857,
43, 38, 'Island Lake'), (14431, 43, 38, 'Killarney'), (42926, 43, 38, 'Lynn
Lake'), (16989, 43, 38, 'Minnedosa'), (5858, 43, 38, 'Pilot
Mound'), (15215, 43, 38, 'Plumas'), (5859, 43, 38, 'Portage'), (15234, 43,
38, 'Selkirk'), (42271, 43, 38, 'Seven Sister Falls '), (5860, 43, 38,
'Steinbach'), (41996, 43, 38, 'The Pas'), (5861, 43, 38,
'Thompson'), (13883, 43, 38, 'Winkler'), (1230, 43, 38, 'Winnipeg'), (5873,
43, 39, 'Amherst'), (15238, 43, 39, 'Antigonish'), (12100, 43, 39,
'Bedford'), (5874, 43, 39, 'Bridgewater'), (12786, 43, 39,
'Dartmouth'), (5875, 43, 39, 'Digby'), (16484, 43, 39, 'Glace Bay'), (1284,
43, 39, 'Halifax'), (16342, 43, 39, 'Ingonish'), (5876, 43, 39,
'Kentville'), (12719, 43, 39, 'Lower Sackville'), (5877, 43, 39, 'New
Glasgow'), (42312, 43, 39, 'New Minas'), (16899, 43, 39, 'New
Waterford'), (5878, 43, 39, 'Port Hawksbury'), (13315, 43, 39, 'Portuguese
Cove'), (5879, 43, 39, 'Sydney'), (17014, 43, 39, 'Tiverton'), (5880, 43,
39, 'Truro'), (13656, 43, 39, 'Wolfville'), (5881, 43, 39,
'Yarmouth'), (16528, 43, 40, 'Alida'), (16768, 43, 40, 'Brownlee'), (17612,
43, 40, 'Caronport'), (13002, 43, 40, 'Estevan'), (42009, 43, 40,
'Humboldt'), (42913, 43, 40, 'Kindersley'), (17330, 43, 40,
'Leader'), (42912, 43, 40, 'Meadow Lake'), (17752, 43, 40,
'Melville'), (5945, 43, 40, 'Moose Jaw'), (16866, 43, 40,
'Neilburg'), (16512, 43, 40, 'Norquay'), (11842, 43, 40, 'North
Battleford'), (12857, 43, 40, 'Prince Albert'), (16144, 43, 40,
'Qu''Appelle'), (1292, 43, 40, 'Regina'), (5946, 43, 40,
'Saskatoon'), (18963, 43, 40, 'Southey'), (17188, 43, 40, 'Swift
Current'), (18194, 43, 40, 'Weyburn'), (16634, 43, 40, 'Yorkton'), (12743,
43, 41, 'Carbonear'), (14421, 43, 41, 'Corner Brook'), (5865, 43, 41, 'Deer
Lake'), (5866, 43, 41, 'Gander'), (5867, 43, 41, 'Goose Bay'), (16675, 43,
41, 'Grand Falls-Windsor'), (14853, 43, 41, 'Happy Valley-Goose
Bay'), (15364, 43, 41, 'Labrador City'), (13852, 43, 41, 'Mount
Pearl'), (16820, 43, 41, 'Paradise'), (1293, 43, 41, 'St.
John''s'), (14787, 43, 41, 'Stephenville'), (5869, 43, 41,
'Wabush'), (13486, 43, 42, 'Bathurst'), (13565, 43, 42,
'Campbellton'), (5862, 43, 42, 'Chatham'), (16665, 43, 42,
'Dalhousie'), (5863, 43, 42, 'Edmundston'), (14345, 43, 42,
'Florenceville'), (1298, 43, 42, 'Fredericton'), (42407, 43, 42, 'Grand
Falls'), (12157, 43, 42, 'Miramichi'), (3469, 43, 42, 'Moncton'), (16535,
43, 42, 'New Maryland'), (16488, 43, 42, 'Oromocto'), (42893, 43, 42,
'Perth-Andover'), (17978, 43, 42, 'Petitcodiac'), (16306, 43, 42,
'Quispamsis'), (15653, 43, 42, 'Richibucto'), (15363, 43, 42,
'Riverview'), (14318, 43, 42, 'Rothesay'), (14660, 43, 42,
'Sackville'), (3483, 43, 42, 'Saint John'), (5864, 43, 42, 'Saint
Stephen'), (17977, 43, 42, 'Sussex'), (5812, 43, 43, 'Abbotsford'), (15578,
43, 43, 'Aldergrove'), (12438, 43, 43, 'Armstrong'), (5813, 43, 43,
'Atlin'), (11879, 43, 43, 'Black Creek'), (12119, 43, 43,
'Burnaby'), (5814, 43, 43, 'Campbell River'), (5815, 43, 43,
'Castlegar'), (42400, 43, 43, 'Chemainus'), (12702, 43, 43,
'Chetwynd'), (14055, 43, 43, 'Chilliwack'), (17507, 43, 43, 'Cobble
Hill'), (5816, 43, 43, 'Comox'), (17773, 43, 43, 'Coquitlam'), (3454, 43,
43, 'Courtenay'), (3455, 43, 43, 'Cranbrook'), (42274, 43, 43,
'Creston'), (15396, 43, 43, 'Crofton'), (15143, 43, 43,
'Cumberland'), (3456, 43, 43, 'Dawson Creek'), (12814, 43, 43,
'Delta'), (12038, 43, 43, 'Duncan'), (42392, 43, 43, 'Eagle Bay'), (14401,
43, 43, 'Enderby'), (12035, 43, 43, 'Fernie'), (12375, 43, 43, 'Fort
Nelson'), (5817, 43, 43, 'Fort St John'), (11827, 43, 43,
'Gabriola'), (13022, 43, 43, 'Ganges'), (18287, 43, 43, 'Gibsons'), (17993,
43, 43, 'Golden'), (42265, 43, 43, 'Grand Forks'), (13731, 43, 43, 'Heriot
Bay'), (14156, 43, 43, 'Hope'), (3461, 43, 43, 'Kamloops'), (5818, 43, 43,
'Kelowna'), (13542, 43, 43, 'Kitimat'), (14071, 43, 43, 'Langley'), (42405,
43, 43, 'Lillooet'), (18043, 43, 43, 'Lumby'), (12163, 43, 43, 'Maple
Ridge'), (42341, 43, 43, 'McBride'), (15280, 43, 43, 'Merritt'), (11878,
43, 43, 'Merville'), (12148, 43, 43, 'Mission'), (5819, 43, 43,
'Nanaimo'), (17151, 43, 43, 'Nelson'), (14992, 43, 43, 'New
Westminster'), (15759, 43, 43, 'North Delta'), (12370, 43, 43, 'North
Vancouver'), (17995, 43, 43, 'Okanagan Falls'), (14315, 43, 43,
'Oliver'), (42250, 43, 43, 'Osoyoos '), (14187, 43, 43,
'Parksville'), (42406, 43, 43, 'Pemberton'), (5820, 43, 43,
'Penticton'), (14835, 43, 43, 'Port Alberni'), (12114, 43, 43, 'Port
Hardy'), (15416, 43, 43, 'Port Moody'), (42951, 43, 43, 'Port
Simpson'), (13449, 43, 43, 'Powell River'), (5821, 43, 43, 'Prince
George'), (3476, 43, 43, 'Prince Rupert'), (42005, 43, 43,
'Princeton'), (13295, 43, 43, 'Qualicum Beach'), (13606, 43, 43,
'Quesnel'), (13511, 43, 43, 'Revelstoke'), (15282, 43, 43,
'Richmond'), (16295, 43, 43, 'Saanichton'), (15347, 43, 43, 'Salmon
Arm'), (13050, 43, 43, 'Salt Spring Island'), (14758, 43, 43, 'Shawnigan
Lake'), (18554, 43, 43, 'Shearwater'), (42882, 43, 43, 'Sicamous'), (12452,
43, 43, 'Sidney'), (16388, 43, 43, 'Slocan'), (5822, 43, 43,
'Smithers'), (15962, 43, 43, 'Sooke'), (15073, 43, 43, 'Squamish'), (11991,
43, 43, 'Stewart'), (17679, 43, 43, 'Summerland'), (11818, 43, 43,
'Surrey'), (15820, 43, 43, 'Tahsis'), (5823, 43, 43, 'Terrace'), (42948,
43, 43, 'Tofino'), (42307, 43, 43, 'Trail '), (42949, 43, 43,
'Ucluelet'), (1320, 43, 43, 'Vancouver'), (42340, 43, 43,
'Vanderhoof'), (3487, 43, 43, 'Vernon'), (5824, 43, 43,
'Victoria'), (42404, 43, 43, 'Whistler'), (13717, 43, 43, 'White
Rock'), (5825, 43, 43, 'Williams Lake'), (18752, 43, 43,
'Winfield'), (1332, 43, 45, 'Charlottetown'), (16687, 43, 45,
'Kensington'), (5925, 43, 45, 'Summerside'), (14409, 43, 46,
'Alert'), (42088, 43, 46, 'Cambridge Bay'), (42264, 43, 46, 'Fort
Smith'), (16561, 43, 46, 'Hall Beach'), (18505, 43, 46, 'Hay
River'), (5870, 43, 46, 'Inuvik'), (16523, 43, 46, 'Rankin Inlet'), (1333,
43, 46, 'Yellowknife'), (5963, 43, 815, 'Beaver Creek'), (5964, 43, 815,
'Burwash'), (14097, 43, 815, 'Carcross'), (5965, 43, 815,
'Carmacks'), (5966, 43, 815, 'Dawson City'), (5967, 43, 815,
'Faro'), (5969, 43, 815, 'Mayo'), (5970, 43, 815, 'Old Crow'), (5971, 43,
815, 'Ross River'), (5972, 43, 815, 'Snag'), (5973, 43, 815,
'Teslin'), (5974, 43, 815, 'Watson Lake'), (5975, 43, 815,
'Whitehorse'), (42955, 43, 4996, 'Arctic Bay'), (5871, 43, 4996,
'Iqaluit'), (3638, 44, 1476, 'Praia'), (3637, 44, 1481, 'Mindelo'), (6069,
45, 1380, 'George Town'), (6070, 46, 1445, 'Bangui'), (42887, 48, 1364,
'Atamu Tekena'), (5097, 48, 1364, 'La Florida'), (14947, 48, 1364,
'Llay-Llay'), (5116, 48, 1364, 'Quilpue'), (17941, 48, 1364,
'Recreo'), (5120, 48, 1364, 'Renaca'), (3511, 48, 1364,
'Valparaiso'), (15346, 48, 1364, 'Vi'), (5080, 48, 1366,
'Antofagasta'), (5126, 48, 1366, 'San Ramon'), (3506, 48, 1367,
'Pucon'), (15400, 48, 1367, 'Temuco'), (14254, 48, 1367,
'Victoria'), (42234, 48, 1368, 'Copiapo'), (5125, 48, 1368, 'San
Pedro'), (3509, 48, 1368, 'Talca'), (42238, 48, 1368, 'Vallenar'), (5084,
48, 1369, 'Chiguayante'), (5085, 48, 1369, 'Chillan'), (5086, 48, 1369,
'Concepcion'), (5091, 48, 1369, 'Huachipato'), (5111, 48, 1369,
'Penco'), (5087, 48, 1370, 'Conchali'), (15776, 48, 1370,
'Coquimbo'), (5089, 48, 1370, 'El Bosque'), (42239, 48, 1370, 'El
Palqui'), (3504, 48, 1370, 'La Serena'), (42236, 48, 1370,
'Ovalle'), (5119, 48, 1370, 'Recoleta'), (5122, 48, 1370, 'San
Bernardo'), (5124, 48, 1370, 'San Miguel'), (5082, 48, 1371,
'Cerrillos'), (42240, 48, 1371, 'Graneros'), (5118, 48, 1371,
'Rancagua'), (15561, 48, 1371, 'San Fernando'), (5127, 48, 1371, 'San
Vicente'), (15614, 48, 1371, 'San Vicente De Tagua Tagua'), (14519, 48,
1372, 'Corral'), (18570, 48, 1372, 'Puerto Varas'), (3510, 48, 1372,
'Valdivia'), (17850, 48, 1373, 'Puerto Williams'), (3507, 48, 1373, 'Punta
Arenas'), (15989, 48, 1374, 'Cauquenes'), (42416, 48, 1374,
'Constituci'), (42237, 48, 1374, 'Curico'), (17351, 48, 1375,
'Buin'), (5088, 48, 1375, 'El Arrayan'), (15401, 48, 1375, 'Isla De
Maipo'), (5095, 48, 1375, 'La Cisterna'), (5096, 48, 1375, 'La
Dehesa'), (5100, 48, 1375, 'La Reina'), (5101, 48, 1375, 'Las
Condes'), (5103, 48, 1375, 'Lo Espejo'), (5105, 48, 1375, 'Macul'), (5106,
48, 1375, 'Maipu'), (5107, 48, 1375, 'Nunoa'), (5110, 48, 1375,
'Penalolen'), (5112, 48, 1375, 'Providencia'), (5114, 48, 1375, 'Puente
Alto'), (5115, 48, 1375, 'Quilicura'), (5117, 48, 1375, 'Quinta
Normal'), (5121, 48, 1375, 'Renca'), (5123, 48, 1375, 'San
Joaquin'), (3508, 48, 1375, 'Santiago'), (5128, 48, 1375,
'Vitacura'), (5081, 48, 1376, 'Arica'), (5090, 48, 1376, 'Estacion
Central'), (5094, 48, 1376, 'Iquique'), (5098, 48, 1376, 'La
Granja'), (5109, 48, 1376, 'Pena Blanca'), (6075, 49, 586, 'Alar'), (6078,
49, 586, 'Andir'), (6085, 49, 586, 'Bailing-Miao'), (6093, 49, 586, 'Baytik
Shan'), (6097, 49, 586, 'Chabgling'), (6103, 49, 586,
'Chengshantou'), (6107, 49, 586, 'Da Xian'), (6112, 49, 586,
'Da-Qaidam'), (6108, 49, 586, 'Dachen Dao'), (6111, 49, 586,
'Daocheng'), (6116, 49, 586, 'Dege'), (6130, 49, 586, 'Emei Shan'), (6154,
49, 586, 'Haiyang Dao'), (3549, 49, 586, 'Hsin Tien'), (3550, 49, 586,
'Hsin-Chu County'), (3552, 49, 586, 'Hsintien City'), (6165, 49, 586, 'Hua
Shan'), (3554, 49, 586, 'Hua-Lien County'), (3555, 49, 586, 'I-Lan
County'), (6180, 49, 586, 'Jian'), (6181, 49, 586, 'Jiangchen'), (6191, 49,
586, 'Jiuxian Shan'), (6194, 49, 586, 'Kaba He'), (3562, 49, 586, 'Keelung
City'), (6202, 49, 586, 'Lan Yu'), (6210, 49, 586, 'Lian Xian'), (6226, 49,
586, 'Lu Shan'), (3567, 49, 586, 'Luchou Township'), (6236, 49, 586,
'Mazong Shan'), (3569, 49, 586, 'Miao-Li County'), (3570, 49, 586, 'Mucha
District'), (18523, 49, 586, 'Nanhai'), (3572, 49, 586, 'Nantou
County'), (6252, 49, 586, 'Nanzhong'), (3573, 49, 586, 'Neipu
Hsiang'), (5024, 49, 586, 'Pan-Chiao City'), (3575, 49, 586, 'Pei-Kang
Township'), (6260, 49, 586, 'Pengjia Yu'), (5017, 49, 586, 'Ping-Tung
City'), (5018, 49, 586, 'Ping-Tung County'), (6277, 49, 586,
'Qumarleb'), (6281, 49, 586, 'Ruo''Ergai'), (6284, 49, 586, 'Sanhu
Dao'), (6286, 49, 586, 'Sertar'), (6288, 49, 586, 'Shangchuan Dao'), (3585,
49, 586, 'Shin Lin District'), (6298, 49, 586, 'Simaoi'), (6306, 49, 586,
'Tai Shan'), (3589, 49, 586, 'Tai-Nan City'), (5020, 49, 586, 'Tai-Tung
County'), (3588, 49, 586, 'Taichung City'), (3592, 49, 586, 'Tamsui
Township'), (6320, 49, 586, 'Tuotouhe'), (3595, 49, 586, 'Wuchi
Town'), (6328, 49, 586, 'Wudaoling'), (6331, 49, 586, 'Wushaoling'), (6332,
49, 586, 'Wutai Shan'), (5021, 49, 586, 'Xian'), (6351, 49, 586,
'Ya''an'), (6358, 49, 586, 'Yaxian'), (6361, 49, 586, 'Yihu'), (6365, 49,
586, 'Yongan'), (6367, 49, 586, 'Yu Xian'), (3603, 49, 586, 'Yungho
City'), (6388, 49, 586, 'Ziao''ergou'), (6389, 49, 586, 'Zihua'), (6080,
49, 1333, 'Anqing'), (6095, 49, 1333, 'Bose'), (6143, 49, 1333,
'Gaoyao'), (3545, 49, 1333, 'Hefei'), (6170, 49, 1333, 'Huang
Shan'), (6177, 49, 1333, 'Huoshan'), (6233, 49, 1333, 'Madoi'), (6098, 49,
1334, 'Changbai'), (6109, 49, 1334, 'Dali'), (6120, 49, 1334,
'Dinghai'), (6121, 49, 1334, 'Dongfang'), (6123, 49, 1334,
'Dongsheng'), (6150, 49, 1334, 'Gushi'), (6153, 49, 1334,
'Haiyang'), (3543, 49, 1334, 'Hangzhou'), (6161, 49, 1334, 'Hezuo'), (6223,
49, 1334, 'Liyang'), (6224, 49, 1334, 'Longkou'), (6227, 49, 1334,
'Luodian'), (6239, 49, 1334, 'Mengla'), (6248, 49, 1334,
'Nanchong'), (6250, 49, 1334, 'Nanyang'), (6251, 49, 1334,
'Nanyue'), (3574, 49, 1334, 'Ningbo'), (3580, 49, 1334, 'Quzhou'), (6294,
49, 1334, 'Shengsi'), (6295, 49, 1334, 'Shengxian'), (3586, 49, 1334,
'Shiyan'), (6309, 49, 1334, 'Tangshan'), (18310, 49, 1334,
'wenzhou'), (6329, 49, 1334, 'Wudu'), (6355, 49, 1334,
'Yangjiang'), (16357, 49, 1334, 'YUEQING'), (6379, 49, 1334,
'Zhangwu'), (3607, 49, 1334, 'ZHOUSHAN'), (6147, 49, 1335,
'Guangchang'), (6184, 49, 1335, 'Jingdezhen'), (41920, 49, 1335,
'Pingxiang'), (6269, 49, 1335, 'Qingjiang'), (6279, 49, 1335,
'Rongjiang'), (6349, 49, 1335, 'Xiushui'), (6360, 49, 1335,
'Yichun'), (6363, 49, 1335, 'Yining'), (3523, 49, 1336,
'Changshu'), (18046, 49, 1336, 'Jiangyin'), (6185, 49, 1336,
'Jinghe'), (16553, 49, 1336, 'Lianyungang'), (3571, 49, 1336,
'Nanjing'), (16739, 49, 1336, 'Nanjing Jiangsu'), (18567, 49, 1336,
'NanTong'), (6255, 49, 1336, 'Neijiang'), (3587, 49, 1336,
'Suzhou'), (3597, 49, 1336, 'WUXI'), (6354, 49, 1336, 'Yangcheng'), (3599,
49, 1336, 'YANGZHOU'), (6125, 49, 1337, 'Dunhua'), (3556, 49, 1337,
'Jilin'), (6267, 49, 1337, 'Qian Gorlos'), (6113, 49, 1338,
'Darlag'), (6117, 49, 1338, 'Delingha'), (6124, 49, 1338, 'Dulan'), (6141,
49, 1338, 'Gangca'), (6145, 49, 1338, 'Golmud'); INSERT INTO
`{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (6206, 49,
1338, 'Lenghu'), (6235, 49, 1338, 'Mangnai'), (6316, 49, 1338,
'Tongde'), (6344, 49, 1338, 'Xining'), (6376, 49, 1338, 'Zadoi'), (6100,
49, 1339, 'Changting'), (6137, 49, 1339, 'Fuding'), (3538, 49, 1339,
'Fuzhou'), (6247, 49, 1339, 'Nancheng'), (6262, 49, 1339,
'Pingtan'), (3578, 49, 1339, 'Quanzhou'), (6292, 49, 1339,
'Shaowu'), (3598, 49, 1339, 'XIAMEN'), (6357, 49, 1339, 'Yanzhou'), (15889,
49, 1339, 'zhangzhou'), (6073, 49, 1340, 'Aihui'), (6077, 49, 1340,
'Anda'), (15685, 49, 1340, 'Daqing'), (6138, 49, 1340, 'Fujin'), (3544, 49,
1340, 'Harbin'), (6175, 49, 1340, 'Hulin'), (6176, 49, 1340,
'Huma'), (42365, 49, 1340, 'Jiagedaqi'), (6198, 49, 1340, 'Keshan'), (6245,
49, 1340, 'Mudanjiang'), (6256, 49, 1340, 'Nenjiang'), (6274, 49, 1340,
'Qiqihar'), (6303, 49, 1340, 'Suifenhe'), (6304, 49, 1340, 'Sunwu'), (6307,
49, 1340, 'Tailai'), (3520, 49, 1341, 'Changhua City'), (3568, 49, 1341,
'Luoyang'), (6238, 49, 1341, 'Mengjin'), (6330, 49, 1341, 'Wugang'), (3605,
49, 1341, 'ZHENGZHOU'), (6387, 49, 1341, 'Zhumadian'), (3516, 49, 1342,
'Baoding'), (6102, 49, 1342, 'Chengde'), (3534, 49, 1342,
'Dongying'), (6135, 49, 1342, 'Fengning'), (6168, 49, 1342,
'Huailai'), (6207, 49, 1342, 'Leting'), (6219, 49, 1342, 'Linxi'), (6271,
49, 1342, 'Qingyuan'), (3577, 49, 1342, 'Qinhuangdao'), (3584, 49, 1342,
'Shijiazhuang'), (6343, 49, 1342, 'Xingtai'), (6372, 49, 1342,
'Yulin'), (6378, 49, 1342, 'Zhangjiakou'), (6099, 49, 1343,
'Changde'), (3522, 49, 1343, 'Changsha'), (3553, 49, 1343, 'Hua-Lien
City'), (6217, 49, 1343, 'Lingling'), (6283, 49, 1343, 'Sangzhi'), (6293,
49, 1343, 'Shaoyang'), (6315, 49, 1343, 'Tongdao'), (6368, 49, 1343,
'Yuanjiang'), (6369, 49, 1343, 'Yuanling'), (3602, 49, 1343,
'YUEYANG'), (6384, 49, 1343, 'Zhijiang'), (6391, 49, 1343,
'Zuzhou'), (6131, 49, 1344, 'Enshi'), (6133, 49, 1344, 'Fangxian'), (14516,
49, 1344, 'Huang Shi City'), (6182, 49, 1344, 'Jiangling'), (6232, 49,
1344, 'Macheng'), (6242, 49, 1344, 'Mianyang'), (3596, 49, 1344,
'WUHAN'), (6356, 49, 1344, 'Yanji'), (3604, 49, 1344, 'YUSHU'), (6377, 49,
1344, 'Zaoyang'), (6386, 49, 1344, 'Zhongxiang'), (6076, 49, 1345,
'Altay'), (6082, 49, 1345, 'Arxan'), (6083, 49, 1345, 'Bachu'), (6087, 49,
1345, 'Balguntay'), (6092, 49, 1345, 'Bayanbulak'), (6140, 49, 1345,
'Fuyun'), (6156, 49, 1345, 'Hami'), (6162, 49, 1345, 'Hoboksar'), (6164,
49, 1345, 'Hotan'), (6196, 49, 1345, 'Karamay'), (6197, 49, 1345,
'Kashi'), (6199, 49, 1345, 'Korla'), (6201, 49, 1345, 'Kuqa'), (6268, 49,
1345, 'Qijiaojing'), (6275, 49, 1345, 'Qitai'), (6282, 49, 1345,
'Ruoqiang'), (6313, 49, 1345, 'Tikanlik'), (6321, 49, 1345,
'Turpan'), (6323, 49, 1345, 'Urumqi'), (6086, 49, 1346, 'Baingoin'), (6118,
49, 1346, 'Dengqen'), (6119, 49, 1346, 'Deqen'), (6257, 49, 1346,
'Nyingchi'), (6259, 49, 1346, 'Pagri'), (6266, 49, 1346, 'Qamdo'), (6297,
49, 1346, 'Shiquanhe'), (6314, 49, 1346, 'Tingri'), (6334, 49, 1346,
'Xainza'), (3521, 49, 1347, 'Changhua'), (6126, 49, 1347,
'Dunhuang'), (6142, 49, 1347, 'Ganzhou'), (6169, 49, 1347,
'Huajialing'), (6190, 49, 1347, 'Jiuquan'), (6205, 49, 1347,
'Lanzhou'), (6243, 49, 1347, 'Minqin'), (6289, 49, 1347,
'Shangzhi'), (6302, 49, 1347, 'Songpan'), (6312, 49, 1347,
'Tianshui'), (6325, 49, 1347, 'Weichang'), (6338, 49, 1347,
'Xifengzhen'), (6350, 49, 1347, 'Xunwu'), (6373, 49, 1347,
'Yumenzhen'), (6380, 49, 1347, 'Zhangye'), (6081, 49, 1348,
'Anyang'), (3517, 49, 1348, 'Beihai'), (6128, 49, 1348, 'Dushan'), (3540,
49, 1348, 'Guilin'), (6149, 49, 1348, 'Guiping'), (6157, 49, 1348,
'Hechi'), (6174, 49, 1348, 'Huize'), (6214, 49, 1348, 'Lijiang'), (6216,
49, 1348, 'Lindong'), (3566, 49, 1348, 'Liuzhou'), (6225, 49, 1348,
'Longzhou'), (6240, 49, 1348, 'Mengshan'), (41713, 49, 1348,
'Nanning'), (6272, 49, 1348, 'Qinzhou'), (6333, 49, 1348, 'Wuzhou'), (6337,
49, 1348, 'Xichang'), (6342, 49, 1348, 'Xingren'), (6346, 49, 1348,
'Xinyang'), (6094, 49, 1349, 'Bijie'), (3533, 49, 1349, 'Dandong'), (6158,
49, 1349, 'Henan'), (3563, 49, 1349, 'Kunming'), (6261, 49, 1349,
'Pingliang'), (6280, 49, 1349, 'Ruili'), (6285, 49, 1349, 'Sansui'), (6299,
49, 1349, 'Sinan'), (6300, 49, 1349, 'Siping'), (6327, 49, 1349,
'Weining'), (6375, 49, 1349, 'Yushe'), (3606, 49, 1349,
'ZHENJIANG'), (6390, 49, 1349, 'Zunyi'), (6084, 49, 1350, 'Baiang'), (3532,
49, 1350, 'Dalian'), (6188, 49, 1350, 'Jinnzhou'), (6200, 49, 1350,
'Kuandian'), (3565, 49, 1350, 'Liaoyang'), (3582, 49, 1350,
'Shenyang'), (3601, 49, 1350, 'YINGKOU'), (6072, 49, 1351, 'Abag
Qi'), (6091, 49, 1351, 'Bayan Mod'), (6096, 49, 1351, 'Bugt'), (6105, 49,
1351, 'Chifeng'), (6127, 49, 1351, 'Duolun'), (6129, 49, 1351, 'Ejin
Qi'), (6132, 49, 1351, 'Erenhot'), (6146, 49, 1351, 'Guaizihu'), (6151, 49,
1351, 'Hailar'), (6152, 49, 1351, 'Hails'), (6155, 49, 1351,
'Haliut'), (6166, 49, 1351, 'Huade'), (6171, 49, 1351, 'Huhhot'), (6178,
49, 1351, 'Jartai'), (6179, 49, 1351, 'Jarud Qi'), (6193, 49, 1351,
'Jurh'), (6234, 49, 1351, 'Mandal'), (6254, 49, 1351, 'Naran
Bulag'), (6258, 49, 1351, 'Otog Qi'), (6318, 49, 1351, 'Tongliao'), (6319,
49, 1351, 'Tulihe'), (6322, 49, 1351, 'Uliastai'), (6340, 49, 1351, 'Xilin
Hot'), (6341, 49, 1351, 'Xin Barag Youqi'), (6208, 49, 1352,
'Lhasa'), (6385, 49, 1352, 'Zhongning'), (6074, 49, 1353, 'Akqi'), (6089,
49, 1353, 'Baoshan'), (3518, 49, 1353, 'Beijing'), (3519, 49, 1353,
'Changchun'), (6192, 49, 1353, 'Jixi'), (6237, 49, 1353, 'Mazu'), (6246,
49, 1353, 'Nagqu'), (6264, 49, 1353, 'Pishan'), (6265, 49, 1353,
'Pucheng'), (6291, 49, 1353, 'Shaoguan'), (6296, 49, 1353, 'Shipu'), (6301,
49, 1353, 'Sog Xian'), (6308, 49, 1353, 'Taiyuan'), (6339, 49, 1353,
'Xigaze'), (6362, 49, 1353, 'Yinchuan'), (6209, 49, 1354, 'Lhunze'), (3581,
49, 1354, 'Shanghai'), (3524, 49, 1355, 'Changzhi'), (6159, 49, 1355,
'Hequ'), (6183, 49, 1355, 'Jiexiu'), (6335, 49, 1355, 'Xi ujimqin
Qi'), (6345, 49, 1355, 'Xinxian'), (6371, 49, 1355, 'Yuanping'), (6374, 49,
1355, 'Yuncheng'), (6167, 49, 1356, 'Huadian'), (6173, 49, 1356,
'Huimin'), (3557, 49, 1356, 'Jinan'), (6187, 49, 1356, 'Jining'), (6220,
49, 1356, 'Linyi'), (3576, 49, 1356, 'Qingdao'), (3579, 49, 1356,
'Qufu'), (6278, 49, 1356, 'Rizhao'), (6326, 49, 1356, 'Weifang'), (3600,
49, 1356, 'YANTAI'), (6364, 49, 1356, 'Yiyuan'), (3609, 49, 1356,
'ZIBO'), (6079, 49, 1357, 'Ankang'), (6088, 49, 1357, 'Baoji'), (3551, 49,
1357, 'Hsin-Chu'), (6336, 49, 1357, 'Xian'), (6347, 49, 1357,
'Xinyi'), (6353, 49, 1357, 'Yanchi'), (6090, 49, 1358, 'Barkam'), (3525,
49, 1358, 'Chengdu'), (6115, 49, 1358, 'Dawu'), (6134, 49, 1358,
'Fengjie'), (6139, 49, 1358, 'Fuyang'), (6144, 49, 1358, 'Garze'), (6172,
49, 1358, 'Huili'), (6189, 49, 1358, 'Jiulong'), (3558, 49, 1358,
'Kaifeng'), (6195, 49, 1358, 'Kangding'), (6204, 49, 1358,
'Langzhong'), (6211, 49, 1358, 'Liangping'), (6218, 49, 1358,
'Linjiang'), (6221, 49, 1358, 'Lishi'), (6249, 49, 1358, 'Nanping'), (6263,
49, 1358, 'Pingwu'), (6276, 49, 1358, 'Quzian'), (15763, 49, 1358,
'Shituan'), (6324, 49, 1358, 'Wanyuan'), (6359, 49, 1358, 'Yibin'), (6366,
49, 1358, 'Youyang'), (3610, 49, 1358, 'ZIGONG'), (6244, 49, 1359,
'Mohe'), (3594, 49, 1359, 'TIANJIN'), (6311, 49, 1359, 'Tianmu
Shan'), (6317, 49, 1359, 'Tonghe'), (6106, 49, 1360, 'Chuxiong'), (6148,
49, 1360, 'Guangnan'), (6186, 49, 1360, 'Jinghong'), (6203, 49, 1360,
'Lancang'), (6215, 49, 1360, 'Lincang'), (6228, 49, 1360, 'Lushi'), (6229,
49, 1360, 'Lusi'), (6230, 49, 1360, 'Luxi'), (6241, 49, 1360,
'Mengzi'), (6253, 49, 1360, 'Napo'), (6270, 49, 1360, 'Qinglong'), (6305,
49, 1360, 'Tacheng'), (6310, 49, 1360, 'Tengchong'), (6352, 49, 1360,
'Yanan'), (6370, 49, 1360, 'Yuanmou'), (6382, 49, 1360, 'Zhanyi'), (6383,
49, 1360, 'Zhaotong'), (6101, 49, 1361, 'Chaoyang'), (6104, 49, 1361,
'Chenzhou'), (6122, 49, 1361, 'Dongsha Dao'), (6136, 49, 1361,
'Fogang'), (3537, 49, 1361, 'Foshan'), (13519, 49, 1361,
'Guangdong'), (3539, 49, 1361, 'Guangzhou'), (6160, 49, 1361,
'Heyuan'), (3559, 49, 1361, 'Kaiping'), (6212, 49, 1361,
'Lianping'), (6222, 49, 1361, 'Lishui'), (6231, 49, 1361,
'Luzhou'), (14721, 49, 1361, 'Shantou'), (3583, 49, 1361,
'Shenzhen'), (6381, 49, 1361, 'Zhanjiang'), (3608, 49, 1361,
'ZHUHAI'), (6110, 49, 1362, 'Danxian'), (6273, 49, 1362,
'Qionghai'), (6290, 49, 1362, 'Shanwei'), (6348, 49, 1362, 'Xisha
Dao'), (3529, 49, 1363, 'Chongqing'), (6287, 49, 1363, 'Shache'), (42218,
50, 587, 'Flying Fish Cove'), (5131, 53, 1398, 'Barrancas'), (3617, 53,
1398, 'Cartagena'), (5156, 53, 1398, 'Leticia'), (41913, 53, 1399,
'Apartado'), (5138, 53, 1399, 'Envigado'), (5142, 53, 1399,
'Fragua'), (5149, 53, 1399, 'Itagui'), (3622, 53, 1399,
'Medellin'), (13285, 53, 1399, 'Rionegro'), (5129, 53, 1400,
'Arauca'), (5154, 53, 1400, 'Las Delicias'), (3611, 53, 1401,
'Armenia'), (3612, 53, 1401, 'Barranquilla'), (3619, 53, 1403,
'Honda'), (5161, 53, 1403, 'Mosquera'), (3623, 53, 1403, 'Popayan'), (5181,
53, 1404, 'Valledupar'), (5170, 53, 1405, 'Quibdo'), (5160, 53, 1406,
'Monteria'), (5162, 53, 1410, 'Neiva'), (5158, 53, 1411, 'Maicao'), (5171,
53, 1411, 'Riohacha'), (3625, 53, 1411, 'Sincelejo'), (5183, 53, 1412,
'Villavicencio'), (5132, 53, 1413, 'Buga'), (5140, 53, 1413,
'Florencia'), (5148, 53, 1413, 'Ipiales'), (5152, 53, 1413, 'La
Victoria'), (5153, 53, 1413, 'Las Cruces'), (5167, 53, 1413,
'Pasto'), (5134, 53, 1414, 'Cucuta'), (5166, 53, 1414, 'Pamplona'), (3626,
53, 1414, 'Tunja'), (5182, 53, 1414, 'Villa De Leiva'), (5133, 53, 1415,
'Chiquinquira'), (5150, 53, 1415, 'Junin'), (5168, 53, 1417,
'Pereira'), (5173, 53, 1418, 'San Andres'), (5130, 53, 1419,
'Barrancabermeja'), (3614, 53, 1419, 'Bucaramanga'), (5136, 53, 1419, 'El
Centro'), (5146, 53, 1419, 'Galan'), (5147, 53, 1419, 'Girardot'), (3620,
53, 1421, 'Ibague'), (13261, 53, 1421, 'Ibagu'), (5151, 53, 1421, 'La
Calera'), (5155, 53, 1421, 'Laureles'), (5184, 53, 1421, 'Yopal'), (3615,
53, 1422, 'Cali'), (5165, 53, 1422, 'Palmira'), (5137, 53, 1426,
'Engativa'), (5139, 53, 1426, 'Facatativa'), (5141, 53, 1426,
'Fontibon'), (5143, 53, 1426, 'Funza'), (5144, 53, 1426,
'Fusagasuga'), (5176, 53, 1426, 'Soacha'), (5178, 53, 1426, 'Suba'), (5179,
53, 1426, 'Tocaima'), (5180, 53, 1426, 'Usaquen'), (5185, 53, 1426,
'Zipaquira'), (42413, 53, 1427, 'Bogota'), (5157, 53, 1427,
'Madrid'), (14960, 53, 1427, 'Santaf'), (5159, 53, 1429, 'Melgar'), (5163,
53, 1429, 'Paipa'), (5177, 53, 1429, 'Sogamoso'), (3621, 53, 1430,
'Manizales'), (3624, 53, 1431, 'Santa Marta'), (41990, 55, 1328,
'Likasi'), (41991, 55, 1328, 'Lubumbashi'), (42376, 55, 1332,
'Isiro'), (42086, 55, 5065, 'Goma'), (4972, 56, 1316, 'Pointe
Noire'), (1416, 56, 1322, 'Kinsasa'), (41989, 56, 1323,
'Brazzaville'), (18153, 57, 594, 'Avarua'), (18152, 57, 594,
'Rarotonga'), (41914, 59, 1432, 'Quesada'), (3627, 59, 1433,
'Cartago'), (3636, 59, 1433, 'Turrialba'), (3628, 59, 1434, 'Ciudad
Quesada'), (3632, 59, 1434, 'Liberia'), (12446, 59, 1434, 'Playas del
Coco'), (15563, 59, 1434, 'S'), (3630, 59, 1435, 'Heredia'), (13179, 59,
1436, 'Barra Del Colorado'), (3631, 59, 1437, 'Jaco'), (15836, 59, 1438,
'Curridabat'), (3629, 59, 1438, 'Escazu'), (13245, 59, 1438, 'San Francisco
De Dos Rios'), (3634, 59, 1438, 'San Jose'), (3635, 59, 1438, 'San
Ramon'), (42300, 59, 1438, 'Santa Maria'), (15581, 59, 1438,
'Tibas'), (3503, 60, 2283, 'Abidjan'), (42090, 60, 2306,
'Yamoussoukro'), (16239, 61, 5026, 'Slavonski Brod'), (6392, 61, 5027,
'Dubrovnik'), (15061, 61, 5027, 'Orebic'), (13146, 61, 5028,
'Pula'), (16074, 61, 5030, 'Djurdjevac'), (14127, 61, 5030,
'Koprivnica'), (41720, 61, 5031, 'Krapina'), (42925, 61, 5032,
'Plitvi&#269;ka Jezera'), (18378, 61, 5034, 'Omi'), (13337, 61, 5034,
'Osijek'), (17787, 61, 5034, ''), (15628, 61, 5035, 'Nasice'), (14565, 61,
5035, 'Pakrac'), (15018, 61, 5036, 'Krk'), (13847, 61, 5036,
'Rijeka'), (16658, 61, 5038, 'Topusko'), (16958, 61, 5038, ''), (3994, 61,
5039, 'Karlovac'), (3995, 61, 5039, 'Komiza'), (3996, 61, 5039,
'Split'), (12647, 61, 5039, 'Supetar'), (15894, 61, 5040,
'Varazdin'), (15798, 61, 5042, 'Sotin'), (13078, 61, 5043,
'Trogir'), (41676, 61, 5043, 'Zadar'), (17873, 61, 5044, 'Samobor'), (3997,
61, 5045, 'Zagreb'), (6393, 62, 1457, 'Havana'), (41865, 62, 1466,
'Holguin'), (41866, 62, 1467, 'Las Tunas'), (41909, 63, 1483,
'Famagusta'), (17619, 63, 1484, 'Kyrenia'), (14566, 63, 1485,
'Larnaca'), (6394, 63, 1486, 'Nicosia'), (11966, 63, 1487,
'Limassol'), (41677, 63, 1488, 'Paphos'), (4974, 64, 601, 'Kladno'), (3643,
64, 1746, 'Prague'), (18247, 64, 5122, 'Blansko'), (3639, 64, 5122,
'Brno'), (42084, 64, 5122, 'Znojmo'), (18325, 64, 5123, 'Ceske
Budejovice'), (18228, 64, 5123, 'T'), (12947, 64, 5124, 'Jihlava'), (18235,
64, 5125, 'Cheb'), (3640, 64, 5125, 'Karlovy Vary'), (16133, 64, 5126,
'Hradec Kralove'), (16136, 64, 5126, 'Jicin'), (18383, 64, 5126,
'N'), (18418, 64, 5127, 'Jablonec nad Nisou'), (16454, 64, 5127,
'Liberec'), (18226, 64, 5127, 'Semily'), (3642, 64, 5128,
'Olomouc'), (18234, 64, 5129, 'Frydek-Mistek'), (3641, 64, 5129,
'Krnov'), (18227, 64, 5129, 'Opava'), (6395, 64, 5129, 'Ostrava'), (18243,
64, 5130, 'Chocen'), (18236, 64, 5130, 'Lan'), (12809, 64, 5130,
'Pardubice'), (3644, 64, 5130, 'Zamberk'), (16594, 64, 5131,
'Klatovy'), (15511, 64, 5131, 'Plzen'), (18377, 64, 5131, 'Stod'), (18249,
64, 5132, 'Kralupy Nad Vltavou'), (18233, 64, 5132, 'Mlada
Boleslav'), (18336, 64, 5132, 'Obecnice'), (18334, 64, 5132,
'Pribram'), (42941, 64, 5133, 'Chomutov'), (18229, 64, 5133,
'Decin'), (16451, 64, 5133, 'Most'), (18242, 64, 5133, 'Teplice'), (16424,
64, 5133, 'Usti nad Labem'), (4973, 64, 5134, 'Uhersky Brod'), (12291, 64,
5134, 'Zlin'), (42011, 65, 1489, 'Aabyhoj'), (42359, 65, 1489,
'Arhus'), (12962, 65, 1489, ''), (17780, 65, 1489, 'Auning'), (3777, 65,
1489, 'Ebeltoft'), (17711, 65, 1489, 'Grenaa'), (13959, 65, 1489,
'Mygind'), (15032, 65, 1489, 'Odder'), (19045, 65, 1489,
'Silkeborg'), (12499, 65, 1489, 'Skanderborg'), (14328, 65, 1489,
'Skibby'), (17793, 65, 1489, 'Tranbjerg'), (12964, 65, 1490,
'Roenne'), (13360, 65, 1491, 'Aller'), (14503, 65, 1491, 'Birker'), (18117,
65, 1491, 'Farum'), (13909, 65, 1491, 'Frederikssund'), (12817, 65, 1491,
'Gilleleje'), (14520, 65, 1491, 'Helsing'), (14333, 65, 1491,
'Hiller'), (12822, 65, 1491, 'H'), (15717, 65, 1491, 'Humleb'), (16916, 65,
1491, ''), (41759, 65, 1492, 'Bagenkop'), (17294, 65, 1492,
'Krogsb'), (14111, 65, 1492, 'Nyborg'), (3780, 65, 1492, 'Odense'), (16381,
65, 1492, 'Ringe'), (16892, 65, 1492, 'Svendborg'), (16736, 65, 1492,
'Tranekaer'), (18185, 65, 1492, 'Tulleb'), (18800, 65, 1493, 'Br'), (17241,
65, 1493, 'Copenhagen '), (16426, 65, 1493, 'Glostrup'), (15719, 65, 1493,
'Herlev'), (16255, 65, 1493, 'Kastrup'), (14435, 65, 1493,
'Lyngby'), (12698, 65, 1493, 'R'), (42220, 65, 1493, 'Vedbaek'), (14751,
65, 1493, 'Virum'), (3776, 65, 1494, 'Aalborg'), (15552, 65, 1494,
'Aalestrup'), (18232, 65, 1494, 'Andrup'), (13465, 65, 1494, 'Br'), (12155,
65, 1494, 'Dronninglund'), (12816, 65, 1494, 'Frederikshavn'), (16970, 65,
1494, 'Hadsund'), (17830, 65, 1494, 'Hirtshals'), (13775, 65, 1494,
'Hj'), (15539, 65, 1494, 'Hobro'), (42931, 65, 1494, 'Klarup '), (14125,
65, 1494, 'Klokkerholm'), (17305, 65, 1494, 'N'), (17885, 65, 1494,
'Pandrup'), (15355, 65, 1494, 'Saltum'), (16467, 65, 1494,
'Sindal'), (12714, 65, 1495, 'Esbjerg'), (13093, 65, 1495,
'Grindsted'), (3782, 65, 1495, 'Varde'), (13694, 65, 1496, 'Tim'), (13808,
65, 1497, 'Greve'), (14697, 65, 1497, 'Koege'), (13649, 65, 1497,
'Roskilde'), (17445, 65, 1498, 'Aabenraa'), (13175, 65, 1498,
'Augustenborg'), (3778, 65, 1498, 'Haderslev'), (12296, 65, 1498,
'Nordb'), (13965, 65, 1498, 'Ravsted'), (3781, 65, 1498,
'Rodding'), (13174, 65, 1498, 'Sonderborg'), (16574, 65, 1498,
'Vamdrup'), (14832, 65, 1498, 'Vojens'), (17673, 65, 1499,
'Elken'), (12598, 65, 1499, 'Naestved'), (12706, 65, 1499, 'N'), (13626,
65, 1500, 'Almind'), (13859, 65, 1500, 'Fredericia'), (14577, 65, 1500,
'Horsens'), (15420, 65, 1500, 'Jelling'), (12383, 65, 1500,
'Kolding'), (12493, 65, 1500, 'Vejle'), (14951, 65, 1500, 'Vonge'), (15724,
65, 1501, 'Davding'), (13237, 65, 1501, 'Haslev'), (13803, 65, 1501,
'Hee'), (17632, 65, 1501, 'Herning'), (17693, 65, 1501, 'Holbaek'), (16267,
65, 1501, 'Karup'), (16262, 65, 1501, 'Kors'), (16625, 65, 1501,
'Lemvig'), (13063, 65, 1501, 'Ribe'), (13751, 65, 1501,
'Ringkobing'), (13133, 65, 1501, 'Ringsted'), (17739, 65, 1501,
'Selde'), (13138, 65, 1501, 'Silkeborg'), (15437, 65, 1501,
'Skive'), (14444, 65, 1501, 'Slagelse'), (12934, 65, 1501,
'Struer'), (17638, 65, 1501, 'Sunds'), (18734, 65, 1501,
'Taastrup'), (14113, 65, 1501, 'Thisted'), (13286, 65, 1501,
'Ulstrup'), (14702, 65, 1501, 'Viborg'), (17046, 65, 1502,
'Thors'), (12560, 65, 1503, 'Frederiksberg'), (42345, 67, 1509,
'Marigot'), (6398, 67, 1511, 'Roseau'), (5192, 68, 1519, 'Azua'), (5193,
68, 1519, 'Azua De Compostela'), (5220, 68, 1519, 'El Cacao'), (5234, 68,
1519, 'Estebania'), (5239, 68, 1519, 'Guayabal'), (5260, 68, 1519, 'Las
Charcas'), (5292, 68, 1519, 'Padre Las Casas'), (5299, 68, 1519,
'Peralta'), (5305, 68, 1519, 'Pueblo Viejo'), (5314, 68, 1519, 'Sabana
Yegua'), (5335, 68, 1519, 'Tabara Arriba'), (5350, 68, 1519, 'Yayas De
Viajama'), (5237, 68, 1520, 'Galvan'), (5272, 68, 1520, 'Los Rios'), (5285,
68, 1520, 'Neiba'), (5286, 68, 1520, 'Neyba'), (5336, 68, 1520,
'Tamayo'), (5338, 68, 1520, 'Ubilla'), (5344, 68, 1520, 'Villa
Jaragua'), (5194, 68, 1521, 'Bahoruco'), (5198, 68, 1521,
'Barahona'), (5202, 68, 1521, 'Cabral'), (5225, 68, 1521, 'El
Penon'), (5230, 68, 1521, 'Enriquillo'), (5236, 68, 1521,
'Fundacion'), (5252, 68, 1521, 'La Altagracia'), (5253, 68, 1521, 'La
Cienaga'), (5266, 68, 1521, 'Las Salinas'), (5293, 68, 1521,
'Paraiso'), (5297, 68, 1521, 'Penon'), (5303, 68, 1521, 'Polo'), (5341, 68,
1521, 'Vicente Noble'), (5216, 68, 1522, 'Dajabon'), (5226, 68, 1522, 'El
Pino'), (5269, 68, 1522, 'Loma De Cabrera'), (5294, 68, 1522,
'Partido'), (5307, 68, 1522, 'Restauracion'), (5218, 68, 1523,
'Duarte'), (5246, 68, 1523, 'Independencia'), (16210, 68, 1523, 'Santo
Domingo'), (5191, 68, 1524, 'Arenoso'), (5208, 68, 1524,
'Castillo'), (5245, 68, 1524, 'Hostos'), (5262, 68, 1524, 'Las
Guaranas'), (5302, 68, 1524, 'Pimentel'), (5320, 68, 1524, 'San Francisco
De Macoris'), (5345, 68, 1524, 'Villa Riva'), (5209, 68, 1525, 'Cayetano
Germosen'), (5238, 68, 1525, 'Gaspar Hernandez'), (5247, 68, 1525, 'Jamao
Al Norte'), (5249, 68, 1525, 'Jose Contreras'), (5279, 68, 1525,
'Moca'), (5328, 68, 1525, 'San Victor'), (5215, 68, 1526,
'Cristobal'), (5219, 68, 1526, 'Duverge'), (5248, 68, 1526,
'Jimani'), (5255, 68, 1526, 'La Descubierta'), (5277, 68, 1526,
'Mella'), (5212, 68, 1527, 'Chavon Abajo'), (5243, 68, 1527,
'Higuey'), (5288, 68, 1527, 'Nisibon'), (5290, 68, 1527, 'Otra
Banda'), (41674, 68, 1527, 'Punta Cana'), (5327, 68, 1527, 'San Rafael Del
Yuma'), (5197, 68, 1528, 'Banica'), (5213, 68, 1528, 'Comendador'), (5224,
68, 1528, 'El Llano'), (5229, 68, 1528, 'Elias Pina'), (5244, 68, 1528,
'Hondo Valle'), (5251, 68, 1528, 'Juan Santiago'), (5296, 68, 1528, 'Pedro
Santana'), (3783, 68, 1529, 'La Romana'), (5203, 68, 1530,
'Cabrera'), (5222, 68, 1530, 'El Factor'), (5284, 68, 1530,
'Nagua'), (5207, 68, 1531, 'Castanuelas'), (5283, 68, 1531, 'Monte
Plata'), (5298, 68, 1531, 'Pepillo Salcedo'), (5347, 68, 1531, 'Villa
Vasquez'), (5291, 68, 1532, 'Oviedo'), (5295, 68, 1532,
'Pedernales'), (5196, 68, 1533, 'Bani'), (5276, 68, 1533,
'Matanzas'), (5289, 68, 1533, 'Nizao'), (5300, 68, 1533, 'Peravia'), (5306,
68, 1533, 'Rancho Arriba'), (5309, 68, 1533, 'Sabana Buey'), (5313, 68,
1533, 'Sabana Larga'), (5324, 68, 1533, 'San Jose De Ocoa'), (6399, 68,
1534, 'Puerto Plata'), (14808, 68, 1534, 'Sos'), (5315, 68, 1535,
'Salcedo'), (5337, 68, 1535, 'Tenares'), (5346, 68, 1535, 'Villa
Tapia'), (5267, 68, 1536, 'Las Terrenas'), (5329, 68, 1536,
'Sanchez'), (5211, 68, 1537, 'Cevicos'), (5214, 68, 1537, 'Cotui'), (5235,
68, 1537, 'Fantino'), (5261, 68, 1537, 'Las Cuevas'), (5263, 68, 1537, 'Las
Matas'), (5200, 68, 1538, 'Bohechio'), (5221, 68, 1538, 'El
Cercado'), (5250, 68, 1538, 'Juan De Herrera'), (5264, 68, 1538, 'Las Matas
De Farfan'), (5339, 68, 1538, 'Vallejuelo'), (5223, 68, 1539, 'El
Guayabal'), (5325, 68, 1539, 'San Juan'), (3784, 68, 1540,
'Santiago'), (5270, 68, 1541, 'Los Almacigos'), (5280, 68, 1541,
'Moncion'), (5322, 68, 1541, 'San Ignacio De Sabaneta'), (5332, 68, 1541,
'Santiago Rodriguez'), (5233, 68, 1542, 'Esperanza'), (5259, 68, 1542,
'Laguna Salada'), (5274, 68, 1542, 'Mao'), (5340, 68, 1542,
'Valverde'), (5257, 68, 1543, 'La Mata'), (5278, 68, 1543,
'Miches'), (5228, 68, 1544, 'El Valle'), (5241, 68, 1544, 'Hato
Mayor'), (5242, 68, 1544, 'Hato Mayor Del Rey'), (5308, 68, 1544, 'Rio San
Juan'), (5310, 68, 1544, 'Sabana De La Mar'), (5201, 68, 1546,
'Bonao'), (5273, 68, 1546, 'Maimon'), (5281, 68, 1546, 'Monsenor
Nouel'), (5301, 68, 1546, 'Piedra Blanca'), (5199, 68, 1547,
'Bayaguana'), (5217, 68, 1547, 'Don Juan'), (5232, 68, 1547,
'Esperalvillo'), (5311, 68, 1547, 'Sabana Grande De Boya'), (5349, 68,
1547, 'Yamasa'), (5195, 68, 1548, 'Bajos De Haina'), (5204, 68, 1548,
'Cambita Garabitos'), (5254, 68, 1548, 'La Cueva'), (5271, 68, 1548, 'Los
Cacaos'), (5287, 68, 1548, 'Nigua'), (5312, 68, 1548, 'Sabana Grande
Palenque'), (5318, 68, 1548, 'San Cristobal'), (5342, 68, 1548, 'Villa
Altagracia'), (5348, 68, 1548, 'Yaguate'), (5359, 70, 1549, 'Puerto
Ayora'), (5360, 70, 1549, 'Puerto Baquerizo Moreno'), (3787, 70, 1550,
'Cuenca'), (3788, 70, 1551, 'Guaranda'), (5362, 70, 1553, 'Tulcan'), (3793,
70, 1554, 'Riobamba'), (3791, 70, 1555, 'Latacunga'), (5355, 70, 1556,
'Machala'), (3789, 70, 1558, 'Guayaquil'), (3790, 70, 1559,
'Ibarra'), (5357, 70, 1559, 'Otavalo'), (5354, 70, 1560, 'Loja'), (5352,
70, 1562, 'Bahia'), (5353, 70, 1562, 'Bahia De Caraquez'), (5356, 70, 1562,
'Manta'), (5358, 70, 1562, 'Portoviejo'), (17352, 70, 1562, 'San
Jacinto'), (3792, 70, 1565, 'Quito'), (5361, 70, 1565, 'Santo
Domingo'), (3794, 70, 1565, 'Santo Domingo De Los Colorados'), (5351, 70,
1566, 'Ambato'), (42354, 71, 608, 'Marsa Alam'), (41875, 71, 1570, 'Al
Mansurah'), (41675, 71, 1571, 'Hurghada'), (3799, 71, 1577, 'Giza'), (3798,
71, 1580, 'Cairo'), (3800, 71, 1580, 'Heliopolis'), (19016, 71, 1580,
'Ramadan 10 City'), (42296, 71, 1588, 'Port Said'), (3801, 71, 1592,
'Luxor'), (3797, 71, 1593, 'Alexandria'), (41737, 71, 1594, 'Sharm
el-Sheikh'), (4812, 72, 1644, 'Santa Ana'), (4807, 72, 1646,
'Arcatao'), (4813, 72, 1647, 'Tenancingo'), (17874, 72, 1648, 'La
Libertad'), (6400, 72, 1653, 'San Salvador'), (4810, 72, 1654, 'San Jose
Las Flores'), (4811, 72, 1654, 'San Miguel'), (4809, 72, 1655, 'San Antonio
Los Ranchos'), (15007, 74, 611, 'Taiping'), (41832, 74, 5337,
'Asmara'), (41717, 75, 1629, 'Maardu'), (16879, 75, 1629, 'saue'), (6401,
75, 1629, 'Tallinn'), (15665, 75, 1633, 'J'), (13074, 75, 1635,
'Rakvere'), (13080, 75, 1635, 'Tapa'), (3795, 75, 1636, 'Parnu'), (12470,
75, 1639, 'Kuressaare'), (3796, 75, 1640, 'Tartu'), (41887, 75, 1642,
'Viljandi'), (3832, 76, 1691, 'Axum'), (6402, 76, 1696, 'Addis
Ababa'), (16073, 79, 616, 'T'), (3846, 80, 1784, 'Nailuva'), (12953, 80,
1784, 'Suva'), (14251, 81, 1772, 'Mariehamn'), (17656, 81, 1777,
'Kemi'), (15684, 81, 1777, 'Kemij'), (3842, 81, 1777, 'Rovaniemi'), (16591,
81, 1777, 'Tornio'), (3836, 81, 1779, 'Jarvenpaa'), (17412, 81, 1779,
'Kajaani'), (15509, 81, 1779, 'N'), (12175, 81, 1779, 'Oulu'), (15945, 81,
1779, 'Raahe'), (3843, 81, 1779, 'Salo'), (14887, 81, 1779,
'Ylivieska'), (11797, 81, 4879, 'Espoo'), (12153, 81, 4879,
'Forssa'), (13763, 81, 4879, 'H'), (16324, 81, 4879, 'Hanko'), (3834, 81,
4879, 'Heinola'), (6403, 81, 4879, 'Helsinki'), (15944, 81, 4879,
'Hyvink'), (12447, 81, 4879, 'Imatra'), (13505, 81, 4879, 'Kotka'), (12463,
81, 4879, 'Kouvola'), (11888, 81, 4879, 'Lahti'), (3839, 81, 4879,
'Lappeenranta'), (15600, 81, 4879, 'Lohja'), (16249, 81, 4879,
'Loviisa'), (42254, 81, 4879, 'Nummela'), (16329, 81, 4879,
'Orimattila'), (3841, 81, 4879, 'Porvoo'), (14202, 81, 4879,
'Riihimaki'), (15290, 81, 4879, 'Sipoo'), (3845, 81, 4879,
'Tampere'), (42389, 81, 4879, 'Tapiola'), (13722, 81, 4879,
'Vantaa'), (14914, 81, 5022, 'Iisalmi'), (14196, 81, 5022,
'Joensuu'), (15623, 81, 5022, 'Juuka'), (3838, 81, 5022, 'Kuopio'), (14436,
81, 5022, 'Mikkeli'), (13380, 81, 5022, 'Nilsi'), (18863, 81, 5022,
'Siilinj'), (13374, 81, 5022, 'Varkaus'), (3833, 81, 5023,
'Alajarvi'), (3835, 81, 5023, 'Jakobstad'), (14195, 81, 5023,
'Jamsankoski'), (12622, 81, 5023, 'Jyv'), (15513, 81, 5023,
'Kannus'), (16895, 81, 5023, 'Kauhajoki'), (3837, 81, 5023,
'Kokkola'), (3840, 81, 5023, 'Lapua'), (13616, 81, 5023, 'M'), (18599, 81,
5023, 'Naantali'), (14509, 81, 5023, 'Nokia'), (16441, 81, 5023,
'Paimio'), (14477, 81, 5023, 'Pori'), (17554, 81, 5023, 'Rauma'), (3844,
81, 5023, 'Seinajoki'), (12301, 81, 5023, 'toijala'), (6404, 81, 5023,
'Turku'), (18771, 81, 5023, 'Uusikaupunki'), (12090, 81, 5023,
'Vaasa'), (13324, 81, 5023, 'Valkeakoski'), (17401, 82, 1793,
'Anglet'), (3851, 82, 1793, 'Arcachon'), (3856, 82, 1793,
'Bayonne'), (3858, 82, 1793, 'Biarritz'), (3860, 82, 1793,
'Bordeaux'), (3892, 82, 1793, 'La Teste'), (16281, 82, 1793, 'M'), (3908,
82, 1793, 'Mimizan'), (3920, 82, 1793, 'Pau'), (14762, 82, 1793,
'Terrasson'), (3859, 82, 1794, 'Billom'), (14119, 82, 1794, 'Biot'), (3872,
82, 1794, 'Chavaniac'), (3873, 82, 1794, 'Clermont-Ferrand'), (3893, 82,
1794, 'La Vergne'), (3895, 82, 1794, 'Langeac'), (15542, 82, 1794, 'Le
Cendre'), (3864, 82, 1795, 'Caen'), (3879, 82, 1795, 'Deauville'), (12944,
82, 1795, 'Granville'), (3921, 82, 1795, 'Peronne'), (15808, 82, 1796,
'Auxerre'), (12844, 82, 1796, 'Beaune'), (3863, 82, 1796,
'Bruyeres'), (3870, 82, 1796, 'Chambolle-Musigny'), (3880, 82, 1796,
'Dijon'), (3884, 82, 1796, 'Entrains-Sur-Nohain'), (3902, 82, 1796,
'Longvic'), (3905, 82, 1796, 'Macon'), (3941, 82, 1796, 'Vichy'), (3862,
82, 1797, 'Brest'), (16175, 82, 1797, 'Campbon'), (15842, 82, 1797, 'La
Trinite-sur-Mer'), (3923, 82, 1797, 'Pontivy'), (3924, 82, 1797,
'Rennes'), (12164, 82, 1797, 'Saint Malo'), (15840, 82, 1797,
'Vannes'), (3853, 82, 1798, 'Aubigny-sur-Nere'), (16178, 82, 1798,
'Bourges'), (3903, 82, 1798, 'Luray'), (3919, 82, 1798, 'Orleans'), (3926,
82, 1798, 'Romorantin'), (3934, 82, 1798, 'Saint Cyr Sur Loire'), (3935,
82, 1798, 'Saint-Germain-en-Laye'), (3932, 82, 1798, 'Senonches'), (3939,
82, 1798, 'Tours'), (16390, 82, 1799, 'Ch'), (41843, 82, 1799,
'Dormans'), (6410, 82, 1799, 'Reims'), (17041, 82, 1799, 'Troyes'), (3857,
82, 1801, 'Belfort'), (13917, 82, 1801, 'Besancon'), (13918, 82, 1801,
'Lons-le-Saunier'), (3909, 82, 1801, 'Montbeliard'), (14559, 82, 1801,
'Morez'), (42393, 82, 1802, 'Cherbourg'), (3897, 82, 1802, 'Le
Havre'), (41839, 82, 1802, 'Rouen'), (12104, 82, 1803, 'Barbizon'), (3861,
82, 1803, 'Boulogne-Billancourt'), (3869, 82, 1803,
'Cergy-Pontoise'), (13908, 82, 1803, 'Chantilly'), (18412, 82, 1803,
'Charenton-le-Pont'), (42927, 82, 1803, 'Clichy'), (42273, 82, 1803,
'Colombes'), (15369, 82, 1803, 'Coubert'), (16508, 82, 1803,
'Courbevoic'), (16194, 82, 1803, 'Elancourt'), (12824, 82, 1803,
'Gennevilliers'), (12105, 82, 1803, 'Issy-les-Moulineaux'), (3900, 82,
1803, 'Le Bourget'), (3899, 82, 1803, 'Le Vesinet'), (19017, 82, 1803, 'Les
Ormes-sur-Voulzie'), (13842, 82, 1803, 'Les Ulis'), (13910, 82, 1803,
'Levallois-Perret'), (16996, 82, 1803, 'Longjumeau'), (16427, 82, 1803,
'Luzarches'), (16290, 82, 1803, 'Maisons-Laffitte'), (3911, 82, 1803,
'Montgeron'), (18874, 82, 1803, 'Montigny-le-Bretonneux'), (16397, 82,
1803, 'Montmorency'), (14744, 82, 1803, 'Nanterre'), (3915, 82, 1803,
'Neuilly-Plaisance'), (17027, 82, 1803, 'Noisy Sur Ecole'), (11834, 82,
1803, 'Noisy-le-Grand'), (14550, 82, 1803, 'Orsay'), (6409, 82, 1803,
'Paris'), (12045, 82, 1803, 'Plaisir'), (3933, 82, 1803, 'Saint
Cloud'), (3929, 82, 1803, 'Saint Mande'), (41799, 82, 1803,
'Saint-Maur-des-Fosses'), (15569, 82, 1803, 'Sevres'), (12832, 82, 1803,
'Versailles'), (3942, 82, 1803, 'Vincennes'), (3852, 82, 1804,
'Arles'), (14028, 82, 1804, 'Beziers'), (15458, 82, 1804,
'Carcassonne'), (3912, 82, 1804, 'Montpellier'), (17398, 82, 1804,
'Narbonne'), (18510, 82, 1804, 'Nimes'), (3922, 82, 1804,
'Perpignan'), (3875, 82, 1805, 'Cognac'), (3901, 82, 1805,
'Limoges'), (3907, 82, 1806, 'Metz'), (3913, 82, 1806, 'Nancy'), (3925, 82,
1806, 'Rombas'), (3927, 82, 1806, 'Saint Avold'), (3848, 82, 1807,
'Albi'), (6407, 82, 1807, 'Lourdes'), (3930, 82, 1807,
'Saint-Clar'), (14848, 82, 1807, 'Saint-Gaudens'), (3938, 82, 1807,
'Toulouse'), (3855, 82, 1808, 'Bar-sur-Loup'), (3865, 82, 1808,
'Calais'), (3866, 82, 1808, 'Cambrai'), (3871, 82, 1808,
'Chamonix'), (3881, 82, 1808, 'Douai'), (3885, 82, 1808,
'Fourmies'), (15172, 82, 1808, 'Hondschoote'), (6406, 82, 1808,
'Lille'), (3906, 82, 1808, 'Marcq-En-Baroeul'), (42249, 82, 1808,
'Seclin'), (12210, 82, 1809, 'Angers'), (3874, 82, 1809, 'Coex'), (42225,
82, 1809, 'Laval'), (41910, 82, 1809, 'Le Mans'), (3914, 82, 1809,
'Nantes'), (16734, 82, 1810, 'Abbeville'), (12841, 82, 1810,
'Amiens'), (3877, 82, 1810, 'Compiegne'), (3898, 82, 1810, 'Le
Toquet'), (12825, 82, 1810, 'Pr'), (17441, 82, 1810, 'Viry
Noureuil'), (3849, 82, 1811, 'Angouleme'), (18782, 82, 1811,
'Fontenay-Le-Compte'), (3891, 82, 1811, 'La Rochelle'), (13921, 82, 1811,
'Poitiers'), (3937, 82, 1811, 'Toulon'), (3940, 82, 1811,
'Vendome'), (3943, 82, 1811, 'Vitre'), (11883, 82, 1812,
'Aix-en-Provence'), (3850, 82, 1812, 'Antibes'), (3854, 82, 1812,
'Avignon'), (15424, 82, 1812, 'Beauvezer'), (42398, 82, 1812,
'Bormes-les-Mimosas'), (3867, 82, 1812, 'Cannes'), (3868, 82, 1812,
'Cavaliere Sur Mer'), (3886, 82, 1812, 'Frejus'), (17384, 82, 1812,
'Gap'), (15862, 82, 1812, 'Hy'), (3890, 82, 1812, 'La
Garde-Freinet'), (42399, 82, 1812, 'La Londe-les-Maures'), (3896, 82, 1812,
'Le Cannet'), (42397, 82, 1812, 'Le Lavandou'), (6408, 82, 1812,
'Marseille'), (18062, 82, 1812, 'Martigues'), (16641, 82, 1812,
'Meylan'), (3910, 82, 1812, 'Montelimar'), (3916, 82, 1812, 'Nice'), (3918,
82, 1812, 'Orange'), (15931, 82, 1812, 'Pertuis'), (42339, 82, 1812,
'Saint-Zacharie'), (42352, 82, 1812, 'Sainte-Maxime'), (16740, 82, 1812,
'Sophia-Antipolis'), (42353, 82, 1812, 'Ste-Maxime'), (41891, 82, 1812,
'Valbonne'), (3847, 82, 1813, 'Albertville'), (13830, 82, 1813,
'Annecy'), (17539, 82, 1813, 'Chambery'), (3878, 82, 1813,
'Courchevel'), (3888, 82, 1813, 'Grenoble'), (3894, 82, 1813, 'La
Verpilliere'), (13553, 82, 1813, 'Lyon'), (3928, 82, 1813, 'Saint
Etienne'), (15149, 82, 1813, 'Saint-Etienne'), (18781, 82, 1813,
'Saint-Julien-en-Genevois'), (16343, 82, 1813, 'Sciez'), (6412, 82, 1813,
'Val-d''Isere'), (11908, 82, 1813, 'Villeurbanne'), (41809, 82, 1813,
'Voiron'), (15005, 82, 1814, 'Blotzheim'), (3876, 82, 1814,
'Colmar'), (3883, 82, 1814, 'Eguisheim'), (3887, 82, 1814,
'Geispolsheim'), (3889, 82, 1814, 'Henin-Beaumont'), (13017, 82, 1814,
'Mulhouse'), (13776, 82, 1814, 'Mutzig'), (12408, 82, 1814,
'Neuf-Brisach'), (3936, 82, 1814, 'Strasbourg'), (6413, 84, 5383,
'Cayenne'), (17962, 85, 622, 'Papeete'), (6414, 87, 1821,
'Libreville'), (3958, 88, 1815, 'Banjul'), (3959, 88, 1819,
'Kanifing'), (3944, 90, 1833, 'Bat''umi'), (3947, 90, 1879,
'Tbilisi'), (3948, 90, 5324, 'T''elavi'), (3945, 90, 5327,
'Mtskheta'), (3946, 90, 5329, 'P''ot''I'), (13297, 91, 1912,
'Aalen'), (13707, 91, 1912, 'Albstadt'), (14993, 91, 1912,
'Altdorf'), (14809, 91, 1912, 'Bad Urach'), (14574, 91, 1912, 'Bad
Wildbad'), (14231, 91, 1912, 'Baden-Baden'), (14514, 91, 1912,
'Balingen'), (16457, 91, 1912, 'Bretten'), (3660, 91, 1912,
'Crailsheim'), (3665, 91, 1912, 'Eberbach'), (14555, 91, 1912,
'Ellwangen'), (3670, 91, 1912, 'Esslingen'), (13013, 91, 1912,
'Forst'), (3672, 91, 1912, 'Freiburg Im Breisgau'), (3673, 91, 1912,
'Friedrichshafen'), (3674, 91, 1912, 'Friolzheim'), (18143, 91, 1912,
'Gaienhofen'), (3679, 91, 1912, 'Gedern'), (14851, 91, 1912,
'Gengenbach'), (3684, 91, 1912, 'Gottelfingen'), (17018, 91, 1912,
'Haiterbach'), (6421, 91, 1912, 'Heidelberg'), (13634, 91, 1912,
'Heilbronn'), (18546, 91, 1912, 'Hockenheim'), (12827, 91, 1912,
'Karlsruhe'), (13470, 91, 1912, 'Konstanz'), (18935, 91, 1912,
'Kornwestheim'), (18773, 91, 1912, 'Kusterdingen'), (3702, 91, 1912,
'Leinfelden-Echterdingen'), (3705, 91, 1912, 'Leonberg'), (12525, 91, 1912,
'Ludwigsburg'), (3713, 91, 1912, 'Malsch'), (3714, 91, 1912,
'Mannheim'), (3715, 91, 1912, 'Marbach Am Neckar'), (16166, 91, 1912,
'Meersburg'), (3720, 91, 1912, 'Me'), (17907, 91, 1912,
'Muellheim'), (14766, 91, 1912, 'Neuenb'), (3729, 91, 1912,
'Ofterdingen'), (3733, 91, 1912, 'Pfaffenweiler'), (16449, 91, 1912,
'Pforzheim'), (3737, 91, 1912, 'Rastatt'), (17968, 91, 1912,
'Reutlingen'), (15524, 91, 1912, 'Rottenburg'), (15925, 91, 1912,
'Sasbach'), (3746, 91, 1912, 'Schwabisch Gmund'), (3748, 91, 1912,
'Schwieberdingen'), (16581, 91, 1912, 'Sindelfingen'), (18957, 91, 1912,
'Singen'), (3753, 91, 1912, 'Stuttgart'), (3754, 91, 1912,
'Sulzfeld'), (3757, 91, 1912, 'Trossingen'), (3758, 91, 1912,
'Tubingen'), (15952, 91, 1912, 'Uberlingen'), (3759, 91, 1912,
'Ulm'), (14591, 91, 1912, 'Urbach'), (13327, 91, 1912,
'Villingen-Schwenningen'), (12912, 91, 1912, 'Waiblingen'), (3761, 91,
1912, 'Walldorf'), (16283, 91, 1912, 'Walld'), (14247, 91, 1912,
'Weinstadt'), (15351, 91, 1912, 'Wertheim'), (3765, 91, 1912,
'Wiernsheim'), (3766, 91, 1912, 'Wiesloch'), (3768, 91, 1912,
'Winterlingen'), (3770, 91, 1912, 'Wolfach'), (12367, 91, 1913,
'Allersberg'), (42881, 91, 1913, 'Alt'), (3646, 91, 1913,
'Ansbach'), (16238, 91, 1913, 'Aschaffenburg'), (18193, 91, 1913,
'Attenkirchen'), (3648, 91, 1913, 'Augsburg'), (3649, 91, 1913, 'Bad
Koenigshofen'), (15692, 91, 1913, 'Bad Neustadt'), (12837, 91, 1913,
'Bamberg'), (13467, 91, 1913, 'Bayreuth'), (12558, 91, 1913,
'Burgbernheim'), (14871, 91, 1913, 'Burghausen'), (3658, 91, 1913,
'Coburg'), (11774, 91, 1913, 'Dachau'), (3662, 91, 1913, 'Dorfen'), (3666,
91, 1913, 'Eichstatt'), (11893, 91, 1913, 'Erlangen'), (15870, 91, 1913,
'Faulbach'), (16806, 91, 1913, 'Feuchtwangen'), (17708, 91, 1913,
'Freising'), (13980, 91, 1913, 'Fuerth'), (17273, 91, 1913, 'Furth Im
Wald'), (3675, 91, 1913, 'Fussen'), (3687, 91, 1913,
'Gunzenhausen'), (13356, 91, 1913, 'Helmbrechts'), (3692, 91, 1913,
'Hof'), (18252, 91, 1913, 'Ingolstadt'), (13594, 91, 1913,
'Kaufbeuren'), (42021, 91, 1913, 'Kitzingen'), (3700, 91, 1913, 'Kubelstein
Stadt Schesslitz'), (16139, 91, 1913, 'Landau'), (18331, 91, 1913,
'Landsberg Am Lech'), (41716, 91, 1913, 'Landshut'), (16496, 91, 1913,
'Lauf'), (16791, 91, 1913, 'Lenggries'), (3706, 91, 1913,
'Lichtenfels'), (14048, 91, 1913, 'Lindau'), (41723, 91, 1913,
'Mainburg'), (3719, 91, 1913, 'Memmingen'), (3722, 91, 1913,
'Munich'), (3725, 91, 1913, 'Neu Ulm'), (15608, 91, 1913,
'Neuburg'), (42233, 91, 1913, 'Neumarkt'), (15670, 91, 1913,
'Neustadt'), (3727, 91, 1913, 'Neustadt An Der Waldnaab'), (6423, 91, 1913,
'N'), (12865, 91, 1913, 'Oberbergkirchen'), (16289, 91, 1913,
'Oberstdorf'), (16643, 91, 1913, 'Ottobrunn'), (12629, 91, 1913,
'Parsberg'), (3732, 91, 1913, 'Passau'), (42318, 91, 1913,
'Pleinfeld'), (3739, 91, 1913, 'Regensburg'), (11850, 91, 1913,
'Rosenheim'), (13311, 91, 1913, 'Schongau'), (16731, 91, 1913,
'Schwabach'), (41925, 91, 1913, 'Schweinfurt'), (12116, 91, 1913,
'Starnberg'), (15604, 91, 1913, 'Steinach'), (3755, 91, 1913,
'Tirschenreuth'), (18253, 91, 1913, 'Traunstein'), (16199, 91, 1913,
'Untersteinach'), (14986, 91, 1913, 'Utting'), (42267, 91, 1913,
'Vaterstetten'), (19037, 91, 1913, 'Vilseck'), (15764, 91, 1913,
'wackersdorf'), (13173, 91, 1913, 'Waldkirchen'), (3762, 91, 1913,
'WASSERBURG'), (13858, 91, 1913, 'weiden'), (17555, 91, 1913,
'Wittelshofen'), (3773, 91, 1913, 'WURZBURG'), (12557, 91, 1913,
'Zangberg'), (13689, 91, 1914, 'Bremen'), (17680, 91, 1914,
'Bremerhaven'), (3741, 91, 1914, 'Rodental'), (5004, 91, 1915, 'Diekirch
North'), (3688, 91, 1915, 'Hamburg'), (15825, 91, 1916,
'Altenstadt'), (16835, 91, 1916, 'Bad Homburg'), (12423, 91, 1916, 'Bad
Orb'), (13382, 91, 1916, 'Bad Vilbel'), (16652, 91, 1916,
'Bensheim'), (3655, 91, 1916, 'Braunfels'), (11805, 91, 1916,
'Darmstadt'), (42244, 91, 1916, 'Echzell'), (16901, 91, 1916,
'Egelsbach'), (6419, 91, 1916, 'Frankfurt'), (17552, 91, 1916,
'Friedberg'), (14727, 91, 1916, 'Fulda'), (41752, 91, 1916,
'Gelnhausen'), (13445, 91, 1916, 'Gie'), (16790, 91, 1916,
'Gladenbach'), (42020, 91, 1916, 'Griesheim'), (14117, 91, 1916,
'Gross-Zimmern'), (12107, 91, 1916, 'Hanau'), (13931, 91, 1916,
'Hofgeismar'), (13964, 91, 1916, 'Hofheim'), (16584, 91, 1916,
'Hungen'), (14197, 91, 1916, 'Idstein'), (6422, 91, 1916,
'Kassel'), (14899, 91, 1916, 'Lampertheim'), (16339, 91, 1916,
'Limburg'), (13771, 91, 1916, 'Marburg'), (3718, 91, 1916,
'Melsungen'), (42873, 91, 1916, 'Neu-Isenburg'), (15885, 91, 1916,
'Nidda'), (18532, 91, 1916, 'Oberursel'), (12106, 91, 1916,
'Offenbach'), (15829, 91, 1916, 'ortenberg'), (13963, 91, 1916,
'Wetzlar'), (11902, 91, 1916, 'Wiesbaden'), (16644, 91, 1917, 'Bad
Sachsa'), (3650, 91, 1917, 'Bad Zwischenahn'), (17694, 91, 1917,
'Bergen'), (3653, 91, 1917, 'Billerbeck'), (11826, 91, 1917,
'Bispingen'), (17245, 91, 1917, 'Brake'), (3656, 91, 1917,
'Braunschweig'), (17109, 91, 1917, 'Celle'), (12902, 91, 1917,
'Clausthal-Zellerfeld'), (13159, 91, 1917, 'Cuxhaven'), (41854, 91, 1917,
'Emden'), (3676, 91, 1917, 'Garbsen'), (14749, 91, 1917, 'G'), (12861, 91,
1917, 'Hameln'), (6420, 91, 1917, 'Hannover'), (3690, 91, 1917,
'Helmstedt'), (16065, 91, 1917, 'Leer'), (15714, 91, 1917,
'Leiferde'), (14854, 91, 1917, 'Lueneburg'), (15609, 91, 1917,
'Meppen'), (3728, 91, 1917, 'Nienburg'), (12831, 91, 1917,
'Oldenburg'), (3730, 91, 1917, 'Osnabruck'), (3745, 91, 1917,
'Schledehausen'), (3749, 91, 1917, 'Seevetal'), (3750, 91, 1917,
'Soltau'), (3752, 91, 1917, 'Stade'), (14959, 91, 1917,
'Wagenhoff'), (3767, 91, 1917, 'Wilhelmshaven'), (3769, 91, 1917,
'Wittmund'), (3771, 91, 1917, 'Wolfenbuttel'), (3645, 91, 1918,
'Aachen'), (12376, 91, 1918, 'Ahaus'), (18667, 91, 1918, 'Altena'), (12943,
91, 1918, 'Bielefeld'), (6415, 91, 1918, 'Bochum'), (6416, 91, 1918,
'Bonn'), (14826, 91, 1918, 'Borgholzhausen'), (17244, 91, 1918,
'Borken'), (3659, 91, 1918, 'Cologne'), (18448, 91, 1918,
'Dormagen'), (3663, 91, 1918, 'Dortmund'), (12864, 91, 1918,
'Duisburg'), (17291, 91, 1918, 'D'), (6417, 91, 1918, 'Dusseldorf'), (3668,
91, 1918, 'Emmerich'), (6418, 91, 1918, 'Essen'), (14249, 91, 1918,
'Geilenkirchen'), (18216, 91, 1918, 'Geldern'), (18793, 91, 1918,
'Gelsenkirchen'), (14329, 91, 1918, 'Guetersloh'), (13028, 91, 1918,
'Haan'), (13209, 91, 1918, 'Hagen'), (3689, 91, 1918, 'Hamm'), (13328, 91,
1918, 'Havixbeck'), (17980, 91, 1918, 'Hennef'), (3691, 91, 1918,
'Herford'), (41800, 91, 1918, 'Herne'), (15706, 91, 1918,
'Hilden'), (16432, 91, 1918, 'Kamen'), (13946, 91, 1918,
'Kamp-Lintfort'), (14625, 91, 1918, 'Kempen'), (3696, 91, 1918,
'Kleve'), (42019, 91, 1918, 'Koeln'), (3699, 91, 1918, 'Krefeld'), (16679,
91, 1918, 'Lemgo'), (3704, 91, 1918, 'Lengerich'), (14703, 91, 1918,
'Leverkusen'), (18203, 91, 1918, 'Lippstadt'), (3709, 91, 1918,
'Ludinghausen'), (16821, 91, 1918, 'Luedenscheid'), (3717, 91, 1918,
'Marl'), (17665, 91, 1918, 'Meschede'), (12915, 91, 1918,
'Minden'), (13160, 91, 1918, 'Moers'), (16757, 91, 1918, 'M'), (3723, 91,
1918, 'Munster'), (13926, 91, 1918, 'Neuss'), (12025, 91, 1918,
'Oberhausen'), (3731, 91, 1918, 'Paderborn'), (3735, 91, 1918, 'Porta
Westfalica'), (3738, 91, 1918, 'Ratingen'), (12988, 91, 1918,
'Remscheid'), (17157, 91, 1918, 'Rheda-Wiedenbrueck'), (16207, 91, 1918,
'Sankt Augustin'), (15702, 91, 1918, 'Siegen'), (15602, 91, 1918,
'Solingen'), (18928, 91, 1918, 'Troisdorf'), (13306, 91, 1918,
'Viersen'), (13481, 91, 1918, 'Wassenberg'), (3764, 91, 1918,
'Wesel'), (14201, 91, 1918, 'Willich'), (14643, 91, 1918,
'Witten'), (15478, 91, 1918, 'Wuppertal'), (3654, 91, 1919, 'Bingen Am
Rhein'), (17275, 91, 1919, 'Bitburg'), (15318, 91, 1919,
'Frankenthal'), (3686, 91, 1919, 'Grunstadt'), (14631, 91, 1919,
'Hachenburg'), (3695, 91, 1919, 'Kaiserslautern'), (3697, 91, 1919,
'Koblenz'), (3701, 91, 1919, 'Kusel'), (13578, 91, 1919, 'Landau'), (3707,
91, 1919, 'Linz Am Rhein'), (3710, 91, 1919, 'Ludwigshafen Am
Rhein'), (3712, 91, 1919, 'Mainz'), (17388, 91, 1919, 'Montabaur'), (3721,
91, 1919, 'Morzheim'), (13627, 91, 1919, 'Neuwied'), (17459, 91, 1919,
'Pirmasens'), (13779, 91, 1919, 'Rudesheim'), (3743, 91, 1919,
'Schaumburg'), (3744, 91, 1919, 'Schifferstadt'), (3756, 91, 1919,
'Trier'), (3772, 91, 1919, 'Worms'), (3775, 91, 1919,
'Zweibrucken'), (3652, 91, 1920, 'Bexbach'), (3657, 91, 1920,
'Budingen'), (18274, 91, 1920, 'Homburg'), (13868, 91, 1920,
'Lebach'), (18703, 91, 1920, 'Merzig'), (3742, 91, 1920,
'Saarbrucken'), (17482, 91, 1921, 'Ahrensburg'), (15814, 91, 1921,
'Bargteheide'), (11778, 91, 1921, 'Elmshorn'), (3671, 91, 1921,
'Eutin'), (13228, 91, 1921, 'Flensburg'), (3682, 91, 1921,
'Gluckstadt'), (17838, 91, 1921, 'Kaltenkirchen'), (11876, 91, 1921,
'Kiel'), (3708, 91, 1921, 'Lubeck'), (3734, 91, 1921, 'Pinneberg'), (18070,
91, 1921, 'Wedel'), (17872, 91, 1922, 'Brandenburg'), (14548, 91, 1922,
'Cottbus'), (17155, 91, 1922, 'Frankfurt'), (13405, 91, 1922, 'F'), (14549,
91, 1922, 'Herzberg'), (3736, 91, 1922, 'Potsdam'), (18540, 91, 1922,
'Rathenow'), (3740, 91, 1922, 'Rheinsberg'), (3685, 91, 1923,
'Greifswald'), (18290, 91, 1923, 'Lug'), (13402, 91, 1923,
'Neubrandenburg'), (13217, 91, 1923, 'Neustrelitz'), (11970, 91, 1923,
'Rostock'), (3747, 91, 1923, 'Schwerin'), (17641, 91, 1923,
'Stralsund'), (13404, 91, 1923, 'Wesenberg'), (16578, 91, 1924,
'Chemnitz'), (3661, 91, 1924, 'Cranzahl'), (3664, 91, 1924,
'Dresden'), (3703, 91, 1924, 'Leipzig'), (17260, 91, 1924,
'Olbernhau'), (18040, 91, 1924, 'Riesa'), (3774, 91, 1924,
'Zittau'), (17262, 91, 1924, 'Zwickau'), (3711, 91, 1925, 'Lutherstadt
Wittenberg'), (15918, 91, 1925, 'Magdeburg'), (11949, 91, 1925,
'Quedlinburg'), (3647, 91, 1926, 'Apolda'), (3667, 91, 1926,
'Eisenach'), (3669, 91, 1926, 'Erfurt'), (3680, 91, 1926, 'Gera'), (3683,
91, 1926, 'Gotha'), (14547, 91, 1926, 'Jena'), (16253, 91, 1926,
'Nordhausen'), (16966, 91, 1926, 'rudolstadt'), (15605, 91, 1926,
'Steinach'), (3763, 91, 1926, 'Weimar'), (3651, 91, 1927, 'Berlin'), (3698,
91, 1927, 'Koenigs Wusterhausen'), (41804, 91, 5266, 'AOL'), (3949, 92,
1893, 'Accra'), (3957, 92, 1893, 'Tema'), (3953, 92, 1894,
'Kumasi'), (3951, 92, 1896, 'Cape Coast'), (3954, 92, 1897,
'Oyoko'), (3956, 92, 1898, 'Tamale'), (42900, 92, 1900, 'Takoradi'), (3950,
92, 1901, 'Bolgatanga'), (3952, 92, 1901, 'Ga District'), (41815, 93, 630,
'Algeciras'), (41817, 93, 630, 'Estepona'), (15469, 93, 630,
'Gibraltar'), (41814, 93, 630, 'La Linea'), (41816, 93, 630,
'Marbella'), (6427, 95, 632, 'Limnos'), (14933, 95, 1932, 'Serres'), (3974,
95, 1933, 'Tripolis'), (3966, 95, 1938, 'Kozani'), (3965, 95, 1940,
'Kalamaria'), (3972, 95, 1940, 'Thessaloniki'), (14388, 95, 1941,
'Kavala'), (18474, 95, 1943, 'Katerini'), (16412, 95, 1944,
'Loannina'), (6426, 95, 1948, 'Larisa'), (3973, 95, 1949,
'Trikala'), (15671, 95, 1951, 'Agria'), (3967, 95, 1951, 'Lamia'), (15669,
95, 1951, 'Volos'), (6425, 95, 1952, 'Kerkira'), (16733, 95, 1954,
'Argostoli'), (3975, 95, 1955, 'Zakinthos'), (41739, 95, 1957,
'Karpenissi'), (16930, 95, 1960, 'Thiva'), (42053, 95, 1961,
'Amarinthos'), (3963, 95, 1962, 'Athens'), (16405, 95, 1962,
'Koridhallos'), (42022, 95, 1962, 'Perist'), (3971, 95, 1962,
'Piraeus'), (17602, 95, 1962, 'Rafina'), (6431, 95, 1962, 'Sparta'), (3969,
95, 1963, 'Navplion'), (3964, 95, 1964, 'Corinth'), (6429, 95, 1965,
'Patrai'), (3970, 95, 1965, 'Patras'), (18398, 95, 1967,
'Kalamata'), (14031, 95, 1970, 'Chania'), (16691, 95, 1970,
'Kissamos'), (14711, 95, 1970, 'Souda'), (6424, 95, 1972,
'Irakleion'), (42308, 95, 1972, 'Rethymno'), (16396, 95, 1973, 'Agios
Nikolaos'), (41678, 95, 1974, 'Kos'), (6430, 95, 1974, 'Rhodes'), (41679,
95, 1975, 'Samos'), (6428, 95, 1976, 'Myconos'), (15777, 95, 1976,
'Naousa'), (41694, 95, 1976, 'Naxos'), (41680, 95, 1978,
'Mytilini'), (16927, 96, 1911, 'Kangerlussuaq'), (17453, 96, 1911,
'Nuuk'), (42089, 96, 1911, 'Upernavik'), (42394, 97, 1905, 'St
George''s'), (12901, 97, 5361, 'Hillsborough'), (3961, 98, 635,
'Lamentin'), (6433, 99, 636, 'Agana'), (13471, 99, 636, 'Agat'), (12498,
99, 636, 'Dededo'), (13855, 99, 636, 'Hagatna'), (16039, 99, 636,
'Maite'), (15230, 99, 636, 'Mangilao'), (19024, 99, 636, 'Piti'), (12642,
99, 636, 'Tamuning'), (41742, 99, 636, 'Yigo'), (16023, 99, 636,
'Yona'), (42256, 100, 1980, 'Salama'), (3980, 100, 1984,
'Escuintla'), (5363, 100, 1985, 'Boca Del Monte'), (5364, 100, 1985,
'Guatemala'), (5365, 100, 1985, 'MIXCO'), (13555, 100, 1985, 'San Jose
Pinula'), (3986, 100, 1985, 'SAN JUAN SACATEPEQUEZ'), (5366, 100, 1985,
'SAN MIGUEL PETAPA'), (5367, 100, 1985, 'VILLA CANALES'), (42072, 100,
1986, 'Huehuetenango'), (3984, 100, 1987, 'PUERTO BARRIOS'), (3982, 100,
1988, 'Jalapa'), (3983, 100, 1989, 'Jutiapa'), (5368, 100, 1989, 'VILLA
NUEVA'), (3976, 100, 1991, 'Antigua'), (3985, 100, 1991,
'Quezaltenango'), (3977, 100, 1992, 'Chichicastenango'), (3987, 100, 1992,
'SANTA CRUZ DEL QUICHE'), (3979, 100, 1996, 'Cuilapa'), (3989, 100, 1997,
'SOLOLA'), (3978, 100, 2000, 'Coban'), (3990, 100, 2000, 'ZACAPA'), (17854,
101, 638, 'Saint Peter Port'), (3960, 102, 2004, 'Conakry'), (18497, 104,
2030, 'Jonestown'), (5369, 104, 2032, 'Albion'), (3991, 104, 2032,
'Georgetown'), (5387, 104, 2032, 'MAHAICA'), (5389, 104, 2033, 'NEW
AMSTERDAM'), (5390, 104, 2033, 'OREALLA'), (5392, 104, 2033, 'PORT
MOURANT'), (5394, 104, 2033, 'ROSE HALL'), (5397, 104, 2033,
'SKELDON'), (5398, 104, 2033, 'SPRINGLANDS'), (5371, 104, 2034,
'Bartica'), (5375, 104, 2034, 'Charity'), (5391, 104, 2034,
'PARIKA'), (5374, 104, 2035, 'Blairmont'), (5383, 104, 2035, 'Fort
Wellington'), (5384, 104, 2035, 'Hopetown'), (5388, 104, 2035,
'MAHAICONY'), (5395, 104, 2035, 'ROSIGNOL'), (5399, 104, 2036,
'SUDDIE'), (5385, 104, 2038, 'Linden'), (5386, 104, 2038,
'MACKENZIE'), (5393, 104, 2038, 'ROCKSTONE'), (5416, 105, 2042,
'Bourdon'), (5419, 105, 2042, 'Delmas'), (5418, 105, 2044, 'Carrefour
Shada'), (5421, 105, 2046, 'Diquini'), (5422, 105, 2046,
'MARTISSANT'), (5423, 105, 2046, 'PETIONVILLE'), (3999, 105, 2046, 'PETIT
GOAVE'), (4000, 105, 2046, 'PORT-AU-PRINCE'), (3998, 105, 2048,
'Jacmel'), (42001, 107, 644, 'Vatican'), (5413, 108, 2049, 'TELA'), (6434,
108, 2050, 'Choluteca'), (5412, 108, 2050, 'SANTA RITA'), (6435, 108, 2052,
'Comayagua'), (6437, 108, 2053, 'Santa Rosa'), (42329, 108, 2054,
'Choloma'), (5408, 108, 2054, 'La Lima'), (5410, 108, 2054, 'Puerto
Cortes'), (5411, 108, 2054, 'SAN PEDRO SULA'), (5404, 108, 2055,
'Danli'), (5415, 108, 2055, 'YUSCARAN'), (5402, 108, 2056,
'Comayaguela'), (5403, 108, 2056, 'Cortes'), (5405, 108, 2056, 'El
Llano'), (5406, 108, 2056, 'El Progreso'), (3993, 108, 2056,
'TEGUCIGALPA'), (6436, 108, 2059, 'La Ceiba'), (42219, 108, 2059,
'Roatan'), (3992, 108, 2063, 'Juticalpa'), (5414, 108, 2064,
'YORO'), (5409, 108, 2066, 'Progreso'), (13561, 109, 646, 'Chai
Wan'), (13021, 109, 646, 'Fanling'), (14938, 109, 646, 'Hong
Kong'), (12918, 109, 646, 'Kowloon'), (12908, 109, 646, 'Kwun
Tong'), (42023, 109, 646, 'shatin'), (13039, 109, 646, 'Sheung
Shui'), (18411, 109, 646, 'Tai Po'), (16103, 109, 646, 'Tai Wan'), (41860,
109, 646, 'Tin Shui Wai'), (41947, 109, 646, 'Tseung Kwan O'), (14849, 109,
646, 'Tsuen Wan'), (42024, 109, 646, 'Tuen Mun'), (42268, 111, 2067,
'Hillye'), (12453, 111, 2067, 'Kecskemet'), (4004, 111, 2068,
'Pecs'), (6439, 111, 2070, 'Miskolc'), (4001, 111, 2071,
'Budapest'), (13741, 111, 2072, 'H'), (16240, 111, 2072, 'Mako'), (4006,
111, 2072, 'Szeged'), (4007, 111, 2074, 'Szekesfehervar'), (18954, 111,
2074, 'Sz'), (16829, 111, 2075, 'Sopron'), (4002, 111, 2076,
'Debrecen'), (41828, 111, 2077, 'Eger'), (18245, 111, 2078,
'Esztergom'), (16341, 111, 2080, 'P'), (15869, 111, 2082,
'Nagykoros'), (41829, 111, 2083, 'Eger'), (4005, 111, 2083,
'Siofok'), (13967, 111, 2084, 'Ny'), (4003, 111, 2086,
'Jaszbereny'), (4008, 111, 2086, 'Szolnok'), (42065, 111, 2087,
'Szekszard'), (16327, 111, 2090, 'Zalaegerszeg'), (6438, 111, 2091,
'Gyor'), (16951, 111, 2093, 'Dunaujvaros'), (13792, 111, 2103,
'Szombathely'), (6440, 112, 2107, 'Akureyri'), (42002, 112, 2108,
'Selfoss'), (6446, 112, 2111, 'Saudarkrokur'), (11884, 112, 2115,
'Hafnarfj'), (41871, 112, 2115, 'Kopavogur'), (13102, 112, 2118,
''), (18725, 112, 2119, 'Keflavik'), (6441, 112, 2125,
'Egilsstadir'), (6445, 112, 2126, 'Raufarhofn'), (6447, 112, 2128,
'Vestmannaeyjar'), (4068, 112, 2129, 'Reykjav'), (16544, 112, 2139,
'Patreksfj'), (6444, 112, 2142, 'Kirkjubaejarklaustur'), (42085, 113, 2168,
'Port Blair'), (42430, 113, 2169, 'Anantapur'), (42445, 113, 2169,
'Banganapalle'), (42448, 113, 2169, 'Bapatla'), (42471, 113, 2169,
'Bhimavaram'), (42796, 113, 2169, 'Chapirevula'), (42806, 113, 2169,
'Chirala'), (42809, 113, 2169, 'Chittoor'), (42814, 113, 2169,
'Cuddapah'), (42853, 113, 2169, 'Eluru'), (42863, 113, 2169,
'Gadag'), (42503, 113, 2169, 'Gudivada'), (16871, 113, 2169,
'Guntur'), (6453, 113, 2169, 'Hyderabad'), (42533, 113, 2169,
'Jagtial'), (42545, 113, 2169, 'Kadapa'), (41916, 113, 2169,
'Kakinada'), (42553, 113, 2169, 'Karimnagar'), (16531, 113, 2169,
'Kovur'), (42590, 113, 2169, 'Machilipatnam'), (42569, 113, 2169,
'Madanapalle'), (42574, 113, 2169, 'Mahabubnagar'), (42582, 113, 2169,
'Mancherial'), (42586, 113, 2169, 'Mangalagiri'), (42612, 113, 2169,
'Nagarkurnool'), (42103, 113, 2169, 'Nalgonda'), (42618, 113, 2169,
'Nandyal'), (42621, 113, 2169, 'Narasaraopet'), (16530, 113, 2169,
'Nellore'), (42630, 113, 2169, 'New Guntur'), (42633, 113, 2169,
'Ongole'), (42666, 113, 2169, 'Rajahmundry'), (42667, 113, 2169,
'Rajampet'), (42682, 113, 2169, 'Ravulapalem'), (15917, 113, 2169,
'Secunderabad'), (42710, 113, 2169, 'Siddipet'), (42730, 113, 2169,
'Srikakulam'), (42731, 113, 2169, 'Srikalahasti'), (42735, 113, 2169,
'Suryapet'), (42742, 113, 2169, 'Tandur'), (42739, 113, 2169,
'Tanuku'), (42744, 113, 2169, 'Tenali'), (42755, 113, 2169,
'Tirupathi'), (4065, 113, 2169, 'Vijayawada'), (42788, 113, 2169,
'Visakhapatnam'), (41725, 113, 2169, 'Vishakhapatnam'), (42789, 113, 2169,
'Vizianagaram'), (42215, 113, 2169, 'Warangal'), (42487, 113, 2170,
'Bongaigaon'), (41885, 113, 2170, 'Dibrugarh'), (41886, 113, 2170,
'Diphu'), (42841, 113, 2170, 'Dispur'), (41884, 113, 2170,
'Guwahati'), (41883, 113, 2170, 'Jorhat'), (41696, 113, 2170,
'Noida'), (41822, 113, 2170, 'Rangia'), (42712, 113, 2170,
'Silchar'), (14987, 113, 2170, 'Tezpur'), (42753, 113, 2170,
'Tinsukia'), (42434, 113, 2171, 'Araria'), (42436, 113, 2171,
'Arrah'), (42441, 113, 2171, 'Aurangabad'), (42488, 113, 2171,
'Barh'), (42463, 113, 2171, 'Bhagalpur'), (42479, 113, 2171, 'Bihar
Sharif'), (42485, 113, 2171, 'Bodh Gaya'), (42797, 113, 2171,
'Chapra'), (42822, 113, 2171, 'Darbhanga'), (42867, 113, 2171,
'Gaya'), (42557, 113, 2171, 'Khagaria'), (42563, 113, 2171,
'Lakhisarai'), (42598, 113, 2171, 'Mokama'), (42600, 113, 2171,
'Motihari'), (42608, 113, 2171, 'Muzaffarpur'), (41765, 113, 2171,
'Patna'), (42657, 113, 2171, 'Purnia'), (42691, 113, 2171,
'Samastipur'), (42725, 113, 2171, 'Sitamarhi'), (42726, 113, 2171,
'Siwan'), (16007, 113, 2172, 'Chandigarh'), (42817, 113, 2173,
'Dadra'), (42713, 113, 2173, 'Silvassa'), (13690, 113, 2174,
'Delhi'), (42629, 113, 2174, 'Dilli'), (14799, 113, 2174, 'New
Delhi'), (42420, 113, 2175, 'Achhod'), (6448, 113, 2175,
'Ahmedabad'), (42428, 113, 2175, 'Amreli'), (42429, 113, 2175,
'Anand'), (42432, 113, 2175, 'Ankleshwar'), (42263, 113, 2175,
'Barodra'), (42467, 113, 2175, 'Bharuch'), (42468, 113, 2175,
'Bhavnagar'), (42068, 113, 2175, 'Bhuj'), (42866, 113, 2175,
'Cambay'), (42818, 113, 2175, 'Dahod'), (42826, 113, 2175,
'Dehgam'), (42833, 113, 2175, 'Dharampur'), (42837, 113, 2175,
'Dholka'), (42848, 113, 2175, 'Dwarka'), (16022, 113, 2175,
'Gadhada'), (14855, 113, 2175, 'Gandhinagar'), (42871, 113, 2175,
'Godhra'), (42522, 113, 2175, 'Himatnagar'), (42526, 113, 2175,
'Idar'), (42536, 113, 2175, 'Jamnagar'), (42544, 113, 2175,
'Junagadh'), (42558, 113, 2175, 'Khambat'), (42579, 113, 2175,
'Mahuva'), (42609, 113, 2175, 'Manavadar'), (42592, 113, 2175,
'Mehsana'), (42610, 113, 2175, 'Nadiad'), (42626, 113, 2175,
'Navsari'), (42644, 113, 2175, 'Patan'), (42654, 113, 2175,
'Porbandar'), (16377, 113, 2175, 'Rajkot'), (42717, 113, 2175,
'Sihor'), (42243, 113, 2175, 'Surat'), (42734, 113, 2175,
'Surendranagar'), (15771, 113, 2175, 'Vadodara'), (42774, 113, 2175,
'Vallabh Vidhyanagar'), (42775, 113, 2175, 'Valsad'), (42777, 113, 2175,
'Vapi'), (42791, 113, 2175, 'Vyara'), (41994, 113, 2176, 'Ambala
'), (42489, 113, 2176, 'Bahadurgarh'), (42443, 113, 2176,
'Ballabhgarh'), (42474, 113, 2176, 'Bhiwani'), (42799, 113, 2176, 'Charkhi
Dadri'), (42856, 113, 2176, 'Faridabad'), (42859, 113, 2176,
'Fatehabad'), (42928, 113, 2176, 'Gohana'), (16743, 113, 2176,
'Gurgaon'), (42523, 113, 2176, 'Hansi'), (41823, 113, 2176,
'Hisar'), (42513, 113, 2176, 'Hodal'), (42585, 113, 2176,
'Manesar'), (42356, 113, 2176, 'Palwal'), (42638, 113, 2176,
'Panchkula'), (42640, 113, 2176, 'Panipat'), (42013, 113, 2176,
'Rewari'), (42221, 113, 2176, 'Rohtak'), (42728, 113, 2176,
'Sonipat'), (42484, 113, 2177, 'Bilaspur'), (42834, 113, 2177,
'Dharamsala'), (42510, 113, 2177, 'Hamirpur'), (42673, 113, 2177,
'Rampur'), (42716, 113, 2177, 'Shimla'), (4064, 113, 2177,
'Simla'), (41697, 113, 2178, 'Jammu'), (42567, 113, 2178, 'Leh'), (6460,
113, 2178, 'Srinagar'), (42763, 113, 2178, 'Udhampur'), (42440, 113, 2179,
'Ashtamichira'), (42499, 113, 2179, 'Calicut'), (42803, 113, 2179,
'Cherunniyoor'), (18348, 113, 2179, 'Cochin'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities`
(`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (42850, 113, 2179,
'Ernakulam'), (42350, 113, 2179, 'Kannur'), (42391, 113, 2179,
'Kayamkulam'), (42559, 113, 2179, 'Kochi'), (42660, 113, 2179,
'Kollam'), (16875, 113, 2179, 'Kottayam'), (41825, 113, 2179,
'Kozhikode'), (41986, 113, 2179, 'Malappuram'), (42634, 113, 2179,
'Palai'), (42659, 113, 2179, 'Punalur'), (42661, 113, 2179,
'Quilon'), (42743, 113, 2179, 'Tellicherry Kerala'), (42761, 113, 2179,
'Thiruvananthapuram'), (42749, 113, 2179, 'Thodupuzha'), (42747, 113, 2179,
'Thrikkannamangal'), (41751, 113, 2179, 'Thrissur'), (41774, 113, 2179,
'Tirur'), (42748, 113, 2179, 'Trichur'), (6461, 113, 2179,
'Trivandrum'), (42773, 113, 2179, 'Vatakara'), (42433, 113, 2181,
'Anuppur'), (42439, 113, 2181, 'Ashoknagar'), (42492, 113, 2181,
'Balaghat'), (42458, 113, 2181, 'Barwani'), (42462, 113, 2181,
'Betul'), (6450, 113, 2181, 'Bhopal'), (42083, 113, 2181,
'Chhatarpur'), (19022, 113, 2181, 'Chhindwara'), (42808, 113, 2181,
'Chitrakoot'), (42816, 113, 2181, 'Dabra'), (42821, 113, 2181,
'Damoh'), (42824, 113, 2181, 'Datia'), (42829, 113, 2181, 'Dewas'), (42832,
113, 2181, 'Dhar'), (42505, 113, 2181, 'Guna'), (18981, 113, 2181,
'Gwalior'), (42514, 113, 2181, 'Harda'), (16913, 113, 2181,
'Indore'), (19011, 113, 2181, 'Jabalpur'), (42539, 113, 2181,
'Jhabua'), (42556, 113, 2181, 'Katni'), (42583, 113, 2181,
'Mandla'), (42605, 113, 2181, 'Murwara'), (42622, 113, 2181,
'Narsimhapur'), (42623, 113, 2181, 'Narsinghgarh'), (42628, 113, 2181,
'Neemuch'), (42641, 113, 2181, 'Panna'), (42665, 113, 2181,
'Raisen'), (42668, 113, 2181, 'Rajgarh'), (42679, 113, 2181,
'Ratlam'), (42379, 113, 2181, 'Rewa'), (42689, 113, 2181, 'Sagar'), (42692,
113, 2181, 'Sanawad'), (42698, 113, 2181, 'Satna'), (42700, 113, 2181,
'Sehore'), (42701, 113, 2181, 'Seoni'), (42702, 113, 2181,
'Shajapur'), (42704, 113, 2181, 'Sheopur'), (42721, 113, 2181,
'Singrauli'), (42723, 113, 2181, 'Sironj'), (42759, 113, 2181,
'Tikamgarh'), (42768, 113, 2181, 'Ujjain'), (42785, 113, 2181,
'Vidisha'), (42419, 113, 2182, 'Achalpur'), (18487, 113, 2182,
'Ahmednagar'), (16844, 113, 2182, 'Akola'), (41760, 113, 2182,
'Amravati'), (42262, 113, 2182, 'Aurangabad'), (42449, 113, 2182,
'Baramati'), (42465, 113, 2182, 'Bhandara'), (42473, 113, 2182,
'Bhiwandi'), (42603, 113, 2182, 'Bombay'), (47809, 113, 2182, 'Bori
Kh'), (42800, 113, 2182, 'Chandrapur'), (42805, 113, 2182,
'Chiplun'), (42838, 113, 2182, 'Dhule'), (42844, 113, 2182,
'Dombivli'), (42847, 113, 2182, 'Durgapur'), (42864, 113, 2182,
'Gadchiroli'), (42872, 113, 2182, 'Gondiya'), (42014, 113, 2182,
'Jalgaon'), (42348, 113, 2182, 'Junnar'), (42547, 113, 2182,
'Kalyan'), (42548, 113, 2182, 'Kamthi'), (42552, 113, 2182,
'Karad'), (42560, 113, 2182, 'Kolhapur'), (42566, 113, 2182,
'Latur'), (42568, 113, 2182, 'Lonavla'), (42573, 113, 2182,
'Mahabaleswar'), (42591, 113, 2182, 'Mahad'), (42581, 113, 2182,
'Malegaon'), (42593, 113, 2182, 'Mira-Bhayandar'), (42594, 113, 2182,
'Miraj'), (6457, 113, 2182, 'Mumbai'), (6458, 113, 2182, 'Nagpur'), (42617,
113, 2182, 'Nanded'), (42619, 113, 2182, 'Nandurbar'), (42349, 113, 2182,
'Narayangaon'), (41855, 113, 2182, 'Nashik'), (42624, 113, 2182, 'Navi
Mumbai'), (42625, 113, 2182, 'New Mumbai'), (42639, 113, 2182,
'Pandharpur'), (42642, 113, 2182, 'Panvel'), (42643, 113, 2182,
'Paratwada'), (42649, 113, 2182, 'Pimpri Chinchwad'), (4062, 113, 2182,
'Pune'), (42680, 113, 2182, 'Ratnagiri'), (42247, 113, 2182,
'Roha'), (42694, 113, 2182, 'Sangamner'), (42007, 113, 2182,
'Sangli'), (42697, 113, 2182, 'Satara'), (42703, 113, 2182,
'Shegaon'), (42705, 113, 2182, 'Shevgaon'), (42719, 113, 2182,
'Shirala'), (42707, 113, 2182, 'Sholapur'), (42709, 113, 2182,
'Shrigonda'), (42708, 113, 2182, 'Shrirampur'), (42706, 113, 2182,
'Shrivardhan'), (42715, 113, 2182, 'Sinnar'), (41740, 113, 2182,
'Solapur'), (15508, 113, 2182, 'Thane'), (42769, 113, 2182,
'Ulhasnagar'), (42770, 113, 2182, 'Umred'), (41877, 113, 2182,
'Vasai'), (42787, 113, 2182, 'Virar'), (17577, 113, 2183,
'Imphal'), (42565, 113, 2183, 'Lamka'), (42251, 113, 2184,
'Shillong'), (4058, 113, 2185, 'Bangalore'), (41701, 113, 2185,
'Belgaum'), (42461, 113, 2185, 'Bellary'), (42498, 113, 2185,
'Bengaluru'), (42478, 113, 2185, 'Bidar'), (42325, 113, 2185, 'Bijapur
'), (42793, 113, 2185, 'Chamrajnagar'), (42804, 113, 2185,
'Chikmagalur'), (42807, 113, 2185, 'Chitradurga'), (42825, 113, 2185,
'Davanagere'), (42835, 113, 2185, 'Dharwad'), (42006, 113, 2185,
'Gulbarga'), (42506, 113, 2185, 'Gundlupet'), (42519, 113, 2185,
'Hassan'), (42518, 113, 2185, 'Hubli'), (42535, 113, 2185,
'Jamakhandi'), (42546, 113, 2185, 'Kalburgi'), (42555, 113, 2185,
'Karwar'), (42571, 113, 2185, 'Madikeri'), (41728, 113, 2185,
'Mangalore'), (42572, 113, 2185, 'Mercara'), (16034, 113, 2185,
'Mysore'), (42662, 113, 2185, 'Raichur'), (42690, 113, 2185, 'Sagar
KTK'), (42718, 113, 2185, 'Shimoga'), (42714, 113, 2185,
'Sindhanur'), (42760, 113, 2185, 'Thirthahalli'), (42764, 113, 2185,
'Udupi'), (42431, 113, 2187, 'Angul'), (42493, 113, 2187,
'Balasore'), (42453, 113, 2187, 'Bargarh'), (41853, 113, 2187,
'Baripada'), (6451, 113, 2187, 'Bhubaneshwar'), (42476, 113, 2187,
'Bhubaneswar'), (42491, 113, 2187, 'Bolangir'), (42815, 113, 2187,
'Cuttack'), (42836, 113, 2187, 'Dhenkanal'), (42865, 113, 2187,
'Ganjam'), (42656, 113, 2187, 'Puri'), (42664, 113, 2187,
'Rairangpur'), (41924, 113, 2187, 'Raurkela'), (42687, 113, 2187,
'Rourkela'), (42737, 113, 2187, 'Sambalpur'), (42575, 113, 2188,
'Mahe'), (15654, 113, 2188, 'Pondicherry'), (42653, 113, 2188,
'Puducherry'), (42417, 113, 2189, 'Abohar'), (6449, 113, 2189,
'Amritsar'), (42447, 113, 2189, 'Banur'), (42454, 113, 2189,
'Barnala'), (42795, 113, 2189, 'Chandigarh'), (42840, 113, 2189,
'Dhuri'), (42857, 113, 2189, 'Faridkot'), (42507, 113, 2189,
'Hoshiarpur'), (42532, 113, 2189, 'Jagraon'), (42531, 113, 2189,
'Jalalabad'), (41699, 113, 2189, 'Jalandhar'), (42551, 113, 2189,
'Kapurthala'), (6456, 113, 2189, 'Ludhiana'), (42580, 113, 2189,
'Malout'), (42596, 113, 2189, 'Moga'), (42597, 113, 2189,
'Mohali'), (42601, 113, 2189, 'Mukatsar'), (42602, 113, 2189,
'Mullanpur'), (42620, 113, 2189, 'Nangal'), (42645, 113, 2189,
'Pathankot'), (42646, 113, 2189, 'Patiala'), (42695, 113, 2189,
'Sangrur'), (42740, 113, 2189, 'Talwara'), (42423, 113, 2190,
'Ajmer'), (42426, 113, 2190, 'Alwar'), (42495, 113, 2190, 'Bali'), (42446,
113, 2190, 'Banswara'), (42450, 113, 2190, 'Baran'), (42456, 113, 2190,
'Barmer'), (42459, 113, 2190, 'Beawar'), (42466, 113, 2190,
'Bharatpur'), (42470, 113, 2190, 'Bhilwara'), (42472, 113, 2190,
'Bhinmal'), (42481, 113, 2190, 'Bikaner'), (42482, 113, 2190,
'Bilara'), (42897, 113, 2190, 'Chittorgarh'), (42855, 113, 2190,
'Falna'), (42511, 113, 2190, 'Hanumangarh'), (42516, 113, 2190,
'Harsawa'), (4060, 113, 2190, 'Jaipur'), (42529, 113, 2190,
'Jaisalmer'), (42530, 113, 2190, 'Jaitaran'), (42534, 113, 2190,
'Jalore'), (42540, 113, 2190, 'Jhalawar'), (42542, 113, 2190,
'Jhunjhunu'), (42543, 113, 2190, 'Jodhpur'), (42578, 113, 2190,
'Mahwa'), (42418, 113, 2190, 'Mount Abu'), (42613, 113, 2190,
'Nagaur'), (42627, 113, 2190, 'Nawalgarh'), (42635, 113, 2190,
'Pali'), (42652, 113, 2190, 'Pokaran'), (42658, 113, 2190,
'Pushkar'), (42672, 113, 2190, 'Ramgarh'), (42675, 113, 2190,
'Rani'), (42677, 113, 2190, 'Raniwara'), (42678, 113, 2190,
'Ratangarh'), (42688, 113, 2190, 'Sadri'), (42693, 113, 2190,
'Sanchore'), (42711, 113, 2190, 'Sikar'), (42722, 113, 2190,
'Sirohi'), (42727, 113, 2190, 'Sojat'), (42729, 113, 2190,
'Sriganganagar'), (42732, 113, 2190, 'Sumerpur'), (42733, 113, 2190,
'Suratgarh'), (42738, 113, 2190, 'Takhatgarh'), (42745, 113, 2190,
'Thathawata'), (12554, 113, 2190, 'Udaipur'), (42435, 113, 2191,
'Arcot'), (42437, 113, 2191, 'Aruppukkottai'), (42464, 113, 2191,
'Bhavani'), (42801, 113, 2191, 'Chengalpattu'), (13147, 113, 2191,
'Chennai'), (16360, 113, 2191, 'Coimbatore'), (42813, 113, 2191,
'Coonoor'), (13716, 113, 2191, 'Cuddalore'), (15849, 113, 2191,
'Dharmapuri'), (42842, 113, 2191, 'Dindigul'), (41922, 113, 2191,
'Erode'), (42502, 113, 2191, 'Gudalur'), (42003, 113, 2191,
'Kalpakkam'), (42549, 113, 2191, 'Kanchipuram'), (42554, 113, 2191,
'Karur'), (42802, 113, 2191, 'Madras'), (16567, 113, 2191,
'Madurai'), (42611, 113, 2191, 'Nagapattinam'), (42614, 113, 2191,
'Nagercoil'), (42616, 113, 2191, 'Namakkal'), (42766, 113, 2191,
'Ootacamund'), (42767, 113, 2191, 'Ooty'), (42651, 113, 2191,
'Pollachi'), (42670, 113, 2191, 'Ramanathapuram'), (42671, 113, 2191,
'Rameshwaram'), (4063, 113, 2191, 'Salem'), (42696, 113, 2191,
'Sathyamangalam'), (17517, 113, 2191, 'Sivakasi'), (16147, 113, 2191,
'Thanjavur'), (42746, 113, 2191, 'Thiruvallur'), (42750, 113, 2191,
'Thoothukudi'), (42752, 113, 2191, 'Tindivanam'), (16908, 113, 2191,
'Tiruchirappalli'), (41870, 113, 2191, 'Tirunelveli'), (42754, 113, 2191,
'Tirupattur'), (16375, 113, 2191, 'Tiruppur'), (42756, 113, 2191,
'Tirupur'), (42757, 113, 2191, 'Tiruvannamalai'), (42758, 113, 2191,
'Tiruvarur'), (42751, 113, 2191, 'Tuticorin'), (42765, 113, 2191,
'Udhagamandalam'), (42776, 113, 2191, 'Vandavasi'), (42784, 113, 2191,
'Vellore'), (42786, 113, 2191, 'Viluppuram'), (42790, 113, 2191,
'Virudhachalam'), (42421, 113, 2192, 'Agartala'), (42762, 113, 2192,
'Udaipur'), (41684, 113, 2193, 'Agra'), (42424, 113, 2193,
'Aligarh'), (42425, 113, 2193, 'Allahabad'), (42427, 113, 2193,
'Amethi'), (42442, 113, 2193, 'Azamgarh'), (42490, 113, 2193,
'Bahraich'), (42494, 113, 2193, 'Balia'), (42496, 113, 2193,
'Balrampur'), (42780, 113, 2193, 'Banaras'), (42497, 113, 2193,
'Banda'), (42452, 113, 2193, 'Bareilly'), (42779, 113, 2193,
'Benares'), (42480, 113, 2193, 'Bijnaur'), (42798, 113, 2193,
'Charkhari'), (42849, 113, 2193, 'Dadri'), (42851, 113, 2193,
'Etah'), (42852, 113, 2193, 'Etawah'), (42854, 113, 2193,
'Faizabad'), (42858, 113, 2193, 'Farrukhabad'), (42860, 113, 2193,
'Fatehgarh'), (42861, 113, 2193, 'Fatehpur Sikri'), (42862, 113, 2193,
'Firozabad'), (41695, 113, 2193, 'Gauhati'), (42868, 113, 2193,
'Ghaziabad'), (42869, 113, 2193, 'Ghazipur'), (42500, 113, 2193,
'Gorakhpur'), (42501, 113, 2193, 'Greater Noida'), (42515, 113, 2193,
'Hardoi'), (42520, 113, 2193, 'Hastinapur'), (42521, 113, 2193,
'Hathras'), (42528, 113, 2193, 'Jais'), (42538, 113, 2193,
'Jaunpur'), (42541, 113, 2193, 'Jhansi'), (6454, 113, 2193,
'Kanpur'), (42781, 113, 2193, 'Kashi'), (42564, 113, 2193,
'Lalitpur'), (6455, 113, 2193, 'Lucknow'), (42576, 113, 2193,
'Mahoba'), (42577, 113, 2193, 'Mahotsav Nagar'), (42584, 113, 2193,
'Mandsaur'), (42589, 113, 2193, 'Mathura'), (19035, 113, 2193,
'Meerut'), (42595, 113, 2193, 'Mirzapur'), (42599, 113, 2193,
'Moradabad'), (42607, 113, 2193, 'Muzaffarnagar'), (42632, 113, 2193,
'Nizamabad'), (42631, 113, 2193, 'Noida'), (42655, 113, 2193,
'Pratapgarh'), (42681, 113, 2193, 'Rae Bareli'), (42683, 113, 2193,
'Renukoot'), (42699, 113, 2193, 'Saharanpur'), (42724, 113, 2193,
'Sirsa'), (42736, 113, 2193, 'Sitapur'), (42771, 113, 2193,
'Unnao'), (42778, 113, 2193, 'Varanasi'), (42438, 113, 2194,
'Asansol'), (42444, 113, 2194, 'Baharampur'), (42451, 113, 2194,
'Bardhaman'), (42457, 113, 2194, 'Barrackpur'), (41793, 113, 2194,
'Burdwan'), (6452, 113, 2194, 'Calcutta'), (42794, 113, 2194,
'Chandannagar'), (42810, 113, 2194, 'Contai'), (42811, 113, 2194, 'Cooch
Behar'), (42823, 113, 2194, 'Darjeeling'), (42839, 113, 2194,
'Dhulian'), (42845, 113, 2194, 'Dumdum'), (41792, 113, 2194,
'Durgapur'), (42508, 113, 2194, 'Haldia'), (42524, 113, 2194,
'Halisahar'), (42512, 113, 2194, 'Howrah'), (41987, 113, 2194,
'Kharagpur'), (42812, 113, 2194, 'Kochbihar'), (42561, 113, 2194,
'Kolkata'), (42562, 113, 2194, 'Krishnanagar'), (42606, 113, 2194,
'Murshidabad'), (42674, 113, 2194, 'Ranaghat'), (41791, 113, 2194,
'Raniganj'), (42684, 113, 2194, 'Rishra'), (42720, 113, 2194,
'Siliguri'), (42741, 113, 2194, 'Tamluk'), (42772, 113, 2194,
'Uttarpara'), (42081, 113, 2195, 'Gangtok'), (42525, 113, 2196,
'Itanagar'), (42422, 113, 2197, 'Aizwal'), (42820, 113, 2198,
'Daman'), (42843, 113, 2198, 'Diu'), (41700, 113, 2199, 'Goa'), (42870,
113, 2199, 'Goa Velha'), (42570, 113, 2199, 'Madgaon'), (42587, 113, 2199,
'Mapusa'), (42588, 113, 2199, 'Marmagao'), (42636, 113, 2199,
'Panaji'), (42637, 113, 2199, 'Panjim'), (42650, 113, 2199,
'Ponda'), (42783, 113, 2199, 'Vasco'), (42782, 113, 2199, 'Vasco da
Gama'), (42792, 113, 5259, 'Champawat'), (41683, 113, 5259, 'Dehra
Dun'), (42827, 113, 5259, 'Dehradun'), (42509, 113, 5259,
'Haldwani'), (42517, 113, 5259, 'Haridwar'), (42604, 113, 5259,
'Mussoorie'), (42035, 113, 5259, 'Naini Tal'), (42615, 113, 5259,
'Nainital'), (42648, 113, 5259, 'Pithoragarh'), (42676, 113, 5259,
'Ranikhet'), (42685, 113, 5259, 'Rishikesh'), (42686, 113, 5259,
'Roorkee'), (42469, 113, 5267, 'Bhilai'), (41919, 113, 5267,
'Bilaspur'), (42830, 113, 5267, 'Dhamtari'), (42846, 113, 5267,
'Durg'), (42527, 113, 5267, 'Jagdalpur'), (42550, 113, 5267,
'Kanker'), (41918, 113, 5267, 'Korba'), (42663, 113, 5267,
'Raigarh'), (41917, 113, 5267, 'Raipur'), (42669, 113, 5267,
'Rajnandgaon'), (42486, 113, 5268, 'Bokaro Steel City'), (42819, 113, 5268,
'Daltonganj'), (42828, 113, 5268, 'Deoghar'), (42831, 113, 5268,
'Dhanbad'), (42504, 113, 5268, 'Gumla'), (42537, 113, 5268,
'Jamshedpur'), (42647, 113, 5268, 'Patratu'), (15772, 113, 5268,
'Ranchi'), (1171, 114, 49, 'Denpasar'), (13609, 114, 49,
'Klungkung'), (14087, 114, 49, 'Kuta'), (14086, 114, 49, 'Nusa
Dua'), (14088, 114, 49, 'Ubud'), (15877, 114, 189, 'Biak'), (15882, 114,
189, 'Fakfak'), (15874, 114, 189, 'Jayapura'), (15875, 114, 189,
'manokwari'), (15880, 114, 189, 'merauke'), (15879, 114, 189,
'nabire'), (15878, 114, 189, 'serui'), (15876, 114, 189, 'sorong'), (15881,
114, 189, 'timika'), (42328, 114, 2143, 'Meulaboh '), (6462, 114, 2145,
'Bali'), (4010, 114, 2145, 'Jakarta'), (4009, 114, 2147,
'Bandung'), (16873, 114, 2147, 'Bekasi'), (11955, 114, 2147,
'Bogor'), (14843, 114, 2147, 'Depok'), (12574, 114, 2148,
'Purwokerto'), (12156, 114, 2148, 'Purworejo'), (6465, 114, 2148,
'Semarang'), (17858, 114, 2149, 'Blitar'), (15883, 114, 2149,
'Gresik'), (14791, 114, 2149, 'Malang'), (18482, 114, 2149,
'Pasuruan'), (18480, 114, 2149, 'Sidoarjo'), (4011, 114, 2149,
'Surabaya'), (12150, 114, 2150, 'Yogyakarta'), (1314, 114, 2151,
'Pontianak'), (42884, 114, 2152, 'Banjarmasin'), (42914, 114, 2153,
'Palangkaraya'), (6463, 114, 2154, 'Balikpapan'), (1315, 114, 2154,
'Samarinda'), (16592, 114, 2155, 'Bandar Lampung'), (42255, 114, 2157,
'batuhijau sumbawa'), (14041, 114, 2157, 'Kuta'), (13106, 114, 2157,
'Mataram'), (14042, 114, 2157, 'Praya'), (14044, 114, 2157,
'Selong'), (15515, 114, 2159, 'Batam'), (41757, 114, 2159,
'Pakanbaru'), (1235, 114, 2160, 'Ujung Pandang'), (16230, 114, 2163,
'Bitung'), (14026, 114, 2163, 'Manado'), (14029, 114, 2163,
'Tomohon'), (14027, 114, 2163, 'Tondano'), (6464, 114, 2165,
'Palembang'), (14487, 114, 2166, 'Binjei'), (12917, 114, 2166,
'Medan'), (12818, 114, 2166, 'Padang'), (42410, 114, 2166,
'Pematangsiantar'), (16366, 114, 5286, 'Karawaci'), (16471, 114, 5286,
'Tangerang'), (42044, 115, 2200, 'Orumiyeh'), (41758, 115, 2203,
'Zahedan'), (41783, 115, 2206, 'Fasa'), (41781, 115, 2206,
'Jahrom'), (41782, 115, 2206, 'Lar'), (41780, 115, 2206, 'Shiraz'), (19036,
115, 2210, 'Kish'), (41929, 115, 2212, 'Kermanshah'), (6466, 115, 2213,
'Ahvaz'), (42010, 115, 2215, 'Behshahr'), (41873, 115, 2215,
'Sari'), (41718, 115, 2221, 'Arak'), (41726, 115, 2222, 'Damghan'), (41985,
115, 2223, 'Karaj'), (4066, 115, 2223, 'Tehran'), (42008, 115, 2225,
'Baharestan'), (42226, 115, 2226, 'Rafsanjan'), (6467, 115, 2227,
'Mashhad'), (6468, 115, 2230, 'Tabriz'), (42362, 116, 2308, 'Ar
Rutbah'), (42361, 116, 2308, 'Fallujah'), (6470, 116, 2309,
'Basra'), (42895, 116, 2312, 'Arbil'), (42894, 116, 2312, 'As
Sulaymaniyah'), (6469, 116, 2314, 'Baghdad'), (18311, 116, 2322,
'Nineveh'), (42106, 116, 2324, 'An Najaf'), (4016, 117, 1598,
'Ennis'), (6475, 117, 1598, 'Shannon'), (15732, 117, 1599,
'Bantry'), (4013, 117, 1599, 'Cork'), (4022, 117, 1599, 'Longford'), (4017,
117, 1600, 'Enniscorthy'), (15263, 117, 1600, 'Letterkenny'), (4015, 117,
1601, 'Dublin'), (18126, 117, 1601, 'Tallaght'), (42936, 117, 1602,
'Clifden'), (4018, 117, 1602, 'Galway'), (4019, 117, 1603,
'Killarney'), (4021, 117, 1603, 'Listowel'), (4026, 117, 1603,
'Tralee'), (18459, 117, 1604, 'Leixlip'), (16813, 117, 1605,
'Kilkenny'), (4020, 117, 1608, 'Limerick'), (17856, 117, 1609,
'Edgeworthstown'), (16004, 117, 1610, 'Dundalk'), (6472, 117, 1611,
'Bangor'), (14314, 117, 1611, 'Castlebar'), (16001, 117, 1611,
'Westport'), (42025, 117, 1612, 'Athboy'), (4025, 117, 1616,
'Sligo'), (4027, 117, 1618, 'Waterford'), (15461, 117, 1619,
'Athlone'), (13304, 117, 1619, 'Mullingar'), (4023, 117, 1620, 'New
Ross'), (15366, 117, 1621, 'Wicklow'), (13780, 118, 2232,
'Beer-Sheva'), (15221, 118, 2232, 'Dimona'), (4035, 118, 2232,
'Eilat'), (12295, 118, 2232, 'Hevron'), (15452, 118, 2232, 'Kiryat
Gat'), (18959, 118, 2232, 'Rechovot'), (4057, 118, 2232,
'Yeroham'), (18142, 118, 2233, 'Ashdod'), (5023, 118, 2233, 'B''nei
Brak'), (42027, 118, 2233, 'hod hasharon'), (12126, 118, 2233, 'Kfar
saba'), (16957, 118, 2233, 'Lod'), (18088, 118, 2233, 'Modiin'), (18871,
118, 2233, 'Nablus'), (14194, 118, 2233, 'Natanya'), (12874, 118, 2233,
'Ness Ziona'), (42877, 118, 2233, 'Petach Tikva'), (4046, 118, 2233, 'Petah
Tiqva'), (4047, 118, 2233, 'Raanana'), (4050, 118, 2233, 'Rehovot'), (4056,
118, 2233, 'Yehud'), (4028, 118, 2234, 'Afula'), (4029, 118, 2234,
'Akko'), (17835, 118, 2234, 'Araba'), (4041, 118, 2234,
'Karmi''el'), (16429, 118, 2234, 'Kiryat Ata'), (17433, 118, 2234, 'Kiryat
Haim'), (15955, 118, 2234, 'Kiryat Shemoneh'), (16129, 118, 2234,
'Maalot'), (42028, 118, 2234, 'Nahariya'), (14824, 118, 2234, 'Nazareth
Illit'), (4052, 118, 2234, 'Safed'), (4034, 118, 2235,
'Bethshemesh'), (14954, 118, 2235, 'Hadera'), (4037, 118, 2235,
'Haifa'), (4038, 118, 2235, 'Hatzor'), (4045, 118, 2235, 'Kiryat
Motzkin'), (16200, 118, 2235, 'Kuryat Bialik'), (42029, 118, 2235,
'Nesher'), (4054, 118, 2235, 'Tiberias'), (15130, 118, 2236, 'Bat
Yam'), (4036, 118, 2236, 'Givatayim'), (4039, 118, 2236,
'Herzliyya'), (12946, 118, 2236, 'Holon'), (4044, 118, 2236, 'Kiryat
Ekron'), (4048, 118, 2236, 'Ramat Gan'), (4049, 118, 2236, 'Ramat
Hasharon'), (4051, 118, 2236, 'Rishon Le Zion'), (15900, 118, 2236, 'Tel
Aviv'), (18916, 118, 2237, 'BEIT JALA'), (16589, 118, 2237,
'Bethlehem'), (18872, 118, 2237, 'Gerusaleme'), (6476, 118, 2237,
'Jerusalem'), (16543, 118, 2237, 'Maaleh Hahamishah'), (18869, 118, 2237,
'Palestine'), (18862, 118, 2237, 'Ramallah'), (4055, 118, 2237,
'Yavne'), (15213, 119, 2238, 'Chieti'), (14682, 119, 2238,
'L''Aquila'), (4112, 119, 2238, 'Pescara'), (14393, 119, 2239, 'Genzano Di
Lucania'), (16453, 119, 2239, 'Matera'), (4116, 119, 2239,
'Potenza'), (41932, 119, 2240, 'Catanzaro'), (4082, 119, 2240,
'Cosenza'), (41933, 119, 2240, 'Crotone'), (12253, 119, 2240, 'Lamezia
Terme'), (12176, 119, 2240, 'Palmi'), (4109, 119, 2240, 'Paterno'), (41874,
119, 2240, 'Reggio di Calabria'), (18338, 119, 2240, 'Vibo
Valentia'), (4071, 119, 2241, 'Amalfi'), (14337, 119, 2241,
'Avellino'), (42344, 119, 2241, 'Benevento'), (12149, 119, 2241,
'Caserta'), (17158, 119, 2241, 'Castello di Cisterna'), (4090, 119, 2241,
'Gaeta'), (12211, 119, 2241, 'Napoli'), (17438, 119, 2241, 'Sala
Consilina'), (14478, 119, 2241, 'Salerno'), (13691, 119, 2241,
'solofra'), (4124, 119, 2241, 'Sorrento'), (18219, 119, 2241, 'torre del
greco'), (4076, 119, 2242, 'Bologna'), (14552, 119, 2242,
'Cattolica'), (18877, 119, 2242, 'Cesena'), (4085, 119, 2242,
'Ferrara'), (18925, 119, 2242, 'forli'), (18591, 119, 2242,
'Gambettola'), (15088, 119, 2242, 'Guastalla'), (15911, 119, 2242,
'Imola'), (4103, 119, 2242, 'Modena'), (4106, 119, 2242, 'Noceto'), (12641,
119, 2242, 'Parma'), (11874, 119, 2242, 'Piacenza'), (13216, 119, 2242,
'Ravenna'), (4118, 119, 2242, 'Reggio Emilia'), (4120, 119, 2242,
'Rimini'), (18201, 119, 2242, 'Sala Bolognese'), (17113, 119, 2242, 'San
Secondo Parmense'), (18169, 119, 2242, 'Scandiano'), (18297, 119, 2243,
'Budoia'), (14825, 119, 2243, 'Lignano'), (15423, 119, 2243,
'Maniago'), (15210, 119, 2243, 'Pordenone'), (6484, 119, 2243,
'Trieste'), (14183, 119, 2243, 'Udine'), (18269, 119, 2244, 'Castelnuovo Di
porto'), (4081, 119, 2244, 'Cisterna'), (14268, 119, 2244,
'Civitavecchia'), (14269, 119, 2244, 'Fregene'), (17403, 119, 2244,
'Frosinone'), (16881, 119, 2244, 'Guidonia'), (15022, 119, 2244,
'Latina'), (4100, 119, 2244, 'Marino'), (18156, 119, 2244, 'Ostia'), (4121,
119, 2244, 'Rome'), (14271, 119, 2244, 'santa Marinella'), (4128, 119,
2244, 'Viterbo'), (15288, 119, 2245, 'Albenga'), (12929, 119, 2245,
'Bordighera'), (4091, 119, 2245, 'Genoa'), (12005, 119, 2245,
'Genova'), (4094, 119, 2245, 'Imperia'), (4096, 119, 2245, 'La
Spezia'), (42313, 119, 2245, 'Montessoro'), (42390, 119, 2245,
'Portofino'), (13307, 119, 2245, 'Rapallo'), (42383, 119, 2245,
'Riomaggiore'), (13498, 119, 2245, 'San Remo'), (12023, 119, 2245,
'Savona'), (4123, 119, 2245, 'Sestri Levante'), (14601, 119, 2246,
'Arese'), (15871, 119, 2246, 'Assago'), (4075, 119, 2246,
'Bergamo'), (14778, 119, 2246, 'Brembate'), (12287, 119, 2246,
'Brescia'), (4078, 119, 2246, 'Cantu'), (12004, 119, 2246, 'Cardano al
Campo'), (14710, 119, 2246, 'Carugate'), (13942, 119, 2246, 'Cologno
Monzese'), (6479, 119, 2246, 'Como'), (4083, 119, 2246, 'Cremona'), (42935,
119, 2246, 'Gallarate'), (14475, 119, 2246, 'Lainate'), (16154, 119, 2246,
'Lecco'), (15031, 119, 2246, 'Lissone'), (4097, 119, 2246, 'Lodi'), (4098,
119, 2246, 'Lonate Pozzolo'), (12403, 119, 2246, 'Mantova'), (17144, 119,
2246, 'Merate'), (11937, 119, 2246, 'Milano'), (4105, 119, 2246,
'Monza'), (16345, 119, 2246, 'Olgiate Molgora'), (18022, 119, 2246,
'Olgiate Olona'), (13468, 119, 2246, 'Pavia'), (13172, 119, 2246,
'Sondrio'), (15136, 119, 2246, 'Treviglio'), (14629, 119, 2246,
'Varese'), (12856, 119, 2246, 'Vigevano'), (18865, 119, 2246,
'Vimercate'), (15276, 119, 2246, 'Voghera'), (14210, 119, 2247,
'Ancona'), (15185, 119, 2247, 'Ascoli Piceno'), (41903, 119, 2247,
'Fermo'), (18461, 119, 2247, 'Jesi'), (15748, 119, 2247,
'Macerata'), (18833, 119, 2247, 'Osimo'), (15574, 119, 2247,
'Pesaro'), (4122, 119, 2247, 'San Benedetto Del Tronto'), (15498, 119,
2248, 'Campobasso'), (13479, 119, 2248, 'Frosolone'), (14985, 119, 2249,
'Acqui Terme'), (17387, 119, 2249, 'Alagna Valsesia'), (4070, 119, 2249,
'Alba'), (14543, 119, 2249, 'Alpignano'), (4074, 119, 2249,
'Asti'), (15002, 119, 2249, 'Biella'), (13292, 119, 2249,
'Borgomanero'), (17386, 119, 2249, 'Borgosesia'), (15517, 119, 2249,
'Burolo'), (18182, 119, 2249, 'Cuneo'), (4095, 119, 2249, 'Ivrea'), (12523,
119, 2249, 'Moncalieri'), (6481, 119, 2249, 'Novara'), (42261, 119, 2249,
'Oleggio'), (16399, 119, 2249, 'Omegna'), (4114, 119, 2249,
'Pinerolo'), (16912, 119, 2249, 'Sala Biellese'), (13790, 119, 2249,
'Settimo Torinese'), (11915, 119, 2249, 'Torino'), (4127, 119, 2249, 'Torre
Pellice'), (16910, 119, 2249, 'Trecate'), (6485, 119, 2249,
'Turin'), (16053, 119, 2249, 'Valenza'), (17392, 119, 2249, 'Varallo
Sesia'), (13023, 119, 2249, 'Verbania'), (14063, 119, 2250, 'Bari'), (4079,
119, 2250, 'Capurso'), (14369, 119, 2250, 'Conversano'), (14378, 119, 2250,
'Foggia'), (14750, 119, 2250, 'Lecce'), (17284, 119, 2250,
'Maglie'), (16917, 119, 2250, 'Monopoli'), (4117, 119, 2250,
'Putignano'), (15197, 119, 2250, 'Taranto'), (17579, 119, 2251,
'Alghero'), (6478, 119, 2251, 'Cagliari'), (15376, 119, 2251, 'La
Maddalena'), (13381, 119, 2251, 'Nuoro'), (18108, 119, 2251,
'Olbia'), (4107, 119, 2251, 'Oristano'), (18118, 119, 2251,
'Sassari'), (13249, 119, 2251, 'Selargius'), (4069, 119, 2252,
'Agrigento'), (12368, 119, 2252, 'Augusta'), (18967, 119, 2252, 'Belmonte
Mezzagno'), (4077, 119, 2252, 'Caltanissetta'), (16494, 119, 2252, 'Capo
d_Orlando'), (14193, 119, 2252, 'Castelvetrano'), (12635, 119, 2252,
'Catania'), (17063, 119, 2252, 'Enna'), (4089, 119, 2252,
'Floridia'), (13015, 119, 2252, 'messina'), (4102, 119, 2252,
'Milazzo'), (6483, 119, 2252, 'Palermo'), (4119, 119, 2252,
'Ribera'), (12018, 119, 2252, 'Siracusa'), (4126, 119, 2252,
'Terrasini'), (18184, 119, 2252, 'Trapani'), (14192, 119, 2253,
'Arezzo'), (16419, 119, 2253, 'Bottegone'), (13947, 119, 2253,
'Cecina'), (4086, 119, 2253, 'Fiesole'), (42030, 119, 2253,
'Firenze'), (4088, 119, 2253, 'Florence'), (41911, 119, 2253,
'Follonica'), (4092, 119, 2253, 'Greve'), (13491, 119, 2253,
'Grosseto'), (12718, 119, 2253, 'Livorno'), (4099, 119, 2253,
'Lucca'), (17802, 119, 2253, 'Massa'), (4115, 119, 2253, 'Pisa'), (12382,
119, 2253, 'Pistoia'), (12633, 119, 2253, 'Prato'), (14080, 119, 2253,
'Siena'), (13288, 119, 2253, 'viareggio'), (6477, 119, 2254,
'Bolzano'), (15383, 119, 2254, 'Merano'), (18037, 119, 2254,
'Trento'), (4072, 119, 2255, 'Assisi'), (16250, 119, 2255,
'Foligno'), (4111, 119, 2255, 'Perugia'), (4125, 119, 2255,
'Spoleto'), (42097, 119, 2255, 'Terni'), (12618, 119, 2256,
'Aosta'), (16907, 119, 2256, 'Cervinia'), (16909, 119, 2256,
'Valtournenche'), (16054, 119, 2257, 'Abano Terme'), (14707, 119, 2257,
'Bassano Del Grappa'), (15471, 119, 2257, 'Castelfranco Veneto'), (17264,
119, 2257, 'Cittadella'), (17249, 119, 2257, 'Conegliano'), (17430, 119,
2257, 'Cortina d''Ampezzo'), (13547, 119, 2257, 'Malcesine'), (41833, 119,
2257, 'Mirano'), (6482, 119, 2257, 'Padova'), (4110, 119, 2257,
'Pedavena'), (41764, 119, 2257, 'Piove di Sacco'), (14438, 119, 2257,
'Rovigo'), (13916, 119, 2257, 'Thiene'), (13637, 119, 2257,
'Treviso'), (6486, 119, 2257, 'Venice'), (12319, 119, 2257,
'Verona'), (11768, 119, 2257, 'Vicenza'), (5426, 120, 2373, 'Amity
Hall'), (5437, 120, 2373, 'Chapelton'), (5442, 120, 2373,
'Denbigh'), (5450, 120, 2373, 'Four Paths'), (5451, 120, 2373,
'Freetown'), (5472, 120, 2373, 'Kellits'), (5477, 120, 2373, 'Lime
Hall'), (5479, 120, 2373, 'Lionel Town'), (5487, 120, 2373, 'May
Pen'), (5490, 120, 2373, 'Milk River Bath'), (5500, 120, 2373,
'Palmers'), (5506, 120, 2373, 'Race Course'), (5509, 120, 2373,
'Rhymesbury'), (5439, 120, 2374, 'Chigwell'), (5475, 120, 2374,
'Lethe'), (5481, 120, 2374, 'Lucea'), (5511, 120, 2374, 'Salt
Spring'), (5513, 120, 2374, 'Shettlewood'), (5431, 120, 2375, 'Browns
Town'), (5473, 120, 2375, 'Kendal'), (5483, 120, 2375,
'Mandeville'), (5505, 120, 2375, 'Porus'), (5524, 120, 2375, 'Spur
Tree'), (5455, 120, 2377, 'Golden Spring'), (5456, 120, 2377, 'Gordon
Town'), (5461, 120, 2377, 'Half Way Tree'), (5491, 120, 2377,
'Mocho'), (5493, 120, 2377, 'Montpelier'), (5503, 120, 2377, 'Port
Maria'), (5531, 120, 2377, 'Stony Hill'), (5443, 120, 2378, 'Discovery
Bay'), (5482, 120, 2378, 'Lydford'), (5492, 120, 2378, 'Moneague'), (4132,
120, 2378, 'Ocho Rios'), (5430, 120, 2379, 'Braeton'), (5433, 120, 2379,
'Bushy Park'), (5436, 120, 2379, 'Central Village'), (5454, 120, 2379,
'Garlands'), (5457, 120, 2379, 'Goshen'), (5459, 120, 2379, 'Gregory
Park'), (5465, 120, 2379, 'Highgate'), (5469, 120, 2379,
'Innswood'), (5478, 120, 2379, 'Linstead'), (5485, 120, 2379, 'Marlie
Mount'), (5495, 120, 2379, 'Naggo Head'), (5499, 120, 2379, 'Old
Harbour'), (5501, 120, 2379, 'Passage Fort'), (5504, 120, 2379,
'Portmore'), (5508, 120, 2379, 'Rest'), (5517, 120, 2379, 'Spanish
Town'), (5522, 120, 2379, 'Spring Village'), (5523, 120, 2379,
'Springfield'), (5529, 120, 2379, 'Stanberry Grove'), (5440, 120, 2380,
'Claremont'), (5466, 120, 2380, 'Hopeton'), (5474, 120, 2380,
'Kensington'), (5489, 120, 2380, 'Middle Quarters'), (5496, 120, 2380,
'Nain'), (5425, 120, 2381, 'AdelphI'), (5427, 120, 2381, 'Anchovy'), (5428,
120, 2381, 'Bickersteth'), (5435, 120, 2381, 'Catadupa'), (5438, 120, 2381,
'Chatham'), (5447, 120, 2381, 'Flagstaff'), (5449, 120, 2381, 'Flower
Hill'), (5460, 120, 2381, 'Guilsbro'), (5476, 120, 2381, 'Lima'), (5480,
120, 2381, 'Lottery'), (5486, 120, 2381, 'Maroon Town'), (4130, 120, 2381,
'Montego Bay'), (5494, 120, 2381, 'Mount Carey'), (5502, 120, 2381,
'Point'), (5507, 120, 2381, 'Reading'), (5515, 120, 2381,
'Somerton'), (5518, 120, 2381, 'Spot Valley'), (5519, 120, 2381, 'Spring
Mount'), (5533, 120, 2381, 'Unity Hall'), (5537, 120, 2381,
'Wiltshire'), (5441, 120, 2382, 'Copse'), (5434, 120, 2383,
'Cambridge'), (5462, 120, 2383, 'Harbour Head'), (4131, 120, 2383, 'Morant
Bay'), (5444, 120, 2384, 'Duncans'), (5445, 120, 2384, 'Falmouth'), (5453,
120, 2384, 'Gales Valley'), (5510, 120, 2384, 'Rio Bueno'), (5521, 120,
2384, 'Spring Vale'), (5458, 120, 2385, 'Grange Hill'), (5497, 120, 2385,
'Negril'), (5512, 120, 2385, 'Seven Rivers'), (5471, 120, 2386, 'Johns
Hall'), (14284, 120, 2386, 'Kingston'), (6494, 122, 659,
'Hachijojima'), (4137, 122, 2326, 'Anjo'), (4169, 122, 2326,
'Handa'), (4172, 122, 2326, 'Hekinan'), (6499, 122, 2326, 'Kanoya'), (4219,
122, 2326, 'Kasugai'), (4234, 122, 2326, 'Komaki'), (4277, 122, 2326,
'Nagoya'), (4303, 122, 2326, 'Okazaki'), (4368, 122, 2326,
'Toyokawa'), (4239, 122, 2327, 'Kure'), (4292, 122, 2327,
'Noshiro'), (6491, 122, 2328, 'Aomori'), (4146, 122, 2328, 'Beppu'), (4198,
122, 2328, 'Itayanagi'), (4241, 122, 2328, 'Kuroishi'), (4259, 122, 2328,
'Misawa'), (16732, 122, 2329, 'Abiko'), (4147, 122, 2329, 'Chiba'), (4151,
122, 2329, 'Choshi'), (17359, 122, 2329, 'Funabashi'), (4163, 122, 2329,
'Futtsu'), (4187, 122, 2329, 'Ichihara'), (4188, 122, 2329,
'Ichikawa'), (4190, 122, 2329, 'Ikata'), (18077, 122, 2329,
'Kamagaya'), (4218, 122, 2329, 'Kashiwa'), (4225, 122, 2329,
'Kisarazu'), (6500, 122, 2329, 'Komatsu'), (4249, 122, 2329, 'Matsuto
Shi'), (15206, 122, 2329, 'Nagareyama'), (4281, 122, 2329,
'Narashino'), (4354, 122, 2329, 'Tamana'), (4356, 122, 2329,
'Tateyama'), (4379, 122, 2329, 'Urayasu'), (4394, 122, 2329,
'Yotsukaido'), (4192, 122, 2330, 'Imabari'), (4250, 122, 2330,
'Matsuyama'), (4266, 122, 2330, 'Moriyama'), (4350, 122, 2330,
'Takayama'), (4161, 122, 2331, 'Fukui'), (16942, 122, 2331, 'Ohi'), (4381,
122, 2331, 'Wakayama'), (4162, 122, 2332, 'Fukuoka'), (4228, 122, 2332,
'Kitakyushu'), (4242, 122, 2332, 'Kurume'), (4305, 122, 2332,
'Omuta'), (4334, 122, 2332, 'Shingu'), (6489, 122, 2333, 'Aikawa'), (4200,
122, 2333, 'Iwaki'), (6508, 122, 2333, 'Miyako'), (4164, 122, 2334,
'Gifu'), (4214, 122, 2334, 'Kanayama'), (4343, 122, 2334,
'Tajimi'), (16369, 122, 2335, 'Annaka'), (4143, 122, 2335, 'Aso'), (17931,
122, 2335, 'Gunma'), (4197, 122, 2335, 'Isesaki'), (4224, 122, 2335,
'Kiryu'), (6502, 122, 2335, 'Maebashi'), (4272, 122, 2335,
'Naganohara'), (4349, 122, 2335, 'Takasaki'), (4180, 122, 2336,
'Hiroshima'), (4194, 122, 2336, 'Imazu'), (4201, 122, 2336,
'Iwakuni'), (4227, 122, 2336, 'Kitakami'), (6490, 122, 2337,
'Akita'), (4140, 122, 2337, 'Asahikawa'), (4150, 122, 2337,
'Chitose'), (4153, 122, 2337, 'Ebetsu'), (15382, 122, 2337,
'Fukagawa'), (6495, 122, 2337, 'Hakodate'), (4202, 122, 2337,
'Iwamizawa'), (4229, 122, 2337, 'Kitami'), (6501, 122, 2337,
'Kushiro'), (12613, 122, 2337, 'Meguro'), (4251, 122, 2337,
'Memuro'), (4264, 122, 2337, 'Mombetsu'), (4283, 122, 2337,
'Nemuro'), (4295, 122, 2337, 'Obihiro'), (4317, 122, 2337, 'Sakai'), (4319,
122, 2337, 'Sapporo'), (4320, 122, 2337, 'Saroma'), (4332, 122, 2337,
'Shimukappu'), (4336, 122, 2337, 'Shizunai'), (4358, 122, 2337,
'Teshio'), (6524, 122, 2337, 'Urakawa'), (6527, 122, 2337,
'Wakkanai'), (4136, 122, 2338, 'Akashi'), (16915, 122, 2338,
'Amagasaki-City'), (4142, 122, 2338, 'Ashiya'), (4176, 122, 2338,
'Himeji'), (4207, 122, 2338, 'Kaibara'), (4221, 122, 2338,
'Kawanishi'), (4230, 122, 2338, 'Kobe'), (4255, 122, 2338, 'Miki'), (4289,
122, 2338, 'Nishinomiya'), (4290, 122, 2338, 'Nishiwaki'), (4318, 122,
2338, 'Sanda'), (4321, 122, 2338, 'Sasayama'), (4323, 122, 2338,
'Sawara'), (4348, 122, 2338, 'Takarazuka'), (4352, 122, 2338,
'Takino'), (4357, 122, 2338, 'Tatsuno'), (4387, 122, 2338,
'Yashiro'), (16726, 122, 2338, 'Yumesaki'), (4157, 122, 2339,
'Fujishiro'), (4182, 122, 2339, 'Hitachi'), (17925, 122, 2339,
'Ibaraki'), (4261, 122, 2339, 'Mito'), (6515, 122, 2339, 'Onahama'), (4344,
122, 2339, 'Takahagi'), (17232, 122, 2339, 'Tsukuba'), (4388, 122, 2339,
'Yatabe'), (4215, 122, 2340, 'Kanazawa'), (4254, 122, 2340,
'Mikawa'), (6525, 122, 2340, 'Wajima'), (4168, 122, 2341,
'Hanamaki'), (41747, 122, 2341, 'Morioka'), (4346, 122, 2342,
'Takamatsu'), (4206, 122, 2343, 'Kagoshima'), (4236, 122, 2343,
'Kuji'), (4244, 122, 2343, 'Kushikino'), (6511, 122, 2343, 'Naze'), (4375,
122, 2343, 'Tsuruta'), (4144, 122, 2344, 'Atsugi'), (4156, 122, 2344,
'Fujisawa'), (4167, 122, 2344, 'Hadano'), (4179, 122, 2344,
'Hiratsuka'), (4222, 122, 2344, 'Kawasaki'), (4296, 122, 2344,
'Odawara'), (4299, 122, 2344, 'Oiso'), (4391, 122, 2344,
'Yokohama'), (4392, 122, 2344, 'Yokosuka'), (4231, 122, 2345,
'Kochi'), (4260, 122, 2345, 'Mishima'), (4184, 122, 2346, 'Hondo'), (4237,
122, 2346, 'Kumamoto'), (4212, 122, 2347, 'Kameoka'), (4246, 122, 2347,
'Kyoto'), (6503, 122, 2347, 'Maizuru'), (4263, 122, 2347, 'Miyazu'), (4268,
122, 2347, 'Muko'), (4199, 122, 2348, 'Iwai'), (6517, 122, 2348,
'Owase'), (6521, 122, 2348, 'Suzuka'), (4203, 122, 2349, 'Iwanuma'), (4226,
122, 2349, 'Kishiwada'), (4325, 122, 2349, 'Sendai'), (4262, 122, 2350,
'Miyazaki'), (4291, 122, 2350, 'Nobeoka'), (4149, 122, 2351,
'Chino'), (4248, 122, 2351, 'Matsumoto'), (4269, 122, 2351,
'Mure'), (17531, 122, 2351, 'Nagano'), (4301, 122, 2351, 'Okaya'), (4335,
122, 2351, 'Shiojiri'), (4340, 122, 2351, 'Suwa'), (6493, 122, 2352,
'Fukue'), (4195, 122, 2352, 'Isahaya'), (4275, 122, 2352,
'Nagasaki'), (6516, 122, 2352, 'Oshima'), (4322, 122, 2352,
'Sasebo'), (6526, 122, 2352, 'Wakamatsu'), (4373, 122, 2353,
'Tsuru'), (4273, 122, 2354, 'Nagaoka'), (4286, 122, 2354,
'Niigata'), (14829, 122, 2354, 'Urasa'), (4385, 122, 2354,
'Yamauchi'), (4271, 122, 2355, 'Nagano'), (18082, 122, 2355,
'Nakatsu'), (6512, 122, 2355, 'Oita'), (4306, 122, 2355, 'Ono'), (4390,
122, 2355, 'Yokkaichi'), (4238, 122, 2356, 'Kurashiki'), (4258, 122, 2356,
'Minori'), (4302, 122, 2356, 'Okayama'), (4377, 122, 2356,
'Tsuyama'), (4389, 122, 2356, 'Yokaichi'), (4174, 122, 2357,
'Higashiosaka'), (4208, 122, 2357, 'Kaizuka'), (4307, 122, 2357,
'Osaka'), (16847, 122, 2357, 'Suita'), (6520, 122, 2357, 'Suttsu'), (4345,
122, 2357, 'Takaishi'), (14092, 122, 2357, 'Takatsuki'), (4365, 122, 2357,
'Tondabayashi'), (4370, 122, 2357, 'Toyonaka'), (6528, 122, 2357,
'Yokota'), (4138, 122, 2358, 'Arita'), (16229, 122, 2358,
'Kanzaki'), (16952, 122, 2358, 'Takeo'), (4148, 122, 2359,
'Chichibu'), (4170, 122, 2359, 'Hanno'), (4220, 122, 2359,
'Kawagoe'), (47808, 122, 2359, 'Kawaguchi'), (6509, 122, 2359,
'Miyakojima'), (16788, 122, 2359, 'Omiya'), (4316, 122, 2359,
'Sakado'), (4338, 122, 2359, 'Shobu'), (4339, 122, 2359, 'Soka'), (4362,
122, 2359, 'Tokorozawa'), (4371, 122, 2359, 'Toyota'), (4378, 122, 2359,
'Urawa'), (4382, 122, 2359, 'Warabi'), (4175, 122, 2360, 'Hikone'), (4243,
122, 2360, 'Kusatsu'), (4247, 122, 2360, 'Makino'), (4297, 122, 2360,
'Ohara'), (4312, 122, 2360, 'Otsu'), (6496, 122, 2361, 'Hamada'), (4193,
122, 2361, 'Imaichi'), (6498, 122, 2361, 'Izuhara'), (6504, 122, 2361,
'Matsue'), (6518, 122, 2361, 'Saigo'), (4154, 122, 2362, 'Fuji'), (4155,
122, 2362, 'Fujinomiya'), (4165, 122, 2362, 'Gotemba'), (41743, 122, 2362,
'Hamamatsu'), (4191, 122, 2362, 'Ikawa'), (4204, 122, 2362,
'Iwata'), (4209, 122, 2362, 'Kakegawa'), (16593, 122, 2362,
'Matsuzaki'), (4256, 122, 2362, 'Mikkabi'), (4293, 122, 2362,
'Numazu'), (4298, 122, 2362, 'Ohito'), (4328, 122, 2362, 'Shimada'), (4330,
122, 2362, 'Shimizu'), (4331, 122, 2362, 'Shimoda'), (4337, 122, 2362,
'Shizuoka'), (4141, 122, 2363, 'Ashikaga'), (4380, 122, 2363,
'Utsunomiya'), (4267, 122, 2364, 'Motoyama'), (16859, 122, 2364,
'Naruto'), (4363, 122, 2364, 'Tokushima'), (4376, 122, 2364,
'Tsushima'), (18618, 122, 2365, 'Hachioji'), (4173, 122, 2365,
'Higashimurayama'), (4177, 122, 2365, 'Hino'), (4223, 122, 2365,
'Kijima'), (18643, 122, 2365, 'Mitaka'), (4282, 122, 2365,
'Narita'), (18522, 122, 2365, 'Nerima'), (4311, 122, 2365, 'Ota'), (4324,
122, 2365, 'Sayama'), (4341, 122, 2365, 'Tachikawa'), (4364, 122, 2365,
'Tokyo'), (4359, 122, 2366, 'Toba'), (6523, 122, 2366, 'Tottori'), (4294,
122, 2367, 'Nyuzen'), (4347, 122, 2367, 'Takaoka'), (4367, 122, 2367,
'Toyama'), (4171, 122, 2368, 'Hashimoto'), (4205, 122, 2368,
'Izumo'), (4245, 122, 2368, 'Kushimoto'), (4374, 122, 2369,
'Tsuruoka'), (4393, 122, 2369, 'Yonezawa'), (4342, 122, 2370,
'Tahara'), (4386, 122, 2370, 'Yao'), (4189, 122, 2371,
'Ichikawadaimon'), (4232, 122, 2371, 'Kofu'), (4288, 122, 2371,
'Nirasaki'), (4314, 122, 2371, 'Ryuo'), (4384, 122, 2371,
'Yamanouchi'), (17404, 122, 2372, 'Ginowan'), (18642, 122, 2372,
'Ginoza'), (4178, 122, 2372, 'Hirara'), (17542, 122, 2372,
'Kadena'), (17405, 122, 2372, 'Nagata'), (4276, 122, 2372, 'Nago'), (4278,
122, 2372, 'Naha'), (6513, 122, 2372, 'Okinawa'), (4360, 122, 2372,
'Tobaru'), (41806, 122, 5265, 'AOL'), (13070, 124, 661, 'St
Helier'), (4135, 126, 2387, 'Madaba'), (18993, 126, 2388, 'Aqaba'), (14180,
126, 2389, 'Karak'), (4134, 126, 2391, 'Amman'), (41810, 126, 2393, 'Az
Zarqa'), (15693, 126, 2394, 'Irbid'), (4408, 128, 2445, 'Almaty'), (42297,
128, 2447, 'Aqtobe'), (42326, 128, 2448, 'Astana'), (42298, 128, 2450,
'Oral'), (19025, 128, 2454, 'Pavlodar'), (6529, 128, 2455,
'Karaganda'), (13618, 128, 2456, 'Kostanai'), (15715, 128, 2458,
'Semipalatinsk'), (4409, 128, 2459, 'Kokshetau'), (4410, 128, 2460,
'Zhambyl'), (4405, 129, 2395, 'Nyeri'), (4402, 129, 2396,
'Mombasa'), (6530, 129, 2397, 'Embu'), (4401, 129, 2397, 'Meru'), (4404,
129, 2397, 'Nakuru'), (4403, 129, 2398, 'Nairobi'), (4400, 129, 2400,
'Kisumu'), (4397, 129, 2401, 'Eldoret'), (6531, 129, 2401,
'Kitale'), (42363, 129, 2401, 'Naivasha'), (4399, 129, 2402,
'Kakamega'), (6532, 132, 2417, 'P''yongyang'), (18889, 133, 670,
'Pusan-Kuso-2-dong'), (4981, 133, 2424, 'Jeju'), (4993, 133, 2424,
'Pohang'), (4978, 133, 2425, 'Anyang'), (4983, 133, 2425, 'Chonju'), (4990,
133, 2425, 'Kunsan'), (15565, 133, 2426, 'Chongju'), (4985, 133, 2426,
'Chungju'), (4989, 133, 2427, 'Kangnung'), (4996, 133, 2427,
'Sokch''o'), (5001, 133, 2427, 'Tongdu-ch''on'), (5003, 133, 2427,
'Wonju'), (4982, 133, 2428, 'Chinju'), (5002, 133, 2428, 'Ulsan'), (18987,
133, 2429, 'Haeundae'), (18892, 133, 2429, 'Kuso-dong;Pusan-gu'), (4992,
133, 2429, 'Masan'), (4994, 133, 2429, 'Pusan'), (4979, 133, 2430, 'Bucheon
City'), (18068, 133, 2432, 'Buchon'), (4987, 133, 2432, 'Inchon'), (15287,
133, 2432, 'Kunp''o'), (15417, 133, 2432, 'Osan'), (14545, 133, 2432,
'P''yongt''aek'), (41790, 133, 2432, 'Pyeongtaek'), (16372, 133, 2432,
'Seoul'), (5015, 133, 2432, 'Songnam'), (4998, 133, 2432, 'Suwon'), (16088,
133, 2432, 'Tongduch''on'), (11887, 133, 2432, 'Uijongbu'), (17778, 133,
2433, 'Kyongju'), (4999, 133, 2433, 'Taegu'), (4977, 133, 2435,
'Andong'), (4991, 133, 2435, 'Kwangju'), (5000, 133, 2436,
'Taejon'), (42886, 134, 2439, 'Al Sharq'), (13807, 134, 2439,
'Khalidia'), (6533, 134, 2439, 'Kuwait'), (18204, 134, 2439,
'Safat'), (14482, 134, 2441, 'Bayan'), (17645, 134, 2441,
'Mishref'), (42059, 134, 2441, 'Salwa'), (18538, 134, 2442,
'Ahmadi'), (17998, 134, 2442, 'Salmiya'), (18882, 134, 2443,
'Jahra'), (16955, 134, 2444, 'Al Farwaniyah'), (4406, 135, 2403,
'Bishkek'), (4407, 135, 2409, 'Karakol'), (19009, 136, 2478,
'Vientiane'), (16465, 137, 2490, 'Ligatne'), (4421, 137, 2501,
'Liepaja'), (4422, 137, 2510, 'RIGA'), (15568, 137, 2511,
'Jurmala'), (16328, 137, 2511, 'salaspils'), (13818, 137, 2511,
'Sigulda'), (15567, 137, 2518, 'Ventspils'), (18995, 138, 2483,
'Amioun'), (6535, 138, 2483, 'Tripoli'), (17786, 138, 2484,
'Ashrafieh'), (6534, 138, 2484, 'Beirut'), (19004, 138, 2485,
'Jbeil'), (41730, 138, 2485, 'Jounieh'), (4415, 139, 2617,
'Maseru'), (16786, 140, 677, 'Turnersville'), (4413, 140, 2574,
'Gbarnga'), (4412, 140, 2583, 'Clay-Ashland'), (4414, 140, 2583,
'Monrovia'), (6536, 141, 2674, 'Tripoli'), (13083, 142, 2606,
'Vaduz'), (42104, 143, 2521, 'Alytaus'), (42162, 143, 2521,
'Daugai'), (42163, 143, 2521, 'Druskininkai'), (42164, 143, 2521,
'Lazdijai'), (42165, 143, 2521, 'Simnas'), (42166, 143, 2521,
'Varena'), (42167, 143, 2521, 'Veisiejai'), (42168, 143, 2531,
'Ariogala'), (42169, 143, 2531, 'Birstonas'), (42170, 143, 2531,
'Dotnuva'), (42171, 143, 2531, 'Ezerelis'), (42172, 143, 2531,
'Garliava'), (42173, 143, 2531, 'Jieznas'), (42174, 143, 2531,
'Jonava'), (42175, 143, 2531, 'Kacergine'), (42176, 143, 2531,
'Kaisiadorys'), (4416, 143, 2531, 'Kaunas'), (42177, 143, 2531,
'Kedainiai'), (42178, 143, 2531, 'Kulautuva'), (42179, 143, 2531,
'Prienai'), (42180, 143, 2531, 'Raseiniai'), (42181, 143, 2531,
'Vilkija'), (42182, 143, 2531, 'Ziezmariai'), (42183, 143, 2535,
'Gargzdai'), (4417, 143, 2535, 'Klaipeda'), (42184, 143, 2535,
'Kretinga'), (42185, 143, 2535, 'Neringa'), (42186, 143, 2535,
'Pagegiai'), (16499, 143, 2535, 'Palanga'), (42187, 143, 2535,
'Panemune'), (42188, 143, 2535, 'Priekule'), (42189, 143, 2535,
'Rusne'), (42190, 143, 2535, 'Salantai'), (42191, 143, 2535,
'Silute'), (42192, 143, 2535, 'Skuodas'), (42193, 143, 2535, 'Zemaiciu
Naumiestis'), (42107, 143, 2540, 'Gelgaudiskis'), (42108, 143, 2540,
'Kalvarija'), (42109, 143, 2540, 'Kazlu Ruda'), (42110, 143, 2540,
'Kudirkos Naumiestis'), (42111, 143, 2540, 'Kybartai'), (42112, 143, 2540,
'Marijampole'), (42113, 143, 2540, 'Sakiai'), (42114, 143, 2540,
'Vilkaviskis'), (42115, 143, 2540, 'Virbalis'), (42140, 143, 2548,
'Birzai'), (42141, 143, 2548, 'JoniSkelis'), (42142, 143, 2548,
'Juodupe'), (42143, 143, 2548, 'KupiSkis'), (42144, 143, 2548,
'Obeliai'), (42145, 143, 2548, 'Pandelys'), (42146, 143, 2548,
'Panevezys'), (42147, 143, 2548, 'Pasvalys'), (42148, 143, 2548,
'Ramygala'), (42149, 143, 2548, 'RokiSkis'), (42150, 143, 2548,
'Subacius'), (42151, 143, 2548, 'Vabalninkas'), (42194, 143, 2557,
'Akmene'), (42195, 143, 2557, 'JoniSkis'), (42102, 143, 2557,
'Kelme'), (42196, 143, 2557, 'KurSenai'), (42197, 143, 2557,
'Linkuva'), (42198, 143, 2557, 'Naujoji Akmene'), (42199, 143, 2557,
'Pakruojis'), (42200, 143, 2557, 'RadviliSkis'), (42201, 143, 2557,
'Seduva'), (42101, 143, 2557, 'Siauliai'), (42202, 143, 2557,
'Tyruliai'), (42203, 143, 2557, 'Tytuvenai'), (42204, 143, 2557,
'Uzventis'), (42205, 143, 2557, 'Venta'), (42206, 143, 2557,
'ViekSniai'), (42207, 143, 2557, 'Zagare'), (42129, 143, 2564,
'Jurbarkas'), (42130, 143, 2564, 'Silale'), (42131, 143, 2564,
'Skaudvile'), (42132, 143, 2564, 'Smalininkai'), (42133, 143, 2564,
'Taurage'), (42134, 143, 2565, 'Mazeikiai'), (42135, 143, 2565,
'Plunge'), (42136, 143, 2565, 'Rietavas'), (42137, 143, 2565,
'Seda'), (42138, 143, 2565, 'TelSiai'), (42139, 143, 2565,
'Varniai'), (42152, 143, 2568, 'AnykSciai'), (42153, 143, 2568,
'DukStas'), (42154, 143, 2568, 'Dusetos'), (42155, 143, 2568,
'Ignalina'), (42156, 143, 2568, 'Kavarskas'), (42157, 143, 2568,
'Moletai'), (42158, 143, 2568, 'TroSkunai'), (42159, 143, 2568,
'Turmantas'), (42105, 143, 2568, 'Utena'), (42160, 143, 2568,
'Visaginas'), (42161, 143, 2568, 'Zarasai'), (42116, 143, 2572, 'Baltoji
Voke'), (42117, 143, 2572, 'Eisiskes'), (14331, 143, 2572,
'Elektrenai'), (42118, 143, 2572, 'Grigiskes'), (42119, 143, 2572,
'Lentvaris'), (18939, 143, 2572, 'Nemencine'), (42120, 143, 2572,
'Pabrade'), (42121, 143, 2572, 'Rudiskes'), (42122, 143, 2572,
'Salcininkai'), (42123, 143, 2572, 'Sirvintos'), (42124, 143, 2572,
'Svencioneliai'), (42125, 143, 2572, 'Svencionys'), (42126, 143, 2572,
'Trakai'), (42127, 143, 2572, 'Ukmerge'), (42128, 143, 2572,
'Vievis'), (6537, 143, 2572, 'Vilnius'), (17524, 144, 2623,
'Bourscheid'), (12053, 144, 2623, 'Clervaux'), (4418, 144, 2623,
'Diekirch'), (4420, 144, 2623, 'Ettelbruck'), (15806, 144, 2624,
'Petange'), (18712, 144, 2625, 'Bertrange'), (41736, 144, 2625,
'Differdange'), (18549, 144, 2625, 'Dudelange'), (4419, 144, 2625,
'Esch-Sur-Alzette'), (13988, 144, 2625, 'Hesperange'), (6538, 144, 2625,
'Luxembourg'), (17868, 144, 2625, 'Pontpierre'), (17314, 144, 2625,
'Strassen'), (13526, 145, 2683, 'Macau'), (5005, 146, 5135,
'Skopje'), (15456, 146, 5208, 'Ohrid'), (5006, 146, 5239,
'Tetovo'), (42235, 146, 5243, 'Veles'), (18321, 147, 2676,
'Madagascar'), (18419, 147, 2676, 'Nosy-Be'), (16048, 147, 2680,
'Antananarivo'), (42355, 147, 2681, 'Tulear'), (4430, 148, 2755,
'Lilongwe'), (4429, 148, 2768, 'Blantyre'), (12152, 149, 2897, 'Batu
Pahat'), (6539, 149, 2897, 'Johor Baharu'), (15262, 149, 2897,
'Kluang'), (13277, 149, 2897, 'Kota Tinggi'), (14464, 149, 2897,
'Muar'), (13556, 149, 2897, 'Pontian'), (17082, 149, 2897,
'Segamat'), (12540, 149, 2898, 'Alor Setar'), (16256, 149, 2898,
'Jitra'), (12388, 149, 2898, 'Kulim'), (15286, 149, 2898, 'Sungai
Petani'), (16269, 149, 2899, 'Kota Bharu'), (18342, 149, 2900,
'Jasin'), (6542, 149, 2900, 'Malacca'), (18369, 149, 2901,
'Jelebu'), (12897, 149, 2901, 'Kuala Pilah'), (12900, 149, 2901,
'Seremban'), (17634, 149, 2902, 'Bentong'), (17657, 149, 2902,
'Jerantut'), (16703, 149, 2902, 'Kuantan'), (16882, 149, 2902,
'Raub'), (12355, 149, 2903, 'Ipoh'), (13132, 149, 2903, 'Kampar'), (13639,
149, 2903, 'Kuala Kangsar'), (17162, 149, 2903, 'Sitiawan'), (16997, 149,
2903, 'Taiping'), (17727, 149, 2903, 'Teluk Intan'), (15868, 149, 2904,
'Arau'), (14691, 149, 2904, 'Kangar'), (12389, 149, 2905, 'Bayan
Lepas'), (18110, 149, 2905, 'Butterworth'), (12014, 149, 2905, 'George
Town'), (6544, 149, 2905, 'Penang'), (17788, 149, 2905, 'Prai'), (15996,
149, 2905, 'Pulau Pinang'), (12919, 149, 2906, 'Kuching'), (6543, 149,
2906, 'Miri'), (13515, 149, 2906, 'Sibu'), (15577, 149, 2906, 'Sri
Aman'), (17490, 149, 2907, 'Ampang'), (41707, 149, 2907, 'Bangi'), (15176,
149, 2907, 'Cyberjaya'), (15525, 149, 2907, 'Dengkil'), (13322, 149, 2907,
'Kajang'), (12277, 149, 2907, 'Klang'), (12220, 149, 2907, 'Petaling
Jaya'), (18746, 149, 2907, 'Puchong'), (12888, 149, 2907, 'Selayang
Jaya'), (18381, 149, 2907, 'Serdang'), (13009, 149, 2907, 'Shah
Alam'), (13545, 149, 2907, 'Subang Jaya'), (18368, 149, 2907, 'Ulu
Kelang'), (15413, 149, 2908, 'Dungun'), (18826, 149, 2908,
'Jerteh'), (15919, 149, 2908, 'Kemaman'), (16160, 149, 2908, 'Kuala
Terengganu'), (16762, 149, 2909, 'Cheras'), (17390, 149, 2909, 'Kuala
Lumpur'), (18012, 149, 2909, 'Sentul'), (15572, 149, 2911,
'Beaufort'), (6540, 149, 2911, 'Kota Kinabalu'), (42331, 149, 2911,
'Kudat'), (16604, 149, 2911, 'Labuan'), (19006, 149, 2911,
'Nabawan'), (18278, 149, 2911, 'Sandakan'), (12707, 149, 2911,
'Tawau'), (14569, 150, 2881, 'Male'), (4426, 151, 2770, 'Bamako'), (4428,
151, 2770, 'Tombouctou'), (4427, 151, 2773, 'Gao'), (42959, 151, 2773,
'Mopti'), (42960, 151, 5367, 'Tessalit'), (14397, 152, 689,
'Attard'), (17301, 152, 689, 'Birzebbugia'), (15348, 152, 689,
'Cospicua'), (41788, 152, 689, 'Ghaxaq'), (41787, 152, 689,
'Gudja'), (13560, 152, 689, 'Luqa'), (5009, 152, 689, 'Mosta'), (17255,
152, 689, 'Msida'), (15583, 152, 689, 'Paola'), (11772, 152, 689,
'Rabat'), (18406, 152, 689, 'Saint Julians'), (17783, 152, 689, 'Saint
Venera'), (19028, 152, 689, 'San Gwann'), (12833, 152, 689,
'Siggiewi'), (14956, 152, 689, 'Sliema'), (13876, 152, 689,
'Tarxien'), (6545, 152, 689, 'Valletta'), (12255, 152, 689,
'Victoria'), (12981, 152, 689, 'Zebbug'), (41789, 152, 689,
'Zejtun'), (41835, 152, 689, 'Zurrieq'), (19041, 153, 690,
'Castletown'), (14505, 153, 690, 'Douglas'), (41779, 153, 690,
'Peel'), (41756, 153, 690, 'ramsey'), (11982, 154, 691,
'Kwajalein'), (41706, 154, 691, 'Majuro'), (6546, 155, 5376,
'Fort-De-France'), (18413, 156, 4975, 'Nouakchott'), (41840, 157, 2827,
'Quatre Bornes'), (12590, 157, 2828, 'Port Louis'), (4432, 159, 56, 'Agua
Prieta'), (4440, 159, 56, 'Caborca'), (4441, 159, 56, 'Cananea'), (4455,
159, 56, 'Cumpas'), (4459, 159, 56, 'Empalme'), (4464, 159, 56,
'Guaymas'), (1191, 159, 56, 'Hermosillo'), (6555, 159, 56, 'Heroica
Caborca'), (4481, 159, 56, 'Nacozari De Garcia'), (4483, 159, 56,
'Navojoa'), (6562, 159, 56, 'Nogales'), (4490, 159, 56, 'Puerto
Penasco'), (4493, 159, 56, 'Sahuaripa'), (4500, 159, 56, 'San Luis Rio
Colorado'), (4518, 159, 56, 'Ures'), (4434, 159, 59, 'Ajijic'), (4438, 159,
59, 'Autlan De Navarro'), (6552, 159, 59, 'Ciudad Guzman'), (1211, 159, 59,
'Guadalajara'), (4469, 159, 59, 'La Barca'), (4470, 159, 59, 'Lagos De
Moreno'), (4472, 159, 59, 'Loreto'), (4484, 159, 59, 'Ocotlan'), (4488,
159, 59, 'Poncitlan'), (4491, 159, 59, 'Puerto Vallarta'), (4508, 159, 59,
'Tepatitlan'), (4512, 159, 59, 'Tlaquepaque'), (4526, 159, 59,
'Zapopan'), (1212, 159, 60, 'Pachuca'), (6564, 159, 60, 'Progreso'), (4516,
159, 60, 'Tula'), (4517, 159, 60, 'Tulancingo'), (1213, 159, 61,
'Cuernavaca'), (4456, 159, 62, 'Delicias'), (4495, 159, 62,
'Salvatierra'), (4496, 159, 62, 'San Cristobal De Las Casas'), (1214, 159,
62, 'Tuxtla Gutierrez'), (1215, 159, 63, 'Villahermosa'), (1237, 159, 66,
'Acapulco'), (4447, 159, 66, 'Chilpancingo'), (4462, 159, 66,
'Guamuchil'), (6556, 159, 66, 'Ixtapa'), (4505, 159, 66, 'Taxco'), (4510,
159, 66, 'Tixtla De Guerrero'), (6571, 159, 66, 'Zihuatanejo'), (15404,
159, 69, 'Allende'), (4461, 159, 69, 'Gomez Palacio'), (1275, 159, 69,
'Monterrey'), (15696, 159, 69, 'San Nicolas de los Garza'), (6553, 159, 70,
'Ciudad Madero'), (1276, 159, 70, 'Ciudad Victoria'), (4465, 159, 70,
'Hidalgo'), (6559, 159, 70, 'Matamoros'), (6563, 159, 70, 'Nuevo
Laredo'), (6567, 159, 70, 'Reynosa'), (6570, 159, 70, 'Tampico'), (4431,
159, 71, 'Acambaro'), (4444, 159, 71, 'Celaya'), (4463, 159, 71,
'Guanajuato'), (4467, 159, 71, 'Irapuato'), (1277, 159, 71, 'Leon'), (4494,
159, 71, 'Salamanca'), (4501, 159, 71, 'San Miguel De Allende'), (13757,
159, 71, 'Valle de Santiago'), (18384, 159, 72, 'Akumal'), (4442, 159, 72,
'Cancun'), (1295, 159, 72, 'Chetumal'), (4453, 159, 72, 'Coyoacan'), (6554,
159, 72, 'Cozumel'), (12110, 159, 72, 'Playa Del Carmen'), (6566, 159, 72,
'Puerto Juarez'), (6548, 159, 73, 'Baja San Quintin'), (4460, 159, 73,
'Ensenada'), (4475, 159, 73, 'Maneadero'), (1316, 159, 73,
'Mexicali'), (4479, 159, 73, 'Mulege'), (17435, 159, 73,
'Rosarito'), (4506, 159, 73, 'Tecate'), (4439, 159, 74, 'Cabo San
Lucas'), (1331, 159, 74, 'La Paz'), (4498, 159, 74, 'San Jose Del
Cabo'), (4513, 159, 74, 'Todos Santos'), (1345, 159, 196,
'Chihuahua'), (4448, 159, 196, 'Ciudad Juarez'), (18354, 159, 196,
'Juarez'), (4486, 159, 196, 'Parral'), (4503, 159, 196, 'Santa
Rosalia'), (1346, 159, 197, 'Colima'), (4476, 159, 197,
'Manzanillo'), (14874, 159, 197, 'Tecom'), (4449, 159, 198, 'Ciudad
Lerdo'), (1347, 159, 198, 'Durango'), (4492, 159, 198, 'Rosario'), (4458,
159, 201, 'El Rosario'), (1350, 159, 201, 'Oaxaca'), (6565, 159, 201,
'Puerto Angel'), (42360, 159, 201, 'Puerto Escondido'), (6569, 159, 201,
'Salina Cruz'), (4497, 159, 201, 'San Felipe'), (4499, 159, 201, 'San Juan
Del Rio'), (4435, 159, 203, 'Alamos'), (6558, 159, 203, 'Linares'), (42358,
159, 203, 'Matehuala'), (13733, 159, 203, 'San Luis Potos'), (4487, 159,
204, 'Piedras Negras'), (1353, 159, 204, 'Tlaxcala'), (42338, 159, 206,
'Fresnillo'), (15579, 159, 206, 'Juan Aldama'), (1355, 159, 206,
'Zacatecas'), (4433, 159, 2885, 'Aguascalientes'), (1344, 159, 2886,
'Campeche'), (6551, 159, 2886, 'Ciudad Del Carmen'), (4466, 159, 2886,
'Huatabampo'), (4436, 159, 2887, 'Arizpe'), (6550, 159, 2887, 'Ciudad
Acuna'), (6560, 159, 2887, 'Monclova'), (18509, 159, 2887,
'Morelos'), (12316, 159, 2887, 'Pi edras Negras'), (6568, 159, 2887,
'Sabinas'), (1236, 159, 2887, 'Saltillo'), (4515, 159, 2887,
'Torreon'), (4522, 159, 2887, 'Valles'), (13494, 159, 2888,
'Mexico'), (16031, 159, 2889, 'Atizap'), (4437, 159, 2889,
'Atotonilco'), (18933, 159, 2889, 'Ciudad de M'), (1348, 159, 2889, 'Estado
De Mexico'), (14949, 159, 2889, 'Metepec'), (4482, 159, 2889,
'Naucalpan'), (4509, 159, 2889, 'Tijuana'), (4514, 159, 2889,
'Toluca'), (4520, 159, 2889, 'Valle De Bravo'), (6547, 159, 2890,
'Apatzingan'), (4445, 159, 2890, 'Chapala'), (4468, 159, 2890,
'Jacona'), (1255, 159, 2890, 'Morelia'), (4507, 159, 2890,
'Tehuantepec'), (4519, 159, 2890, 'Uruapan'), (4471, 159, 2891, 'Lazaro
Cardenas'), (42334, 159, 2891, 'Sayulita'), (1193, 159, 2891,
'Tepic'), (4446, 159, 2892, 'Chignahuapan'), (11895, 159, 2892,
'Cholula'), (4489, 159, 2892, 'Puebla'), (1254, 159, 2893,
'Queretaro'), (4452, 159, 2894, 'Cosala'), (17626, 159, 2894,
'Culiacan'), (4473, 159, 2894, 'Los Mochis'), (4477, 159, 2894,
'Mazatlan'), (41722, 159, 2895, 'Cardel'), (42293, 159, 2895,
'Coatzacoalcos'), (4451, 159, 2895, 'Cordoba'), (6557, 159, 2895,
'Jalapa'), (4485, 159, 2895, 'Orizaba'), (42292, 159, 2895, 'Poza
Rica'), (4504, 159, 2895, 'Sayula'), (13339, 159, 2895, 'Tuxpan'), (4523,
159, 2895, 'Veracruz'), (4524, 159, 2895, 'Xalapa'), (4450, 159, 2896,
'Ciudad Obregon'), (4457, 159, 2896, 'Dzidzantun'), (1216, 159, 2896,
'Merida'), (12327, 159, 2896, 'M'), (19043, 160, 1792, 'Colonia'), (4425,
163, 2696, 'Chisinau'), (16737, 163, 2702, 'Tiraspol'), (15664, 164, 701,
'Monaco'), (41845, 164, 701, 'Monte-Carlo'), (1163, 165, 76,
'Ulaangom'), (1197, 165, 80, 'Choibalsan'), (1217, 165, 81,
'Moron'), (42290, 165, 82, 'Darhan'), (1218, 165, 82, 'Suhbaatar'), (1342,
165, 193, 'Bulgan'), (1343, 165, 194, 'Hovd'), (1238, 165, 2729,
'Tsetserleg'), (1285, 165, 2731, 'Olgii'), (1278, 165, 2737,
'Altai'), (1196, 165, 2738, 'Ondorhaan'), (17743, 165, 2741,
'Ulaanbaatar'), (17667, 165, 2742, 'Erdenet'), (4424, 168, 2787,
'Casablanca'), (6573, 168, 2793, 'Fez'), (6574, 168, 2799,
'Marrakesh'), (41734, 168, 2800, 'Meknes'), (6575, 168, 2803,
'Oujda'), (6576, 168, 2804, 'Rabat'), (6577, 168, 2807, 'Tangier'), (12589,
168, 2810, 'Tafraout'), (4423, 168, 2813, 'Agadir'), (6578, 168, 2818,
'Tetouan'), (6579, 169, 2915, 'Maputo'), (19018, 169, 2917,
'Nampula'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`,
`name`) VALUES (13082, 171, 4635, 'Windhoek'), (18472, 171, 4637,
'Swakopmund'), (42258, 171, 4637, 'Walvis Bay'), (18842, 171, 4642,
'Rundu'), (18988, 171, 4645, 'Oshakati'), (17422, 171, 4646,
'Tsumeb'), (4528, 171, 4647, 'Otjiwarongo'), (18087, 174, 3009,
'Banepa'), (4592, 174, 3009, 'Kathmandu'), (18806, 174, 3009,
'Lalitpur'), (41895, 174, 3015, 'Dharan'), (12262, 175, 2975,
'Assen'), (17440, 175, 2975, 'Beilen'), (17635, 175, 2975,
'Coevorden'), (14062, 175, 2975, 'Emmen'), (14158, 175, 2975,
'Hoogeveen'), (4570, 175, 2975, 'Meppel'), (14554, 175, 2975,
'Roden'), (16874, 175, 2975, 'Zuidwolde'), (17427, 175, 2976,
'Drachten'), (17297, 175, 2976, 'Franeker'), (17428, 175, 2976,
'Hardegarijp'), (17240, 175, 2976, 'Harlingen'), (13823, 175, 2976,
'Heerenveen'), (18280, 175, 2976, 'Kootstertille'), (6585, 175, 2976,
'Leeuwarden'), (17543, 175, 2976, 'Oudega'), (15793, 175, 2976,
'Sneek'), (12177, 175, 2976, 'Wolvega'), (12259, 175, 2977,
'Apeldoorn'), (12522, 175, 2977, 'Arnhem'), (14110, 175, 2977,
'Barneveld'), (15434, 175, 2977, 'Culemborg'), (4565, 175, 2977,
'Dieren'), (14639, 175, 2977, 'Doetinchem'), (13358, 175, 2977,
'Ede'), (16735, 175, 2977, 'Eefde'), (14948, 175, 2977,
'Harderwijk'), (17674, 175, 2977, 'Kerk-Avezaath'), (15101, 175, 2977,
'Neede'), (4571, 175, 2977, 'Nijmegen'), (16205, 175, 2977,
'Oosterbeek'), (15938, 175, 2977, 'Tiel'), (13911, 175, 2977,
'Wageningen'), (15779, 175, 2977, 'Winterswijk'), (13624, 175, 2977,
'Zaltbommel'), (16111, 175, 2977, 'Zevenaar'), (14714, 175, 2977,
'Zutphen'), (6584, 175, 2978, 'Groningen'), (16172, 175, 2978,
'Stadskanaal'), (16162, 175, 2979, 'Beek'), (16586, 175, 2979,
'Geleen'), (13051, 175, 2979, 'Heerlen'), (12651, 175, 2979,
'Helden'), (16458, 175, 2979, 'Klimmen'), (14445, 175, 2979,
'Maastricht'), (12251, 175, 2979, 'Roermond'), (13968, 175, 2979,
'Sittard'), (18815, 175, 2979, 'Stein'), (12300, 175, 2979,
'Venlo'), (16386, 175, 2979, 'Venray'), (14922, 175, 2979,
'Weert'), (13583, 175, 2980, '''S-Hertogenbosch'), (14935, 175, 2980,
'Aarle-Rixtel'), (12555, 175, 2980, 'Bergen op Zoom'), (13590, 175, 2980,
'Breda'), (17648, 175, 2980, 'Dongen'), (13390, 175, 2980,
'Drunen'), (6583, 175, 2980, 'Eindhoven'), (12461, 175, 2980,
'Gemert'), (17296, 175, 2980, 'Gilze'), (12945, 175, 2980,
'Helmond'), (16766, 175, 2980, 'Heusden'), (18391, 175, 2980,
'Oosterhout'), (12565, 175, 2980, 'Oss'), (14108, 175, 2980,
'Roosendaal'), (16810, 175, 2980, 'Rosmalen'), (15463, 175, 2980,
'Terheijden'), (11943, 175, 2980, 'Tilburg'), (16655, 175, 2980,
'Uden'), (18664, 175, 2980, 'Valkenswaard'), (17807, 175, 2980,
'Veldhoven'), (18724, 175, 2980, 'Volkel'), (12615, 175, 2980,
'Waalwijk'), (13444, 175, 2980, 'Woensdrecht'), (14270, 175, 2980,
'Zundert'), (11770, 175, 2981, 'Aalsmeer'), (14332, 175, 2981,
'Alkmaar'), (15786, 175, 2981, 'Amstelveen'), (6580, 175, 2981,
'Amsterdam'), (14532, 175, 2981, 'Berkhout'), (18595, 175, 2981,
'Beverwijk'), (18596, 175, 2981, 'Castricum'), (6581, 175, 2981, 'Den
Helder'), (6582, 175, 2981, 'Edam'), (13652, 175, 2981,
'Enkhuizen'), (12631, 175, 2981, 'Haarlem'), (14597, 175, 2981,
'Heemskerk'), (17143, 175, 2981, 'Heemstede'), (16809, 175, 2981,
'Heerhugowaard'), (14325, 175, 2981, 'Hilversum'), (13788, 175, 2981,
'Hoofddorp'), (14784, 175, 2981, 'Hoorn'), (14872, 175, 2981,
'Huizen'), (15642, 175, 2981, 'Julianadorp'), (17008, 175, 2981,
'Krommenie'), (15099, 175, 2981, 'Laren'), (12280, 175, 2981,
'Leidschendam'), (14603, 175, 2981, 'Medemblik'), (17299, 175, 2981,
'Muiden'), (14804, 175, 2981, 'Purmerend'), (18597, 175, 2981,
'Uitgeest'), (14598, 175, 2981, 'Weesp'), (12928, 175, 2981,
'Zaandam'), (17259, 175, 2982, 'Almelo'), (14785, 175, 2982,
'Bathmen'), (15228, 175, 2982, 'Deventer'), (4566, 175, 2982,
'Enschede'), (18112, 175, 2982, 'Genemuiden'), (41714, 175, 2982,
'Heemse'), (13635, 175, 2982, 'Hengelo'), (13451, 175, 2982,
'Kampen'), (16891, 175, 2982, 'Marknesse'), (13620, 175, 2982,
'Oldenzaal'), (13456, 175, 2982, 'Raalte'), (17036, 175, 2982,
'Zwartsluis'), (12614, 175, 2982, 'Zwolle'), (12637, 175, 2983,
'Amersfoort'), (17730, 175, 2983, 'Baarn'), (12815, 175, 2983,
'Bilthoven'), (16196, 175, 2983, 'Bunnik'), (17682, 175, 2983, 'De
Bilt'), (13881, 175, 2983, 'Driebergen'), (11950, 175, 2983,
'Leersum'), (12840, 175, 2983, 'Maarssen'), (14715, 175, 2983,
'Nieuwegein'), (4573, 175, 2983, 'Rhenen'), (4575, 175, 2983,
'Soest'), (6589, 175, 2983, 'Utrecht'), (13619, 175, 2983,
'Veenendaal'), (13633, 175, 2983, 'Woerden'), (18380, 175, 2983,
'Zeist'), (15046, 175, 2984, 'Aagtekerke'), (18004, 175, 2984,
'Goes'), (14486, 175, 2984, 'Hengstdijk'), (4568, 175, 2984,
'Kapelle'), (19038, 175, 2984, 'Kruiningen'), (12531, 175, 2984,
'Middelburg'), (15597, 175, 2984, 'Renesse'), (18279, 175, 2984,
'Sluis'), (12181, 175, 2984, 'Terneuzen'), (6590, 175, 2984,
'Vlissingen'), (14803, 175, 2984, 'Westkapelle'), (15598, 175, 2984,
'Zierikzee'), (13657, 175, 2985, 'Alphen Aan Den Rijn'), (16502, 175, 2985,
'Berkel En Rodenrijs'), (13462, 175, 2985, 'Capelle Aan Den
Ijssel'), (4564, 175, 2985, 'Delft'), (14348, 175, 2985,
'Dordrecht'), (12225, 175, 2985, 'Gouda'), (16848, 175, 2985,
'Hillegom'), (15770, 175, 2985, 'Katwijk'), (6586, 175, 2985,
'Leiden'), (13459, 175, 2985, 'Leiderdorp'), (13301, 175, 2985,
'Lisse'), (14184, 175, 2985, 'Maassluis'), (16738, 175, 2985,
'Molenaarsgraaf'), (14788, 175, 2985, 'Moordrecht'), (14287, 175, 2985,
'Naaldwijk'), (13154, 175, 2985, 'Noordwijk'), (14336, 175, 2985,
'Pijnacker'), (14518, 175, 2985, 'Poortugaal'), (4574, 175, 2985,
'Rotterdam'), (17174, 175, 2985, 'Scheveningen'), (18564, 175, 2985,
'Schiedam'), (16061, 175, 2985, 'Sliedrecht'), (17033, 175, 2985,
'Spijkenisse'), (6588, 175, 2985, 'The Hague'), (16599, 175, 2985,
'Vianen'), (13230, 175, 2985, 'Vlaardingen'), (18069, 175, 2985,
'Voorburg'), (14115, 175, 2985, 'Zoetermeer'), (11936, 175, 2985,
'Zwijndrecht'), (13283, 175, 2989, 'Almere'), (17083, 175, 2989,
'Biddinghuizen'), (13206, 175, 2989, 'Dronten'), (15063, 175, 2989,
'Emmeloord'), (16336, 175, 2989, 'Kraggenburg'), (6587, 175, 2989,
'Lelystad'), (13137, 176, 5047, 'Willemstad'), (16459, 176, 5048,
'Oranjestad'), (18983, 176, 5049, 'Philipsburg'), (17156, 177, 714,
'Noumea'), (12490, 178, 3089, 'Hastings'), (13399, 178, 3089,
'Napier'), (12123, 178, 3089, 'Wairoa'), (13726, 178, 3106,
'Blenheim'), (15245, 178, 3126, 'Gore'), (6592, 178, 3126,
'Invercargill'), (18223, 178, 3126, 'Winton'), (12533, 178, 3129, 'New
Plymouth'), (4612, 178, 3129, 'Waitara'), (4600, 178, 3137,
'Hamilton'), (13534, 178, 3137, 'Taupo'), (4610, 178, 3137,
'Tokoroa'), (18807, 178, 4706, 'Albany'), (4594, 178, 4706,
'Auckland'), (18810, 178, 4706, 'Howick'), (14497, 178, 4706, 'Manukau
City'), (18808, 178, 4706, 'Manurewa'), (15158, 178, 4706, 'North
Shore'), (11839, 178, 4706, 'Papatoetoe'), (18887, 178, 4706,
'Takapuna'), (15100, 178, 4706, 'Waitakere'), (4602, 178, 4721, 'Lower
Hutt'), (16888, 178, 4721, 'Masterton'), (17348, 178, 4721,
'Porirua'), (4611, 178, 4721, 'Upper Hutt'), (6593, 178, 4721,
'Wellington'), (4593, 178, 4723, 'Ashburton'), (4596, 178, 4723,
'Christchurch'), (4609, 178, 4723, 'Timaru'), (4606, 178, 4729,
'Rotorua'), (4607, 178, 4729, 'Tauranga'), (4608, 178, 4729, 'Te
Puke'), (18300, 178, 4729, 'Whakatane'), (4601, 178, 4741,
'Kaikohe'), (41785, 178, 4741, 'Russell'), (4615, 178, 4741,
'Whangarei'), (14535, 178, 4744, 'Alexandra'), (4597, 178, 4744,
'Dunedin'), (4605, 178, 4744, 'Queenstown'), (4599, 178, 4814,
'Gisborne'), (14781, 178, 5010, 'Nelson'), (17120, 178, 5019,
'Ashhurst'), (4604, 178, 5019, 'Palmerston North'), (4614, 178, 5019,
'Wanganui'), (17959, 178, 5020, 'Greymouth'), (4538, 179, 3048,
'Diriamba'), (4543, 179, 3048, 'Jinotepe'), (4551, 179, 3049,
'Posoltega'), (4544, 179, 3050, 'Juigalpa'), (4539, 179, 3051,
'Esteli'), (4540, 179, 3052, 'Granada'), (4542, 179, 3053,
'Jinotega'), (4546, 179, 3054, 'Leon'), (4559, 179, 3055, 'Santo
Domingo'), (4560, 179, 3055, 'Somoto'), (4537, 179, 3056,
'Corinto'), (4547, 179, 3056, 'Managua'), (4558, 179, 3056, 'San
Rafael'), (4549, 179, 3057, 'Masaya'), (4541, 179, 3059, 'Jalapa'), (4550,
179, 3059, 'Ocotal'), (4554, 179, 3061, 'Rivas'), (4555, 179, 3061, 'San
Isidro'), (4556, 179, 3061, 'San Jorge'), (4557, 179, 3061, 'San
Marcos'), (4545, 179, 3063, 'Laguna De Perlas'), (4552, 179, 3063, 'Puerto
Cabezas'), (4563, 179, 3063, 'Waspan'), (4536, 179, 3064,
'Bluefields'), (4553, 179, 3064, 'Rama'), (6594, 180, 2926,
'Niamey'), (4534, 181, 718, 'Owerri'), (4533, 181, 2941, 'Lagos'), (4535,
181, 2943, 'Port Harcourt'), (18812, 181, 2944, 'Abuja'), (4532, 181, 2953,
'Kaduna'), (4530, 181, 2962, 'Ibadan'), (41797, 181, 2966,
'Asaba'), (18813, 181, 2966, 'Sapele'), (18811, 181, 2966, 'Warri'), (4529,
181, 2967, 'Benin City'), (4531, 181, 2972, 'Ile-Ife'), (42062, 181, 2972,
'Oshogbo'), (42213, 183, 720, 'Burnt Pine'), (42214, 183, 720,
'Kingston'), (5559, 184, 5369, 'Saipan'), (18829, 185, 2990, ''), (16421,
185, 2990, 'Asker'), (4578, 185, 2990, 'Fagernes'), (18360, 185, 2990,
'Frogner'), (14075, 185, 2990, 'Gjerdrum'), (13331, 185, 2990,
'Jessheim'), (41773, 185, 2990, 'Kjeller'), (11948, 185, 2990,
'Lillestr'), (16119, 185, 2990, 'Sandvika'), (12843, 185, 2990,
'Son'), (15721, 185, 2991, 'Arendal'), (13029, 185, 2991,
'Grimstad'), (16413, 185, 2991, 'Tvedestrand'), (12674, 185, 2992,
'Drammen'), (13728, 185, 2992, 'H'), (17251, 185, 2992,
'Hvittingfoss'), (4583, 185, 2992, 'Kongsberg'), (16661, 185, 2992,
'Slemmestad'), (16838, 185, 2993, 'Berlev'), (4582, 185, 2993,
'Hammerfest'), (13621, 185, 2993, 'Vads'), (13706, 185, 2994,
'Elverum'), (11916, 185, 2994, 'Flisa'), (4581, 185, 2994,
'Hamar'), (41761, 185, 2994, 'Kongsvinger'), (13165, 185, 2994,
'Moelv'), (41844, 185, 2994, 'Tynset'), (4577, 185, 2995, 'Bergen'), (4591,
185, 2995, 'Voss'), (12088, 185, 2996, 'Aalesund'), (16317, 185, 2996,
''), (13709, 185, 2996, ''), (13712, 185, 2996, 'Isfjorden'), (13087, 185,
2996, 'Kristiansund'), (13584, 185, 2996, 'Molde'), (16243, 185, 2996,
'Sunndalsora'), (14330, 185, 2996, 'Volda'), (12549, 185, 2997,
'Bodo'), (15441, 185, 2997, 'Bronnoysund'), (15371, 185, 2997,
'Engav'), (4585, 185, 2997, 'Mo'), (12821, 185, 2997, 'Mo i Rana'), (17686,
185, 2997, 'Mosjoen'), (12439, 185, 2997, 'Narvik'), (15370, 185, 2997,
''), (16583, 185, 2997, 'Sandnessjoen'), (14463, 185, 2997,
'Sortland'), (17844, 185, 2997, 'Stokmarknes'), (14386, 185, 2997,
'Svolv'), (13066, 185, 2998, 'Levanger'), (12401, 185, 2998,
'Namsos'), (12556, 185, 2998, 'Steinkjer'), (12511, 185, 2998,
'Stjordal'), (41858, 185, 2998, 'Verdalsoren'), (13068, 185, 2999,
'Domb'), (4580, 185, 2999, 'Gjovik'), (18469, 185, 2999,
'Jevnaker'), (6595, 185, 2999, 'Lillehammer'), (41772, 185, 3000,
'Nydalen'), (6596, 185, 3000, 'Oslo'), (16247, 185, 3001, 'Askim'), (11844,
185, 3001, 'Fredrikstad'), (15386, 185, 3001, 'Halden'), (4586, 185, 3001,
'Moss'), (12041, 185, 3001, 'Sarpsborg'), (12028, 185, 3001,
'Skjeberg'), (12325, 185, 3002, 'Egersund'), (12617, 185, 3002,
'Haugesund'), (16911, 185, 3002, 'J'), (14963, 185, 3002, 'N'), (12834,
185, 3002, 'Sandnes'), (4587, 185, 3002, 'Stavanger'), (13323, 185, 3003,
'F'), (15570, 185, 3003, 'Sogndal'), (18359, 185, 3003, 'Stryn'), (4588,
185, 3003, 'Sunndal'), (41902, 185, 3004, 'Roros'), (4590, 185, 3004,
'Trondheim'), (13375, 185, 3005, 'Langesund'), (13353, 185, 3005,
'Notodden'), (12621, 185, 3005, 'Porsgrunn'), (11989, 185, 3005,
'Skien'), (17300, 185, 3006, 'Harstad'), (13939, 185, 3006,
'Oksfjord'), (13940, 185, 3006, 'S'), (18797, 185, 3006, 'Troms'), (16922,
185, 3007, 'Farsund'), (4579, 185, 3007, 'Flekkefjord'), (12384, 185, 3007,
'Kristiansand'), (12684, 185, 3008, 'Horten'), (12942, 185, 3008,
'Larvik'), (12083, 185, 3008, 'Sandefjord'), (17013, 185, 3008,
'Svelvik'), (13332, 185, 3008, 'T'), (41704, 186, 2849, 'Sur'), (6597, 186,
2851, 'Masqat'), (18568, 186, 2851, 'Muscat'), (18569, 186, 2851,
'Ruwi'), (15277, 187, 3217, 'Quetta'), (5613, 187, 3218,
'Abbottabad'), (5614, 187, 3218, 'Attock'), (42047, 187, 3218, 'Dera Ismail
Khan'), (5619, 187, 3218, 'Mardan'), (4655, 187, 3218, 'Peshawar'), (5615,
187, 3219, 'Burewala'), (42055, 187, 3219, 'Chiniot'), (6598, 187, 3219,
'Faisalabad'), (16939, 187, 3219, 'Gujranwala'), (42280, 187, 3219, 'Jhang
Sadar'), (42012, 187, 3219, 'kamalia'), (5618, 187, 3219, 'Khewra'), (4654,
187, 3219, 'Lahore'), (42095, 187, 3219, 'Lalamusa'), (13048, 187, 3219,
'Multan'), (13049, 187, 3219, 'Muzaffargarh'), (42061, 187, 3219, 'Pind
Dadan Khan'), (6602, 187, 3219, 'Rawalpindi'), (41841, 187, 3219,
'Sargodha'), (18357, 187, 3219, 'Shekhupura'), (15279, 187, 3219,
'sialkot'), (16047, 187, 3220, 'Hyderabad'), (6601, 187, 3220,
'Karachi'), (5617, 187, 3221, 'Kamoki'), (5620, 187, 3221,
'Mirpur'), (42216, 187, 3222, 'Gilgit'), (42217, 187, 3222,
'Hunza'), (6599, 187, 3222, 'Hyderadad'), (5622, 187, 3222, 'Rahimyar
Khan'), (6600, 187, 3223, 'Islamabad'), (42080, 188, 725,
'Meyungs'), (5567, 190, 3290, 'Bocas Del Toro'), (5570, 190, 3290,
'Changuinola'), (5562, 190, 3291, 'Alanje'), (5564, 190, 3291,
'Bambito'), (5569, 190, 3291, 'Cerro Punta'), (5571, 190, 3291,
'Chiriqui'), (4618, 190, 3291, 'David'), (5576, 190, 3291,
'Dolega'), (5578, 190, 3291, 'El Varital'), (5579, 190, 3291,
'Gualaca'), (5581, 190, 3291, 'La Primavera'), (5590, 190, 3291, 'Puerto
Armuelles'), (5591, 190, 3291, 'Remedios'), (5593, 190, 3291, 'San
Lorenzo'), (5594, 190, 3291, 'San Mateo'), (5596, 190, 3291, 'Santa
Cruz'), (5603, 190, 3291, 'Volcan'), (5561, 190, 3292, 'Aguadulce'), (4616,
190, 3292, 'Anton'), (5573, 190, 3292, 'Cocle'), (5589, 190, 3292,
'Penonome'), (5595, 190, 3292, 'San Pablo'), (4617, 190, 3293,
'Colon'), (6603, 190, 3293, 'Portobelo'), (6604, 190, 3293, 'Rainbow
City'), (5583, 190, 3296, 'Las Tablas'), (5584, 190, 3296, 'Loma
Colorada'), (5585, 190, 3296, 'Los Santos'), (5588, 190, 3296,
'Pedregal'), (4619, 190, 3297, 'Panama City'), (5574, 190, 3298,
'Concepcion'), (5568, 190, 3299, 'Boquete'), (5572, 190, 3299,
'Chitre'), (5592, 190, 3299, 'San Cristobal'), (5597, 190, 3299,
'Santiago'), (5601, 190, 3299, 'Veraguas'), (41796, 191, 3328,
'Goroka'), (41889, 191, 3331, 'Madang'), (4629, 191, 3333, 'Lae'), (41852,
191, 3335, 'Mount Hagen'), (42091, 191, 3336, 'Hoskins'), (16414, 191,
3339, 'Port Moresby'), (5625, 193, 3170, 'Ciudad Del Este'), (5624, 193,
3174, 'Capiata'), (5626, 193, 3174, 'Fernando De La Mora'), (5627, 193,
3174, 'Lambare'), (5628, 193, 3174, 'Limpio'), (5629, 193, 3174,
'Luque'), (5631, 193, 3174, 'Mariano Roque Alonso'), (5633, 193, 3174,
'Villa Elisa'), (5632, 193, 3182, 'San Lorenzo'), (4698, 193, 3185,
'Asuncion'), (4699, 193, 3185, 'Santa Maria'), (4622, 194, 3189,
'Caras'), (4623, 194, 3189, 'Chimbote'), (42902, 194, 3190,
'Andahuaylas'), (5604, 194, 3191, 'Aplao'), (4620, 194, 3191,
'Arequipa'), (5605, 194, 3191, 'Camana'), (5606, 194, 3191,
'Cayma'), (5610, 194, 3191, 'Sabandia'), (5611, 194, 3191,
'Socabaya'), (42929, 194, 3193, 'Cajamarca'), (4621, 194, 3194,
'Callao'), (4624, 194, 3195, 'Cuzco'), (5612, 194, 3195,
'Yanahuara'), (4628, 194, 3200, 'Trujillo'), (5608, 194, 3202,
'Collique'), (4625, 194, 3202, 'Lima'), (5609, 194, 3202,
'Magdalena'), (4626, 194, 3202, 'Miraflores'), (4627, 194, 3202,
'Pucallpa'), (42000, 194, 3203, 'Iquitos'), (6605, 194, 3207,
'Piura'), (18328, 195, 3400, 'Butuan City'), (4642, 195, 3403,
'Legaspi'), (18168, 195, 3407, 'Batangas'), (13215, 195, 3412, 'Tuguegarao
City'), (15153, 195, 3414, 'Naga City'), (4651, 195, 3416, 'Roxas'), (4635,
195, 3418, 'Cavite City'), (17516, 195, 3418, 'Tagaytay'), (17804, 195,
3419, 'Lapu-Lapu City'), (4630, 195, 3426, 'Bacarra'), (42409, 195, 3431,
'Canlubang'), (17823, 195, 3431, 'Laguna'), (17824, 195, 3431, 'San
Pedro'), (15089, 195, 3434, 'San Fernando'), (4648, 195, 3435,
'Palo'), (17808, 195, 3435, 'Tacloban City'), (17640, 195, 3439, 'puerto
galera'), (12792, 195, 3441, 'Cagayan De Oro'), (17732, 195, 3444,
'Dumaguete City'), (4649, 195, 3447, 'Puerto Princesa'), (12779, 195, 3448,
'Angeles City'), (42227, 195, 3449, 'Alaminos'), (12828, 195, 3449,
'Dagupan City'), (18230, 195, 3450, 'Antipolo'), (14688, 195, 3450,
'Cainta'), (12381, 195, 3450, 'Muntinlupa'), (17530, 195, 3450,
'Taytay'), (14759, 195, 3455, 'San Juan'), (4634, 195, 3460,
'Camiling'), (4641, 195, 3461, 'Laoag'), (4652, 195, 3463, 'San
Pablo'), (4640, 195, 3467, 'Kalibo'), (4633, 195, 3469, 'Cagayan'), (4632,
195, 3473, 'Baguio'), (4636, 195, 3485, 'Cebu'), (4637, 195, 3490,
'Davao'), (42275, 195, 3491, 'Dipolog'), (4638, 195, 3496,
'Iloilo'), (4643, 195, 3502, 'Lipa City'), (13615, 195, 3505, 'Las Pinas
City'), (4644, 195, 3505, 'Makati'), (13796, 195, 3505, 'Malabon'), (14844,
195, 3505, 'Mandaluyong City'), (4645, 195, 3505, 'Manila'), (4646, 195,
3505, 'Marikina'), (15067, 195, 3505, 'Para'), (16164, 195, 3505,
'Pasay'), (12623, 195, 3505, 'Pasig'), (17982, 195, 3505,
'Pateros'), (4650, 195, 3505, 'Quezon City'), (4647, 195, 3508,
'Olongapo'), (6606, 195, 3516, 'Quezon'), (14789, 195, 3530, 'Zamboanga
City'), (4631, 195, 3533, 'Bacolod'), (41812, 197, 3274,
'Boleslawiec'), (42052, 197, 3274, 'Glogow'), (4664, 197, 3274, 'Jelenia
Gora'), (4680, 197, 3274, 'Wroclaw'), (12699, 197, 3275,
'Bydgoszcz'), (42311, 197, 3275, 'Rypin'), (6607, 197, 3276,
'Lodz'), (16108, 197, 3276, 'Tomaszow Mazowiecki'), (4682, 197, 3276,
'Zielona Gora'), (13543, 197, 3277, 'Lublin'), (4677, 197, 3277,
'Torun'), (4662, 197, 3278, 'Gorzow Wielkopolski'), (14676, 197, 3279,
'Krakow'), (4675, 197, 3279, 'Slomniki'), (41882, 197, 3279,
'Tarnow'), (4667, 197, 3280, 'Lomianki'), (4669, 197, 3280,
'Milanowek'), (4671, 197, 3280, 'Plock'), (4673, 197, 3280,
'Pultusk'), (12730, 197, 3280, 'Warsaw'), (41738, 197, 3280,
'Wolomin'), (42098, 197, 3281, 'Wawelno'), (42932, 197, 3282,
'Lubno'), (42933, 197, 3282, 'Ropczyce'), (4674, 197, 3282,
'Rzeszow'), (42940, 197, 3282, 'Stalowa Wola'), (13227, 197, 3283,
'Bialystok'), (4668, 197, 3283, 'Lomza'), (41904, 197, 3283,
'Suwalki'), (42269, 197, 3284, 'Chojnice'), (4660, 197, 3284,
'Gdansk'), (15033, 197, 3284, 'Gda'), (4661, 197, 3284, 'Gdynia'), (4657,
197, 3285, 'Bielsko-Biala'), (4659, 197, 3285, 'Czestochowa'), (16588, 197,
3285, 'Gliwice'), (4665, 197, 3285, 'Katowice'), (4670, 197, 3285,
'Olsztyn'), (15305, 197, 3285, 'Tychy'), (18991, 197, 3285,
'Zabrze'), (4681, 197, 3285, 'Zawiercie'), (16190, 197, 3286,
'Kielce'), (41702, 197, 3287, 'Elblag'), (42057, 197, 3287, 'Elk'), (42228,
197, 3287, 'Olsztyn'), (41813, 197, 3288, 'Boleslawiec'), (4663, 197, 3288,
'Gulcz'), (4672, 197, 3288, 'Poznan'), (41775, 197, 3289,
'Koszalin'), (4676, 197, 3289, 'Szczecin'), (18298, 198, 3300,
'Aveiro'), (17818, 198, 3300, 'Santo Jo'), (14389, 198, 3302,
'Braga'), (18907, 198, 3302, 'Fafe'), (14447, 198, 3302, 'Guimar'), (47806,
198, 3304, 'Idanha a Nova'), (4684, 198, 3305, 'Coimbra'), (18830, 198,
3305, 'Pombal'), (4696, 198, 3305, 'Vila Do Porto'), (41837, 198, 3306,
'Evora'), (13651, 198, 3307, 'Albufeira'), (4685, 198, 3307,
'Faro'), (4689, 198, 3307, 'Lagoa'), (42075, 198, 3307, 'Lagos'), (17050,
198, 3307, 'Loul'), (15700, 198, 3307, 'Quarteira'), (42074, 198, 3307,
'Silves'), (13203, 198, 3307, 'Tavira'), (16090, 198, 3307, 'Vila Real de
Santo Ant'), (17606, 198, 3307, 'Vilamoura'), (4686, 198, 3308,
'Funchal'), (4690, 198, 3308, 'Machico'), (14335, 198, 3309,
'Guarda'), (17394, 198, 3310, 'Caldas Da Rainha'), (14618, 198, 3310,
'Leiria'), (14417, 198, 3311, 'Amadora'), (14528, 198, 3311,
'Carcavelos'), (18558, 198, 3311, 'Cascais'), (13401, 198, 3311,
'Ericeira'), (6608, 198, 3311, 'Lisbon'), (16059, 198, 3311,
'Massama'), (17400, 198, 3311, 'Oeiras'), (15333, 198, 3311,
'Queluz'), (16971, 198, 3311, 'Sintra'), (12510, 198, 3311, 'Torres
Vedras'), (18330, 198, 3311, 'Vila Franca de Xira'), (12695, 198, 3312,
'Elvas'), (41762, 198, 3312, 'Portalegre'), (12390, 198, 3313,
'Maia'), (14306, 198, 3313, 'Matosinhos'), (6609, 198, 3313, 'Oporto
'), (17715, 198, 3313, 'Pa'), (18979, 198, 3313, 'Porto'), (13833, 198,
3313, 'Trofa'), (18980, 198, 3313, 'Vila do Conde'), (17470, 198, 3313,
'Vila Nova de Gaia'), (17848, 198, 3314, 'Abrantes'), (41798, 198, 3315,
'Almada'), (17321, 198, 3315, 'Amora'), (18304, 198, 3315,
'Sines'), (41868, 198, 3316, 'Arcos de Valdevez'), (16304, 198, 3316,
'Valen'), (41864, 198, 3316, 'Viana do Castelo'), (4691, 198, 3318,
'Mangualde'), (13455, 198, 3318, 'Viseu'), (4683, 198, 3319, 'Angra Do
Heroismo'), (4688, 198, 3319, 'Horta'), (12852, 198, 3319,
'Madalena'), (4692, 198, 3319, 'Ponta Delgada'), (4694, 198, 3319, 'Ribeira
Grande'), (4697, 198, 3319, 'Villa Franca Do Campo'), (12835, 199, 736,
'Aguadilla'), (42907, 199, 736, 'Aibonito'), (17042, 199, 736,
'Arecibo'), (13945, 199, 736, 'Barranquitas'), (12677, 199, 736,
'Bayamon'), (18351, 199, 736, 'Cabo Rojo'), (12851, 199, 736,
'Caguas'), (14376, 199, 736, 'Canovanas'), (14905, 199, 736,
'Carolina'), (42906, 199, 736, 'Cidra'), (18805, 199, 736,
'Culebra'), (13211, 199, 736, 'Fajardo'), (12907, 199, 736,
'Guaynabo'), (17669, 199, 736, 'Gurabo'), (16622, 199, 736,
'Humacao'), (19027, 199, 736, 'Isabel Segunda'), (16814, 199, 736,
'Isabela'), (18160, 199, 736, 'Manati'), (17811, 199, 736,
'Maunabo'), (12923, 199, 736, 'Mayag'), (18508, 199, 736, 'Ponce'), (14139,
199, 736, 'Rincon'), (15200, 199, 736, 'Rio Grande'), (12773, 199, 736,
'San Juan'), (41777, 199, 736, 'Santurce'), (18055, 199, 736, 'Toa
Baja'), (41859, 199, 736, 'Yauco'), (6611, 200, 3349, 'Doha'), (18969, 200,
3353, 'Al Wakra'), (19010, 200, 3354, 'Al-Rayyan'), (16263, 201, 738,
'Saint Paul'), (17958, 201, 738, 'Saint-Denis'), (6612, 202, 3359,
'Arad'), (6614, 202, 3360, 'Pitesti'), (18600, 202, 3361, 'Bacau'), (18225,
202, 3362, 'Oradea'), (18206, 202, 3362, 'Salonta'), (41935, 202, 3362,
'Steiu'), (4700, 202, 3366, 'Brasov'), (4701, 202, 3367,
'Bucharest'), (18996, 202, 3368, 'Buzau'), (13199, 202, 3369,
'Oravita'), (4702, 202, 3370, 'Cluj-Napoca'), (17541, 202, 3370,
'Turda'), (6613, 202, 3371, 'Constanta'), (16385, 202, 3374,
'Craiova'), (15519, 202, 3375, 'Galati'), (41926, 202, 3377,
'Odorheiu'), (42016, 202, 3378, 'Simeria'), (15131, 202, 3380,
'Iasi'), (41818, 202, 3381, 'Baia Mare'), (41819, 202, 3381,
'Borsa'), (17411, 202, 3383, 'Tirgu Mures'), (13772, 202, 3386,
'Ploiesti'), (18968, 202, 3388, 'satu mare'), (4703, 202, 3389,
'Sibiu'), (18295, 202, 3392, 'Sinnicolaul Mare'), (6615, 202, 3392,
'Timisoara'), (41750, 202, 3393, 'Tulcea'), (41808, 202, 3394,
'Birlad'), (4756, 203, 91, 'Syktyvkar'), (4712, 203, 105,
'Derbent'), (1231, 203, 105, 'Makhachkala'), (1232, 203, 106,
'Yoshkar-Ola'), (1253, 203, 110, 'Kazan'), (17714, 203, 110, 'Naberezhnye
Chelny'), (4707, 203, 3537, 'Barnaul'), (41689, 203, 3537, 'Biysk'), (4747,
203, 3537, 'Rubtsovsk'), (4760, 203, 3538, 'Tynda'), (4704, 203, 3539,
'Archangelsk'), (4721, 203, 3539, 'Kotlas'), (4736, 203, 3539,
'Okha'), (42305, 203, 3540, 'Astrakhan'''), (42031, 203, 3541,
'Ufa'), (42291, 203, 3544, 'Kyakhta'), (1185, 203, 3544,
'Ulan-Ude'), (1362, 203, 3546, 'Chelyabinsk'), (17295, 203, 3546,
'Trekhgorny'), (42281, 203, 3547, 'Chita'), (1364, 203, 3548,
'Chukchi'), (4763, 203, 3549, 'Vladikavkaz'), (1367, 203, 3552,
'Irkutsk'), (1368, 203, 3553, 'Ivanovo'), (42304, 203, 3554,
'Nal''chik'), (41685, 203, 3555, 'Kaliningrad'), (4743, 203, 3555,
'Pushkino'), (4735, 203, 3557, 'Obninsk'), (4740, 203, 3558,
'Provideniya'), (41681, 203, 3560, 'Petrozavodsk'), (4741, 203, 3560,
'Pryazha'), (1371, 203, 3561, 'Kemerovo'), (12580, 203, 3562,
'Khabarovsk'), (4753, 203, 3562, 'Sovetskaya Gavan'''), (41876, 203, 3564,
'Raduznyj'), (41686, 203, 3564, 'Surgut'), (4722, 203, 3569,
'Krasnodar'), (4723, 203, 3569, 'Krasnogorsk'), (4752, 203, 3569,
'Sochi'), (18986, 203, 3570, 'Krasnoyarsk'), (4734, 203, 3570,
'Novorossiisk'), (4708, 203, 3571, 'Borovichi'), (42880, 203, 3572,
'Zheleznogorsk'), (42883, 203, 3573, 'Tikhvin'), (41690, 203, 3573,
'Vyborg'), (4737, 203, 3575, 'Palatka'), (4749, 203, 3576, 'Sarov'), (4714,
203, 3577, 'Dmitrov'), (4715, 203, 3577, 'Dubna'), (4720, 203, 3577,
'Konakovo'), (4750, 203, 3577, 'Serpukhov'), (13299, 203, 3577,
'Troitsk'), (4767, 203, 3577, 'Zelenograd'), (4728, 203, 3578,
'Lomonosov'), (1384, 203, 3578, 'Moscow'), (16479, 203, 3579,
'Apatity'), (41846, 203, 3579, 'Murmansk'), (6617, 203, 3581, 'Nizhniy
Novgorod'), (4724, 203, 3582, 'Krestsy'), (1386, 203, 3582,
'Novgorod'), (4755, 203, 3582, 'Staraya Russa'), (4757, 203, 3582,
'Taldom'), (16870, 203, 3583, 'Akademgorodok'), (1387, 203, 3583,
'Novosibirsk'), (1388, 203, 3584, 'Omsk'), (1390, 203, 3585,
'Orenburg'), (41688, 203, 3587, 'Penza'), (4718, 203, 3588,
'Ishim'), (1392, 203, 3588, 'Perm'''), (18326, 203, 3589, 'Artem'), (4730,
203, 3589, 'Nakhodka'), (4726, 203, 3589, 'Vladivostok'), (4705, 203, 3591,
'Azov'), (4742, 203, 3591, 'Pushkin'), (4745, 203, 3591,
'Rostov-On-Don'), (41691, 203, 3593, 'Yakutsk'), (41749, 203, 3594,
'Uglegorsk'), (4759, 203, 3595, 'Togliatti'), (1396, 203, 3596, 'Saint
Petersburg'), (1398, 203, 3597, 'Saratov'), (1400, 203, 3599,
'Smolensk'), (4717, 203, 3600, 'Georgievsk'), (4719, 203, 3600,
'Kislovodsk'), (4727, 203, 3600, 'Lermontov'), (42306, 203, 3600,
'Mineral''nyye Vody'), (4733, 203, 3600, 'Novopavlovsk'), (4744, 203, 3600,
'Pyatigorsk'), (4716, 203, 3601, 'Ekaterinburg'), (15656, 203, 3601,
'Sredneural''sk'), (1402, 203, 3602, 'Tambov'), (4713, 203, 3603,
'Dikson'), (41687, 203, 3604, 'Tomsk'), (4709, 203, 3606,
'Budennovsk'), (1189, 203, 3608, 'Izhevsk'), (41715, 203, 3608,
'Votkinsk'), (4711, 203, 3612, 'Cherepovets'), (1410, 203, 3612,
'Volgograd'), (4738, 203, 3616, 'Pereslavl''-Zalesskiy'), (4748, 203, 3616,
'Rybinsk'), (1190, 203, 3617, 'Birobidzhan'), (6618, 204, 3627,
'Kigali'), (19020, 206, 3645, 'Basseterre'), (12515, 207, 3944,
'Castries'), (17373, 209, 4523, 'Kingstown'), (42294, 210, 747,
'Apia'), (4801, 211, 3860, 'San Marino'), (15303, 212, 4168, 'Sao
Tome'), (47810, 213, 3631, 'Al Hofuf'), (41732, 213, 3631, 'Al
Khobar'), (6619, 213, 3631, 'Al Madinah'), (42017, 213, 3631,
'Dammam'), (6622, 213, 3631, 'Dhahran'), (13793, 213, 3631,
'Jubail'), (16040, 213, 3631, 'Ras Tanura'), (18196, 213, 3632,
'Rass'), (6625, 213, 3633, 'Riyadh'), (17512, 213, 3633, 'Shaqra'), (41807,
213, 3634, 'Abha'), (19042, 213, 3635, 'Ha''il'), (14896, 213, 3636,
'Jeddah'), (6624, 213, 3636, 'Mecca'), (47805, 213, 3640, 'Al
Wajh'), (6623, 213, 3641, 'Jiddah'), (6626, 214, 3692,
'Saint-Louis'), (4804, 214, 3695, 'Linguere'), (4802, 214, 3697,
'Dakar'), (4803, 214, 3697, 'Kaolack'), (4806, 214, 3699,
'Ziguinchor'), (42898, 217, 754, 'Victoria'), (42212, 217, 3657, 'Anse aux
Pins'), (4799, 218, 3852, 'Bo'), (4800, 218, 3853, 'Freetown'), (16621,
219, 756, 'Bedok'), (15935, 219, 756, 'Bishan'), (16605, 219, 756, 'Bukit
Batok'), (18484, 219, 756, 'Choa Chu Kang'), (16099, 219, 756,
'Clementi'), (15905, 219, 756, 'Jurong'), (16802, 219, 756, 'Pasir
Ris'), (13919, 219, 756, 'Paya Lebar'), (18205, 219, 756,
'Queenstown'), (41795, 219, 756, 'Raffles Park'), (16769, 219, 756,
'Sembawang'), (41820, 219, 756, 'Serangoon'), (17912, 219, 756,
'Singapore'), (12787, 219, 756, 'Tampines'), (13504, 219, 756, 'Toa
Payoh'), (13692, 219, 756, 'Woodlands'), (17247, 219, 756,
'Yishun'), (12960, 220, 2588, 'Banska Bystrica'), (5013, 220, 2589,
'Bratislava'), (4796, 220, 2590, 'Kosice'), (4797, 220, 2591,
'Nitra'), (4795, 220, 2592, 'Bardejov'), (14223, 220, 2592,
'Poprad'), (14635, 220, 2592, 'Presov'), (4798, 220, 2592, 'Spisska Nova
Ves'), (41849, 220, 2593, 'Nove Mesto nad Vahom'), (41848, 220, 2593,
'Trencin'), (41850, 220, 2594, 'Piestany'), (17079, 220, 2594,
'Trnava'), (41872, 220, 2595, 'Liptovsky Mikulas'), (41851, 220, 2595,
'Zilina'), (15154, 221, 3713, 'Celje'), (16606, 221, 3713,
'Velenje'), (18466, 221, 3723, 'Sentjost'), (17852, 221, 3731, 'Gornja
Radgona'), (16237, 221, 3736, 'Hrastnik'), (13094, 221, 3752,
'Koper'), (14526, 221, 3754, 'Kranj'), (18020, 221, 3754, 'Naklo'), (4794,
221, 3763, 'Ljubljana'), (12129, 221, 3772, 'Maribor'), (16880, 221, 3772,
'Ptuj'), (13145, 221, 3782, 'Murska Sobota'), (14070, 221, 3786,
'Gorizia'), (16576, 221, 3787, 'Novo Mesto'), (41753, 221, 3796,
'Piran'), (18449, 221, 3833, 'Trzic'), (17971, 221, 3842,
'Vrhnika'), (17001, 221, 3844, 'Medvode'), (12704, 221, 5398, 'Ravne na
Koroskem'), (42036, 222, 1213, 'Honiara'), (41927, 223, 3864,
'Muqdisho'), (42100, 223, 3865, 'Bereeda'), (41928, 223, 3868,
'Borama'), (14244, 223, 3872, 'Galkacyo'), (16645, 224, 3680,
'Ballito'), (47890, 224, 3680, 'Chatsworth'), (47889, 224, 3680,
'Clermont'), (47888, 224, 3680, 'Dassenhoek'), (6629, 224, 3680,
'Durban'), (15313, 224, 3680, 'Eshowe'), (47887, 224, 3680,
'Folweni'), (42963, 224, 3680, 'Forest Hill'), (42958, 224, 3680, 'Forest
Hills'), (47886, 224, 3680, 'Inanda'), (47885, 224, 3680,
'Inchanga'), (47884, 224, 3680, 'Iqadi'), (47883, 224, 3680,
'Kingsburgh'), (42957, 224, 3680, 'Kloof'), (47880, 224, 3680, 'Kwa
Mashu'), (47882, 224, 3680, 'Kwadabeka'), (47881, 224, 3680,
'KwaMakhuta'), (47879, 224, 3680, 'KwaNdengezi'), (47878, 224, 3680,
'Lamontville'), (47877, 224, 3680, 'Luthuli'), (42945, 224, 3680,
'Margate'), (47876, 224, 3680, 'Mawothi'), (47875, 224, 3680,
'Mpumalanga'), (13529, 224, 3680, 'Newcastle'), (47874, 224, 3680,
'Newlands East'), (47873, 224, 3680, 'Newlands West'), (47872, 224, 3680,
'Ngcolosi'), (47871, 224, 3680, 'Ntuzuma'), (47870, 224, 3680,
'Phoenix'), (12097, 224, 3680, 'Pietermaritzburg'), (42962, 224, 3680,
'Pinetown'), (47869, 224, 3680, 'Qiniselani Manyuswa'), (47868, 224, 3680,
'Queensburgh'), (12115, 224, 3680, 'Richards Bay'), (47867, 224, 3680,
'Sobonakhona'), (47866, 224, 3680, 'Tongaat'), (42961, 224, 3680,
'Umhlanga'), (47865, 224, 3680, 'Umlazi'), (47864, 224, 3680,
'Verulam'), (18700, 224, 3680, 'Westville'), (47863, 224, 3680,
'Ximba'), (19008, 224, 3681, 'Ladybrand'), (12266, 224, 3681,
'Sasolburg'), (17447, 224, 3681, 'Welkom'), (47831, 224, 3683,
'Bethelsdorp'), (47862, 224, 3683, 'Bisho'), (47830, 224, 3683,
'Despatch'), (47861, 224, 3683, 'Dimbaza'), (47860, 224, 3683, 'Duncan
Village'), (13213, 224, 3683, 'East london'), (17782, 224, 3683,
'Grahamstown'), (47829, 224, 3683, 'Ibhayi'), (47859, 224, 3683,
'Khambashe'), (47858, 224, 3683, 'King Williams Town'), (47828, 224, 3683,
'KwaNobuhle'), (47857, 224, 3683, 'Mdantsane'), (47827, 224, 3683,
'Motherwell'), (47856, 224, 3683, 'Pefferville'), (12648, 224, 3683, 'Port
Elizabeth'), (47826, 224, 3683, 'Uitenhage'), (47825, 224, 3684,
'Akasia'), (15189, 224, 3684, 'Alberton'), (47840, 224, 3684,
'Alexandra'), (47824, 224, 3684, 'Amandebele A Lebelo'), (47823, 224, 3684,
'Atteridgeville'), (17801, 224, 3684, 'Bedfordview'), (18572, 224, 3684,
'Benoni'), (18362, 224, 3684, 'Boksburg'), (47815, 224, 3684,
'Bophelong'), (47855, 224, 3684, 'Brakpan'), (17862, 224, 3684,
'Centurion'), (47854, 224, 3684, 'Daveyton'), (47839, 224, 3684,
'Diepkloof'), (47838, 224, 3684, 'Diepsloot'), (47853, 224, 3684,
'Duduza'), (47852, 224, 3684, 'Edenvale'), (47851, 224, 3684,
'Etwatwa'), (47814, 224, 3684, 'Evaton'), (47822, 224, 3684,
'Ga-Rankuwa'), (18063, 224, 3684, 'Gauteng'), (12082, 224, 3684,
'Germiston'), (47837, 224, 3684, 'Ivory Park'), (6630, 224, 3684,
'Johannesburg'), (47850, 224, 3684, 'Katlehong'), (15908, 224, 3684,
'Kempton Park'), (47849, 224, 3684, 'KwaThema'), (13026, 224, 3684,
'Lenasia'), (47821, 224, 3684, 'Mabopane'), (47820, 224, 3684,
'Mamelodi'), (47836, 224, 3684, 'Meadowlands'), (12282, 224, 3684,
'Midrand'), (47819, 224, 3684, 'Nellmapius'), (47848, 224, 3684,
'Nigel'), (47835, 224, 3684, 'Orange Farm'), (6631, 224, 3684,
'Pretoria'), (47834, 224, 3684, 'Rabie Ridge'), (15058, 224, 3684,
'Randburg'), (47847, 224, 3684, 'Reiger Park'), (17840, 224, 3684,
'Rivonia'), (47833, 224, 3684, 'Roodepoort'), (12406, 224, 3684,
'Sandton'), (47818, 224, 3684, 'Saulsville'), (47813, 224, 3684,
'Sebokeng'), (47812, 224, 3684, 'Sharpeville'), (47817, 224, 3684,
'Soshanguve'), (6632, 224, 3684, 'Soweto'), (47846, 224, 3684,
'Springs'), (47816, 224, 3684, 'Temba'), (47845, 224, 3684,
'Tembisa'), (47844, 224, 3684, 'Thokoza'), (47843, 224, 3684,
'Tsakane'), (47811, 224, 3684, 'Tshepiso'), (47832, 224, 3684,
'Tshepisong'), (17832, 224, 3684, 'Vanderbijlpark'), (15545, 224, 3684,
'Vereeniging'), (47842, 224, 3684, 'Vosloorus'), (47841, 224, 3684,
'Wattville'), (18823, 224, 3685, 'Hazyview'), (18822, 224, 3685,
'Malelane'), (41880, 224, 3685, 'Middelburg'), (18821, 224, 3685,
'Nelspruit'), (12127, 224, 3685, 'Secunda'), (13903, 224, 3685, 'White
River'), (41879, 224, 3685, 'Witbank'), (41907, 224, 3686,
'Kathu'), (41906, 224, 3686, 'Kimberley'), (15445, 224, 3686,
'Loxton'), (41908, 224, 3686, 'Sishen'), (41905, 224, 3686,
'Upington'), (42375, 224, 3687, 'Nylstroom'), (41703, 224, 3687,
'Phalaborwa'), (47807, 224, 3687, 'Polokwane'), (42374, 224, 3687,
'Tzaneen'), (13184, 224, 3688, 'Klerksdorp'), (14783, 224, 3688,
'Rustenburg'), (47909, 224, 3689, 'Atlantis'), (11832, 224, 3689,
'Bellville'), (47908, 224, 3689, 'Blue Downs'), (42916, 224, 3689,
'Brackenfell'), (6628, 224, 3689, 'Cape Town'), (47907, 224, 3689,
'Crossroads'), (47906, 224, 3689, 'Durbanville'), (47905, 224, 3689,
'Eersterivier'), (47904, 224, 3689, 'Elsies River'), (14272, 224, 3689,
'George'), (47903, 224, 3689, 'Goodwood'), (47902, 224, 3689,
'Guguletu'), (47901, 224, 3689, 'Khayelitsha'), (47900, 224, 3689,
'Kraaifontein'), (14909, 224, 3689, 'Kuils River'), (47899, 224, 3689,
'Kuilsriver'), (47898, 224, 3689, 'Langa'), (47897, 224, 3689,
'Mfuleni'), (47896, 224, 3689, 'Milnerton'), (47895, 224, 3689,
'Mitchell''s Plain'), (42917, 224, 3689, 'Moorreesburg'), (47894, 224,
3689, 'Nomzano'), (47893, 224, 3689, 'Nyanga'), (47892, 224, 3689,
'Parow'), (17798, 224, 3689, 'Robertson'), (17797, 224, 3689, 'Somerset
West'), (12724, 224, 3689, 'Stellenbosch'), (47891, 224, 3689,
'Strand'), (42037, 224, 3689, 'Worcester'), (3811, 226, 3886,
'Ciudadela'), (15854, 226, 3886, 'Ibiza'), (3822, 226, 3886, 'Palma de
Mallorca'), (3823, 226, 3886, 'Petra'), (16524, 226, 3886,
'Valldemosa'), (16272, 226, 3906, 'Logro'), (14343, 226, 3908,
'Alcal'), (42099, 226, 3908, 'Colmenar de Oreja'), (16394, 226, 3908,
'Daganzo de Arriba'), (3818, 226, 3908, 'Madrid'), (16600, 226, 3908,
'Mostoles'), (41811, 226, 3908, 'Pinto'), (16420, 226, 3908, 'Pozuelo de
Alarc'), (3830, 226, 3908, 'Tres Cantos'), (13914, 226, 3908, 'Villanueva
de la Ca'), (3803, 226, 3910, 'Aledo'), (6633, 226, 3910,
'Cartagena'), (41776, 226, 3910, 'Mazarron'), (3820, 226, 3910,
'Murcia'), (15055, 226, 3910, 'San Pedro del Pinatar'), (3831, 226, 3910,
'Yecla'), (14595, 226, 3911, 'Los Arcos'), (6637, 226, 3911,
'Pamplona'), (3804, 226, 3913, 'Aviles'), (3814, 226, 3913,
'Gijon'), (42096, 226, 3913, 'Navia'), (3821, 226, 3913, 'Oviedo'), (15856,
226, 3918, 'Arredondo'), (14433, 226, 3918, 'Santander'), (13207, 226,
3930, 'Algeciras'), (14190, 226, 3930, 'Almeria'), (12951, 226, 3930,
'Aroche'), (3810, 226, 3930, 'Cadiz'), (41836, 226, 3930,
'Cordoba'), (6634, 226, 3930, 'C'), (3812, 226, 3930, 'El Puerto De Santa
Maria'), (3815, 226, 3930, 'Granada'), (3816, 226, 3930, 'Huelva'), (41834,
226, 3930, 'Jaen'), (41778, 226, 3930, 'Jerez de la Frontera'), (16273,
226, 3930, 'Mairena del Alcor'), (3819, 226, 3930, 'Malaga'), (15953, 226,
3930, 'Marbella'), (15950, 226, 3930, 'Ronda'), (6638, 226, 3930,
'Rota'), (3826, 226, 3930, 'Santa Fe'), (3828, 226, 3930, 'Sevilla
'), (12188, 226, 3930, 'Vera'), (13579, 226, 3931, 'Huesca'), (15414, 226,
3931, 'Teruel'), (14135, 226, 3931, 'Zaragoza'), (19034, 226, 3932,
'Arrecife'), (14116, 226, 3932, 'Las Palmas'), (3817, 226, 3932, 'Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria'), (14024, 226, 3932, 'Los Llanos De
Aridane'), (13344, 226, 3932, 'Puerto de la Cruz'), (15679, 226, 3932,
'Santa Cruz de Tenerife'), (16456, 226, 3932, 'Tacoronte'), (16168, 226,
3933, 'Albacete'), (14440, 226, 3933, 'Cuenca'), (14441, 226, 3933,
'Huete'), (3829, 226, 3933, 'Toledo'), (41912, 226, 3933,
'Valdepenas'), (17134, 226, 3934, ''), (41786, 226, 3934, 'Burgos'), (6635,
226, 3934, 'Leon'), (16257, 226, 3934, 'Salamanca'), (14218, 226, 3934,
'Segovia'), (13042, 226, 3934, 'Valladolid'), (14974, 226, 3935,
'Badalona'), (3805, 226, 3935, 'Balaguer'), (12772, 226, 3935,
'Barber'), (3807, 226, 3935, 'Barcelona'), (16596, 226, 3935,
'Bellvehi'), (18946, 226, 3935, 'Crespia'), (12839, 226, 3935, 'El Prat De
Llobregat'), (13614, 226, 3935, 'Esparreguera'), (16616, 226, 3935,
'Esplugues de Llobregat'), (14215, 226, 3935, 'Girona'), (13612, 226, 3935,
'Igualada'), (16617, 226, 3935, 'La Seu d''Urgell'), (13551, 226, 3935,
'Lleida'), (16221, 226, 3935, 'Manresa'), (13687, 226, 3935,
'Matadepera'), (12662, 226, 3935, 'Matar'), (18644, 226, 3935,
'Mollerusa'), (17721, 226, 3935, 'Palafrugell'), (15801, 226, 3935,
'Premi'), (16504, 226, 3935, 'Reus'), (13686, 226, 3935,
'Sabadell'), (15356, 226, 3935, 'Sentmenat'), (15571, 226, 3935,
'Tarrasa'), (13484, 226, 3935, 'Torrelles de Llobregat'), (6641, 226, 3935,
'Tortosa'), (41727, 226, 3935, 'Vilanova I La Geltru'), (14355, 226, 3936,
'Badajoz'), (3806, 226, 3936, 'Barcarrota'), (42889, 226, 3936,
'M'), (12186, 226, 3937, 'A Coru'), (42040, 226, 3937, 'Lugo'), (42042,
226, 3937, 'Ourense'), (42041, 226, 3937, 'Pontevedra'), (6639, 226, 3937,
'Santiago de Compostela'), (11971, 226, 3937, 'Vigo'), (15523, 226, 3938,
'Basauri'), (14645, 226, 3938, 'Bergara'), (3808, 226, 3938,
'Bilbao'), (15295, 226, 3938, 'Getxo'), (14134, 226, 3938, 'San
Sebastian'), (16274, 226, 3938, 'Vitoria'), (42321, 226, 3939,
'Alboraya'), (15125, 226, 3939, 'Alcora'), (15379, 226, 3939,
'Alicante'), (15120, 226, 3939, 'Benicasim'), (15293, 226, 3939,
'Burriana'), (15123, 226, 3939, 'Castell'), (13045, 226, 3939,
'Orihuela'), (15124, 226, 3939, 'Oropesa'), (17110, 226, 3939,
'Requena'), (16463, 226, 3939, 'Rojales'), (17578, 226, 3939,
'Torrevieja'), (6642, 226, 3939, 'Valencia'), (15121, 226, 3939,
'Vistabella del Maestrazgo'), (6643, 228, 1306, 'Colombo'), (4411, 228,
1306, 'Nuwara Eliya'), (17137, 228, 1308, 'Jaffna'), (41915, 228, 1308,
'Point Pedro'), (42942, 228, 1312, 'Badulla'), (42943, 228, 1312,
'Bandarawela'), (16218, 228, 1313, 'Gampaha'), (6644, 229, 3956,
'Khartoum'), (42885, 229, 3962, 'Port Sudan'), (6645, 230, 3043,
'Paramaribo'), (18000, 232, 4659, 'Mbabane'), (42904, 232, 4661,
'Manzini'), (15016, 233, 3986, 'Karlshamn'), (12407, 233, 3986,
'Karlskrona'), (16195, 233, 3986, 'Olofstr'), (13225, 233, 3986,
'Pukavik'), (4787, 233, 3986, 'Ronneby'), (12550, 233, 3986, 'S'), (15698,
233, 3987, 'Alfta'), (6660, 233, 3987, 'G'), (15412, 233, 3987,
'Hofors'), (15260, 233, 3987, 'Hudiksvall'), (12612, 233, 3987,
'Ljusdal'), (14220, 233, 3987, 'Sandviken'), (16380, 233, 3987,
'Skarsa'), (12639, 233, 3987, 'S'), (6728, 233, 3989, 'Visby'), (13670,
233, 3990, 'Falkenberg'), (6666, 233, 3990, 'Halmstad'), (13110, 233, 3990,
'Kungsbacka'), (14049, 233, 3990, 'Laholm'), (12977, 233, 3990,
'Skummesl'), (17165, 233, 3990, 'Tv'), (13638, 233, 3990,
'Varberg'), (14206, 233, 3990, 'V'), (14916, 233, 3991, 'Br'), (16348, 233,
3991, 'Fr'), (6658, 233, 3991, 'G'), (12455, 233, 3991, ''), (6715, 233,
3991, 'Storlien'), (6717, 233, 3991, 'Sveg'), (13912, 233, 3992,
'Bankeryd'), (13530, 233, 3992, 'Eksjo'), (14845, 233, 3992,
'Gislaved'), (6665, 233, 3992, 'Hagshult'), (13185, 233, 3992,
'Hillerstorp'), (14352, 233, 3992, 'Huskvarna'), (4776, 233, 3992,
'Jonkoping'), (13927, 233, 3992, 'N'), (13229, 233, 3992, 'Tran'), (14638,
233, 3992, 'Varnamo'), (12630, 233, 3992, 'Vetlanda'), (13915, 233, 3993,
'F'), (16242, 233, 3993, 'Gamleby'), (6672, 233, 3993,
'Hultsfred'), (14281, 233, 3993, 'Kalmar'), (6692, 233, 3993, 'M'), (16244,
233, 3993, 'Oskarshamn'), (18006, 233, 3993, 'V'), (4793, 233, 3993,
'Vimmerby'), (14289, 233, 3994, 'Avesta'), (6654, 233, 3994,
'Bor'), (12132, 233, 3994, 'Borl'), (14286, 233, 3994, 'Falun'), (16650,
233, 3994, 'Hedemora'), (4779, 233, 3994, 'Leksand'), (15368, 233, 3994,
'Ludvika'), (6696, 233, 3994, 'Malung'), (4783, 233, 3994, 'Mora'), (6703,
233, 3994, 'R'), (6706, 233, 3994, 'S'), (6708, 233, 3994,
'Siljansn'), (14359, 233, 3994, 'T'), (12121, 233, 3994, 'Vansbro'), (6725,
233, 3994, 'V'), (11947, 233, 3996, ''), (16235, 233, 3996,
'Alvesta'), (12823, 233, 3996, 'Ljungby'), (17191, 233, 3996, 'R'), (4792,
233, 3996, 'Vaxjo'), (6652, 233, 3998, 'Arjeplog'), (17964, 233, 3998,
'Arvidsjaur'), (14937, 233, 3998, 'Boden'), (6656, 233, 3998,
'Esrange'), (6659, 233, 3998, 'Gallivare'), (17236, 233, 3998,
'Gammelstad'), (6667, 233, 3998, 'Haparanda'), (6675, 233, 3998,
'Jokkmokk'), (15187, 233, 3998, 'Kalix'), (6676, 233, 3998,
'Kallax'), (6677, 233, 3998, 'Karesuando'), (6680, 233, 3998,
'Kiruna'), (6686, 233, 3998, 'Kvikkjokk'), (6687, 233, 3998,
'Lainio'), (13097, 233, 3998, 'Lule'), (18559, 233, 3998, ''), (17976, 233,
3998, ''), (6702, 233, 3998, 'Pajala'), (12690, 233, 3998, 'Pite'), (6726,
233, 3998, 'Vidsel'), (16938, 233, 3999, 'Degerfors'), (15426, 233, 3999,
'Fr'), (13932, 233, 3999, 'Kumla'), (12624, 233, 3999,
'Lindesberg'), (13452, 233, 3999, ''), (6712, 233, 3999, 'St'), (17776,
233, 4000, 'Finsp'), (18120, 233, 4000, 'Haninge'), (6689, 233, 4000,
'Link'), (6694, 233, 4000, 'Malexander'), (14224, 233, 4000,
'Motala'), (12297, 233, 4000, 'Norrk'), (12378, 233, 4000,
'Orminge'), (16795, 233, 4000, 'Skara'), (16723, 233, 4000,
'Soderkoping'), (15291, 233, 4000, 'Valdemarsvik'), (4771, 233, 4002,
'Eskilstuna'), (15160, 233, 4002, 'Flen'), (14739, 233, 4002,
'Julita'), (12542, 233, 4002, 'Katrineholm'), (14239, 233, 4002,
'Nyk'), (6700, 233, 4002, 'Osby'), (4786, 233, 4002, 'Oxel'), (13951, 233,
4002, 'Str'), (15225, 233, 4002, 'Trosa'), (16251, 233, 4003, 'B'), (13377,
233, 4003, 'Enk'), (13336, 233, 4003, 'Grillby'), (13054, 233, 4003,
'Tierp'), (6723, 233, 4003, 'Uppsala'), (17538, 233, 4004, ''), (13242,
233, 4004, 'Arvika'), (18927, 233, 4004, 'Charlottenberg'), (17637, 233,
4004, 'Eksharad'), (4778, 233, 4004, 'Karlskoga'), (6678, 233, 4004,
'Karlstad'), (14367, 233, 4004, 'Kristinehamn'), (4784, 233, 4004,
'Munkfors'), (13464, 233, 4004, 'Skillingsfors'), (4791, 233, 4004,
'Sunne'), (12320, 233, 4004, 'Torsby'), (6653, 233, 4005, 'Bjur'), (6655,
233, 4005, 'Dikan'), (18619, 233, 4005, 'Dorotea'), (6664, 233, 4005,
'Gunnarn'), (6669, 233, 4005, 'Hemavan'), (6673, 233, 4005,
'Idvattnet'), (6681, 233, 4005, 'Klimpfj'), (16335, 233, 4005,
'Lycksele'), (13130, 233, 4005, 'Nordmaling'), (6711, 233, 4005,
'Skellefte'), (6721, 233, 4005, 'Umea'), (17784, 233, 4005,
'Vilhelmina'), (6727, 233, 4005, 'Vindeln'), (16403, 233, 4006,
'Bj'), (12449, 233, 4006, 'H'), (6683, 233, 4006, 'Kramfors'), (13363, 233,
4006, 'Liden'), (11904, 233, 4006, ''), (13623, 233, 4006,
'Sollefte'), (6716, 233, 4006, 'Sundsvall'), (6718, 233, 4006,
'Svensk'), (14128, 233, 4007, 'Arboga'), (18250, 233, 4007,
'Fagersta'), (16245, 233, 4007, 'Koping'), (6651, 233, 4007,
'Ostmark'), (15610, 233, 4007, 'Sala'), (12411, 233, 4007, 'V'), (18401,
233, 4008, 'Botkyrka'), (16628, 233, 4008, 'Danderyd'), (13142, 233, 4008,
'Gustavsberg'), (6671, 233, 4008, 'Holmg'), (17929, 233, 4008,
'Huddinge'), (15766, 233, 4008, 'Jakobsberg'), (14372, 233, 4008,
'Kista'), (6688, 233, 4008, 'Landsort'), (18488, 233, 4008,
'Liding'), (16921, 233, 4008, 'M'), (19002, 233, 4008, 'Nacka'), (12941,
233, 4008, 'Norrt'), (13081, 233, 4008, 'Nyn'), (16489, 233, 4008,
'Sigtuna'), (12679, 233, 4008, 'S'), (12055, 233, 4008,
'Sollentuna'), (4789, 233, 4008, 'Solna'), (6713, 233, 4008,
'Stockholm'), (13305, 233, 4008, 'Sundbyberg'), (18722, 233, 4008,
'Taby'), (18030, 233, 4008, 'Tyres'), (16646, 233, 4008, 'Uplands
V'), (18463, 233, 4008, 'Vallentuna'), (17895, 233, 4008,
'Vaxholm'), (13084, 233, 4009, ''), (13710, 233, 4009, ''), (14338, 233,
4009, 'Barseb'), (12958, 233, 4009, 'B'), (15682, 233, 4009, 'Bj'), (16492,
233, 4009, 'Bj'), (17023, 233, 4009, 'Esl'), (6657, 233, 4009,
'Falsterbo'), (12091, 233, 4009, 'Gisl'), (4774, 233, 4009,
'Hammenh'), (13870, 233, 4009, 'H'), (4775, 233, 4009,
'Helsingborg'), (15273, 233, 4009, 'H'), (16444, 233, 4009, 'H'), (15897,
233, 4009, 'H'), (16941, 233, 4009, 'Klippan'), (6684, 233, 4009,
'Kristianstad'), (6685, 233, 4009, 'Kullen'), (12024, 233, 4009,
'Landskrona'), (6690, 233, 4009, 'Ljungbyhed'), (12178, 233, 4009,
'Lund'), (15258, 233, 4009, 'Malm'), (4785, 233, 4009, 'Nybro'), (12694,
233, 4009, 'Trelleborg'), (14564, 233, 4009, 'Ystad'), (12700, 233, 4010,
'Alings'), (14199, 233, 4010, ''), (12165, 233, 4010, 'Bor'), (12591, 233,
4010, 'G'), (4773, 233, 4010, 'Gothenburg'), (13355, 233, 4010,
'Grebbestad'), (15891, 233, 4010, 'Hjo'), (13186, 233, 4010,
'Karlsborg'), (14381, 233, 4010, 'Kinna'), (14936, 233, 4010,
'Kung'), (13920, 233, 4010, 'Lidkoping'), (12616, 233, 4010,
'Ljungskile'), (6691, 233, 4010, 'Lur'), (16490, 233, 4010,
'Lysekil'), (12734, 233, 4010, 'Mariestad'), (14718, 233, 4010,
'M'), (4782, 233, 4010, 'M'), (16417, 233, 4010, 'Munkedal'), (15890, 233,
4010, 'N'), (13721, 233, 4010, 'Nossebro'), (15859, 233, 4010,
'Partille'), (6705, 233, 4010, 'S'), (4788, 233, 4010, 'Skovde'), (6709,
233, 4010, 'Sk'), (14941, 233, 4010, 'Stenungsund'), (16248, 233, 4010,
'Str'), (14934, 233, 4010, 'Svanesund'), (13378, 233, 4010,
'Tanumshede'), (18130, 233, 4010, 'T'), (11929, 233, 4010,
'Trollh'), (13559, 233, 4010, 'Uddevalla'), (12607, 233, 4010,
'Ulricehamn'), (13473, 233, 4010, 'Vanersborg'), (14775, 234, 4025,
'Aarau'), (11761, 234, 4025, 'Baden'), (14191, 234, 4025,
'Bremgarten'), (12286, 234, 4025, 'Brugg'), (17550, 234, 4025,
'Lenzburg'), (16063, 234, 4025, 'Wohlen'), (14701, 234, 4025,
'Zofingen'), (18151, 234, 4026, 'Herisau'), (3497, 234, 4027,
'Liestal'), (41801, 234, 4027, 'Muttenz'), (13139, 234, 4028,
'Basel'), (15193, 234, 4029, 'Arch'), (3493, 234, 4029, 'Bern'), (14587,
234, 4029, 'Biel'), (18073, 234, 4029, 'Bienne'), (12532, 234, 4029,
'Burgdorf'), (13566, 234, 4029, 'Lengnau'), (16794, 234, 4029,
'Renan'), (3499, 234, 4029, 'Saas Fee'), (11979, 234, 4029,
'Thun'), (16613, 234, 4030, 'Bulle'), (18934, 234, 4030, 'Cugy'), (12653,
234, 4030, 'Fribourg'), (17967, 234, 4030, 'Orsonnens'), (6730, 234, 4031,
'Geneva'), (16080, 234, 4031, 'Versoix'), (14209, 234, 4032,
'Glarus'), (3494, 234, 4033, 'Chur'), (3496, 234, 4033, 'Davos'), (3500,
234, 4033, 'Saint Moritz'), (16384, 234, 4033, 'Sils im Domleschg'), (6732,
234, 4035, 'Lucerne '), (17383, 234, 4035, 'Root'), (3501, 234, 4035,
'Sursee'), (16787, 234, 4036, 'La Chaux-de-Fonds'), (18373, 234, 4036, 'Les
Geneveys-sur-Coffrane'), (6734, 234, 4036, 'Neuchatel'), (13294, 234, 4039,
'Rapperswil'), (15904, 234, 4039, 'Rorschach'), (16275, 234, 4039, 'Sankt
Gallen'), (3502, 234, 4039, 'Winterthur'), (12373, 234, 4040,
'Schaffhausen'), (41842, 234, 4041, 'Schwyz'), (15004, 234, 4042,
'Haerkingen'), (18402, 234, 4042, 'Solothurn'), (13781, 234, 4043,
'Frauenfeld'), (13782, 234, 4043, 'Kreuzlingen'), (18524, 234, 4044,
'Bellinzona'), (18167, 234, 4044, 'Chiasso'), (3498, 234, 4044,
'Locarno'), (12701, 234, 4044, 'Lugano'), (12203, 234, 4046,
'Martigny'), (15613, 234, 4046, 'Sion'), (18115, 234, 4047, 'Bex'), (6731,
234, 4047, 'Lausanne'), (6733, 234, 4047, 'Montreux'), (14802, 234, 4047,
'Nyon'), (15246, 234, 4047, 'Payerne'), (12227, 234, 4047,
'Pully'), (12476, 234, 4047, 'Vevey'), (14293, 234, 4047,
'Yverdon'), (17057, 234, 4048, 'Baar'), (13688, 234, 4048, 'Zug'), (11848,
234, 4049, 'Buchs'), (17636, 234, 4049, 'B'), (16252, 234, 4049,
'Dietikon'), (18801, 234, 4049, 'Hombrechtikon'), (15906, 234, 4049,
'Horgen'), (12482, 234, 4049, 'Kloten'), (14181, 234, 4049,
'Schlieren'), (13506, 234, 4049, 'Uster'), (13231, 234, 4049,
'Windlach'), (6736, 234, 4049, 'Zurich'), (41892, 235, 4011,
'Qamishly'), (6737, 235, 4012, 'Al Ladhiqiyah'), (41748, 235, 4019,
'Aleppo'), (41847, 235, 4021, 'Hims'), (6738, 235, 4023,
'Damascus'), (41744, 236, 773, 'Chu-nan'), (6739, 236, 773,
'Hua-lien'), (6741, 236, 773, 'P''ing-tung'), (6740, 236, 4273,
'Kaohsiung'), (3560, 236, 4273, 'Kaohsiung County'), (3561, 236, 4273,
'Kaohsiung Municipality'), (6743, 236, 4273, 'Tainan'), (14312, 236, 4273,
'Yung Kang City'), (17410, 236, 4274, 'Hsin-chu'), (17006, 236, 4274, 'Lung
Tang'), (16886, 236, 4274, 'Panchiao'), (6744, 236, 4274,
'Taipei'), (15936, 236, 4275, 'Chia-i Chia-I'), (16069, 236, 4275,
'Puli'), (6742, 236, 4275, 'T''ai-chung'), (15648, 236, 4275,
'Taoyuan'), (4819, 237, 4140, 'Dushanbe'), (4820, 237, 4142,
'Khujand'), (4829, 238, 4276, 'Arusha'), (4831, 238, 4277, 'Dar Es
Salaam'), (42402, 238, 4278, 'Dodoma'), (42223, 238, 4287,
'Mwanza'), (15834, 238, 4288, 'Wete'), (4833, 238, 4290,
'Shinyanga'), (4830, 238, 4293, 'Bagamoyo'), (6746, 238, 4293,
'Kilimanjaro'), (4832, 238, 4293, 'Morogoro'), (6747, 238, 4299,
'Zanzibar'), (4817, 239, 776, 'Laem Chabang'), (12782, 239, 4064, 'Chiang
Mai'), (41997, 239, 4074, 'Phitsanulok'), (12312, 239, 4076,
'Phetchabun'), (13108, 239, 4081, 'Udon Thani'), (17503, 239, 4089, 'Nakhon
Ratchasima'), (18560, 239, 4090, 'Nana Plaza'), (13312, 239, 4100, 'Non
Buri '), (4815, 239, 4102, 'Bangkok'), (18010, 239, 4104, 'Samudh
Prakarn'), (18111, 239, 4106, 'Klong Luang Peng'), (18048, 239, 4108, 'Chon
Buri'), (18838, 239, 4108, 'Chonburi'), (17418, 239, 4108,
'Pattaya'), (14745, 239, 4109, 'Banchang'), (13128, 239, 4109,
'Rayong'), (16368, 239, 4111, 'Trat'), (18008, 239, 4115, 'Nakorn
Panom'), (42248, 239, 4118, 'Cha-am'), (13533, 239, 4122, 'Koh
Samui'), (16280, 239, 4122, 'Surat Thani'), (13414, 239, 4124,
'Phuket'), (42278, 240, 5394, 'kara'), (4814, 240, 5395, 'Lome'), (42279,
240, 5396, 'Atakpame'), (15163, 242, 4144, 'Nukualofa'), (18394, 243, 4051,
'Arima'), (5750, 243, 4052, 'Charuma'), (5752, 243, 4052,
'Coryal'), (17217, 243, 4052, 'Couva'), (5774, 243, 4053,
'Pierreville'), (5782, 243, 4053, 'Rushville'), (5743, 243, 4054,
'Biche'), (5753, 243, 4054, 'Cuche'), (5756, 243, 4054, 'Fonrose'), (5771,
243, 4054, 'Navet'), (5779, 243, 4054, 'Poole'), (5789, 243, 4054,
'Unis'), (12893, 243, 4055, 'Port of Spain'), (5746, 243, 4056,
'Caigual'), (5747, 243, 4056, 'Carmichael'), (5751, 243, 4056,
'Cheeyou'), (5754, 243, 4056, 'Cunaripa'), (5758, 243, 4056, 'Guaico
Tamana'), (5759, 243, 4056, 'Hasnalli'), (5760, 243, 4056,
'Howson'), (5762, 243, 4056, 'Lower Fishing Pond'), (5763, 243, 4056,
'Mamon'), (5766, 243, 4056, 'Matura'), (5770, 243, 4056, 'Mount
Harris'), (5772, 243, 4056, 'Nestor'), (5776, 243, 4056, 'Plum
Mitan'), (5783, 243, 4056, 'Salybia'), (18277, 243, 4056, 'Sangre
Grande'), (5790, 243, 4056, 'Upper Fishing Pond'), (5791, 243, 4056, 'Upper
Manzanilla'), (5757, 243, 4057, 'Grande Riviere'), (5765, 243, 4057,
'Matelot'), (5768, 243, 4057, 'Monte Video'), (5780, 243, 4057,
'Redhead'), (5784, 243, 4057, 'Sans Souci'), (5788, 243, 4057,
'Toco'), (5744, 243, 4058, 'Blanchisseuse'), (5745, 243, 4058, 'Brasso Seco
Village'), (5761, 243, 4058, 'Las Cuevas'), (5764, 243, 4058, 'Maracas Bay
Village'), (12872, 243, 4058, 'Saint Augustine'), (5786, 243, 4058, 'Saint
Joseph'), (41719, 243, 4058, 'San Juan'), (16554, 243, 4058,
'Tunapuna'), (5755, 243, 4059, 'Erin'), (13523, 243, 4060, 'San
Fernando'), (5749, 243, 4061, 'Charlotteville'), (5777, 243, 4061,
'Plymouth'), (5781, 243, 4061, 'Roxborough'), (5785, 243, 4061,
'Scarborough'), (5767, 243, 4062, 'Mayo'), (5769, 243, 4062,
'Moruga'), (5775, 243, 4062, 'Plaisance'), (41692, 245, 4174,
'Monastir'), (42063, 245, 4179, 'Msaken'), (41693, 245, 4182,
'Djerba'), (4823, 245, 4184, 'Gafsa'), (4822, 245, 4190,
'Carthage'), (6761, 245, 4190, 'Tunis'), (18140, 246, 4192,
'Adana'), (41669, 246, 4198, 'Alanya'), (16278, 246, 4198,
'Antalya'), (41673, 246, 4200, 'Aydin'), (17395, 246, 4201,
'Balikesir'), (41672, 246, 4207, 'Bursa'), (42056, 246, 4212,
'Diyarbakir'), (42382, 246, 4216, 'Erzurum'), (16595, 246, 4217,
'Eskisehir'), (17274, 246, 4218, 'Gaziantep'), (4826, 246, 4223,
'Mersin'), (17789, 246, 4224, 'Isparta'), (4824, 246, 4225,
'Istanbul'), (4825, 246, 4226, 'Izmir'), (42381, 246, 4227,
'Kars'), (15861, 246, 4232, 'Kocaeli'), (13640, 246, 4236,
'Manisa'), (41670, 246, 4239, 'Bodrum'), (41671, 246, 4239,
'Dalaman'), (4827, 246, 4239, 'Mugla'), (16052, 246, 4246,
'Samsun'), (16978, 246, 4250, 'Tekirda'), (16042, 246, 4251,
'Tokat'), (42257, 246, 4256, 'Van'), (6762, 246, 4259, 'Ankara'), (18141,
246, 4264, 'Konya'), (4821, 247, 5053, 'Ashgabat'), (13158, 248, 785,
'Balfour Town'), (4861, 250, 4307, 'Jinja'), (4862, 250, 4311,
'Kampala'), (4837, 251, 4431, 'Cherkassy'), (4838, 251, 4431,
'Chernivtsi'), (4842, 251, 4431, 'Kaniv'), (4852, 251, 4431,
'Shpola'), (6763, 251, 4434, 'Char''kov'), (4840, 251, 4434,
'Dnebrovsky'), (13924, 251, 4434, 'Dnepropetrovsk'), (13831, 251, 4435,
'Donetsk'), (4841, 251, 4435, 'Gorlovka'), (13936, 251, 4435,
'Makeevka'), (42224, 251, 4435, 'Mariupol'), (4835, 251, 4437,
'Bogodukhov'), (4843, 251, 4437, 'Kharkiv'), (4849, 251, 4437,
'Merefa'), (4834, 251, 4441, 'Alushta'), (4846, 251, 4442, 'Kiev'), (4836,
251, 4443, 'Brovary'), (16402, 251, 4443, 'Slavutich'), (41995, 251, 4444,
'Lugansk'), (4848, 251, 4445, 'Lviv'), (4844, 251, 4446,
'Kherson'), (41741, 251, 4446, 'Nikolaev'), (4850, 251, 4447,
'Odessa'), (18918, 251, 4447, 'Reni'), (4858, 251, 4447, 'Yalta'), (42316,
251, 4448, 'Kremenchug'), (4851, 251, 4448, 'Poltava'), (11942, 251, 4449,
'Rivne'), (14448, 251, 4450, 'Sevastopol'), (4855, 251, 4452,
'Ternopil'), (4854, 251, 4453, 'Smila'), (4857, 251, 4455,
'Uzhgorod'), (17261, 251, 4456, 'Zaporizhzhya'), (41894, 251, 4457,
'Radomysl'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`,
`name`) VALUES (6764, 252, 4998, 'Abu Dhabi'), (16995, 252, 4999,
'Ajman'), (14674, 252, 5002, 'Bur Dubai'), (6765, 252, 5002,
'Dubai'), (18064, 252, 5002, 'Garhoud'), (41998, 252, 5003, 'Al
Fujayrah'), (6766, 252, 5004, 'Ras al Khaymah'), (12632, 252, 5005,
'Sharjah '), (41802, 253, 5263, 'AOL'), (12838, 253, 5389,
'Aberystwyth'), (12445, 253, 5389, 'Bangor'), (13289, 253, 5389,
'Beddgelert'), (12948, 253, 5389, 'Betws-y-Coed'), (4874, 253, 5389,
'Brecon'), (5957, 253, 5389, 'Cardiff'), (12529, 253, 5389,
'Haverfordwest'), (4904, 253, 5389, 'Hawarden'), (5958, 253, 5389,
'Holyhead'), (15425, 253, 5389, 'Lampeter'), (13442, 253, 5389,
'Llandrindod Well'), (4913, 253, 5389, 'Machynlleth'), (5959, 253, 5389,
'Milford'), (12089, 253, 5389, 'Mold'), (5845, 253, 5389,
'Newcastle'), (19040, 253, 5389, 'Newport'), (15551, 253, 5389,
'Pontypridd'), (15841, 253, 5389, 'St Asaph'), (5960, 253, 5389,
'Swansea'), (5961, 253, 5389, 'Wrexham'), (5947, 253, 5390,
'Aberdeen'), (5948, 253, 5390, 'Aviemore'), (4873, 253, 5390,
'Braemar'), (5949, 253, 5390, 'Cladich'), (4886, 253, 5390,
'Cumbernauld'), (41867, 253, 5390, 'Dumbarton'), (18091, 253, 5390,
'Dumfries'), (4890, 253, 5390, 'Dunbar'), (14217, 253, 5390,
'Dunblane'), (4891, 253, 5390, 'Dundee'), (14067, 253, 5390,
'Dunfermline'), (4893, 253, 5390, 'Edinburgh'), (18992, 253, 5390,
'Elgin'), (4894, 253, 5390, 'Falkirk'), (4895, 253, 5390, 'Forres'), (5950,
253, 5390, 'Glasgow'), (4898, 253, 5390, 'Grangemouth'), (4900, 253, 5390,
'Greenock'), (5010, 253, 5390, 'Hamilton'), (5951, 253, 5390,
'Hawick'), (41721, 253, 5390, 'Inverkeithing'), (4905, 253, 5390,
'Inverness'), (4907, 253, 5390, 'Kelso'), (4908, 253, 5390,
'Kennet'), (18984, 253, 5390, 'Kilmarnock'), (5952, 253, 5390,
'Kirkwall'), (12836, 253, 5390, 'Lerwick'), (5953, 253, 5390, 'Loch
Ness'), (18816, 253, 5390, 'Montrose'), (5954, 253, 5390,
'Motherwell'), (4918, 253, 5390, 'Newark'), (4923, 253, 5390,
'Oban'), (16404, 253, 5390, 'Perth'), (4926, 253, 5390, 'Plains'), (5011,
253, 5390, 'Prestwick'), (5955, 253, 5390, 'St Andrews'), (5012, 253, 5390,
'Stirling'), (42386, 253, 5390, 'Stranraer'), (5956, 253, 5390,
'Wick'), (6471, 253, 5391, 'Armagh'), (12281, 253, 5391,
'Ballymena'), (4868, 253, 5391, 'Belfast'), (14065, 253, 5391,
'Carrickfergus'), (17468, 253, 5391, 'Derry'), (15518, 253, 5391,
'Loughgall'), (6474, 253, 5391, 'Omagh'), (17642, 253, 5391,
'Portstewart'), (14051, 253, 5391, 'Stanmore'), (42387, 253, 5391,
'Whitehead'), (15707, 253, 5392, 'Aldershot'), (18575, 253, 5392, 'Alsagers
Bank'), (18682, 253, 5392, 'Altrincham'), (4863, 253, 5392,
'Andover'), (18945, 253, 5392, 'Ascot'), (4864, 253, 5392,
'Ashby-de-la-Zouch'), (4865, 253, 5392, 'Ashford'), (12985, 253, 5392,
'Aylesbury'), (14446, 253, 5392, 'Banbury'), (13631, 253, 5392,
'Barking'), (4866, 253, 5392, 'Barnet'), (17004, 253, 5392,
'Barnsley'), (42937, 253, 5392, 'Barnstaple'), (16423, 253, 5392,
'Barrow-in-Furness'), (16254, 253, 5392, 'Basildon'), (12402, 253, 5392,
'Basingstoke'), (5826, 253, 5392, 'Bath'), (15082, 253, 5392,
'Bedford'), (4869, 253, 5392, 'Belper'), (13874, 253, 5392,
'Benfleet'), (5827, 253, 5392, 'Benson'), (15514, 253, 5392,
'Berkhamsted'), (4870, 253, 5392, 'Berwick Upon Tweed'), (18776, 253, 5392,
'Bexley'), (14530, 253, 5392, 'Bicester'), (4871, 253, 5392,
'Billericay'), (18436, 253, 5392, 'Birkenhead'), (4872, 253, 5392,
'Birmingham'), (14592, 253, 5392, 'Blackburn'), (14686, 253, 5392,
'Blackpool'), (12526, 253, 5392, 'Bolton'), (12480, 253, 5392,
'Bournemouth'), (13062, 253, 5392, 'Bracknell'), (18772, 253, 5392,
'Bradford'), (4875, 253, 5392, 'Brentwood'), (18820, 253, 5392,
'Brighton'), (14260, 253, 5392, 'Bristol'), (4876, 253, 5392,
'Broomfield'), (42004, 253, 5392, 'Burgess Hill'), (14654, 253, 5392,
'Burnley'), (4877, 253, 5392, 'Burton Upon Tren'), (13812, 253, 5392,
'Bury'), (15835, 253, 5392, 'Bury St Edmunds'), (16500, 253, 5392,
'Camberley'), (4878, 253, 5392, 'Cambridge'), (4879, 253, 5392,
'Canterbury'), (14443, 253, 5392, 'Carlisle'), (42384, 253, 5392,
'Chalgrove'), (5832, 253, 5392, 'Chatham'), (13641, 253, 5392,
'Chelmsford'), (4880, 253, 5392, 'Cheltenham'), (4881, 253, 5392,
'Chester'), (42879, 253, 5392, 'Chesterfield'), (12160, 253, 5392,
'Chichester'), (41768, 253, 5392, 'Chorley'), (14056, 253, 5392, 'Church
Stretton'), (4884, 253, 5392, 'Colchester'), (16204, 253, 5392,
'Congleton'), (17534, 253, 5392, 'Coniston'), (42888, 253, 5392,
'Corsham'), (4885, 253, 5392, 'Coventry'), (13575, 253, 5392,
'Crawley'), (15410, 253, 5392, 'Crewe'), (13913, 253, 5392,
'Croydon'), (13711, 253, 5392, 'Dartford'), (4887, 253, 5392,
'Dartmouth'), (5833, 253, 5392, 'Derby'), (4889, 253, 5392,
'Doncaster'), (13696, 253, 5392, 'Dorchester'), (15377, 253, 5392,
'Dorking'), (5834, 253, 5392, 'Dover'), (16659, 253, 5392,
'Dudley'), (4892, 253, 5392, 'Durham'), (16058, 253, 5392, 'East
Molesey'), (17521, 253, 5392, 'East Preston'), (12501, 253, 5392,
'Eastbourne'), (12374, 253, 5392, 'Eastrea'), (41763, 253, 5392,
'Ellesmere'), (12883, 253, 5392, 'Ely'), (16825, 253, 5392,
'Enfield'), (14510, 253, 5392, 'Epsom'), (5835, 253, 5392,
'Exeter'), (5836, 253, 5392, 'Falmouth'), (42388, 253, 5392,
'Faringdon'), (42034, 253, 5392, 'Farmington'), (14604, 253, 5392,
'Farnham'), (42347, 253, 5392, 'Feltham'), (12829, 253, 5392,
'Fleet'), (42315, 253, 5392, 'Frosterley'), (4896, 253, 5392,
'Glastonbury'), (12562, 253, 5392, 'Gloucester'), (15956, 253, 5392,
'Gosport'), (12626, 253, 5392, 'Gravesend'), (16057, 253, 5392,
'Grays'), (4899, 253, 5392, 'Great Wilbraham'), (12752, 253, 5392,
'Grimsby'), (11747, 253, 5392, 'Guildford'), (14506, 253, 5392,
'Guilford'), (11938, 253, 5392, 'Halifax'), (15553, 253, 5392,
'Harlow'), (41733, 253, 5392, 'Harpenden'), (14713, 253, 5392,
'Harrow'), (4902, 253, 5392, 'Hartlepool'), (18952, 253, 5392,
'Haslemere'), (13977, 253, 5392, 'Hastings'), (14917, 253, 5392,
'Hatfield'), (4903, 253, 5392, 'Haverhill'), (11776, 253, 5392, 'Hemel
Hempstead'), (15302, 253, 5392, 'Hereford'), (14999, 253, 5392,
'Hertford'), (41893, 253, 5392, 'Heston'), (16056, 253, 5392,
'Hexham'), (13019, 253, 5392, 'High Wycombe'), (13643, 253, 5392,
'Hoddesdon'), (12420, 253, 5392, 'Hornchurch'), (14160, 253, 5392,
'Horsham'), (12108, 253, 5392, 'Huddersfield'), (5837, 253, 5392, 'Hull
End'), (13296, 253, 5392, 'Huntingdon'), (14801, 253, 5392,
'Hyde'), (17707, 253, 5392, 'Ilford'), (5838, 253, 5392, 'Ipswich'), (4906,
253, 5392, 'Keighley'), (18628, 253, 5392, 'Kendal'), (17805, 253, 5392,
'Kenilworth'), (4909, 253, 5392, 'Kettering'), (18578, 253, 5392,
'Kidsgrove'), (4910, 253, 5392, 'Kingston Upon Hull'), (18257, 253, 5392,
'Lakenheath'), (13182, 253, 5392, 'Lancaster'), (4911, 253, 5392,
'Laughton'), (13488, 253, 5392, 'Leamington'), (18824, 253, 5392,
'Leeds'), (13135, 253, 5392, 'Leek'), (17849, 253, 5392,
'Leicester'), (17716, 253, 5392, 'Leigh'), (13387, 253, 5392,
'Letchworth'), (4912, 253, 5392, 'Lewes'), (41767, 253, 5392,
'Leyland'), (13546, 253, 5392, 'Lichfield'), (5840, 253, 5392,
'Lincoln'), (19039, 253, 5392, 'Little Chalfont'), (16778, 253, 5392,
'Liverpool'), (12008, 253, 5392, 'London'), (15035, 253, 5392,
'Loughborough'), (15011, 253, 5392, 'Louth'), (18492, 253, 5392,
'Lowestoft'), (14023, 253, 5392, 'Luton'), (12416, 253, 5392,
'Maidenhead'), (12230, 253, 5392, 'Maidstone'), (14722, 253, 5392,
'Manchester'), (4914, 253, 5392, 'Mansfield'), (4915, 253, 5392,
'Margate'), (4916, 253, 5392, 'Marlborough'), (17889, 253, 5392,
'Marlow'), (18870, 253, 5392, 'Melborne'), (16170, 253, 5392, 'Melton
Mowbray'), (4917, 253, 5392, 'Merton'), (5844, 253, 5392,
'Middlesbrough'), (15181, 253, 5392, 'Millom'), (12315, 253, 5392, 'Milton
Keynes'), (42908, 253, 5392, 'Minehead'), (18574, 253, 5392,
'Nantwich'), (17097, 253, 5392, 'Newbury'), (4919, 253, 5392, 'Newcastle
Upon Tyne'), (41682, 253, 5392, 'Newquay'), (13629, 253, 5392,
'Northallerton'), (4922, 253, 5392, 'Northampton'), (18577, 253, 5392,
'Northwich'), (42209, 253, 5392, 'northwold'), (15080, 253, 5392,
'Norwich'), (5847, 253, 5392, 'Nottingham'), (11975, 253, 5392,
'Oldham'), (17161, 253, 5392, 'Oxford'), (15422, 253, 5392,
'Oxshott'), (18627, 253, 5392, 'Penrith'), (4925, 253, 5392,
'Penzance'), (5848, 253, 5392, 'Peterborough'), (4927, 253, 5392,
'Plymouth'), (14208, 253, 5392, 'Poole'), (4928, 253, 5392,
'Portsmouth'), (41766, 253, 5392, 'Preston'), (18579, 253, 5392, 'Radway
Green'), (42069, 253, 5392, 'Ramsgate'), (11775, 253, 5392,
'Reading'), (14706, 253, 5392, 'Redditch'), (16276, 253, 5392,
'Ringwood'), (15522, 253, 5392, 'Ripon'), (14673, 253, 5392,
'Rochester'), (15968, 253, 5392, 'Romford'), (41857, 253, 5392,
'Rugby'), (15289, 253, 5392, 'Runcorn'), (17520, 253, 5392,
'Rustington'), (14052, 253, 5392, 'Saint Albans'), (16462, 253, 5392,
'Salford'), (4931, 253, 5392, 'Salisbury'), (42295, 253, 5392,
'Sandwich'), (17690, 253, 5392, 'Sandy'), (4932, 253, 5392,
'Scarborough'), (13975, 253, 5392, 'Seaford'), (12003, 253, 5392,
'Shaftesbury'), (18891, 253, 5392, 'Sheffield'), (5850, 253, 5392,
'Shrewsbury'), (13178, 253, 5392, 'Slough'), (14708, 253, 5392,
'Solihull'), (4935, 253, 5392, 'Southampton'), (4936, 253, 5392,
'Southborough'), (14524, 253, 5392, 'Southend-on-Sea'), (13970, 253, 5392,
'Southport'), (42260, 253, 5392, 'St Albans'), (18576, 253, 5392, 'St
Helens'), (16114, 253, 5392, 'St Ives'), (12717, 253, 5392,
'Stafford'), (41746, 253, 5392, 'Staines'), (16656, 253, 5392,
'Stansted'), (42032, 253, 5392, 'Stevenage'), (11801, 253, 5392,
'Stockport'), (14198, 253, 5392, 'Stockton-on-Tees'), (4937, 253, 5392,
'Stoke On Trent'), (4938, 253, 5392, 'Stratford-Upon-Avon'), (4939, 253,
5392, 'Stroud'), (18615, 253, 5392, 'Sudbury'), (11860, 253, 5392,
'Sunderland'), (16393, 253, 5392, 'Sutton'), (12853, 253, 5392,
'Swindon'), (4941, 253, 5392, 'Taunton'), (5851, 253, 5392,
'Teeside'), (13973, 253, 5392, 'Telford'), (4943, 253, 5392,
'Truro'), (17702, 253, 5392, 'Virginia Water'), (5852, 253, 5392,
'Waddington'), (12059, 253, 5392, 'Wakefield'), (4945, 253, 5392,
'Wallingford'), (4947, 253, 5392, 'Wareham'), (5853, 253, 5392,
'Warrington'), (4948, 253, 5392, 'Warwick'), (4949, 253, 5392,
'Watford'), (12009, 253, 5392, 'Wellingborough'), (12528, 253, 5392,
'Wellington'), (13366, 253, 5392, 'Wells'), (12530, 253, 5392, 'Welwyn
Garden City'), (42947, 253, 5392, 'West Bromwich'), (16785, 253, 5392,
'Weston Under Lizard'), (16334, 253, 5392, 'Wetherby'), (18171, 253, 5392,
'Weymouth'), (4950, 253, 5392, 'Whitby'), (13308, 253, 5392,
'Whitehaven'), (17581, 253, 5392, 'Wilmslow'), (5854, 253, 5392,
'Wimbledon'), (12524, 253, 5392, 'Wimborne Minster'), (12551, 253, 5392,
'Winchester'), (15946, 253, 5392, 'Windsor'), (18573, 253, 5392,
'Winsford'), (4952, 253, 5392, 'Wisbech'), (4953, 253, 5392, 'Wisborough
Green'), (12982, 253, 5392, 'Woking'), (18769, 253, 5392,
'Wokingham'), (13287, 253, 5392, 'Wolverhampton'), (17904, 253, 5392,
'Woodford'), (18086, 253, 5392, 'Woolavington'), (11783, 253, 5392,
'Worcester'), (12128, 253, 5392, 'Worthing'), (13630, 253, 5392,
'Yarm'), (17015, 253, 5392, 'Yeovil'), (11824, 253, 5392, 'York'), (6836,
254, 122, 'Abbeville'), (19061, 254, 122, 'Abernant'), (19116, 254, 122,
'Adamsville'), (19124, 254, 122, 'Addison'), (19137, 254, 122,
'Adger'), (19198, 254, 122, 'Akron'), (15526, 254, 122,
'Alabaster'), (19229, 254, 122, 'Alberta'), (18135, 254, 122,
'Albertville'), (6837, 254, 122, 'Alexander City'), (19280, 254, 122,
'Alexandria'), (15085, 254, 122, 'Aliceville'), (19339, 254, 122,
'Allgood'), (19353, 254, 122, 'Alma'), (19383, 254, 122, 'Alpine'), (19415,
254, 122, 'Alton'), (19425, 254, 122, 'Altoona'), (6838, 254, 122,
'Andalusia'), (19528, 254, 122, 'Anderson'), (19581, 254, 122,
'Annemanie'), (6839, 254, 122, 'Anniston'), (13006, 254, 122,
'Arab'), (19673, 254, 122, 'Ardmore'), (19703, 254, 122, 'Ariton'), (16564,
254, 122, 'Arley'), (19714, 254, 122, 'Arlington'), (19806, 254, 122,
'Ashford'), (6840, 254, 122, 'Ashland'), (19833, 254, 122,
'Ashville'), (6841, 254, 122, 'Athens'), (19890, 254, 122,
'Atmore'), (19893, 254, 122, 'Attalla'), (6842, 254, 122,
'Auburn'), (19925, 254, 122, 'Auburn University'), (19971, 254, 122,
'Autaugaville'), (20023, 254, 122, 'Axis'), (20070, 254, 122,
'Baileyton'), (20143, 254, 122, 'Banks'), (20147, 254, 122,
'Bankston'), (6843, 254, 122, 'Bay Minette'), (17819, 254, 122, 'Bayou La
Batre'), (16000, 254, 122, 'Bear Creek'), (20355, 254, 122,
'Beatrice'), (20385, 254, 122, 'Beaverton'), (20458, 254, 122,
'Belk'), (20467, 254, 122, 'Bellamy'), (20475, 254, 122, 'Belle
Mina'), (20509, 254, 122, 'Bellwood'), (20644, 254, 122, 'Berry'), (6844,
254, 122, 'Bessemer'), (20781, 254, 122, 'Billingsley'), (6845, 254, 122,
'Birmingham'), (20837, 254, 122, 'Black'), (20967, 254, 122,
'Blountsville'), (12351, 254, 122, 'Boaz'), (21055, 254, 122,
'Boligee'), (21072, 254, 122, 'Bon Air'), (21074, 254, 122, 'Bon
Secour'), (21115, 254, 122, 'Booth'), (21206, 254, 122, 'Boykin'), (21304,
254, 122, 'Brantley'), (21330, 254, 122, 'Bremen'), (21338, 254, 122,
'Brent'), (6846, 254, 122, 'Brewton'), (21358, 254, 122,
'Bridgeport'), (21388, 254, 122, 'Brierfield'), (21400, 254, 122,
'Brilliant'), (21498, 254, 122, 'Brooklyn'), (21513, 254, 122,
'Brookside'), (21525, 254, 122, 'Brookwood'), (21545, 254, 122,
'Brownsboro'), (21582, 254, 122, 'Brundidge'), (21606, 254, 122,
'Bryant'), (21657, 254, 122, 'Bucks'), (21696, 254, 122, 'Buhl'), (21783,
254, 122, 'Burnt Corn'), (21787, 254, 122, 'Burnwell'), (6847, 254, 122,
'Butler'), (21843, 254, 122, 'Bynum'), (21904, 254, 122, 'Calera'), (21939,
254, 122, 'Calvert'), (6848, 254, 122, 'Camden'), (22000, 254, 122, 'Camp
Hill'), (22008, 254, 122, 'Campbell'), (22117, 254, 122,
'Capshaw'), (22127, 254, 122, 'Carbon Hill'), (22134, 254, 122,
'Cardiff'), (22163, 254, 122, 'Carlton'), (6849, 254, 122,
'Carrollton'), (22295, 254, 122, 'Castleberry'), (15118, 254, 122,
'Catherine'), (22347, 254, 122, 'Cecil'), (18244, 254, 122, 'Cedar
Bluff'), (15147, 254, 122, 'Centre'), (6850, 254, 122,
'Centreville'), (22510, 254, 122, 'Chancellor'), (22527, 254, 122,
'Chapman'), (6851, 254, 122, 'Chatom'), (22606, 254, 122,
'Chelsea'), (22622, 254, 122, 'Cherokee'), (22698, 254, 122,
'Childersburg'), (22735, 254, 122, 'Choccolocco'), (22760, 254, 122,
'Chunchula'), (22800, 254, 122, 'Citronelle'), (6852, 254, 122,
'Clanton'), (22885, 254, 122, 'Clay'), (22899, 254, 122,
'Clayton'), (22948, 254, 122, 'Cleveland'), (22996, 254, 122,
'Clinton'), (23010, 254, 122, 'Clio'), (23020, 254, 122,
'Clopton'), (23027, 254, 122, 'Cloverdale'), (23062, 254, 122,
'Coaling'), (17820, 254, 122, 'Coden'), (23103, 254, 122, 'Coffee
Springs'), (23105, 254, 122, 'Coffeeville'), (14553, 254, 122,
'Coker'), (23180, 254, 122, 'Collinsville'), (23215, 254, 122,
'Columbia'), (6853, 254, 122, 'Columbiana'), (23354, 254, 122, 'Cook
Springs'), (23379, 254, 122, 'Coosada'), (23415, 254, 122,
'Cordova'), (23495, 254, 122, 'Cottondale'), (23497, 254, 122,
'Cottonton'), (23499, 254, 122, 'Cottonwood'), (23521, 254, 122,
'Courtland'), (23542, 254, 122, 'Cowarts'), (23554, 254, 122,
'Coy'), (23571, 254, 122, 'Cragford'), (23591, 254, 122, 'Crane
Hill'), (23624, 254, 122, 'Creola'), (23676, 254, 122, 'Cromwell'), (23688,
254, 122, 'Cropwell'), (23705, 254, 122, 'Crossville'), (23747, 254, 122,
'Cuba'), (6854, 254, 122, 'Cullman'), (23820, 254, 122, 'Cusseta'), (16668,
254, 122, 'Dadeville'), (14121, 254, 122, 'Daleville'), (23944, 254, 122,
'Danville'), (12804, 254, 122, 'Daphne'), (23976, 254, 122, 'Dauphin
Island'), (24006, 254, 122, 'Daviston'), (24013, 254, 122,
'Dawson'), (24041, 254, 122, 'De Armanville'), (24078, 254, 122,
'Deatsville'), (6855, 254, 122, 'Decatur'), (24111, 254, 122, 'Deer
Park'), (24171, 254, 122, 'Delmar'), (24186, 254, 122, 'Delta'), (6856,
254, 122, 'Demopolis'), (24264, 254, 122, 'Detroit'), (24318, 254, 122,
'Dickinson'), (24371, 254, 122, 'Dixons Mills'), (24376, 254, 122,
'Docena'), (24400, 254, 122, 'Dolomite'), (24423, 254, 122, 'Dora'), (6857,
254, 122, 'Dothan'), (6858, 254, 122, 'Double Springs'), (24453, 254, 122,
'Douglas'), (24504, 254, 122, 'Dozier'), (24627, 254, 122,
'Duncanville'), (24699, 254, 122, 'Dutton'), (24900, 254, 122, 'East
Tallassee'), (24921, 254, 122, 'Eastaboga'), (24972, 254, 122,
'Echola'), (12503, 254, 122, 'Eclectic'), (25055, 254, 122,
'Edwardsville'), (25079, 254, 122, 'Eight Mile'), (18191, 254, 122,
'Elba'), (6859, 254, 122, 'Elberta'), (25128, 254, 122,
'Eldridge'), (25196, 254, 122, 'Elkmont'), (25290, 254, 122,
'Elmore'), (25303, 254, 122, 'Elrod'), (25337, 254, 122, 'Emelle'), (25367,
254, 122, 'Empire'), (17317, 254, 122, 'Enon'), (6860, 254, 122,
'Enterprise'), (25422, 254, 122, 'Epes'), (25430, 254, 122,
'Equality'), (25490, 254, 122, 'Estillfork'), (25498, 254, 122,
'Ethelsville'), (6861, 254, 122, 'Eufaula'), (6862, 254, 122,
'Eutaw'), (25539, 254, 122, 'Eva'), (6863, 254, 122, 'Evergreen'), (25581,
254, 122, 'Excel'), (25601, 254, 122, 'Fackler'), (25632, 254, 122,
'Fairfield'), (25646, 254, 122, 'Fairhope'), (25691, 254, 122,
'Falkville'), (25780, 254, 122, 'Faunsdale'), (6864, 254, 122,
'Fayette'), (25915, 254, 122, 'Fitzpatrick'), (25917, 254, 122, 'Five
Points'), (25927, 254, 122, 'Flat Rock'), (25964, 254, 122,
'Flomaton'), (15137, 254, 122, 'Florala'), (6865, 254, 122,
'Florence'), (16715, 254, 122, 'Foley'), (26049, 254, 122, 'Forest
Home'), (26072, 254, 122, 'Forkland'), (26096, 254, 122, 'Fort
Davis'), (26099, 254, 122, 'Fort Deposit'), (26134, 254, 122, 'Fort
Mitchell'), (6867, 254, 122, 'Fort Payne'), (18583, 254, 122, 'Fort
Rucker'), (26185, 254, 122, 'Fosters'), (26247, 254, 122,
'Franklin'), (26274, 254, 122, 'Frankville'), (26379, 254, 122, 'Frisco
City'), (26393, 254, 122, 'Fruitdale'), (26395, 254, 122,
'Fruithurst'), (26415, 254, 122, 'Fulton'), (26427, 254, 122,
'Fultondale'), (15127, 254, 122, 'Furman'), (14138, 254, 122,
'Fyffe'), (6868, 254, 122, 'Gadsden'), (26448, 254, 122,
'Gainestown'), (26449, 254, 122, 'Gainesville'), (26468, 254, 122,
'Gallant'), (26473, 254, 122, 'Gallion'), (26501, 254, 122,
'Gantt'), (14235, 254, 122, 'Garden City'), (18355, 254, 122,
'Gardendale'), (26608, 254, 122, 'Gaylesville'), (18370, 254, 122,
'Geneva'), (26664, 254, 122, 'Georgiana'), (26666, 254, 122,
'Geraldine'), (26728, 254, 122, 'Gilbertown'), (26820, 254, 122, 'Glen
Allen'), (26911, 254, 122, 'Glenwood'), (27013, 254, 122,
'Goodsprings'), (27016, 254, 122, 'Goodwater'), (27017, 254, 122,
'Goodway'), (27024, 254, 122, 'Gordo'), (27025, 254, 122,
'Gordon'), (27051, 254, 122, 'Goshen'), (27087, 254, 122, 'Grady'), (27102,
254, 122, 'Graham'), (27121, 254, 122, 'Grand Bay'), (27178, 254, 122,
'Grant'), (27248, 254, 122, 'Graysville'), (27280, 254, 122, 'Green
Pond'), (6869, 254, 122, 'Greensboro'), (6870, 254, 122,
'Greenville'), (27423, 254, 122, 'Grove Hill'), (27429, 254, 122,
'Groveoak'), (27465, 254, 122, 'Guin'), (17899, 254, 122, 'Gulf
Shores'), (6872, 254, 122, 'Guntersville'), (15342, 254, 122,
'Gurley'), (27512, 254, 122, 'Hackleburg'), (27556, 254, 122,
'Haleyville'), (6873, 254, 122, 'Hamilton'), (27659, 254, 122,
'Hanceville'), (27718, 254, 122, 'Hardaway'), (27773, 254, 122,
'Harpersville'), (6874, 254, 122, 'Hartford'), (13851, 254, 122,
'Hartselle'), (27867, 254, 122, 'Harvest'), (27900, 254, 122,
'Hatchechubbee'), (27953, 254, 122, 'Hayden'), (6875, 254, 122,
'Hayneville'), (16216, 254, 122, 'Hazel Green'), (16533, 254, 122,
'Headland'), (6876, 254, 122, 'Heflin'), (28030, 254, 122,
'Helena'), (28057, 254, 122, 'Henagar'), (28187, 254, 122,
'Higdon'), (28213, 254, 122, 'Highland Home'), (28250, 254, 122,
'Hillsboro'), (28335, 254, 122, 'Hodges'), (28386, 254, 122,
'Hollins'), (28403, 254, 122, 'Holly Pond'), (28408, 254, 122,
'Hollytree'), (28409, 254, 122, 'Hollywood'), (28432, 254, 122, 'Holy
Trinity'), (28473, 254, 122, 'Honoraville'), (41973, 254, 122,
'Hoover'), (28510, 254, 122, 'Hope Hull'), (28551, 254, 122,
'Horton'), (28579, 254, 122, 'Houston'), (6879, 254, 122,
'Huntsville'), (28745, 254, 122, 'Hurtsboro'), (28761, 254, 122,
'Huxford'), (28800, 254, 122, 'Ider'), (28946, 254, 122,
'Irvington'), (29009, 254, 122, 'Jachin'), (29010, 254, 122,
'Jack'), (29015, 254, 122, 'Jackson'), (29031, 254, 122, 'Jacksons
Gap'), (6880, 254, 122, 'Jacksonville'), (6881, 254, 122,
'Jasper'), (29103, 254, 122, 'Jefferson'), (29125, 254, 122,
'Jemison'), (29218, 254, 122, 'Jones'), (29239, 254, 122, 'Joppa'), (29316,
254, 122, 'Kansas'), (29393, 254, 122, 'Kellerman'), (29405, 254, 122,
'Kellyton'), (29441, 254, 122, 'Kennedy'), (29460, 254, 122,
'Kent'), (29549, 254, 122, 'Killen'), (29561, 254, 122,
'Kimberly'), (29626, 254, 122, 'Kinston'), (29704, 254, 122,
'Knoxville'), (29831, 254, 122, 'Laceys Spring'), (17749, 254, 122, 'Laceys
Springs'), (29855, 254, 122, 'Lafayette'), (6882, 254, 122,
'Lanett'), (30060, 254, 122, 'Langston'), (30081, 254, 122,
'Lapine'), (30151, 254, 122, 'Lawley'), (30238, 254, 122, 'Leeds'), (30246,
254, 122, 'Leesburg'), (30275, 254, 122, 'Leighton'), (30311, 254, 122,
'Lenox'), (30349, 254, 122, 'Leroy'), (30360, 254, 122, 'Lester'), (30370,
254, 122, 'Letohatchee'), (15415, 254, 122, 'Lexington'), (15634, 254, 122,
'Lillian'), (30467, 254, 122, 'Lincoln'), (15254, 254, 122,
'Linden'), (30515, 254, 122, 'Lineville'), (30549, 254, 122,
'Lisman'), (30584, 254, 122, 'Little River'), (6883, 254, 122,
'Livingston'), (30640, 254, 122, 'Loachapoka'), (30652, 254, 122,
'Lockhart'), (30665, 254, 122, 'Locust Fork'), (30682, 254, 122,
'Logan'), (30824, 254, 122, 'Louisville'), (30861, 254, 122, 'Lower Peach
Tree'), (30872, 254, 122, 'Lowndesboro'), (30878, 254, 122,
'Loxley'), (6884, 254, 122, 'Luverne'), (31002, 254, 122, 'Lynn'), (6885,
254, 122, 'Madison'), (31111, 254, 122, 'Magnolia'), (31120, 254, 122,
'Magnolia Springs'), (31146, 254, 122, 'Malcolm'), (31173, 254, 122,
'Malvern'), (31294, 254, 122, 'Maplesville'), (31324, 254, 122,
'Marbury'), (31342, 254, 122, 'Margaret'), (6886, 254, 122,
'Marion'), (31383, 254, 122, 'Marion Junction'), (31535, 254, 122,
'Mathews'), (31609, 254, 122, 'Maylene'), (31653, 254, 122, 'Mc
Calla'), (31727, 254, 122, 'Mc Intosh'), (31737, 254, 122, 'Mc
Kenzie'), (31766, 254, 122, 'Mc Shan'), (31770, 254, 122, 'Mc
Williams'), (31863, 254, 122, 'Megargel'), (31902, 254, 122,
'Melvin'), (31937, 254, 122, 'Mentone'), (31961, 254, 122,
'Meridianville'), (32014, 254, 122, 'Mexia'), (32103, 254, 122, 'Midland
City'), (32109, 254, 122, 'Midway'), (32178, 254, 122,
'Millbrook'), (32208, 254, 122, 'Millerville'), (32221, 254, 122,
'Millport'), (32224, 254, 122, 'Millry'), (32350, 254, 122, 'Minter'), (10,
254, 122, 'Mobile'), (6888, 254, 122, 'Monroeville'), (32504, 254, 122,
'Montevallo'), (6889, 254, 122, 'Montgomery'), (15343, 254, 122,
'Montrose'), (32565, 254, 122, 'Moody'), (32584, 254, 122,
'Mooresville'), (32645, 254, 122, 'Morris'), (32687, 254, 122,
'Morvin'), (32715, 254, 122, 'Moulton'), (32725, 254, 122,
'Moundville'), (32770, 254, 122, 'Mount Hope'), (32784, 254, 122, 'Mount
Meigs'), (32790, 254, 122, 'Mount Olive'), (32823, 254, 122, 'Mount
Vernon'), (32898, 254, 122, 'Mulga'), (32916, 254, 122, 'Munford'), (32941,
254, 122, 'Muscadine'), (6891, 254, 122, 'Muscle Shoals'), (32962, 254,
122, 'Myrtlewood'), (32980, 254, 122, 'Nanafalia'), (33037, 254, 122,
'Natural Bridge'), (33045, 254, 122, 'Nauvoo'), (33073, 254, 122,
'Needham'), (33178, 254, 122, 'New Brockton'), (33188, 254, 122, 'New
Castle'), (33245, 254, 122, 'New Hope'), (33275, 254, 122, 'New
Market'), (33369, 254, 122, 'Newbern'), (33394, 254, 122,
'Newell'), (33439, 254, 122, 'Newton'), (33466, 254, 122,
'Newville'), (33566, 254, 122, 'Normal'), (6892, 254, 122,
'Northport'), (33781, 254, 122, 'Notasulga'), (33838, 254, 122, 'Oak
Hill'), (33892, 254, 122, 'Oakman'), (33959, 254, 122,
'Odenville'), (33986, 254, 122, 'Ohatchee'), (6893, 254, 122,
'Oneonta'), (6894, 254, 122, 'Opelika'), (17769, 254, 122, 'Opp'), (17344,
254, 122, 'Orange Beach'), (34240, 254, 122, 'Orrville'), (34335, 254, 122,
'Owens Cross Roads'), (15106, 254, 122, 'Oxford'), (6895, 254, 122,
'Ozark'), (34407, 254, 122, 'Paint Rock'), (34438, 254, 122,
'Palmerdale'), (34479, 254, 122, 'Panola'), (34483, 254, 122,
'Pansey'), (18450, 254, 122, 'Parrish'), (34697, 254, 122,
'Pelham'), (6896, 254, 122, 'Pell City'), (34747, 254, 122,
'Pennington'), (34781, 254, 122, 'Perdido'), (34782, 254, 122, 'Perdue
Hill'), (34796, 254, 122, 'Perote'), (34831, 254, 122, 'Peterman'), (34842,
254, 122, 'Peterson'), (34845, 254, 122, 'Petrey'), (6897, 254, 122,
'Phenix City'), (34868, 254, 122, 'Phil Campbell'), (6898, 254, 122,
'Piedmont'), (34945, 254, 122, 'Pike Road'), (34965, 254, 122,
'Pinckard'), (34970, 254, 122, 'Pine Apple'), (34979, 254, 122, 'Pine
Hill'), (34983, 254, 122, 'Pine Level'), (6899, 254, 122,
'Pinson'), (35054, 254, 122, 'Pisgah'), (35075, 254, 122,
'Pittsview'), (35112, 254, 122, 'Plantersville'), (35133, 254, 122,
'Pleasant Grove'), (35214, 254, 122, 'Point Clear'), (6900, 254, 122,
'Prattville'), (35520, 254, 122, 'Princeton'), (35669, 254, 122,
'Quinton'), (35695, 254, 122, 'Ragland'), (35704, 254, 122, 'Rainbow
City'), (18200, 254, 122, 'RainbowCity'), (35710, 254, 122,
'Rainsville'), (35718, 254, 122, 'Ralph'), (35727, 254, 122,
'Ramer'), (35740, 254, 122, 'Ranburne'), (35755, 254, 122,
'Randolph'), (35770, 254, 122, 'Range'), (35876, 254, 122, 'Red
Bay'), (35886, 254, 122, 'Red Level'), (35949, 254, 122, 'Reform'), (35970,
254, 122, 'Remlap'), (16752, 254, 122, 'Repton'), (36217, 254, 122, 'River
Falls'), (36231, 254, 122, 'Riverside'), (6903, 254, 122,
'Roanoke'), (16933, 254, 122, 'Robertsdale'), (6904, 254, 122,
'Rockford'), (36413, 254, 122, 'Rogersville'), (6906, 254, 122,
'Russellville'), (36706, 254, 122, 'Rutledge'), (36720, 254, 122,
'Ryland'), (36749, 254, 122, 'Safford'), (36755, 254, 122,
'Saginaw'), (36807, 254, 122, 'Saint Elmo'), (36898, 254, 122, 'Saint
Stephens'), (36914, 254, 122, 'Salem'), (36945, 254, 122,
'Salitpa'), (36970, 254, 122, 'Samantha'), (36975, 254, 122,
'Samson'), (37091, 254, 122, 'Saraland'), (37102, 254, 122,
'Sardis'), (14226, 254, 122, 'Satsuma'), (37154, 254, 122,
'Sawyerville'), (37167, 254, 122, 'Sayre'), (6907, 254, 122,
'Scottsboro'), (37295, 254, 122, 'Seale'), (37329, 254, 122,
'Section'), (6908, 254, 122, 'Selma'), (37371, 254, 122,
'Seminole'), (37373, 254, 122, 'Semmes'), (37449, 254, 122,
'Shannon'), (37511, 254, 122, 'Sheffield'), (37521, 254, 122,
'Shelby'), (37630, 254, 122, 'Shorter'), (37631, 254, 122,
'Shorterville'), (37677, 254, 122, 'Silas'), (37687, 254, 122,
'Siluria'), (37718, 254, 122, 'Silverhill'), (37756, 254, 122,
'Sipsey'), (37773, 254, 122, 'Skipperville'), (37809, 254, 122,
'Slocomb'), (37842, 254, 122, 'Smiths'), (37881, 254, 122, 'Snow
Hill'), (37936, 254, 122, 'Somerville'), (38120, 254, 122, 'Spanish
Fort'), (38199, 254, 122, 'Spring Garden'), (38246, 254, 122,
'Springville'), (38252, 254, 122, 'Sprott'), (38257, 254, 122, 'Spruce
Pine'), (38314, 254, 122, 'Stanton'), (38328, 254, 122,
'Stapleton'), (38372, 254, 122, 'Steele'), (38415, 254, 122,
'Sterrett'), (38424, 254, 122, 'Stevenson'), (38478, 254, 122,
'Stockton'), (15240, 254, 122, 'Sulligent'), (38660, 254, 122,
'Sumiton'), (13474, 254, 122, 'Summerdale'), (38722, 254, 122,
'Sunflower'), (38808, 254, 122, 'Sweet Water'), (38828, 254, 122,
'Sycamore'), (17678, 254, 122, 'Sylacauga'), (38841, 254, 122,
'Sylvania'), (6909, 254, 122, 'Talladega'), (6910, 254, 122,
'Tallassee'), (38916, 254, 122, 'Tanner'), (17705, 254, 122,
'Theodore'), (39081, 254, 122, 'Thomaston'), (39086, 254, 122,
'Thomasville'), (39128, 254, 122, 'Thorsby'), (39148, 254, 122,
'Tibbie'), (39217, 254, 122, 'Titus'), (39260, 254, 122, 'Toney'), (39311,
254, 122, 'Town Creek'), (39312, 254, 122, 'Townley'), (39322, 254, 122,
'Toxey'), (39333, 254, 122, 'Trafford'), (39366, 254, 122,
'Trenton'), (39396, 254, 122, 'Trinity'), (6911, 254, 122, 'Troy'), (15178,
254, 122, 'Trussville'), (6912, 254, 122, 'Tuscaloosa'), (6913, 254, 122,
'Tuscumbia'), (6914, 254, 122, 'Tuskegee'), (39525, 254, 122, 'Tuskegee
Institute'), (39561, 254, 122, 'Tyler'), (39640, 254, 122, 'Union
Grove'), (6915, 254, 122, 'Union Springs'), (39656, 254, 122,
'Uniontown'), (39711, 254, 122, 'Uriah'), (39748, 254, 122, 'Valhermoso
Springs'), (39756, 254, 122, 'Valley'), (39769, 254, 122, 'Valley
Head'), (39804, 254, 122, 'Vance'), (39821, 254, 122, 'Vandiver'), (39871,
254, 122, 'Verbena'), (6916, 254, 122, 'Vernon'), (39974, 254, 122,
'Vina'), (39977, 254, 122, 'Vincent'), (39982, 254, 122, 'Vinegar
Bend'), (39983, 254, 122, 'Vinemont'), (40035, 254, 122,
'Vredenburgh'), (40060, 254, 122, 'Wadley'), (40064, 254, 122,
'Wagarville'), (40135, 254, 122, 'Walker Springs'), (40181, 254, 122,
'Walnut Grove'), (40232, 254, 122, 'Ward'), (40281, 254, 122,
'Warrior'), (40355, 254, 122, 'Waterloo'), (40388, 254, 122,
'Watson'), (40398, 254, 122, 'Wattsville'), (40420, 254, 122,
'Waverly'), (18716, 254, 122, 'Weaver'), (40471, 254, 122, 'Webb'), (40493,
254, 122, 'Wedowee'), (40537, 254, 122, 'Wellington'), (40583, 254, 122,
'Weogufka'), (40604, 254, 122, 'West Blocton'), (40656, 254, 122, 'West
Greene'), (40835, 254, 122, 'Westover'), (15661, 254, 122,
'Wetumpka'), (40881, 254, 122, 'Whatley'), (41159, 254, 122,
'Wilmer'), (41189, 254, 122, 'Wilsonville'), (41191, 254, 122,
'Wilton'), (41239, 254, 122, 'Winfield'), (41247, 254, 122,
'Wing'), (41407, 254, 122, 'Woodland'), (41436, 254, 122,
'Woodstock'), (41444, 254, 122, 'Woodville'), (41579, 254, 122,
'York'), (19100, 254, 123, 'Adak'), (19195, 254, 123, 'Akiachak'), (19196,
254, 123, 'Akiak'), (19204, 254, 123, 'Akutan'), (19207, 254, 123,
'Alakanuk'), (19271, 254, 123, 'Aleknagik'), (19304, 254, 123,
'Allakaket'), (19469, 254, 123, 'Ambler'), (19517, 254, 123, 'Anaktuvuk
Pass'), (19522, 254, 123, 'Anchor Point'), (6788, 254, 123,
'Anchorage'), (19527, 254, 123, 'Anderson'), (19556, 254, 123,
'Angoon'), (19562, 254, 123, 'Aniak'), (19606, 254, 123, 'Anvik'), (6789,
254, 123, 'Arctic Village'), (19867, 254, 123, 'Atka'), (19892, 254, 123,
'Atqasuk'), (19943, 254, 123, 'Auke Bay'), (6790, 254, 123,
'Barrow'), (20365, 254, 123, 'Beaver'), (6791, 254, 123, 'Bethel'), (6792,
254, 123, 'Bettles Field'), (20744, 254, 123, 'Big Lake'), (21345, 254,
123, 'Brevig Mission'), (21644, 254, 123, 'Buckland'), (22085, 254, 123,
'Cantwell'), (22450, 254, 123, 'Central'), (22494, 254, 123,
'Chalkyitsik'), (22602, 254, 123, 'Chefornak'), (22680, 254, 123,
'Chevak'), (22690, 254, 123, 'Chicken'), (22694, 254, 123,
'Chignik'), (22695, 254, 123, 'Chignik Lagoon'), (22696, 254, 123, 'Chignik
Lake'), (22730, 254, 123, 'Chitina'), (22757, 254, 123, 'Chugiak'), (22786,
254, 123, 'Circle'), (18990, 254, 123, 'Clam Gulch'), (22852, 254, 123,
'Clarks Point'), (22915, 254, 123, 'Clear'), (23107, 254, 123, 'Coffman
Cove'), (6793, 254, 123, 'Cold Bay'), (23373, 254, 123, 'Cooper
Landing'), (23396, 254, 123, 'Copper Center'), (6794, 254, 123,
'Cordova'), (17960, 254, 123, 'Craig'), (23682, 254, 123, 'Crooked
Creek'), (24127, 254, 123, 'Deering'), (13774, 254, 123, 'Delta
Junction'), (6795, 254, 123, 'Denali National Park'), (6796, 254, 123,
'Dillingham'), (24452, 254, 123, 'Douglas'), (6797, 254, 123, 'Dutch
Harbor'), (24723, 254, 123, 'Eagle'), (6798, 254, 123, 'Eagle
River'), (25057, 254, 123, 'Eek'), (25066, 254, 123, 'Egegik'), (25078,
254, 123, 'Eielson AFB'), (25085, 254, 123, 'Ekwok'), (25140, 254, 123,
'Elfin Cove'), (25153, 254, 123, 'Elim'), (12775, 254, 123, 'Elmendorf
Afb'), (25364, 254, 123, 'Emmonak'), (25485, 254, 123, 'Ester'), (6799,
254, 123, 'Fairbanks'), (25716, 254, 123, 'False Pass'), (25924, 254, 123,
'Flat'), (42905, 254, 123, 'Fort Greely'), (26147, 254, 123, 'Fort
Richardson'), (26163, 254, 123, 'Fort Wainwright'), (6800, 254, 123, 'Fort
Yukon'), (6803, 254, 123, 'Gakona'), (6801, 254, 123, 'Galena'), (26490,
254, 123, 'Gambell'), (6802, 254, 123, 'Girdwood'), (13628, 254, 123,
'Glennallen'), (27006, 254, 123, 'Goodnews Bay'), (27242, 254, 123,
'Grayling'), (6804, 254, 123, 'Gustavus'), (6805, 254, 123,
'Haines'), (6806, 254, 123, 'Healy'), (28430, 254, 123, 'Holy
Cross'), (6807, 254, 123, 'Homer'), (28483, 254, 123, 'Hoonah'), (28489,
254, 123, 'Hooper Bay'), (28498, 254, 123, 'Hope'), (28578, 254, 123,
'Houston'), (28646, 254, 123, 'Hughes'), (28746, 254, 123,
'Huslia'), (28765, 254, 123, 'Hydaburg'), (28770, 254, 123,
'Hyder'), (28810, 254, 123, 'Iliamna'), (28840, 254, 123, 'Indian'), (6808,
254, 123, 'Juneau'), (29290, 254, 123, 'Kake'), (29291, 254, 123,
'Kaktovik'), (29296, 254, 123, 'Kalskag'), (29297, 254, 123,
'Kaltag'), (29327, 254, 123, 'Karluk'), (29334, 254, 123,
'Kasigluk'), (17370, 254, 123, 'Kasilof'), (6809, 254, 123,
'Kenai'), (6810, 254, 123, 'Ketchikan'), (29527, 254, 123,
'Kiana'), (29580, 254, 123, 'King Cove'), (6811, 254, 123, 'King
Salmon'), (29636, 254, 123, 'Kipnuk'), (29674, 254, 123,
'Kivalina'), (14971, 254, 123, 'Klawock'), (29708, 254, 123,
'Kobuk'), (6812, 254, 123, 'Kodiak'), (29724, 254, 123, 'Kotlik'), (6813,
254, 123, 'Kotzebue'), (29726, 254, 123, 'Koyuk'), (29727, 254, 123,
'Koyukuk'), (29750, 254, 123, 'Kwethluk'), (29751, 254, 123,
'Kwigillingok'), (29935, 254, 123, 'Lake Minchumina'), (30092, 254, 123,
'Larsen Bay'), (30379, 254, 123, 'Levelock'), (30860, 254, 123, 'Lower
Kalskag'), (31225, 254, 123, 'Manley Hot Springs'), (31238, 254, 123,
'Manokotak'), (31423, 254, 123, 'Marshall'), (6814, 254, 123, 'Mc
Grath'), (31870, 254, 123, 'Mekoryuk'), (32011, 254, 123,
'Metlakatla'), (32022, 254, 123, 'Meyers Chuck'), (32352, 254, 123,
'Minto'), (32593, 254, 123, 'Moose Pass'), (32861, 254, 123, 'Mountain
Village'), (32977, 254, 123, 'Naknek'), (32988, 254, 123,
'Napakiak'), (17919, 254, 123, 'Nenana'), (33336, 254, 123, 'New
Stuyahok'), (33494, 254, 123, 'Nightmute'), (33495, 254, 123,
'Nikiski'), (33496, 254, 123, 'Nikolai'), (33497, 254, 123,
'Nikolski'), (33507, 254, 123, 'Ninilchik'), (33525, 254, 123,
'Noatak'), (6815, 254, 123, 'Nome'), (33545, 254, 123,
'Nondalton'), (33548, 254, 123, 'Noorvik'), (15510, 254, 123, 'North
Pole'), (6816, 254, 123, 'Northway'), (33801, 254, 123, 'Nuiqsut'), (33802,
254, 123, 'Nulato'), (33804, 254, 123, 'Nunam Iqua'), (33805, 254, 123,
'Nunapitchuk'), (34040, 254, 123, 'Old Harbor'), (34318, 254, 123,
'Ouzinkie'), (6817, 254, 123, 'Palmer'), (34687, 254, 123, 'Pedro
Bay'), (34703, 254, 123, 'Pelican'), (34815, 254, 123,
'Perryville'), (34832, 254, 123, 'Petersburg'), (34959, 254, 123, 'Pilot
Point'), (34961, 254, 123, 'Pilot Station'), (35117, 254, 123,
'Platinum'), (35213, 254, 123, 'Point Baker'), (35217, 254, 123, 'Point
Hope'), (35218, 254, 123, 'Point Lay'), (35298, 254, 123, 'Port
Alexander'), (35299, 254, 123, 'Port Alsworth'), (35316, 254, 123, 'Port
Heiden'), (35322, 254, 123, 'Port Lions'), (35580, 254, 123, 'Prudhoe
Bay'), (35664, 254, 123, 'Quinhagak'), (35733, 254, 123,
'Rampart'), (35880, 254, 123, 'Red Devil'), (36615, 254, 123,
'Ruby'), (36687, 254, 123, 'Russian Mission'), (36819, 254, 123, 'Saint
George Island'), (36861, 254, 123, 'Saint Marys'), (36866, 254, 123, 'Saint
Michael'), (36886, 254, 123, 'Saint Paul Island'), (36911, 254, 123,
'Salcha'), (37025, 254, 123, 'Sand Point'), (6819, 254, 123,
'Savoonga'), (37174, 254, 123, 'Scammon Bay'), (37352, 254, 123,
'Selawik'), (6820, 254, 123, 'Seldovia'), (6821, 254, 123,
'Seward'), (37436, 254, 123, 'Shageluk'), (37437, 254, 123,
'Shaktoolik'), (6822, 254, 123, 'Shishmaref'), (37644, 254, 123,
'Shungnak'), (6823, 254, 123, 'Sitka'), (6824, 254, 123,
'Skagway'), (37776, 254, 123, 'Skwentna'), (6825, 254, 123,
'Sleetmute'), (12049, 254, 123, 'Soldotna'), (38038, 254, 123, 'South
Naknek'), (38369, 254, 123, 'Stebbins'), (38402, 254, 123,
'Sterling'), (38422, 254, 123, 'Stevens Village'), (38767, 254, 123,
'Sutton'), (38874, 254, 123, 'Takotna'), (6827, 254, 123,
'Talkeetna'), (38911, 254, 123, 'Tanacross'), (6828, 254, 123,
'Tanana'), (38939, 254, 123, 'Tatitlek'), (38985, 254, 123,
'Teller'), (39003, 254, 123, 'Tenakee Springs'), (39038, 254, 123,
'Tetlin'), (39110, 254, 123, 'Thorne Bay'), (6829, 254, 123,
'Togiak'), (6830, 254, 123, 'Tok'), (39237, 254, 123, 'Toksook
Bay'), (39345, 254, 123, 'Trapper Creek'), (39466, 254, 123,
'Tuluksak'), (39479, 254, 123, 'Tuntutuliak'), (39480, 254, 123,
'Tununak'), (39556, 254, 123, 'Two Rivers'), (39573, 254, 123,
'Tyonek'), (6831, 254, 123, 'Unalakleet'), (39611, 254, 123,
'Unalaska'), (6832, 254, 123, 'Valdez'), (39859, 254, 123,
'Venetie'), (40074, 254, 123, 'Wainwright'), (40116, 254, 123,
'Wales'), (40235, 254, 123, 'Ward Cove'), (12278, 254, 123,
'Wasilla'), (40939, 254, 123, 'White Mountain'), (13723, 254, 123,
'Whittier'), (6833, 254, 123, 'Willow'), (6834, 254, 123,
'Wrangell'), (6835, 254, 123, 'Yakutat'), (19177, 254, 124,
'Aguila'), (19191, 254, 124, 'Ajo'), (7004, 254, 124, 'Alpine'), (19452,
254, 124, 'Amado'), (7005, 254, 124, 'Apache Junction'), (19704, 254, 124,
'Arivaca'), (19705, 254, 124, 'Arizona City'), (19715, 254, 124,
'Arlington'), (12436, 254, 124, 'Ash Fork'), (7006, 254, 124,
'Avondale'), (20056, 254, 124, 'Bagdad'), (20155, 254, 124,
'Bapchule'), (20484, 254, 124, 'Bellemont'), (12428, 254, 124,
'Benson'), (7007, 254, 124, 'Bisbee'), (18442, 254, 124, 'Black Canyon
City'), (20970, 254, 124, 'Blue'), (20977, 254, 124, 'Blue Gap'), (21154,
254, 124, 'Bouse'), (21175, 254, 124, 'Bowie'), (14696, 254, 124,
'Buckeye'), (7008, 254, 124, 'Bullhead City'), (21842, 254, 124,
'Bylas'), (21980, 254, 124, 'Cameron'), (17336, 254, 124, 'Camp
Verde'), (7010, 254, 124, 'Carefree'), (7011, 254, 124, 'Casa
Grande'), (22253, 254, 124, 'Cashion'), (22306, 254, 124,
'Catalina'), (14061, 254, 124, 'Cave Creek'), (22451, 254, 124,
'Central'), (22500, 254, 124, 'Chambers'), (7012, 254, 124,
'Chandler'), (22514, 254, 124, 'Chandler Heights'), (7013, 254, 124,
'Chinle'), (22721, 254, 124, 'Chino Valley'), (22734, 254, 124,
'Chloride'), (22775, 254, 124, 'Cibecue'), (22776, 254, 124,
'Cibola'), (12458, 254, 124, 'Clarkdale'), (22893, 254, 124, 'Clay
Springs'), (22895, 254, 124, 'Claypool'), (22973, 254, 124,
'Clifton'), (23086, 254, 124, 'Cochise'), (23203, 254, 124, 'Colorado
City'), (23283, 254, 124, 'Concho'), (23314, 254, 124, 'Congress'), (7014,
254, 124, 'Coolidge'), (23447, 254, 124, 'Cornville'), (23464, 254, 124,
'Cortaro'), (7015, 254, 124, 'Cottonwood'), (23721, 254, 124, 'Crown
King'), (23971, 254, 124, 'Dateland'), (24208, 254, 124,
'Dennehotso'), (24277, 254, 124, 'Dewey'), (24395, 254, 124, 'Dolan
Springs'), (7016, 254, 124, 'Douglas'), (12681, 254, 124,
'Dragoon'), (24620, 254, 124, 'Duncan'), (24721, 254, 124,
'Eagar'), (24989, 254, 124, 'Eden'), (25076, 254, 124,
'Ehrenberg'), (25091, 254, 124, 'El Mirage'), (25141, 254, 124,
'Elfrida'), (13278, 254, 124, 'Elgin'), (25301, 254, 124, 'Eloy'), (7017,
254, 124, 'Flagstaff'), (25973, 254, 124, 'Florence'), (26052, 254, 124,
'Forest Lakes'), (26084, 254, 124, 'Fort Apache'), (26097, 254, 124, 'Fort
Defiance'), (26113, 254, 124, 'Fort Huachuca'), (26131, 254, 124, 'Fort
McDowell'), (26136, 254, 124, 'Fort Mohave'), (26158, 254, 124, 'Fort
Thomas'), (26195, 254, 124, 'Fountain Hills'), (26294, 254, 124,
'Fredonia'), (26442, 254, 124, 'Gadsden'), (26494, 254, 124,
'Ganado'), (7019, 254, 124, 'Gila Bend'), (7020, 254, 124,
'Gilbert'), (7021, 254, 124, 'Glendale'), (7022, 254, 124,
'Globe'), (26970, 254, 124, 'Golden Valley'), (16177, 254, 124,
'Goodyear'), (7023, 254, 124, 'Grand Canyon'), (27239, 254, 124, 'Gray
Mountain'), (7024, 254, 124, 'Green Valley'), (7025, 254, 124,
'Greer'), (27507, 254, 124, 'Hackberry'), (27707, 254, 124, 'Happy
Jack'), (27954, 254, 124, 'Hayden'), (7026, 254, 124, 'Heber'), (28108,
254, 124, 'Hereford'), (28227, 254, 124, 'Higley'), (7027, 254, 124,
'Holbrook'), (28569, 254, 124, 'Hotevilla'), (28570, 254, 124,
'Houck'), (28614, 254, 124, 'Huachuca City'), (28615, 254, 124,
'Hualapai'), (28671, 254, 124, 'Humboldt'), (28853, 254, 124, 'Indian
Wells'), (28933, 254, 124, 'Iron Springs'), (29147, 254, 124,
'Jerome'), (29245, 254, 124, 'Joseph City'), (29287, 254, 124,
'Kaibito'), (7028, 254, 124, 'Kayenta'), (29350, 254, 124, 'Keams
Canyon'), (29352, 254, 124, 'Kearny'), (7029, 254, 124, 'Kingman'), (29645,
254, 124, 'Kirkland'), (29753, 254, 124, 'Kykotsmovi Village'), (7030, 254,
124, 'Lake Havasu City'), (29937, 254, 124, 'Lake Montezuma'), (29969, 254,
124, 'Lakeside'), (30141, 254, 124, 'Laveen'), (30374, 254, 124,
'Leupp'), (12965, 254, 124, 'Litchfield Park'), (30601, 254, 124,
'Littlefield'), (30920, 254, 124, 'Lukachukai'), (30922, 254, 124, 'Luke
AFB'), (30923, 254, 124, 'Lukeville'), (30941, 254, 124, 'Lupton'), (31179,
254, 124, 'Mammoth'), (31275, 254, 124, 'Many Farms'), (15473, 254, 124,
'Marana'), (31318, 254, 124, 'Marble Canyon'), (31353, 254, 124,
'Maricopa'), (12806, 254, 124, 'Mayer'), (31757, 254, 124, 'Mc
Neal'), (7031, 254, 124, 'McNary'), (31816, 254, 124, 'Meadview'), (7032,
254, 124, 'Mesa'), (32026, 254, 124, 'Miami'), (15621, 254, 124, 'Mohave
Valley'), (32612, 254, 124, 'Morenci'), (32633, 254, 124, 'Mormon
Lake'), (32664, 254, 124, 'Morristown'), (32780, 254, 124, 'Mount
Lemmon'), (32915, 254, 124, 'Munds Park'), (32969, 254, 124,
'Naco'), (33059, 254, 124, 'Nazlini'), (33318, 254, 124, 'New
River'), (7035, 254, 124, 'Nogales'), (7036, 254, 124, 'North
Rim'), (33813, 254, 124, 'Nutrioso'), (33915, 254, 124, 'Oatman'), (34161,
254, 124, 'Oracle'), (34324, 254, 124, 'Overgaard'), (7038, 254, 124,
'Page'), (34457, 254, 124, 'Palo Verde'), (15761, 254, 124, 'Paradise
Valley'), (7039, 254, 124, 'Parker'), (34548, 254, 124, 'Parks'), (34584,
254, 124, 'Patagonia'), (34619, 254, 124, 'Paulden'), (7040, 254, 124,
'Payson'), (34661, 254, 124, 'Peach Springs'), (18053, 254, 124,
'Pearce'), (7041, 254, 124, 'Peoria'), (34784, 254, 124,
'Peridot'), (34846, 254, 124, 'Petrified Forest Natl Pk'), (7042, 254, 124,
'Phoenix'), (34896, 254, 124, 'Picacho'), (18843, 254, 124,
'Pima'), (34969, 254, 124, 'Pine'), (35001, 254, 124, 'Pinedale'), (35012,
254, 124, 'Pinetop'), (35032, 254, 124, 'Pinon'), (35051, 254, 124,
'Pirtleville'), (35232, 254, 124, 'Polacca'), (35257, 254, 124,
'Pomerene'), (35391, 254, 124, 'Poston'), (7044, 254, 124,
'Prescott'), (16134, 254, 124, 'Prescott Valley'), (35637, 254, 124,
'Quartzsite'), (15644, 254, 124, 'Queen Creek'), (35894, 254, 124, 'Red
Rock'), (35898, 254, 124, 'Red Valley'), (36157, 254, 124,
'Rillito'), (36161, 254, 124, 'Rimrock'), (36193, 254, 124, 'Rio
Rico'), (36194, 254, 124, 'Rio Verde'), (36331, 254, 124, 'Rock
Point'), (36424, 254, 124, 'Roll'), (36452, 254, 124, 'Roosevelt'), (36561,
254, 124, 'Round Rock'), (36733, 254, 124, 'Sacaton'), (7045, 254, 124,
'Safford'), (36762, 254, 124, 'Sahuarita'), (36801, 254, 124, 'Saint
David'), (36841, 254, 124, 'Saint Johns'), (36870, 254, 124, 'Saint
Michaels'), (17987, 254, 124, 'Salome'), (36983, 254, 124, 'San
Carlos'), (36998, 254, 124, 'San Luis'), (37001, 254, 124, 'San
Manuel'), (37010, 254, 124, 'San Simon'), (37029, 254, 124,
'Sanders'), (37116, 254, 124, 'Sasabe'), (37148, 254, 124,
'Sawmill'), (7046, 254, 124, 'Scottsdale'), (37325, 254, 124, 'Second
Mesa'), (7047, 254, 124, 'Sedona'), (37358, 254, 124, 'Seligman'), (37362,
254, 124, 'Sells'), (37625, 254, 124, 'Shonto'), (7048, 254, 124, 'Show
Low'), (7049, 254, 124, 'Sierra Vista'), (37775, 254, 124, 'Skull
Valley'), (37883, 254, 124, 'Snowflake'), (37913, 254, 124,
'Solomon'), (37935, 254, 124, 'Somerton'), (17777, 254, 124,
'Sonoita'), (7050, 254, 124, 'Springerville'), (38299, 254, 124,
'Stanfield'), (7052, 254, 124, 'Sun City'), (38709, 254, 124, 'Sun City
West'), (42346, 254, 124, 'Sun Lakes'), (38711, 254, 124, 'Sun
Valley'), (38740, 254, 124, 'Supai'), (38741, 254, 124,
'Superior'), (15257, 254, 124, 'Surprise'), (38859, 254, 124,
'Tacna'), (38946, 254, 124, 'Taylor'), (38973, 254, 124, 'Teec Nos
Pos'), (7053, 254, 124, 'Tempe'), (38994, 254, 124, 'Temple Bar
Marina'), (39050, 254, 124, 'Thatcher'), (39242, 254, 124,
'Tolleson'), (7054, 254, 124, 'Tombstone'), (39259, 254, 124,
'Tonalea'), (39263, 254, 124, 'Tonopah'), (39265, 254, 124, 'Tonto
Basin'), (39271, 254, 124, 'Topawa'), (39277, 254, 124, 'Topock'), (39294,
254, 124, 'Tortilla Flat'), (39451, 254, 124, 'Tsaile'), (7055, 254, 124,
'Tuba City'), (39452, 254, 124, 'Tubac'), (7056, 254, 124,
'Tucson'), (39467, 254, 124, 'Tumacacori'), (15531, 254, 124,
'Vail'), (39744, 254, 124, 'Valentine'), (39764, 254, 124, 'Valley
Farms'), (39892, 254, 124, 'Vernon'), (40053, 254, 124, 'Waddell'), (40562,
254, 124, 'Wellton'), (40572, 254, 124, 'Wenden'), (40940, 254, 124, 'White
Mountain Lake'), (40978, 254, 124, 'Whiteriver'), (7058, 254, 124,
'Wickenburg'), (41049, 254, 124, 'Wikieup'), (7059, 254, 124,
'Willcox'), (7060, 254, 124, 'Williams'), (41140, 254, 124, 'Willow
Beach'), (7062, 254, 124, 'Window Rock'), (41261, 254, 124,
'Winkelman'), (7063, 254, 124, 'Winslow'), (41335, 254, 124,
'Wittmann'), (41425, 254, 124, 'Woodruff'), (12521, 254, 124,
'Yarnell'), (41604, 254, 124, 'Young'), (41615, 254, 124,
'Youngtown'), (41618, 254, 124, 'Yucca'), (7064, 254, 124, 'Yuma'), (19144,
254, 125, 'Adona'), (19250, 254, 125, 'Alco'), (19274, 254, 125,
'Alexander'), (19299, 254, 125, 'Alicia'), (19302, 254, 125,
'Alix'), (19308, 254, 125, 'Alleene'), (18367, 254, 125, 'Alma'), (19373,
254, 125, 'Almyra'), (19376, 254, 125, 'Alpena'), (19384, 254, 125,
'Alpine'), (19409, 254, 125, 'Altheimer'), (19432, 254, 125,
'Altus'), (19455, 254, 125, 'Amagon'), (19501, 254, 125, 'Amity'), (19599,
254, 125, 'Antoine'), (6917, 254, 125, 'Arkadelphia'), (6918, 254, 125,
'Arkansas City'), (19738, 254, 125, 'Armorel'), (6919, 254, 125, 'Ash
Flat'), (6920, 254, 125, 'Ashdown'), (19868, 254, 125, 'Atkins'), (19912,
254, 125, 'Aubrey'), (6921, 254, 125, 'Augusta'), (19961, 254, 125,
'Austin'), (19997, 254, 125, 'Avoca'), (20099, 254, 125, 'Bald
Knob'), (20144, 254, 125, 'Banks'), (20180, 254, 125, 'Barling'), (20232,
254, 125, 'Barton'), (20256, 254, 125, 'Bassett'), (20265, 254, 125,
'Bates'), (6922, 254, 125, 'Batesville'), (20294, 254, 125,
'Bauxite'), (20301, 254, 125, 'Bay'), (20350, 254, 125, 'Bearden'), (20366,
254, 125, 'Beaver'), (20409, 254, 125, 'Bee Branch'), (12208, 254, 125,
'Beebe'), (20416, 254, 125, 'Beech Grove'), (20424, 254, 125,
'Beedeville'), (20431, 254, 125, 'Beirne'), (12359, 254, 125, 'Bella
Vista'), (20488, 254, 125, 'Belleville'), (20548, 254, 125, 'Ben
Lomond'), (6923, 254, 125, 'Benton'), (6924, 254, 125,
'Bentonville'), (20614, 254, 125, 'Bergman'), (6925, 254, 125,
'Berryville'), (20714, 254, 125, 'Bexar'), (20739, 254, 125, 'Big
Flat'), (20766, 254, 125, 'Bigelow'), (20771, 254, 125, 'Biggers'), (20806,
254, 125, 'Birdeye'), (20819, 254, 125, 'Biscoe'), (20826, 254, 125,
'Bismarck'), (20847, 254, 125, 'Black Oak'), (20850, 254, 125, 'Black
Rock'), (20919, 254, 125, 'Blevins'), (20988, 254, 125, 'Blue
Mountain'), (21007, 254, 125, 'Bluff City'), (21013, 254, 125,
'Bluffton'), (6926, 254, 125, 'Blytheville'), (21025, 254, 125, 'Board
Camp'), (21052, 254, 125, 'Boles'), (21095, 254, 125,
'Bonnerdale'), (21101, 254, 125, 'Bono'), (6927, 254, 125,
'Booneville'), (11875, 254, 125, 'Boston'), (21137, 254, 125,
'Boswell'), (21229, 254, 125, 'Bradford'), (21243, 254, 125,
'Bradley'), (21272, 254, 125, 'Branch'), (21354, 254, 125,
'Brickeys'), (21392, 254, 125, 'Briggsville'), (21411, 254, 125,
'Brinkley'), (21455, 254, 125, 'Brockwell'), (18961, 254, 125,
'Brookland'), (21607, 254, 125, 'Bryant'), (21653, 254, 125,
'Buckner'), (16084, 254, 125, 'Bull Shoals'), (21729, 254, 125,
'Burdette'), (15746, 254, 125, 'Cabot'), (21872, 254, 125, 'Caddo
Gap'), (21893, 254, 125, 'Caldwell'), (21896, 254, 125, 'Cale'), (21911,
254, 125, 'Calico Rock'), (21915, 254, 125, 'Calion'), (6928, 254, 125,
'Camden'), (21992, 254, 125, 'Camp'), (22051, 254, 125,
'Canehill'), (22123, 254, 125, 'Caraway'), (22150, 254, 125,
'Carlisle'), (22218, 254, 125, 'Carthage'), (22233, 254, 125,
'Casa'), (22251, 254, 125, 'Cash'), (22270, 254, 125, 'Casscoe'), (18520,
254, 125, 'Cave City'), (22331, 254, 125, 'Cave Springs'), (22348, 254,
125, 'Cecil'), (22393, 254, 125, 'Cedarville'), (22426, 254, 125, 'Center
Ridge'), (17272, 254, 125, 'Centerton'), (22440, 254, 125,
'Centerville'), (17497, 254, 125, 'Charleston'), (22547, 254, 125,
'Charlotte'), (16181, 254, 125, 'Cherokee Village'), (17799, 254, 125,
'Cherry Valley'), (22645, 254, 125, 'Chester'), (22693, 254, 125,
'Chidester'), (22738, 254, 125, 'Choctaw'), (6929, 254, 125,
'Clarendon'), (22842, 254, 125, 'Clarkedale'), (22847, 254, 125,
'Clarkridge'), (6930, 254, 125, 'Clarksville'), (22949, 254, 125,
'Cleveland'), (6931, 254, 125, 'Clinton'), (23053, 254, 125, 'Coal
Hill'), (23165, 254, 125, 'College Station'), (23207, 254, 125,
'Colt'), (23229, 254, 125, 'Columbus'), (23247, 254, 125, 'Combs'), (23268,
254, 125, 'Compton'), (23286, 254, 125, 'Concord'), (6932, 254, 125,
'Conway'), (23412, 254, 125, 'Cord'), (6933, 254, 125, 'Corning'), (23489,
254, 125, 'Cotter'), (23493, 254, 125, 'Cotton Plant'), (23526, 254, 125,
'Cove'), (23555, 254, 125, 'Coy'), (23608, 254, 125,
'Crawfordsville'), (23669, 254, 125, 'Crocketts Bluff'), (6934, 254, 125,
'Crossett'), (23736, 254, 125, 'Crumrod'), (23805, 254, 125,
'Curtis'), (23818, 254, 125, 'Cushman'), (23906, 254, 125,
'Damascus'), (6935, 254, 125, 'Danville'), (17842, 254, 125,
'Dardanelle'), (23973, 254, 125, 'Datto'), (6936, 254, 125, 'De
Queen'), (24062, 254, 125, 'De Valls Bluff'), (6937, 254, 125, 'De
Witt'), (24081, 254, 125, 'Decatur'), (24102, 254, 125, 'Deer'), (24146,
254, 125, 'Delaplaine'), (24150, 254, 125, 'Delaware'), (24162, 254, 125,
'Delight'), (24163, 254, 125, 'Dell'), (24207, 254, 125,
'Dennard'), (24248, 254, 125, 'Dermott'), (6938, 254, 125, 'Des
Arc'), (24258, 254, 125, 'Desha'), (24302, 254, 125, 'Diamond
City'), (24308, 254, 125, 'Diaz'), (24321, 254, 125, 'Dierks'), (24379,
254, 125, 'Doddridge'), (24402, 254, 125, 'Dolph'), (24407, 254, 125,
'Donaldson'), (24465, 254, 125, 'Dover'), (24514, 254, 125,
'Drasco'), (24540, 254, 125, 'Driver'), (6939, 254, 125, 'Dumas'), (24710,
254, 125, 'Dyer'), (24714, 254, 125, 'Dyess'), (24749, 254, 125,
'Earle'), (25010, 254, 125, 'Edgemont'), (25034, 254, 125,
'Edmondson'), (25074, 254, 125, 'Egypt'), (6940, 254, 125, 'El
Dorado'), (25093, 254, 125, 'El Paso'), (25099, 254, 125,
'Elaine'), (25155, 254, 125, 'Elizabeth'), (25191, 254, 125,
'Elkins'), (25268, 254, 125, 'Elm Springs'), (18512, 254, 125,
'Emerson'), (25360, 254, 125, 'Emmet'), (25392, 254, 125,
'England'), (25404, 254, 125, 'Enola'), (25492, 254, 125, 'Ethel'), (25513,
254, 125, 'Etowah'), (25521, 254, 125, 'Eudora'), (6941, 254, 125, 'Eureka
Springs'), (25553, 254, 125, 'Evansville'), (25559, 254, 125, 'Evening
Shade'), (25569, 254, 125, 'Everton'), (25643, 254, 125, 'Fairfield
Bay'), (25747, 254, 125, 'Farmington'), (6942, 254, 125,
'Fayetteville'), (25860, 254, 125, 'Fifty Six'), (25891, 254, 125,
'Fisher'), (25962, 254, 125, 'Flippin'), (25971, 254, 125,
'Floral'), (6943, 254, 125, 'Fordyce'), (26036, 254, 125,
'Foreman'), (6944, 254, 125, 'Forrest City'), (6945, 254, 125, 'Fort
Smith'), (6946, 254, 125, 'Fouke'), (26194, 254, 125, 'Fountain
Hill'), (26214, 254, 125, 'Fox'), (26248, 254, 125, 'Franklin'), (26349,
254, 125, 'Frenchmans Bayou'), (26365, 254, 125, 'Friendship'), (26416,
254, 125, 'Fulton'), (26488, 254, 125, 'Gamaliel'), (26532, 254, 125,
'Garfield'), (26547, 254, 125, 'Garland City'), (26550, 254, 125,
'Garner'), (26588, 254, 125, 'Gassville'), (26598, 254, 125,
'Gateway'), (26634, 254, 125, 'Genoa'), (26644, 254, 125,
'Gentry'), (26665, 254, 125, 'Gepp'), (26721, 254, 125, 'Gilbert'), (26747,
254, 125, 'Gillett'), (26753, 254, 125, 'Gillham'), (26767, 254, 125,
'Gilmore'), (26865, 254, 125, 'Glencoe'), (26912, 254, 125,
'Glenwood'), (27018, 254, 125, 'Goodwin'), (27052, 254, 125,
'Goshen'), (27062, 254, 125, 'Gosnell'), (27068, 254, 125,
'Gould'), (27088, 254, 125, 'Grady'), (27177, 254, 125, 'Grannis'), (27211,
254, 125, 'Grapevine'), (27228, 254, 125, 'Gravelly'), (27230, 254, 125,
'Gravette'), (17653, 254, 125, 'Green Forest'), (27296, 254, 125,
'Greenbrier'), (27319, 254, 125, 'Greenland'), (27355, 254, 125,
'Greenway'), (27362, 254, 125, 'Greenwood'), (27374, 254, 125,
'Gregory'), (27399, 254, 125, 'Griffithville'), (27440, 254, 125,
'Grubbs'), (27467, 254, 125, 'Guion'), (27483, 254, 125, 'Gurdon'), (27491,
254, 125, 'Guy'), (27511, 254, 125, 'Hackett'), (27529, 254, 125,
'Hagarville'), (27587, 254, 125, 'Hamburg'), (6947, 254, 125,
'Hampton'), (27732, 254, 125, 'Hardy'), (27780, 254, 125,
'Harrell'), (27783, 254, 125, 'Harriet'), (27796, 254, 125,
'Harrisburg'), (6948, 254, 125, 'Harrison'), (27831, 254, 125,
'Hartford'), (27849, 254, 125, 'Hartman'), (27868, 254, 125,
'Harvey'), (27893, 254, 125, 'Hasty'), (27901, 254, 125,
'Hatfield'), (27909, 254, 125, 'Hattieville'), (27910, 254, 125,
'Hatton'), (27918, 254, 125, 'Havana'), (27964, 254, 125,
'Haynes'), (27985, 254, 125, 'Hazen'), (6949, 254, 125, 'Heber
Springs'), (28011, 254, 125, 'Hector'), (6950, 254, 125, 'Helena'), (28058,
254, 125, 'Henderson'), (28098, 254, 125, 'Hensley'), (28121, 254, 125,
'Hermitage'), (28148, 254, 125, 'Heth'), (28176, 254, 125, 'Hickory
Plains'), (28177, 254, 125, 'Hickory Ridge'), (28186, 254, 125,
'Higden'), (28191, 254, 125, 'Higginson'), (28289, 254, 125,
'Hindsville'), (28315, 254, 125, 'Hiwasse'), (28401, 254, 125, 'Holly
Grove'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`,
`name`) VALUES (6951, 254, 125, 'Hope'), (28529, 254, 125,
'Horatio'), (28548, 254, 125, 'Horseshoe Bend'), (6952, 254, 125, 'Hot
Springs National Park'), (28567, 254, 125, 'Hot Springs Village'), (28580,
254, 125, 'Houston'), (28601, 254, 125, 'Howell'), (6953, 254, 125,
'Hoxie'), (28647, 254, 125, 'Hughes'), (28685, 254, 125,
'Humnoke'), (28686, 254, 125, 'Humphrey'), (28698, 254, 125,
'Hunter'), (28705, 254, 125, 'Huntington'), (6954, 254, 125,
'Huntsville'), (28758, 254, 125, 'Huttig'), (28787, 254, 125,
'Ida'), (28816, 254, 125, 'Imboden'), (28995, 254, 125, 'Ivan'), (29030,
254, 125, 'Jacksonport'), (6955, 254, 125, 'Jacksonville'), (6956, 254,
125, 'Jasper'), (29104, 254, 125, 'Jefferson'), (29136, 254, 125,
'Jennie'), (29146, 254, 125, 'Jerome'), (29153, 254, 125,
'Jersey'), (29157, 254, 125, 'Jerusalem'), (29161, 254, 125,
'Jessieville'), (29192, 254, 125, 'Johnson'), (29209, 254, 125,
'Joiner'), (29222, 254, 125, 'Jones Mill'), (6957, 254, 125,
'Jonesboro'), (15448, 254, 125, 'Judsonia'), (29270, 254, 125, 'Junction
City'), (29382, 254, 125, 'Keiser'), (29454, 254, 125, 'Kensett'), (29480,
254, 125, 'Keo'), (29597, 254, 125, 'Kingsland'), (29603, 254, 125,
'Kingston'), (29638, 254, 125, 'Kirby'), (29693, 254, 125,
'Knobel'), (29705, 254, 125, 'Knoxville'), (29778, 254, 125, 'La
Grange'), (29858, 254, 125, 'Lafe'), (29887, 254, 125, 'Lake City'), (6958,
254, 125, 'Lake Village'), (13065, 254, 125, 'Lakeview'), (29990, 254, 125,
'Lamar'), (30002, 254, 125, 'Lambrook'), (30044, 254, 125,
'Laneburg'), (30056, 254, 125, 'Langley'), (30139, 254, 125,
'Lavaca'), (30163, 254, 125, 'Lawson'), (17076, 254, 125,
'Leachville'), (30187, 254, 125, 'Lead Hill'), (30319, 254, 125,
'Leola'), (30344, 254, 125, 'Lepanto'), (30356, 254, 125,
'Leslie'), (30371, 254, 125, 'Letona'), (6959, 254, 125,
'Lewisville'), (30407, 254, 125, 'Lexa'), (30435, 254, 125,
'Light'), (30468, 254, 125, 'Lincoln'), (6960, 254, 125, 'Little
Rock'), (30591, 254, 125, 'Little Rock Air Force Base'), (30651, 254, 125,
'Lockesburg'), (30667, 254, 125, 'Locust Grove'), (30702, 254, 125,
'London'), (6961, 254, 125, 'Lonoke'), (30759, 254, 125,
'Lonsdale'), (30817, 254, 125, 'Louann'), (30851, 254, 125,
'Lowell'), (30962, 254, 125, 'Luxora'), (31003, 254, 125, 'Lynn'), (15805,
254, 125, 'Mabelvale'), (31080, 254, 125, 'Madison'), (31105, 254, 125,
'Magazine'), (31108, 254, 125, 'Magness'), (6962, 254, 125,
'Magnolia'), (6963, 254, 125, 'Malvern'), (31183, 254, 125, 'Mammoth
Spring'), (31214, 254, 125, 'Manila'), (31247, 254, 125,
'Mansfield'), (31320, 254, 125, 'Marble Falls'), (31328, 254, 125,
'Marcella'), (31349, 254, 125, 'Marianna'), (6965, 254, 125,
'Marion'), (31390, 254, 125, 'Marked Tree'), (31407, 254, 125,
'Marmaduke'), (6966, 254, 125, 'Marshall'), (31482, 254, 125,
'Marvell'), (15328, 254, 125, 'Maumelle'), (31605, 254, 125,
'Mayflower'), (31610, 254, 125, 'Maynard'), (31624, 254, 125,
'Maysville'), (31658, 254, 125, 'Mc Caskill'), (31687, 254, 125, 'Mc
Crory'), (31700, 254, 125, 'Mc Dougal'), (18090, 254, 125, 'Mc
Gehee'), (31758, 254, 125, 'Mc Neil'), (31763, 254, 125, 'Mc Rae'), (6967,
254, 125, 'Melbourne'), (31886, 254, 125, 'Mellwood'), (6968, 254, 125,
'Mena'), (31928, 254, 125, 'Menifee'), (32093, 254, 125,
'Midland'), (32110, 254, 125, 'Midway'), (32311, 254, 125, 'Mineral
Springs'), (32354, 254, 125, 'Minturn'), (32416, 254, 125, 'Moko'), (32435,
254, 125, 'Monette'), (32452, 254, 125, 'Monroe'), (6969, 254, 125,
'Monticello'), (32547, 254, 125, 'Montrose'), (32636, 254, 125,
'Moro'), (6970, 254, 125, 'Morrilton'), (32672, 254, 125,
'Morrow'), (32691, 254, 125, 'Moscow'), (32764, 254, 125, 'Mount
Holly'), (6971, 254, 125, 'Mount Ida'), (32778, 254, 125, 'Mount
Judea'), (32796, 254, 125, 'Mount Pleasant'), (32824, 254, 125, 'Mount
Vernon'), (6972, 254, 125, 'Mountain Home'), (32854, 254, 125, 'Mountain
Pine'), (16138, 254, 125, 'Mountain View'), (32863, 254, 125,
'Mountainburg'), (32888, 254, 125, 'Mulberry'), (6974, 254, 125,
'Murfreesboro'), (6975, 254, 125, 'Nashville'), (33041, 254, 125, 'Natural
Dam'), (33169, 254, 125, 'New Blaine'), (33201, 254, 125, 'New
Edinburg'), (33365, 254, 125, 'Newark'), (33414, 254, 125,
'Newhope'), (6976, 254, 125, 'Newport'), (33562, 254, 125,
'Norfork'), (33568, 254, 125, 'Norman'), (33578, 254, 125,
'Norphlet'), (6977, 254, 125, 'North Little Rock'), (33824, 254, 125, 'O
Kean'), (33833, 254, 125, 'Oak Grove'), (33873, 254, 125,
'Oakland'), (33913, 254, 125, 'Oark'), (33957, 254, 125, 'Oden'), (33975,
254, 125, 'Ogden'), (33995, 254, 125, 'Oil Trough'), (34016, 254, 125,
'Okolona'), (34021, 254, 125, 'Ola'), (34099, 254, 125, 'Omaha'), (34123,
254, 125, 'Oneida'), (34132, 254, 125, 'Onia'), (12564, 254, 125,
'Osceola'), (34347, 254, 125, 'Oxford'), (34366, 254, 125, 'Ozan'), (6978,
254, 125, 'Ozark'), (34371, 254, 125, 'Ozone'), (34419, 254, 125,
'Palestine'), (34476, 254, 125, 'Pangburn'), (6979, 254, 125,
'Paragould'), (34514, 254, 125, 'Paris'), (34530, 254, 125,
'Parkdale'), (34544, 254, 125, 'Parkin'), (34547, 254, 125,
'Parks'), (34565, 254, 125, 'Paron'), (34575, 254, 125,
'Parthenon'), (34599, 254, 125, 'Patterson'), (34653, 254, 125, 'Pea
Ridge'), (34660, 254, 125, 'Peach Orchard'), (34668, 254, 125,
'Pearcy'), (6980, 254, 125, 'Peel'), (34710, 254, 125, 'Pelsor'), (34724,
254, 125, 'Pencil Bluff'), (34801, 254, 125, 'Perry'), (6981, 254, 125,
'Perryville'), (34854, 254, 125, 'Pettigrew'), (34900, 254, 125,
'Pickens'), (34942, 254, 125, 'Piggott'), (34968, 254, 125,
'Pindall'), (6982, 254, 125, 'Pine Bluff'), (35016, 254, 125,
'Pineville'), (35101, 254, 125, 'Plainview'), (35134, 254, 125, 'Pleasant
Grove'), (35149, 254, 125, 'Pleasant Plains'), (35177, 254, 125,
'Plumerville'), (6983, 254, 125, 'Pocahontas'), (35246, 254, 125,
'Pollard'), (35269, 254, 125, 'Ponca'), (35292, 254, 125, 'Poplar
Grove'), (35369, 254, 125, 'Portia'), (35371, 254, 125,
'Portland'), (35412, 254, 125, 'Pottsville'), (35415, 254, 125,
'Poughkeepsie'), (35444, 254, 125, 'Powhatan'), (35452, 254, 125,
'Poyen'), (18754, 254, 125, 'Prairie Grove'), (35476, 254, 125,
'Prattsville'), (6984, 254, 125, 'Prescott'), (35512, 254, 125,
'Prim'), (35539, 254, 125, 'Proctor'), (35624, 254, 125, 'Pyatt'), (35674,
254, 125, 'Quitman'), (35796, 254, 125, 'Ratcliff'), (35805, 254, 125,
'Ravenden'), (35806, 254, 125, 'Ravenden Springs'), (35871, 254, 125,
'Rector'), (35909, 254, 125, 'Redfield'), (36017, 254, 125,
'Reydell'), (36019, 254, 125, 'Reyno'), (18390, 254, 125, 'Rison'), (36250,
254, 125, 'Rivervale'), (36401, 254, 125, 'Roe'), (6985, 254, 125,
'Rogers'), (36418, 254, 125, 'Roland'), (36434, 254, 125,
'Romance'), (36479, 254, 125, 'Rose Bud'), (36522, 254, 125,
'Rosie'), (36535, 254, 125, 'Rosston'), (36569, 254, 125, 'Rover'), (36596,
254, 125, 'Royal'), (36624, 254, 125, 'Rudy'), (36672, 254, 125,
'Russell'), (6986, 254, 125, 'Russellville'), (36748, 254, 125,
'Saffell'), (36754, 254, 125, 'Sage'), (36786, 254, 125, 'Saint
Charles'), (36809, 254, 125, 'Saint Francis'), (36838, 254, 125, 'Saint
Joe'), (36877, 254, 125, 'Saint Paul'), (36908, 254, 125, 'Salado'), (6987,
254, 125, 'Salem'), (37095, 254, 125, 'Saratoga'), (37235, 254, 125,
'Scotland'), (37245, 254, 125, 'Scott'), (37267, 254, 125,
'Scranton'), (6988, 254, 125, 'Searcy'), (37336, 254, 125,
'Sedgwick'), (6989, 254, 125, 'Sheridan'), (37579, 254, 125,
'Sherrill'), (6990, 254, 125, 'Sherwood'), (37611, 254, 125,
'Shirley'), (37660, 254, 125, 'Sidney'), (6991, 254, 125, 'Siloam
Springs'), (37741, 254, 125, 'Sims'), (37813, 254, 125,
'Smackover'), (37849, 254, 125, 'Smithville'), (37882, 254, 125, 'Snow
Lake'), (37911, 254, 125, 'Solgohachia'), (38123, 254, 125,
'Sparkman'), (6992, 254, 125, 'Springdale'), (38228, 254, 125,
'Springfield'), (38290, 254, 125, 'Stamps'), (6993, 254, 125, 'Star
City'), (38361, 254, 125, 'State University'), (38394, 254, 125,
'Stephens'), (38524, 254, 125, 'Story'), (38573, 254, 125,
'Strawberry'), (38584, 254, 125, 'Strong'), (38608, 254, 125,
'Sturkie'), (6994, 254, 125, 'Stuttgart'), (38614, 254, 125,
'Subiaco'), (38617, 254, 125, 'Success'), (38651, 254, 125, 'Sulphur
Rock'), (12796, 254, 125, 'Sulphur Springs'), (38674, 254, 125,
'Summers'), (6995, 254, 125, 'Summit'), (38804, 254, 125, 'Sweet
Home'), (38814, 254, 125, 'Swifton'), (38945, 254, 125, 'Taylor'), (6996,
254, 125, 'Texarkana'), (39075, 254, 125, 'Thida'), (39112, 254, 125,
'Thornton'), (39149, 254, 125, 'Tichnor'), (39171, 254, 125,
'Tillar'), (39177, 254, 125, 'Tilly'), (39186, 254, 125, 'Timbo'), (39255,
254, 125, 'Tomato'), (39264, 254, 125, 'Tontitown'), (39346, 254, 125,
'Traskwood'), (6997, 254, 125, 'Trumann'), (39456, 254, 125,
'Tucker'), (39457, 254, 125, 'Tuckerman'), (39468, 254, 125, 'Tumbling
Shoals'), (39482, 254, 125, 'Tupelo'), (39496, 254, 125, 'Turner'), (39510,
254, 125, 'Turrell'), (39553, 254, 125, 'Twist'), (39582, 254, 125,
'Tyronza'), (39594, 254, 125, 'Ulm'), (39605, 254, 125, 'Umpire'), (39657,
254, 125, 'Uniontown'), (39706, 254, 125, 'Urbana'), (39776, 254, 125,
'Valley Springs'), (6998, 254, 125, 'Van Buren'), (39819, 254, 125,
'Vandervoort'), (39825, 254, 125, 'Vanndale'), (39855, 254, 125,
'Vendor'), (39964, 254, 125, 'Village'), (39973, 254, 125,
'Vilonia'), (39992, 254, 125, 'Viola'), (40000, 254, 125, 'Violet
Hill'), (40041, 254, 125, 'Wabash'), (40043, 254, 125,
'Wabbaseka'), (40099, 254, 125, 'Walcott'), (40104, 254, 125,
'Waldenburg'), (40105, 254, 125, 'Waldo'), (6999, 254, 125,
'Waldron'), (7000, 254, 125, 'Walnut Ridge'), (40233, 254, 125,
'Ward'), (40252, 254, 125, 'Warm Springs'), (7001, 254, 125,
'Warren'), (40300, 254, 125, 'Washington'), (40389, 254, 125,
'Watson'), (40503, 254, 125, 'Weiner'), (40587, 254, 125,
'Wesley'), (12993, 254, 125, 'West Fork'), (40670, 254, 125, 'West
Helena'), (7002, 254, 125, 'West Memphis'), (40722, 254, 125, 'West
Point'), (40734, 254, 125, 'West Ridge'), (40789, 254, 125, 'Western
Grove'), (40891, 254, 125, 'Wheatley'), (40905, 254, 125, 'Whelen
Springs'), (12412, 254, 125, 'White Hall'), (41036, 254, 125,
'Wickes'), (41043, 254, 125, 'Wideman'), (41045, 254, 125,
'Widener'), (41055, 254, 125, 'Wilburn'), (41126, 254, 125,
'Williford'), (41136, 254, 125, 'Willisville'), (41158, 254, 125,
'Wilmar'), (41166, 254, 125, 'Wilmot'), (41175, 254, 125,
'Wilson'), (41192, 254, 125, 'Wilton'), (41204, 254, 125,
'Winchester'), (41278, 254, 125, 'Winslow'), (41303, 254, 125,
'Winthrop'), (41318, 254, 125, 'Wiseman'), (41332, 254, 125,
'Witter'), (41336, 254, 125, 'Witts Springs'), (41433, 254, 125,
'Woodson'), (41465, 254, 125, 'Wooster'), (41493, 254, 125,
'Wright'), (41502, 254, 125, 'Wrightsville'), (7003, 254, 125,
'Wynne'), (41565, 254, 125, 'Yellville'), (41592, 254, 125,
'Yorktown'), (17100, 254, 126, 'Acampo'), (19089, 254, 126,
'Acton'), (7065, 254, 126, 'Adelanto'), (19138, 254, 126, 'Adin'), (13109,
254, 126, 'Agoura Hills'), (19176, 254, 126, 'Aguanga'), (19183, 254, 126,
'Ahwahnee'), (7066, 254, 126, 'Alameda'), (42073, 254, 126,
'Alamitos'), (7067, 254, 126, 'Alamo'), (14747, 254, 126,
'Albany'), (19237, 254, 126, 'Albion'), (19265, 254, 126,
'Alderpoint'), (7068, 254, 126, 'Alhambra'), (12794, 254, 126, 'Aliso
Viejo'), (15978, 254, 126, 'Alleghany'), (19375, 254, 126,
'Alpaugh'), (7069, 254, 126, 'Alpine'), (15990, 254, 126, 'Alta'), (41954,
254, 126, 'Alta Loma'), (7070, 254, 126, 'Altadena'), (19405, 254, 126,
'Altaville'), (7071, 254, 126, 'Alturas'), (19445, 254, 126,
'Alviso'), (19453, 254, 126, 'Amador City'), (19470, 254, 126,
'Amboy'), (15846, 254, 126, 'American Canyon'), (7072, 254, 126,
'Anaheim'), (14931, 254, 126, 'Anderson'), (7073, 254, 126, 'Angels
Camp'), (19553, 254, 126, 'Angelus Oaks'), (19561, 254, 126,
'Angwin'), (19576, 254, 126, 'Annapolis'), (12669, 254, 126,
'Antelope'), (7074, 254, 126, 'Antioch'), (13695, 254, 126, 'Anza'), (7075,
254, 126, 'Apple Valley'), (15991, 254, 126, 'Applegate'), (14496, 254,
126, 'Aptos'), (19643, 254, 126, 'Arbuckle'), (7076, 254, 126,
'Arcadia'), (7077, 254, 126, 'Arcata'), (19737, 254, 126, 'Armona'), (7092,
254, 126, 'Arnold'), (13989, 254, 126, 'Aromas'), (7079, 254, 126, 'Arroyo
Grande'), (19773, 254, 126, 'Artesia'), (7080, 254, 126, 'Artois'), (7081,
254, 126, 'Arvin'), (7082, 254, 126, 'Atascadero'), (19862, 254, 126,
'Atherton'), (7083, 254, 126, 'Atwater'), (19903, 254, 126,
'Atwood'), (19911, 254, 126, 'Auberry'), (7084, 254, 126, 'Auburn'), (7085,
254, 126, 'Avalon'), (7086, 254, 126, 'Avenal'), (19988, 254, 126,
'Avery'), (17432, 254, 126, 'Avila Beach'), (7087, 254, 126,
'Azusa'), (20051, 254, 126, 'Badger'), (20083, 254, 126, 'Baker'), (7088,
254, 126, 'Bakersfield'), (17795, 254, 126, 'Balboa'), (7089, 254, 126,
'Baldwin Park'), (20118, 254, 126, 'Ballico'), (16670, 254, 126,
'Bangor'), (7090, 254, 126, 'Banning'), (20165, 254, 126, 'Bard'), (7091,
254, 126, 'Barstow'), (20255, 254, 126, 'Bass Lake'), (20320, 254, 126,
'Bayside'), (20334, 254, 126, 'Beale AFB'), (7093, 254, 126,
'Beaumont'), (20397, 254, 126, 'Beckwourth'), (20438, 254, 126,
'Belden'), (7094, 254, 126, 'Bell'), (7095, 254, 126, 'Bell
Gardens'), (20465, 254, 126, 'Bella Vista'), (7096, 254, 126,
'Bellflower'), (7097, 254, 126, 'Belmont'), (20534, 254, 126, 'Belvedere
Tiburon'), (20549, 254, 126, 'Ben Lomond'), (7098, 254, 126,
'Benicia'), (20591, 254, 126, 'Benton'), (7099, 254, 126,
'Berkeley'), (20646, 254, 126, 'Berry Creek'), (20682, 254, 126, 'Bethel
Island'), (7100, 254, 126, 'Beverly Hills'), (20722, 254, 126,
'Bieber'), (20725, 254, 126, 'Big Bar'), (7101, 254, 126, 'Big Bear
City'), (20727, 254, 126, 'Big Bear Lake'), (20728, 254, 126, 'Big
Bend'), (20733, 254, 126, 'Big Creek'), (20746, 254, 126, 'Big Oak
Flat'), (20747, 254, 126, 'Big Pine'), (7102, 254, 126, 'Big Sur'), (14865,
254, 126, 'Biggs'), (20792, 254, 126, 'Biola'), (20808, 254, 126, 'Birds
Landing'), (7103, 254, 126, 'Bishop'), (20883, 254, 126,
'Blairsden-Graeagle'), (20924, 254, 126, 'Blocksburg'), (20951, 254, 126,
'Bloomington'), (20982, 254, 126, 'Blue Jay'), (20984, 254, 126, 'Blue
Lake'), (7105, 254, 126, 'Blythe'), (21032, 254, 126, 'Bodega'), (7106,
254, 126, 'Bodega Bay'), (21033, 254, 126, 'Bodfish'), (21056, 254, 126,
'Bolinas'), (18539, 254, 126, 'Bonita'), (16505, 254, 126,
'Bonsall'), (21113, 254, 126, 'Boonville'), (21122, 254, 126,
'Boron'), (7107, 254, 126, 'Borrego Springs'), (12158, 254, 126, 'Boulder
Creek'), (21149, 254, 126, 'Boulevard'), (21205, 254, 126, 'Boyes Hot
Springs'), (21244, 254, 126, 'Bradley'), (21297, 254, 126,
'Branscomb'), (7108, 254, 126, 'Brawley'), (7109, 254, 126, 'Brea'), (7110,
254, 126, 'Brentwood'), (7111, 254, 126, 'Bridgeport'), (21372, 254, 126,
'Bridgeville'), (21417, 254, 126, 'Brisbane'), (21479, 254, 126,
'Brookdale'), (21508, 254, 126, 'Brooks'), (12249, 254, 126, 'Browns
Valley'), (21552, 254, 126, 'Brownsville'), (21622, 254, 126, 'Bryn
Mawr'), (14484, 254, 126, 'Buellton'), (7113, 254, 126, 'Buena
Park'), (7114, 254, 126, 'Burbank'), (7115, 254, 126, 'Burlingame'), (7116,
254, 126, 'Burney'), (21786, 254, 126, 'Burnt Ranch'), (21791, 254, 126,
'Burrel'), (21794, 254, 126, 'Burson'), (21825, 254, 126, 'Butte
City'), (7117, 254, 126, 'Buttonwillow'), (7118, 254, 126,
'Byron'), (21857, 254, 126, 'Cabazon'), (12448, 254, 126,
'Calabasas'), (7119, 254, 126, 'Calexico'), (21912, 254, 126,
'Caliente'), (7120, 254, 126, 'California City'), (21914, 254, 126,
'California Hot Springs'), (17527, 254, 126, 'Calimesa'), (21916, 254, 126,
'Calipatria'), (15165, 254, 126, 'Calistoga'), (21918, 254, 126,
'Callahan'), (21932, 254, 126, 'Calpella'), (21933, 254, 126,
'Calpine'), (7121, 254, 126, 'Camarillo'), (7122, 254, 126,
'Cambria'), (17467, 254, 126, 'Camino'), (22002, 254, 126, 'Camp
Meeker'), (22003, 254, 126, 'Camp Nelson'), (7123, 254, 126, 'Camp
Pendleton'), (7124, 254, 126, 'Campbell'), (7125, 254, 126,
'Campo'), (22023, 254, 126, 'Campo Seco'), (15979, 254, 126,
'Camptonville'), (16032, 254, 126, 'Canby'), (15754, 254, 126, 'Canoga
Park'), (22072, 254, 126, 'Cantil'), (22084, 254, 126, 'Cantua
Creek'), (22089, 254, 126, 'Canyon'), (22092, 254, 126, 'Canyon
Country'), (22095, 254, 126, 'Canyondam'), (22098, 254, 126,
'Capay'), (22108, 254, 126, 'Capistrano Beach'), (15012, 254, 126,
'Capitola'), (15335, 254, 126, 'Cardiff by the Sea'), (22159, 254, 126,
'Carlotta'), (7126, 254, 126, 'Carlsbad'), (7127, 254, 126,
'Carmel'), (22170, 254, 126, 'Carmel Valley'), (7128, 254, 126,
'Carmichael'), (22176, 254, 126, 'Carnelian Bay'), (7129, 254, 126,
'Carpinteria'), (7130, 254, 126, 'Carson'), (22225, 254, 126,
'Caruthers'), (22258, 254, 126, 'Casmalia'), (22261, 254, 126,
'Caspar'), (15141, 254, 126, 'Cassel'), (22278, 254, 126,
'Castaic'), (22286, 254, 126, 'Castella'), (7131, 254, 126, 'Castro
Valley'), (12369, 254, 126, 'Castroville'), (7132, 254, 126, 'Cathedral
City'), (22321, 254, 126, 'Catheys Valley'), (12697, 254, 126,
'Cayucos'), (22343, 254, 126, 'Cazadero'), (22368, 254, 126, 'Cedar
Glen'), (15980, 254, 126, 'Cedar Ridge'), (13853, 254, 126, 'Cedarpines
Park'), (22394, 254, 126, 'Cedarville'), (7133, 254, 126, 'Ceres'), (7134,
254, 126, 'Cerritos'), (22495, 254, 126, 'Challenge'), (7135, 254, 126,
'Chatsworth'), (22646, 254, 126, 'Chester'), (15981, 254, 126, 'Chicago
Park'), (7136, 254, 126, 'Chico'), (22697, 254, 126, 'Chilcoot'), (22720,
254, 126, 'Chinese Camp'), (7137, 254, 126, 'Chino'), (12693, 254, 126,
'Chino Hills'), (7138, 254, 126, 'Chowchilla'), (22755, 254, 126,
'Chualar'), (7139, 254, 126, 'Chula Vista'), (22780, 254, 126,
'Cima'), (7140, 254, 126, 'Citrus Heights'), (22801, 254, 126, 'City of
Industry'), (7141, 254, 126, 'Claremont'), (22854, 254, 126,
'Clarksburg'), (7142, 254, 126, 'Clayton'), (7143, 254, 126,
'Clearlake'), (22926, 254, 126, 'Clearlake Oaks'), (22927, 254, 126,
'Clearlake Park'), (22938, 254, 126, 'Clements'), (23011, 254, 126,
'Clio'), (23016, 254, 126, 'Clipper Mills'), (7144, 254, 126,
'Cloverdale'), (7145, 254, 126, 'Clovis'), (23046, 254, 126,
'Coachella'), (7146, 254, 126, 'Coalinga'), (13408, 254, 126,
'Coarsegold'), (12037, 254, 126, 'Cobb'), (23150, 254, 126,
'Coleville'), (14593, 254, 126, 'Colfax'), (23160, 254, 126, 'College
City'), (15994, 254, 126, 'Coloma'), (7147, 254, 126, 'Colton'), (16140,
254, 126, 'Columbia'), (7148, 254, 126, 'Colusa'), (42922, 254, 126,
'Commerce'), (15062, 254, 126, 'Comptche'), (7149, 254, 126,
'Compton'), (7150, 254, 126, 'Concord'), (15977, 254, 126, 'Cool'), (23401,
254, 126, 'Copperopolis'), (23411, 254, 126, 'Corcoran'), (12491, 254, 126,
'Corning'), (7151, 254, 126, 'Corona'), (18648, 254, 126, 'Corona del
mar'), (7152, 254, 126, 'Coronado'), (12661, 254, 126, 'Corte
Madera'), (7153, 254, 126, 'Costa Mesa'), (14929, 254, 126,
'Cotati'), (14664, 254, 126, 'Cottonwood'), (23509, 254, 126,
'Coulterville'), (23522, 254, 126, 'Courtland'), (23529, 254, 126,
'Covelo'), (7154, 254, 126, 'Covina'), (23558, 254, 126, 'Coyote'), (7155,
254, 126, 'Crescent City'), (23636, 254, 126, 'Crescent Mills'), (23639,
254, 126, 'Cressey'), (23643, 254, 126, 'Crest Park'), (12759, 254, 126,
'Crestline'), (17055, 254, 126, 'Creston'), (7156, 254, 126,
'Crockett'), (23723, 254, 126, 'Crows Landing'), (7157, 254, 126, 'Culver
City'), (7158, 254, 126, 'Cupertino'), (23830, 254, 126, 'Cutler'), (23835,
254, 126, 'Cutten'), (7160, 254, 126, 'Cypress'), (23856, 254, 126,
'Daggett'), (7161, 254, 126, 'Daly City'), (7162, 254, 126, 'Dana
Point'), (7163, 254, 126, 'Danville'), (23955, 254, 126,
'Dardanelle'), (23969, 254, 126, 'Darwin'), (23978, 254, 126,
'Davenport'), (7164, 254, 126, 'Davis'), (24000, 254, 126, 'Davis
Creek'), (24077, 254, 126, 'Death Valley'), (24112, 254, 126, 'Deer
Park'), (7166, 254, 126, 'Del Mar'), (12940, 254, 126, 'Del Rey'), (7167,
254, 126, 'Delano'), (24159, 254, 126, 'Delhi'), (17748, 254, 126,
'Denair'), (16620, 254, 126, 'Descanso'), (24257, 254, 126, 'Desert
Center'), (13600, 254, 126, 'Desert Hot Springs'), (24297, 254, 126,
'Diablo'), (7168, 254, 126, 'Diamond Bar'), (15030, 254, 126, 'Diamond
Springs'), (24335, 254, 126, 'Dillon Beach'), (7169, 254, 126,
'Dinuba'), (7170, 254, 126, 'Dixon'), (24374, 254, 126, 'Dobbins'), (15536,
254, 126, 'Dorris'), (17700, 254, 126, 'Dos Palos'), (24442, 254, 126, 'Dos
Rios'), (18557, 254, 126, 'Douglas City'), (24458, 254, 126, 'Douglas
Flat'), (7172, 254, 126, 'Downey'), (24489, 254, 126,
'Downieville'), (24498, 254, 126, 'Doyle'), (24564, 254, 126,
'Drytown'), (7173, 254, 126, 'Duarte'), (7174, 254, 126, 'Dublin'), (24587,
254, 126, 'Ducor'), (24606, 254, 126, 'Dulzura'), (24625, 254, 126,
'Duncans Mills'), (24645, 254, 126, 'Dunlap'), (24659, 254, 126,
'Dunnigan'), (7175, 254, 126, 'Dunsmuir'), (24684, 254, 126,
'Durham'), (15995, 254, 126, 'Dutch Flat'), (24743, 254, 126,
'Eagleville'), (7176, 254, 126, 'Earlimart'), (24765, 254, 126,
'Earp'), (24837, 254, 126, 'East Irvine'), (24971, 254, 126, 'Echo
Lake'), (7177, 254, 126, 'Edison'), (25047, 254, 126, 'Edwards'), (7179,
254, 126, 'El Cajon'), (7180, 254, 126, 'El Centro'), (7181, 254, 126, 'El
Cerrito'), (25086, 254, 126, 'El Dorado'), (14877, 254, 126, 'El Dorado
Hills'), (13266, 254, 126, 'El Granada'), (25090, 254, 126, 'El
Macero'), (7182, 254, 126, 'El Monte'), (25092, 254, 126, 'El
Nido'), (25095, 254, 126, 'El Portal'), (13027, 254, 126, 'El
Segundo'), (7183, 254, 126, 'El Sobrante'), (25097, 254, 126, 'El
Toro'), (25098, 254, 126, 'El Verano'), (25129, 254, 126,
'Eldridge'), (25165, 254, 126, 'Elk'), (25168, 254, 126, 'Elk
Creek'), (7184, 254, 126, 'Elk Grove'), (25281, 254, 126,
'Elmira'), (25319, 254, 126, 'Elverta'), (15315, 254, 126,
'Emeryville'), (15998, 254, 126, 'Emigrant Gap'), (25368, 254, 126,
'Empire'), (7185, 254, 126, 'Encinitas'), (16932, 254, 126,
'Encino'), (7186, 254, 126, 'Escalon'), (7187, 254, 126,
'Escondido'), (13832, 254, 126, 'Esparto'), (25467, 254, 126,
'Essex'), (25503, 254, 126, 'Etna'), (7188, 254, 126, 'Eureka'), (25586,
254, 126, 'Exeter'), (7189, 254, 126, 'Fair Oaks'), (12588, 254, 126,
'Fairfax'), (12728, 254, 126, 'Fairfield'), (14779, 254, 126, 'Fall River
Mills'), (7190, 254, 126, 'Fallbrook'), (25741, 254, 126,
'Farmersville'), (25748, 254, 126, 'Farmington'), (25782, 254, 126,
'Fawnskin'), (25797, 254, 126, 'Feather Falls'), (25806, 254, 126,
'Fellows'), (13680, 254, 126, 'Felton'), (14582, 254, 126,
'Ferndale'), (25848, 254, 126, 'Fiddletown'), (25854, 254, 126, 'Fields
Landing'), (7191, 254, 126, 'Fillmore'), (25877, 254, 126,
'Finley'), (25882, 254, 126, 'Firebaugh'), (25888, 254, 126, 'Fish
Camp'), (25918, 254, 126, 'Five Points'), (7192, 254, 126,
'Florence'), (25986, 254, 126, 'Floriston'), (25988, 254, 126,
'Flournoy'), (7193, 254, 126, 'Folsom'), (7194, 254, 126,
'Fontana'), (13126, 254, 126, 'Foothill Ranch'), (26023, 254, 126,
'Forbestown'), (26043, 254, 126, 'Forest Falls'), (26051, 254, 126, 'Forest
Knolls'), (26055, 254, 126, 'Forest Ranch'), (12497, 254, 126,
'Foresthill'), (15191, 254, 126, 'Forestville'), (26073, 254, 126, 'Forks
of Salmon'), (26089, 254, 126, 'Fort Bidwell'), (7195, 254, 126, 'Fort
Bragg'), (26100, 254, 126, 'Fort Dick'), (26115, 254, 126, 'Fort
Irwin'), (17293, 254, 126, 'Fort Jones'), (26171, 254, 126,
'Fortuna'), (41948, 254, 126, 'Foster City'), (7197, 254, 126, 'Fountain
Valley'), (26205, 254, 126, 'Fowler'), (7198, 254, 126, 'Frazier
Park'), (26306, 254, 126, 'Freedom'), (7199, 254, 126, 'Fremont'), (17000,
254, 126, 'French Camp'), (26344, 254, 126, 'French Gulch'), (7200, 254,
126, 'Fresno'), (26358, 254, 126, 'Friant'), (7201, 254, 126,
'Fullerton'), (26417, 254, 126, 'Fulton'), (7202, 254, 126,
'Galt'), (14990, 254, 126, 'Garberville'), (7203, 254, 126, 'Garden
Grove'), (16002, 254, 126, 'Garden Valley'), (7204, 254, 126,
'Gardena'), (26586, 254, 126, 'Gasquet'), (26616, 254, 126,
'Gazelle'), (16003, 254, 126, 'Georgetown'), (26668, 254, 126,
'Gerber'), (26690, 254, 126, 'Geyserville'), (7205, 254, 126,
'Gilroy'), (17834, 254, 126, 'Glen Ellen'), (26866, 254, 126,
'Glencoe'), (7206, 254, 126, 'Glendale'), (7207, 254, 126,
'Glendora'), (26892, 254, 126, 'Glenhaven'), (16542, 254, 126,
'Glenn'), (7208, 254, 126, 'Glennville'), (15997, 254, 126, 'Gold
Run'), (7209, 254, 126, 'Goleta'), (26987, 254, 126, 'Gonzales'), (27020,
254, 126, 'Goodyears Bar'), (27053, 254, 126, 'Goshen'), (12434, 254, 126,
'Granada Hills'), (27148, 254, 126, 'Grand Terrace'), (27171, 254, 126,
'Granite Bay'), (15982, 254, 126, 'Grass Valley'), (27226, 254, 126,
'Graton'), (27290, 254, 126, 'Green Valley Lake'), (27295, 254, 126,
'Greenbrae'), (27309, 254, 126, 'Greenfield'), (27341, 254, 126,
'Greenview'), (14642, 254, 126, 'Greenville'), (16005, 254, 126,
'Greenwood'), (27380, 254, 126, 'Grenada'), (7210, 254, 126,
'Gridley'), (27402, 254, 126, 'Grimes'), (27412, 254, 126, 'Grizzly
Flats'), (27424, 254, 126, 'Groveland'), (12468, 254, 126, 'Grover
Beach'), (27448, 254, 126, 'Guadalupe'), (15278, 254, 126,
'Gualala'), (27450, 254, 126, 'Guasti'), (27451, 254, 126,
'Guatay'), (12464, 254, 126, 'Guerneville'), (27466, 254, 126,
'Guinda'), (27486, 254, 126, 'Gustine'), (7211, 254, 126, 'Hacienda
Heights'), (7212, 254, 126, 'Half Moon Bay'), (7213, 254, 126, 'Hallelujah
Jct'), (27615, 254, 126, 'Hamilton City'), (7214, 254, 126,
'Hanford'), (18114, 254, 126, 'Happy Camp'), (12811, 254, 126, 'Harbor
City'), (27756, 254, 126, 'Harmony'), (27896, 254, 126, 'Hat
Creek'), (27906, 254, 126, 'Hathaway Pines'), (18553, 254, 126, 'Hawaiian
Gardens'), (7215, 254, 126, 'Hawthorne'), (7216, 254, 126,
'Hayfork'), (7217, 254, 126, 'Hayward'), (7218, 254, 126,
'Healdsburg'), (27999, 254, 126, 'Heber'), (28036, 254, 126,
'Helendale'), (28042, 254, 126, 'Helm'), (7219, 254, 126, 'Hemet'), (28105,
254, 126, 'Herald'), (7220, 254, 126, 'Hercules'), (28114, 254, 126,
'Herlong'), (13079, 254, 126, 'Hermosa Beach'), (7221, 254, 126,
'Hesperia'), (28167, 254, 126, 'Hickman'), (7222, 254, 126,
'Highland'), (28277, 254, 126, 'Hilmar'), (28299, 254, 126,
'Hinkley'), (7223, 254, 126, 'Hollister'), (42909, 254, 126,
'Hollywood'), (28420, 254, 126, 'Holt'), (28427, 254, 126,
'Holtville'), (28429, 254, 126, 'Holy City'), (28439, 254, 126,
'Homeland'), (14903, 254, 126, 'Homewood'), (28467, 254, 126,
'Honeydew'), (28474, 254, 126, 'Hood'), (28484, 254, 126, 'Hoopa'), (11931,
254, 126, 'Hopland'), (28535, 254, 126, 'Hornbrook'), (28539, 254, 126,
'Hornitos'), (28653, 254, 126, 'Hughson'), (28678, 254, 126,
'Hume'), (7224, 254, 126, 'Huntington Beach'), (28713, 254, 126,
'Huntington Park'), (28737, 254, 126, 'Huron'), (28763, 254, 126,
'Hyampom'), (28772, 254, 126, 'Hydesville'), (13379, 254, 126,
'Idyllwild'), (28805, 254, 126, 'Igo'), (7225, 254, 126,
'Imperial'), (7226, 254, 126, 'Imperial Beach'), (28830, 254, 126,
'Independence'), (28854, 254, 126, 'Indian Wells'), (7227, 254, 126,
'Indio'), (7228, 254, 126, 'Inglewood'), (28897, 254, 126,
'Inverness'), (14229, 254, 126, 'Inyokern'), (28907, 254, 126,
'Ione'), (7229, 254, 126, 'Irvine'), (42876, 254, 126,
'Irwindale'), (28980, 254, 126, 'Isleton'), (28996, 254, 126,
'Ivanhoe'), (7230, 254, 126, 'Jackson'), (29043, 254, 126,
'Jacumba'), (18166, 254, 126, 'Jamestown'), (7231, 254, 126,
'Jamul'), (14668, 254, 126, 'Janesville'), (29133, 254, 126,
'Jenner'), (29187, 254, 126, 'Johannesburg'), (29214, 254, 126,
'Jolon'), (14880, 254, 126, 'Joshua Tree'), (7232, 254, 126, 'Joshua Tree
National Park'), (7233, 254, 126, 'Julian'), (29271, 254, 126, 'Junction
City'), (29275, 254, 126, 'June Lake'), (29345, 254, 126,
'Kaweah'), (29364, 254, 126, 'Keeler'), (29367, 254, 126, 'Keene'), (13376,
254, 126, 'Kelseyville'), (29467, 254, 126, 'Kentfield'), (29477, 254, 126,
'Kenwood'), (29488, 254, 126, 'Kerman'), (7234, 254, 126,
'Kernville'), (29503, 254, 126, 'Kettleman City'), (29514, 254, 126,
'Keyes'), (7235, 254, 126, 'King City'), (7236, 254, 126, 'Kings
Beach'), (29589, 254, 126, 'Kings Canyon National Pk'), (29593, 254, 126,
'Kingsburg'), (29652, 254, 126, 'Kirkwood'), (29664, 254, 126, 'Kit
Carson'), (29675, 254, 126, 'Klamath'), (29676, 254, 126, 'Klamath
River'), (29682, 254, 126, 'Kneeland'), (7237, 254, 126, 'Knights
Landing'), (29687, 254, 126, 'Knightsen'), (29720, 254, 126,
'Korbel'), (29752, 254, 126, 'Kyburz'), (17375, 254, 126, 'La Canada
Flintridge'), (16972, 254, 126, 'La Crescenta'), (29779, 254, 126, 'La
Grange'), (7238, 254, 126, 'La Habra'), (13865, 254, 126, 'La
Honda'), (7239, 254, 126, 'La Jolla'), (7240, 254, 126, 'La Mesa'), (7241,
254, 126, 'La Mirada'), (14683, 254, 126, 'La Palma'), (7242, 254, 126, 'La
Puente'), (29808, 254, 126, 'La Quinta'), (7243, 254, 126, 'La
Verne'), (29848, 254, 126, 'Ladera Ranch'), (7244, 254, 126,
'Lafayette'), (7245, 254, 126, 'Laguna Beach'), (7246, 254, 126, 'Laguna
Hills'), (7247, 254, 126, 'Laguna Niguel'), (19021, 254, 126,
'Lagunitas'), (7248, 254, 126, 'Lake Arrowhead'), (29888, 254, 126, 'Lake
City'), (7250, 254, 126, 'Lake Elsinore'), (7251, 254, 126, 'Lake
Forest'), (29920, 254, 126, 'Lake Hughes'), (7252, 254, 126, 'Lake
Isabella'), (13330, 254, 126, 'Lake Tahoe'), (15986, 254, 126, 'Lake
Wildwood'), (29960, 254, 126, 'Lakehead'), (7253, 254, 126,
'Lakeport'), (29967, 254, 126, 'Lakeshore'), (7254, 254, 126,
'Lakeside'), (7255, 254, 126, 'Lakewood'), (7256, 254, 126,
'Lamont'), (7257, 254, 126, 'Lancaster'), (30030, 254, 126,
'Landers'), (30089, 254, 126, 'Larkspur'), (7258, 254, 126,
'Lathrop'), (30108, 254, 126, 'Laton'), (7259, 254, 126,
'Lawndale'), (30175, 254, 126, 'Laytonville'), (30179, 254, 126, 'Le
Grand'), (7261, 254, 126, 'Lebec'), (30235, 254, 126, 'Lee
Vining'), (30263, 254, 126, 'Leggett'), (30289, 254, 126, 'Lemon
Cove'), (7262, 254, 126, 'Lemon Grove'), (7263, 254, 126,
'Lemoore'), (30395, 254, 126, 'Lewiston'), (30440, 254, 126,
'Likely'), (14006, 254, 126, 'Lincoln'), (30480, 254, 126, 'Lincoln
Acres'), (7265, 254, 126, 'Linden'), (7266, 254, 126, 'Lindsay'), (30553,
254, 126, 'Litchfield'), (30577, 254, 126, 'Little Lake'), (30604, 254,
126, 'Littleriver'), (14465, 254, 126, 'Littlerock'), (30613, 254, 126,
'Live Oak'), (7267, 254, 126, 'Livermore'), (13571, 254, 126,
'Livingston'), (30634, 254, 126, 'Llano'), (7268, 254, 126,
'Lockeford'), (30659, 254, 126, 'Lockwood'), (7269, 254, 126,
'Lodi'), (30692, 254, 126, 'Loleta'), (17628, 254, 126, 'Loma
Linda'), (30697, 254, 126, 'Loma Mar'), (7270, 254, 126, 'Lomita'), (7271,
254, 126, 'Lompoc'), (7272, 254, 126, 'Lone Pine'), (30719, 254, 126, 'Long
Barn'), (7273, 254, 126, 'Long Beach'), (30763, 254, 126,
'Lookout'), (15334, 254, 126, 'Loomis'), (12924, 254, 126, 'Los
Alamitos'), (30798, 254, 126, 'Los Alamos'), (7274, 254, 126, 'Los
Altos'), (7275, 254, 126, 'Los Angeles'), (7276, 254, 126, 'Los
Banos'), (7277, 254, 126, 'Los Gatos'), (18730, 254, 126, 'Los
Molinos'), (30802, 254, 126, 'Los Olivos'), (14155, 254, 126, 'Los
Osos'), (7278, 254, 126, 'Lost Hills'), (16006, 254, 126, 'Lotus'), (13392,
254, 126, 'Lower Lake'), (30883, 254, 126, 'Loyalton'), (30898, 254, 126,
'Lucerne'), (7279, 254, 126, 'Lucerne Valley'), (30908, 254, 126,
'Ludlow'), (7280, 254, 126, 'Lynwood'), (31033, 254, 126, 'Lytle
Creek'), (31043, 254, 126, 'Macdoel'), (31074, 254, 126, 'Mad
River'), (31078, 254, 126, 'Madeline'), (7281, 254, 126, 'Madera'), (31081,
254, 126, 'Madison'), (31104, 254, 126, 'Magalia'), (7282, 254, 126,
'Malibu'), (7283, 254, 126, 'Mammoth Lakes'), (7284, 254, 126, 'Mammoth
Mountain'), (13291, 254, 126, 'Manchester'), (7285, 254, 126, 'Manhattan
Beach'), (7286, 254, 126, 'Manteca'), (31267, 254, 126, 'Manton'), (7287,
254, 126, 'Manzanita Lake'), (31331, 254, 126, 'March Air Force
Base'), (7288, 254, 126, 'Maricopa'), (31365, 254, 126, 'Marina'), (13067,
254, 126, 'Marina Del Rey'), (7289, 254, 126, 'Mariposa'), (7290, 254, 126,
'Markleeville'), (31424, 254, 126, 'Marshall'), (31449, 254, 126,
'Martell'), (7291, 254, 126, 'Martinez'), (7292, 254, 126,
'Marysville'), (31530, 254, 126, 'Mather'), (31583, 254, 126,
'Maxwell'), (7294, 254, 126, 'Maywood'), (31708, 254, 126, 'Mc
Farland'), (31741, 254, 126, 'Mc Kittrick'), (31773, 254, 126,
'McArthur'), (16466, 254, 126, 'McClellan'), (31779, 254, 126,
'McCloud'), (31792, 254, 126, 'McKinleyville'), (31810, 254, 126, 'Meadow
Valley'), (15974, 254, 126, 'Meadow Vista'), (31823, 254, 126,
'Mecca'), (7297, 254, 126, 'Mendocino'), (7298, 254, 126,
'Mendota'), (7299, 254, 126, 'Menifee'), (7300, 254, 126, 'Menlo
Park'), (31938, 254, 126, 'Mentone'), (7301, 254, 126, 'Merced'), (31957,
254, 126, 'Meridian'), (32025, 254, 126, 'Mi Wuk Village'), (14652, 254,
126, 'Middletown'), (18432, 254, 126, 'Midpines'), (13031, 254, 126,
'Midway City'), (32149, 254, 126, 'Milford'), (32162, 254, 126, 'Mill
Creek'), (7302, 254, 126, 'Mill Valley'), (7303, 254, 126,
'Millbrae'), (32240, 254, 126, 'Millville'), (7304, 254, 126,
'Milpitas'), (7305, 254, 126, 'Mineral'), (32357, 254, 126, 'Mira
Loma'), (32359, 254, 126, 'Miramonte'), (32360, 254, 126,
'Miranda'), (15582, 254, 126, 'Mission Hills'), (7306, 254, 126, 'Mission
Viejo'), (32386, 254, 126, 'Moccasin'), (7307, 254, 126, 'Modesto'), (7308,
254, 126, 'Mojave'), (32414, 254, 126, 'Mokelumne Hill'), (32446, 254, 126,
'Mono Hot Springs'), (7309, 254, 126, 'Monrovia'), (32483, 254, 126,
'Montague'), (32490, 254, 126, 'Montara'), (7310, 254, 126,
'Montclair'), (32493, 254, 126, 'Monte Rio'), (7311, 254, 126,
'Montebello'), (7312, 254, 126, 'Monterey'), (7313, 254, 126, 'Monterey
Park'), (32524, 254, 126, 'Montgomery Creek'), (16860, 254, 126,
'Montrose'), (7314, 254, 126, 'Moorpark'), (7315, 254, 126,
'Moraga'), (7316, 254, 126, 'Moreno Valley'), (7317, 254, 126, 'Morgan
Hill'), (17966, 254, 126, 'Morongo Valley'), (7318, 254, 126, 'Morro
Bay'), (32708, 254, 126, 'Moss Beach'), (32709, 254, 126, 'Moss
Landing'), (32733, 254, 126, 'Mount Aukum'), (32760, 254, 126, 'Mount
Hamilton'), (32761, 254, 126, 'Mount Hermon'), (7319, 254, 126, 'Mount
Laguna'), (7320, 254, 126, 'Mount Shasta'), (7321, 254, 126, 'Mount
Wilson'), (32839, 254, 126, 'Mountain Center'), (32853, 254, 126, 'Mountain
Pass'), (32855, 254, 126, 'Mountain Ranch'), (7322, 254, 126, 'Mountain
View'), (32882, 254, 126, 'Mt Baldy'), (16340, 254, 126, 'Murphys'), (7323,
254, 126, 'Murrieta'), (32952, 254, 126, 'Myers Flat'), (7324, 254, 126,
'Napa'), (7325, 254, 126, 'National City'), (33051, 254, 126,
'Navarro'), (7326, 254, 126, 'Needles'), (33096, 254, 126,
'Nelson'), (7327, 254, 126, 'Nevada City'), (33151, 254, 126, 'New
Almaden'), (33196, 254, 126, 'New Cuyama'), (7328, 254, 126,
'Newark'), (33373, 254, 126, 'Newberry Springs'), (12078, 254, 126,
'Newbury Park'), (16008, 254, 126, 'Newcastle'), (15086, 254, 126,
'Newhall'), (14567, 254, 126, 'Newman'), (7329, 254, 126, 'Newport
Beach'), (33434, 254, 126, 'Newport Coast'), (33474, 254, 126,
'Nicasio'), (33475, 254, 126, 'Nice'), (33490, 254, 126,
'Nicolaus'), (33498, 254, 126, 'Niland'), (33515, 254, 126,
'Nipomo'), (33516, 254, 126, 'Nipton'), (7330, 254, 126, 'Norco'), (33556,
254, 126, 'Norden'), (12847, 254, 126, 'North Fork'), (7331, 254, 126,
'North Highlands'), (33657, 254, 126, 'North Hills'), (12340, 254, 126,
'North Hollywood'), (33687, 254, 126, 'North Palm Springs'), (15987, 254,
126, 'North San Juan'), (7332, 254, 126, 'Northridge'), (7333, 254, 126,
'Norwalk'), (7334, 254, 126, 'Novato'), (33799, 254, 126,
'Nubieber'), (33800, 254, 126, 'Nuevo'), (33825, 254, 126, 'O
Neals'), (42301, 254, 126, 'Oak Hill'), (33843, 254, 126, 'Oak
Park'), (33848, 254, 126, 'Oak Run'), (33850, 254, 126, 'Oak
View'), (13284, 254, 126, 'Oakdale'), (12111, 254, 126, 'Oakhurst'), (7335,
254, 126, 'Oakland'), (7336, 254, 126, 'Oakley'), (33902, 254, 126,
'Oakville'), (33921, 254, 126, 'Obrien'), (33923, 254, 126,
'Occidental'), (33934, 254, 126, 'Oceano'), (12247, 254, 126,
'Oceanside'), (33947, 254, 126, 'Ocotillo'), (7337, 254, 126,
'Ojai'), (14159, 254, 126, 'Olancha'), (34047, 254, 126, 'Old
Station'), (7338, 254, 126, 'Olema'), (34073, 254, 126,
'Olivehurst'), (34097, 254, 126, 'Olympic Valley'), (7339, 254, 126,
'Ontario'), (34145, 254, 126, 'Onyx'), (7340, 254, 126, 'Orange'), (14581,
254, 126, 'Orange Cove'), (7341, 254, 126, 'Orangevale'), (34189, 254, 126,
'Oregon House'), (34197, 254, 126, 'Orick'), (7342, 254, 126,
'Orinda'), (7343, 254, 126, 'Orland'), (34219, 254, 126,
'Orleans'), (34226, 254, 126, 'Oro Grande'), (34231, 254, 126,
'Orosi'), (7344, 254, 126, 'Oroville'), (7346, 254, 126, 'Oxnard'), (12749,
254, 126, 'Pacific Grove'), (13076, 254, 126, 'Pacific
Palasaides'), (34383, 254, 126, 'Pacific Palisades'), (7347, 254, 126,
'Pacifica'), (13777, 254, 126, 'Pacoima'), (34401, 254, 126,
'Paicines'), (34412, 254, 126, 'Pala'), (34416, 254, 126,
'Palermo'), (7348, 254, 126, 'Palm Desert'), (7349, 254, 126, 'Palm
Springs'), (7350, 254, 126, 'Palmdale'), (7351, 254, 126, 'Palo
Alto'), (34455, 254, 126, 'Palo Cedro'), (34458, 254, 126, 'Palo
Verde'), (34460, 254, 126, 'Palomar Mountain'), (34463, 254, 126, 'Palos
Verdes Peninsula'), (15152, 254, 126, 'Panorama City'), (7353, 254, 126,
'Paradise'), (7354, 254, 126, 'Paramount'), (34536, 254, 126, 'Parker
Dam'), (34557, 254, 126, 'Parlier'), (7355, 254, 126, 'Pasadena'), (34581,
254, 126, 'Paskenta'), (7356, 254, 126, 'Paso Robles'), (34600, 254, 126,
'Patterson'), (34611, 254, 126, 'Patton'), (12599, 254, 126, 'Pauma
Valley'), (34648, 254, 126, 'Paynes Creek'), (18919, 254, 126,
'Pearblossom'), (7357, 254, 126, 'Pebble Beach'), (15592, 254, 126, 'Penn
Valley'), (34746, 254, 126, 'Penngrove'), (16010, 254, 126,
'Penryn'), (7358, 254, 126, 'Perris'), (34825, 254, 126,
'Pescadero'), (7359, 254, 126, 'Petaluma'), (34849, 254, 126,
'Petrolia'), (7360, 254, 126, 'Phelan'), (34880, 254, 126,
'Phillipsville'), (34882, 254, 126, 'Philo'), (7361, 254, 126, 'Pico
Rivera'), (17622, 254, 126, 'Piedmont'), (34919, 254, 126,
'Piedra'), (34928, 254, 126, 'Piercy'), (16011, 254, 126, 'Pilot
Hill'), (12711, 254, 126, 'Pine Grove'), (34994, 254, 126, 'Pine
Valley'), (35000, 254, 126, 'Pinecrest'), (7362, 254, 126,
'Pinole'), (35033, 254, 126, 'Pinon Hills'), (35040, 254, 126,
'Pioneer'), (35044, 254, 126, 'Pioneertown'), (7363, 254, 126,
'Piru'), (7364, 254, 126, 'Pismo Beach'), (7365, 254, 126,
'Pittsburg'), (35078, 254, 126, 'Pixley'), (7366, 254, 126,
'Placentia'), (7367, 254, 126, 'Placerville'), (35110, 254, 126,
'Planada'), (35116, 254, 126, 'Platina'), (13060, 254, 126, 'Playa del
Rey'), (35135, 254, 126, 'Pleasant Grove'), (7368, 254, 126, 'Pleasant
Hill'), (7369, 254, 126, 'Pleasanton'), (35185, 254, 126,
'Plymouth'), (35212, 254, 126, 'Point Arena'), (7370, 254, 126, 'Point
Mugu'), (35225, 254, 126, 'Point Reyes Station'), (41856, 254, 126, 'Point
Richmond'), (7373, 254, 126, 'Pollock Pines'), (12583, 254, 126,
'Pomona'), (35287, 254, 126, 'Pope Valley'), (17200, 254, 126, 'Port
Costa'), (7374, 254, 126, 'Port Hueneme'), (7375, 254, 126,
'Porterville'), (35379, 254, 126, 'Portola'), (35380, 254, 126, 'Portola
Valley'), (35387, 254, 126, 'Posey'), (35399, 254, 126, 'Potrero'), (7376,
254, 126, 'Potter Valley'), (7377, 254, 126, 'Poway'), (35472, 254, 126,
'Prather'), (35521, 254, 126, 'Princeton'), (35537, 254, 126,
'Proberta'), (7378, 254, 126, 'Quincy'), (35686, 254, 126,
'Rackerby'), (35701, 254, 126, 'Rail Road Flat'), (35712, 254, 126,
'Raisin'), (7380, 254, 126, 'Ramona'), (7381, 254, 126, 'Ranchita'), (7382,
254, 126, 'Rancho Cordova'), (7383, 254, 126, 'Rancho Cucamonga'), (35742,
254, 126, 'Rancho Mirage'), (7384, 254, 126, 'Rancho Palos
Verdes'), (35743, 254, 126, 'Rancho Santa Fe'), (12469, 254, 126, 'Rancho
Santa Margarita'), (7386, 254, 126, 'Rancho Sante Fe'), (7387, 254, 126,
'Randsburg'), (35804, 254, 126, 'Ravendale'), (35826, 254, 126,
'Raymond'), (7388, 254, 126, 'Red Bluff'), (35888, 254, 126, 'Red
Mountain'), (35901, 254, 126, 'Redcrest'), (7389, 254, 126,
'Redding'), (7390, 254, 126, 'Redlands'), (7391, 254, 126, 'Redondo
Beach'), (13352, 254, 126, 'Redway'), (7392, 254, 126, 'Redwood
City'), (35930, 254, 126, 'Redwood Estates'), (35931, 254, 126, 'Redwood
Valley'), (7393, 254, 126, 'Reedley'), (35996, 254, 126, 'Rescue'), (12680,
254, 126, 'Reseda'), (7394, 254, 126, 'Rialto'), (36075, 254, 126,
'Richgrove'), (7395, 254, 126, 'Richmond'), (36104, 254, 126,
'Richvale'), (7396, 254, 126, 'Ridgecrest'), (36160, 254, 126,
'Rimforest'), (36183, 254, 126, 'Rio Dell'), (36188, 254, 126, 'Rio
Linda'), (36190, 254, 126, 'Rio Nido'), (36191, 254, 126, 'Rio
Oso'), (7397, 254, 126, 'Rio Vista'), (7398, 254, 126, 'Ripon'), (36220,
254, 126, 'River Pines'), (36223, 254, 126, 'Riverbank'), (36224, 254, 126,
'Riverdale'), (7399, 254, 126, 'Riverside'), (36272, 254, 126,
'Robbins'), (7400, 254, 126, 'Rocklin'), (7401, 254, 126, 'Rodeo'), (7402,
254, 126, 'Rohnert Park'), (7403, 254, 126, 'Rosamond'), (7404, 254, 126,
'Rosemead'), (7405, 254, 126, 'Roseville'), (36528, 254, 126,
'Ross'), (15988, 254, 126, 'Rough And Ready'), (36556, 254, 126, 'Round
Mountain'), (7406, 254, 126, 'Rowland Heights'), (36641, 254, 126,
'Rumsey'), (18694, 254, 126, 'Running Springs'), (36694, 254, 126,
'Rutherford'), (36712, 254, 126, 'Ryde'), (7408, 254, 126,
'Sacramento'), (36824, 254, 126, 'Saint Helena'), (36930, 254, 126,
'Salida'), (7410, 254, 126, 'Salinas'), (36965, 254, 126, 'Salton
City'), (16037, 254, 126, 'Salyer'), (36974, 254, 126, 'Samoa'), (7411,
254, 126, 'San Andreas'), (36978, 254, 126, 'San Anselmo'), (36982, 254,
126, 'San Ardo'), (7412, 254, 126, 'San Bernardino'), (7413, 254, 126, 'San
Bruno'), (7414, 254, 126, 'San Carlos'), (7415, 254, 126, 'San
Clemente'), (7416, 254, 126, 'San Diego'), (7417, 254, 126, 'San
Dimas'), (7418, 254, 126, 'San Fernando'), (7419, 254, 126, 'San
Francisco'), (7420, 254, 126, 'San Gabriel'), (36989, 254, 126, 'San
Geronimo'), (36990, 254, 126, 'San Gregorio'), (7421, 254, 126, 'San
Jacinto'), (36992, 254, 126, 'San Joaquin'), (7422, 254, 126, 'San
Jose'), (36996, 254, 126, 'San Juan Bautista'), (7423, 254, 126, 'San Juan
Capistrano'), (7424, 254, 126, 'San Leandro'), (13007, 254, 126, 'San
Lorenzo'), (36997, 254, 126, 'San Lucas'), (7425, 254, 126, 'San Luis
Obispo'), (37000, 254, 126, 'San Luis Rey'), (7426, 254, 126, 'San
Marcos'), (15818, 254, 126, 'San Marino'), (14162, 254, 126, 'San
Martin'), (7427, 254, 126, 'San Mateo'), (37002, 254, 126, 'San
Miguel'), (7428, 254, 126, 'San Pablo'), (12429, 254, 126, 'San
Pedro'), (37008, 254, 126, 'San Quentin'), (7429, 254, 126, 'San
Rafael'), (7430, 254, 126, 'San Ramon'), (7431, 254, 126, 'San
Simeon'), (37012, 254, 126, 'San Ysidro'), (14189, 254, 126,
'Sanger'), (7432, 254, 126, 'Santa Ana'), (7433, 254, 126, 'Santa
Barbara'), (7434, 254, 126, 'Santa Clara'), (7435, 254, 126, 'Santa
Clarita'), (7436, 254, 126, 'Santa Cruz'), (14301, 254, 126, 'Santa Fe
Springs'), (37073, 254, 126, 'Santa Margarita'), (7437, 254, 126, 'Santa
Maria'), (7438, 254, 126, 'Santa Monica'), (7439, 254, 126, 'Santa
Paula'), (37076, 254, 126, 'Santa Rita Park'), (7440, 254, 126, 'Santa
Rosa'), (37079, 254, 126, 'Santa Ynez'), (37080, 254, 126, 'Santa
Ysabel'), (7441, 254, 126, 'Santee'), (7442, 254, 126, 'Saratoga'), (7443,
254, 126, 'Sausalito'), (37232, 254, 126, 'Scotia'), (37249, 254, 126,
'Scott Bar'), (11853, 254, 126, 'Scotts Valley'), (7444, 254, 126, 'Seal
Beach'), (7445, 254, 126, 'Seaside'), (11806, 254, 126,
'Sebastopol'), (37344, 254, 126, 'Seeley'), (37348, 254, 126, 'Seiad
Valley'), (37363, 254, 126, 'Selma'), (7447, 254, 126, 'Sequoia National
Park'), (7448, 254, 126, 'Shafter'), (37443, 254, 126, 'Shandon'), (37485,
254, 126, 'Shasta'), (7449, 254, 126, 'Shasta Lake'), (37490, 254, 126,
'Shaver Lake'), (37509, 254, 126, 'Sheep Ranch'), (16012, 254, 126,
'Sheridan'), (7450, 254, 126, 'Sherman Oaks'), (14900, 254, 126, 'Shingle
Springs'), (37602, 254, 126, 'Shingletown'), (37634, 254, 126,
'Shoshone'), (37671, 254, 126, 'Sierra City'), (17970, 254, 126, 'Sierra
Madre'), (37672, 254, 126, 'Sierraville'), (37716, 254, 126,
'Silverado'), (7453, 254, 126, 'Simi Valley'), (37777, 254, 126,
'Skyforest'), (37811, 254, 126, 'Sloughhouse'), (37818, 254, 126,
'Smartville'), (37826, 254, 126, 'Smith River'), (37874, 254, 126,
'Snelling'), (37897, 254, 126, 'Soda Springs'), (7454, 254, 126, 'Solana
Beach'), (37909, 254, 126, 'Soledad'), (7455, 254, 126, 'Solvang'), (14755,
254, 126, 'Somerset'), (37940, 254, 126, 'Somes Bar'), (37941, 254, 126,
'Somis'), (7456, 254, 126, 'Sonoma'), (7457, 254, 126, 'Sonora'), (37951,
254, 126, 'Soquel'), (16793, 254, 126, 'Sorrento Mesa'), (37959, 254, 126,
'Soulsbyville'), (37996, 254, 126, 'South Dos Palos'), (7458, 254, 126,
'South El Monte'), (7459, 254, 126, 'South Gate'), (7460, 254, 126, 'South
Lake'), (7461, 254, 126, 'South Lake Tahoe'), (7462, 254, 126, 'South
Pasadena'), (7463, 254, 126, 'South San Francisco'), (38188, 254, 126,
'Spreckels'), (7464, 254, 126, 'Spring Valley'), (12161, 254, 126,
'Springville'), (38263, 254, 126, 'Squaw Valley'), (38294, 254, 126,
'Standard'), (38297, 254, 126, 'Standish'), (7465, 254, 126,
'Stanford'), (7466, 254, 126, 'Stanton'), (38428, 254, 126, 'Stevenson
Ranch'), (18858, 254, 126, 'Stevinson'), (38437, 254, 126, 'Stewarts
Point'), (7467, 254, 126, 'Stinson Beach'), (38458, 254, 126, 'Stirling
City'), (7468, 254, 126, 'Stockton'), (13362, 254, 126,
'Stonyford'), (38523, 254, 126, 'Storrie'), (38554, 254, 126,
'Stratford'), (38566, 254, 126, 'Strathmore'), (38574, 254, 126,
'Strawberry'), (7469, 254, 126, 'Strawberry Valley'), (13501, 254, 126,
'Studio City'), (38635, 254, 126, 'Sugarloaf'), (7470, 254, 126, 'Suisun
City'), (38654, 254, 126, 'Sultana'), (38671, 254, 126,
'Summerland'), (7471, 254, 126, 'Sun City'), (14898, 254, 126, 'Sun
Valley'), (38724, 254, 126, 'Sunland'), (7472, 254, 126,
'Sunnyvale'), (7473, 254, 126, 'Sunol'), (38736, 254, 126, 'Sunset
Beach'), (38748, 254, 126, 'Surfside'), (7474, 254, 126,
'Susanville'), (38764, 254, 126, 'Sutter'), (38766, 254, 126, 'Sutter
Creek'), (38838, 254, 126, 'Sylmar'), (7475, 254, 126, 'Taft'), (7476, 254,
126, 'Tahoe City'), (38868, 254, 126, 'Tahoe Vista'), (38870, 254, 126,
'Tahoma'), (38894, 254, 126, 'Talmage'), (14264, 254, 126,
'Tarzana'), (38956, 254, 126, 'Taylorsville'), (7477, 254, 126,
'Tecate'), (38969, 254, 126, 'Tecopa'), (7478, 254, 126,
'Tehachapi'), (38976, 254, 126, 'Tehama'), (7479, 254, 126,
'Temecula'), (7480, 254, 126, 'Temple City'), (38995, 254, 126,
'Templeton'), (39022, 254, 126, 'Termo'), (13685, 254, 126, 'Terra
Bella'), (39064, 254, 126, 'The Sea Ranch'), (7481, 254, 126,
'Thermal'), (39113, 254, 126, 'Thornton'), (7482, 254, 126, 'Thousand
Oaks'), (39130, 254, 126, 'Thousand Palms'), (17379, 254, 126, 'Three
Rivers'), (39205, 254, 126, 'Tipton'), (39244, 254, 126,
'Tollhouse'), (39251, 254, 126, 'Toluca Lake'), (39254, 254, 126,
'Tomales'), (13752, 254, 126, 'Topanga'), (39272, 254, 126,
'Topaz'), (7483, 254, 126, 'Torrance'), (7484, 254, 126, 'Trabuco
Canyon'), (7485, 254, 126, 'Tracy'), (39341, 254, 126,
'Tranquillity'), (39348, 254, 126, 'Traver'), (7486, 254, 126, 'Travis
AFB'), (39375, 254, 126, 'Tres Pinos'), (39394, 254, 126,
'Trinidad'), (39398, 254, 126, 'Trinity Center'), (16999, 254, 126,
'Trona'), (7487, 254, 126, 'Truckee'), (14495, 254, 126, 'Tujunga'), (7488,
254, 126, 'Tulare'), (7489, 254, 126, 'Tulelake'), (39481, 254, 126,
'Tuolumne'), (39484, 254, 126, 'Tupman'), (7490, 254, 126,
'Turlock'), (7491, 254, 126, 'Tustin'), (39533, 254, 126, 'Twain'), (12726,
254, 126, 'Twain Harte'), (7492, 254, 126, 'Twentynine Palms'), (39538,
254, 126, 'Twin Bridges'), (39547, 254, 126, 'Twin Peaks'), (7493, 254,
126, 'Ukiah'), (7494, 254, 126, 'Union City'), (16931, 254, 126, 'Universal
City'), (7495, 254, 126, 'Upland'), (39693, 254, 126, 'Upper Lake'), (7496,
254, 126, 'Vacaville'), (7497, 254, 126, 'Valencia'), (39753, 254, 126,
'Vallecito'), (7498, 254, 126, 'Vallejo'), (7499, 254, 126, 'Valley
Center'), (39765, 254, 126, 'Valley Ford'), (15611, 254, 126, 'Valley
Springs'), (39778, 254, 126, 'Valley Village'), (39786, 254, 126,
'Valyermo'), (7500, 254, 126, 'Van Nuys'), (13075, 254, 126,
'Venice'), (7501, 254, 126, 'Ventura'), (39877, 254, 126, 'Verdugo
City'), (39889, 254, 126, 'Vernalis'), (39935, 254, 126, 'Victor'), (7502,
254, 126, 'Victorville'), (39947, 254, 126, 'Vidal'), (39957, 254, 126,
'Villa Grande'), (17706, 254, 126, 'Villa Park'), (39975, 254, 126,
'Vina'), (39981, 254, 126, 'Vineburg'), (39987, 254, 126, 'Vinton'), (7503,
254, 126, 'Visalia'), (7504, 254, 126, 'Vista'), (40017, 254, 126,
'Volcano'), (40144, 254, 126, 'Wallace'), (7505, 254, 126,
'Walnut'), (7506, 254, 126, 'Walnut Creek'), (16246, 254, 126, 'Walnut
Grove'), (40260, 254, 126, 'Warner Springs'), (7507, 254, 126,
'Wasco'), (40301, 254, 126, 'Washington'), (40347, 254, 126,
'Waterford'), (7508, 254, 126, 'Watsonville'), (40407, 254, 126,
'Waukena'), (40470, 254, 126, 'Weaverville'), (13421, 254, 126,
'Weed'), (15971, 254, 126, 'Weimar'), (40523, 254, 126, 'Weldon'), (40565,
254, 126, 'Wendel'), (40584, 254, 126, 'Weott'), (42299, 254, 126, 'West
Colton'), (7509, 254, 126, 'West Covina'), (40673, 254, 126, 'West
Hills'), (7510, 254, 126, 'West Hollywood'), (40723, 254, 126, 'West
Point'), (7511, 254, 126, 'West Sacramento'), (7512, 254, 126, 'Westlake
Village'), (40813, 254, 126, 'Westley'), (7513, 254, 126,
'Westminster'), (40821, 254, 126, 'Westmorland'), (40845, 254, 126,
'Westport'), (14144, 254, 126, 'Westwood'), (40884, 254, 126,
'Wheatland'), (40910, 254, 126, 'Whiskeytown'), (40962, 254, 126, 'White
Water'), (40996, 254, 126, 'Whitethorn'), (41021, 254, 126,
'Whitmore'), (7514, 254, 126, 'Whittier'), (7515, 254, 126,
'Wildomar'), (41093, 254, 126, 'Williams'), (17343, 254, 126,
'Willits'), (7516, 254, 126, 'Willow Brook'), (41143, 254, 126, 'Willow
Creek'), (7517, 254, 126, 'Willows'), (16717, 254, 126,
'Wilmington'), (41173, 254, 126, 'Wilseyville'), (14434, 254, 126,
'Wilton'), (41205, 254, 126, 'Winchester'), (17697, 254, 126,
'Windsor'), (41268, 254, 126, 'Winnetka'), (41294, 254, 126,
'Winterhaven'), (41296, 254, 126, 'Winters'), (16872, 254, 126,
'Winton'), (41319, 254, 126, 'Wishon'), (41333, 254, 126, 'Witter
Springs'), (41340, 254, 126, 'Wofford Heights'), (7518, 254, 126,
'Woodacre'), (41387, 254, 126, 'Woodbridge'), (41405, 254, 126,
'Woodlake'), (7519, 254, 126, 'Woodland'), (7520, 254, 126, 'Woodland
Hills'), (41456, 254, 126, 'Woody'), (7521, 254, 126,
'Wrightwood'), (41569, 254, 126, 'Yermo'), (41571, 254, 126,
'Yettem'), (41576, 254, 126, 'Yolo'), (7522, 254, 126, 'Yorba
Linda'), (41597, 254, 126, 'Yorkville'), (41603, 254, 126, 'Yosemite
National Park'), (7523, 254, 126, 'Yosemite Village'), (41616, 254, 126,
'Yountville'), (7524, 254, 126, 'Yreka'), (7525, 254, 126, 'Yuba
City'), (7526, 254, 126, 'Yucaipa'), (13388, 254, 126, 'Yucca
Valley'), (41632, 254, 126, 'Zamora'), (41647, 254, 126, 'Zenia'), (19167,
254, 127, 'Agate'), (19178, 254, 127, 'Aguilar'), (7528, 254, 127,
'Akron'), (7529, 254, 127, 'Alamosa'), (7530, 254, 127,
'Allenspark'), (19354, 254, 127, 'Alma'), (19370, 254, 127,
'Almont'), (19489, 254, 127, 'Amherst'), (19600, 254, 127,
'Anton'), (19603, 254, 127, 'Antonito'), (19633, 254, 127,
'Arapahoe'), (19640, 254, 127, 'Arboles'), (19716, 254, 127,
'Arlington'), (19763, 254, 127, 'Arriba'), (7531, 254, 127,
'Arvada'), (7532, 254, 127, 'Aspen'), (19904, 254, 127, 'Atwood'), (19945,
254, 127, 'Ault'), (7533, 254, 127, 'Aurora'), (19962, 254, 127,
'Austin'), (20006, 254, 127, 'Avon'), (20017, 254, 127,
'Avondale'), (20064, 254, 127, 'Bailey'), (20241, 254, 127,
'Basalt'), (20291, 254, 127, 'Battlement Mesa'), (20315, 254, 127,
'Bayfield'), (20406, 254, 127, 'Bedrock'), (20508, 254, 127,
'Bellvue'), (20569, 254, 127, 'Bennett'), (20651, 254, 127,
'Berthoud'), (20695, 254, 127, 'Bethune'), (20700, 254, 127,
'Beulah'), (20844, 254, 127, 'Black Hawk'), (20891, 254, 127,
'Blanca'), (21079, 254, 127, 'Boncarbo'), (21080, 254, 127,
'Bond'), (21107, 254, 127, 'Boone'), (7534, 254, 127, 'Boulder'), (21298,
254, 127, 'Branson'), (7535, 254, 127, 'Breckenridge'), (21391, 254, 127,
'Briggsdale'), (17115, 254, 127, 'Brighton'), (7536, 254, 127,
'Broomfield'), (21596, 254, 127, 'Brush'), (7537, 254, 127, 'Buena
Vista'), (21684, 254, 127, 'Buffalo Creek'), (7538, 254, 127,
'Burlington'), (21770, 254, 127, 'Burns'), (21836, 254, 127,
'Byers'), (21880, 254, 127, 'Cahone'), (15937, 254, 127, 'Calhan'), (22022,
254, 127, 'Campo'), (7539, 254, 127, 'Canon City'), (22119, 254, 127,
'Capulin'), (18503, 254, 127, 'Carbondale'), (22190, 254, 127,
'Carr'), (22237, 254, 127, 'Cascade'), (16186, 254, 127, 'Castle
Rock'), (16320, 254, 127, 'Cedaredge'), (22408, 254, 127,
'Center'), (22455, 254, 127, 'Central City'), (22497, 254, 127,
'Chama'), (22620, 254, 127, 'Cheraw'), (7540, 254, 127, 'Cheyenne
Wells'), (22713, 254, 127, 'Chimney Rock'), (22754, 254, 127,
'Chromo'), (22781, 254, 127, 'Cimarron'), (22836, 254, 127,
'Clark'), (22974, 254, 127, 'Clifton'), (22984, 254, 127,
'Climax'), (23052, 254, 127, 'Coal Creek'), (23058, 254, 127,
'Coaldale'), (23063, 254, 127, 'Coalmont'), (23159, 254, 127,
'Collbran'), (23204, 254, 127, 'Colorado City'), (7541, 254, 127, 'Colorado
Springs'), (23258, 254, 127, 'Commerce City'), (23263, 254, 127,
'Como'), (23302, 254, 127, 'Conejos'), (13664, 254, 127,
'Conifer'), (23387, 254, 127, 'Cope'), (7543, 254, 127, 'Cortez'), (23474,
254, 127, 'Cory'), (23484, 254, 127, 'Cotopaxi'), (23544, 254, 127,
'Cowdrey'), (7544, 254, 127, 'Craig'), (23600, 254, 127,
'Crawford'), (23616, 254, 127, 'Creede'), (7545, 254, 127, 'Crested
Butte'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`,
`name`) VALUES (23652, 254, 127, 'Crestone'), (7546, 254, 127, 'Cripple
Creek'), (23681, 254, 127, 'Crook'), (23718, 254, 127, 'Crowley'), (23852,
254, 127, 'Dacono'), (24042, 254, 127, 'De Beque'), (24117, 254, 127, 'Deer
Trail'), (24139, 254, 127, 'Del Norte'), (18654, 254, 127, 'Delta'), (7548,
254, 127, 'Denver'), (7549, 254, 127, 'Dillon'), (24349, 254, 127,
'Dinosaur'), (7550, 254, 127, 'Divide'), (24401, 254, 127,
'Dolores'), (24464, 254, 127, 'Dove Creek'), (24506, 254, 127,
'Drake'), (24609, 254, 127, 'Dumont'), (24668, 254, 127, 'Dupont'), (7551,
254, 127, 'Durango'), (7552, 254, 127, 'Eads'), (277, 254, 127,
'Eagle'), (24929, 254, 127, 'Eastlake'), (24951, 254, 127,
'Eaton'), (16316, 254, 127, 'Eckert'), (24977, 254, 127, 'Eckley'), (25048,
254, 127, 'Edwards'), (25073, 254, 127, 'Egnar'), (25106, 254, 127,
'Elbert'), (25124, 254, 127, 'Eldorado Springs'), (25156, 254, 127,
'Elizabeth'), (25369, 254, 127, 'Empire'), (7554, 254, 127,
'Englewood'), (7555, 254, 127, 'Erie'), (7556, 254, 127, 'Estes
Park'), (25543, 254, 127, 'Evans'), (13669, 254, 127, 'Evergreen'), (25660,
254, 127, 'Fairplay'), (25885, 254, 127, 'Firestone'), (25921, 254, 127,
'Flagler'), (25943, 254, 127, 'Fleming'), (25974, 254, 127,
'Florence'), (7557, 254, 127, 'Florissant'), (7558, 254, 127, 'Fort
Collins'), (26105, 254, 127, 'Fort Garland'), (18851, 254, 127, 'Fort
Lupton'), (26128, 254, 127, 'Fort Lyon'), (7559, 254, 127, 'Fort
Morgan'), (17825, 254, 127, 'Fountain'), (26206, 254, 127,
'Fowler'), (26272, 254, 127, 'Franktown'), (26276, 254, 127,
'Fraser'), (26285, 254, 127, 'Frederick'), (26377, 254, 127,
'Frisco'), (26392, 254, 127, 'Fruita'), (26463, 254, 127,
'Galeton'), (26509, 254, 127, 'Garcia'), (7560, 254, 127,
'Gardner'), (26599, 254, 127, 'Gateway'), (26635, 254, 127,
'Genoa'), (26650, 254, 127, 'Georgetown'), (26740, 254, 127,
'Gilcrest'), (26746, 254, 127, 'Gill'), (26788, 254, 127, 'Glade
Park'), (26838, 254, 127, 'Glen Haven'), (7561, 254, 127, 'Glenwood
Springs'), (12593, 254, 127, 'Golden'), (27115, 254, 127,
'Granada'), (27117, 254, 127, 'Granby'), (7562, 254, 127, 'Grand
Junction'), (27135, 254, 127, 'Grand Lake'), (27169, 254, 127,
'Granite'), (27179, 254, 127, 'Grant'), (7563, 254, 127,
'Greeley'), (27278, 254, 127, 'Green Mountain Falls'), (42896, 254, 127,
'Greenwood Village'), (27431, 254, 127, 'Grover'), (27455, 254, 127,
'Guffey'), (27472, 254, 127, 'Gulnare'), (7564, 254, 127,
'Gunnison'), (13183, 254, 127, 'Gypsum'), (27600, 254, 127,
'Hamilton'), (27850, 254, 127, 'Hartman'), (27855, 254, 127,
'Hartsel'), (27894, 254, 127, 'Hasty'), (27895, 254, 127,
'Haswell'), (27950, 254, 127, 'Haxtun'), (27955, 254, 127,
'Hayden'), (28059, 254, 127, 'Henderson'), (28109, 254, 127,
'Hereford'), (28143, 254, 127, 'Hesperus'), (41940, 254, 127,
'Highland'), (28247, 254, 127, 'Hillrose'), (28270, 254, 127,
'Hillside'), (28337, 254, 127, 'Hoehne'), (28399, 254, 127,
'Holly'), (28433, 254, 127, 'Holyoke'), (28438, 254, 127,
'Homelake'), (28485, 254, 127, 'Hooper'), (28568, 254, 127, 'Hot Sulphur
Springs'), (16044, 254, 127, 'Hotchkiss'), (28588, 254, 127,
'Howard'), (28631, 254, 127, 'Hudson'), (28655, 254, 127, 'Hugo'), (28777,
254, 127, 'Hygiene'), (28791, 254, 127, 'Idaho Springs'), (28792, 254, 127,
'Idalia'), (28801, 254, 127, 'Idledale'), (12264, 254, 127,
'Ignacio'), (28811, 254, 127, 'Iliff'), (28842, 254, 127, 'Indian
Hills'), (29055, 254, 127, 'Jamestown'), (29078, 254, 127,
'Jaroso'), (29105, 254, 127, 'Jefferson'), (29185, 254, 127,
'Joes'), (29206, 254, 127, 'Johnstown'), (29258, 254, 127,
'Julesburg'), (29332, 254, 127, 'Karval'), (29376, 254, 127,
'Keenesburg'), (29492, 254, 127, 'Kersey'), (7566, 254, 127,
'Kim'), (29631, 254, 127, 'Kiowa'), (29643, 254, 127, 'Kirk'), (29665, 254,
127, 'Kit Carson'), (29671, 254, 127, 'Kittredge'), (18742, 254, 127,
'Kremmling'), (29786, 254, 127, 'La Jara'), (7567, 254, 127, 'La
Junta'), (29813, 254, 127, 'La Salle'), (15963, 254, 127, 'La
Veta'), (7568, 254, 127, 'Lafayette'), (29889, 254, 127, 'Lake
City'), (29909, 254, 127, 'Lake George'), (41937, 254, 127,
'Lakewood'), (7570, 254, 127, 'Lamar'), (30083, 254, 127,
'Laporte'), (14561, 254, 127, 'Larkspur'), (7571, 254, 127, 'Las
Animas'), (30177, 254, 127, 'Lazear'), (7572, 254, 127,
'Leadville'), (30384, 254, 127, 'Lewis'), (7573, 254, 127,
'Limon'), (30501, 254, 127, 'Lindon'), (7574, 254, 127,
'Littleton'), (12268, 254, 127, 'Livermore'), (30681, 254, 127, 'Log Lane
Village'), (30695, 254, 127, 'Loma'), (7575, 254, 127, 'Longmont'), (7576,
254, 127, 'Louisville'), (30831, 254, 127, 'Louviers'), (7577, 254, 127,
'Loveland'), (30899, 254, 127, 'Lucerne'), (7578, 254, 127,
'Lyons'), (31054, 254, 127, 'Mack'), (31124, 254, 127, 'Maher'), (31188,
254, 127, 'Manassa'), (31206, 254, 127, 'Mancos'), (31221, 254, 127,
'Manitou Springs'), (14709, 254, 127, 'Manzanola'), (31481, 254, 127,
'Marvel'), (31515, 254, 127, 'Masonville'), (31534, 254, 127,
'Matheson'), (31595, 254, 127, 'Maybell'), (31662, 254, 127, 'Mc
Clave'), (31683, 254, 127, 'Mc Coy'), (31798, 254, 127, 'Mead'), (12435,
254, 127, 'Meeker'), (31947, 254, 127, 'Meredith'), (31963, 254, 127,
'Merino'), (31990, 254, 127, 'Mesa'), (31993, 254, 127, 'Mesa Verde
National Park'), (32215, 254, 127, 'Milliken'), (15267, 254, 127,
'Minturn'), (32392, 254, 127, 'Model'), (32403, 254, 127,
'Moffat'), (32418, 254, 127, 'Molina'), (32426, 254, 127,
'Monarch'), (7579, 254, 127, 'Monte Vista'), (7580, 254, 127,
'Montrose'), (16097, 254, 127, 'Monument'), (13014, 254, 127,
'Morrison'), (32690, 254, 127, 'Mosca'), (33029, 254, 127,
'Nathrop'), (33042, 254, 127, 'Naturita'), (7581, 254, 127,
'Nederland'), (15155, 254, 127, 'New Castle'), (33313, 254, 127, 'New
Raymer'), (17489, 254, 127, 'Niwot'), (33772, 254, 127, 'Norwood'), (19032,
254, 127, 'Nucla'), (33809, 254, 127, 'Nunn'), (33832, 254, 127, 'Oak
Creek'), (33988, 254, 127, 'Ohio City'), (34028, 254, 127,
'Olathe'), (34089, 254, 127, 'Olney Springs'), (34155, 254, 127,
'Ophir'), (34177, 254, 127, 'Orchard'), (34184, 254, 127,
'Ordway'), (34283, 254, 127, 'Otis'), (34314, 254, 127, 'Ouray'), (34329,
254, 127, 'Ovid'), (34390, 254, 127, 'Padroni'), (34397, 254, 127, 'Pagosa
Springs'), (11813, 254, 127, 'Palisade'), (34437, 254, 127, 'Palmer
Lake'), (34488, 254, 127, 'Paoli'), (34492, 254, 127, 'Paonia'), (34496,
254, 127, 'Parachute'), (34507, 254, 127, 'Paradox'), (16187, 254, 127,
'Parker'), (34558, 254, 127, 'Parlin'), (34571, 254, 127,
'Parshall'), (7582, 254, 127, 'Peaceful Valley'), (34690, 254, 127,
'Peetz'), (34762, 254, 127, 'Penrose'), (34861, 254, 127,
'Peyton'), (34887, 254, 127, 'Phippsburg'), (34920, 254, 127,
'Pierce'), (17362, 254, 127, 'Pine'), (34999, 254, 127,
'Pinecliffe'), (35058, 254, 127, 'Pitkin'), (35080, 254, 127,
'Placerville'), (35127, 254, 127, 'Platteville'), (35158, 254, 127,
'Pleasant View'), (17221, 254, 127, 'Poncha Springs'), (35424, 254, 127,
'Powderhorn'), (35536, 254, 127, 'Pritchett'), (7583, 254, 127,
'Pueblo'), (35725, 254, 127, 'Ramah'), (35746, 254, 127, 'Rand'), (35772,
254, 127, 'Rangely'), (35878, 254, 127, 'Red Cliff'), (35881, 254, 127,
'Red Feather Lakes'), (35925, 254, 127, 'Redvale'), (36116, 254, 127,
'Rico'), (13347, 254, 127, 'Ridgway'), (7585, 254, 127, 'Rifle'), (36368,
254, 127, 'Rockvale'), (36385, 254, 127, 'Rocky Ford'), (36416, 254, 127,
'Roggen'), (16095, 254, 127, 'Rollinsville'), (36443, 254, 127,
'Romeo'), (36653, 254, 127, 'Rush'), (36715, 254, 127, 'Rye'), (36761, 254,
127, 'Saguache'), (7586, 254, 127, 'Salida'), (36999, 254, 127, 'San
Luis'), (37004, 254, 127, 'San Pablo'), (37059, 254, 127,
'Sanford'), (37110, 254, 127, 'Sargents'), (13121, 254, 127,
'Sedalia'), (37337, 254, 127, 'Sedgwick'), (37349, 254, 127,
'Seibert'), (37403, 254, 127, 'Severance'), (37500, 254, 127,
'Shawnee'), (37571, 254, 127, 'Sheridan Lake'), (37686, 254, 127,
'Silt'), (37711, 254, 127, 'Silver Plume'), (17150, 254, 127,
'Silverthorne'), (37722, 254, 127, 'Silverton'), (37727, 254, 127,
'Simla'), (37789, 254, 127, 'Slater'), (37884, 254, 127,
'Snowmass'), (37885, 254, 127, 'Snowmass Village'), (37888, 254, 127,
'Snyder'), (37927, 254, 127, 'Somerset'), (38001, 254, 127, 'South
Fork'), (18275, 254, 127, 'Springfield'), (38347, 254, 127,
'Starkville'), (7587, 254, 127, 'Steamboat Springs'), (7588, 254, 127,
'Sterling'), (38503, 254, 127, 'Stoneham'), (38547, 254, 127,
'Strasburg'), (38567, 254, 127, 'Stratton'), (38624, 254, 127, 'Sugar
City'), (38817, 254, 127, 'Swink'), (38852, 254, 127, 'Tabernash'), (7590,
254, 127, 'Telluride'), (41934, 254, 127, 'Thornton'), (39189, 254, 127,
'Timnath'), (39278, 254, 127, 'Toponas'), (39305, 254, 127,
'Towaoc'), (39393, 254, 127, 'Trinchera'), (7592, 254, 127,
'Trinidad'), (39543, 254, 127, 'Twin Lakes'), (39554, 254, 127, 'Two
Buttes'), (39583, 254, 127, 'U S A F Academy'), (7593, 254, 127,
'Vail'), (39893, 254, 127, 'Vernon'), (7594, 254, 127, 'Victor'), (39955,
254, 127, 'Vilas'), (39958, 254, 127, 'Villa Grove'), (40027, 254, 127,
'Vona'), (17230, 254, 127, 'Walden'), (7595, 254, 127,
'Walsenburg'), (40191, 254, 127, 'Walsh'), (7596, 254, 127,
'Ward'), (40384, 254, 127, 'Watkins'), (40527, 254, 127,
'Weldona'), (40538, 254, 127, 'Wellington'), (40785, 254, 127,
'Westcliffe'), (7597, 254, 127, 'Westminster'), (40822, 254, 127,
'Weston'), (40861, 254, 127, 'Wetmore'), (7598, 254, 127, 'Wheat
Ridge'), (14147, 254, 127, 'Whitewater'), (41048, 254, 127,
'Wiggins'), (41060, 254, 127, 'Wild Horse'), (41074, 254, 127,
'Wiley'), (41220, 254, 127, 'Windsor'), (7599, 254, 127, 'Winter
Park'), (41342, 254, 127, 'Wolcott'), (7600, 254, 127, 'Woodland
Park'), (41424, 254, 127, 'Woodrow'), (41457, 254, 127, 'Woody
Creek'), (41491, 254, 127, 'Wray'), (41547, 254, 127, 'Yampa'), (41559,
254, 127, 'Yellow Jacket'), (41572, 254, 127, 'Yoder'), (7601, 254, 127,
'Yuma'), (19065, 254, 128, 'Abington'), (19514, 254, 128,
'Amston'), (19535, 254, 128, 'Andover'), (14556, 254, 128,
'Ansonia'), (19807, 254, 128, 'Ashford'), (12914, 254, 128,
'Avon'), (20119, 254, 128, 'Ballouville'), (20126, 254, 128,
'Baltic'), (20153, 254, 128, 'Bantam'), (20177, 254, 128,
'Barkhamsted'), (20333, 254, 128, 'Beacon Falls'), (7602, 254, 128,
'Berlin'), (20667, 254, 128, 'Bethany'), (20672, 254, 128,
'Bethel'), (20687, 254, 128, 'Bethlehem'), (20933, 254, 128,
'Bloomfield'), (21064, 254, 128, 'Bolton'), (21142, 254, 128,
'Botsford'), (21217, 254, 128, 'Bozrah'), (21296, 254, 128,
'Branford'), (7603, 254, 128, 'Bridgeport'), (21374, 254, 128,
'Bridgewater'), (7604, 254, 128, 'Bristol'), (21435, 254, 128, 'Broad
Brook'), (21485, 254, 128, 'Brookfield'), (21499, 254, 128,
'Brooklyn'), (21749, 254, 128, 'Burlington'), (7605, 254, 128,
'Canaan'), (22070, 254, 128, 'Canterbury'), (22073, 254, 128,
'Canton'), (22080, 254, 128, 'Canton Center'), (22431, 254, 128,
'Centerbrook'), (22462, 254, 128, 'Central Village'), (22525, 254, 128,
'Chaplin'), (12477, 254, 128, 'Cheshire'), (22647, 254, 128,
'Chester'), (22997, 254, 128, 'Clinton'), (23075, 254, 128,
'Cobalt'), (12346, 254, 128, 'Colchester'), (23138, 254, 128,
'Colebrook'), (23181, 254, 128, 'Collinsville'), (23216, 254, 128,
'Columbia'), (23448, 254, 128, 'Cornwall'), (23450, 254, 128, 'Cornwall
Bridge'), (23476, 254, 128, 'Cos Cob'), (15076, 254, 128,
'Coventry'), (7606, 254, 128, 'Cromwell'), (7607, 254, 128,
'Danbury'), (23934, 254, 128, 'Danielson'), (23958, 254, 128,
'Darien'), (24038, 254, 128, 'Dayville'), (24096, 254, 128, 'Deep
River'), (24240, 254, 128, 'Derby'), (13383, 254, 128, 'Durham'), (24777,
254, 128, 'East Berlin'), (24794, 254, 128, 'East Canaan'), (24821, 254,
128, 'East Glastonbury'), (24822, 254, 128, 'East Granby'), (24825, 254,
128, 'East Haddam'), (24827, 254, 128, 'East Hampton'), (7608, 254, 128,
'East Hartford'), (24831, 254, 128, 'East Hartland'), (7609, 254, 128,
'East Haven'), (24840, 254, 128, 'East Killingly'), (24845, 254, 128, 'East
Lyme'), (7652, 254, 128, 'East Windsor'), (24917, 254, 128, 'East Windsor
Hill'), (24919, 254, 128, 'East Woodstock'), (24926, 254, 128,
'Eastford'), (24933, 254, 128, 'Easton'), (25231, 254, 128,
'Ellington'), (7610, 254, 128, 'Enfield'), (25468, 254, 128,
'Essex'), (25600, 254, 128, 'Fabyan'), (7611, 254, 128,
'Fairfield'), (25709, 254, 128, 'Falls Village'), (7612, 254, 128,
'Farmington'), (15495, 254, 128, 'Gales Ferry'), (26610, 254, 128,
'Gaylordsville'), (26651, 254, 128, 'Georgetown'), (26757, 254, 128,
'Gilman'), (26805, 254, 128, 'Glasgo'), (15078, 254, 128,
'Glastonbury'), (7613, 254, 128, 'Goshen'), (18363, 254, 128,
'Granby'), (27329, 254, 128, 'Greens Farms'), (7614, 254, 128,
'Greenwich'), (27416, 254, 128, 'Grosvenor Dale'), (7615, 254, 128,
'Groton'), (27462, 254, 128, 'Guilford'), (27515, 254, 128,
'Haddam'), (27525, 254, 128, 'Hadlyme'), (7616, 254, 128,
'Hamden'), (27641, 254, 128, 'Hampton'), (27686, 254, 128,
'Hanover'), (7617, 254, 128, 'Hartford'), (27877, 254, 128,
'Harwinton'), (27944, 254, 128, 'Hawleyville'), (28001, 254, 128,
'Hebron'), (28188, 254, 128, 'Higganum'), (29004, 254, 128,
'Ivoryton'), (29177, 254, 128, 'Jewett City'), (7618, 254, 128,
'Kent'), (29551, 254, 128, 'Killingworth'), (29970, 254, 128,
'Lakeside'), (29979, 254, 128, 'Lakeville'), (7619, 254, 128,
'Lebanon'), (30226, 254, 128, 'Ledyard'), (7621, 254, 128,
'Litchfield'), (31082, 254, 128, 'Madison'), (7622, 254, 128,
'Manchester'), (31255, 254, 128, 'Mansfield Center'), (31256, 254, 128,
'Mansfield Depot'), (31369, 254, 128, 'Marion'), (31401, 254, 128,
'Marlborough'), (31888, 254, 128, 'Melrose'), (7623, 254, 128,
'Meriden'), (32055, 254, 128, 'Middle Haddam'), (32066, 254, 128,
'Middlebury'), (32069, 254, 128, 'Middlefield'), (7624, 254, 128,
'Middletown'), (7625, 254, 128, 'Milford'), (32185, 254, 128,
'Milldale'), (32453, 254, 128, 'Monroe'), (32557, 254, 128,
'Montville'), (32564, 254, 128, 'Moodus'), (32596, 254, 128,
'Moosup'), (32646, 254, 128, 'Morris'), (14511, 254, 128, 'Mystic'), (7627,
254, 128, 'Naugatuck'), (7628, 254, 128, 'New Britain'), (18415, 254, 128,
'New Canaan'), (33208, 254, 128, 'New Fairfield'), (33228, 254, 128, 'New
Hartford'), (7629, 254, 128, 'New Haven'), (7630, 254, 128, 'New
London'), (13510, 254, 128, 'New Milford'), (33310, 254, 128, 'New Preston
Marble Dale'), (7631, 254, 128, 'Newington'), (33460, 254, 128,
'Newtown'), (33472, 254, 128, 'Niantic'), (7632, 254, 128,
'Norfolk'), (33610, 254, 128, 'North Branford'), (33616, 254, 128, 'North
Canton'), (16642, 254, 128, 'North Franklin'), (33645, 254, 128, 'North
Granby'), (33648, 254, 128, 'North Grosvenordale'), (7633, 254, 128, 'North
Haven'), (33712, 254, 128, 'North Stonington'), (33732, 254, 128, 'North
Westchester'), (33734, 254, 128, 'North Windham'), (33743, 254, 128,
'Northfield'), (33745, 254, 128, 'Northford'), (7634, 254, 128,
'Norwalk'), (7635, 254, 128, 'Norwich'), (33852, 254, 128,
'Oakdale'), (33903, 254, 128, 'Oakville'), (34039, 254, 128, 'Old
Greenwich'), (34042, 254, 128, 'Old Lyme'), (34044, 254, 128, 'Old
Mystic'), (7636, 254, 128, 'Old Saybrook'), (34120, 254, 128,
'Oneco'), (7637, 254, 128, 'Orange'), (34348, 254, 128, 'Oxford'), (34633,
254, 128, 'Pawcatuck'), (34776, 254, 128, 'Pequabuck'), (34985, 254, 128,
'Pine Meadow'), (35087, 254, 128, 'Plainfield'), (7638, 254, 128,
'Plainville'), (35115, 254, 128, 'Plantsville'), (7639, 254, 128,
'Plymouth'), (15913, 254, 128, 'Pomfret'), (15912, 254, 128, 'Pomfret
Center'), (35295, 254, 128, 'Poquonock'), (16914, 254, 128,
'Portland'), (35493, 254, 128, 'Preston'), (35551, 254, 128,
'Prospect'), (7640, 254, 128, 'Putnam'), (35631, 254, 128, 'Quaker
Hill'), (35663, 254, 128, 'Quinebaug'), (35905, 254, 128,
'Redding'), (35907, 254, 128, 'Redding Center'), (35908, 254, 128, 'Redding
Ridge'), (15920, 254, 128, 'Ridgefield'), (36232, 254, 128,
'Riverside'), (36243, 254, 128, 'Riverton'), (36343, 254, 128,
'Rockfall'), (7641, 254, 128, 'Rocky Hill'), (36405, 254, 128,
'Rogers'), (36585, 254, 128, 'Roxbury'), (18884, 254, 128,
'Salem'), (36937, 254, 128, 'Salisbury'), (37048, 254, 128, 'Sandy
Hook'), (37236, 254, 128, 'Scotland'), (17586, 254, 128,
'Seymour'), (37456, 254, 128, 'Sharon'), (7642, 254, 128,
'Shelton'), (19030, 254, 128, 'Sherman'), (7643, 254, 128,
'Simsbury'), (37922, 254, 128, 'Somers'), (37934, 254, 128,
'Somersville'), (37978, 254, 128, 'South Britain'), (38007, 254, 128,
'South Glastonbury'), (38025, 254, 128, 'South Kent'), (38031, 254, 128,
'South Lyme'), (38088, 254, 128, 'South Willington'), (38090, 254, 128,
'South Windham'), (18639, 254, 128, 'South Windsor'), (38092, 254, 128,
'South Woodstock'), (13518, 254, 128, 'Southbury'), (7644, 254, 128,
'Southington'), (38103, 254, 128, 'Southport'), (38274, 254, 128,
'Stafford'), (15367, 254, 128, 'Stafford Springs'), (38281, 254, 128,
'Staffordville'), (7645, 254, 128, 'Stamford'), (38403, 254, 128,
'Sterling'), (38425, 254, 128, 'Stevenson'), (11881, 254, 128,
'Stonington'), (7646, 254, 128, 'Storrs Mansfield'), (7647, 254, 128,
'Stratford'), (38623, 254, 128, 'Suffield'), (38860, 254, 128,
'Taconic'), (38867, 254, 128, 'Taftville'), (38928, 254, 128,
'Tariffville'), (13604, 254, 128, 'Terryville'), (39082, 254, 128,
'Thomaston'), (39088, 254, 128, 'Thompson'), (39240, 254, 128,
'Tolland'), (7648, 254, 128, 'Torrington'), (7649, 254, 128,
'Trumbull'), (16856, 254, 128, 'Uncasville'), (39663, 254, 128,
'Unionville'), (7650, 254, 128, 'Vernon Rockville'), (39916, 254, 128,
'Versailles'), (40025, 254, 128, 'Voluntown'), (7654, 254, 128, 'W
Hartford'), (7651, 254, 128, 'Wallingford'), (40302, 254, 128,
'Washington'), (40318, 254, 128, 'Washington Depot'), (7653, 254, 128,
'Waterbury'), (17731, 254, 128, 'Waterford'), (12509, 254, 128,
'Watertown'), (40412, 254, 128, 'Wauregan'), (40468, 254, 128,
'Weatogue'), (40627, 254, 128, 'West Cornwall'), (40654, 254, 128, 'West
Granby'), (40666, 254, 128, 'West Hartland'), (7655, 254, 128, 'West
Haven'), (40705, 254, 128, 'West Mystic'), (40746, 254, 128, 'West
Simsbury'), (40752, 254, 128, 'West Suffield'), (40776, 254, 128,
'Westbrook'), (40823, 254, 128, 'Weston'), (7657, 254, 128,
'Westport'), (7658, 254, 128, 'Wethersfield'), (7659, 254, 128,
'Willimantic'), (41127, 254, 128, 'Willington'), (12793, 254, 128,
'Wilton'), (41211, 254, 128, 'Winchester Center'), (41217, 254, 128,
'Windham'), (12007, 254, 128, 'Windsor'), (41233, 254, 128, 'Windsor
Locks'), (7660, 254, 128, 'Winsted'), (17089, 254, 128, 'Wolcott'), (41388,
254, 128, 'Woodbridge'), (41392, 254, 128, 'Woodbury'), (17888, 254, 128,
'Woodstock'), (41440, 254, 128, 'Woodstock Valley'), (41550, 254, 128,
'Yantic'), (20340, 254, 129, 'Bear'), (15677, 254, 129, 'Bethany
Beach'), (20673, 254, 129, 'Bethel'), (21373, 254, 129,
'Bridgeville'), (21979, 254, 129, 'Camden Wyoming'), (22678, 254, 129,
'Cheswold'), (17935, 254, 129, 'Claymont'), (22900, 254, 129,
'Clayton'), (23859, 254, 129, 'Dagsboro'), (16211, 254, 129, 'Delaware
City'), (24172, 254, 129, 'Delmar'), (12895, 254, 129, 'Dover'), (24478,
254, 129, 'Dover AFB'), (25219, 254, 129, 'Ellendale'), (25810, 254, 129,
'Felton'), (25827, 254, 129, 'Fenwick Island'), (26238, 254, 129,
'Frankford'), (26284, 254, 129, 'Frederica'), (7663, 254, 129,
'Georgetown'), (27363, 254, 129, 'Greenwood'), (27710, 254, 129,
'Harbeson'), (27786, 254, 129, 'Harrington'), (27848, 254, 129,
'Hartly'), (28330, 254, 129, 'Hockessin'), (28581, 254, 129,
'Houston'), (29468, 254, 129, 'Kenton'), (29653, 254, 129,
'Kirkwood'), (30119, 254, 129, 'Laurel'), (14407, 254, 129,
'Lewes'), (30469, 254, 129, 'Lincoln'), (30568, 254, 129, 'Little
Creek'), (31112, 254, 129, 'Magnolia'), (31486, 254, 129,
'Marydel'), (14375, 254, 129, 'Middletown'), (15320, 254, 129,
'Milford'), (32229, 254, 129, 'Millsboro'), (32241, 254, 129,
'Millville'), (32263, 254, 129, 'Milton'), (32492, 254, 129,
'Montchanin'), (33023, 254, 129, 'Nassau'), (15180, 254, 129, 'New
Castle'), (7664, 254, 129, 'Newark'), (33930, 254, 129, 'Ocean
View'), (33960, 254, 129, 'Odessa'), (35331, 254, 129, 'Port Penn'), (7665,
254, 129, 'Rehoboth Beach'), (36355, 254, 129, 'Rockland'), (36820, 254,
129, 'Saint Georges'), (7666, 254, 129, 'Seaford'), (37354, 254, 129,
'Selbyville'), (37866, 254, 129, 'Smyrna'), (39313, 254, 129,
'Townsend'), (39993, 254, 129, 'Viola'), (7667, 254, 129,
'Wilmington'), (41298, 254, 129, 'Winterthur'), (41432, 254, 129,
'Woodside'), (41589, 254, 129, 'Yorklyn'), (40303, 254, 130,
'Washington'), (13188, 254, 131, 'Alachua'), (19290, 254, 131,
'Alford'), (7668, 254, 131, 'Altamonte Springs'), (19408, 254, 131,
'Altha'), (19426, 254, 131, 'Altoona'), (19431, 254, 131,
'Alturas'), (16846, 254, 131, 'Alva'), (19570, 254, 131, 'Anna
Maria'), (19594, 254, 131, 'Anthony'), (7669, 254, 131,
'Apalachicola'), (19612, 254, 131, 'Apollo Beach'), (13576, 254, 131,
'Apopka'), (7670, 254, 131, 'Arcadia'), (12200, 254, 131,
'Archer'), (19688, 254, 131, 'Argyle'), (19700, 254, 131,
'Aripeka'), (19845, 254, 131, 'Astatula'), (19847, 254, 131,
'Astor'), (17505, 254, 131, 'Atlantic Beach'), (19926, 254, 131,
'Auburndale'), (42378, 254, 131, 'Augustine'), (7671, 254, 131, 'Avon
Park'), (20045, 254, 131, 'Babson Park'), (20057, 254, 131,
'Bagdad'), (20084, 254, 131, 'Baker'), (20122, 254, 131, 'Balm'), (20160,
254, 131, 'Barberville'), (7672, 254, 131, 'Bartow'), (20244, 254, 131,
'Bascom'), (20305, 254, 131, 'Bay Pines'), (20460, 254, 131,
'Bell'), (7673, 254, 131, 'Belle Glade'), (20482, 254, 131, 'Belleair
Beach'), (20486, 254, 131, 'Belleview'), (14588, 254, 131, 'Beverly
Hills'), (20748, 254, 131, 'Big Pine Key'), (7674, 254, 131,
'Blountstown'), (21029, 254, 131, 'Boca Grande'), (7675, 254, 131, 'Boca
Raton'), (21050, 254, 131, 'Bokeelia'), (7676, 254, 131, 'Bonifay'), (7677,
254, 131, 'Bonita Springs'), (21135, 254, 131, 'Bostwick'), (15113, 254,
131, 'Bowling Green'), (13267, 254, 131, 'Boynton Beach'), (7679, 254, 131,
'Bradenton'), (21227, 254, 131, 'Bradenton Beach'), (21245, 254, 131,
'Bradley'), (7680, 254, 131, 'Brandon'), (13397, 254, 131,
'Branford'), (7681, 254, 131, 'Bristol'), (7682, 254, 131,
'Bronson'), (21482, 254, 131, 'Brooker'), (7683, 254, 131,
'Brooksville'), (21608, 254, 131, 'Bryant'), (21620, 254, 131,
'Bryceville'), (21718, 254, 131, 'Bunnell'), (7685, 254, 131,
'Bushnell'), (18045, 254, 131, 'Callahan'), (22019, 254, 131,
'Campbellton'), (22041, 254, 131, 'Canal Point'), (22046, 254, 131,
'Candler'), (22081, 254, 131, 'Cantonment'), (15052, 254, 131, 'Cape
Canaveral'), (7686, 254, 131, 'Cape Coral'), (22118, 254, 131,
'Captiva'), (15914, 254, 131, 'Carrabelle'), (22231, 254, 131,
'Caryville'), (22266, 254, 131, 'Cassadaga'), (7688, 254, 131,
'Casselberry'), (15934, 254, 131, 'Cedar Key'), (22416, 254, 131, 'Center
Hill'), (22470, 254, 131, 'Century'), (15734, 254, 131, 'Charlotte
Harbor'), (22586, 254, 131, 'Chattahoochee'), (18430, 254, 131,
'Chiefland'), (7690, 254, 131, 'Chipley'), (22740, 254, 131,
'Chokoloskee'), (15824, 254, 131, 'Christmas'), (22799, 254, 131,
'Citra'), (22813, 254, 131, 'Clarcona'), (22867, 254, 131,
'Clarksville'), (7691, 254, 131, 'Clearwater'), (22935, 254, 131,
'Clearwater Beach'), (15015, 254, 131, 'Clermont'), (7692, 254, 131,
'Clewiston'), (7693, 254, 131, 'Cocoa'), (23092, 254, 131, 'Cocoa
Beach'), (41961, 254, 131, 'coconut creek'), (23140, 254, 131,
'Coleman'), (41965, 254, 131, 'cooper city'), (23389, 254, 131,
'Copeland'), (42222, 254, 131, 'Coral Gables'), (41898, 254, 131, 'Coral
Springs'), (23465, 254, 131, 'Cortez'), (17131, 254, 131,
'Cottondale'), (7698, 254, 131, 'Crawfordville'), (23633, 254, 131,
'Crescent City'), (7699, 254, 131, 'Crestview'), (7700, 254, 131, 'Cross
City'), (23741, 254, 131, 'Crystal Beach'), (11781, 254, 131, 'Crystal
River'), (23745, 254, 131, 'Crystal Springs'), (23844, 254, 131,
'Cypress'), (7702, 254, 131, 'Dade City'), (7703, 254, 131,
'Dania'), (23979, 254, 131, 'Davenport'), (41938, 254, 131,
'Davie'), (24020, 254, 131, 'Day'), (7704, 254, 131, 'Daytona
Beach'), (24053, 254, 131, 'De Leon Springs'), (12751, 254, 131,
'Debary'), (7707, 254, 131, 'Deerfield Beach'), (17829, 254, 131, 'Defuniak
Springs'), (7706, 254, 131, 'Deland'), (16960, 254, 131, 'Deleon
Springs'), (7708, 254, 131, 'Delray Beach'), (7709, 254, 131,
'Deltona'), (7710, 254, 131, 'Destin'), (24377, 254, 131, 'Doctors
Inlet'), (24466, 254, 131, 'Dover'), (24632, 254, 131, 'Dundee'), (7712,
254, 131, 'Dunedin'), (16149, 254, 131, 'Dunnellon'), (24679, 254, 131,
'Durant'), (24732, 254, 131, 'Eagle Lake'), (24750, 254, 131,
'Earleton'), (24868, 254, 131, 'East Palatka'), (24931, 254, 131, 'Eastlake
Weir'), (24943, 254, 131, 'Eastpoint'), (24956, 254, 131, 'Eaton
Park'), (24965, 254, 131, 'Ebro'), (12860, 254, 131, 'Edgewater'), (25071,
254, 131, 'Eglin AFB'), (25089, 254, 131, 'El Jobean'), (25139, 254, 131,
'Elfers'), (25201, 254, 131, 'Elkton'), (25222, 254, 131,
'Ellenton'), (7713, 254, 131, 'Englewood'), (25486, 254, 131,
'Estero'), (11993, 254, 131, 'Eustis'), (7714, 254, 131, 'Everglades
City'), (25572, 254, 131, 'Evinston'), (25633, 254, 131,
'Fairfield'), (25798, 254, 131, 'Fedhaven'), (25804, 254, 131,
'Felda'), (25807, 254, 131, 'Fellsmere'), (7715, 254, 131, 'Fernandina
Beach'), (25833, 254, 131, 'Ferndale'), (7716, 254, 131, 'Ferry
Pass'), (16300, 254, 131, 'Flagler Beach'), (25970, 254, 131,
'Florahome'), (16965, 254, 131, 'Floral City'), (7717, 254, 131, 'Fort
Lauderdale'), (26129, 254, 131, 'Fort Mc Coy'), (26132, 254, 131, 'Fort
Meade'), (7718, 254, 131, 'Fort Myers'), (17582, 254, 131, 'Fort Myers
Beach'), (26141, 254, 131, 'Fort Ogden'), (7719, 254, 131, 'Fort
Pierce'), (7720, 254, 131, 'Fort Walton Beach'), (26166, 254, 131, 'Fort
White'), (14346, 254, 131, 'Fountain'), (26325, 254, 131,
'Freeport'), (26391, 254, 131, 'Frostproof'), (26401, 254, 131, 'Fruitland
Park'), (7721, 254, 131, 'Gainesville'), (26627, 254, 131,
'Geneva'), (26652, 254, 131, 'Georgetown'), (26712, 254, 131,
'Gibsonton'), (26853, 254, 131, 'Glen Saint Mary'), (26913, 254, 131,
'Glenwood'), (26972, 254, 131, 'Goldenrod'), (26988, 254, 131,
'Gonzalez'), (27000, 254, 131, 'Goodland'), (27065, 254, 131,
'Gotha'), (27083, 254, 131, 'Graceville'), (27103, 254, 131,
'Graham'), (27128, 254, 131, 'Grand Island'), (27142, 254, 131, 'Grand
Ridge'), (27154, 254, 131, 'Grandin'), (27180, 254, 131, 'Grant'), (15034,
254, 131, 'Grayton Beach'), (18914, 254, 131, 'Green Cove Springs'), (7722,
254, 131, 'Greenacres City'), (27331, 254, 131, 'Greensboro'), (27343, 254,
131, 'Greenville'), (27364, 254, 131, 'Greenwood'), (27389, 254, 131,
'Gretna'), (27425, 254, 131, 'Groveland'), (12413, 254, 131, 'Gulf
Breeze'), (27469, 254, 131, 'Gulf Hammock'), (27543, 254, 131, 'Haines
City'), (7724, 254, 131, 'Hallandale'), (27642, 254, 131,
'Hampton'), (27763, 254, 131, 'Harold'), (27887, 254, 131,
'Hastings'), (14357, 254, 131, 'Havana'), (27948, 254, 131,
'Hawthorne'), (7725, 254, 131, 'Hernando'), (7726, 254, 131,
'Hialeah'), (15462, 254, 131, 'High Springs'), (28212, 254, 131, 'Highland
City'), (12241, 254, 131, 'Hilliard'), (14305, 254, 131, 'Hobe
Sound'), (28362, 254, 131, 'Holder'), (28366, 254, 131, 'Holiday'), (28390,
254, 131, 'Hollister'), (7727, 254, 131, 'Hollywood'), (28414, 254, 131,
'Holmes Beach'), (28421, 254, 131, 'Holt'), (28440, 254, 131,
'Homeland'), (28449, 254, 131, 'Homestead'), (7728, 254, 131, 'Homestead
Afb'), (14432, 254, 131, 'Homosassa'), (28456, 254, 131, 'Homosassa
Springs'), (28547, 254, 131, 'Horseshoe Beach'), (28558, 254, 131,
'Hosford'), (28607, 254, 131, 'Howey in the Hills'), (17698, 254, 131,
'Hudson'), (28729, 254, 131, 'Hurlburt Field'), (7730, 254, 131,
'Immokalee'), (28839, 254, 131, 'Indialantic'), (28844, 254, 131, 'Indian
Lake Estates'), (28848, 254, 131, 'Indian Rocks Beach'), (28860, 254, 131,
'Indiantown'), (28874, 254, 131, 'Inglis'), (28891, 254, 131, 'Intercession
City'), (17339, 254, 131, 'Interlachen'), (7731, 254, 131,
'Inverness'), (28960, 254, 131, 'Islamorada'), (28964, 254, 131, 'Island
Grove'), (28987, 254, 131, 'Istachatta'), (7732, 254, 131,
'Jacksonville'), (16949, 254, 131, 'Jacksonville Beach'), (7733, 254, 131,
'Jasper'), (7734, 254, 131, 'Jay'), (16440, 254, 131, 'Jennings'), (12451,
254, 131, 'Jensen Beach'), (7735, 254, 131, 'Jupiter'), (29336, 254, 131,
'Kathleen'), (29416, 254, 131, 'Kenansville'), (42330, 254, 131, 'Kenneth
City'), (7736, 254, 131, 'Key Biscayne'), (29513, 254, 131, 'Key Colony
Beach'), (11795, 254, 131, 'Key Largo'), (7737, 254, 131, 'Key
West'), (12199, 254, 131, 'Keystone Heights'), (29545, 254, 131,
'Killarney'), (29571, 254, 131, 'Kinard'), (7927, 254, 131, 'Kings
Bay'), (7738, 254, 131, 'Kissimmee'), (29766, 254, 131, 'La
Crosse'), (13437, 254, 131, 'Labelle'), (29843, 254, 131,
'Lacoochee'), (29853, 254, 131, 'Lady Lake'), (29878, 254, 131, 'Lake
Alfred'), (7739, 254, 131, 'Lake Butler'), (7740, 254, 131, 'Lake
City'), (29898, 254, 131, 'Lake Como'), (29908, 254, 131, 'Lake
Geneva'), (29913, 254, 131, 'Lake Hamilton'), (29914, 254, 131, 'Lake
Harbor'), (16525, 254, 131, 'Lake Helen'), (14015, 254, 131, 'Lake
Mary'), (29936, 254, 131, 'Lake Monroe'), (17955, 254, 131, 'Lake
Panasoffkee'), (7741, 254, 131, 'Lake Placid'), (12000, 254, 131, 'Lake
Wales'), (7742, 254, 131, 'Lake Worth'), (7743, 254, 131,
'Lakeland'), (17722, 254, 131, 'Lamont'), (30019, 254, 131, 'Lanark
Village'), (14611, 254, 131, 'Land O Lakes'), (7744, 254, 131,
'Largo'), (30120, 254, 131, 'Laurel'), (30128, 254, 131, 'Laurel
Hill'), (30167, 254, 131, 'Lawtey'), (7747, 254, 131, 'Lealman'), (30213,
254, 131, 'Lecanto'), (30228, 254, 131, 'Lee'), (17357, 254, 131,
'Leesburg'), (18052, 254, 131, 'Lehigh Acres'), (30561, 254, 131,
'Lithia'), (7748, 254, 131, 'Live Oak'), (30637, 254, 131,
'Lloyd'), (30646, 254, 131, 'Lochloosa'), (30731, 254, 131, 'Long
Key'), (30743, 254, 131, 'Longboat Key'), (11851, 254, 131,
'Longwood'), (7749, 254, 131, 'Lorida'), (30819, 254, 131,
'Loughman'), (30852, 254, 131, 'Lowell'), (13587, 254, 131,
'Loxahatchee'), (30927, 254, 131, 'Lulu'), (15204, 254, 131,
'Lutz'), (31007, 254, 131, 'Lynn Haven'), (7750, 254, 131,
'Macclenny'), (7751, 254, 131, 'Madison'), (16470, 254, 131,
'Maitland'), (31141, 254, 131, 'Malabar'), (31163, 254, 131,
'Malone'), (31187, 254, 131, 'Manasota'), (31211, 254, 131,
'Mango'), (7752, 254, 131, 'Marathon'), (31314, 254, 131, 'Marathon
Shores'), (7753, 254, 131, 'Marco Island'), (41958, 254, 131,
'Margate'), (7755, 254, 131, 'Marianna'), (18912, 254, 131,
'Marineland'), (7756, 254, 131, 'Mary Esther'), (31503, 254, 131,
'Mascotte'), (7757, 254, 131, 'Mayo'), (31646, 254, 131, 'Mc
Alpin'), (31692, 254, 131, 'Mc David'), (31728, 254, 131, 'Mc
Intosh'), (7759, 254, 131, 'Melbourne'), (31876, 254, 131, 'Melbourne
Beach'), (31889, 254, 131, 'Melrose'), (14502, 254, 131, 'Merritt
Island'), (32021, 254, 131, 'Mexico Beach'), (1242, 254, 131,
'Miami'), (7760, 254, 131, 'Miami Beach'), (18251, 254, 131,
'Micanopy'), (32035, 254, 131, 'Miccosukee'), (32046, 254, 131, 'Mid
Florida'), (7761, 254, 131, 'Middleburg'), (32111, 254, 131,
'Midway'), (32212, 254, 131, 'Milligan'), (7762, 254, 131,
'Milton'), (32286, 254, 131, 'Mims'), (32332, 254, 131,
'Minneola'), (41941, 254, 131, 'Miramar'), (32421, 254, 131,
'Molino'), (7764, 254, 131, 'Monticello'), (32556, 254, 131,
'Montverde'), (7765, 254, 131, 'Moore Haven'), (32663, 254, 131,
'Morriston'), (32711, 254, 131, 'Mossy Head'), (14219, 254, 131, 'Mount
Dora'), (32797, 254, 131, 'Mount Pleasant'), (32889, 254, 131,
'Mulberry'), (32926, 254, 131, 'Murdock'), (32951, 254, 131, 'Myakka
City'), (32978, 254, 131, 'Nalcrest'), (7766, 254, 131, 'Naples'), (7767,
254, 131, 'NASA Shuttle Facility'), (7768, 254, 131, 'Navarre'), (33125,
254, 131, 'Neptune Beach'), (13089, 254, 131, 'New Port Richey'), (33332,
254, 131, 'New Smyrna Beach'), (12723, 254, 131, 'New Symrna
Beach'), (33371, 254, 131, 'Newberry'), (15241, 254, 131,
'Niceville'), (33477, 254, 131, 'Nichols'), (33529, 254, 131,
'Nobleton'), (33530, 254, 131, 'Nocatee'), (33535, 254, 131,
'Nokomis'), (33541, 254, 131, 'Noma'), (7769, 254, 131, 'North Fort
Myers'), (7771, 254, 131, 'North Miami Beach'), (12678, 254, 131, 'North
Palm Beach'), (7772, 254, 131, 'North Port'), (33819, 254, 131, 'O
Brien'), (33839, 254, 131, 'Oak Hill'), (33874, 254, 131,
'Oakland'), (7773, 254, 131, 'Ocala'), (33941, 254, 131,
'Ochopee'), (33942, 254, 131, 'Ocklawaha'), (13869, 254, 131,
'Ocoee'), (11856, 254, 131, 'Odessa'), (34004, 254, 131,
'Okahumpka'), (7774, 254, 131, 'Okeechobee'), (34048, 254, 131, 'Old
Town'), (34059, 254, 131, 'Oldsmar'), (34093, 254, 131, 'Olustee'), (34110,
254, 131, 'Ona'), (34121, 254, 131, 'Oneco'), (7687, 254, 131, 'Opa
Locka'), (15666, 254, 131, 'Orange City'), (34166, 254, 131, 'Orange
Lake'), (13144, 254, 131, 'Orange Park'), (34167, 254, 131, 'Orange
Springs'), (7776, 254, 131, 'Orlando'), (7777, 254, 131, 'Ormond
Beach'), (34268, 254, 131, 'Osprey'), (34275, 254, 131, 'Osteen'), (34297,
254, 131, 'Otter Creek'), (18024, 254, 131, 'Oviedo'), (34349, 254, 131,
'Oxford'), (34370, 254, 131, 'Ozona'), (17225, 254, 131,
'Pahokee'), (34410, 254, 131, 'Paisley'), (7778, 254, 131,
'Palatka'), (7779, 254, 131, 'Palm Bay'), (7780, 254, 131, 'Palm
Beach'), (42920, 254, 131, 'Palm Beach Shores'), (12986, 254, 131, 'Palm
City'), (7782, 254, 131, 'Palm Coast'), (7783, 254, 131, 'Palm
Harbor'), (34428, 254, 131, 'Palmdale'), (11901, 254, 131,
'Palmetto'), (34469, 254, 131, 'Panacea'), (7784, 254, 131, 'Panama
City'), (12347, 254, 131, 'Panama City Beach'), (34566, 254, 131,
'Parrish'), (34593, 254, 131, 'Patrick AFB'), (34642, 254, 131,
'Paxton'), (7785, 254, 131, 'Pembroke Pines'), (34745, 254, 131, 'Penney
Farms'), (7786, 254, 131, 'Pensacola'), (7787, 254, 131, 'Perry'), (34935,
254, 131, 'Pierson'), (35007, 254, 131, 'Pineland'), (7789, 254, 131,
'Pinellas Park'), (35014, 254, 131, 'Pinetta'), (35082, 254, 131,
'Placida'), (7790, 254, 131, 'Plant City'), (15072, 254, 131, 'Plantation
Acres'), (35186, 254, 131, 'Plymouth'), (35227, 254, 131, 'Point
Washington'), (35242, 254, 131, 'Polk City'), (11977, 254, 131, 'Pomona
Park'), (7792, 254, 131, 'Pompano Beach'), (35270, 254, 131, 'Ponce de
Leon'), (7793, 254, 131, 'Ponte Vedra Beach'), (42087, 254, 131, 'Port
Canaveral'), (7794, 254, 131, 'Port Charlotte'), (7795, 254, 131, 'Port
Orange'), (14508, 254, 131, 'Port Richey'), (35340, 254, 131, 'Port Saint
Joe'), (35341, 254, 131, 'Port Saint Lucie'), (35342, 254, 131, 'Port
Salerno'), (7797, 254, 131, 'Port St. Lucie'), (7798, 254, 131, 'Punta
Gorda'), (35615, 254, 131, 'Putnam Hall'), (7799, 254, 131,
'Quincy'), (35700, 254, 131, 'Raiford'), (35903, 254, 131,
'Reddick'), (36221, 254, 131, 'River Ranch'), (17668, 254, 131,
'Riverview'), (12886, 254, 131, 'Rockledge'), (36501, 254, 131,
'Roseland'), (36507, 254, 131, 'Rosemary Bch'), (36549, 254, 131, 'Rotonda
West'), (7801, 254, 131, 'Ruskin'), (14176, 254, 131, 'Safety
Harbor'), (16017, 254, 131, 'Saint Augustine'), (15649, 254, 131, 'Saint
Cloud'), (36836, 254, 131, 'Saint James City'), (36849, 254, 131, 'Saint
Leo'), (14650, 254, 131, 'Saint Marks'), (12117, 254, 131, 'Saint
Petersburg'), (36915, 254, 131, 'Salem'), (36979, 254, 131, 'San
Antonio'), (16764, 254, 131, 'San Mateo'), (37032, 254, 131,
'Sanderson'), (7802, 254, 131, 'Sanford'), (37064, 254, 131,
'Sanibel'), (12845, 254, 131, 'Santa Rosa Beach'), (7803, 254, 131,
'Sarasota'), (14793, 254, 131, 'Satellite Beach'), (37125, 254, 131,
'Satsuma'), (37260, 254, 131, 'Scottsmoor'), (37315, 254, 131,
'Sebastian'), (7804, 254, 131, 'Sebring'), (37347, 254, 131,
'Seffner'), (17323, 254, 131, 'Seminole'), (37409, 254, 131,
'Seville'), (37426, 254, 131, 'Shady Grove'), (12933, 254, 131,
'Shalimar'), (37471, 254, 131, 'Sharpes'), (18258, 254, 131, 'Silver
Springs'), (37872, 254, 131, 'Sneads'), (37947, 254, 131,
'Sopchoppy'), (37953, 254, 131, 'Sorrento'), (37967, 254, 131, 'South
Bay'), (16982, 254, 131, 'Sparr'), (7806, 254, 131, 'Spring Hill'), (11821,
254, 131, 'St. Petersburg'), (7808, 254, 131, 'Starke'), (16980, 254, 131,
'Steinhatchee'), (7809, 254, 131, 'Stuart'), (38637, 254, 131, 'Sugarloaf
Shores'), (38655, 254, 131, 'Sumatra'), (38663, 254, 131,
'Summerfield'), (38672, 254, 131, 'Summerland Key'), (38704, 254, 131,
'Sumterville'), (38706, 254, 131, 'Sun City'), (38708, 254, 131, 'Sun City
Center'), (41899, 254, 131, 'Sunrise'), (38772, 254, 131,
'Suwannee'), (38835, 254, 131, 'Sydney'), (7811, 254, 131,
'Tallahassee'), (38889, 254, 131, 'Tallevast'), (41968, 254, 131,
'Tamarac'), (7813, 254, 131, 'Tampa'), (18779, 254, 131,
'Tangerine'), (12422, 254, 131, 'Tarpon Springs'), (7814, 254, 131,
'Tavares'), (7815, 254, 131, 'Tavernier'), (38987, 254, 131,
'Telogia'), (39024, 254, 131, 'Terra Ceia'), (39101, 254, 131,
'Thonotosassa'), (7816, 254, 131, 'Titusville'), (7818, 254, 131,
'Trenton'), (39387, 254, 131, 'Trilby'), (39603, 254, 131,
'Umatilla'), (7819, 254, 131, 'Valparaiso'), (14667, 254, 131,
'Valrico'), (39817, 254, 131, 'Vanderbilt Beach'), (7820, 254, 131,
'Venice'), (7821, 254, 131, 'Venus'), (39894, 254, 131, 'Vernon'), (7822,
254, 131, 'Vero Beach'), (40042, 254, 131, 'Wabasso'), (40047, 254, 131,
'Wacissa'), (40096, 254, 131, 'Wakulla Springs'), (14757, 254, 131,
'Waldo'), (7823, 254, 131, 'Wauchula'), (16928, 254, 131,
'Wausau'), (40421, 254, 131, 'Waverly'), (40480, 254, 131,
'Webster'), (40509, 254, 131, 'Weirsdale'), (40512, 254, 131,
'Welaka'), (40528, 254, 131, 'Wellborn'), (42899, 254, 131, 'Wesley
Chapel'), (7824, 254, 131, 'West Palm Beach'), (41897, 254, 131,
'Weston'), (40857, 254, 131, 'Westville'), (40866, 254, 131,
'Wewahitchka'), (40956, 254, 131, 'White Springs'), (41071, 254, 131,
'Wildwood'), (12450, 254, 131, 'Williston'), (41199, 254, 131,
'Wimauma'), (41215, 254, 131, 'Windermere'), (41291, 254, 131, 'Winter
Beach'), (41292, 254, 131, 'Winter Garden'), (7826, 254, 131, 'Winter
Haven'), (7827, 254, 131, 'Winter Park'), (7828, 254, 131, 'Winter
Springs'), (41445, 254, 131, 'Woodville'), (12057, 254, 131, 'Worthington
Springs'), (41540, 254, 131, 'Yalaha'), (41549, 254, 131,
'Yankeetown'), (41608, 254, 131, 'Youngstown'), (41623, 254, 131,
'Yulee'), (41644, 254, 131, 'Zellwood'), (13593, 254, 131,
'Zephyrhills'), (15107, 254, 131, 'Zolfo Springs'), (7829, 254, 132,
'Abbeville'), (13800, 254, 132, 'Acworth'), (19098, 254, 132,
'Adairsville'), (7830, 254, 132, 'Adel'), (19145, 254, 132,
'Adrian'), (19186, 254, 132, 'Ailey'), (7831, 254, 132, 'Alamo'), (19213,
254, 132, 'Alapaha'), (7832, 254, 132, 'Albany'), (19323, 254, 132,
'Allenhurst'), (19331, 254, 132, 'Allentown'), (7833, 254, 132,
'Alma'), (7834, 254, 132, 'Alpharetta'), (19395, 254, 132,
'Alston'), (19411, 254, 132, 'Alto'), (19475, 254, 132, 'Ambrose'), (7835,
254, 132, 'Americus'), (19532, 254, 132, 'Andersonville'), (7836, 254, 132,
'Appling'), (19628, 254, 132, 'Arabi'), (19630, 254, 132,
'Aragon'), (19689, 254, 132, 'Argyle'), (19717, 254, 132,
'Arlington'), (19744, 254, 132, 'Armuchee'), (19754, 254, 132,
'Arnoldsville'), (7837, 254, 132, 'Ashburn'), (7838, 254, 132,
'Athens'), (7839, 254, 132, 'Atlanta'), (19894, 254, 132,
'Attapulgus'), (19914, 254, 132, 'Auburn'), (7840, 254, 132,
'Augusta'), (7841, 254, 132, 'Austell'), (19985, 254, 132,
'Avera'), (20020, 254, 132, 'Avondale Estates'), (20024, 254, 132,
'Axson'), (20049, 254, 132, 'Baconton'), (7842, 254, 132,
'Bainbridge'), (20101, 254, 132, 'Baldwin'), (20113, 254, 132, 'Ball
Ground'), (7843, 254, 132, 'Barnesville'), (20198, 254, 132,
'Barney'), (20239, 254, 132, 'Bartow'), (20240, 254, 132,
'Barwick'), (7844, 254, 132, 'Baxley'), (20506, 254, 132,
'Bellville'), (20624, 254, 132, 'Berlin'), (20688, 254, 132,
'Bethlehem'), (20821, 254, 132, 'Bishop'), (7845, 254, 132,
'Blackshear'), (7846, 254, 132, 'Blairsville'), (7847, 254, 132,
'Blakely'), (20944, 254, 132, 'Bloomingdale'), (7848, 254, 132, 'Blue
Ridge'), (21014, 254, 132, 'Bluffton'), (21021, 254, 132,
'Blythe'), (21038, 254, 132, 'Bogart'), (21058, 254, 132,
'Bolingbroke'), (12352, 254, 132, 'Bonaire'), (21089, 254, 132,
'Boneville'), (21129, 254, 132, 'Boston'), (21136, 254, 132,
'Bostwick'), (21168, 254, 132, 'Bowdon'), (21170, 254, 132, 'Bowdon
Junction'), (17477, 254, 132, 'Bowersville'), (21181, 254, 132,
'Bowman'), (21190, 254, 132, 'Box Springs'), (21306, 254, 132,
'Braselton'), (21331, 254, 132, 'Bremen'), (21416, 254, 132,
'Brinson'), (21420, 254, 132, 'Bristol'), (21475, 254, 132,
'Bronwood'), (21486, 254, 132, 'Brookfield'), (21492, 254, 132,
'Brooklet'), (21509, 254, 132, 'Brooks'), (21568, 254, 132,
'Broxton'), (7849, 254, 132, 'Brunswick'), (7850, 254, 132,
'Buchanan'), (21638, 254, 132, 'Buckhead'), (7851, 254, 132, 'Buena
Vista'), (21693, 254, 132, 'Buford'), (7852, 254, 132, 'Butler'), (21849,
254, 132, 'Byromville'), (21850, 254, 132, 'Byron'), (21878, 254, 132,
'Cadwell'), (7853, 254, 132, 'Cairo'), (7854, 254, 132, 'Calhoun'), (21938,
254, 132, 'Calvary'), (21951, 254, 132, 'Camak'), (21990, 254, 132,
'Camilla'), (22066, 254, 132, 'Canon'), (7855, 254, 132, 'Canton'), (22164,
254, 132, 'Carlton'), (7856, 254, 132, 'Carnesville'), (7857, 254, 132,
'Carrollton'), (7858, 254, 132, 'Cartersville'), (22273, 254, 132,
'Cassville'), (22309, 254, 132, 'Cataula'), (18453, 254, 132, 'Cave
Spring'), (22349, 254, 132, 'Cecil'), (22387, 254, 132, 'Cedar
Springs'), (7859, 254, 132, 'Cedartown'), (12963, 254, 132,
'Centerville'), (7860, 254, 132, 'Chatsworth'), (22590, 254, 132,
'Chauncey'), (22634, 254, 132, 'Cherrylog'), (22648, 254, 132,
'Chester'), (22674, 254, 132, 'Chestnut Mountain'), (22688, 254, 132,
'Chickamauga'), (22759, 254, 132, 'Chula'), (22792, 254, 132,
'Cisco'), (22841, 254, 132, 'Clarkdale'), (7861, 254, 132,
'Clarkesville'), (22865, 254, 132, 'Clarkston'), (22884, 254, 132,
'Claxton'), (7862, 254, 132, 'Clayton'), (22945, 254, 132,
'Clermont'), (7863, 254, 132, 'Cleveland'), (22985, 254, 132,
'Climax'), (22993, 254, 132, 'Clinchfield'), (23045, 254, 132,
'Clyo'), (23077, 254, 132, 'Cobb'), (23081, 254, 132, 'Cobbtown'), (7864,
254, 132, 'Cochran'), (23117, 254, 132, 'Cohutta'), (23125, 254, 132,
'Colbert'), (23141, 254, 132, 'Coleman'), (23172, 254, 132,
'Collins'), (7866, 254, 132, 'Colquitt'), (7867, 254, 132,
'Columbus'), (23249, 254, 132, 'Comer'), (23255, 254, 132,
'Commerce'), (23287, 254, 132, 'Concord'), (23317, 254, 132,
'Conley'), (7868, 254, 132, 'Conyers'), (23365, 254, 132,
'Coolidge'), (23378, 254, 132, 'Coosa'), (7869, 254, 132,
'Cordele'), (23432, 254, 132, 'Cornelia'), (23490, 254, 132,
'Cotton'), (7870, 254, 132, 'Covington'), (23585, 254, 132,
'Crandall'), (23601, 254, 132, 'Crawford'), (7871, 254, 132,
'Crawfordville'), (23628, 254, 132, 'Crescent'), (23766, 254, 132,
'Culloden'), (7872, 254, 132, 'Cumming'), (7873, 254, 132,
'Cusseta'), (7874, 254, 132, 'Cuthbert'), (23853, 254, 132,
'Dacula'), (7875, 254, 132, 'Dahlonega'), (23868, 254, 132,
'Daisy'), (7876, 254, 132, 'Dallas'), (7877, 254, 132, 'Dalton'), (23907,
254, 132, 'Damascus'), (7878, 254, 132, 'Danielsville'), (23945, 254, 132,
'Danville'), (7879, 254, 132, 'Darien'), (24004, 254, 132,
'Davisboro'), (7880, 254, 132, 'Dawson'), (7881, 254, 132,
'Dawsonville'), (24057, 254, 132, 'De Soto'), (24074, 254, 132,
'Dearing'), (7882, 254, 132, 'Decatur'), (24195, 254, 132,
'Demorest'), (24219, 254, 132, 'Denton'), (24287, 254, 132, 'Dewy
Rose'), (24288, 254, 132, 'Dexter'), (24329, 254, 132, 'Dillard'), (24360,
254, 132, 'Dixie'), (24392, 254, 132, 'Doerun'), (7883, 254, 132,
'Donalsonville'), (7884, 254, 132, 'Douglas'), (7885, 254, 132,
'Douglasville'), (24467, 254, 132, 'Dover'), (14857, 254, 132, 'Dry
Branch'), (24567, 254, 132, 'Du Pont'), (7886, 254, 132, 'Dublin'), (24588,
254, 132, 'Dudley'), (7887, 254, 132, 'Duluth'), (41974, 254, 132,
'Dunwoody'), (24810, 254, 132, 'East Ellijay'), (24923, 254, 132,
'Eastanollee'), (7890, 254, 132, 'Eastman'), (7891, 254, 132,
'Eatonton'), (24990, 254, 132, 'Eden'), (25027, 254, 132, 'Edison'), (7892,
254, 132, 'Elberton'), (25197, 254, 132, 'Elko'), (25212, 254, 132,
'Ellabell'), (7893, 254, 132, 'Ellaville'), (25223, 254, 132,
'Ellenton'), (25224, 254, 132, 'Ellenwood'), (25226, 254, 132,
'Ellerslie'), (7894, 254, 132, 'Ellijay'), (25341, 254, 132,
'Emerson'), (25398, 254, 132, 'Enigma'), (25428, 254, 132,
'Epworth'), (25464, 254, 132, 'Esom Hill'), (25512, 254, 132,
'Eton'), (25544, 254, 132, 'Evans'), (25593, 254, 132,
'Experiment'), (25614, 254, 132, 'Fairburn'), (25655, 254, 132,
'Fairmount'), (25729, 254, 132, 'Fargo'), (25749, 254, 132,
'Farmington'), (7895, 254, 132, 'Fayetteville'), (25811, 254, 132,
'Felton'), (7896, 254, 132, 'Fitzgerald'), (25944, 254, 132,
'Fleming'), (25959, 254, 132, 'Flintstone'), (25990, 254, 132,
'Flovilla'), (13016, 254, 132, 'Flowery Branch'), (7917, 254, 132,
'Folkston'), (26053, 254, 132, 'Forest Park'), (7897, 254, 132,
'Forsyth'), (7898, 254, 132, 'Fort Benning'), (7899, 254, 132, 'Fort
Gaines'), (26142, 254, 132, 'Fort Oglethorpe'), (16934, 254, 132, 'Fort
Stewart'), (7901, 254, 132, 'Fort Valley'), (26170, 254, 132,
'Fortson'), (26213, 254, 132, 'Fowlstown'), (7902, 254, 132,
'Franklin'), (26261, 254, 132, 'Franklin Springs'), (26433, 254, 132,
'Funston'), (7903, 254, 132, 'Gainesville'), (26533, 254, 132,
'Garfield'), (26606, 254, 132, 'Gay'), (26628, 254, 132, 'Geneva'), (7904,
254, 132, 'Georgetown'), (7905, 254, 132, 'Gibson'), (26756, 254, 132,
'Gillsville'), (26774, 254, 132, 'Girard'), (26898, 254, 132,
'Glenn'), (26902, 254, 132, 'Glennville'), (26914, 254, 132,
'Glenwood'), (26990, 254, 132, 'Good Hope'), (27026, 254, 132,
'Gordon'), (27067, 254, 132, 'Gough'), (27085, 254, 132,
'Gracewood'), (27194, 254, 132, 'Grantville'), (7906, 254, 132,
'Gray'), (17815, 254, 132, 'Grayson'), (27249, 254, 132,
'Graysville'), (7907, 254, 132, 'Greensboro'), (7908, 254, 132,
'Greenville'), (7909, 254, 132, 'Griffin'), (14373, 254, 132,
'Grovetown'), (27495, 254, 132, 'Guyton'), (27517, 254, 132,
'Haddock'), (7910, 254, 132, 'Hagan'), (27536, 254, 132, 'Hahira'), (7911,
254, 132, 'Hamilton'), (27643, 254, 132, 'Hampton'), (27708, 254, 132,
'Haralson'), (27728, 254, 132, 'Hardwick'), (18738, 254, 132,
'Harlem'), (27802, 254, 132, 'Harrison'), (27856, 254, 132,
'Hartsfield'), (7912, 254, 132, 'Hartwell'), (7913, 254, 132,
'Hawkinsville'), (7914, 254, 132, 'Hazlehurst'), (28027, 254, 132,
'Helen'), (28031, 254, 132, 'Helena'), (28101, 254, 132,
'Hephzibah'), (7915, 254, 132, 'Hiawassee'), (28201, 254, 132, 'High
Shoals'), (28251, 254, 132, 'Hillsboro'), (7916, 254, 132,
'Hinesville'), (14280, 254, 132, 'Hiram'), (28325, 254, 132,
'Hoboken'), (28342, 254, 132, 'Hogansville'), (28406, 254, 132, 'Holly
Springs'), (7918, 254, 132, 'Homer'), (28447, 254, 132,
'Homerville'), (28550, 254, 132, 'Hortense'), (28557, 254, 132,
'Hoschton'), (28589, 254, 132, 'Howard'), (28663, 254, 132,
'Hull'), (28798, 254, 132, 'Ideal'), (17922, 254, 132, 'Ila'), (28885, 254,
132, 'Inman'), (28928, 254, 132, 'Iron City'), (7919, 254, 132,
'Irwinton'), (28953, 254, 132, 'Irwinville'), (7920, 254, 132,
'Jackson'), (29034, 254, 132, 'Jacksonville'), (29045, 254, 132,
'Jakin'), (7921, 254, 132, 'Jasper'), (7922, 254, 132, 'Jefferson'), (7923,
254, 132, 'Jeffersonville'), (29121, 254, 132, 'Jekyll Island'), (29130,
254, 132, 'Jenkinsburg'), (29154, 254, 132, 'Jersey'), (7925, 254, 132,
'Jesup'), (29168, 254, 132, 'Jewell'), (7926, 254, 132,
'Jonesboro'), (29263, 254, 132, 'Juliette'), (29272, 254, 132, 'Junction
City'), (12353, 254, 132, 'Kathleen'), (11773, 254, 132,
'Kennesaw'), (29524, 254, 132, 'Keysville'), (29588, 254, 132, 'Kings
Bay'), (29598, 254, 132, 'Kingsland'), (29604, 254, 132,
'Kingston'), (29666, 254, 132, 'Kite'), (7928, 254, 132,
'Knoxville'), (29771, 254, 132, 'La Fayette'), (29861, 254, 132,
'Lagrange'), (29941, 254, 132, 'Lake Park'), (7931, 254, 132,
'Lakeland'), (29964, 254, 132, 'Lakemont'), (30147, 254, 132,
'Lavonia'), (7932, 254, 132, 'Lawrenceville'), (30194, 254, 132,
'Leary'), (30200, 254, 132, 'Lebanon'), (7933, 254, 132,
'Leesburg'), (14700, 254, 132, 'Lenox'), (30357, 254, 132,
'Leslie'), (7934, 254, 132, 'Lexington'), (14064, 254, 132,
'Lilburn'), (30446, 254, 132, 'Lilly'), (18005, 254, 132,
'Lincolnton'), (7935, 254, 132, 'Lincolntown'), (30491, 254, 132,
'Lindale'), (13058, 254, 132, 'Lithia Springs'), (7936, 254, 132,
'Lithonia'), (30631, 254, 132, 'Lizella'), (30668, 254, 132, 'Locust
Grove'), (14132, 254, 132, 'Loganville'), (30766, 254, 132, 'Lookout
Mountain'), (30825, 254, 132, 'Louisville'), (30830, 254, 132,
'Louvale'), (30832, 254, 132, 'Lovejoy'), (7938, 254, 132,
'Ludowici'), (30924, 254, 132, 'Lula'), (30929, 254, 132, 'Lumber
City'), (7939, 254, 132, 'Lumpkin'), (30955, 254, 132,
'Luthersville'), (30970, 254, 132, 'Lyerly'), (31019, 254, 132,
'Lyons'), (7940, 254, 132, 'Mableton'), (7941, 254, 132, 'Macon'), (7942,
254, 132, 'Madison'), (31189, 254, 132, 'Manassas'), (31195, 254, 132,
'Manchester'), (31240, 254, 132, 'Manor'), (31248, 254, 132,
'Mansfield'), (31321, 254, 132, 'Marble Hill'), (7943, 254, 132,
'Marietta'), (31434, 254, 132, 'Marshallville'), (14821, 254, 132,
'Martin'), (41982, 254, 132, 'Martinez'), (31552, 254, 132,
'Matthews'), (31562, 254, 132, 'Mauk'), (31579, 254, 132,
'Maxeys'), (31625, 254, 132, 'Maysville'), (31661, 254, 132, 'Mc
Caysville'), (31731, 254, 132, 'Mc Intyre'), (31764, 254, 132, 'Mc
Rae'), (7945, 254, 132, 'McDonough'), (16569, 254, 132,
'Meansville'), (31868, 254, 132, 'Meigs'), (31879, 254, 132,
'Meldrim'), (31929, 254, 132, 'Menlo'), (31958, 254, 132,
'Meridian'), (31986, 254, 132, 'Mershon'), (31995, 254, 132,
'Mesena'), (7947, 254, 132, 'Metter'), (32094, 254, 132,
'Midland'), (32108, 254, 132, 'Midville'), (32112, 254, 132,
'Midway'), (32128, 254, 132, 'Milan'), (7948, 254, 132,
'Milledgeville'), (7949, 254, 132, 'Millen'), (32247, 254, 132,
'Millwood'), (32254, 254, 132, 'Milner'), (15622, 254, 132, 'Mineral
Bluff'), (32370, 254, 132, 'Mitchell'), (32417, 254, 132, 'Molena'), (7950,
254, 132, 'Monroe'), (32506, 254, 132, 'Montezuma'), (7951, 254, 132,
'Monticello'), (32548, 254, 132, 'Montrose'), (32610, 254, 132,
'Moreland'), (7952, 254, 132, 'Morgan'), (32620, 254, 132,
'Morganton'), (32647, 254, 132, 'Morris'), (13674, 254, 132,
'Morrow'), (32685, 254, 132, 'Morven'), (7953, 254, 132,
'Moultrie'), (14649, 254, 132, 'Mount Airy'), (32735, 254, 132, 'Mount
Berry'), (7954, 254, 132, 'Mount Vernon'), (32834, 254, 132, 'Mount
Zion'), (32840, 254, 132, 'Mountain City'), (32937, 254, 132,
'Murrayville'), (32946, 254, 132, 'Musella'), (32963, 254, 132,
'Mystic'), (7955, 254, 132, 'Nahunta'), (7956, 254, 132,
'Nashville'), (33054, 254, 132, 'Naylor'), (33097, 254, 132,
'Nelson'), (33374, 254, 132, 'Newborn'), (16920, 254, 132,
'Newington'), (7957, 254, 132, 'Newnan'), (7958, 254, 132,
'Newton'), (33476, 254, 132, 'Nicholls'), (33482, 254, 132,
'Nicholson'), (7959, 254, 132, 'Norcross'), (33572, 254, 132, 'Norman
Park'), (33586, 254, 132, 'Norristown'), (33678, 254, 132, 'North
Metro'), (33773, 254, 132, 'Norwood'), (33808, 254, 132, 'Nunez'), (33862,
254, 132, 'Oakfield'), (33893, 254, 132, 'Oakman'), (15816, 254, 132,
'Oakwood'), (33940, 254, 132, 'Ochlocknee'), (7961, 254, 132,
'Ocilla'), (18447, 254, 132, 'Oconee'), (7962, 254, 132, 'Odum'), (33972,
254, 132, 'Offerman'), (7963, 254, 132, 'Oglethorpe'), (34074, 254, 132,
'Oliver'), (34100, 254, 132, 'Omaha'), (34105, 254, 132, 'Omega'), (34181,
254, 132, 'Orchard Hill'), (34350, 254, 132, 'Oxford'), (34441, 254, 132,
'Palmetto'), (34567, 254, 132, 'Parrott'), (34601, 254, 132,
'Patterson'), (34628, 254, 132, 'Pavo'), (7964, 254, 132, 'Peachtree
City'), (7965, 254, 132, 'Pearson'), (34698, 254, 132, 'Pelham'), (7966,
254, 132, 'Pembroke'), (34726, 254, 132, 'Pendergrass'), (34785, 254, 132,
'Perkins'), (7967, 254, 132, 'Perry'), (15284, 254, 132, 'Pine
Lake'), (34986, 254, 132, 'Pine Mountain'), (34987, 254, 132, 'Pine
Mountain Valley'), (35003, 254, 132, 'Pinehurst'), (35015, 254, 132,
'Pineview'), (11746, 254, 132, 'Pitts'), (35088, 254, 132,
'Plainfield'), (35097, 254, 132, 'Plains'), (35103, 254, 132,
'Plainville'), (35283, 254, 132, 'Pooler'), (35355, 254, 132,
'Portal'), (35362, 254, 132, 'Porterdale'), (35417, 254, 132,
'Poulan'), (17894, 254, 132, 'Powder Springs'), (7968, 254, 132,
'Preston'), (35586, 254, 132, 'Pulaski'), (35619, 254, 132,
'Putney'), (7969, 254, 132, 'Quitman'), (35678, 254, 132, 'Rabun
Gap'), (35773, 254, 132, 'Ranger'), (18296, 254, 132, 'Ray City'), (35825,
254, 132, 'Rayle'), (35867, 254, 132, 'Rebecca'), (35889, 254, 132, 'Red
Oak'), (7970, 254, 132, 'Redan'), (35954, 254, 132, 'Register'), (7971,
254, 132, 'Reidsville'), (35985, 254, 132, 'Rentz'), (35995, 254, 132,
'Resaca'), (13754, 254, 132, 'Rex'), (36020, 254, 132, 'Reynolds'), (36030,
254, 132, 'Rhine'), (36048, 254, 132, 'Riceboro'), (36076, 254, 132,
'Richland'), (36100, 254, 132, 'Richmond Hill'), (36163, 254, 132,
'Rincon'), (7972, 254, 132, 'Ringgold'), (36209, 254, 132, 'Rising
Fawn'), (16409, 254, 132, 'Riverdale'), (36280, 254, 132,
'Roberta'), (11745, 254, 132, 'Rochelle'), (36334, 254, 132, 'Rock
Spring'), (36360, 254, 132, 'Rockledge'), (36361, 254, 132,
'Rockmart'), (36384, 254, 132, 'Rocky Face'), (36386, 254, 132, 'Rocky
Ford'), (7973, 254, 132, 'Rome'), (15114, 254, 132, 'Roopville'), (36538,
254, 132, 'Rossville'), (7974, 254, 132, 'Roswell'), (36611, 254, 132,
'Royston'), (36645, 254, 132, 'Rupert'), (36707, 254, 132,
'Rutledge'), (36711, 254, 132, 'Rydal'), (36815, 254, 132, 'Saint
George'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`,
`name`) VALUES (15660, 254, 132, 'Saint Marys'), (36895, 254, 132, 'Saint
Simons Island'), (36912, 254, 132, 'Sale City'), (7975, 254, 132,
'Sandersville'), (37085, 254, 132, 'Sapelo Island'), (37103, 254, 132,
'Sardis'), (37108, 254, 132, 'Sargent'), (37120, 254, 132,
'Sasser'), (37136, 254, 132, 'Sautee Nacoochee'), (7976, 254, 132,
'Savannah'), (37237, 254, 132, 'Scotland'), (37251, 254, 132,
'Scottdale'), (37273, 254, 132, 'Screven'), (37280, 254, 132, 'Sea
Island'), (37388, 254, 132, 'Senoia'), (37410, 254, 132,
'Seville'), (37425, 254, 132, 'Shady Dale'), (37450, 254, 132,
'Shannon'), (37457, 254, 132, 'Sharon'), (37475, 254, 132,
'Sharpsburg'), (37544, 254, 132, 'Shellman'), (37594, 254, 132,
'Shiloh'), (37683, 254, 132, 'Siloam'), (37697, 254, 132, 'Silver
Creek'), (37816, 254, 132, 'Smarr'), (37850, 254, 132,
'Smithville'), (7977, 254, 132, 'Smyrna'), (16709, 254, 132,
'Snellville'), (37894, 254, 132, 'Social Circle'), (7978, 254, 132,
'Soperton'), (38124, 254, 132, 'Sparks'), (7979, 254, 132,
'Sparta'), (7980, 254, 132, 'Springfield'), (38329, 254, 132,
'Stapleton'), (7982, 254, 132, 'Statenville'), (7983, 254, 132,
'Statesboro'), (38362, 254, 132, 'Statham'), (38395, 254, 132,
'Stephens'), (38446, 254, 132, 'Stillmore'), (12206, 254, 132,
'Stockbridge'), (38479, 254, 132, 'Stockton'), (13196, 254, 132, 'Stone
Mountain'), (38619, 254, 132, 'Suches'), (38633, 254, 132, 'Sugar
Valley'), (7984, 254, 132, 'Summerville'), (38693, 254, 132,
'Sumner'), (38727, 254, 132, 'Sunny Side'), (38752, 254, 132,
'Surrency'), (38771, 254, 132, 'Suwanee'), (7985, 254, 132,
'Swainsboro'), (38829, 254, 132, 'Sycamore'), (7986, 254, 132,
'Sylvania'), (7987, 254, 132, 'Sylvester'), (7988, 254, 132,
'Talbotton'), (38884, 254, 132, 'Talking Rock'), (38886, 254, 132,
'Tallapoosa'), (38893, 254, 132, 'Tallulah Falls'), (38899, 254, 132,
'Talmo'), (38932, 254, 132, 'Tarrytown'), (38937, 254, 132,
'Tate'), (38957, 254, 132, 'Taylorsville'), (13370, 254, 132,
'Temple'), (39013, 254, 132, 'Tennga'), (39014, 254, 132,
'Tennille'), (39063, 254, 132, 'The Rock'), (7989, 254, 132,
'Thomaston'), (7990, 254, 132, 'Thomasville'), (7991, 254, 132,
'Thomson'), (7992, 254, 132, 'Tifton'), (39161, 254, 132, 'Tiger'), (39164,
254, 132, 'Tignall'), (7993, 254, 132, 'Toccoa'), (39225, 254, 132, 'Toccoa
Falls'), (39268, 254, 132, 'Toomsboro'), (39314, 254, 132,
'Townsend'), (7994, 254, 132, 'Trenton'), (39400, 254, 132,
'Trion'), (7995, 254, 132, 'Tucker'), (39475, 254, 132, 'Tunnel
Hill'), (39489, 254, 132, 'Turin'), (39506, 254, 132,
'Turnerville'), (39541, 254, 132, 'Twin City'), (39557, 254, 132, 'Ty
Ty'), (13162, 254, 132, 'Tybee Island'), (39577, 254, 132,
'Tyrone'), (39608, 254, 132, 'Unadilla'), (39633, 254, 132, 'Union
City'), (39650, 254, 132, 'Union Point'), (39685, 254, 132,
'Upatoi'), (39727, 254, 132, 'Uvalda'), (7996, 254, 132,
'Valdosta'), (39832, 254, 132, 'Varnell'), (7997, 254, 132,
'Vidalia'), (7998, 254, 132, 'Vienna'), (39961, 254, 132, 'Villa
Rica'), (40048, 254, 132, 'Waco'), (18019, 254, 132, 'Wadley'), (40122,
254, 132, 'Waleska'), (40200, 254, 132, 'Walthourville'), (40246, 254, 132,
'Waresboro'), (40253, 254, 132, 'Warm Springs'), (7999, 254, 132, 'Warner
Robins'), (8000, 254, 132, 'Warrenton'), (40288, 254, 132,
'Warthen'), (16495, 254, 132, 'Warwick'), (8001, 254, 132,
'Washington'), (8002, 254, 132, 'Watkinsville'), (40422, 254, 132,
'Waverly'), (40435, 254, 132, 'Waverly Hall'), (8003, 254, 132,
'Waycross'), (8004, 254, 132, 'Waynesboro'), (40457, 254, 132,
'Waynesville'), (40655, 254, 132, 'West Green'), (40724, 254, 132, 'West
Point'), (40824, 254, 132, 'Weston'), (40907, 254, 132, 'Whigham'), (40912,
254, 132, 'White'), (40941, 254, 132, 'White Oak'), (40948, 254, 132,
'White Plains'), (40986, 254, 132, 'Whitesburg'), (41072, 254, 132,
'Wildwood'), (41075, 254, 132, 'Wiley'), (15321, 254, 132,
'Willacoochee'), (41109, 254, 132, 'Williamson'), (8005, 254, 132,
'Winder'), (41283, 254, 132, 'Winston'), (41299, 254, 132,
'Winterville'), (8006, 254, 132, 'Woodbine'), (41393, 254, 132,
'Woodbury'), (41408, 254, 132, 'Woodland'), (13862, 254, 132,
'Woodstock'), (18766, 254, 132, 'Wray'), (18443, 254, 132, 'Wrens'), (8007,
254, 132, 'Wrightsville'), (14366, 254, 132, 'Yatesville'), (18276, 254,
132, 'Young Harris'), (41640, 254, 132, 'Zebulon'), (19184, 254, 133,
'Aiea'), (19516, 254, 133, 'Anahola'), (20159, 254, 133, 'Barbers
Point'), (21999, 254, 133, 'Camp H M Smith'), (16219, 254, 133, 'Captain
Cook'), (25135, 254, 133, 'Eleele'), (15192, 254, 133, 'Ewa
Beach'), (26152, 254, 133, 'Fort Shafter'), (27539, 254, 133,
'Haiku'), (27546, 254, 133, 'Hakalau'), (12603, 254, 133,
'Haleiwa'), (27657, 254, 133, 'Hana'), (11960, 254, 133,
'Hanalei'), (27658, 254, 133, 'Hanamaulu'), (11838, 254, 133,
'Hanapepe'), (27916, 254, 133, 'Hauula'), (27931, 254, 133, 'Hawaii
National Park'), (27933, 254, 133, 'Hawi'), (28166, 254, 133, 'Hickam
AFB'), (8008, 254, 133, 'Hilo'), (13747, 254, 133, 'Holualoa'), (28457,
254, 133, 'Honaunau'), (28470, 254, 133, 'Honokaa'), (1221, 254, 133,
'Honolulu'), (28471, 254, 133, 'Honomu'), (28482, 254, 133,
'Hoolehua'), (29284, 254, 133, 'Kaaawa'), (29286, 254, 133,
'Kahuku'), (8009, 254, 133, 'Kahului'), (8010, 254, 133, 'Kailua'), (29288,
254, 133, 'Kailua Kona'), (11961, 254, 133, 'Kailua-Kona'), (18379, 254,
133, 'Kalaheo'), (29293, 254, 133, 'Kalaupapa'), (29302, 254, 133,
'Kamuela'), (8012, 254, 133, 'Kaneohe'), (14283, 254, 133,
'Kapaa'), (29322, 254, 133, 'Kapaau'), (11792, 254, 133,
'Kapolei'), (29342, 254, 133, 'Kaumakani'), (8013, 254, 133,
'Kaunakakai'), (11840, 254, 133, 'Keaau'), (11962, 254, 133,
'Kealakekua'), (29349, 254, 133, 'Kealia'), (29359, 254, 133,
'Keauhou'), (29386, 254, 133, 'Kekaha'), (11777, 254, 133,
'Kihei'), (29536, 254, 133, 'Kilauea'), (18876, 254, 133, 'Koloa'), (29739,
254, 133, 'Kualapuu'), (14166, 254, 133, 'Kula'), (29744, 254, 133,
'Kunia'), (16950, 254, 133, 'Kurtistown'), (8014, 254, 133,
'Lahaina'), (12733, 254, 133, 'Laie'), (8015, 254, 133, 'Lanai
City'), (30116, 254, 133, 'Laupahoehoe'), (30148, 254, 133,
'Lawai'), (8016, 254, 133, 'Lihue'), (31035, 254, 133, 'M C B H Kaneohe
Bay'), (13539, 254, 133, 'Makawao'), (31138, 254, 133, 'Makaweli'), (31563,
254, 133, 'Maunaloa'), (32160, 254, 133, 'Mililani'), (32858, 254, 133,
'Mountain View'), (15040, 254, 133, 'Naalehu'), (33509, 254, 133,
'Ninole'), (33931, 254, 133, 'Ocean View'), (34146, 254, 133,
'Ookala'), (34374, 254, 133, 'Paauhau'), (34375, 254, 133,
'Paauilo'), (34399, 254, 133, 'Pahala'), (34400, 254, 133,
'Pahoa'), (18798, 254, 133, 'Paia'), (34493, 254, 133, 'Papaaloa'), (34494,
254, 133, 'Papaikou'), (8018, 254, 133, 'Pearl City'), (34671, 254, 133,
'Pearl Harbor'), (34774, 254, 133, 'Pepeekeo'), (35531, 254, 133,
'Princeville'), (12265, 254, 133, 'Pukalani'), (35622, 254, 133,
'Puunene'), (37200, 254, 133, 'Schofield Barracks'), (39401, 254, 133,
'Tripler Army Medical Ctr'), (40018, 254, 133, 'Volcano'), (13879, 254,
133, 'Wahiawa'), (40071, 254, 133, 'Waialua'), (13759, 254, 133,
'Waianae'), (15947, 254, 133, 'Waikiki'), (18353, 254, 133,
'Waikoloa'), (8019, 254, 133, 'Wailuku'), (40072, 254, 133,
'Waimanalo'), (13309, 254, 133, 'Waimea'), (8020, 254, 133,
'Waipahu'), (40083, 254, 133, 'Wake Island'), (40900, 254, 133, 'Wheeler
Army Airfield'), (19055, 254, 134, 'Aberdeen'), (19182, 254, 134,
'Ahsahka'), (19239, 254, 134, 'Albion'), (19365, 254, 134, 'Almo'), (15504,
254, 134, 'American Falls'), (19641, 254, 134, 'Arbon'), (19662, 254, 134,
'Arco'), (19698, 254, 134, 'Arimo'), (19826, 254, 134, 'Ashton'), (14017,
254, 134, 'Athol'), (19874, 254, 134, 'Atlanta'), (19891, 254, 134, 'Atomic
City'), (19989, 254, 134, 'Avery'), (20134, 254, 134, 'Bancroft'), (20145,
254, 134, 'Banks'), (20242, 254, 134, 'Basalt'), (20323, 254, 134,
'Bayview'), (8131, 254, 134, 'Bear Lake'), (16924, 254, 134,
'Bellevue'), (20634, 254, 134, 'Bern'), (18375, 254, 134,
'Blackfoot'), (20894, 254, 134, 'Blanchard'), (20920, 254, 134,
'Bliss'), (20952, 254, 134, 'Bloomington'), (8132, 254, 134,
'Boise'), (21096, 254, 134, 'Bonners Ferry'), (21159, 254, 134,
'Bovill'), (21583, 254, 134, 'Bruneau'), (14476, 254, 134, 'Buhl'), (8133,
254, 134, 'Burley'), (21892, 254, 134, 'Calder'), (8134, 254, 134,
'Caldwell'), (21959, 254, 134, 'Cambridge'), (22141, 254, 134,
'Carey'), (22144, 254, 134, 'Careywood'), (22171, 254, 134,
'Carmen'), (22239, 254, 134, 'Cascade'), (22296, 254, 134,
'Castleford'), (22305, 254, 134, 'Cataldo'), (8135, 254, 134,
'Challis'), (22650, 254, 134, 'Chester'), (22839, 254, 134, 'Clark
Fork'), (22844, 254, 134, 'Clarkia'), (22901, 254, 134, 'Clayton'), (22975,
254, 134, 'Clifton'), (23076, 254, 134, 'Cobalt'), (23093, 254, 134,
'Cocolalla'), (23099, 254, 134, 'Coeur d Alene'), (23127, 254, 134,
'Colburn'), (23297, 254, 134, 'Conda'), (23368, 254, 134,
'Coolin'), (23456, 254, 134, 'Corral'), (14498, 254, 134,
'Cottonwood'), (23512, 254, 134, 'Council'), (23576, 254, 134,
'Craigmont'), (23762, 254, 134, 'Culdesac'), (24025, 254, 134,
'Dayton'), (24076, 254, 134, 'Deary'), (24092, 254, 134, 'Declo'), (24261,
254, 134, 'Desmet'), (24323, 254, 134, 'Dietrich'), (24347, 254, 134,
'Dingle'), (24415, 254, 134, 'Donnelly'), (24468, 254, 134,
'Dover'), (24488, 254, 134, 'Downey'), (13246, 254, 134, 'Driggs'), (24577,
254, 134, 'Dubois'), (8137, 254, 134, 'Eagle'), (24944, 254, 134,
'Eastport'), (24991, 254, 134, 'Eden'), (8138, 254, 134, 'Elk
City'), (25181, 254, 134, 'Elk River'), (25241, 254, 134, 'Ellis'), (13902,
254, 134, 'Emmett'), (25634, 254, 134, 'Fairfield'), (25808, 254, 134,
'Felt'), (25818, 254, 134, 'Fenn'), (25828, 254, 134, 'Ferdinand'), (25836,
254, 134, 'Fernwood'), (25861, 254, 134, 'Filer'), (18768, 254, 134,
'Firth'), (25890, 254, 134, 'Fish Haven'), (26108, 254, 134, 'Fort
Hall'), (26249, 254, 134, 'Franklin'), (18137, 254, 134,
'Fruitland'), (26402, 254, 134, 'Fruitvale'), (26513, 254, 134, 'Garden
City'), (26522, 254, 134, 'Garden Valley'), (26622, 254, 134,
'Genesee'), (26630, 254, 134, 'Geneva'), (26653, 254, 134,
'Georgetown'), (26699, 254, 134, 'Gibbonsville'), (26901, 254, 134, 'Glenns
Ferry'), (26999, 254, 134, 'Gooding'), (8139, 254, 134, 'Grace'), (27151,
254, 134, 'Grand View'), (8140, 254, 134, 'Grangeville'), (27304, 254, 134,
'Greencreek'), (27323, 254, 134, 'Greenleaf'), (8141, 254, 134,
'Hagerman'), (8142, 254, 134, 'Hailey'), (27596, 254, 134,
'Hamer'), (27626, 254, 134, 'Hammett'), (27699, 254, 134,
'Hansen'), (27803, 254, 134, 'Harrison'), (27864, 254, 134,
'Harvard'), (13887, 254, 134, 'Hayden'), (27980, 254, 134,
'Hazelton'), (28159, 254, 134, 'Heyburn'), (28237, 254, 134, 'Hill
City'), (28347, 254, 134, 'Holbrook'), (11968, 254, 134,
'Homedale'), (28499, 254, 134, 'Hope'), (28549, 254, 134, 'Horseshoe
Bend'), (28597, 254, 134, 'Howe'), (28751, 254, 134, 'Huston'), (28790,
254, 134, 'Idaho City'), (8143, 254, 134, 'Idaho Falls'), (28851, 254, 134,
'Indian Valley'), (28881, 254, 134, 'Inkom'), (28904, 254, 134,
'Iona'), (28952, 254, 134, 'Irwin'), (8144, 254, 134, 'Island
Park'), (8145, 254, 134, 'Jerome'), (29259, 254, 134, 'Juliaetta'), (16127,
254, 134, 'Kamiah'), (29400, 254, 134, 'Kellogg'), (29424, 254, 134,
'Kendrick'), (16365, 254, 134, 'Ketchum'), (29562, 254, 134,
'Kimberly'), (29582, 254, 134, 'King Hill'), (29605, 254, 134,
'Kingston'), (29715, 254, 134, 'Kooskia'), (29716, 254, 134,
'Kootenai'), (29743, 254, 134, 'Kuna'), (29837, 254, 134,
'Laclede'), (29906, 254, 134, 'Lake Fork'), (30085, 254, 134,
'Lapwai'), (30138, 254, 134, 'Lava Hot Springs'), (30188, 254, 134,
'Leadore'), (30287, 254, 134, 'Lemhi'), (30309, 254, 134,
'Lenore'), (30369, 254, 134, 'Letha'), (8146, 254, 134,
'Lewiston'), (18750, 254, 134, 'Lewisville'), (30868, 254, 134,
'Lowman'), (30904, 254, 134, 'Lucile'), (31055, 254, 134,
'Mackay'), (31060, 254, 134, 'Macks Inn'), (8147, 254, 134, 'Malad
City'), (8148, 254, 134, 'Malta'), (31441, 254, 134, 'Marsing'), (31590,
254, 134, 'May'), (8149, 254, 134, 'McCall'), (31776, 254, 134,
'McCammon'), (31845, 254, 134, 'Medimont'), (31871, 254, 134,
'Melba'), (31914, 254, 134, 'Menan'), (13001, 254, 134,
'Meridian'), (31991, 254, 134, 'Mesa'), (32077, 254, 134,
'Middleton'), (32106, 254, 134, 'Midvale'), (32327, 254, 134,
'Minidoka'), (32505, 254, 134, 'Monteview'), (8150, 254, 134,
'Montpelier'), (32575, 254, 134, 'Moore'), (32611, 254, 134,
'Moreland'), (8151, 254, 134, 'Moscow'), (8152, 254, 134, 'Mountain
Home'), (32848, 254, 134, 'Mountain Home A F B'), (32878, 254, 134, 'Moyie
Springs'), (8153, 254, 134, 'Mullan'), (32931, 254, 134, 'Murphy'), (32934,
254, 134, 'Murray'), (32940, 254, 134, 'Murtaugh'), (8154, 254, 134,
'Nampa'), (32994, 254, 134, 'Naples'), (33283, 254, 134, 'New
Meadows'), (33305, 254, 134, 'New Plymouth'), (33393, 254, 134,
'Newdale'), (18414, 254, 134, 'Nezperce'), (33558, 254, 134,
'Nordman'), (33640, 254, 134, 'North Fork'), (33789, 254, 134,
'Notus'), (33887, 254, 134, 'Oakley'), (34022, 254, 134, 'Ola'), (17202,
254, 134, 'Oldtown'), (8155, 254, 134, 'Orofino'), (34255, 254, 134,
'Osburn'), (34515, 254, 134, 'Paris'), (34531, 254, 134, 'Parker'), (34559,
254, 134, 'Parma'), (34617, 254, 134, 'Paul'), (17763, 254, 134,
'Payette'), (34678, 254, 134, 'Peck'), (34895, 254, 134, 'Picabo'), (34921,
254, 134, 'Pierce'), (35004, 254, 134, 'Pinehurst'), (35028, 254, 134,
'Pingree'), (35081, 254, 134, 'Placerville'), (35178, 254, 134,
'Plummer'), (8156, 254, 134, 'Pocatello'), (35247, 254, 134,
'Pollock'), (35274, 254, 134, 'Ponderay'), (35368, 254, 134,
'Porthill'), (14507, 254, 134, 'Post Falls'), (35396, 254, 134,
'Potlatch'), (15924, 254, 134, 'Preston'), (17287, 254, 134, 'Priest
River'), (35523, 254, 134, 'Princeton'), (12911, 254, 134,
'Rathdrum'), (36001, 254, 134, 'Reubens'), (8157, 254, 134,
'Rexburg'), (36066, 254, 134, 'Richfield'), (17624, 254, 134,
'Rigby'), (8158, 254, 134, 'Riggins'), (36206, 254, 134, 'Ririe'), (36281,
254, 134, 'Roberts'), (36356, 254, 134, 'Rockland'), (36412, 254, 134,
'Rogerson'), (36646, 254, 134, 'Rupert'), (36759, 254, 134,
'Sagle'), (14834, 254, 134, 'Saint Anthony'), (36788, 254, 134, 'Saint
Charles'), (16632, 254, 134, 'Saint Maries'), (8159, 254, 134,
'Salmon'), (36976, 254, 134, 'Samuels'), (12020, 254, 134,
'Sandpoint'), (16312, 254, 134, 'Santa'), (37543, 254, 134,
'Shelley'), (37635, 254, 134, 'Shoshone'), (37637, 254, 134,
'Shoup'), (37723, 254, 134, 'Silverton'), (37819, 254, 134,
'Smelterville'), (37898, 254, 134, 'Soda Springs'), (38114, 254, 134,
'Spalding'), (14573, 254, 134, 'Spencer'), (16018, 254, 134, 'Spirit
Lake'), (38229, 254, 134, 'Springfield'), (38266, 254, 134,
'Squirrel'), (8161, 254, 134, 'Stanley'), (38330, 254, 134,
'Star'), (38461, 254, 134, 'Stites'), (11868, 254, 134, 'Sugar
City'), (8162, 254, 134, 'Sun Valley'), (38779, 254, 134, 'Swan
Valley'), (38780, 254, 134, 'Swanlake'), (38801, 254, 134,
'Sweet'), (39005, 254, 134, 'Tendoy'), (39017, 254, 134, 'Tensed'), (39031,
254, 134, 'Terreton'), (39039, 254, 134, 'Teton'), (39041, 254, 134,
'Tetonia'), (39051, 254, 134, 'Thatcher'), (39425, 254, 134,
'Troy'), (8163, 254, 134, 'Twin Falls'), (39585, 254, 134, 'Ucon'), (39937,
254, 134, 'Victor'), (39995, 254, 134, 'Viola'), (18042, 254, 134,
'Wallace'), (40264, 254, 134, 'Warren'), (40440, 254, 134,
'Wayan'), (40505, 254, 134, 'Weippe'), (40510, 254, 134, 'Weiser'), (40567,
254, 134, 'Wendell'), (40825, 254, 134, 'Weston'), (40915, 254, 134, 'White
Bird'), (41062, 254, 134, 'Wilder'), (10085, 254, 134,
'Wildhorse'), (41206, 254, 134, 'Winchester'), (41473, 254, 134,
'Worley'), (41560, 254, 134, 'Yellow Pine'), (19064, 254, 135,
'Abingdon'), (19096, 254, 135, 'Adair'), (19121, 254, 135,
'Addieville'), (8164, 254, 135, 'Addison'), (19146, 254, 135,
'Adrian'), (19197, 254, 135, 'Akin'), (19218, 254, 135, 'Albany'), (19225,
254, 135, 'Albers'), (8165, 254, 135, 'Albion'), (19257, 254, 135,
'Alden'), (8166, 254, 135, 'Aledo'), (19276, 254, 135,
'Alexander'), (19288, 254, 135, 'Alexis'), (19297, 254, 135,
'Algonquin'), (19298, 254, 135, 'Alhambra'), (19320, 254, 135,
'Allendale'), (19337, 254, 135, 'Allerton'), (19355, 254, 135,
'Alma'), (19378, 254, 135, 'Alpha'), (19393, 254, 135, 'Alsey'), (18431,
254, 135, 'Alsip'), (19401, 254, 135, 'Altamont'), (19414, 254, 135, 'Alto
Pass'), (8167, 254, 135, 'Alton'), (14763, 254, 135, 'Altona'), (19444,
254, 135, 'Alvin'), (12274, 254, 135, 'Amboy'), (19488, 254, 135, 'AMF
O''Hare'), (19521, 254, 135, 'Anchor'), (19524, 254, 135,
'Ancona'), (16850, 254, 135, 'Andalusia'), (19537, 254, 135,
'Andover'), (8168, 254, 135, 'Anna'), (19577, 254, 135,
'Annapolis'), (19580, 254, 135, 'Annawan'), (14186, 254, 135,
'Antioch'), (19616, 254, 135, 'Apple River'), (19664, 254, 135,
'Arcola'), (19681, 254, 135, 'Arenzville'), (19682, 254, 135,
'Argenta'), (19719, 254, 135, 'Arlington'), (8169, 254, 135, 'Arlington
Heights'), (19735, 254, 135, 'Armington'), (19740, 254, 135,
'Armstrong'), (19758, 254, 135, 'Aroma Park'), (19767, 254, 135,
'Arrowsmith'), (19778, 254, 135, 'Arthur'), (19811, 254, 135,
'Ashkum'), (19812, 254, 135, 'Ashland'), (19819, 254, 135,
'Ashley'), (19824, 254, 135, 'Ashmore'), (19827, 254, 135,
'Ashton'), (19844, 254, 135, 'Assumption'), (19848, 254, 135,
'Astoria'), (19856, 254, 135, 'Athens'), (19871, 254, 135,
'Atkinson'), (19875, 254, 135, 'Atlanta'), (19900, 254, 135,
'Atwater'), (19905, 254, 135, 'Atwood'), (19916, 254, 135,
'Auburn'), (19933, 254, 135, 'Augusta'), (8170, 254, 135,
'Aurora'), (18868, 254, 135, 'Ava'), (19996, 254, 135, 'Aviston'), (20007,
254, 135, 'Avon'), (20071, 254, 135, 'Baileyville'), (20103, 254, 135,
'Baldwin'), (13274, 254, 135, 'Barber''s Corner'), (20167, 254, 135,
'Bardolph'), (20202, 254, 135, 'Barnhill'), (13010, 254, 135,
'Barrington'), (20215, 254, 135, 'Barry'), (20221, 254, 135,
'Barstow'), (20225, 254, 135, 'Bartelso'), (8171, 254, 135,
'Bartlett'), (20243, 254, 135, 'Basco'), (14408, 254, 135,
'Batavia'), (20264, 254, 135, 'Batchtown'), (20272, 254, 135,
'Bath'), (20316, 254, 135, 'Baylis'), (8172, 254, 135,
'Beardstown'), (20354, 254, 135, 'Beason'), (20388, 254, 135,
'Beaverville'), (20392, 254, 135, 'Beckemeyer'), (20402, 254, 135, 'Bedford
Park'), (20420, 254, 135, 'Beecher'), (20421, 254, 135, 'Beecher
City'), (20459, 254, 135, 'Belknap'), (20479, 254, 135, 'Belle
Rive'), (16967, 254, 135, 'Belleview'), (8173, 254, 135,
'Belleville'), (20496, 254, 135, 'Bellflower'), (20499, 254, 135,
'Bellmont'), (8174, 254, 135, 'Bellwood'), (8175, 254, 135,
'Belvidere'), (20543, 254, 135, 'Bement'), (18592, 254, 135,
'Benld'), (15739, 254, 135, 'Bensenville'), (20581, 254, 135,
'Benson'), (8176, 254, 135, 'Benton'), (20618, 254, 135,
'Berkeley'), (20656, 254, 135, 'Berwick'), (8177, 254, 135,
'Berwyn'), (15810, 254, 135, 'Bethalto'), (20668, 254, 135,
'Bethany'), (20751, 254, 135, 'Big Rock'), (20772, 254, 135,
'Biggsville'), (20787, 254, 135, 'Bingham'), (20807, 254, 135,
'Birds'), (20824, 254, 135, 'Bishop Hill'), (20827, 254, 135,
'Bismarck'), (20858, 254, 135, 'Blackstone'), (20906, 254, 135,
'Blandinsville'), (20945, 254, 135, 'Bloomingdale'), (8178, 254, 135,
'Bloomington'), (8179, 254, 135, 'Blue Island'), (20985, 254, 135, 'Blue
Mound'), (21011, 254, 135, 'Bluff Springs'), (21012, 254, 135,
'Bluffs'), (21017, 254, 135, 'Bluford'), (21053, 254, 135, 'Boles'), (8180,
254, 135, 'Bolingbrook'), (21085, 254, 135, 'Bondville'), (21087, 254, 135,
'Bone Gap'), (21090, 254, 135, 'Bonfield'), (21097, 254, 135,
'Bonnie'), (21102, 254, 135, 'Boody'), (16947, 254, 135,
'Bourbonnais'), (21171, 254, 135, 'Bowen'), (21218, 254, 135,
'Braceville'), (21231, 254, 135, 'Bradford'), (14004, 254, 135,
'Bradley'), (21265, 254, 135, 'Braidwood'), (21325, 254, 135,
'Breese'), (21359, 254, 135, 'Bridgeport'), (21371, 254, 135,
'Bridgeview'), (14236, 254, 135, 'Brighton'), (21403, 254, 135,
'Brimfield'), (21421, 254, 135, 'Bristol'), (21440, 254, 135,
'Broadlands'), (13567, 254, 135, 'Broadview'), (21456, 254, 135,
'Brocton'), (18950, 254, 135, 'Brookfield'), (21507, 254, 135,
'Brookport'), (21532, 254, 135, 'Broughton'), (21539, 254, 135,
'Browning'), (21542, 254, 135, 'Browns'), (21549, 254, 135,
'Brownstown'), (21602, 254, 135, 'Brussels'), (21610, 254, 135,
'Bryant'), (21643, 254, 135, 'Buckingham'), (21647, 254, 135,
'Buckley'), (21654, 254, 135, 'Buckner'), (21663, 254, 135,
'Buda'), (21673, 254, 135, 'Buffalo'), (8181, 254, 135, 'Buffalo
Grove'), (21690, 254, 135, 'Buffalo Prairie'), (21706, 254, 135,
'Bulpitt'), (21711, 254, 135, 'Buncombe'), (15617, 254, 135, 'Bunker
Hill'), (8182, 254, 135, 'Burbank'), (21732, 254, 135, 'Bureau'), (21750,
254, 135, 'Burlington'), (21776, 254, 135, 'Burnside'), (21785, 254, 135,
'Burnt Prairie'), (21809, 254, 135, 'Bushnell'), (21817, 254, 135,
'Butler'), (21851, 254, 135, 'Byron'), (21858, 254, 135, 'Cabery'), (21866,
254, 135, 'Cache'), (8183, 254, 135, 'Cairo'), (21897, 254, 135,
'Caledonia'), (21905, 254, 135, 'Calhoun'), (8184, 254, 135, 'Calumet
City'), (21952, 254, 135, 'Camargo'), (21957, 254, 135, 'Cambria'), (14863,
254, 135, 'Cambridge'), (21967, 254, 135, 'Camden'), (21981, 254, 135,
'Cameron'), (21998, 254, 135, 'Camp Grove'), (22004, 254, 135, 'Camp
Point'), (22015, 254, 135, 'Campbell Hill'), (22028, 254, 135,
'Campus'), (14792, 254, 135, 'Canton'), (22082, 254, 135,
'Cantrall'), (14354, 254, 135, 'Capron'), (22126, 254, 135, 'Carbon
Cliff'), (8185, 254, 135, 'Carbondale'), (8186, 254, 135,
'Carlinville'), (22157, 254, 135, 'Carlock'), (8187, 254, 135,
'Carlyle'), (22168, 254, 135, 'Carman'), (8188, 254, 135, 'Carmi'), (8189,
254, 135, 'Carol Stream'), (8190, 254, 135, 'Carpentersville'), (22193,
254, 135, 'Carrier Mills'), (8191, 254, 135, 'Carrollton'), (16101, 254,
135, 'Carterville'), (8192, 254, 135, 'Carthage'), (14470, 254, 135,
'Cary'), (22250, 254, 135, 'Casey'), (17456, 254, 135,
'Caseyville'), (22297, 254, 135, 'Castleton'), (22322, 254, 135,
'Catlin'), (22330, 254, 135, 'Cave in Rock'), (22382, 254, 135, 'Cedar
Point'), (22395, 254, 135, 'Cedarville'), (42303, 254, 135,
'Central'), (8193, 254, 135, 'Centralia'), (22478, 254, 135, 'Cerro
Gordo'), (22484, 254, 135, 'Chadwick'), (22502, 254, 135,
'Chambersburg'), (8194, 254, 135, 'Champaign'), (22509, 254, 135,
'Chana'), (22517, 254, 135, 'Chandlerville'), (22519, 254, 135,
'Channahon'), (22523, 254, 135, 'Chapin'), (8195, 254, 135,
'Charleston'), (8196, 254, 135, 'Chatham'), (22584, 254, 135,
'Chatsworth'), (22598, 254, 135, 'Chebanse'), (22619, 254, 135,
'Chenoa'), (22625, 254, 135, 'Cherry'), (22631, 254, 135, 'Cherry
Valley'), (8197, 254, 135, 'Chester'), (22665, 254, 135,
'Chesterfield'), (22671, 254, 135, 'Chestnut'), (8198, 254, 135,
'Chicago'), (8199, 254, 135, 'Chicago Heights'), (22686, 254, 135, 'Chicago
Ridge'), (22705, 254, 135, 'Chillicothe'), (22744, 254, 135,
'Chrisman'), (12955, 254, 135, 'Christopher'), (8201, 254, 135,
'Cicero'), (22793, 254, 135, 'Cisco'), (22797, 254, 135, 'Cisne'), (22798,
254, 135, 'Cissna Park'), (22815, 254, 135, 'Clare'), (22816, 254, 135,
'Claremont'), (22830, 254, 135, 'Clarendon Hills'), (22890, 254, 135, 'Clay
City'), (22902, 254, 135, 'Clayton'), (22911, 254, 135,
'Claytonville'), (22976, 254, 135, 'Clifton'), (8202, 254, 135,
'Clinton'), (14124, 254, 135, 'Coal City'), (23057, 254, 135, 'Coal
Valley'), (23073, 254, 135, 'Coatsburg'), (23082, 254, 135,
'Cobden'), (23098, 254, 135, 'Coello'), (23104, 254, 135,
'Coffeen'), (23129, 254, 135, 'Colchester'), (23152, 254, 135,
'Colfax'), (8203, 254, 135, 'Collinsville'), (23188, 254, 135,
'Collison'), (23198, 254, 135, 'Colona'), (23205, 254, 135,
'Colp'), (12013, 254, 135, 'Columbia'), (23240, 254, 135,
'Colusa'), (23269, 254, 135, 'Compton'), (23288, 254, 135,
'Concord'), (23313, 254, 135, 'Congerville'), (23361, 254, 135,
'Cooksville'), (23416, 254, 135, 'Cordova'), (23434, 254, 135,
'Cornell'), (23445, 254, 135, 'Cornland'), (23466, 254, 135,
'Cortland'), (14693, 254, 135, 'Cottage Hills'), (23510, 254, 135,
'Coulterville'), (23516, 254, 135, 'Country Club Hills'), (23543, 254, 135,
'Cowden'), (23613, 254, 135, 'Creal Springs'), (23634, 254, 135, 'Crescent
City'), (23646, 254, 135, 'Creston'), (23655, 254, 135, 'Crete'), (23656,
254, 135, 'Creve Coeur'), (23686, 254, 135, 'Cropsey'), (23706, 254, 135,
'Crossville'), (8204, 254, 135, 'Crystal Lake'), (23748, 254, 135,
'Cuba'), (23768, 254, 135, 'Cullom'), (23831, 254, 135, 'Cutler'), (23845,
254, 135, 'Cypress'), (23861, 254, 135, 'Dahinda'), (23863, 254, 135,
'Dahlgren'), (23872, 254, 135, 'Dakota'), (23876, 254, 135,
'Dale'), (23891, 254, 135, 'Dallas City'), (23902, 254, 135, 'Dalton
City'), (23903, 254, 135, 'Dalzell'), (23914, 254, 135, 'Dana'), (23930,
254, 135, 'Danforth'), (23942, 254, 135, 'Danvers'), (8205, 254, 135,
'Danville'), (8206, 254, 135, 'Darien'), (23994, 254, 135,
'Davis'), (24001, 254, 135, 'Davis Junction'), (24015, 254, 135,
'Dawson'), (24051, 254, 135, 'De Land'), (24059, 254, 135, 'De
Soto'), (8207, 254, 135, 'Decatur'), (24103, 254, 135, 'Deer
Creek'), (24105, 254, 135, 'Deer Grove'), (8208, 254, 135,
'Deerfield'), (8209, 254, 135, 'Dekalb'), (24148, 254, 135,
'Delavan'), (24213, 254, 135, 'Dennison'), (24238, 254, 135,
'Depue'), (8210, 254, 135, 'Des Plaines'), (24278, 254, 135,
'Dewey'), (24282, 254, 135, 'Dewitt'), (24322, 254, 135,
'Dieterich'), (24354, 254, 135, 'Divernon'), (24357, 254, 135,
'Dix'), (8211, 254, 135, 'Dixon'), (8212, 254, 135, 'Dolton'), (24411, 254,
135, 'Dongola'), (24414, 254, 135, 'Donnellson'), (24420, 254, 135,
'Donovan'), (24440, 254, 135, 'Dorsey'), (24469, 254, 135,
'Dover'), (24482, 254, 135, 'Dow'), (24484, 254, 135, 'Dowell'), (8213,
254, 135, 'Downers Grove'), (24492, 254, 135, 'Downs'), (24565, 254, 135,
'Du Bois'), (8214, 254, 135, 'Du Quoin'), (24629, 254, 135,
'Dundas'), (16021, 254, 135, 'Dundee'), (24640, 254, 135,
'Dunfermline'), (24647, 254, 135, 'Dunlap'), (24667, 254, 135,
'Dupo'), (24676, 254, 135, 'Durand'), (24706, 254, 135, 'Dwight'), (24722,
254, 135, 'Eagarville'), (24758, 254, 135, 'Earlville'), (17130, 254, 135,
'East Alton'), (24796, 254, 135, 'East Carondelet'), (24807, 254, 135,
'East Dubuque'), (24819, 254, 135, 'East Galesburg'), (24846, 254, 135,
'East Lynn'), (8215, 254, 135, 'East Moline'), (8216, 254, 135, 'East
Peoria'), (8217, 254, 135, 'East Saint Louis'), (24934, 254, 135,
'Easton'), (24985, 254, 135, 'Eddyville'), (24988, 254, 135,
'Edelstein'), (25020, 254, 135, 'Edgewood'), (25022, 254, 135,
'Edinburg'), (25049, 254, 135, 'Edwards'), (8218, 254, 135,
'Edwardsville'), (8219, 254, 135, 'Effingham'), (25094, 254, 135, 'El
Paso'), (25112, 254, 135, 'Elburn'), (25115, 254, 135, 'Eldena'), (8220,
254, 135, 'Eldorado'), (25125, 254, 135, 'Eldred'), (25137, 254, 135,
'Eleroy'), (8221, 254, 135, 'Elgin'), (25157, 254, 135,
'Elizabeth'), (8222, 254, 135, 'Elizabethtown'), (8223, 254, 135, 'Elk
Grove Village'), (25185, 254, 135, 'Elkhart'), (25210, 254, 135,
'Elkville'), (25228, 254, 135, 'Ellery'), (25236, 254, 135,
'Elliott'), (25243, 254, 135, 'Ellis Grove'), (25248, 254, 135,
'Ellisville'), (25253, 254, 135, 'Ellsworth'), (8224, 254, 135,
'Elmhurst'), (25294, 254, 135, 'Elmwood'), (8225, 254, 135, 'Elmwood
Park'), (19000, 254, 135, 'Elsah'), (25317, 254, 135, 'Elvaston'), (25321,
254, 135, 'Elwin'), (25323, 254, 135, 'Elwood'), (25334, 254, 135,
'Emden'), (25353, 254, 135, 'Emington'), (25356, 254, 135, 'Emma'), (25384,
254, 135, 'Energy'), (25386, 254, 135, 'Enfield'), (25418, 254, 135,
'Eola'), (25431, 254, 135, 'Equality'), (17884, 254, 135, 'Erie'), (25461,
254, 135, 'Esmond'), (25470, 254, 135, 'Essex'), (25529, 254, 135,
'Eureka'), (8226, 254, 135, 'Evanston'), (25554, 254, 135,
'Evansville'), (8227, 254, 135, 'Evergreen Park'), (25576, 254, 135,
'Ewing'), (25616, 254, 135, 'Fairbury'), (8228, 254, 135,
'Fairfield'), (25656, 254, 135, 'Fairmount'), (25665, 254, 135,
'Fairview'), (12799, 254, 135, 'Fairview Heights'), (25731, 254, 135,
'Farina'), (25737, 254, 135, 'Farmer City'), (25742, 254, 135,
'Farmersville'), (25751, 254, 135, 'Farmington'), (25821, 254, 135,
'Fenton'), (25839, 254, 135, 'Ferris'), (25847, 254, 135, 'Fiatt'), (25849,
254, 135, 'Fidelity'), (25852, 254, 135, 'Fieldon'), (25865, 254, 135,
'Fillmore'), (25870, 254, 135, 'Findlay'), (25892, 254, 135,
'Fisher'), (25912, 254, 135, 'Fithian'), (12548, 254, 135,
'Flanagan'), (15794, 254, 135, 'Flat Rock'), (8229, 254, 135,
'Flora'), (25987, 254, 135, 'Flossmoor'), (26018, 254, 135,
'Foosland'), (26040, 254, 135, 'Forest City'), (26054, 254, 135, 'Forest
Park'), (26077, 254, 135, 'Forrest'), (26078, 254, 135,
'Forreston'), (26081, 254, 135, 'Forsyth'), (26154, 254, 135, 'Fort
Sheridan'), (26207, 254, 135, 'Fowler'), (26218, 254, 135, 'Fox
Lake'), (14473, 254, 135, 'Fox River Grove'), (26220, 254, 135, 'Fox
Valley'), (15168, 254, 135, 'Frankfort'), (26246, 254, 135, 'Frankfort
Heights'), (26250, 254, 135, 'Franklin'), (26258, 254, 135, 'Franklin
Grove'), (8230, 254, 135, 'Franklin Park'), (26286, 254, 135,
'Frederick'), (26302, 254, 135, 'Freeburg'), (26324, 254, 135, 'Freeman
Spur'), (8231, 254, 135, 'Freeport'), (18900, 254, 135, 'Fulton'), (26430,
254, 135, 'Fults'), (26452, 254, 135, 'Galatia'), (8232, 254, 135,
'Galena'), (8233, 254, 135, 'Galesburg'), (26481, 254, 135,
'Galt'), (26484, 254, 135, 'Galva'), (26521, 254, 135, 'Garden
Prairie'), (26528, 254, 135, 'Gardner'), (26611, 254, 135, 'Gays'), (26618,
254, 135, 'Geff'), (8234, 254, 135, 'Geneseo'), (13233, 254, 135,
'Geneva'), (26636, 254, 135, 'Genoa'), (13429, 254, 135,
'Georgetown'), (26670, 254, 135, 'Gerlaw'), (26671, 254, 135, 'German
Valley'), (26674, 254, 135, 'Germantown'), (11816, 254, 135, 'Gibson
City'), (26716, 254, 135, 'Gifford'), (26729, 254, 135,
'Gilberts'), (17324, 254, 135, 'Gillespie'), (26759, 254, 135,
'Gilman'), (26769, 254, 135, 'Gilson'), (26775, 254, 135,
'Girard'), (26793, 254, 135, 'Gladstone'), (26804, 254, 135,
'Glasford'), (14396, 254, 135, 'Glen Carbon'), (8235, 254, 135, 'Glen
Ellyn'), (26860, 254, 135, 'Glenarm'), (12354, 254, 135, 'Glencoe'), (8236,
254, 135, 'Glendale Heights'), (8237, 254, 135, 'Glenview'), (26908, 254,
135, 'Glenview NAS'), (26915, 254, 135, 'Glenwood'), (16782, 254, 135,
'Godfrey'), (8238, 254, 135, 'Golconda'), (26962, 254, 135,
'Golden'), (26968, 254, 135, 'Golden Eagle'), (26969, 254, 135, 'Golden
Gate'), (26983, 254, 135, 'Golf'), (26991, 254, 135, 'Good Hope'), (26997,
254, 135, 'Goodfield'), (8239, 254, 135, 'Goodwine'), (27041, 254, 135,
'Goreville'), (27042, 254, 135, 'Gorham'), (27096, 254, 135,
'Grafton'), (27123, 254, 135, 'Grand Chain'), (17448, 254, 135, 'Grand
Ridge'), (27149, 254, 135, 'Grand Tower'), (8240, 254, 135, 'Granite
City'), (27185, 254, 135, 'Grant Park'), (27190, 254, 135,
'Grantsburg'), (27198, 254, 135, 'Granville'), (27243, 254, 135,
'Graymont'), (14380, 254, 135, 'Grayslake'), (27255, 254, 135,
'Grayville'), (27262, 254, 135, 'Great Lakes'), (27288, 254, 135, 'Green
Valley'), (27310, 254, 135, 'Greenfield'), (27340, 254, 135,
'Greenup'), (27342, 254, 135, 'Greenview'), (8241, 254, 135,
'Greenville'), (12668, 254, 135, 'Gridley'), (27401, 254, 135,
'Griggsville'), (27426, 254, 135, 'Groveland'), (12991, 254, 135,
'Gurnee'), (27528, 254, 135, 'Hagarstown'), (27589, 254, 135,
'Hamburg'), (27594, 254, 135, 'Hamel'), (27602, 254, 135,
'Hamilton'), (27620, 254, 135, 'Hamletsburg'), (8242, 254, 135,
'Hammond'), (27639, 254, 135, 'Hampshire'), (27644, 254, 135,
'Hampton'), (27677, 254, 135, 'Hanna City'), (27687, 254, 135,
'Hanover'), (42918, 254, 135, 'Hanover Park'), (8243, 254, 135,
'Hardin'), (27753, 254, 135, 'Harmon'), (8244, 254, 135,
'Harrisburg'), (27816, 254, 135, 'Harristown'), (27833, 254, 135,
'Hartford'), (27852, 254, 135, 'Hartsburg'), (14521, 254, 135,
'Harvard'), (27866, 254, 135, 'Harvel'), (8245, 254, 135,
'Harvey'), (27881, 254, 135, 'Harwood Heights'), (8246, 254, 135,
'Havana'), (27975, 254, 135, 'Hazel Crest'), (28002, 254, 135,
'Hebron'), (28009, 254, 135, 'Hecker'), (28061, 254, 135,
'Henderson'), (28078, 254, 135, 'Hennepin'), (28081, 254, 135,
'Henning'), (28089, 254, 135, 'Henry'), (28106, 254, 135,
'Herald'), (28131, 254, 135, 'Herod'), (28135, 254, 135,
'Herrick'), (13531, 254, 135, 'Herrin'), (28139, 254, 135,
'Herscher'), (28150, 254, 135, 'Hettick'), (28160, 254, 135,
'Heyworth'), (17021, 254, 135, 'Hickory Hills'), (28182, 254, 135,
'Hidalgo'), (12288, 254, 135, 'Highland'), (8247, 254, 135, 'Highland
Park'), (28225, 254, 135, 'Highwood'), (8248, 254, 135,
'Hillsboro'), (28261, 254, 135, 'Hillsdale'), (8249, 254, 135,
'Hillside'), (28275, 254, 135, 'Hillview'), (28283, 254, 135,
'Hinckley'), (28288, 254, 135, 'Hindsboro'), (28290, 254, 135,
'Hines'), (13345, 254, 135, 'Hinsdale'), (28338, 254, 135,
'Hoffman'), (8250, 254, 135, 'Hoffman Estates'), (28351, 254, 135,
'Holcomb'), (28441, 254, 135, 'Homer'), (28453, 254, 135,
'Hometown'), (8251, 254, 135, 'Homewood'), (28490, 254, 135,
'Hoopeston'), (28492, 254, 135, 'Hooppole'), (28512, 254, 135,
'Hopedale'), (28523, 254, 135, 'Hopkins Park'), (28609, 254, 135,
'Hoyleton'), (28632, 254, 135, 'Hudson'), (28640, 254, 135,
'Huey'), (28665, 254, 135, 'Hull'), (28672, 254, 135, 'Humboldt'), (28679,
254, 135, 'Hume'), (28716, 254, 135, 'Huntley'), (28722, 254, 135,
'Huntsville'), (28743, 254, 135, 'Hurst'), (28757, 254, 135,
'Hutsonville'), (28813, 254, 135, 'Illinois City'), (28814, 254, 135,
'Illiopolis'), (28827, 254, 135, 'Ina'), (28855, 254, 135,
'Indianola'), (28863, 254, 135, 'Industry'), (28871, 254, 135,
'Ingleside'), (28878, 254, 135, 'Ingraham'), (28901, 254, 135,
'Iola'), (28914, 254, 135, 'Ipava'), (28941, 254, 135, 'Iroquois'), (28944,
254, 135, 'Irving'), (28947, 254, 135, 'Irvington'), (28966, 254, 135,
'Island Lake'), (17827, 254, 135, 'Itasca'), (28992, 254, 135,
'Iuka'), (29001, 254, 135, 'Ivesdale'), (8252, 254, 135,
'Jacksonville'), (29039, 254, 135, 'Jacob'), (29073, 254, 135,
'Janesville'), (8253, 254, 135, 'Jerseyville'), (29173, 254, 135,
'Jewett'), (29200, 254, 135, 'Johnsonville'), (12418, 254, 135, 'Johnston
City'), (8254, 254, 135, 'Joliet'), (29224, 254, 135, 'Jonesboro'), (29240,
254, 135, 'Joppa'), (29250, 254, 135, 'Joy'), (29267, 254, 135,
'Junction'), (29281, 254, 135, 'Justice'), (29300, 254, 135,
'Kampsville'), (29309, 254, 135, 'Kane'), (29311, 254, 135,
'Kaneville'), (8255, 254, 135, 'Kankakee'), (29317, 254, 135,
'Kansas'), (29324, 254, 135, 'Karbers Ridge'), (29329, 254, 135,
'Karnak'), (29333, 254, 135, 'Kasbeer'), (29375, 254, 135,
'Keenes'), (29377, 254, 135, 'Keensburg'), (29384, 254, 135,
'Keithsburg'), (29390, 254, 135, 'Kell'), (29414, 254, 135,
'Kempton'), (29429, 254, 135, 'Kenilworth'), (29448, 254, 135,
'Kenney'), (29461, 254, 135, 'Kent'), (29510, 254, 135, 'Kewanee'), (29516,
254, 135, 'Keyesport'), (29537, 254, 135, 'Kilbourne'), (13744, 254, 135,
'Kincaid'), (18571, 254, 135, 'Kinderhook'), (29606, 254, 135,
'Kingston'), (29614, 254, 135, 'Kingston Mines'), (29618, 254, 135,
'Kinmundy'), (29624, 254, 135, 'Kinsman'), (29646, 254, 135,
'Kirkland'), (29654, 254, 135, 'Kirkwood'), (12543, 254, 135,
'Knoxville'), (29772, 254, 135, 'La Fayette'), (17307, 254, 135, 'La
Grange'), (29783, 254, 135, 'La Grange Park'), (29784, 254, 135, 'La
Harpe'), (29796, 254, 135, 'La Moille'), (29799, 254, 135, 'La
Place'), (29805, 254, 135, 'La Prairie'), (29809, 254, 135, 'La
Rose'), (29814, 254, 135, 'La Salle'), (8256, 254, 135, 'Lacon'), (29846,
254, 135, 'Ladd'), (29860, 254, 135, 'Lafox'), (29884, 254, 135, 'Lake
Bluff'), (29905, 254, 135, 'Lake Forest'), (29907, 254, 135, 'Lake
Fork'), (29922, 254, 135, 'Lake in the Hills'), (29955, 254, 135, 'Lake
Villa'), (17926, 254, 135, 'Lake Zurich'), (29985, 254, 135,
'Lakewood'), (30017, 254, 135, 'Lanark'), (30020, 254, 135,
'Lancaster'), (30038, 254, 135, 'Lane'), (8257, 254, 135,
'Lansing'), (30102, 254, 135, 'Latham'), (30117, 254, 135,
'Laura'), (30154, 254, 135, 'Lawndale'), (8258, 254, 135,
'Lawrenceville'), (30181, 254, 135, 'Le Roy'), (30190, 254, 135, 'Leaf
River'), (15601, 254, 135, 'Lebanon'), (30229, 254, 135, 'Lee'), (30232,
254, 135, 'Lee Center'), (30283, 254, 135, 'Leland'), (14599, 254, 135,
'Lemont'), (14151, 254, 135, 'Lena'), (30318, 254, 135,
'Lenzburg'), (30338, 254, 135, 'Leonore'), (30346, 254, 135,
'Lerna'), (8259, 254, 135, 'Lewistown'), (13253, 254, 135,
'Lexington'), (30415, 254, 135, 'Liberty'), (8260, 254, 135,
'Libertyville'), (30450, 254, 135, 'Lima'), (13867, 254, 135,
'Lincoln'), (30483, 254, 135, 'Lincoln''s New Salem'), (30485, 254, 135,
'Lincolnshire'), (30489, 254, 135, 'Lincolnwood'), (30499, 254, 135,
'Lindenwood'), (8261, 254, 135, 'Lisle'), (8262, 254, 135,
'Litchfield'), (30560, 254, 135, 'Literberry'), (30597, 254, 135, 'Little
York'), (30609, 254, 135, 'Littleton'), (30619, 254, 135,
'Liverpool'), (30622, 254, 135, 'Livingston'), (30641, 254, 135,
'Loami'), (14163, 254, 135, 'Lockport'), (30673, 254, 135, 'Loda'), (30683,
254, 135, 'Logan'), (30699, 254, 135, 'Lomax'), (8263, 254, 135,
'Lombard'), (30705, 254, 135, 'London Mills'), (16161, 254, 135, 'Long
Grove'), (30739, 254, 135, 'Long Point'), (30755, 254, 135,
'Longview'), (30761, 254, 135, 'Loogootee'), (18308, 254, 135,
'Loraine'), (30811, 254, 135, 'Lostant'), (30826, 254, 135,
'Louisville'), (30833, 254, 135, 'Lovejoy'), (16678, 254, 135, 'Loves
Park'), (30844, 254, 135, 'Lovington'), (30850, 254, 135,
'Lowder'), (30874, 254, 135, 'Lowpoint'), (30909, 254, 135,
'Ludlow'), (30995, 254, 135, 'Lyndon'), (31006, 254, 135, 'Lynn
Center'), (31020, 254, 135, 'Lyons'), (31047, 254, 135,
'Macedonia'), (8264, 254, 135, 'Machesney Park'), (31058, 254, 135,
'Mackinaw'), (429, 254, 135, 'Macomb'), (16153, 254, 135, 'Macon'), (31083,
254, 135, 'Madison'), (31103, 254, 135, 'Maeystown'), (31114, 254, 135,
'Magnolia'), (31125, 254, 135, 'Mahomet'), (12244, 254, 135,
'Makanda'), (31149, 254, 135, 'Malden'), (31169, 254, 135,
'Malta'), (31196, 254, 135, 'Manchester'), (31212, 254, 135,
'Manhattan'), (31217, 254, 135, 'Manito'), (31226, 254, 135,
'Manlius'), (31249, 254, 135, 'Mansfield'), (31263, 254, 135,
'Manteno'), (31288, 254, 135, 'Maple Park'), (31296, 254, 135,
'Mapleton'), (31307, 254, 135, 'Maquon'), (13516, 254, 135,
'Marengo'), (31356, 254, 135, 'Marietta'), (31366, 254, 135,
'Marine'), (8265, 254, 135, 'Marion'), (31387, 254, 135,
'Marissa'), (31388, 254, 135, 'Mark'), (31412, 254, 135, 'Maroa'), (8266,
254, 135, 'Marseilles'), (8267, 254, 135, 'Marshall'), (31474, 254, 135,
'Martinsville'), (31478, 254, 135, 'Martinton'), (31499, 254, 135,
'Maryville'), (31504, 254, 135, 'Mascoutah'), (31506, 254, 135,
'Mason'), (15487, 254, 135, 'Mason City'), (31533, 254, 135,
'Matherville'), (31551, 254, 135, 'Matteson'), (8268, 254, 135,
'Mattoon'), (31564, 254, 135, 'Maunie'), (8269, 254, 135,
'Maywood'), (16066, 254, 135, 'Mazon'), (31666, 254, 135, 'Mc
Clure'), (31674, 254, 135, 'Mc Connell'), (31745, 254, 135, 'Mc
Lean'), (8270, 254, 135, 'Mc Leansboro'), (31755, 254, 135, 'Mc
Nabb'), (11859, 254, 135, 'McHenry'), (31825, 254, 135,
'Mechanicsburg'), (31839, 254, 135, 'Media'), (31852, 254, 135,
'Medinah'), (31855, 254, 135, 'Medora'), (8271, 254, 135, 'Melrose
Park'), (31904, 254, 135, 'Melvin'), (31915, 254, 135, 'Menard'), (31918,
254, 135, 'Mendon'), (31924, 254, 135, 'Mendota'), (31949, 254, 135,
'Meredosia'), (31969, 254, 135, 'Merna'), (16118, 254, 135,
'Metamora'), (32008, 254, 135, 'Metcalf'), (8272, 254, 135,
'Metropolis'), (32036, 254, 135, 'Michael'), (32081, 254, 135,
'Middletown'), (14883, 254, 135, 'Midlothian'), (32129, 254, 135,
'Milan'), (32150, 254, 135, 'Milford'), (32171, 254, 135, 'Mill
Shoals'), (32179, 254, 135, 'Millbrook'), (32184, 254, 135,
'Millcreek'), (32186, 254, 135, 'Milledgeville'), (32191, 254, 135, 'Miller
City'), (32216, 254, 135, 'Millington'), (32231, 254, 135,
'Millstadt'), (32253, 254, 135, 'Milmine'), (32265, 254, 135,
'Milton'), (32303, 254, 135, 'Mineral'), (32328, 254, 135,
'Minier'), (13499, 254, 135, 'Minonk'), (32342, 254, 135,
'Minooka'), (32391, 254, 135, 'Mode'), (32399, 254, 135,
'Modesto'), (32400, 254, 135, 'Modoc'), (32415, 254, 135, 'Mokena'), (8273,
254, 135, 'Moline'), (16653, 254, 135, 'Momence'), (12294, 254, 135,
'Monee'), (14039, 254, 135, 'Monmouth'), (32466, 254, 135, 'Monroe
Center'), (12725, 254, 135, 'Montgomery'), (8274, 254, 135,
'Monticello'), (15491, 254, 135, 'Montrose'), (32594, 254, 135,
'Mooseheart'), (32637, 254, 135, 'Moro'), (8275, 254, 135,
'Morris'), (32656, 254, 135, 'Morrison'), (32660, 254, 135,
'Morrisonville'), (15157, 254, 135, 'Morton'), (8276, 254, 135, 'Morton
Grove'), (32710, 254, 135, 'Mossville'), (8277, 254, 135, 'Mound
City'), (32723, 254, 135, 'Mounds'), (32732, 254, 135, 'Mount
Auburn'), (8278, 254, 135, 'Mount Carmel'), (8279, 254, 135, 'Mount
Carroll'), (32755, 254, 135, 'Mount Erie'), (32785, 254, 135, 'Mount
Morris'), (32791, 254, 135, 'Mount Olive'), (8280, 254, 135, 'Mount
Prospect'), (32805, 254, 135, 'Mount Pulaski'), (8281, 254, 135, 'Mount
Sterling'), (8282, 254, 135, 'Mount Vernon'), (32873, 254, 135,
'Moweaqua'), (32881, 254, 135, 'Mozier'), (32883, 254, 135, 'Mt
Zion'), (32885, 254, 135, 'Muddy'), (32893, 254, 135, 'Mulberry
Grove'), (18396, 254, 135, 'Mulkeytown'), (32909, 254, 135,
'Muncie'), (8283, 254, 135, 'Mundelein'), (32927, 254, 135,
'Murdock'), (32932, 254, 135, 'Murphysboro'), (32938, 254, 135,
'Murrayville'), (32968, 254, 135, 'Nachusa'), (8284, 254, 135,
'Naperville'), (8285, 254, 135, 'Nashville'), (33022, 254, 135,
'Nason'), (33033, 254, 135, 'National Stock Yards'), (33046, 254, 135,
'Nauvoo'), (33063, 254, 135, 'Nebo'), (33098, 254, 135, 'Nelson'), (33115,
254, 135, 'Neoga'), (33124, 254, 135, 'Neponset'), (33152, 254, 135, 'New
Athens'), (33156, 254, 135, 'New Baden'), (33162, 254, 135, 'New
Bedford'), (33164, 254, 135, 'New Berlin'), (33172, 254, 135, 'New
Boston'), (33181, 254, 135, 'New Burnside'), (33185, 254, 135, 'New
Canton'), (33199, 254, 135, 'New Douglas'), (33230, 254, 135, 'New
Haven'), (33239, 254, 135, 'New Holland'), (33260, 254, 135, 'New
Lenox'), (33285, 254, 135, 'New Memphis'), (33323, 254, 135, 'New
Salem'), (33358, 254, 135, 'New Windsor'), (33366, 254, 135,
'Newark'), (33419, 254, 135, 'Newman'), (8286, 254, 135, 'Newton'), (33473,
254, 135, 'Niantic'), (8287, 254, 135, 'Niles'), (33499, 254, 135,
'Nilwood'), (33512, 254, 135, 'Niota'), (33526, 254, 135, 'Noble'), (33536,
254, 135, 'Nokomis'), (33549, 254, 135, 'Nora'), (8288, 254, 135,
'Normal'), (33580, 254, 135, 'Norris'), (33585, 254, 135, 'Norris
City'), (17740, 254, 135, 'North Aurora'), (8289, 254, 135, 'North
Chicago'), (33655, 254, 135, 'North Henderson'), (8290, 254, 135,
'Northbrook'), (33822, 254, 135, 'O Fallon'), (33829, 254, 135, 'Oak
Brook'), (8291, 254, 135, 'Oak Forest'), (8292, 254, 135, 'Oak
Lawn'), (8293, 254, 135, 'Oak Park'), (33854, 254, 135, 'Oakdale'), (33867,
254, 135, 'Oakford'), (33876, 254, 135, 'Oakland'), (33888, 254, 135,
'Oakley'), (33908, 254, 135, 'Oakwood'), (33920, 254, 135,
'Oblong'), (33944, 254, 135, 'Oconee'), (33952, 254, 135, 'Odell'), (33966,
254, 135, 'Odin'), (33977, 254, 135, 'Ogden'), (33984, 254, 135,
'Oglesby'), (33987, 254, 135, 'Ohio'), (33992, 254, 135, 'Ohlman'), (34009,
254, 135, 'Okawville'), (34068, 254, 135, 'Olive Branch'), (34084, 254,
135, 'Olmsted'), (8294, 254, 135, 'Olney'), (34096, 254, 135, 'Olympia
Fields'), (34101, 254, 135, 'Omaha'), (34118, 254, 135, 'Onarga'), (34124,
254, 135, 'Oneida'), (34151, 254, 135, 'Opdyke'), (34152, 254, 135,
'Opheim'), (8295, 254, 135, 'Oquawka'), (34170, 254, 135,
'Orangeville'), (34174, 254, 135, 'Oraville'), (34186, 254, 135,
'Oreana'), (34188, 254, 135, 'Oregon'), (34199, 254, 135,
'Orient'), (34206, 254, 135, 'Orion'), (8296, 254, 135, 'Orland
Park'), (34262, 254, 135, 'Osco'), (15629, 254, 135, 'Oswego'), (8297, 254,
135, 'Ottawa'), (34331, 254, 135, 'Owaneco'), (34367, 254, 135,
'Ozark'), (8298, 254, 135, 'Palatine'), (15641, 254, 135,
'Palestine'), (34430, 254, 135, 'Palmer'), (34444, 254, 135,
'Palmyra'), (34459, 254, 135, 'Paloma'), (34461, 254, 135, 'Palos
Heights'), (34462, 254, 135, 'Palos Hills'), (17309, 254, 135, 'Palos
Park'), (34467, 254, 135, 'Pana'), (34471, 254, 135, 'Panama'), (34495,
254, 135, 'Papineau'), (8299, 254, 135, 'Paris'), (8300, 254, 135, 'Park
Forest'), (8301, 254, 135, 'Park Ridge'), (34541, 254, 135,
'Parkersburg'), (34589, 254, 135, 'Patoka'), (34603, 254, 135,
'Patterson'), (34630, 254, 135, 'Paw Paw'), (12516, 254, 135,
'Pawnee'), (8302, 254, 135, 'Paxton'), (34651, 254, 135, 'Payson'), (34669,
254, 135, 'Pearl'), (34670, 254, 135, 'Pearl City'), (34677, 254, 135,
'Pecatonica'), (8303, 254, 135, 'Pekin'), (34733, 254, 135,
'Penfield'), (8304, 254, 135, 'Peoria'), (34771, 254, 135,
'Peotone'), (34780, 254, 135, 'Percy'), (34793, 254, 135, 'Perks'), (34802,
254, 135, 'Perry'), (15354, 254, 135, 'Peru'), (34828, 254, 135,
'Pesotum'), (8305, 254, 135, 'Petersburg'), (34883, 254, 135,
'Philo'), (34894, 254, 135, 'Piasa'), (34934, 254, 135, 'Pierron'), (42337,
254, 135, 'Pierson'), (14009, 254, 135, 'Pinckneyville'), (35046, 254, 135,
'Piper City'), (35063, 254, 135, 'Pittsburg'), (8306, 254, 135,
'Pittsfield'), (35090, 254, 135, 'Plainfield'), (35104, 254, 135,
'Plainville'), (8307, 254, 135, 'Plano'), (35120, 254, 135, 'Plato
Center'), (35137, 254, 135, 'Pleasant Hill'), (35150, 254, 135, 'Pleasant
Plains'), (35188, 254, 135, 'Plymouth'), (35198, 254, 135,
'Pocahontas'), (35253, 254, 135, 'Polo'), (35260, 254, 135,
'Pomona'), (8308, 254, 135, 'Pontiac'), (35293, 254, 135, 'Poplar
Grove'), (35302, 254, 135, 'Port Byron'), (35385, 254, 135,
'Posen'), (35397, 254, 135, 'Potomac'), (35460, 254, 135, 'Prairie
City'), (15658, 254, 135, 'Prairie du Rocher'), (35480, 254, 135,
'Preemption'), (8309, 254, 135, 'Princeton'), (17699, 254, 135,
'Princeville'), (18178, 254, 135, 'Prophetstown'), (35559, 254, 135,
'Prospect Heights'), (35588, 254, 135, 'Pulaski'), (35612, 254, 135,
'Putnam'), (8310, 254, 135, 'Quincy'), (35693, 254, 135, 'Radom'), (35714,
254, 135, 'Raleigh'), (35737, 254, 135, 'Ramsey'), (35777, 254, 135,
'Rankin'), (35778, 254, 135, 'Ransom'), (8311, 254, 135,
'Rantoul'), (35790, 254, 135, 'Rapids City'), (35794, 254, 135,
'Raritan'), (35828, 254, 135, 'Raymond'), (14862, 254, 135, 'Red
Bud'), (35904, 254, 135, 'Reddick'), (35919, 254, 135, 'Redmon'), (13272,
254, 135, 'Renault'), (36021, 254, 135, 'Reynolds'), (13524, 254, 135,
'Richmond'), (36103, 254, 135, 'Richton Park'), (36105, 254, 135,
'Richview'), (36123, 254, 135, 'Ridge Farm'), (36146, 254, 135,
'Ridgway'), (18719, 254, 135, 'Ridott'), (36162, 254, 135,
'Rinard'), (36178, 254, 135, 'Ringwood'), (36180, 254, 135, 'Rio'), (36218,
254, 135, 'River Forest'), (36219, 254, 135, 'River Grove'), (36225, 254,
135, 'Riverdale'), (36234, 254, 135, 'Riverside'), (16305, 254, 135,
'Riverton'), (8312, 254, 135, 'Roanoke'), (36273, 254, 135,
'Robbins'), (36282, 254, 135, 'Roberts'), (8313, 254, 135,
'Robinson'), (8314, 254, 135, 'Rochelle'), (11753, 254, 135,
'Rochester'), (36319, 254, 135, 'Rock City'), (13617, 254, 135, 'Rock
Falls'), (8315, 254, 135, 'Rock Island'), (36341, 254, 135,
'Rockbridge'), (8316, 254, 135, 'Rockford'), (36362, 254, 135,
'Rockport'), (14982, 254, 135, 'Rockton'), (36378, 254, 135,
'Rockwood'), (8317, 254, 135, 'Rolling Meadows'), (36438, 254, 135,
'Rome'), (12145, 254, 135, 'Romeoville'), (36451, 254, 135,
'Roodhouse'), (36465, 254, 135, 'Rosamond'), (36468, 254, 135,
'Roscoe'), (8318, 254, 135, 'Roselle'), (36516, 254, 135,
'Roseville'), (8319, 254, 135, 'Rosiclare'), (36539, 254, 135,
'Rossville'), (36554, 254, 135, 'Round Lake'), (36583, 254, 135,
'Roxana'), (36598, 254, 135, 'Royal'), (36604, 254, 135,
'Royalton'), (8320, 254, 135, 'Rushville'), (36674, 254, 135,
'Russell'), (36701, 254, 135, 'Rutland'), (36746, 254, 135,
'Sadorus'), (36763, 254, 135, 'Sailor Springs'), (36772, 254, 135, 'Saint
Anne'), (36777, 254, 135, 'Saint Augustine'), (13100, 254, 135, 'Saint
Charles'), (36802, 254, 135, 'Saint David'), (36808, 254, 135, 'Saint
Elmo'), (36813, 254, 135, 'Saint Francisville'), (36832, 254, 135, 'Saint
Jacob'), (36845, 254, 135, 'Saint Joseph'), (36850, 254, 135, 'Saint
Libory'), (36889, 254, 135, 'Saint Peter'), (36907, 254, 135, 'Sainte
Marie'), (8321, 254, 135, 'Salem'), (36994, 254, 135, 'San Jose'), (37039,
254, 135, 'Sandoval'), (18392, 254, 135, 'Sandwich'), (37134, 254, 135,
'Saunemin'), (18763, 254, 135, 'Savanna'), (11810, 254, 135,
'Savoy'), (37155, 254, 135, 'Sawyerville'), (37164, 254, 135,
'Saybrook'), (37170, 254, 135, 'Scales Mound'), (8323, 254, 135,
'Schaumburg'), (37186, 254, 135, 'Scheller'), (37190, 254, 135, 'Schiller
Park'), (37221, 254, 135, 'Sciota'), (37224, 254, 135, 'Scioto
Mills'), (37248, 254, 135, 'Scott Air Force Base'), (37264, 254, 135,
'Scottville'), (37308, 254, 135, 'Seaton'), (37309, 254, 135,
'Seatonville'), (37327, 254, 135, 'Secor'), (37376, 254, 135,
'Seneca'), (37393, 254, 135, 'Serena'), (37397, 254, 135,
'Sesser'), (37412, 254, 135, 'Seward'), (37418, 254, 135,
'Seymour'), (37420, 254, 135, 'Shabbona'), (37451, 254, 135,
'Shannon'), (37486, 254, 135, 'Shattuc'), (8324, 254, 135,
'Shawneetown'), (37512, 254, 135, 'Sheffield'), (8325, 254, 135,
'Shelbyville'), (37532, 254, 135, 'Sheldon'), (37564, 254, 135,
'Sheridan'), (37572, 254, 135, 'Sherman'), (37578, 254, 135,
'Sherrard'), (37606, 254, 135, 'Shipman'), (37610, 254, 135,
'Shirland'), (37612, 254, 135, 'Shirley'), (37620, 254, 135,
'Shobonier'), (37643, 254, 135, 'Shumway'), (37650, 254, 135,
'Sibley'), (37657, 254, 135, 'Sidell'), (37662, 254, 135,
'Sidney'), (37673, 254, 135, 'Sigel'), (37726, 254, 135, 'Silvis'), (37733,
254, 135, 'Simpson'), (37742, 254, 135, 'Sims'), (8326, 254, 135,
'Skokie'), (37827, 254, 135, 'Smithboro'), (37832, 254, 135,
'Smithfield'), (37846, 254, 135, 'Smithshire'), (37847, 254, 135,
'Smithton'), (37917, 254, 135, 'Solon Mills'), (14939, 254, 135,
'Somonauk'), (37952, 254, 135, 'Sorento'), (37969, 254, 135, 'South
Beloit'), (13742, 254, 135, 'South Elgin'), (8327, 254, 135, 'South
Holland'), (38048, 254, 135, 'South Pekin'), (38061, 254, 135, 'South
Roxana'), (38089, 254, 135, 'South Wilmington'), (38128, 254, 135,
'Sparland'), (18605, 254, 135, 'Sparta'), (38144, 254, 135,
'Speer'), (38203, 254, 135, 'Spring Grove'), (8328, 254, 135, 'Spring
Valley'), (38227, 254, 135, 'Springerton'), (8329, 254, 135,
'Springfield'), (38295, 254, 135, 'Standard'), (38296, 254, 135, 'Standard
City'), (38301, 254, 135, 'Stanford'), (16725, 254, 135,
'Staunton'), (38377, 254, 135, 'Steeleville'), (38382, 254, 135,
'Steger'), (8331, 254, 135, 'Sterling'), (38431, 254, 135,
'Steward'), (38432, 254, 135, 'Stewardson'), (38445, 254, 135, 'Stillman
Valley'), (38475, 254, 135, 'Stockland'), (38481, 254, 135,
'Stockton'), (38498, 254, 135, 'Stone Park'), (38501, 254, 135,
'Stonefort'), (38513, 254, 135, 'Stonington'), (38537, 254, 135,
'Stoy'), (38548, 254, 135, 'Strasburg'), (38576, 254, 135,
'Strawn'), (8332, 254, 135, 'Streamwood'), (12539, 254, 135,
'Streator'), (38587, 254, 135, 'Stronghurst'), (38615, 254, 135,
'Sublette'), (38625, 254, 135, 'Sugar Grove'), (8333, 254, 135,
'Sullivan'), (38664, 254, 135, 'Summerfield'), (38684, 254, 135, 'Summit
Argo'), (38695, 254, 135, 'Sumner'), (38765, 254, 135, 'Sutter'), (15923,
254, 135, 'Sycamore'), (38854, 254, 135, 'Table Grove'), (38892, 254, 135,
'Tallula'), (38904, 254, 135, 'Tamaroa'), (38907, 254, 135,
'Tamms'), (38909, 254, 135, 'Tampico'), (14816, 254, 135, 'Taylor
Ridge'), (38953, 254, 135, 'Taylor Springs'), (8334, 254, 135,
'Taylorville'), (38968, 254, 135, 'Techny'), (39010, 254, 135,
'Tennessee'), (39042, 254, 135, 'Teutopolis'), (39045, 254, 135,
'Texico'), (39052, 254, 135, 'Thawville'), (39056, 254, 135,
'Thayer'), (39065, 254, 135, 'Thebes'), (39080, 254, 135,
'Thomasboro'), (39099, 254, 135, 'Thompsonville'), (14813, 254, 135,
'Thomson'), (39115, 254, 135, 'Thornton'), (39167, 254, 135,
'Tilden'), (39178, 254, 135, 'Tilton'), (39187, 254, 135,
'Timewell'), (8335, 254, 135, 'Tinley Park'), (39215, 254, 135,
'Tiskilwa'), (8336, 254, 135, 'Toledo'), (39246, 254, 135,
'Tolono'), (39250, 254, 135, 'Toluca'), (39262, 254, 135,
'Tonica'), (39273, 254, 135, 'Topeka'), (8337, 254, 135, 'Toulon'), (39301,
254, 135, 'Tovey'), (39303, 254, 135, 'Towanda'), (39310, 254, 135, 'Tower
Hill'), (39357, 254, 135, 'Tremont'), (39367, 254, 135, 'Trenton'), (39388,
254, 135, 'Trilla'), (39406, 254, 135, 'Triumph'), (39407, 254, 135,
'Trivoli'), (15324, 254, 135, 'Troy'), (39435, 254, 135, 'Troy
Grove'), (39476, 254, 135, 'Tunnel Hill'), (8338, 254, 135,
'Tuscola'), (39593, 254, 135, 'Ullin'), (39622, 254, 135, 'Union'), (39644,
254, 135, 'Union Hill'), (39676, 254, 135, 'Unity'), (42939, 254, 135,
'University Park'), (8340, 254, 135, 'Urbana'), (39713, 254, 135,
'Ursa'), (14279, 254, 135, 'Utica'), (39749, 254, 135, 'Valier'), (39782,
254, 135, 'Valmeyer'), (39797, 254, 135, 'Van Orin'), (8341, 254, 135,
'Vandalia'), (39831, 254, 135, 'Varna'), (39860, 254, 135,
'Venice'), (39880, 254, 135, 'Vergennes'), (39882, 254, 135,
'Vermilion'), (39886, 254, 135, 'Vermont'), (39895, 254, 135,
'Vernon'), (12492, 254, 135, 'Vernon Hills'), (39904, 254, 135,
'Verona'), (39917, 254, 135, 'Versailles'), (8342, 254, 135,
'Victoria'), (8343, 254, 135, 'Vienna'), (39959, 254, 135, 'Villa
Grove'), (8344, 254, 135, 'Villa Park'), (39962, 254, 135, 'Villa
Ridge'), (39996, 254, 135, 'Viola'), (40002, 254, 135, 'Virden'), (40003,
254, 135, 'Virgil'), (40008, 254, 135, 'Virginia'); INSERT INTO
`{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (16926,
254, 135, 'Wadsworth'), (40066, 254, 135, 'Waggoner'), (40176, 254, 135,
'Walnut'), (40185, 254, 135, 'Walnut Hill'), (40192, 254, 135,
'Walsh'), (40193, 254, 135, 'Walshville'), (40206, 254, 135,
'Waltonville'), (40225, 254, 135, 'Wapella'), (40265, 254, 135,
'Warren'), (40276, 254, 135, 'Warrensburg'), (18845, 254, 135,
'Warrenville'), (40284, 254, 135, 'Warsaw'), (15916, 254, 135,
'Wasco'), (40296, 254, 135, 'Washburn'), (14858, 254, 135,
'Washington'), (40333, 254, 135, 'Wataga'), (8345, 254, 135,
'Waterloo'), (40361, 254, 135, 'Waterman'), (8346, 254, 135,
'Watseka'), (40390, 254, 135, 'Watson'), (40403, 254, 135,
'Wauconda'), (8347, 254, 135, 'Waukegan'), (40423, 254, 135,
'Waverly'), (40449, 254, 135, 'Wayne'), (40454, 254, 135, 'Wayne
City'), (40458, 254, 135, 'Waynesville'), (40494, 254, 135,
'Wedron'), (40525, 254, 135, 'Weldon'), (40539, 254, 135,
'Wellington'), (40575, 254, 135, 'Wenona'), (40611, 254, 135, 'West
Brooklyn'), (12732, 254, 135, 'West Chicago'), (40649, 254, 135, 'West
Frankfort'), (40687, 254, 135, 'West Liberty'), (40725, 254, 135, 'West
Point'), (40740, 254, 135, 'West Salem'), (40761, 254, 135, 'West
Union'), (40772, 254, 135, 'West York'), (40784, 254, 135,
'Westchester'), (40790, 254, 135, 'Western Springs'), (40797, 254, 135,
'Westfield'), (8348, 254, 135, 'Westmont'), (17651, 254, 135,
'Westville'), (8349, 254, 135, 'Wheaton'), (40894, 254, 135,
'Wheeler'), (8350, 254, 135, 'Wheeling'), (40924, 254, 135, 'White
Hall'), (40928, 254, 135, 'White Heath'), (41033, 254, 135,
'Whittington'), (16287, 254, 135, 'Williamsfield'), (14103, 254, 135,
'Williamsville'), (41137, 254, 135, 'Willisville'), (41145, 254, 135,
'Willow Hill'), (41151, 254, 135, 'Willow Springs'), (42901, 254, 135,
'Willowbrook'), (8351, 254, 135, 'Wilmette'), (17216, 254, 135,
'Wilmington'), (41190, 254, 135, 'Wilsonville'), (8352, 254, 135,
'Winchester'), (41221, 254, 135, 'Windsor'), (41241, 254, 135,
'Winfield'), (41265, 254, 135, 'Winnebago'), (18150, 254, 135,
'Winnetka'), (41279, 254, 135, 'Winslow'), (41310, 254, 135, 'Winthrop
Harbor'), (41328, 254, 135, 'Witt'), (41351, 254, 135, 'Wolf
Lake'), (41369, 254, 135, 'Wonder Lake'), (41373, 254, 135, 'Wood
Dale'), (41377, 254, 135, 'Wood River'), (41403, 254, 135,
'Woodhull'), (41409, 254, 135, 'Woodland'), (41416, 254, 135,
'Woodlawn'), (8353, 254, 135, 'Woodridge'), (41434, 254, 135,
'Woodson'), (8354, 254, 135, 'Woodstock'), (41466, 254, 135,
'Woosung'), (41471, 254, 135, 'Worden'), (41475, 254, 135,
'Worth'), (41499, 254, 135, 'Wrights'), (12293, 254, 135,
'Wyanet'), (41531, 254, 135, 'Wyoming'), (41538, 254, 135,
'Xenia'), (41542, 254, 135, 'Yale'), (41554, 254, 135, 'Yates
City'), (41598, 254, 135, 'Yorkville'), (41643, 254, 135,
'Zeigler'), (8355, 254, 135, 'Zion'), (16903, 254, 136, 'Advance'), (19200,
254, 136, 'Akron'), (19209, 254, 136, 'Alamo'), (19219, 254, 136,
'Albany'), (14494, 254, 136, 'Albion'), (14096, 254, 136,
'Alexandria'), (19468, 254, 136, 'Ambia'), (19471, 254, 136,
'Amboy'), (19506, 254, 136, 'Amo'), (8356, 254, 136, 'Anderson'), (19547,
254, 136, 'Andrews'), (8357, 254, 136, 'Angola'), (19646, 254, 136,
'Arcadia'), (19665, 254, 136, 'Arcola'), (19686, 254, 136,
'Argos'), (19720, 254, 136, 'Arlington'), (19820, 254, 136,
'Ashley'), (19857, 254, 136, 'Athens'), (19876, 254, 136,
'Atlanta'), (16383, 254, 136, 'Attica'), (19906, 254, 136,
'Atwood'), (8358, 254, 136, 'Auburn'), (15489, 254, 136, 'Aurora'), (19963,
254, 136, 'Austin'), (19992, 254, 136, 'Avilla'), (19999, 254, 136,
'Avoca'), (20008, 254, 136, 'Avon'), (20074, 254, 136,
'Bainbridge'), (20169, 254, 136, 'Bargersville'), (12182, 254, 136,
'Batesville'), (20273, 254, 136, 'Bath'), (16041, 254, 136, 'Battle
Ground'), (8359, 254, 136, 'Bedford'), (20417, 254, 136, 'Beech
Grove'), (20500, 254, 136, 'Bellmore'), (20572, 254, 136,
'Bennington'), (20601, 254, 136, 'Bentonville'), (20640, 254, 136,
'Berne'), (20689, 254, 136, 'Bethlehem'), (20710, 254, 136, 'Beverly
Shores'), (18756, 254, 136, 'Bicknell'), (20793, 254, 136,
'Bippus'), (20810, 254, 136, 'Birdseye'), (20909, 254, 136,
'Blanford'), (13091, 254, 136, 'Bloomfield'), (20946, 254, 136,
'Bloomingdale'), (8360, 254, 136, 'Bloomington'), (8361, 254, 136,
'Bluffton'), (21040, 254, 136, 'Boggstown'), (21108, 254, 136, 'Boone
Grove'), (8362, 254, 136, 'Boonville'), (21119, 254, 136,
'Borden'), (21130, 254, 136, 'Boston'), (18711, 254, 136,
'Boswell'), (21150, 254, 136, 'Bourbon'), (21178, 254, 136, 'Bowling
Green'), (21232, 254, 136, 'Bradford'), (21280, 254, 136,
'Branchville'), (8363, 254, 136, 'Brazil'), (21332, 254, 136,
'Bremen'), (21368, 254, 136, 'Bridgeton'), (21404, 254, 136,
'Brimfield'), (21409, 254, 136, 'Bringhurst'), (17031, 254, 136,
'Bristol'), (14817, 254, 136, 'Bristow'), (21477, 254, 136,
'Brook'), (21500, 254, 136, 'Brooklyn'), (21515, 254, 136,
'Brookston'), (8364, 254, 136, 'Brookville'), (8365, 254, 136,
'Brownsburg'), (8366, 254, 136, 'Brownstown'), (21553, 254, 136,
'Brownsville'), (21576, 254, 136, 'Bruceville'), (21611, 254, 136,
'Bryant'), (21630, 254, 136, 'Buck Creek'), (21658, 254, 136,
'Buckskin'), (21674, 254, 136, 'Buffalo'), (21713, 254, 136, 'Bunker
Hill'), (21740, 254, 136, 'Burket'), (21751, 254, 136,
'Burlington'), (21765, 254, 136, 'Burnettsville'), (21792, 254, 136,
'Burrows'), (17340, 254, 136, 'Butler'), (15232, 254, 136,
'Butlerville'), (14527, 254, 136, 'Cambridge City'), (21966, 254, 136,
'Camby'), (21968, 254, 136, 'Camden'), (22016, 254, 136,
'Campbellsburg'), (22030, 254, 136, 'Canaan'), (22058, 254, 136,
'Cannelburg'), (18424, 254, 136, 'Cannelton'), (16473, 254, 136,
'Carbon'), (22152, 254, 136, 'Carlisle'), (8367, 254, 136,
'Carmel'), (22215, 254, 136, 'Cartersburg'), (22219, 254, 136,
'Carthage'), (22337, 254, 136, 'Cayuga'), (22369, 254, 136, 'Cedar
Grove'), (15408, 254, 136, 'Cedar Lake'), (22401, 254, 136,
'Celestine'), (22434, 254, 136, 'Centerpoint'), (22441, 254, 136,
'Centerville'), (22452, 254, 136, 'Central'), (22496, 254, 136,
'Chalmers'), (22512, 254, 136, 'Chandler'), (8368, 254, 136,
'Charlestown'), (22553, 254, 136, 'Charlottesville'), (12131, 254, 136,
'Chesterton'), (22745, 254, 136, 'Chrisney'), (18018, 254, 136,
'Churubusco'), (22778, 254, 136, 'Cicero'), (22849, 254, 136, 'Clarks
Hill'), (22855, 254, 136, 'Clarksburg'), (8369, 254, 136,
'Clarksville'), (22891, 254, 136, 'Clay City'), (22896, 254, 136,
'Claypool'), (22903, 254, 136, 'Clayton'), (22917, 254, 136, 'Clear
Creek'), (22966, 254, 136, 'Clifford'), (22998, 254, 136,
'Clinton'), (23028, 254, 136, 'Cloverdale'), (23050, 254, 136, 'Coal
City'), (23064, 254, 136, 'Coalmont'), (23070, 254, 136,
'Coatesville'), (23153, 254, 136, 'Colfax'), (8370, 254, 136, 'Columbia
City'), (8371, 254, 136, 'Columbus'), (23261, 254, 136,
'Commiskey'), (8372, 254, 136, 'Connersville'), (23340, 254, 136,
'Converse'), (23467, 254, 136, 'Cortland'), (23471, 254, 136,
'Corunna'), (23475, 254, 136, 'Cory'), (8373, 254, 136, 'Corydon'), (18519,
254, 136, 'Covington'), (23579, 254, 136, 'Craigville'), (23586, 254, 136,
'Crandall'), (18454, 254, 136, 'Crane'), (8374, 254, 136,
'Crawfordsville'), (15038, 254, 136, 'Cromwell'), (23696, 254, 136, 'Cross
Plains'), (23708, 254, 136, 'Crothersville'), (14321, 254, 136, 'Crown
Point'), (17590, 254, 136, 'Culver'), (23832, 254, 136, 'Cutler'), (23842,
254, 136, 'Cynthiana'), (23877, 254, 136, 'Dale'), (23881, 254, 136,
'Daleville'), (23915, 254, 136, 'Dana'), (23947, 254, 136,
'Danville'), (23961, 254, 136, 'Darlington'), (24026, 254, 136,
'Dayton'), (8375, 254, 136, 'Decatur'), (24088, 254, 136,
'Decker'), (24094, 254, 136, 'Deedsville'), (24180, 254, 136,
'Delong'), (8376, 254, 136, 'Delphi'), (24196, 254, 136,
'Demotte'), (12015, 254, 136, 'Denver'), (24233, 254, 136,
'Depauw'), (24239, 254, 136, 'Deputy'), (24242, 254, 136, 'Derby'), (14225,
254, 136, 'Dillsboro'), (24408, 254, 136, 'Donaldson'), (24571, 254, 136,
'Dublin'), (24578, 254, 136, 'Dubois'), (24597, 254, 136,
'Dugger'), (13235, 254, 136, 'Dunkirk'), (24663, 254, 136,
'Dunreith'), (24669, 254, 136, 'Dupont'), (18827, 254, 136,
'Dyer'), (24748, 254, 136, 'Earl Park'), (8377, 254, 136, 'East
Chicago'), (24813, 254, 136, 'East Enterprise'), (24952, 254, 136,
'Eaton'), (24975, 254, 136, 'Eckerty'), (14016, 254, 136,
'Economy'), (25026, 254, 136, 'Edinburgh'), (25054, 254, 136,
'Edwardsport'), (25103, 254, 136, 'Elberfeld'), (25158, 254, 136,
'Elizabeth'), (25161, 254, 136, 'Elizabethtown'), (8378, 254, 136,
'Elkhart'), (15037, 254, 136, 'Ellettsville'), (25299, 254, 136,
'Elnora'), (13241, 254, 136, 'Elwood'), (25351, 254, 136,
'Eminence'), (8379, 254, 136, 'English'), (25509, 254, 136, 'Etna
Green'), (25552, 254, 136, 'Evanston'), (8380, 254, 136,
'Evansville'), (25607, 254, 136, 'Fair Oaks'), (25612, 254, 136,
'Fairbanks'), (25648, 254, 136, 'Fairland'), (25657, 254, 136,
'Fairmount'), (25713, 254, 136, 'Falmouth'), (25740, 254, 136,
'Farmersburg'), (25761, 254, 136, 'Farmland'), (25829, 254, 136,
'Ferdinand'), (25866, 254, 136, 'Fillmore'), (25881, 254, 136,
'Finly'), (16959, 254, 136, 'Fishers'), (25928, 254, 136, 'Flat
Rock'), (18701, 254, 136, 'Flora'), (25975, 254, 136, 'Florence'), (25995,
254, 136, 'Floyds Knobs'), (26010, 254, 136, 'Folsomville'), (26017, 254,
136, 'Fontanet'), (26037, 254, 136, 'Forest'), (15449, 254, 136, 'Fort
Branch'), (26150, 254, 136, 'Fort Ritner'), (8381, 254, 136, 'Fort
Wayne'), (17757, 254, 136, 'Fortville'), (13828, 254, 136, 'Fountain
City'), (26198, 254, 136, 'Fountaintown'), (8382, 254, 136,
'Fowler'), (26211, 254, 136, 'Fowlerton'), (26230, 254, 136,
'Francesville'), (26233, 254, 136, 'Francisco'), (8383, 254, 136,
'Frankfort'), (8384, 254, 136, 'Franklin'), (26271, 254, 136,
'Frankton'), (26290, 254, 136, 'Fredericksburg'), (26307, 254, 136,
'Freedom'), (26318, 254, 136, 'Freelandville'), (26332, 254, 136,
'Freetown'), (26336, 254, 136, 'Fremont'), (8385, 254, 136, 'French
Lick'), (26366, 254, 136, 'Friendship'), (26409, 254, 136,
'Fulda'), (26418, 254, 136, 'Fulton'), (26486, 254, 136,
'Galveston'), (17506, 254, 136, 'Garrett'), (8386, 254, 136,
'Gary'), (18231, 254, 136, 'Gas City'), (26589, 254, 136,
'Gaston'), (12760, 254, 136, 'Geneva'), (26646, 254, 136,
'Gentryville'), (26654, 254, 136, 'Georgetown'), (26916, 254, 136,
'Glenwood'), (26979, 254, 136, 'Goldsmith'), (27001, 254, 136,
'Goodland'), (8387, 254, 136, 'Goshen'), (27063, 254, 136,
'Gosport'), (27079, 254, 136, 'Grabill'), (27113, 254, 136,
'Grammer'), (27158, 254, 136, 'Grandview'), (8388, 254, 136,
'Granger'), (27191, 254, 136, 'Grantsburg'), (27213, 254, 136, 'Grass
Creek'), (27250, 254, 136, 'Graysville'), (8389, 254, 136,
'Greencastle'), (8390, 254, 136, 'Greenfield'), (27330, 254, 136, 'Greens
Fork'), (27332, 254, 136, 'Greensboro'), (8391, 254, 136,
'Greensburg'), (13770, 254, 136, 'Greentown'), (27345, 254, 136,
'Greenville'), (8392, 254, 136, 'Greenwood'), (27396, 254, 136,
'Griffin'), (27397, 254, 136, 'Griffith'), (8433, 254, 136, 'Grissom
AFB'), (27410, 254, 136, 'Grissom ARB'), (15162, 254, 136,
'Grovertown'), (27463, 254, 136, 'Guilford'), (27502, 254, 136,
'Gwynneville'), (27532, 254, 136, 'Hagerstown'), (27603, 254, 136,
'Hamilton'), (27617, 254, 136, 'Hamlet'), (8393, 254, 136,
'Hammond'), (27674, 254, 136, 'Hanna'), (18661, 254, 136,
'Hanover'), (27726, 254, 136, 'Hardinsburg'), (27743, 254, 136,
'Harlan'), (27757, 254, 136, 'Harmony'), (27824, 254, 136,
'Harrodsburg'), (8395, 254, 136, 'Hartford City'), (14760, 254, 136,
'Hartsville'), (27902, 254, 136, 'Hatfield'), (27913, 254, 136,
'Haubstadt'), (15848, 254, 136, 'Hayden'), (27987, 254, 136,
'Hazleton'), (28003, 254, 136, 'Hebron'), (28044, 254, 136,
'Helmsburg'), (28049, 254, 136, 'Heltonville'), (28053, 254, 136,
'Hemlock'), (16107, 254, 136, 'Henryville'), (8396, 254, 136,
'Highland'), (28242, 254, 136, 'Hillisburg'), (28253, 254, 136,
'Hillsboro'), (28262, 254, 136, 'Hillsdale'), (28319, 254, 136,
'Hoagland'), (8397, 254, 136, 'Hobart'), (28322, 254, 136,
'Hobbs'), (28368, 254, 136, 'Holland'), (28424, 254, 136,
'Holton'), (28442, 254, 136, 'Homer'), (28500, 254, 136, 'Hope'), (28598,
254, 136, 'Howe'), (28633, 254, 136, 'Hudson'), (17252, 254, 136,
'Huntertown'), (17190, 254, 136, 'Huntingburg'), (8398, 254, 136,
'Huntington'), (28738, 254, 136, 'Huron'), (28778, 254, 136,
'Hymera'), (28796, 254, 136, 'Idaville'), (8399, 254, 136,
'Indianapolis'), (28867, 254, 136, 'Ingalls'), (28870, 254, 136,
'Inglefield'), (28920, 254, 136, 'Ireland'), (29056, 254, 136,
'Jamestown'), (13907, 254, 136, 'Jasonville'), (8400, 254, 136,
'Jasper'), (8401, 254, 136, 'Jeffersonville'), (29225, 254, 136,
'Jonesboro'), (29231, 254, 136, 'Jonesville'), (29256, 254, 136,
'Judson'), (29415, 254, 136, 'Kempton'), (8402, 254, 136,
'Kendallville'), (29437, 254, 136, 'Kennard'), (8403, 254, 136,
'Kentland'), (29512, 254, 136, 'Kewanna'), (29520, 254, 136,
'Keystone'), (29568, 254, 136, 'Kimmell'), (29585, 254, 136,
'Kingman'), (29594, 254, 136, 'Kingsbury'), (29596, 254, 136, 'Kingsford
Heights'), (29648, 254, 136, 'Kirklin'), (29688, 254, 136,
'Knightstown'), (29689, 254, 136, 'Knightsville'), (8404, 254, 136,
'Knox'), (8405, 254, 136, 'Kokomo'), (29712, 254, 136, 'Koleen'), (29725,
254, 136, 'Kouts'), (29748, 254, 136, 'Kurtz'), (29767, 254, 136, 'La
Crosse'), (29775, 254, 136, 'La Fontaine'), (8406, 254, 136, 'La
Porte'), (29841, 254, 136, 'Laconia'), (29850, 254, 136, 'Ladoga'), (8407,
254, 136, 'Lafayette'), (8408, 254, 136, 'Lagrange'), (29866, 254, 136,
'Lagro'), (29886, 254, 136, 'Lake Cicott'), (12168, 254, 136, 'Lake
Station'), (29956, 254, 136, 'Lake Village'), (29975, 254, 136,
'Laketon'), (29980, 254, 136, 'Lakeville'), (29991, 254, 136,
'Lamar'), (30049, 254, 136, 'Lanesville'), (30078, 254, 136,
'Laotto'), (30079, 254, 136, 'Lapaz'), (30080, 254, 136, 'Lapel'), (30095,
254, 136, 'Larwill'), (17499, 254, 136, 'Laurel'), (8410, 254, 136,
'Lawrenceburg'), (30197, 254, 136, 'Leavenworth'), (8411, 254, 136,
'Lebanon'), (30247, 254, 136, 'Leesburg'), (30280, 254, 136, 'Leiters
Ford'), (16849, 254, 136, 'Leo'), (30340, 254, 136, 'Leopold'), (30350,
254, 136, 'Leroy'), (30386, 254, 136, 'Lewis'), (30403, 254, 136,
'Lewisville'), (30408, 254, 136, 'Lexington'), (8412, 254, 136,
'Liberty'), (30424, 254, 136, 'Liberty Center'), (17213, 254, 136, 'Liberty
Mills'), (12124, 254, 136, 'Ligonier'), (30481, 254, 136, 'Lincoln
City'), (18852, 254, 136, 'Linden'), (30526, 254, 136, 'Linn
Grove'), (8413, 254, 136, 'Linton'), (30598, 254, 136, 'Little
York'), (30633, 254, 136, 'Lizton'), (8414, 254, 136,
'Logansport'), (14622, 254, 136, 'Loogootee'), (30803, 254, 136,
'Losantville'), (15357, 254, 136, 'Lowell'), (30900, 254, 136,
'Lucerne'), (31004, 254, 136, 'Lynn'), (31011, 254, 136,
'Lynnville'), (31021, 254, 136, 'Lyons'), (31056, 254, 136,
'Mackey'), (31072, 254, 136, 'Macy'), (8415, 254, 136, 'Madison'), (31216,
254, 136, 'Manilla'), (31339, 254, 136, 'Marengo'), (31348, 254, 136,
'Mariah Hill'), (8416, 254, 136, 'Marion'), (31394, 254, 136,
'Markle'), (31396, 254, 136, 'Markleville'), (31425, 254, 136,
'Marshall'), (8417, 254, 136, 'Martinsville'), (31495, 254, 136,
'Marysville'), (31553, 254, 136, 'Matthews'), (31558, 254, 136,
'Mauckport'), (31585, 254, 136, 'Maxwell'), (31620, 254, 136,
'Mays'), (31681, 254, 136, 'Mc Cordsville'), (31824, 254, 136,
'Mecca'), (31836, 254, 136, 'Medaryville'), (31856, 254, 136,
'Medora'), (31885, 254, 136, 'Mellott'), (31909, 254, 136,
'Memphis'), (16824, 254, 136, 'Mentone'), (31971, 254, 136,
'Merom'), (8418, 254, 136, 'Merrillville'), (17985, 254, 136,
'Metamora'), (32017, 254, 136, 'Mexico'), (32027, 254, 136,
'Miami'), (8419, 254, 136, 'Michigan City'), (32042, 254, 136,
'Michigantown'), (32067, 254, 136, 'Middlebury'), (32082, 254, 136,
'Middletown'), (32095, 254, 136, 'Midland'), (15584, 254, 136,
'Milan'), (14412, 254, 136, 'Milford'), (32163, 254, 136, 'Mill
Creek'), (32196, 254, 136, 'Millersburg'), (32210, 254, 136,
'Millhousen'), (32235, 254, 136, 'Milltown'), (32260, 254, 136,
'Milroy'), (32266, 254, 136, 'Milton'), (8420, 254, 136,
'Mishawaka'), (32371, 254, 136, 'Mitchell'), (32401, 254, 136,
'Modoc'), (32438, 254, 136, 'Mongo'), (32448, 254, 136, 'Monon'), (32455,
254, 136, 'Monroe'), (32467, 254, 136, 'Monroe City'), (32471, 254, 136,
'Monroeville'), (32474, 254, 136, 'Monrovia'), (32497, 254, 136,
'Monterey'), (32507, 254, 136, 'Montezuma'), (32515, 254, 136,
'Montgomery'), (8421, 254, 136, 'Monticello'), (32533, 254, 136,
'Montmorenci'), (32538, 254, 136, 'Montpelier'), (32581, 254, 136,
'Mooreland'), (12472, 254, 136, 'Moores Hill'), (12030, 254, 136,
'Mooresville'), (32621, 254, 136, 'Morgantown'), (15248, 254, 136,
'Morocco'), (32648, 254, 136, 'Morris'), (32665, 254, 136,
'Morristown'), (32734, 254, 136, 'Mount Ayr'), (32807, 254, 136, 'Mount
Saint Francis'), (32817, 254, 136, 'Mount Summit'), (8422, 254, 136, 'Mount
Vernon'), (32890, 254, 136, 'Mulberry'), (8423, 254, 136, 'Muncie'), (8424,
254, 136, 'Munster'), (32966, 254, 136, 'Nabb'), (32998, 254, 136,
'Napoleon'), (33001, 254, 136, 'Nappanee'), (8425, 254, 136,
'Nashville'), (33067, 254, 136, 'Nebraska'), (33074, 254, 136,
'Needham'), (8426, 254, 136, 'New Albany'), (33187, 254, 136, 'New
Carlisle'), (8427, 254, 136, 'New Castle'), (8428, 254, 136, 'New
Goshen'), (33226, 254, 136, 'New Harmony'), (33231, 254, 136, 'New
Haven'), (33256, 254, 136, 'New Lebanon'), (33264, 254, 136, 'New
Lisbon'), (18974, 254, 136, 'New Market'), (33286, 254, 136, 'New
Middletown'), (33299, 254, 136, 'New Palestine'), (14836, 254, 136, 'New
Paris'), (33307, 254, 136, 'New Point'), (14098, 254, 136, 'New
Richmond'), (33320, 254, 136, 'New Ross'), (33327, 254, 136, 'New
Salisbury'), (33342, 254, 136, 'New Trenton'), (33351, 254, 136, 'New
Washington'), (33354, 254, 136, 'New Waverly'), (33372, 254, 136,
'Newberry'), (13369, 254, 136, 'Newburgh'), (8429, 254, 136,
'Newport'), (33461, 254, 136, 'Newtown'), (33504, 254, 136,
'Nineveh'), (8430, 254, 136, 'Noblesville'), (33569, 254, 136,
'Norman'), (33665, 254, 136, 'North Judson'), (33672, 254, 136, 'North
Liberty'), (33675, 254, 136, 'North Manchester'), (33698, 254, 136, 'North
Salem'), (33723, 254, 136, 'North Vernon'), (33731, 254, 136, 'North
Webster'), (33783, 254, 136, 'Notre Dame'), (33868, 254, 136,
'Oakford'), (14479, 254, 136, 'Oakland City'), (33900, 254, 136,
'Oaktown'), (33905, 254, 136, 'Oakville'), (33968, 254, 136,
'Odon'), (34053, 254, 136, 'Oldenburg'), (34144, 254, 136,
'Onward'), (34147, 254, 136, 'Oolitic'), (34160, 254, 136, 'Ora'), (34192,
254, 136, 'Orestes'), (34213, 254, 136, 'Orland'), (18609, 254, 136,
'Orleans'), (34258, 254, 136, 'Osceola'), (8431, 254, 136,
'Osgood'), (34272, 254, 136, 'Ossian'), (34287, 254, 136,
'Otisco'), (34301, 254, 136, 'Otterbein'), (34312, 254, 136,
'Otwell'), (34336, 254, 136, 'Owensburg'), (34337, 254, 136,
'Owensville'), (34352, 254, 136, 'Oxford'), (34445, 254, 136,
'Palmyra'), (34489, 254, 136, 'Paoli'), (34509, 254, 136,
'Paragon'), (34520, 254, 136, 'Paris Crossing'), (34535, 254, 136, 'Parker
City'), (34590, 254, 136, 'Patoka'), (34595, 254, 136,
'Patricksburg'), (34596, 254, 136, 'Patriot'), (34643, 254, 136,
'Paxton'), (34694, 254, 136, 'Pekin'), (14019, 254, 136,
'Pendleton'), (34758, 254, 136, 'Pennville'), (34814, 254, 136,
'Perrysville'), (34817, 254, 136, 'Pershing'), (15459, 254, 136,
'Peru'), (8434, 254, 136, 'Petersburg'), (34847, 254, 136,
'Petroleum'), (34925, 254, 136, 'Pierceton'), (34926, 254, 136,
'Pierceville'), (34963, 254, 136, 'Pimento'), (34997, 254, 136, 'Pine
Village'), (35062, 254, 136, 'Pittsboro'), (8435, 254, 136,
'Plainfield'), (35105, 254, 136, 'Plainville'), (35144, 254, 136, 'Pleasant
Lake'), (35146, 254, 136, 'Pleasant Mills'), (8436, 254, 136,
'Plymouth'), (35233, 254, 136, 'Poland'), (35277, 254, 136,
'Poneto'), (8437, 254, 136, 'Portage'), (8439, 254, 136,
'Portland'), (35388, 254, 136, 'Poseyville'), (35463, 254, 136, 'Prairie
Creek'), (35471, 254, 136, 'Prairieton'), (12670, 254, 136,
'Preble'), (8440, 254, 136, 'Princeton'), (35618, 254, 136,
'Putnamville'), (35658, 254, 136, 'Quincy'), (35699, 254, 136,
'Ragsdale'), (35738, 254, 136, 'Ramsey'), (35917, 254, 136,
'Redkey'), (14136, 254, 136, 'Reelsville'), (18710, 254, 136,
'Remington'), (8441, 254, 136, 'Rensselaer'), (36022, 254, 136,
'Reynolds'), (36077, 254, 136, 'Richland'), (8442, 254, 136,
'Richmond'), (36135, 254, 136, 'Ridgeville'), (36153, 254, 136,
'Riley'), (8443, 254, 136, 'Rising Sun'), (36256, 254, 136,
'Roachdale'), (36258, 254, 136, 'Roann'), (36259, 254, 136,
'Roanoke'), (8444, 254, 136, 'Rochester'), (36344, 254, 136,
'Rockfield'), (17837, 254, 136, 'Rockport'), (8445, 254, 136,
'Rockville'), (36427, 254, 136, 'Rolling Prairie'), (36439, 254, 136,
'Rome'), (18100, 254, 136, 'Rome City'), (36444, 254, 136,
'Romney'), (36494, 254, 136, 'Rosedale'), (36506, 254, 136,
'Roselawn'), (36540, 254, 136, 'Rossville'), (36600, 254, 136, 'Royal
Center'), (8446, 254, 136, 'Rushville'), (36681, 254, 136,
'Russellville'), (36688, 254, 136, 'Russiaville'), (36775, 254, 136, 'Saint
Anthony'), (36780, 254, 136, 'Saint Bernice'), (36799, 254, 136, 'Saint
Croix'), (36839, 254, 136, 'Saint Joe'), (17484, 254, 136, 'Saint
John'), (36860, 254, 136, 'Saint Mary of the Woods'), (36865, 254, 136,
'Saint Meinrad'), (36879, 254, 136, 'Saint Paul'), (36910, 254, 136,
'Salamonia'), (8447, 254, 136, 'Salem'), (37007, 254, 136, 'San
Pierre'), (37028, 254, 136, 'Sandborn'), (8448, 254, 136, 'Santa
Claus'), (37096, 254, 136, 'Saratoga'), (8449, 254, 136,
'Schererville'), (37195, 254, 136, 'Schneider'), (37196, 254, 136,
'Schnellville'), (37225, 254, 136, 'Scipio'), (37238, 254, 136,
'Scotland'), (8450, 254, 136, 'Scottsburg'), (37330, 254, 136,
'Sedalia'), (37346, 254, 136, 'Seelyville'), (37361, 254, 136,
'Sellersburg'), (37365, 254, 136, 'Selma'), (37396, 254, 136,
'Servia'), (8451, 254, 136, 'Seymour'), (37481, 254, 136,
'Sharpsville'), (37519, 254, 136, 'Shelburn'), (37523, 254, 136,
'Shelby'), (8452, 254, 136, 'Shelbyville'), (37554, 254, 136,
'Shepardsville'), (14670, 254, 136, 'Sheridan'), (13424, 254, 136,
'Shipshewana'), (37613, 254, 136, 'Shirley'), (8453, 254, 136,
'Shoals'), (37663, 254, 136, 'Sidney'), (37705, 254, 136, 'Silver
Lake'), (37851, 254, 136, 'Smithville'), (37918, 254, 136,
'Solsberry'), (37928, 254, 136, 'Somerset'), (37937, 254, 136,
'Somerville'), (8454, 254, 136, 'South Bend'), (38033, 254, 136, 'South
Milford'), (38086, 254, 136, 'South Whitley'), (8455, 254, 136,
'Spencer'), (38156, 254, 136, 'Spencerville'), (38164, 254, 136,
'Spiceland'), (38241, 254, 136, 'Springport'), (38248, 254, 136,
'Springville'), (38259, 254, 136, 'Spurgeon'), (38302, 254, 136,
'Stanford'), (38334, 254, 136, 'Star City'), (38356, 254, 136, 'State
Line'), (38364, 254, 136, 'Staunton'), (38391, 254, 136,
'Stendal'), (38442, 254, 136, 'Stilesville'), (38453, 254, 136,
'Stinesville'), (38488, 254, 136, 'Stockwell'), (38571, 254, 136,
'Straughn'), (38582, 254, 136, 'Stroh'), (8456, 254, 136,
'Sullivan'), (38648, 254, 136, 'Sulphur'), (38652, 254, 136, 'Sulphur
Springs'), (38657, 254, 136, 'Sumava Resorts'), (38689, 254, 136,
'Summitville'), (38726, 254, 136, 'Sunman'), (38794, 254, 136,
'Swayzee'), (38809, 254, 136, 'Sweetser'), (38823, 254, 136, 'Switz
City'), (38847, 254, 136, 'Syracuse'), (38877, 254, 136, 'Talbot'), (38935,
254, 136, 'Taswell'), (38958, 254, 136, 'Taylorsville'), (38975, 254, 136,
'Tefft'), (8457, 254, 136, 'Tell City'), (38997, 254, 136,
'Templeton'), (39015, 254, 136, 'Tennyson'), (8458, 254, 136, 'Terre
Haute'), (39057, 254, 136, 'Thayer'), (39121, 254, 136,
'Thorntown'), (39202, 254, 136, 'Tippecanoe'), (8459, 254, 136,
'Tipton'), (39274, 254, 136, 'Topeka'), (39332, 254, 136,
'Trafalgar'), (39426, 254, 136, 'Troy'), (39477, 254, 136,
'Tunnelton'), (39534, 254, 136, 'Twelve Mile'), (39570, 254, 136,
'Tyner'), (39615, 254, 136, 'Underwood'), (39634, 254, 136, 'Union
City'), (39647, 254, 136, 'Union Mills'), (39654, 254, 136,
'Uniondale'), (39665, 254, 136, 'Unionville'), (39681, 254, 136,
'Universal'), (39687, 254, 136, 'Upland'), (39708, 254, 136,
'Urbana'), (39781, 254, 136, 'Vallonia'), (8460, 254, 136,
'Valparaiso'), (39789, 254, 136, 'Van Buren'), (8461, 254, 136,
'Veedersburg'), (39851, 254, 136, 'Velpen'), (39896, 254, 136,
'Vernon'), (16761, 254, 136, 'Versailles'), (8462, 254, 136,
'Vevay'), (8463, 254, 136, 'Vincennes'), (8464, 254, 136,
'Wabash'), (40059, 254, 136, 'Wadesville'), (40080, 254, 136,
'Wakarusa'), (40111, 254, 136, 'Waldron'), (40139, 254, 136,
'Walkerton'), (40145, 254, 136, 'Wallace'), (40201, 254, 136,
'Walton'), (40215, 254, 136, 'Wanatah'), (40266, 254, 136,
'Warren'), (8465, 254, 136, 'Warsaw'), (8466, 254, 136,
'Washington'), (40356, 254, 136, 'Waterloo'), (40417, 254, 136,
'Waveland'), (40437, 254, 136, 'Wawaka'), (40459, 254, 136,
'Waynetown'), (18692, 254, 136, 'Webster'), (40598, 254, 136, 'West Baden
Springs'), (40624, 254, 136, 'West College Corner'), (40663, 254, 136,
'West Harrison'), (8467, 254, 136, 'West Lafayette'), (40680, 254, 136,
'West Lebanon'), (40696, 254, 136, 'West Middleton'), (40709, 254, 136,
'West Newton'), (40755, 254, 136, 'West Terre Haute'), (18804, 254, 136,
'Westfield'), (40839, 254, 136, 'Westphalia'), (40843, 254, 136,
'Westpoint'), (40846, 254, 136, 'Westport'), (18435, 254, 136,
'Westville'), (40883, 254, 136, 'Wheatfield'), (40886, 254, 136,
'Wheatland'), (40895, 254, 136, 'Wheeler'), (16491, 254, 136,
'Whiteland'), (40991, 254, 136, 'Whitestown'), (41008, 254, 136,
'Whiting'), (41080, 254, 136, 'Wilkinson'), (41095, 254, 136,
'Williams'), (41099, 254, 136, 'Williamsburg'), (8468, 254, 136,
'Williamsport'), (8469, 254, 136, 'Winamac'), (8470, 254, 136,
'Winchester'), (41216, 254, 136, 'Windfall'), (41249, 254, 136,
'Wingate'), (13290, 254, 136, 'Winona Lake'), (41280, 254, 136,
'Winslow'), (41343, 254, 136, 'Wolcott'), (41346, 254, 136,
'Wolcottville'), (41360, 254, 136, 'Wolflake'), (41390, 254, 136,
'Woodburn'), (41480, 254, 136, 'Worthington'), (41512, 254, 136,
'Wyatt'), (41567, 254, 136, 'Yeoman'), (41573, 254, 136, 'Yoder'), (41594,
254, 136, 'Yorktown'), (41605, 254, 136, 'Young America'), (41634, 254,
136, 'Zanesville'), (41655, 254, 136, 'Zionsville'), (19081, 254, 137,
'Ackley'), (19082, 254, 137, 'Ackworth'), (18035, 254, 137,
'Adair'), (19131, 254, 137, 'Adel'), (19157, 254, 137, 'Afton'), (19169,
254, 137, 'Agency'), (19188, 254, 137, 'Ainsworth'), (19199, 254, 137,
'Akron'), (19228, 254, 137, 'Albert City'), (8021, 254, 137,
'Albia'), (19238, 254, 137, 'Albion'), (19248, 254, 137,
'Alburnett'), (19256, 254, 137, 'Alden'), (19275, 254, 137,
'Alexander'), (8022, 254, 137, 'Algona'), (19311, 254, 137,
'Alleman'), (19322, 254, 137, 'Allendorf'), (19336, 254, 137,
'Allerton'), (8023, 254, 137, 'Allison'), (19396, 254, 137,
'Alta'), (19397, 254, 137, 'Alta Vista'), (19416, 254, 137,
'Alton'), (19427, 254, 137, 'Altoona'), (19447, 254, 137,
'Alvord'), (19457, 254, 137, 'Amana'), (8024, 254, 137, 'Ames'), (8025,
254, 137, 'Anamosa'), (19536, 254, 137, 'Andover'), (19546, 254, 137,
'Andrew'), (19564, 254, 137, 'Anita'), (8026, 254, 137, 'Ankeny'), (19593,
254, 137, 'Anthon'), (19610, 254, 137, 'Aplington'), (19645, 254, 137,
'Arcadia'), (19658, 254, 137, 'Archer'), (19678, 254, 137,
'Aredale'), (19690, 254, 137, 'Argyle'), (19699, 254, 137,
'Arion'), (19701, 254, 137, 'Arispe'), (19718, 254, 137,
'Arlington'), (19739, 254, 137, 'Armstrong'), (19752, 254, 137, 'Arnolds
Park'), (19777, 254, 137, 'Arthur'), (19825, 254, 137, 'Ashton'), (19840,
254, 137, 'Aspinwall'), (19851, 254, 137, 'Atalissa'), (19869, 254, 137,
'Atkins'), (8027, 254, 137, 'Atlantic'), (19915, 254, 137,
'Auburn'), (8028, 254, 137, 'Audubon'), (19947, 254, 137,
'Aurelia'), (19950, 254, 137, 'Aurora'), (19968, 254, 137,
'Austinville'), (19998, 254, 137, 'Avoca'), (20037, 254, 137,
'Ayrshire'), (20052, 254, 137, 'Badger'), (20060, 254, 137,
'Bagley'), (20102, 254, 137, 'Baldwin'), (20133, 254, 137,
'Bancroft'), (20190, 254, 137, 'Barnes City'), (20205, 254, 137,
'Barnum'), (20262, 254, 137, 'Batavia'), (20286, 254, 137, 'Battle
Creek'), (20295, 254, 137, 'Baxter'), (20310, 254, 137, 'Bayard'), (20332,
254, 137, 'Beacon'), (17347, 254, 137, 'Beaman'), (20367, 254, 137,
'Beaver'), (8029, 254, 137, 'Bedford'), (20476, 254, 137, 'Belle
Plaine'), (20493, 254, 137, 'Bellevue'), (20511, 254, 137,
'Belmond'), (20570, 254, 137, 'Bennett'), (20592, 254, 137,
'Benton'), (20636, 254, 137, 'Bernard'), (20655, 254, 137,
'Berwick'), (8030, 254, 137, 'Bettendorf'), (20712, 254, 137,
'Bevington'), (20813, 254, 137, 'Birmingham'), (20882, 254, 137,
'Blairsburg'), (20884, 254, 137, 'Blairstown'), (20888, 254, 137,
'Blakesburg'), (20893, 254, 137, 'Blanchard'), (20916, 254, 137,
'Blencoe'), (20925, 254, 137, 'Blockton'), (8031, 254, 137,
'Bloomfield'), (15755, 254, 137, 'Blue Grass'), (21031, 254, 137,
'Bode'), (21078, 254, 137, 'Bonaparte'), (21083, 254, 137,
'Bondurant'), (8032, 254, 137, 'Boone'), (21110, 254, 137,
'Booneville'), (21155, 254, 137, 'Bouton'), (21192, 254, 137,
'Boxholm'), (21200, 254, 137, 'Boyden'), (21225, 254, 137,
'Braddyville'), (21230, 254, 137, 'Bradford'), (21242, 254, 137,
'Bradgate'), (21284, 254, 137, 'Brandon'), (21315, 254, 137,
'Brayton'), (21321, 254, 137, 'Breda'), (21375, 254, 137,
'Bridgewater'), (21394, 254, 137, 'Brighton'), (21428, 254, 137,
'Bristow'), (21431, 254, 137, 'Britt'), (21470, 254, 137,
'Bronson'), (17258, 254, 137, 'Brooklyn'), (21590, 254, 137,
'Brunsville'), (21609, 254, 137, 'Bryant'), (21633, 254, 137,
'Buckeye'), (21642, 254, 137, 'Buckingham'), (21672, 254, 137,
'Buffalo'), (21683, 254, 137, 'Buffalo Center'), (8033, 254, 137,
'Burlington'), (21775, 254, 137, 'Burnside'), (21795, 254, 137,
'Burt'), (21814, 254, 137, 'Bussey'), (21890, 254, 137, 'Calamus'), (21925,
254, 137, 'Callender'), (21931, 254, 137, 'Calmar'), (21934, 254, 137,
'Calumet'), (15595, 254, 137, 'Camanche'), (17429, 254, 137,
'Cambridge'), (22083, 254, 137, 'Cantril'), (22124, 254, 137,
'Carbon'), (22151, 254, 137, 'Carlisle'), (22186, 254, 137,
'Carpenter'), (8034, 254, 137, 'Carroll'), (22202, 254, 137,
'Carson'), (22213, 254, 137, 'Carter Lake'), (22238, 254, 137,
'Cascade'), (22249, 254, 137, 'Casey'), (22279, 254, 137,
'Castalia'), (22283, 254, 137, 'Castana'), (22356, 254, 137,
'Cedar'), (8035, 254, 137, 'Cedar Falls'), (8036, 254, 137, 'Cedar
Rapids'), (22417, 254, 137, 'Center Junction'), (22422, 254, 137, 'Center
Point'), (8037, 254, 137, 'Centerville'), (22456, 254, 137, 'Central
City'), (22522, 254, 137, 'Chapin'), (8038, 254, 137, 'Chariton'), (8039,
254, 137, 'Charles City'), (22548, 254, 137, 'Charlotte'), (22562, 254,
137, 'Charter Oak'), (22583, 254, 137, 'Chatsworth'), (22607, 254, 137,
'Chelsea'), (8040, 254, 137, 'Cherokee'), (22649, 254, 137,
'Chester'), (22704, 254, 137, 'Chillicothe'), (22773, 254, 137,
'Churdan'), (22783, 254, 137, 'Cincinnati'), (22814, 254, 137,
'Clare'), (22821, 254, 137, 'Clarence'), (8041, 254, 137,
'Clarinda'), (8042, 254, 137, 'Clarion'), (22868, 254, 137,
'Clarksville'), (8043, 254, 137, 'Clear Lake'), (17767, 254, 137,
'Clearfield'), (22937, 254, 137, 'Cleghorn'), (22941, 254, 137,
'Clemons'), (22946, 254, 137, 'Clermont'), (22991, 254, 137, 'Climbing
Hill'), (8044, 254, 137, 'Clinton'), (23012, 254, 137, 'Clio'), (18486,
254, 137, 'Clive'), (23037, 254, 137, 'Clutier'), (23109, 254, 137,
'Coggon'), (23119, 254, 137, 'Coin'), (23149, 254, 137,
'Colesburg'), (23151, 254, 137, 'Colfax'), (23164, 254, 137, 'College
Springs'), (23173, 254, 137, 'Collins'), (23192, 254, 137, 'Colo'), (23217,
254, 137, 'Columbia'), (23238, 254, 137, 'Columbus City'), (17593, 254,
137, 'Columbus Junction'), (23242, 254, 137, 'Colwell'), (23306, 254, 137,
'Conesville'), (23328, 254, 137, 'Conrad'), (23332, 254, 137,
'Conroy'), (16379, 254, 137, 'Coon Rapids'), (23372, 254, 137,
'Cooper'), (17518, 254, 137, 'Coralville'), (8045, 254, 137,
'Corning'), (23458, 254, 137, 'Correctionville'), (23473, 254, 137,
'Corwith'), (8046, 254, 137, 'Corydon'), (23507, 254, 137,
'Coulter'), (8047, 254, 137, 'Council Bluffs'), (23573, 254, 137,
'Craig'), (23609, 254, 137, 'Crawfordsville'), (23629, 254, 137,
'Crescent'), (8048, 254, 137, 'Cresco'), (8049, 254, 137,
'Creston'), (23677, 254, 137, 'Cromwell'), (23743, 254, 137, 'Crystal
Lake'), (23771, 254, 137, 'Cumberland'), (23784, 254, 137,
'Cumming'), (23796, 254, 137, 'Curlew'), (23812, 254, 137,
'Cushing'), (23841, 254, 137, 'Cylinder'), (23874, 254, 137, 'Dakota
City'), (23885, 254, 137, 'Dallas'), (23890, 254, 137, 'Dallas
Center'), (23913, 254, 137, 'Dana'), (23919, 254, 137, 'Danbury'), (23946,
254, 137, 'Danville'), (8050, 254, 137, 'Davenport'), (23999, 254, 137,
'Davis City'), (24014, 254, 137, 'Dawson'), (24024, 254, 137,
'Dayton'), (24058, 254, 137, 'De Soto'), (24063, 254, 137, 'De
Witt'), (24082, 254, 137, 'Decatur'), (8051, 254, 137, 'Decorah'), (24093,
254, 137, 'Dedham'), (24097, 254, 137, 'Deep River'), (24135, 254, 137,
'Defiance'), (24151, 254, 137, 'Delaware'), (24160, 254, 137,
'Delhi'), (24173, 254, 137, 'Delmar'), (24179, 254, 137, 'Deloit'), (24187,
254, 137, 'Delta'), (8052, 254, 137, 'Denison'), (24202, 254, 137,
'Denmark'), (24226, 254, 137, 'Denver'), (24241, 254, 137, 'Derby'), (8053,
254, 137, 'Des Moines'), (24273, 254, 137, 'Dewar'), (24289, 254, 137,
'Dexter'), (24298, 254, 137, 'Diagonal'), (24312, 254, 137,
'Dickens'), (24326, 254, 137, 'Dike'), (24364, 254, 137, 'Dixon'), (24399,
254, 137, 'Dolliver'), (24404, 254, 137, 'Donahue'), (24413, 254, 137,
'Donnellson'), (24422, 254, 137, 'Doon'), (24427, 254, 137,
'Dorchester'), (24448, 254, 137, 'Douds'), (24449, 254, 137,
'Dougherty'), (24483, 254, 137, 'Dow City'), (24497, 254, 137,
'Dows'), (24511, 254, 137, 'Drakesville'), (8054, 254, 137,
'Dubuque'), (24610, 254, 137, 'Dumont'), (24628, 254, 137,
'Duncombe'), (24633, 254, 137, 'Dundee'), (24642, 254, 137,
'Dunkerton'), (24646, 254, 137, 'Dunlap'), (24678, 254, 137,
'Durango'), (24680, 254, 137, 'Durant'), (24713, 254, 137,
'Dyersville'), (24717, 254, 137, 'Dysart'), (17271, 254, 137, 'Eagle
Grove'), (15969, 254, 137, 'Earlham'), (24752, 254, 137,
'Earling'), (24757, 254, 137, 'Earlville'), (24761, 254, 137,
'Early'), (18606, 254, 137, 'Eddyville'), (25019, 254, 137,
'Edgewood'), (25104, 254, 137, 'Elberon'), (25118, 254, 137,
'Eldon'), (25120, 254, 137, 'Eldora'), (25130, 254, 137,
'Eldridge'), (12737, 254, 137, 'Elgin'), (25174, 254, 137, 'Elk
Horn'), (8055, 254, 137, 'Elkader'), (25184, 254, 137, 'Elkhart'), (25200,
254, 137, 'Elkport'), (25235, 254, 137, 'Elliott'), (25252, 254, 137,
'Ellston'), (18485, 254, 137, 'Ellsworth'), (25270, 254, 137,
'Elma'), (25322, 254, 137, 'Elwood'), (25326, 254, 137, 'Ely'), (25342,
254, 137, 'Emerson'), (8056, 254, 137, 'Emmetsburg'), (25429, 254, 137,
'Epworth'), (25469, 254, 137, 'Essex'), (8057, 254, 137,
'Estherville'), (25550, 254, 137, 'Evansdale'), (14741, 254, 137,
'Everly'), (25590, 254, 137, 'Exira'), (25591, 254, 137, 'Exline'), (25610,
254, 137, 'Fairbank'), (25624, 254, 137, 'Fairfax'), (8058, 254, 137,
'Fairfield'), (25732, 254, 137, 'Farley'), (25739, 254, 137,
'Farmersburg'), (25750, 254, 137, 'Farmington'), (25767, 254, 137,
'Farnhamville'), (25769, 254, 137, 'Farragut'), (14319, 254, 137,
'Fayette'), (25820, 254, 137, 'Fenton'), (25830, 254, 137,
'Ferguson'), (25843, 254, 137, 'Fertile'), (25985, 254, 137,
'Floris'), (25992, 254, 137, 'Floyd'), (26012, 254, 137, 'Fonda'), (26016,
254, 137, 'Fontanelle'), (8059, 254, 137, 'Forest City'), (26086, 254, 137,
'Fort Atkinson'), (8060, 254, 137, 'Fort Dodge'), (8061, 254, 137, 'Fort
Madison'), (26187, 254, 137, 'Fostoria'), (26289, 254, 137,
'Fredericksburg'), (26293, 254, 137, 'Frederika'), (26335, 254, 137,
'Fremont'), (26396, 254, 137, 'Fruitland'), (26480, 254, 137,
'Galt'), (26483, 254, 137, 'Galva'), (26507, 254, 137, 'Garber'), (26512,
254, 137, 'Garden City'), (26519, 254, 137, 'Garden Grove'), (26548, 254,
137, 'Garnavillo'), (8062, 254, 137, 'Garner'), (26561, 254, 137,
'Garrison'), (26573, 254, 137, 'Garwin'), (26629, 254, 137,
'Geneva'), (26647, 254, 137, 'George'), (26703, 254, 137,
'Gibson'), (26715, 254, 137, 'Gifford'), (26722, 254, 137,
'Gilbert'), (26733, 254, 137, 'Gilbertville'), (26751, 254, 137, 'Gillett
Grove'), (26758, 254, 137, 'Gilman'), (26768, 254, 137, 'Gilmore
City'), (26785, 254, 137, 'Gladbrook'), (8063, 254, 137,
'Glenwood'), (26926, 254, 137, 'Glidden'), (26974, 254, 137,
'Goldfield'), (26994, 254, 137, 'Goodell'), (27021, 254, 137, 'Goose
Lake'), (14424, 254, 137, 'Gowrie'), (27092, 254, 137,
'Graettinger'), (27095, 254, 137, 'Grafton'), (27132, 254, 137, 'Grand
Junction'), (27139, 254, 137, 'Grand Mound'), (27143, 254, 137, 'Grand
River'), (27157, 254, 137, 'Grandview'), (27164, 254, 137,
'Granger'), (27181, 254, 137, 'Grant'), (27197, 254, 137,
'Granville'), (17953, 254, 137, 'Gravity'), (27233, 254, 137,
'Gray'), (27266, 254, 137, 'Greeley'), (27307, 254, 137, 'Greene'), (8064,
254, 137, 'Greenfield'), (27344, 254, 137, 'Greenville'), (27403, 254, 137,
'Grimes'), (15723, 254, 137, 'Grinnell'), (27411, 254, 137,
'Griswold'), (8065, 254, 137, 'Grundy'), (27444, 254, 137, 'Grundy
Center'), (27445, 254, 137, 'Gruver'), (27452, 254, 137,
'Guernsey'), (8066, 254, 137, 'Guthrie Center'), (27490, 254, 137,
'Guttenberg'), (27547, 254, 137, 'Halbur'), (27588, 254, 137,
'Hamburg'), (27601, 254, 137, 'Hamilton'), (27621, 254, 137,
'Hamlin'), (17311, 254, 137, 'Hampton'), (27660, 254, 137,
'Hancock'), (27673, 254, 137, 'Hanlontown'), (27717, 254, 137,
'Harcourt'), (27733, 254, 137, 'Hardy'), (8067, 254, 137,
'Harlan'), (27764, 254, 137, 'Harper'), (27770, 254, 137, 'Harpers
Ferry'), (27790, 254, 137, 'Harris'), (27832, 254, 137,
'Hartford'), (27845, 254, 137, 'Hartley'), (27861, 254, 137,
'Hartwick'), (27869, 254, 137, 'Harvey'), (27888, 254, 137,
'Hastings'), (27921, 254, 137, 'Havelock'), (27925, 254, 137,
'Haverhill'), (27932, 254, 137, 'Hawarden'), (27938, 254, 137,
'Hawkeye'), (27960, 254, 137, 'Hayesville'), (27986, 254, 137,
'Hazleton'), (28016, 254, 137, 'Hedrick'), (28060, 254, 137,
'Henderson'), (13667, 254, 137, 'Hiawatha'), (28220, 254, 137,
'Highlandville'), (28248, 254, 137, 'Hills'), (28252, 254, 137,
'Hillsboro'), (28303, 254, 137, 'Hinton'), (28367, 254, 137,
'Holland'), (15161, 254, 137, 'Holstein'), (28431, 254, 137, 'Holy
Cross'), (28450, 254, 137, 'Homestead'), (28463, 254, 137, 'Honey
Creek'), (28524, 254, 137, 'Hopkinton'), (28538, 254, 137,
'Hornick'), (28562, 254, 137, 'Hospers'), (28571, 254, 137,
'Houghton'), (28616, 254, 137, 'Hubbard'), (12095, 254, 137,
'Hudson'), (28664, 254, 137, 'Hull'), (8068, 254, 137, 'Humboldt'), (28682,
254, 137, 'Humeston'), (28762, 254, 137, 'Huxley'), (8069, 254, 137, 'Ida
Grove'), (28823, 254, 137, 'Imogene'), (8070, 254, 137,
'Independence'), (8071, 254, 137, 'Indianola'), (28900, 254, 137,
'Inwood'), (28909, 254, 137, 'Ionia'), (8072, 254, 137, 'Iowa
City'), (8073, 254, 137, 'Iowa Falls'), (28915, 254, 137, 'Ira'), (28924,
254, 137, 'Ireton'), (28951, 254, 137, 'Irwin'), (29047, 254, 137,
'Jamaica'), (29072, 254, 137, 'Janesville'), (8074, 254, 137,
'Jefferson'), (29164, 254, 137, 'Jesup'), (29169, 254, 137,
'Jewell'), (29203, 254, 137, 'Johnston'), (29208, 254, 137,
'Joice'), (29212, 254, 137, 'Jolley'), (12921, 254, 137, 'Kalona'), (29301,
254, 137, 'Kamrar'), (29305, 254, 137, 'Kanawha'), (29394, 254, 137,
'Kellerton'), (29395, 254, 137, 'Kelley'), (29399, 254, 137,
'Kellogg'), (29455, 254, 137, 'Kensett'), (8075, 254, 137,
'Keokuk'), (8076, 254, 137, 'Keosauqua'), (29482, 254, 137,
'Keota'), (29496, 254, 137, 'Kesley'), (29497, 254, 137,
'Keswick'), (29519, 254, 137, 'Keystone'), (29548, 254, 137,
'Killduff'), (29559, 254, 137, 'Kimballton'), (29600, 254, 137,
'Kingsley'), (29649, 254, 137, 'Kirkman'), (8077, 254, 137,
'Kirkville'), (29657, 254, 137, 'Kiron'), (29678, 254, 137,
'Klemme'), (29684, 254, 137, 'Knierim'), (8078, 254, 137,
'Knoxville'), (29798, 254, 137, 'La Motte'), (29804, 254, 137, 'La Porte
City'), (29839, 254, 137, 'Lacona'), (29852, 254, 137, 'Ladora'), (29890,
254, 137, 'Lake City'), (29932, 254, 137, 'Lake Mills'), (29942, 254, 137,
'Lake Park'), (29952, 254, 137, 'Lake View'), (29989, 254, 137,
'Lakota'), (8079, 254, 137, 'Lamoni'), (30007, 254, 137, 'Lamont'), (30045,
254, 137, 'Lanesboro'), (18095, 254, 137, 'Langworthy'), (30070, 254, 137,
'Lansing'), (13086, 254, 137, 'Larchwood'), (30090, 254, 137,
'Larrabee'), (30107, 254, 137, 'Latimer'), (30121, 254, 137,
'Laurel'), (30133, 254, 137, 'Laurens'), (30150, 254, 137,
'Lawler'), (30168, 254, 137, 'Lawton'), (30178, 254, 137, 'Le
Claire'), (18699, 254, 137, 'Le Grand'), (8080, 254, 137, 'Le
Mars'), (30227, 254, 137, 'Ledyard'), (30265, 254, 137, 'Lehigh'), (30276,
254, 137, 'Leighton'), (18856, 254, 137, 'Leland'), (30312, 254, 137,
'Lenox'), (8081, 254, 137, 'Leon'), (30361, 254, 137, 'Lester'), (30372,
254, 137, 'Letts'), (30385, 254, 137, 'Lewis'), (30423, 254, 137, 'Liberty
Center'), (30428, 254, 137, 'Libertyville'), (30433, 254, 137,
'Lidderdale'), (30456, 254, 137, 'Lime Springs'), (30470, 254, 137,
'Lincoln'), (30493, 254, 137, 'Linden'), (30516, 254, 137,
'Lineville'), (30525, 254, 137, 'Linn Grove'), (30538, 254, 137,
'Lisbon'), (30547, 254, 137, 'Liscomb'), (30566, 254, 137, 'Little
Cedar'), (30588, 254, 137, 'Little Rock'), (30593, 254, 137, 'Little
Sioux'), (30603, 254, 137, 'Littleport'), (30615, 254, 137,
'Livermore'), (30658, 254, 137, 'Lockridge'), (8082, 254, 137,
'Logan'), (17463, 254, 137, 'Lohrville'), (30712, 254, 137, 'Lone
Rock'), (30714, 254, 137, 'Lone Tree'), (30727, 254, 137, 'Long
Grove'), (30791, 254, 137, 'Lorimor'), (30808, 254, 137, 'Lost
Nation'), (30842, 254, 137, 'Lovilia'), (30845, 254, 137, 'Low
Moor'), (30849, 254, 137, 'Lowden'), (30887, 254, 137, 'Lu Verne'), (30888,
254, 137, 'Luana'), (30893, 254, 137, 'Lucas'), (30951, 254, 137,
'Luther'), (30960, 254, 137, 'Luxemburg'), (30963, 254, 137,
'Luzerne'), (31010, 254, 137, 'Lynnville'), (31034, 254, 137,
'Lytton'), (31046, 254, 137, 'Macedonia'), (31061, 254, 137,
'Macksburg'), (31100, 254, 137, 'Madrid'), (31113, 254, 137,
'Magnolia'), (31148, 254, 137, 'Malcom'), (31156, 254, 137,
'Mallard'), (31174, 254, 137, 'Malvern'), (8083, 254, 137,
'Manchester'), (31215, 254, 137, 'Manilla'), (31227, 254, 137,
'Manly'), (31229, 254, 137, 'Manning'), (31257, 254, 137,
'Manson'), (31295, 254, 137, 'Mapleton'), (8084, 254, 137,
'Maquoketa'), (31310, 254, 137, 'Marathon'), (31322, 254, 137, 'Marble
Rock'), (31334, 254, 137, 'Marcus'), (8085, 254, 137, 'Marengo'), (8086,
254, 137, 'Marion'), (31410, 254, 137, 'Marne'), (31414, 254, 137,
'Marquette'), (8087, 254, 137, 'Marshalltown'), (31451, 254, 137,
'Martelle'), (31452, 254, 137, 'Martensdale'), (31468, 254, 137,
'Martinsburg'), (8088, 254, 137, 'Mason City'), (16946, 254, 137,
'Masonville'), (31520, 254, 137, 'Massena'), (31541, 254, 137,
'Matlock'), (31568, 254, 137, 'Maurice'), (31584, 254, 137,
'Maxwell'), (31593, 254, 137, 'May City'), (31611, 254, 137,
'Maynard'), (31654, 254, 137, 'Mc Callsburg'), (31660, 254, 137, 'Mc
Causland'), (31663, 254, 137, 'Mc Clelland'), (31719, 254, 137, 'Mc
Gregor'), (31726, 254, 137, 'Mc Intire'), (31828, 254, 137,
'Mechanicsville'), (31840, 254, 137, 'Mediapolis'), (31874, 254, 137,
'Melbourne'), (31877, 254, 137, 'Melcher'), (31890, 254, 137,
'Melrose'), (31903, 254, 137, 'Melvin'), (31930, 254, 137,
'Menlo'), (31953, 254, 137, 'Meriden'), (31974, 254, 137,
'Merrill'), (31996, 254, 137, 'Meservey'), (32049, 254, 137, 'Middle
Amana'), (32080, 254, 137, 'Middletown'), (32143, 254, 137,
'Miles'), (8089, 254, 137, 'Milford'), (32195, 254, 137,
'Millersburg'), (32204, 254, 137, 'Millerton'), (32258, 254, 137,
'Milo'), (32264, 254, 137, 'Milton'), (32290, 254, 137, 'Minburn'), (32292,
254, 137, 'Minden'), (32301, 254, 137, 'Mineola'), (32323, 254, 137,
'Mingo'), (32367, 254, 137, 'Missouri Valley'), (32376, 254, 137,
'Mitchellville'), (32390, 254, 137, 'Modale'), (32431, 254, 137,
'Mondamin'), (32443, 254, 137, 'Monmouth'), (32449, 254, 137,
'Monona'), (32454, 254, 137, 'Monroe'), (8090, 254, 137,
'Montezuma'), (32526, 254, 137, 'Monticello'), (32535, 254, 137,
'Montour'), (32537, 254, 137, 'Montpelier'), (32549, 254, 137,
'Montrose'), (32588, 254, 137, 'Moorhead'), (32591, 254, 137,
'Moorland'), (32606, 254, 137, 'Moravia'), (32630, 254, 137,
'Morley'), (32634, 254, 137, 'Morning Sun'), (32655, 254, 137,
'Morrison'), (32692, 254, 137, 'Moscow'), (17209, 254, 137,
'Moulton'), (32731, 254, 137, 'Mount Auburn'), (8091, 254, 137, 'Mount
Ayr'), (8092, 254, 137, 'Mount Pleasant'), (32813, 254, 137, 'Mount
Sterling'), (32821, 254, 137, 'Mount Union'), (32825, 254, 137, 'Mount
Vernon'), (32872, 254, 137, 'Moville'), (32933, 254, 137, 'Murray'), (8093,
254, 137, 'Muscatine'), (32964, 254, 137, 'Mystic'), (33015, 254, 137,
'Nashua'), (33108, 254, 137, 'Nemaha'), (33116, 254, 137, 'Neola'), (8094,
254, 137, 'Nevada'), (33150, 254, 137, 'New Albin'), (8095, 254, 137, 'New
Hampton'), (33229, 254, 137, 'New Hartford'), (33261, 254, 137, 'New
Liberty'), (12966, 254, 137, 'New London'), (33276, 254, 137, 'New
Market'), (33311, 254, 137, 'New Providence'), (33329, 254, 137, 'New
Sharon'), (33348, 254, 137, 'New Vienna'), (33350, 254, 137, 'New
Virginia'), (33395, 254, 137, 'Newell'), (33411, 254, 137,
'Newhall'), (8096, 254, 137, 'Newton'), (33478, 254, 137,
'Nichols'), (33532, 254, 137, 'Nodaway'), (33551, 254, 137, 'Nora
Springs'), (33615, 254, 137, 'North Buena Vista'), (33635, 254, 137, 'North
English'), (13646, 254, 137, 'North Liberty'), (33728, 254, 137, 'North
Washington'), (33739, 254, 137, 'Northboro'), (8097, 254, 137,
'Northwood'), (13895, 254, 137, 'Norwalk'), (33764, 254, 137,
'Norway'), (33853, 254, 137, 'Oakdale'), (33875, 254, 137,
'Oakland'), (33904, 254, 137, 'Oakville'), (18283, 254, 137,
'Ocheyedan'), (33951, 254, 137, 'Odebolt'), (12920, 254, 137,
'Oelwein'), (33976, 254, 137, 'Ogden'), (34015, 254, 137,
'Okoboji'), (34058, 254, 137, 'Olds'), (34065, 254, 137, 'Olin'), (34080,
254, 137, 'Ollie'), (8098, 254, 137, 'Onawa'), (34138, 254, 137,
'Onslow'), (34163, 254, 137, 'Oran'), (18548, 254, 137, 'Orange
City'), (34178, 254, 137, 'Orchard'), (34198, 254, 137, 'Orient'), (8099,
254, 137, 'Osage'), (8100, 254, 137, 'Osceola'), (8101, 254, 137,
'Oskaloosa'), (34271, 254, 137, 'Ossian'), (14901, 254, 137,
'Otho'), (34290, 254, 137, 'Otley'), (34291, 254, 137, 'Oto'), (34308, 254,
137, 'Ottosen'), (8102, 254, 137, 'Ottumwa'), (34351, 254, 137,
'Oxford'), (34361, 254, 137, 'Oxford Junction'), (34363, 254, 137,
'Oyens'), (34382, 254, 137, 'Pacific Junction'), (34385, 254, 137,
'Packwood'), (34429, 254, 137, 'Palmer'), (34452, 254, 137,
'Palo'), (34470, 254, 137, 'Panama'), (34482, 254, 137, 'Panora'), (34540,
254, 137, 'Parkersburg'), (34563, 254, 137, 'Parnell'), (34591, 254, 137,
'Paton'), (34602, 254, 137, 'Patterson'), (34624, 254, 137,
'Paullina'), (18698, 254, 137, 'Pella'), (34770, 254, 137,
'Peosta'), (34779, 254, 137, 'Percival'), (8103, 254, 137,
'Perry'), (34818, 254, 137, 'Persia'), (34820, 254, 137, 'Peru'), (34843,
254, 137, 'Peterson'), (34936, 254, 137, 'Pierson'), (34955, 254, 137,
'Pilot Grove'), (34957, 254, 137, 'Pilot Mound'), (35055, 254, 137,
'Pisgah'), (35089, 254, 137, 'Plainfield'), (35111, 254, 137,
'Plano'), (35155, 254, 137, 'Pleasant Valley'), (35162, 254, 137,
'Pleasantville'), (35172, 254, 137, 'Plover'), (35187, 254, 137,
'Plymouth'), (8104, 254, 137, 'Pocahontas'), (35243, 254, 137, 'Polk
City'), (35258, 254, 137, 'Pomeroy'), (35288, 254, 137, 'Popejoy'), (35381,
254, 137, 'Portsmouth'), (35392, 254, 137, 'Postville'), (35459, 254, 137,
'Prairie City'), (35470, 254, 137, 'Prairieburg'), (35485, 254, 137,
'Prescott'), (35494, 254, 137, 'Preston'), (35513, 254, 137,
'Primghar'), (35522, 254, 137, 'Princeton'), (35548, 254, 137,
'Prole'), (35549, 254, 137, 'Promise City'), (35568, 254, 137,
'Protivin'), (35587, 254, 137, 'Pulaski'), (35638, 254, 137,
'Quasqueton'), (35655, 254, 137, 'Quimby'), (35687, 254, 137,
'Radcliffe'), (35713, 254, 137, 'Rake'), (35721, 254, 137,
'Ralston'), (35747, 254, 137, 'Randalia'), (35748, 254, 137,
'Randall'), (35756, 254, 137, 'Randolph'), (35827, 254, 137,
'Raymond'), (35855, 254, 137, 'Readlyn'), (35866, 254, 137,
'Reasnor'), (8105, 254, 137, 'Red Oak'), (35906, 254, 137,
'Redding'), (35910, 254, 137, 'Redfield'), (35960, 254, 137,
'Reinbeck'), (35967, 254, 137, 'Rembrandt'), (18428, 254, 137,
'Remsen'), (35986, 254, 137, 'Renwick'), (36038, 254, 137,
'Rhodes'), (36051, 254, 137, 'Riceville'), (17660, 254, 137,
'Richland'), (36114, 254, 137, 'Ricketts'), (36137, 254, 137,
'Ridgeway'), (36176, 254, 137, 'Ringsted'), (36202, 254, 137,
'Rippey'), (36233, 254, 137, 'Riverside'), (36244, 254, 137,
'Riverton'), (36290, 254, 137, 'Robins'), (36324, 254, 137, 'Rock
Falls'), (8106, 254, 137, 'Rock Rapids'), (36338, 254, 137, 'Rock
Valley'), (36346, 254, 137, 'Rockford'), (36376, 254, 137,
'Rockwell'), (8107, 254, 137, 'Rockwell City'), (36398, 254, 137,
'Rodney'), (36419, 254, 137, 'Roland'), (36423, 254, 137, 'Rolfe'), (36437,
254, 137, 'Rome'), (36482, 254, 137, 'Rose Hill'), (36570, 254, 137,
'Rowan'), (36581, 254, 137, 'Rowley'), (36597, 254, 137, 'Royal'), (36622,
254, 137, 'Rudd'), (36644, 254, 137, 'Runnells'), (36673, 254, 137,
'Russell'), (36698, 254, 137, 'Ruthven'), (36700, 254, 137,
'Rutland'), (36709, 254, 137, 'Ryan'), (36732, 254, 137, 'Sabula'), (8108,
254, 137, 'Sac City'), (36773, 254, 137, 'Saint Ansgar'), (36774, 254, 137,
'Saint Anthony'), (36787, 254, 137, 'Saint Charles'), (36804, 254, 137,
'Saint Donatus'), (36855, 254, 137, 'Saint Lucas'), (36862, 254, 137,
'Saint Marys'), (36873, 254, 137, 'Saint Olaf'), (36878, 254, 137, 'Saint
Paul'), (36916, 254, 137, 'Salem'), (36946, 254, 137, 'Salix'), (8109, 254,
137, 'Sanborn'), (18456, 254, 137, 'Scarville'), (37184, 254, 137,
'Schaller'), (37192, 254, 137, 'Schleswig'), (37268, 254, 137,
'Scranton'), (37304, 254, 137, 'Searsboro'), (37364, 254, 137,
'Selma'), (37394, 254, 137, 'Sergeant Bluff'), (37417, 254, 137,
'Seymour'), (37440, 254, 137, 'Shambaugh'), (37454, 254, 137, 'Shannon
City'), (37476, 254, 137, 'Sharpsburg'), (16452, 254, 137,
'Sheffield'), (37522, 254, 137, 'Shelby'), (37530, 254, 137,
'Sheldahl'), (37531, 254, 137, 'Sheldon'), (37542, 254, 137, 'Shell
Rock'), (37545, 254, 137, 'Shellsburg'), (8110, 254, 137,
'Shenandoah'), (37580, 254, 137, 'Sherrill'), (8111, 254, 137,
'Sibley'), (37661, 254, 137, 'Sidney'), (8112, 254, 137,
'Sigourney'), (37694, 254, 137, 'Silver City'), (8113, 254, 137, 'Sioux
Center'), (8114, 254, 137, 'Sioux City'), (37754, 254, 137, 'Sioux
Rapids'), (13223, 254, 137, 'Slater'), (37806, 254, 137, 'Sloan'), (37840,
254, 137, 'Smithland'), (37904, 254, 137, 'Soldier'), (15183, 254, 137,
'Solon'), (37923, 254, 137, 'Somers'), (37963, 254, 137, 'South
Amana'), (37999, 254, 137, 'South English'), (8115, 254, 137,
'Spencer'), (38161, 254, 137, 'Sperry'), (38167, 254, 137,
'Spillville'), (18647, 254, 137, 'Spirit Lake'), (38184, 254, 137,
'Spragueville'), (38220, 254, 137, 'Springbrook'), (38247, 254, 137,
'Springville'), (38272, 254, 137, 'Stacyville'), (38304, 254, 137,
'Stanhope'), (38306, 254, 137, 'Stanley'), (38315, 254, 137,
'Stanton'), (38323, 254, 137, 'Stanwood'), (16943, 254, 137, 'State
Center'), (38366, 254, 137, 'Steamboat Rock'), (38476, 254, 137,
'Stockport'), (38480, 254, 137, 'Stockton'), (8116, 254, 137, 'Storm
Lake'), (18051, 254, 137, 'Story City'), (38528, 254, 137,
'Stout'), (38555, 254, 137, 'Stratford'), (38575, 254, 137, 'Strawberry
Point'), (38597, 254, 137, 'Stuart'), (38647, 254, 137, 'Sully'), (38694,
254, 137, 'Sumner'), (38742, 254, 137, 'Superior'), (38759, 254, 137,
'Sutherland'), (38774, 254, 137, 'Swaledale'), (38775, 254, 137,
'Swan'), (38795, 254, 137, 'Swea City'), (38798, 254, 137,
'Swedesburg'), (38819, 254, 137, 'Swisher'), (38856, 254, 137,
'Tabor'), (38902, 254, 137, 'Tama'), (38974, 254, 137, 'Teeds
Grove'), (38996, 254, 137, 'Templeton'), (39008, 254, 137,
'Tennant'), (39032, 254, 137, 'Terril'), (39055, 254, 137,
'Thayer'), (39089, 254, 137, 'Thompson'), (39102, 254, 137,
'Thor'), (39105, 254, 137, 'Thornburg'), (39114, 254, 137,
'Thornton'), (39140, 254, 137, 'Thurman'), (39160, 254, 137,
'Tiffin'), (39192, 254, 137, 'Tingley'), (8117, 254, 137,
'Tipton'), (39216, 254, 137, 'Titonka'), (39229, 254, 137,
'Toddville'), (39231, 254, 137, 'Toeterville'), (8118, 254, 137,
'Toledo'), (39325, 254, 137, 'Tracy'), (39331, 254, 137, 'Traer'), (39382,
254, 137, 'Treynor'), (39403, 254, 137, 'Tripoli'), (39436, 254, 137, 'Troy
Mills'), (39439, 254, 137, 'Truesdale'), (39445, 254, 137,
'Truro'), (39490, 254, 137, 'Turin'), (39587, 254, 137, 'Udell'), (39614,
254, 137, 'Underwood'), (39621, 254, 137, 'Union'), (39664, 254, 137,
'Unionville'), (39684, 254, 137, 'University Park'), (39707, 254, 137,
'Urbana'), (8119, 254, 137, 'Urbandale'), (39716, 254, 137, 'Ute'), (39735,
254, 137, 'Vail'), (39795, 254, 137, 'Van Horne'), (39796, 254, 137, 'Van
Meter'), (39802, 254, 137, 'Van Wert'), (39830, 254, 137,
'Varina'), (39864, 254, 137, 'Ventura'), (39936, 254, 137,
'Victor'), (39972, 254, 137, 'Villisca'), (39978, 254, 137,
'Vincent'), (39984, 254, 137, 'Vining'), (8120, 254, 137,
'Vinton'), (39994, 254, 137, 'Viola'), (40019, 254, 137, 'Volga'), (40057,
254, 137, 'Wadena'), (40100, 254, 137, 'Walcott'), (40123, 254, 137,
'Walford'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`,
`name`) VALUES (40128, 254, 137, 'Walker'), (40143, 254, 137, 'Wall
Lake'), (40161, 254, 137, 'Wallingford'), (40175, 254, 137,
'Walnut'), (8121, 254, 137, 'Wapello'), (8122, 254, 137,
'Washington'), (40326, 254, 137, 'Washta'), (8123, 254, 137,
'Waterloo'), (40371, 254, 137, 'Waterville'), (40385, 254, 137,
'Watkins'), (40402, 254, 137, 'Waucoma'), (40406, 254, 137,
'Waukee'), (8124, 254, 137, 'Waukon'), (8125, 254, 137, 'Waverly'), (40441,
254, 137, 'Wayland'), (40472, 254, 137, 'Webb'), (40481, 254, 137,
'Webster'), (8126, 254, 137, 'Webster City'), (40524, 254, 137,
'Weldon'), (17514, 254, 137, 'Wellman'), (40555, 254, 137,
'Wellsburg'), (40564, 254, 137, 'Welton'), (40588, 254, 137,
'Wesley'), (40601, 254, 137, 'West Bend'), (40608, 254, 137, 'West
Branch'), (40613, 254, 137, 'West Burlington'), (40619, 254, 137, 'West
Chester'), (8127, 254, 137, 'West Des Moines'), (40659, 254, 137, 'West
Grove'), (40686, 254, 137, 'West Liberty'), (8128, 254, 137, 'West
Point'), (8129, 254, 137, 'West Union'), (40796, 254, 137,
'Westfield'), (40807, 254, 137, 'Westgate'), (40838, 254, 137,
'Westphalia'), (40853, 254, 137, 'Westside'), (40864, 254, 137,
'Wever'), (40879, 254, 137, 'What Cheer'), (40885, 254, 137,
'Wheatland'), (41007, 254, 137, 'Whiting'), (41029, 254, 137,
'Whittemore'), (41031, 254, 137, 'Whitten'), (41094, 254, 137,
'Williams'), (17616, 254, 137, 'Williamsburg'), (41110, 254, 137,
'Williamson'), (41193, 254, 137, 'Wilton'), (41240, 254, 137,
'Winfield'), (8130, 254, 137, 'Winterset'), (41304, 254, 137,
'Winthrop'), (41312, 254, 137, 'Wiota'), (41338, 254, 137,
'Woden'), (41381, 254, 137, 'Woodbine'), (41389, 254, 137,
'Woodburn'), (41450, 254, 137, 'Woodward'), (41462, 254, 137,
'Woolstock'), (41479, 254, 137, 'Worthington'), (41530, 254, 137,
'Wyoming'), (41541, 254, 137, 'Yale'), (41551, 254, 137,
'Yarmouth'), (41593, 254, 137, 'Yorktown'), (41639, 254, 137,
'Zearing'), (41667, 254, 137, 'Zwingle'), (19052, 254, 138,
'Abbyville'), (8471, 254, 138, 'Abilene'), (17066, 254, 138,
'Admire'), (19171, 254, 138, 'Agenda'), (19174, 254, 138, 'Agra'), (19226,
254, 138, 'Albert'), (19258, 254, 138, 'Alden'), (19277, 254, 138,
'Alexander'), (19312, 254, 138, 'Allen'), (19356, 254, 138,
'Alma'), (19362, 254, 138, 'Almena'), (19398, 254, 138, 'Alta
Vista'), (14867, 254, 138, 'Altamont'), (19417, 254, 138, 'Alton'), (19428,
254, 138, 'Altoona'), (19484, 254, 138, 'Americus'), (19526, 254, 138,
'Andale'), (19538, 254, 138, 'Andover'), (8472, 254, 138,
'Anthony'), (19647, 254, 138, 'Arcadia'), (19684, 254, 138,
'Argonia'), (17446, 254, 138, 'Arkansas City'), (19721, 254, 138,
'Arlington'), (19732, 254, 138, 'Arma'), (18264, 254, 138,
'Arnold'), (8473, 254, 138, 'Ashland'), (19841, 254, 138,
'Assaria'), (8474, 254, 138, 'Atchison'), (19863, 254, 138,
'Athol'), (19877, 254, 138, 'Atlanta'), (19895, 254, 138, 'Attica'), (8475,
254, 138, 'Atwood'), (19917, 254, 138, 'Auburn'), (13882, 254, 138,
'Augusta'), (19952, 254, 138, 'Aurora'), (20025, 254, 138,
'Axtell'), (20072, 254, 138, 'Baileyville'), (14083, 254, 138, 'Baldwin
City'), (20183, 254, 138, 'Barnard'), (20189, 254, 138, 'Barnes'), (20226,
254, 138, 'Bartlett'), (20246, 254, 138, 'Basehor'), (20300, 254, 138,
'Baxter Springs'), (8476, 254, 138, 'Bazaar'), (20327, 254, 138,
'Bazine'), (20356, 254, 138, 'Beattie'), (20360, 254, 138,
'Beaumont'), (20425, 254, 138, 'Beeler'), (20477, 254, 138, 'Belle
Plaine'), (8477, 254, 138, 'Belleville'), (8478, 254, 138,
'Beloit'), (20526, 254, 138, 'Belpre'), (20542, 254, 138,
'Belvue'), (20556, 254, 138, 'Bendena'), (20558, 254, 138,
'Benedict'), (20573, 254, 138, 'Bennington'), (20587, 254, 138,
'Bentley'), (20593, 254, 138, 'Benton'), (20635, 254, 138, 'Bern'), (20648,
254, 138, 'Berryton'), (20705, 254, 138, 'Beverly'), (20803, 254, 138,
'Bird City'), (20829, 254, 138, 'Bison'), (20986, 254, 138, 'Blue
Mound'), (8479, 254, 138, 'Blue Rapids'), (21008, 254, 138, 'Bluff
City'), (15488, 254, 138, 'Bogue'), (12195, 254, 138, 'Bonner
Springs'), (21333, 254, 138, 'Bremen'), (21346, 254, 138,
'Brewster'), (21471, 254, 138, 'Bronson'), (21522, 254, 138,
'Brookville'), (21536, 254, 138, 'Brownell'), (21650, 254, 138,
'Bucklin'), (21660, 254, 138, 'Bucyrus'), (21675, 254, 138,
'Buffalo'), (21698, 254, 138, 'Buhler'), (21714, 254, 138, 'Bunker
Hill'), (21726, 254, 138, 'Burden'), (21727, 254, 138, 'Burdett'), (21730,
254, 138, 'Burdick'), (17647, 254, 138, 'Burlingame'), (8480, 254, 138,
'Burlington'), (21771, 254, 138, 'Burns'), (21790, 254, 138, 'Burr
Oak'), (21793, 254, 138, 'Burrton'), (21811, 254, 138, 'Bushton'), (21837,
254, 138, 'Byers'), (21894, 254, 138, 'Caldwell'), (21960, 254, 138,
'Cambridge'), (22052, 254, 138, 'Caney'), (22074, 254, 138,
'Canton'), (22130, 254, 138, 'Carbondale'), (22271, 254, 138,
'Cassoday'), (22318, 254, 138, 'Catharine'), (22335, 254, 138, 'Cawker
City'), (22357, 254, 138, 'Cedar'), (22383, 254, 138, 'Cedar
Point'), (22388, 254, 138, 'Cedar Vale'), (22442, 254, 138,
'Centerville'), (22463, 254, 138, 'Centralia'), (8481, 254, 138,
'Chanute'), (22528, 254, 138, 'Chapman'), (8482, 254, 138,
'Chase'), (22593, 254, 138, 'Chautauqua'), (22617, 254, 138,
'Cheney'), (22623, 254, 138, 'Cherokee'), (22635, 254, 138,
'Cherryvale'), (22679, 254, 138, 'Chetopa'), (8483, 254, 138,
'Cimarron'), (22789, 254, 138, 'Circleville'), (22803, 254, 138,
'Claflin'), (8484, 254, 138, 'Clay Center'), (22904, 254, 138,
'Clayton'), (22930, 254, 138, 'Clearview City'), (22932, 254, 138,
'Clearwater'), (22977, 254, 138, 'Clifton'), (23038, 254, 138,
'Clyde'), (23071, 254, 138, 'Coats'), (17501, 254, 138,
'Coffeyville'), (8485, 254, 138, 'Colby'), (8486, 254, 138,
'Coldwater'), (23189, 254, 138, 'Collyer'), (23200, 254, 138,
'Colony'), (8487, 254, 138, 'Columbus'), (23243, 254, 138,
'Colwich'), (8488, 254, 138, 'Concordia'), (23351, 254, 138, 'Conway
Springs'), (23366, 254, 138, 'Coolidge'), (23390, 254, 138,
'Copeland'), (23439, 254, 138, 'Corning'), (15102, 254, 138, 'Cottonwood
Falls'), (8489, 254, 138, 'Council Grove'), (23523, 254, 138,
'Courtland'), (23560, 254, 138, 'Coyville'), (23644, 254, 138,
'Crestline'), (23749, 254, 138, 'Cuba'), (23785, 254, 138,
'Cummings'), (23790, 254, 138, 'Cunningham'), (23905, 254, 138,
'Damar'), (23948, 254, 138, 'Danville'), (24060, 254, 138, 'De
Soto'), (24075, 254, 138, 'Dearing'), (24119, 254, 138,
'Deerfield'), (24161, 254, 138, 'Delia'), (24183, 254, 138,
'Delphos'), (24201, 254, 138, 'Denison'), (24209, 254, 138,
'Dennis'), (24220, 254, 138, 'Denton'), (13799, 254, 138, 'Derby'), (24290,
254, 138, 'Dexter'), (8490, 254, 138, 'Dighton'), (8491, 254, 138, 'Dodge
City'), (24437, 254, 138, 'Dorrance'), (24459, 254, 138,
'Douglass'), (24470, 254, 138, 'Dover'), (24493, 254, 138,
'Downs'), (24521, 254, 138, 'Dresden'), (24685, 254, 138,
'Durham'), (24707, 254, 138, 'Dwight'), (24935, 254, 138,
'Easton'), (25012, 254, 138, 'Edgerton'), (25039, 254, 138,
'Edna'), (25044, 254, 138, 'Edson'), (8492, 254, 138,
'Edwardsville'), (25060, 254, 138, 'Effingham'), (8493, 254, 138, 'El
Dorado'), (25110, 254, 138, 'Elbing'), (25167, 254, 138, 'Elk
City'), (25172, 254, 138, 'Elk Falls'), (8494, 254, 138,
'Elkhart'), (25234, 254, 138, 'Ellinwood'), (25242, 254, 138,
'Ellis'), (8495, 254, 138, 'Ellsworth'), (25274, 254, 138,
'Elmdale'), (25311, 254, 138, 'Elsmore'), (25324, 254, 138,
'Elwood'), (25362, 254, 138, 'Emmett'), (8496, 254, 138,
'Emporia'), (25393, 254, 138, 'Englewood'), (25410, 254, 138,
'Ensign'), (25411, 254, 138, 'Enterprise'), (25438, 254, 138,
'Erie'), (25456, 254, 138, 'Esbon'), (25460, 254, 138, 'Eskridge'), (25522,
254, 138, 'Eudora'), (8497, 254, 138, 'Eureka'), (25561, 254, 138,
'Everest'), (25666, 254, 138, 'Fairview'), (25695, 254, 138, 'Fall
River'), (25717, 254, 138, 'Falun'), (25734, 254, 138,
'Farlington'), (25976, 254, 138, 'Florence'), (26013, 254, 138,
'Fontana'), (26025, 254, 138, 'Ford'), (26075, 254, 138,
'Formoso'), (26122, 254, 138, 'Fort Leavenworth'), (26148, 254, 138, 'Fort
Riley'), (8499, 254, 138, 'Fort Scott'), (26188, 254, 138,
'Fostoria'), (26208, 254, 138, 'Fowler'), (26241, 254, 138,
'Frankfort'), (16120, 254, 138, 'Franklin'), (8500, 254, 138,
'Fredonia'), (26326, 254, 138, 'Freeport'), (26384, 254, 138,
'Frontenac'), (26419, 254, 138, 'Fulton'), (26453, 254, 138,
'Galena'), (26458, 254, 138, 'Galesburg'), (26485, 254, 138,
'Galva'), (8501, 254, 138, 'Garden City'), (26520, 254, 138, 'Garden
Plain'), (15049, 254, 138, 'Gardner'), (26534, 254, 138,
'Garfield'), (26541, 254, 138, 'Garland'), (8502, 254, 138,
'Garnett'), (26582, 254, 138, 'Gas'), (26609, 254, 138, 'Gaylord'), (26621,
254, 138, 'Gem'), (26626, 254, 138, 'Geneseo'), (26688, 254, 138, 'Geuda
Springs'), (26776, 254, 138, 'Girard'), (26786, 254, 138, 'Glade'), (26802,
254, 138, 'Glasco'), (26832, 254, 138, 'Glen Elder'), (26947, 254, 138,
'Goddard'), (26952, 254, 138, 'Goessel'), (26954, 254, 138, 'Goff'), (8503,
254, 138, 'Goodland'), (27043, 254, 138, 'Gorham'), (8504, 254, 138,
'Gove'), (27110, 254, 138, 'Grainfield'), (27195, 254, 138,
'Grantville'), (8505, 254, 138, 'Great Bend'), (14661, 254, 138,
'Greeley'), (27269, 254, 138, 'Green'), (27324, 254, 138,
'Greenleaf'), (8506, 254, 138, 'Greensburg'), (27358, 254, 138,
'Greenwich'), (27382, 254, 138, 'Grenola'), (27395, 254, 138,
'Gridley'), (27409, 254, 138, 'Grinnell'), (27503, 254, 138,
'Gypsum'), (27516, 254, 138, 'Haddam'), (27584, 254, 138,
'Halstead'), (27604, 254, 138, 'Hamilton'), (27688, 254, 138,
'Hanover'), (27704, 254, 138, 'Hanston'), (27727, 254, 138,
'Hardtner'), (27765, 254, 138, 'Harper'), (27834, 254, 138,
'Hartford'), (27873, 254, 138, 'Harveyville'), (27919, 254, 138,
'Havana'), (27922, 254, 138, 'Haven'), (27923, 254, 138,
'Havensville'), (18198, 254, 138, 'Haviland'), (8507, 254, 138,
'Hays'), (14076, 254, 138, 'Haysville'), (27981, 254, 138,
'Hazelton'), (27992, 254, 138, 'Healy'), (28102, 254, 138,
'Hepler'), (28112, 254, 138, 'Herington'), (28126, 254, 138,
'Herndon'), (13129, 254, 138, 'Hesston'), (8508, 254, 138,
'Hiawatha'), (16878, 254, 138, 'Highland'), (8509, 254, 138, 'Hill
City'), (8510, 254, 138, 'Hillsboro'), (15873, 254, 138,
'Hillsdale'), (28344, 254, 138, 'Hoisington'), (28352, 254, 138,
'Holcomb'), (28381, 254, 138, 'Hollenberg'), (8511, 254, 138,
'Holton'), (28435, 254, 138, 'Holyrood'), (28436, 254, 138,
'Home'), (28501, 254, 138, 'Hope'), (28552, 254, 138, 'Horton'), (8512,
254, 138, 'Howard'), (8513, 254, 138, 'Hoxie'), (28610, 254, 138,
'Hoyt'), (28634, 254, 138, 'Hudson'), (8514, 254, 138, 'Hugoton'), (28673,
254, 138, 'Humboldt'), (28699, 254, 138, 'Hunter'), (8515, 254, 138,
'Hutchinson'), (8516, 254, 138, 'Independence'), (28868, 254, 138,
'Ingalls'), (28886, 254, 138, 'Inman'), (8517, 254, 138, 'Iola'), (28955,
254, 138, 'Isabel'), (28993, 254, 138, 'Iuka'), (29057, 254, 138,
'Jamestown'), (29137, 254, 138, 'Jennings'), (8518, 254, 138,
'Jetmore'), (29170, 254, 138, 'Jewell'), (29193, 254, 138,
'Johnson'), (8519, 254, 138, 'Johnson City'), (8520, 254, 138, 'Junction
City'), (29313, 254, 138, 'Kanopolis'), (29314, 254, 138,
'Kanorado'), (1222, 254, 138, 'Kansas City'), (29361, 254, 138,
'Kechi'), (29419, 254, 138, 'Kendall'), (29456, 254, 138,
'Kensington'), (29573, 254, 138, 'Kincaid'), (8521, 254, 138,
'Kingman'), (8522, 254, 138, 'Kinsley'), (29632, 254, 138,
'Kiowa'), (29660, 254, 138, 'Kirwin'), (29661, 254, 138, 'Kismet'), (8523,
254, 138, 'La Crosse'), (17491, 254, 138, 'La Cygne'), (29785, 254, 138,
'La Harpe'), (29891, 254, 138, 'Lake City'), (8524, 254, 138,
'Lakin'), (30008, 254, 138, 'Lamont'), (30021, 254, 138,
'Lancaster'), (30039, 254, 138, 'Lane'), (30071, 254, 138,
'Lansing'), (8525, 254, 138, 'Larned'), (30103, 254, 138, 'Latham'), (8526,
254, 138, 'Lawrence'), (30182, 254, 138, 'Le Roy'), (8527, 254, 138,
'Leavenworth'), (30201, 254, 138, 'Lebanon'), (30211, 254, 138,
'Lebo'), (30219, 254, 138, 'Lecompton'), (30266, 254, 138,
'Lehigh'), (41944, 254, 138, 'Lenexa'), (30307, 254, 138,
'Lenora'), (30320, 254, 138, 'Leon'), (30335, 254, 138,
'Leonardville'), (8530, 254, 138, 'Leoti'), (30376, 254, 138,
'Levant'), (30387, 254, 138, 'Lewis'), (8531, 254, 138, 'Liberal'), (30416,
254, 138, 'Liberty'), (30434, 254, 138, 'Liebenthal'), (8532, 254, 138,
'Lincoln'), (30486, 254, 138, 'Lincolnville'), (30507, 254, 138,
'Lindsborg'), (30521, 254, 138, 'Linn'), (30529, 254, 138,
'Linwood'), (30585, 254, 138, 'Little River'), (30684, 254, 138,
'Logan'), (30728, 254, 138, 'Long Island'), (30746, 254, 138,
'Longford'), (30754, 254, 138, 'Longton'), (30795, 254, 138,
'Lorraine'), (30809, 254, 138, 'Lost Springs'), (15411, 254, 138,
'Louisburg'), (30827, 254, 138, 'Louisville'), (30894, 254, 138,
'Lucas'), (30907, 254, 138, 'Ludell'), (30944, 254, 138, 'Luray'), (8533,
254, 138, 'Lyndon'), (8534, 254, 138, 'Lyons'), (31063, 254, 138,
'Macksville'), (31084, 254, 138, 'Madison'), (31123, 254, 138,
'Mahaska'), (31136, 254, 138, 'Maize'), (8535, 254, 138,
'Manhattan'), (8536, 254, 138, 'Mankato'), (31265, 254, 138,
'Manter'), (31281, 254, 138, 'Maple City'), (31284, 254, 138, 'Maple
Hill'), (31297, 254, 138, 'Mapleton'), (31354, 254, 138,
'Marienthal'), (8537, 254, 138, 'Marion'), (31415, 254, 138,
'Marquette'), (31496, 254, 138, 'Marysville'), (31528, 254, 138, 'Matfield
Green'), (31601, 254, 138, 'Mayetta'), (31602, 254, 138,
'Mayfield'), (31686, 254, 138, 'Mc Cracken'), (31688, 254, 138, 'Mc
Cune'), (31694, 254, 138, 'Mc Donald'), (8538, 254, 138, 'Mc
Farland'), (31751, 254, 138, 'Mc Louth'), (31780, 254, 138, 'McConnell
AFB'), (8539, 254, 138, 'McPherson'), (8540, 254, 138, 'Meade'), (8541,
254, 138, 'Medicine Lodge'), (31899, 254, 138, 'Melvern'), (31954, 254,
138, 'Meriden'), (41881, 254, 138, 'Merriam'), (32130, 254, 138,
'Milan'), (32151, 254, 138, 'Milford'), (32267, 254, 138,
'Milton'), (32283, 254, 138, 'Miltonvale'), (8542, 254, 138,
'Minneapolis'), (32333, 254, 138, 'Minneola'), (32419, 254, 138,
'Moline'), (32508, 254, 138, 'Montezuma'), (32559, 254, 138,
'Monument'), (32600, 254, 138, 'Moran'), (32622, 254, 138,
'Morganville'), (32629, 254, 138, 'Morland'), (32642, 254, 138,
'Morrill'), (32675, 254, 138, 'Morrowville'), (32693, 254, 138,
'Moscow'), (8543, 254, 138, 'Mound City'), (32721, 254, 138, 'Mound
Valley'), (32722, 254, 138, 'Moundridge'), (32771, 254, 138, 'Mount
Hope'), (32891, 254, 138, 'Mulberry'), (32905, 254, 138,
'Mullinville'), (32906, 254, 138, 'Mulvane'), (32914, 254, 138,
'Munden'), (32928, 254, 138, 'Murdock'), (32943, 254, 138,
'Muscotah'), (33004, 254, 138, 'Narka'), (33018, 254, 138,
'Nashville'), (33034, 254, 138, 'Natoma'), (33060, 254, 138,
'Neal'), (33089, 254, 138, 'Nekoma'), (33114, 254, 138,
'Neodesha'), (33122, 254, 138, 'Neosho Falls'), (33123, 254, 138, 'Neosho
Rapids'), (8544, 254, 138, 'Ness City'), (33136, 254, 138,
'Netawaka'), (33147, 254, 138, 'New Albany'), (33182, 254, 138, 'New
Cambria'), (33190, 254, 138, 'New Century'), (8545, 254, 138,
'Newton'), (33487, 254, 138, 'Nickerson'), (33514, 254, 138,
'Niotaze'), (33553, 254, 138, 'Norcatur'), (33684, 254, 138, 'North
Newton'), (8546, 254, 138, 'Norton'), (33759, 254, 138,
'Nortonville'), (33765, 254, 138, 'Norway'), (33769, 254, 138,
'Norwich'), (8547, 254, 138, 'Oakley'), (8548, 254, 138,
'Oberlin'), (33971, 254, 138, 'Offerle'), (33974, 254, 138,
'Ogallah'), (18749, 254, 138, 'Ogden'), (34012, 254, 138, 'Oketo'), (8549,
254, 138, 'Olathe'), (34082, 254, 138, 'Olmitz'), (34090, 254, 138,
'Olpe'), (34091, 254, 138, 'Olsburg'), (34112, 254, 138, 'Onaga'), (34125,
254, 138, 'Oneida'), (34158, 254, 138, 'Opolis'), (15958, 254, 138, 'Osage
City'), (8550, 254, 138, 'Osawatomie'), (8551, 254, 138,
'Osborne'), (34265, 254, 138, 'Oskaloosa'), (8552, 254, 138,
'Oswego'), (34284, 254, 138, 'Otis'), (8553, 254, 138, 'Ottawa'), (34322,
254, 138, 'Overbrook'), (41930, 254, 138, 'Overland Park'), (34353, 254,
138, 'Oxford'), (34369, 254, 138, 'Ozawkie'), (34414, 254, 138,
'Palco'), (34431, 254, 138, 'Palmer'), (34487, 254, 138, 'Paola'), (34499,
254, 138, 'Paradise'), (34523, 254, 138, 'Park'), (34532, 254, 138,
'Parker'), (8556, 254, 138, 'Parsons'), (34577, 254, 138,
'Partridge'), (34638, 254, 138, 'Pawnee Rock'), (34640, 254, 138,
'Paxico'), (34654, 254, 138, 'Peabody'), (34679, 254, 138, 'Peck'), (34760,
254, 138, 'Penokee'), (34803, 254, 138, 'Perry'), (34821, 254, 138,
'Peru'), (34863, 254, 138, 'Pfeifer'), (8557, 254, 138,
'Phillipsburg'), (34912, 254, 138, 'Piedmont'), (34927, 254, 138,
'Pierceville'), (35050, 254, 138, 'Piqua'), (8558, 254, 138,
'Pittsburg'), (35098, 254, 138, 'Plains'), (15625, 254, 138,
'Plainville'), (35160, 254, 138, 'Pleasanton'), (35169, 254, 138,
'Plevna'), (35261, 254, 138, 'Pomona'), (35370, 254, 138,
'Portis'), (35401, 254, 138, 'Potter'), (35414, 254, 138,
'Potwin'), (35448, 254, 138, 'Powhattan'), (35468, 254, 138, 'Prairie
View'), (8560, 254, 138, 'Pratt'), (35486, 254, 138, 'Prescott'), (35503,
254, 138, 'Pretty Prairie'), (35524, 254, 138, 'Princeton'), (35566, 254,
138, 'Protection'), (35651, 254, 138, 'Quenemo'), (35668, 254, 138,
'Quinter'), (35698, 254, 138, 'Rago'), (35730, 254, 138, 'Ramona'), (35749,
254, 138, 'Randall'), (35757, 254, 138, 'Randolph'), (35779, 254, 138,
'Ransom'), (35785, 254, 138, 'Rantoul'), (35829, 254, 138,
'Raymond'), (35849, 254, 138, 'Reading'), (35911, 254, 138,
'Redfield'), (35987, 254, 138, 'Republic'), (36012, 254, 138,
'Rexford'), (8562, 254, 138, 'Richfield'), (36090, 254, 138,
'Richmond'), (36154, 254, 138, 'Riley'), (36245, 254, 138,
'Riverton'), (36291, 254, 138, 'Robinson'), (36314, 254, 138,
'Rock'), (36425, 254, 138, 'Rolla'), (36462, 254, 138, 'Rosalia'), (15329,
254, 138, 'Rose Hill'), (36541, 254, 138, 'Rossville'), (36586, 254, 138,
'Roxbury'), (36612, 254, 138, 'Rozel'), (36656, 254, 138, 'Rush
Center'), (8563, 254, 138, 'Russell'), (36724, 254, 138, 'Sabetha'), (8571,
254, 138, 'Saint Francis'), (36816, 254, 138, 'Saint George'), (8572, 254,
138, 'Saint John'), (11869, 254, 138, 'Saint Joseph'), (36863, 254, 138,
'Saint Marys'), (36880, 254, 138, 'Saint Paul'), (8564, 254, 138,
'Salina'), (37121, 254, 138, 'Satanta'), (37145, 254, 138,
'Savonburg'), (37149, 254, 138, 'Sawyer'), (37173, 254, 138,
'Scammon'), (37175, 254, 138, 'Scandia'), (37198, 254, 138,
'Schoenchen'), (8565, 254, 138, 'Scott City'), (37269, 254, 138,
'Scranton'), (8566, 254, 138, 'Sedan'), (37338, 254, 138,
'Sedgwick'), (37356, 254, 138, 'Selden'), (8567, 254, 138,
'Seneca'), (37407, 254, 138, 'Severy'), (37458, 254, 138, 'Sharon'), (8568,
254, 138, 'Sharon Springs'), (41946, 254, 138, 'Shawnee'), (8554, 254, 138,
'Shawnee Mission'), (37706, 254, 138, 'Silver Lake'), (37734, 254, 138,
'Simpson'), (8570, 254, 138, 'Smith Center'), (37905, 254, 138,
'Soldier'), (37914, 254, 138, 'Solomon'), (38015, 254, 138, 'South
Haven'), (38021, 254, 138, 'South Hutchinson'), (38140, 254, 138,
'Spearville'), (38172, 254, 138, 'Spivey'), (38207, 254, 138, 'Spring
Hill'), (38275, 254, 138, 'Stafford'), (38343, 254, 138, 'Stark'), (38404,
254, 138, 'Sterling'), (38452, 254, 138, 'Stilwell'), (8573, 254, 138,
'Stockton'), (38586, 254, 138, 'Strong City'), (38610, 254, 138,
'Stuttgart'), (8574, 254, 138, 'Sublette'), (38665, 254, 138,
'Summerfield'), (38707, 254, 138, 'Sun City'), (38830, 254, 138,
'Sycamore'), (38840, 254, 138, 'Sylvan Grove'), (38845, 254, 138,
'Sylvia'), (8575, 254, 138, 'Syracuse'), (38895, 254, 138,
'Talmage'), (38908, 254, 138, 'Tampa'), (38970, 254, 138,
'Tecumseh'), (39036, 254, 138, 'Tescott'), (39058, 254, 138,
'Thayer'), (39206, 254, 138, 'Tipton'), (39261, 254, 138,
'Tonganoxie'), (8576, 254, 138, 'Topeka'), (39290, 254, 138,
'Toronto'), (39304, 254, 138, 'Towanda'), (39351, 254, 138,
'Treece'), (8577, 254, 138, 'Tribune'), (8578, 254, 138, 'Troy'), (39508,
254, 138, 'Turon'), (39575, 254, 138, 'Tyro'), (18490, 254, 138,
'Udall'), (8579, 254, 138, 'Ulysses'), (39658, 254, 138,
'Uniontown'), (39718, 254, 138, 'Utica'), (15309, 254, 138, 'Valley
Center'), (8580, 254, 138, 'Valley Falls'), (39839, 254, 138,
'Vassar'), (39884, 254, 138, 'Vermillion'), (39941, 254, 138,
'Victoria'), (39997, 254, 138, 'Viola'), (40004, 254, 138,
'Virgil'), (8581, 254, 138, 'Wa Keeney'), (40081, 254, 138,
'Wakarusa'), (40084, 254, 138, 'Wakefield'), (40106, 254, 138,
'Waldo'), (40112, 254, 138, 'Waldron'), (40129, 254, 138,
'Walker'), (40146, 254, 138, 'Wallace'), (40177, 254, 138,
'Walnut'), (18021, 254, 138, 'Walton'), (16918, 254, 138, 'Wamego'), (8582,
254, 138, 'Washington'), (40372, 254, 138, 'Waterville'), (40383, 254, 138,
'Wathena'), (40424, 254, 138, 'Waverly'), (40475, 254, 138,
'Webber'), (40506, 254, 138, 'Weir'), (40522, 254, 138, 'Welda'), (8583,
254, 138, 'Wellington'), (40558, 254, 138, 'Wellsville'), (40586, 254, 138,
'Weskan'), (40702, 254, 138, 'West Mineral'), (8584, 254, 138,
'Westmoreland'), (40840, 254, 138, 'Westphalia'), (40862, 254, 138,
'Wetmore'), (40892, 254, 138, 'Wheaton'), (40918, 254, 138, 'White
City'), (40920, 254, 138, 'White Cloud'), (40999, 254, 138,
'Whitewater'), (41009, 254, 138, 'Whiting'), (8585, 254, 138,
'Wichita'), (41100, 254, 138, 'Williamsburg'), (41164, 254, 138,
'Wilmore'), (41172, 254, 138, 'Wilsey'), (41176, 254, 138,
'Wilson'), (41207, 254, 138, 'Winchester'), (41218, 254, 138,
'Windom'), (8586, 254, 138, 'Winfield'), (41272, 254, 138,
'Winona'), (41382, 254, 138, 'Woodbine'), (41441, 254, 138,
'Woodston'), (41494, 254, 138, 'Wright'), (8587, 254, 138, 'Yates
Center'), (41574, 254, 138, 'Yoder'), (41645, 254, 138, 'Zenda'), (19056,
254, 139, 'Aberdeen'), (19099, 254, 139, 'Adairville'), (19102, 254, 139,
'Adams'), (19143, 254, 139, 'Adolphus'), (19172, 254, 139, 'Ages
Brookside'), (8588, 254, 139, 'Albany'), (8589, 254, 139,
'Alexandria'), (19310, 254, 139, 'Allegre'), (19313, 254, 139,
'Allen'), (19326, 254, 139, 'Allensville'), (19366, 254, 139,
'Almo'), (19379, 254, 139, 'Alpha'), (19441, 254, 139, 'Alvaton'), (19584,
254, 139, 'Annville'), (19683, 254, 139, 'Argillite'), (19706, 254, 139,
'Arjay'), (19722, 254, 139, 'Arlington'), (19772, 254, 139,
'Artemus'), (19788, 254, 139, 'Ary'), (19800, 254, 139, 'Ashcamp'), (19801,
254, 139, 'Asher'), (8590, 254, 139, 'Ashland'), (19864, 254, 139,
'Athol'), (19918, 254, 139, 'Auburn'), (19934, 254, 139,
'Augusta'), (19964, 254, 139, 'Austin'), (19974, 254, 139,
'Auxier'), (19982, 254, 139, 'Avawam'), (20058, 254, 139,
'Bagdad'), (20094, 254, 139, 'Bakerton'), (12657, 254, 139,
'Bandana'), (20148, 254, 139, 'Banner'), (8591, 254, 139,
'Barbourville'), (8592, 254, 139, 'Bardstown'), (8593, 254, 139,
'Bardwell'), (20181, 254, 139, 'Barlow'), (20251, 254, 139,
'Baskett'), (20292, 254, 139, 'Battletown'), (20296, 254, 139,
'Baxter'), (20319, 254, 139, 'Bays'), (20341, 254, 139, 'Bear
Branch'), (8594, 254, 139, 'Beattyville'), (20361, 254, 139,
'Beaumont'), (20364, 254, 139, 'Beauty'), (20368, 254, 139,
'Beaver'), (20376, 254, 139, 'Beaver Dam'), (8595, 254, 139,
'Bedford'), (20410, 254, 139, 'Bee Spring'), (20414, 254, 139, 'Beech
Creek'), (20418, 254, 139, 'Beech Grove'), (20423, 254, 139,
'Beechmont'), (20435, 254, 139, 'Belcher'), (20449, 254, 139,
'Belfry'), (18525, 254, 139, 'Bellevue'), (20530, 254, 139,
'Belton'), (20567, 254, 139, 'Benham'), (8596, 254, 139, 'Benton'), (15144,
254, 139, 'Berea'), (20645, 254, 139, 'Berry'), (20669, 254, 139,
'Bethany'), (20684, 254, 139, 'Bethelridge'), (20690, 254, 139,
'Bethlehem'), (20697, 254, 139, 'Betsy Layne'), (20706, 254, 139,
'Beverly'), (20713, 254, 139, 'Bevinsville'), (20731, 254, 139, 'Big
Clifty'), (20734, 254, 139, 'Big Creek'), (20745, 254, 139, 'Big
Laurel'), (20773, 254, 139, 'Bighill'), (20783, 254, 139,
'Bimble'), (20853, 254, 139, 'Blackey'), (20854, 254, 139,
'Blackford'), (20872, 254, 139, 'Blaine'), (20913, 254, 139,
'Bledsoe'), (20934, 254, 139, 'Bloomfield'), (20994, 254, 139, 'Blue
River'), (21026, 254, 139, 'Boaz'), (21098, 254, 139,
'Bonnieville'), (21100, 254, 139, 'Bonnyman'), (8597, 254, 139,
'Booneville'), (21111, 254, 139, 'Boons Camp'), (21131, 254, 139,
'Boston'), (8598, 254, 139, 'Bowling Green'), (21240, 254, 139,
'Bradfordsville'), (8599, 254, 139, 'Brandenburg'), (21323, 254, 139,
'Breeding'), (21334, 254, 139, 'Bremen'), (21458, 254, 139,
'Brodhead'), (21473, 254, 139, 'Bronston'), (21501, 254, 139,
'Brooklyn'), (21510, 254, 139, 'Brooks'), (8600, 254, 139,
'Brooksville'), (21533, 254, 139, 'Browder'), (8601, 254, 139,
'Brownsville'), (21616, 254, 139, 'Bryants Store'), (21617, 254, 139,
'Bryantsville'), (21640, 254, 139, 'Buckhorn'), (21655, 254, 139,
'Buckner'), (21676, 254, 139, 'Buffalo'), (21700, 254, 139,
'Bulan'), (21731, 254, 139, 'Burdine'), (21736, 254, 139, 'Burgin'), (8602,
254, 139, 'Burkesville'), (21752, 254, 139, 'Burlington'), (21763, 254,
139, 'Burna'), (21777, 254, 139, 'Burnside'), (21805, 254, 139,
'Bush'), (21816, 254, 139, 'Busy'), (21818, 254, 139, 'Butler'), (21847,
254, 139, 'Bypro'), (8603, 254, 139, 'Cadiz'), (8604, 254, 139,
'Calhoun'), (21913, 254, 139, 'California'), (21941, 254, 139, 'Calvert
City'), (21944, 254, 139, 'Calvin'), (21996, 254, 139, 'Camp Dix'), (22017,
254, 139, 'Campbellsburg'), (8605, 254, 139, 'Campbellsville'), (8606, 254,
139, 'Campton'), (22035, 254, 139, 'Canada'), (22049, 254, 139, 'Cane
Valley'), (15765, 254, 139, 'Caneyville'), (22056, 254, 139,
'Canmer'), (22057, 254, 139, 'Cannel City'), (22060, 254, 139,
'Cannon'), (8607, 254, 139, 'Carlisle'), (22191, 254, 139,
'Carrie'), (8608, 254, 139, 'Carrollton'), (22209, 254, 139,
'Carter'), (8609, 254, 139, 'Catlettsburg'), (18975, 254, 139, 'Cave
City'), (22336, 254, 139, 'Cawood'), (22353, 254, 139, 'Cecilia'), (22409,
254, 139, 'Center'), (22437, 254, 139, 'Centertown'), (22457, 254, 139,
'Central City'), (22480, 254, 139, 'Cerulean'), (22526, 254, 139,
'Chaplin'), (22532, 254, 139, 'Chappell'), (22596, 254, 139,
'Chavies'), (22794, 254, 139, 'Cisco'), (22862, 254, 139,
'Clarkson'), (22886, 254, 139, 'Clay'), (22892, 254, 139, 'Clay
City'), (22894, 254, 139, 'Clayhole'), (22924, 254, 139,
'Clearfield'), (22936, 254, 139, 'Cleaton'), (22947, 254, 139,
'Clermont'), (22983, 254, 139, 'Clifty'), (8610, 254, 139,
'Clinton'), (23021, 254, 139, 'Closplint'), (23033, 254, 139,
'Cloverport'), (23061, 254, 139, 'Coalgood'), (23135, 254, 139,
'Coldiron'), (8611, 254, 139, 'Columbia'), (23230, 254, 139,
'Columbus'), (23248, 254, 139, 'Combs'), (23310, 254, 139,
'Confluence'), (14662, 254, 139, 'Corbin'), (23427, 254, 139,
'Corinth'), (23438, 254, 139, 'Cornettsville'), (12608, 254, 139,
'Corydon'), (8612, 254, 139, 'Covington'), (23551, 254, 139, 'Coxs
Creek'), (23562, 254, 139, 'Crab Orchard'), (23595, 254, 139,
'Cranks'), (23612, 254, 139, 'Crayne'), (16780, 254, 139,
'Crestwood'), (23661, 254, 139, 'Crittenden'), (23667, 254, 139,
'Crockett'), (23671, 254, 139, 'Crofton'), (23674, 254, 139,
'Cromona'), (23678, 254, 139, 'Cromwell'), (23746, 254, 139, 'Cub
Run'), (23772, 254, 139, 'Cumberland'), (23791, 254, 139,
'Cunningham'), (23795, 254, 139, 'Curdsville'), (23822, 254, 139,
'Custer'), (8613, 254, 139, 'Cynthiana'), (23850, 254, 139,
'Dabolt'), (23916, 254, 139, 'Dana'), (8614, 254, 139, 'Danville'), (23987,
254, 139, 'David'), (18050, 254, 139, 'Dawson Springs'), (24021, 254, 139,
'Dayhoit'), (24027, 254, 139, 'Dayton'), (24054, 254, 139, 'De
Mossville'), (24070, 254, 139, 'Deane'), (24080, 254, 139,
'Debord'), (24182, 254, 139, 'Delphia'), (24193, 254, 139, 'Dema'), (24216,
254, 139, 'Denniston'), (24221, 254, 139, 'Denton'), (24227, 254, 139,
'Denver'), (24283, 254, 139, 'Dewitt'), (24291, 254, 139,
'Dexter'), (24311, 254, 139, 'Dice'), (8615, 254, 139, 'Dixon'), (24441,
254, 139, 'Dorton'), (24471, 254, 139, 'Dover'), (24507, 254, 139,
'Drake'), (24510, 254, 139, 'Drakesboro'), (24532, 254, 139,
'Drift'), (24554, 254, 139, 'Dry Ridge'), (24580, 254, 139,
'Dubre'), (24613, 254, 139, 'Dunbar'), (24634, 254, 139, 'Dundee'), (24651,
254, 139, 'Dunmor'), (24662, 254, 139, 'Dunnville'), (24704, 254, 139,
'Dwale'), (24705, 254, 139, 'Dwarf'), (24709, 254, 139,
'Dycusburg'), (24753, 254, 139, 'Earlington'), (24781, 254, 139, 'East
Bernstadt'), (24875, 254, 139, 'East Point'), (24925, 254, 139,
'Eastern'), (24949, 254, 139, 'Eastview'), (24950, 254, 139,
'Eastwood'), (8616, 254, 139, 'Eddyville'), (8617, 254, 139,
'Edmonton'), (25040, 254, 139, 'Edna'), (25080, 254, 139, 'Eighty
Eight'), (25084, 254, 139, 'Ekron'), (8618, 254, 139,
'Elizabethtown'), (25163, 254, 139, 'Elizaville'), (25175, 254, 139, 'Elk
Horn'), (25183, 254, 139, 'Elkfork'), (12118, 254, 139, 'Elkhorn
City'), (8619, 254, 139, 'Elkton'), (25240, 254, 139,
'Elliottville'), (25307, 254, 139, 'Elsie'), (25343, 254, 139,
'Emerson'), (25352, 254, 139, 'Eminence'), (25355, 254, 139,
'Emlyn'), (25358, 254, 139, 'Emmalena'), (25420, 254, 139,
'Eolia'), (25442, 254, 139, 'Eriline'), (25444, 254, 139,
'Erlanger'), (25445, 254, 139, 'Ermine'), (25477, 254, 139,
'Essie'), (25510, 254, 139, 'Etoile'), (25519, 254, 139, 'Eubank'), (25558,
254, 139, 'Evarts'), (25577, 254, 139, 'Ewing'), (25596, 254, 139,
'Ezel'), (25620, 254, 139, 'Fairdale'), (25635, 254, 139,
'Fairfield'), (25661, 254, 139, 'Fairplay'), (25667, 254, 139,
'Fairview'), (25683, 254, 139, 'Falcon'), (25697, 254, 139, 'Fall
Rock'), (25708, 254, 139, 'Falls of Rough'), (8620, 254, 139,
'Falmouth'), (25719, 254, 139, 'Fancy Farm'), (25738, 254, 139,
'Farmers'), (25752, 254, 139, 'Farmington'), (25800, 254, 139,
'Fedscreek'), (25831, 254, 139, 'Ferguson'), (25869, 254, 139,
'Finchville'), (25883, 254, 139, 'Firebrick'), (25903, 254, 139,
'Fisherville'), (25911, 254, 139, 'Fisty'), (25926, 254, 139, 'Flat
Lick'), (25933, 254, 139, 'Flatgap'), (25935, 254, 139,
'Flatwoods'), (8621, 254, 139, 'Flemingsburg'), (8622, 254, 139,
'Florence'), (26026, 254, 139, 'Ford'), (26032, 254, 139, 'Fords
Branch'), (26033, 254, 139, 'Fordsville'), (26048, 254, 139, 'Forest
Hills'), (15966, 254, 139, 'Fort Campbell'), (26120, 254, 139, 'Fort
Knox'), (13044, 254, 139, 'Fort Thomas'), (26177, 254, 139,
'Foster'), (26197, 254, 139, 'Fountain Run'), (26204, 254, 139,
'Fourmile'), (26227, 254, 139, 'Frakes'), (8624, 254, 139,
'Frankfort'), (8625, 254, 139, 'Franklin'), (26295, 254, 139,
'Fredonia'), (26305, 254, 139, 'Freeburn'), (8626, 254, 139,
'Frenchburg'), (26407, 254, 139, 'Ft Mitchell'), (26420, 254, 139,
'Fulton'), (26489, 254, 139, 'Gamaliel'), (26505, 254, 139,
'Gapville'), (26535, 254, 139, 'Garfield'), (26551, 254, 139,
'Garner'), (26554, 254, 139, 'Garrard'), (26556, 254, 139,
'Garrett'), (26562, 254, 139, 'Garrison'), (26612, 254, 139, 'Gays
Creek'), (8627, 254, 139, 'Georgetown'), (26675, 254, 139,
'Germantown'), (26692, 254, 139, 'Ghent'), (26730, 254, 139,
'Gilbertsville'), (26779, 254, 139, 'Girdler'), (8628, 254, 139,
'Glasgow'), (26867, 254, 139, 'Glencoe'), (26874, 254, 139,
'Glendale'), (26904, 254, 139, 'Glens Fork'), (26907, 254, 139,
'Glenview'), (27023, 254, 139, 'Goose Rock'), (27027, 254, 139,
'Gordon'), (27054, 254, 139, 'Goshen'), (27086, 254, 139,
'Gracey'), (27090, 254, 139, 'Gradyville'), (27104, 254, 139,
'Graham'), (27108, 254, 139, 'Grahn'), (27145, 254, 139, 'Grand
Rivers'), (27227, 254, 139, 'Gravel Switch'), (27234, 254, 139,
'Gray'), (27238, 254, 139, 'Gray Hawk'), (27245, 254, 139, 'Grays
Knob'), (8629, 254, 139, 'Grayson'), (27283, 254, 139, 'Green
Road'), (8630, 254, 139, 'Greensburg'), (8631, 254, 139, 'Greenup'), (8632,
254, 139, 'Greenville'), (27388, 254, 139, 'Grethel'), (27473, 254, 139,
'Gulston'), (27476, 254, 139, 'Gunlock'), (27488, 254, 139,
'Guston'), (27489, 254, 139, 'Guthrie'), (27521, 254, 139,
'Hadley'), (27531, 254, 139, 'Hagerhill'), (27549, 254, 139,
'Haldeman'), (27558, 254, 139, 'Halfway'), (27571, 254, 139,
'Hallie'), (27622, 254, 139, 'Hamlin'), (27645, 254, 139,
'Hampton'), (27702, 254, 139, 'Hanson'), (27706, 254, 139,
'Happy'), (27719, 254, 139, 'Hardburly'), (27723, 254, 139,
'Hardin'), (8633, 254, 139, 'Hardinsburg'), (27734, 254, 139,
'Hardy'), (27737, 254, 139, 'Hardyville'), (8634, 254, 139,
'Harlan'), (27762, 254, 139, 'Harned'), (12758, 254, 139,
'Harold'), (27823, 254, 139, 'Harrods Creek'), (8635, 254, 139,
'Harrodsburg'), (8636, 254, 139, 'Hartford'), (8637, 254, 139,
'Hawesville'), (13099, 254, 139, 'Hazard'), (27973, 254, 139,
'Hazel'), (27976, 254, 139, 'Hazel Green'), (28004, 254, 139,
'Hebron'), (28019, 254, 139, 'Heidelberg'), (28022, 254, 139,
'Heidrick'), (28041, 254, 139, 'Hellier'), (28048, 254, 139,
'Helton'), (8638, 254, 139, 'Henderson'), (28127, 254, 139,
'Herndon'), (28146, 254, 139, 'Hestand'), (28161, 254, 139, 'Hi
Hat'), (8639, 254, 139, 'Hickman'), (28170, 254, 139, 'Hickory'), (28254,
254, 139, 'Hillsboro'), (28276, 254, 139, 'Hillview'), (28281, 254, 139,
'Hima'), (8641, 254, 139, 'Hindman'), (28298, 254, 139, 'Hinkle'), (28309,
254, 139, 'Hiseville'), (28312, 254, 139, 'Hitchins'), (8642, 254, 139,
'Hodgenville'), (28369, 254, 139, 'Holland'), (28416, 254, 139, 'Holmes
Mill'), (28502, 254, 139, 'Hope'), (8643, 254, 139,
'Hopkinsville'), (28542, 254, 139, 'Horse Branch'), (28543, 254, 139,
'Horse Cave'), (28560, 254, 139, 'Hoskinston'), (28629, 254, 139,
'Huddy'), (28635, 254, 139, 'Hudson'), (28641, 254, 139,
'Hueysville'), (28660, 254, 139, 'Hulen'), (28723, 254, 139,
'Huntsville'), (28753, 254, 139, 'Hustonville'), (8644, 254, 139,
'Hyden'), (8645, 254, 139, 'Independence'), (8646, 254, 139,
'Inez'), (28879, 254, 139, 'Ingram'), (8647, 254, 139, 'Irvine'), (28948,
254, 139, 'Irvington'), (28961, 254, 139, 'Island'), (28962, 254, 139,
'Island City'), (28984, 254, 139, 'Isom'), (28985, 254, 139,
'Isonville'), (29000, 254, 139, 'Ivel'), (29007, 254, 139,
'Ivyton'), (29011, 254, 139, 'Jackhorn'), (8648, 254, 139,
'Jackson'), (29040, 254, 139, 'Jacobs'), (8649, 254, 139,
'Jamestown'), (29102, 254, 139, 'Jeff'), (29115, 254, 139,
'Jeffersonville'), (12173, 254, 139, 'Jenkins'), (29140, 254, 139,
'Jeremiah'), (29167, 254, 139, 'Jetson'), (29215, 254, 139,
'Jonancy'), (29232, 254, 139, 'Jonesville'), (29273, 254, 139, 'Junction
City'), (29358, 254, 139, 'Keaton'), (29360, 254, 139, 'Keavy'), (29368,
254, 139, 'Keene'), (29469, 254, 139, 'Kenton'), (29476, 254, 139,
'Kenvir'), (29501, 254, 139, 'Kettle Island'), (29506, 254, 139,
'Kevil'), (29570, 254, 139, 'Kimper'), (29591, 254, 139, 'Kings
Mountain'), (29650, 254, 139, 'Kirksey'), (29667, 254, 139,
'Kite'), (29686, 254, 139, 'Knifley'), (29691, 254, 139, 'Knob
Lick'), (29738, 254, 139, 'Krypton'), (29749, 254, 139, 'Kuttawa'), (29763,
254, 139, 'La Center'), (7929, 254, 139, 'La Fayette'), (8651, 254, 139,
'La Grange'), (29835, 254, 139, 'Lackey'), (8652, 254, 139,
'Lancaster'), (30057, 254, 139, 'Langley'), (30109, 254, 139,
'Latonia'), (8653, 254, 139, 'Lawrenceburg'), (30192, 254, 139,
'Leander'), (8654, 254, 139, 'Lebanon'), (30208, 254, 139, 'Lebanon
Junction'), (30212, 254, 139, 'Leburn'), (30221, 254, 139,
'Ledbetter'), (30234, 254, 139, 'Lee City'), (8655, 254, 139,
'Leitchfield'), (30282, 254, 139, 'Lejunior'), (30348, 254, 139,
'Lerose'), (30367, 254, 139, 'Letcher'), (30392, 254, 139,
'Lewisburg'), (30394, 254, 139, 'Lewisport'), (8656, 254, 139,
'Lexington'), (8657, 254, 139, 'Liberty'), (30430, 254, 139, 'Lick
Creek'), (30448, 254, 139, 'Lily'), (30509, 254, 139,
'Lindseyville'), (30513, 254, 139, 'Linefork'), (30563, 254, 139,
'Littcarr'), (30616, 254, 139, 'Livermore'), (30623, 254, 139,
'Livingston'), (30638, 254, 139, 'Lloyd'), (30656, 254, 139,
'Lockport'), (8658, 254, 139, 'London'), (30708, 254, 139, 'Lone'), (30764,
254, 139, 'Lookout'), (30785, 254, 139, 'Loretto'), (30805, 254, 139, 'Lost
Creek'), (8659, 254, 139, 'Louisa'), (8660, 254, 139,
'Louisville'), (30834, 254, 139, 'Lovelaceville'), (30839, 254, 139,
'Lovely'), (30864, 254, 139, 'Lowes'), (30870, 254, 139,
'Lowmansville'), (30882, 254, 139, 'Loyall'), (30895, 254, 139,
'Lucas'), (30984, 254, 139, 'Lynch'), (31012, 254, 139,
'Lynnville'), (31048, 254, 139, 'Maceo'), (31064, 254, 139,
'Mackville'), (8661, 254, 139, 'Madisonville'), (31115, 254, 139,
'Magnolia'), (31137, 254, 139, 'Majestic'), (31157, 254, 139,
'Mallie'), (31164, 254, 139, 'Malone'), (31182, 254, 139, 'Mammoth
Cave'), (8663, 254, 139, 'Manchester'), (31218, 254, 139,
'Manitou'), (31234, 254, 139, 'Mannsville'), (31287, 254, 139, 'Maple
Mount'), (8664, 254, 139, 'Marion'), (31420, 254, 139,
'Marrowbone'), (31436, 254, 139, 'Marshes Siding'), (31453, 254, 139,
'Martha'), (31457, 254, 139, 'Martin'), (31484, 254, 139, 'Mary
Alice'), (31488, 254, 139, 'Marydell'), (31507, 254, 139, 'Mason'), (31512,
254, 139, 'Masonic Home'), (8665, 254, 139, 'Mayfield'), (31608, 254, 139,
'Mayking'), (31623, 254, 139, 'Mayslick'), (8666, 254, 139,
'Maysville'), (31638, 254, 139, 'Mazie'), (31647, 254, 139, 'Mc
Andrews'), (31657, 254, 139, 'Mc Carr'), (31691, 254, 139, 'Mc
Daniels'), (31701, 254, 139, 'Mc Dowell'), (31722, 254, 139, 'Mc
Henry'), (31734, 254, 139, 'Mc Kee'), (31739, 254, 139, 'Mc
Kinney'), (31761, 254, 139, 'Mc Quady'), (31765, 254, 139, 'Mc
Roberts'), (31768, 254, 139, 'Mc Veigh'), (31818, 254, 139,
'Meally'), (31819, 254, 139, 'Means'), (31872, 254, 139, 'Melber'), (31875,
254, 139, 'Melbourne'), (31905, 254, 139, 'Melvin'), (32062, 254, 139,
'Middleburg'), (8668, 254, 139, 'Middlesboro'), (32113, 254, 139,
'Midway'), (32139, 254, 139, 'Milburn'), (32152, 254, 139,
'Milford'), (32174, 254, 139, 'Mill Springs'), (32197, 254, 139,
'Millersburg'), (32233, 254, 139, 'Millstone'), (32236, 254, 139,
'Milltown'), (32248, 254, 139, 'Millwood'), (32268, 254, 139,
'Milton'), (32317, 254, 139, 'Minerva'), (32339, 254, 139,
'Minnie'), (32358, 254, 139, 'Miracle'), (32368, 254, 139,
'Mistletoe'), (32375, 254, 139, 'Mitchellsburg'), (32379, 254, 139,
'Mize'), (8669, 254, 139, 'Monticello'), (32579, 254, 139,
'Moorefield'), (8670, 254, 139, 'Morehead'), (8671, 254, 139,
'Morganfield'), (8672, 254, 139, 'Morgantown'), (32635, 254, 139, 'Morning
View'), (32684, 254, 139, 'Mortons Gap'), (32752, 254, 139, 'Mount
Eden'), (32762, 254, 139, 'Mount Hermon'), (8673, 254, 139, 'Mount
Olivet'), (32810, 254, 139, 'Mount Sherman'), (8674, 254, 139, 'Mount
Sterling'), (8675, 254, 139, 'Mount Vernon'), (16767, 254, 139, 'Mount
Washington'), (32869, 254, 139, 'Mousie'), (32871, 254, 139,
'Mouthcard'), (32880, 254, 139, 'Mozelle'), (32895, 254, 139,
'Muldraugh'), (8676, 254, 139, 'Munfordville'), (8677, 254, 139,
'Murray'), (32947, 254, 139, 'Muses Mills'), (32956, 254, 139,
'Myra'), (32981, 254, 139, 'Nancy'), (33057, 254, 139, 'Nazareth'), (33064,
254, 139, 'Nebo'), (33119, 254, 139, 'Neon'), (33126, 254, 139,
'Nerinx'), (33146, 254, 139, 'Nevisdale'), (8678, 254, 139, 'New
Castle'), (33193, 254, 139, 'New Concord'), (33232, 254, 139, 'New
Haven'), (33246, 254, 139, 'New Hope'), (33262, 254, 139, 'New
Liberty'), (8679, 254, 139, 'Newburg'), (8680, 254, 139, 'Newport'), (8681,
254, 139, 'Nicholasville'), (33680, 254, 139, 'North Middletown'), (33760,
254, 139, 'Nortonville'), (33834, 254, 139, 'Oak Grove'), (33877, 254, 139,
'Oakland'), (33994, 254, 139, 'Oil Springs'), (34029, 254, 139,
'Olaton'), (34069, 254, 139, 'Olive Hill'), (34083, 254, 139,
'Olmstead'), (34095, 254, 139, 'Olympia'), (34126, 254, 139,
'Oneida'), (34156, 254, 139, 'Ophir'), (34215, 254, 139, 'Orlando'), (8682,
254, 139, 'Owensboro'), (8683, 254, 139, 'Owenton'), (8684, 254, 139,
'Owingsville'), (8685, 254, 139, 'Paducah'), (34406, 254, 139, 'Paint
Lick'), (8686, 254, 139, 'Paintsville'), (8687, 254, 139, 'Paris'), (34524,
254, 139, 'Park City'), (34538, 254, 139, 'Parkers Lake'), (34551, 254,
139, 'Parksville'), (34578, 254, 139, 'Partridge'), (34588, 254, 139,
'Pathfork'), (34650, 254, 139, 'Payneville'), (34709, 254, 139,
'Pellville'), (34718, 254, 139, 'Pembroke'), (34727, 254, 139,
'Pendleton'), (34761, 254, 139, 'Penrod'), (34769, 254, 139,
'Peoples'), (34810, 254, 139, 'Perry Park'), (34816, 254, 139,
'Perryville'), (34833, 254, 139, 'Petersburg'), (34860, 254, 139, 'Pewee
Valley'), (34865, 254, 139, 'Phelps'), (34886, 254, 139,
'Philpot'), (34893, 254, 139, 'Phyllis'), (8688, 254, 139,
'Pikeville'), (34949, 254, 139, 'Pilgrim'), (18172, 254, 139, 'Pine
Knot'), (34990, 254, 139, 'Pine Ridge'), (34993, 254, 139, 'Pine
Top'), (16223, 254, 139, 'Pineville'), (35037, 254, 139,
'Pinsonfork'), (35049, 254, 139, 'Pippa Passes'), (35064, 254, 139,
'Pittsburg'), (35166, 254, 139, 'Pleasureville'), (35180, 254, 139,
'Plummers Landing'), (35282, 254, 139, 'Poole'), (35336, 254, 139, 'Port
Royal'), (35425, 254, 139, 'Powderly'), (35482, 254, 139,
'Premium'), (35495, 254, 139, 'Preston'), (8689, 254, 139,
'Prestonsburg'), (35515, 254, 139, 'Primrose'), (8691, 254, 139,
'Princeton'), (35535, 254, 139, 'Printer'), (12721, 254, 139,
'Prospect'), (35570, 254, 139, 'Providence'), (35575, 254, 139,
'Provo'), (35620, 254, 139, 'Putney'), (35659, 254, 139, 'Quincy'), (35679,
254, 139, 'Raccoon'), (8692, 254, 139, 'Radcliff'), (35780, 254, 139,
'Ransom'), (35800, 254, 139, 'Raven'), (35808, 254, 139,
'Ravenna'), (35843, 254, 139, 'Raywick'), (35916, 254, 139,
'Redfox'), (35933, 254, 139, 'Reed'), (14724, 254, 139, 'Regina'), (35975,
254, 139, 'Renfro Valley'), (36004, 254, 139, 'Revelo'), (36026, 254, 139,
'Reynolds Station'), (36036, 254, 139, 'Rhodelia'), (36050, 254, 139,
'Ricetown'), (36059, 254, 139, 'Richardsville'), (8693, 254, 139,
'Richmond'), (36167, 254, 139, 'Rineyville'), (36215, 254, 139,
'River'), (36270, 254, 139, 'Roark'), (36271, 254, 139, 'Robards'), (36294,
254, 139, 'Robinson Creek'), (36305, 254, 139, 'Rochester'), (36345, 254,
139, 'Rockfield'), (14623, 254, 139, 'Rockholds'), (36353, 254, 139,
'Rockhouse'), (36363, 254, 139, 'Rockport'), (36387, 254, 139, 'Rocky
Hill'), (36406, 254, 139, 'Rogers'), (36523, 254, 139, 'Rosine'), (36565,
254, 139, 'Roundhill'), (17594, 254, 139, 'Rousseau'), (36571, 254, 139,
'Rowdy'), (36584, 254, 139, 'Roxana'), (36605, 254, 139,
'Royalton'), (36642, 254, 139, 'Rumsey'), (36654, 254, 139,
'Rush'), (17049, 254, 139, 'Russell'), (18665, 254, 139, 'Russell
Springs'), (8694, 254, 139, 'Russellville'), (36736, 254, 139,
'Sacramento'), (36744, 254, 139, 'Sadieville'), (36785, 254, 139, 'Saint
Catharine'), (36789, 254, 139, 'Saint Charles'), (36810, 254, 139, 'Saint
Francis'), (36827, 254, 139, 'Saint Helens'), (36858, 254, 139, 'Saint
Mary'), (36881, 254, 139, 'Saint Paul'), (36917, 254, 139,
'Salem'), (36955, 254, 139, 'Salt Lick'), (13875, 254, 139,
'Salvisa'), (8695, 254, 139, 'Salyersville'), (37030, 254, 139,
'Sanders'), (37034, 254, 139, 'Sandgap'), (8696, 254, 139, 'Sandy
Hook'), (37118, 254, 139, 'Sassafras'), (37129, 254, 139, 'Saul'), (37171,
254, 139, 'Scalf'), (37217, 254, 139, 'Science Hill'), (8697, 254, 139,
'Scottsville'), (37276, 254, 139, 'Scuddy'), (37278, 254, 139, 'SE
Ree'), (37322, 254, 139, 'Sebree'), (37324, 254, 139, 'Seco'), (37331, 254,
139, 'Sedalia'), (37415, 254, 139, 'Sextons Creek'), (37468, 254, 139,
'Sharon Grove'), (37477, 254, 139, 'Sharpsburg'), (37518, 254, 139,
'Shelbiana'), (37527, 254, 139, 'Shelby Gap'), (8698, 254, 139,
'Shelbyville'), (8699, 254, 139, 'Shepherdsville'), (37664, 254, 139,
'Sidney'), (37678, 254, 139, 'Siler'), (37704, 254, 139, 'Silver
Grove'), (37738, 254, 139, 'Simpsonville'), (37757, 254, 139,
'Sitka'), (37761, 254, 139, 'Sizerock'), (37783, 254, 139,
'Slade'), (37796, 254, 139, 'Slaughters'), (37800, 254, 139,
'Slemp'), (37821, 254, 139, 'Smilax'), (37825, 254, 139, 'Smith
Mills'), (37833, 254, 139, 'Smithfield'), (8700, 254, 139,
'Smithland'), (37844, 254, 139, 'Smiths Grove'), (37906, 254, 139,
'Soldier'), (8701, 254, 139, 'Somerset'), (37944, 254, 139,
'Sonora'), (37983, 254, 139, 'South Carrollton'), (38054, 254, 139, 'South
Portsmouth'), (12819, 254, 139, 'South Shore'), (38077, 254, 139, 'South
Union'), (38087, 254, 139, 'South Williamson'), (38131, 254, 139,
'Sparta'), (38178, 254, 139, 'Spottsville'), (8702, 254, 139,
'Springfield'), (38279, 254, 139, 'Staffordsville'), (38284, 254, 139,
'Stambaugh'), (38289, 254, 139, 'Stamping Ground'), (8703, 254, 139,
'Stanford'), (38307, 254, 139, 'Stanley'), (8704, 254, 139,
'Stanton'), (38322, 254, 139, 'Stanville'), (38368, 254, 139,
'Stearns'), (38373, 254, 139, 'Steele'), (38399, 254, 139,
'Stephensport'), (38454, 254, 139, 'Stinnett'), (38494, 254, 139,
'Stone'), (38512, 254, 139, 'Stoney Fork'), (38520, 254, 139,
'Stopover'), (38592, 254, 139, 'Strunk'), (38605, 254, 139,
'Sturgis'), (38640, 254, 139, 'Sullivan'), (38649, 254, 139,
'Sulphur'), (38662, 254, 139, 'Summer Shade'), (38675, 254, 139,
'Summersville'), (38680, 254, 139, 'Summit'), (38799, 254, 139,
'Sweeden'), (38846, 254, 139, 'Symsonia'), (38876, 254, 139,
'Talbert'), (38938, 254, 139, 'Tateville'), (8705, 254, 139,
'Taylorsville'), (38962, 254, 139, 'Teaberry'), (39066, 254, 139,
'Thelma'), (39116, 254, 139, 'Thornton'), (39131, 254, 139,
'Thousandsticks'), (39170, 254, 139, 'Tiline'), (39239, 254, 139,
'Toler'), (39241, 254, 139, 'Tollesboro'), (39249, 254, 139,
'Tolu'), (39253, 254, 139, 'Tomahawk'), (8706, 254, 139,
'Tompkinsville'), (39276, 254, 139, 'Topmost'), (39296, 254, 139,
'Totz'), (39337, 254, 139, 'Tram'), (39368, 254, 139, 'Trenton'), (39410,
254, 139, 'Trosper'), (39504, 254, 139, 'Turners Station'), (39529, 254,
139, 'Tutor Key'), (39571, 254, 139, 'Tyner'), (39600, 254, 139,
'Ulysses'), (16437, 254, 139, 'Union'), (39652, 254, 139, 'Union
Star'), (39659, 254, 139, 'Uniontown'), (39701, 254, 139, 'Upton'), (39719,
254, 139, 'Utica'), (17765, 254, 139, 'Van Lear'), (8708, 254, 139,
'Vanceburg'), (39809, 254, 139, 'Vancleve'), (39833, 254, 139,
'Varney'), (39905, 254, 139, 'Verona'), (8709, 254, 139,
'Versailles'), (39922, 254, 139, 'Vest'), (39930, 254, 139,
'Vicco'), (39979, 254, 139, 'Vincent'), (18237, 254, 139, 'Vine
Grove'), (40001, 254, 139, 'Viper'), (14263, 254, 139, 'Virgie'), (40049,
254, 139, 'Waco'), (40055, 254, 139, 'Waddy'), (40130, 254, 139,
'Walker'), (40162, 254, 139, 'Wallingford'), (40165, 254, 139, 'Wallins
Creek'), (15326, 254, 139, 'Walton'), (40219, 254, 139, 'Waneta'), (40231,
254, 139, 'Warbranch'), (40248, 254, 139, 'Warfield'), (8710, 254, 139,
'Warsaw'), (40304, 254, 139, 'Washington'), (40337, 254, 139, 'Water
Valley'), (40370, 254, 139, 'Waterview'), (40425, 254, 139,
'Waverly'), (40442, 254, 139, 'Wayland'), (40455, 254, 139,
'Waynesburg'), (40478, 254, 139, 'Webbville'), (40482, 254, 139,
'Webster'), (15758, 254, 139, 'Weeksbury'), (40517, 254, 139, 'Welchs
Creek'), (40540, 254, 139, 'Wellington'), (40573, 254, 139,
'Wendover'), (8711, 254, 139, 'West Liberty'), (40690, 254, 139, 'West
Louisville'), (40716, 254, 139, 'West Paducah'), (40726, 254, 139, 'West
Point'), (40747, 254, 139, 'West Somerset'), (40766, 254, 139, 'West Van
Lear'), (40847, 254, 139, 'Westport'), (40856, 254, 139,
'Westview'), (40882, 254, 139, 'Wheatcroft'), (40903, 254, 139,
'Wheelwright'), (40906, 254, 139, 'Whick'), (40937, 254, 139, 'White
Mills'), (40949, 254, 139, 'White Plains'), (8712, 254, 139,
'Whitesburg'), (40992, 254, 139, 'Whitesville'), (8713, 254, 139, 'Whitley
City'), (8714, 254, 139, 'Wickliffe'), (41067, 254, 139, 'Wildie'), (41082,
254, 139, 'Willard'), (8715, 254, 139, 'Williamsburg'), (41112, 254, 139,
'Williamsport'), (8716, 254, 139, 'Williamstown'), (41131, 254, 139,
'Willisburg'), (18098, 254, 139, 'Wilmore'), (8717, 254, 139,
'Winchester'), (41222, 254, 139, 'Windsor'), (41257, 254, 139,
'Wingo'), (41284, 254, 139, 'Winston'), (41331, 254, 139,
'Wittensville'), (41383, 254, 139, 'Woodbine'), (41391, 254, 139,
'Woodburn'), (41394, 254, 139, 'Woodbury'), (41460, 254, 139,
'Woollum'), (41467, 254, 139, 'Wooton'), (41481, 254, 139,
'Worthington'), (41486, 254, 139, 'Worthville'), (41505, 254, 139,
'Wrigley'), (41557, 254, 139, 'Yeaddiss'), (41568, 254, 139,
'Yerkes'), (41602, 254, 139, 'Yosemite'), (41660, 254, 139, 'Zoe'), (8718,
254, 140, 'Abbeville'), (19068, 254, 140, 'Abita Springs'), (19083, 254,
140, 'Acme'), (19123, 254, 140, 'Addis'), (19187, 254, 140,
'Aimwell'), (19194, 254, 140, 'Akers'), (19220, 254, 140, 'Albany'), (8719,
254, 140, 'Alexandria'), (19451, 254, 140, 'Ama'), (19478, 254, 140,
'Amelia'), (19500, 254, 140, 'Amite'), (17437, 254, 140,
'Anacoco'), (19554, 254, 140, 'Angie'), (12710, 254, 140,
'Angola'), (19629, 254, 140, 'Arabi'), (19648, 254, 140,
'Arcadia'), (19660, 254, 140, 'Archibald'), (19745, 254, 140,
'Arnaudville'), (19813, 254, 140, 'Ashland'), (19858, 254, 140,
'Athens'), (19878, 254, 140, 'Atlanta'), (19991, 254, 140, 'Avery
Island'), (42302, 254, 140, 'Avondale'), (16198, 254, 140,
'Baker'), (20104, 254, 140, 'Baldwin'), (8720, 254, 140, 'Ball'), (8721,
254, 140, 'Barataria'), (20179, 254, 140, 'Barksdale AFB'), (20247, 254,
140, 'Basile'), (20252, 254, 140, 'Baskin'), (8722, 254, 140,
'Bastrop'), (20263, 254, 140, 'Batchelor'), (8723, 254, 140, 'Baton
Rouge'), (20317, 254, 140, 'Bayou Goula'), (20436, 254, 140,
'Belcher'), (20462, 254, 140, 'Bell City'), (20473, 254, 140, 'Belle
Chasse'), (20480, 254, 140, 'Belle Rose'), (20512, 254, 140,
'Belmont'), (20588, 254, 140, 'Bentley'), (20594, 254, 140,
'Benton'), (20643, 254, 140, 'Bernice'), (20657, 254, 140,
'Berwick'), (20670, 254, 140, 'Bethany'), (20723, 254, 140,
'Bienville'), (20895, 254, 140, 'Blanchard'), (20911, 254, 140,
'Blanks'), (8724, 254, 140, 'Bogalusa'), (21091, 254, 140,
'Bonita'), (8725, 254, 140, 'Boothville'), (21118, 254, 140,
'Bordelonville'), (8726, 254, 140, 'Bossier City'), (21152, 254, 140,
'Bourg'), (21156, 254, 140, 'Boutte'), (21193, 254, 140, 'Boyce'), (21269,
254, 140, 'Braithwaite'), (21273, 254, 140, 'Branch'), (15831, 254, 140,
'Breaux Bridge'), (21433, 254, 140, 'Brittany'), (18134, 254, 140,
'Broussard'), (21601, 254, 140, 'Brusly'), (21665, 254, 140,
'Bueche'), (8727, 254, 140, 'Bunkie'), (21721, 254, 140, 'Buras'), (21778,
254, 140, 'Burnside'), (21806, 254, 140, 'Bush'), (21874, 254, 140,
'Cade'), (21906, 254, 140, 'Calhoun'), (21945, 254, 140, 'Calvin'), (8728,
254, 140, 'Cameron'), (22025, 254, 140, 'Campti'), (18059, 254, 140,
'Carencro'), (22153, 254, 140, 'Carlisle'), (22229, 254, 140,
'Carville'), (22302, 254, 140, 'Castor'), (22354, 254, 140,
'Cecilia'), (22423, 254, 140, 'Center Point'), (22443, 254, 140,
'Centerville'), (8729, 254, 140, 'Chalmette'), (22535, 254, 140,
'Charenton'), (22564, 254, 140, 'Chase'), (22571, 254, 140,
'Chataignier'), (22577, 254, 140, 'Chatham'), (22595, 254, 140,
'Chauvin'), (22618, 254, 140, 'Cheneyville'), (22741, 254, 140,
'Choudrant'), (22765, 254, 140, 'Church Point'), (22822, 254, 140,
'Clarence'), (22848, 254, 140, 'Clarks'), (22905, 254, 140,
'Clayton'), (8730, 254, 140, 'Clinton'), (23024, 254, 140,
'Cloutierville'), (8731, 254, 140, 'Colfax'), (23178, 254, 140,
'Collinston'), (8732, 254, 140, 'Columbia'), (23339, 254, 140,
'Convent'), (23341, 254, 140, 'Converse'), (23494, 254, 140, 'Cotton
Valley'), (23496, 254, 140, 'Cottonport'), (8733, 254, 140,
'Coushatta'), (14100, 254, 140, 'Covington'), (23626, 254, 140,
'Creole'), (8734, 254, 140, 'Crowley'), (23724, 254, 140,
'Crowville'), (23763, 254, 140, 'Cullen'), (17207, 254, 140, 'Cut
Off'), (8735, 254, 140, 'Dalcour'), (23968, 254, 140, 'Darrow'), (23977,
254, 140, 'Davant'), (24156, 254, 140, 'Delcambre'), (17762, 254, 140,
'Delhi'), (24188, 254, 140, 'Delta'), (14719, 254, 140, 'Denham
Springs'), (13746, 254, 140, 'DeQuincy'), (13450, 254, 140,
'DeRidder'), (24252, 254, 140, 'Des Allemands'), (24263, 254, 140,
'Destrehan'), (18066, 254, 140, 'Deville'), (24387, 254, 140,
'Dodson'), (8737, 254, 140, 'Donaldsonville'), (24418, 254, 140,
'Donner'), (24494, 254, 140, 'Downsville'), (24503, 254, 140,
'Doyline'), (24550, 254, 140, 'Dry Creek'), (24553, 254, 140, 'Dry
Prong'), (24569, 254, 140, 'Dubach'), (24570, 254, 140,
'Dubberly'), (24604, 254, 140, 'Dulac'), (24666, 254, 140,
'Duplessis'), (24670, 254, 140, 'Dupont'), (24695, 254, 140,
'Duson'), (24876, 254, 140, 'East Point'), (24967, 254, 140,
'Echo'), (25006, 254, 140, 'Edgard'), (25058, 254, 140, 'Effie'), (25064,
254, 140, 'Egan'), (25159, 254, 140, 'Elizabeth'), (25264, 254, 140, 'Elm
Grove'), (25276, 254, 140, 'Elmer'), (25312, 254, 140, 'Elton'), (25370,
254, 140, 'Empire'), (25412, 254, 140, 'Enterprise'), (25426, 254, 140,
'Epps'), (15749, 254, 140, 'Erath'), (25448, 254, 140, 'Eros'), (25455,
254, 140, 'Erwinville'), (25487, 254, 140, 'Estherwood'), (25493, 254, 140,
'Ethel'), (14608, 254, 140, 'Eunice'), (25542, 254, 140,
'Evangeline'), (25545, 254, 140, 'Evans'), (25565, 254, 140,
'Evergreen'), (25613, 254, 140, 'Fairbanks'), (8738, 254, 140,
'Farmerville'), (25822, 254, 140, 'Fenton'), (25838, 254, 140,
'Ferriday'), (25893, 254, 140, 'Fisher'), (25936, 254, 140,
'Flatwoods'), (25967, 254, 140, 'Flora'), (25984, 254, 140,
'Florien'), (25996, 254, 140, 'Fluker'), (26006, 254, 140,
'Folsom'), (26031, 254, 140, 'Fordoche'), (26038, 254, 140,
'Forest'), (26045, 254, 140, 'Forest Hill'), (26140, 254, 140, 'Fort
Necessity'), (8739, 254, 140, 'Fort Polk Aaf'), (8740, 254, 140,
'Franklin'), (26263, 254, 140, 'Franklinton'), (26345, 254, 140, 'French
Settlement'), (26373, 254, 140, 'Frierson'), (26412, 254, 140,
'Fullerton'), (14675, 254, 140, 'Galliano'), (26514, 254, 140, 'Garden
City'), (26529, 254, 140, 'Gardner'), (26581, 254, 140,
'Garyville'), (26620, 254, 140, 'Geismar'), (26655, 254, 140,
'Georgetown'), (26691, 254, 140, 'Gheens'), (26702, 254, 140,
'Gibsland'), (26704, 254, 140, 'Gibson'), (26723, 254, 140,
'Gilbert'), (26754, 254, 140, 'Gilliam'), (26897, 254, 140,
'Glenmora'), (26931, 254, 140, 'Gloster'), (26942, 254, 140,
'Glynn'), (8741, 254, 140, 'Golden Meadow'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities`
(`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (26976, 254, 140,
'Goldonna'), (8742, 254, 140, 'Gonzales'), (27050, 254, 140,
'Gorum'), (8743, 254, 140, 'Grambling'), (27111, 254, 140,
'Gramercy'), (27122, 254, 140, 'Grand Cane'), (27124, 254, 140, 'Grand
Chenier'), (27125, 254, 140, 'Grand Coteau'), (27129, 254, 140, 'Grand
Isle'), (27182, 254, 140, 'Grant'), (14413, 254, 140, 'Gray'), (27247, 254,
140, 'Grayson'), (8744, 254, 140, 'Greensburg'), (27357, 254, 140,
'Greenwell Springs'), (27365, 254, 140, 'Greenwood'), (8745, 254, 140,
'Gretna'), (27415, 254, 140, 'Grosse Tete'), (27454, 254, 140,
'Gueydan'), (27508, 254, 140, 'Hackberry'), (27537, 254, 140,
'Hahnville'), (27565, 254, 140, 'Hall Summit'), (27590, 254, 140,
'Hamburg'), (8746, 254, 140, 'Hammond'), (27754, 254, 140,
'Harmon'), (8747, 254, 140, 'Harrisonburg'), (8748, 254, 140,
'Harvey'), (18335, 254, 140, 'Haughton'), (27958, 254, 140,
'Hayes'), (27965, 254, 140, 'Haynesville'), (28017, 254, 140,
'Heflin'), (14679, 254, 140, 'Hessmer'), (28147, 254, 140,
'Hester'), (28295, 254, 140, 'Hineston'), (28333, 254, 140,
'Hodge'), (28356, 254, 140, 'Holden'), (8749, 254, 140, 'Homer'), (28534,
254, 140, 'Hornbeck'), (28563, 254, 140, 'Hosston'), (8750, 254, 140,
'Houma'), (28748, 254, 140, 'Husser'), (28788, 254, 140, 'Ida'), (28831,
254, 140, 'Independence'), (28888, 254, 140, 'Innis'), (28912, 254, 140,
'Iota'), (28913, 254, 140, 'Iowa'), (29016, 254, 140, 'Jackson'), (29058,
254, 140, 'Jamestown'), (29080, 254, 140, 'Jarreau'), (29099, 254, 140,
'Jeanerette'), (8751, 254, 140, 'Jena'), (8752, 254, 140,
'Jennings'), (29178, 254, 140, 'Jigger'), (29219, 254, 140,
'Jones'), (8753, 254, 140, 'Jonesboro'), (8754, 254, 140,
'Jonesville'), (29251, 254, 140, 'Joyce'), (14658, 254, 140,
'Kaplan'), (29357, 254, 140, 'Keatchie'), (29385, 254, 140,
'Keithville'), (29401, 254, 140, 'Kelly'), (8755, 254, 140,
'Kenner'), (29474, 254, 140, 'Kentwood'), (29538, 254, 140,
'Kilbourne'), (29552, 254, 140, 'Killona'), (29576, 254, 140,
'Kinder'), (29728, 254, 140, 'Kraemer'), (29737, 254, 140, 'Krotz
Springs'), (29747, 254, 140, 'Kurthwood'), (8760, 254, 140, 'La
Place'), (29823, 254, 140, 'Labadieville'), (29824, 254, 140,
'Labarre'), (29827, 254, 140, 'Lacamp'), (29829, 254, 140,
'Lacassine'), (16116, 254, 140, 'Lacombe'), (8756, 254, 140,
'Lafayette'), (8757, 254, 140, 'Lafitte'), (29881, 254, 140, 'Lake
Arthur'), (8758, 254, 140, 'Lake Charles'), (8759, 254, 140, 'Lake
Providence'), (29961, 254, 140, 'Lakeland'), (16293, 254, 140,
'Larose'), (30166, 254, 140, 'Lawtell'), (30209, 254, 140,
'Lebeau'), (30210, 254, 140, 'Leblanc'), (30218, 254, 140,
'Lecompte'), (8761, 254, 140, 'Leesville'), (30297, 254, 140,
'Lena'), (30339, 254, 140, 'Leonville'), (30373, 254, 140,
'Lettsworth'), (30429, 254, 140, 'Libuse'), (30444, 254, 140,
'Lillie'), (30539, 254, 140, 'Lisbon'), (8762, 254, 140,
'Livingston'), (30627, 254, 140, 'Livonia'), (30657, 254, 140,
'Lockport'), (30687, 254, 140, 'Logansport'), (30748, 254, 140,
'Longleaf'), (30753, 254, 140, 'Longstreet'), (30756, 254, 140,
'Longville'), (30779, 254, 140, 'Loranger'), (30781, 254, 140,
'Loreauville'), (30815, 254, 140, 'Lottie'), (16478, 254, 140,
'Luling'), (30950, 254, 140, 'Lutcher'), (30968, 254, 140,
'Lydia'), (31098, 254, 140, 'Madisonville'), (31184, 254, 140,
'Mamou'), (15010, 254, 140, 'Mandeville'), (31210, 254, 140,
'Mangham'), (8763, 254, 140, 'Mansfield'), (31259, 254, 140,
'Mansura'), (8764, 254, 140, 'Many'), (31368, 254, 140,
'Maringouin'), (31370, 254, 140, 'Marion'), (8765, 254, 140,
'Marksville'), (8766, 254, 140, 'Marrero'), (31456, 254, 140,
'Marthaville'), (31536, 254, 140, 'Mathews'), (31566, 254, 140,
'Maurepas'), (18861, 254, 140, 'Maurice'), (31891, 254, 140,
'Melrose'), (31900, 254, 140, 'Melville'), (31940, 254, 140, 'Mer
Rouge'), (8767, 254, 140, 'Meraux'), (31968, 254, 140,
'Mermentau'), (31985, 254, 140, 'Merryville'), (8768, 254, 140,
'Metairie'), (32269, 254, 140, 'Milton'), (32293, 254, 140,
'Minden'), (32378, 254, 140, 'Mittie'), (32398, 254, 140,
'Modeste'), (8769, 254, 140, 'Monroe'), (32495, 254, 140,
'Montegut'), (32498, 254, 140, 'Monterey'), (32516, 254, 140,
'Montgomery'), (32590, 254, 140, 'Mooringsport'), (32597, 254, 140,
'Mora'), (14681, 254, 140, 'Moreauville'), (8770, 254, 140, 'Morgan
City'), (32623, 254, 140, 'Morganza'), (32673, 254, 140, 'Morrow'), (32676,
254, 140, 'Morse'), (32728, 254, 140, 'Mount Airy'), (32763, 254, 140,
'Mount Hermon'), (8771, 254, 140, 'Napoleonville'), (33025, 254, 140,
'Natalbany'), (33027, 254, 140, 'Natchez'), (8772, 254, 140,
'Natchitoches'), (33084, 254, 140, 'Negreet'), (8773, 254, 140, 'New
Iberia'), (8774, 254, 140, 'New Orleans'), (8775, 254, 140, 'New
Roads'), (33328, 254, 140, 'New Sarpy'), (33400, 254, 140,
'Newellton'), (33418, 254, 140, 'Newllano'), (33527, 254, 140,
'Noble'), (33554, 254, 140, 'Norco'), (33774, 254, 140, 'Norwood'), (8776,
254, 140, 'Oak Grove'), (33845, 254, 140, 'Oak Ridge'), (8777, 254, 140,
'Oakdale'), (33916, 254, 140, 'Oberlin'), (33993, 254, 140, 'Oil
City'), (34079, 254, 140, 'Olla'), (8778, 254, 140, 'Opelousas'), (34256,
254, 140, 'Oscar'), (34285, 254, 140, 'Otis'), (34403, 254, 140,
'Paincourtville'), (34442, 254, 140, 'Palmetto'), (34498, 254, 140,
'Paradis'), (34604, 254, 140, 'Patterson'), (34621, 254, 140,
'Paulina'), (12246, 254, 140, 'Pearl River'), (34704, 254, 140,
'Pelican'), (34804, 254, 140, 'Perry'), (8779, 254, 140, 'Pierre
Part'), (34962, 254, 140, 'Pilottown'), (34975, 254, 140, 'Pine
Grove'), (34989, 254, 140, 'Pine Prairie'), (8780, 254, 140,
'Pineville'), (35041, 254, 140, 'Pioneer'), (35059, 254, 140,
'Pitkin'), (35086, 254, 140, 'Plain Dealing'), (8781, 254, 140,
'Plaquemine'), (35125, 254, 140, 'Plattenville'), (35128, 254, 140,
'Plaucheville'), (35138, 254, 140, 'Pleasant Hill'), (35229, 254, 140,
'Pointe A la Hache'), (35248, 254, 140, 'Pollock'), (13282, 254, 140,
'Ponchatoula'), (8782, 254, 140, 'Port Allen'), (16714, 254, 140, 'Port
Barre'), (8783, 254, 140, 'Port Sulphur'), (35445, 254, 140,
'Powhatan'), (8785, 254, 140, 'Prairieville'), (35510, 254, 140,
'Pride'), (35525, 254, 140, 'Princeton'), (35569, 254, 140,
'Provencal'), (35675, 254, 140, 'Quitman'), (35680, 254, 140,
'Raceland'), (35697, 254, 140, 'Ragley'), (13673, 254, 140,
'Rayne'), (8786, 254, 140, 'Rayville'), (35902, 254, 140,
'Reddell'), (35947, 254, 140, 'Reeves'), (8787, 254, 140,
'Reserve'), (36033, 254, 140, 'Rhinehart'), (36168, 254, 140,
'Ringgold'), (42934, 254, 140, 'River Ridge'), (36260, 254, 140,
'Roanoke'), (36277, 254, 140, 'Robeline'), (36279, 254, 140,
'Robert'), (17689, 254, 140, 'Rodessa'), (36495, 254, 140,
'Rosedale'), (36502, 254, 140, 'Roseland'), (36515, 254, 140,
'Rosepine'), (36552, 254, 140, 'Rougon'), (36616, 254, 140, 'Ruby'), (8788,
254, 140, 'Ruston'), (36769, 254, 140, 'Saint Amant'), (36778, 254, 140,
'Saint Benedict'), (12328, 254, 140, 'Saint Bernard'), (8794, 254, 140,
'Saint Francisville'), (36814, 254, 140, 'Saint Gabriel'), (36833, 254,
140, 'Saint James'), (8795, 254, 140, 'Saint Joseph'), (36847, 254, 140,
'Saint Landry'), (8796, 254, 140, 'Saint Martinville'), (36864, 254, 140,
'Saint Maurice'), (36894, 254, 140, 'Saint Rose'), (36934, 254, 140,
'Saline'), (37106, 254, 140, 'Sarepta'), (37204, 254, 140,
'Schriever'), (14892, 254, 140, 'Scott'), (37624, 254, 140,
'Shongaloo'), (8789, 254, 140, 'Shreveport'), (37651, 254, 140,
'Sibley'), (37654, 254, 140, 'Sicily Island'), (37670, 254, 140,
'Sieper'), (37676, 254, 140, 'Sikes'), (37728, 254, 140,
'Simmesport'), (37735, 254, 140, 'Simpson'), (8790, 254, 140,
'Simsboro'), (37748, 254, 140, 'Singer'), (37784, 254, 140,
'Slagle'), (37795, 254, 140, 'Slaughter'), (8791, 254, 140,
'Slidell'), (37942, 254, 140, 'Sondheimer'), (8792, 254, 140,
'Sorrento'), (38139, 254, 140, 'Spearsville'), (38230, 254, 140,
'Springfield'), (8793, 254, 140, 'Springhill'), (38345, 254, 140,
'Starks'), (38352, 254, 140, 'Start'), (12663, 254, 140,
'Sterlington'), (38507, 254, 140, 'Stonewall'), (38638, 254, 140,
'Sugartown'), (8797, 254, 140, 'Sulphur'), (38666, 254, 140,
'Summerfield'), (38705, 254, 140, 'Sun'), (38733, 254, 140,
'Sunset'), (38738, 254, 140, 'Sunshine'), (38791, 254, 140,
'Swartz'), (38883, 254, 140, 'Talisheek'), (8798, 254, 140,
'Tallulah'), (38915, 254, 140, 'Tangipahoa'), (38947, 254, 140,
'Taylor'), (39071, 254, 140, 'Theriot'), (8799, 254, 140,
'Thibodaux'), (39150, 254, 140, 'Tickfaw'), (8800, 254, 140,
'Tioga'), (39286, 254, 140, 'Torbert'), (14227, 254, 140,
'Transylvania'), (39413, 254, 140, 'Trout'), (39463, 254, 140,
'Tullos'), (39472, 254, 140, 'Tunica'), (39495, 254, 140, 'Turkey
Creek'), (39612, 254, 140, 'Uncle Sam'), (39705, 254, 140,
'Urania'), (39730, 254, 140, 'Vacherie'), (39861, 254, 140,
'Venice'), (39863, 254, 140, 'Ventress'), (39872, 254, 140,
'Verda'), (8801, 254, 140, 'Vidalia'), (8802, 254, 140, 'Ville
Platte'), (39988, 254, 140, 'Vinton'), (39999, 254, 140, 'Violet'), (15079,
254, 140, 'Vivian'), (40085, 254, 140, 'Wakefield'), (16998, 254, 140,
'Walker'), (40305, 254, 140, 'Washington'), (40363, 254, 140,
'Waterproof'), (40391, 254, 140, 'Watson'), (40563, 254, 140,
'Welsh'), (12138, 254, 140, 'West Monroe'), (40811, 254, 140,
'Westlake'), (15397, 254, 140, 'Westwego'), (40870, 254, 140,
'Weyanoke'), (40917, 254, 140, 'White Castle'), (41070, 254, 140,
'Wildsville'), (41177, 254, 140, 'Wilson'), (8804, 254, 140,
'Winnfield'), (8805, 254, 140, 'Winnsboro'), (41321, 254, 140,
'Wisner'), (41453, 254, 140, 'Woodworth'), (15362, 254, 140,
'Youngsville'), (41627, 254, 140, 'Zachary'), (41668, 254, 140,
'Zwolle'), (19048, 254, 141, 'Abbot'), (19090, 254, 141, 'Acton'), (19125,
254, 141, 'Addison'), (19240, 254, 141, 'Albion'), (19291, 254, 141,
'Alfred'), (19374, 254, 141, 'Alna'), (19539, 254, 141, 'Andover'), (16759,
254, 141, 'Anson'), (19814, 254, 141, 'Ashland'), (19859, 254, 141,
'Athens'), (8982, 254, 141, 'Auburn'), (8983, 254, 141, 'Augusta'), (19953,
254, 141, 'Aurora'), (20068, 254, 141, 'Bailey Island'), (20073, 254, 141,
'Baileyville'), (8984, 254, 141, 'Bangor'), (8985, 254, 141, 'Bar
Harbor'), (20157, 254, 141, 'Bar Mills'), (20254, 254, 141, 'Bass
Harbor'), (8986, 254, 141, 'Bath'), (20324, 254, 141, 'Bayville'), (20338,
254, 141, 'Beals'), (17864, 254, 141, 'Belfast'), (20452, 254, 141,
'Belgrade'), (20455, 254, 141, 'Belgrade Lakes'), (20563, 254, 141,
'Benedicta'), (20637, 254, 141, 'Bernard'), (20658, 254, 141,
'Berwick'), (20674, 254, 141, 'Bethel'), (8987, 254, 141,
'Biddeford'), (20719, 254, 141, 'Biddeford Pool'), (20788, 254, 141,
'Bingham'), (20794, 254, 141, 'Birch Harbor'), (20873, 254, 141,
'Blaine'), (20979, 254, 141, 'Blue Hill'), (20981, 254, 141, 'Blue Hill
Falls'), (17024, 254, 141, 'Boothbay'), (21117, 254, 141, 'Boothbay
Harbor'), (21166, 254, 141, 'Bowdoin'), (21167, 254, 141,
'Bowdoinham'), (21233, 254, 141, 'Bradford'), (21246, 254, 141,
'Bradley'), (21335, 254, 141, 'Bremen'), (17337, 254, 141,
'Brewer'), (21376, 254, 141, 'Bridgewater'), (21383, 254, 141,
'Bridgton'), (15646, 254, 141, 'Bristol'), (21493, 254, 141,
'Brooklin'), (21511, 254, 141, 'Brooks'), (21518, 254, 141,
'Brooksville'), (21520, 254, 141, 'Brookton'), (21537, 254, 141,
'Brownfield'), (21563, 254, 141, 'Brownville'), (21566, 254, 141,
'Brownville Junction'), (8988, 254, 141, 'Brunswick'), (21614, 254, 141,
'Bryant Pond'), (21637, 254, 141, 'Buckfield'), (14275, 254, 141,
'Bucksport'), (21753, 254, 141, 'Burlington'), (21767, 254, 141,
'Burnham'), (21815, 254, 141, 'Bustins Island'), (12029, 254, 141,
'Buxton'), (16431, 254, 141, 'Calais'), (21961, 254, 141,
'Cambridge'), (21969, 254, 141, 'Camden'), (22031, 254, 141,
'Canaan'), (8989, 254, 141, 'Canton'), (22100, 254, 141, 'Cape
Elizabeth'), (22104, 254, 141, 'Cape Neddick'), (22105, 254, 141, 'Cape
Porpoise'), (22122, 254, 141, 'Caratunk'), (8990, 254, 141,
'Caribou'), (22169, 254, 141, 'Carmel'), (8991, 254, 141, 'Casco'), (22288,
254, 141, 'Castine'), (22419, 254, 141, 'Center Lovell'), (22499, 254, 141,
'Chamberlain'), (22539, 254, 141, 'Charleston'), (22599, 254, 141,
'Chebeague Island'), (22633, 254, 141, 'Cherryfield'), (22715, 254, 141,
'China'), (8992, 254, 141, 'Clayton Lake'), (22965, 254, 141, 'Cliff
Island'), (23000, 254, 141, 'Clinton'), (23225, 254, 141, 'Columbia
Falls'), (23374, 254, 141, 'Coopers Mills'), (17718, 254, 141,
'Corea'), (23424, 254, 141, 'Corinna'), (23428, 254, 141,
'Corinth'), (23441, 254, 141, 'Cornish'), (23482, 254, 141,
'Costigan'), (23583, 254, 141, 'Cranberry Isles'), (23713, 254, 141,
'Crouseville'), (23777, 254, 141, 'Cumberland Center'), (23779, 254, 141,
'Cumberland Foreside'), (23813, 254, 141, 'Cushing'), (23833, 254, 141,
'Cutler'), (17268, 254, 141, 'Damariscotta'), (23931, 254, 141,
'Danforth'), (23949, 254, 141, 'Danville'), (24108, 254, 141, 'Deer
Isle'), (24203, 254, 141, 'Denmark'), (24218, 254, 141,
'Dennysville'), (24265, 254, 141, 'Detroit'), (16784, 254, 141,
'Dexter'), (24359, 254, 141, 'Dixfield'), (24363, 254, 141,
'Dixmont'), (24479, 254, 141, 'Dover Foxcroft'), (24522, 254, 141,
'Dresden'), (24557, 254, 141, 'Dryden'), (24686, 254, 141,
'Durham'), (24733, 254, 141, 'Eagle Lake'), (24769, 254, 141, 'East
Andover'), (24772, 254, 141, 'East Baldwin'), (24784, 254, 141, 'East Blue
Hill'), (24785, 254, 141, 'East Boothbay'), (24804, 254, 141, 'East
Dixfield'), (24844, 254, 141, 'East Livermore'), (24849, 254, 141, 'East
Machias'), (8994, 254, 141, 'East Millinocket'), (24861, 254, 141, 'East
Newport'), (24864, 254, 141, 'East Orland'), (24870, 254, 141, 'East
Parsonfield'), (24877, 254, 141, 'East Poland'), (24907, 254, 141, 'East
Vassalboro'), (24912, 254, 141, 'East Waterboro'), (24916, 254, 141, 'East
Wilton'), (24918, 254, 141, 'East Winthrop'), (24937, 254, 141,
'Easton'), (24945, 254, 141, 'Eastport'), (24984, 254, 141,
'Eddington'), (25008, 254, 141, 'Edgecomb'), (25154, 254, 141,
'Eliot'), (13057, 254, 141, 'Ellsworth'), (25481, 254, 141, 'Estcourt
Station'), (25504, 254, 141, 'Etna'), (25536, 254, 141, 'Eustis'), (25587,
254, 141, 'Exeter'), (15372, 254, 141, 'Fairfield'), (25714, 254, 141,
'Falmouth'), (25745, 254, 141, 'Farmingdale'), (8995, 254, 141,
'Farmington'), (25759, 254, 141, 'Farmington Falls'), (17598, 254, 141,
'Fort Fairfield'), (8996, 254, 141, 'Fort Kent'), (26118, 254, 141, 'Fort
Kent Mills'), (26242, 254, 141, 'Frankfort'), (26251, 254, 141,
'Franklin'), (26308, 254, 141, 'Freedom'), (8997, 254, 141,
'Freeport'), (26347, 254, 141, 'Frenchboro'), (26352, 254, 141,
'Frenchville'), (26368, 254, 141, 'Friendship'), (26406, 254, 141,
'Fryeburg'), (11922, 254, 141, 'Gardiner'), (26542, 254, 141,
'Garland'), (26658, 254, 141, 'Georgetown'), (26828, 254, 141, 'Glen
Cove'), (27044, 254, 141, 'Gorham'), (27072, 254, 141,
'Gouldsboro'), (27130, 254, 141, 'Grand Isle'), (15339, 254, 141, 'Grand
Lake Stream'), (27235, 254, 141, 'Gray'), (27298, 254, 141,
'Greenbush'), (17903, 254, 141, 'Greene'), (8998, 254, 141,
'Greenville'), (27353, 254, 141, 'Greenville Junction'), (27366, 254, 141,
'Greenwood'), (12393, 254, 141, 'Guilford'), (8999, 254, 141,
'Hallowell'), (27635, 254, 141, 'Hampden'), (27662, 254, 141,
'Hancock'), (27690, 254, 141, 'Hanover'), (27715, 254, 141,
'Harborside'), (27758, 254, 141, 'Harmony'), (27776, 254, 141,
'Harpswell'), (27787, 254, 141, 'Harrington'), (27804, 254, 141,
'Harrison'), (16493, 254, 141, 'Hartland'), (28005, 254, 141,
'Hebron'), (28284, 254, 141, 'Hinckley'), (28306, 254, 141,
'Hiram'), (28358, 254, 141, 'Holden'), (28389, 254, 141, 'Hollis
Center'), (28503, 254, 141, 'Hope'), (9000, 254, 141, 'Houlton'), (28608,
254, 141, 'Howland'), (28637, 254, 141, 'Hudson'), (28667, 254, 141, 'Hulls
Cove'), (28963, 254, 141, 'Island Falls'), (28972, 254, 141, 'Isle au
Haut'), (28975, 254, 141, 'Isle of Springs'), (28977, 254, 141,
'Islesboro'), (28978, 254, 141, 'Islesford'), (29012, 254, 141,
'Jackman'), (29093, 254, 141, 'Jay'), (29108, 254, 141,
'Jefferson'), (29226, 254, 141, 'Jonesboro'), (29229, 254, 141,
'Jonesport'), (29425, 254, 141, 'Kenduskeag'), (17663, 254, 141,
'Kennebunk'), (9001, 254, 141, 'Kennebunkport'), (29472, 254, 141, 'Kents
Hill'), (9002, 254, 141, 'Kingfield'), (29586, 254, 141,
'Kingman'), (29668, 254, 141, 'Kittery'), (29669, 254, 141, 'Kittery
Point'), (29862, 254, 141, 'Lagrange'), (29999, 254, 141, 'Lambert
Lake'), (42319, 254, 141, 'Lamoine'), (30202, 254, 141, 'Lebanon'), (30231,
254, 141, 'Lee'), (30240, 254, 141, 'Leeds'), (30377, 254, 141,
'Levant'), (9003, 254, 141, 'Lewiston'), (30417, 254, 141,
'Liberty'), (30459, 254, 141, 'Limerick'), (30461, 254, 141,
'Limestone'), (9004, 254, 141, 'Limestone Loring AFB'), (30465, 254, 141,
'Limington'), (12360, 254, 141, 'Lincoln'), (30487, 254, 141,
'Lincolnville'), (30488, 254, 141, 'Lincolnville Center'), (30541, 254,
141, 'Lisbon'), (30545, 254, 141, 'Lisbon Falls'), (30554, 254, 141,
'Litchfield'), (30569, 254, 141, 'Little Deer Isle'), (30617, 254, 141,
'Livermore'), (30618, 254, 141, 'Livermore Falls'), (30729, 254, 141, 'Long
Island'), (30837, 254, 141, 'Lovell'), (30889, 254, 141, 'Lubec'), (31050,
254, 141, 'Machias'), (31052, 254, 141, 'Machiasport'), (31075, 254, 141,
'Madawaska'), (31086, 254, 141, 'Madison'), (31198, 254, 141,
'Manchester'), (31246, 254, 141, 'Manset'), (31298, 254, 141,
'Mapleton'), (31421, 254, 141, 'Mars Hill'), (31500, 254, 141,
'Masardis'), (31540, 254, 141, 'Matinicus'), (31548, 254, 141,
'Mattawamkeag'), (17069, 254, 141, 'Mechanic Falls'), (31837, 254, 141,
'Meddybemps'), (31859, 254, 141, 'Medway'), (31950, 254, 141,
'Merepoint'), (32018, 254, 141, 'Mexico'), (32138, 254, 141,
'Milbridge'), (32153, 254, 141, 'Milford'), (9005, 254, 141,
'Millinocket'), (16685, 254, 141, 'Milo'), (32345, 254, 141,
'Minot'), (32439, 254, 141, 'Monhegan'), (15455, 254, 141,
'Monmouth'), (32456, 254, 141, 'Monroe'), (32478, 254, 141,
'Monson'), (32527, 254, 141, 'Monticello'), (32566, 254, 141,
'Moody'), (32643, 254, 141, 'Morrill'), (32749, 254, 141, 'Mount
Desert'), (32826, 254, 141, 'Mount Vernon'), (32995, 254, 141,
'Naples'), (33219, 254, 141, 'New Gloucester'), (33225, 254, 141, 'New
Harbor'), (33263, 254, 141, 'New Limerick'), (33309, 254, 141, 'New
Portland'), (33330, 254, 141, 'New Sharon'), (33339, 254, 141, 'New
Sweden'), (33349, 254, 141, 'New Vineyard'), (33364, 254, 141,
'Newagen'), (9006, 254, 141, 'Newcastle'), (33403, 254, 141,
'Newfield'), (14489, 254, 141, 'Newport'), (33435, 254, 141,
'Newry'), (15753, 254, 141, 'Nobleboro'), (33579, 254, 141,
'Norridgewock'), (33592, 254, 141, 'North Anson'), (33602, 254, 141, 'North
Berwick'), (33611, 254, 141, 'North Bridgton'), (33653, 254, 141, 'North
Haven'), (33664, 254, 141, 'North Jay'), (33681, 254, 141, 'North
Monmouth'), (33683, 254, 141, 'North New Portland'), (33720, 254, 141,
'North Turner'), (33722, 254, 141, 'North Vassalboro'), (15740, 254, 141,
'North Waterboro'), (33730, 254, 141, 'North Waterford'), (33736, 254, 141,
'North Yarmouth'), (33742, 254, 141, 'Northeast Harbor'), (33766, 254, 141,
'Norway'), (33863, 254, 141, 'Oakfield'), (14609, 254, 141,
'Oakland'), (33928, 254, 141, 'Ocean Park'), (9007, 254, 141,
'Ogunquit'), (34024, 254, 141, 'Olamon'), (34046, 254, 141, 'Old Orchard
Beach'), (34049, 254, 141, 'Old Town'), (34159, 254, 141,
'Oquossoc'), (34200, 254, 141, 'Orient'), (34214, 254, 141,
'Orland'), (9008, 254, 141, 'Orono'), (34235, 254, 141,
'Orrington'), (34236, 254, 141, 'Orrs Island'), (34298, 254, 141, 'Otter
Creek'), (34341, 254, 141, 'Owls Head'), (34344, 254, 141,
'Oxbow'), (34356, 254, 141, 'Oxford'), (34417, 254, 141,
'Palermo'), (34446, 254, 141, 'Palmyra'), (34516, 254, 141,
'Paris'), (34574, 254, 141, 'Parsonsfield'), (34582, 254, 141,
'Passadumkeag'), (34598, 254, 141, 'Patten'), (34665, 254, 141, 'Peaks
Island'), (34711, 254, 141, 'Pemaquid'), (34719, 254, 141,
'Pembroke'), (34759, 254, 141, 'Penobscot'), (34783, 254, 141,
'Perham'), (34805, 254, 141, 'Perry'), (34822, 254, 141, 'Peru'), (34875,
254, 141, 'Phillips'), (34888, 254, 141, 'Phippsburg'), (35068, 254, 141,
'Pittsfield'), (35189, 254, 141, 'Plymouth'), (35234, 254, 141,
'Poland'), (35306, 254, 141, 'Port Clyde'), (35349, 254, 141,
'Portage'), (35357, 254, 141, 'Porter'), (9010, 254, 141,
'Portland'), (35449, 254, 141, 'Pownal'), (9011, 254, 141, 'Presque
Island'), (15395, 254, 141, 'Presque Isle'), (9012, 254, 141,
'Princeton'), (35558, 254, 141, 'Prospect Harbor'), (35656, 254, 141,
'Quimby'), (35758, 254, 141, 'Randolph'), (35771, 254, 141,
'Rangeley'), (35830, 254, 141, 'Raymond'), (35847, 254, 141,
'Readfield'), (36092, 254, 141, 'Richmond'), (36276, 254, 141,
'Robbinston'), (12519, 254, 141, 'Rockland'), (36365, 254, 141,
'Rockport'), (12713, 254, 141, 'Rockwood'), (36560, 254, 141, 'Round
Pond'), (36587, 254, 141, 'Roxbury'), (9013, 254, 141, 'Rumford'), (36639,
254, 141, 'Rumford Center'), (36723, 254, 141, 'Sabattus'), (13396, 254,
141, 'Saco'), (36764, 254, 141, 'Saint Agatha'), (36765, 254, 141, 'Saint
Albans'), (36803, 254, 141, 'Saint David'), (36811, 254, 141, 'Saint
Francis'), (36817, 254, 141, 'Saint George'), (36953, 254, 141, 'Salsbury
Cove'), (37052, 254, 141, 'Sandy Point'), (9014, 254, 141,
'Sanford'), (17979, 254, 141, 'Sangerville'), (37111, 254, 141,
'Sargentville'), (14459, 254, 141, 'Scarborough'), (37292, 254, 141, 'Seal
Cove'), (37293, 254, 141, 'Seal Harbor'), (37305, 254, 141,
'Searsmont'), (37306, 254, 141, 'Searsport'), (37312, 254, 141,
'Sebago'), (37313, 254, 141, 'Sebago Lake'), (37314, 254, 141, 'Sebasco
Estates'), (37319, 254, 141, 'Sebec'), (37339, 254, 141,
'Sedgwick'), (37455, 254, 141, 'Shapleigh'), (37498, 254, 141,
'Shawmut'), (37565, 254, 141, 'Sheridan'), (37575, 254, 141, 'Sherman
Mills'), (37576, 254, 141, 'Sherman Station'), (37616, 254, 141, 'Shirley
Mills'), (37745, 254, 141, 'Sinclair'), (14120, 254, 141,
'Skowhegan'), (37814, 254, 141, 'Small Point'), (37834, 254, 141,
'Smithfield'), (37871, 254, 141, 'Smyrna Mills'), (37916, 254, 141,
'Solon'), (37954, 254, 141, 'Sorrento'), (37972, 254, 141, 'South
Berwick'), (37977, 254, 141, 'South Bristol'), (37985, 254, 141, 'South
Casco'), (37988, 254, 141, 'South China'), (38004, 254, 141, 'South
Freeport'), (38005, 254, 141, 'South Gardiner'), (38046, 254, 141, 'South
Paris'), (9015, 254, 141, 'South Portland'), (38076, 254, 141, 'South
Thomaston'), (38081, 254, 141, 'South Waterford'), (38091, 254, 141, 'South
Windham'), (38104, 254, 141, 'Southport'), (38110, 254, 141, 'Southwest
Harbor'), (38231, 254, 141, 'Springfield'), (38245, 254, 141,
'Springvale'), (38256, 254, 141, 'Spruce Head'), (38267, 254, 141,
'Squirrel Island'), (38273, 254, 141, 'Stacyville'), (38298, 254, 141,
'Standish'), (38381, 254, 141, 'Steep Falls'), (38417, 254, 141,
'Stetson'), (38419, 254, 141, 'Steuben'), (38447, 254, 141,
'Stillwater'), (38471, 254, 141, 'Stockholm'), (38487, 254, 141, 'Stockton
Springs'), (38504, 254, 141, 'Stoneham'), (38514, 254, 141,
'Stonington'), (38568, 254, 141, 'Stratton'), (38585, 254, 141,
'Strong'), (38641, 254, 141, 'Sullivan'), (38696, 254, 141,
'Sumner'), (38734, 254, 141, 'Sunset'), (38754, 254, 141, 'Surry'), (38782,
254, 141, 'Swans Island'), (38990, 254, 141, 'Temple'), (39004, 254, 141,
'Tenants Harbor'), (39083, 254, 141, 'Thomaston'), (39109, 254, 141,
'Thorndike'), (39282, 254, 141, 'Topsfield'), (39283, 254, 141,
'Topsham'), (39377, 254, 141, 'Trevett'), (15839, 254, 141,
'Troy'), (39497, 254, 141, 'Turner'), (39501, 254, 141, 'Turner
Center'), (39623, 254, 141, 'Union'), (9017, 254, 141, 'Unity'), (13270,
254, 141, 'Van Buren'), (39807, 254, 141, 'Vanceboro'), (39838, 254, 141,
'Vassalboro'), (39949, 254, 141, 'Vienna'), (39976, 254, 141,
'Vinalhaven'), (40076, 254, 141, 'Waite'), (40108, 254, 141,
'Waldoboro'), (40154, 254, 141, 'Wallagrass'), (40189, 254, 141,
'Walpole'), (12764, 254, 141, 'Warren'), (40297, 254, 141,
'Washburn'), (40306, 254, 141, 'Washington'), (40341, 254, 141,
'Waterboro'), (40348, 254, 141, 'Waterford'), (9018, 254, 141,
'Waterville'), (40450, 254, 141, 'Wayne'), (40521, 254, 141,
'Weld'), (9019, 254, 141, 'Wells'), (40589, 254, 141, 'Wesley'), (40599,
254, 141, 'West Baldwin'), (40603, 254, 141, 'West Bethel'), (9020, 254,
141, 'West Boothbay Harbor'), (40640, 254, 141, 'West Enfield'), (40645,
254, 141, 'West Farmington'), (40648, 254, 141, 'West Forks'), (40677, 254,
141, 'West Kennebunk'), (40703, 254, 141, 'West Minot'), (40708, 254, 141,
'West Newfield'), (40717, 254, 141, 'West Paris'), (40731, 254, 141, 'West
Poland'), (40736, 254, 141, 'West Rockport'), (40760, 254, 141, 'West
Tremont'), (40777, 254, 141, 'Westbrook'), (40798, 254, 141,
'Westfield'), (40965, 254, 141, 'Whitefield'), (41010, 254, 141,
'Whiting'), (41194, 254, 141, 'Wilton'), (15619, 254, 141,
'Windham'), (41224, 254, 141, 'Windsor'), (41263, 254, 141,
'Winn'), (41293, 254, 141, 'Winter Harbor'), (41295, 254, 141,
'Winterport'), (41300, 254, 141, 'Winterville'), (41306, 254, 141,
'Winthrop'), (41315, 254, 141, 'Wiscasset'), (41463, 254, 141,
'Woolwich'), (41537, 254, 141, 'Wytopitlock'), (15077, 254, 141,
'Yarmouth'), (41580, 254, 141, 'York'), (41584, 254, 141, 'York
Beach'), (41585, 254, 141, 'York Harbor'), (19053, 254, 142,
'Abell'), (19057, 254, 142, 'Aberdeen'), (19060, 254, 142, 'Aberdeen
Proving Ground'), (14910, 254, 142, 'Abingdon'), (19072, 254, 142,
'Accident'), (13888, 254, 142, 'Accokeek'), (19114, 254, 142,
'Adamstown'), (19314, 254, 142, 'Allen'), (8906, 254, 142, 'Andrews Air
Force Base'), (8907, 254, 142, 'Annapolis'), (19579, 254, 142, 'Annapolis
Junction'), (19624, 254, 142, 'Aquasco'), (8908, 254, 142,
'Arnold'), (19828, 254, 142, 'Ashton'), (19984, 254, 142,
'Avenue'), (20105, 254, 142, 'Baldwin'), (8909, 254, 142,
'Baltimore'), (20163, 254, 142, 'Barclay'), (8910, 254, 142,
'Barnesville'), (20222, 254, 142, 'Barstow'), (20233, 254, 142,
'Barton'), (20335, 254, 142, 'Beallsville'), (13055, 254, 142, 'Bel
Air'), (20433, 254, 142, 'Bel Alton'), (20434, 254, 142,
'Belcamp'), (20532, 254, 142, 'Beltsville'), (20559, 254, 142,
'Benedict'), (20582, 254, 142, 'Benson'), (20626, 254, 142,
'Berlin'), (8911, 254, 142, 'Bethesda'), (20691, 254, 142,
'Bethlehem'), (20698, 254, 142, 'Betterton'), (20749, 254, 142, 'Big
Pool'), (20825, 254, 142, 'Bishopville'), (20832, 254, 142,
'Bittinger'), (20833, 254, 142, 'Bivalve'), (20869, 254, 142,
'Bladensburg'), (20953, 254, 142, 'Bloomington'), (21112, 254, 142,
'Boonsboro'), (21121, 254, 142, 'Boring'), (8912, 254, 142,
'Bowie'), (21201, 254, 142, 'Boyds'), (21216, 254, 142, 'Bozman'), (21224,
254, 142, 'Braddock Heights'), (21294, 254, 142, 'Brandywine'), (21341,
254, 142, 'Brentwood'), (21412, 254, 142, 'Brinklow'), (21484, 254, 142,
'Brookeville'), (21491, 254, 142, 'Brooklandville'), (21502, 254, 142,
'Brooklyn'), (21527, 254, 142, 'Broomes Island'), (21554, 254, 142,
'Brownsville'), (13335, 254, 142, 'Brunswick'), (21605, 254, 142, 'Bryans
Road'), (21615, 254, 142, 'Bryantown'), (21636, 254, 142,
'Buckeystown'), (21745, 254, 142, 'Burkittsville'), (21802, 254, 142,
'Burtonsville'), (21812, 254, 142, 'Bushwood'), (21819, 254, 142,
'Butler'), (21860, 254, 142, 'Cabin John'), (14179, 254, 142,
'California'), (21922, 254, 142, 'Callaway'), (8913, 254, 142,
'Cambridge'), (22111, 254, 142, 'Capitol Heights'), (18848, 254, 142,
'Cascade'), (22324, 254, 142, 'Catonsville'), (22333, 254, 142,
'Cavetown'), (22355, 254, 142, 'Cecilton'), (8916, 254, 142,
'Centreville'), (17288, 254, 142, 'Chaptico'), (22543, 254, 142,
'Charlestown'), (16633, 254, 142, 'Charlotte Hall'), (22565, 254, 142,
'Chase'), (22611, 254, 142, 'Cheltenham'), (8917, 254, 142, 'Chesapeake
Bay'), (8918, 254, 142, 'Chesapeake Beach'), (22639, 254, 142, 'Chesapeake
City'), (22652, 254, 142, 'Chester'), (8919, 254, 142,
'Chestertown'), (22681, 254, 142, 'Chevy Chase'), (22684, 254, 142,
'Chewsville'), (22699, 254, 142, 'Childs'), (22762, 254, 142, 'Church
Creek'), (22763, 254, 142, 'Church Hill'), (18124, 254, 142,
'Churchton'), (22770, 254, 142, 'Churchville'), (22804, 254, 142,
'Claiborne'), (12780, 254, 142, 'Clarksburg'), (22869, 254, 142,
'Clarksville'), (22922, 254, 142, 'Clear Spring'), (22939, 254, 142,
'Clements'), (8921, 254, 142, 'Clinton'), (23079, 254, 142, 'Cobb
Island'), (14011, 254, 142, 'Cockeysville'), (8922, 254, 142, 'College
Park'), (23202, 254, 142, 'Colora'), (23213, 254, 142, 'Coltons
Point'), (8923, 254, 142, 'Columbia'), (23270, 254, 142,
'Compton'), (23327, 254, 142, 'Conowingo'), (23362, 254, 142,
'Cooksville'), (23417, 254, 142, 'Cordova'), (23461, 254, 142,
'Corriganville'), (23596, 254, 142, 'Crapo'), (13412, 254, 142,
'Crisfield'), (23665, 254, 142, 'Crocheron'), (14291, 254, 142,
'Crofton'), (17905, 254, 142, 'Crownsville'), (23735, 254, 142,
'Crumpton'), (8924, 254, 142, 'Cumberland'), (23809, 254, 142, 'Curtis
Bay'), (13794, 254, 142, 'Damascus'), (14344, 254, 142, 'Dameron'), (23962,
254, 142, 'Darlington'), (23990, 254, 142, 'Davidsonville'), (24028, 254,
142, 'Dayton'), (24069, 254, 142, 'Deal Island'), (15418, 254, 142,
'Deale'), (24174, 254, 142, 'Delmar'), (8926, 254, 142, 'Denton'), (18545,
254, 142, 'Derwood'), (24314, 254, 142, 'Dickerson'), (8933, 254, 142,
'District Heights'), (24485, 254, 142, 'Dowell'), (24516, 254, 142,
'Drayden'), (8927, 254, 142, 'Dundalk'), (24643, 254, 142,
'Dunkirk'), (24751, 254, 142, 'Earleville'), (24860, 254, 142, 'East New
Market'), (8928, 254, 142, 'Easton'), (24976, 254, 142, 'Eckhart
Mines'), (24992, 254, 142, 'Eden'), (25017, 254, 142, 'Edgewater'), (8929,
254, 142, 'Edgewood'), (25176, 254, 142, 'Elk Mills'), (17914, 254, 142,
'Elkridge'), (8930, 254, 142, 'Elkton'), (25227, 254, 142,
'Ellerslie'), (8931, 254, 142, 'Ellicott City'), (13440, 254, 142,
'Emmitsburg'), (17589, 254, 142, 'Essex'), (25574, 254, 142,
'Ewell'), (25662, 254, 142, 'Fairplay'), (25711, 254, 142,
'Fallston'), (25779, 254, 142, 'Faulkner'), (8932, 254, 142,
'Federalsburg'), (12682, 254, 142, 'Finksburg'), (25904, 254, 142, 'Fishing
Creek'), (25960, 254, 142, 'Flintstone'), (26046, 254, 142, 'Forest
Hill'), (26069, 254, 142, 'Fork'), (17135, 254, 142, 'Fort George G
Meade'), (26112, 254, 142, 'Fort Howard'), (15636, 254, 142, 'Fort
Washington'), (8934, 254, 142, 'Frederick'), (26316, 254, 142,
'Freeland'), (26367, 254, 142, 'Friendship'), (15556, 254, 142,
'Friendsville'), (12332, 254, 142, 'Frostburg'), (26397, 254, 142,
'Fruitland'), (26421, 254, 142, 'Fulton'), (26432, 254, 142,
'Funkstown'), (8935, 254, 142, 'Gaithersburg'), (26454, 254, 142,
'Galena'), (26461, 254, 142, 'Galesville'), (26492, 254, 142,
'Gambrills'), (26504, 254, 142, 'Gapland'), (26559, 254, 142, 'Garrett
Park'), (26563, 254, 142, 'Garrison'), (26657, 254, 142,
'Georgetown'), (8936, 254, 142, 'Germantown'), (26709, 254, 142, 'Gibson
Island'), (26780, 254, 142, 'Girdletree'), (26825, 254, 142, 'Glen
Arm'), (8937, 254, 142, 'Glen Burnie'), (26831, 254, 142, 'Glen
Echo'), (26884, 254, 142, 'Glenelg'), (26899, 254, 142, 'Glenn
Dale'), (26917, 254, 142, 'Glenwood'), (26940, 254, 142,
'Glyndon'), (26977, 254, 142, 'Goldsboro'), (14831, 254, 142,
'Grantsville'), (27212, 254, 142, 'Grasonville'), (27263, 254, 142, 'Great
Mills'), (8938, 254, 142, 'Greenbelt'), (27333, 254, 142,
'Greensboro'), (27480, 254, 142, 'Gunpowder'), (27501, 254, 142, 'Gwynn
Oak'), (8939, 254, 142, 'Hagerstown'), (27555, 254, 142,
'Halethorpe'), (14153, 254, 142, 'Hampstead'), (27661, 254, 142,
'Hancock'), (18741, 254, 142, 'Hanover'), (27752, 254, 142,
'Harmans'), (16547, 254, 142, 'Harwood'), (13490, 254, 142, 'Havre De
Grace'), (17629, 254, 142, 'Hebron'), (28028, 254, 142, 'Helen'), (28062,
254, 142, 'Henderson'), (28095, 254, 142, 'Henryton'), (28207, 254, 142,
'Highland'), (28255, 254, 142, 'Hillsboro'), (14112, 254, 142,
'Hollywood'), (28650, 254, 142, 'Hughesville'), (8940, 254, 142, 'Hunt
Valley'), (28714, 254, 142, 'Huntingtown'), (28736, 254, 142,
'Hurlock'), (12891, 254, 142, 'Hyattsville'), (28771, 254, 142,
'Hydes'), (28807, 254, 142, 'Ijamsville'), (14806, 254, 142, 'Indian
Head'), (28872, 254, 142, 'Ingleside'), (28939, 254, 142,
'Ironsides'), (28986, 254, 142, 'Issue'), (29082, 254, 142,
'Jarrettsville'), (29107, 254, 142, 'Jefferson'), (29162, 254, 142,
'Jessup'), (15146, 254, 142, 'Joppa'), (8941, 254, 142,
'Joppatone'), (29362, 254, 142, 'Keedysville'), (29444, 254, 142,
'Kennedyville'), (29457, 254, 142, 'Kensington'), (29517, 254, 142,
'Keymar'), (16667, 254, 142, 'Kingsville'), (29673, 254, 142,
'Kitzmiller'), (29706, 254, 142, 'Knoxville'), (8942, 254, 142, 'La
Plata'), (29849, 254, 142, 'Ladiesburg'), (30063, 254, 142,
'Lanham'), (8945, 254, 142, 'Laurel'), (14991, 254, 142,
'Leitersburg'), (8947, 254, 142, 'Leonardtown'), (8948, 254, 142,
'Lexington Park'), (11886, 254, 142, 'Libertytown'), (30512, 254, 142,
'Lineboro'), (30520, 254, 142, 'Linkwood'), (12570, 254, 142, 'Linthicum
Heights'), (30531, 254, 142, 'Linwood'), (30540, 254, 142,
'Lisbon'), (30582, 254, 142, 'Little Orleans'), (30701, 254, 142,
'Lonaconing'), (30726, 254, 142, 'Long Green'), (13837, 254, 142,
'Lothian'), (30841, 254, 142, 'Loveville'), (30921, 254, 142,
'Luke'), (18675, 254, 142, 'Lusby'), (17525, 254, 142, 'Lutherville
Timonium'), (31085, 254, 142, 'Madison'), (17909, 254, 142,
'Manchester'), (31237, 254, 142, 'Manokin'), (31325, 254, 142,
'Marbury'), (31338, 254, 142, 'Mardela Springs'), (31384, 254, 142, 'Marion
Station'), (31419, 254, 142, 'Marriottsville'), (31487, 254, 142,
'Marydel'), (31491, 254, 142, 'Maryland Line'), (31521, 254, 142,
'Massey'), (31561, 254, 142, 'Maugansville'), (31615, 254, 142,
'Mayo'), (31723, 254, 142, 'Mc Henry'), (31783, 254, 142,
'McDaniel'), (31829, 254, 142, 'Mechanicsville'), (8949, 254, 142, 'Middle
River'), (32083, 254, 142, 'Middletown'), (32096, 254, 142,
'Midland'), (32104, 254, 142, 'Midlothian'), (32202, 254, 142,
'Millersville'), (32217, 254, 142, 'Millington'), (32441, 254, 142,
'Monkton'), (32475, 254, 142, 'Monrovia'), (15921, 254, 142, 'Montgomery
Village'), (32624, 254, 142, 'Morganza'), (14648, 254, 142, 'Mount
Airy'), (13512, 254, 142, 'Mount Rainier'), (32809, 254, 142, 'Mount
Savage'), (32829, 254, 142, 'Mount Victoria'), (32954, 254, 142,
'Myersville'), (32982, 254, 142, 'Nanjemoy'), (32984, 254, 142,
'Nanticoke'), (33062, 254, 142, 'Neavitt'), (33277, 254, 142, 'New
Market'), (33288, 254, 142, 'New Midway'), (33359, 254, 142, 'New
Windsor'), (33367, 254, 142, 'Newark'), (33375, 254, 142,
'Newburg'), (33389, 254, 142, 'Newcomb'), (33596, 254, 142, 'North
Beach'), (33631, 254, 142, 'North East'), (8950, 254, 142, 'North
Laurel'), (33786, 254, 142, 'Nottingham'), (8951, 254, 142,
'Oakland'), (8952, 254, 142, 'Ocean City'), (15726, 254, 142,
'Odenton'), (34060, 254, 142, 'Oldtown'), (8953, 254, 142,
'Olney'), (34340, 254, 142, 'Owings'), (13483, 254, 142, 'Owings
Mills'), (34355, 254, 142, 'Oxford'), (8954, 254, 142, 'Oxon
Hill'), (34526, 254, 142, 'Park Hall'), (34554, 254, 142,
'Parkton'), (34556, 254, 142, 'Parkville'), (34573, 254, 142,
'Parsonsburg'), (16666, 254, 142, 'Pasadena'), (34616, 254, 142, 'Patuxent
River'), (8956, 254, 142, 'Perry Hall'), (34811, 254, 142, 'Perry
Point'), (34812, 254, 142, 'Perryman'), (8957, 254, 142,
'Perryville'), (34891, 254, 142, 'Phoenix'), (8958, 254, 142,
'Pikesville'), (35024, 254, 142, 'Piney Point'), (35038, 254, 142,
'Pinto'), (35076, 254, 142, 'Pittsville'), (8959, 254, 142, 'Pocomoke
City'), (35222, 254, 142, 'Point of Rocks'), (17746, 254, 142,
'Pomfret'), (8960, 254, 142, 'Poolesville'), (35308, 254, 142, 'Port
Deposit'), (35333, 254, 142, 'Port Republic'), (35344, 254, 142, 'Port
Tobacco'), (8961, 254, 142, 'Potomac'), (35436, 254, 142,
'Powellville'), (35496, 254, 142, 'Preston'), (35505, 254, 142,
'Price'), (8962, 254, 142, 'Prince Frederick'), (35519, 254, 142, 'Princess
Anne'), (35625, 254, 142, 'Pylesville'), (35634, 254, 142,
'Quantico'), (35644, 254, 142, 'Queen Anne'), (35649, 254, 142,
'Queenstown'), (8963, 254, 142, 'Randallstown'), (35816, 254, 142,
'Rawlings'), (35955, 254, 142, 'Rehobeth'), (15792, 254, 142,
'Reisterstown'), (36040, 254, 142, 'Rhodesdale'), (36120, 254, 142,
'Riderwood'), (36121, 254, 142, 'Ridge'), (36130, 254, 142,
'Ridgely'), (36211, 254, 142, 'Rising Sun'), (36214, 254, 142,
'Riva'), (36226, 254, 142, 'Riverdale'), (36327, 254, 142, 'Rock
Hall'), (36332, 254, 142, 'Rock Point'), (12745, 254, 142,
'Rockville'), (36392, 254, 142, 'Rocky Ridge'), (36417, 254, 142,
'Rohrersville'), (17725, 254, 142, 'Rosedale'), (36602, 254, 142, 'Royal
Oak'), (36725, 254, 142, 'Sabillasville'), (36831, 254, 142, 'Saint
Inigoes'), (36834, 254, 142, 'Saint James'), (15722, 254, 142, 'Saint
Leonard'), (8971, 254, 142, 'Saint Marys City'), (36871, 254, 142, 'Saint
Michaels'), (8965, 254, 142, 'Salisbury'), (37056, 254, 142, 'Sandy
Spring'), (13791, 254, 142, 'Savage'), (37239, 254, 142,
'Scotland'), (37328, 254, 142, 'Secretary'), (8966, 254, 142,
'Severn'), (8967, 254, 142, 'Severna Park'), (37429, 254, 142, 'Shady
Side'), (37478, 254, 142, 'Sharpsburg'), (37483, 254, 142,
'Sharptown'), (37583, 254, 142, 'Sherwood'), (37638, 254, 142,
'Showell'), (8968, 254, 142, 'Silver Spring'), (37739, 254, 142,
'Simpsonville'), (37845, 254, 142, 'Smithsburg'), (12579, 254, 142, 'Snow
Hill'), (37915, 254, 142, 'Solomons'), (8969, 254, 142, 'South
Laurel'), (38127, 254, 142, 'Sparks Glencoe'), (38130, 254, 142, 'Sparrows
Point'), (38157, 254, 142, 'Spencerville'), (38198, 254, 142, 'Spring
Gap'), (38426, 254, 142, 'Stevenson'), (11956, 254, 142,
'Stevensville'), (38443, 254, 142, 'Still Pond'), (38482, 254, 142,
'Stockton'), (15864, 254, 142, 'Street'), (38622, 254, 142,
'Sudlersville'), (8972, 254, 142, 'Suitland'), (8973, 254, 142,
'Sunderland'), (18076, 254, 142, 'Swanton'), (14646, 254, 142,
'Sykesville'), (8974, 254, 142, 'Takoma Park'), (38885, 254, 142, 'Tall
Timbers'), (14133, 254, 142, 'Taneytown'), (38954, 254, 142, 'Taylors
Island'), (11796, 254, 142, 'Temple Hills'), (38999, 254, 142,
'Templeville'), (39144, 254, 142, 'Thurmont'), (39169, 254, 142,
'Tilghman'), (39230, 254, 142, 'Toddville'), (8975, 254, 142,
'Towson'), (39328, 254, 142, 'Tracys Landing'), (39344, 254, 142,
'Trappe'), (39519, 254, 142, 'Tuscarora'), (39558, 254, 142,
'Tyaskin'), (39567, 254, 142, 'Tylerton'), (39630, 254, 142, 'Union
Bridge'), (39666, 254, 142, 'Unionville'), (39690, 254, 142, 'Upper
Fairmount'), (39691, 254, 142, 'Upper Falls'), (15428, 254, 142, 'Upper
Marlboro'), (39695, 254, 142, 'Upperco'), (39771, 254, 142, 'Valley
Lee'), (39948, 254, 142, 'Vienna'), (8976, 254, 142, 'Waldorf'), (40137,
254, 142, 'Walkersville'), (40291, 254, 142, 'Warwick'), (40319, 254, 142,
'Washington Grove'), (40518, 254, 142, 'Welcome'), (40576, 254, 142,
'Wenona'), (40650, 254, 142, 'West Friendship'), (40735, 254, 142, 'West
River'), (40791, 254, 142, 'Westernport'), (8977, 254, 142,
'Westminster'), (40836, 254, 142, 'Westover'), (40874, 254, 142,
'Whaleyville'), (40925, 254, 142, 'White Hall'), (40935, 254, 142, 'White
Marsh'), (8979, 254, 142, 'White Oak'), (40950, 254, 142, 'White
Plains'), (17073, 254, 142, 'Whiteford'), (41090, 254, 142,
'Willards'), (41113, 254, 142, 'Williamsport'), (41234, 254, 142, 'Windsor
Mill'), (41250, 254, 142, 'Wingate'), (41334, 254, 142, 'Wittman'), (41384,
254, 142, 'Woodbine'), (41430, 254, 142, 'Woodsboro'), (18936, 254, 142,
'Woodstock'), (41459, 254, 142, 'Woolford'), (41488, 254, 142,
'Worton'), (41517, 254, 142, 'Wye Mills'), (16497, 254, 143,
'Aashburnham'), (19066, 254, 143, 'Abington'), (19073, 254, 143,
'Accord'), (16439, 254, 143, 'Acton'), (19092, 254, 143,
'Acushnet'), (19103, 254, 143, 'Adams'), (8806, 254, 143,
'Agawam'), (19351, 254, 143, 'Allston'), (13243, 254, 143,
'Amesbury'), (8807, 254, 143, 'Amherst'), (17175, 254, 143,
'Andover'), (8808, 254, 143, 'Arlington'), (19731, 254, 143, 'Arlington
Heights'), (19796, 254, 143, 'Ashburnham'), (19797, 254, 143,
'Ashby'), (19804, 254, 143, 'Ashfield'), (16758, 254, 143,
'Ashland'), (19823, 254, 143, 'Ashley Falls'), (19843, 254, 143,
'Assonet'), (15323, 254, 143, 'Athol'), (8809, 254, 143,
'Attleboro'), (19899, 254, 143, 'Attleboro Falls'), (19919, 254, 143,
'Auburn'), (19927, 254, 143, 'Auburndale'), (20009, 254, 143,
'Avon'), (20032, 254, 143, 'Ayer'), (20046, 254, 143, 'Babson
Park'), (20109, 254, 143, 'Baldwinville'), (8810, 254, 143,
'Barnstable'), (17473, 254, 143, 'Barre'), (20395, 254, 143,
'Becket'), (8811, 254, 143, 'Bedford'), (13384, 254, 143,
'Belchertown'), (13955, 254, 143, 'Bellingham'), (8812, 254, 143,
'Belmont'), (8813, 254, 143, 'Berkley'), (20622, 254, 143,
'Berkshire'), (20625, 254, 143, 'Berlin'), (20638, 254, 143,
'Bernardston'), (8814, 254, 143, 'Beverly'), (8815, 254, 143,
'Billerica'), (20859, 254, 143, 'Blackstone'), (20905, 254, 143,
'Blandford'), (21065, 254, 143, 'Bolton'), (21081, 254, 143,
'Bondsville'), (8816, 254, 143, 'Boston'), (21191, 254, 143,
'Boxborough'), (13208, 254, 143, 'Boxford'), (21209, 254, 143,
'Boylston'), (8817, 254, 143, 'Braintree'), (21302, 254, 143, 'Brant
Rock'), (21347, 254, 143, 'Brewster'), (8818, 254, 143,
'Bridgewater'), (13124, 254, 143, 'Brighton'), (21405, 254, 143,
'Brimfield'), (8819, 254, 143, 'Brockton'), (21487, 254, 143,
'Brookfield'), (21494, 254, 143, 'Brookline'), (21497, 254, 143, 'Brookline
Village'), (21618, 254, 143, 'Bryantville'), (21645, 254, 143,
'Buckland'), (8820, 254, 143, 'Burlington'), (21833, 254, 143, 'Buzzards
Bay'), (21840, 254, 143, 'Byfield'), (8821, 254, 143, 'Cambridge'), (22075,
254, 143, 'Canton'), (42401, 254, 143, 'Cape Ann&#8206;'), (22154, 254,
143, 'Carlisle'), (22226, 254, 143, 'Carver'), (22310, 254, 143,
'Cataumet'), (22444, 254, 143, 'Centerville'), (22536, 254, 143,
'Charlemont'), (13822, 254, 143, 'Charlestown'), (22556, 254, 143,
'Charlton'), (22557, 254, 143, 'Charlton City'), (22558, 254, 143,
'Charlton Depot'), (22563, 254, 143, 'Chartley'), (8822, 254, 143,
'Chatham'), (22605, 254, 143, 'Chelmsford'), (8823, 254, 143,
'Chelsea'), (22632, 254, 143, 'Cherry Valley'), (22640, 254, 143,
'Cheshire'), (22651, 254, 143, 'Chester'), (22666, 254, 143,
'Chesterfield'), (22672, 254, 143, 'Chestnut Hill'), (8824, 254, 143,
'Chicopee'), (8825, 254, 143, 'Chicopee Falls'), (22707, 254, 143,
'Chilmark'), (22999, 254, 143, 'Clinton'), (23112, 254, 143,
'Cohasset'), (23206, 254, 143, 'Colrain'), (12202, 254, 143,
'Concord'), (23345, 254, 143, 'Conway'), (23501, 254, 143,
'Cotuit'), (23783, 254, 143, 'Cummaquid'), (23787, 254, 143,
'Cummington'), (23837, 254, 143, 'Cuttyhunk'), (23894, 254, 143,
'Dalton'), (8826, 254, 143, 'Danvers'), (8827, 254, 143,
'Dartmouth'), (8828, 254, 143, 'Dedham'), (24120, 254, 143,
'Deerfield'), (17775, 254, 143, 'Dennis'), (24212, 254, 143, 'Dennis
Port'), (8829, 254, 143, 'Dighton'), (14043, 254, 143, 'Douglas'), (24472,
254, 143, 'Dover'), (14142, 254, 143, 'Dracut'), (24548, 254, 143,
'Drury'), (24589, 254, 143, 'Dudley'), (24665, 254, 143,
'Dunstable'), (24703, 254, 143, 'Duxbury'), (24786, 254, 143, 'East
Boston'), (16839, 254, 143, 'East Bridgewater'), (24789, 254, 143, 'East
Brookfield'), (24802, 254, 143, 'East Dennis'), (24815, 254, 143, 'East
Falmouth'), (24817, 254, 143, 'East Freetown'), (17218, 254, 143, 'East
Longmeadow'), (24850, 254, 143, 'East Mansfield'), (24865, 254, 143, 'East
Orleans'), (24866, 254, 143, 'East Otis'), (24880, 254, 143, 'East
Princeton'), (24891, 254, 143, 'East Sandwich'), (24901, 254, 143, 'East
Taunton'), (24903, 254, 143, 'East Templeton'), (24910, 254, 143, 'East
Walpole'), (24911, 254, 143, 'East Wareham'), (24927, 254, 143,
'Eastham'), (24928, 254, 143, 'Easthampton'), (24936, 254, 143,
'Easton'), (8831, 254, 143, 'Edgartown'), (25295, 254, 143,
'Elmwood'), (25451, 254, 143, 'Erving'), (25471, 254, 143, 'Essex'), (8832,
254, 143, 'Everett'), (18029, 254, 143, 'Fairhaven'), (8833, 254, 143,
'Fall River'), (8834, 254, 143, 'Falmouth'), (25794, 254, 143,
'Fayville'), (25801, 254, 143, 'Feeding Hills'), (25909, 254, 143,
'Fiskdale'), (8835, 254, 143, 'Fitchburg'), (13591, 254, 143,
'Florence'), (26059, 254, 143, 'Forestdale'), (17526, 254, 143,
'Foxboro'), (8836, 254, 143, 'Framingham'), (8837, 254, 143,
'Franklin'), (14536, 254, 143, 'Gardner'), (26656, 254, 143,
'Georgetown'), (26734, 254, 143, 'Gilbertville'), (26875, 254, 143,
'Glendale'), (8839, 254, 143, 'Gloucester'), (27055, 254, 143,
'Goshen'), (16557, 254, 143, 'Grafton'), (27118, 254, 143,
'Granby'), (27199, 254, 143, 'Granville'), (27256, 254, 143, 'Great
Barrington'), (27275, 254, 143, 'Green Harbor'), (27297, 254, 143,
'Greenbush'), (8840, 254, 143, 'Greenfield'), (12859, 254, 143,
'Groton'), (27427, 254, 143, 'Groveland'), (27522, 254, 143,
'Hadley'), (27560, 254, 143, 'Halifax'), (27605, 254, 143,
'Hamilton'), (27634, 254, 143, 'Hampden'), (27689, 254, 143,
'Hanover'), (27698, 254, 143, 'Hanscom AFB'), (27703, 254, 143,
'Hanson'), (27729, 254, 143, 'Hardwick'), (13354, 254, 143,
'Harvard'), (8841, 254, 143, 'Harwich'), (27875, 254, 143, 'Harwich
Port'), (27903, 254, 143, 'Hatfield'), (27907, 254, 143,
'Hathorne'), (8842, 254, 143, 'Haverhill'), (27956, 254, 143,
'Haydenville'), (27996, 254, 143, 'Heath'), (16640, 254, 143,
'Hingham'), (8843, 254, 143, 'Hinsdale'), (28348, 254, 143,
'Holbrook'), (28357, 254, 143, 'Holden'), (28370, 254, 143,
'Holland'), (8844, 254, 143, 'Holliston'), (8845, 254, 143,
'Holyoke'), (28513, 254, 143, 'Hopedale'), (28525, 254, 143,
'Hopkinton'), (28575, 254, 143, 'Housatonic'), (28621, 254, 143,
'Hubbardston'), (28636, 254, 143, 'Hudson'), (18471, 254, 143,
'Hull'), (28669, 254, 143, 'Humarock'), (28706, 254, 143,
'Huntington'), (8846, 254, 143, 'Hyannis'), (8847, 254, 143, 'Hyannis
Port'), (16812, 254, 143, 'Hyde Park'), (28846, 254, 143, 'Indian
Orchard'), (18580, 254, 143, 'Ipswich'), (17051, 254, 143, 'Jamaica
Plain'), (29106, 254, 143, 'Jefferson'), (29607, 254, 143,
'Kingston'), (29945, 254, 143, 'Lake Pleasant'), (29981, 254, 143,
'Lakeville'), (30022, 254, 143, 'Lancaster'), (30046, 254, 143,
'Lanesboro'), (8848, 254, 143, 'Lawrence'), (30230, 254, 143,
'Lee'), (30239, 254, 143, 'Leeds'), (30271, 254, 143, 'Leicester'), (17282,
254, 143, 'Lenox'), (30315, 254, 143, 'Lenox Dale'), (8849, 254, 143,
'Leominster'), (30381, 254, 143, 'Leverett'), (8850, 254, 143,
'Lexington'), (30471, 254, 143, 'Lincoln'), (30530, 254, 143,
'Linwood'), (30610, 254, 143, 'Littleton'), (30749, 254, 143,
'Longmeadow'), (8851, 254, 143, 'Lowell'), (30910, 254, 143,
'Ludlow'), (30938, 254, 143, 'Lunenburg'), (8852, 254, 143,
'Lynn'), (31009, 254, 143, 'Lynnfield'), (8854, 254, 143,
'Malden'), (31194, 254, 143, 'Manchaug'), (31197, 254, 143,
'Manchester'), (31239, 254, 143, 'Manomet'), (14866, 254, 143,
'Mansfield'), (14522, 254, 143, 'Marblehead'), (31371, 254, 143,
'Marion'), (8855, 254, 143, 'Marlborough'), (31437, 254, 143,
'Marshfield'), (31439, 254, 143, 'Marshfield Hills'), (31446, 254, 143,
'Marstons Mills'), (18857, 254, 143, 'Mashpee'), (31544, 254, 143,
'Mattapan'), (31545, 254, 143, 'Mattapoisett'), (31612, 254, 143,
'Maynard'), (31838, 254, 143, 'Medfield'), (8857, 254, 143,
'Medford'), (31858, 254, 143, 'Medway'), (8858, 254, 143,
'Melrose'), (31919, 254, 143, 'Mendon'), (31927, 254, 143,
'Menemsha'), (31977, 254, 143, 'Merrimac'), (8859, 254, 143,
'Methuen'), (32059, 254, 143, 'Middleboro'), (32070, 254, 143,
'Middlefield'), (32078, 254, 143, 'Middleton'), (8860, 254, 143,
'Milford'), (32169, 254, 143, 'Mill River'), (32182, 254, 143,
'Millbury'), (32219, 254, 143, 'Millis'), (32242, 254, 143,
'Millville'), (8861, 254, 143, 'Milton'), (32281, 254, 143, 'Milton
Village'), (32344, 254, 143, 'Minot'), (32451, 254, 143,
'Monponsett'), (32465, 254, 143, 'Monroe Bridge'), (32477, 254, 143,
'Monson'), (32484, 254, 143, 'Montague'), (32499, 254, 143,
'Monterey'), (32562, 254, 143, 'Monument Beach'), (32973, 254, 143,
'Nahant'), (8862, 254, 143, 'Nantucket'), (8864, 254, 143,
'Natick'), (8865, 254, 143, 'Needham'), (33075, 254, 143, 'Needham
Heights'), (8866, 254, 143, 'New Bedford'), (33176, 254, 143, 'New
Braintree'), (33324, 254, 143, 'New Salem'), (33341, 254, 143, 'New
Town'), (33381, 254, 143, 'Newbury'), (8867, 254, 143,
'Newburyport'), (8868, 254, 143, 'Newton'), (33446, 254, 143, 'Newton
Center'), (33451, 254, 143, 'Newton Highlands'), (33453, 254, 143, 'Newton
Lower Falls'), (33454, 254, 143, 'Newton Upper Falls'), (33457, 254, 143,
'Newtonville'), (33544, 254, 143, 'Nonantum'), (17800, 254, 143,
'Norfolk'), (12649, 254, 143, 'North Adams'), (33591, 254, 143, 'North
Amherst'), (13321, 254, 143, 'North Andover'), (12994, 254, 143, 'North
Attleboro'), (33603, 254, 143, 'North Billerica'), (33612, 254, 143, 'North
Brookfield'), (33618, 254, 143, 'North Carver'), (33621, 254, 143, 'North
Chatham'), (33623, 254, 143, 'North Chelmsford'), (33629, 254, 143, 'North
Dartmouth'), (33630, 254, 143, 'North Dighton'), (33632, 254, 143, 'North
Eastham'), (33633, 254, 143, 'North Easton'), (33634, 254, 143, 'North
Egremont'), (33638, 254, 143, 'North Falmouth'), (33644, 254, 143, 'North
Grafton'), (33652, 254, 143, 'North Hatfield'), (33676, 254, 143, 'North
Marshfield'), (33686, 254, 143, 'North Oxford'), (33688, 254, 143, 'North
Pembroke'), (18218, 254, 143, 'North Reading'), (33703, 254, 143, 'North
Scituate'), (33719, 254, 143, 'North Truro'), (33721, 254, 143, 'North
Uxbridge'), (33727, 254, 143, 'North Waltham'), (8869, 254, 143,
'Northampton'), (33740, 254, 143, 'Northborough'), (33741, 254, 143,
'Northbridge'), (12659, 254, 143, 'Northfield'), (33755, 254, 143,
'Norton'), (33768, 254, 143, 'Norwell'), (8870, 254, 143,
'Norwood'), (33814, 254, 143, 'Nutting Lake'), (33828, 254, 143, 'Oak
Bluffs'), (33869, 254, 143, 'Oakham'), (33925, 254, 143, 'Ocean
Bluff'), (34137, 254, 143, 'Onset'), (8871, 254, 143, 'Orange'), (34220,
254, 143, 'Orleans'), (34277, 254, 143, 'Osterville'), (34286, 254, 143,
'Otis'), (34354, 254, 143, 'Oxford'), (34432, 254, 143, 'Palmer'), (34644,
254, 143, 'Paxton'), (8872, 254, 143, 'Peabody'), (13205, 254, 143,
'Pembroke'), (16131, 254, 143, 'Pepperell'), (34841, 254, 143,
'Petersham'), (35005, 254, 143, 'Pinehurst'), (8873, 254, 143,
'Pittsfield'), (35091, 254, 143, 'Plainfield'), (35106, 254, 143,
'Plainville'), (8874, 254, 143, 'Plymouth'), (35196, 254, 143,
'Plympton'), (35203, 254, 143, 'Pocasset'), (35511, 254, 143, 'Prides
Crossing'), (35526, 254, 143, 'Princeton'), (35574, 254, 143,
'Provincetown'), (8875, 254, 143, 'Quincy'), (8876, 254, 143,
'Randolph'), (17920, 254, 143, 'Raynham'), (35840, 254, 143, 'Raynham
Center'), (8877, 254, 143, 'Reading'), (35859, 254, 143,
'Readville'), (35956, 254, 143, 'Rehoboth'), (8878, 254, 143,
'Revere'), (36091, 254, 143, 'Richmond'), (36300, 254, 143,
'Rochdale'), (36306, 254, 143, 'Rochester'), (36357, 254, 143,
'Rockland'), (36364, 254, 143, 'Rockport'), (36524, 254, 143,
'Roslindale'), (36572, 254, 143, 'Rowe'), (36582, 254, 143,
'Rowley'), (36603, 254, 143, 'Royalston'), (36675, 254, 143,
'Russell'), (36702, 254, 143, 'Rutland'), (36750, 254, 143,
'Sagamore'), (36752, 254, 143, 'Sagamore Beach'), (8879, 254, 143,
'Salem'), (36938, 254, 143, 'Salisbury'), (37038, 254, 143,
'Sandisfield'), (17813, 254, 143, 'Sandwich'), (8880, 254, 143,
'Saugus'), (37146, 254, 143, 'Savoy'), (37228, 254, 143,
'Scituate'), (37343, 254, 143, 'Seekonk'), (13264, 254, 143,
'Sharon'), (37488, 254, 143, 'Shattuckville'), (37513, 254, 143,
'Sheffield'), (11939, 254, 143, 'Shelburne Falls'), (37539, 254, 143,
'Sheldonville'), (37561, 254, 143, 'Sherborn'), (13398, 254, 143,
'Shirley'), (14988, 254, 143, 'Shrewsbury'), (37648, 254, 143,
'Shutesbury'), (37649, 254, 143, 'Siasconset'), (37693, 254, 143, 'Silver
Beach'), (8881, 254, 143, 'Somerset'), (8882, 254, 143,
'Somerville'), (37965, 254, 143, 'South Barre'), (37984, 254, 143, 'South
Carver'), (37987, 254, 143, 'South Chatham'), (37991, 254, 143, 'South
Dartmouth'), (37993, 254, 143, 'South Deerfield'), (37994, 254, 143, 'South
Dennis'), (37997, 254, 143, 'South Easton'), (37998, 254, 143, 'South
Egremont'), (38009, 254, 143, 'South Grafton'), (38012, 254, 143, 'South
Hadley'), (38013, 254, 143, 'South Hamilton'), (38014, 254, 143, 'South
Harwich'), (38027, 254, 143, 'South Lancaster'), (38028, 254, 143, 'South
Lee'), (38043, 254, 143, 'South Orleans'), (38080, 254, 143, 'South
Walpole'), (38084, 254, 143, 'South Wellfleet'), (8884, 254, 143, 'South
Yarmouth'), (38094, 254, 143, 'Southampton'), (8885, 254, 143,
'Southborough'), (13785, 254, 143, 'Southbridge'), (38097, 254, 143,
'Southfield'), (38111, 254, 143, 'Southwick'), (38146, 254, 143,
'Spencer'), (8886, 254, 143, 'Springfield'), (38405, 254, 143,
'Sterling'), (38444, 254, 143, 'Still River'), (8887, 254, 143,
'Stockbridge'), (8888, 254, 143, 'Stoneham'), (38527, 254, 143,
'Stoughton'), (38534, 254, 143, 'Stow'), (8889, 254, 143,
'Sturbridge'), (38621, 254, 143, 'Sudbury'), (38719, 254, 143,
'Sunderland'), (38768, 254, 143, 'Sutton'), (12559, 254, 143,
'Swampscott'), (8890, 254, 143, 'Swansea'), (8891, 254, 143,
'Taunton'), (11782, 254, 143, 'Templeton'), (39043, 254, 143,
'Tewksbury'), (39108, 254, 143, 'Thorndike'), (39137, 254, 143, 'Three
Rivers'), (39281, 254, 143, 'Topsfield'), (14420, 254, 143,
'Townsend'), (39446, 254, 143, 'Truro'), (39503, 254, 143, 'Turners
Falls'), (13386, 254, 143, 'Tyngsboro'), (39574, 254, 143,
'Tyringham'), (39702, 254, 143, 'Upton'), (39729, 254, 143,
'Uxbridge'), (39967, 254, 143, 'Village of Nagog Woods'), (13361, 254, 143,
'Vineyard Haven'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`,
`region_id`, `name`) VALUES (40039, 254, 143, 'Waban'), (8892, 254, 143,
'Wakefield'), (40117, 254, 143, 'Wales'), (40188, 254, 143,
'Walpole'), (8893, 254, 143, 'Waltham'), (40243, 254, 143, 'Ware'), (8894,
254, 143, 'Wareham'), (40267, 254, 143, 'Warren'), (40290, 254, 143,
'Warwick'), (8895, 254, 143, 'Watertown'), (40419, 254, 143,
'Waverley'), (40443, 254, 143, 'Wayland'), (40483, 254, 143,
'Webster'), (8896, 254, 143, 'Wellesley'), (40531, 254, 143, 'Wellesley
Hills'), (40533, 254, 143, 'Wellfleet'), (40568, 254, 143,
'Wendell'), (40571, 254, 143, 'Wendell Depot'), (40574, 254, 143,
'Wenham'), (40600, 254, 143, 'West Barnstable'), (40606, 254, 143, 'West
Boxford'), (40607, 254, 143, 'West Boylston'), (40609, 254, 143, 'West
Bridgewater'), (40610, 254, 143, 'West Brookfield'), (40617, 254, 143,
'West Chatham'), (40620, 254, 143, 'West Chesterfield'), (40622, 254, 143,
'West Chop'), (40632, 254, 143, 'West Dennis'), (40643, 254, 143, 'West
Falmouth'), (40658, 254, 143, 'West Groton'), (40667, 254, 143, 'West
Harwich'), (40668, 254, 143, 'West Hatfield'), (40675, 254, 143, 'West
Hyannisport'), (40694, 254, 143, 'West Medford'), (40699, 254, 143, 'West
Millbury'), (40706, 254, 143, 'West Newbury'), (40710, 254, 143, 'West
Newton'), (40737, 254, 143, 'West Roxbury'), (8897, 254, 143, 'West
Springfield'), (40750, 254, 143, 'West Stockbridge'), (40756, 254, 143,
'West Tisbury'), (40758, 254, 143, 'West Townsend'), (40768, 254, 143,
'West Wareham'), (40769, 254, 143, 'West Warren'), (40771, 254, 143, 'West
Yarmouth'), (40775, 254, 143, 'Westborough'), (8898, 254, 143,
'Westchester'), (8899, 254, 143, 'Westfield'), (13838, 254, 143,
'Westford'), (12848, 254, 143, 'Westminster'), (40826, 254, 143,
'Weston'), (40848, 254, 143, 'Westport'), (40852, 254, 143, 'Westport
Point'), (14234, 254, 143, 'Westwood'), (15789, 254, 143,
'Weymouth'), (40880, 254, 143, 'Whately'), (40904, 254, 143,
'Wheelwright'), (40929, 254, 143, 'White Horse Beach'), (41013, 254, 143,
'Whitinsville'), (41016, 254, 143, 'Whitman'), (41052, 254, 143,
'Wilbraham'), (41101, 254, 143, 'Williamsburg'), (41118, 254, 143,
'Williamstown'), (16973, 254, 143, 'Wilmington'), (41202, 254, 143,
'Winchendon'), (41203, 254, 143, 'Winchendon Springs'), (8901, 254, 143,
'Winchester'), (41223, 254, 143, 'Windsor'), (41305, 254, 143,
'Winthrop'), (8902, 254, 143, 'Woburn'), (41429, 254, 143, 'Woods
Hole'), (41446, 254, 143, 'Woodville'), (8903, 254, 143,
'Worcester'), (41474, 254, 143, 'Woronoco'), (41482, 254, 143,
'Worthington'), (14316, 254, 143, 'Wrentham'), (41552, 254, 143, 'Yarmouth
Port'), (19084, 254, 144, 'Acme'), (17228, 254, 144, 'Ada'), (19126, 254,
144, 'Addison'), (9021, 254, 144, 'Adrian'), (19158, 254, 144,
'Afton'), (19180, 254, 144, 'Ahmeek'), (19201, 254, 144, 'Akron'), (15690,
254, 144, 'Alanson'), (19214, 254, 144, 'Alba'), (14090, 254, 144,
'Albion'), (19259, 254, 144, 'Alden'), (19293, 254, 144, 'Alger'), (15586,
254, 144, 'Algonac'), (11789, 254, 144, 'Allegan'), (19315, 254, 144,
'Allen'), (9022, 254, 144, 'Allen Park'), (9023, 254, 144,
'Allendale'), (19328, 254, 144, 'Allenton'), (19346, 254, 144,
'Allouez'), (9024, 254, 144, 'Alma'), (19371, 254, 144, 'Almont'), (9025,
254, 144, 'Alpena'), (19380, 254, 144, 'Alpha'), (19412, 254, 144,
'Alto'), (19462, 254, 144, 'Amasa'), (19523, 254, 144,
'Anchorville'), (9026, 254, 144, 'Ann Arbor'), (19618, 254, 144,
'Applegate'), (19649, 254, 144, 'Arcadia'), (19691, 254, 144,
'Argyle'), (13608, 254, 144, 'Armada'), (19749, 254, 144,
'Arnold'), (19821, 254, 144, 'Ashley'), (19860, 254, 144, 'Athens'), (9027,
254, 144, 'Atlanta'), (19887, 254, 144, 'Atlantic Mine'), (19888, 254, 144,
'Atlas'), (19896, 254, 144, 'Attica'), (19909, 254, 144, 'Au
Gres'), (19910, 254, 144, 'Au Train'), (19920, 254, 144, 'Auburn'), (9028,
254, 144, 'Auburn Hills'), (19935, 254, 144, 'Augusta'), (20000, 254, 144,
'Avoca'), (20039, 254, 144, 'Azalia'), (9029, 254, 144, 'Bad Axe'), (20065,
254, 144, 'Bailey'), (9030, 254, 144, 'Baldwin'), (20135, 254, 144,
'Bancroft'), (15060, 254, 144, 'Bangor'), (20150, 254, 144,
'Bannister'), (11835, 254, 144, 'Baraga'), (20158, 254, 144,
'Barbeau'), (20174, 254, 144, 'Bark River'), (20207, 254, 144,
'Baroda'), (20218, 254, 144, 'Barryton'), (20237, 254, 144, 'Barton
City'), (20274, 254, 144, 'Bath'), (9031, 254, 144, 'Battle Creek'), (9032,
254, 144, 'Bay City'), (20306, 254, 144, 'Bay Port'), (20308, 254, 144,
'Bay Shore'), (20345, 254, 144, 'Bear Lake'), (20379, 254, 144, 'Beaver
Island'), (20386, 254, 144, 'Beaverton'), (20398, 254, 144,
'Bedford'), (20442, 254, 144, 'Belding'), (9033, 254, 144,
'Bellaire'), (20489, 254, 144, 'Belleville'), (20494, 254, 144,
'Bellevue'), (20513, 254, 144, 'Belmont'), (20589, 254, 144,
'Bentley'), (9034, 254, 144, 'Benton Harbor'), (20606, 254, 144,
'Benzonia'), (20613, 254, 144, 'Bergland'), (20621, 254, 144,
'Berkley'), (16183, 254, 144, 'Berrien Center'), (15512, 254, 144, 'Berrien
Springs'), (9035, 254, 144, 'Bessemer'), (20701, 254, 144,
'Beulah'), (20726, 254, 144, 'Big Bay'), (9036, 254, 144, 'Big
Rapids'), (20796, 254, 144, 'Birch Run'), (9037, 254, 144,
'Birmingham'), (20831, 254, 144, 'Bitely'), (20848, 254, 144, 'Black
River'), (20896, 254, 144, 'Blanchard'), (13645, 254, 144,
'Blissfield'), (17500, 254, 144, 'Bloomfield Hills'), (20947, 254, 144,
'Bloomingdale'), (21106, 254, 144, 'Boon'), (21210, 254, 144, 'Boyne
City'), (21211, 254, 144, 'Boyne Falls'), (9038, 254, 144, 'Boyne
Mountain'), (21247, 254, 144, 'Bradley'), (21274, 254, 144,
'Branch'), (21299, 254, 144, 'Brant'), (21318, 254, 144,
'Breckenridge'), (21324, 254, 144, 'Breedsville'), (21342, 254, 144,
'Brethren'), (21360, 254, 144, 'Bridgeport'), (21377, 254, 144,
'Bridgewater'), (21382, 254, 144, 'Bridgman'), (15244, 254, 144,
'Brighton'), (21407, 254, 144, 'Brimley'), (18880, 254, 144,
'Britton'), (21465, 254, 144, 'Brohman'), (18106, 254, 144,
'Bronson'), (15026, 254, 144, 'Brooklyn'), (21535, 254, 144, 'Brown
City'), (21572, 254, 144, 'Bruce Crossing'), (21604, 254, 144,
'Brutus'), (14274, 254, 144, 'Buchanan'), (21648, 254, 144,
'Buckley'), (21754, 254, 144, 'Burlington'), (21769, 254, 144,
'Burnips'), (17949, 254, 144, 'Burr Oak'), (14798, 254, 144,
'Burt'), (21797, 254, 144, 'Burt Lake'), (9039, 254, 144,
'Burton'), (21852, 254, 144, 'Byron'), (21855, 254, 144, 'Byron
Center'), (9040, 254, 144, 'Cadillac'), (14093, 254, 144,
'Caledonia'), (13236, 254, 144, 'Calumet'), (21970, 254, 144,
'Camden'), (22064, 254, 144, 'Cannonsburg'), (9041, 254, 144,
'Canton'), (22097, 254, 144, 'Capac'), (15800, 254, 144,
'Carleton'), (22177, 254, 144, 'Carney'), (9042, 254, 144, 'Caro'), (22185,
254, 144, 'Carp Lake'), (22197, 254, 144, 'Carrollton'), (22207, 254, 144,
'Carson City'), (14943, 254, 144, 'Carsonville'), (22247, 254, 144,
'Casco'), (22248, 254, 144, 'Caseville'), (22259, 254, 144,
'Casnovia'), (22262, 254, 144, 'Caspian'), (22264, 254, 144, 'Cass
City'), (13426, 254, 144, 'Cassopolis'), (22358, 254, 144,
'Cedar'), (22379, 254, 144, 'Cedar Lake'), (22385, 254, 144, 'Cedar
River'), (13410, 254, 144, 'Cedar Springs'), (22396, 254, 144,
'Cedarville'), (22405, 254, 144, 'Cement City'), (22418, 254, 144, 'Center
Line'), (16351, 254, 144, 'Central Lake'), (18079, 254, 144,
'Centreville'), (22474, 254, 144, 'Ceresco'), (18556, 254, 144,
'Champion'), (9043, 254, 144, 'Channing'), (9044, 254, 144,
'Charlevoix'), (9045, 254, 144, 'Charlotte'), (22566, 254, 144,
'Chase'), (22570, 254, 144, 'Chassell'), (22578, 254, 144,
'Chatham'), (9046, 254, 144, 'Cheboygan'), (18188, 254, 144,
'Chelsea'), (22638, 254, 144, 'Chesaning'), (22726, 254, 144, 'Chippewa
Lake'), (14387, 254, 144, 'Clare'), (22845, 254, 144, 'Clarklake'), (13333,
254, 144, 'Clarkston'), (22870, 254, 144, 'Clarksville'), (22882, 254, 144,
'Clawson'), (22906, 254, 144, 'Clayton'), (22967, 254, 144,
'Clifford'), (22986, 254, 144, 'Climax'), (9047, 254, 144,
'Clinton'), (14669, 254, 144, 'Clinton Township'), (23013, 254, 144,
'Clio'), (23029, 254, 144, 'Cloverdale'), (23114, 254, 144,
'Cohoctah'), (9048, 254, 144, 'Coldwater'), (18238, 254, 144,
'Coleman'), (13708, 254, 144, 'Coloma'), (23196, 254, 144,
'Colon'), (17480, 254, 144, 'Columbiaville'), (23231, 254, 144,
'Columbus'), (23254, 254, 144, 'Comins'), (23259, 254, 144, 'Commerce
Township'), (23271, 254, 144, 'Comstock'), (13949, 254, 144, 'Comstock
Park'), (23289, 254, 144, 'Concord'), (23315, 254, 144, 'Conklin'), (16601,
254, 144, 'Constantine'), (23346, 254, 144, 'Conway'), (23357, 254, 144,
'Cooks'), (23377, 254, 144, 'Coopersville'), (23391, 254, 144,
'Copemish'), (23397, 254, 144, 'Copper City'), (23398, 254, 144, 'Copper
Harbor'), (23404, 254, 144, 'Coral'), (23435, 254, 144, 'Cornell'), (15406,
254, 144, 'Corunna'), (23532, 254, 144, 'Covert'), (23534, 254, 144,
'Covington'), (23701, 254, 144, 'Cross Village'), (13343, 254, 144,
'Croswell'), (23737, 254, 144, 'Crystal'), (9049, 254, 144, 'Crystal
Falls'), (23798, 254, 144, 'Curran'), (23806, 254, 144, 'Curtis'), (23823,
254, 144, 'Custer'), (23855, 254, 144, 'Dafter'), (23857, 254, 144,
'Daggett'), (23938, 254, 144, 'Dansville'), (24005, 254, 144,
'Davisburg'), (15365, 254, 144, 'Davison'), (24061, 254, 144, 'De Tour
Village'), (16303, 254, 144, 'De Witt'), (9050, 254, 144,
'Dearborn'), (9051, 254, 144, 'Dearborn Heights'), (24083, 254, 144,
'Decatur'), (24089, 254, 144, 'Decker'), (24091, 254, 144,
'Deckerville'), (24121, 254, 144, 'Deerfield'), (24131, 254, 144,
'Deerton'), (24138, 254, 144, 'Deford'), (15775, 254, 144,
'Delton'), (9052, 254, 144, 'Detroit'), (24284, 254, 144,
'Dewitt'), (15145, 254, 144, 'Dexter'), (24344, 254, 144,
'Dimondale'), (24386, 254, 144, 'Dodgeville'), (24398, 254, 144, 'Dollar
Bay'), (16209, 254, 144, 'Dorr'), (24454, 254, 144, 'Douglas'), (9053, 254,
144, 'Dowagiac'), (24487, 254, 144, 'Dowling'), (24519, 254, 144, 'Drayton
Plains'), (24543, 254, 144, 'Drummond Island'), (24558, 254, 144,
'Dryden'), (24635, 254, 144, 'Dundee'), (24677, 254, 144,
'Durand'), (24724, 254, 144, 'Eagle'), (24799, 254, 144, 'East
China'), (11967, 254, 144, 'East Jordan'), (9055, 254, 144, 'East
Lansing'), (24842, 254, 144, 'East Leroy'), (24902, 254, 144, 'East
Tawas'), (24930, 254, 144, 'Eastlake'), (9056, 254, 144,
'Eastpointe'), (24946, 254, 144, 'Eastport'), (24957, 254, 144, 'Eaton
Rapids'), (24958, 254, 144, 'Eau Claire'), (24961, 254, 144, 'Eben
Junction'), (24974, 254, 144, 'Eckerman'), (24980, 254, 144,
'Ecorse'), (25001, 254, 144, 'Edenville'), (25036, 254, 144,
'Edmore'), (25053, 254, 144, 'Edwardsburg'), (25108, 254, 144,
'Elberta'), (18441, 254, 144, 'Elk Rapids'), (25202, 254, 144,
'Elkton'), (25254, 254, 144, 'Ellsworth'), (25266, 254, 144, 'Elm
Hall'), (25282, 254, 144, 'Elmira'), (16609, 254, 144, 'Elsie'), (25320,
254, 144, 'Elwell'), (25363, 254, 144, 'Emmett'), (25371, 254, 144,
'Empire'), (25390, 254, 144, 'Engadine'), (25439, 254, 144, 'Erie'), (9058,
254, 144, 'Escanaba'), (16232, 254, 144, 'Essexville'), (25530, 254, 144,
'Eureka'), (25557, 254, 144, 'Evart'), (25575, 254, 144, 'Ewen'), (15208,
254, 144, 'Fair Haven'), (25645, 254, 144, 'Fairgrove'), (25668, 254, 144,
'Fairview'), (25715, 254, 144, 'Falmouth'), (14237, 254, 144,
'Farmington'), (25774, 254, 144, 'Farwell'), (25803, 254, 144,
'Felch'), (12720, 254, 144, 'Fennville'), (14037, 254, 144,
'Fenton'), (25825, 254, 144, 'Fenwick'), (9060, 254, 144,
'Ferndale'), (13972, 254, 144, 'Ferrysburg'), (25857, 254, 144, 'Fife
Lake'), (25862, 254, 144, 'Filer City'), (25863, 254, 144,
'Filion'), (25929, 254, 144, 'Flat Rock'), (9061, 254, 144,
'Flint'), (12789, 254, 144, 'Flushing'), (26064, 254, 144,
'Forestville'), (16612, 254, 144, 'Fort Gratiot'), (26184, 254, 144,
'Foster City'), (16940, 254, 144, 'Fostoria'), (26189, 254, 144,
'Fountain'), (26209, 254, 144, 'Fowler'), (18122, 254, 144,
'Fowlerville'), (15300, 254, 144, 'Frankenmuth'), (9062, 254, 144,
'Frankfort'), (14398, 254, 144, 'Franklin'), (26277, 254, 144,
'Fraser'), (26282, 254, 144, 'Frederic'), (26299, 254, 144, 'Free
Soil'), (26317, 254, 144, 'Freeland'), (26327, 254, 144,
'Freeport'), (9063, 254, 144, 'Fremont'), (26386, 254, 144,
'Frontier'), (16128, 254, 144, 'Fruitport'), (26422, 254, 144,
'Fulton'), (26437, 254, 144, 'Gaastra'), (26445, 254, 144,
'Gagetown'), (26446, 254, 144, 'Gaines'), (26459, 254, 144,
'Galesburg'), (26465, 254, 144, 'Galien'), (26511, 254, 144,
'Garden'), (9064, 254, 144, 'Garden City'), (9065, 254, 144,
'Gaylord'), (26623, 254, 144, 'Genesee'), (26679, 254, 144,
'Germfask'), (26744, 254, 144, 'Gilford'), (26794, 254, 144,
'Gladstone'), (9066, 254, 144, 'Gladwin'), (26824, 254, 144, 'Glen
Arbor'), (13035, 254, 144, 'Glenn'), (26900, 254, 144, 'Glennie'), (26946,
254, 144, 'Gobles'), (26953, 254, 144, 'Goetzville'), (26989, 254, 144,
'Good Hart'), (26995, 254, 144, 'Goodells'), (27007, 254, 144,
'Goodrich'), (27070, 254, 144, 'Gould City'), (15427, 254, 144,
'Gowen'), (15095, 254, 144, 'Grand Blanc'), (9067, 254, 144, 'Grand
Haven'), (27133, 254, 144, 'Grand Junction'), (13756, 254, 144, 'Grand
Ledge'), (27136, 254, 144, 'Grand Marais'), (9068, 254, 144, 'Grand
Rapids'), (27161, 254, 144, 'Grandville'), (27183, 254, 144,
'Grant'), (27214, 254, 144, 'Grass Lake'), (27232, 254, 144,
'Grawn'), (9069, 254, 144, 'Grayling'), (27299, 254, 144,
'Greenbush'), (27320, 254, 144, 'Greenland'), (9070, 254, 144,
'Greenville'), (27375, 254, 144, 'Gregory'), (27414, 254, 144, 'Grosse
Ile'), (16027, 254, 144, 'Grosse Pointe'), (27470, 254, 144,
'Gulliver'), (27496, 254, 144, 'Gwinn'), (18199, 254, 144,
'Hadley'), (27527, 254, 144, 'Hagar Shores'), (27550, 254, 144,
'Hale'), (18266, 254, 144, 'Hamburg'), (27606, 254, 144,
'Hamilton'), (27656, 254, 144, 'Hamtramck'), (13342, 254, 144,
'Hancock'), (27691, 254, 144, 'Hanover'), (27709, 254, 144,
'Harbert'), (13348, 254, 144, 'Harbor Beach'), (27712, 254, 144, 'Harbor
Springs'), (27769, 254, 144, 'Harper Woods'), (27784, 254, 144,
'Harrietta'), (27791, 254, 144, 'Harris'), (9071, 254, 144,
'Harrison'), (27809, 254, 144, 'Harrison Township'), (9072, 254, 144,
'Harrisville'), (27828, 254, 144, 'Harsens Island'), (9073, 254, 144,
'Hart'), (13603, 254, 144, 'Hartford'), (17124, 254, 144,
'Hartland'), (12207, 254, 144, 'Haslett'), (9074, 254, 144,
'Hastings'), (27941, 254, 144, 'Hawks'), (15056, 254, 144, 'Hazel
Park'), (28054, 254, 144, 'Hemlock'), (28063, 254, 144,
'Henderson'), (28118, 254, 144, 'Hermansville'), (28138, 254, 144,
'Herron'), (17227, 254, 144, 'Hersey'), (28142, 254, 144,
'Hesperia'), (28144, 254, 144, 'Hessel'), (28173, 254, 144, 'Hickory
Corners'), (28190, 254, 144, 'Higgins Lake'), (28208, 254, 144,
'Highland'), (28215, 254, 144, 'Highland Park'), (28244, 254, 144,
'Hillman'), (9075, 254, 144, 'Hillsdale'), (9076, 254, 144,
'Holland'), (17377, 254, 144, 'Holly'), (28422, 254, 144, 'Holt'), (28425,
254, 144, 'Holton'), (28443, 254, 144, 'Homer'), (28472, 254, 144,
'Honor'), (28504, 254, 144, 'Hope'), (28520, 254, 144, 'Hopkins'), (28553,
254, 144, 'Horton'), (9077, 254, 144, 'Houghton'), (9078, 254, 144,
'Houghton Lake'), (28573, 254, 144, 'Houghton Lake Heights'), (28593, 254,
144, 'Howard City'), (9079, 254, 144, 'Howell'), (28620, 254, 144, 'Hubbard
Lake'), (28622, 254, 144, 'Hubbardston'), (28624, 254, 144,
'Hubbell'), (13834, 254, 144, 'Hudson'), (15261, 254, 144,
'Hudsonville'), (28658, 254, 144, 'Hulbert'), (13395, 254, 144, 'Huntington
Woods'), (28789, 254, 144, 'Ida'), (28802, 254, 144, 'Idlewild'), (28818,
254, 144, 'Imlay City'), (28847, 254, 144, 'Indian River'), (28869, 254,
144, 'Ingalls'), (9080, 254, 144, 'Inkster'), (28895, 254, 144,
'Interlochen'), (9081, 254, 144, 'Ionia'), (9082, 254, 144, 'Iron
Mountain'), (14085, 254, 144, 'Iron River'), (17117, 254, 144,
'Irons'), (9083, 254, 144, 'Ironwood'), (9084, 254, 144,
'Ishpeming'), (28989, 254, 144, 'Ithaca'), (9085, 254, 144,
'Jackson'), (29059, 254, 144, 'Jamestown'), (29084, 254, 144,
'Jasper'), (29101, 254, 144, 'Jeddo'), (14730, 254, 144,
'Jenison'), (29148, 254, 144, 'Jerome'), (29188, 254, 144,
'Johannesburg'), (29220, 254, 144, 'Jones'), (29233, 254, 144,
'Jonesville'), (9086, 254, 144, 'Kalamazoo'), (29294, 254, 144,
'Kaleva'), (9087, 254, 144, 'Kalkaska'), (29346, 254, 144,
'Kawkawlin'), (29354, 254, 144, 'Kearsarge'), (29363, 254, 144, 'Keego
Harbor'), (29420, 254, 144, 'Kendall'), (29466, 254, 144, 'Kent
City'), (41979, 254, 144, 'Kentwood'), (29509, 254, 144,
'Kewadin'), (29575, 254, 144, 'Kincheloe'), (17753, 254, 144,
'Kinde'), (15710, 254, 144, 'Kingsford'), (29601, 254, 144,
'Kingsley'), (29608, 254, 144, 'Kingston'), (29621, 254, 144,
'Kinross'), (18116, 254, 144, 'La Salle'), (29833, 254, 144,
'Lachine'), (29844, 254, 144, 'Lacota'), (18455, 254, 144,
'Laingsburg'), (29875, 254, 144, 'Lake'), (29879, 254, 144, 'Lake
Ann'), (9089, 254, 144, 'Lake City'), (29910, 254, 144, 'Lake
George'), (29925, 254, 144, 'Lake Leelanau'), (29927, 254, 144, 'Lake
Linden'), (29940, 254, 144, 'Lake Odessa'), (16699, 254, 144, 'Lake
Orion'), (29962, 254, 144, 'Lakeland'), (29971, 254, 144,
'Lakeside'), (14546, 254, 144, 'Lakeview'), (29982, 254, 144,
'Lakeville'), (30000, 254, 144, 'Lambertville'), (30009, 254, 144,
'Lamont'), (30067, 254, 144, 'Lanse'), (9091, 254, 144, 'Lansing'), (9092,
254, 144, 'Lapeer'), (14944, 254, 144, 'Lawrence'), (30169, 254, 144,
'Lawton'), (9093, 254, 144, 'Leland'), (30304, 254, 144, 'Lennon'), (30327,
254, 144, 'Leonard'), (30337, 254, 144, 'Leonidas'), (30351, 254, 144,
'Leroy'), (13064, 254, 144, 'Leslie'), (30382, 254, 144,
'Levering'), (30396, 254, 144, 'Lewiston'), (30409, 254, 144,
'Lexington'), (30472, 254, 144, 'Lincoln'), (9094, 254, 144, 'Lincoln
Park'), (15381, 254, 144, 'Linden'), (30532, 254, 144, 'Linwood'), (30555,
254, 144, 'Litchfield'), (30578, 254, 144, 'Little Lake'), (9095, 254, 144,
'Livonia'), (30732, 254, 144, 'Long Lake'), (30786, 254, 144,
'Loretto'), (14418, 254, 144, 'Lowell'), (9096, 254, 144,
'Ludington'), (30936, 254, 144, 'Luna Pier'), (30942, 254, 144,
'Lupton'), (30952, 254, 144, 'Luther'), (30964, 254, 144,
'Luzerne'), (31022, 254, 144, 'Lyons'), (31041, 254, 144,
'Macatawa'), (9097, 254, 144, 'Mackinac Island'), (12645, 254, 144,
'Mackinaw City'), (18214, 254, 144, 'Macomb'), (9098, 254, 144, 'Madison
Heights'), (31192, 254, 144, 'Mancelona'), (12508, 254, 144,
'Manchester'), (9099, 254, 144, 'Manistee'), (9100, 254, 144,
'Manistique'), (31220, 254, 144, 'Manitou Beach'), (14807, 254, 144,
'Manton'), (31282, 254, 144, 'Maple City'), (14252, 254, 144, 'Maple
Rapids'), (31329, 254, 144, 'Marcellus'), (9101, 254, 144,
'Marenisco'), (16313, 254, 144, 'Marine City'), (31372, 254, 144,
'Marion'), (31403, 254, 144, 'Marlette'), (31411, 254, 144,
'Marne'), (9102, 254, 144, 'Marquette'), (9103, 254, 144,
'Marshall'), (31458, 254, 144, 'Martin'), (18058, 254, 144,
'Marysville'), (13727, 254, 144, 'Mason'), (31518, 254, 144, 'Mass
City'), (31549, 254, 144, 'Mattawan'), (31594, 254, 144, 'Maybee'), (31603,
254, 144, 'Mayfield'), (15675, 254, 144, 'Mayville'), (31648, 254, 144, 'Mc
Bain'), (31753, 254, 144, 'Mc Millan'), (31774, 254, 144,
'McBrides'), (31820, 254, 144, 'Mears'), (31834, 254, 144,
'Mecosta'), (16079, 254, 144, 'Melvin'), (31908, 254, 144,
'Melvindale'), (31910, 254, 144, 'Memphis'), (16631, 254, 144,
'Mendon'), (9104, 254, 144, 'Menominee'), (31975, 254, 144,
'Merrill'), (31980, 254, 144, 'Merritt'), (31998, 254, 144,
'Mesick'), (32006, 254, 144, 'Metamora'), (32038, 254, 144,
'Michigamme'), (32040, 254, 144, 'Michigan Center'), (32079, 254, 144,
'Middleton'), (17203, 254, 144, 'Middleville'), (9105, 254, 144,
'Midland'), (32122, 254, 144, 'Mikado'), (18632, 254, 144,
'Milan'), (13310, 254, 144, 'Milford'), (32198, 254, 144,
'Millersburg'), (32218, 254, 144, 'Millington'), (32297, 254, 144, 'Minden
City'), (9107, 254, 144, 'Mio'), (13513, 254, 144, 'Mohawk'), (32420, 254,
144, 'Moline'), (9108, 254, 144, 'Monroe'), (32485, 254, 144,
'Montague'), (32517, 254, 144, 'Montgomery'), (15729, 254, 144,
'Montrose'), (32601, 254, 144, 'Moran'), (13262, 254, 144,
'Morenci'), (32631, 254, 144, 'Morley'), (32641, 254, 144,
'Morrice'), (32694, 254, 144, 'Moscow'), (32704, 254, 144,
'Mosherville'), (9109, 254, 144, 'Mount Clemens'), (14920, 254, 144, 'Mount
Morris'), (9110, 254, 144, 'Mount Pleasant'), (32886, 254, 144,
'Muir'), (32902, 254, 144, 'Mullett Lake'), (13997, 254, 144,
'Mulliken'), (32918, 254, 144, 'Munger'), (9111, 254, 144,
'Munising'), (32920, 254, 144, 'Munith'), (9112, 254, 144,
'Muskegon'), (32971, 254, 144, 'Nadeau'), (32975, 254, 144,
'Nahma'), (18319, 254, 144, 'Napoleon'), (33019, 254, 144,
'Nashville'), (33030, 254, 144, 'National City'), (33031, 254, 144,
'National Mine'), (33043, 254, 144, 'Naubinway'), (33058, 254, 144,
'Nazareth'), (12194, 254, 144, 'Negaunee'), (33158, 254, 144, 'New
Baltimore'), (33173, 254, 144, 'New Boston'), (33179, 254, 144, 'New
Buffalo'), (33207, 254, 144, 'New Era'), (33233, 254, 144, 'New
Haven'), (33248, 254, 144, 'New Hudson'), (33272, 254, 144, 'New
Lothrop'), (33344, 254, 144, 'New Troy'), (15547, 254, 144,
'Newaygo'), (9113, 254, 144, 'Newberry'), (33424, 254, 144,
'Newport'), (9114, 254, 144, 'Niles'), (33519, 254, 144, 'Nisula'), (33590,
254, 144, 'North Adams'), (33608, 254, 144, 'North Branch'), (33710, 254,
144, 'North Star'), (33714, 254, 144, 'North Street'), (33749, 254, 144,
'Northport'), (16270, 254, 144, 'Northville'), (33761, 254, 144,
'Norvell'), (14174, 254, 144, 'Norway'), (33785, 254, 144,
'Nottawa'), (9115, 254, 144, 'Novi'), (15229, 254, 144, 'Nunica'), (33835,
254, 144, 'Oak Grove'), (9116, 254, 144, 'Oak Park'), (12738, 254, 144,
'Oakland'), (33889, 254, 144, 'Oakley'), (33958, 254, 144, 'Oden'), (9117,
254, 144, 'Okemos'), (34043, 254, 144, 'Old Mission'), (34076, 254, 144,
'Olivet'), (34107, 254, 144, 'Omena'), (34108, 254, 144, 'Omer'), (34119,
254, 144, 'Onaway'), (16130, 254, 144, 'Onekama'), (34136, 254, 144,
'Onondaga'), (34139, 254, 144, 'Onsted'), (9118, 254, 144,
'Ontonagon'), (34221, 254, 144, 'Orleans'), (34243, 254, 144,
'Ortonville'), (9119, 254, 144, 'Oscoda'), (34264, 254, 144,
'Oshtemo'), (34269, 254, 144, 'Osseo'), (34273, 254, 144,
'Ossineke'), (34288, 254, 144, 'Otisville'), (34293, 254, 144,
'Otsego'), (34295, 254, 144, 'Ottawa Lake'), (34299, 254, 144, 'Otter
Lake'), (17450, 254, 144, 'Ovid'), (14426, 254, 144, 'Owendale'), (9120,
254, 144, 'Owosso'), (34357, 254, 144, 'Oxford'), (34404, 254, 144,
'Painesdale'), (34433, 254, 144, 'Palmer'), (34443, 254, 144,
'Palms'), (34447, 254, 144, 'Palmyra'), (34453, 254, 144, 'Palo'), (34500,
254, 144, 'Paradise'), (12813, 254, 144, 'Paris'), (34560, 254, 144,
'Parma'), (34631, 254, 144, 'Paw Paw'), (34680, 254, 144, 'Peck'), (34707,
254, 144, 'Pelkie'), (9121, 254, 144, 'Pellston'), (34766, 254, 144,
'Pentwater'), (34786, 254, 144, 'Perkins'), (34799, 254, 144,
'Perrinton'), (34800, 254, 144, 'Perronville'), (34806, 254, 144,
'Perry'), (34834, 254, 144, 'Petersburg'), (9122, 254, 144,
'Petoskey'), (34859, 254, 144, 'Pewamo'), (34907, 254, 144,
'Pickford'), (34937, 254, 144, 'Pierson'), (34940, 254, 144,
'Pigeon'), (34966, 254, 144, 'Pinckney'), (34967, 254, 144,
'Pinconning'), (35072, 254, 144, 'Pittsford'), (35108, 254, 144,
'Plainwell'), (35145, 254, 144, 'Pleasant Lake'), (35152, 254, 144,
'Pleasant Ridge'), (17059, 254, 144, 'Plymouth'), (35230, 254, 144, 'Pointe
Aux Pins'), (35265, 254, 144, 'Pompeii'), (9124, 254, 144,
'Pontiac'), (35300, 254, 144, 'Port Austin'), (35317, 254, 144, 'Port
Hope'), (9125, 254, 144, 'Port Huron'), (35343, 254, 144, 'Port
Sanilac'), (9126, 254, 144, 'Portage'), (16487, 254, 144,
'Portland'), (35386, 254, 144, 'Posen'), (12271, 254, 144,
'Potterville'), (35438, 254, 144, 'Powers'), (35487, 254, 144,
'Prescott'), (35490, 254, 144, 'Presque Isle'), (35579, 254, 144,
'Prudenville'), (35592, 254, 144, 'Pullman'), (17948, 254, 144,
'Quincy'), (35666, 254, 144, 'Quinnesec'), (35719, 254, 144,
'Ralph'), (35734, 254, 144, 'Ramsay'), (35788, 254, 144, 'Rapid
City'), (17179, 254, 144, 'Rapid River'), (18611, 254, 144,
'Ravenna'), (35819, 254, 144, 'Ray'), (35850, 254, 144, 'Reading'), (9127,
254, 144, 'Redford'), (9128, 254, 144, 'Reed City'), (18399, 254, 144,
'Reese'), (16302, 254, 144, 'Remus'), (35988, 254, 144,
'Republic'), (36039, 254, 144, 'Rhodes'), (36078, 254, 144,
'Richland'), (14621, 254, 144, 'Richmond'), (36106, 254, 144,
'Richville'), (36138, 254, 144, 'Ridgeway'), (18446, 254, 144,
'Riga'), (36222, 254, 144, 'River Rouge'), (36227, 254, 144,
'Riverdale'), (36235, 254, 144, 'Riverside'), (15747, 254, 144, 'Rives
Junction'), (9129, 254, 144, 'Rochester'), (36315, 254, 144,
'Rock'), (42915, 254, 144, 'Rock Harbor'), (16861, 254, 144,
'Rockford'), (36358, 254, 144, 'Rockland'), (36379, 254, 144,
'Rockwood'), (36399, 254, 144, 'Rodney'), (15105, 254, 144, 'Rogers
City'), (36426, 254, 144, 'Rollin'), (16112, 254, 144, 'Romeo'), (9131,
254, 144, 'Romulus'), (9132, 254, 144, 'Roscommon'), (36480, 254, 144,
'Rose City'), (36493, 254, 144, 'Rosebush'), (9133, 254, 144,
'Roseville'), (36545, 254, 144, 'Rothbury'), (9134, 254, 144, 'Royal
Oak'), (36625, 254, 144, 'Rudyard'), (36637, 254, 144, 'Rumely'), (36690,
254, 144, 'Ruth'), (9135, 254, 144, 'Saginaw'), (36760, 254, 144,
'Sagola'), (36790, 254, 144, 'Saint Charles'), (36793, 254, 144, 'Saint
Clair'), (36797, 254, 144, 'Saint Clair Shores'), (36823, 254, 144, 'Saint
Helen'), (13811, 254, 144, 'Saint Ignace'), (17222, 254, 144, 'Saint
Johns'), (12877, 254, 144, 'Saint Joseph'), (16693, 254, 144, 'Saint
Louis'), (36918, 254, 144, 'Salem'), (36935, 254, 144, 'Saline'), (36971,
254, 144, 'Samaria'), (37021, 254, 144, 'Sand Creek'), (16555, 254, 144,
'Sand Lake'), (9136, 254, 144, 'Sandusky'), (37060, 254, 144,
'Sanford'), (37092, 254, 144, 'Saranac'), (37127, 254, 144,
'Saugatuck'), (37132, 254, 144, 'Sault Sainte Marie'), (37150, 254, 144,
'Sawyer'), (9138, 254, 144, 'Sawyer AFB'), (37202, 254, 144,
'Schoolcraft'), (37253, 254, 144, 'Scotts'), (37265, 254, 144,
'Scottville'), (37303, 254, 144, 'Sears'), (37321, 254, 144,
'Sebewaing'), (37377, 254, 144, 'Seneca'), (37387, 254, 144,
'Seney'), (37434, 254, 144, 'Shaftsburg'), (15380, 254, 144,
'Shelby'), (37528, 254, 144, 'Shelbyville'), (37555, 254, 144,
'Shepherd'), (37566, 254, 144, 'Sheridan'), (37584, 254, 144,
'Sherwood'), (37601, 254, 144, 'Shingleton'), (37659, 254, 144,
'Sidnaw'), (37665, 254, 144, 'Sidney'), (37725, 254, 144,
'Silverwood'), (37758, 254, 144, 'Six Lakes'), (37763, 254, 144,
'Skandia'), (37765, 254, 144, 'Skanee'), (37843, 254, 144, 'Smiths
Creek'), (37867, 254, 144, 'Smyrna'), (37878, 254, 144, 'Snover'), (37900,
254, 144, 'Sodus'), (37929, 254, 144, 'Somerset'), (37933, 254, 144,
'Somerset Center'), (37975, 254, 144, 'South Boardman'), (13950, 254, 144,
'South Branch'), (9139, 254, 144, 'South Haven'), (38032, 254, 144, 'South
Lyon'), (38056, 254, 144, 'South Range'), (38060, 254, 144, 'South
Rockwood'), (9140, 254, 144, 'Southfield'), (9141, 254, 144,
'Southgate'), (38115, 254, 144, 'Spalding'), (38132, 254, 144,
'Sparta'), (38190, 254, 144, 'Spring Arbor'), (15227, 254, 144, 'Spring
Lake'), (38242, 254, 144, 'Springport'), (38254, 254, 144,
'Spruce'), (18660, 254, 144, 'St.Clair'), (38285, 254, 144,
'Stambaugh'), (9143, 254, 144, 'Standish'), (18745, 254, 144,
'Stanton'), (38324, 254, 144, 'Stanwood'), (38396, 254, 144,
'Stephenson'), (38406, 254, 144, 'Sterling'), (9144, 254, 144, 'Sterling
Heights'), (12070, 254, 144, 'Stevensville'), (14010, 254, 144,
'Stockbridge'), (38588, 254, 144, 'Strongs'), (38606, 254, 144,
'Sturgis'), (38697, 254, 144, 'Sumner'), (38721, 254, 144,
'Sunfield'), (13983, 254, 144, 'Suttons Bay'), (38792, 254, 144, 'Swartz
Creek'), (9145, 254, 144, 'Tawas City'), (9146, 254, 144,
'Taylor'), (12397, 254, 144, 'Tecumseh'), (38980, 254, 144,
'Tekonsha'), (38988, 254, 144, 'Temperance'), (18603, 254, 144,
'Thompsonville'), (15750, 254, 144, 'Three Oaks'), (9147, 254, 144, 'Three
Rivers'), (39207, 254, 144, 'Tipton'), (39233, 254, 144,
'Toivola'), (39275, 254, 144, 'Topinabee'), (39306, 254, 144,
'Tower'), (9148, 254, 144, 'Traverse City'), (39363, 254, 144,
'Trenary'), (13422, 254, 144, 'Trenton'), (39414, 254, 144, 'Trout
Creek'), (39418, 254, 144, 'Trout Lake'), (9150, 254, 144, 'Troy'), (39440,
254, 144, 'Trufant'), (39498, 254, 144, 'Turner'), (39522, 254, 144,
'Tuscola'), (39527, 254, 144, 'Tustin'), (39542, 254, 144, 'Twin
Lake'), (39550, 254, 144, 'Twining'), (39584, 254, 144, 'Ubly'), (39624,
254, 144, 'Union'), (39635, 254, 144, 'Union City'), (39646, 254, 144,
'Union Lake'), (39649, 254, 144, 'Union Pier'), (39667, 254, 144,
'Unionville'), (18696, 254, 144, 'Utica'), (39810, 254, 144,
'Vandalia'), (39814, 254, 144, 'Vanderbilt'), (13436, 254, 144,
'Vassar'), (39887, 254, 144, 'Vermontville'), (39897, 254, 144,
'Vernon'), (14256, 254, 144, 'Vestaburg'), (39933, 254, 144,
'Vicksburg'), (40036, 254, 144, 'Vulcan'), (40040, 254, 144,
'Wabaningo'), (40086, 254, 144, 'Wakefield'), (40113, 254, 144,
'Waldron'), (40124, 254, 144, 'Walhalla'), (13416, 254, 144,
'Walker'), (18518, 254, 144, 'Walkerville'), (40147, 254, 144,
'Wallace'), (40158, 254, 144, 'Walled Lake'), (40168, 254, 144, 'Walloon
Lake'), (9151, 254, 144, 'Warren'), (40307, 254, 144, 'Washington'), (9153,
254, 144, 'Waterford'), (40364, 254, 144, 'Waters'), (40365, 254, 144,
'Watersmeet'), (40380, 254, 144, 'Watervliet'), (40396, 254, 144,
'Watton'), (40444, 254, 144, 'Wayland'), (14273, 254, 144,
'Wayne'), (40477, 254, 144, 'Webberville'), (40500, 254, 144,
'Weidman'), (40546, 254, 144, 'Wells'), (40557, 254, 144,
'Wellston'), (9154, 254, 144, 'West Bloomfield'), (13814, 254, 144, 'West
Branch'), (16152, 254, 144, 'West Olive'), (9155, 254, 144,
'Westland'), (40827, 254, 144, 'Weston'), (40841, 254, 144,
'Westphalia'), (17938, 254, 144, 'Wetmore'), (40896, 254, 144,
'Wheeler'), (9156, 254, 144, 'White Cloud'), (40931, 254, 144, 'White
Lake'), (12314, 254, 144, 'White Pigeon'), (40947, 254, 144, 'White
Pine'), (40967, 254, 144, 'Whitehall'), (41022, 254, 144, 'Whitmore
Lake'), (41028, 254, 144, 'Whittaker'), (41030, 254, 144,
'Whittemore'), (41102, 254, 144, 'Williamsburg'), (41116, 254, 144,
'Williamston'), (41128, 254, 144, 'Willis'), (41178, 254, 144,
'Wilson'), (41264, 254, 144, 'Winn'), (41337, 254, 144, 'Wixom'), (41365,
254, 144, 'Wolverine'), (41410, 254, 144, 'Woodland'), (9158, 254, 144,
'Wyandotte'), (41543, 254, 144, 'Yale'), (9160, 254, 144,
'Ypsilanti'), (41641, 254, 144, 'Zeeland'), (9161, 254, 145,
'Ada'), (19104, 254, 145, 'Adams'), (19142, 254, 145, 'Adolph'), (19147,
254, 145, 'Adrian'), (19159, 254, 145, 'Afton'), (19179, 254, 145, 'Ah Gwah
Ching'), (9162, 254, 145, 'Aitkin'), (19193, 254, 145, 'Akeley'), (13813,
254, 145, 'Albany'), (9163, 254, 145, 'Albert Lea'), (19230, 254, 145,
'Alberta'), (19235, 254, 145, 'Albertville'), (19244, 254, 145,
'Alborn'), (19260, 254, 145, 'Alden'), (19269, 254, 145, 'Aldrich'), (9164,
254, 145, 'Alexandria'), (19361, 254, 145, 'Almelund'), (19381, 254, 145,
'Alpha'), (19430, 254, 145, 'Altura'), (19439, 254, 145,
'Alvarado'), (19472, 254, 145, 'Amboy'), (13891, 254, 145,
'Andover'), (13411, 254, 145, 'Angle Inlet'), (19557, 254, 145,
'Angora'), (19560, 254, 145, 'Angus'), (19573, 254, 145,
'Annandale'), (12263, 254, 145, 'Anoka'), (42277, 254, 145, 'Apple
Valley'), (19619, 254, 145, 'Appleton'), (19663, 254, 145, 'Arco'), (19692,
254, 145, 'Argyle'), (19723, 254, 145, 'Arlington'), (19798, 254, 145,
'Ashby'), (19838, 254, 145, 'Askov'), (19901, 254, 145, 'Atwater'), (19930,
254, 145, 'Audubon'), (19954, 254, 145, 'Aurora'), (9167, 254, 145,
'Austin'), (20001, 254, 145, 'Avoca'), (20010, 254, 145, 'Avon'), (20043,
254, 145, 'Babbitt'), (20047, 254, 145, 'Backus'), (20053, 254, 145,
'Badger'), (12781, 254, 145, 'Bagley'), (20085, 254, 145, 'Baker'), (20098,
254, 145, 'Balaton'), (20192, 254, 145, 'Barnesville'), (20206, 254, 145,
'Barnum'), (20210, 254, 145, 'Barrett'), (20216, 254, 145,
'Barry'), (20289, 254, 145, 'Battle Lake'), (9168, 254, 145,
'Baudette'), (20297, 254, 145, 'Baxter'), (20318, 254, 145,
'Bayport'), (20351, 254, 145, 'Beardsley'), (20373, 254, 145, 'Beaver
Bay'), (20374, 254, 145, 'Beaver Creek'), (20393, 254, 145,
'Becker'), (20432, 254, 145, 'Bejou'), (14261, 254, 145,
'Belgrade'), (20478, 254, 145, 'Belle Plaine'), (20498, 254, 145,
'Bellingham'), (20531, 254, 145, 'Beltrami'), (20541, 254, 145,
'Belview'), (9169, 254, 145, 'Bemidji'), (20551, 254, 145, 'Bena'), (20560,
254, 145, 'Benedict'), (9170, 254, 145, 'Benson'), (20649, 254, 145,
'Bertha'), (20675, 254, 145, 'Bethel'), (20737, 254, 145, 'Big
Falls'), (14672, 254, 145, 'Big Lake'), (20767, 254, 145,
'Bigelow'), (20769, 254, 145, 'Bigfork'), (20791, 254, 145, 'Bingham
Lake'), (20798, 254, 145, 'Birchdale'), (20805, 254, 145, 'Bird
Island'), (9171, 254, 145, 'Biwabik'), (20852, 254, 145,
'Blackduck'), (42094, 254, 145, 'Blaine'), (20929, 254, 145,
'Blomkest'), (20942, 254, 145, 'Blooming Prairie'), (41943, 254, 145,
'Bloomington'), (9174, 254, 145, 'Blue Earth'), (21015, 254, 145,
'Bluffton'), (21030, 254, 145, 'Bock'), (21123, 254, 145, 'Borup'), (21158,
254, 145, 'Bovey'), (21180, 254, 145, 'Bowlus'), (21187, 254, 145,
'Bowstring'), (21196, 254, 145, 'Boyd'), (21264, 254, 145,
'Braham'), (9175, 254, 145, 'Brainerd'), (21285, 254, 145,
'Brandon'), (9176, 254, 145, 'Breckenridge'), (21348, 254, 145,
'Brewster'), (21352, 254, 145, 'Bricelyn'), (21408, 254, 145,
'Brimson'), (21432, 254, 145, 'Britt'), (21478, 254, 145, 'Brook
Park'), (41955, 254, 145, 'Brooklyn Park'), (21512, 254, 145,
'Brooks'), (21516, 254, 145, 'Brookston'), (21529, 254, 145,
'Brooten'), (21534, 254, 145, 'Browerville'), (21544, 254, 145, 'Browns
Valley'), (21548, 254, 145, 'Brownsdale'), (21555, 254, 145,
'Brownsville'), (21560, 254, 145, 'Brownton'), (21586, 254, 145,
'Bruno'), (21652, 254, 145, 'Buckman'), (9179, 254, 145,
'Buffalo'), (21688, 254, 145, 'Buffalo Lake'), (21697, 254, 145,
'Buhl'), (9180, 254, 145, 'Burnsville'), (21803, 254, 145,
'Burtrum'), (21827, 254, 145, 'Butterfield'), (14605, 254, 145,
'Byron'), (9181, 254, 145, 'Caledonia'), (21923, 254, 145,
'Callaway'), (21935, 254, 145, 'Calumet'), (9182, 254, 145,
'Cambridge'), (22009, 254, 145, 'Campbell'), (9183, 254, 145,
'Canby'), (16443, 254, 145, 'Cannon Falls'), (22076, 254, 145,
'Canton'), (22090, 254, 145, 'Canyon'), (22158, 254, 145,
'Carlos'), (22165, 254, 145, 'Carlton'), (22227, 254, 145,
'Carver'), (22265, 254, 145, 'Cass Lake'), (22293, 254, 145, 'Castle
Rock'), (22359, 254, 145, 'Cedar'), (22413, 254, 145, 'Center
City'), (22481, 254, 145, 'Ceylon'), (9185, 254, 145, 'Champlin'), (22513,
254, 145, 'Chandler'), (12094, 254, 145, 'Chanhassen'), (9186, 254, 145,
'Chaska'), (22574, 254, 145, 'Chatfield'), (22729, 254, 145, 'Chisago
City'), (13151, 254, 145, 'Chisholm'), (22739, 254, 145, 'Chokio'), (22788,
254, 145, 'Circle Pines'), (22812, 254, 145, 'Clara City'), (22817, 254,
145, 'Claremont'), (22834, 254, 145, 'Clarissa'), (22843, 254, 145,
'Clarkfield'), (13982, 254, 145, 'Clarks Grove'), (22920, 254, 145, 'Clear
Lake'), (22923, 254, 145, 'Clearbrook'), (9187, 254, 145,
'Clearwater'), (22940, 254, 145, 'Clements'), (22950, 254, 145,
'Cleveland'), (22987, 254, 145, 'Climax'), (14057, 254, 145,
'Clinton'), (23017, 254, 145, 'Clitherall'), (23019, 254, 145,
'Clontarf'), (16455, 254, 145, 'Cloquet'), (23113, 254, 145,
'Cohasset'), (23121, 254, 145, 'Cokato'), (9188, 254, 145, 'Cold
Spring'), (23146, 254, 145, 'Coleraine'), (13298, 254, 145,
'Collegeville'), (23193, 254, 145, 'Cologne'), (23253, 254, 145,
'Comfrey'), (23272, 254, 145, 'Comstock'), (23312, 254, 145,
'Conger'), (9282, 254, 145, 'Cook'), (41957, 254, 145, 'Coon
Rapids'), (23459, 254, 145, 'Correll'), (15353, 254, 145, 'Cosmos'), (9190,
254, 145, 'Cottage Grove'), (23491, 254, 145, 'Cotton'), (23500, 254, 145,
'Cottonwood'), (23524, 254, 145, 'Courtland'), (9191, 254, 145,
'Cove'), (23592, 254, 145, 'Crane Lake'), (23679, 254, 145,
'Cromwell'), (9192, 254, 145, 'Crookston'), (9193, 254, 145,
'Crosby'), (23702, 254, 145, 'Crosslake'), (23739, 254, 145, 'Crystal
Bay'), (23799, 254, 145, 'Currie'), (23814, 254, 145, 'Cushing'), (23847,
254, 145, 'Cyrus'), (23873, 254, 145, 'Dakota'), (23875, 254, 145,
'Dalbo'), (23895, 254, 145, 'Dalton'), (23941, 254, 145, 'Danube'), (23943,
254, 145, 'Danvers'), (23957, 254, 145, 'Darfur'), (23970, 254, 145,
'Darwin'), (13409, 254, 145, 'Dassel'), (17519, 254, 145,
'Dawson'), (24029, 254, 145, 'Dayton'), (9195, 254, 145, 'Deer
Creek'), (24115, 254, 145, 'Deer River'), (24132, 254, 145,
'Deerwood'), (24142, 254, 145, 'Delano'), (24149, 254, 145,
'Delavan'), (12169, 254, 145, 'Denham'), (24214, 254, 145,
'Dennison'), (18089, 254, 145, 'Dent'), (9196, 254, 145, 'Detroit
Lakes'), (24292, 254, 145, 'Dexter'), (24340, 254, 145,
'Dilworth'), (24385, 254, 145, 'Dodge Center'), (24409, 254, 145,
'Donaldson'), (24416, 254, 145, 'Donnelly'), (24473, 254, 145,
'Dover'), (24481, 254, 145, 'Dovray'), (9197, 254, 145, 'Duluth'), (24611,
254, 145, 'Dumont'), (24630, 254, 145, 'Dundas'), (24657, 254, 145,
'Dunnell'), (41945, 254, 145, 'Eagan'), (24728, 254, 145, 'Eagle
Bend'), (24734, 254, 145, 'Eagle Lake'), (24823, 254, 145, 'East Grand
Forks'), (24938, 254, 145, 'Easton'), (24968, 254, 145, 'Echo'), (9199,
254, 145, 'Eden Prairie'), (25000, 254, 145, 'Eden Valley'), (25013, 254,
145, 'Edgerton'), (41952, 254, 145, 'Edina'), (25059, 254, 145,
'Effie'), (25082, 254, 145, 'Eitzen'), (9201, 254, 145, 'Elbow
Lake'), (25142, 254, 145, 'Elgin'), (25160, 254, 145, 'Elizabeth'), (9202,
254, 145, 'Elk River'), (25198, 254, 145, 'Elko'), (25203, 254, 145,
'Elkton'), (25220, 254, 145, 'Ellendale'), (25255, 254, 145,
'Ellsworth'), (25291, 254, 145, 'Elmore'), (25304, 254, 145,
'Elrosa'), (9203, 254, 145, 'Ely'), (25328, 254, 145, 'Elysian'), (25330,
254, 145, 'Embarrass'), (25350, 254, 145, 'Emily'), (25365, 254, 145,
'Emmons'), (25435, 254, 145, 'Erhard'), (25450, 254, 145,
'Erskine'), (25459, 254, 145, 'Esko'), (25478, 254, 145, 'Essig'), (25520,
254, 145, 'Euclid'), (25555, 254, 145, 'Evansville'), (17994, 254, 145,
'Eveleth'), (17096, 254, 145, 'Excelsior'), (25595, 254, 145,
'Eyota'), (25625, 254, 145, 'Fairfax'), (9205, 254, 145,
'Fairmont'), (9206, 254, 145, 'Faribault'), (25753, 254, 145,
'Farmington'), (25775, 254, 145, 'Farwell'), (9207, 254, 145, 'Federal
Dam'), (25812, 254, 145, 'Felton'), (9208, 254, 145, 'Fergus
Falls'), (25844, 254, 145, 'Fertile'), (25859, 254, 145, 'Fifty
Lakes'), (25876, 254, 145, 'Finland'), (9212, 254, 145,
'Finlayson'), (25894, 254, 145, 'Fisher'), (25949, 254, 145,
'Flensburg'), (25963, 254, 145, 'Flom'), (25966, 254, 145,
'Floodwood'), (9209, 254, 145, 'Foley'), (26020, 254, 145,
'Forbes'), (13167, 254, 145, 'Forest Lake'), (26062, 254, 145,
'Foreston'), (26149, 254, 145, 'Fort Ripley'), (26176, 254, 145,
'Fosston'), (26190, 254, 145, 'Fountain'), (26223, 254, 145,
'Foxhome'), (26252, 254, 145, 'Franklin'), (13475, 254, 145,
'Frazee'), (26301, 254, 145, 'Freeborn'), (26328, 254, 145,
'Freeport'), (26385, 254, 145, 'Frontenac'), (26388, 254, 145,
'Frost'), (26410, 254, 145, 'Fulda'), (26515, 254, 145, 'Garden
City'), (26536, 254, 145, 'Garfield'), (26564, 254, 145,
'Garrison'), (26571, 254, 145, 'Garvin'), (26576, 254, 145,
'Gary'), (26602, 254, 145, 'Gatzke'), (9211, 254, 145, 'Gaylord'), (26631,
254, 145, 'Geneva'), (26659, 254, 145, 'Georgetown'), (26693, 254, 145,
'Ghent'), (26696, 254, 145, 'Gibbon'), (15045, 254, 145,
'Gilbert'), (26760, 254, 145, 'Gilman'), (26868, 254, 145,
'Glencoe'), (15014, 254, 145, 'Glenville'), (9213, 254, 145,
'Glenwood'), (26941, 254, 145, 'Glyndon'), (9214, 254, 145,
'Gonvick'), (26992, 254, 145, 'Good Thunder'), (26998, 254, 145,
'Goodhue'), (27002, 254, 145, 'Goodland'), (27010, 254, 145,
'Goodridge'), (27084, 254, 145, 'Graceville'), (27116, 254, 145,
'Granada'), (9215, 254, 145, 'Grand Marais'), (27138, 254, 145, 'Grand
Meadow'), (27140, 254, 145, 'Grand Portage'), (9216, 254, 145, 'Grand
Rapids'), (27162, 254, 145, 'Grandy'), (9217, 254, 145, 'Granite
Falls'), (27218, 254, 145, 'Grasston'), (27276, 254, 145, 'Green
Isle'), (27300, 254, 145, 'Greenbush'), (27354, 254, 145,
'Greenwald'), (27392, 254, 145, 'Grey Eagle'), (27421, 254, 145, 'Grove
City'), (27447, 254, 145, 'Grygla'), (27471, 254, 145, 'Gully'), (27509,
254, 145, 'Hackensack'), (9218, 254, 145, 'Hallock'), (27581, 254, 145,
'Halma'), (14258, 254, 145, 'Halstad'), (27591, 254, 145,
'Hamburg'), (27595, 254, 145, 'Hamel'), (27646, 254, 145,
'Hampton'), (27663, 254, 145, 'Hancock'), (27672, 254, 145, 'Hanley
Falls'), (27692, 254, 145, 'Hanover'), (27701, 254, 145, 'Hanska'), (27730,
254, 145, 'Hardwick'), (18312, 254, 145, 'Harmony'), (27792, 254, 145,
'Harris'), (27841, 254, 145, 'Hartland'), (17911, 254, 145,
'Hastings'), (27934, 254, 145, 'Hawick'), (27942, 254, 145,
'Hawley'), (27962, 254, 145, 'Hayfield'), (14243, 254, 145,
'Hayward'), (28012, 254, 145, 'Hector'), (28064, 254, 145,
'Henderson'), (28071, 254, 145, 'Hendricks'), (28074, 254, 145,
'Hendrum'), (28082, 254, 145, 'Henning'), (28087, 254, 145,
'Henriette'), (28115, 254, 145, 'Herman'), (28133, 254, 145, 'Heron
Lake'), (28153, 254, 145, 'Hewitt'), (9219, 254, 145, 'Hibbing'), (28238,
254, 145, 'Hill City'), (28245, 254, 145, 'Hillman'), (28249, 254, 145,
'Hills'), (9220, 254, 145, 'Hinckley'), (28291, 254, 145, 'Hines'), (28314,
254, 145, 'Hitterdal'), (17081, 254, 145, 'Hoffman'), (28345, 254, 145,
'Hokah'), (28364, 254, 145, 'Holdingford'), (28371, 254, 145,
'Holland'), (28377, 254, 145, 'Hollandale'), (16751, 254, 145,
'Holloway'), (28415, 254, 145, 'Holmes City'), (28434, 254, 145,
'Holyoke'), (28444, 254, 145, 'Homer'), (28505, 254, 145, 'Hope'), (14823,
254, 145, 'Hopkins'), (28582, 254, 145, 'Houston'), (28587, 254, 145,
'Hovland'), (28594, 254, 145, 'Howard Lake'), (28612, 254, 145, 'Hoyt
Lakes'), (28656, 254, 145, 'Hugo'), (28674, 254, 145, 'Humboldt'), (28717,
254, 145, 'Huntley'), (9221, 254, 145, 'Hutchinson'), (28806, 254, 145,
'Ihlen'), (9222, 254, 145, 'International Falls'), (9223, 254, 145, 'Inver
Grove Heights'), (28905, 254, 145, 'Iona'), (28926, 254, 145,
'Iron'), (28940, 254, 145, 'Ironton'), (9224, 254, 145,
'Isabella'), (13508, 254, 145, 'Isanti'), (28971, 254, 145, 'Isle'), (9225,
254, 145, 'Ivanhoe'), (9226, 254, 145, 'Jackson'), (9227, 254, 145,
'Jacobson'), (29074, 254, 145, 'Janesville'), (29085, 254, 145,
'Jasper'), (15166, 254, 145, 'Jeffers'), (29128, 254, 145,
'Jenkins'), (17281, 254, 145, 'Jordan'), (29303, 254, 145,
'Kanaranzi'), (29308, 254, 145, 'Kandiyohi'), (29326, 254, 145,
'Karlstad'), (29335, 254, 145, 'Kasota'), (14977, 254, 145,
'Kasson'), (29379, 254, 145, 'Keewatin'), (29397, 254, 145,
'Kelliher'), (9279, 254, 145, 'Kellogg'), (29442, 254, 145,
'Kennedy'), (29446, 254, 145, 'Kenneth'), (29458, 254, 145,
'Kensington'), (29462, 254, 145, 'Kent'), (29478, 254, 145,
'Kenyon'), (29487, 254, 145, 'Kerkhoven'), (29490, 254, 145,
'Kerrick'), (29502, 254, 145, 'Kettle River'), (29534, 254, 145,
'Kiester'), (29542, 254, 145, 'Kilkenny'), (29556, 254, 145,
'Kimball'), (29620, 254, 145, 'Kinney'), (29685, 254, 145, 'Knife
River'), (14837, 254, 145, 'La Crescent'), (29815, 254, 145, 'La
Salle'), (29856, 254, 145, 'Lafayette'), (29883, 254, 145, 'Lake
Benton'), (29885, 254, 145, 'Lake Bronson'), (29892, 254, 145, 'Lake
City'), (29902, 254, 145, 'Lake Crystal'), (13403, 254, 145, 'Lake
Elmo'), (29911, 254, 145, 'Lake George'), (29919, 254, 145, 'Lake
Hubert'), (29926, 254, 145, 'Lake Lillian'), (29943, 254, 145, 'Lake
Park'), (29957, 254, 145, 'Lake Wilson'), (29959, 254, 145,
'Lakefield'), (29963, 254, 145, 'Lakeland'), (9228, 254, 145,
'Lakeville'), (14054, 254, 145, 'Lamberton'), (30023, 254, 145,
'Lancaster'), (30047, 254, 145, 'Lanesboro'), (30073, 254, 145,
'Lansing'), (30084, 254, 145, 'Laporte'), (30099, 254, 145,
'Lastrup'), (9229, 254, 145, 'Le Center'), (30183, 254, 145, 'Le
Roy'), (30186, 254, 145, 'Le Sueur'), (30301, 254, 145, 'Lengby'), (30328,
254, 145, 'Leonard'), (30343, 254, 145, 'Leota'), (30363, 254, 145, 'Lester
Prairie'), (30397, 254, 145, 'Lewiston'), (30404, 254, 145,
'Lewisville'), (9230, 254, 145, 'Lindstrom'), (30550, 254, 145,
'Lismore'), (9231, 254, 145, 'Litchfield'), (9232, 254, 145, 'Little
Falls'), (30602, 254, 145, 'Littlefork'), (30698, 254, 145,
'Loman'), (30733, 254, 145, 'Long Lake'), (9233, 254, 145, 'Long
Prairie'), (30757, 254, 145, 'Longville'), (30760, 254, 145,
'Lonsdale'), (30787, 254, 145, 'Loretto'), (30875, 254, 145,
'Lowry'), (30892, 254, 145, 'Lucan'), (30956, 254, 145, 'Lutsen'), (9234,
254, 145, 'Luverne'), (30973, 254, 145, 'Lyle'), (17426, 254, 145,
'Lynd'), (14399, 254, 145, 'Mabel'), (31077, 254, 145, 'Madelia'), (9235,
254, 145, 'Madison'), (31095, 254, 145, 'Madison Lake'), (31116, 254, 145,
'Magnolia'), (9236, 254, 145, 'Mahnomen'), (31139, 254, 145,
'Makinen'), (31199, 254, 145, 'Manchester'), (9237, 254, 145,
'Mankato'), (9238, 254, 145, 'Mantorville'), (41745, 254, 145, 'Maple
Grove'), (31286, 254, 145, 'Maple Lake'), (31289, 254, 145, 'Maple
Plain'), (9240, 254, 145, 'Mapleton'), (31315, 254, 145, 'Marble'), (31327,
254, 145, 'Marcell'), (31346, 254, 145, 'Margie'), (31357, 254, 145,
'Marietta'), (31367, 254, 145, 'Marine on Saint Croix'), (9242, 254, 145,
'Marshall'), (31573, 254, 145, 'Max'), (31599, 254, 145, 'Mayer'), (31613,
254, 145, 'Maynard'), (31637, 254, 145, 'Mazeppa'), (31716, 254, 145, 'Mc
Grath'), (31785, 254, 145, 'McGregor'), (31789, 254, 145,
'McIntosh'), (31812, 254, 145, 'Meadowlands'), (15017, 254, 145,
'Medford'), (15373, 254, 145, 'Melrose'), (31897, 254, 145,
'Melrude'), (31913, 254, 145, 'Menahga'), (31925, 254, 145,
'Mendota'), (31939, 254, 145, 'Mentor'), (31972, 254, 145,
'Merrifield'), (32057, 254, 145, 'Middle River'), (32125, 254, 145,
'Milaca'), (32131, 254, 145, 'Milan'), (9243, 254, 145,
'Millerville'), (32243, 254, 145, 'Millville'), (32261, 254, 145,
'Milroy'), (32282, 254, 145, 'Miltona'), (9194, 254, 145,
'Minneapolis'), (32334, 254, 145, 'Minneota'), (32335, 254, 145, 'Minnesota
City'), (32336, 254, 145, 'Minnesota Lake'), (9245, 254, 145,
'Minnetonka'), (32337, 254, 145, 'Minnetonka Beach'), (32381, 254, 145,
'Mizpah'), (9246, 254, 145, 'Montevideo'), (32518, 254, 145,
'Montgomery'), (9247, 254, 145, 'Monticello'), (32550, 254, 145,
'Montrose'), (9248, 254, 145, 'Moorhead'), (17676, 254, 145, 'Moose
Lake'), (9249, 254, 145, 'Mora'), (32614, 254, 145, 'Morgan'), (9250, 254,
145, 'Morris'), (32666, 254, 145, 'Morristown'), (18400, 254, 145,
'Morton'), (32713, 254, 145, 'Motley'), (18467, 254, 145, 'Mound'), (32849,
254, 145, 'Mountain Iron'), (32850, 254, 145, 'Mountain Lake'), (32929,
254, 145, 'Murdock'), (33016, 254, 145, 'Nashua'), (33021, 254, 145,
'Nashwauk'), (33050, 254, 145, 'Navarre'), (33056, 254, 145,
'Naytahwaush'), (33099, 254, 145, 'Nelson'), (33127, 254, 145,
'Nerstrand'), (33138, 254, 145, 'Nett Lake'), (33145, 254, 145,
'Nevis'), (33154, 254, 145, 'New Auburn'), (33218, 254, 145, 'New
Germany'), (33267, 254, 145, 'New London'), (33278, 254, 145, 'New
Market'), (33294, 254, 145, 'New Munich'), (17630, 254, 145, 'New
Prague'), (16093, 254, 145, 'New Richland'), (9252, 254, 145, 'New
Ulm'), (33361, 254, 145, 'New York Mills'), (33407, 254, 145,
'Newfolden'), (16045, 254, 145, 'Newport'), (33491, 254, 145,
'Nicollet'), (33493, 254, 145, 'Nielsville'), (33501, 254, 145,
'Nimrod'), (16407, 254, 145, 'Nisswa'), (33555, 254, 145,
'Norcross'), (12487, 254, 145, 'North Branch'), (12740, 254, 145,
'Northfield'), (33747, 254, 145, 'Northome'), (33751, 254, 145,
'Northrop'), (33775, 254, 145, 'Norwood'), (33797, 254, 145,
'Noyes'), (33841, 254, 145, 'Oak Island'), (33844, 254, 145, 'Oak
Park'), (33878, 254, 145, 'Oakland'), (33961, 254, 145, 'Odessa'), (33967,
254, 145, 'Odin'), (33980, 254, 145, 'Ogema'), (33982, 254, 145,
'Ogilvie'), (34003, 254, 145, 'Okabena'), (34014, 254, 145,
'Oklee'), (9254, 254, 145, 'Olivia'), (34116, 254, 145, 'Onamia'), (34225,
254, 145, 'Ormsby'), (34229, 254, 145, 'Oronoco'), (9166, 254, 145,
'Orr'), (9255, 254, 145, 'Ortonville'), (34249, 254, 145, 'Osage'), (34253,
254, 145, 'Osakis'), (34266, 254, 145, 'Oslo'), (9239, 254, 145,
'Osseo'), (34278, 254, 145, 'Ostrander'), (14288, 254, 145,
'Ottertail'), (34315, 254, 145, 'Outing'), (9256, 254, 145,
'Owatonna'), (34422, 254, 145, 'Palisade'), (9257, 254, 145, 'Park
Rapids'), (34539, 254, 145, 'Parkers Prairie'), (15265, 254, 145,
'Paynesville'), (34675, 254, 145, 'Pease'), (17206, 254, 145, 'Pelican
Rapids'), (34712, 254, 145, 'Pemberton'), (34735, 254, 145,
'Pengilly'), (34748, 254, 145, 'Pennington'), (34751, 254, 145,
'Pennock'), (9258, 254, 145, 'Pequot Lakes'), (14382, 254, 145,
'Perham'), (34794, 254, 145, 'Perley'), (34844, 254, 145,
'Peterson'), (34938, 254, 145, 'Pierz'), (34951, 254, 145,
'Pillager'), (9259, 254, 145, 'Pine City'), (34981, 254, 145, 'Pine
Island'), (34991, 254, 145, 'Pine River'), (9260, 254, 145,
'Pipestone'), (35102, 254, 145, 'Plainview'), (35118, 254, 145,
'Plato'), (35179, 254, 145, 'Plummer'), (41953, 254, 145,
'Plymouth'), (35276, 254, 145, 'Ponemah'), (35278, 254, 145,
'Ponsford'), (35358, 254, 145, 'Porter'), (9262, 254, 145,
'Preston'), (17878, 254, 145, 'Princeton'), (35534, 254, 145,
'Prinsburg'), (19012, 254, 145, 'Prior Lake'), (35597, 254, 145,
'Puposky'), (35682, 254, 145, 'Racine'), (35750, 254, 145,
'Randall'), (15632, 254, 145, 'Randolph'), (35776, 254, 145,
'Ranier'), (35820, 254, 145, 'Ray'), (35831, 254, 145, 'Raymond'), (35851,
254, 145, 'Reading'), (35856, 254, 145, 'Reads Landing'), (9263, 254, 145,
'Red Lake Falls'), (9264, 254, 145, 'Red Wing'), (35900, 254, 145,
'Redby'), (35918, 254, 145, 'Redlake'), (616, 254, 145, 'Redwood
Falls'), (35968, 254, 145, 'Remer'), (13824, 254, 145, 'Renville'), (36005,
254, 145, 'Revere'), (36044, 254, 145, 'Rice'), (36093, 254, 145,
'Richmond'), (36107, 254, 145, 'Richville'), (36109, 254, 145,
'Richwood'), (36304, 254, 145, 'Rochert'), (9266, 254, 145,
'Rochester'), (36321, 254, 145, 'Rock Creek'), (36347, 254, 145,
'Rockford'), (36370, 254, 145, 'Rockville'), (17263, 254, 145,
'Rogers'), (36429, 254, 145, 'Rollingstone'), (36453, 254, 145,
'Roosevelt'), (36469, 254, 145, 'Roscoe'), (36481, 254, 145, 'Rose
Creek'), (9267, 254, 145, 'Roseau'), (36510, 254, 145,
'Rosemount'), (41970, 254, 145, 'Roseville'), (36546, 254, 145,
'Rothsay'), (15388, 254, 145, 'Round Lake'), (36606, 254, 145,
'Royalton'), (36657, 254, 145, 'Rush City'), (36661, 254, 145,
'Rushford'), (12882, 254, 145, 'Rushmore'), (36676, 254, 145,
'Russell'), (36697, 254, 145, 'Ruthton'), (36726, 254, 145,
'Sabin'), (36739, 254, 145, 'Sacred Heart'), (36756, 254, 145,
'Saginaw'), (36784, 254, 145, 'Saint Bonifacius'), (13385, 254, 145, 'Saint
Charles'), (36794, 254, 145, 'Saint Clair'), (17779, 254, 145, 'Saint
Cloud'), (17945, 254, 145, 'Saint Francis'), (36829, 254, 145, 'Saint
Hilaire'), (9275, 254, 145, 'Saint James'), (17596, 254, 145, 'Saint
Joseph'), (41983, 254, 145, 'Saint Louis Park'), (36857, 254, 145, 'Saint
Martin'), (36867, 254, 145, 'Saint Michael'), (9241, 254, 145, 'Saint
Paul'), (36887, 254, 145, 'Saint Paul Park'), (9278, 254, 145, 'Saint
Peter'), (36896, 254, 145, 'Saint Stephen'), (36904, 254, 145, 'Saint
Vincent'), (36951, 254, 145, 'Salol'), (37015, 254, 145,
'Sanborn'), (37042, 254, 145, 'Sandstone'), (37082, 254, 145,
'Santiago'), (37107, 254, 145, 'Sargeant'), (14241, 254, 145,
'Sartell'), (15534, 254, 145, 'Sauk Centre'), (16124, 254, 145, 'Sauk
Rapids'), (37137, 254, 145, 'Savage'), (37151, 254, 145, 'Sawyer'), (37176,
254, 145, 'Scandia'), (37205, 254, 145, 'Schroeder'), (9269, 254, 145,
'Seaforth'), (37302, 254, 145, 'Searles'), (37320, 254, 145,
'Sebeka'), (37432, 254, 145, 'Shafer'), (9270, 254, 145,
'Shakopee'), (37546, 254, 145, 'Shelly'), (37562, 254, 145,
'Sherburn'), (37589, 254, 145, 'Shevlin'), (37656, 254, 145, 'Side
Lake'), (37691, 254, 145, 'Silver Bay'), (37698, 254, 145, 'Silver
Creek'), (37707, 254, 145, 'Silver Lake'), (9272, 254, 145,
'Slayton'), (37799, 254, 145, 'Sleepy Eye'), (37920, 254, 145,
'Solway'), (37956, 254, 145, 'Soudan'), (38016, 254, 145, 'South
Haven'), (38022, 254, 145, 'South International Falls'), (38065, 254, 145,
'South Saint Paul'), (38165, 254, 145, 'Spicer'), (9273, 254, 145, 'Spring
Grove'), (38211, 254, 145, 'Spring Lake'), (38214, 254, 145, 'Spring
Park'), (38216, 254, 145, 'Spring Valley'), (12688, 254, 145,
'Springfield'), (38262, 254, 145, 'Squaw Lake'), (38270, 254, 145,
'Stacy'), (38293, 254, 145, 'Stanchfield'), (38326, 254, 145,
'Staples'), (38340, 254, 145, 'Starbuck'), (38379, 254, 145,
'Steen'), (38393, 254, 145, 'Stephen'), (38433, 254, 145,
'Stewart'), (38440, 254, 145, 'Stewartville'), (11828, 254, 145,
'Stillwater'), (38483, 254, 145, 'Stockton'), (38521, 254, 145,
'Storden'), (38543, 254, 145, 'Strandquist'), (38564, 254, 145,
'Strathcona'), (38604, 254, 145, 'Sturgeon Lake'), (38715, 254, 145,
'Sunburg'), (38778, 254, 145, 'Swan River'), (38787, 254, 145,
'Swanville'), (38793, 254, 145, 'Swatara'), (38813, 254, 145,
'Swift'), (38861, 254, 145, 'Taconite'), (38900, 254, 145,
'Talmoon'), (38903, 254, 145, 'Tamarack'), (38920, 254, 145,
'Taopi'), (38944, 254, 145, 'Taunton'), (9284, 254, 145, 'Taylors
Falls'), (39018, 254, 145, 'Tenstrike'), (9280, 254, 145, 'Thief River
Falls'), (39195, 254, 145, 'Tintah'), (9281, 254, 145, 'Tofte'), (39307,
254, 145, 'Tower'), (39326, 254, 145, 'Tracy'), (39335, 254, 145,
'Trail'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`,
`name`) VALUES (39392, 254, 145, 'Trimont'), (39409, 254, 145,
'Trosky'), (39441, 254, 145, 'Truman'), (39535, 254, 145, 'Twig'), (17990,
254, 145, 'Twin Cities'), (39544, 254, 145, 'Twin Lakes'), (39549, 254,
145, 'Twin Valley'), (9283, 254, 145, 'Two Harbors'), (39562, 254, 145,
'Tyler'), (39592, 254, 145, 'Ulen'), (39616, 254, 145,
'Underwood'), (39699, 254, 145, 'Upsala'), (9285, 254, 145,
'Utica'), (39879, 254, 145, 'Vergas'), (39885, 254, 145,
'Vermillion'), (39890, 254, 145, 'Verndale'), (39901, 254, 145, 'Vernon
Center'), (39923, 254, 145, 'Vesta'), (39942, 254, 145,
'Victoria'), (39954, 254, 145, 'Viking'), (39970, 254, 145,
'Villard'), (39985, 254, 145, 'Vining'), (9286, 254, 145,
'Virginia'), (9287, 254, 145, 'Wabasha'), (15223, 254, 145,
'Wabasso'), (15559, 254, 145, 'Waconia'), (9288, 254, 145,
'Wadena'), (40070, 254, 145, 'Wahkon'), (40077, 254, 145, 'Waite
Park'), (40109, 254, 145, 'Waldorf'), (40131, 254, 145, 'Walker'), (40182,
254, 145, 'Walnut Grove'), (40198, 254, 145, 'Waltham'), (40213, 254, 145,
'Wanamingo'), (40218, 254, 145, 'Wanda'), (9289, 254, 145,
'Wannaska'), (40230, 254, 145, 'Warba'), (9290, 254, 145, 'Warren'), (9291,
254, 145, 'Warroad'), (40285, 254, 145, 'Warsaw'), (9292, 254, 145,
'Waseca'), (40328, 254, 145, 'Waskish'), (40366, 254, 145,
'Watertown'), (40373, 254, 145, 'Waterville'), (40386, 254, 145,
'Watkins'), (40392, 254, 145, 'Watson'), (40401, 254, 145,
'Waubun'), (40426, 254, 145, 'Waverly'), (40464, 254, 145,
'Wayzata'), (40484, 254, 145, 'Webster'), (40513, 254, 145,
'Welch'), (40519, 254, 145, 'Welcome'), (40547, 254, 145, 'Wells'), (40569,
254, 145, 'Wendell'), (14976, 254, 145, 'West Concord'), (40762, 254, 145,
'West Union'), (40778, 254, 145, 'Westbrook'), (9293, 254, 145,
'Wheaton'), (40923, 254, 145, 'White Earth'), (41091, 254, 145,
'Willernie'), (41096, 254, 145, 'Williams'), (9296, 254, 145,
'Willmar'), (41149, 254, 145, 'Willow River'), (9297, 254, 145,
'Wilmont'), (41195, 254, 145, 'Wilton'), (9298, 254, 145,
'Windom'), (41254, 254, 145, 'Winger'), (41266, 254, 145,
'Winnebago'), (9299, 254, 145, 'Winona'), (16832, 254, 145,
'Winsted'), (41307, 254, 145, 'Winthrop'), (41311, 254, 145,
'Winton'), (41313, 254, 145, 'Wirt'), (41352, 254, 145, 'Wolf
Lake'), (41366, 254, 145, 'Wolverton'), (41374, 254, 145, 'Wood
Lake'), (41437, 254, 145, 'Woodstock'), (9301, 254, 145,
'Worthington'), (9302, 254, 145, 'Wrenshall'), (41495, 254, 145,
'Wright'), (41518, 254, 145, 'Wykoff'), (12437, 254, 145,
'Wyoming'), (41606, 254, 145, 'Young America'), (41652, 254, 145,
'Zimmerman'), (41663, 254, 145, 'Zumbro Falls'), (41664, 254, 145,
'Zumbrota'), (19047, 254, 146, 'Abbeville'), (9449, 254, 146,
'Aberdeen'), (9450, 254, 146, 'Ackerman'), (19296, 254, 146,
'Algoma'), (19341, 254, 146, 'Alligator'), (19510, 254, 146,
'Amory'), (19559, 254, 146, 'Anguilla'), (19667, 254, 146,
'Arcola'), (19708, 254, 146, 'Arkabutla'), (19774, 254, 146,
'Artesia'), (9451, 254, 146, 'Ashland'), (19978, 254, 146,
'Avalon'), (20011, 254, 146, 'Avon'), (20066, 254, 146, 'Bailey'), (20110,
254, 146, 'Baldwyn'), (20149, 254, 146, 'Banner'), (20259, 254, 146,
'Bassfield'), (9452, 254, 146, 'Batesville'), (20307, 254, 146, 'Bay Saint
Louis'), (9454, 254, 146, 'Bay Saint. Louis'), (9453, 254, 146, 'Bay
Springs'), (20362, 254, 146, 'Beaumont'), (20394, 254, 146,
'Becker'), (20439, 254, 146, 'Belden'), (20443, 254, 146, 'Belen'), (20483,
254, 146, 'Bellefontaine'), (20514, 254, 146, 'Belmont'), (9455, 254, 146,
'Belzoni'), (20577, 254, 146, 'Benoit'), (20595, 254, 146,
'Benton'), (20600, 254, 146, 'Bentonia'), (20703, 254, 146,
'Beulah'), (20735, 254, 146, 'Big Creek'), (9456, 254, 146,
'Biloxi'), (20989, 254, 146, 'Blue Mountain'), (20998, 254, 146, 'Blue
Springs'), (21043, 254, 146, 'Bogue Chitto'), (21066, 254, 146,
'Bolton'), (9457, 254, 146, 'Booneville'), (21208, 254, 146,
'Boyle'), (9458, 254, 146, 'Brandon'), (21312, 254, 146, 'Braxton'), (9459,
254, 146, 'Brookhaven'), (21503, 254, 146, 'Brooklyn'), (21519, 254, 146,
'Brooksville'), (21569, 254, 146, 'Bruce'), (21632, 254, 146,
'Buckatunna'), (21664, 254, 146, 'Bude'), (21780, 254, 146,
'Burnsville'), (21841, 254, 146, 'Byhalia'), (21899, 254, 146,
'Caledonia'), (21909, 254, 146, 'Calhoun City'), (21972, 254, 146,
'Camden'), (9460, 254, 146, 'Canton'), (16755, 254, 146,
'Carriere'), (9461, 254, 146, 'Carrollton'), (22203, 254, 146,
'Carson'), (9462, 254, 146, 'Carthage'), (22230, 254, 146, 'Cary'), (22246,
254, 146, 'Cascilla'), (22390, 254, 146, 'Cedarbluff'), (22468, 254, 146,
'Centreville'), (9463, 254, 146, 'Charleston'), (22572, 254, 146,
'Chatawa'), (22579, 254, 146, 'Chatham'), (22761, 254, 146,
'Chunky'), (22811, 254, 146, 'Clara'), (9464, 254, 146,
'Clarksdale'), (9465, 254, 146, 'Cleveland'), (9466, 254, 146,
'Clinton'), (23047, 254, 146, 'Coahoma'), (9467, 254, 146,
'Coffeeville'), (23118, 254, 146, 'Coila'), (23136, 254, 146,
'Coldwater'), (9468, 254, 146, 'Collins'), (23182, 254, 146,
'Collinsville'), (9469, 254, 146, 'Columbia'), (9470, 254, 146,
'Columbus'), (23264, 254, 146, 'Como'), (23301, 254, 146,
'Conehatta'), (9472, 254, 146, 'Corinth'), (23525, 254, 146,
'Courtland'), (23602, 254, 146, 'Crawford'), (23623, 254, 146,
'Crenshaw'), (23689, 254, 146, 'Crosby'), (23715, 254, 146,
'Crowder'), (23730, 254, 146, 'Cruger'), (17105, 254, 146, 'Crystal
Springs'), (23849, 254, 146, 'D Lo'), (17292, 254, 146,
'D''Iberville'), (23882, 254, 146, 'Daleville'), (23960, 254, 146,
'Darling'), (9473, 254, 146, 'De Kalb'), (9474, 254, 146,
'Decatur'), (24191, 254, 146, 'Delta City'), (24210, 254, 146,
'Dennis'), (24247, 254, 146, 'Derma'), (24304, 254, 146,
'Diamondhead'), (24380, 254, 146, 'Doddsville'), (24526, 254, 146,
'Drew'), (24572, 254, 146, 'Dublin'), (24583, 254, 146, 'Duck
Hill'), (24607, 254, 146, 'Dumas'), (24621, 254, 146, 'Duncan'), (24636,
254, 146, 'Dundee'), (24681, 254, 146, 'Durant'), (24922, 254, 146,
'Eastabuchie'), (24981, 254, 146, 'Ecru'), (25051, 254, 146,
'Edwards'), (25237, 254, 146, 'Elliott'), (25249, 254, 146,
'Ellisville'), (25397, 254, 146, 'Enid'), (25413, 254, 146,
'Enterprise'), (25457, 254, 146, 'Escatawpa'), (25495, 254, 146,
'Ethel'), (25515, 254, 146, 'Etta'), (25527, 254, 146, 'Eupora'), (25685,
254, 146, 'Falcon'), (25690, 254, 146, 'Falkner'), (25771, 254, 146,
'Farrell'), (9475, 254, 146, 'Fayette'), (25837, 254, 146,
'Fernwood'), (25968, 254, 146, 'Flora'), (25978, 254, 146,
'Florence'), (42253, 254, 146, 'Flowood'), (9476, 254, 146,
'Forest'), (26224, 254, 146, 'Foxworth'), (26342, 254, 146, 'French
Camp'), (26359, 254, 146, 'Friars Point'), (9478, 254, 146,
'Fulton'), (26476, 254, 146, 'Gallman'), (26601, 254, 146,
'Gattman'), (26605, 254, 146, 'Gautier'), (17128, 254, 146,
'Georgetown'), (26815, 254, 146, 'Glen'), (26819, 254, 146, 'Glen
Allan'), (26881, 254, 146, 'Glendora'), (26932, 254, 146,
'Gloster'), (26964, 254, 146, 'Golden'), (27004, 254, 146,
'Goodman'), (27039, 254, 146, 'Gore Springs'), (27080, 254, 146,
'Grace'), (9479, 254, 146, 'Greenville'), (9480, 254, 146,
'Greenwood'), (27373, 254, 146, 'Greenwood Springs'), (9481, 254, 146,
'Grenada'), (9482, 254, 146, 'Gulfport'), (27478, 254, 146,
'Gunnison'), (27482, 254, 146, 'Guntown'), (27608, 254, 146,
'Hamilton'), (27774, 254, 146, 'Harperville'), (27815, 254, 146,
'Harriston'), (27817, 254, 146, 'Harrisville'), (9483, 254, 146,
'Hattiesburg'), (9484, 254, 146, 'Hazlehurst'), (28020, 254, 146,
'Heidelberg'), (28119, 254, 146, 'Hermanville'), (9485, 254, 146,
'Hernando'), (28171, 254, 146, 'Hickory'), (28174, 254, 146, 'Hickory
Flat'), (28256, 254, 146, 'Hillsboro'), (28354, 254, 146,
'Holcomb'), (28378, 254, 146, 'Hollandale'), (28400, 254, 146, 'Holly
Bluff'), (28404, 254, 146, 'Holly Ridge'), (9486, 254, 146, 'Holly
Springs'), (12776, 254, 146, 'Horn Lake'), (12307, 254, 146,
'Houlka'), (9487, 254, 146, 'Houston'), (28731, 254, 146,
'Hurley'), (28832, 254, 146, 'Independence'), (9488, 254, 146,
'Indianola'), (28898, 254, 146, 'Inverness'), (28983, 254, 146,
'Isola'), (13466, 254, 146, 'Itta Bena'), (9489, 254, 146, 'Iuka'), (9490,
254, 146, 'Jackson'), (29096, 254, 146, 'Jayess'), (29230, 254, 146,
'Jonestown'), (29554, 254, 146, 'Kilmichael'), (12576, 254, 146,
'Kiln'), (29711, 254, 146, 'Kokomo'), (9491, 254, 146,
'Kosciusko'), (29876, 254, 146, 'Lake'), (29900, 254, 146, 'Lake
Cormorant'), (29968, 254, 146, 'Lakeshore'), (29992, 254, 146,
'Lamar'), (29997, 254, 146, 'Lambert'), (30113, 254, 146,
'Lauderdale'), (9492, 254, 146, 'Laurel'), (30157, 254, 146,
'Lawrence'), (9493, 254, 146, 'Leakesville'), (30284, 254, 146,
'Leland'), (30298, 254, 146, 'Lena'), (9494, 254, 146, 'Lexington'), (9495,
254, 146, 'Liberty'), (30589, 254, 146, 'Little Rock'), (30720, 254, 146,
'Long Beach'), (30794, 254, 146, 'Lorman'), (30820, 254, 146,
'Louin'), (30822, 254, 146, 'Louise'), (9496, 254, 146,
'Louisville'), (9497, 254, 146, 'Lucedale'), (30912, 254, 146,
'Ludlow'), (30925, 254, 146, 'Lula'), (30931, 254, 146,
'Lumberton'), (31016, 254, 146, 'Lyon'), (31036, 254, 146,
'Maben'), (31067, 254, 146, 'Macon'), (31076, 254, 146, 'Madden'), (15652,
254, 146, 'Madison'), (31106, 254, 146, 'Magee'), (14698, 254, 146,
'Magnolia'), (31260, 254, 146, 'Mantachie'), (31262, 254, 146,
'Mantee'), (31358, 254, 146, 'Marietta'), (31373, 254, 146,
'Marion'), (9498, 254, 146, 'Marks'), (31539, 254, 146,
'Mathiston'), (31557, 254, 146, 'Mattson'), (9499, 254, 146,
'Mayersville'), (31606, 254, 146, 'Mayhew'), (31640, 254, 146, 'Mc
Adams'), (31652, 254, 146, 'Mc Call Creek'), (31656, 254, 146, 'Mc
Carley'), (31673, 254, 146, 'Mc Condy'), (31679, 254, 146, 'Mc
Cool'), (31724, 254, 146, 'Mc Henry'), (31743, 254, 146, 'Mc
Lain'), (31760, 254, 146, 'Mc Neill'), (9500, 254, 146, 'McComb'), (9501,
254, 146, 'Meadville'), (9502, 254, 146, 'Mendenhall'), (9503, 254, 146,
'Meridian'), (31962, 254, 146, 'Merigold'), (32009, 254, 146,
'Metcalfe'), (32041, 254, 146, 'Michigan City'), (32105, 254, 146,
'Midnight'), (32351, 254, 146, 'Minter City'), (9504, 254, 146,
'Mississippi State'), (32380, 254, 146, 'Mize'), (32436, 254, 146,
'Money'), (9505, 254, 146, 'Monticello'), (32539, 254, 146,
'Montpelier'), (32587, 254, 146, 'Mooreville'), (32589, 254, 146,
'Moorhead'), (32618, 254, 146, 'Morgan City'), (32680, 254, 146,
'Morton'), (32701, 254, 146, 'Moselle'), (32706, 254, 146, 'Moss'), (15687,
254, 146, 'Moss Point'), (32719, 254, 146, 'Mound Bayou'), (32792, 254,
146, 'Mount Olive'), (32798, 254, 146, 'Mount Pleasant'), (32960, 254, 146,
'Myrtle'), (9506, 254, 146, 'Natchez'), (33077, 254, 146, 'Neely'), (33128,
254, 146, 'Nesbit'), (33140, 254, 146, 'Nettleton'), (9507, 254, 146, 'New
Albany'), (9508, 254, 146, 'New Augusta'), (33331, 254, 146, 'New
Site'), (33413, 254, 146, 'Newhebron'), (33440, 254, 146,
'Newton'), (33483, 254, 146, 'Nicholson'), (33521, 254, 146, 'Nitta
Yuma'), (33617, 254, 146, 'North Carrollton'), (33794, 254, 146,
'Noxapater'), (33849, 254, 146, 'Oak Vale'), (33879, 254, 146,
'Oakland'), (11926, 254, 146, 'Ocean Springs'), (34017, 254, 146,
'Okolona'), (12377, 254, 146, 'Olive Branch'), (34281, 254, 146,
'Osyka'), (34328, 254, 146, 'Ovett'), (9509, 254, 146, 'Oxford'), (34377,
254, 146, 'Pace'), (34378, 254, 146, 'Pachuta'), (34486, 254, 146, 'Panther
Burn'), (34511, 254, 146, 'Parchman'), (34517, 254, 146, 'Paris'), (9510,
254, 146, 'Pascagoula'), (17075, 254, 146, 'Pass Christian'), (34609, 254,
146, 'Pattison'), (34620, 254, 146, 'Paulding'), (9511, 254, 146,
'Pearl'), (34673, 254, 146, 'Pearlington'), (34696, 254, 146,
'Pelahatchie'), (34789, 254, 146, 'Perkinston'), (13033, 254, 146,
'Petal'), (34864, 254, 146, 'Pheba'), (9512, 254, 146,
'Philadelphia'), (34873, 254, 146, 'Philipp'), (9513, 254, 146,
'Picayune'), (34901, 254, 146, 'Pickens'), (35027, 254, 146, 'Piney
Woods'), (35031, 254, 146, 'Pinola'), (9514, 254, 146,
'Pittsboro'), (35113, 254, 146, 'Plantersville'), (35200, 254, 146,
'Pocahontas'), (9515, 254, 146, 'Pontotoc'), (35285, 254, 146,
'Pope'), (9516, 254, 146, 'Poplarville'), (9517, 254, 146, 'Port
Gibson'), (35367, 254, 146, 'Porterville'), (35408, 254, 146, 'Potts
Camp'), (35458, 254, 146, 'Prairie'), (9518, 254, 146, 'Prentiss'), (35498,
254, 146, 'Preston'), (35583, 254, 146, 'Puckett'), (35589, 254, 146,
'Pulaski'), (9519, 254, 146, 'Purvis'), (9520, 254, 146, 'Quitman'), (9521,
254, 146, 'Raleigh'), (35759, 254, 146, 'Randolph'), (12261, 254, 146,
'Raymond'), (35875, 254, 146, 'Red Banks'), (35927, 254, 146,
'Redwood'), (35973, 254, 146, 'Rena Lara'), (36080, 254, 146,
'Richland'), (36102, 254, 146, 'Richton'), (36127, 254, 146,
'Ridgeland'), (36150, 254, 146, 'Rienzi'), (9522, 254, 146,
'Ripley'), (36295, 254, 146, 'Robinsonville'), (9523, 254, 146, 'Rolling
Fork'), (36440, 254, 146, 'Rome'), (36483, 254, 146, 'Rose Hill'), (36496,
254, 146, 'Rosedale'), (36591, 254, 146, 'Roxie'), (17065, 254, 146,
'Ruleville'), (36691, 254, 146, 'Ruth'), (36950, 254, 146,
'Sallis'), (36961, 254, 146, 'Saltillo'), (37014, 254, 146,
'Sanatorium'), (37033, 254, 146, 'Sandersville'), (37035, 254, 146,
'Sandhill'), (37049, 254, 146, 'Sandy Hook'), (37088, 254, 146,
'Sarah'), (14572, 254, 146, 'Sardis'), (37122, 254, 146,
'Satartia'), (37126, 254, 146, 'Saucier'), (37191, 254, 146,
'Schlater'), (37229, 254, 146, 'Scobey'), (37231, 254, 146,
'Scooba'), (37246, 254, 146, 'Scott'), (37318, 254, 146,
'Sebastopol'), (37370, 254, 146, 'Seminary'), (9524, 254, 146,
'Senatobia'), (37452, 254, 146, 'Shannon'), (37459, 254, 146,
'Sharon'), (37492, 254, 146, 'Shaw'), (37524, 254, 146, 'Shelby'), (37560,
254, 146, 'Sherard'), (37573, 254, 146, 'Sherman'), (17119, 254, 146,
'Shubuta'), (37646, 254, 146, 'Shuqualak'), (37653, 254, 146,
'Sibley'), (37669, 254, 146, 'Sidon'), (37695, 254, 146, 'Silver
City'), (37699, 254, 146, 'Silver Creek'), (37787, 254, 146, 'Slate
Spring'), (37798, 254, 146, 'Sledge'), (37830, 254, 146,
'Smithdale'), (37853, 254, 146, 'Smithville'), (37945, 254, 146,
'Sontag'), (37955, 254, 146, 'Soso'), (15562, 254, 146,
'Southaven'), (38331, 254, 146, 'Star'), (9525, 254, 146,
'Starkville'), (38357, 254, 146, 'State Line'), (38380, 254, 146,
'Steens'), (38434, 254, 146, 'Stewart'), (38505, 254, 146,
'Stoneville'), (38508, 254, 146, 'Stonewall'), (38580, 254, 146,
'Stringer'), (38607, 254, 146, 'Sturgis'), (38681, 254, 146,
'Summit'), (38699, 254, 146, 'Sumner'), (17918, 254, 146,
'Sumrall'), (38723, 254, 146, 'Sunflower'), (38776, 254, 146, 'Swan
Lake'), (38815, 254, 146, 'Swiftown'), (38949, 254, 146, 'Taylor'), (38959,
254, 146, 'Taylorsville'), (38960, 254, 146, 'Tchula'), (39033, 254, 146,
'Terry'), (39053, 254, 146, 'Thaxton'), (39085, 254, 146,
'Thomastown'), (39154, 254, 146, 'Tie Plant'), (39172, 254, 146,
'Tillatoba'), (39194, 254, 146, 'Tinsley'), (39201, 254, 146,
'Tiplersville'), (39204, 254, 146, 'Tippo'), (17118, 254, 146,
'Tishomingo'), (39226, 254, 146, 'Toccopola'), (39269, 254, 146,
'Toomsuba'), (39298, 254, 146, 'Tougaloo'), (39350, 254, 146,
'Trebloc'), (39358, 254, 146, 'Tremont'), (39458, 254, 146, 'Tula'), (9526,
254, 146, 'Tunica'), (9527, 254, 146, 'Tupelo'), (39531, 254, 146,
'Tutwiler'), (9528, 254, 146, 'Tylertown'), (39625, 254, 146,
'Union'), (39632, 254, 146, 'Union Church'), (39682, 254, 146,
'University'), (39721, 254, 146, 'Utica'), (39734, 254, 146,
'Vaiden'), (39774, 254, 146, 'Valley Park'), (39800, 254, 146, 'Van
Vleet'), (39805, 254, 146, 'Vance'), (39829, 254, 146, 'Vardaman'), (39841,
254, 146, 'Vaughan'), (39907, 254, 146, 'Verona'), (9529, 254, 146,
'Vicksburg'), (39943, 254, 146, 'Victoria'), (40031, 254, 146,
'Vossburg'), (40172, 254, 146, 'Walls'), (17170, 254, 146,
'Walnut'), (40184, 254, 146, 'Walnut Grove'), (9530, 254, 146,
'Walthall'), (40308, 254, 146, 'Washington'), (40338, 254, 146, 'Water
Valley'), (40349, 254, 146, 'Waterford'), (40418, 254, 146,
'Waveland'), (9531, 254, 146, 'Waynesboro'), (40461, 254, 146,
'Wayside'), (40473, 254, 146, 'Webb'), (40507, 254, 146, 'Weir'), (40591,
254, 146, 'Wesson'), (40592, 254, 146, 'West'), (9532, 254, 146, 'West
Point'), (40897, 254, 146, 'Wheeler'), (41005, 254, 146,
'Whitfield'), (9533, 254, 146, 'Wiggins'), (9534, 254, 146,
'Winona'), (41289, 254, 146, 'Winstonville'), (41301, 254, 146,
'Winterville'), (41411, 254, 146, 'Woodland'), (9535, 254, 146,
'Woodville'), (9536, 254, 146, 'Yazoo City'), (19148, 254, 147,
'Adrian'), (19154, 254, 147, 'Advance'), (19170, 254, 147,
'Agency'), (19215, 254, 147, 'Alba'), (9304, 254, 147, 'Albany'), (19270,
254, 147, 'Aldrich'), (19281, 254, 147, 'Alexandria'), (19321, 254, 147,
'Allendale'), (19329, 254, 147, 'Allenton'), (19357, 254, 147,
'Alma'), (19402, 254, 147, 'Altamont'), (19407, 254, 147,
'Altenburg'), (9305, 254, 147, 'Alton'), (19464, 254, 147,
'Amazonia'), (19502, 254, 147, 'Amity'), (19508, 254, 147,
'Amoret'), (19512, 254, 147, 'Amsterdam'), (19515, 254, 147,
'Anabel'), (19529, 254, 147, 'Anderson'), (19572, 254, 147,
'Annada'), (19578, 254, 147, 'Annapolis'), (19582, 254, 147,
'Anniston'), (19622, 254, 147, 'Appleton City'), (19639, 254, 147,
'Arbela'), (19644, 254, 147, 'Arbyrd'), (19650, 254, 147,
'Arcadia'), (19661, 254, 147, 'Archie'), (19666, 254, 147,
'Arcola'), (19693, 254, 147, 'Argyle'), (19741, 254, 147,
'Armstrong'), (9306, 254, 147, 'Arnold'), (19766, 254, 147, 'Arrow
Rock'), (19789, 254, 147, 'Asbury'), (19794, 254, 147, 'Ash
Grove'), (19795, 254, 147, 'Ashburn'), (19815, 254, 147,
'Ashland'), (19879, 254, 147, 'Atlanta'), (19936, 254, 147,
'Augusta'), (9307, 254, 147, 'Aurora'), (19975, 254, 147,
'Auxvasse'), (9308, 254, 147, 'Ava'), (19993, 254, 147, 'Avilla'), (20090,
254, 147, 'Bakersfield'), (9309, 254, 147, 'Ballwin'), (20171, 254, 147,
'Baring'), (20184, 254, 147, 'Barnard'), (20195, 254, 147,
'Barnett'), (20200, 254, 147, 'Barnhart'), (20267, 254, 147, 'Bates
City'), (20359, 254, 147, 'Beaufort'), (20453, 254, 147,
'Belgrade'), (20463, 254, 147, 'Bell City'), (20471, 254, 147,
'Belle'), (20487, 254, 147, 'Belleview'), (20497, 254, 147,
'Bellflower'), (9310, 254, 147, 'Belton'), (20555, 254, 147,
'Bendavis'), (9311, 254, 147, 'Benton'), (20598, 254, 147, 'Benton
City'), (20610, 254, 147, 'Berger'), (18451, 254, 147, 'Bernie'), (20653,
254, 147, 'Bertrand'), (9312, 254, 147, 'Bethany'), (20676, 254, 147,
'Bethel'), (20702, 254, 147, 'Beulah'), (20711, 254, 147,
'Bevier'), (20778, 254, 147, 'Billings'), (20797, 254, 147, 'Birch
Tree'), (20828, 254, 147, 'Bismarck'), (20835, 254, 147, 'Bixby'), (20838,
254, 147, 'Black'), (20851, 254, 147, 'Blackburn'), (20863, 254, 147,
'Blackwater'), (20865, 254, 147, 'Blackwell'), (20885, 254, 147,
'Blairstown'), (20903, 254, 147, 'Bland'), (20926, 254, 147,
'Blodgett'), (20935, 254, 147, 'Bloomfield'), (20960, 254, 147,
'Bloomsdale'), (20976, 254, 147, 'Blue Eye'), (9313, 254, 147, 'Blue
Springs'), (21022, 254, 147, 'Blythedale'), (21037, 254, 147,
'Bogard'), (21047, 254, 147, 'Bois D Arc'), (21051, 254, 147,
'Bolckow'), (13835, 254, 147, 'Bolivar'), (9314, 254, 147,
'Boliver'), (14685, 254, 147, 'Bonne Terre'), (21099, 254, 147, 'Bonnots
Mill'), (9315, 254, 147, 'Boonville'), (21127, 254, 147, 'Boss'), (21140,
254, 147, 'Bosworth'), (21151, 254, 147, 'Bourbon'), (9316, 254, 147,
'Bowling Green'), (21253, 254, 147, 'Bradleyville'), (21261, 254, 147,
'Bragg City'), (21262, 254, 147, 'Braggadocio'), (21290, 254, 147,
'Brandsville'), (9317, 254, 147, 'Branson'), (21307, 254, 147,
'Brashear'), (21314, 254, 147, 'Braymer'), (21316, 254, 147,
'Brazeau'), (21319, 254, 147, 'Breckenridge'), (21350, 254, 147,
'Briar'), (21369, 254, 147, 'Bridgeton'), (12074, 254, 147,
'Brighton'), (21413, 254, 147, 'Brinktown'), (21434, 254, 147,
'Brixey'), (21469, 254, 147, 'Bronaugh'), (9318, 254, 147,
'Brookfield'), (21496, 254, 147, 'Brookline Station'), (21530, 254, 147,
'Broseley'), (21540, 254, 147, 'Browning'), (21567, 254, 147,
'Brownwood'), (21581, 254, 147, 'Brumley'), (21584, 254, 147,
'Bruner'), (21591, 254, 147, 'Brunswick'), (21651, 254, 147,
'Bucklin'), (21656, 254, 147, 'Buckner'), (21661, 254, 147,
'Bucyrus'), (9319, 254, 147, 'Buffalo'), (14303, 254, 147,
'Bunceton'), (21712, 254, 147, 'Bunker'), (21733, 254, 147,
'Burfordville'), (21761, 254, 147, 'Burlington Junction'), (9320, 254, 147,
'Butler'), (21828, 254, 147, 'Butterfield'), (18288, 254, 147,
'Cabool'), (21876, 254, 147, 'Cadet'), (21881, 254, 147,
'Cainsville'), (21883, 254, 147, 'Cairo'), (21898, 254, 147,
'Caledonia'), (21907, 254, 147, 'Calhoun'), (9321, 254, 147,
'California'), (21920, 254, 147, 'Callao'), (21971, 254, 147,
'Camden'), (21978, 254, 147, 'Camden Point'), (9322, 254, 147,
'Camdenton'), (16028, 254, 147, 'Cameron'), (22010, 254, 147,
'Campbell'), (22042, 254, 147, 'Canalou'), (13878, 254, 147,
'Canton'), (22101, 254, 147, 'Cape Fair'), (9323, 254, 147, 'Cape
Girardeau'), (22112, 254, 147, 'Caplinger Mills'), (22137, 254, 147,
'Cardwell'), (22145, 254, 147, 'Carl Junction'), (9324, 254, 147,
'Carrollton'), (22217, 254, 147, 'Carterville'), (13069, 254, 147,
'Carthage'), (9325, 254, 147, 'Caruthersville'), (22240, 254, 147,
'Cascade'), (14570, 254, 147, 'Cassville'), (22316, 254, 147,
'Catawissa'), (22326, 254, 147, 'Catron'), (22328, 254, 147,
'Caulfield'), (22363, 254, 147, 'Cedar City'), (22375, 254, 147, 'Cedar
Hill'), (22391, 254, 147, 'Cedarcreek'), (22410, 254, 147,
'Center'), (22438, 254, 147, 'Centertown'), (22439, 254, 147,
'Centerview'), (9326, 254, 147, 'Centerville'), (13613, 254, 147,
'Centralia'), (22485, 254, 147, 'Chadwick'), (22487, 254, 147,
'Chaffee'), (22505, 254, 147, 'Chamois'), (9327, 254, 147,
'Charleston'), (22636, 254, 147, 'Cherryville'), (9328, 254, 147,
'Chesterfield'), (22676, 254, 147, 'Chestnutridge'), (22701, 254, 147,
'Chilhowee'), (9329, 254, 147, 'Chillicothe'), (14297, 254, 147,
'Chula'), (22823, 254, 147, 'Clarence'), (22837, 254, 147,
'Clark'), (22856, 254, 147, 'Clarksburg'), (22861, 254, 147,
'Clarksdale'), (22871, 254, 147, 'Clarksville'), (22875, 254, 147,
'Clarkton'), (41784, 254, 147, 'Claycomo'), (22928, 254, 147,
'Clearmont'), (22951, 254, 147, 'Cleveland'), (22961, 254, 147,
'Clever'), (22981, 254, 147, 'Clifton Hill'), (22990, 254, 147, 'Climax
Springs'), (9331, 254, 147, 'Clinton'), (23034, 254, 147, 'Clubb'), (23039,
254, 147, 'Clyde'), (23074, 254, 147, 'Coatsville'), (23106, 254, 147,
'Coffey'), (23137, 254, 147, 'Cole Camp'), (23174, 254, 147,
'Collins'), (9332, 254, 147, 'Columbia'), (23256, 254, 147,
'Commerce'), (23280, 254, 147, 'Conception'), (23281, 254, 147, 'Conception
Junction'), (23295, 254, 147, 'Concordia'), (23330, 254, 147,
'Conran'), (23347, 254, 147, 'Conway'), (23355, 254, 147, 'Cook
Station'), (23381, 254, 147, 'Cooter'), (23413, 254, 147,
'Corder'), (23477, 254, 147, 'Cosby'), (15256, 254, 147,
'Cottleville'), (23502, 254, 147, 'Couch'), (23547, 254, 147,
'Cowgill'), (23574, 254, 147, 'Craig'), (23588, 254, 147, 'Crane'), (23619,
254, 147, 'Creighton'), (23666, 254, 147, 'Crocker'), (23700, 254, 147,
'Cross Timbers'), (18663, 254, 147, 'Crystal City'), (14644, 254, 147,
'Cuba'), (23801, 254, 147, 'Curryville'), (23854, 254, 147,
'Dadeville'), (23869, 254, 147, 'Daisy'), (23896, 254, 147,
'Dalton'), (23963, 254, 147, 'Darlington'), (24007, 254, 147,
'Davisville'), (24011, 254, 147, 'Dawn'), (24046, 254, 147, 'De
Kalb'), (18500, 254, 147, 'De Soto'), (24064, 254, 147, 'De Witt'), (24073,
254, 147, 'Dearborn'), (24100, 254, 147, 'Deepwater'), (24122, 254, 147,
'Deerfield'), (24128, 254, 147, 'Deering'), (24136, 254, 147,
'Defiance'), (24189, 254, 147, 'Delta'), (24228, 254, 147,
'Denver'), (24253, 254, 147, 'Des Arc'), (24270, 254, 147, 'Devils
Elbow'), (9333, 254, 147, 'Dexter'), (24299, 254, 147, 'Diamond'), (24324,
254, 147, 'Diggins'), (24353, 254, 147, 'Dittmer'), (24365, 254, 147,
'Dixon'), (24391, 254, 147, 'Doe Run'), (9334, 254, 147,
'Doniphan'), (24424, 254, 147, 'Dora'), (24474, 254, 147, 'Dover'), (24490,
254, 147, 'Downing'), (24530, 254, 147, 'Drexel'), (24549, 254, 147,
'Drury'), (24590, 254, 147, 'Dudley'), (24594, 254, 147,
'Duenweg'), (24600, 254, 147, 'Duke'), (24656, 254, 147,
'Dunnegan'), (24687, 254, 147, 'Durham'), (24698, 254, 147,
'Dutchtown'), (24702, 254, 147, 'Dutzow'), (24738, 254, 147, 'Eagle
Rock'), (24744, 254, 147, 'Eagleville'), (24767, 254, 147, 'Earth
City'), (24848, 254, 147, 'East Lynne'), (24879, 254, 147, 'East
Prairie'), (24939, 254, 147, 'Easton'), (25005, 254, 147, 'Edgar
Springs'), (25014, 254, 147, 'Edgerton'), (9335, 254, 147,
'Edina'), (25050, 254, 147, 'Edwards'), (25087, 254, 147, 'El Dorado
Springs'), (25119, 254, 147, 'Eldon'), (25131, 254, 147,
'Eldridge'), (25169, 254, 147, 'Elk Creek'), (25194, 254, 147,
'Elkland'), (25232, 254, 147, 'Ellington'), (25251, 254, 147,
'Ellsinore'), (25277, 254, 147, 'Elmer'), (25285, 254, 147,
'Elmo'), (14084, 254, 147, 'Elsberry'), (25335, 254, 147, 'Emden'), (9336,
254, 147, 'Eminence'), (25357, 254, 147, 'Emma'), (25421, 254, 147,
'Eolia'), (25472, 254, 147, 'Essex'), (25494, 254, 147, 'Ethel'), (25517,
254, 147, 'Etterville'), (25523, 254, 147, 'Eudora'), (25524, 254, 147,
'Eugene'), (25525, 254, 147, 'Eunice'), (25531, 254, 147,
'Eureka'), (25570, 254, 147, 'Everton'), (25578, 254, 147,
'Ewing'), (25582, 254, 147, 'Excello'), (15337, 254, 147, 'Excelsior
Springs'), (25588, 254, 147, 'Exeter'), (25602, 254, 147, 'Fagus'), (12379,
254, 147, 'Fair Grove'), (18920, 254, 147, 'Fair Play'), (25623, 254, 147,
'Fairdealing'), (25626, 254, 147, 'Fairfax'), (25664, 254, 147,
'Fairport'), (25669, 254, 147, 'Fairview'), (25684, 254, 147,
'Falcon'), (25728, 254, 147, 'Farber'), (25733, 254, 147, 'Farley'), (9337,
254, 147, 'Farmington'), (25770, 254, 147, 'Farrar'), (25778, 254, 147,
'Faucett'), (9338, 254, 147, 'Fayette'), (25823, 254, 147,
'Fenton'), (25845, 254, 147, 'Festus'), (25867, 254, 147,
'Fillmore'), (25908, 254, 147, 'Fisk'), (25947, 254, 147,
'Flemington'), (25950, 254, 147, 'Fletcher'), (25957, 254, 147,
'Flinthill'), (25977, 254, 147, 'Florence'), (9340, 254, 147,
'Florissant'), (26002, 254, 147, 'Foley'), (26030, 254, 147,
'Fordland'), (26041, 254, 147, 'Forest City'), (26068, 254, 147,
'Foristell'), (18729, 254, 147, 'Forsyth'), (26124, 254, 147, 'Fort Leonard
Wood'), (26172, 254, 147, 'Fortuna'), (26178, 254, 147, 'Foster'), (26239,
254, 147, 'Frankford'), (26253, 254, 147, 'Franklin'), (9342, 254, 147,
'Fredericktown'), (26303, 254, 147, 'Freeburg'), (26319, 254, 147,
'Freeman'), (26334, 254, 147, 'Freistatt'), (26337, 254, 147,
'Fremont'), (26346, 254, 147, 'French Village'), (26362, 254, 147,
'Friedheim'), (26381, 254, 147, 'Frohna'), (9343, 254, 147,
'Fulton'), (9344, 254, 147, 'Gainesville'), (9345, 254, 147,
'Galena'), (9346, 254, 147, 'Gallatin'), (26482, 254, 147, 'Galt'), (26516,
254, 147, 'Garden City'), (26565, 254, 147, 'Garrison'), (26584, 254, 147,
'Gasconade'), (26600, 254, 147, 'Gatewood'), (26645, 254, 147,
'Gentry'), (18322, 254, 147, 'Gerald'), (26700, 254, 147, 'Gibbs'), (26705,
254, 147, 'Gibson'), (26714, 254, 147, 'Gideon'), (26755, 254, 147,
'Gilliam'), (26763, 254, 147, 'Gilman City'), (26772, 254, 147,
'Gipsy'), (41972, 254, 147, 'Gladstone'), (26806, 254, 147,
'Glasgow'), (26859, 254, 147, 'Glenallen'), (26869, 254, 147,
'Glencoe'), (26918, 254, 147, 'Glenwood'), (26937, 254, 147,
'Glover'), (26945, 254, 147, 'Gobler'), (26963, 254, 147,
'Golden'), (26967, 254, 147, 'Golden City'), (27003, 254, 147,
'Goodman'), (27011, 254, 147, 'Goodson'), (27034, 254, 147,
'Gordonville'), (27047, 254, 147, 'Gorin'), (27078, 254, 147,
'Gower'), (27093, 254, 147, 'Graff'), (27105, 254, 147, 'Graham'), (27109,
254, 147, 'Grain Valley'), (27119, 254, 147, 'Granby'), (27155, 254, 147,
'Grandin'), (9348, 254, 147, 'Grandview'), (27165, 254, 147,
'Granger'), (9349, 254, 147, 'Grant City'), (27219, 254, 147,
'Grassy'), (27231, 254, 147, 'Gravois Mills'), (27240, 254, 147, 'Gray
Summit'), (27244, 254, 147, 'Grayridge'), (27272, 254, 147, 'Green
Castle'), (27273, 254, 147, 'Green City'), (27282, 254, 147, 'Green
Ridge'), (9350, 254, 147, 'Greenfield'), (27337, 254, 147,
'Greentop'), (9351, 254, 147, 'Greenville'), (18612, 254, 147,
'Greenwood'), (27432, 254, 147, 'Grover'), (27438, 254, 147,
'Grovespring'), (27441, 254, 147, 'Grubville'), (27464, 254, 147,
'Guilford'), (27551, 254, 147, 'Hale'), (27557, 254, 147, 'Half
Way'), (27575, 254, 147, 'Hallsville'), (27578, 254, 147,
'Halltown'), (27607, 254, 147, 'Hamilton'), (9352, 254, 147,
'Hannibal'), (27721, 254, 147, 'Hardenville'), (27724, 254, 147,
'Hardin'), (27793, 254, 147, 'Harris'), (27797, 254, 147,
'Harrisburg'), (27812, 254, 147, 'Harrisonville'), (27853, 254, 147,
'Hartsburg'), (27857, 254, 147, 'Hartshorn'), (9354, 254, 147,
'Hartville'), (27874, 254, 147, 'Harviell'), (27878, 254, 147,
'Harwood'), (27904, 254, 147, 'Hatfield'), (27935, 254, 147, 'Hawk
Point'), (27969, 254, 147, 'Hayti'), (12894, 254, 147,
'Hazelwood'), (28032, 254, 147, 'Helena'), (28051, 254, 147,
'Hematite'), (28077, 254, 147, 'Henley'), (28085, 254, 147,
'Henrietta'), (12587, 254, 147, 'Herculaneum'), (9355, 254, 147,
'Hermann'), (9356, 254, 147, 'Hermitage'), (28185, 254, 147,
'Higbee'), (28193, 254, 147, 'Higginsville'), (28196, 254, 147, 'High
Hill'), (28198, 254, 147, 'High Point'), (28199, 254, 147, 'High
Ridge'), (28221, 254, 147, 'Highlandville'), (9357, 254, 147,
'Hillsboro'), (28307, 254, 147, 'Hiram'), (28353, 254, 147,
'Holcomb'), (28359, 254, 147, 'Holden'), (28372, 254, 147,
'Holland'), (28383, 254, 147, 'Holliday'), (28391, 254, 147,
'Hollister'), (28423, 254, 147, 'Holt'), (28426, 254, 147, 'Holts
Summit'), (28521, 254, 147, 'Hopkins'), (28537, 254, 147,
'Hornersville'), (28554, 254, 147, 'Horton'), (28577, 254, 147, 'House
Springs'), (9358, 254, 147, 'Houston'), (28584, 254, 147,
'Houstonia'), (28645, 254, 147, 'Huggins'), (28651, 254, 147,
'Hughesville'), (28668, 254, 147, 'Humansville'), (14656, 254, 147,
'Hume'), (28688, 254, 147, 'Humphreys'), (28695, 254, 147,
'Hunnewell'), (28724, 254, 147, 'Huntsville'), (14282, 254, 147,
'Hurdland'), (28730, 254, 147, 'Hurley'), (28783, 254, 147,
'Iberia'), (28824, 254, 147, 'Imperial'), (9359, 254, 147,
'Independence'), (28910, 254, 147, 'Ionia'), (28935, 254, 147,
'Irondale'), (9360, 254, 147, 'Ironton'), (28957, 254, 147,
'Isabella'), (29017, 254, 147, 'Jackson'), (29035, 254, 147,
'Jacksonville'), (29044, 254, 147, 'Jadwin'), (29052, 254, 147,
'Jameson'), (29053, 254, 147, 'Jamesport'), (29060, 254, 147,
'Jamestown'), (29086, 254, 147, 'Jasper'), (9361, 254, 147, 'Jefferson
City'), (29143, 254, 147, 'Jerico Springs'), (29149, 254, 147,
'Jerome'), (29228, 254, 147, 'Jonesburg'), (9362, 254, 147,
'Joplin'), (9363, 254, 147, 'Kahoka'), (29289, 254, 147, 'Kaiser'), (9364,
254, 147, 'Kansas City'), (16141, 254, 147, 'Kearney'), (29407, 254, 147,
'Kelso'), (9365, 254, 147, 'Kennett'), (29511, 254, 147, 'Kewanee'), (9366,
254, 147, 'Keytesville'), (18799, 254, 147, 'Kidder'), (29560, 254, 147,
'Kimberling City'), (29569, 254, 147, 'Kimmswick'), (15151, 254, 147, 'King
City'), (29584, 254, 147, 'Kingdom City'), (9367, 254, 147,
'Kingston'), (29616, 254, 147, 'Kingsville'), (29641, 254, 147,
'Kirbyville'), (9368, 254, 147, 'Kirksville'), (17416, 254, 147, 'Kissee
Mills'), (29692, 254, 147, 'Knob Lick'), (9370, 254, 147, 'Knob
Noster'), (29700, 254, 147, 'Knox City'), (29710, 254, 147,
'Koeltztown'), (29721, 254, 147, 'Koshkonong'), (29760, 254, 147, 'La
Belle'), (29780, 254, 147, 'La Grange'), (29797, 254, 147, 'La
Monte'), (29800, 254, 147, 'La Plata'), (29811, 254, 147, 'La
Russell'), (29822, 254, 147, 'Labadie'), (29838, 254, 147,
'Laclede'), (29847, 254, 147, 'Laddonia'), (9371, 254, 147, 'Lake
Ozark'), (29948, 254, 147, 'Lake Saint Louis'), (29949, 254, 147, 'Lake
Spring'), (9372, 254, 147, 'Lamar'), (30013, 254, 147, 'Lampe'), (30016,
254, 147, 'Lanagan'), (9373, 254, 147, 'Lancaster'), (30086, 254, 147,
'Laquey'), (30087, 254, 147, 'Laredo'), (30104, 254, 147,
'Latham'), (30106, 254, 147, 'Lathrop'), (30135, 254, 147,
'Laurie'), (30164, 254, 147, 'Lawson'), (30189, 254, 147,
'Leadwood'), (30195, 254, 147, 'Leasburg'), (9374, 254, 147,
'Lebanon'), (30217, 254, 147, 'Lecoma'), (9375, 254, 147, 'Lees
Summit'), (30255, 254, 147, 'Leeton'), (30313, 254, 147, 'Lenox'), (30317,
254, 147, 'Lentner'), (30329, 254, 147, 'Leonard'), (30341, 254, 147,
'Leopold'), (30358, 254, 147, 'Leslie'), (30364, 254, 147,
'Lesterville'), (30378, 254, 147, 'Levasy'), (30401, 254, 147,
'Lewistown'), (9376, 254, 147, 'Lexington'), (30414, 254, 147,
'Liberal'), (9377, 254, 147, 'Liberty'), (30431, 254, 147,
'Licking'), (30439, 254, 147, 'Liguori'), (30441, 254, 147,
'Lilbourn'), (30473, 254, 147, 'Lincoln'), (9378, 254, 147,
'Linn'), (30524, 254, 147, 'Linn Creek'), (9379, 254, 147,
'Linneus'), (30628, 254, 147, 'Livonia'), (30648, 254, 147, 'Lock
Springs'), (30660, 254, 147, 'Lockwood'), (30678, 254, 147,
'Lodi'), (30690, 254, 147, 'Lohman'), (14295, 254, 147, 'Lone
Jack'), (30716, 254, 147, 'Lonedell'), (30736, 254, 147, 'Long
Lane'), (30772, 254, 147, 'Loose Creek'), (30821, 254, 147,
'Louisburg'), (14732, 254, 147, 'Louisiana'), (30871, 254, 147,
'Lowndes'), (30877, 254, 147, 'Lowry City'), (30901, 254, 147,
'Lucerne'), (30911, 254, 147, 'Ludlow'), (30917, 254, 147,
'Luebbering'), (30945, 254, 147, 'Luray'), (30987, 254, 147,
'Lynchburg'), (31059, 254, 147, 'Macks Creek'), (31065, 254, 147,
'Macomb'), (9380, 254, 147, 'Macon'), (31087, 254, 147, 'Madison'), (31135,
254, 147, 'Maitland'), (9381, 254, 147, 'Malden'), (31172, 254, 147, 'Malta
Bend'), (31250, 254, 147, 'Mansfield'), (31277, 254, 147,
'Mapaville'), (9382, 254, 147, 'Marble Hill'), (31326, 254, 147,
'Marceline'), (31385, 254, 147, 'Marionville'), (31413, 254, 147,
'Marquand'), (9383, 254, 147, 'Marshall'), (9384, 254, 147,
'Marshfield'), (31444, 254, 147, 'Marston'), (31455, 254, 147,
'Marthasville'), (31469, 254, 147, 'Martinsburg'), (31475, 254, 147,
'Martinsville'), (9385, 254, 147, 'Maryland Heights'), (9386, 254, 147,
'Maryville'), (31554, 254, 147, 'Matthews'), (9387, 254, 147,
'Maysville'), (31630, 254, 147, 'Mayview'), (31633, 254, 147,
'Maywood'), (31650, 254, 147, 'Mc Bride'), (31670, 254, 147, 'Mc
Clurg'), (31706, 254, 147, 'Mc Fall'), (31711, 254, 147, 'Mc Gee'), (31713,
254, 147, 'Mc Girk'), (31817, 254, 147, 'Meadville'), (9388, 254, 147,
'Memphis'), (31920, 254, 147, 'Mendon'), (31942, 254, 147,
'Mercer'), (32003, 254, 147, 'Meta'), (32012, 254, 147, 'Metz'), (9389,
254, 147, 'Mexico'), (32028, 254, 147, 'Miami'), (32051, 254, 147, 'Middle
Brook'), (32084, 254, 147, 'Middletown'), (9390, 254, 147,
'Milan'), (32154, 254, 147, 'Milford'), (32172, 254, 147, 'Mill
Spring'), (32189, 254, 147, 'Miller'), (32203, 254, 147,
'Millersville'), (32259, 254, 147, 'Milo'), (32298, 254, 147,
'Mindenmines'), (32308, 254, 147, 'Mineral Point'), (32366, 254, 147,
'Missouri City'), (9391, 254, 147, 'Moberly'), (32413, 254, 147,
'Mokane'), (9392, 254, 147, 'Monett'), (32468, 254, 147, 'Monroe
City'), (32523, 254, 147, 'Montgomery City'), (9394, 254, 147,
'Monticello'), (32532, 254, 147, 'Montier'), (32544, 254, 147,
'Montreal'), (32551, 254, 147, 'Montrose'), (32567, 254, 147,
'Moody'), (32585, 254, 147, 'Mooresville'), (32598, 254, 147,
'Mora'), (32609, 254, 147, 'Morehouse'), (32632, 254, 147,
'Morley'), (32657, 254, 147, 'Morrison'), (32670, 254, 147,
'Morrisville'), (32679, 254, 147, 'Morse Mill'), (32688, 254, 147,
'Mosby'), (32699, 254, 147, 'Moscow Mills'), (32720, 254, 147, 'Mound
City'), (32726, 254, 147, 'Moundville'), (32814, 254, 147, 'Mount
Sterling'), (14689, 254, 147, 'Mount Vernon'), (32843, 254, 147, 'Mountain
Grove'), (18148, 254, 147, 'Mountain View'), (32959, 254, 147,
'Myrtle'), (32999, 254, 147, 'Napoleon'), (33055, 254, 147,
'Naylor'), (33071, 254, 147, 'Neck City'), (33079, 254, 147,
'Neelyville'), (33100, 254, 147, 'Nelson'), (9395, 254, 147,
'Neosho'), (9396, 254, 147, 'Nevada'), (33170, 254, 147, 'New
Bloomfield'), (33174, 254, 147, 'New Boston'), (33183, 254, 147, 'New
Cambria'), (33209, 254, 147, 'New Florence'), (33212, 254, 147, 'New
Franklin'), (33222, 254, 147, 'New Hampton'), (33234, 254, 147, 'New
Haven'), (9397, 254, 147, 'New London'), (9398, 254, 147, 'New
Madrid'), (33284, 254, 147, 'New Melle'), (33296, 254, 147, 'New
Offenburg'), (33368, 254, 147, 'Newark'), (33376, 254, 147,
'Newburg'), (33455, 254, 147, 'Newtonia'), (33462, 254, 147,
'Newtown'), (33471, 254, 147, 'Niangua'), (12125, 254, 147,
'Nixa'), (33528, 254, 147, 'Noble'), (33533, 254, 147, 'Noel'), (33552,
254, 147, 'Norborne'), (33776, 254, 147, 'Norwood'), (33790, 254, 147,
'Novelty'), (33793, 254, 147, 'Novinger'), (33823, 254, 147, 'O
Fallon'), (33836, 254, 147, 'Oak Grove'), (33846, 254, 147, 'Oak
Ridge'), (33962, 254, 147, 'Odessa'), (34031, 254, 147, 'Old
Appleton'), (17996, 254, 147, 'Old Monroe'), (34054, 254, 147,
'Oldfield'), (34062, 254, 147, 'Olean'), (34086, 254, 147,
'Olney'), (34164, 254, 147, 'Oran'), (9401, 254, 147, 'Oregon'), (34230,
254, 147, 'Oronogo'), (34233, 254, 147, 'Orrick'), (12638, 254, 147, 'Osage
Beach'), (34254, 254, 147, 'Osborn'), (34259, 254, 147, 'Osceola'), (34302,
254, 147, 'Otterville'), (34338, 254, 147, 'Owensville'), (34362, 254, 147,
'Oxly'), (34368, 254, 147, 'Ozark'), (15928, 254, 147, 'Pacific'), (34409,
254, 147, 'Painton'), (9404, 254, 147, 'Palmyra'), (9405, 254, 147,
'Paris'), (14429, 254, 147, 'Park Hills'), (34561, 254, 147,
'Parma'), (34564, 254, 147, 'Parnell'), (34580, 254, 147,
'Pascola'), (34583, 254, 147, 'Passaic'), (34605, 254, 147,
'Patterson'), (34612, 254, 147, 'Patton'), (34614, 254, 147,
'Pattonsburg'), (34656, 254, 147, 'Peace Valley'), (15344, 254, 147,
'Peculiar'), (34787, 254, 147, 'Perkins'), (34807, 254, 147,
'Perry'), (9406, 254, 147, 'Perryville'), (34858, 254, 147,
'Pevely'), (34869, 254, 147, 'Philadelphia'), (34877, 254, 147,
'Phillipsburg'), (34905, 254, 147, 'Pickering'), (34913, 254, 147,
'Piedmont'), (34923, 254, 147, 'Pierce City'), (13816, 254, 147, 'Pilot
Grove'), (34956, 254, 147, 'Pilot Knob'), (9407, 254, 147,
'Pineville'), (35065, 254, 147, 'Pittsburg'), (35119, 254, 147,
'Plato'), (35123, 254, 147, 'Platte City'), (9408, 254, 147,
'Plattsburg'), (19033, 254, 147, 'Pleasant Hill'), (35143, 254, 147,
'Pleasant Hope'), (35170, 254, 147, 'Plevna'), (35199, 254, 147,
'Pocahontas'), (35219, 254, 147, 'Point Lookout'), (35238, 254, 147,
'Polk'), (35249, 254, 147, 'Pollock'), (35254, 254, 147, 'Polo'), (35262,
254, 147, 'Pomona'), (35271, 254, 147, 'Ponce de Leon'), (35279, 254, 147,
'Pontiac'), (9409, 254, 147, 'Poplar Bluff'), (35352, 254, 147, 'Portage
des Sioux'), (35353, 254, 147, 'Portageville'), (35372, 254, 147,
'Portland'), (9410, 254, 147, 'Potosi'), (35405, 254, 147,
'Pottersville'), (35428, 254, 147, 'Powell'), (35442, 254, 147,
'Powersite'), (35443, 254, 147, 'Powersville'), (35466, 254, 147, 'Prairie
Home'), (35497, 254, 147, 'Preston'), (9411, 254, 147,
'Princeton'), (35567, 254, 147, 'Protem'), (35598, 254, 147,
'Purcell'), (35600, 254, 147, 'Purdin'), (35603, 254, 147,
'Purdy'), (35623, 254, 147, 'Puxico'), (35645, 254, 147, 'Queen
City'), (35660, 254, 147, 'Quincy'), (35676, 254, 147, 'Quitman'), (13748,
254, 147, 'Qulin'), (35683, 254, 147, 'Racine'), (18686, 254, 147,
'Ravenwood'), (35837, 254, 147, 'Raymondville'), (9412, 254, 147,
'Raymore'), (35842, 254, 147, 'Rayville'), (35845, 254, 147,
'Rea'), (35913, 254, 147, 'Redford'), (35937, 254, 147, 'Reeds'), (15620,
254, 147, 'Reeds Spring'), (35976, 254, 147, 'Renick'), (35989, 254, 147,
'Republic'), (36006, 254, 147, 'Revere'), (36023, 254, 147,
'Reynolds'), (36034, 254, 147, 'Rhineland'), (36055, 254, 147, 'Rich
Hill'), (36057, 254, 147, 'Richards'), (36079, 254, 147,
'Richland'), (9414, 254, 147, 'Richmond'), (36113, 254, 147,
'Richwoods'), (36125, 254, 147, 'Ridgedale'), (36139, 254, 147,
'Ridgeway'), (36207, 254, 147, 'Risco'), (36236, 254, 147,
'Riverside'), (36251, 254, 147, 'Rives'), (36255, 254, 147,
'Roach'), (36287, 254, 147, 'Robertsville'), (36298, 254, 147,
'Roby'), (36303, 254, 147, 'Rocheport'), (9415, 254, 147, 'Rock
Port'), (36340, 254, 147, 'Rockaway Beach'), (36342, 254, 147,
'Rockbridge'), (36371, 254, 147, 'Rockville'), (36383, 254, 147, 'Rocky
Comfort'), (36389, 254, 147, 'Rocky Mount'), (36414, 254, 147,
'Rogersville'), (9416, 254, 147, 'Rolla'), (36436, 254, 147,
'Rombauer'), (36470, 254, 147, 'Roscoe'), (36489, 254, 147,
'Rosebud'), (36511, 254, 147, 'Rosendale'), (36548, 254, 147,
'Rothville'), (36627, 254, 147, 'Rueter'), (36658, 254, 147, 'Rush
Hill'), (36665, 254, 147, 'Rushville'), (36682, 254, 147,
'Russellville'), (36708, 254, 147, 'Rutledge'), (36757, 254, 147,
'Saginaw'), (36766, 254, 147, 'Saint Albans'), (36771, 254, 147, 'Saint
Ann'), (13192, 254, 147, 'Saint Charles'), (36795, 254, 147, 'Saint
Clair'), (36806, 254, 147, 'Saint Elizabeth'), (16486, 254, 147, 'Saint
James'), (11870, 254, 147, 'Saint Joseph'), (36859, 254, 147, 'Saint
Mary'), (36876, 254, 147, 'Saint Patrick'), (9427, 254, 147, 'Saint
Peters'), (16224, 254, 147, 'Saint Robert'), (36901, 254, 147, 'Saint
Thomas'), (9330, 254, 147, 'Sainte Genevieve'), (9417, 254, 147,
'Salem'), (36939, 254, 147, 'Salisbury'), (37071, 254, 147, 'Santa
Fe'), (37098, 254, 147, 'Sarcoxie'), (9418, 254, 147, 'Savannah'), (37142,
254, 147, 'Saverton'), (37185, 254, 147, 'Schell City'), (37250, 254, 147,
'Scott City'), (9419, 254, 147, 'Sedalia'), (37335, 254, 147,
'Sedgewickville'), (13705, 254, 147, 'Seligman'), (37375, 254, 147,
'Senath'), (37378, 254, 147, 'Seneca'), (14298, 254, 147,
'Seymour'), (16526, 254, 147, 'Shelbina'), (9420, 254, 147,
'Shelbyville'), (37533, 254, 147, 'Sheldon'), (37541, 254, 147, 'Shell
Knob'), (37567, 254, 147, 'Sheridan'), (37626, 254, 147, 'Shook'), (37652,
254, 147, 'Sibley'), (9421, 254, 147, 'Sikeston'), (37682, 254, 147,
'Silex'), (37688, 254, 147, 'Silva'), (37768, 254, 147,
'Skidmore'), (13053, 254, 147, 'Slater'), (18267, 254, 147,
'Smithton'), (37852, 254, 147, 'Smithville'), (37912, 254, 147,
'Solo'), (38002, 254, 147, 'South Fork'), (38010, 254, 147, 'South
Greenfield'), (38085, 254, 147, 'South West City'), (10221, 254, 147,
'Southhampton'), (38133, 254, 147, 'Sparta'), (9423, 254, 147,
'Spickard'), (38175, 254, 147, 'Spokane'), (9424, 254, 147,
'Springfield'), (38265, 254, 147, 'Squires'), (11896, 254, 147, 'St.
Louis'), (38292, 254, 147, 'Stanberry'), (38316, 254, 147,
'Stanton'), (38344, 254, 147, 'Stark City'), (38371, 254, 147,
'Steedman'), (38374, 254, 147, 'Steele'), (9428, 254, 147,
'Steelville'), (38386, 254, 147, 'Stella'), (38416, 254, 147,
'Stet'), (38438, 254, 147, 'Stewartsville'), (9429, 254, 147,
'Stockton'), (38525, 254, 147, 'Stotts City'), (38530, 254, 147,
'Stoutland'), (38531, 254, 147, 'Stoutsville'), (9430, 254, 147,
'Stover'), (38540, 254, 147, 'Strafford'), (38549, 254, 147,
'Strasburg'), (38601, 254, 147, 'Sturdivant'), (38602, 254, 147,
'Sturgeon'), (38618, 254, 147, 'Success'), (17845, 254, 147,
'Sullivan'), (38676, 254, 147, 'Summersville'), (38698, 254, 147,
'Sumner'), (17466, 254, 147, 'Sunrise Beach'), (38796, 254, 147,
'Swedeborg'), (38806, 254, 147, 'Sweet Springs'), (38848, 254, 147,
'Syracuse'), (38887, 254, 147, 'Tallapoosa'), (38912, 254, 147,
'Taneyville'), (9431, 254, 147, 'Tarkio'), (38948, 254, 147,
'Taylor'), (13210, 254, 147, 'Tea'), (38967, 254, 147, 'Tebbetts'), (38971,
254, 147, 'Tecumseh'), (39020, 254, 147, 'Teresita'), (39059, 254, 147,
'Thayer'), (39068, 254, 147, 'Theodosia'), (39090, 254, 147,
'Thompson'), (39111, 254, 147, 'Thornfield'), (39158, 254, 147,
'Tiff'), (39159, 254, 147, 'Tiff City'), (39191, 254, 147, 'Tina'), (39208,
254, 147, 'Tipton'), (39355, 254, 147, 'Treloar'), (9432, 254, 147,
'Trenton'), (39389, 254, 147, 'Trimble'), (39402, 254, 147,
'Triplett'), (9433, 254, 147, 'Troy'), (39448, 254, 147,
'Truxton'), (39470, 254, 147, 'Tunas'), (39502, 254, 147,
'Turners'), (39507, 254, 147, 'Turney'), (9434, 254, 147,
'Tuscumbia'), (39586, 254, 147, 'Udall'), (39596, 254, 147,
'Ulman'), (12504, 254, 147, 'Union'), (39653, 254, 147, 'Union
Star'), (39660, 254, 147, 'Uniontown'), (9435, 254, 147,
'Unionville'), (39709, 254, 147, 'Urbana'), (39712, 254, 147,
'Urich'), (39720, 254, 147, 'Utica'), (39755, 254, 147, 'Valles
Mines'), (39773, 254, 147, 'Valley Park'), (9437, 254, 147, 'Van
Buren'), (39811, 254, 147, 'Vandalia'), (39822, 254, 147,
'Vanduser'), (39828, 254, 147, 'Vanzant'), (39906, 254, 147,
'Verona'), (9438, 254, 147, 'Versailles'), (16537, 254, 147,
'Viburnum'), (9439, 254, 147, 'Vichy'), (9440, 254, 147, 'Vienna'), (39963,
254, 147, 'Villa Ridge'), (40012, 254, 147, 'Vista'), (40037, 254, 147,
'Vulcan'), (40050, 254, 147, 'Waco'), (40092, 254, 147, 'Wakenda'), (40114,
254, 147, 'Waldron'), (40132, 254, 147, 'Walker'), (40183, 254, 147,
'Walnut Grove'), (40186, 254, 147, 'Walnut Shade'), (40227, 254, 147,
'Wappapello'), (40237, 254, 147, 'Wardell'), (9441, 254, 147,
'Warrensburg'), (9442, 254, 147, 'Warrenton'), (9443, 254, 147,
'Warsaw'), (40298, 254, 147, 'Washburn'), (9444, 254, 147,
'Washington'), (40330, 254, 147, 'Wasola'), (40393, 254, 147,
'Watson'), (40427, 254, 147, 'Waverly'), (40445, 254, 147,
'Wayland'), (9445, 254, 147, 'Waynesville'), (40466, 254, 147,
'Weatherby'), (40469, 254, 147, 'Weaubleau'), (40474, 254, 147, 'Webb
City'), (40541, 254, 147, 'Wellington'), (40559, 254, 147,
'Wellsville'), (40578, 254, 147, 'Wentworth'), (40582, 254, 147,
'Wentzville'), (40585, 254, 147, 'Wesco'), (40596, 254, 147, 'West
Alton'), (9446, 254, 147, 'West Plains'), (40773, 254, 147,
'Westboro'), (9447, 254, 147, 'Weston'), (40842, 254, 147,
'Westphalia'), (40887, 254, 147, 'Wheatland'), (40893, 254, 147,
'Wheaton'), (15637, 254, 147, 'Wheeling'), (40976, 254, 147, 'Whiteman Air
Force Base'), (40977, 254, 147, 'Whiteoak'), (40988, 254, 147,
'Whiteside'), (41000, 254, 147, 'Whitewater'), (14754, 254, 147,
'Willard'), (41103, 254, 147, 'Williamsburg'), (41119, 254, 147,
'Williamstown'), (41123, 254, 147, 'Williamsville'), (9448, 254, 147,
'Willow Springs'), (12056, 254, 147, 'Windsor'), (41236, 254, 147,
'Windyville'), (41242, 254, 147, 'Winfield'), (41260, 254, 147,
'Winigan'), (41273, 254, 147, 'Winona'), (41285, 254, 147,
'Winston'), (41350, 254, 147, 'Wolf Island'), (41458, 254, 147,
'Wooldridge'), (41476, 254, 147, 'Worth'), (41483, 254, 147,
'Worthington'), (41497, 254, 147, 'Wright City'), (41507, 254, 147,
'Wyaconda'), (41513, 254, 147, 'Wyatt'), (41619, 254, 147,
'Yukon'), (41631, 254, 147, 'Zalma'), (41635, 254, 147, 'Zanoni'), (19071,
254, 148, 'Absarokee'), (19091, 254, 148, 'Acton'), (19232, 254, 148,
'Alberton'), (19263, 254, 148, 'Alder'), (19450, 254, 148,
'Alzada'), (9537, 254, 148, 'Anaconda'), (19551, 254, 148,
'Angela'), (19590, 254, 148, 'Antelope'), (19713, 254, 148,
'Arlee'), (18470, 254, 148, 'Ashland'), (19937, 254, 148,
'Augusta'), (20012, 254, 148, 'Avon'), (20042, 254, 148, 'Babb'), (20078,
254, 148, 'Bainville'), (9538, 254, 148, 'Baker'), (20114, 254, 148,
'Ballantine'), (20248, 254, 148, 'Basin'), (20349, 254, 148,
'Bearcreek'), (20450, 254, 148, 'Belfry'), (9539, 254, 148,
'Belgrade'), (20529, 254, 148, 'Belt'), (20720, 254, 148,
'Biddle'), (20724, 254, 148, 'Big Arm'), (20756, 254, 148, 'Big
Sandy'), (20760, 254, 148, 'Big Sky'), (9541, 254, 148, 'Big
Timber'), (20770, 254, 148, 'Bigfork'), (20774, 254, 148,
'Bighorn'), (9542, 254, 148, 'Billings'), (20817, 254, 148,
'Birney'), (20843, 254, 148, 'Black Eagle'), (20936, 254, 148,
'Bloomfield'), (21094, 254, 148, 'Bonner'), (21144, 254, 148,
'Boulder'), (21188, 254, 148, 'Box Elder'), (21197, 254, 148,
'Boyd'), (21204, 254, 148, 'Boyes'), (9543, 254, 148, 'Bozeman'), (21257,
254, 148, 'Brady'), (21367, 254, 148, 'Bridger'), (9544, 254, 148,
'Broadus'), (21441, 254, 148, 'Broadview'), (21452, 254, 148,
'Brockton'), (21454, 254, 148, 'Brockway'), (21541, 254, 148,
'Browning'), (21595, 254, 148, 'Brusett'), (21677, 254, 148,
'Buffalo'), (21804, 254, 148, 'Busby'), (9545, 254, 148, 'Butte'), (21844,
254, 148, 'Bynum'), (21982, 254, 148, 'Cameron'), (22093, 254, 148, 'Canyon
Creek'), (22110, 254, 148, 'Capitol'), (22138, 254, 148,
'Cardwell'), (22210, 254, 148, 'Carter'), (22241, 254, 148,
'Cascade'), (22546, 254, 148, 'Charlo'), (22653, 254, 148,
'Chester'), (22722, 254, 148, 'Chinook'), (14897, 254, 148,
'Choteau'), (22787, 254, 148, 'Circle'), (22810, 254, 148,
'Clancy'), (23001, 254, 148, 'Clinton'), (23042, 254, 148, 'Clyde
Park'), (23102, 254, 148, 'Coffee Creek'), (23111, 254, 148,
'Cohagen'), (15867, 254, 148, 'Colstrip'), (23226, 254, 148, 'Columbia
Falls'), (23232, 254, 148, 'Columbus'), (23299, 254, 148,
'Condon'), (23322, 254, 148, 'Conner'), (23329, 254, 148,
'Conrad'), (23356, 254, 148, 'Cooke City'), (23406, 254, 148,
'Coram'), (23472, 254, 148, 'Corvallis'), (23589, 254, 148,
'Crane'), (23714, 254, 148, 'Crow Agency'), (23761, 254, 148,
'Culbertson'), (23824, 254, 148, 'Custer'), (9546, 254, 148, 'Cut
Bank'), (23858, 254, 148, 'Dagmar'), (23954, 254, 148, 'Darby'), (24030,
254, 148, 'Dayton'), (24044, 254, 148, 'De Borgia'), (24090, 254, 148,
'Decker'), (24109, 254, 148, 'Deer Lodge'), (24164, 254, 148,
'Dell'), (24222, 254, 148, 'Denton'), (9547, 254, 148, 'Dillon'), (24355,
254, 148, 'Divide'), (24366, 254, 148, 'Dixon'), (24388, 254, 148,
'Dodson'), (9548, 254, 148, 'Drummond'), (24674, 254, 148,
'Dupuyer'), (24700, 254, 148, 'Dutton'), (24820, 254, 148, 'East Glacier
Park'), (24834, 254, 148, 'East Helena'), (25002, 254, 148,
'Edgar'), (25083, 254, 148, 'Ekalaka'), (25246, 254, 148,
'Elliston'), (25286, 254, 148, 'Elmo'), (25348, 254, 148,
'Emigrant'), (25402, 254, 148, 'Ennis'), (25473, 254, 148,
'Essex'), (25500, 254, 148, 'Ethridge'), (25532, 254, 148,
'Eureka'), (25636, 254, 148, 'Fairfield'), (25670, 254, 148,
'Fairview'), (25701, 254, 148, 'Fallon'), (25907, 254, 148,
'Fishtail'), (25939, 254, 148, 'Flaxville'), (14876, 254, 148,
'Florence'), (25991, 254, 148, 'Floweree'), (26061, 254, 148,
'Forestgrove'), (26082, 254, 148, 'Forsyth'), (26088, 254, 148, 'Fort
Benton'), (26110, 254, 148, 'Fort Harrison'), (26143, 254, 148, 'Fort
Peck'), (26153, 254, 148, 'Fort Shaw'), (26169, 254, 148,
'Fortine'), (26278, 254, 148, 'Frazer'), (26351, 254, 148,
'Frenchtown'), (26382, 254, 148, 'Froid'), (26383, 254, 148,
'Fromberg'), (26451, 254, 148, 'Galata'), (26470, 254, 148, 'Gallatin
Gateway'), (26525, 254, 148, 'Gardiner'), (26549, 254, 148,
'Garneill'), (26566, 254, 148, 'Garrison'), (26570, 254, 148,
'Garryowen'), (26667, 254, 148, 'Geraldine'), (26689, 254, 148,
'Geyser'), (26741, 254, 148, 'Gildford'), (9550, 254, 148,
'Glasgow'), (26816, 254, 148, 'Glen'), (9551, 254, 148,
'Glendive'), (26906, 254, 148, 'Glentana'), (26958, 254, 148, 'Gold
Creek'), (27193, 254, 148, 'Grantsdale'), (27215, 254, 148, 'Grass
Range'), (9552, 254, 148, 'Great Falls'), (27328, 254, 148,
'Greenough'), (27394, 254, 148, 'Greycliff'), (27563, 254, 148,
'Hall'), (9553, 254, 148, 'Hamilton'), (27628, 254, 148, 'Hammond'), (9554,
254, 148, 'Hardin'), (27745, 254, 148, 'Harlem'), (9555, 254, 148,
'Harlowton'), (27805, 254, 148, 'Harrison'), (27905, 254, 148,
'Hathaway'), (27914, 254, 148, 'Haugan'), (9556, 254, 148,
'Havre'), (27967, 254, 148, 'Hays'), (27993, 254, 148, 'Heart
Butte'), (9557, 254, 148, 'Helena'), (28045, 254, 148,
'Helmville'), (28132, 254, 148, 'Heron'), (28226, 254, 148,
'Highwood'), (28234, 254, 148, 'Hilger'), (28296, 254, 148,
'Hingham'), (28300, 254, 148, 'Hinsdale'), (28326, 254, 148,
'Hobson'), (28343, 254, 148, 'Hogeland'), (28451, 254, 148,
'Homestead'), (28565, 254, 148, 'Hot Springs'), (28692, 254, 148, 'Hungry
Horse'), (28718, 254, 148, 'Huntley'), (28747, 254, 148, 'Huson'), (17684,
254, 148, 'Hysham'), (28876, 254, 148, 'Ingomar'), (28899, 254, 148,
'Inverness'), (28982, 254, 148, 'Ismay'), (29019, 254, 148,
'Jackson'), (29113, 254, 148, 'Jefferson City'), (29211, 254, 148,
'Joliet'), (29238, 254, 148, 'Joplin'), (9558, 254, 148, 'Jordan'), (29255,
254, 148, 'Judith Gap'), (9559, 254, 148, 'Kalispell'), (29507, 254, 148,
'Kevin'), (29535, 254, 148, 'Kila'), (29623, 254, 148, 'Kinsey'), (29733,
254, 148, 'Kremlin'), (29931, 254, 148, 'Lake Mc Donald'), (29972, 254,
148, 'Lakeside'), (29998, 254, 148, 'Lambert'), (30004, 254, 148, 'Lame
Deer'), (30093, 254, 148, 'Larslan'), (12304, 254, 148, 'Laurel'), (30144,
254, 148, 'Lavina'), (30224, 254, 148, 'Ledger'), (9560, 254, 148,
'Lewistown'), (9561, 254, 148, 'Libby'), (30451, 254, 148, 'Lima'), (30474,
254, 148, 'Lincoln'), (30503, 254, 148, 'Lindsay'), (9562, 254, 148,
'Livingston'), (30639, 254, 148, 'Lloyd'), (30675, 254, 148, 'Lodge
Grass'), (30694, 254, 148, 'Lolo'), (30696, 254, 148, 'Loma'), (30717, 254,
148, 'Lonepine'), (30792, 254, 148, 'Loring'), (30813, 254, 148,
'Lothair'), (31161, 254, 148, 'Malmstrom A F B'), (31170, 254, 148,
'Malta'), (18956, 254, 148, 'Manhattan'), (31374, 254, 148,
'Marion'), (31463, 254, 148, 'Martin City'), (31473, 254, 148,
'Martinsdale'), (31497, 254, 148, 'Marysville'), (31645, 254, 148, 'Mc
Allister'), (31651, 254, 148, 'Mc Cabe'), (31749, 254, 148, 'Mc
Leod'), (31843, 254, 148, 'Medicine Lake'), (31892, 254, 148,
'Melrose'), (31898, 254, 148, 'Melstone'), (31901, 254, 148,
'Melville'), (32141, 254, 148, 'Mildred'), (9563, 254, 148, 'Miles
City'), (32237, 254, 148, 'Milltown'), (9564, 254, 148,
'Missoula'), (32387, 254, 148, 'Moccasin'), (32423, 254, 148,
'Molt'), (32427, 254, 148, 'Monarch'), (32576, 254, 148, 'Moore'), (32689,
254, 148, 'Mosby'), (32948, 254, 148, 'Musselshell'), (33017, 254, 148,
'Nashua'), (33087, 254, 148, 'Neihart'), (33581, 254, 148,
'Norris'), (33796, 254, 148, 'Noxon'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`,
`country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (33817, 254, 148, 'Nye'), (33996,
254, 148, 'Oilmont'), (34067, 254, 148, 'Olive'), (34087, 254, 148,
'Olney'), (34153, 254, 148, 'Opheim'), (34296, 254, 148, 'Otter'), (34316,
254, 148, 'Outlook'), (34320, 254, 148, 'Ovando'), (34376, 254, 148,
'Pablo'), (34501, 254, 148, 'Paradise'), (34525, 254, 148, 'Park
City'), (34689, 254, 148, 'Peerless'), (34731, 254, 148,
'Pendroy'), (34874, 254, 148, 'Philipsburg'), (35011, 254, 148,
'Pinesdale'), (35099, 254, 148, 'Plains'), (9566, 254, 148,
'Plentywood'), (35171, 254, 148, 'Plevna'), (35236, 254, 148,
'Polaris'), (35237, 254, 148, 'Polebridge'), (9567, 254, 148,
'Polson'), (35267, 254, 148, 'Pompeys Pillar'), (17933, 254, 148,
'Pony'), (35289, 254, 148, 'Poplar'), (35427, 254, 148,
'Powderville'), (35437, 254, 148, 'Power'), (35478, 254, 148,
'Pray'), (35540, 254, 148, 'Proctor'), (35582, 254, 148, 'Pryor'), (35688,
254, 148, 'Radersburg'), (35735, 254, 148, 'Ramsay'), (35786, 254, 148,
'Rapelje'), (35799, 254, 148, 'Ravalli'), (35832, 254, 148,
'Raymond'), (35839, 254, 148, 'Raynesford'), (9568, 254, 148, 'Red
Lodge'), (35924, 254, 148, 'Redstone'), (35934, 254, 148, 'Reed
Point'), (35998, 254, 148, 'Reserve'), (36013, 254, 148,
'Rexford'), (36064, 254, 148, 'Richey'), (36081, 254, 148,
'Richland'), (36173, 254, 148, 'Ringling'), (36283, 254, 148,
'Roberts'), (36430, 254, 148, 'Rollins'), (13849, 254, 148,
'Ronan'), (36471, 254, 148, 'Roscoe'), (36490, 254, 148, 'Rosebud'), (9569,
254, 148, 'Roundup'), (36594, 254, 148, 'Roy'), (36626, 254, 148,
'Rudyard'), (36719, 254, 148, 'Ryegate'), (36735, 254, 148,
'Saco'), (36830, 254, 148, 'Saint Ignatius'), (36856, 254, 148, 'Saint
Marie'), (36892, 254, 148, 'Saint Regis'), (36906, 254, 148, 'Saint
Xavier'), (36960, 254, 148, 'Saltese'), (37020, 254, 148, 'Sand
Coulee'), (37026, 254, 148, 'Sand Springs'), (37031, 254, 148,
'Sanders'), (37075, 254, 148, 'Santa Rita'), (37138, 254, 148,
'Savage'), (37230, 254, 148, 'Scobey'), (37345, 254, 148, 'Seeley
Lake'), (37499, 254, 148, 'Shawmut'), (37525, 254, 148, 'Shelby'), (37556,
254, 148, 'Shepherd'), (37568, 254, 148, 'Sheridan'), (9570, 254, 148,
'Sidney'), (9571, 254, 148, 'Silver Bow'), (37703, 254, 148, 'Silver
Gate'), (37715, 254, 148, 'Silver Star'), (37729, 254, 148,
'Simms'), (37924, 254, 148, 'Somers'), (37943, 254, 148,
'Sonnette'), (38222, 254, 148, 'Springdale'), (38303, 254, 148,
'Stanford'), (14534, 254, 148, 'Stevensville'), (38470, 254, 148,
'Stockett'), (38594, 254, 148, 'Stryker'), (38639, 254, 148,
'Sula'), (38656, 254, 148, 'Sumatra'), (38710, 254, 148, 'Sun
River'), (38716, 254, 148, 'Sunburst'), (9572, 254, 148,
'Superior'), (38803, 254, 148, 'Sweet Grass'), (38978, 254, 148,
'Teigen'), (39034, 254, 148, 'Terry'), (9573, 254, 148, 'Thompson
Falls'), (39134, 254, 148, 'Three Forks'), (39295, 254, 148,
'Toston'), (15249, 254, 148, 'Townsend'), (39352, 254, 148,
'Trego'), (39415, 254, 148, 'Trout Creek'), (15231, 254, 148,
'Troy'), (39499, 254, 148, 'Turner'), (39539, 254, 148, 'Twin
Bridges'), (39555, 254, 148, 'Two Dot'), (39595, 254, 148, 'Ulm'), (39750,
254, 148, 'Valier'), (39812, 254, 148, 'Vandalia'), (39843, 254, 148,
'Vaughn'), (39938, 254, 148, 'Victor'), (39946, 254, 148, 'Vida'), (40010,
254, 148, 'Virginia City'), (40016, 254, 148, 'Volborg'), (40254, 254, 148,
'Warm Springs'), (40652, 254, 148, 'West Glacier'), (12027, 254, 148, 'West
Yellowstone'), (40782, 254, 148, 'Westby'), (40959, 254, 148, 'White
Sulphur Springs'), (12666, 254, 148, 'Whitefish'), (16318, 254, 148,
'Whitehall'), (40995, 254, 148, 'Whitetail'), (41001, 254, 148,
'Whitewater'), (41014, 254, 148, 'Whitlash'), (41034, 254, 148,
'Wibaux'), (41083, 254, 148, 'Willard'), (41144, 254, 148, 'Willow
Creek'), (41171, 254, 148, 'Wilsall'), (41258, 254, 148,
'Winifred'), (41270, 254, 148, 'Winnett'), (41286, 254, 148,
'Winston'), (9574, 254, 148, 'Wisdom'), (41317, 254, 148, 'Wise
River'), (41348, 254, 148, 'Wolf Creek'), (9575, 254, 148, 'Wolf
Point'), (41472, 254, 148, 'Worden'), (41529, 254, 148, 'Wyola'), (41564,
254, 148, 'Yellowtail'), (41661, 254, 148, 'Zortman'), (41666, 254, 148,
'Zurich'), (19063, 254, 149, 'Abie'), (19106, 254, 149, 'Adams'), (9759,
254, 149, 'Ainsworth'), (9760, 254, 149, 'Albion'), (19255, 254, 149,
'Alda'), (19282, 254, 149, 'Alexandria'), (19316, 254, 149,
'Allen'), (9761, 254, 149, 'Alliance'), (9762, 254, 149, 'Alma'), (19446,
254, 149, 'Alvo'), (19479, 254, 149, 'Amelia'), (19485, 254, 149,
'Ames'), (19490, 254, 149, 'Amherst'), (19558, 254, 149, 'Angora'), (19585,
254, 149, 'Anselmo'), (19586, 254, 149, 'Ansley'), (19635, 254, 149,
'Arapahoe'), (19651, 254, 149, 'Arcadia'), (19659, 254, 149,
'Archer'), (19724, 254, 149, 'Arlington'), (19750, 254, 149,
'Arnold'), (9763, 254, 149, 'Arthur'), (19799, 254, 149, 'Ashby'), (19816,
254, 149, 'Ashland'), (19829, 254, 149, 'Ashton'), (19873, 254, 149,
'Atkinson'), (19880, 254, 149, 'Atlanta'), (9764, 254, 149,
'Auburn'), (9765, 254, 149, 'Aurora'), (20002, 254, 149, 'Avoca'), (20026,
254, 149, 'Axtell'), (20036, 254, 149, 'Ayr'), (20136, 254, 149,
'Bancroft'), (20191, 254, 149, 'Barneston'), (9766, 254, 149,
'Bartlett'), (20230, 254, 149, 'Bartley'), (9767, 254, 149,
'Bassett'), (20287, 254, 149, 'Battle Creek'), (20311, 254, 149,
'Bayard'), (9768, 254, 149, 'Beatrice'), (9769, 254, 149, 'Beaver
City'), (20375, 254, 149, 'Beaver Crossing'), (20407, 254, 149,
'Bee'), (20426, 254, 149, 'Beemer'), (20440, 254, 149, 'Belden'), (20454,
254, 149, 'Belgrade'), (9770, 254, 149, 'Bellevue'), (20510, 254, 149,
'Bellwood'), (20536, 254, 149, 'Belvidere'), (20562, 254, 149,
'Benedict'), (9771, 254, 149, 'Benkelman'), (20568, 254, 149,
'Bennet'), (20574, 254, 149, 'Bennington'), (20654, 254, 149,
'Bertrand'), (20660, 254, 149, 'Berwyn'), (20761, 254, 149, 'Big
Springs'), (20789, 254, 149, 'Bingham'), (20867, 254, 149,
'Bladen'), (9772, 254, 149, 'Blair'), (9773, 254, 149,
'Bloomfield'), (20954, 254, 149, 'Bloomington'), (20980, 254, 149, 'Blue
Hill'), (20999, 254, 149, 'Blue Springs'), (21035, 254, 149,
'Boelus'), (21215, 254, 149, 'Boys Town'), (21255, 254, 149,
'Bradshaw'), (21258, 254, 149, 'Brady'), (21266, 254, 149,
'Brainard'), (9774, 254, 149, 'Brewster'), (9775, 254, 149,
'Bridgeport'), (21429, 254, 149, 'Bristow'), (21444, 254, 149,
'Broadwater'), (21449, 254, 149, 'Brock'), (9776, 254, 149, 'Broken
Bow'), (21564, 254, 149, 'Brownville'), (21579, 254, 149, 'Brule'), (21585,
254, 149, 'Bruning'), (21587, 254, 149, 'Bruno'), (21593, 254, 149,
'Brunswick'), (21725, 254, 149, 'Burchard'), (21788, 254, 149,
'Burr'), (687, 254, 149, 'Burwell'), (21810, 254, 149, 'Bushnell'), (9777,
254, 149, 'Butte'), (17866, 254, 149, 'Byron'), (21884, 254, 149,
'Cairo'), (21924, 254, 149, 'Callaway'), (21962, 254, 149,
'Cambridge'), (22011, 254, 149, 'Campbell'), (22147, 254, 149,
'Carleton'), (22194, 254, 149, 'Carroll'), (22361, 254, 149, 'Cedar
Bluffs'), (22364, 254, 149, 'Cedar Creek'), (22384, 254, 149, 'Cedar
Rapids'), (22411, 254, 149, 'Center'), (9778, 254, 149, 'Central
City'), (22475, 254, 149, 'Ceresco'), (9779, 254, 149, 'Chadron'), (22501,
254, 149, 'Chambers'), (14167, 254, 149, 'Champion'), (22529, 254, 149,
'Chapman'), (9780, 254, 149, 'Chappell'), (22654, 254, 149,
'Chester'), (18317, 254, 149, 'Clarks'), (22863, 254, 149,
'Clarkson'), (22878, 254, 149, 'Clatonia'), (9781, 254, 149, 'Clay
Center'), (22933, 254, 149, 'Clearwater'), (23096, 254, 149,
'Cody'), (23147, 254, 149, 'Coleridge'), (23197, 254, 149, 'Colon'), (9782,
254, 149, 'Columbus'), (23273, 254, 149, 'Comstock'), (23290, 254, 149,
'Concord'), (23353, 254, 149, 'Cook'), (23419, 254, 149,
'Cordova'), (23468, 254, 149, 'Cortland'), (23561, 254, 149,
'Cozad'), (23563, 254, 149, 'Crab Orchard'), (23575, 254, 149,
'Craig'), (23603, 254, 149, 'Crawford'), (23620, 254, 149,
'Creighton'), (23648, 254, 149, 'Creston'), (9783, 254, 149,
'Crete'), (23672, 254, 149, 'Crofton'), (23684, 254, 149,
'Crookston'), (12974, 254, 149, 'Culbertson'), (23807, 254, 149,
'Curtis'), (9784, 254, 149, 'Dakota City'), (23897, 254, 149,
'Dalton'), (23920, 254, 149, 'Danbury'), (23936, 254, 149,
'Dannebrog'), (23981, 254, 149, 'Davenport'), (23986, 254, 149,
'Davey'), (9785, 254, 149, 'David City'), (24017, 254, 149,
'Dawson'), (24022, 254, 149, 'Daykin'), (24065, 254, 149, 'De
Witt'), (24084, 254, 149, 'Decatur'), (24223, 254, 149, 'Denton'), (24259,
254, 149, 'Deshler'), (24276, 254, 149, 'Deweese'), (24313, 254, 149,
'Dickens'), (24332, 254, 149, 'Diller'), (24358, 254, 149, 'Dix'), (24367,
254, 149, 'Dixon'), (24382, 254, 149, 'Dodge'), (18081, 254, 149,
'Doniphan'), (24428, 254, 149, 'Dorchester'), (24456, 254, 149,
'Douglas'), (24566, 254, 149, 'Du Bois'), (24614, 254, 149,
'Dunbar'), (24622, 254, 149, 'Duncan'), (24660, 254, 149,
'Dunning'), (24708, 254, 149, 'Dwight'), (24725, 254, 149,
'Eagle'), (24986, 254, 149, 'Eddyville'), (25003, 254, 149,
'Edgar'), (25028, 254, 149, 'Edison'), (18149, 254, 149, 'Elba'), (25144,
254, 149, 'Elgin'), (25170, 254, 149, 'Elk Creek'), (25188, 254, 149,
'Elkhorn'), (25256, 254, 149, 'Ellsworth'), (25263, 254, 149, 'Elm
Creek'), (25296, 254, 149, 'Elmwood'), (25308, 254, 149, 'Elsie'), (25310,
254, 149, 'Elsmere'), (9786, 254, 149, 'Elwood'), (25327, 254, 149,
'Elyria'), (25344, 254, 149, 'Emerson'), (25361, 254, 149,
'Emmet'), (25381, 254, 149, 'Enders'), (25382, 254, 149,
'Endicott'), (25437, 254, 149, 'Ericson'), (25537, 254, 149,
'Eustis'), (25579, 254, 149, 'Ewing'), (25589, 254, 149, 'Exeter'), (9787,
254, 149, 'Fairbury'), (25639, 254, 149, 'Fairfield'), (25653, 254, 149,
'Fairmont'), (9788, 254, 149, 'Falls City'), (25763, 254, 149,
'Farnam'), (25776, 254, 149, 'Farwell'), (25864, 254, 149,
'Filley'), (25886, 254, 149, 'Firth'), (26035, 254, 149,
'Fordyce'), (26093, 254, 149, 'Fort Calhoun'), (26179, 254, 149,
'Foster'), (9789, 254, 149, 'Franklin'), (9790, 254, 149,
'Fremont'), (26363, 254, 149, 'Friend'), (9791, 254, 149,
'Fullerton'), (26431, 254, 149, 'Funk'), (26544, 254, 149,
'Garland'), (9792, 254, 149, 'Geneva'), (26637, 254, 149, 'Genoa'), (15799,
254, 149, 'Gering'), (26697, 254, 149, 'Gibbon'), (26743, 254, 149,
'Gilead'), (26771, 254, 149, 'Giltner'), (26909, 254, 149,
'Glenvil'), (26951, 254, 149, 'Goehner'), (27028, 254, 149,
'Gordon'), (16992, 254, 149, 'Gothenburg'), (27097, 254, 149,
'Grafton'), (9793, 254, 149, 'Grand Island'), (9794, 254, 149,
'Grant'), (9795, 254, 149, 'Greeley'), (27367, 254, 149,
'Greenwood'), (27385, 254, 149, 'Gresham'), (27390, 254, 149,
'Gretna'), (27456, 254, 149, 'Guide Rock'), (27484, 254, 149,
'Gurley'), (27514, 254, 149, 'Hadar'), (27538, 254, 149,
'Haigler'), (27566, 254, 149, 'Hallam'), (27582, 254, 149,
'Halsey'), (27619, 254, 149, 'Hamlet'), (27647, 254, 149,
'Hampton'), (27735, 254, 149, 'Hardy'), (9796, 254, 149,
'Harrisburg'), (9797, 254, 149, 'Harrison'), (9798, 254, 149,
'Hartington'), (27865, 254, 149, 'Harvard'), (9799, 254, 149,
'Hastings'), (27952, 254, 149, 'Hay Springs'), (9800, 254, 149, 'Hayes
Center'), (27972, 254, 149, 'Hazard'), (27994, 254, 149,
'Heartwell'), (9801, 254, 149, 'Hebron'), (16337, 254, 149,
'Hemingford'), (28065, 254, 149, 'Henderson'), (28070, 254, 149,
'Hendley'), (28090, 254, 149, 'Henry'), (28116, 254, 149,
'Herman'), (28140, 254, 149, 'Hershey'), (28168, 254, 149,
'Hickman'), (28233, 254, 149, 'Hildreth'), (28349, 254, 149,
'Holbrook'), (9802, 254, 149, 'Holdrege'), (28417, 254, 149,
'Holmesville'), (28419, 254, 149, 'Holstein'), (28445, 254, 149,
'Homer'), (28486, 254, 149, 'Hooper'), (28531, 254, 149,
'Hordville'), (28559, 254, 149, 'Hoskins'), (28603, 254, 149,
'Howells'), (28617, 254, 149, 'Hubbard'), (28625, 254, 149,
'Hubbell'), (28675, 254, 149, 'Humboldt'), (28687, 254, 149,
'Humphrey'), (9803, 254, 149, 'Hyannis'), (9804, 254, 149,
'Imperial'), (28828, 254, 149, 'Inavale'), (28856, 254, 149,
'Indianola'), (28883, 254, 149, 'Inland'), (16298, 254, 149,
'Inman'), (28990, 254, 149, 'Ithaca'), (29021, 254, 149,
'Jackson'), (29075, 254, 149, 'Jansen'), (29194, 254, 149,
'Johnson'), (29207, 254, 149, 'Johnstown'), (29278, 254, 149,
'Juniata'), (9805, 254, 149, 'Kearney'), (29428, 254, 149,
'Kenesaw'), (29438, 254, 149, 'Kennard'), (29521, 254, 149,
'Keystone'), (29541, 254, 149, 'Kilgore'), (9806, 254, 149,
'Kimball'), (14140, 254, 149, 'La Vista'), (29973, 254, 149,
'Lakeside'), (30124, 254, 149, 'Laurel'), (30158, 254, 149,
'Lawrence'), (30203, 254, 149, 'Lebanon'), (30274, 254, 149,
'Leigh'), (30293, 254, 149, 'Lemoyne'), (30355, 254, 149,
'Leshara'), (30383, 254, 149, 'Lewellen'), (30398, 254, 149,
'Lewiston'), (9807, 254, 149, 'Lexington'), (30419, 254, 149,
'Liberty'), (9808, 254, 149, 'Lincoln'), (30504, 254, 149,
'Lindsay'), (30534, 254, 149, 'Linwood'), (30546, 254, 149,
'Lisco'), (30556, 254, 149, 'Litchfield'), (30676, 254, 149,
'Lodgepole'), (30738, 254, 149, 'Long Pine'), (30767, 254, 149,
'Loomis'), (30797, 254, 149, 'Lorton'), (30828, 254, 149,
'Louisville'), (9809, 254, 149, 'Loup City'), (30976, 254, 149,
'Lyman'), (30985, 254, 149, 'Lynch'), (31023, 254, 149, 'Lyons'), (31073,
254, 149, 'Macy'), (31089, 254, 149, 'Madison'), (31101, 254, 149,
'Madrid'), (31109, 254, 149, 'Magnet'), (31147, 254, 149,
'Malcolm'), (31160, 254, 149, 'Malmo'), (31224, 254, 149,
'Manley'), (31416, 254, 149, 'Marquette'), (31442, 254, 149,
'Marsland'), (31450, 254, 149, 'Martell'), (31505, 254, 149,
'Maskell'), (31511, 254, 149, 'Mason City'), (31575, 254, 149,
'Max'), (31586, 254, 149, 'Maxwell'), (31634, 254, 149, 'Maywood'), (9811,
254, 149, 'Mc Cook'), (31680, 254, 149, 'Mc Cool Junction'), (42924, 254,
149, 'McCook'), (31787, 254, 149, 'McGrew'), (31793, 254, 149,
'McLean'), (31799, 254, 149, 'Mead'), (31808, 254, 149, 'Meadow
Grove'), (31873, 254, 149, 'Melbeta'), (31911, 254, 149,
'Memphis'), (31970, 254, 149, 'Merna'), (31979, 254, 149,
'Merriman'), (14734, 254, 149, 'Milford'), (32190, 254, 149,
'Miller'), (32213, 254, 149, 'Milligan'), (32225, 254, 149,
'Mills'), (32289, 254, 149, 'Minatare'), (9812, 254, 149,
'Minden'), (32372, 254, 149, 'Mitchell'), (32457, 254, 149,
'Monroe'), (32580, 254, 149, 'Moorefield'), (32644, 254, 149,
'Morrill'), (32678, 254, 149, 'Morse Bluff'), (9813, 254, 149,
'Mullen'), (32930, 254, 149, 'Murdock'), (32935, 254, 149,
'Murray'), (32991, 254, 149, 'Naper'), (33000, 254, 149, 'Naponee'), (9814,
254, 149, 'Nebraska City'), (33086, 254, 149, 'Nehawka'), (9815, 254, 149,
'Neligh'), (9816, 254, 149, 'Nelson'), (33109, 254, 149, 'Nemaha'), (33113,
254, 149, 'Nenzel'), (33385, 254, 149, 'Newcastle'), (33420, 254, 149,
'Newman Grove'), (33426, 254, 149, 'Newport'), (33488, 254, 149,
'Nickerson'), (33511, 254, 149, 'Niobrara'), (9817, 254, 149,
'Norfolk'), (33571, 254, 149, 'Norman'), (33597, 254, 149, 'North
Bend'), (33674, 254, 149, 'North Loup'), (9818, 254, 149, 'North
Platte'), (33827, 254, 149, 'Oak'), (33855, 254, 149, 'Oakdale'), (33880,
254, 149, 'Oakland'), (33945, 254, 149, 'Oconto'), (33953, 254, 149,
'Odell'), (33963, 254, 149, 'Odessa'), (33973, 254, 149, 'Offutt A F
B'), (9819, 254, 149, 'Ogallala'), (33990, 254, 149, 'Ohiowa'), (1265, 254,
149, 'Omaha'), (34129, 254, 149, 'Oneill'), (34131, 254, 149,
'Ong'), (34179, 254, 149, 'Orchard'), (9822, 254, 149, 'Ord'), (34222, 254,
149, 'Orleans'), (9823, 254, 149, 'Osceola'), (9824, 254, 149,
'Oshkosh'), (18737, 254, 149, 'Osmond'), (34292, 254, 149, 'Otoe'), (34326,
254, 149, 'Overton'), (34358, 254, 149, 'Oxford'), (34393, 254, 149,
'Page'), (34423, 254, 149, 'Palisade'), (34434, 254, 149,
'Palmer'), (34448, 254, 149, 'Palmyra'), (18009, 254, 149,
'Panama'), (9825, 254, 149, 'Papillion'), (34549, 254, 149,
'Parks'), (9826, 254, 149, 'Pawnee City'), (34645, 254, 149,
'Paxton'), (34725, 254, 149, 'Pender'), (34823, 254, 149, 'Peru'), (34835,
254, 149, 'Petersburg'), (34876, 254, 149, 'Phillips'), (34908, 254, 149,
'Pickrell'), (9827, 254, 149, 'Pierce'), (34948, 254, 149,
'Pilger'), (16121, 254, 149, 'Plainview'), (35122, 254, 149, 'Platte
Center'), (9828, 254, 149, 'Plattsmouth'), (35131, 254, 149, 'Pleasant
Dale'), (35161, 254, 149, 'Pleasanton'), (35190, 254, 149,
'Plymouth'), (35239, 254, 149, 'Polk'), (9829, 254, 149, 'Ponca'), (35402,
254, 149, 'Potter'), (35456, 254, 149, 'Prague'), (35516, 254, 149,
'Primrose'), (35602, 254, 149, 'Purdum'), (35694, 254, 149,
'Ragan'), (35760, 254, 149, 'Randolph'), (35809, 254, 149,
'Ravenna'), (35833, 254, 149, 'Raymond'), (9830, 254, 149, 'Red
Cloud'), (35993, 254, 149, 'Republican City'), (36025, 254, 149,
'Reynolds'), (36068, 254, 149, 'Richfield'), (36208, 254, 149, 'Rising
City'), (36229, 254, 149, 'Riverdale'), (36246, 254, 149,
'Riverton'), (36299, 254, 149, 'Roca'), (36372, 254, 149,
'Rockville'), (36408, 254, 149, 'Rogers'), (36464, 254, 149,
'Rosalie'), (36476, 254, 149, 'Rose'), (36503, 254, 149,
'Roseland'), (36599, 254, 149, 'Royal'), (36636, 254, 149, 'Rulo'), (9831,
254, 149, 'Rushville'), (36670, 254, 149, 'Ruskin'), (36805, 254, 149,
'Saint Edward'), (36825, 254, 149, 'Saint Helena'), (36851, 254, 149,
'Saint Libory'), (36883, 254, 149, 'Saint Paul'), (36919, 254, 149,
'Salem'), (37109, 254, 149, 'Sargent'), (37114, 254, 149,
'Saronville'), (9832, 254, 149, 'Schuyler'), (37233, 254, 149,
'Scotia'), (9833, 254, 149, 'Scottsbluff'), (37274, 254, 149,
'Scribner'), (37379, 254, 149, 'Seneca'), (9834, 254, 149,
'Seward'), (37526, 254, 149, 'Shelby'), (37550, 254, 149,
'Shelton'), (14743, 254, 149, 'Shickley'), (37641, 254, 149,
'Shubert'), (9835, 254, 149, 'Sidney'), (37700, 254, 149, 'Silver
Creek'), (37835, 254, 149, 'Smithfield'), (18324, 254, 149,
'Snyder'), (37970, 254, 149, 'South Bend'), (38070, 254, 149, 'South Sioux
City'), (38116, 254, 149, 'Spalding'), (38125, 254, 149, 'Sparks'), (38147,
254, 149, 'Spencer'), (38181, 254, 149, 'Sprague'), (38232, 254, 149,
'Springfield'), (9836, 254, 149, 'Springview'), (38268, 254, 149, 'St
Columbans'), (38286, 254, 149, 'Stamford'), (9838, 254, 149,
'Stanton'), (38325, 254, 149, 'Staplehurst'), (9839, 254, 149,
'Stapleton'), (38375, 254, 149, 'Steele City'), (38385, 254, 149,
'Steinauer'), (38388, 254, 149, 'Stella'), (38408, 254, 149,
'Sterling'), (9840, 254, 149, 'Stockville'), (38544, 254, 149,
'Strang'), (38569, 254, 149, 'Stratton'), (38583, 254, 149,
'Stromsburg'), (38598, 254, 149, 'Stuart'), (38700, 254, 149,
'Sumner'), (38743, 254, 149, 'Superior'), (38750, 254, 149,
'Surprise'), (38760, 254, 149, 'Sutherland'), (17414, 254, 149,
'Sutton'), (38784, 254, 149, 'Swanton'), (13602, 254, 149,
'Syracuse'), (38855, 254, 149, 'Table Rock'), (38896, 254, 149,
'Talmage'), (9841, 254, 149, 'Taylor'), (9842, 254, 149,
'Tecumseh'), (9843, 254, 149, 'Tekamah'), (9844, 254, 149,
'Thedford'), (39145, 254, 149, 'Thurston'), (39168, 254, 149,
'Tilden'), (39224, 254, 149, 'Tobias'), (9845, 254, 149,
'Trenton'), (39444, 254, 149, 'Trumbull'), (9846, 254, 149,
'Tryon'), (39588, 254, 149, 'Uehling'), (39601, 254, 149,
'Ulysses'), (39609, 254, 149, 'Unadilla'), (39626, 254, 149,
'Union'), (39688, 254, 149, 'Upland'), (39722, 254, 149, 'Utica'), (9847,
254, 149, 'Valentine'), (39758, 254, 149, 'Valley'), (39785, 254, 149,
'Valparaiso'), (39853, 254, 149, 'Venango'), (39875, 254, 149,
'Verdigre'), (39876, 254, 149, 'Verdon'), (40009, 254, 149,
'Virginia'), (40052, 254, 149, 'Waco'), (9848, 254, 149, 'Wahoo'), (40087,
254, 149, 'Wakefield'), (40149, 254, 149, 'Wallace'), (40199, 254, 149,
'Walthill'), (40202, 254, 149, 'Walton'), (40309, 254, 149,
'Washington'), (40342, 254, 149, 'Waterbury'), (40357, 254, 149,
'Waterloo'), (14994, 254, 149, 'Wauneta'), (40413, 254, 149,
'Wausa'), (40428, 254, 149, 'Waverly'), (9849, 254, 149, 'Wayne'), (40498,
254, 149, 'Weeping Water'), (40511, 254, 149, 'Weissert'), (40534, 254,
149, 'Wellfleet'), (9850, 254, 149, 'West Point'), (40788, 254, 149,
'Western'), (40793, 254, 149, 'Westerville'), (40828, 254, 149,
'Weston'), (40963, 254, 149, 'Whiteclay'), (41017, 254, 149,
'Whitman'), (41023, 254, 149, 'Whitney'), (41050, 254, 149,
'Wilber'), (41058, 254, 149, 'Wilcox'), (41147, 254, 149, 'Willow
Island'), (14493, 254, 149, 'Wilsonville'), (9851, 254, 149,
'Winnebago'), (41269, 254, 149, 'Winnetoon'), (41277, 254, 149,
'Winside'), (41281, 254, 149, 'Winslow'), (41322, 254, 149,
'Wisner'), (41341, 254, 149, 'Wolbach'), (41375, 254, 149, 'Wood
Lake'), (41378, 254, 149, 'Wood River'), (41520, 254, 149,
'Wymore'), (41527, 254, 149, 'Wynot'), (9852, 254, 149, 'York'), (41625,
254, 149, 'Yutan'), (19211, 254, 150, 'Alamo'), (19460, 254, 150, 'Amargosa
Valley'), (10053, 254, 150, 'Austin'), (20086, 254, 150, 'Baker'), (10054,
254, 150, 'Battle Mountain'), (20357, 254, 150, 'Beatty'), (20975, 254,
150, 'Blue Diamond'), (21147, 254, 150, 'Boulder City'), (21716, 254, 150,
'Bunkerville'), (21887, 254, 150, 'Cal Nev Ari'), (10055, 254, 150,
'Caliente'), (22149, 254, 150, 'Carlin'), (10056, 254, 150, 'Carson
City'), (23637, 254, 150, 'Crescent Valley'), (23740, 254, 150, 'Crystal
Bay'), (24031, 254, 150, 'Dayton'), (24133, 254, 150, 'Deeth'), (24200,
254, 150, 'Denio'), (24586, 254, 150, 'Duckwater'), (24711, 254, 150,
'Dyer'), (10057, 254, 150, 'Elko'), (10058, 254, 150, 'Ely'), (25372, 254,
150, 'Empire'), (10059, 254, 150, 'Eureka'), (10060, 254, 150,
'Fallon'), (10061, 254, 150, 'Fernley'), (26438, 254, 150,
'Gabbs'), (10062, 254, 150, 'Gardnerville'), (26638, 254, 150,
'Genoa'), (26669, 254, 150, 'Gerlach'), (26862, 254, 150,
'Glenbrook'), (26956, 254, 150, 'Golconda'), (26975, 254, 150,
'Goldfield'), (27567, 254, 150, 'Halleck'), (10063, 254, 150,
'Hawthorne'), (10064, 254, 150, 'Henderson'), (28228, 254, 150,
'Hiko'), (28817, 254, 150, 'Imlay'), (10065, 254, 150, 'Incline
Village'), (28849, 254, 150, 'Indian Springs'), (10066, 254, 150,
'Jackpot'), (29077, 254, 150, 'Jarbidge'), (29098, 254, 150,
'Jean'), (14665, 254, 150, 'Lake Tahoe'), (30005, 254, 150,
'Lamoille'), (10068, 254, 150, 'Las Vegas'), (10069, 254, 150,
'Laughlin'), (30686, 254, 150, 'Logandale'), (10070, 254, 150,
'Lovelock'), (30937, 254, 150, 'Lund'), (30940, 254, 150,
'Luning'), (31213, 254, 150, 'Manhattan'), (10071, 254, 150, 'Mc
Dermitt'), (31712, 254, 150, 'Mc Gill'), (10072, 254, 150,
'Mercury'), (10073, 254, 150, 'Mesquite'), (32287, 254, 150,
'Mina'), (32294, 254, 150, 'Minden'), (32383, 254, 150, 'Moapa'), (32496,
254, 150, 'Montello'), (32841, 254, 150, 'Mountain City'), (33093, 254,
150, 'Nellis AFB'), (33523, 254, 150, 'Nixon'), (10075, 254, 150, 'North
Las Vegas'), (10076, 254, 150, 'Orovada'), (14571, 254, 150,
'Overton'), (34343, 254, 150, 'Owyhee'), (13415, 254, 150,
'Pahrump'), (34468, 254, 150, 'Panaca'), (34506, 254, 150, 'Paradise
Valley'), (35039, 254, 150, 'Pioche'), (42323, 254, 150, 'Primm'), (10078,
254, 150, 'Reno'), (36557, 254, 150, 'Round Mountain'), (36620, 254, 150,
'Ruby Valley'), (36692, 254, 150, 'Ruth'), (37209, 254, 150,
'Schurz'), (37301, 254, 150, 'Searchlight'), (37696, 254, 150, 'Silver
City'), (16803, 254, 150, 'Silver Springs'), (37720, 254, 150,
'Silverpeak'), (37823, 254, 150, 'Smith'), (10079, 254, 150,
'Sparks'), (38194, 254, 150, 'Spring Creek'), (10080, 254, 150,
'Stateline'), (38712, 254, 150, 'Sun Valley'), (10082, 254, 150,
'Tonopah'), (39520, 254, 150, 'Tuscarora'), (39784, 254, 150,
'Valmy'), (39874, 254, 150, 'Verdi'), (10083, 254, 150, 'Virginia
City'), (40062, 254, 150, 'Wadsworth'), (40325, 254, 150, 'Washoe
Valley'), (40542, 254, 150, 'Wellington'), (40548, 254, 150,
'Wells'), (10084, 254, 150, 'West Wendover'), (10086, 254, 150,
'Winnemucca'), (10087, 254, 150, 'Yerington'), (41649, 254, 150, 'Zephyr
Cove'), (19093, 254, 151, 'Acworth'), (19394, 254, 151, 'Alstead'), (19418,
254, 151, 'Alton'), (19422, 254, 151, 'Alton Bay'), (19491, 254, 151,
'Amherst'), (19540, 254, 151, 'Andover'), (19604, 254, 151,
'Antrim'), (14370, 254, 151, 'Ashland'), (19832, 254, 151,
'Ashuelot'), (13595, 254, 151, 'Atkinson'), (19921, 254, 151,
'Auburn'), (20204, 254, 151, 'Barnstead'), (20211, 254, 151,
'Barrington'), (20227, 254, 151, 'Bartlett'), (20276, 254, 151,
'Bath'), (20399, 254, 151, 'Bedford'), (20516, 254, 151,
'Belmont'), (20575, 254, 151, 'Bennington'), (9853, 254, 151,
'Berlin'), (17312, 254, 151, 'Bethlehem'), (21162, 254, 151,
'Bow'), (21234, 254, 151, 'Bradford'), (21343, 254, 151, 'Bretton
Woods'), (21422, 254, 151, 'Bristol'), (21495, 254, 151,
'Brookline'), (22026, 254, 151, 'Campton'), (22032, 254, 151,
'Canaan'), (22045, 254, 151, 'Candia'), (22071, 254, 151,
'Canterbury'), (22412, 254, 151, 'Center Barnstead'), (16503, 254, 151,
'Center Conway'), (22415, 254, 151, 'Center Harbor'), (22421, 254, 151,
'Center Ossipee'), (22428, 254, 151, 'Center Sandwich'), (22429, 254, 151,
'Center Strafford'), (22430, 254, 151, 'Center Tuftonboro'), (22544, 254,
151, 'Charlestown'), (18740, 254, 151, 'Chester'), (22667, 254, 151,
'Chesterfield'), (22736, 254, 151, 'Chocorua'), (9854, 254, 151,
'Claremont'), (17442, 254, 151, 'Colebrook'), (9855, 254, 151,
'Concord'), (23338, 254, 151, 'Contoocook'), (15272, 254, 151,
'Conway'), (23442, 254, 151, 'Cornish'), (23444, 254, 151, 'Cornish
Flat'), (23921, 254, 151, 'Danbury'), (23950, 254, 151,
'Danville'), (24123, 254, 151, 'Deerfield'), (11807, 254, 151,
'Derry'), (9857, 254, 151, 'Dover'), (24529, 254, 151,
'Drewsville'), (24574, 254, 151, 'Dublin'), (24618, 254, 151,
'Dunbarton'), (24688, 254, 151, 'Durham'), (24770, 254, 151, 'East
Andover'), (24795, 254, 151, 'East Candia'), (24803, 254, 151, 'East
Derry'), (24826, 254, 151, 'East Hampstead'), (24833, 254, 151, 'East
Hebron'), (24841, 254, 151, 'East Kingston'), (24908, 254, 151, 'East
Wakefield'), (24955, 254, 151, 'Eaton Center'), (25061, 254, 151,
'Effingham'), (25192, 254, 151, 'Elkins'), (25388, 254, 151,
'Enfield'), (25389, 254, 151, 'Enfield Center'), (25425, 254, 151,
'Epping'), (25427, 254, 151, 'Epsom'), (25449, 254, 151, 'Errol'), (25505,
254, 151, 'Etna'), (15667, 254, 151, 'Exeter'), (25754, 254, 151,
'Farmington'), (25916, 254, 151, 'Fitzwilliam'), (26229, 254, 151,
'Francestown'), (26235, 254, 151, 'Franconia'), (26254, 254, 151,
'Franklin'), (26309, 254, 151, 'Freedom'), (26339, 254, 151,
'Fremont'), (26649, 254, 151, 'Georges Mills'), (26745, 254, 151,
'Gilford'), (15216, 254, 151, 'Gilmanton'), (26765, 254, 151, 'Gilmanton
Iron Works'), (26770, 254, 151, 'Gilsum'), (26817, 254, 151,
'Glen'), (26864, 254, 151, 'Glencliff'), (26955, 254, 151,
'Goffstown'), (27045, 254, 151, 'Gorham'), (27056, 254, 151,
'Goshen'), (27098, 254, 151, 'Grafton'), (27187, 254, 151,
'Grantham'), (27311, 254, 151, 'Greenfield'), (27321, 254, 151,
'Greenland'), (27346, 254, 151, 'Greenville'), (27439, 254, 151,
'Groveton'), (27457, 254, 151, 'Guild'), (17574, 254, 151,
'Hampstead'), (27648, 254, 151, 'Hampton'), (27653, 254, 151, 'Hampton
Falls'), (27664, 254, 151, 'Hancock'), (9859, 254, 151, 'Hanover'), (9860,
254, 151, 'Happy Corner'), (27818, 254, 151, 'Harrisville'), (27926, 254,
151, 'Haverhill'), (28007, 254, 151, 'Hebron'), (28080, 254, 151,
'Henniker'), (28236, 254, 151, 'Hill'), (28257, 254, 151,
'Hillsboro'), (28301, 254, 151, 'Hinsdale'), (28363, 254, 151,
'Holderness'), (28387, 254, 151, 'Hollis'), (28480, 254, 151,
'Hooksett'), (28638, 254, 151, 'Hudson'), (28896, 254, 151,
'Intervale'), (9861, 254, 151, 'Jackson'), (9862, 254, 151,
'Jaffrey'), (13251, 254, 151, 'Jefferson'), (29355, 254, 151,
'Kearsarge'), (9863, 254, 151, 'Keene'), (29609, 254, 151,
'Kingston'), (9864, 254, 151, 'Laconia'), (30024, 254, 151,
'Lancaster'), (9865, 254, 151, 'Lebanon'), (30296, 254, 151,
'Lempster'), (9866, 254, 151, 'Lincoln'), (30542, 254, 151,
'Lisbon'), (30557, 254, 151, 'Litchfield'), (9867, 254, 151,
'Littleton'), (30647, 254, 151, 'Lochmere'), (13703, 254, 151,
'Londonderry'), (30818, 254, 151, 'Loudon'), (30981, 254, 151,
'Lyme'), (30982, 254, 151, 'Lyme Center'), (30992, 254, 151,
'Lyndeborough'), (31090, 254, 151, 'Madison'), (9868, 254, 151,
'Manchester'), (31402, 254, 151, 'Marlborough'), (31405, 254, 151,
'Marlow'), (31813, 254, 151, 'Meadows'), (31907, 254, 151, 'Melvin
Village'), (13502, 254, 151, 'Meredith'), (31955, 254, 151,
'Meriden'), (14255, 254, 151, 'Merrimack'), (32132, 254, 151,
'Milan'), (12258, 254, 151, 'Milford'), (32272, 254, 151,
'Milton'), (32280, 254, 151, 'Milton Mills'), (32361, 254, 151, 'Mirror
Lake'), (32458, 254, 151, 'Monroe'), (32482, 254, 151, 'Mont
Vernon'), (32717, 254, 151, 'Moultonborough'), (32832, 254, 151, 'Mount
Washington'), (32924, 254, 151, 'Munsonville'), (9869, 254, 151,
'Nashua'), (33175, 254, 151, 'New Boston'), (33189, 254, 151, 'New
Castle'), (16680, 254, 151, 'New Durham'), (33223, 254, 151, 'New
Hampton'), (33250, 254, 151, 'New Ipswich'), (17880, 254, 151, 'New
London'), (33382, 254, 151, 'Newbury'), (33406, 254, 151,
'Newfields'), (33423, 254, 151, 'Newmarket'), (33427, 254, 151,
'Newport'), (33442, 254, 151, 'Newton'), (33452, 254, 151, 'Newton
Junction'), (15338, 254, 151, 'North Conway'), (33649, 254, 151, 'North
Hampton'), (33654, 254, 151, 'North Haverhill'), (33699, 254, 151, 'North
Salem'), (33702, 254, 151, 'North Sandwich'), (33713, 254, 151, 'North
Stratford'), (33715, 254, 151, 'North Sutton'), (33726, 254, 151, 'North
Walpole'), (33735, 254, 151, 'North Woodstock'), (33754, 254, 151,
'Northwood'), (11756, 254, 151, 'Nottingham'), (34193, 254, 151,
'Orford'), (34274, 254, 151, 'Ossipee'), (34700, 254, 151,
'Pelham'), (12243, 254, 151, 'Peterborough'), (34929, 254, 151,
'Piermont'), (34943, 254, 151, 'Pike'), (35066, 254, 151,
'Pittsburg'), (35069, 254, 151, 'Pittsfield'), (35092, 254, 151,
'Plainfield'), (35109, 254, 151, 'Plaistow'), (9870, 254, 151,
'Plymouth'), (9871, 254, 151, 'Portsmouth'), (35834, 254, 151,
'Raymond'), (36165, 254, 151, 'Rindge'), (9872, 254, 151,
'Rochester'), (36432, 254, 151, 'Rollinsford'), (36640, 254, 151,
'Rumney'), (36716, 254, 151, 'Rye'), (36718, 254, 151, 'Rye Beach'), (9873,
254, 151, 'Salem'), (36940, 254, 151, 'Salisbury'), (37018, 254, 151,
'Sanbornton'), (37019, 254, 151, 'Sanbornville'), (37040, 254, 151,
'Sandown'), (37284, 254, 151, 'Seabrook'), (37708, 254, 151, 'Silver
Lake'), (14842, 254, 151, 'Somersworth'), (37962, 254, 151, 'South
Acworth'), (38040, 254, 151, 'South Newbury'), (38074, 254, 151, 'South
Sutton'), (38075, 254, 151, 'South Tamworth'), (38174, 254, 151,
'Spofford'), (38233, 254, 151, 'Springfield'), (38456, 254, 151, 'Stinson
Lake'), (38489, 254, 151, 'Stoddard'), (16854, 254, 151,
'Strafford'), (38563, 254, 151, 'Stratham'), (38642, 254, 151,
'Sullivan'), (38713, 254, 151, 'Sunapee'), (13890, 254, 151,
'Suncook'), (38788, 254, 151, 'Swanzey'), (38910, 254, 151,
'Tamworth'), (38991, 254, 151, 'Temple'), (39179, 254, 151,
'Tilton'), (39427, 254, 151, 'Troy'), (39545, 254, 151, 'Twin
Mountain'), (39627, 254, 151, 'Union'), (40190, 254, 151,
'Walpole'), (40257, 254, 151, 'Warner'), (40268, 254, 151,
'Warren'), (40310, 254, 151, 'Washington'), (9875, 254, 151, 'Water
Village'), (40379, 254, 151, 'Waterville Valley'), (40465, 254, 151,
'Weare'), (40580, 254, 151, 'Wentworth'), (40621, 254, 151, 'West
Chesterfield'), (40681, 254, 151, 'West Lebanon'), (40712, 254, 151, 'West
Nottingham'), (40715, 254, 151, 'West Ossipee'), (40720, 254, 151, 'West
Peterborough'), (40749, 254, 151, 'West Stewartstown'), (40754, 254, 151,
'West Swanzey'), (40818, 254, 151, 'Westmoreland'), (18930, 254, 151,
'Whitefield'), (41167, 254, 151, 'Wilmot'), (41197, 254, 151,
'Wilton'), (41208, 254, 151, 'Winchester'), (13120, 254, 151,
'Windham'), (41271, 254, 151, 'Winnisquam'), (12791, 254, 151,
'Wolfeboro'), (41358, 254, 151, 'Wolfeboro Falls'), (41368, 254, 151,
'Wonalancet'), (41438, 254, 151, 'Woodstock'), (41443, 254, 151,
'Woodsville'), (14230, 254, 152, 'Absecon'), (19135, 254, 152,
'Adelphia'), (19305, 254, 152, 'Allamuchy'), (14915, 254, 152,
'Allendale'), (19324, 254, 152, 'Allenhurst'), (19332, 254, 152,
'Allentown'), (19334, 254, 152, 'Allenwood'), (19347, 254, 152,
'Alloway'), (19385, 254, 152, 'Alpine'), (16577, 254, 152,
'Andover'), (19574, 254, 152, 'Annandale'), (19790, 254, 152,
'Asbury'), (9876, 254, 152, 'Asbury Park'), (12715, 254, 152,
'Atco'), (9877, 254, 152, 'Atlantic City'), (19886, 254, 152, 'Atlantic
Highlands'), (19931, 254, 152, 'Audubon'), (19938, 254, 152,
'Augusta'), (9878, 254, 152, 'Avalon'), (16694, 254, 152,
'Avenel'), (20016, 254, 152, 'Avon by the Sea'), (20156, 254, 152,
'Baptistown'), (9879, 254, 152, 'Barnegat'), (20188, 254, 152, 'Barnegat
Light'), (9880, 254, 152, 'Barneget Lighthouse'), (20212, 254, 152,
'Barrington'), (15008, 254, 152, 'Basking Ridge'), (9881, 254, 152,
'Bayonne'), (20325, 254, 152, 'Bayville'), (9972, 254, 152, 'Beach
Haven'), (15502, 254, 152, 'Beachwood'), (20404, 254, 152,
'Bedminster'), (20448, 254, 152, 'Belford'), (11953, 254, 152, 'Belle
Mead'), (9882, 254, 152, 'Belleville'), (12973, 254, 152,
'Bellmawr'), (9883, 254, 152, 'Belmar'), (20537, 254, 152,
'Belvidere'), (9884, 254, 152, 'Bergenfield'), (20619, 254, 152, 'Berkeley
Heights'), (20628, 254, 152, 'Berlin'), (20639, 254, 152,
'Bernardsville'), (17431, 254, 152, 'Beverly'), (20814, 254, 152,
'Birmingham'), (17092, 254, 152, 'Blackwood'), (20886, 254, 152,
'Blairstown'), (20912, 254, 152, 'Blawenburg'), (9885, 254, 152,
'Bloomfield'), (16804, 254, 152, 'Bloomingdale'), (20959, 254, 152,
'Bloomsbury'), (21041, 254, 152, 'Bogota'), (12990, 254, 152,
'Boonton'), (12957, 254, 152, 'Bordentown'), (14150, 254, 152, 'Bound
Brook'), (21252, 254, 152, 'Bradley Beach'), (42332, 254, 152, 'Branchburg
Park '), (18302, 254, 152, 'Branchville'), (12611, 254, 152,
'Brick'), (21361, 254, 152, 'Bridgeport'), (9887, 254, 152,
'Bridgeton'), (12905, 254, 152, 'Bridgewater'), (21385, 254, 152,
'Brielle'), (21389, 254, 152, 'Brigantine'), (21446, 254, 152,
'Broadway'), (21514, 254, 152, 'Brookside'), (15233, 254, 152, 'Browns
Mills'), (15943, 254, 152, 'Budd Lake'), (21666, 254, 152,
'Buena'), (13319, 254, 152, 'Burlington'), (12311, 254, 152,
'Butler'), (21830, 254, 152, 'Buttzville'), (9888, 254, 152,
'Caldwell'), (13683, 254, 152, 'Califon'), (9889, 254, 152,
'Camden'), (9890, 254, 152, 'Cape May'), (22102, 254, 152, 'Cape May Court
House'), (22103, 254, 152, 'Cape May Point'), (22162, 254, 152,
'Carlstadt'), (22214, 254, 152, 'Carteret'), (22362, 254, 152, 'Cedar
Brook'), (22371, 254, 152, 'Cedar Grove'), (22378, 254, 152, 'Cedar
Knolls'), (22397, 254, 152, 'Cedarville'), (22518, 254, 152,
'Changewater'), (22580, 254, 152, 'Chatham'), (22585, 254, 152,
'Chatsworth'), (9891, 254, 152, 'Cherry Hill'), (13359, 254, 152,
'Chester'), (12585, 254, 152, 'Clark'), (22853, 254, 152,
'Clarksboro'), (22857, 254, 152, 'Clarksburg'), (16445, 254, 152,
'Clayton'), (17737, 254, 152, 'Clementon'), (9892, 254, 152, 'Cliffside
Park'), (22972, 254, 152, 'Cliffwood'), (9893, 254, 152,
'Clifton'), (14411, 254, 152, 'Clinton'), (23022, 254, 152,
'Closter'), (23171, 254, 152, 'Collingswood'), (23194, 254, 152,
'Cologne'), (23199, 254, 152, 'Colonia'), (23214, 254, 152, 'Colts
Neck'), (23218, 254, 152, 'Columbia'), (23234, 254, 152,
'Columbus'), (23360, 254, 152, 'Cookstown'), (15409, 254, 152,
'Cranbury'), (9894, 254, 152, 'Cranford'), (23614, 254, 152, 'Cream
Ridge'), (23640, 254, 152, 'Cresskill'), (23707, 254, 152,
'Crosswicks'), (13406, 254, 152, 'Dayton'), (24068, 254, 152,
'Deal'), (24101, 254, 152, 'Deepwater'), (24126, 254, 152, 'Deerfield
Street'), (24152, 254, 152, 'Delaware'), (24177, 254, 152,
'Delmont'), (24194, 254, 152, 'Demarest'), (24217, 254, 152,
'Dennisville'), (16356, 254, 152, 'Denville'), (24356, 254, 152, 'Dividing
Creek'), (24429, 254, 152, 'Dorchester'), (24435, 254, 152,
'Dorothy'), (13786, 254, 152, 'Dover'), (13280, 254, 152,
'Dumont'), (24639, 254, 152, 'Dunellen'), (24790, 254, 152, 'East
Brunswick'), (9895, 254, 152, 'East Brunswick Towns'), (24829, 254, 152,
'East Hanover'), (9896, 254, 152, 'East Orange'), (24888, 254, 152, 'East
Rutherford'), (15019, 254, 152, 'Eatontown'), (15051, 254, 152,
'Edgewater'), (12077, 254, 152, 'Edison'), (12344, 254, 152, 'Egg Harbor
City'), (25069, 254, 152, 'Egg Harbor Township'), (9899, 254, 152,
'Elizabeth'), (15743, 254, 152, 'Elmer'), (12140, 254, 152, 'Elmwood
Park'), (25325, 254, 152, 'Elwood'), (25345, 254, 152, 'Emerson'), (9900,
254, 152, 'Englewood'), (25395, 254, 152, 'Englewood Cliffs'), (13193, 254,
152, 'Englishtown'), (25476, 254, 152, 'Essex Fells'), (25482, 254, 152,
'Estell Manor'), (25573, 254, 152, 'Ewan'), (25604, 254, 152, 'Fair
Haven'), (9902, 254, 152, 'Fair Lawn'), (9903, 254, 152,
'Fairfield'), (9904, 254, 152, 'Fairton'), (25672, 254, 152,
'Fairview'), (25725, 254, 152, 'Fanwood'), (25726, 254, 152, 'Far
Hills'), (25746, 254, 152, 'Farmingdale'), (25922, 254, 152,
'Flagtown'), (12213, 254, 152, 'Flanders'), (12606, 254, 152,
'Flemington'), (25979, 254, 152, 'Florence'), (25983, 254, 152, 'Florham
Park'), (15915, 254, 152, 'Fords'), (13177, 254, 152, 'Forked
River'), (9906, 254, 152, 'Fort Lee'), (26137, 254, 152, 'Fort
Monmouth'), (26168, 254, 152, 'Fortescue'), (9907, 254, 152,
'Franklin'), (26259, 254, 152, 'Franklin Lakes'), (26260, 254, 152,
'Franklin Park'), (26267, 254, 152, 'Franklinville'), (9908, 254, 152,
'Freehold'), (13200, 254, 152, 'Frenchtown'), (9909, 254, 152,
'Garfield'), (26574, 254, 152, 'Garwood'), (26701, 254, 152,
'Gibbsboro'), (17882, 254, 152, 'Gibbstown'), (26752, 254, 152,
'Gillette'), (26796, 254, 152, 'Gladstone'), (9910, 254, 152,
'Glassboro'), (26810, 254, 152, 'Glasser'), (26837, 254, 152, 'Glen
Gardner'), (13860, 254, 152, 'Glen Ridge'), (26850, 254, 152, 'Glen
Rock'), (26882, 254, 152, 'Glendora'), (26920, 254, 152,
'Glenwood'), (26934, 254, 152, 'Gloucester City'), (27057, 254, 152,
'Goshen'), (14501, 254, 152, 'Great Meadows'), (27274, 254, 152, 'Green
Creek'), (27291, 254, 152, 'Green Village'), (27306, 254, 152,
'Greendell'), (27359, 254, 152, 'Greenwich'), (27381, 254, 152,
'Grenloch'), (9911, 254, 152, 'Hackensack'), (17192, 254, 152,
'Hackettstown'), (27518, 254, 152, 'Haddon Heights'), (27519, 254, 152,
'Haddonfield'), (27545, 254, 152, 'Hainesport'), (27553, 254, 152,
'Haledon'), (18092, 254, 152, 'Hamburg'), (41963, 254, 152,
'Hamilton'), (42891, 254, 152, 'Hamilton Square'), (9912, 254, 152,
'Hammonton'), (27649, 254, 152, 'Hampton'), (27667, 254, 152, 'Hancocks
Bridge'), (27789, 254, 152, 'Harrington Park'), (27806, 254, 152,
'Harrison'), (27813, 254, 152, 'Harrisonville'), (13829, 254, 152,
'Hasbrouck Heights'), (27882, 254, 152, 'Haskell'), (27945, 254, 152,
'Haworth'), (12687, 254, 152, 'Hawthorne'), (9913, 254, 152,
'Hazlet'), (28025, 254, 152, 'Heislerville'), (28043, 254, 152,
'Helmetta'), (28154, 254, 152, 'Hewitt'), (28165, 254, 152,
'Hibernia'), (28194, 254, 152, 'High Bridge'), (15453, 254, 152, 'Highland
Lakes'), (12913, 254, 152, 'Highland Park'), (28218, 254, 152,
'Highlands'), (28224, 254, 152, 'Hightstown'), (14307, 254, 152,
'Hillsborough'), (28263, 254, 152, 'Hillsdale'), (9915, 254, 152,
'Hillside'), (28318, 254, 152, 'Ho Ho Kus'), (9916, 254, 152,
'Hoboken'), (12890, 254, 152, 'Holmdel'), (9917, 254, 152,
'Hopatcong'), (28507, 254, 152, 'Hope'), (17030, 254, 152,
'Hopewell'), (13996, 254, 152, 'Howell'), (28819, 254, 152,
'Imlaystown'), (28937, 254, 152, 'Ironia'), (9918, 254, 152,
'Irvington'), (15893, 254, 152, 'Iselin'), (28965, 254, 152, 'Island
Heights'), (9919, 254, 152, 'Jackson'), (9920, 254, 152, 'Jersey
City'), (29182, 254, 152, 'Jobstown'), (29198, 254, 152,
'Johnsonburg'), (29264, 254, 152, 'Juliustown'), (15304, 254, 152,
'Keansburg'), (29353, 254, 152, 'Kearny'), (29356, 254, 152,
'Keasbey'), (15433, 254, 152, 'Kendall Park'), (29430, 254, 152,
'Kenilworth'), (29475, 254, 152, 'Kenvil'), (14047, 254, 152,
'Keyport'), (29610, 254, 152, 'Kingston'), (16697, 254, 152,
'Kingwood'), (13040, 254, 152, 'Lafayette'), (29916, 254, 152, 'Lake
Hiawatha'), (29918, 254, 152, 'Lake Hopatcong'), (9922, 254, 152,
'Lakehurst'), (9923, 254, 152, 'Lakewood'), (30001, 254, 152,
'Lambertville'), (30031, 254, 152, 'Landing'), (30035, 254, 152,
'Landisville'), (13263, 254, 152, 'Lanoka Harbor'), (12349, 254, 152,
'Lavallette'), (30156, 254, 152, 'Lawnside'), (41978, 254, 152,
'Lawrenceville'), (30174, 254, 152, 'Layton'), (30204, 254, 152,
'Lebanon'), (30225, 254, 152, 'Ledgewood'), (30243, 254, 152, 'Leeds
Point'), (30248, 254, 152, 'Leesburg'), (30333, 254, 152,
'Leonardo'), (30336, 254, 152, 'Leonia'), (12672, 254, 152, 'Liberty
Corner'), (13704, 254, 152, 'Lincoln Park'), (16566, 254, 152,
'Lincroft'), (9924, 254, 152, 'Linden'), (16024, 254, 152,
'Linwood'), (30572, 254, 152, 'Little Falls'), (30574, 254, 152, 'Little
Ferry'), (30592, 254, 152, 'Little Silver'), (30599, 254, 152, 'Little
York'), (9925, 254, 152, 'Livingston'), (9926, 254, 152, 'Lodi'), (9927,
254, 152, 'Long Branch'), (30741, 254, 152, 'Long Valley'), (17319, 254,
152, 'Longport'), (30932, 254, 152, 'Lumberton'), (14385, 254, 152,
'Lyndhurst'), (31024, 254, 152, 'Lyons'), (11765, 254, 152,
'Madison'), (31118, 254, 152, 'Magnolia'), (9928, 254, 152,
'Mahwah'), (31142, 254, 152, 'Malaga'), (9929, 254, 152,
'Manahawkin'), (13118, 254, 152, 'Manasquan'), (13596, 254, 152,
'Manchester Township'), (31266, 254, 152, 'Mantoloking'), (31268, 254, 152,
'Mantua'), (11757, 254, 152, 'Manville'), (13552, 254, 152, 'Maple
Shade'), (9930, 254, 152, 'Maplewood'), (31345, 254, 152, 'Margate
City'), (12134, 254, 152, 'Marlboro'), (12644, 254, 152,
'Marlton'), (31409, 254, 152, 'Marmora'), (16962, 254, 152,
'Martinsville'), (14342, 254, 152, 'Matawan'), (31569, 254, 152,
'Mauricetown'), (9931, 254, 152, 'Mays Landing'), (31635, 254, 152,
'Maywood'), (31642, 254, 152, 'Mc Afee'), (9932, 254, 152,
'Medford'), (31917, 254, 152, 'Mendham'), (42892, 254, 152,
'Mercerville'), (31946, 254, 152, 'Merchantville'), (12896, 254, 152,
'Metuchen'), (32043, 254, 152, 'Mickleton'), (32075, 254, 152,
'Middlesex'), (13897, 254, 152, 'Middletown'), (9933, 254, 152, 'Middletown
Township'), (32088, 254, 152, 'Middleville'), (18958, 254, 152, 'Midland
Park'), (9934, 254, 152, 'Milford'), (32181, 254, 152, 'Millburn'), (17172,
254, 152, 'Millington'), (32238, 254, 152, 'Milltown'), (9935, 254, 152,
'Millville'), (32252, 254, 152, 'Milmay'), (32300, 254, 152, 'Mine
Hill'), (32347, 254, 152, 'Minotola'), (32382, 254, 152, 'Mizpah'), (32444,
254, 152, 'Monmouth Beach'), (32445, 254, 152, 'Monmouth
Junction'), (32469, 254, 152, 'Monroe Township'), (32472, 254, 152,
'Monroeville'), (32486, 254, 152, 'Montague'), (9936, 254, 152,
'Montclair'), (9937, 254, 152, 'Montvale'), (16828, 254, 152,
'Montville'), (32573, 254, 152, 'Moonachie'), (15538, 254, 152,
'Moorestown'), (18794, 254, 152, 'Morganville'), (9938, 254, 152, 'Morris
Plains'), (9939, 254, 152, 'Morristown'), (9940, 254, 152, 'Mount
Arlington'), (32754, 254, 152, 'Mount Ephraim'), (32756, 254, 152, 'Mount
Freedom'), (17417, 254, 152, 'Mount Holly'), (16808, 254, 152, 'Mount
Laurel'), (32806, 254, 152, 'Mount Royal'), (32818, 254, 152, 'Mount
Tabor'), (32851, 254, 152, 'Mountain Lakes'), (32865, 254, 152,
'Mountainside'), (16816, 254, 152, 'Mullica Hill'), (42272, 254, 152,
'Murray Hill'), (33032, 254, 152, 'National Park'), (33053, 254, 152,
'Navesink'), (17061, 254, 152, 'Neptune'), (33129, 254, 152, 'Neshanic
Station'), (33137, 254, 152, 'Netcong'), (9942, 254, 152, 'New
Brunswick'), (33203, 254, 152, 'New Egypt'), (33220, 254, 152, 'New
Gretna'), (33265, 254, 152, 'New Lisbon'), (33289, 254, 152, 'New
Milford'), (15065, 254, 152, 'New Providence'), (33347, 254, 152, 'New
Vernon'), (1288, 254, 152, 'Newark'), (33404, 254, 152,
'Newfield'), (33408, 254, 152, 'Newfoundland'), (33428, 254, 152,
'Newport'), (9943, 254, 152, 'Newton'), (33458, 254, 152,
'Newtonville'), (33565, 254, 152, 'Norma'), (33574, 254, 152, 'Normandy
Beach'), (18416, 254, 152, 'North Arlington'), (9944, 254, 152, 'North
Bergen'), (33614, 254, 152, 'North Brunswick'), (33744, 254, 152,
'Northfield'), (15530, 254, 152, 'Northvale'), (33777, 254, 152,
'Norwood'), (9945, 254, 152, 'Nutley'), (12321, 254, 152, 'Oak
Ridge'), (33870, 254, 152, 'Oakhurst'), (18003, 254, 152,
'Oakland'), (33891, 254, 152, 'Oaklyn'), (9946, 254, 152, 'Ocean
City'), (33926, 254, 152, 'Ocean Gate'), (14726, 254, 152, 'Ocean
Grove'), (33932, 254, 152, 'Ocean View'), (33935, 254, 152,
'Oceanport'), (33937, 254, 152, 'Oceanville'), (33978, 254, 152,
'Ogdensburg'), (9947, 254, 152, 'Old Bridge'), (9948, 254, 152, 'Old Bridge
Township'), (34061, 254, 152, 'Oldwick'), (14104, 254, 152,
'Oradell'), (9949, 254, 152, 'Orange'), (34359, 254, 152,
'Oxford'), (34425, 254, 152, 'Palisades Park'), (34449, 254, 152,
'Palmyra'), (9950, 254, 152, 'Paramus'), (9951, 254, 152, 'Park
Ridge'), (15895, 254, 152, 'Parlin'), (9952, 254, 152,
'Parsippany'), (9953, 254, 152, 'Passaic'), (9954, 254, 152,
'Paterson'), (9955, 254, 152, 'Paulsboro'), (34666, 254, 152,
'Peapack'), (34685, 254, 152, 'Pedricktown'), (34713, 254, 152,
'Pemberton'), (34749, 254, 152, 'Pennington'), (9956, 254, 152, 'Penns
Grove'), (34754, 254, 152, 'Pennsauken'), (13195, 254, 152,
'Pennsville'), (34777, 254, 152, 'Pequannock'), (34798, 254, 152,
'Perrineville'), (9957, 254, 152, 'Perth Amboy'), (9958, 254, 152,
'Phillipsburg'), (34898, 254, 152, 'Picatinny Arsenal'), (34972, 254, 152,
'Pine Beach'), (34973, 254, 152, 'Pine Brook'), (18333, 254, 152, 'Pine
Hill'), (9959, 254, 152, 'Piscataway'), (14008, 254, 152,
'Pitman'), (14989, 254, 152, 'Pittstown'), (9960, 254, 152,
'Plainfield'), (18594, 254, 152, 'Plainsboro'), (18999, 254, 152,
'Pleasantville'), (35173, 254, 152, 'Pluckemin'), (9961, 254, 152, 'Point
Pleasant Beach'), (35263, 254, 152, 'Pomona'), (12334, 254, 152, 'Pompton
Lakes'), (35268, 254, 152, 'Pompton Plains'), (35310, 254, 152, 'Port
Elizabeth'), (35326, 254, 152, 'Port Monmouth'), (35327, 254, 152, 'Port
Murray'), (35328, 254, 152, 'Port Norris'), (35332, 254, 152, 'Port
Reading'), (35334, 254, 152, 'Port Republic'), (35406, 254, 152,
'Pottersville'), (9962, 254, 152, 'Princeton'), (35530, 254, 152,
'Princeton Junction'), (35633, 254, 152, 'Quakertown'), (35670, 254, 152,
'Quinton'), (9963, 254, 152, 'Rahway'), (13962, 254, 152,
'Ramsey'), (35745, 254, 152, 'Rancocas'), (35761, 254, 152,
'Randolph'), (35795, 254, 152, 'Raritan'), (35854, 254, 152,
'Readington'), (12727, 254, 152, 'Red Bank'), (36082, 254, 152,
'Richland'), (36110, 254, 152, 'Richwood'), (18131, 254, 152,
'Ridgefield'), (36126, 254, 152, 'Ridgefield Park'), (9964, 254, 152,
'Ridgewood'), (16266, 254, 152, 'Ringoes'), (17984, 254, 152,
'Ringwood'), (36185, 254, 152, 'Rio Grande'), (36216, 254, 152, 'River
Edge'), (36230, 254, 152, 'Riverdale'), (18733, 254, 152,
'Riverside'), (36247, 254, 152, 'Riverton'), (15659, 254, 152, 'Rochelle
Park'), (9965, 254, 152, 'Rockaway'), (42333, 254, 152,
'Rockleigh'), (36388, 254, 152, 'Rocky Hill'), (36402, 254, 152,
'Roebling'), (36454, 254, 152, 'Roosevelt'), (36504, 254, 152,
'Roseland'), (9966, 254, 152, 'Roselle'), (15708, 254, 152, 'Roselle
Park'), (36508, 254, 152, 'Rosemont'), (36514, 254, 152,
'Rosenhayn'), (17618, 254, 152, 'Rumson'), (18633, 254, 152,
'Runnemede'), (17316, 254, 152, 'Rutherford'), (36741, 254, 152, 'Saddle
Brook'), (36742, 254, 152, 'Saddle River'), (12069, 254, 152,
'Salem'), (9967, 254, 152, 'Sayreville'), (37203, 254, 152, 'Schooleys
Mountain'), (9968, 254, 152, 'Scotch Plains'), (16904, 254, 152, 'Sea
Girt'), (37281, 254, 152, 'Sea Isle City'), (9970, 254, 152, 'Seaside
Heights'), (37307, 254, 152, 'Seaside Park'), (9971, 254, 152,
'Secaucus'), (37395, 254, 152, 'Sergeantsville'), (37414, 254, 152,
'Sewaren'), (14405, 254, 152, 'Sewell'), (37596, 254, 152,
'Shiloh'), (14114, 254, 152, 'Short Hills'), (12879, 254, 152,
'Shrewsbury'), (37655, 254, 152, 'Sicklerville'), (37770, 254, 152,
'Skillman'), (17883, 254, 152, 'Somerdale'), (37926, 254, 152, 'Somers
Point'), (9973, 254, 152, 'Somerset'), (9974, 254, 152,
'Somerville'), (37964, 254, 152, 'South Amboy'), (37976, 254, 152, 'South
Bound Brook'), (37995, 254, 152, 'South Dennis'), (38011, 254, 152, 'South
Hackensack'), (38042, 254, 152, 'South Orange'), (9975, 254, 152, 'South
Plainfield'), (38059, 254, 152, 'South River'), (38068, 254, 152, 'South
Seaville'), (9976, 254, 152, 'Sparta'), (17256, 254, 152,
'Spotswood'), (9977, 254, 152, 'Spring Lake'), (12196, 254, 152,
'Springfield'), (38305, 254, 152, 'Stanhope'), (38318, 254, 152,
'Stanton'), (38439, 254, 152, 'Stewartsville'), (38448, 254, 152,
'Stillwater'), (38457, 254, 152, 'Stirling'), (38472, 254, 152,
'Stockholm'), (38484, 254, 152, 'Stockton'), (38496, 254, 152, 'Stone
Harbor'), (38556, 254, 152, 'Stratford'), (38565, 254, 152,
'Strathmere'), (15674, 254, 152, 'Succasunna'), (9978, 254, 152,
'Summit'), (9979, 254, 152, 'Sussex'), (38790, 254, 152,
'Swartswood'), (38797, 254, 152, 'Swedesboro'), (9980, 254, 152,
'Teaneck'), (16704, 254, 152, 'Tenafly'), (39009, 254, 152,
'Tennent'), (9981, 254, 152, 'Teterboro'), (39124, 254, 152,
'Thorofare'), (39133, 254, 152, 'Three Bridges'), (39218, 254, 152,
'Titusville'), (9982, 254, 152, 'Toms River'), (15129, 254, 152,
'Totowa'), (39302, 254, 152, 'Towaco'), (39318, 254, 152, 'Township of
Washington'), (39340, 254, 152, 'Tranquility'), (9901, 254, 152,
'Trenton'), (39453, 254, 152, 'Tuckahoe'), (9941, 254, 152,
'Tuckerton'), (11829, 254, 152, 'Union'), (9984, 254, 152, 'Union
City'), (39847, 254, 152, 'Vauxhall'), (39862, 254, 152, 'Ventnor
City'), (9986, 254, 152, 'Vernon'), (39909, 254, 152, 'Verona'), (39950,
254, 152, 'Vienna'), (39971, 254, 152, 'Villas'), (18755, 254, 152,
'Vincentown'), (9988, 254, 152, 'Vineland'), (12716, 254, 152,
'Voorhees'), (12931, 254, 152, 'Waldwick'), (40164, 254, 152,
'Wallington'), (40171, 254, 152, 'Wallpack Center'), (40214, 254, 152,
'Wanaque'), (40247, 254, 152, 'Waretown'), (40269, 254, 152,
'Warren'), (9989, 254, 152, 'Washington'), (16969, 254, 152,
'Watchung'), (40354, 254, 152, 'Waterford Works'), (14040, 254, 152,
'Wayne'), (40577, 254, 152, 'Wenonah'), (40602, 254, 152, 'West
Berlin'), (15308, 254, 152, 'West Creek'), (13180, 254, 152, 'West Long
Branch'), (9991, 254, 152, 'West Milford'), (9992, 254, 152, 'West New
York'), (9993, 254, 152, 'West Orange'), (9994, 254, 152,
'Westfield'), (16355, 254, 152, 'Westville'), (14377, 254, 152,
'Westwood'), (40876, 254, 152, 'Wharton'), (9995, 254, 152,
'Whippany'), (40971, 254, 152, 'Whitehouse'), (40974, 254, 152, 'Whitehouse
Station'), (40982, 254, 152, 'Whitesboro'), (41035, 254, 152,
'Wickatunk'), (9996, 254, 152, 'Wildwood'), (12085, 254, 152,
'Williamstown'), (9997, 254, 152, 'Willingboro'), (18350, 254, 152,
'Windsor'), (41282, 254, 152, 'Winslow'), (41376, 254, 152, 'Wood
Ridge'), (41385, 254, 152, 'Woodbine'), (9998, 254, 152,
'Woodbridge'), (9999, 254, 152, 'Woodbury'), (41397, 254, 152, 'Woodbury
Heights'), (41398, 254, 152, 'Woodcliff Lake'), (41442, 254, 152,
'Woodstown'), (10000, 254, 152, 'Wrightstown'), (15725, 254, 152,
'Wyckoff'), (41637, 254, 152, 'Zarephath'), (19067, 254, 153,
'Abiquiu'), (10001, 254, 153, 'Alamogordo'), (10002, 254, 153,
'Albuquerque'), (19249, 254, 153, 'Alcalde'), (19295, 254, 153,
'Algodones'), (19413, 254, 153, 'Alto'), (19456, 254, 153,
'Amalia'), (19499, 254, 153, 'Amistad'), (10004, 254, 153, 'Angel
Fire'), (19563, 254, 153, 'Animas'), (19595, 254, 153, 'Anthony'), (19602,
254, 153, 'Anton Chico'), (19631, 254, 153, 'Aragon'), (19679, 254, 153,
'Arenas Valley'), (19762, 254, 153, 'Arrey'), (19768, 254, 153, 'Arroyo
Hondo'), (19769, 254, 153, 'Arroyo Seco'), (10005, 254, 153,
'Artesia'), (17283, 254, 153, 'Aztec'), (20166, 254, 153, 'Bard'), (20312,
254, 153, 'Bayard'), (10006, 254, 153, 'Belen'), (20464, 254, 153, 'Bell
Ranch'), (20585, 254, 153, 'Bent'), (20617, 254, 153, 'Berino'), (10007,
254, 153, 'Bernalillo'), (20901, 254, 153, 'Blanco'), (20937, 254, 153,
'Bloomfield'), (21005, 254, 153, 'Bluewater'), (21125, 254, 153,
'Bosque'), (21126, 254, 153, 'Bosque Farms'), (21406, 254, 153,
'Brimhall'), (21442, 254, 153, 'Broadview'), (21641, 254, 153,
'Buckhorn'), (21668, 254, 153, 'Buena Vista'), (21856, 254, 153,
'Caballo'), (22055, 254, 153, 'Canjilon'), (22061, 254, 153, 'Cannon
AFB'), (22067, 254, 153, 'Canones'), (22109, 254, 153, 'Capitan'), (22115,
254, 153, 'Caprock'), (22120, 254, 153, 'Capulin'), (10008, 254, 153,
'Carlsbad'), (10003, 254, 153, 'Carrizozo'), (22204, 254, 153,
'Carson'), (22234, 254, 153, 'Casa Blanca'), (22329, 254, 153,
'Causey'), (22346, 254, 153, 'Cebolla'), (22366, 254, 153, 'Cedar
Crest'), (10010, 254, 153, 'Cedarvale'), (22476, 254, 153,
'Cerrillos'), (22477, 254, 153, 'Cerro'), (22482, 254, 153,
'Chacon'), (10011, 254, 153, 'Chama'), (22498, 254, 153,
'Chamberino'), (22504, 254, 153, 'Chamisal'), (22712, 254, 153,
'Chimayo'), (22767, 254, 153, 'Church Rock'), (22782, 254, 153,
'Cimarron'), (22880, 254, 153, 'Claunch'), (10012, 254, 153,
'Clayton'), (22954, 254, 153, 'Cleveland'), (22964, 254, 153,
'Cliff'), (22994, 254, 153, 'Clines Corners'), (10013, 254, 153,
'Cloudcroft'), (10014, 254, 153, 'Clovis'), (23087, 254, 153, 'Cochiti
Lake'), (23088, 254, 153, 'Cochiti Pueblo'), (23235, 254, 153,
'Columbus'), (23282, 254, 153, 'Conchas Dam'), (23337, 254, 153,
'Continental Divide'), (23420, 254, 153, 'Cordova'), (23453, 254, 153,
'Corona'), (23457, 254, 153, 'Corrales'), (23483, 254, 153,
'Costilla'), (23515, 254, 153, 'Counselor'), (23559, 254, 153,
'Coyote'), (23704, 254, 153, 'Crossroads'), (10015, 254, 153,
'Crownpoint'), (23750, 254, 153, 'Cuba'), (23754, 254, 153,
'Cubero'), (23759, 254, 153, 'Cuervo'), (23972, 254, 153, 'Datil'); INSERT
INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`)
VALUES (10016, 254, 153, 'Deming'), (24250, 254, 153, 'Derry'), (24255,
254, 153, 'Des Moines'), (24293, 254, 153, 'Dexter'), (24368, 254, 153,
'Dixon'), (10017, 254, 153, 'Dona Ana'), (24425, 254, 153, 'Dora'), (24605,
254, 153, 'Dulce'), (24736, 254, 153, 'Eagle Nest'), (14972, 254, 153,
'Edgewood'), (25096, 254, 153, 'El Prado'), (17365, 254, 153, 'El
Rito'), (25136, 254, 153, 'Elephant Butte'), (25152, 254, 153,
'Elida'), (25333, 254, 153, 'Embudo'), (25376, 254, 153, 'Encino'), (10019,
254, 153, 'Escabosa'), (13373, 254, 153, 'Espanola'), (25480, 254, 153,
'Estancia'), (25526, 254, 153, 'Eunice'), (25609, 254, 153,
'Fairacres'), (10020, 254, 153, 'Farmington'), (25795, 254, 153,
'Faywood'), (25816, 254, 153, 'Fence Lake'), (25969, 254, 153, 'Flora
Vista'), (25993, 254, 153, 'Floyd'), (26007, 254, 153, 'Folsom'), (26087,
254, 153, 'Fort Bayard'), (26156, 254, 153, 'Fort Stanton'), (10021, 254,
153, 'Fort Sumner'), (26167, 254, 153, 'Fort Wingate'), (26398, 254, 153,
'Fruitland'), (26472, 254, 153, 'Gallina'), (10022, 254, 153,
'Gallup'), (26493, 254, 153, 'Gamerco'), (26537, 254, 153,
'Garfield'), (26540, 254, 153, 'Garita'), (26720, 254, 153,
'Gila'), (26797, 254, 153, 'Gladstone'), (26870, 254, 153,
'Glencoe'), (26921, 254, 153, 'Glenwood'), (26930, 254, 153,
'Glorieta'), (27089, 254, 153, 'Grady'), (10023, 254, 153,
'Grants'), (10024, 254, 153, 'Grenville'), (27449, 254, 153,
'Guadalupita'), (27506, 254, 153, 'Hachita'), (18157, 254, 153,
'Hagerman'), (27693, 254, 153, 'Hanover'), (27898, 254, 153,
'Hatch'), (28125, 254, 153, 'Hernandez'), (28200, 254, 153, 'High Rolls
Mountain Park'), (28258, 254, 153, 'Hillsboro'), (10025, 254, 153,
'Hobbs'), (28394, 254, 153, 'Holloman Air Force Base'), (28411, 254, 153,
'Holman'), (28458, 254, 153, 'Hondo'), (28508, 254, 153, 'Hope'), (28576,
254, 153, 'House'), (28732, 254, 153, 'Hurley'), (28809, 254, 153,
'Ilfeld'), (28979, 254, 153, 'Isleta'), (29046, 254, 153, 'Jal'), (29061,
254, 153, 'Jamestown'), (29076, 254, 153, 'Jarales'), (29124, 254, 153,
'Jemez Pueblo'), (15156, 254, 153, 'Jemez Springs'), (29434, 254, 153,
'Kenna'), (29658, 254, 153, 'Kirtland'), (29787, 254, 153, 'La
Jara'), (29789, 254, 153, 'La Joya'), (29791, 254, 153, 'La Loma'), (29792,
254, 153, 'La Luz'), (29793, 254, 153, 'La Madera'), (29795, 254, 153, 'La
Mesa'), (29801, 254, 153, 'La Plata'), (29867, 254, 153, 'Laguna'), (29882,
254, 153, 'Lake Arthur'), (29986, 254, 153, 'Lakewood'), (30015, 254, 153,
'Lamy'), (10026, 254, 153, 'Las Cruces'), (10027, 254, 153, 'Las
Vegas'), (30288, 254, 153, 'Lemitar'), (30475, 254, 153,
'Lincoln'), (30502, 254, 153, 'Lindrith'), (30519, 254, 153,
'Lingo'), (30635, 254, 153, 'Llano'), (30663, 254, 153, 'Loco
Hills'), (30685, 254, 153, 'Logan'), (10028, 254, 153,
'Lordsburg'), (10029, 254, 153, 'Los Alamos'), (10030, 254, 153, 'Los
Lunas'), (30801, 254, 153, 'Los Ojos'), (14148, 254, 153,
'Loving'), (18598, 254, 153, 'Lovington'), (10031, 254, 153,
'Luna'), (18905, 254, 153, 'Magdalena'), (31143, 254, 153,
'Malaga'), (31155, 254, 153, 'Maljamar'), (31587, 254, 153,
'Maxwell'), (31607, 254, 153, 'Mayhill'), (31643, 254, 153, 'Mc
Alister'), (31695, 254, 153, 'Mc Donald'), (31729, 254, 153, 'Mc
Intosh'), (31835, 254, 153, 'Medanales'), (31893, 254, 153,
'Melrose'), (31936, 254, 153, 'Mentmore'), (31994, 254, 153,
'Mescalero'), (31999, 254, 153, 'Mesilla'), (32000, 254, 153, 'Mesilla
Park'), (32002, 254, 153, 'Mesquite'), (32016, 254, 153, 'Mexican
Springs'), (32029, 254, 153, 'Miami'), (32133, 254, 153, 'Milan'), (32226,
254, 153, 'Mills'), (32255, 254, 153, 'Milnesand'), (32285, 254, 153,
'Mimbres'), (32510, 254, 153, 'Montezuma'), (32529, 254, 153,
'Monticello'), (32560, 254, 153, 'Monument'), (32599, 254, 153,
'Mora'), (32627, 254, 153, 'Moriarty'), (10032, 254, 153,
'Mosquero'), (32750, 254, 153, 'Mount Dora'), (32862, 254, 153,
'Mountainair'), (32897, 254, 153, 'Mule Creek'), (32972, 254, 153,
'Nageezi'), (33002, 254, 153, 'Nara Visa'), (33047, 254, 153,
'Navajo'), (33048, 254, 153, 'Navajo Dam'), (33255, 254, 153, 'New
Laguna'), (33390, 254, 153, 'Newcomb'), (33416, 254, 153,
'Newkirk'), (33534, 254, 153, 'Nogal'), (33922, 254, 153, 'Ocate'), (34001,
254, 153, 'Ojo Caliente'), (34002, 254, 153, 'Ojo Feliz'), (34195, 254,
153, 'Organ'), (34227, 254, 153, 'Orogrande'), (34398, 254, 153,
'Paguate'), (34684, 254, 153, 'Pecos'), (34721, 254, 153, 'Pena
Blanca'), (34722, 254, 153, 'Penasco'), (34772, 254, 153, 'Pep'), (14738,
254, 153, 'Peralta'), (34829, 254, 153, 'Petaca'), (34897, 254, 153,
'Picacho'), (34911, 254, 153, 'Pie Town'), (35002, 254, 153,
'Pinehill'), (10018, 254, 153, 'Pinon'), (35035, 254, 153, 'Pinos
Altos'), (35083, 254, 153, 'Placitas'), (35129, 254, 153,
'Playas'), (35255, 254, 153, 'Polvadera'), (35275, 254, 153,
'Ponderosa'), (10033, 254, 153, 'Portales'), (35504, 254, 153,
'Prewitt'), (35584, 254, 153, 'Pueblo of Acoma'), (35639, 254, 153,
'Quay'), (16963, 254, 153, 'Quemado'), (14177, 254, 153, 'Questa'), (35691,
254, 153, 'Radium Springs'), (35711, 254, 153, 'Rainsville'), (35726, 254,
153, 'Ramah'), (35744, 254, 153, 'Ranchos de Taos'), (10034, 254, 153,
'Raton'), (10035, 254, 153, 'Red River'), (35922, 254, 153,
'Redrock'), (35953, 254, 153, 'Regina'), (35957, 254, 153,
'Rehoboth'), (10036, 254, 153, 'Reserve'), (36043, 254, 153,
'Ribera'), (36164, 254, 153, 'Rincon'), (10037, 254, 153, 'Rio
Rancho'), (36313, 254, 153, 'Rociada'), (36395, 254, 153, 'Rodeo'), (36409,
254, 153, 'Rogers'), (10038, 254, 153, 'Roswell'), (36573, 254, 153,
'Rowe'), (36595, 254, 153, 'Roy'), (10039, 254, 153, 'Ruidoso'), (36634,
254, 153, 'Ruidoso Downs'), (36737, 254, 153, 'Sacramento'), (36905, 254,
153, 'Saint Vrain'), (36920, 254, 153, 'Salem'), (36977, 254, 153, 'San
Acacia'), (36980, 254, 153, 'San Antonio'), (36984, 254, 153, 'San
Cristobal'), (36987, 254, 153, 'San Fidel'), (36993, 254, 153, 'San
Jon'), (16392, 254, 153, 'San Jose'), (12969, 254, 153, 'San Juan
Pueblo'), (37003, 254, 153, 'San Miguel'), (37005, 254, 153, 'San
Patricio'), (37009, 254, 153, 'San Rafael'), (37013, 254, 153, 'San
Ysidro'), (37037, 254, 153, 'Sandia Park'), (37065, 254, 153,
'Sanostee'), (37067, 254, 153, 'Santa Clara'), (37069, 254, 153, 'Santa
Cruz'), (10040, 254, 153, 'Santa Fe'), (10041, 254, 153, 'Santa
Rosa'), (37078, 254, 153, 'Santa Teresa'), (10042, 254, 153, 'Santo Domingo
Pueblo'), (37084, 254, 153, 'Sapello'), (37334, 254, 153, 'Sedan'), (37380,
254, 153, 'Seneca'), (37392, 254, 153, 'Serafina'), (37510, 254, 153,
'Sheep Springs'), (10043, 254, 153, 'Shiprock'), (10044, 254, 153, 'Silver
City'), (37824, 254, 153, 'Smith Lake'), (10045, 254, 153,
'Socorro'), (37903, 254, 153, 'Solano'), (14818, 254, 153,
'Springer'), (38309, 254, 153, 'Stanley'), (38725, 254, 153, 'Sunland
Park'), (38739, 254, 153, 'Sunspot'), (38872, 254, 153, 'Taiban'), (38873,
254, 153, 'Tajique'), (10047, 254, 153, 'Taos'), (38921, 254, 153, 'Taos
Ski Valley'), (38940, 254, 153, 'Tatum'), (39019, 254, 153,
'Tererro'), (39037, 254, 153, 'Tesuque'), (17211, 254, 153,
'Texico'), (39103, 254, 153, 'Thoreau'), (39156, 254, 153, 'Tierra
Amarilla'), (39166, 254, 153, 'Tijeras'), (39183, 254, 153,
'Timberon'), (39193, 254, 153, 'Tinnie'), (39232, 254, 153,
'Tohatchi'), (39256, 254, 153, 'Tome'), (39293, 254, 153,
'Torreon'), (39339, 254, 153, 'Trampas'), (39356, 254, 153,
'Trementina'), (39374, 254, 153, 'Tres Piedras'), (39437, 254, 153,
'Truchas'), (39447, 254, 153, 'Truth or Consequences'), (10049, 254, 153,
'Tucumcari'), (39460, 254, 153, 'Tularosa'), (39578, 254, 153,
'Tyrone'), (39717, 254, 153, 'Ute Park'), (39732, 254, 153,
'Vadito'), (39733, 254, 153, 'Vado'), (39740, 254, 153, 'Valdez'), (39754,
254, 153, 'Vallecitos'), (39783, 254, 153, 'Valmora'), (39820, 254, 153,
'Vanderwagen'), (39844, 254, 153, 'Vaughn'), (39848, 254, 153,
'Veguita'), (39849, 254, 153, 'Velarde'), (39969, 254, 153,
'Villanueva'), (10050, 254, 153, 'Wagon Mound'), (40346, 254, 153,
'Waterflow'), (40387, 254, 153, 'Watrous'), (40495, 254, 153,
'Weed'), (40955, 254, 153, 'White Sands Missile Range'), (40980, 254, 153,
'Whites City'), (41085, 254, 153, 'Willard'), (10051, 254, 153,
'Williamsburg'), (41287, 254, 153, 'Winston'), (41553, 254, 153,
'Yatahey'), (41570, 254, 153, 'Yeso'), (41612, 254, 153,
'Youngsville'), (10052, 254, 153, 'Zuni'), (19074, 254, 154,
'Accord'), (19088, 254, 154, 'Acra'), (10088, 254, 154, 'Adams'), (19110,
254, 154, 'Adams Basin'), (19111, 254, 154, 'Adams Center'), (19127, 254,
154, 'Addison'), (19139, 254, 154, 'Adirondack'), (19160, 254, 154,
'Afton'), (19202, 254, 154, 'Akron'), (19205, 254, 154, 'Alabama'), (10089,
254, 154, 'Albany'), (19234, 254, 154, 'Albertson'), (10090, 254, 154,
'Albion'), (19254, 254, 154, 'Alcove'), (19261, 254, 154, 'Alden'), (19264,
254, 154, 'Alder Creek'), (19279, 254, 154, 'Alexander'), (19287, 254, 154,
'Alexandria Bay'), (17276, 254, 154, 'Alfred'), (19292, 254, 154, 'Alfred
Station'), (19309, 254, 154, 'Allegany'), (19333, 254, 154,
'Allentown'), (19358, 254, 154, 'Alma'), (19368, 254, 154,
'Almond'), (19386, 254, 154, 'Alpine'), (19390, 254, 154,
'Alplaus'), (19403, 254, 154, 'Altamont'), (19410, 254, 154,
'Altmar'), (19419, 254, 154, 'Alton'), (19423, 254, 154, 'Altona'), (19454,
254, 154, 'Amagansett'), (19463, 254, 154, 'Amawalk'), (19483, 254, 154,
'Amenia'), (10091, 254, 154, 'Amityville'), (10092, 254, 154,
'Amsterdam'), (19525, 254, 154, 'Ancram'), (14950, 254, 154,
'Ancramdale'), (19534, 254, 154, 'Andes'), (19541, 254, 154,
'Andover'), (19552, 254, 154, 'Angelica'), (19555, 254, 154,
'Angola'), (19575, 254, 154, 'Annandale on Hudson'), (19605, 254, 154,
'Antwerp'), (19608, 254, 154, 'Apalachin'), (19620, 254, 154,
'Appleton'), (19623, 254, 154, 'Apulia Station'), (19626, 254, 154,
'Aquebogue'), (13960, 254, 154, 'Arcade'), (19671, 254, 154,
'Arden'), (13971, 254, 154, 'Ardsley'), (19677, 254, 154, 'Ardsley on
Hudson'), (19694, 254, 154, 'Argyle'), (19712, 254, 154,
'Arkport'), (18753, 254, 154, 'Arkville'), (12932, 254, 154,
'Armonk'), (19785, 254, 154, 'Arverne'), (17265, 254, 154,
'Ashland'), (19834, 254, 154, 'Ashville'), (19849, 254, 154,
'Astoria'), (19861, 254, 154, 'Athens'), (19865, 254, 154,
'Athol'), (19866, 254, 154, 'Athol Springs'), (19881, 254, 154,
'Atlanta'), (19885, 254, 154, 'Atlantic Beach'), (19897, 254, 154,
'Attica'), (10147, 254, 154, 'Au Sable Forks'), (10093, 254, 154,
'Auburn'), (19948, 254, 154, 'Auriesville'), (19956, 254, 154,
'Aurora'), (19960, 254, 154, 'Austerlitz'), (19976, 254, 154,
'Ava'), (19987, 254, 154, 'Averill Park'), (20003, 254, 154,
'Avoca'), (20014, 254, 154, 'Avon'), (12997, 254, 154, 'Babylon'), (20075,
254, 154, 'Bainbridge'), (20088, 254, 154, 'Bakers Mills'), (10094, 254,
154, 'Baldwin'), (20108, 254, 154, 'Baldwin Place'), (13085, 254, 154,
'Baldwinsville'), (12488, 254, 154, 'Ballston Lake'), (20120, 254, 154,
'Ballston Spa'), (20140, 254, 154, 'Bangall'), (20175, 254, 154,
'Barker'), (20196, 254, 154, 'Barneveld'), (20219, 254, 154,
'Barrytown'), (20220, 254, 154, 'Barryville'), (20234, 254, 154,
'Barton'), (20253, 254, 154, 'Basom'), (10095, 254, 154,
'Batavia'), (10096, 254, 154, 'Bath'), (10097, 254, 154, 'Bay
Shore'), (13844, 254, 154, 'Bayport'), (20321, 254, 154,
'Bayside'), (20326, 254, 154, 'Bayville'), (14146, 254, 154,
'Beacon'), (20347, 254, 154, 'Bear Mountain'), (20352, 254, 154,
'Bearsville'), (20377, 254, 154, 'Beaver Dams'), (20378, 254, 154, 'Beaver
Falls'), (16182, 254, 154, 'Bedford'), (20401, 254, 154, 'Bedford
Hills'), (20445, 254, 154, 'Belfast'), (20485, 254, 154,
'Bellerose'), (20490, 254, 154, 'Belleville'), (17125, 254, 154,
'Bellmore'), (20501, 254, 154, 'Bellona'), (20503, 254, 154,
'Bellport'), (20505, 254, 154, 'Bellvale'), (20517, 254, 154,
'Belmont'), (20544, 254, 154, 'Bemus Point'), (20609, 254, 154,
'Bergen'), (20623, 254, 154, 'Berkshire'), (20629, 254, 154,
'Berlin'), (20641, 254, 154, 'Berne'), (20642, 254, 154, 'Bernhards
Bay'), (20678, 254, 154, 'Bethel'), (20693, 254, 154, 'Bethpage'), (20716,
254, 154, 'Bible School Park'), (20740, 254, 154, 'Big Flats'), (20742,
254, 154, 'Big Indian'), (20779, 254, 154, 'Billings'), (10098, 254, 154,
'Binghamton'), (20840, 254, 154, 'Black Creek'), (20849, 254, 154, 'Black
River'), (16706, 254, 154, 'Blauvelt'), (20921, 254, 154, 'Bliss'), (20928,
254, 154, 'Blodgett Mills'), (20938, 254, 154, 'Bloomfield'), (20940, 254,
154, 'Blooming Grove'), (15039, 254, 154, 'Bloomingburg'), (20948, 254,
154, 'Bloomingdale'), (20955, 254, 154, 'Bloomington'), (20961, 254, 154,
'Bloomville'), (20965, 254, 154, 'Blossvale'), (20990, 254, 154, 'Blue
Mountain Lake'), (20991, 254, 154, 'Blue Point'), (18054, 254, 154,
'Bohemia'), (21045, 254, 154, 'Boiceville'), (21059, 254, 154,
'Bolivar'), (21068, 254, 154, 'Bolton Landing'), (21069, 254, 154,
'Bombay'), (10099, 254, 154, 'Boonville'), (21133, 254, 154,
'Boston'), (21143, 254, 154, 'Bouckville'), (21161, 254, 154, 'Bovina
Center'), (21184, 254, 154, 'Bowmansville'), (21235, 254, 154,
'Bradford'), (21267, 254, 154, 'Brainard'), (21268, 254, 154,
'Brainardsville'), (21278, 254, 154, 'Branchport'), (21300, 254, 154,
'Brant'), (21301, 254, 154, 'Brant Lake'), (21303, 254, 154,
'Brantingham'), (21309, 254, 154, 'Brasher Falls'), (21326, 254, 154,
'Breesport'), (21328, 254, 154, 'Breezy Point'), (10100, 254, 154,
'Brentwood'), (18084, 254, 154, 'Brewerton'), (12650, 254, 154,
'Brewster'), (16565, 254, 154, 'Briarcliff Manor'), (21357, 254, 154,
'Bridgehampton'), (21362, 254, 154, 'Bridgeport'), (21378, 254, 154,
'Bridgewater'), (21386, 254, 154, 'Brier Hill'), (21396, 254, 154,
'Brightwaters'), (16363, 254, 154, 'Broadalbin'), (10102, 254, 154,
'Brockport'), (21457, 254, 154, 'Brocton'), (10103, 254, 154,
'Bronx'), (21476, 254, 154, 'Bronxville'), (21488, 254, 154,
'Brookfield'), (21490, 254, 154, 'Brookhaven'), (10104, 254, 154,
'Brooklyn'), (21521, 254, 154, 'Brooktondale'), (21565, 254, 154,
'Brownville'), (21600, 254, 154, 'Brushton'), (21625, 254, 154,
'Buchanan'), (10105, 254, 154, 'Buffalo'), (21705, 254, 154,
'Bullville'), (21728, 254, 154, 'Burdett'), (21738, 254, 154,
'Burke'), (21748, 254, 154, 'Burlingham'), (21760, 254, 154, 'Burlington
Flats'), (21784, 254, 154, 'Burnt Hills'), (21796, 254, 154,
'Burt'), (21813, 254, 154, 'Buskirk'), (21853, 254, 154, 'Byron'), (21879,
254, 154, 'Cadyville'), (18791, 254, 154, 'Cairo'), (21891, 254, 154,
'Calcium'), (21901, 254, 154, 'Caledonia'), (21928, 254, 154,
'Callicoon'), (21929, 254, 154, 'Callicoon Center'), (21942, 254, 154,
'Calverton'), (12652, 254, 154, 'Cambria Heights'), (21963, 254, 154,
'Cambridge'), (21973, 254, 154, 'Camden'), (21984, 254, 154,
'Cameron'), (21989, 254, 154, 'Cameron Mills'), (21991, 254, 154,
'Camillus'), (22012, 254, 154, 'Campbell'), (22014, 254, 154, 'Campbell
Hall'), (22033, 254, 154, 'Canaan'), (22039, 254, 154,
'Canajoharie'), (10106, 254, 154, 'Canandaigua'), (22043, 254, 154,
'Canaseraga'), (22044, 254, 154, 'Canastota'), (22048, 254, 154,
'Candor'), (22050, 254, 154, 'Caneadea'), (22054, 254, 154,
'Canisteo'), (10107, 254, 154, 'Canton'), (13993, 254, 154, 'Cape
Vincent'), (22146, 254, 154, 'Carle Place'), (22155, 254, 154,
'Carlisle'), (17333, 254, 154, 'Carmel'), (22179, 254, 154, 'Caroga
Lake'), (22221, 254, 154, 'Carthage'), (22267, 254, 154,
'Cassadaga'), (22274, 254, 154, 'Cassville'), (22287, 254, 154,
'Castile'), (22290, 254, 154, 'Castle Creek'), (22292, 254, 154, 'Castle
Point'), (22299, 254, 154, 'Castleton on Hudson'), (22303, 254, 154,
'Castorland'), (22323, 254, 154, 'Cato'), (13320, 254, 154,
'Catskill'), (22327, 254, 154, 'Cattaraugus'), (22339, 254, 154,
'Cayuga'), (22342, 254, 154, 'Cayuta'), (22344, 254, 154,
'Cazenovia'), (12358, 254, 154, 'Cedarhurst'), (22403, 254, 154,
'Celoron'), (22420, 254, 154, 'Center Moriches'), (10108, 254, 154,
'Centereach'), (22435, 254, 154, 'Centerport'), (22445, 254, 154,
'Centerville'), (22454, 254, 154, 'Central Bridge'), (10109, 254, 154,
'Central Islip'), (22460, 254, 154, 'Central Square'), (22461, 254, 154,
'Central Valley'), (22472, 254, 154, 'Ceres'), (22486, 254, 154,
'Chadwicks'), (22489, 254, 154, 'Chaffee'), (22507, 254, 154,
'Champlain'), (17891, 254, 154, 'Chappaqua'), (22555, 254, 154,
'Charlotteville'), (22568, 254, 154, 'Chase Mills'), (22573, 254, 154,
'Chateaugay'), (22581, 254, 154, 'Chatham'), (22589, 254, 154,
'Chaumont'), (22594, 254, 154, 'Chautauqua'), (22597, 254, 154,
'Chazy'), (41969, 254, 154, 'Cheektowaga'), (22608, 254, 154,
'Chelsea'), (22614, 254, 154, 'Chemung'), (22615, 254, 154, 'Chenango
Bridge'), (22616, 254, 154, 'Chenango Forks'), (22626, 254, 154, 'Cherry
Creek'), (22629, 254, 154, 'Cherry Plain'), (15446, 254, 154, 'Cherry
Valley'), (16689, 254, 154, 'Chester'), (22669, 254, 154,
'Chestertown'), (22687, 254, 154, 'Chichester'), (22700, 254, 154,
'Childwold'), (22725, 254, 154, 'Chippewa Bay'), (22731, 254, 154,
'Chittenango'), (22771, 254, 154, 'Churchville'), (22774, 254, 154,
'Churubusco'), (22779, 254, 154, 'Cicero'), (22784, 254, 154,
'Cincinnatus'), (22790, 254, 154, 'Circleville'), (22824, 254, 154,
'Clarence'), (22826, 254, 154, 'Clarence Center'), (22828, 254, 154,
'Clarendon'), (22840, 254, 154, 'Clark Mills'), (22864, 254, 154,
'Clarkson'), (22872, 254, 154, 'Clarksville'), (22877, 254, 154,
'Claryville'), (22881, 254, 154, 'Claverack'), (22887, 254, 154,
'Clay'), (16148, 254, 154, 'Clayton'), (22912, 254, 154,
'Clayville'), (22942, 254, 154, 'Clemons'), (22955, 254, 154,
'Cleveland'), (22962, 254, 154, 'Cleverdale'), (14456, 254, 154, 'Clifton
Park'), (22982, 254, 154, 'Clifton Springs'), (15269, 254, 154,
'Climax'), (23002, 254, 154, 'Clinton'), (23006, 254, 154, 'Clinton
Corners'), (23007, 254, 154, 'Clintondale'), (23018, 254, 154,
'Clockville'), (23041, 254, 154, 'Clyde'), (23044, 254, 154,
'Clymer'), (10111, 254, 154, 'Cobleskill'), (23084, 254, 154,
'Cochecton'), (23085, 254, 154, 'Cochecton Center'), (23100, 254, 154,
'Coeymans'), (23101, 254, 154, 'Coeymans Hollow'), (23115, 254, 154,
'Cohocton'), (23116, 254, 154, 'Cohoes'), (23132, 254, 154, 'Cold
Brook'), (13976, 254, 154, 'Cold Spring'), (23133, 254, 154, 'Cold Spring
Harbor'), (23134, 254, 154, 'Colden'), (23163, 254, 154, 'College
Point'), (23170, 254, 154, 'Colliersville'), (23175, 254, 154,
'Collins'), (23177, 254, 154, 'Collins Center'), (23208, 254, 154,
'Colton'), (23228, 254, 154, 'Columbiaville'), (10112, 254, 154,
'Commack'), (23274, 254, 154, 'Comstock'), (23305, 254, 154,
'Conesus'), (23309, 254, 154, 'Conewango Valley'), (17951, 254, 154,
'Congers'), (23316, 254, 154, 'Conklin'), (23320, 254, 154,
'Connelly'), (23333, 254, 154, 'Constable'), (23334, 254, 154,
'Constableville'), (23335, 254, 154, 'Constantia'), (23375, 254, 154,
'Coopers Plains'), (10114, 254, 154, 'Cooperstown'), (23382, 254, 154,
'Copake'), (23383, 254, 154, 'Copake Falls'), (23393, 254, 154,
'Copenhagen'), (10115, 254, 154, 'Copiague'), (10116, 254, 154,
'Coram'), (23409, 254, 154, 'Corbettsville'), (23423, 254, 154,
'Corfu'), (23429, 254, 154, 'Corinth'), (10117, 254, 154,
'Corning'), (23449, 254, 154, 'Cornwall'), (23451, 254, 154, 'Cornwall on
Hudson'), (23452, 254, 154, 'Cornwallville'), (23454, 254, 154,
'Corona'), (10119, 254, 154, 'Cortland'), (23470, 254, 154, 'Cortlandt
Manor'), (23479, 254, 154, 'Cossayuna'), (23488, 254, 154,
'Cottekill'), (23549, 254, 154, 'Cowlesville'), (23553, 254, 154,
'Coxsackie'), (23572, 254, 154, 'Cragsmoor'), (23584, 254, 154, 'Cranberry
Lake'), (23598, 254, 154, 'Craryville'), (23662, 254, 154,
'Crittenden'), (23673, 254, 154, 'Croghan'), (23675, 254, 154,
'Crompond'), (23687, 254, 154, 'Cropseyville'), (23699, 254, 154, 'Cross
River'), (23710, 254, 154, 'Croton Falls'), (23711, 254, 154, 'Croton on
Hudson'), (23722, 254, 154, 'Crown Point'), (23751, 254, 154,
'Cuba'), (23757, 254, 154, 'Cuddebackville'), (23829, 254, 154,
'Cutchogue'), (23878, 254, 154, 'Dale'), (23898, 254, 154,
'Dalton'), (23937, 254, 154, 'Dannemora'), (15493, 254, 154,
'Dansville'), (23959, 254, 154, 'Darien Center'), (23982, 254, 154,
'Davenport'), (23985, 254, 154, 'Davenport Center'), (24032, 254, 154,
'Dayton'), (24048, 254, 154, 'De Kalb Junction'), (24049, 254, 154, 'De
Lancey'), (24055, 254, 154, 'De Peyster'), (24056, 254, 154, 'De
Ruyter'), (24071, 254, 154, 'Deansboro'), (10120, 254, 154, 'Deer
Park'), (24116, 254, 154, 'Deer River'), (24134, 254, 154,
'Deferiet'), (24145, 254, 154, 'Delanson'), (24158, 254, 154,
'Delevan'), (10121, 254, 154, 'Delhi'), (24175, 254, 154,
'Delmar'), (24181, 254, 154, 'Delphi Falls'), (24204, 254, 154,
'Denmark'), (24230, 254, 154, 'Denver'), (24232, 254, 154,
'Depauville'), (14058, 254, 154, 'Depew'), (24237, 254, 154,
'Deposit'), (24243, 254, 154, 'Derby'), (24286, 254, 154,
'Dewittville'), (24294, 254, 154, 'Dexter'), (24303, 254, 154, 'Diamond
Point'), (24320, 254, 154, 'Dickinson Center'), (24375, 254, 154, 'Dobbs
Ferry'), (24397, 254, 154, 'Dolgeville'), (24433, 254, 154,
'Dormansville'), (24480, 254, 154, 'Dover Plains'), (24495, 254, 154,
'Downsville'), (24523, 254, 154, 'Dresden'), (24559, 254, 154,
'Dryden'), (24568, 254, 154, 'Duanesburg'), (24637, 254, 154,
'Dundee'), (16286, 254, 154, 'Dunkirk'), (24689, 254, 154,
'Durham'), (24692, 254, 154, 'Durhamville'), (24727, 254, 154, 'Eagle
Bay'), (24729, 254, 154, 'Eagle Bridge'), (24756, 254, 154,
'Earlton'), (24759, 254, 154, 'Earlville'), (24768, 254, 154, 'East
Amherst'), (24771, 254, 154, 'East Aurora'), (24780, 254, 154, 'East
Berne'), (24782, 254, 154, 'East Bethany'), (24783, 254, 154, 'East
Bloomfield'), (24788, 254, 154, 'East Branch'), (24798, 254, 154, 'East
Chatham'), (24801, 254, 154, 'East Concord'), (24808, 254, 154, 'East
Durham'), (24812, 254, 154, 'East Elmhurst'), (24824, 254, 154, 'East
Greenbush'), (24828, 254, 154, 'East Hampton'), (24836, 254, 154, 'East
Homer'), (24838, 254, 154, 'East Islip'), (24839, 254, 154, 'East
Jewett'), (24851, 254, 154, 'East Marion'), (24853, 254, 154, 'East
Meadow'), (10122, 254, 154, 'East Meadows'), (24854, 254, 154, 'East
Meredith'), (24858, 254, 154, 'East Moriches'), (24859, 254, 154, 'East
Nassau'), (10123, 254, 154, 'East Northport'), (24862, 254, 154, 'East
Norwich'), (24867, 254, 154, 'East Otto'), (24871, 254, 154, 'East
Pembroke'), (24873, 254, 154, 'East Pharsalia'), (24882, 254, 154, 'East
Quogue'), (24883, 254, 154, 'East Randolph'), (24885, 254, 154, 'East
Rochester'), (24887, 254, 154, 'East Rockaway'), (24892, 254, 154, 'East
Schodack'), (14680, 254, 154, 'East Setauket'), (24896, 254, 154, 'East
Springfield'), (18767, 254, 154, 'East Syracuse'), (24915, 254, 154, 'East
Williamson'), (24920, 254, 154, 'East Worcester'), (24924, 254, 154,
'Eastchester'), (24947, 254, 154, 'Eastport'), (24953, 254, 154,
'Eaton'), (24993, 254, 154, 'Eden'), (25031, 254, 154, 'Edmeston'), (25052,
254, 154, 'Edwards'), (25101, 254, 154, 'Elba'), (25111, 254, 154,
'Elbridge'), (25126, 254, 154, 'Eldred'), (10125, 254, 154,
'Elizabethtown'), (25164, 254, 154, 'Elizaville'), (25182, 254, 154, 'Elka
Park'), (25216, 254, 154, 'Ellenburg'), (25217, 254, 154, 'Ellenburg
Center'), (25218, 254, 154, 'Ellenburg Depot'), (14392, 254, 154,
'Ellenville'), (25229, 254, 154, 'Ellicottville'), (25233, 254, 154,
'Ellington'), (25244, 254, 154, 'Ellisburg'), (25271, 254, 154,
'Elma'), (15606, 254, 154, 'Elmhurst'), (10126, 254, 154,
'Elmira'), (10127, 254, 154, 'Elmont'), (16580, 254, 154,
'Elmsford'), (12731, 254, 154, 'Endicott'), (14007, 254, 154,
'Endwell'), (25441, 254, 154, 'Erieville'), (25443, 254, 154,
'Erin'), (25465, 254, 154, 'Esopus'), (25466, 254, 154,
'Esperance'), (25474, 254, 154, 'Essex'), (25506, 254, 154,
'Etna'), (25549, 254, 154, 'Evans Mills'), (25599, 254, 154,
'Fabius'), (25605, 254, 154, 'Fair Haven'), (14118, 254, 154,
'Fairport'), (25688, 254, 154, 'Falconer'), (25710, 254, 154,
'Fallsburg'), (25718, 254, 154, 'Fancher'), (25727, 254, 154, 'Far
Rockaway'), (25744, 254, 154, 'Farmersville Station'), (10128, 254, 154,
'Farmingdale'), (18507, 254, 154, 'Farmington'), (25760, 254, 154,
'Farmingville'), (25765, 254, 154, 'Farnham'), (25785, 254, 154,
'Fayette'), (25789, 254, 154, 'Fayetteville'), (25814, 254, 154, 'Felts
Mills'), (12183, 254, 154, 'Ferndale'), (25846, 254, 154, 'Feura
Bush'), (25868, 254, 154, 'Fillmore'), (25871, 254, 154, 'Findley
Lake'), (25872, 254, 154, 'Fine'), (25897, 254, 154, 'Fishers'), (25899,
254, 154, 'Fishers Island'), (25900, 254, 154, 'Fishers Landing'), (25905,
254, 154, 'Fishkill'), (25906, 254, 154, 'Fishs Eddy'), (14687, 254, 154,
'Fleischmanns'), (13492, 254, 154, 'Floral Park'), (10129, 254, 154,
'Florida'), (10130, 254, 154, 'Flushing'), (25999, 254, 154, 'Fly
Creek'), (10131, 254, 154, 'Fonda'), (18341, 254, 154, 'Forest
Hills'), (26058, 254, 154, 'Forestburgh'), (26063, 254, 154,
'Forestport'), (26065, 254, 154, 'Forestville'), (26083, 254, 154, 'Fort
Ann'), (26095, 254, 154, 'Fort Covington'), (26101, 254, 154, 'Fort
Drum'), (26103, 254, 154, 'Fort Edward'), (26114, 254, 154, 'Fort
Hunter'), (26117, 254, 154, 'Fort Johnson'), (26139, 254, 154, 'Fort
Montgomery'), (17871, 254, 154, 'Fort Plain'), (26243, 254, 154,
'Frankfort'), (26255, 254, 154, 'Franklin'), (26262, 254, 154, 'Franklin
Springs'), (10133, 254, 154, 'Franklin Square'), (26268, 254, 154,
'Franklinville'), (10134, 254, 154, 'Fredonia'), (26310, 254, 154,
'Freedom'), (26315, 254, 154, 'Freehold'), (10135, 254, 154,
'Freeport'), (26333, 254, 154, 'Freeville'), (26341, 254, 154, 'Fremont
Center'), (26354, 254, 154, 'Fresh Meadows'), (26357, 254, 154,
'Frewsburg'), (26369, 254, 154, 'Friendship'), (26423, 254, 154,
'Fulton'), (26428, 254, 154, 'Fultonham'), (10136, 254, 154,
'Fultonville'), (26440, 254, 154, 'Gabriels'), (26450, 254, 154,
'Gainesville'), (26479, 254, 154, 'Gallupville'), (17623, 254, 154,
'Galway'), (26500, 254, 154, 'Gansevoort'), (10137, 254, 154, 'Garden
City'), (26526, 254, 154, 'Gardiner'), (26552, 254, 154,
'Garnerville'), (26555, 254, 154, 'Garrattsville'), (16268, 254, 154,
'Garrison'), (26585, 254, 154, 'Gasport'), (10138, 254, 154,
'Geneseo'), (13676, 254, 154, 'Geneva'), (26639, 254, 154,
'Genoa'), (26660, 254, 154, 'Georgetown'), (26676, 254, 154,
'Germantown'), (26683, 254, 154, 'Gerry'), (26687, 254, 154,
'Getzville'), (26694, 254, 154, 'Ghent'), (26731, 254, 154,
'Gilbertsville'), (26735, 254, 154, 'Gilboa'), (26803, 254, 154,
'Glasco'), (26826, 254, 154, 'Glen Aubrey'), (10139, 254, 154, 'Glen
Cove'), (26840, 254, 154, 'Glen Head'), (26847, 254, 154, 'Glen
Oaks'), (26854, 254, 154, 'Glen Spey'), (26857, 254, 154, 'Glen
Wild'), (26886, 254, 154, 'Glenfield'), (26887, 254, 154,
'Glenford'), (26890, 254, 154, 'Glenham'), (26894, 254, 154,
'Glenmont'), (10140, 254, 154, 'Glens Falls'), (10141, 254, 154,
'Glenwood'), (10142, 254, 154, 'Glenwood Landing'), (10143, 254, 154,
'Gloversville'), (26948, 254, 154, 'Godeffroy'), (26973, 254, 154, 'Goldens
Bridge'), (27046, 254, 154, 'Gorham'), (27058, 254, 154, 'Goshen'), (27074,
254, 154, 'Gouverneur'), (27075, 254, 154, 'Gowanda'), (27099, 254, 154,
'Grafton'), (27107, 254, 154, 'Grahamsville'), (27127, 254, 154, 'Grand
Gorge'), (15941, 254, 154, 'Grand Island'), (27174, 254, 154, 'Granite
Springs'), (27201, 254, 154, 'Granville'), (27258, 254, 154, 'Great
Bend'), (11787, 254, 154, 'Great Neck'), (27264, 254, 154, 'Great
River'), (27265, 254, 154, 'Great Valley'), (17325, 254, 154,
'Greene'), (27315, 254, 154, 'Greenfield Center'), (27316, 254, 154,
'Greenfield Park'), (27318, 254, 154, 'Greenhurst'), (27322, 254, 154,
'Greenlawn'), (10144, 254, 154, 'Greenport'), (12926, 254, 154,
'Greenvale'), (27347, 254, 154, 'Greenville'), (16651, 254, 154,
'Greenwich'), (27368, 254, 154, 'Greenwood'), (27372, 254, 154, 'Greenwood
Lake'), (27378, 254, 154, 'Greig'), (27417, 254, 154, 'Groton'), (27428,
254, 154, 'Groveland'), (27459, 254, 154, 'Guilderland'), (27460, 254, 154,
'Guilderland Center'), (18405, 254, 154, 'Guilford'), (27523, 254, 154,
'Hadley'), (27526, 254, 154, 'Hagaman'), (27534, 254, 154,
'Hague'), (27540, 254, 154, 'Hailesboro'), (27544, 254, 154, 'Haines
Falls'), (27548, 254, 154, 'Halcottsville'), (27564, 254, 154,
'Hall'), (18102, 254, 154, 'Hamburg'), (27592, 254, 154, 'Hamden'), (27611,
254, 154, 'Hamilton'), (27623, 254, 154, 'Hamlin'), (27629, 254, 154,
'Hammond'), (27632, 254, 154, 'Hammondsport'), (27650, 254, 154,
'Hampton'), (27652, 254, 154, 'Hampton Bays'), (18437, 254, 154,
'Hancock'), (27670, 254, 154, 'Hankins'), (27678, 254, 154,
'Hannacroix'), (27682, 254, 154, 'Hannawa Falls'), (27683, 254, 154,
'Hannibal'), (27739, 254, 154, 'Harford'), (27772, 254, 154,
'Harpersfield'), (27777, 254, 154, 'Harpursville'), (10145, 254, 154,
'Harriman'), (27795, 254, 154, 'Harris'), (10146, 254, 154,
'Harrison'), (17841, 254, 154, 'Harrisville'), (27835, 254, 154,
'Hartford'), (27854, 254, 154, 'Hartsdale'), (27862, 254, 154,
'Hartwick'), (27889, 254, 154, 'Hastings'), (27892, 254, 154, 'Hastings on
Hudson'), (13043, 254, 154, 'Hauppauge'), (27928, 254, 154,
'Haverstraw'), (12978, 254, 154, 'Hawthorne'), (28013, 254, 154,
'Hector'), (28033, 254, 154, 'Helena'), (28055, 254, 154,
'Hemlock'), (10148, 254, 154, 'Hempstead'), (28066, 254, 154,
'Henderson'), (28068, 254, 154, 'Henderson Harbor'), (10149, 254, 154,
'Henrietta'), (28100, 254, 154, 'Hensonville'), (28113, 254, 154,
'Herkimer'), (28123, 254, 154, 'Hermon'), (28151, 254, 154,
'Heuvelton'), (28157, 254, 154, 'Hewlett'), (10150, 254, 154,
'Hicksville'), (14390, 254, 154, 'High Falls'), (28209, 254, 154,
'Highland'), (15728, 254, 154, 'Highland Falls'), (28214, 254, 154,
'Highland Lake'), (12505, 254, 154, 'Highland Mills'), (28222, 254, 154,
'Highmount'), (28239, 254, 154, 'Hillburn'), (28264, 254, 154,
'Hillsdale'), (28278, 254, 154, 'Hilton'), (28282, 254, 154,
'Himrod'), (28285, 254, 154, 'Hinckley'), (28302, 254, 154,
'Hinsdale'), (28320, 254, 154, 'Hobart'), (28340, 254, 154,
'Hoffmeister'), (28341, 254, 154, 'Hogansburg'), (10151, 254, 154,
'Holbrook'), (28373, 254, 154, 'Holland'), (28376, 254, 154, 'Holland
Patent'), (28382, 254, 154, 'Holley'), (28388, 254, 154, 'Hollis'), (12308,
254, 154, 'Hollis Hills'), (28397, 254, 154, 'Hollowville'), (28413, 254,
154, 'Holmes'), (13846, 254, 154, 'Holtsville'), (12952, 254, 154,
'Homer'), (28460, 254, 154, 'Honeoye'), (28461, 254, 154, 'Honeoye
Falls'), (28493, 254, 154, 'Hoosick'), (28494, 254, 154, 'Hoosick
Falls'), (28519, 254, 154, 'Hopewell Junction'), (12072, 254, 154,
'Hornell'), (15081, 254, 154, 'Horseheads'), (28555, 254, 154,
'Hortonville'), (15042, 254, 154, 'Houghton'), (28592, 254, 154, 'Howard
Beach'), (28604, 254, 154, 'Howells'), (28606, 254, 154, 'Howes
Cave'), (28623, 254, 154, 'Hubbardsville'), (13115, 254, 154,
'Hudson'), (10153, 254, 154, 'Hudson Falls'), (28654, 254, 154,
'Hughsonville'), (28657, 254, 154, 'Huguenot'), (28662, 254, 154, 'Huletts
Landing'), (28680, 254, 154, 'Hume'), (28696, 254, 154, 'Hunt'), (10154,
254, 154, 'Hunter'), (12784, 254, 154, 'Huntington'), (14856, 254, 154,
'Huntington Station'), (28733, 254, 154, 'Hurley'), (15103, 254, 154,
'Hurleyville'), (28766, 254, 154, 'Hyde Park'), (28812, 254, 154,
'Ilion'), (28843, 254, 154, 'Indian Lake'), (28884, 254, 154,
'Inlet'), (28894, 254, 154, 'Interlaken'), (10156, 254, 154,
'Inwood'), (28911, 254, 154, 'Ionia'), (28945, 254, 154, 'Irving'), (15558,
254, 154, 'Irvington'), (28967, 254, 154, 'Island Park'), (28969, 254, 154,
'Islandia'), (10158, 254, 154, 'Islip'), (28981, 254, 154, 'Islip
Terrace'), (10159, 254, 154, 'Ithaca'), (15398, 254, 154, 'Jackson
Heights'), (29036, 254, 154, 'Jacksonville'), (12939, 254, 154,
'Jamaica'), (29054, 254, 154, 'Jamesport'), (10160, 254, 154,
'Jamestown'), (12022, 254, 154, 'Jamesville'), (29087, 254, 154,
'Jasper'), (29091, 254, 154, 'Java Center'), (29092, 254, 154, 'Java
Village'), (29094, 254, 154, 'Jay'), (29109, 254, 154,
'Jefferson'), (12880, 254, 154, 'Jefferson Valley'), (29116, 254, 154,
'Jeffersonville'), (29141, 254, 154, 'Jericho'), (29174, 254, 154,
'Jewett'), (29191, 254, 154, 'Johnsburg'), (29195, 254, 154,
'Johnson'), (18468, 254, 154, 'Johnson City'), (29201, 254, 154,
'Johnsonville'), (12142, 254, 154, 'Johnstown'), (29241, 254, 154,
'Jordan'), (29243, 254, 154, 'Jordanville'), (29312, 254, 154,
'Kanona'), (29338, 254, 154, 'Katonah'), (29339, 254, 154, 'Kattskill
Bay'), (29343, 254, 154, 'Kauneonga Lake'), (29370, 254, 154,
'Keene'), (29374, 254, 154, 'Keene Valley'), (14403, 254, 154,
'Keeseville'), (29421, 254, 154, 'Kendall'), (29443, 254, 154,
'Kennedy'), (29452, 254, 154, 'Kenoza Lake'), (29463, 254, 154,
'Kent'), (29486, 254, 154, 'Kerhonkson'), (29505, 254, 154, 'Keuka
Park'), (29508, 254, 154, 'Kew Gardens'), (29526, 254, 154, 'Kiamesha
Lake'), (29543, 254, 154, 'Kill Buck'), (29546, 254, 154,
'Killawog'), (11987, 254, 154, 'Kinderhook'), (29581, 254, 154, 'King
Ferry'), (29592, 254, 154, 'Kings Park'), (10161, 254, 154,
'Kingston'), (29651, 254, 154, 'Kirkville'), (29655, 254, 154,
'Kirkwood'), (29696, 254, 154, 'Knowlesville'), (29698, 254, 154,
'Knox'), (29703, 254, 154, 'Knoxboro'), (29770, 254, 154, 'La
Fargeville'), (29773, 254, 154, 'La Fayette'), (29840, 254, 154,
'Lacona'), (29865, 254, 154, 'Lagrangeville'), (29897, 254, 154, 'Lake
Clear'), (10163, 254, 154, 'Lake George'), (29912, 254, 154, 'Lake
Grove'), (29917, 254, 154, 'Lake Hill'), (29921, 254, 154, 'Lake
Huntington'), (29924, 254, 154, 'Lake Katrine'), (29929, 254, 154, 'Lake
Luzerne'), (29944, 254, 154, 'Lake Peekskill'), (13034, 254, 154, 'Lake
Placid'), (10164, 254, 154, 'Lake Pleasant'), (29953, 254, 154, 'Lake
View'), (29965, 254, 154, 'Lakemont'), (29983, 254, 154,
'Lakeville'), (15392, 254, 154, 'Lakewood'), (15803, 254, 154,
'Lancaster'), (30050, 254, 154, 'Lanesville'), (17235, 254, 154,
'Lansing'), (12034, 254, 154, 'Larchmont'), (14850, 254, 154,
'Latham'), (30125, 254, 154, 'Laurel'), (30134, 254, 154,
'Laurens'), (30159, 254, 154, 'Lawrence'), (30161, 254, 154,
'Lawrenceville'), (30172, 254, 154, 'Lawtons'), (30184, 254, 154, 'Le
Roy'), (30233, 254, 154, 'Lee Center'), (30241, 254, 154, 'Leeds'), (30273,
254, 154, 'Leicester'), (30321, 254, 154, 'Leon'), (30334, 254, 154,
'Leonardsville'), (10165, 254, 154, 'Levittown'), (30388, 254, 154,
'Lewis'), (18866, 254, 154, 'Lewiston'), (30410, 254, 154,
'Lexington'), (30420, 254, 154, 'Liberty'), (30449, 254, 154, 'Lily
Dale'), (30452, 254, 154, 'Lima'), (30460, 254, 154, 'Limerick'), (30462,
254, 154, 'Limestone'), (30484, 254, 154, 'Lincolndale'), (10166, 254, 154,
'Lindenhurst'), (30500, 254, 154, 'Lindley'), (30535, 254, 154,
'Linwood'), (30543, 254, 154, 'Lisbon'), (30548, 254, 154,
'Lisle'), (30573, 254, 154, 'Little Falls'), (30575, 254, 154, 'Little
Genesee'), (30581, 254, 154, 'Little Neck'), (30596, 254, 154, 'Little
Valley'), (30600, 254, 154, 'Little York'), (18094, 254, 154,
'Liverpool'), (30624, 254, 154, 'Livingston'), (30626, 254, 154,
'Livingston Manor'), (30629, 254, 154, 'Livonia'), (30630, 254, 154,
'Livonia Center'), (30644, 254, 154, 'Loch Sheldrake'), (30650, 254, 154,
'Locke'), (10167, 254, 154, 'Lockport'), (30661, 254, 154,
'Lockwood'), (15220, 254, 154, 'Locust Valley'), (30679, 254, 154,
'Lodi'), (10168, 254, 154, 'Long Beach'), (30725, 254, 154, 'Long
Eddy'), (17950, 254, 154, 'Long Island City'), (30734, 254, 154, 'Long
Lake'), (30796, 254, 154, 'Lorraine'), (30869, 254, 154, 'Lowman'), (10169,
254, 154, 'Lowville'), (30967, 254, 154, 'Lycoming'), (30983, 254, 154,
'Lynbrook'), (30999, 254, 154, 'Lyndonville'), (31017, 254, 154, 'Lyon
Mountain'), (31025, 254, 154, 'Lyons'), (31031, 254, 154, 'Lyons
Falls'), (31045, 254, 154, 'Macedon'), (31051, 254, 154,
'Machias'), (31091, 254, 154, 'Madison'), (31102, 254, 154,
'Madrid'), (12154, 254, 154, 'Mahopac'), (31126, 254, 154, 'Mahopac
Falls'), (31132, 254, 154, 'Maine'), (31151, 254, 154, 'Malden
Bridge'), (31152, 254, 154, 'Malden on Hudson'), (31158, 254, 154,
'Mallory'), (10170, 254, 154, 'Malone'), (31176, 254, 154,
'Malverne'), (31177, 254, 154, 'Mamaroneck'), (31200, 254, 154,
'Manchester'), (11900, 254, 154, 'Manhasset'), (42414, 254, 154,
'Manhattan'), (16683, 254, 154, 'Manlius'), (31235, 254, 154,
'Mannsville'), (31243, 254, 154, 'Manorville'), (31291, 254, 154, 'Maple
Springs'), (31292, 254, 154, 'Maple View'), (31293, 254, 154,
'Maplecrest'), (31311, 254, 154, 'Marathon'), (31330, 254, 154,
'Marcellus'), (31337, 254, 154, 'Marcy'), (31344, 254, 154,
'Margaretville'), (31360, 254, 154, 'Marietta'), (31364, 254, 154,
'Marilla'), (31376, 254, 154, 'Marion'), (31399, 254, 154,
'Marlboro'), (31470, 254, 154, 'Martinsburg'), (31479, 254, 154,
'Martville'), (31489, 254, 154, 'Maryknoll'), (31490, 254, 154,
'Maryland'), (31516, 254, 154, 'Masonville'), (31517, 254, 154,
'Maspeth'), (10171, 254, 154, 'Massapequa'), (31519, 254, 154, 'Massapequa
Park'), (10172, 254, 154, 'Massena'), (17364, 254, 154, 'Mastic'), (31524,
254, 154, 'Mastic Beach'), (31555, 254, 154, 'Mattituck'), (31597, 254,
154, 'Maybrook'), (18836, 254, 154, 'Mayfield'), (31631, 254, 154,
'Mayville'), (31678, 254, 154, 'Mc Connellsville'), (31699, 254, 154, 'Mc
Donough'), (31717, 254, 154, 'Mc Graw'), (31746, 254, 154, 'Mc
Lean'), (31831, 254, 154, 'Mechanicville'), (31832, 254, 154,
'Mecklenburg'), (10173, 254, 154, 'Medford'), (31847, 254, 154,
'Medina'), (31857, 254, 154, 'Medusa'), (31883, 254, 154,
'Mellenville'), (31894, 254, 154, 'Melrose'), (10174, 254, 154,
'Melville'), (31912, 254, 154, 'Memphis'), (31921, 254, 154,
'Mendon'), (31952, 254, 154, 'Meridale'), (31959, 254, 154,
'Meridian'), (10175, 254, 154, 'Merrick'), (32019, 254, 154,
'Mexico'), (32047, 254, 154, 'Mid Hudson'), (32048, 254, 154, 'Mid
Island'), (32052, 254, 154, 'Middle Falls'), (32053, 254, 154, 'Middle
Granville'), (32054, 254, 154, 'Middle Grove'), (14141, 254, 154, 'Middle
Island'), (32058, 254, 154, 'Middle Village'), (14906, 254, 154,
'Middleburgh'), (32071, 254, 154, 'Middleport'), (32076, 254, 154,
'Middlesex'), (10176, 254, 154, 'Middletown'), (32089, 254, 154,
'Middleville'), (13994, 254, 154, 'Milford'), (32168, 254, 154, 'Mill
Neck'), (32180, 254, 154, 'Millbrook'), (14449, 254, 154, 'Miller
Place'), (32205, 254, 154, 'Millerton'), (32222, 254, 154,
'Millport'), (32249, 254, 154, 'Millwood'), (32273, 254, 154,
'Milton'), (11760, 254, 154, 'Mineola'), (32318, 254, 154,
'Minerva'), (32320, 254, 154, 'Minetto'), (32321, 254, 154,
'Mineville'), (32340, 254, 154, 'Minoa'), (32393, 254, 154, 'Model
City'), (32394, 254, 154, 'Modena'), (32406, 254, 154, 'Mohawk'), (32409,
254, 154, 'Mohegan Lake'), (32412, 254, 154, 'Moira'), (32437, 254, 154,
'Mongaup Valley'), (14600, 254, 154, 'Monroe'), (32476, 254, 154,
'Monsey'), (10177, 254, 154, 'Montauk'), (32511, 254, 154,
'Montezuma'), (32519, 254, 154, 'Montgomery'), (10178, 254, 154,
'Monticello'), (32536, 254, 154, 'Montour Falls'), (32552, 254, 154,
'Montrose'), (32570, 254, 154, 'Mooers'), (32571, 254, 154, 'Mooers
Forks'), (32607, 254, 154, 'Moravia'), (32625, 254, 154, 'Moriah'), (32626,
254, 154, 'Moriah Center'), (32628, 254, 154, 'Moriches'), (32649, 254,
154, 'Morris'), (32661, 254, 154, 'Morrisonville'), (32667, 254, 154,
'Morristown'), (11794, 254, 154, 'Morrisville'), (32681, 254, 154,
'Morton'), (32714, 254, 154, 'Mottville'), (32779, 254, 154, 'Mount
Kisco'), (32783, 254, 154, 'Mount Marion'), (32786, 254, 154, 'Mount
Morris'), (16192, 254, 154, 'Mount Sinai'), (32819, 254, 154, 'Mount
Tremper'), (32822, 254, 154, 'Mount Upton'), (10179, 254, 154, 'Mount
Vernon'), (32831, 254, 154, 'Mount Vision'), (32842, 254, 154, 'Mountain
Dale'), (32866, 254, 154, 'Mountainville'), (32907, 254, 154,
'Mumford'), (32921, 254, 154, 'Munnsville'), (12754, 254, 154,
'Nanuet'), (32989, 254, 154, 'Napanoch'), (16344, 254, 154,
'Naples'), (33006, 254, 154, 'Narrowsburg'), (12485, 254, 154,
'Nassau'), (33038, 254, 154, 'Natural Bridge'), (33072, 254, 154,
'Nedrow'), (33094, 254, 154, 'Nelliston'), (13854, 254, 154,
'Nesconset'), (33143, 254, 154, 'Neversink'), (33159, 254, 154, 'New
Baltimore'), (33165, 254, 154, 'New Berlin'), (10180, 254, 154, 'New
City'), (33224, 254, 154, 'New Hampton'), (17094, 254, 154, 'New
Hartford'), (33235, 254, 154, 'New Haven'), (33249, 254, 154, 'New Hyde
Park'), (33252, 254, 154, 'New Kingston'), (33257, 254, 154, 'New
Lebanon'), (33266, 254, 154, 'New Lisbon'), (33290, 254, 154, 'New
Milford'), (17595, 254, 154, 'New Paltz'), (10181, 254, 154, 'New
Rochelle'), (33322, 254, 154, 'New Russia'), (33337, 254, 154, 'New
Suffolk'), (13601, 254, 154, 'New Windsor'), (33360, 254, 154, 'New
Woodstock'), (10182, 254, 154, 'New York'), (33362, 254, 154, 'New York
Mills'), (10183, 254, 154, 'Newark'), (16076, 254, 154, 'Newark
Valley'), (10184, 254, 154, 'Newburgh'), (10185, 254, 154,
'Newcomb'), (33401, 254, 154, 'Newfane'), (33405, 254, 154,
'Newfield'), (33429, 254, 154, 'Newport'), (33447, 254, 154, 'Newton
Falls'), (33459, 254, 154, 'Newtonville'), (10186, 254, 154, 'Niagara
Falls'), (33470, 254, 154, 'Niagara University'), (33479, 254, 154,
'Nichols'), (33485, 254, 154, 'Nicholville'), (33505, 254, 154,
'Nineveh'), (33510, 254, 154, 'Niobe'), (33522, 254, 154,
'Niverville'), (33560, 254, 154, 'Norfolk'), (12950, 254, 154, 'North
Babylon'), (33594, 254, 154, 'North Bangor'), (33595, 254, 154, 'North
Bay'), (33604, 254, 154, 'North Blenheim'), (33607, 254, 154, 'North
Boston'), (33609, 254, 154, 'North Branch'), (33613, 254, 154, 'North
Brookfield'), (33622, 254, 154, 'North Chatham'), (33624, 254, 154, 'North
Chili'), (33626, 254, 154, 'North Collins'), (33628, 254, 154, 'North
Creek'), (33636, 254, 154, 'North Evans'), (33646, 254, 154, 'North
Granville'), (33647, 254, 154, 'North Greece'), (33658, 254, 154, 'North
Hoosick'), (33660, 254, 154, 'North Hudson'), (33663, 254, 154, 'North
Java'), (33669, 254, 154, 'North Lawrence'), (33685, 254, 154, 'North
Norwich'), (33689, 254, 154, 'North Pitcher'), (33695, 254, 154, 'North
River'), (33697, 254, 154, 'North Rose'), (33700, 254, 154, 'North
Salem'), (10187, 254, 154, 'North Tonawanda'), (14471, 254, 154,
'Northport'), (18038, 254, 154, 'Northville'), (10188, 254, 154,
'Norwich'), (33778, 254, 154, 'Norwood'), (33806, 254, 154,
'Nunda'), (33816, 254, 154, 'Nyack'), (33840, 254, 154, 'Oak
Hill'), (33856, 254, 154, 'Oakdale'), (33864, 254, 154,
'Oakfield'), (33885, 254, 154, 'Oakland Gardens'), (33899, 254, 154, 'Oaks
Corners'), (33917, 254, 154, 'Obernburg'), (33924, 254, 154, 'Ocean
Beach'), (10189, 254, 154, 'Oceanside'), (33964, 254, 154,
'Odessa'), (10190, 254, 154, 'Ogdensburg'), (34030, 254, 154,
'Olcott'), (34032, 254, 154, 'Old Bethpage'), (34033, 254, 154, 'Old
Chatham'), (10191, 254, 154, 'Old Forge'), (12954, 254, 154, 'Old
Westbury'), (10192, 254, 154, 'Olean'), (34070, 254, 154,
'Olivebridge'), (34085, 254, 154, 'Olmstedville'), (10193, 254, 154,
'Oneida'), (10194, 254, 154, 'Oneonta'), (34140, 254, 154,
'Ontario'), (34143, 254, 154, 'Ontario Center'), (34168, 254, 154,
'Orangeburg'), (14168, 254, 154, 'Orchard Park'), (34201, 254, 154,
'Orient'), (34208, 254, 154, 'Oriskany'), (34210, 254, 154, 'Oriskany
Falls'), (34245, 254, 154, 'Orwell'), (10195, 254, 154,
'Ossining'), (34280, 254, 154, 'Oswegatchie'), (10196, 254, 154,
'Oswego'), (34282, 254, 154, 'Otego'), (34289, 254, 154,
'Otisville'), (34305, 254, 154, 'Otto'), (34313, 254, 154,
'Ouaquaga'), (34330, 254, 154, 'Ovid'), (34334, 254, 154, 'Owego'), (34342,
254, 154, 'Owls Head'), (34345, 254, 154, 'Oxbow'), (12916, 254, 154,
'Oxford'), (10197, 254, 154, 'Oyster Bay'), (34373, 254, 154, 'Ozone
Park'), (34408, 254, 154, 'Painted Post'), (34413, 254, 154, 'Palatine
Bridge'), (34415, 254, 154, 'Palenville'), (10198, 254, 154,
'Palisades'), (34450, 254, 154, 'Palmyra'), (34472, 254, 154,
'Panama'), (34508, 254, 154, 'Paradox'), (34521, 254, 154,
'Parish'), (34522, 254, 154, 'Parishville'), (34552, 254, 154,
'Parksville'), (16629, 254, 154, 'Patchogue'), (34607, 254, 154,
'Patterson'), (34608, 254, 154, 'Pattersonville'), (34618, 254, 154, 'Paul
Smiths'), (34626, 254, 154, 'Pavilion'), (34636, 254, 154,
'Pawling'), (34672, 254, 154, 'Pearl River'), (34683, 254, 154,
'Peconic'), (10199, 254, 154, 'Peekskill'), (34701, 254, 154,
'Pelham'), (17703, 254, 154, 'Penfield'), (10200, 254, 154, 'Penn
Yan'), (34744, 254, 154, 'Pennellville'), (34790, 254, 154,
'Perkinsville'), (18222, 254, 154, 'Perry'), (34813, 254, 154,
'Perrysburg'), (17355, 254, 154, 'Peru'), (34830, 254, 154,
'Peterboro'), (34836, 254, 154, 'Petersburg'), (17729, 254, 154,
'Phelps'), (34870, 254, 154, 'Philadelphia'), (34879, 254, 154,
'Phillipsport'), (34881, 254, 154, 'Philmont'), (34890, 254, 154,
'Phoenicia'), (34892, 254, 154, 'Phoenix'), (34924, 254, 154,
'Piercefield'), (34930, 254, 154, 'Piermont'), (34933, 254, 154,
'Pierrepont Manor'), (34939, 254, 154, 'Piffard'), (34944, 254, 154,
'Pike'), (14805, 254, 154, 'Pine Bush'), (17605, 254, 154, 'Pine
City'), (34980, 254, 154, 'Pine Hill'), (34982, 254, 154, 'Pine
Island'), (34988, 254, 154, 'Pine Plains'), (34995, 254, 154, 'Pine
Valley'), (35052, 254, 154, 'Piseco'), (35057, 254, 154,
'Pitcher'), (35073, 254, 154, 'Pittsford'), (10201, 254, 154,
'Plainview'), (35107, 254, 154, 'Plainville'), (35124, 254, 154,
'Plattekill'), (12016, 254, 154, 'Plattsburgh'), (35156, 254, 154,
'Pleasant Valley'), (15041, 254, 154, 'Pleasantville'), (35168, 254, 154,
'Plessis'), (35191, 254, 154, 'Plymouth'), (35211, 254, 154,
'Poestenkill'), (35220, 254, 154, 'Point Lookout'), (35235, 254, 154,
'Poland'), (35264, 254, 154, 'Pomona'), (35266, 254, 154,
'Pompey'), (35272, 254, 154, 'Pond Eddy'), (35294, 254, 154, 'Poplar
Ridge'), (35303, 254, 154, 'Port Byron'), (10203, 254, 154, 'Port
Chester'), (35307, 254, 154, 'Port Crane'), (35311, 254, 154, 'Port
Ewen'), (35313, 254, 154, 'Port Gibson'), (17090, 254, 154, 'Port
Henry'), (10204, 254, 154, 'Port Jefferson'), (14873, 254, 154, 'Port
Jefferson Station'), (10205, 254, 154, 'Port Jervis'), (35320, 254, 154,
'Port Kent'), (35321, 254, 154, 'Port Leyden'), (17107, 254, 154, 'Port
Washington'), (35354, 254, 154, 'Portageville'), (35361, 254, 154, 'Porter
Corners'), (35374, 254, 154, 'Portland'), (35378, 254, 154,
'Portlandville'), (35383, 254, 154, 'Portville'), (12961, 254, 154,
'Potsdam'), (35407, 254, 154, 'Pottersville'), (10206, 254, 154,
'Poughkeepsie'), (35416, 254, 154, 'Poughquag'), (35420, 254, 154, 'Pound
Ridge'), (35475, 254, 154, 'Prattsburgh'), (35477, 254, 154,
'Prattsville'), (35479, 254, 154, 'Preble'), (35501, 254, 154, 'Preston
Hollow'), (35552, 254, 154, 'Prospect'), (10207, 254, 154,
'Pulaski'), (35594, 254, 154, 'Pulteney'), (35595, 254, 154,
'Pultneyville'), (35599, 254, 154, 'Purchase'), (35604, 254, 154,
'Purdys'), (35607, 254, 154, 'Purling'), (35616, 254, 154, 'Putnam
Station'), (35617, 254, 154, 'Putnam Valley'), (35627, 254, 154,
'Pyrites'), (35632, 254, 154, 'Quaker Street'), (42259, 254, 154,
'Queens'), (35647, 254, 154, 'Queens Village'), (35648, 254, 154,
'Queensbury'), (35677, 254, 154, 'Quogue'), (35705, 254, 154, 'Rainbow
Lake'), (35762, 254, 154, 'Randolph'), (35783, 254, 154,
'Ransomville'), (35792, 254, 154, 'Raquette Lake'), (35802, 254, 154,
'Ravena'), (35823, 254, 154, 'Ray Brook'), (35838, 254, 154,
'Raymondville'), (35853, 254, 154, 'Reading Center'), (13836, 254, 154,
'Red Creek'), (14203, 254, 154, 'Red Hook'), (35912, 254, 154,
'Redfield'), (35914, 254, 154, 'Redford'), (35928, 254, 154,
'Redwood'), (12904, 254, 154, 'Rego Park'), (35971, 254, 154,
'Remsen'), (35972, 254, 154, 'Remsenburg'), (15115, 254, 154,
'Rensselaer'), (35982, 254, 154, 'Rensselaer Falls'), (35983, 254, 154,
'Rensselaerville'), (36000, 254, 154, 'Retsof'), (36014, 254, 154,
'Rexford'), (36016, 254, 154, 'Rexville'), (36031, 254, 154,
'Rhinebeck'), (36032, 254, 154, 'Rhinecliff'), (36062, 254, 154,
'Richburg'), (36072, 254, 154, 'Richfield Springs'), (36073, 254, 154,
'Richford'), (36083, 254, 154, 'Richland'), (13098, 254, 154, 'Richmond
Hill'), (36101, 254, 154, 'Richmondville'), (36108, 254, 154,
'Richville'), (36122, 254, 154, 'Ridge'), (17196, 254, 154,
'Ridgewood'), (36152, 254, 154, 'Rifton'), (36197, 254, 154,
'Riparius'), (36198, 254, 154, 'Ripley'), (10208, 254, 154,
'Riverhead'), (10209, 254, 154, 'Rochester'), (36320, 254, 154, 'Rock City
Falls'), (13537, 254, 154, 'Rock Hill'), (36336, 254, 154, 'Rock
Stream'), (36337, 254, 154, 'Rock Tavern'), (14170, 254, 154, 'Rockaway
Park'), (10210, 254, 154, 'Rockville Centre'), (14414, 254, 154, 'Rocky
Point'), (36397, 254, 154, 'Rodman'), (10211, 254, 154, 'Rome'), (36445,
254, 154, 'Romulus'), (10212, 254, 154, 'Ronkonkoma'), (36455, 254, 154,
'Roosevelt'), (36459, 254, 154, 'Rooseveltown'), (36472, 254, 154,
'Roscoe'), (36477, 254, 154, 'Rose'), (36487, 254, 154,
'Roseboom'), (36497, 254, 154, 'Rosedale'), (36512, 254, 154,
'Rosendale'), (14525, 254, 154, 'Roslyn'), (36526, 254, 154, 'Roslyn
Heights'), (36550, 254, 154, 'Rotterdam Junction'), (36555, 254, 154,
'Round Lake'), (36562, 254, 154, 'Round Top'), (36566, 254, 154, 'Rouses
Point'), (36588, 254, 154, 'Roxbury'), (36617, 254, 154, 'Ruby'), (36655,
254, 154, 'Rush'), (36662, 254, 154, 'Rushford'), (36666, 254, 154,
'Rushville'), (36677, 254, 154, 'Russell'), (13191, 254, 154,
'Rye'), (36722, 254, 154, 'Sabael'), (36734, 254, 154, 'Sackets
Harbor'), (15676, 254, 154, 'Sag Harbor'), (36753, 254, 154,
'Sagaponack'), (36767, 254, 154, 'Saint Albans'), (36782, 254, 154, 'Saint
Bonaventure'), (36835, 254, 154, 'Saint James'), (17204, 254, 154, 'Saint
Johnsville'), (36893, 254, 154, 'Saint Regis Falls'), (10213, 254, 154,
'Salamanca'), (36921, 254, 154, 'Salem'), (36943, 254, 154, 'Salisbury
Center'), (36944, 254, 154, 'Salisbury Mills'), (36956, 254, 154, 'Salt
Point'), (37017, 254, 154, 'Sanborn'), (37024, 254, 154, 'Sand
Lake'), (37044, 254, 154, 'Sandusky'), (37047, 254, 154, 'Sandy
Creek'), (37063, 254, 154, 'Sangerfield'), (37093, 254, 154,
'Saranac'), (10214, 254, 154, 'Saranac Lake'), (10215, 254, 154, 'Saratoga
Springs'), (37099, 254, 154, 'Sardinia'), (12892, 254, 154,
'Saugerties'), (37135, 254, 154, 'Sauquoit'), (37140, 254, 154,
'Savannah'), (37144, 254, 154, 'Savona'), (17988, 254, 154,
'Sayville'), (12800, 254, 154, 'Scarsdale'), (37183, 254, 154,
'Schaghticoke'), (10216, 254, 154, 'Schenectady'), (37188, 254, 154,
'Schenevus'), (37197, 254, 154, 'Schodack Landing'), (37201, 254, 154,
'Schoharie'), (37206, 254, 154, 'Schroon Lake'), (37211, 254, 154,
'Schuyler Falls'), (37212, 254, 154, 'Schuyler Lake'), (37213, 254, 154,
'Schuylerville'), (37218, 254, 154, 'Scio'), (37227, 254, 154, 'Scipio
Center'), (37257, 254, 154, 'Scottsburg'), (37261, 254, 154,
'Scottsville'), (37279, 254, 154, 'Sea Cliff'), (14538, 254, 154,
'Seaford'), (10217, 254, 154, 'Selden'), (37359, 254, 154,
'Selkirk'), (37385, 254, 154, 'Seneca Castle'), (13372, 254, 154, 'Seneca
Falls'), (37404, 254, 154, 'Severance'), (37442, 254, 154,
'Shandaken'), (37470, 254, 154, 'Sharon Springs'), (37548, 254, 154,
'Shelter Island'), (37549, 254, 154, 'Shelter Island Heights'), (37553,
254, 154, 'Shenorock'), (37563, 254, 154, 'Sherburne'), (37569, 254, 154,
'Sheridan'), (17286, 254, 154, 'Sherman'), (17331, 254, 154,
'Sherrill'), (37603, 254, 154, 'Shinhopple'), (10218, 254, 154,
'Shirley'), (37623, 254, 154, 'Shokan'), (12846, 254, 154,
'Shoreham'), (37632, 254, 154, 'Shortsville'), (37640, 254, 154, 'Shrub
Oak'), (37647, 254, 154, 'Shushan'), (37666, 254, 154, 'Sidney'), (37668,
254, 154, 'Sidney Center'), (37692, 254, 154, 'Silver Bay'), (37701, 254,
154, 'Silver Creek'), (37709, 254, 154, 'Silver Lake'), (37714, 254, 154,
'Silver Springs'), (37747, 254, 154, 'Sinclairville'), (10219, 254, 154,
'Skaneateles'), (37764, 254, 154, 'Skaneateles Falls'), (14912, 254, 154,
'Slate Hill'), (37792, 254, 154, 'Slaterville Springs'), (37805, 254, 154,
'Slingerlands'), (37807, 254, 154, 'Sloansville'), (37808, 254, 154,
'Sloatsburg'), (37815, 254, 154, 'Smallwood'), (37828, 254, 154,
'Smithboro'), (10220, 254, 154, 'Smithtown'), (37857, 254, 154, 'Smithville
Flats'), (37869, 254, 154, 'Smyrna'), (37901, 254, 154, 'Sodus'), (37902,
254, 154, 'Sodus Point'), (37919, 254, 154, 'Solsville'), (17315, 254, 154,
'Somers'), (37946, 254, 154, 'Sonyea'), (17654, 254, 154, 'Sound
Beach'), (37973, 254, 154, 'South Bethlehem'), (37980, 254, 154, 'South
Butler'), (37981, 254, 154, 'South Byron'), (14811, 254, 154, 'South
Cairo'), (17822, 254, 154, 'South Colton'), (37992, 254, 154, 'South
Dayton'), (38000, 254, 154, 'South Fallsburg'), (38008, 254, 154, 'South
Glens Falls'), (38023, 254, 154, 'South Jamesport'), (38026, 254, 154,
'South Kortright'), (38029, 254, 154, 'South Lima'), (38039, 254, 154,
'South New Berlin'), (38044, 254, 154, 'South Otselic'), (38045, 254, 154,
'South Ozone Park'), (38051, 254, 154, 'South Plymouth'), (38058, 254, 154,
'South Richmond Hill'), (38063, 254, 154, 'South Rutland'), (38066, 254,
154, 'South Salem'), (38079, 254, 154, 'South Wales'), (38095, 254, 154,
'Southampton'), (38098, 254, 154, 'Southfields'), (38102, 254, 154,
'Southold'), (38122, 254, 154, 'Sparkill'), (38129, 254, 154, 'Sparrow
Bush'), (38141, 254, 154, 'Speculator'), (38148, 254, 154,
'Spencer'), (38154, 254, 154, 'Spencerport'), (38155, 254, 154,
'Spencertown'), (38160, 254, 154, 'Speonk'), (38185, 254, 154,
'Sprakers'), (38191, 254, 154, 'Spring Brook'), (38200, 254, 154, 'Spring
Glen'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`,
`name`) VALUES (10222, 254, 154, 'Spring Valley'), (38238, 254, 154,
'Springfield Center'), (38239, 254, 154, 'Springfield Gardens'), (16036,
254, 154, 'Springville'), (38251, 254, 154, 'Springwater'), (38269, 254,
154, 'Staatsburg'), (38276, 254, 154, 'Stafford'), (38287, 254, 154,
'Stamford'), (14952, 254, 154, 'Stanfordville'), (38310, 254, 154,
'Stanley'), (38336, 254, 154, 'Star Lake'), (10223, 254, 154, 'Staten
Island'), (38367, 254, 154, 'Steamburg'), (38389, 254, 154, 'Stella
Niagara'), (38400, 254, 154, 'Stephentown'), (38409, 254, 154,
'Sterling'), (38414, 254, 154, 'Sterling Forest'), (38449, 254, 154,
'Stillwater'), (38462, 254, 154, 'Stittville'), (38485, 254, 154,
'Stockton'), (38499, 254, 154, 'Stone Ridge'), (10225, 254, 154, 'Stony
Brook'), (38515, 254, 154, 'Stony Creek'), (38517, 254, 154, 'Stony
Point'), (38522, 254, 154, 'Stormville'), (38526, 254, 154,
'Stottville'), (38535, 254, 154, 'Stow'), (38557, 254, 154,
'Stratford'), (38596, 254, 154, 'Strykersville'), (38611, 254, 154,
'Stuyvesant'), (38612, 254, 154, 'Stuyvesant Falls'), (10226, 254, 154,
'Suffern'), (38630, 254, 154, 'Sugar Loaf'), (38682, 254, 154,
'Summit'), (38690, 254, 154, 'Summitville'), (38720, 254, 154,
'Sundown'), (38728, 254, 154, 'Sunnyside'), (38751, 254, 154,
'Surprise'), (38773, 254, 154, 'Swain'), (38777, 254, 154, 'Swan
Lake'), (38839, 254, 154, 'Sylvan Beach'), (13226, 254, 154,
'Syosset'), (10228, 254, 154, 'Syracuse'), (14030, 254, 154,
'Taberg'), (38890, 254, 154, 'Tallman'), (38917, 254, 154,
'Tannersville'), (38922, 254, 154, 'Tappan'), (15527, 254, 154,
'Tarrytown'), (39067, 254, 154, 'Thendara'), (39069, 254, 154,
'Theresa'), (39076, 254, 154, 'Thiells'), (39095, 254, 154, 'Thompson
Ridge'), (39100, 254, 154, 'Thompsonville'), (39123, 254, 154,
'Thornwood'), (39129, 254, 154, 'Thousand Island Park'), (39136, 254, 154,
'Three Mile Bay'), (39151, 254, 154, 'Ticonderoga'), (14690, 254, 154,
'Tillson'), (39199, 254, 154, 'Tioga Center'), (39219, 254, 154,
'Tivoli'), (39257, 254, 154, 'Tomkins Cove'), (12001, 254, 154,
'Tonawanda'), (39349, 254, 154, 'Treadwell'), (39385, 254, 154, 'Tribes
Hill'), (39412, 254, 154, 'Troupsburg'), (39416, 254, 154, 'Trout
Creek'), (10229, 254, 154, 'Troy'), (39442, 254, 154,
'Trumansburg'), (39449, 254, 154, 'Truxton'), (39454, 254, 154,
'Tuckahoe'), (13077, 254, 154, 'Tully'), (39473, 254, 154,
'Tunnel'), (39485, 254, 154, 'Tupper Lake'), (39491, 254, 154,
'Turin'), (13238, 254, 154, 'Tuxedo Park'), (39579, 254, 154,
'Tyrone'), (39599, 254, 154, 'Ulster Park'), (39610, 254, 154,
'Unadilla'), (39645, 254, 154, 'Union Hill'), (39651, 254, 154, 'Union
Springs'), (10230, 254, 154, 'Uniondale'), (39668, 254, 154,
'Unionville'), (39692, 254, 154, 'Upper Jay'), (39703, 254, 154,
'Upton'), (10232, 254, 154, 'Utica'), (39736, 254, 154, 'Vails
Gate'), (39737, 254, 154, 'Valatie'), (14368, 254, 154,
'Valhalla'), (39762, 254, 154, 'Valley Cottage'), (39763, 254, 154, 'Valley
Falls'), (10233, 254, 154, 'Valley Stream'), (39791, 254, 154, 'Van Buren
Point'), (39793, 254, 154, 'Van Etten'), (17774, 254, 154, 'Van
Hornesville'), (39836, 254, 154, 'Varysburg'), (39870, 254, 154,
'Verbank'), (39888, 254, 154, 'Vermontville'), (39898, 254, 154,
'Vernon'), (39902, 254, 154, 'Vernon Center'), (39910, 254, 154,
'Verona'), (39914, 254, 154, 'Verona Beach'), (39915, 254, 154,
'Verplanck'), (39918, 254, 154, 'Versailles'), (11912, 254, 154,
'Vestal'), (39939, 254, 154, 'Victor'), (39945, 254, 154, 'Victory
Mills'), (40029, 254, 154, 'Voorheesville'), (40045, 254, 154,
'Waccabuc'), (40054, 254, 154, 'Waddington'), (17166, 254, 154, 'Wading
River'), (40073, 254, 154, 'Wainscott'), (40103, 254, 154,
'Walden'), (40121, 254, 154, 'Wales Center'), (40136, 254, 154, 'Walker
Valley'), (12184, 254, 154, 'Wallkill'), (40203, 254, 154,
'Walton'), (40207, 254, 154, 'Walworth'), (40208, 254, 154,
'Wampsville'), (40212, 254, 154, 'Wanakena'), (40222, 254, 154,
'Wantagh'), (12479, 254, 154, 'Wappingers Falls'), (40261, 254, 154,
'Warners'), (40262, 254, 154, 'Warnerville'), (40277, 254, 154,
'Warrensburg'), (10234, 254, 154, 'Warsaw'), (40293, 254, 154,
'Warwick'), (40321, 254, 154, 'Washington Mills'), (13271, 254, 154,
'Washingtonville'), (40331, 254, 154, 'Wassaic'), (40336, 254, 154, 'Water
Mill'), (40350, 254, 154, 'Waterford'), (10235, 254, 154,
'Waterloo'), (40362, 254, 154, 'Waterport'), (10236, 254, 154,
'Watertown'), (40374, 254, 154, 'Waterville'), (40381, 254, 154,
'Watervliet'), (10237, 254, 154, 'Watkins Glen'), (40429, 254, 154,
'Waverly'), (40438, 254, 154, 'Wawarsing'), (40446, 254, 154,
'Wayland'), (40451, 254, 154, 'Wayne'), (40487, 254, 154,
'Webster'), (40496, 254, 154, 'Weedsport'), (40532, 254, 154, 'Wellesley
Island'), (40549, 254, 154, 'Wells'), (40552, 254, 154, 'Wells
Bridge'), (40556, 254, 154, 'Wellsburg'), (10238, 254, 154,
'Wellsville'), (10239, 254, 154, 'West Babylon'), (40605, 254, 154, 'West
Bloomfield'), (40614, 254, 154, 'West Burlington'), (40615, 254, 154, 'West
Camp'), (40618, 254, 154, 'West Chazy'), (40623, 254, 154, 'West
Clarksville'), (40626, 254, 154, 'West Copake'), (40628, 254, 154, 'West
Coxsackie'), (40630, 254, 154, 'West Davenport'), (40635, 254, 154, 'West
Eaton'), (40636, 254, 154, 'West Edmeston'), (40642, 254, 154, 'West
Falls'), (40651, 254, 154, 'West Fulton'), (40664, 254, 154, 'West
Harrison'), (40669, 254, 154, 'West Haverstraw'), (18844, 254, 154, 'West
Hempstead'), (40671, 254, 154, 'West Henrietta'), (40674, 254, 154, 'West
Hurley'), (10240, 254, 154, 'West Islip'), (40678, 254, 154, 'West
Kill'), (40682, 254, 154, 'West Lebanon'), (40685, 254, 154, 'West
Leyden'), (40704, 254, 154, 'West Monroe'), (40713, 254, 154, 'West
Nyack'), (40714, 254, 154, 'West Oneonta'), (40718, 254, 154, 'West
Park'), (10241, 254, 154, 'West Point'), (40743, 254, 154, 'West Sand
Lake'), (40744, 254, 154, 'West Sayville'), (40745, 254, 154, 'West
Shokan'), (40751, 254, 154, 'West Stockholm'), (40765, 254, 154, 'West
Valley'), (12159, 254, 154, 'West Winfield'), (40780, 254, 154,
'Westbrookville'), (40781, 254, 154, 'Westbury'), (40786, 254, 154,
'Westdale'), (40787, 254, 154, 'Westerlo'), (40792, 254, 154,
'Westernville'), (15440, 254, 154, 'Westfield'), (40805, 254, 154,
'Westford'), (40808, 254, 154, 'Westhampton'), (13365, 254, 154,
'Westhampton Beach'), (40819, 254, 154, 'Westmoreland'), (40834, 254, 154,
'Westons Mills'), (10243, 254, 154, 'Westport'), (40854, 254, 154,
'Westtown'), (40865, 254, 154, 'Wevertown'), (40909, 254, 154,
'Whippleville'), (40932, 254, 154, 'White Lake'), (10244, 254, 154, 'White
Plains'), (40960, 254, 154, 'White Sulphur Springs'), (40968, 254, 154,
'Whitehall'), (40983, 254, 154, 'Whitesboro'), (40990, 254, 154,
'Whitestone'), (40993, 254, 154, 'Whitesville'), (17214, 254, 154, 'Whitney
Point'), (41086, 254, 154, 'Willard'), (41092, 254, 154, 'Willet'), (13037,
254, 154, 'Williamson'), (41120, 254, 154, 'Williamstown'), (41966, 254,
154, 'Williamsville'), (12927, 254, 154, 'Williston Park'), (41138, 254,
154, 'Willow'), (41155, 254, 154, 'Willsboro'), (41156, 254, 154,
'Willseyville'), (41163, 254, 154, 'Wilmington'), (41179, 254, 154,
'Wilson'), (10245, 254, 154, 'Windham'), (41225, 254, 154,
'Windsor'), (41253, 254, 154, 'Wingdale'), (41308, 254, 154,
'Winthrop'), (41326, 254, 154, 'Witherbee'), (41344, 254, 154,
'Wolcott'), (41386, 254, 154, 'Woodbourne'), (10246, 254, 154,
'Woodbury'), (41401, 254, 154, 'Woodgate'), (41402, 254, 154,
'Woodhaven'), (41404, 254, 154, 'Woodhull'), (11811, 254, 154,
'Woodmere'), (41423, 254, 154, 'Woodridge'), (12273, 254, 154,
'Woodside'), (11852, 254, 154, 'Woodstock'), (41468, 254, 154,
'Worcester'), (41506, 254, 154, 'Wurtsboro'), (41508, 254, 154,
'Wyandanch'), (41521, 254, 154, 'Wynantskill'), (41532, 254, 154,
'Wyoming'), (17859, 254, 154, 'Yaphank'), (10247, 254, 154,
'Yonkers'), (41582, 254, 154, 'York'), (41590, 254, 154,
'Yorkshire'), (41596, 254, 154, 'Yorktown Heights'), (41599, 254, 154,
'Yorkville'), (41609, 254, 154, 'Youngstown'), (41613, 254, 154,
'Youngsville'), (41622, 254, 154, 'Yulan'), (19058, 254, 155,
'Aberdeen'), (19155, 254, 155, 'Advance'), (19181, 254, 155,
'Ahoskie'), (19208, 254, 155, 'Alamance'), (9576, 254, 155,
'Albemarle'), (19233, 254, 155, 'Albertson'), (19278, 254, 155,
'Alexander'), (19289, 254, 155, 'Alexis'), (19340, 254, 155,
'Alliance'), (19367, 254, 155, 'Almond'), (19400, 254, 155,
'Altamahaw'), (16662, 254, 155, 'Andrews'), (17547, 254, 155,
'Angier'), (19588, 254, 155, 'Ansonville'), (14728, 254, 155,
'Apex'), (19634, 254, 155, 'Arapahoe'), (19637, 254, 155,
'Ararat'), (11800, 254, 155, 'Arden'), (19793, 254, 155, 'Ash'), (9577,
254, 155, 'Asheboro'), (9578, 254, 155, 'Asheville'), (19872, 254, 155,
'Atkinson'), (19882, 254, 155, 'Atlantic'), (9579, 254, 155, 'Atlantic
Beach'), (19944, 254, 155, 'Aulander'), (19955, 254, 155,
'Aurora'), (19973, 254, 155, 'Autryville'), (20013, 254, 155,
'Avon'), (20030, 254, 155, 'Ayden'), (20031, 254, 155, 'Aydlett'), (20055,
254, 155, 'Badin'), (20063, 254, 155, 'Bahama'), (18388, 254, 155,
'Bailey'), (9580, 254, 155, 'Bakersville'), (20124, 254, 155,
'Balsam'), (14317, 254, 155, 'Balsam Grove'), (16354, 254, 155, 'Banner
Elk'), (20164, 254, 155, 'Barco'), (20173, 254, 155, 'Barium
Springs'), (20187, 254, 155, 'Barnardsville'), (20193, 254, 155,
'Barnesville'), (20261, 254, 155, 'Bat Cave'), (20275, 254, 155,
'Bath'), (20290, 254, 155, 'Battleboro'), (20314, 254, 155,
'Bayboro'), (20342, 254, 155, 'Bear Creek'), (15212, 254, 155,
'Beaufort'), (20444, 254, 155, 'Belews Creek'), (20456, 254, 155,
'Belhaven'), (20469, 254, 155, 'Bellarthur'), (20515, 254, 155,
'Belmont'), (20535, 254, 155, 'Belvidere'), (20571, 254, 155,
'Bennett'), (20583, 254, 155, 'Benson'), (20664, 254, 155, 'Bessemer
City'), (20666, 254, 155, 'Bethania'), (20677, 254, 155, 'Bethel'), (17812,
254, 155, 'Beulaville'), (20820, 254, 155, 'Biscoe'), (20839, 254, 155,
'Black Creek'), (9582, 254, 155, 'Black Mountain'), (20868, 254, 155,
'Bladenboro'), (20892, 254, 155, 'Blanch'), (17738, 254, 155, 'Blounts
Creek'), (20968, 254, 155, 'Blowing Rock'), (18962, 254, 155, 'Boiling
Springs'), (21062, 254, 155, 'Bolivia'), (21067, 254, 155,
'Bolton'), (21092, 254, 155, 'Bonlee'), (21104, 254, 155, 'Boomer'), (9583,
254, 155, 'Boone'), (21114, 254, 155, 'Boonville'), (21128, 254, 155,
'Bostic'), (21310, 254, 155, 'Brasstown'), (9584, 254, 155,
'Brevard'), (21370, 254, 155, 'Bridgeton'), (21445, 254, 155,
'Broadway'), (21543, 254, 155, 'Browns Summit'), (21592, 254, 155,
'Brunswick'), (9585, 254, 155, 'Bryson City'), (16664, 254, 155, 'Buies
Creek'), (21704, 254, 155, 'Bullock'), (21717, 254, 155, 'Bunn'), (21719,
254, 155, 'Bunnlevel'), (9586, 254, 155, 'Burgaw'), (9587, 254, 155,
'Burlington'), (9588, 254, 155, 'Burnsville'), (12708, 254, 155,
'Butner'), (15566, 254, 155, 'Buxton'), (21845, 254, 155, 'Bynum'), (21888,
254, 155, 'Calabash'), (21950, 254, 155, 'Calypso'), (9589, 254, 155,
'Camden'), (21983, 254, 155, 'Cameron'), (9590, 254, 155, 'Camp
Lejeune'), (11972, 254, 155, 'Candler'), (22047, 254, 155,
'Candor'), (22077, 254, 155, 'Canton'), (9591, 254, 155, 'Cape
Hatteras'), (22180, 254, 155, 'Caroleen'), (22183, 254, 155, 'Carolina
Beach'), (13871, 254, 155, 'Carrboro'), (22220, 254, 155,
'Carthage'), (9592, 254, 155, 'Cary'), (22236, 254, 155, 'Casar'), (22252,
254, 155, 'Cashiers'), (22280, 254, 155, 'Castalia'), (22291, 254, 155,
'Castle Hayne'), (22311, 254, 155, 'Catawba'), (22367, 254, 155, 'Cedar
Falls'), (22370, 254, 155, 'Cedar Grove'), (22377, 254, 155, 'Cedar
Island'), (22381, 254, 155, 'Cedar Mountain'), (22479, 254, 155, 'Cerro
Gordo'), (22483, 254, 155, 'Chadbourn'), (9593, 254, 155, 'Chapel
Hill'), (9594, 254, 155, 'Charlotte'), (9595, 254, 155, 'Cherokee'), (9596,
254, 155, 'Cherry Point'), (18364, 254, 155, 'Cherryville'), (22714, 254,
155, 'Chimney Rock'), (12256, 254, 155, 'China Grove'), (22724, 254, 155,
'Chinquapin'), (22737, 254, 155, 'Chocowinity'), (22818, 254, 155,
'Claremont'), (22827, 254, 155, 'Clarendon'), (22876, 254, 155,
'Clarkton'), (16433, 254, 155, 'Clayton'), (14340, 254, 155,
'Clemmons'), (22952, 254, 155, 'Cleveland'), (22971, 254, 155,
'Cliffside'), (22988, 254, 155, 'Climax'), (9597, 254, 155,
'Clinton'), (23040, 254, 155, 'Clyde'), (23072, 254, 155, 'Coats'), (23108,
254, 155, 'Cofield'), (23120, 254, 155, 'Coinjock'), (23144, 254, 155,
'Colerain'), (23154, 254, 155, 'Colfax'), (23168, 254, 155,
'Collettsville'), (9598, 254, 155, 'Columbia'), (9599, 254, 155,
'Columbus'), (23250, 254, 155, 'Comfort'), (23265, 254, 155,
'Como'), (9600, 254, 155, 'Concord'), (23308, 254, 155, 'Conetoe'), (23321,
254, 155, 'Connelly Springs'), (17485, 254, 155, 'Conover'), (23348, 254,
155, 'Conway'), (23364, 254, 155, 'Cooleemee'), (23407, 254, 155,
'Corapeake'), (23418, 254, 155, 'Cordova'), (23433, 254, 155,
'Cornelius'), (9601, 254, 155, 'Corolla'), (23513, 254, 155,
'Council'), (23527, 254, 155, 'Cove City'), (23581, 254, 155,
'Cramerton'), (23617, 254, 155, 'Creedmoor'), (23647, 254, 155,
'Creston'), (23653, 254, 155, 'Creswell'), (23703, 254, 155,
'Crossnore'), (23712, 254, 155, 'Crouse'), (23733, 254, 155,
'Crumpler'), (23760, 254, 155, 'Culberson'), (17318, 254, 155,
'Cullowhee'), (23773, 254, 155, 'Cumberland'), (23788, 254, 155,
'Cumnock'), (23800, 254, 155, 'Currie'), (9602, 254, 155,
'Currituck'), (23886, 254, 155, 'Dallas'), (23917, 254, 155,
'Dana'), (9603, 254, 155, 'Danbury'), (23988, 254, 155,
'Davidson'), (23995, 254, 155, 'Davis'), (24095, 254, 155, 'Deep
Gap'), (24098, 254, 155, 'Deep Run'), (24157, 254, 155, 'Delco'), (16985,
254, 155, 'Denton'), (24229, 254, 155, 'Denver'), (24337, 254, 155,
'Dillsboro'), (9604, 254, 155, 'Dobson'), (24475, 254, 155,
'Dover'), (24531, 254, 155, 'Drexel'), (24573, 254, 155, 'Dublin'), (24591,
254, 155, 'Dudley'), (18445, 254, 155, 'Dunn'), (24682, 254, 155, 'Durants
Neck'), (9606, 254, 155, 'Durham'), (24740, 254, 155, 'Eagle
Springs'), (24747, 254, 155, 'Earl'), (24775, 254, 155, 'East
Bend'), (24816, 254, 155, 'East Flat Rock'), (24895, 254, 155, 'East
Spencer'), (11964, 254, 155, 'Eden'), (9607, 254, 155, 'Edenton'), (25041,
254, 155, 'Edneyville'), (25046, 254, 155, 'Edward'), (25063, 254, 155,
'Efland'), (9608, 254, 155, 'Elizabeth City'), (9609, 254, 155,
'Elizabethtown'), (25179, 254, 155, 'Elk Park'), (25190, 254, 155,
'Elkin'), (25214, 254, 155, 'Ellenboro'), (25225, 254, 155,
'Ellerbe'), (25262, 254, 155, 'Elm City'), (13809, 254, 155, 'Elon
College'), (25340, 254, 155, 'Emerald Isle'), (25387, 254, 155,
'Enfield'), (25391, 254, 155, 'Engelhard'), (11974, 254, 155,
'Enka'), (25400, 254, 155, 'Ennice'), (25447, 254, 155, 'Ernul'), (25452,
254, 155, 'Erwin'), (25499, 254, 155, 'Ether'), (16753, 254, 155,
'Etowah'), (25528, 254, 155, 'Eure'), (25563, 254, 155,
'Everetts'), (11763, 254, 155, 'Evergreen'), (25603, 254, 155, 'Fair
Bluff'), (25637, 254, 155, 'Fairfield'), (17481, 254, 155,
'Fairmont'), (25671, 254, 155, 'Fairview'), (18071, 254, 155,
'Faison'), (25681, 254, 155, 'Faith'), (25686, 254, 155, 'Falcon'), (25689,
254, 155, 'Falkland'), (25712, 254, 155, 'Fallston'), (25762, 254, 155,
'Farmville'), (9610, 254, 155, 'Fayetteville'), (25832, 254, 155,
'Ferguson'), (25930, 254, 155, 'Flat Rock'), (25941, 254, 155,
'Fleetwood'), (25951, 254, 155, 'Fletcher'), (26015, 254, 155, 'Fontana
Dam'), (9611, 254, 155, 'Forest City'), (26091, 254, 155, 'Fort
Bragg'), (26191, 254, 155, 'Fountain'), (26202, 254, 155, 'Four
Oaks'), (9613, 254, 155, 'Franklin'), (26264, 254, 155,
'Franklinton'), (26266, 254, 155, 'Franklinville'), (26338, 254, 155,
'Fremont'), (26378, 254, 155, 'Frisco'), (13863, 254, 155,
'Fuqua-Varina'), (26434, 254, 155, 'Fuquay Varina'), (26543, 254, 155,
'Garland'), (13149, 254, 155, 'Garner'), (26580, 254, 155,
'Garysburg'), (26590, 254, 155, 'Gaston'), (9614, 254, 155,
'Gastonia'), (26595, 254, 155, 'Gates'), (9615, 254, 155,
'Gatesville'), (26673, 254, 155, 'Germanton'), (26684, 254, 155,
'Gerton'), (26706, 254, 155, 'Gibson'), (26713, 254, 155,
'Gibsonville'), (26790, 254, 155, 'Glade Valley'), (26823, 254, 155, 'Glen
Alpine'), (26880, 254, 155, 'Glendale Springs'), (9616, 254, 155,
'Glenville'), (26919, 254, 155, 'Glenwood'), (26933, 254, 155,
'Gloucester'), (26950, 254, 155, 'Godwin'), (26959, 254, 155, 'Gold
Hill'), (9617, 254, 155, 'Goldsboro'), (26981, 254, 155,
'Goldston'), (17167, 254, 155, 'Graham'), (27163, 254, 155,
'Grandy'), (15926, 254, 155, 'Granite Falls'), (27173, 254, 155, 'Granite
Quarry'), (27189, 254, 155, 'Grantsboro'), (27221, 254, 155, 'Grassy
Creek'), (27326, 254, 155, 'Greenmountain'), (9619, 254, 155,
'Greensboro'), (9620, 254, 155, 'Greenville'), (27400, 254, 155,
'Grifton'), (27404, 254, 155, 'Grimesland'), (27433, 254, 155,
'Grover'), (27468, 254, 155, 'Gulf'), (27475, 254, 155, 'Gumberry'), (9621,
254, 155, 'Halifax'), (27573, 254, 155, 'Hallsboro'), (27609, 254, 155,
'Hamilton'), (27618, 254, 155, 'Hamlet'), (13527, 254, 155,
'Hampstead'), (27654, 254, 155, 'Hamptonville'), (27711, 254, 155,
'Harbinger'), (27742, 254, 155, 'Harkers Island'), (27759, 254, 155,
'Harmony'), (27781, 254, 155, 'Harrells'), (27782, 254, 155,
'Harrellsville'), (27794, 254, 155, 'Harris'), (27798, 254, 155,
'Harrisburg'), (27886, 254, 155, 'Hassell'), (9622, 254, 155,
'Hatteras'), (9623, 254, 155, 'Havelock'), (27930, 254, 155, 'Haw
River'), (9624, 254, 155, 'Hayesville'), (27968, 254, 155, 'Hays'), (27984,
254, 155, 'Hazelwood'), (17093, 254, 155, 'Henderson'), (9625, 254, 155,
'Hendersonville'), (28084, 254, 155, 'Henrico'), (28086, 254, 155,
'Henrietta'), (9626, 254, 155, 'Hertford'), (9627, 254, 155,
'Hickory'), (13558, 254, 155, 'Hiddenite'), (9628, 254, 155, 'High
Point'), (28202, 254, 155, 'High Shoals'), (28204, 254, 155,
'Highfalls'), (28217, 254, 155, 'Highlands'), (28232, 254, 155,
'Hildebran'), (14640, 254, 155, 'Hillsborough'), (28323, 254, 155,
'Hobbsville'), (28324, 254, 155, 'Hobgood'), (28328, 254, 155,
'Hobucken'), (28339, 254, 155, 'Hoffman'), (28392, 254, 155,
'Hollister'), (28405, 254, 155, 'Holly Ridge'), (28407, 254, 155, 'Holly
Springs'), (28478, 254, 155, 'Hookerton'), (16529, 254, 155, 'Hope
Mills'), (28545, 254, 155, 'Horse Shoe'), (15059, 254, 155, 'Hot
Springs'), (28626, 254, 155, 'Hubert'), (12842, 254, 155,
'Hudson'), (28703, 254, 155, 'Huntersville'), (28727, 254, 155, 'Hurdle
Mills'), (28785, 254, 155, 'Icard'), (28850, 254, 155, 'Indian
Trail'), (28875, 254, 155, 'Ingold'), (28934, 254, 155, 'Iron
Station'), (28997, 254, 155, 'Ivanhoe'), (29020, 254, 155,
'Jackson'), (29027, 254, 155, 'Jackson Springs'), (9629, 254, 155,
'Jacksonville'), (13425, 254, 155, 'Jamestown'), (29067, 254, 155,
'Jamesville'), (29083, 254, 155, 'Jarvisburg'), (9630, 254, 155,
'Jefferson'), (29216, 254, 155, 'Jonas Ridge'), (29234, 254, 155,
'Jonesville'), (29260, 254, 155, 'Julian'), (9631, 254, 155,
'Kannapolis'), (29389, 254, 155, 'Kelford'), (29402, 254, 155,
'Kelly'), (9632, 254, 155, 'Kenansville'), (29432, 254, 155,
'Kenly'), (14419, 254, 155, 'Kernersville'), (29544, 254, 155, 'Kill Devil
Hills'), (18180, 254, 155, 'King'), (16261, 254, 155, 'Kings
Mountain'), (9633, 254, 155, 'Kinston'), (29634, 254, 155,
'Kipling'), (29672, 254, 155, 'Kittrell'), (9634, 254, 155, 'Kitty
Hawk'), (16083, 254, 155, 'Knightdale'), (29695, 254, 155, 'Knotts
Island'), (29746, 254, 155, 'Kure Beach'), (29781, 254, 155, 'La
Grange'), (29923, 254, 155, 'Lake Junaluska'), (29928, 254, 155, 'Lake
Lure'), (29951, 254, 155, 'Lake Toxaway'), (17741, 254, 155, 'Lake
Waccamaw'), (29976, 254, 155, 'Lakeview'), (30033, 254, 155,
'Landis'), (15689, 254, 155, 'Lansing'), (15169, 254, 155,
'Lattimore'), (30129, 254, 155, 'Laurel Hill'), (30130, 254, 155, 'Laurel
Springs'), (9635, 254, 155, 'Laurinburg'), (30155, 254, 155,
'Lawndale'), (30165, 254, 155, 'Lawsonville'), (30196, 254, 155,
'Leasburg'), (30272, 254, 155, 'Leicester'), (12146, 254, 155,
'Leland'), (30290, 254, 155, 'Lemon Springs'), (9636, 254, 155,
'Lenoir'), (30400, 254, 155, 'Lewiston Woodville'), (17111, 254, 155,
'Lewisville'), (9637, 254, 155, 'Lexington'), (30418, 254, 155,
'Liberty'), (30442, 254, 155, 'Lilesville'), (9638, 254, 155,
'Lillington'), (9639, 254, 155, 'Lincolnton'), (30494, 254, 155,
'Linden'), (9640, 254, 155, 'Linville'), (30528, 254, 155, 'Linville
Falls'), (30533, 254, 155, 'Linwood'), (30595, 254, 155, 'Little
Switzerland'), (30611, 254, 155, 'Littleton'), (16514, 254, 155,
'Locust'), (30758, 254, 155, 'Longwood'), (9641, 254, 155,
'Louisburg'), (30853, 254, 155, 'Lowell'), (30865, 254, 155,
'Lowgap'), (30866, 254, 155, 'Lowland'), (30891, 254, 155,
'Lucama'), (30928, 254, 155, 'Lumber Bridge'), (9642, 254, 155,
'Lumberton'), (31005, 254, 155, 'Lynn'), (31042, 254, 155,
'Macclesfield'), (31068, 254, 155, 'Macon'), (31088, 254, 155,
'Madison'), (31107, 254, 155, 'Maggie Valley'), (31117, 254, 155,
'Magnolia'), (18344, 254, 155, 'Maiden'), (31178, 254, 155,
'Mamers'), (31233, 254, 155, 'Manns Harbor'), (31258, 254, 155,
'Manson'), (31264, 254, 155, 'Manteo'), (31278, 254, 155, 'Maple'), (31285,
254, 155, 'Maple Hill'), (31316, 254, 155, 'Marble'), (31343, 254, 155,
'Margarettsville'), (31359, 254, 155, 'Marietta'), (9643, 254, 155,
'Marion'), (31422, 254, 155, 'Mars Hill'), (31426, 254, 155,
'Marshall'), (31432, 254, 155, 'Marshallberg'), (31440, 254, 155,
'Marshville'), (31445, 254, 155, 'Marston'), (16516, 254, 155,
'Matthews'), (31570, 254, 155, 'Maury'), (31582, 254, 155,
'Maxton'), (31617, 254, 155, 'Mayodan'), (31626, 254, 155,
'Maysville'), (31641, 254, 155, 'Mc Adenville'), (31707, 254, 155, 'Mc
Farlan'), (31714, 254, 155, 'Mc Grady'), (31747, 254, 155, 'Mc
Leansville'), (31775, 254, 155, 'McCain'), (31782, 254, 155, 'McCutcheon
Field'), (31822, 254, 155, 'Mebane'), (31981, 254, 155, 'Merritt'), (31983,
254, 155, 'Merry Hill'), (32034, 254, 155, 'Micaville'), (32045, 254, 155,
'Micro'), (32063, 254, 155, 'Middleburg'), (32074, 254, 155,
'Middlesex'), (32097, 254, 155, 'Midland'), (32118, 254, 155, 'Midway
Park'), (32173, 254, 155, 'Mill Spring'), (32193, 254, 155, 'Millers
Creek'), (32270, 254, 155, 'Milton'), (32284, 254, 155,
'Milwaukee'), (32312, 254, 155, 'Mineral Springs'), (32331, 254, 155,
'Minneapolis'), (32362, 254, 155, 'Misenheimer'), (32388, 254, 155,
'Mocksville'), (32430, 254, 155, 'Moncure'), (9644, 254, 155,
'Monroe'), (32509, 254, 155, 'Montezuma'), (32546, 254, 155,
'Montreat'), (32582, 254, 155, 'Mooresboro'), (17847, 254, 155,
'Mooresville'), (32608, 254, 155, 'Moravian Falls'), (9645, 254, 155,
'Morehead City'), (12032, 254, 155, 'Morganton'), (13672, 254, 155,
'Morrisville'), (32686, 254, 155, 'Morven'), (13725, 254, 155, 'Mount
Airy'), (32758, 254, 155, 'Mount Gilead'), (32765, 254, 155, 'Mount
Holly'), (9647, 254, 155, 'Mount Mitchell'), (32788, 254, 155, 'Mount
Mourne'), (32793, 254, 155, 'Mount Olive'), (32799, 254, 155, 'Mount
Pleasant'), (32820, 254, 155, 'Mount Ulla'), (32844, 254, 155, 'Mountain
Home'), (32879, 254, 155, 'Moyock'), (12868, 254, 155,
'Murfreesboro'), (9648, 254, 155, 'Murphy'), (9649, 254, 155, 'Nags
Head'), (32976, 254, 155, 'Nakina'), (32996, 254, 155, 'Naples'), (9650,
254, 155, 'Nashville'), (33065, 254, 155, 'Nebo'), (9651, 254, 155, 'New
Bern'), (33238, 254, 155, 'New Hill'), (33268, 254, 155, 'New
London'), (33396, 254, 155, 'Newell'), (9652, 254, 155, 'Newland'), (33425,
254, 155, 'Newport'), (33441, 254, 155, 'Newton'), (33449, 254, 155,
'Newton Grove'), (33564, 254, 155, 'Norlina'), (33570, 254, 155,
'Norman'), (33733, 254, 155, 'North Wilkesboro'), (17745, 254, 155,
'Norwood'), (33830, 254, 155, 'Oak City'), (33842, 254, 155, 'Oak
Island'), (16840, 254, 155, 'Oak Ridge'), (33851, 254, 155,
'Oakboro'), (33927, 254, 155, 'Ocean Isle Beach'), (33948, 254, 155,
'Ocracoke'), (34036, 254, 155, 'Old Fort'), (34066, 254, 155,
'Olin'), (34078, 254, 155, 'Olivia'), (34205, 254, 155,
'Oriental'), (34239, 254, 155, 'Orrum'), (34304, 254, 155, 'Otto'), (9653,
254, 155, 'Oxford'), (34484, 254, 155, 'Pantego'), (34555, 254, 155,
'Parkton'), (34562, 254, 155, 'Parmele'), (34606, 254, 155,
'Patterson'), (34629, 254, 155, 'Paw Creek'), (34663, 254, 155,
'Peachland'), (34699, 254, 155, 'Pelham'), (34720, 254, 155,
'Pembroke'), (34728, 254, 155, 'Pendleton'), (34739, 254, 155,
'Penland'), (34763, 254, 155, 'Penrose'), (15378, 254, 155,
'Pfafftown'), (34947, 254, 155, 'Pikeville'), (34958, 254, 155, 'Pilot
Mountain'), (34978, 254, 155, 'Pine Hall'), (34984, 254, 155, 'Pine
Level'), (34998, 254, 155, 'Pinebluff'), (9654, 254, 155,
'Pinehurst'), (35010, 254, 155, 'Pineola'), (35013, 254, 155,
'Pinetops'), (11983, 254, 155, 'Pinetown'), (35017, 254, 155,
'Pineville'), (35021, 254, 155, 'Piney Creek'), (35030, 254, 155, 'Pink
Hill'), (17363, 254, 155, 'Pinnacle'), (9655, 254, 155, 'Pisgah
Forest'), (9656, 254, 155, 'Pittsboro'), (35132, 254, 155, 'Pleasant
Garden'), (35139, 254, 155, 'Pleasant Hill'), (35182, 254, 155,
'Plumtree'), (9657, 254, 155, 'Plymouth'), (35216, 254, 155, 'Point
Harbor'), (35244, 254, 155, 'Polkton'), (35245, 254, 155,
'Polkville'), (35251, 254, 155, 'Pollocksville'), (35286, 254, 155, 'Pope A
F B'), (35291, 254, 155, 'Poplar Branch'), (35393, 254, 155,
'Potecasi'), (35433, 254, 155, 'Powells Point'), (35434, 254, 155,
'Powellsville'), (35527, 254, 155, 'Princeton'), (35546, 254, 155,
'Proctorville'), (35560, 254, 155, 'Prospect Hill'), (35571, 254, 155,
'Providence'), (35606, 254, 155, 'Purlear'), (9658, 254, 155,
'Raeford'), (1317, 254, 155, 'Raleigh'), (35736, 254, 155,
'Ramseur'), (35752, 254, 155, 'Randleman'), (35890, 254, 155, 'Red
Oak'), (35897, 254, 155, 'Red Springs'), (9659, 254, 155,
'Reidsville'), (36011, 254, 155, 'Rex'), (36041, 254, 155,
'Rhodhiss'), (36056, 254, 155, 'Rich Square'), (36067, 254, 155,
'Richfield'), (14531, 254, 155, 'Richlands'), (36124, 254, 155,
'Ridgecrest'), (36140, 254, 155, 'Ridgeway'), (36149, 254, 155,
'Riegelwood'), (9660, 254, 155, 'Roanoke Rapids'), (36266, 254, 155,
'Roaring Gap'), (36267, 254, 155, 'Roaring River'), (36274, 254, 155,
'Robbins'), (9661, 254, 155, 'Robbinsville'), (36278, 254, 155,
'Robersonville'), (9662, 254, 155, 'Rockingham'), (36377, 254, 155,
'Rockwell'), (9663, 254, 155, 'Rocky Mount'), (36391, 254, 155, 'Rocky
Point'), (36394, 254, 155, 'Rodanthe'), (36400, 254, 155,
'Roduco'), (36421, 254, 155, 'Rolesville'), (36449, 254, 155,
'Ronda'), (36460, 254, 155, 'Roper'), (36484, 254, 155, 'Rose
Hill'), (36488, 254, 155, 'Roseboro'), (36527, 254, 155, 'Rosman'), (36551,
254, 155, 'Rougemont'), (36578, 254, 155, 'Rowland'), (9664, 254, 155,
'Roxboro'), (36592, 254, 155, 'Roxobel'), (36629, 254, 155,
'Ruffin'), (36649, 254, 155, 'Rural Hall'), (36696, 254, 155, 'Rutherford
College'), (15175, 254, 155, 'Rutherfordton'), (36888, 254, 155, 'Saint
Pauls'), (36926, 254, 155, 'Salemburg'), (9665, 254, 155,
'Salisbury'), (36958, 254, 155, 'Salter Path'), (36968, 254, 155,
'Saluda'), (36969, 254, 155, 'Salvo'), (37054, 254, 155, 'Sandy
Ridge'), (9666, 254, 155, 'Sanford'), (37086, 254, 155, 'Sapphire'), (9668,
254, 155, 'Saratoga'), (37156, 254, 155, 'Saxapahaw'), (37172, 254, 155,
'Scaly Mountain'), (37243, 254, 155, 'Scotland Neck'), (37254, 254, 155,
'Scotts'), (37266, 254, 155, 'Scottville'), (37270, 254, 155,
'Scranton'), (37283, 254, 155, 'Seaboard'), (37290, 254, 155,
'Seagrove'), (37296, 254, 155, 'Sealevel'), (37332, 254, 155,
'Sedalia'), (9669, 254, 155, 'Selma'), (37374, 254, 155, 'Semora'), (37401,
254, 155, 'Seven Springs'), (37405, 254, 155, 'Severn'), (37438, 254, 155,
'Shallotte'), (37453, 254, 155, 'Shannon'), (37479, 254, 155,
'Sharpsburg'), (37497, 254, 155, 'Shawboro'), (9670, 254, 155,
'Shelby'), (37581, 254, 155, 'Sherrills Ford'), (37595, 254, 155,
'Shiloh'), (37679, 254, 155, 'Siler City'), (37684, 254, 155,
'Siloam'), (37736, 254, 155, 'Simpson'), (37743, 254, 155, 'Sims'), (37780,
254, 155, 'Skyland'), (9671, 254, 155, 'Smithfield'), (37868, 254, 155,
'Smyrna'), (37873, 254, 155, 'Sneads Ferry'), (37880, 254, 155, 'Snow
Camp'), (9672, 254, 155, 'Snow Hill'), (37949, 254, 155, 'Sophia'), (38034,
254, 155, 'South Mills'), (9673, 254, 155, 'Southern Pines'), (38101, 254,
155, 'Southmont'), (38105, 254, 155, 'Southport'), (9674, 254, 155,
'Sparta'), (14094, 254, 155, 'Speed'), (15638, 254, 155,
'Spencer'), (38168, 254, 155, 'Spindale'), (38209, 254, 155, 'Spring
Hope'), (38212, 254, 155, 'Spring Lake'), (9675, 254, 155, 'Spruce
Pine'), (38271, 254, 155, 'Stacy'), (38283, 254, 155, 'Staley'), (16513,
254, 155, 'Stanfield'), (38308, 254, 155, 'Stanley'), (38320, 254, 155,
'Stantonsburg'), (38332, 254, 155, 'Star'), (38360, 254, 155, 'State
Road'), (9676, 254, 155, 'Statesville'), (38370, 254, 155,
'Stedman'), (38387, 254, 155, 'Stella'), (38390, 254, 155, 'Stem'), (38491,
254, 155, 'Stokes'), (38492, 254, 155, 'Stokesdale'), (38506, 254, 155,
'Stoneville'), (38509, 254, 155, 'Stonewall'), (13568, 254, 155, 'Stony
Point'), (38533, 254, 155, 'Stovall'), (9677, 254, 155, 'Stumpy
Point'), (38626, 254, 155, 'Sugar Grove'), (38667, 254, 155,
'Summerfield'), (38717, 254, 155, 'Sunbury'), (38737, 254, 155, 'Sunset
Beach'), (38746, 254, 155, 'Supply'), (38781, 254, 155,
'Swannanoa'), (9678, 254, 155, 'Swanquarter'), (17946, 254, 155,
'Swansboro'), (38812, 254, 155, 'Swepsonville'), (9679, 254, 155,
'Sylva'), (38858, 254, 155, 'Tabor City'), (38924, 254, 155, 'Tar
Heel'), (38925, 254, 155, 'Tarawa Terrace'), (9680, 254, 155,
'Tarboro'), (9681, 254, 155, 'Taylorsville'), (38963, 254, 155,
'Teachey'), (39029, 254, 155, 'Terrell'), (14211, 254, 155,
'Thomasville'), (39142, 254, 155, 'Thurmond'), (39175, 254, 155,
'Tillery'), (39182, 254, 155, 'Timberlake'), (39222, 254, 155,
'Toast'), (39223, 254, 155, 'Tobaccoville'), (39227, 254, 155,
'Todd'), (39284, 254, 155, 'Topton'), (39319, 254, 155,
'Townsville'), (39343, 254, 155, 'Traphill'), (9682, 254, 155,
'Trenton'), (39397, 254, 155, 'Trinity'), (39421, 254, 155,
'Troutman'), (9683, 254, 155, 'Troy'), (9684, 254, 155, 'Tryon'), (39455,
254, 155, 'Tuckasegee'), (39492, 254, 155, 'Turkey'), (39505, 254, 155,
'Turnersburg'), (39532, 254, 155, 'Tuxedo'), (39572, 254, 155,
'Tyner'), (39641, 254, 155, 'Union Grove'), (39648, 254, 155, 'Union
Mills'), (39739, 254, 155, 'Valdese'), (39741, 254, 155, 'Vale'), (39752,
254, 155, 'Valle Crucis'), (39808, 254, 155, 'Vanceboro'), (39813, 254,
155, 'Vandemere'), (17902, 254, 155, 'Vass'), (39842, 254, 155,
'Vaughan'), (39956, 254, 155, 'Vilas'), (40051, 254, 155, 'Waco'), (40056,
254, 155, 'Wade'), (9685, 254, 155, 'Wadesboro'), (17067, 254, 155,
'Wagram'), (15116, 254, 155, 'Wake Forest'), (9686, 254, 155,
'Walkertown'), (40148, 254, 155, 'Wallace'), (40157, 254, 155,
'Wallburg'), (9687, 254, 155, 'Walnut'), (40179, 254, 155, 'Walnut
Cove'), (40195, 254, 155, 'Walstonburg'), (40217, 254, 155,
'Wanchese'), (40256, 254, 155, 'Warne'), (40278, 254, 155,
'Warrensville'), (9688, 254, 155, 'Warrenton'), (40286, 254, 155,
'Warsaw'), (9689, 254, 155, 'Washington'), (40382, 254, 155,
'Watha'), (40436, 254, 155, 'Waves'), (40439, 254, 155, 'Waxhaw'), (9690,
254, 155, 'Waynesville'), (13826, 254, 155, 'Weaverville'), (40485, 254,
155, 'Webster'), (40520, 254, 155, 'Welcome'), (40526, 254, 155,
'Weldon'), (40570, 254, 155, 'Wendell'), (40579, 254, 155,
'Wentworth'), (40639, 254, 155, 'West End'), (40676, 254, 155, 'West
Jefferson'), (40799, 254, 155, 'Westfield'), (40911, 254, 155,
'Whitakers'), (40942, 254, 155, 'White Oak'), (40951, 254, 155, 'White
Plains'), (9691, 254, 155, 'Whiteville'), (16474, 254, 155,
'Whitsett'), (41032, 254, 155, 'Whittier'), (9692, 254, 155,
'Wilkesboro'), (41084, 254, 155, 'Willard'), (9693, 254, 155,
'Williamston'), (41132, 254, 155, 'Williston'), (41150, 254, 155, 'Willow
Spring'), (9694, 254, 155, 'Wilmington'), (9695, 254, 155,
'Wilson'), (41188, 254, 155, 'Wilsons Mills'), (9696, 254, 155,
'Windsor'), (41238, 254, 155, 'Winfall'), (41251, 254, 155,
'Wingate'), (9697, 254, 155, 'Winnabow'), (9698, 254, 155, 'Winston
Salem'), (41302, 254, 155, 'Winterville'), (9699, 254, 155,
'Winton'), (41316, 254, 155, 'Wise'), (41412, 254, 155,
'Woodland'), (41420, 254, 155, 'Woodleaf'), (41504, 254, 155, 'Wrightsville
Beach'), (9700, 254, 155, 'Yadkinville'), (9701, 254, 155,
'Yanceyville'), (41611, 254, 155, 'Youngsville'), (18281, 254, 155,
'Zebulon'), (41657, 254, 155, 'Zionville'), (41658, 254, 155,
'Zirconia'), (19054, 254, 156, 'Abercrombie'), (19070, 254, 156,
'Absaraka'), (19105, 254, 156, 'Adams'), (19168, 254, 156,
'Agate'), (19210, 254, 156, 'Alamo'), (9702, 254, 156,
'Alexander'), (19372, 254, 156, 'Almont'), (19392, 254, 156,
'Alsen'), (19476, 254, 156, 'Ambrose'), (19482, 254, 156, 'Amenia'), (9703,
254, 156, 'Amidon'), (16086, 254, 156, 'Anamoose'), (19549, 254, 156,
'Aneta'), (19598, 254, 156, 'Antler'), (19676, 254, 156, 'Ardoch'), (19687,
254, 156, 'Argusville'), (19746, 254, 156, 'Arnegard'), (19779, 254, 156,
'Arthur'), (19786, 254, 156, 'Arvilla'), (9704, 254, 156,
'Ashley'), (20035, 254, 156, 'Ayr'), (20106, 254, 156, 'Baldwin'), (20111,
254, 156, 'Balfour'), (20125, 254, 156, 'Balta'), (20154, 254, 156,
'Bantry'), (20199, 254, 156, 'Barney'), (20282, 254, 156,
'Bathgate'), (9705, 254, 156, 'Beach'), (20437, 254, 156,
'Belcourt'), (20447, 254, 156, 'Belfield'), (20561, 254, 156,
'Benedict'), (20627, 254, 156, 'Berlin'), (20650, 254, 156,
'Berthold'), (9706, 254, 156, 'Beulah'), (20784, 254, 156,
'Binford'), (20818, 254, 156, 'Bisbee'), (9707, 254, 156,
'Bismarck'), (20897, 254, 156, 'Blanchard'), (9708, 254, 156,
'Bottineau'), (9709, 254, 156, 'Bowbells'), (21169, 254, 156,
'Bowdon'), (9710, 254, 156, 'Bowman'), (21222, 254, 156,
'Braddock'), (21336, 254, 156, 'Bremen'), (21415, 254, 156,
'Brinsmade'), (21450, 254, 156, 'Brocket'), (21624, 254, 156,
'Buchanan'), (21678, 254, 156, 'Buffalo'), (13943, 254, 156,
'Burlington'), (21824, 254, 156, 'Butte'), (21831, 254, 156,
'Buxton'), (21900, 254, 156, 'Caledonia'), (21946, 254, 156,
'Calvin'), (9711, 254, 156, 'Cando'), (22062, 254, 156, 'Cannon
Ball'), (22189, 254, 156, 'Carpio'), (9712, 254, 156, 'Carrington'), (9713,
254, 156, 'Carson'), (22223, 254, 156, 'Cartwright'), (12080, 254, 156,
'Casselton'), (22320, 254, 156, 'Cathay'), (9714, 254, 156,
'Cavalier'), (22338, 254, 156, 'Cayuga'), (9715, 254, 156,
'Center'), (22488, 254, 156, 'Chaffee'), (22569, 254, 156,
'Chaseley'), (22750, 254, 156, 'Christine'), (22769, 254, 156, 'Churchs
Ferry'), (22953, 254, 156, 'Cleveland'), (22968, 254, 156,
'Clifford'), (23110, 254, 156, 'Cogswell'), (23139, 254, 156,
'Coleharbor'), (15612, 254, 156, 'Colfax'), (23233, 254, 156,
'Columbus'), (9716, 254, 156, 'Cooperstown'), (23520, 254, 156,
'Courtenay'), (23597, 254, 156, 'Crary'), (9717, 254, 156,
'Crosby'), (23738, 254, 156, 'Crystal'), (23786, 254, 156,
'Cummings'), (23862, 254, 156, 'Dahlen'), (23980, 254, 156,
'Davenport'), (24016, 254, 156, 'Dawson'), (24040, 254, 156,
'Dazey'), (24129, 254, 156, 'Deering'), (24199, 254, 156,
'Denhoff'), (24254, 254, 156, 'Des Lacs'), (9718, 254, 156, 'Devils
Lake'), (24316, 254, 156, 'Dickey'), (9719, 254, 156, 'Dickinson'), (24381,
254, 156, 'Dodge'), (24419, 254, 156, 'Donnybrook'), (24455, 254, 156,
'Douglas'), (24508, 254, 156, 'Drake'), (24517, 254, 156,
'Drayton'), (24538, 254, 156, 'Driscoll'), (24654, 254, 156, 'Dunn
Center'), (24664, 254, 156, 'Dunseith'), (24973, 254, 156,
'Eckelson'), (25009, 254, 156, 'Edgeley'), (25023, 254, 156,
'Edinburg'), (25037, 254, 156, 'Edmore'), (25067, 254, 156,
'Egeland'), (25143, 254, 156, 'Elgin'), (9720, 254, 156,
'Ellendale'), (25338, 254, 156, 'Emerado'), (25380, 254, 156,
'Enderlin'), (25424, 254, 156, 'Epping'), (25440, 254, 156,
'Erie'), (25462, 254, 156, 'Esmond'), (25621, 254, 156,
'Fairdale'), (25638, 254, 156, 'Fairfield'), (25658, 254, 156,
'Fairmount'), (9721, 254, 156, 'Fargo'), (9722, 254, 156,
'Fessenden'), (25873, 254, 156, 'Fingal'), (9723, 254, 156,
'Finley'), (25923, 254, 156, 'Flasher'), (25938, 254, 156,
'Flaxton'), (26021, 254, 156, 'Forbes'), (26034, 254, 156,
'Fordville'), (26056, 254, 156, 'Forest River'), (9724, 254, 156,
'Forman'), (26145, 254, 156, 'Fort Ransom'), (26160, 254, 156, 'Fort
Totten'), (9725, 254, 156, 'Fort Yates'), (26173, 254, 156,
'Fortuna'), (26296, 254, 156, 'Fredonia'), (26413, 254, 156,
'Fullerton'), (26441, 254, 156, 'Gackle'), (26460, 254, 156,
'Galesburg'), (26530, 254, 156, 'Gardner'), (9726, 254, 156,
'Garrison'), (26737, 254, 156, 'Gilby'), (26795, 254, 156,
'Gladstone'), (26812, 254, 156, 'Glasston'), (26855, 254, 156, 'Glen
Ullin'), (26863, 254, 156, 'Glenburn'), (26885, 254, 156,
'Glenfield'), (14020, 254, 156, 'Golden Valley'), (26985, 254, 156,
'Golva'), (27008, 254, 156, 'Goodrich'), (27081, 254, 156, 'Grace
City'), (9727, 254, 156, 'Grafton'), (9728, 254, 156, 'Grand
Forks'), (27126, 254, 156, 'Grand Forks AFB'), (27156, 254, 156,
'Grandin'), (27200, 254, 156, 'Granville'), (27220, 254, 156, 'Grassy
Butte'), (27257, 254, 156, 'Great Bend'), (27383, 254, 156,
'Grenora'), (27497, 254, 156, 'Gwinner'), (27533, 254, 156,
'Hague'), (27570, 254, 156, 'Halliday'), (27585, 254, 156,
'Hamberg'), (27610, 254, 156, 'Hamilton'), (27636, 254, 156,
'Hampden'), (27671, 254, 156, 'Hankinson'), (27679, 254, 156,
'Hannaford'), (27680, 254, 156, 'Hannah'), (27697, 254, 156,
'Hansboro'), (27870, 254, 156, 'Harvey'), (27879, 254, 156,
'Harwood'), (27911, 254, 156, 'Hatton'), (27920, 254, 156,
'Havana'), (27982, 254, 156, 'Hazelton'), (14032, 254, 156,
'Hazen'), (28006, 254, 156, 'Hebron'), (28097, 254, 156, 'Hensel'), (9729,
254, 156, 'Hettinger'), (9730, 254, 156, 'Hillsboro'), (28491, 254, 156,
'Hoople'), (28506, 254, 156, 'Hope'), (28528, 254, 156, 'Horace'), (28700,
254, 156, 'Hunter'), (28728, 254, 156, 'Hurdsfield'), (28882, 254, 156,
'Inkster'), (9731, 254, 156, 'Jamestown'), (29160, 254, 156,
'Jessie'), (29253, 254, 156, 'Jud'), (29325, 254, 156,
'Karlsruhe'), (29337, 254, 156, 'Kathryn'), (29369, 254, 156,
'Keene'), (13999, 254, 156, 'Kenmare'), (29453, 254, 156,
'Kensal'), (29529, 254, 156, 'Kief'), (29547, 254, 156,
'Killdeer'), (29577, 254, 156, 'Kindred'), (29629, 254, 156,
'Kintyre'), (29697, 254, 156, 'Knox'), (29730, 254, 156, 'Kramer'), (29740,
254, 156, 'Kulm'), (9733, 254, 156, 'Lakota'), (30012, 254, 156,
'Lamoure'), (9734, 254, 156, 'Langdon'), (30064, 254, 156,
'Lankin'), (30069, 254, 156, 'Lansford'), (17153, 254, 156,
'Larimore'), (30170, 254, 156, 'Lawton'), (14091, 254, 156,
'Leeds'), (30260, 254, 156, 'Lefor'), (30270, 254, 156, 'Lehr'), (30330,
254, 156, 'Leonard'), (9735, 254, 156, 'Lidgerwood'), (30438, 254, 156,
'Lignite'), (9736, 254, 156, 'Linton'), (9737, 254, 156, 'Lisbon'), (30559,
254, 156, 'Litchville'), (30959, 254, 156, 'Luverne'), (14033, 254, 156,
'Maddock'), (31128, 254, 156, 'Maida'), (31140, 254, 156, 'Makoti'), (9738,
254, 156, 'Mandan'), (31207, 254, 156, 'Mandaree'), (9739, 254, 156,
'Manning'), (31261, 254, 156, 'Mantador'), (31271, 254, 156,
'Manvel'), (31299, 254, 156, 'Mapleton'), (31375, 254, 156,
'Marion'), (31408, 254, 156, 'Marmarth'), (31427, 254, 156,
'Marshall'), (31459, 254, 156, 'Martin'), (31574, 254, 156, 'Max'), (31578,
254, 156, 'Maxbass'), (14394, 254, 156, 'Mayville'), (9740, 254, 156,
'McClusky'), (31786, 254, 156, 'McGregor'), (31788, 254, 156,
'McHenry'), (31791, 254, 156, 'McKenzie'), (31795, 254, 156,
'McLeod'), (31797, 254, 156, 'McVille'), (31846, 254, 156,
'Medina'), (18886, 254, 156, 'Medora'), (31869, 254, 156,
'Mekinock'), (31934, 254, 156, 'Menoken'), (31943, 254, 156,
'Mercer'), (32039, 254, 156, 'Michigan'), (32257, 254, 156,
'Milnor'), (32271, 254, 156, 'Milton'), (32338, 254, 156,
'Minnewaukan'), (9742, 254, 156, 'Minot'), (32346, 254, 156, 'Minot
AFB'), (32353, 254, 156, 'Minto'), (32405, 254, 156, 'Moffit'), (9743, 254,
156, 'Mohall'), (32540, 254, 156, 'Montpelier'), (32586, 254, 156,
'Mooreton'), (9744, 254, 156, 'Mott'), (32836, 254, 156,
'Mountain'), (32919, 254, 156, 'Munich'), (32955, 254, 156, 'Mylo'), (9745,
254, 156, 'Napoleon'), (33069, 254, 156, 'Neche'), (33090, 254, 156,
'Nekoma'), (33205, 254, 156, 'New England'), (33259, 254, 156, 'New
Leipzig'), (9746, 254, 156, 'New Rockford'), (33325, 254, 156, 'New
Salem'), (14012, 254, 156, 'New Town'), (33377, 254, 156,
'Newburg'), (33468, 254, 156, 'Niagara'), (33542, 254, 156,
'Nome'), (33547, 254, 156, 'Noonan'), (33753, 254, 156,
'Northwood'), (33770, 254, 156, 'Norwich'), (33860, 254, 156,
'Oakes'), (33918, 254, 156, 'Oberon'), (34207, 254, 156, 'Oriska'), (34234,
254, 156, 'Orrin'), (34267, 254, 156, 'Osnabrock'), (34392, 254, 156,
'Page'), (34418, 254, 156, 'Palermo'), (34528, 254, 156, 'Park
River'), (34572, 254, 156, 'Parshall'), (34695, 254, 156, 'Pekin'), (34716,
254, 156, 'Pembina'), (34740, 254, 156, 'Penn'), (34819, 254, 156,
'Perth'), (9747, 254, 156, 'Petersburg'), (34853, 254, 156,
'Pettibone'), (34953, 254, 156, 'Pillsbury'), (35029, 254, 156,
'Pingree'), (35053, 254, 156, 'Pisek'), (35130, 254, 156, 'Plaza'), (35356,
254, 156, 'Portal'), (35373, 254, 156, 'Portland'), (35440, 254, 156,
'Powers Lake'), (35715, 254, 156, 'Raleigh'), (35821, 254, 156,
'Ray'), (35935, 254, 156, 'Reeder'), (35951, 254, 156, 'Regan'), (35952,
254, 156, 'Regent'), (36024, 254, 156, 'Reynolds'), (36028, 254, 156,
'Rhame'), (14050, 254, 156, 'Richardton'), (36228, 254, 156,
'Riverdale'), (36292, 254, 156, 'Robinson'), (36354, 254, 156,
'Rocklake'), (36407, 254, 156, 'Rogers'), (36422, 254, 156,
'Rolette'), (9748, 254, 156, 'Rolla'), (36500, 254, 156,
'Roseglen'), (36529, 254, 156, 'Ross'), (9749, 254, 156, 'Rugby'), (36671,
254, 156, 'Ruso'), (36703, 254, 156, 'Rutland'), (36713, 254, 156,
'Ryder'), (36776, 254, 156, 'Saint Anthony'), (13954, 254, 156, 'Saint
John'), (36868, 254, 156, 'Saint Michael'), (36902, 254, 156, 'Saint
Thomas'), (37016, 254, 156, 'Sanborn'), (37112, 254, 156,
'Sarles'), (37152, 254, 156, 'Sawyer'), (37271, 254, 156,
'Scranton'), (37357, 254, 156, 'Selfridge'), (37390, 254, 156, 'Sentinel
Butte'), (37460, 254, 156, 'Sharon'), (37534, 254, 156, 'Sheldon'), (9750,
254, 156, 'Sherwood'), (37590, 254, 156, 'Sheyenne'), (37593, 254, 156,
'Shields'), (37910, 254, 156, 'Solen'), (37961, 254, 156,
'Souris'), (38017, 254, 156, 'South Heart'), (38170, 254, 156,
'Spiritwood'), (9751, 254, 156, 'Stanley'), (38317, 254, 156,
'Stanton'), (38348, 254, 156, 'Starkweather'), (9752, 254, 156,
'Steele'), (38407, 254, 156, 'Sterling'), (38460, 254, 156,
'Stirum'), (38550, 254, 156, 'Strasburg'), (38578, 254, 156,
'Streeter'), (38753, 254, 156, 'Surrey'), (38769, 254, 156,
'Sutton'), (38836, 254, 156, 'Sykeston'), (38923, 254, 156,
'Tappen'), (38950, 254, 156, 'Taylor'), (39091, 254, 156,
'Thompson'), (13944, 254, 156, 'Tioga'), (39235, 254, 156,
'Tokio'), (39243, 254, 156, 'Tolley'), (39245, 254, 156, 'Tolna'), (39308,
254, 156, 'Tower City'), (9753, 254, 156, 'Towner'), (39369, 254, 156,
'Trenton'), (39513, 254, 156, 'Turtle Lake'), (39530, 254, 156,
'Tuttle'), (39617, 254, 156, 'Underwood'), (39686, 254, 156,
'Upham'), (9754, 254, 156, 'Valley City'), (39852, 254, 156,
'Velva'), (39865, 254, 156, 'Venturia'), (39908, 254, 156,
'Verona'), (40024, 254, 156, 'Voltaire'), (9755, 254, 156,
'Wahpeton'), (40101, 254, 156, 'Walcott'), (40118, 254, 156,
'Wales'), (40125, 254, 156, 'Walhalla'), (40292, 254, 156,
'Warwick'), (9756, 254, 156, 'Washburn'), (9757, 254, 156, 'Watford
City'), (40486, 254, 156, 'Webster'), (40644, 254, 156, 'West
Fargo'), (40810, 254, 156, 'Westhope'), (40888, 254, 156,
'Wheatland'), (13998, 254, 156, 'White Earth'), (41069, 254, 156,
'Wildrose'), (9758, 254, 156, 'Williston'), (41141, 254, 156, 'Willow
City'), (41196, 254, 156, 'Wilton'), (41200, 254, 156,
'Wimbledon'), (41248, 254, 156, 'Wing'), (18125, 254, 156,
'Wishek'), (41361, 254, 156, 'Wolford'), (41454, 254, 156,
'Woodworth'), (41523, 254, 156, 'Wyndmere'), (41581, 254, 156,
'York'), (41617, 254, 156, 'Ypsilanti'), (41629, 254, 156, 'Zahl'), (13923,
254, 156, 'Zap'), (41642, 254, 156, 'Zeeland'), (19059, 254, 157,
'Aberdeen'), (19094, 254, 157, 'Ada'), (19117, 254, 157,
'Adamsville'), (19130, 254, 157, 'Addyston'), (19134, 254, 157,
'Adelphi'), (19136, 254, 157, 'Adena'), (19149, 254, 157,
'Adrian'), (10248, 254, 157, 'Akron'), (19221, 254, 157, 'Albany'), (19283,
254, 157, 'Alexandria'), (19294, 254, 157, 'Alger'), (19307, 254, 157,
'Alledonia'), (10249, 254, 157, 'Alliance'), (19382, 254, 157,
'Alpha'), (19437, 254, 157, 'Alvada'), (19449, 254, 157,
'Alvordton'), (19458, 254, 157, 'Amanda'), (19480, 254, 157,
'Amelia'), (19487, 254, 157, 'Amesville'), (13418, 254, 157,
'Amherst'), (19503, 254, 157, 'Amlin'), (19511, 254, 157,
'Amsden'), (19513, 254, 157, 'Amsterdam'), (19542, 254, 157,
'Andover'), (19568, 254, 157, 'Anna'), (19587, 254, 157,
'Ansonia'), (14250, 254, 157, 'Antwerp'), (19614, 254, 157, 'Apple
Creek'), (10250, 254, 157, 'Appleton'), (19652, 254, 157,
'Arcadia'), (15393, 254, 157, 'Arcanum'), (12887, 254, 157,
'Archbold'), (19725, 254, 157, 'Arlington'), (10251, 254, 157,
'Ashland'), (19822, 254, 157, 'Ashley'), (10252, 254, 157,
'Ashtabula'), (19835, 254, 157, 'Ashville'), (10253, 254, 157,
'Athens'), (19898, 254, 157, 'Attica'), (19902, 254, 157,
'Atwater'), (19939, 254, 157, 'Augusta'), (14356, 254, 157,
'Aurora'), (19967, 254, 157, 'Austinburg'), (19977, 254, 157,
'Ava'), (13845, 254, 157, 'Avon'), (18403, 254, 157, 'Avon Lake'), (20076,
254, 157, 'Bainbridge'), (20093, 254, 157, 'Bakersville'), (20127, 254,
157, 'Baltic'), (20131, 254, 157, 'Baltimore'), (20151, 254, 157,
'Bannock'), (10255, 254, 157, 'Barberton'), (20182, 254, 157,
'Barlow'), (18587, 254, 157, 'Barnesville'), (20228, 254, 157,
'Bartlett'), (20235, 254, 157, 'Barton'), (20245, 254, 157,
'Bascom'), (10256, 254, 157, 'Batavia'), (20277, 254, 157, 'Bath'), (20309,
254, 157, 'Bay Village'), (20328, 254, 157, 'Beach City'), (20331, 254,
157, 'Beachwood'), (20336, 254, 157, 'Beallsville'), (20369, 254, 157,
'Beaver'), (20383, 254, 157, 'Beaverdam'), (18138, 254, 157,
'Bedford'), (13281, 254, 157, 'Bellaire'), (20470, 254, 157,
'Bellbrook'), (20472, 254, 157, 'Belle Center'), (20481, 254, 157, 'Belle
Valley'), (10258, 254, 157, 'Bellefontaine'), (14756, 254, 157,
'Bellevue'), (20507, 254, 157, 'Bellville'), (20518, 254, 157,
'Belmont'), (20524, 254, 157, 'Belmore'), (20525, 254, 157,
'Beloit'), (14614, 254, 157, 'Belpre'), (20599, 254, 157, 'Benton
Ridge'), (20602, 254, 157, 'Bentonville'), (13819, 254, 157,
'Berea'), (20612, 254, 157, 'Bergholz'), (20620, 254, 157,
'Berkey'), (20630, 254, 157, 'Berlin'), (20632, 254, 157, 'Berlin
Center'), (20633, 254, 157, 'Berlin Heights'), (20679, 254, 157,
'Bethel'), (20686, 254, 157, 'Bethesda'), (20699, 254, 157,
'Bettsville'), (20707, 254, 157, 'Beverly'), (42060, 254, 157,
'Bexley'), (20721, 254, 157, 'Bidwell'), (20750, 254, 157, 'Big
Prairie'), (20815, 254, 157, 'Birmingham'), (20855, 254, 157,
'Blacklick'), (20870, 254, 157, 'Bladensburg'), (20874, 254, 157,
'Blaine'), (20889, 254, 157, 'Blakeslee'), (20900, 254, 157,
'Blanchester'), (20922, 254, 157, 'Blissfield'), (20931, 254, 157,
'Bloomdale'), (20943, 254, 157, 'Bloomingburg'), (20949, 254, 157,
'Bloomingdale'), (20962, 254, 157, 'Bloomville'), (20973, 254, 157, 'Blue
Creek'), (20997, 254, 157, 'Blue Rock'), (13279, 254, 157,
'Bluffton'), (21060, 254, 157, 'Bolivar'), (21141, 254, 157,
'Botkins'), (21153, 254, 157, 'Bourneville'), (21173, 254, 157,
'Bowerston'), (21174, 254, 157, 'Bowersville'), (10260, 254, 157, 'Bowling
Green'), (21236, 254, 157, 'Bradford'), (21254, 254, 157,
'Bradner'), (21259, 254, 157, 'Brady Lake'), (21320, 254, 157,
'Brecksville'), (17229, 254, 157, 'Bremen'), (14814, 254, 157,
'Brewster'), (21351, 254, 157, 'Brice'), (21363, 254, 157,
'Bridgeport'), (21401, 254, 157, 'Brilliant'), (16014, 254, 157,
'Brimfield'), (21410, 254, 157, 'Brinkhaven'), (21427, 254, 157,
'Bristolville'), (21443, 254, 157, 'Broadview Heights'), (13930, 254, 157,
'Broadview Heights.'), (21447, 254, 157, 'Broadway'), (18902, 254, 157,
'Brookfield'), (10261, 254, 157, 'Brookpark'), (21523, 254, 157,
'Brookville'), (21556, 254, 157, 'Brownsville'), (10262, 254, 157,
'Brunswick'), (10263, 254, 157, 'Bryan'), (14410, 254, 157,
'Buchanan'), (21629, 254, 157, 'Buchtel'), (21635, 254, 157, 'Buckeye
Lake'), (21646, 254, 157, 'Buckland'), (10264, 254, 157,
'Bucyrus'), (21679, 254, 157, 'Buffalo'), (21694, 254, 157,
'Buford'), (21722, 254, 157, 'Burbank'), (21735, 254, 157,
'Burghill'), (21737, 254, 157, 'Burgoon'), (21742, 254, 157,
'Burkettsville'), (21798, 254, 157, 'Burton'), (21820, 254, 157,
'Butler'), (21839, 254, 157, 'Byesville'), (21862, 254, 157,
'Cable'), (10265, 254, 157, 'Cadiz'), (21885, 254, 157, 'Cairo'), (10266,
254, 157, 'Caldwell'), (21902, 254, 157, 'Caledonia'), (10267, 254, 157,
'Cambridge'), (21974, 254, 157, 'Camden'), (21985, 254, 157,
'Cameron'), (21995, 254, 157, 'Camp Dennison'), (17210, 254, 157,
'Campbell'), (22040, 254, 157, 'Canal Fulton'), (13957, 254, 157, 'Canal
Winchester'), (18680, 254, 157, 'Canfield'), (10268, 254, 157,
'Canton'), (22128, 254, 157, 'Carbon Hill'), (22131, 254, 157,
'Carbondale'), (12276, 254, 157, 'Cardington'), (22142, 254, 157,
'Carey'), (22195, 254, 157, 'Carroll'), (10269, 254, 157,
'Carrollton'), (22272, 254, 157, 'Casstown'), (22281, 254, 157,
'Castalia'), (22312, 254, 157, 'Catawba'), (22350, 254, 157,
'Cecil'), (16541, 254, 157, 'Cedarville'), (10270, 254, 157,
'Celina'), (22432, 254, 157, 'Centerburg'), (22490, 254, 157, 'Chagrin
Falls'), (22516, 254, 157, 'Chandlersville'), (10272, 254, 157,
'Chardon'), (22560, 254, 157, 'Charm'), (22575, 254, 157,
'Chatfield'), (22591, 254, 157, 'Chauncey'), (22628, 254, 157, 'Cherry
Fork'), (17649, 254, 157, 'Chesapeake'), (22641, 254, 157,
'Cheshire'), (22655, 254, 157, 'Chester'), (22668, 254, 157,
'Chesterhill'), (18814, 254, 157, 'Chesterland'), (22670, 254, 157,
'Chesterville'), (22689, 254, 157, 'Chickasaw'), (10273, 254, 157,
'Chillicothe'), (22708, 254, 157, 'Chilo'), (22727, 254, 157, 'Chippewa
Lake'), (22749, 254, 157, 'Christiansburg'), (10274, 254, 157,
'Cincinnati'), (10275, 254, 157, 'Circleville'), (22832, 254, 157,
'Clarington'), (22858, 254, 157, 'Clarksburg'), (22873, 254, 157,
'Clarksville'), (22889, 254, 157, 'Clay Center'), (17956, 254, 157,
'Clayton'), (10276, 254, 157, 'Cleveland'), (22963, 254, 157,
'Cleves'), (22978, 254, 157, 'Clifton'), (23003, 254, 157,
'Clinton'), (23030, 254, 157, 'Cloverdale'), (18268, 254, 157,
'Clyde'), (23055, 254, 157, 'Coal Run'), (23067, 254, 157,
'Coalton'), (15736, 254, 157, 'Coldwater'), (23145, 254, 157,
'Colerain'), (23161, 254, 157, 'College Corner'), (16292, 254, 157,
'Collins'), (23183, 254, 157, 'Collinsville'), (23209, 254, 157,
'Colton'), (23227, 254, 157, 'Columbia Station'), (16771, 254, 157,
'Columbiana'), (10278, 254, 157, 'Columbus'), (23239, 254, 157, 'Columbus
Grove'), (23260, 254, 157, 'Commercial Point'), (23307, 254, 157,
'Conesville'), (13678, 254, 157, 'Conneaut'), (23325, 254, 157,
'Conover'), (23336, 254, 157, 'Continental'), (23344, 254, 157,
'Convoy'), (23370, 254, 157, 'Coolville'), (23440, 254, 157,
'Corning'), (23469, 254, 157, 'Cortland'), (10279, 254, 157,
'Coshocton'), (15468, 254, 157, 'Covington'), (23625, 254, 157,
'Creola'), (23645, 254, 157, 'Crestline'), (23649, 254, 157,
'Creston'), (23685, 254, 157, 'Crooksville'), (23709, 254, 157,
'Croton'), (23720, 254, 157, 'Crown City'), (23752, 254, 157,
'Cuba'), (23774, 254, 157, 'Cumberland'), (23803, 254, 157,
'Curtice'), (23821, 254, 157, 'Custar'), (23834, 254, 157,
'Cutler'), (10280, 254, 157, 'Cuyahoga Falls'), (23840, 254, 157,
'Cygnet'), (23843, 254, 157, 'Cynthiana'), (23899, 254, 157,
'Dalton'), (23908, 254, 157, 'Damascus'), (23951, 254, 157,
'Danville'), (10257, 254, 157, 'Dayton'), (24045, 254, 157, 'De
Graff'), (24085, 254, 157, 'Decatur'), (24124, 254, 157,
'Deerfield'), (24130, 254, 157, 'Deersville'), (10282, 254, 157,
'Defiance'), (10283, 254, 157, 'Delaware'), (24168, 254, 157,
'Dellroy'), (24184, 254, 157, 'Delphos'), (12805, 254, 157,
'Delta'), (24215, 254, 157, 'Dennison'), (24244, 254, 157,
'Derby'), (24251, 254, 157, 'Derwent'), (24260, 254, 157,
'Deshler'), (24296, 254, 157, 'Dexter City'), (24300, 254, 157,
'Diamond'), (24336, 254, 157, 'Dillonvale'), (24394, 254, 157,
'Dola'), (24417, 254, 157, 'Donnelsville'), (24438, 254, 157,
'Dorset'), (10284, 254, 157, 'Dover'), (24501, 254, 157,
'Doylestown'), (13734, 254, 157, 'Dresden'), (10285, 254, 157,
'Dublin'), (24619, 254, 157, 'Dunbridge'), (24623, 254, 157, 'Duncan
Falls'), (24638, 254, 157, 'Dundee'), (24644, 254, 157, 'Dunkirk'), (24671,
254, 157, 'Dupont'), (24800, 254, 157, 'East Claridon'), (24818, 254, 157,
'East Fultonham'), (24843, 254, 157, 'East Liberty'), (11986, 254, 157,
'East Liverpool'), (24869, 254, 157, 'East Palestine'), (24886, 254, 157,
'East Rochester'), (16307, 254, 157, 'East Sparta'), (24897, 254, 157,
'East Springfield'), (10287, 254, 157, 'Eastlake'), (10288, 254, 157,
'Eaton'), (25015, 254, 157, 'Edgerton'), (25029, 254, 157,
'Edison'), (25042, 254, 157, 'Edon'), (25121, 254, 157,
'Eldorado'), (25145, 254, 157, 'Elgin'), (25204, 254, 157,
'Elkton'), (25257, 254, 157, 'Ellsworth'), (25292, 254, 157,
'Elmore'), (10289, 254, 157, 'Elyria'), (25373, 254, 157,
'Empire'), (19031, 254, 157, 'Englewood'), (25406, 254, 157,
'Enon'), (25507, 254, 157, 'Etna'), (10290, 254, 157, 'Euclid'), (25551,
254, 157, 'Evansport'), (10291, 254, 157, 'Fairborn'), (10292, 254, 157,
'Fairfield'), (25663, 254, 157, 'Fairpoint'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities`
(`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (18758, 254, 157,
'Fairview'), (25735, 254, 157, 'Farmdale'), (25736, 254, 157,
'Farmer'), (25743, 254, 157, 'Farmersville'), (25786, 254, 157,
'Fayette'), (25790, 254, 157, 'Fayetteville'), (25802, 254, 157,
'Feesburg'), (25805, 254, 157, 'Felicity'), (10293, 254, 157,
'Findlay'), (25931, 254, 157, 'Flat Rock'), (25945, 254, 157,
'Fleming'), (25952, 254, 157, 'Fletcher'), (25997, 254, 157,
'Flushing'), (18241, 254, 157, 'Forest'), (26116, 254, 157, 'Fort
Jennings'), (26126, 254, 157, 'Fort Loramie'), (26146, 254, 157, 'Fort
Recovery'), (18423, 254, 157, 'Fostoria'), (26210, 254, 157,
'Fowler'), (26244, 254, 157, 'Frankfort'), (14212, 254, 157,
'Franklin'), (16614, 254, 157, 'Franklin Furnace'), (26279, 254, 157,
'Frazeysburg'), (26291, 254, 157, 'Fredericksburg'), (12581, 254, 157,
'Fredericktown'), (26329, 254, 157, 'Freeport'), (10294, 254, 157,
'Fremont'), (26355, 254, 157, 'Fresno'), (26370, 254, 157,
'Friendship'), (26424, 254, 157, 'Fulton'), (26429, 254, 157,
'Fultonham'), (41964, 254, 157, 'Gahanna'), (26455, 254, 157,
'Galena'), (12989, 254, 157, 'Galion'), (10296, 254, 157,
'Gallipolis'), (16189, 254, 157, 'Galloway'), (26491, 254, 157,
'Gambier'), (26560, 254, 157, 'Garrettsville'), (13092, 254, 157, 'Gates
Mills'), (26632, 254, 157, 'Geneva'), (26640, 254, 157, 'Genoa'), (10298,
254, 157, 'Georgetown'), (26677, 254, 157, 'Germantown'), (26686, 254, 157,
'Gettysburg'), (26710, 254, 157, 'Gibsonburg'), (10299, 254, 157,
'Girard'), (26801, 254, 157, 'Glandorf'), (26871, 254, 157,
'Glencoe'), (26888, 254, 157, 'Glenford'), (26895, 254, 157,
'Glenmont'), (26936, 254, 157, 'Glouster'), (26943, 254, 157,
'Gnadenhutten'), (26986, 254, 157, 'Gomer'), (27059, 254, 157,
'Goshen'), (27100, 254, 157, 'Grafton'), (27141, 254, 157, 'Grand
Rapids'), (27144, 254, 157, 'Grand River'), (27202, 254, 157,
'Granville'), (27223, 254, 157, 'Gratiot'), (27225, 254, 157,
'Gratis'), (27251, 254, 157, 'Graysville'), (27254, 254, 157,
'Graytown'), (10300, 254, 157, 'Green'), (27271, 254, 157, 'Green
Camp'), (27286, 254, 157, 'Green Springs'), (27312, 254, 157,
'Greenfield'), (27317, 254, 157, 'Greenford'), (27338, 254, 157,
'Greentown'), (10301, 254, 157, 'Greenville'), (27360, 254, 157,
'Greenwich'), (27379, 254, 157, 'Grelton'), (10302, 254, 157, 'Grove
City'), (27430, 254, 157, 'Groveport'), (27437, 254, 157, 'Grover
Hill'), (27494, 254, 157, 'Guysville'), (27504, 254, 157,
'Gypsum'), (27576, 254, 157, 'Hallsville'), (27593, 254, 157,
'Hamden'), (27598, 254, 157, 'Hamersville'), (10303, 254, 157,
'Hamilton'), (13111, 254, 157, 'Hamler'), (27633, 254, 157,
'Hammondsville'), (27684, 254, 157, 'Hannibal'), (27696, 254, 157,
'Hanoverton'), (27713, 254, 157, 'Harbor View'), (27746, 254, 157, 'Harlem
Springs'), (27775, 254, 157, 'Harpster'), (27799, 254, 157,
'Harrisburg'), (12761, 254, 157, 'Harrison'), (27819, 254, 157,
'Harrisville'), (27822, 254, 157, 'Harrod'), (27836, 254, 157,
'Hartford'), (17816, 254, 157, 'Hartville'), (27872, 254, 157,
'Harveysburg'), (27884, 254, 157, 'Haskins'), (27927, 254, 157,
'Haverhill'), (27929, 254, 157, 'Haviland'), (27957, 254, 157,
'Haydenville'), (27961, 254, 157, 'Hayesville'), (17587, 254, 157,
'Heath'), (28008, 254, 157, 'Hebron'), (28034, 254, 157, 'Helena'), (28179,
254, 157, 'Hicksville'), (28192, 254, 157, 'Higginsport'), (28210, 254,
157, 'Highland'), (12767, 254, 157, 'Hilliard'), (10304, 254, 157,
'Hillsboro'), (28286, 254, 157, 'Hinckley'), (28308, 254, 157,
'Hiram'), (28331, 254, 157, 'Hockingport'), (15537, 254, 157,
'Holgate'), (28374, 254, 157, 'Holland'), (28380, 254, 157,
'Hollansburg'), (28396, 254, 157, 'Holloway'), (28418, 254, 157,
'Holmesville'), (28446, 254, 157, 'Homer'), (28448, 254, 157,
'Homerville'), (14945, 254, 157, 'Homeworth'), (28495, 254, 157,
'Hooven'), (28514, 254, 157, 'Hopedale'), (28517, 254, 157,
'Hopewell'), (28583, 254, 157, 'Houston'), (28590, 254, 157,
'Howard'), (28613, 254, 157, 'Hoytville'), (28618, 254, 157,
'Hubbard'), (11990, 254, 157, 'Hudson'), (28721, 254, 157,
'Huntsburg'), (28725, 254, 157, 'Huntsville'), (10306, 254, 157,
'Huron'), (28784, 254, 157, 'Iberia'), (28833, 254, 157,
'Independence'), (28936, 254, 157, 'Irondale'), (10307, 254, 157,
'Ironton'), (10308, 254, 157, 'Irwin'), (28976, 254, 157, 'Isle Saint
George'), (10309, 254, 157, 'Jackson'), (29025, 254, 157, 'Jackson
Center'), (29032, 254, 157, 'Jacksontown'), (29037, 254, 157,
'Jacksonville'), (29042, 254, 157, 'Jacobsburg'), (29062, 254, 157,
'Jamestown'), (29088, 254, 157, 'Jasper'), (10310, 254, 157,
'Jefferson'), (29117, 254, 157, 'Jeffersonville'), (29126, 254, 157,
'Jenera'), (29151, 254, 157, 'Jeromesville'), (29152, 254, 157, 'Jerry
City'), (29158, 254, 157, 'Jerusalem'), (29171, 254, 157,
'Jewell'), (29175, 254, 157, 'Jewett'), (12248, 254, 157,
'Johnstown'), (29274, 254, 157, 'Junction City'), (29295, 254, 157,
'Kalida'), (29318, 254, 157, 'Kansas'), (29371, 254, 157, 'Keene'), (29396,
254, 157, 'Kelleys Island'), (29459, 254, 157, 'Kensington'), (10311, 254,
157, 'Kent'), (10312, 254, 157, 'Kenton'), (29489, 254, 157,
'Kerr'), (41967, 254, 157, 'Kettering'), (29504, 254, 157,
'Kettlersville'), (29528, 254, 157, 'Kidron'), (29539, 254, 157,
'Kilbourne'), (15550, 254, 157, 'Killbuck'), (29567, 254, 157,
'Kimbolton'), (29590, 254, 157, 'Kings Mills'), (12520, 254, 157,
'Kingston'), (29617, 254, 157, 'Kingsville'), (29625, 254, 157,
'Kinsman'), (29635, 254, 157, 'Kipling'), (29637, 254, 157,
'Kipton'), (29639, 254, 157, 'Kirby'), (29644, 254, 157,
'Kirkersville'), (42232, 254, 157, 'Kirtland'), (17631, 254, 157, 'Kitts
Hill'), (29745, 254, 157, 'Kunkle'), (29810, 254, 157, 'La Rue'), (29828,
254, 157, 'Lacarne'), (10314, 254, 157, 'Lafayette'), (29859, 254, 157,
'Lafferty'), (29863, 254, 157, 'Lagrange'), (29872, 254, 157,
'Laings'), (29934, 254, 157, 'Lake Milton'), (29966, 254, 157,
'Lakemore'), (13125, 254, 157, 'Lakeside Marblehead'), (29977, 254, 157,
'Lakeview'), (17421, 254, 157, 'Lakeville'), (10315, 254, 157,
'Lakewood'), (10316, 254, 157, 'Lancaster'), (30061, 254, 157,
'Langsville'), (30074, 254, 157, 'Lansing'), (30105, 254, 157,
'Latham'), (30112, 254, 157, 'Latty'), (30118, 254, 157, 'Laura'), (30132,
254, 157, 'Laurelville'), (30198, 254, 157, 'Leavittsburg'), (10317, 254,
157, 'Lebanon'), (30245, 254, 157, 'Lees Creek'), (30249, 254, 157,
'Leesburg'), (30252, 254, 157, 'Leesville'), (30256, 254, 157,
'Leetonia'), (30277, 254, 157, 'Leipsic'), (30294, 254, 157,
'Lemoyne'), (17843, 254, 157, 'Lewis Center'), (30393, 254, 157,
'Lewisburg'), (30402, 254, 157, 'Lewistown'), (30405, 254, 157,
'Lewisville'), (13804, 254, 157, 'Liberty Center'), (10318, 254, 157,
'Lima'), (30454, 254, 157, 'Limaville'), (30508, 254, 157,
'Lindsey'), (30544, 254, 157, 'Lisbon'), (30558, 254, 157,
'Litchfield'), (30562, 254, 157, 'Lithopolis'), (30576, 254, 157, 'Little
Hocking'), (30649, 254, 157, 'Lockbourne'), (15054, 254, 157,
'Lodi'), (10319, 254, 157, 'Logan'), (10320, 254, 157, 'London'), (30706,
254, 157, 'Londonderry'), (30721, 254, 157, 'Long Bottom'), (10321, 254,
157, 'Lorain'), (30780, 254, 157, 'Lore City'), (11759, 254, 157,
'Loudonville'), (16994, 254, 157, 'Louisville'), (13873, 254, 157,
'Loveland'), (30854, 254, 157, 'Lowell'), (30858, 254, 157,
'Lowellville'), (30862, 254, 157, 'Lower Salem'), (30896, 254, 157,
'Lucas'), (30897, 254, 157, 'Lucasville'), (13517, 254, 157,
'Luckey'), (30916, 254, 157, 'Ludlow Falls'), (30988, 254, 157,
'Lynchburg'), (31014, 254, 157, 'Lynx'), (31026, 254, 157,
'Lyons'), (17692, 254, 157, 'Macedonia'), (31062, 254, 157,
'Macksburg'), (31092, 254, 157, 'Madison'), (31110, 254, 157, 'Magnetic
Springs'), (31119, 254, 157, 'Magnolia'), (13150, 254, 157,
'Maineville'), (31144, 254, 157, 'Malaga'), (31154, 254, 157,
'Malinta'), (31171, 254, 157, 'Malta'), (31175, 254, 157,
'Malvern'), (31201, 254, 157, 'Manchester'), (10322, 254, 157,
'Mansfield'), (31269, 254, 157, 'Mantua'), (10323, 254, 157, 'Maple
Heights'), (31304, 254, 157, 'Maplewood'), (31312, 254, 157,
'Marathon'), (31340, 254, 157, 'Marengo'), (31347, 254, 157, 'Maria
Stein'), (10324, 254, 157, 'Marietta'), (10325, 254, 157,
'Marion'), (31389, 254, 157, 'Mark Center'), (31435, 254, 157,
'Marshallville'), (31448, 254, 157, 'Martel'), (31460, 254, 157,
'Martin'), (31467, 254, 157, 'Martins Ferry'), (31471, 254, 157,
'Martinsburg'), (31476, 254, 157, 'Martinsville'), (10326, 254, 157,
'Marysville'), (31508, 254, 157, 'Mason'), (10327, 254, 157,
'Massillon'), (31525, 254, 157, 'Masury'), (17269, 254, 157,
'Maumee'), (31581, 254, 157, 'Maximo'), (31614, 254, 157,
'Maynard'), (10329, 254, 157, 'Mc Arthur'), (31667, 254, 157, 'Mc
Clure'), (31672, 254, 157, 'Mc Comb'), (10330, 254, 157, 'Mc
Connelsville'), (31689, 254, 157, 'Mc Cutchenville'), (31693, 254, 157, 'Mc
Dermott'), (31696, 254, 157, 'Mc Donald'), (31721, 254, 157, 'Mc
Guffey'), (31826, 254, 157, 'Mechanicsburg'), (31827, 254, 157,
'Mechanicstown'), (10331, 254, 157, 'Medina'), (31860, 254, 157,
'Medway'), (31887, 254, 157, 'Melmore'), (31895, 254, 157,
'Melrose'), (31922, 254, 157, 'Mendon'), (10332, 254, 157,
'Mentor'), (32001, 254, 157, 'Mesopotamia'), (32007, 254, 157,
'Metamora'), (13681, 254, 157, 'Miamisburg'), (32031, 254, 157,
'Miamitown'), (32032, 254, 157, 'Miamiville'), (32050, 254, 157, 'Middle
Bass'), (32056, 254, 157, 'Middle Point'), (32060, 254, 157,
'Middlebranch'), (32064, 254, 157, 'Middleburg'), (10333, 254, 157,
'Middlefield'), (32072, 254, 157, 'Middleport'), (10334, 254, 157,
'Middletown'), (32098, 254, 157, 'Midland'), (32107, 254, 157,
'Midvale'), (32134, 254, 157, 'Milan'), (32155, 254, 157,
'Milford'), (32158, 254, 157, 'Milford Center'), (32183, 254, 157,
'Millbury'), (32187, 254, 157, 'Milledgeville'), (32192, 254, 157, 'Miller
City'), (10335, 254, 157, 'Millersburg'), (18511, 254, 157,
'Millersport'), (32209, 254, 157, 'Millfield'), (32279, 254, 157, 'Milton
Center'), (32307, 254, 157, 'Mineral City'), (14246, 254, 157, 'Mineral
Ridge'), (32319, 254, 157, 'Minerva'), (32322, 254, 157,
'Minford'), (32324, 254, 157, 'Mingo'), (14182, 254, 157, 'Mingo
Junction'), (32348, 254, 157, 'Minster'), (17409, 254, 157,
'Mogadore'), (32429, 254, 157, 'Monclova'), (14267, 254, 157,
'Monroe'), (32473, 254, 157, 'Monroeville'), (32512, 254, 157,
'Montezuma'), (32541, 254, 157, 'Montpelier'), (32558, 254, 157,
'Montville'), (32640, 254, 157, 'Morral'), (32668, 254, 157,
'Morristown'), (32674, 254, 157, 'Morrow'), (32695, 254, 157,
'Moscow'), (32737, 254, 157, 'Mount Blanchard'), (32746, 254, 157, 'Mount
Cory'), (32751, 254, 157, 'Mount Eaton'), (10336, 254, 157, 'Mount
Gilead'), (32772, 254, 157, 'Mount Hope'), (32781, 254, 157, 'Mount
Liberty'), (32794, 254, 157, 'Mount Orab'), (32795, 254, 157, 'Mount
Perry'), (32800, 254, 157, 'Mount Pleasant'), (32808, 254, 157, 'Mount
Saint Joseph'), (15847, 254, 157, 'Mount Sterling'), (10337, 254, 157,
'Mount Vernon'), (32830, 254, 157, 'Mount Victory'), (32874, 254, 157,
'Mowrystown'), (32875, 254, 157, 'Moxahala'), (32922, 254, 157, 'Munroe
Falls'), (32936, 254, 157, 'Murray City'), (32983, 254, 157,
'Nankin'), (10338, 254, 157, 'Napoleon'), (33014, 254, 157,
'Nashport'), (33020, 254, 157, 'Nashville'), (17608, 254, 157,
'Navarre'), (33061, 254, 157, 'Neapolis'), (33081, 254, 157,
'Neffs'), (33083, 254, 157, 'Negley'), (33105, 254, 157,
'Nelsonville'), (33141, 254, 157, 'Nevada'), (33144, 254, 157,
'Neville'), (33148, 254, 157, 'New Albany'), (33153, 254, 157, 'New
Athens'), (33161, 254, 157, 'New Bavaria'), (33171, 254, 157, 'New
Bloomington'), (33177, 254, 157, 'New Bremen'), (18638, 254, 157, 'New
Carlisle'), (18031, 254, 157, 'New Concord'), (33221, 254, 157, 'New
Hampshire'), (33236, 254, 157, 'New Haven'), (33240, 254, 157, 'New
Holland'), (33254, 254, 157, 'New Knoxville'), (33258, 254, 157, 'New
Lebanon'), (10339, 254, 157, 'New Lexington'), (33269, 254, 157, 'New
London'), (33273, 254, 157, 'New Madison'), (33281, 254, 157, 'New
Marshfield'), (33282, 254, 157, 'New Matamoras'), (33287, 254, 157, 'New
Middletown'), (33300, 254, 157, 'New Paris'), (12298, 254, 157, 'New
Philadelphia'), (33306, 254, 157, 'New Plymouth'), (33314, 254, 157, 'New
Richmond'), (33316, 254, 157, 'New Riegel'), (33321, 254, 157, 'New
Rumley'), (33333, 254, 157, 'New Springfield'), (33335, 254, 157, 'New
Straitsville'), (17289, 254, 157, 'New Vienna'), (33352, 254, 157, 'New
Washington'), (33353, 254, 157, 'New Waterford'), (33356, 254, 157, 'New
Weston'), (10340, 254, 157, 'Newark'), (33383, 254, 157,
'Newbury'), (33392, 254, 157, 'Newcomerstown'), (33430, 254, 157,
'Newport'), (33448, 254, 157, 'Newton Falls'), (33456, 254, 157,
'Newtonsville'), (33467, 254, 157, 'Ney'), (10341, 254, 157,
'Niles'), (33593, 254, 157, 'North Baltimore'), (33598, 254, 157, 'North
Bend'), (33601, 254, 157, 'North Benton'), (33605, 254, 157, 'North
Bloomfield'), (42938, 254, 157, 'North Candon'), (33637, 254, 157, 'North
Fairfield'), (33643, 254, 157, 'North Georgetown'), (33650, 254, 157,
'North Hampton'), (33662, 254, 157, 'North Jackson'), (33666, 254, 157,
'North Kingsville'), (33670, 254, 157, 'North Lawrence'), (33671, 254, 157,
'North Lewisburg'), (33673, 254, 157, 'North Lima'), (12790, 254, 157,
'North Olmsted'), (10342, 254, 157, 'North Ridgeville'), (33696, 254, 157,
'North Robinson'), (10343, 254, 157, 'North Royalton'), (33711, 254, 157,
'North Star'), (18691, 254, 157, 'Northfield'), (11804, 254, 157,
'Northwood'), (10344, 254, 157, 'Norwalk'), (33771, 254, 157,
'Norwich'), (12747, 254, 157, 'Nova'), (33791, 254, 157,
'Novelty'), (13701, 254, 157, 'Oak Harbor'), (17455, 254, 157, 'Oak
Hill'), (33909, 254, 157, 'Oakwood'), (15857, 254, 157, 'Oberlin'), (33938,
254, 157, 'Oceola'), (33989, 254, 157, 'Ohio City'), (34011, 254, 157,
'Okeana'), (34018, 254, 157, 'Okolona'), (34037, 254, 157, 'Old
Fort'), (34050, 254, 157, 'Old Washington'), (18271, 254, 157, 'Olmsted
Falls'), (34141, 254, 157, 'Ontario'), (34171, 254, 157,
'Orangeville'), (17198, 254, 157, 'Oregon'), (34190, 254, 157,
'Oregonia'), (34202, 254, 157, 'Orient'), (16113, 254, 157,
'Orrville'), (34246, 254, 157, 'Orwell'), (34263, 254, 157,
'Osgood'), (34279, 254, 157, 'Ostrander'), (10346, 254, 157,
'Ottawa'), (34309, 254, 157, 'Ottoville'), (34311, 254, 157,
'Otway'), (34325, 254, 157, 'Overpeck'), (34339, 254, 157,
'Owensville'), (12486, 254, 157, 'Oxford'), (10347, 254, 157,
'Painesville'), (34420, 254, 157, 'Palestine'), (34474, 254, 157,
'Pandora'), (34518, 254, 157, 'Paris'), (34545, 254, 157,
'Parkman'), (41956, 254, 157, 'Parma'), (12415, 254, 157,
'Pataskala'), (34597, 254, 157, 'Patriot'), (10349, 254, 157,
'Paulding'), (34647, 254, 157, 'Payne'), (34686, 254, 157,
'Pedro'), (34688, 254, 157, 'Peebles'), (34714, 254, 157,
'Pemberton'), (34715, 254, 157, 'Pemberville'), (34737, 254, 157,
'Peninsula'), (34808, 254, 157, 'Perry'), (13581, 254, 157,
'Perrysburg'), (18425, 254, 157, 'Perrysville'), (34837, 254, 157,
'Petersburg'), (34855, 254, 157, 'Pettisville'), (34878, 254, 157,
'Phillipsburg'), (34884, 254, 157, 'Philo'), (13987, 254, 157,
'Pickerington'), (34914, 254, 157, 'Piedmont'), (34931, 254, 157,
'Pierpont'), (34946, 254, 157, 'Piketon'), (35023, 254, 157, 'Piney
Fork'), (35042, 254, 157, 'Pioneer'), (10350, 254, 157, 'Piqua'), (35061,
254, 157, 'Pitsburg'), (35085, 254, 157, 'Plain City'), (35093, 254, 157,
'Plainfield'), (16831, 254, 157, 'Pleasant City'), (35140, 254, 157,
'Pleasant Hill'), (35148, 254, 157, 'Pleasant Plain'), (35163, 254, 157,
'Pleasantville'), (15331, 254, 157, 'Plumwood'), (35192, 254, 157,
'Plymouth'), (35240, 254, 157, 'Polk'), (10352, 254, 157,
'Pomeroy'), (10353, 254, 157, 'Port Clinton'), (35319, 254, 157, 'Port
Jefferson'), (35346, 254, 157, 'Port Washington'), (35347, 254, 157, 'Port
William'), (35350, 254, 157, 'Portage'), (35375, 254, 157,
'Portland'), (10354, 254, 157, 'Portsmouth'), (35400, 254, 157,
'Potsdam'), (35429, 254, 157, 'Powell'), (35447, 254, 157, 'Powhatan
Point'), (13003, 254, 157, 'Proctorville'), (35553, 254, 157,
'Prospect'), (35611, 254, 157, 'Put in Bay'), (35630, 254, 157, 'Quaker
City'), (35661, 254, 157, 'Quincy'), (35684, 254, 157, 'Racine'), (35692,
254, 157, 'Radnor'), (35763, 254, 157, 'Randolph'), (35793, 254, 157,
'Rarden'), (10355, 254, 157, 'Ravenna'), (35818, 254, 157,
'Rawson'), (35822, 254, 157, 'Ray'), (35824, 254, 157, 'Rayland'), (14014,
254, 157, 'Raymond'), (35939, 254, 157, 'Reedsville'), (35946, 254, 157,
'Reesville'), (35979, 254, 157, 'Reno'), (35990, 254, 157,
'Republic'), (10356, 254, 157, 'Reynoldsburg'), (36069, 254, 157,
'Richfield'), (36094, 254, 157, 'Richmond'), (36099, 254, 157, 'Richmond
Dale'), (36111, 254, 157, 'Richwood'), (10357, 254, 157, 'Rickenbacker
AFB'), (36136, 254, 157, 'Ridgeville Corners'), (36141, 254, 157,
'Ridgeway'), (36186, 254, 157, 'Rio Grande'), (36199, 254, 157,
'Ripley'), (36212, 254, 157, 'Risingsun'), (10358, 254, 157,
'Rittman'), (42336, 254, 157, 'Riverside'), (36288, 254, 157,
'Robertsville'), (36317, 254, 157, 'Rock Camp'), (36322, 254, 157, 'Rock
Creek'), (18107, 254, 157, 'Rockbridge'), (36348, 254, 157,
'Rockford'), (36393, 254, 157, 'Rocky Ridge'), (10359, 254, 157, 'Rocky
River'), (36410, 254, 157, 'Rogers'), (36441, 254, 157, 'Rome'), (17469,
254, 157, 'Rootstown'), (36517, 254, 157, 'Roseville'), (36518, 254, 157,
'Rosewood'), (36530, 254, 157, 'Ross'), (36532, 254, 157,
'Rossburg'), (18672, 254, 157, 'Rossford'), (36564, 254, 157,
'Roundhead'), (16690, 254, 157, 'Rudolph'), (36664, 254, 157,
'Rushsylvania'), (36667, 254, 157, 'Rushville'), (36679, 254, 157,
'Russells Point'), (36683, 254, 157, 'Russellville'), (36686, 254, 157,
'Russia'), (36704, 254, 157, 'Rutland'), (36727, 254, 157,
'Sabina'), (10367, 254, 157, 'Saint Clairsville'), (36828, 254, 157, 'Saint
Henry'), (36842, 254, 157, 'Saint Johns'), (36854, 254, 157, 'Saint
Louisville'), (10368, 254, 157, 'Saint Marys'), (36875, 254, 157, 'Saint
Paris'), (10360, 254, 157, 'Salem'), (36927, 254, 157,
'Salesville'), (13153, 254, 157, 'Salineville'), (10361, 254, 157,
'Sandusky'), (16308, 254, 157, 'Sandyville'), (37090, 254, 157,
'Sarahsville'), (37100, 254, 157, 'Sardinia'), (37104, 254, 157,
'Sardis'), (37141, 254, 157, 'Savannah'), (37219, 254, 157,
'Scio'), (37223, 254, 157, 'Scioto Furnace'), (37247, 254, 157,
'Scott'), (37252, 254, 157, 'Scottown'), (37299, 254, 157,
'Seaman'), (37323, 254, 157, 'Sebring'), (37333, 254, 157,
'Sedalia'), (14632, 254, 157, 'Senecaville'), (37399, 254, 157, 'Seven
Mile'), (14207, 254, 157, 'Seville'), (37422, 254, 157, 'Shade'), (12995,
254, 157, 'Shadyside'), (37444, 254, 157, 'Shandon'), (37467, 254, 157,
'Sharon Center'), (37480, 254, 157, 'Sharpsburg'), (37489, 254, 157,
'Shauck'), (37501, 254, 157, 'Shawnee'), (37517, 254, 157, 'Sheffield
Lake'), (12753, 254, 157, 'Shelby'), (37582, 254, 157,
'Sherrodsville'), (37585, 254, 157, 'Sherwood'), (37597, 254, 157,
'Shiloh'), (37628, 254, 157, 'Short Creek'), (37639, 254, 157,
'Shreve'), (10363, 254, 157, 'Sidney'), (37750, 254, 157, 'Sinking
Spring'), (37836, 254, 157, 'Smithfield'), (37854, 254, 157,
'Smithville'), (10364, 254, 157, 'Solon'), (37921, 254, 157,
'Somerdale'), (37930, 254, 157, 'Somerset'), (37938, 254, 157,
'Somerville'), (37974, 254, 157, 'South Bloomingville'), (37986, 254, 157,
'South Charleston'), (12410, 254, 157, 'South Lebanon'), (38052, 254, 157,
'South Point'), (38067, 254, 157, 'South Salem'), (38071, 254, 157, 'South
Solon'), (38078, 254, 157, 'South Vienna'), (38083, 254, 157, 'South
Webster'), (38099, 254, 157, 'Southington'), (38134, 254, 157,
'Sparta'), (38149, 254, 157, 'Spencer'), (38158, 254, 157,
'Spencerville'), (38217, 254, 157, 'Spring Valley'), (12103, 254, 157,
'Springboro'), (10366, 254, 157, 'Springfield'), (38277, 254, 157,
'Stafford'), (38410, 254, 157, 'Sterling'), (10369, 254, 157,
'Steubenville'), (38435, 254, 157, 'Stewart'), (38450, 254, 157,
'Stillwater'), (38466, 254, 157, 'Stockdale'), (38477, 254, 157,
'Stockport'), (38495, 254, 157, 'Stone Creek'), (38518, 254, 157, 'Stony
Ridge'), (38529, 254, 157, 'Stout'), (38532, 254, 157,
'Stoutsville'), (10370, 254, 157, 'Stow'), (38551, 254, 157,
'Strasburg'), (38570, 254, 157, 'Stratton'), (11988, 254, 157,
'Streetsboro'), (10371, 254, 157, 'Strongsville'), (38593, 254, 157,
'Struthers'), (38595, 254, 157, 'Stryker'), (17672, 254, 157, 'Sugar
Grove'), (38634, 254, 157, 'Sugarcreek'), (38643, 254, 157,
'Sullivan'), (38653, 254, 157, 'Sulphur Springs'), (38668, 254, 157,
'Summerfield'), (18970, 254, 157, 'Summit Station'), (38691, 254, 157,
'Summitville'), (38718, 254, 157, 'Sunbury'), (38785, 254, 157,
'Swanton'), (38831, 254, 157, 'Sycamore'), (38834, 254, 157, 'Sycamore
Valley'), (11930, 254, 157, 'Sylvania'), (38849, 254, 157,
'Syracuse'), (15492, 254, 157, 'Tallmadge'), (38929, 254, 157,
'Tarlton'), (39025, 254, 157, 'Terrace Park'), (39061, 254, 157, 'The
Plains'), (39092, 254, 157, 'Thompson'), (39122, 254, 157,
'Thornville'), (39141, 254, 157, 'Thurman'), (39146, 254, 157,
'Thurston'), (10372, 254, 157, 'Tiffin'), (39180, 254, 157,
'Tiltonsville'), (16137, 254, 157, 'Tipp City'), (39203, 254, 157,
'Tippecanoe'), (39213, 254, 157, 'Tiro'), (10373, 254, 157,
'Toledo'), (39266, 254, 157, 'Tontogany'), (39287, 254, 157,
'Torch'), (17761, 254, 157, 'Toronto'), (39360, 254, 157, 'Tremont
City'), (39370, 254, 157, 'Trenton'), (39390, 254, 157, 'Trimble'), (39399,
254, 157, 'Trinway'), (10374, 254, 157, 'Troy'), (39486, 254, 157, 'Tuppers
Plains'), (39518, 254, 157, 'Tuscarawas'), (39551, 254, 157,
'Twinsburg'), (39589, 254, 157, 'Uhrichsville'), (39636, 254, 157, 'Union
City'), (39639, 254, 157, 'Union Furnace'), (39655, 254, 157,
'Unionport'), (39661, 254, 157, 'Uniontown'), (39669, 254, 157,
'Unionville'), (39673, 254, 157, 'Unionville Center'), (39674, 254, 157,
'Uniopolis'), (13394, 254, 157, 'Upper Sandusky'), (10375, 254, 157,
'Urbana'), (39723, 254, 157, 'Utica'), (39761, 254, 157, 'Valley
City'), (39790, 254, 157, 'Van Buren'), (10376, 254, 157, 'Van
Wert'), (12021, 254, 157, 'Vandalia'), (39824, 254, 157, 'Vanlue'), (39846,
254, 157, 'Vaughnsville'), (39856, 254, 157, 'Venedocia'), (39883, 254,
157, 'Vermilion'), (39911, 254, 157, 'Verona'), (39919, 254, 157,
'Versailles'), (39932, 254, 157, 'Vickery'), (39951, 254, 157,
'Vienna'), (39980, 254, 157, 'Vincent'), (39989, 254, 157,
'Vinton'), (14512, 254, 157, 'Wadsworth'), (40088, 254, 157,
'Wakefield'), (40091, 254, 157, 'Wakeman'), (40097, 254, 157,
'Walbridge'), (15742, 254, 157, 'Waldo'), (40127, 254, 157,
'Walhonding'), (40180, 254, 157, 'Walnut Creek'), (40223, 254, 157,
'Wapakoneta'), (40263, 254, 157, 'Warnock'), (10377, 254, 157,
'Warren'), (40287, 254, 157, 'Warsaw'), (10378, 254, 157, 'Washington Court
House'), (40322, 254, 157, 'Washingtonville'), (40351, 254, 157,
'Waterford'), (40358, 254, 157, 'Waterloo'), (40367, 254, 157,
'Watertown'), (40375, 254, 157, 'Waterville'), (10379, 254, 157,
'Wauseon'), (10380, 254, 157, 'Waverly'), (40447, 254, 157,
'Wayland'), (40452, 254, 157, 'Wayne'), (40456, 254, 157,
'Waynesburg'), (16827, 254, 157, 'Waynesfield'), (16132, 254, 157,
'Waynesville'), (13766, 254, 157, 'Wellington'), (14551, 254, 157,
'Wellston'), (40560, 254, 157, 'Wellsville'), (40595, 254, 157, 'West
Alexandria'), (15224, 254, 157, 'West Chester'), (40638, 254, 157, 'West
Elkton'), (40646, 254, 157, 'West Farmington'), (14839, 254, 157, 'West
Jefferson'), (40679, 254, 157, 'West Lafayette'), (15253, 254, 157, 'West
Liberty'), (40691, 254, 157, 'West Manchester'), (40692, 254, 157, 'West
Mansfield'), (40700, 254, 157, 'West Millgrove'), (17495, 254, 157, 'West
Milton'), (40727, 254, 157, 'West Point'), (40732, 254, 157, 'West
Portsmouth'), (40739, 254, 157, 'West Rushville'), (14966, 254, 157, 'West
Salem'), (10382, 254, 157, 'West Union'), (40764, 254, 157, 'West
Unity'), (10383, 254, 157, 'Westerville'), (40803, 254, 157, 'Westfield
Center'), (10384, 254, 157, 'Westlake'), (40829, 254, 157,
'Weston'), (40858, 254, 157, 'Westville'), (40877, 254, 157,
'Wharton'), (40901, 254, 157, 'Wheelersburg'), (40908, 254, 157,
'Whipple'), (40921, 254, 157, 'White Cottage'), (40972, 254, 157,
'Whitehouse'), (41039, 254, 157, 'Wickliffe'), (41051, 254, 157,
'Wilberforce'), (41079, 254, 157, 'Wilkesville'), (41087, 254, 157,
'Willard'), (41104, 254, 157, 'Williamsburg'), (41108, 254, 157,
'Williamsfield'), (41114, 254, 157, 'Williamsport'), (41121, 254, 157,
'Williamstown'), (41133, 254, 157, 'Williston'), (10385, 254, 157,
'Willoughby'), (41153, 254, 157, 'Willow Wood'), (41157, 254, 157,
'Willshire'), (10386, 254, 157, 'Wilmington'), (41168, 254, 157,
'Wilmot'), (41209, 254, 157, 'Winchester'), (17869, 254, 157,
'Windham'), (41226, 254, 157, 'Windsor'), (41237, 254, 157,
'Winesburg'), (41255, 254, 157, 'Wingett Run'), (41274, 254, 157,
'Winona'), (41354, 254, 157, 'Wolf Run'), (10387, 254, 157,
'Woodsfield'), (41439, 254, 157, 'Woodstock'), (41447, 254, 157,
'Woodville'), (10388, 254, 157, 'Wooster'), (41492, 254, 157,
'Wren'), (10389, 254, 157, 'Xenia'), (41562, 254, 157, 'Yellow
Springs'), (41591, 254, 157, 'Yorkshire'), (41600, 254, 157,
'Yorkville'), (10390, 254, 157, 'Youngstown'), (41630, 254, 157,
'Zaleski'), (41633, 254, 157, 'Zanesfield'), (10391, 254, 157,
'Zanesville'), (41659, 254, 157, 'Zoar'), (19077, 254, 158,
'Achille'), (10392, 254, 158, 'Ada'), (19097, 254, 158, 'Adair'), (19107,
254, 158, 'Adams'), (19122, 254, 158, 'Addington'), (12343, 254, 158,
'Afton'), (12770, 254, 158, 'Agra'), (19222, 254, 158, 'Albany'), (19227,
254, 158, 'Albert'), (19241, 254, 158, 'Albion'), (19266, 254, 158,
'Alderson'), (19273, 254, 158, 'Alex'), (19301, 254, 158, 'Aline'), (19317,
254, 158, 'Allen'), (10393, 254, 158, 'Altus'), (19433, 254, 158, 'Altus
AFB'), (10394, 254, 158, 'Alva'), (19465, 254, 158, 'Amber'), (19486, 254,
158, 'Ames'), (19509, 254, 158, 'Amorita'), (10395, 254, 158,
'Anadarko'), (10396, 254, 158, 'Antlers'), (19607, 254, 158,
'Apache'), (19632, 254, 158, 'Arapaho'), (19653, 254, 158,
'Arcadia'), (10397, 254, 158, 'Ardmore'), (19711, 254, 158,
'Arkoma'), (19747, 254, 158, 'Arnett'), (19802, 254, 158, 'Asher'), (10398,
254, 158, 'Atoka'), (19907, 254, 158, 'Atwood'), (19981, 254, 158,
'Avant'), (20112, 254, 158, 'Balko'), (14655, 254, 158, 'Ballard'), (20203,
254, 158, 'Barnsdall'), (10399, 254, 158, 'Bartlesville'), (20285, 254,
158, 'Battiest'), (10400, 254, 158, 'Beaver'), (20430, 254, 158,
'Beggs'), (20576, 254, 158, 'Bennington'), (20665, 254, 158,
'Bessie'), (10401, 254, 158, 'Bethany'), (20680, 254, 158,
'Bethel'), (17944, 254, 158, 'Big Cabin'), (20780, 254, 158,
'Billings'), (20786, 254, 158, 'Binger'), (20830, 254, 158,
'Bison'), (13503, 254, 158, 'Bixby'), (16236, 254, 158,
'Blackwell'), (20876, 254, 158, 'Blair'), (12812, 254, 158,
'Blanchard'), (20902, 254, 158, 'Blanco'), (20923, 254, 158,
'Blocker'), (21003, 254, 158, 'Bluejacket'), (10402, 254, 158, 'Boise
City'), (21049, 254, 158, 'Bokchito'), (14780, 254, 158,
'Bokoshe'), (21054, 254, 158, 'Boley'), (21138, 254, 158,
'Boswell'), (21176, 254, 158, 'Bowlegs'), (21186, 254, 158,
'Bowring'), (21212, 254, 158, 'Boynton'), (21248, 254, 158,
'Bradley'), (21263, 254, 158, 'Braggs'), (21270, 254, 158,
'Braman'), (21313, 254, 158, 'Bray'), (14729, 254, 158, 'Bristow'), (10403,
254, 158, 'Broken Arrow'), (17053, 254, 158, 'Broken Bow'), (21468, 254,
158, 'Bromide'), (10404, 254, 158, 'Buffalo'), (21710, 254, 158,
'Bunch'), (21723, 254, 158, 'Burbank'), (21755, 254, 158,
'Burlington'), (21766, 254, 158, 'Burneyville'), (21774, 254, 158, 'Burns
Flat'), (21821, 254, 158, 'Butler'), (21834, 254, 158, 'Byars'), (21867,
254, 158, 'Cache'), (21870, 254, 158, 'Caddo'), (12910, 254, 158,
'Calera'), (21936, 254, 158, 'Calumet'), (21947, 254, 158,
'Calvin'), (21953, 254, 158, 'Camargo'), (21986, 254, 158,
'Cameron'), (22037, 254, 158, 'Canadian'), (22053, 254, 158,
'Caney'), (22078, 254, 158, 'Canton'), (22086, 254, 158, 'Canute'), (22135,
254, 158, 'Cardin'), (22172, 254, 158, 'Carmen'), (18294, 254, 158,
'Carnegie'), (22178, 254, 158, 'Carney'), (22192, 254, 158,
'Carrier'), (22211, 254, 158, 'Carter'), (22224, 254, 158,
'Cartwright'), (22254, 254, 158, 'Cashion'), (22289, 254, 158,
'Castle'), (22325, 254, 158, 'Catoosa'), (22404, 254, 158,
'Cement'), (22449, 254, 158, 'Centrahoma'), (10405, 254, 158,
'Chandler'), (15444, 254, 158, 'Chattanooga'), (22601, 254, 158,
'Checotah'), (22609, 254, 158, 'Chelsea'), (10406, 254, 158,
'Cherokee'), (22656, 254, 158, 'Chester'), (10407, 254, 158,
'Cheyenne'), (10408, 254, 158, 'Chickasha'), (18374, 254, 158,
'Choctaw'), (22742, 254, 158, 'Chouteau'), (10409, 254, 158,
'Claremore'), (22835, 254, 158, 'Clarita'), (22907, 254, 158,
'Clayton'), (22944, 254, 158, 'Cleo Springs'), (22956, 254, 158,
'Cleveland'), (10410, 254, 158, 'Clinton'), (10411, 254, 158,
'Coalgate'), (13101, 254, 158, 'Colbert'), (23130, 254, 158,
'Colcord'), (23142, 254, 158, 'Coleman'), (23184, 254, 158,
'Collinsville'), (23201, 254, 158, 'Colony'), (23244, 254, 158,
'Comanche'), (23257, 254, 158, 'Commerce'), (23284, 254, 158,
'Concho'), (23323, 254, 158, 'Connerville'), (23359, 254, 158,
'Cookson'), (23386, 254, 158, 'Copan'), (10412, 254, 158,
'Cordell'), (23431, 254, 158, 'Corn'), (23514, 254, 158, 'Council
Hill'), (23517, 254, 158, 'Countyline'), (23535, 254, 158,
'Covington'), (23546, 254, 158, 'Coweta'), (23557, 254, 158,
'Coyle'), (23604, 254, 158, 'Crawford'), (23630, 254, 158,
'Crescent'), (23680, 254, 158, 'Cromwell'), (23716, 254, 158,
'Crowder'), (23815, 254, 158, 'Cushing'), (23827, 254, 158, 'Custer
City'), (23846, 254, 158, 'Cyril'), (23851, 254, 158, 'Dacoma'), (23870,
254, 158, 'Daisy'), (23983, 254, 158, 'Davenport'), (23989, 254, 158,
'Davidson'), (23996, 254, 158, 'Davis'), (24104, 254, 158, 'Deer
Creek'), (24153, 254, 158, 'Delaware'), (24234, 254, 158, 'Depew'), (24272,
254, 158, 'Devol'), (24274, 254, 158, 'Dewar'), (24279, 254, 158,
'Dewey'), (24309, 254, 158, 'Dibble'), (24328, 254, 158, 'Dill
City'), (13257, 254, 158, 'Disney'), (24450, 254, 158,
'Dougherty'), (24457, 254, 158, 'Douglas'), (24476, 254, 158,
'Dover'), (24541, 254, 158, 'Drummond'), (24546, 254, 158,
'Drumright'), (24601, 254, 158, 'Duke'), (10414, 254, 158,
'Duncan'), (10415, 254, 158, 'Durant'), (24690, 254, 158,
'Durham'), (24696, 254, 158, 'Dustin'), (24742, 254, 158,
'Eagletown'), (24746, 254, 158, 'Eakly'), (24755, 254, 158,
'Earlsboro'), (10416, 254, 158, 'Edmond'), (10417, 254, 158, 'El
Reno'), (25122, 254, 158, 'Eldorado'), (25146, 254, 158, 'Elgin'), (10418,
254, 158, 'Elk City'), (25278, 254, 158, 'Elmer'), (25293, 254, 158,
'Elmore City'), (10419, 254, 158, 'Enid'), (25436, 254, 158,
'Erick'), (13258, 254, 158, 'Eucha'), (10420, 254, 158, 'Eufaula'), (25627,
254, 158, 'Fairfax'), (25649, 254, 158, 'Fairland'), (25654, 254, 158,
'Fairmont'), (10421, 254, 158, 'Fairview'), (25724, 254, 158,
'Fanshawe'), (25730, 254, 158, 'Fargo'), (25783, 254, 158,
'Faxon'), (25784, 254, 158, 'Fay'), (25809, 254, 158, 'Felt'), (25878, 254,
158, 'Finley'), (25913, 254, 158, 'Fittstown'), (25914, 254, 158,
'Fitzhugh'), (25953, 254, 158, 'Fletcher'), (17620, 254, 158,
'Forgan'), (26094, 254, 158, 'Fort Cobb'), (26107, 254, 158, 'Fort
Gibson'), (10422, 254, 158, 'Fort Sill'), (26157, 254, 158, 'Fort
Supply'), (26161, 254, 158, 'Fort Towson'), (26174, 254, 158,
'Foss'), (26180, 254, 158, 'Foster'), (26215, 254, 158, 'Fox'), (26225,
254, 158, 'Foyil'), (26231, 254, 158, 'Francis'), (10423, 254, 158,
'Frederick'), (26311, 254, 158, 'Freedom'), (10424, 254, 158,
'Gage'), (26498, 254, 158, 'Gans'), (26508, 254, 158, 'Garber'), (26572,
254, 158, 'Garvin'), (26594, 254, 158, 'Gate'), (26617, 254, 158,
'Geary'), (17145, 254, 158, 'Gene Autry'), (26680, 254, 158,
'Geronimo'), (26872, 254, 158, 'Glencoe'), (12696, 254, 158,
'Glenpool'), (26965, 254, 158, 'Golden'), (26984, 254, 158,
'Goltry'), (17152, 254, 158, 'Goodwell'), (27037, 254, 158,
'Gore'), (27064, 254, 158, 'Gotebo'), (27069, 254, 158, 'Gould'), (27076,
254, 158, 'Gowen'), (27082, 254, 158, 'Gracemont'), (27106, 254, 158,
'Graham'), (27153, 254, 158, 'Grandfield'), (27170, 254, 158,
'Granite'), (27184, 254, 158, 'Grant'), (27313, 254, 158,
'Greenfield'), (10425, 254, 158, 'Grove'), (10426, 254, 158,
'Guthrie'), (10427, 254, 158, 'Guymon'), (27541, 254, 158,
'Haileyville'), (27568, 254, 158, 'Hallett'), (27627, 254, 158,
'Hammon'), (27675, 254, 158, 'Hanna'), (27722, 254, 158,
'Hardesty'), (27778, 254, 158, 'Harrah'), (27858, 254, 158,
'Hartshorne'), (27883, 254, 158, 'Haskell'), (27890, 254, 158,
'Hastings'), (27946, 254, 158, 'Haworth'), (27989, 254, 158,
'Headrick'), (27991, 254, 158, 'Healdton'), (27998, 254, 158,
'Heavener'), (28035, 254, 158, 'Helena'), (28073, 254, 158,
'Hendrix'), (28079, 254, 158, 'Hennepin'), (13166, 254, 158,
'Hennessey'), (28094, 254, 158, 'Henryetta'), (28265, 254, 158,
'Hillsdale'), (28304, 254, 158, 'Hinton'), (28310, 254, 158,
'Hitchcock'), (28313, 254, 158, 'Hitchita'), (10428, 254, 158,
'Hobart'), (28334, 254, 158, 'Hodgen'), (10429, 254, 158,
'Holdenville'), (10430, 254, 158, 'Hollis'), (28393, 254, 158,
'Hollister'), (28455, 254, 158, 'Hominy'), (28469, 254, 158,
'Honobia'), (28477, 254, 158, 'Hooker'), (28516, 254, 158,
'Hopeton'), (28599, 254, 158, 'Howe'), (28611, 254, 158, 'Hoyt'), (10431,
254, 158, 'Hugo'), (28659, 254, 158, 'Hulbert'), (28701, 254, 158,
'Hunter'), (28775, 254, 158, 'Hydro'), (10432, 254, 158, 'Idabel'), (28838,
254, 158, 'Indiahoma'), (28857, 254, 158, 'Indianola'), (28889, 254, 158,
'Inola'), (28958, 254, 158, 'Isabella'), (17900, 254, 158, 'Jay'), (12081,
254, 158, 'Jenks'), (29138, 254, 158, 'Jennings'), (29165, 254, 158,
'Jet'), (29221, 254, 158, 'Jones'), (29319, 254, 158, 'Kansas'), (29344,
254, 158, 'Kaw City'), (29406, 254, 158, 'Kellyville'), (29411, 254, 158,
'Kemp'), (29427, 254, 158, 'Kenefic'), (29470, 254, 158, 'Kenton'), (29483,
254, 158, 'Keota'), (29499, 254, 158, 'Ketchum'), (29515, 254, 158,
'Keyes'), (29530, 254, 158, 'Kiefer'), (10433, 254, 158,
'Kingfisher'), (29611, 254, 158, 'Kingston'), (29627, 254, 158,
'Kinta'), (29633, 254, 158, 'Kiowa'), (16346, 254, 158, 'Knowles'), (29713,
254, 158, 'Konawa'), (29732, 254, 158, 'Krebs'), (29734, 254, 158,
'Kremlin'), (29871, 254, 158, 'Lahoma'), (29993, 254, 158,
'Lamar'), (30010, 254, 158, 'Lamont'), (30040, 254, 158, 'Lane'), (18565,
254, 158, 'Langley'), (14589, 254, 158, 'Langston'), (30143, 254, 158,
'Laverne'), (10434, 254, 158, 'Lawton'), (30205, 254, 158,
'Lebanon'), (30237, 254, 158, 'Leedey'), (30259, 254, 158,
'Leflore'), (30267, 254, 158, 'Lehigh'), (30300, 254, 158,
'Lenapah'), (30322, 254, 158, 'Leon'), (30331, 254, 158,
'Leonard'), (30345, 254, 158, 'Lequire'), (30411, 254, 158,
'Lexington'), (30505, 254, 158, 'Lindsay'), (30662, 254, 158,
'Loco'), (30669, 254, 158, 'Locust Grove'), (30709, 254, 158, 'Lone
Grove'), (30715, 254, 158, 'Lone Wolf'), (30745, 254, 158,
'Longdale'), (30762, 254, 158, 'Lookeba'), (30836, 254, 158,
'Loveland'), (30879, 254, 158, 'Loyal'), (30903, 254, 158,
'Lucien'), (30953, 254, 158, 'Luther'), (31066, 254, 158,
'Macomb'), (10435, 254, 158, 'Madill'), (31202, 254, 158,
'Manchester'), (10436, 254, 158, 'Mangum'), (31219, 254, 158,
'Manitou'), (17099, 254, 158, 'Mannford'), (31236, 254, 158,
'Mannsville'), (31309, 254, 158, 'Maramec'), (31319, 254, 158, 'Marble
City'), (10437, 254, 158, 'Marietta'), (31398, 254, 158,
'Marland'), (31406, 254, 158, 'Marlow'), (31428, 254, 158,
'Marshall'), (31454, 254, 158, 'Martha'), (31559, 254, 158,
'Maud'), (31591, 254, 158, 'May'), (31627, 254, 158, 'Maysville'), (10438,
254, 158, 'McAlester'), (31781, 254, 158, 'McCurtain'), (31796, 254, 158,
'McLoud'), (31800, 254, 158, 'Mead'), (10439, 254, 158, 'Medford'), (31844,
254, 158, 'Medicine Park'), (31861, 254, 158, 'Meeker'), (31862, 254, 158,
'Meers'), (31933, 254, 158, 'Meno'), (31960, 254, 158, 'Meridian'), (10440,
254, 158, 'Miami'), (32140, 254, 158, 'Milburn'), (32148, 254, 158,
'Milfay'), (32164, 254, 158, 'Mill Creek'), (32206, 254, 158,
'Millerton'), (32291, 254, 158, 'Minco'), (32404, 254, 158,
'Moffett'), (32459, 254, 158, 'Monroe'), (32569, 254, 158,
'Moodys'), (41975, 254, 158, 'Moore'), (15811, 254, 158,
'Mooreland'), (32650, 254, 158, 'Morris'), (32658, 254, 158,
'Morrison'), (32724, 254, 158, 'Mounds'), (32852, 254, 158, 'Mountain
Park'), (32859, 254, 158, 'Mountain View'), (32877, 254, 158,
'Moyers'), (32896, 254, 158, 'Muldrow'), (32899, 254, 158,
'Mulhall'), (32944, 254, 158, 'Muse'), (10443, 254, 158,
'Muskogee'), (14677, 254, 158, 'Mustang'), (32950, 254, 158,
'Mutual'), (33003, 254, 158, 'Nardin'), (33010, 254, 158, 'Nash'), (33012,
254, 158, 'Nashoba'), (12741, 254, 158, 'Newalla'), (33386, 254, 158,
'Newcastle'), (33417, 254, 158, 'Newkirk'), (33492, 254, 158, 'Nicoma
Park'), (33508, 254, 158, 'Ninnekah'), (15887, 254, 158, 'Noble'), (10444,
254, 158, 'Norman'), (33679, 254, 158, 'North Miami'), (10445, 254, 158,
'Nowata'), (33871, 254, 158, 'Oakhurst'), (33897, 254, 158,
'Oaks'), (33910, 254, 158, 'Oakwood'), (33939, 254, 158,
'Ochelata'), (33997, 254, 158, 'Oilton'), (34006, 254, 158,
'Okarche'), (34010, 254, 158, 'Okay'), (17460, 254, 158, 'Okeene'), (10446,
254, 158, 'Okemah'), (1267, 254, 158, 'Oklahoma City'), (10447, 254, 158,
'Okmulgee'), (34020, 254, 158, 'Oktaha'), (34094, 254, 158,
'Olustee'), (34106, 254, 158, 'Omega'), (10448, 254, 158,
'Oologah'), (34216, 254, 158, 'Orlando'), (34250, 254, 158,
'Osage'), (34257, 254, 158, 'Oscar'), (34323, 254, 158,
'Overbrook'), (34333, 254, 158, 'Owasso'), (34388, 254, 158,
'Paden'), (34473, 254, 158, 'Panama'), (34480, 254, 158, 'Panola'), (34490,
254, 158, 'Paoli'), (34527, 254, 158, 'Park Hill'), (10449, 254, 158,
'Pauls Valley'), (10450, 254, 158, 'Pawhuska'), (10451, 254, 158,
'Pawnee'), (34692, 254, 158, 'Peggs'), (14154, 254, 158,
'Perkins'), (34795, 254, 158, 'Pernell'), (10452, 254, 158,
'Perry'), (34899, 254, 158, 'Picher'), (34902, 254, 158,
'Pickens'), (34915, 254, 158, 'Piedmont'), (35067, 254, 158,
'Pittsburg'), (35126, 254, 158, 'Platter'), (35204, 254, 158,
'Pocasset'), (35205, 254, 158, 'Pocola'), (10453, 254, 158, 'Ponca
City'), (18352, 254, 158, 'Pond Creek'), (35359, 254, 158,
'Porter'), (35384, 254, 158, 'Porum'), (10454, 254, 158, 'Poteau'), (35457,
254, 158, 'Prague'), (35499, 254, 158, 'Preston'), (35541, 254, 158,
'Proctor'), (35581, 254, 158, 'Prue'), (10455, 254, 158, 'Pryor'), (18220,
254, 158, 'Purcell'), (35613, 254, 158, 'Putnam'), (35635, 254, 158,
'Quapaw'), (35671, 254, 158, 'Quinton'), (35722, 254, 158,
'Ralston'), (35731, 254, 158, 'Ramona'), (35753, 254, 158,
'Randlett'), (35798, 254, 158, 'Ratliff City'), (18493, 254, 158,
'Rattan'), (35812, 254, 158, 'Ravia'), (35891, 254, 158, 'Red
Oak'), (35895, 254, 158, 'Red Rock'), (35899, 254, 158, 'Redbird'), (35984,
254, 158, 'Rentiesville'), (36018, 254, 158, 'Reydon'), (36174, 254, 158,
'Ringling'), (36175, 254, 158, 'Ringold'), (36179, 254, 158,
'Ringwood'), (36200, 254, 158, 'Ripley'), (36382, 254, 158,
'Rocky'), (36404, 254, 158, 'Roff'), (36420, 254, 158, 'Roland'), (36456,
254, 158, 'Roosevelt'), (36478, 254, 158, 'Rose'), (36536, 254, 158,
'Rosston'), (36628, 254, 158, 'Rufe'), (36659, 254, 158, 'Rush
Springs'), (36710, 254, 158, 'Ryan'), (36721, 254, 158, 'S
Coffeyville'), (36853, 254, 158, 'Saint Louis'), (36931, 254, 158,
'Salina'), (10456, 254, 158, 'Sallisaw'), (37027, 254, 158, 'Sand
Springs'), (10457, 254, 158, 'Sapulpa'), (37117, 254, 158,
'Sasakwa'), (37139, 254, 158, 'Savanna'), (37153, 254, 158,
'Sawyer'), (37168, 254, 158, 'Sayre'), (37208, 254, 158,
'Schulter'), (37350, 254, 158, 'Seiling'), (15205, 254, 158,
'Seminole'), (37389, 254, 158, 'Sentinel'), (37428, 254, 158, 'Shady
Point'), (37441, 254, 158, 'Shamrock'), (37461, 254, 158,
'Sharon'), (37487, 254, 158, 'Shattuck'), (10458, 254, 158,
'Shawnee'), (37592, 254, 158, 'Shidler'), (14968, 254, 158,
'skiatook'), (37801, 254, 158, 'Slick'), (37855, 254, 158,
'Smithville'), (37879, 254, 158, 'Snow'), (37889, 254, 158,
'Snyder'), (37948, 254, 158, 'Soper'), (38096, 254, 158,
'Southard'), (38126, 254, 158, 'Sparks'), (38137, 254, 158,
'Spavinaw'), (38150, 254, 158, 'Spencer'), (38159, 254, 158,
'Spencerville'), (38162, 254, 158, 'Sperry'), (38171, 254, 158,
'Spiro'), (38226, 254, 158, 'Springer'), (38411, 254, 158,
'Sterling'), (10459, 254, 158, 'Stidham'), (10460, 254, 158,
'Stigler'), (10461, 254, 158, 'Stillwater'), (10462, 254, 158,
'Stilwell'), (38510, 254, 158, 'Stonewall'), (38545, 254, 158,
'Strang'), (38558, 254, 158, 'Stratford'), (38581, 254, 158,
'Stringtown'), (38590, 254, 158, 'Stroud'), (38599, 254, 158,
'Stuart'), (10463, 254, 158, 'Sulphur'), (38810, 254, 158,
'Sweetwater'), (38818, 254, 158, 'Swink'), (38863, 254, 158,
'Taft'), (10464, 254, 158, 'Tahlequah'), (38875, 254, 158,
'Talala'), (38882, 254, 158, 'Talihina'), (10465, 254, 158,
'Taloga'), (38943, 254, 158, 'Tatums'), (38972, 254, 158,
'Tecumseh'), (38992, 254, 158, 'Temple'), (39021, 254, 158,
'Terlton'), (39026, 254, 158, 'Terral'), (39044, 254, 158,
'Texhoma'), (39047, 254, 158, 'Texola'), (39049, 254, 158,
'Thackerville'), (39078, 254, 158, 'Thomas'), (39209, 254, 158,
'Tipton'), (10466, 254, 158, 'Tishomingo'), (12755, 254, 158,
'Tonkawa'), (39450, 254, 158, 'Tryon'), (39462, 254, 158,
'Tullahassee'), (10467, 254, 158, 'Tulsa'), (39483, 254, 158,
'Tupelo'), (39509, 254, 158, 'Turpin'), (39524, 254, 158,
'Tuskahoma'), (39526, 254, 158, 'Tussy'), (18690, 254, 158,
'Tuttle'), (39546, 254, 158, 'Twin Oaks'), (39580, 254, 158,
'Tyrone'), (39637, 254, 158, 'Union City'), (39780, 254, 158,
'Valliant'), (10468, 254, 158, 'Vance AFB'), (39850, 254, 158,
'Velma'), (39868, 254, 158, 'Vera'), (39873, 254, 158, 'Verden'), (39929,
254, 158, 'Vian'), (39931, 254, 158, 'Vici'), (10469, 254, 158,
'Vinita'), (39986, 254, 158, 'Vinson'), (10470, 254, 158,
'Wagoner'), (40075, 254, 158, 'Wainwright'), (40093, 254, 158,
'Wakita'), (10471, 254, 158, 'Walters'), (40220, 254, 158,
'Wanette'), (40221, 254, 158, 'Wann'), (40224, 254, 158,
'Wapanucka'), (40242, 254, 158, 'Wardville'), (40258, 254, 158,
'Warner'), (40311, 254, 158, 'Washington'), (40324, 254, 158,
'Washita'), (10472, 254, 158, 'Watonga'), (40394, 254, 158,
'Watson'), (14653, 254, 158, 'Watts'), (40408, 254, 158,
'Waukomis'), (10473, 254, 158, 'Waurika'), (40453, 254, 158,
'Wayne'), (40460, 254, 158, 'Waynoka'), (12729, 254, 158,
'Weatherford'), (40476, 254, 158, 'Webbers Falls'), (40514, 254, 158,
'Welch'), (16657, 254, 158, 'Weleetka'), (40536, 254, 158,
'Welling'), (13749, 254, 158, 'Wellston'), (40859, 254, 158,
'Westville'), (40863, 254, 158, 'Wetumka'), (40868, 254, 158,
'Wewoka'), (40889, 254, 158, 'Wheatland'), (10474, 254, 158,
'Wheeless'), (40966, 254, 158, 'Whitefield'), (40984, 254, 158,
'Whitesboro'), (10475, 254, 158, 'Wilburton'), (41139, 254, 158,
'Willow'), (41180, 254, 158, 'Wilson'), (41323, 254, 158,
'Wister'), (10477, 254, 158, 'Woodward'), (41498, 254, 158, 'Wright
City'), (41509, 254, 158, 'Wyandotte'), (17328, 254, 158,
'Wynnewood'), (41526, 254, 158, 'Wynona'), (41544, 254, 158,
'Yale'), (10478, 254, 158, 'Yukon'), (19108, 254, 159, 'Adams'), (19132,
254, 159, 'Adel'), (19150, 254, 159, 'Adrian'), (19173, 254, 159,
'Agness'), (10479, 254, 159, 'Albany'), (14998, 254, 159,
'Allegany'), (41960, 254, 159, 'Aloha'), (19391, 254, 159,
'Alsea'), (19438, 254, 159, 'Alvadore'), (10481, 254, 159,
'Amity'), (19591, 254, 159, 'Antelope'), (19657, 254, 159, 'Arch
Cape'), (19726, 254, 159, 'Arlington'), (19756, 254, 159, 'Arock'), (10482,
254, 159, 'Ashland'), (19837, 254, 159, 'Ashwood'), (10483, 254, 159,
'Astoria'), (19855, 254, 159, 'Athena'), (15975, 254, 159,
'Aumsville'), (18016, 254, 159, 'Aurora'), (20038, 254, 159,
'Azalea'), (10484, 254, 159, 'Baker City'), (12260, 254, 159,
'Bandon'), (20146, 254, 159, 'Banks'), (20266, 254, 159, 'Bates'), (20303,
254, 159, 'Bay City'), (20358, 254, 159, 'Beatty'), (20370, 254, 159,
'Beaver'), (14885, 254, 159, 'Beavercreek'), (10485, 254, 159,
'Beaverton'), (10486, 254, 159, 'Bend'), (20836, 254, 159,
'Blachly'), (20927, 254, 159, 'Blodgett'), (20995, 254, 159, 'Blue
River'), (21020, 254, 159, 'Bly'), (10487, 254, 159, 'Boardman'), (21076,
254, 159, 'Bonanza'), (15375, 254, 159, 'Boring'), (21355, 254, 159,
'Bridal Veil'), (21364, 254, 159, 'Bridgeport'), (21397, 254, 159,
'Brightwood'), (21437, 254, 159, 'Broadbent'), (21462, 254, 159,
'Brogan'), (10488, 254, 159, 'Brookings'), (42322, 254, 159,
'Brooks'), (21531, 254, 159, 'Brothers'), (21557, 254, 159,
'Brownsville'), (10489, 254, 159, 'Burns'), (15140, 254, 159, 'Butte
Falls'), (21832, 254, 159, 'Buxton'), (21955, 254, 159, 'Camas
Valley'), (22005, 254, 159, 'Camp Sherman'), (18015, 254, 159,
'Canby'), (22063, 254, 159, 'Cannon Beach'), (22091, 254, 159, 'Canyon
City'), (22096, 254, 159, 'Canyonville'), (10490, 254, 159,
'Carlton'), (22244, 254, 159, 'Cascade Locks'), (22245, 254, 159,
'Cascadia'), (11910, 254, 159, 'Cave Junction'), (22341, 254, 159,
'Cayuse'), (12242, 254, 159, 'Central Point'), (22613, 254, 159,
'Chemult'), (22642, 254, 159, 'Cheshire'), (22709, 254, 159,
'Chiloquin'), (22752, 254, 159, 'Christmas Valley'), (22802, 254, 159,
'Clackamas'), (18027, 254, 159, 'Clatskanie'), (23031, 254, 159,
'Cloverdale'), (23210, 254, 159, 'Colton'), (23223, 254, 159, 'Columbia
City'), (23300, 254, 159, 'Condon'), (10491, 254, 159, 'Coos Bay'), (11897,
254, 159, 'Coquille'), (23408, 254, 159, 'Corbett'), (12417, 254, 159,
'Cornelius'), (10492, 254, 159, 'Corvallis'), (11815, 254, 159, 'Cottage
Grove'), (14323, 254, 159, 'Cove'), (23566, 254, 159, 'Crabtree'), (23590,
254, 159, 'Crane'), (23599, 254, 159, 'Crater Lake'), (23610, 254, 159,
'Crawfordsville'), (23631, 254, 159, 'Crescent'), (23635, 254, 159,
'Crescent Lake'), (23654, 254, 159, 'Creswell'), (23769, 254, 159, 'Culp
Creek'), (23770, 254, 159, 'Culver'), (23804, 254, 159, 'Curtin'), (23866,
254, 159, 'Dairy'), (17382, 254, 159, 'Dallas'), (24023, 254, 159, 'Days
Creek'), (10493, 254, 159, 'Dayton'), (24039, 254, 159,
'Dayville'), (24067, 254, 159, 'Deadwood'), (24107, 254, 159, 'Deer
Island'), (24235, 254, 159, 'Depoe Bay'), (24266, 254, 159,
'Detroit'), (24295, 254, 159, 'Dexter'), (24301, 254, 159,
'Diamond'), (24330, 254, 159, 'Dillard'), (24405, 254, 159,
'Donald'), (24432, 254, 159, 'Dorena'), (24505, 254, 159, 'Drain'), (24528,
254, 159, 'Drewsey'), (12212, 254, 159, 'Dufur'), (10494, 254, 159,
'Dundee'), (24693, 254, 159, 'Durkee'), (24731, 254, 159, 'Eagle
Creek'), (24737, 254, 159, 'Eagle Point'), (24969, 254, 159,
'Echo'), (24987, 254, 159, 'Eddyville'), (25147, 254, 159,
'Elgin'), (25205, 254, 159, 'Elkton'), (25283, 254, 159, 'Elmira'), (14365,
254, 159, 'Enterprise'), (16411, 254, 159, 'Estacada'), (10495, 254, 159,
'Eugene'), (25673, 254, 159, 'Fairview'), (25693, 254, 159, 'Fall
Creek'), (25704, 254, 159, 'Falls City'), (25853, 254, 159,
'Fields'), (10496, 254, 159, 'Florence'), (11889, 254, 159, 'Forest
Grove'), (26119, 254, 159, 'Fort Klamath'), (26151, 254, 159, 'Fort
Rock'), (26175, 254, 159, 'Fossil'), (26181, 254, 159, 'Foster'), (26216,
254, 159, 'Fox'), (26348, 254, 159, 'Frenchglen'), (26457, 254, 159, 'Gales
Creek'), (26527, 254, 159, 'Gardiner'), (26539, 254, 159,
'Garibaldi'), (26591, 254, 159, 'Gaston'), (26596, 254, 159,
'Gates'), (26685, 254, 159, 'Gervais'), (26738, 254, 159,
'Gilchrist'), (13189, 254, 159, 'Gladstone'), (26876, 254, 159,
'Glendale'), (26883, 254, 159, 'Gleneden Beach'), (26929, 254, 159,
'Glide'), (14797, 254, 159, 'Gold Beach'), (26960, 254, 159, 'Gold
Hill'), (10497, 254, 159, 'Government Camp'), (27146, 254, 159, 'Grand
Ronde'), (10498, 254, 159, 'Grants Pass'), (27216, 254, 159, 'Grass
Valley'), (10499, 254, 159, 'Gresham'), (27542, 254, 159,
'Haines'), (27559, 254, 159, 'Halfway'), (27583, 254, 159,
'Halsey'), (27630, 254, 159, 'Hammond'), (27766, 254, 159,
'Harper'), (27800, 254, 159, 'Harrisburg'), (28000, 254, 159,
'Hebo'), (28039, 254, 159, 'Helix'), (28103, 254, 159, 'Heppner'), (28110,
254, 159, 'Hereford'), (16863, 254, 159, 'Hermiston'), (10500, 254, 159,
'Hillsboro'), (28292, 254, 159, 'Hines'), (10501, 254, 159,
'Hinkle'), (10502, 254, 159, 'Hood River'), (13012, 254, 159,
'Hubbard'), (28707, 254, 159, 'Huntington'), (28795, 254, 159,
'Idanha'), (28804, 254, 159, 'Idleyld Park'), (28815, 254, 159,
'Imbler'), (28822, 254, 159, 'Imnaha'), (28834, 254, 159,
'Independence'), (28908, 254, 159, 'Ione'), (28938, 254, 159,
'Ironside'), (17243, 254, 159, 'Irrigon'), (12026, 254, 159,
'Jacksonville'), (29069, 254, 159, 'Jamieson'), (14068, 254, 159,
'Jefferson'), (29189, 254, 159, 'John Day'), (29242, 254, 159, 'Jordan
Valley'), (29244, 254, 159, 'Joseph'), (12808, 254, 159, 'Junction
City'), (29280, 254, 159, 'Juntura'), (10503, 254, 159, 'Keizer'), (29450,
254, 159, 'Keno'), (29464, 254, 159, 'Kent'), (29484, 254, 159,
'Kerby'), (29563, 254, 159, 'Kimberly'), (10504, 254, 159, 'Klamath
Falls'), (10505, 254, 159, 'La Grande'), (10506, 254, 159, 'La
Pine'), (10507, 254, 159, 'Lafayette'), (10508, 254, 159, 'Lake
Oswego'), (29974, 254, 159, 'Lakeside'), (10509, 254, 159,
'Lakeview'), (30059, 254, 159, 'Langlois'), (30149, 254, 159,
'Lawen'), (15647, 254, 159, 'Lebanon'), (30412, 254, 159,
'Lexington'), (10510, 254, 159, 'Lincoln City'), (18744, 254, 159,
'Logsden'), (30723, 254, 159, 'Long Creek'), (30778, 254, 159,
'Lorane'), (30812, 254, 159, 'Lostine'), (30855, 254, 159,
'Lowell'), (31027, 254, 159, 'Lyons'), (10511, 254, 159, 'Madras'), (31153,
254, 159, 'Malin'), (31230, 254, 159, 'Manning'), (31276, 254, 159,
'Manzanita'), (31300, 254, 159, 'Mapleton'), (31333, 254, 159,
'Marcola'), (31377, 254, 159, 'Marion'), (31492, 254, 159,
'Marylhurst'), (31565, 254, 159, 'Maupin'), (10512, 254, 159,
'McMinnville'), (10513, 254, 159, 'Meacham'), (10514, 254, 159,
'Medford'), (31865, 254, 159, 'Mehama'), (31967, 254, 159,
'Merlin'), (31976, 254, 159, 'Merrill'), (32099, 254, 159,
'Midland'), (32124, 254, 159, 'Mikkalo'), (32161, 254, 159, 'Mill
City'), (16728, 254, 159, 'Milton Freewater'), (41949, 254, 159,
'Milwaukie'), (32373, 254, 159, 'Mitchell'), (12366, 254, 159,
'Molalla'), (17449, 254, 159, 'Monmouth'), (32460, 254, 159,
'Monroe'), (32561, 254, 159, 'Monument'), (32638, 254, 159,
'Moro'), (32705, 254, 159, 'Mosier'), (32730, 254, 159, 'Mount
Angel'), (32769, 254, 159, 'Mount Hood Parkdale'), (32827, 254, 159, 'Mount
Vernon'), (32900, 254, 159, 'Mulino'), (15851, 254, 159, 'Murphy'), (14932,
254, 159, 'Myrtle Creek'), (32961, 254, 159, 'Myrtle Point'), (33085, 254,
159, 'Nehalem'), (14296, 254, 159, 'Neotsu'), (33131, 254, 159,
'Neskowin'), (33135, 254, 159, 'Netarts'), (33304, 254, 159, 'New Pine
Creek'), (10516, 254, 159, 'Newberg'), (10517, 254, 159,
'Newport'), (10518, 254, 159, 'North Bend'), (33690, 254, 159, 'North
Plains'), (33692, 254, 159, 'North Powder'), (33767, 254, 159,
'Norway'), (33782, 254, 159, 'Noti'), (33818, 254, 159, 'Nyssa'), (33820,
254, 159, 'O Brien'), (33881, 254, 159, 'Oakland'), (33896, 254, 159,
'Oakridge'), (33936, 254, 159, 'Oceanside'), (33954, 254, 159,
'Odell'), (10519, 254, 159, 'Ontario'), (34157, 254, 159, 'Ophir'), (10520,
254, 159, 'Oregon City'), (14073, 254, 159, 'Otis'), (34300, 254, 159,
'Otter Rock'), (34346, 254, 159, 'Oxbow'), (34381, 254, 159, 'Pacific
City'), (34411, 254, 159, 'Paisley'), (34622, 254, 159, 'Paulina'), (10521,
254, 159, 'Pendleton'), (15235, 254, 159, 'Philomath'), (13155, 254, 159,
'Phoenix'), (34960, 254, 159, 'Pilot Rock'), (35141, 254, 159, 'Pleasant
Hill'), (35184, 254, 159, 'Plush'), (35330, 254, 159, 'Port
Orford'), (10522, 254, 159, 'Portland'), (35389, 254, 159, 'Post'), (35432,
254, 159, 'Powell Butte'), (35439, 254, 159, 'Powers'), (35461, 254, 159,
'Prairie City'), (35528, 254, 159, 'Princeton'), (10523, 254, 159,
'Prineville'), (35554, 254, 159, 'Prospect'), (35707, 254, 159,
'Rainier'), (10524, 254, 159, 'Redmond'), (12735, 254, 159,
'Reedsport'), (12774, 254, 159, 'Rhododendron'), (36084, 254, 159,
'Richland'), (15631, 254, 159, 'Rickreall'), (36117, 254, 159,
'Riddle'), (36155, 254, 159, 'Riley'), (36213, 254, 159, 'Ritter'), (36237,
254, 159, 'Riverside'), (13532, 254, 159, 'Rockaway Beach'), (14796, 254,
159, 'Rogue River'), (36486, 254, 159, 'Rose Lodge'), (10525, 254, 159,
'Roseburg'), (36632, 254, 159, 'Rufus'), (36758, 254, 159,
'Saginaw'), (17476, 254, 159, 'Saint Benedict'), (14980, 254, 159, 'Saint
Helens'), (36884, 254, 159, 'Saint Paul'), (10526, 254, 159,
'Salem'), (12071, 254, 159, 'Sandy'), (37178, 254, 159,
'Scappoose'), (37220, 254, 159, 'Scio'), (37256, 254, 159, 'Scotts
Mills'), (37258, 254, 159, 'Scottsburg'), (37294, 254, 159, 'Seal
Rock'), (10528, 254, 159, 'Seaside'), (37366, 254, 159, 'Selma'), (37381,
254, 159, 'Seneca'), (13805, 254, 159, 'Shady Cove'), (37445, 254, 159,
'Shaniko'), (37508, 254, 159, 'Shedd'), (10530, 254, 159,
'Sheridan'), (37586, 254, 159, 'Sherwood'), (37681, 254, 159,
'Siletz'), (37710, 254, 159, 'Silver Lake'), (37724, 254, 159,
'Silverton'), (10531, 254, 159, 'Sisters'), (13269, 254, 159,
'Sixes'), (37968, 254, 159, 'South Beach'), (38183, 254, 159, 'Sprague
River'), (38187, 254, 159, 'Spray'), (10532, 254, 159,
'Springfield'), (38300, 254, 159, 'Stanfield'), (17147, 254, 159,
'Stayton'), (16986, 254, 159, 'Sublimity'), (38661, 254, 159, 'Summer
Lake'), (38678, 254, 159, 'Summerville'), (38703, 254, 159,
'Sumpter'), (38762, 254, 159, 'Sutherlin'), (14358, 254, 159, 'Sweet
Home'), (38821, 254, 159, 'Swisshome'), (38881, 254, 159, 'Talent'); INSERT
INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`)
VALUES (38913, 254, 159, 'Tangent'), (39007, 254, 159, 'Tenmile'), (39028,
254, 159, 'Terrebonne'), (10534, 254, 159, 'The Dalles'), (39147, 254, 159,
'Thurston'), (39152, 254, 159, 'Tidewater'), (41950, 254, 159,
'Tigard'), (10536, 254, 159, 'Tillamook'), (39174, 254, 159,
'Tiller'), (39181, 254, 159, 'Timber'), (12113, 254, 159,
'Toledo'), (39247, 254, 159, 'Tolovana Park'), (13948, 254, 159,
'Trail'), (10537, 254, 159, 'Troutdale'), (13340, 254, 159,
'Tualatin'), (39500, 254, 159, 'Turner'), (39560, 254, 159, 'Tygh
Valley'), (39590, 254, 159, 'Ukiah'), (10538, 254, 159,
'Umatilla'), (39606, 254, 159, 'Umpqua'), (39628, 254, 159,
'Union'), (39677, 254, 159, 'Unity'), (15133, 254, 159, 'Vale'), (39857,
254, 159, 'Veneta'), (14363, 254, 159, 'Vernonia'), (15942, 254, 159,
'Vida'), (40110, 254, 159, 'Waldport'), (40170, 254, 159,
'Wallowa'), (40197, 254, 159, 'Walterville'), (40204, 254, 159,
'Walton'), (40255, 254, 159, 'Warm Springs'), (40270, 254, 159,
'Warren'), (14371, 254, 159, 'Warrenton'), (40294, 254, 159,
'Wasco'), (40491, 254, 159, 'Wedderburn'), (40516, 254, 159,
'Welches'), (40689, 254, 159, 'West Linn'), (40795, 254, 159,
'Westfall'), (40804, 254, 159, 'Westfir'), (12984, 254, 159,
'Westlake'), (40830, 254, 159, 'Weston'), (40898, 254, 159,
'Wheeler'), (40919, 254, 159, 'White City'), (41053, 254, 159,
'Wilbur'), (41066, 254, 159, 'Wilderville'), (10540, 254, 159,
'Willamina'), (15852, 254, 159, 'Williams'), (11954, 254, 159,
'Wilsonville'), (18263, 254, 159, 'Winchester'), (41288, 254, 159,
'Winston'), (41349, 254, 159, 'Wolf Creek'), (12167, 254, 159,
'Woodburn'), (14045, 254, 159, 'Yachats'), (10541, 254, 159,
'Yamhill'), (41578, 254, 159, 'Yoncalla'), (19046, 254, 160,
'Aaronsburg'), (19051, 254, 160, 'Abbottstown'), (17511, 254, 160,
'Abington'), (19080, 254, 160, 'Ackermanville'), (19085, 254, 160,
'Acme'), (19087, 254, 160, 'Acosta'), (19095, 254, 160, 'Adah'), (19113,
254, 160, 'Adamsburg'), (19115, 254, 160, 'Adamstown'), (19118, 254, 160,
'Adamsville'), (19128, 254, 160, 'Addison'), (19151, 254, 160,
'Adrian'), (19189, 254, 160, 'Airville'), (19203, 254, 160,
'Akron'), (19216, 254, 160, 'Alba'), (18103, 254, 160, 'Albion'), (19246,
254, 160, 'Albrightsville'), (17617, 254, 160, 'Alburtis'), (19262, 254,
160, 'Aldenville'), (19272, 254, 160, 'Aleppo'), (19284, 254, 160,
'Alexandria'), (18964, 254, 160, 'Aliquippa'), (19325, 254, 160,
'Allenport'), (19327, 254, 160, 'Allensville'), (10543, 254, 160,
'Allentown'), (19335, 254, 160, 'Allenwood'), (19342, 254, 160,
'Allison'), (19344, 254, 160, 'Allison Park'), (19349, 254, 160,
'Allport'), (10545, 254, 160, 'Altoona'), (12771, 254, 160, 'Alum
Bank'), (19442, 254, 160, 'Alverda'), (19443, 254, 160,
'Alverton'), (19467, 254, 160, 'Amberson'), (14453, 254, 160,
'Ambler'), (19474, 254, 160, 'Ambridge'), (15020, 254, 160,
'Amity'), (19518, 254, 160, 'Analomink'), (19545, 254, 160,
'Andreas'), (19565, 254, 160, 'Anita'), (11803, 254, 160,
'Annville'), (19592, 254, 160, 'Antes Fort'), (19611, 254, 160,
'Apollo'), (19625, 254, 160, 'Aquashicola'), (19654, 254, 160,
'Arcadia'), (15394, 254, 160, 'Archbald'), (19668, 254, 160,
'Arcola'), (19670, 254, 160, 'Ardara'), (19674, 254, 160,
'Ardmore'), (19680, 254, 160, 'Arendtsville'), (19702, 254, 160,
'Aristes'), (19733, 254, 160, 'Armagh'), (19734, 254, 160,
'Armbrust'), (19755, 254, 160, 'Arnot'), (19759, 254, 160,
'Arona'), (19771, 254, 160, 'Artemas'), (19805, 254, 160,
'Ashfield'), (19817, 254, 160, 'Ashland'), (19836, 254, 160,
'Ashville'), (13143, 254, 160, 'Aspers'), (19846, 254, 160,
'Aston'), (19853, 254, 160, 'Atglen'), (14499, 254, 160, 'Athens'), (19883,
254, 160, 'Atlantic'), (19889, 254, 160, 'Atlasburg'), (19922, 254, 160,
'Auburn'), (19932, 254, 160, 'Audubon'), (19946, 254, 160,
'Aultman'), (19965, 254, 160, 'Austin'), (19983, 254, 160,
'Avella'), (19995, 254, 160, 'Avis'), (20018, 254, 160,
'Avondale'), (20021, 254, 160, 'Avonmore'), (17610, 254, 160,
'Baden'), (20077, 254, 160, 'Bainbridge'), (20080, 254, 160,
'Bairdford'), (20089, 254, 160, 'Bakers Summit'), (20092, 254, 160,
'Bakerstown'), (20097, 254, 160, 'Bala Cynwyd'), (20121, 254, 160,
'Bally'), (15686, 254, 160, 'Bangor'), (12137, 254, 160,
'Barnesville'), (20224, 254, 160, 'Bart'), (18846, 254, 160,
'Barto'), (20238, 254, 160, 'Bartonsville'), (20278, 254, 160,
'Bath'), (20293, 254, 160, 'Bausman'), (20329, 254, 160, 'Beach
Haven'), (20330, 254, 160, 'Beach Lake'), (20337, 254, 160,
'Beallsville'), (20343, 254, 160, 'Bear Creek'), (20346, 254, 160, 'Bear
Lake'), (17615, 254, 160, 'Beaver'), (10549, 254, 160, 'Beaver
Falls'), (20380, 254, 160, 'Beaver Meadows'), (20381, 254, 160, 'Beaver
Springs'), (20382, 254, 160, 'Beaverdale'), (20387, 254, 160,
'Beavertown'), (20390, 254, 160, 'Beccaria'), (20391, 254, 160,
'Bechtelsville'), (10550, 254, 160, 'Bedford'), (20405, 254, 160,
'Bedminster'), (20415, 254, 160, 'Beech Creek'), (10551, 254, 160, 'Belle
Vernon'), (10552, 254, 160, 'Bellefonte'), (20491, 254, 160,
'Belleville'), (14072, 254, 160, 'Bellwood'), (20527, 254, 160,
'Belsano'), (20557, 254, 160, 'Bendersville'), (20565, 254, 160,
'Benezett'), (20580, 254, 160, 'Bensalem'), (10553, 254, 160, 'Bensalem
Township'), (20590, 254, 160, 'Bentleyville'), (20596, 254, 160,
'Benton'), (20631, 254, 160, 'Berlin'), (14904, 254, 160,
'Bernville'), (20647, 254, 160, 'Berrysburg'), (10554, 254, 160,
'Berwick'), (20661, 254, 160, 'Berwyn'), (20663, 254, 160,
'Bessemer'), (14299, 254, 160, 'Bethel'), (10555, 254, 160, 'Bethel
Park'), (10556, 254, 160, 'Bethlehem'), (20715, 254, 160, 'Beyer'), (20732,
254, 160, 'Big Cove Tannery'), (20754, 254, 160, 'Big Run'), (20775, 254,
160, 'Bigler'), (20776, 254, 160, 'Biglerville'), (20800, 254, 160,
'Birchrunville'), (20804, 254, 160, 'Bird in Hand'), (20809, 254, 160,
'Birdsboro'), (20846, 254, 160, 'Black Lick'), (20871, 254, 160,
'Blain'), (20881, 254, 160, 'Blairs Mills'), (10557, 254, 160,
'Blairsville'), (20890, 254, 160, 'Blakeslee'), (20898, 254, 160,
'Blanchard'), (20904, 254, 160, 'Blandburg'), (20907, 254, 160,
'Blandon'), (20939, 254, 160, 'Blooming Glen'), (10558, 254, 160,
'Bloomsburg'), (20963, 254, 160, 'Blossburg'), (20971, 254, 160, 'Blue
Ball'), (20972, 254, 160, 'Blue Bell'), (20993, 254, 160, 'Blue Ridge
Summit'), (21024, 254, 160, 'Boalsburg'), (21028, 254, 160,
'Bobtown'), (21034, 254, 160, 'Bodines'), (21046, 254, 160, 'Boiling
Springs'), (21061, 254, 160, 'Bolivar'), (21139, 254, 160,
'Boswell'), (21157, 254, 160, 'Bovard'), (21172, 254, 160,
'Bowers'), (18113, 254, 160, 'Bowmansdale'), (21183, 254, 160,
'Bowmanstown'), (21185, 254, 160, 'Bowmansville'), (21203, 254, 160,
'Boyers'), (14374, 254, 160, 'Boyertown'), (21213, 254, 160,
'Boynton'), (21220, 254, 160, 'Brackenridge'), (21221, 254, 160,
'Brackney'), (21223, 254, 160, 'Braddock'), (21228, 254, 160,
'Bradenville'), (10561, 254, 160, 'Bradford'), (21241, 254, 160,
'Bradfordwoods'), (21276, 254, 160, 'Branchdale'), (21279, 254, 160,
'Branchton'), (21283, 254, 160, 'Brandamore'), (21292, 254, 160, 'Brandy
Camp'), (21311, 254, 160, 'Brave'), (21327, 254, 160,
'Breezewood'), (21329, 254, 160, 'Breinigsville'), (21365, 254, 160,
'Bridgeport'), (17184, 254, 160, 'Bridgeville'), (21387, 254, 160, 'Brier
Hill'), (21418, 254, 160, 'Brisbin'), (10562, 254, 160, 'Bristol'), (15050,
254, 160, 'Broad Top'), (21451, 254, 160, 'Brockport'), (21453, 254, 160,
'Brockton'), (18017, 254, 160, 'Brockway'), (21460, 254, 160,
'Brodheadsville'), (21463, 254, 160, 'Brogue'), (15214, 254, 160,
'Brookhaven'), (21504, 254, 160, 'Brooklyn'), (21524, 254, 160,
'Brookville'), (21526, 254, 160, 'Broomall'), (21538, 254, 160,
'Brownfield'), (21550, 254, 160, 'Brownstown'), (16072, 254, 160,
'Brownsville'), (21578, 254, 160, 'Bruin'), (21599, 254, 160, 'Brush
Valley'), (21621, 254, 160, 'Bryn Athyn'), (13684, 254, 160, 'Bryn
Mawr'), (21631, 254, 160, 'Buck Hill Falls'), (16408, 254, 160,
'Buckingham'), (21669, 254, 160, 'Buena Vista'), (21689, 254, 160, 'Buffalo
Mills'), (21701, 254, 160, 'Bulger'), (21720, 254, 160, 'Bunola'), (16807,
254, 160, 'Burgettstown'), (21756, 254, 160, 'Burlington'), (21768, 254,
160, 'Burnham'), (21779, 254, 160, 'Burnside'), (21782, 254, 160, 'Burnt
Cabins'), (21807, 254, 160, 'Bushkill'), (10563, 254, 160,
'Butler'), (21848, 254, 160, 'Byrnedale'), (21864, 254, 160,
'Cabot'), (21877, 254, 160, 'Cadogan'), (21882, 254, 160,
'Cairnbrook'), (10564, 254, 160, 'California'), (21926, 254, 160,
'Callensburg'), (21927, 254, 160, 'Callery'), (21937, 254, 160,
'Calumet'), (21948, 254, 160, 'Calvin'), (21956, 254, 160,
'Cambra'), (21964, 254, 160, 'Cambridge Springs'), (13898, 254, 160, 'Camp
Hill'), (22021, 254, 160, 'Campbelltown'), (22027, 254, 160,
'Camptown'), (22036, 254, 160, 'Canadensis'), (22068, 254, 160,
'Canonsburg'), (22079, 254, 160, 'Canton'), (22132, 254, 160,
'Carbondale'), (22133, 254, 160, 'Cardale'), (10565, 254, 160,
'Carlisle'), (22166, 254, 160, 'Carlton'), (22173, 254, 160,
'Carmichaels'), (18477, 254, 160, 'Carnegie'), (22200, 254, 160,
'Carrolltown'), (22228, 254, 160, 'Carversville'), (22257, 254, 160,
'Cashtown'), (22268, 254, 160, 'Cassandra'), (22275, 254, 160,
'Cassville'), (22284, 254, 160, 'Castanea'), (15071, 254, 160,
'Catasauqua'), (22317, 254, 160, 'Catawissa'), (22351, 254, 160,
'Cecil'), (22386, 254, 160, 'Cedar Run'), (22392, 254, 160,
'Cedars'), (18337, 254, 160, 'Center Valley'), (22436, 254, 160,
'Centerport'), (22446, 254, 160, 'Centerville'), (22458, 254, 160, 'Central
City'), (22464, 254, 160, 'Centralia'), (22467, 254, 160, 'Centre
Hall'), (14347, 254, 160, 'Chadds Ford'), (14736, 254, 160,
'Chalfont'), (22493, 254, 160, 'Chalk Hill'), (10566, 254, 160,
'Chambersburg'), (22503, 254, 160, 'Chambersville'), (22506, 254, 160,
'Champion'), (22515, 254, 160, 'Chandlers Valley'), (22537, 254, 160,
'Charleroi'), (22582, 254, 160, 'Chatham'), (22612, 254, 160,
'Cheltenham'), (10567, 254, 160, 'Cheltenham Township'), (22630, 254, 160,
'Cherry Tree'), (22637, 254, 160, 'Cherryville'), (22644, 254, 160, 'Chest
Springs'), (10568, 254, 160, 'Chester'), (22663, 254, 160, 'Chester
Heights'), (22664, 254, 160, 'Chester Springs'), (22675, 254, 160,
'Chestnut Ridge'), (22677, 254, 160, 'Cheswick'), (22685, 254, 160,
'Cheyney'), (22691, 254, 160, 'Chicora'), (22718, 254, 160,
'Chinchilla'), (22747, 254, 160, 'Christiana'), (22807, 254, 160,
'Clairton'), (22825, 254, 160, 'Clarence'), (22829, 254, 160,
'Clarendon'), (22831, 254, 160, 'Claridge'), (22833, 254, 160,
'Clarington'), (10569, 254, 160, 'Clarion'), (22838, 254, 160,
'Clark'), (22851, 254, 160, 'Clarks Mills'), (12326, 254, 160, 'Clarks
Summit'), (22859, 254, 160, 'Clarksburg'), (22874, 254, 160,
'Clarksville'), (22897, 254, 160, 'Claysburg'), (22898, 254, 160,
'Claysville'), (10570, 254, 160, 'Clearfield'), (22931, 254, 160,
'Clearville'), (22969, 254, 160, 'Clifford'), (10654, 254, 160, 'Clifton
Heights'), (22989, 254, 160, 'Climax'), (23004, 254, 160,
'Clinton'), (23008, 254, 160, 'Clintonville'), (23035, 254, 160,
'Clune'), (10571, 254, 160, 'Clymer'), (23049, 254, 160, 'Coal
Center'), (23056, 254, 160, 'Coal Township'), (23059, 254, 160,
'Coaldale'), (23066, 254, 160, 'Coalport'), (10572, 254, 160,
'Coatesville'), (23083, 254, 160, 'Coburn'), (23090, 254, 160,
'Cochranton'), (23091, 254, 160, 'Cochranville'), (23094, 254, 160,
'Cocolamus'), (23095, 254, 160, 'Codorus'), (14460, 254, 160, 'Cogan
Station'), (23122, 254, 160, 'Cokeburg'), (13894, 254, 160,
'Collegeville'), (23191, 254, 160, 'Colmar'), (23219, 254, 160,
'Columbia'), (23224, 254, 160, 'Columbia Cross Roads'), (23236, 254, 160,
'Columbus'), (23241, 254, 160, 'Colver'), (23262, 254, 160,
'Commodore'), (23291, 254, 160, 'Concord'), (10573, 254, 160,
'Concordville'), (23304, 254, 160, 'Conestoga'), (23311, 254, 160,
'Confluence'), (16822, 254, 160, 'Conneaut Lake'), (23318, 254, 160,
'Conneautville'), (16826, 254, 160, 'Connellsville'), (23324, 254, 160,
'Connoquenessing'), (12862, 254, 160, 'Conshohocken'), (23349, 254, 160,
'Conway'), (23352, 254, 160, 'Conyngham'), (23358, 254, 160,
'Cooksburg'), (23369, 254, 160, 'Coolspring'), (15403, 254, 160,
'Coopersburg'), (23376, 254, 160, 'Cooperstown'), (23395, 254, 160,
'Coplay'), (23405, 254, 160, 'Coral'), (10574, 254, 160,
'Coraopolis'), (16663, 254, 160, 'Cornwall'), (13004, 254, 160,
'Corry'), (23463, 254, 160, 'Corsica'), (10575, 254, 160,
'Coudersport'), (23508, 254, 160, 'Coulters'), (23519, 254, 160,
'Coupon'), (23536, 254, 160, 'Covington'), (23539, 254, 160,
'Cowanesque'), (23540, 254, 160, 'Cowansville'), (23567, 254, 160,
'Crabtree'), (23580, 254, 160, 'Craley'), (23582, 254, 160,
'Cranberry'), (17723, 254, 160, 'Cranberry Twp'), (23593, 254, 160,
'Cranesville'), (23615, 254, 160, 'Creamery'), (23618, 254, 160,
'Creekside'), (23621, 254, 160, 'Creighton'), (23632, 254, 160,
'Crescent'), (23638, 254, 160, 'Cresco'), (12763, 254, 160,
'Cresson'), (23642, 254, 160, 'Cressona'), (23690, 254, 160,
'Crosby'), (23693, 254, 160, 'Cross Fork'), (23719, 254, 160,
'Crown'), (23725, 254, 160, 'Croydon'), (23729, 254, 160,
'Crucible'), (23732, 254, 160, 'Crum Lynne'), (23744, 254, 160, 'Crystal
Spring'), (23758, 254, 160, 'Cuddy'), (23782, 254, 160, 'Cumbola'), (23797,
254, 160, 'Curllsville'), (23802, 254, 160, 'Curryville'), (23811, 254,
160, 'Curtisville'), (16507, 254, 160, 'Curwensville'), (23828, 254, 160,
'Custer City'), (23838, 254, 160, 'Cyclone'), (23860, 254, 160, 'Dagus
Mines'), (23871, 254, 160, 'Daisytown'), (17510, 254, 160,
'Dallas'), (17932, 254, 160, 'Dallastown'), (23893, 254, 160,
'Dalmatia'), (23900, 254, 160, 'Dalton'), (23909, 254, 160,
'Damascus'), (23918, 254, 160, 'Danboro'), (23935, 254, 160,
'Danielsville'), (10576, 254, 160, 'Danville'), (15199, 254, 160,
'Darby'), (23964, 254, 160, 'Darlington'), (23966, 254, 160,
'Darragh'), (23975, 254, 160, 'Dauphin'), (23991, 254, 160,
'Davidsville'), (24018, 254, 160, 'Dawson'), (24033, 254, 160,
'Dayton'), (24050, 254, 160, 'De Lancey'), (24066, 254, 160, 'De
Young'), (24137, 254, 160, 'Defiance'), (24143, 254, 160,
'Delano'), (24154, 254, 160, 'Delaware Water Gap'), (15239, 254, 160,
'Delmont'), (24190, 254, 160, 'Delta'), (24197, 254, 160, 'Denbo'), (24231,
254, 160, 'Denver'), (24249, 254, 160, 'Derrick City'), (18408, 254, 160,
'Derry'), (24268, 254, 160, 'Devault'), (10577, 254, 160, 'Devon'), (24275,
254, 160, 'Dewart'), (24315, 254, 160, 'Dickerson Run'), (17199, 254, 160,
'Dickson City'), (24334, 254, 160, 'Dilliner'), (13933, 254, 160,
'Dillsburg'), (24338, 254, 160, 'Dilltown'), (24342, 254, 160,
'Dimock'), (24348, 254, 160, 'Dingmans Ferry'), (24352, 254, 160,
'Distant'), (24372, 254, 160, 'Dixonville'), (24410, 254, 160,
'Donegal'), (15585, 254, 160, 'Donora'), (24434, 254, 160,
'Dornsife'), (24461, 254, 160, 'Douglassville'), (24477, 254, 160,
'Dover'), (12042, 254, 160, 'Downingtown'), (24500, 254, 160,
'Doylesburg'), (10578, 254, 160, 'Doylestown'), (24515, 254, 160,
'Dravosburg'), (24525, 254, 160, 'Dresher'), (10579, 254, 160, 'Drexel
Hill'), (24533, 254, 160, 'Drifting'), (24534, 254, 160,
'Drifton'), (24535, 254, 160, 'Driftwood'), (24545, 254, 160,
'Drumore'), (24547, 254, 160, 'Drums'), (24555, 254, 160, 'Dry
Run'), (10580, 254, 160, 'Du Bois'), (24575, 254, 160, 'Dublin'), (24592,
254, 160, 'Dudley'), (24602, 254, 160, 'Duke Center'), (24615, 254, 160,
'Dunbar'), (24624, 254, 160, 'Duncannon'), (24626, 254, 160,
'Duncansville'), (24648, 254, 160, 'Dunlevy'), (24649, 254, 160,
'Dunlo'), (24675, 254, 160, 'Duquesne'), (24691, 254, 160,
'Durham'), (17936, 254, 160, 'Duryea'), (24694, 254, 160,
'Dushore'), (24718, 254, 160, 'Dysart'), (24741, 254, 160, 'Eagles
Mere'), (11809, 254, 160, 'Eagleville'), (24754, 254, 160,
'Earlington'), (24760, 254, 160, 'Earlville'), (24778, 254, 160, 'East
Berlin'), (24787, 254, 160, 'East Brady'), (24792, 254, 160, 'East
Butler'), (24809, 254, 160, 'East Earl'), (12031, 254, 160, 'East
Freedom'), (13981, 254, 160, 'East Greenville'), (24835, 254, 160, 'East
Hickory'), (24852, 254, 160, 'East Mc Keesport'), (24856, 254, 160, 'East
Millsboro'), (24872, 254, 160, 'East Petersburg'), (24874, 254, 160, 'East
Pittsburgh'), (24881, 254, 160, 'East Prospect'), (24893, 254, 160, 'East
Smethport'), (24894, 254, 160, 'East Smithfield'), (24898, 254, 160, 'East
Springfield'), (12191, 254, 160, 'East Stroudsburg'), (24904, 254, 160,
'East Texas'), (24906, 254, 160, 'East Vandergrift'), (24913, 254, 160,
'East Waterford'), (10581, 254, 160, 'Easton'), (24959, 254, 160, 'Eau
Claire'), (24962, 254, 160, 'Ebensburg'), (24963, 254, 160,
'Ebervale'), (25011, 254, 160, 'Edgemont'), (10582, 254, 160,
'Edinboro'), (25024, 254, 160, 'Edinburg'), (25032, 254, 160,
'Edmon'), (25062, 254, 160, 'Effort'), (25081, 254, 160, 'Eighty
Four'), (25114, 254, 160, 'Elco'), (25117, 254, 160,
'Eldersville'), (10583, 254, 160, 'Elderton'), (25127, 254, 160,
'Eldred'), (25148, 254, 160, 'Elgin'), (14624, 254, 160,
'Elizabeth'), (12309, 254, 160, 'Elizabethtown'), (25162, 254, 160,
'Elizabethville'), (25193, 254, 160, 'Elkins Park'), (25195, 254, 160,
'Elkland'), (25239, 254, 160, 'Elliottsburg'), (25258, 254, 160,
'Ellsworth'), (13610, 254, 160, 'Ellwood City'), (25261, 254, 160,
'Elm'), (25280, 254, 160, 'Elmhurst'), (25289, 254, 160, 'Elmora'), (25302,
254, 160, 'Elrama'), (25313, 254, 160, 'Elton'), (25318, 254, 160,
'Elverson'), (17058, 254, 160, 'Elysburg'), (25336, 254, 160,
'Emeigh'), (25349, 254, 160, 'Emigsville'), (25354, 254, 160,
'Emlenton'), (25359, 254, 160, 'Emmaus'), (25374, 254, 160,
'Emporium'), (25378, 254, 160, 'Endeavor'), (25405, 254, 160,
'Enola'), (25407, 254, 160, 'Enon Valley'), (25416, 254, 160,
'Entriken'), (16568, 254, 160, 'Ephrata'), (25432, 254, 160,
'Equinunk'), (10584, 254, 160, 'Erie'), (25446, 254, 160,
'Ernest'), (25454, 254, 160, 'Erwinna'), (25479, 254, 160,
'Essington'), (25516, 254, 160, 'Etters'), (25548, 254, 160, 'Evans
City'), (25562, 254, 160, 'Everett'), (25567, 254, 160, 'Everson'), (25583,
254, 160, 'Excelsior'), (25594, 254, 160, 'Export'), (14462, 254, 160,
'Exton'), (16851, 254, 160, 'Factoryville'), (25611, 254, 160,
'Fairbank'), (25617, 254, 160, 'Fairchance'), (12766, 254, 160,
'Fairfield'), (25647, 254, 160, 'Fairhope'), (25652, 254, 160, 'Fairless
Hills'), (25659, 254, 160, 'Fairmount City'), (25674, 254, 160,
'Fairview'), (25679, 254, 160, 'Fairview Village'), (25698, 254, 160,
'Fallentimber'), (25702, 254, 160, 'Falls'), (25706, 254, 160, 'Falls
Creek'), (25721, 254, 160, 'Fannettsburg'), (25755, 254, 160,
'Farmington'), (25772, 254, 160, 'Farrell'), (25781, 254, 160, 'Fawn
Grove'), (25788, 254, 160, 'Fayette City'), (25791, 254, 160,
'Fayetteville'), (10680, 254, 160, 'Feasterville Trevose'), (25813, 254,
160, 'Felton'), (25817, 254, 160, 'Fenelton'), (25834, 254, 160,
'Ferndale'), (25880, 254, 160, 'Finleyville'), (25895, 254, 160,
'Fisher'), (25902, 254, 160, 'Fishertown'), (25940, 254, 160,
'Fleetville'), (25942, 254, 160, 'Fleetwood'), (25946, 254, 160,
'Fleming'), (25954, 254, 160, 'Flicksville'), (25958, 254, 160,
'Flinton'), (25989, 254, 160, 'Flourtown'), (26001, 254, 160,
'Fogelsville'), (10586, 254, 160, 'Folcroft'), (26008, 254, 160,
'Folsom'), (26011, 254, 160, 'Fombell'), (26022, 254, 160, 'Forbes
Road'), (26024, 254, 160, 'Force'), (18306, 254, 160, 'Ford City'), (26029,
254, 160, 'Ford Cliff'), (17219, 254, 160, 'Forest City'), (26044, 254,
160, 'Forest Grove'), (26066, 254, 160, 'Forestville'), (26074, 254, 160,
'Forksville'), (26111, 254, 160, 'Fort Hill'), (26125, 254, 160, 'Fort
Littleton'), (26127, 254, 160, 'Fort Loudon'), (26165, 254, 160, 'Fort
Washington'), (26199, 254, 160, 'Fountainville'), (26222, 254, 160,
'Foxburg'), (26226, 254, 160, 'Frackville'), (26236, 254, 160,
'Franconia'), (10587, 254, 160, 'Franklin'), (26265, 254, 160,
'Franklintown'), (26287, 254, 160, 'Frederick'), (13572, 254, 160,
'Fredericksburg'), (14425, 254, 160, 'Fredericktown'), (17479, 254, 160,
'Fredonia'), (26304, 254, 160, 'Freeburg'), (26312, 254, 160,
'Freedom'), (16193, 254, 160, 'Freeland'), (26330, 254, 160,
'Freeport'), (26353, 254, 160, 'Frenchville'), (26360, 254, 160,
'Friedens'), (26361, 254, 160, 'Friedensburg'), (26371, 254, 160,
'Friendsville'), (26390, 254, 160, 'Frostburg'), (26405, 254, 160,
'Fryburg'), (26435, 254, 160, 'Furlong'), (26447, 254, 160,
'Gaines'), (26464, 254, 160, 'Galeton'), (26475, 254, 160,
'Gallitzin'), (26499, 254, 160, 'Gans'), (26502, 254, 160, 'Gap'), (26506,
254, 160, 'Garards Fort'), (10588, 254, 160, 'Garden View'), (26524, 254,
160, 'Gardenville'), (26531, 254, 160, 'Gardners'), (26545, 254, 160,
'Garland'), (26557, 254, 160, 'Garrett'), (26593, 254, 160,
'Gastonville'), (26619, 254, 160, 'Geigertown'), (26624, 254, 160,
'Genesee'), (26662, 254, 160, 'Georgetown'), (26672, 254, 160,
'Germansville'), (10589, 254, 160, 'Gettysburg'), (26698, 254, 160, 'Gibbon
Glade'), (26707, 254, 160, 'Gibson'), (26711, 254, 160,
'Gibsonia'), (26717, 254, 160, 'Gifford'), (26724, 254, 160,
'Gilbert'), (26727, 254, 160, 'Gilberton'), (26732, 254, 160,
'Gilbertsville'), (26748, 254, 160, 'Gillett'), (26773, 254, 160,
'Gipsy'), (12660, 254, 160, 'Girard'), (26778, 254, 160,
'Girardville'), (14060, 254, 160, 'Gladwyne'), (26807, 254, 160,
'Glasgow'), (26811, 254, 160, 'Glassport'), (26827, 254, 160, 'Glen
Campbell'), (26841, 254, 160, 'Glen Hope'), (26844, 254, 160, 'Glen
Lyon'), (26845, 254, 160, 'Glen Mills'), (26848, 254, 160, 'Glen
Richey'), (26849, 254, 160, 'Glen Riddle Lima'), (26851, 254, 160, 'Glen
Rock'), (26896, 254, 160, 'Glenmoore'), (14819, 254, 160,
'Glenolden'), (26905, 254, 160, 'Glenshaw'), (15164, 254, 160,
'Glenside'), (26910, 254, 160, 'Glenville'), (27015, 254, 160,
'Goodville'), (27029, 254, 160, 'Gordon'), (27035, 254, 160,
'Gordonville'), (27073, 254, 160, 'Gouldsboro'), (27077, 254, 160, 'Gowen
City'), (27091, 254, 160, 'Gradyville'), (27114, 254, 160,
'Grampian'), (27150, 254, 160, 'Grand Valley'), (15939, 254, 160,
'Grantham'), (27196, 254, 160, 'Grantville'), (27203, 254, 160,
'Granville'), (27207, 254, 160, 'Granville Summit'), (27210, 254, 160,
'Grapeville'), (27217, 254, 160, 'Grassflat'), (17662, 254, 160,
'Gratz'), (27236, 254, 160, 'Gray'), (27252, 254, 160,
'Graysville'), (27259, 254, 160, 'Great Bend'), (27267, 254, 160,
'Greeley'), (14889, 254, 160, 'Green Lane'), (27279, 254, 160, 'Green
Park'), (27303, 254, 160, 'Greencastle'), (27327, 254, 160,
'Greenock'), (27334, 254, 160, 'Greensboro'), (10590, 254, 160,
'Greensburg'), (27339, 254, 160, 'Greentown'), (10591, 254, 160,
'Greenville'), (27408, 254, 160, 'Grindstone'), (27422, 254, 160, 'Grove
City'), (27434, 254, 160, 'Grover'), (14304, 254, 160, 'Guys
Mills'), (27498, 254, 160, 'Gwynedd'), (27499, 254, 160, 'Gwynedd
Valley'), (27524, 254, 160, 'Hadley'), (27561, 254, 160,
'Halifax'), (27574, 254, 160, 'Hallstead'), (16446, 254, 160,
'Hamburg'), (27612, 254, 160, 'Hamilton'), (27624, 254, 160,
'Hamlin'), (27681, 254, 160, 'Hannastown'), (14013, 254, 160,
'Hanover'), (27714, 254, 160, 'Harborcreek'), (27740, 254, 160,
'Harford'), (27744, 254, 160, 'Harleigh'), (27748, 254, 160,
'Harleysville'), (27755, 254, 160, 'Harmonsburg'), (27760, 254, 160,
'Harmony'), (10592, 254, 160, 'Harrisburg'), (17194, 254, 160, 'Harrison
City'), (27810, 254, 160, 'Harrison Valley'), (27814, 254, 160,
'Harrisonville'), (27820, 254, 160, 'Harrisville'), (27844, 254, 160,
'Hartleton'), (27859, 254, 160, 'Hartstown'), (27871, 254, 160, 'Harveys
Lake'), (27876, 254, 160, 'Harwick'), (27891, 254, 160,
'Hastings'), (27897, 254, 160, 'Hatboro'), (12109, 254, 160,
'Hatfield'), (12179, 254, 160, 'Hauto'), (27924, 254, 160,
'Haverford'), (10593, 254, 160, 'Haverford Township'), (15703, 254, 160,
'Havertown'), (27936, 254, 160, 'Hawk Run'), (12507, 254, 160,
'Hawley'), (27947, 254, 160, 'Hawthorn'), (27978, 254, 160, 'Hazel
Hurst'), (17313, 254, 160, 'Hazleton'), (28018, 254, 160,
'Hegins'), (28023, 254, 160, 'Heilwood'), (28040, 254, 160,
'Hellertown'), (28069, 254, 160, 'Hendersonville'), (28096, 254, 160,
'Henryville'), (28111, 254, 160, 'Hereford'), (28117, 254, 160,
'Herman'), (28120, 254, 160, 'Herminie'), (14216, 254, 160,
'Hermitage'), (28128, 254, 160, 'Herndon'), (28137, 254, 160, 'Herrick
Center'), (10595, 254, 160, 'Hershey'), (28145, 254, 160,
'Hesston'), (28164, 254, 160, 'Hibbs'), (28172, 254, 160,
'Hickory'), (28184, 254, 160, 'Hidden Valley'), (28223, 254, 160,
'Highspire'), (28240, 254, 160, 'Hiller'), (28241, 254, 160,
'Hilliards'), (28266, 254, 160, 'Hillsdale'), (28269, 254, 160,
'Hillsgrove'), (28271, 254, 160, 'Hillsville'), (28274, 254, 160,
'Hilltown'), (28350, 254, 160, 'Holbrook'), (28365, 254, 160,
'Holicong'), (28385, 254, 160, 'Hollidaysburg'), (28398, 254, 160,
'Hollsopple'), (17685, 254, 160, 'Holmes'), (28428, 254, 160,
'Holtwood'), (28437, 254, 160, 'Home'), (10596, 254, 160, 'Homer
City'), (28452, 254, 160, 'Homestead'), (10597, 254, 160,
'Honesdale'), (28462, 254, 160, 'Honey Brook'), (28465, 254, 160, 'Honey
Grove'), (28481, 254, 160, 'Hookstown'), (28496, 254, 160,
'Hooversville'), (28497, 254, 160, 'Hop Bottom'), (28515, 254, 160,
'Hopeland'), (28518, 254, 160, 'Hopewell'), (28527, 254, 160,
'Hopwood'), (18421, 254, 160, 'Horsham'), (28564, 254, 160,
'Hostetter'), (18563, 254, 160, 'Houston'), (28585, 254, 160,
'Houtzdale'), (28591, 254, 160, 'Howard'), (28652, 254, 160,
'Hughesville'), (28683, 254, 160, 'Hummels Wharf'), (28684, 254, 160,
'Hummelstown'), (28693, 254, 160, 'Hunker'), (28694, 254, 160, 'Hunlock
Creek'), (10598, 254, 160, 'Huntingdon'), (16770, 254, 160, 'Huntingdon
Valley'), (28712, 254, 160, 'Huntington Mills'), (28752, 254, 160,
'Hustontown'), (28756, 254, 160, 'Hutchinson'), (15535, 254, 160,
'Hyde'), (28767, 254, 160, 'Hyde Park'), (28773, 254, 160,
'Hydetown'), (28779, 254, 160, 'Hyndman'), (28780, 254, 160,
'Hyner'), (28786, 254, 160, 'Ickesburg'), (28797, 254, 160,
'Idaville'), (28820, 254, 160, 'Imler'), (28821, 254, 160,
'Immaculata'), (28825, 254, 160, 'Imperial'), (28841, 254, 160, 'Indian
Head'), (10599, 254, 160, 'Indiana'), (28858, 254, 160,
'Indianola'), (28864, 254, 160, 'Industry'), (28877, 254, 160,
'Ingomar'), (28892, 254, 160, 'Intercourse'), (28943, 254, 160,
'Irvine'), (28950, 254, 160, 'Irvona'), (15009, 254, 160, 'Irwin'), (28959,
254, 160, 'Isabella'), (29022, 254, 160, 'Jackson'), (29026, 254, 160,
'Jackson Center'), (29041, 254, 160, 'Jacobs Creek'), (29050, 254, 160,
'James City'), (29051, 254, 160, 'James Creek'), (29063, 254, 160,
'Jamestown'), (29070, 254, 160, 'Jamison'), (29100, 254, 160,
'Jeannette'), (29110, 254, 160, 'Jefferson'), (29132, 254, 160,
'Jenkintown'), (29134, 254, 160, 'Jenners'), (29135, 254, 160,
'Jennerstown'), (29144, 254, 160, 'Jermyn'), (29150, 254, 160,
'Jerome'), (29156, 254, 160, 'Jersey Mills'), (13597, 254, 160, 'Jersey
Shore'), (29163, 254, 160, 'Jessup'), (10601, 254, 160, 'Jim
Thorpe'), (29186, 254, 160, 'Joffre'), (29199, 254, 160,
'Johnsonburg'), (10602, 254, 160, 'Johnstown'), (29223, 254, 160, 'Jones
Mills'), (16498, 254, 160, 'Jonestown'), (29246, 254, 160,
'Josephine'), (29261, 254, 160, 'Julian'), (29276, 254, 160,
'Juneau'), (29277, 254, 160, 'Junedale'), (29310, 254, 160,
'Kane'), (29321, 254, 160, 'Kantner'), (29330, 254, 160, 'Karns
City'), (29331, 254, 160, 'Karthaus'), (29383, 254, 160,
'Keisterville'), (29387, 254, 160, 'Kelayres'), (29409, 254, 160,
'Kelton'), (29410, 254, 160, 'Kemblesville'), (13806, 254, 160,
'Kempton'), (29445, 254, 160, 'Kennerdell'), (29447, 254, 160, 'Kennett
Square'), (29465, 254, 160, 'Kent'), (29493, 254, 160, 'Kersey'), (29566,
254, 160, 'Kimberton'), (13679, 254, 160, 'King of Prussia'), (29602, 254,
160, 'Kingsley'), (18706, 254, 160, 'Kingston'), (29628, 254, 160,
'Kintnersville'), (29630, 254, 160, 'Kinzers'), (29656, 254, 160,
'Kirkwood'), (10603, 254, 160, 'Kittanning'), (29677, 254, 160,
'Kleinfeltersville'), (29679, 254, 160, 'Klingerstown'), (29699, 254, 160,
'Knox'), (29702, 254, 160, 'Knox Dale'), (29707, 254, 160,
'Knoxville'), (29717, 254, 160, 'Koppel'), (29723, 254, 160,
'Kossuth'), (17483, 254, 160, 'Kreamer'), (29735, 254, 160,
'Kresgeville'), (29741, 254, 160, 'Kulpmont'), (29742, 254, 160,
'Kulpsville'), (14585, 254, 160, 'Kunkletown'), (10604, 254, 160,
'Kutztown'), (29757, 254, 160, 'Kylertown'), (29761, 254, 160, 'La
Belle'), (29788, 254, 160, 'La Jose'), (29802, 254, 160, 'La
Plume'), (29832, 254, 160, 'Laceyville'), (29834, 254, 160,
'Lackawaxen'), (29857, 254, 160, 'Lafayette Hill'), (29869, 254, 160,
'Lahaska'), (29874, 254, 160, 'Lairdsville'), (29880, 254, 160, 'Lake
Ariel'), (29893, 254, 160, 'Lake City'), (29899, 254, 160, 'Lake
Como'), (29915, 254, 160, 'Lake Harmony'), (29930, 254, 160, 'Lake
Lynn'), (29958, 254, 160, 'Lake Winola'), (29984, 254, 160,
'Lakeville'), (29987, 254, 160, 'Lakewood'), (29994, 254, 160,
'Lamar'), (29996, 254, 160, 'Lamartine'), (30014, 254, 160,
'Lampeter'), (10605, 254, 160, 'Lancaster'), (30029, 254, 160,
'Landenberg'), (30032, 254, 160, 'Landingville'), (30034, 254, 160,
'Landisburg'), (14458, 254, 160, 'Landisville'), (30048, 254, 160,
'Lanesboro'), (30054, 254, 160, 'Langeloth'), (13114, 254, 160,
'Langhorne'), (10606, 254, 160, 'Lansdale'), (30066, 254, 160,
'Lansdowne'), (30068, 254, 160, 'Lanse'), (16115, 254, 160,
'Lansford'), (10607, 254, 160, 'Laporte'), (30088, 254, 160,
'Larimer'), (10608, 254, 160, 'Latrobe'), (30111, 254, 160, 'Lattimer
Mines'), (30115, 254, 160, 'Laughlintown'), (30131, 254, 160,
'Laurelton'), (30137, 254, 160, 'Laurys Station'), (30142, 254, 160,
'Lavelle'), (30152, 254, 160, 'Lawn'), (30160, 254, 160,
'Lawrence'), (30162, 254, 160, 'Lawrenceville'), (30171, 254, 160,
'Lawton'), (30180, 254, 160, 'Le Raysville'), (10609, 254, 160,
'Lebanon'), (30214, 254, 160, 'Leck Kill'), (30216, 254, 160,
'Leckrone'), (30220, 254, 160, 'Lecontes Mills'), (30223, 254, 160,
'Lederach'), (30236, 254, 160, 'Leechburg'), (30244, 254, 160,
'Leeper'), (30251, 254, 160, 'Leesport'), (30257, 254, 160,
'Leetsdale'), (30268, 254, 160, 'Lehigh Valley'), (10610, 254, 160,
'Lehighton'), (30269, 254, 160, 'Lehman'), (30278, 254, 160,
'Leisenring'), (30286, 254, 160, 'Lemasters'), (30291, 254, 160,
'Lemont'), (30292, 254, 160, 'Lemont Furnace'), (30295, 254, 160,
'Lemoyne'), (30302, 254, 160, 'Lenhartsville'), (30303, 254, 160,
'Lenni'), (30316, 254, 160, 'Lenoxville'), (11998, 254, 160,
'Leola'), (30352, 254, 160, 'Leroy'), (10611, 254, 160,
'Levittown'), (30390, 254, 160, 'Lewis Run'), (30391, 254, 160,
'Lewisberry'), (10612, 254, 160, 'Lewisburg'), (10613, 254, 160,
'Lewistown'), (30406, 254, 160, 'Lewisville'), (10614, 254, 160,
'Liberty'), (30432, 254, 160, 'Lickingville'), (30436, 254, 160, 'Light
Street'), (10615, 254, 160, 'Ligonier'), (30447, 254, 160,
'Lilly'), (30457, 254, 160, 'Limekiln'), (30458, 254, 160,
'Limeport'), (30463, 254, 160, 'Limestone'), (30482, 254, 160, 'Lincoln
University'), (30495, 254, 160, 'Linden'), (30511, 254, 160, 'Line
Lexington'), (30514, 254, 160, 'Linesville'), (30536, 254, 160,
'Lionville'), (30552, 254, 160, 'Listie'), (17545, 254, 160,
'Lititz'), (30579, 254, 160, 'Little Meadows'), (30606, 254, 160,
'Littlestown'), (30620, 254, 160, 'Liverpool'), (30636, 254, 160,
'Llewellyn'), (10616, 254, 160, 'Lock Haven'), (30666, 254, 160, 'Locust
Gap'), (30671, 254, 160, 'Locustdale'), (13783, 254, 160,
'Loganton'), (30688, 254, 160, 'Loganville'), (30740, 254, 160, 'Long
Pond'), (30774, 254, 160, 'Lopez'), (30788, 254, 160, 'Loretto'), (30806,
254, 160, 'Lost Creek'), (30848, 254, 160, 'Lowber'), (30881, 254, 160,
'Loyalhanna'), (30884, 254, 160, 'Loysburg'), (30885, 254, 160,
'Loysville'), (30902, 254, 160, 'Lucernemines'), (30905, 254, 160,
'Lucinda'), (30913, 254, 160, 'Ludlow'), (30934, 254, 160,
'Lumberville'), (30948, 254, 160, 'Lurgan'), (30954, 254, 160,
'Luthersburg'), (30961, 254, 160, 'Luxor'), (30965, 254, 160,
'Luzerne'), (30972, 254, 160, 'Lykens'), (30993, 254, 160,
'Lyndell'), (31001, 254, 160, 'Lyndora'), (31018, 254, 160, 'Lyon
Station'), (31057, 254, 160, 'Mackeyville'), (31071, 254, 160,
'Macungie'), (31079, 254, 160, 'Madera'), (31093, 254, 160,
'Madison'), (31097, 254, 160, 'Madisonburg'), (31121, 254, 160,
'Mahaffey'), (16222, 254, 160, 'Mahanoy City'), (31122, 254, 160, 'Mahanoy
Plane'), (31133, 254, 160, 'Mainesburg'), (31134, 254, 160,
'Mainland'), (14242, 254, 160, 'Malvern'), (31180, 254, 160,
'Mammoth'), (31203, 254, 160, 'Manchester'), (15075, 254, 160,
'Manheim'), (31232, 254, 160, 'Manns Choice'), (31241, 254, 160,
'Manor'), (31244, 254, 160, 'Manorville'), (31251, 254, 160,
'Mansfield'), (31302, 254, 160, 'Mapleton Depot'), (31308, 254, 160, 'Mar
Lin'), (31317, 254, 160, 'Marble'), (31332, 254, 160, 'Marchand'), (31336,
254, 160, 'Marcus Hook'), (31350, 254, 160, 'Marianna'), (31355, 254, 160,
'Marienville'), (31361, 254, 160, 'Marietta'), (31378, 254, 160,
'Marion'), (10618, 254, 160, 'Marion Center'), (31382, 254, 160, 'Marion
Heights'), (31395, 254, 160, 'Markleton'), (31397, 254, 160,
'Markleysburg'), (10619, 254, 160, 'Marple'), (15139, 254, 160,
'Mars'), (31433, 254, 160, 'Marshalls Creek'), (31443, 254, 160,
'Marsteller'), (31461, 254, 160, 'Martin'), (31464, 254, 160,
'Martindale'), (31466, 254, 160, 'Martins Creek'), (31472, 254, 160,
'Martinsburg'), (31485, 254, 160, 'Mary D'), (13922, 254, 160,
'Marysville'), (31513, 254, 160, 'Masontown'), (10620, 254, 160,
'Matamoras'), (31531, 254, 160, 'Mather'), (31550, 254, 160,
'Mattawana'), (31577, 254, 160, 'Maxatawny'), (31619, 254, 160,
'Mayport'), (31629, 254, 160, 'Maytown'), (31644, 254, 160, 'Mc
Alisterville'), (31664, 254, 160, 'Mc Clellandtown'), (31668, 254, 160, 'Mc
Clure'), (31676, 254, 160, 'Mc Connellsburg'), (31677, 254, 160, 'Mc
Connellstown'), (31697, 254, 160, 'Mc Donald'), (31703, 254, 160, 'Mc
Elhattan'), (31705, 254, 160, 'Mc Ewensville'), (31715, 254, 160, 'Mc
Grann'), (31732, 254, 160, 'Mc Intyre'), (31733, 254, 160, 'Mc
Kean'), (31735, 254, 160, 'Mc Kees Rocks'), (10621, 254, 160, 'Mc
Keesport'), (31742, 254, 160, 'Mc Knightstown'), (31767, 254, 160, 'Mc
Sherrystown'), (31769, 254, 160, 'Mc Veytown'), (31771, 254, 160,
'McAdoo'), (31809, 254, 160, 'Meadow Lands'), (10622, 254, 160,
'Meadville'), (15087, 254, 160, 'Mechanicsburg'), (31830, 254, 160,
'Mechanicsville'), (10623, 254, 160, 'Media'), (31867, 254, 160,
'Mehoopany'), (31878, 254, 160, 'Melcroft'), (31916, 254, 160,
'Mendenhall'), (31935, 254, 160, 'Mentcle'), (18023, 254, 160,
'Mercer'), (31945, 254, 160, 'Mercersburg'), (31964, 254, 160, 'Merion
Station'), (31982, 254, 160, 'Merrittstown'), (31989, 254, 160,
'Mertztown'), (31997, 254, 160, 'Meshoppen'), (32020, 254, 160,
'Mexico'), (32023, 254, 160, 'Meyersdale'), (10624, 254, 160,
'Middleburg'), (32068, 254, 160, 'Middlebury Center'), (32073, 254, 160,
'Middleport'), (10625, 254, 160, 'Middletown'), (32100, 254, 160,
'Midland'), (32114, 254, 160, 'Midway'), (32120, 254, 160,
'Mifflin'), (10626, 254, 160, 'Mifflinburg'), (17326, 254, 160,
'Mifflintown'), (32121, 254, 160, 'Mifflinville'), (32135, 254, 160,
'Milan'), (32137, 254, 160, 'Milanville'), (32142, 254, 160,
'Mildred'), (32145, 254, 160, 'Milesburg'), (10627, 254, 160,
'Milford'), (32159, 254, 160, 'Milford Square'), (32165, 254, 160, 'Mill
Creek'), (32167, 254, 160, 'Mill Hall'), (32170, 254, 160, 'Mill
Run'), (32175, 254, 160, 'Mill Village'), (32199, 254, 160,
'Millersburg'), (32200, 254, 160, 'Millerstown'), (10628, 254, 160,
'Millersville'), (32207, 254, 160, 'Millerton'), (17934, 254, 160,
'Millheim'), (32220, 254, 160, 'Millmont'), (32223, 254, 160,
'Millrift'), (32227, 254, 160, 'Mills'), (32230, 254, 160,
'Millsboro'), (32244, 254, 160, 'Millville'), (32256, 254, 160,
'Milnesville'), (32262, 254, 160, 'Milroy'), (10629, 254, 160,
'Milton'), (32309, 254, 160, 'Mineral Point'), (32313, 254, 160, 'Mineral
Springs'), (32315, 254, 160, 'Minersville'), (32325, 254, 160,
'Mingoville'), (32329, 254, 160, 'Minisink Hills'), (32356, 254, 160,
'Miquon'), (32395, 254, 160, 'Modena'), (17047, 254, 160,
'Mohnton'), (32411, 254, 160, 'Mohrsville'), (32425, 254, 160,
'Monaca'), (32433, 254, 160, 'Monessen'), (32447, 254, 160, 'Monocacy
Station'), (32450, 254, 160, 'Monongahela'), (32470, 254, 160,
'Monroeton'), (10630, 254, 160, 'Monroeville'), (32479, 254, 160, 'Mont
Alto'), (32481, 254, 160, 'Mont Clare'), (32489, 254, 160,
'Montandon'), (14480, 254, 160, 'Montgomery'), (32525, 254, 160,
'Montgomeryville'), (12122, 254, 160, 'Montoursville'), (10631, 254, 160,
'Montrose'), (32595, 254, 160, 'Moosic'), (32604, 254, 160,
'Morann'), (32615, 254, 160, 'Morgan'), (10633, 254, 160,
'Morgantown'), (32651, 254, 160, 'Morris'), (32653, 254, 160, 'Morris
Run'), (32654, 254, 160, 'Morrisdale'), (15575, 254, 160,
'Morrisville'), (32682, 254, 160, 'Morton'), (13605, 254, 160,
'Moscow'), (32702, 254, 160, 'Moshannon'), (32727, 254, 160, 'Mount
Aetna'), (32736, 254, 160, 'Mount Bethel'), (32738, 254, 160, 'Mount
Braddock'), (13020, 254, 160, 'Mount Carmel'), (32759, 254, 160, 'Mount
Gretna'), (32768, 254, 160, 'Mount Holly Springs'), (32776, 254, 160,
'Mount Jewett'), (32777, 254, 160, 'Mount Joy'), (32787, 254, 160, 'Mount
Morris'), (17906, 254, 160, 'Mount Pleasant'), (32803, 254, 160, 'Mount
Pleasant Mills'), (32804, 254, 160, 'Mount Pocono'), (10635, 254, 160,
'Mount Union'), (32833, 254, 160, 'Mount Wolf'), (32857, 254, 160,
'Mountain Top'), (32864, 254, 160, 'Mountainhome'), (32867, 254, 160,
'Mountville'), (32887, 254, 160, 'Muir'), (32910, 254, 160,
'Muncy'), (32911, 254, 160, 'Muncy Valley'), (32923, 254, 160,
'Munson'), (13500, 254, 160, 'Murrysville'), (32945, 254, 160,
'Muse'), (32953, 254, 160, 'Myerstown'), (32985, 254, 160,
'Nanticoke'), (32986, 254, 160, 'Nanty Glo'), (13438, 254, 160,
'Narberth'), (33008, 254, 160, 'Narvon'), (33036, 254, 160, 'Natrona
Heights'), (12333, 254, 160, 'Nazareth'), (33076, 254, 160,
'Needmore'), (33078, 254, 160, 'Neelyton'), (33082, 254, 160,
'Neffs'), (33101, 254, 160, 'Nelson'), (33107, 254, 160,
'Nemacolin'), (18707, 254, 160, 'Nescopeck'), (33134, 254, 160,
'Nesquehoning'), (33149, 254, 160, 'New Albany'), (14137, 254, 160, 'New
Alexandria'), (33160, 254, 160, 'New Baltimore'), (33163, 254, 160, 'New
Bedford'), (33166, 254, 160, 'New Berlin'), (33167, 254, 160, 'New
Berlinville'), (33168, 254, 160, 'New Bethlehem'), (10636, 254, 160, 'New
Bloomfield'), (17353, 254, 160, 'New Brighton'), (33180, 254, 160, 'New
Buffalo'), (10637, 254, 160, 'New Castle'), (33192, 254, 160, 'New
Columbia'), (16296, 254, 160, 'New Cumberland'), (33198, 254, 160, 'New
Derry'), (33200, 254, 160, 'New Eagle'), (33206, 254, 160, 'New
Enterprise'), (33210, 254, 160, 'New Florence'), (33213, 254, 160, 'New
Freedom'), (33214, 254, 160, 'New Freeport'), (33215, 254, 160, 'New
Galilee'), (33216, 254, 160, 'New Geneva'), (33217, 254, 160, 'New
Germantown'), (33241, 254, 160, 'New Holland'), (10638, 254, 160, 'New
Hope'), (12339, 254, 160, 'New Kensington'), (33253, 254, 160, 'New
Kingstown'), (33270, 254, 160, 'New London'), (33291, 254, 160, 'New
Milford'), (33292, 254, 160, 'New Millport'), (33298, 254, 160, 'New
Oxford'), (33301, 254, 160, 'New Paris'), (33302, 254, 160, 'New
Park'), (33303, 254, 160, 'New Philadelphia'), (33312, 254, 160, 'New
Providence'), (33317, 254, 160, 'New Ringgold'), (33326, 254, 160, 'New
Salem'), (33334, 254, 160, 'New Stanton'), (33343, 254, 160, 'New
Tripoli'), (33357, 254, 160, 'New Wilmington'), (33378, 254, 160,
'Newburg'), (33397, 254, 160, 'Newell'), (33409, 254, 160,
'Newfoundland'), (33422, 254, 160, 'Newmanstown'), (33431, 254, 160,
'Newport'), (33436, 254, 160, 'Newry'), (33450, 254, 160, 'Newton
Hamilton'), (10639, 254, 160, 'Newtown'), (33465, 254, 160, 'Newtown
Square'), (14089, 254, 160, 'Newville'), (33484, 254, 160,
'Nicholson'), (33489, 254, 160, 'Nicktown'), (33506, 254, 160,
'Nineveh'), (33517, 254, 160, 'Nisbet'), (33567, 254, 160,
'Normalville'), (10640, 254, 160, 'Norristown'), (14881, 254, 160, 'North
Apollo'), (33599, 254, 160, 'North Bend'), (17010, 254, 160, 'North
East'), (33708, 254, 160, 'North Springfield'), (33724, 254, 160, 'North
Versailles'), (33725, 254, 160, 'North Wales'), (33729, 254, 160, 'North
Washington'), (33738, 254, 160, 'Northampton'), (10548, 254, 160, 'Northern
Cambria'), (33748, 254, 160, 'Northpoint'), (10641, 254, 160,
'Northumberland'), (33762, 254, 160, 'Norvelt'), (33779, 254, 160,
'Norwood'), (33787, 254, 160, 'Nottingham'), (33795, 254, 160,
'Noxen'), (33798, 254, 160, 'Nu Mine'), (33803, 254, 160,
'Numidia'), (33811, 254, 160, 'Nuremberg'), (33847, 254, 160, 'Oak
Ridge'), (33857, 254, 160, 'Oakdale'), (33886, 254, 160, 'Oakland
Mills'), (33894, 254, 160, 'Oakmont'), (33898, 254, 160, 'Oaks'), (10642,
254, 160, 'Ohiopyle'), (10643, 254, 160, 'Oil City'), (34025, 254, 160,
'Olanta'), (34035, 254, 160, 'Old Forge'), (34051, 254, 160, 'Old
Zionsville'), (34063, 254, 160, 'Oley'), (34071, 254, 160,
'Oliveburg'), (34075, 254, 160, 'Oliver'), (34098, 254, 160,
'Olyphant'), (34127, 254, 160, 'Oneida'), (34135, 254, 160, 'Ono'), (34172,
254, 160, 'Orangeville'), (34175, 254, 160, 'Orbisonia'), (34187, 254, 160,
'Orefield'), (34191, 254, 160, 'Oreland'), (34237, 254, 160,
'Orrstown'), (34238, 254, 160, 'Orrtanna'), (34241, 254, 160,
'Orson'), (34244, 254, 160, 'Orviston'), (34248, 254, 160,
'Orwigsburg'), (34260, 254, 160, 'Osceola'), (34261, 254, 160, 'Osceola
Mills'), (34276, 254, 160, 'Osterburg'), (34310, 254, 160,
'Ottsville'), (15850, 254, 160, 'Oxford'), (34427, 254, 160,
'Palm'), (34440, 254, 160, 'Palmerton'), (17766, 254, 160,
'Palmyra'), (34491, 254, 160, 'Paoli'), (34502, 254, 160,
'Paradise'), (34512, 254, 160, 'Pardeesville'), (34533, 254, 160,
'Parker'), (34537, 254, 160, 'Parker Ford'), (34542, 254, 160,
'Parkesburg'), (34543, 254, 160, 'Parkhill'), (34570, 254, 160,
'Parryville'), (34613, 254, 160, 'Patton'), (34625, 254, 160,
'Paupack'), (34641, 254, 160, 'Paxinos'), (34646, 254, 160,
'Paxtonville'), (34657, 254, 160, 'Peach Bottom'), (34659, 254, 160, 'Peach
Glen'), (34682, 254, 160, 'Peckville'), (13434, 254, 160, 'Pen
Argyl'), (34734, 254, 160, 'Penfield'), (34741, 254, 160, 'Penn'), (34743,
254, 160, 'Penn Run'), (34752, 254, 160, 'Penns Creek'), (34753, 254, 160,
'Penns Park'), (34756, 254, 160, 'Pennsburg'), (34757, 254, 160,
'Pennsylvania Furnace'), (34764, 254, 160, 'Penryn'), (34778, 254, 160,
'Pequea'), (12190, 254, 160, 'Perkasie'), (34792, 254, 160,
'Perkiomenville'), (10645, 254, 160, 'Perryopolis'), (34838, 254, 160,
'Petersburg'), (34850, 254, 160, 'Petrolia'), (10646, 254, 160,
'Philadelphia'), (10647, 254, 160, 'Philipsburg'), (12341, 254, 160,
'Phoenixville'), (34910, 254, 160, 'Picture Rocks'), (34952, 254, 160,
'Pillow'), (34971, 254, 160, 'Pine Bank'), (34974, 254, 160, 'Pine
Forge'), (16321, 254, 160, 'Pine Grove'), (34977, 254, 160, 'Pine Grove
Mills'), (35018, 254, 160, 'Pineville'), (35047, 254, 160,
'Pipersville'), (35056, 254, 160, 'Pitcairn'), (35060, 254, 160,
'Pitman'), (10648, 254, 160, 'Pittsburgh'), (35070, 254, 160,
'Pittsfield'), (10585, 254, 160, 'Pittston'), (35094, 254, 160,
'Plainfield'), (35136, 254, 160, 'Pleasant Hall'), (35147, 254, 160,
'Pleasant Mount'), (35154, 254, 160, 'Pleasant Unity'), (35164, 254, 160,
'Pleasantville'), (35181, 254, 160, 'Plumsteadville'), (35183, 254, 160,
'Plumville'), (14126, 254, 160, 'Plymouth'), (10650, 254, 160, 'Plymouth
Meeting'), (35206, 254, 160, 'Pocono Lake'), (35207, 254, 160, 'Pocono Lake
Preserve'), (35208, 254, 160, 'Pocono Manor'), (35209, 254, 160, 'Pocono
Pines'), (10651, 254, 160, 'Pocono Summit'), (35210, 254, 160,
'Pocopson'), (35221, 254, 160, 'Point Marion'), (35224, 254, 160, 'Point
Pleasant'), (35241, 254, 160, 'Polk'), (17924, 254, 160,
'Pomeroy'), (17796, 254, 160, 'Port Allegany'), (35304, 254, 160, 'Port
Carbon'), (35305, 254, 160, 'Port Clinton'), (35325, 254, 160, 'Port
Matilda'), (35337, 254, 160, 'Port Royal'), (35345, 254, 160, 'Port
Trevorton'), (14861, 254, 160, 'Portage'), (35365, 254, 160, 'Porters
Sideling'), (35366, 254, 160, 'Portersville'), (35376, 254, 160,
'Portland'), (35404, 254, 160, 'Pottersdale'), (35409, 254, 160, 'Potts
Grove'), (10652, 254, 160, 'Pottstown'), (10653, 254, 160,
'Pottsville'), (35455, 254, 160, 'Poyntelle'), (11429, 254, 160,
'Presto'), (35502, 254, 160, 'Preston Park'), (35507, 254, 160,
'Pricedale'), (35550, 254, 160, 'Prompton'), (35555, 254, 160,
'Prospect'), (35561, 254, 160, 'Prospect Park'), (35563, 254, 160,
'Prosperity'), (35590, 254, 160, 'Pulaski'), (10655, 254, 160,
'Punxsutawney'), (35629, 254, 160, 'Quakake'), (10656, 254, 160,
'Quakertown'), (35636, 254, 160, 'Quarryville'), (35642, 254, 160,
'Quecreek'), (35643, 254, 160, 'Queen'), (35652, 254, 160,
'Quentin'), (16817, 254, 160, 'Quincy'), (42048, 254, 160,
'Radnor'), (35702, 254, 160, 'Railroad'), (35723, 254, 160,
'Ralston'), (35729, 254, 160, 'Ramey'), (35781, 254, 160,
'Ransom'), (35813, 254, 160, 'Ravine'), (10658, 254, 160,
'Reading'), (35864, 254, 160, 'Reamstown'), (35868, 254, 160,
'Rebersburg'), (35869, 254, 160, 'Rebuck'), (35872, 254, 160,
'Rector'), (35882, 254, 160, 'Red Hill'), (35887, 254, 160, 'Red
Lion'), (35936, 254, 160, 'Reeders'), (35940, 254, 160,
'Reedsville'), (35950, 254, 160, 'Refton'), (35958, 254, 160,
'Rehrersburg'), (35961, 254, 160, 'Reinholds'), (35974, 254, 160,
'Renfrew'), (35980, 254, 160, 'Reno'), (35981, 254, 160, 'Renovo'), (35991,
254, 160, 'Republic'), (36007, 254, 160, 'Revere'), (36009, 254, 160,
'Revloc'), (36010, 254, 160, 'Rew'), (36015, 254, 160, 'Rexmont'), (17585,
254, 160, 'Reynoldsville'), (36029, 254, 160, 'Rheems'), (36049, 254, 160,
'Rices Landing'), (36052, 254, 160, 'Riceville'), (36061, 254, 160,
'Richboro'), (36065, 254, 160, 'Richeyville'), (36070, 254, 160,
'Richfield'), (36085, 254, 160, 'Richland'), (36089, 254, 160,
'Richlandtown'), (36118, 254, 160, 'Riddlesburg'), (36147, 254, 160,
'Ridgway'), (10659, 254, 160, 'Ridley Park'), (36148, 254, 160,
'Riegelsville'), (36158, 254, 160, 'Rillton'), (36159, 254, 160,
'Rimersburg'), (36169, 254, 160, 'Ringgold'), (36177, 254, 160,
'Ringtown'), (36238, 254, 160, 'Riverside'), (36254, 254, 160,
'Rixford'), (36265, 254, 160, 'Roaring Branch'), (36268, 254, 160, 'Roaring
Spring'), (36285, 254, 160, 'Robertsdale'), (36289, 254, 160,
'Robesonia'), (36293, 254, 160, 'Robinson'), (36307, 254, 160,
'Rochester'), (36311, 254, 160, 'Rochester Mills'), (36326, 254, 160, 'Rock
Glen'), (36352, 254, 160, 'Rockhill Furnace'), (36367, 254, 160,
'Rockton'), (36380, 254, 160, 'Rockwood'), (36415, 254, 160,
'Rogersville'), (36442, 254, 160, 'Rome'), (36448, 254, 160,
'Ronco'), (36450, 254, 160, 'Ronks'), (36473, 254, 160, 'Roscoe'), (42050,
254, 160, 'Rosemont'), (36534, 254, 160, 'Rossiter'), (36542, 254, 160,
'Rossville'), (13046, 254, 160, 'Roulette'), (36567, 254, 160,
'Rouseville'), (36568, 254, 160, 'Rouzerville'), (36579, 254, 160,
'Rowland'), (36589, 254, 160, 'Roxbury'), (36609, 254, 160,
'Royersford'), (36631, 254, 160, 'Ruffs Dale'), (36651, 254, 160, 'Rural
Ridge'), (36652, 254, 160, 'Rural Valley'), (36663, 254, 160,
'Rushland'), (36668, 254, 160, 'Rushville'), (36678, 254, 160,
'Russell'), (36680, 254, 160, 'Russellton'), (36731, 254, 160,
'Sabinsville'), (36738, 254, 160, 'Sacramento'), (36747, 254, 160,
'Sadsburyville'), (12577, 254, 160, 'Saegertown'), (36751, 254, 160,
'Sagamore'), (36779, 254, 160, 'Saint Benedict'), (36783, 254, 160, 'Saint
Boniface'), (36796, 254, 160, 'Saint Clair'), (42049, 254, 160, 'Saint
Davids'), (36843, 254, 160, 'Saint Johns'), (15984, 254, 160, 'Saint
Marys'), (36869, 254, 160, 'Saint Michael'), (36890, 254, 160, 'Saint
Peters'), (36891, 254, 160, 'Saint Petersburg'), (36903, 254, 160, 'Saint
Thomas'), (36928, 254, 160, 'Salford'), (36929, 254, 160,
'Salfordville'), (36932, 254, 160, 'Salina'), (36941, 254, 160,
'Salisbury'), (36947, 254, 160, 'Salix'), (36952, 254, 160,
'Salona'), (36962, 254, 160, 'Saltillo'), (36966, 254, 160,
'Saltsburg'), (18299, 254, 160, 'Sandy Lake'), (37055, 254, 160, 'Sandy
Ridge'), (37115, 254, 160, 'Sarver'), (37119, 254, 160,
'Sassamansville'), (37162, 254, 160, 'Saxonburg'), (13743, 254, 160,
'Saxton'), (37165, 254, 160, 'Saylorsburg'), (37169, 254, 160,
'Sayre'), (37180, 254, 160, 'Scenery Hill'), (37182, 254, 160,
'Schaefferstown'), (37187, 254, 160, 'Schellsburg'), (37189, 254, 160,
'Schenley'), (37194, 254, 160, 'Schnecksville'), (37214, 254, 160,
'Schuylkill Haven'), (37215, 254, 160, 'Schwenksville'), (37222, 254, 160,
'Sciota'), (37240, 254, 160, 'Scotland'), (37244, 254, 160,
'Scotrun'), (13496, 254, 160, 'Scottdale'), (10660, 254, 160,
'Scranton'), (37300, 254, 160, 'Seanor'), (10661, 254, 160,
'Selinsgrove'), (10662, 254, 160, 'Sellersville'), (37369, 254, 160,
'Seltzer'), (37372, 254, 160, 'Seminole'), (37382, 254, 160,
'Seneca'), (37402, 254, 160, 'Seven Valleys'), (37413, 254, 160,
'Seward'), (15436, 254, 160, 'Sewickley'), (37423, 254, 160, 'Shade
Gap'), (37427, 254, 160, 'Shady Grove'), (10664, 254, 160,
'Shamokin'), (18132, 254, 160, 'Shamokin Dam'), (37447, 254, 160,
'Shanksville'), (10665, 254, 160, 'Sharon'), (37469, 254, 160, 'Sharon
Hill'), (37482, 254, 160, 'Sharpsville'), (37484, 254, 160,
'Shartlesville'), (37491, 254, 160, 'Shavertown'), (37496, 254, 160,
'Shawanese'), (37503, 254, 160, 'Shawnee on Delaware'), (37505, 254, 160,
'Shawville'), (37506, 254, 160, 'Sheakleyville'), (37514, 254, 160,
'Sheffield'), (37547, 254, 160, 'Shelocta'), (37551, 254, 160,
'Shenandoah'), (37559, 254, 160, 'Sheppton'), (37577, 254, 160, 'Shermans
Dale'), (37591, 254, 160, 'Shickshinny'), (37600, 254, 160,
'Shinglehouse'), (10667, 254, 160, 'Shippensburg'), (37608, 254, 160,
'Shippenville'), (37609, 254, 160, 'Shippingport'), (37617, 254, 160,
'Shirleysburg'), (37622, 254, 160, 'Shoemakersville'), (18778, 254, 160,
'Shohola'), (12425, 254, 160, 'Shrewsbury'), (37645, 254, 160,
'Shunk'), (37658, 254, 160, 'Sidman'), (37674, 254, 160, 'Sigel'), (37713,
254, 160, 'Silver Spring'), (37717, 254, 160, 'Silverdale'), (37752, 254,
160, 'Sinnamahoning'), (37755, 254, 160, 'Sipesville'), (37760, 254, 160,
'Six Mile Run'), (37771, 254, 160, 'Skippack'), (37781, 254, 160,
'Skytop'), (37786, 254, 160, 'Slate Run'), (37788, 254, 160,
'Slatedale'), (18854, 254, 160, 'Slatington'), (37802, 254, 160,
'Slickville'), (37804, 254, 160, 'Sligo'), (10669, 254, 160, 'Slippery
Rock'), (37812, 254, 160, 'Slovan'), (10670, 254, 160,
'Smethport'), (37820, 254, 160, 'Smicksburg'), (37837, 254, 160,
'Smithfield'), (37841, 254, 160, 'Smithmill'), (37848, 254, 160,
'Smithton'), (37860, 254, 160, 'Smock'), (37861, 254, 160,
'Smokerun'), (37862, 254, 160, 'Smoketown'), (10671, 254, 160, 'Snow
Shoe'), (37890, 254, 160, 'Snydersburg'), (37891, 254, 160,
'Snydertown'), (37908, 254, 160, 'Solebury'), (10672, 254, 160,
'Somerset'), (37957, 254, 160, 'Soudersburg'), (37958, 254, 160,
'Souderton'), (37982, 254, 160, 'South Canaan'), (38003, 254, 160, 'South
Fork'), (38006, 254, 160, 'South Gibson'), (38018, 254, 160, 'South
Heights'), (38036, 254, 160, 'South Montrose'), (38037, 254, 160, 'South
Mountain'), (38047, 254, 160, 'South Park'), (38072, 254, 160, 'South
Sterling'), (14723, 254, 160, 'Southampton'), (16019, 254, 160,
'Southeastern'), (38108, 254, 160, 'Southview'), (38109, 254, 160,
'Southwest'), (38119, 254, 160, 'Spangler'), (38136, 254, 160,
'Spartansburg'), (38169, 254, 160, 'Spinnerstown'), (38180, 254, 160,
'Spraggs'), (38186, 254, 160, 'Sprankle Mills'), (38192, 254, 160, 'Spring
Church'), (18731, 254, 160, 'Spring City'), (38195, 254, 160, 'Spring
Creek'), (38201, 254, 160, 'Spring Glen'), (38204, 254, 160, 'Spring
Grove'), (38210, 254, 160, 'Spring House'), (18429, 254, 160, 'Spring
Mills'), (38213, 254, 160, 'Spring Mount'), (10673, 254, 160, 'Spring
Mountain'), (38215, 254, 160, 'Spring Run'), (38219, 254, 160,
'Springboro'), (38223, 254, 160, 'Springdale'), (10674, 254, 160,
'Springfield'), (38243, 254, 160, 'Springs'), (38244, 254, 160,
'Springtown'), (38249, 254, 160, 'Springville'), (38253, 254, 160,
'Sproul'), (38255, 254, 160, 'Spruce Creek'), (38282, 254, 160,
'Stahlstown'), (38335, 254, 160, 'Star Junction'), (38342, 254, 160,
'Starford'), (38349, 254, 160, 'Starlight'), (38351, 254, 160,
'Starrucca'), (10676, 254, 160, 'State College'), (38358, 254, 160, 'State
Line'), (38378, 254, 160, 'Steelville'), (38412, 254, 160,
'Sterling'), (38421, 254, 160, 'Stevens'), (38429, 254, 160,
'Stevensville'), (14970, 254, 160, 'Stewartstown'), (38451, 254, 160,
'Stillwater'), (38467, 254, 160, 'Stockdale'), (38469, 254, 160,
'Stockertown'), (38500, 254, 160, 'Stoneboro'), (38519, 254, 160, 'Stony
Run'), (42310, 254, 160, 'Stowe'), (38538, 254, 160, 'Stoystown'), (38539,
254, 160, 'Strabane'), (42051, 254, 160, 'Strafford'), (38552, 254, 160,
'Strasburg'), (17865, 254, 160, 'Strattanville'), (38572, 254, 160,
'Strausstown'), (38589, 254, 160, 'Strongstown'), (10677, 254, 160,
'Stroudsburg'), (38600, 254, 160, 'Stump Creek'), (38603, 254, 160,
'Sturgeon'), (38627, 254, 160, 'Sugar Grove'), (38631, 254, 160, 'Sugar
Run'), (38636, 254, 160, 'Sugarloaf'), (18908, 254, 160,
'Summerdale'), (38670, 254, 160, 'Summerhill'), (38679, 254, 160,
'Summerville'), (38685, 254, 160, 'Summit Hill'), (38688, 254, 160, 'Summit
Station'), (38702, 254, 160, 'Sumneytown'), (10678, 254, 160,
'Sunbury'), (38745, 254, 160, 'Suplee'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`,
`country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (38757, 254, 160,
'Susquehanna'), (38758, 254, 160, 'Sutersville'), (38789, 254, 160,
'Swarthmore'), (38807, 254, 160, 'Sweet Valley'), (38811, 254, 160,
'Swengel'), (38816, 254, 160, 'Swiftwater'), (38827, 254, 160,
'Sybertsville'), (38832, 254, 160, 'Sycamore'), (38837, 254, 160,
'Sykesville'), (38842, 254, 160, 'Sylvania'), (15929, 254, 160,
'Tafton'), (38897, 254, 160, 'Talmage'), (17857, 254, 160,
'Tamaqua'), (38906, 254, 160, 'Tamiment'), (38918, 254, 160,
'Tannersville'), (38926, 254, 160, 'Tarentum'), (38931, 254, 160,
'Tarrs'), (38936, 254, 160, 'Tatamy'), (38951, 254, 160, 'Taylor'), (38955,
254, 160, 'Taylorstown'), (15954, 254, 160, 'Telford'), (38993, 254, 160,
'Temple'), (38998, 254, 160, 'Templeton'), (39027, 254, 160, 'Terre
Hill'), (39087, 254, 160, 'Thomasville'), (39093, 254, 160,
'Thompson'), (39098, 254, 160, 'Thompsontown'), (14578, 254, 160,
'Thorndale'), (39117, 254, 160, 'Thornton'), (39139, 254, 160, 'Three
Springs'), (39153, 254, 160, 'Tidioute'), (39185, 254, 160,
'Timblin'), (39196, 254, 160, 'Tioga'), (39200, 254, 160, 'Tiona'), (10679,
254, 160, 'Tionesta'), (39210, 254, 160, 'Tipton'), (39212, 254, 160, 'Tire
Hill'), (12544, 254, 160, 'Titusville'), (14002, 254, 160,
'Tobyhanna'), (39228, 254, 160, 'Todd'), (39285, 254, 160,
'Topton'), (39292, 254, 160, 'Torrance'), (39299, 254, 160,
'Toughkenamon'), (13407, 254, 160, 'Towanda'), (39309, 254, 160, 'Tower
City'), (39320, 254, 160, 'Townville'), (39334, 254, 160,
'Trafford'), (39342, 254, 160, 'Transfer'), (39354, 254, 160,
'Treichlers'), (39359, 254, 160, 'Tremont'), (39376, 254, 160,
'Tresckow'), (39380, 254, 160, 'Trevorton'), (39381, 254, 160,
'Trexlertown'), (39420, 254, 160, 'Trout Run'), (39422, 254, 160,
'Troutville'), (39424, 254, 160, 'Troxelville'), (39429, 254, 160,
'Troy'), (39443, 254, 160, 'Trumbauersville'), (10681, 254, 160,
'Tunkhannock'), (39488, 254, 160, 'Turbotville'), (39494, 254, 160, 'Turkey
City'), (39511, 254, 160, 'Turtle Creek'), (39515, 254, 160,
'Turtlepoint'), (39521, 254, 160, 'Tuscarora'), (39548, 254, 160, 'Twin
Rocks'), (39563, 254, 160, 'Tyler Hill'), (39564, 254, 160,
'Tylersburg'), (39565, 254, 160, 'Tylersport'), (39566, 254, 160,
'Tylersville'), (39581, 254, 160, 'Tyrone'), (39591, 254, 160,
'Uledi'), (39598, 254, 160, 'Ulster'), (39602, 254, 160,
'Ulysses'), (15823, 254, 160, 'Union City'), (39638, 254, 160, 'Union
Dale'), (10683, 254, 160, 'Uniontown'), (39670, 254, 160,
'Unionville'), (39675, 254, 160, 'United'), (39679, 254, 160, 'Unity
House'), (39680, 254, 160, 'Unityville'), (10684, 254, 160, 'University
Park'), (39689, 254, 160, 'Upper Black Eddy'), (10685, 254, 160, 'Upper
Darby'), (39697, 254, 160, 'Upperstrasburg'), (39714, 254, 160,
'Ursina'), (39724, 254, 160, 'Utica'), (39728, 254, 160,
'Uwchland'), (39743, 254, 160, 'Valencia'), (39751, 254, 160,
'Valier'), (18316, 254, 160, 'Valley Forge'), (39777, 254, 160, 'Valley
View'), (39801, 254, 160, 'Van Voorhis'), (39815, 254, 160,
'Vanderbilt'), (14334, 254, 160, 'Vandergrift'), (39854, 254, 160,
'Venango'), (39858, 254, 160, 'Venetia'), (39866, 254, 160,
'Venus'), (39912, 254, 160, 'Verona'), (39925, 254, 160,
'Vestaburg'), (39934, 254, 160, 'Vicksburg'), (39960, 254, 160, 'Villa
Maria'), (10686, 254, 160, 'Villanova'), (39991, 254, 160,
'Vintondale'), (40011, 254, 160, 'Virginville'), (40015, 254, 160,
'Volant'), (40034, 254, 160, 'Vowinckel'), (40068, 254, 160,
'Wagontown'), (40153, 254, 160, 'Wallaceton'), (16126, 254, 160,
'Wallingford'), (40178, 254, 160, 'Walnut Bottom'), (18895, 254, 160,
'Walnutport'), (40194, 254, 160, 'Walston'), (40196, 254, 160,
'Waltersburg'), (40209, 254, 160, 'Wampum'), (40228, 254, 160,
'Wapwallopen'), (40250, 254, 160, 'Warfordsburg'), (10687, 254, 160,
'Warminster'), (10688, 254, 160, 'Warren'), (40273, 254, 160, 'Warren
Center'), (40274, 254, 160, 'Warrendale'), (40280, 254, 160,
'Warrington'), (40283, 254, 160, 'Warriors Mark'), (10689, 254, 160,
'Washington'), (40316, 254, 160, 'Washington Boro'), (40317, 254, 160,
'Washington Crossing'), (40323, 254, 160, 'Washingtonville'), (40345, 254,
160, 'Waterfall'), (17734, 254, 160, 'Waterford'), (40376, 254, 160,
'Waterville'), (40395, 254, 160, 'Watsontown'), (15521, 254, 160,
'Wattsburg'), (40430, 254, 160, 'Waverly'), (40448, 254, 160,
'Waymart'), (10657, 254, 160, 'Wayne'), (13507, 254, 160,
'Waynesboro'), (10690, 254, 160, 'Waynesburg'), (40467, 254, 160,
'Weatherly'), (40488, 254, 160, 'Webster'), (16864, 254, 160,
'Weedville'), (40501, 254, 160, 'Weikert'), (40530, 254, 160,
'Wellersburg'), (40554, 254, 160, 'Wells Tannery'), (10691, 254, 160,
'Wellsboro'), (40561, 254, 160, 'Wellsville'), (40566, 254, 160,
'Wendel'), (17019, 254, 160, 'Wernersville'), (40594, 254, 160, 'West
Alexander'), (10692, 254, 160, 'West Chester'), (40631, 254, 160, 'West
Decatur'), (40637, 254, 160, 'West Elizabeth'), (40647, 254, 160, 'West
Finley'), (40660, 254, 160, 'West Grove'), (40672, 254, 160, 'West
Hickory'), (40683, 254, 160, 'West Lebanon'), (40684, 254, 160, 'West
Leisenring'), (40695, 254, 160, 'West Middlesex'), (40697, 254, 160, 'West
Middletown'), (10693, 254, 160, 'West Mifflin'), (40701, 254, 160, 'West
Milton'), (40711, 254, 160, 'West Newton'), (40721, 254, 160, 'West
Pittsburg'), (40728, 254, 160, 'West Point'), (40742, 254, 160, 'West
Salisbury'), (40748, 254, 160, 'West Springfield'), (40753, 254, 160, 'West
Sunbury'), (40770, 254, 160, 'West Willow'), (40800, 254, 160,
'Westfield'), (40812, 254, 160, 'Westland'), (40814, 254, 160,
'Westline'), (40820, 254, 160, 'Westmoreland City'), (15310, 254, 160,
'Weston'), (40837, 254, 160, 'Westover'), (40849, 254, 160,
'Westport'), (40855, 254, 160, 'Westtown'), (40869, 254, 160,
'Wexford'), (40890, 254, 160, 'Wheatland'), (40913, 254, 160,
'White'), (40922, 254, 160, 'White Deer'), (40927, 254, 160, 'White
Haven'), (40938, 254, 160, 'White Mills'), (40969, 254, 160,
'Whitehall'), (41024, 254, 160, 'Whitney'), (41038, 254, 160,
'Wickhaven'), (41042, 254, 160, 'Wiconisco'), (41046, 254, 160,
'Widnoon'), (41056, 254, 160, 'Wilburton'), (41059, 254, 160,
'Wilcox'), (41073, 254, 160, 'Wildwood'), (12586, 254, 160, 'Wilkes
Barre'), (41105, 254, 160, 'Williamsburg'), (41111, 254, 160,
'Williamson'), (10697, 254, 160, 'Williamsport'), (18397, 254, 160,
'Williamstown'), (10698, 254, 160, 'Willow Grove'), (41146, 254, 160,
'Willow Hill'), (41152, 254, 160, 'Willow Street'), (41161, 254, 160,
'Wilmerding'), (41165, 254, 160, 'Wilmore'), (41201, 254, 160,
'Winburne'), (41212, 254, 160, 'Wind Gap'), (41213, 254, 160, 'Wind
Ridge'), (41214, 254, 160, 'Windber'), (41227, 254, 160,
'Windsor'), (41243, 254, 160, 'Winfield'), (41327, 254, 160,
'Witmer'), (41367, 254, 160, 'Womelsdorf'), (41371, 254, 160,
'Wood'), (41395, 254, 160, 'Woodbury'), (41413, 254, 160,
'Woodland'), (41421, 254, 160, 'Woodlyn'), (41451, 254, 160,
'Woodward'), (41461, 254, 160, 'Woolrich'), (41469, 254, 160,
'Worcester'), (41484, 254, 160, 'Worthington'), (41487, 254, 160,
'Worthville'), (41490, 254, 160, 'Woxall'), (41503, 254, 160,
'Wrightsville'), (10699, 254, 160, 'Wyalusing'), (41510, 254, 160,
'Wyano'), (41516, 254, 160, 'Wycombe'), (41522, 254, 160,
'Wyncote'), (41525, 254, 160, 'Wynnewood'), (41533, 254, 160,
'Wyoming'), (41536, 254, 160, 'Wysox'), (41976, 254, 160,
'Yardley'), (41555, 254, 160, 'Yatesboro'), (41558, 254, 160,
'Yeagertown'), (10700, 254, 160, 'York'), (41586, 254, 160, 'York
Haven'), (41587, 254, 160, 'York New Salem'), (41588, 254, 160, 'York
Springs'), (41610, 254, 160, 'Youngstown'), (41614, 254, 160,
'Youngsville'), (15713, 254, 160, 'Youngwood'), (41620, 254, 160,
'Yukon'), (17719, 254, 160, 'Zelienople'), (41650, 254, 160,
'Zieglerville'), (41653, 254, 160, 'Zion Grove'), (41654, 254, 160,
'Zionhill'), (41656, 254, 160, 'Zionsville'), (41662, 254, 160,
'Zullinger'), (19119, 254, 161, 'Adamsville'), (19242, 254, 161,
'Albion'), (14891, 254, 161, 'Ashaway'), (20213, 254, 161,
'Barrington'), (10701, 254, 161, 'Block Island'), (21237, 254, 161,
'Bradford'), (12064, 254, 161, 'Bristol'), (22181, 254, 161,
'Carolina'), (22459, 254, 161, 'Central Falls'), (22545, 254, 161,
'Charlestown'), (16264, 254, 161, 'Chepachet'), (22913, 254, 161,
'Clayville'), (23530, 254, 161, 'Coventry'), (10702, 254, 161,
'Cranston'), (23775, 254, 161, 'Cumberland'), (12047, 254, 161, 'East
Greenwich'), (10703, 254, 161, 'East Providence'), (17751, 254, 161,
'Exeter'), (25910, 254, 161, 'Fiskeville'), (26060, 254, 161,
'Forestdale'), (14205, 254, 161, 'Foster'), (26877, 254, 161,
'Glendale'), (27308, 254, 161, 'Greene'), (27348, 254, 161,
'Greenville'), (27761, 254, 161, 'Harmony'), (27821, 254, 161,
'Harrisville'), (28509, 254, 161, 'Hope'), (28511, 254, 161, 'Hope
Valley'), (28526, 254, 161, 'Hopkinton'), (29064, 254, 161,
'Jamestown'), (29204, 254, 161, 'Johnston'), (29479, 254, 161,
'Kenyon'), (10704, 254, 161, 'Kingston'), (30476, 254, 161,
'Lincoln'), (10705, 254, 161, 'Little Compton'), (31273, 254, 161,
'Manville'), (31303, 254, 161, 'Mapleville'), (14222, 254, 161,
'Middletown'), (16540, 254, 161, 'Narragansett'), (1303, 254, 161,
'Newport'), (13005, 254, 161, 'North Kingstown'), (33694, 254, 161, 'North
Providence'), (33704, 254, 161, 'North Scituate'), (33706, 254, 161, 'North
Smithfield'), (33882, 254, 161, 'Oakland'), (34579, 254, 161,
'Pascoag'), (10706, 254, 161, 'Pawtucket'), (34655, 254, 161, 'Peace
Dale'), (35382, 254, 161, 'Portsmouth'), (10707, 254, 161,
'Providence'), (35578, 254, 161, 'Prudence Island'), (36239, 254, 161,
'Riverside'), (36373, 254, 161, 'Rockville'), (36638, 254, 161,
'Rumford'), (37133, 254, 161, 'Saunderstown'), (37448, 254, 161,
'Shannock'), (37791, 254, 161, 'Slatersville'), (37810, 254, 161,
'Slocum'), (10708, 254, 161, 'Smithfield'), (10709, 254, 161,
'Tiverton'), (40089, 254, 161, 'Wakefield'), (15194, 254, 161,
'Warren'), (10711, 254, 161, 'Warwick'), (40657, 254, 161, 'West
Greenwich'), (17020, 254, 161, 'West Kingston'), (10712, 254, 161, 'West
Warwick'), (10713, 254, 161, 'Westerly'), (41379, 254, 161, 'Wood River
Junction'), (10714, 254, 161, 'Woonsocket'), (41534, 254, 161,
'Wyoming'), (10715, 254, 162, 'Abbeville'), (19112, 254, 162, 'Adams
Run'), (10716, 254, 162, 'Aiken'), (19252, 254, 162, 'Alcolu'), (10717,
254, 162, 'Allendale'), (10718, 254, 162, 'Anderson'), (19548, 254, 162,
'Andrews'), (19655, 254, 162, 'Arcadia'), (20022, 254, 162,
'Awendaw'), (20034, 254, 162, 'Aynor'), (20117, 254, 162,
'Ballentine'), (10719, 254, 162, 'Bamberg'), (10720, 254, 162,
'Barnwell'), (20268, 254, 162, 'Batesburg'), (20279, 254, 162,
'Bath'), (10721, 254, 162, 'Beaufort'), (20419, 254, 162, 'Beech
Island'), (10722, 254, 162, 'Belton'), (10723, 254, 162,
'Bennettsville'), (20685, 254, 162, 'Bethera'), (20696, 254, 162,
'Bethune'), (10724, 254, 162, 'Bishopville'), (20856, 254, 162,
'Blacksburg'), (20857, 254, 162, 'Blackstock'), (20862, 254, 162,
'Blackville'), (20877, 254, 162, 'Blair'), (20917, 254, 162,
'Blenheim'), (21016, 254, 162, 'Bluffton'), (21023, 254, 162,
'Blythewood'), (21093, 254, 162, 'Bonneau'), (21179, 254, 162, 'Bowling
Green'), (21182, 254, 162, 'Bowman'), (21249, 254, 162, 'Bradley'), (21281,
254, 162, 'Branchville'), (21589, 254, 162, 'Brunson'), (21680, 254, 162,
'Buffalo'), (21875, 254, 162, 'Cades'), (21910, 254, 162, 'Calhoun
Falls'), (10725, 254, 162, 'Camden'), (21987, 254, 162, 'Cameron'), (22024,
254, 162, 'Campobello'), (22038, 254, 162, 'Canadys'), (22156, 254, 162,
'Carlisle'), (22269, 254, 162, 'Cassatt'), (22313, 254, 162,
'Catawba'), (18176, 254, 162, 'Cayce'), (22406, 254, 162,
'Centenary'), (14940, 254, 162, 'Central'), (22524, 254, 162,
'Chapin'), (22534, 254, 162, 'Chappells'), (10726, 254, 162,
'Charleston'), (22542, 254, 162, 'Charleston AFB'), (10727, 254, 162,
'Cheraw'), (22643, 254, 162, 'Chesnee'), (10728, 254, 162,
'Chester'), (16217, 254, 162, 'Chesterfield'), (22850, 254, 162, 'Clarks
Hill'), (22934, 254, 162, 'Clearwater'), (11823, 254, 162,
'Clemson'), (16841, 254, 162, 'Cleveland'), (22979, 254, 162,
'Clifton'), (10729, 254, 162, 'Clinton'), (23014, 254, 162,
'Clio'), (23025, 254, 162, 'Clover'), (10730, 254, 162,
'Columbia'), (23303, 254, 162, 'Conestee'), (23342, 254, 162,
'Converse'), (13351, 254, 162, 'Conway'), (23380, 254, 162,
'Coosawatchie'), (23388, 254, 162, 'Cope'), (23414, 254, 162,
'Cordesville'), (23421, 254, 162, 'Cordova'), (15737, 254, 162,
'Cottageville'), (23541, 254, 162, 'Coward'), (17368, 254, 162,
'Cowpens'), (23670, 254, 162, 'Crocketville'), (23691, 254, 162,
'Cross'), (23692, 254, 162, 'Cross Anchor'), (23694, 254, 162, 'Cross
Hill'), (23879, 254, 162, 'Dale'), (23904, 254, 162, 'Dalzell'), (23965,
254, 162, 'Darlington'), (23974, 254, 162, 'Daufuskie Island'), (24002,
254, 162, 'Davis Station'), (18365, 254, 162, 'Denmark'), (10732, 254, 162,
'Dillon'), (24406, 254, 162, 'Donalds'), (24430, 254, 162,
'Dorchester'), (24518, 254, 162, 'Drayton'), (24593, 254, 162, 'Due
West'), (12067, 254, 162, 'Duncan'), (24763, 254, 162, 'Early
Branch'), (13737, 254, 162, 'Easley'), (24942, 254, 162,
'Eastover'), (10733, 254, 162, 'Edgefield'), (15128, 254, 162,
'Edgemoor'), (25030, 254, 162, 'Edisto Island'), (16702, 254, 162,
'Effingham'), (25077, 254, 162, 'Ehrhardt'), (25149, 254, 162,
'Elgin'), (25199, 254, 162, 'Elko'), (25238, 254, 162, 'Elliott'), (25250,
254, 162, 'Elloree'), (25408, 254, 162, 'Enoree'), (25488, 254, 162,
'Estill'), (25538, 254, 162, 'Eutawville'), (25608, 254, 162, 'Fair
Play'), (25628, 254, 162, 'Fairfax'), (25644, 254, 162,
'Fairforest'), (25875, 254, 162, 'Fingerville'), (10734, 254, 162,
'Florence'), (25994, 254, 162, 'Floyd Dale'), (26005, 254, 162, 'Folly
Beach'), (26070, 254, 162, 'Fork'), (16722, 254, 162, 'Fort Lawn'), (13866,
254, 162, 'Fort Mill'), (26196, 254, 162, 'Fountain Inn'), (26436, 254,
162, 'Furman'), (26439, 254, 162, 'Gable'), (26443, 254, 162,
'Gadsden'), (10736, 254, 162, 'Gaffney'), (26466, 254, 162, 'Galivants
Ferry'), (26553, 254, 162, 'Garnett'), (26592, 254, 162, 'Gaston'), (10737,
254, 162, 'Georgetown'), (26718, 254, 162, 'Gifford'), (26725, 254, 162,
'Gilbert'), (26878, 254, 162, 'Glendale'), (26939, 254, 162,
'Gloverville'), (10738, 254, 162, 'Goose Creek'), (27112, 254, 162,
'Gramling'), (27175, 254, 162, 'Graniteville'), (27237, 254, 162, 'Gray
Court'), (27261, 254, 162, 'Great Falls'), (27268, 254, 162,
'Greeleyville'), (27281, 254, 162, 'Green Pond'), (27284, 254, 162, 'Green
Sea'), (10739, 254, 162, 'Greenville'), (10740, 254, 162,
'Greenwood'), (12788, 254, 162, 'Greer'), (27386, 254, 162,
'Gresham'), (27435, 254, 162, 'Grover'), (27597, 254, 162,
'Hamer'), (10741, 254, 162, 'Hampton'), (27720, 254, 162,
'Hardeeville'), (27749, 254, 162, 'Harleyville'), (10742, 254, 162,
'Hartsville'), (27997, 254, 162, 'Heath Springs'), (28052, 254, 162,
'Hemingway'), (28175, 254, 162, 'Hickory Grove'), (28231, 254, 162,
'Hilda'), (10743, 254, 162, 'Hilton Head'), (28279, 254, 162, 'Hilton Head
Island'), (28336, 254, 162, 'Hodges'), (28402, 254, 162, 'Holly
Hill'), (28410, 254, 162, 'Hollywood'), (28459, 254, 162, 'Honea
Path'), (28522, 254, 162, 'Hopkins'), (28530, 254, 162, 'Horatio'), (28644,
254, 162, 'Huger'), (28887, 254, 162, 'Inman'), (17671, 254, 162,
'Irmo'), (28970, 254, 162, 'Islandton'), (28974, 254, 162, 'Isle of
Palms'), (28994, 254, 162, 'Iva'), (29023, 254, 162, 'Jackson'), (29028,
254, 162, 'Jacksonboro'), (29065, 254, 162, 'Jamestown'), (29111, 254, 162,
'Jefferson'), (29131, 254, 162, 'Jenkinsville'), (29180, 254, 162,
'Joanna'), (29190, 254, 162, 'Johns Island'), (29202, 254, 162,
'Johnsonville'), (29205, 254, 162, 'Johnston'), (29235, 254, 162,
'Jonesville'), (29494, 254, 162, 'Kershaw'), (29572, 254, 162,
'Kinards'), (10744, 254, 162, 'Kingstree'), (29776, 254, 162, 'La
France'), (13220, 254, 162, 'Ladson'), (29894, 254, 162, 'Lake
City'), (29954, 254, 162, 'Lake View'), (29995, 254, 162, 'Lamar'), (10745,
254, 162, 'Lancaster'), (30036, 254, 162, 'Lando'), (30037, 254, 162,
'Landrum'), (30041, 254, 162, 'Lane'), (30058, 254, 162,
'Langley'), (30110, 254, 162, 'Latta'), (15607, 254, 162,
'Laurens'), (30253, 254, 162, 'Leesville'), (11996, 254, 162,
'Lexington'), (30421, 254, 162, 'Liberty'), (30425, 254, 162, 'Liberty
Hill'), (30580, 254, 162, 'Little Mountain'), (30586, 254, 162, 'Little
River'), (30590, 254, 162, 'Little Rock'), (30642, 254, 162,
'Lobeco'), (30653, 254, 162, 'Lockhart'), (30674, 254, 162,
'Lodge'), (30724, 254, 162, 'Long Creek'), (30752, 254, 162,
'Longs'), (30793, 254, 162, 'Loris'), (30873, 254, 162,
'Lowndesville'), (30919, 254, 162, 'Lugoff'), (30946, 254, 162,
'Luray'), (30969, 254, 162, 'Lydia'), (30977, 254, 162, 'Lyman'), (30989,
254, 162, 'Lynchburg'), (13750, 254, 162, 'Manning'), (31362, 254, 162,
'Marietta'), (10746, 254, 162, 'Marion'), (31462, 254, 162,
'Martin'), (16233, 254, 162, 'Mauldin'), (31600, 254, 162,
'Mayesville'), (31616, 254, 162, 'Mayo'), (31649, 254, 162, 'Mc
Bee'), (31665, 254, 162, 'Mc Clellanville'), (31671, 254, 162, 'Mc
Coll'), (31675, 254, 162, 'Mc Connells'), (31682, 254, 162, 'Mc
Cormick'), (32147, 254, 162, 'Miley'), (32355, 254, 162,
'Minturn'), (32402, 254, 162, 'Modoc'), (10748, 254, 162, 'Moncks
Corner'), (14772, 254, 162, 'Monetta'), (32530, 254, 162,
'Monticello'), (32534, 254, 162, 'Montmorenci'), (32577, 254, 162,
'Moore'), (32742, 254, 162, 'Mount Carmel'), (32748, 254, 162, 'Mount
Croghan'), (10749, 254, 162, 'Mount Pleasant'), (32856, 254, 162, 'Mountain
Rest'), (32868, 254, 162, 'Mountville'), (32904, 254, 162,
'Mullins'), (32939, 254, 162, 'Murrells Inlet'), (10750, 254, 162, 'Myrtle
Beach'), (33080, 254, 162, 'Neeses'), (33132, 254, 162, 'Nesmith'), (33204,
254, 162, 'New Ellenton'), (33363, 254, 162, 'New Zion'), (10751, 254, 162,
'Newberry'), (33437, 254, 162, 'Newry'), (33480, 254, 162,
'Nichols'), (11865, 254, 162, 'Ninety Six'), (33582, 254, 162,
'Norris'), (33588, 254, 162, 'North'), (17303, 254, 162, 'North
Augusta'), (10752, 254, 162, 'North Charleston'), (17887, 254, 162, 'North
Myrtle Beach'), (18128, 254, 162, 'Norway'), (34026, 254, 162,
'Olanta'), (34027, 254, 162, 'Olar'), (10753, 254, 162,
'Orangeburg'), (34386, 254, 162, 'Pacolet'), (34387, 254, 162, 'Pacolet
Mills'), (34395, 254, 162, 'Pageland'), (34465, 254, 162,
'Pamplico'), (10754, 254, 162, 'Paris Island'), (34553, 254, 162,
'Parksville'), (34592, 254, 162, 'Patrick'), (34623, 254, 162,
'Pauline'), (34635, 254, 162, 'Pawleys Island'), (34664, 254, 162,
'Peak'), (34706, 254, 162, 'Pelion'), (15501, 254, 162, 'Pelzer'), (34729,
254, 162, 'Pendleton'), (13738, 254, 162, 'Pickens'), (34916, 254, 162,
'Piedmont'), (35008, 254, 162, 'Pineland'), (35019, 254, 162,
'Pineville'), (35020, 254, 162, 'Pinewood'), (35034, 254, 162,
'Pinopolis'), (35175, 254, 162, 'Plum Branch'), (35256, 254, 162,
'Pomaria'), (35338, 254, 162, 'Port Royal'), (35564, 254, 162,
'Prosperity'), (35709, 254, 162, 'Rains'), (35807, 254, 162,
'Ravenel'), (35948, 254, 162, 'Reevesville'), (35959, 254, 162,
'Reidville'), (35966, 254, 162, 'Rembert'), (36063, 254, 162,
'Richburg'), (36086, 254, 162, 'Richland'), (14169, 254, 162, 'Ridge
Spring'), (10755, 254, 162, 'Ridgeland'), (12517, 254, 162,
'Ridgeville'), (36142, 254, 162, 'Ridgeway'), (36196, 254, 162,
'Rion'), (10756, 254, 162, 'Rock Hill'), (36403, 254, 162,
'Roebuck'), (36559, 254, 162, 'Round O'), (36577, 254, 162,
'Rowesville'), (36618, 254, 162, 'Ruby'), (36630, 254, 162,
'Ruffin'), (36684, 254, 162, 'Russellville'), (36818, 254, 162, 'Saint
George'), (36826, 254, 162, 'Saint Helena Island'), (10735, 254, 162,
'Saint Matthews'), (36897, 254, 162, 'Saint Stephen'), (36923, 254, 162,
'Salem'), (36949, 254, 162, 'Salley'), (36959, 254, 162,
'Salters'), (10757, 254, 162, 'Saluda'), (37057, 254, 162, 'Sandy
Springs'), (10758, 254, 162, 'Santee'), (37101, 254, 162,
'Sardinia'), (37234, 254, 162, 'Scotia'), (37272, 254, 162,
'Scranton'), (37285, 254, 162, 'Seabrook'), (37360, 254, 162,
'Sellers'), (10759, 254, 162, 'Seneca'), (37462, 254, 162,
'Sharon'), (37493, 254, 162, 'Shaw A F B'), (37535, 254, 162,
'Sheldon'), (37721, 254, 162, 'Silverstreet'), (37740, 254, 162,
'Simpsonville'), (37759, 254, 162, 'Six Mile'), (37790, 254, 162,
'Slater'), (37859, 254, 162, 'Smoaks'), (37870, 254, 162,
'Smyrna'), (16550, 254, 162, 'Socastee'), (37895, 254, 162, 'Society
Hill'), (10760, 254, 162, 'Spartanburg'), (38234, 254, 162,
'Springfield'), (38350, 254, 162, 'Starr'), (38353, 254, 162,
'Startex'), (38359, 254, 162, 'State Park'), (38646, 254, 162, 'Sullivans
Island'), (10762, 254, 162, 'Summerton'), (10763, 254, 162,
'Summerville'), (10764, 254, 162, 'Sumter'), (10765, 254, 162,
'Sunset'), (38783, 254, 162, 'Swansea'), (38833, 254, 162,
'Sycamore'), (38905, 254, 162, 'Tamassee'), (38941, 254, 162,
'Tatum'), (16367, 254, 162, 'Taylors'), (39163, 254, 162,
'Tigerville'), (39176, 254, 162, 'Tillman'), (39188, 254, 162,
'Timmonsville'), (39321, 254, 162, 'Townville'), (39347, 254, 162,
'Travelers Rest'), (39371, 254, 162, 'Trenton'), (39430, 254, 162,
'Troy'), (39487, 254, 162, 'Turbeville'), (39597, 254, 162,
'Ulmer'), (39607, 254, 162, 'Una'), (10766, 254, 162, 'Union'), (39803,
254, 162, 'Van Wyck'), (39806, 254, 162, 'Vance'), (39835, 254, 162,
'Varnville'), (39840, 254, 162, 'Vaucluse'), (40061, 254, 162, 'Wadmalaw
Island'), (40065, 254, 162, 'Wagener'), (40126, 254, 162,
'Walhalla'), (40150, 254, 162, 'Wallace'), (10767, 254, 162,
'Walterboro'), (40234, 254, 162, 'Ward'), (40245, 254, 162, 'Ware
Shoals'), (40279, 254, 162, 'Warrenville'), (40359, 254, 162,
'Waterloo'), (40492, 254, 162, 'Wedgefield'), (40535, 254, 162,
'Wellford'), (16038, 254, 162, 'West Columbia'), (40763, 254, 162, 'West
Union'), (18179, 254, 162, 'Westminster'), (40860, 254, 162,
'Westville'), (40943, 254, 162, 'White Oak'), (40954, 254, 162, 'White
Rock'), (40957, 254, 162, 'White Stone'), (41020, 254, 162,
'Whitmire'), (41097, 254, 162, 'Williams'), (41117, 254, 162,
'Williamston'), (17879, 254, 162, 'Williston'), (41228, 254, 162,
'Windsor'), (10768, 254, 162, 'Winnsboro'), (13969, 254, 162,
'Woodruff'), (41566, 254, 162, 'Yemassee'), (41583, 254, 162,
'York'), (10769, 254, 163, 'Aberdeen'), (19166, 254, 163, 'Agar'), (19192,
254, 163, 'Akaska'), (13433, 254, 163, 'Alcester'), (10770, 254, 163,
'Alexandria'), (19318, 254, 163, 'Allen'), (19377, 254, 163,
'Alpena'), (19492, 254, 163, 'Amherst'), (19543, 254, 163,
'Andover'), (19727, 254, 163, 'Arlington'), (10771, 254, 163,
'Armour'), (19776, 254, 163, 'Artesian'), (19830, 254, 163,
'Ashton'), (19850, 254, 163, 'Astoria'), (19957, 254, 163,
'Aurora'), (20015, 254, 163, 'Avon'), (20054, 254, 163, 'Badger'), (20128,
254, 163, 'Baltic'), (20185, 254, 163, 'Barnard'), (20269, 254, 163,
'Batesland'), (20280, 254, 163, 'Bath'), (10773, 254, 163, 'Belle
Fourche'), (20538, 254, 163, 'Belvidere'), (13430, 254, 163,
'Beresford'), (20763, 254, 163, 'Big Stone City'), (10774, 254, 163,
'Bison'), (20845, 254, 163, 'Black Hawk'), (21019, 254, 163,
'Blunt'), (21088, 254, 163, 'Bonesteel'), (21165, 254, 163,
'Bowdle'), (21189, 254, 163, 'Box Elder'), (21250, 254, 163,
'Bradley'), (21286, 254, 163, 'Brandon'), (21291, 254, 163,
'Brandt'), (21339, 254, 163, 'Brentford'), (21379, 254, 163,
'Bridgewater'), (21423, 254, 163, 'Bristol'), (10775, 254, 163,
'Britton'), (10776, 254, 163, 'Brookings'), (21570, 254, 163,
'Bruce'), (21612, 254, 163, 'Bryant'), (10777, 254, 163,
'Buffalo'), (21685, 254, 163, 'Buffalo Gap'), (21691, 254, 163, 'Buffalo
Ridge'), (21703, 254, 163, 'Bullhead'), (21724, 254, 163,
'Burbank'), (10778, 254, 163, 'Burke'), (21994, 254, 163, 'Camp
Crook'), (14921, 254, 163, 'Canistota'), (22069, 254, 163,
'Canova'), (10779, 254, 163, 'Canton'), (22121, 254, 163,
'Caputa'), (22187, 254, 163, 'Carpenter'), (22212, 254, 163,
'Carter'), (22222, 254, 163, 'Carthage'), (22300, 254, 163,
'Castlewood'), (22334, 254, 163, 'Cavour'), (22447, 254, 163,
'Centerville'), (10780, 254, 163, 'Chamberlain'), (22511, 254, 163,
'Chancellor'), (22627, 254, 163, 'Cherry Creek'), (22657, 254, 163,
'Chester'), (22805, 254, 163, 'Claire City'), (22819, 254, 163,
'Claremont'), (10781, 254, 163, 'Clark'), (10782, 254, 163, 'Clear
Lake'), (23190, 254, 163, 'Colman'), (23195, 254, 163, 'Colome'), (23211,
254, 163, 'Colton'), (23221, 254, 163, 'Columbia'), (23298, 254, 163,
'Conde'), (23455, 254, 163, 'Corona'), (10783, 254, 163,
'Corsica'), (23622, 254, 163, 'Creighton'), (23627, 254, 163,
'Cresbard'), (23683, 254, 163, 'Crooks'), (10784, 254, 163,
'Custer'), (23887, 254, 163, 'Dallas'), (23939, 254, 163, 'Dante'), (23997,
254, 163, 'Davis'), (10785, 254, 163, 'De Smet'), (10786, 254, 163,
'Deadwood'), (24166, 254, 163, 'Dell Rapids'), (24178, 254, 163,
'Delmont'), (24343, 254, 163, 'Dimock'), (24396, 254, 163,
'Doland'), (24512, 254, 163, 'Draper'), (24673, 254, 163,
'Dupree'), (24730, 254, 163, 'Eagle Butte'), (24994, 254, 163,
'Eden'), (10787, 254, 163, 'Edgemont'), (25065, 254, 163, 'Egan'), (25180,
254, 163, 'Elk Point'), (25206, 254, 163, 'Elkton'), (25260, 254, 163,
'Ellsworth AFB'), (25269, 254, 163, 'Elm Springs'), (25346, 254, 163,
'Emery'), (25401, 254, 163, 'Enning'), (25453, 254, 163, 'Erwin'), (25483,
254, 163, 'Estelline'), (25491, 254, 163, 'Ethan'), (25533, 254, 163,
'Eureka'), (25615, 254, 163, 'Fairburn'), (25629, 254, 163,
'Fairfax'), (13431, 254, 163, 'Fairview'), (25682, 254, 163,
'Faith'), (10788, 254, 163, 'Faulkton'), (25799, 254, 163,
'Fedora'), (25835, 254, 163, 'Ferney'), (25884, 254, 163,
'Firesteel'), (10789, 254, 163, 'Flandreau'), (25980, 254, 163,
'Florence'), (26133, 254, 163, 'Fort Meade'), (26144, 254, 163, 'Fort
Pierre'), (26159, 254, 163, 'Fort Thompson'), (26245, 254, 163,
'Frankfort'), (26288, 254, 163, 'Frederick'), (26320, 254, 163,
'Freeman'), (26394, 254, 163, 'Fruitdale'), (26425, 254, 163,
'Fulton'), (26497, 254, 163, 'Gann Valley'), (10790, 254, 163,
'Gannvalley'), (26517, 254, 163, 'Garden City'), (16089, 254, 163,
'Garretson'), (26577, 254, 163, 'Gary'), (26615, 254, 163,
'Gayville'), (10791, 254, 163, 'Geddes'), (10792, 254, 163,
'Gettysburg'), (26784, 254, 163, 'Glad Valley'), (26873, 254, 163,
'Glencross'), (26891, 254, 163, 'Glenham'), (27019, 254, 163,
'Goodwin'), (27376, 254, 163, 'Gregory'), (27384, 254, 163,
'Grenville'), (17072, 254, 163, 'Groton'), (27599, 254, 163,
'Hamill'), (27801, 254, 163, 'Harrisburg'), (27807, 254, 163,
'Harrison'), (27826, 254, 163, 'Harrold'), (27837, 254, 163,
'Hartford'), (10793, 254, 163, 'Hayes'), (10794, 254, 163,
'Hayti'), (27974, 254, 163, 'Hazel'), (28010, 254, 163, 'Hecla'), (28091,
254, 163, 'Henry'), (28124, 254, 163, 'Hermosa'), (28134, 254, 163,
'Herreid'), (28136, 254, 163, 'Herrick'), (28149, 254, 163,
'Hetland'), (10795, 254, 163, 'Highmore'), (10796, 254, 163, 'Hill
City'), (28311, 254, 163, 'Hitchcock'), (28346, 254, 163,
'Holabird'), (28561, 254, 163, 'Hosmer'), (10797, 254, 163, 'Hot
Springs'), (28572, 254, 163, 'Houghton'), (28586, 254, 163,
'Hoven'), (10798, 254, 163, 'Howard'), (28605, 254, 163, 'Howes'), (12597,
254, 163, 'Hudson'), (28676, 254, 163, 'Humboldt'), (28734, 254, 163,
'Hurley'), (10799, 254, 163, 'Huron'), (28799, 254, 163, 'Ideal'), (28893,
254, 163, 'Interior'), (28906, 254, 163, 'Iona'), (10800, 254, 163,
'Ipswich'), (28922, 254, 163, 'Irene'), (28942, 254, 163,
'Iroquois'), (28956, 254, 163, 'Isabel'), (29089, 254, 163,
'Java'), (29112, 254, 163, 'Jefferson'), (10801, 254, 163,
'Kadoka'), (29348, 254, 163, 'Kaylor'), (29388, 254, 163,
'Keldron'), (10802, 254, 163, 'Kennebec'), (29522, 254, 163,
'Keystone'), (29557, 254, 163, 'Kimball'), (10803, 254, 163,
'Kingsburg'), (29731, 254, 163, 'Kranzburg'), (29754, 254, 163,
'Kyle'), (29825, 254, 163, 'Labolt'), (10804, 254, 163, 'Lake
Andes'), (29895, 254, 163, 'Lake City'), (29939, 254, 163, 'Lake
Norden'), (29947, 254, 163, 'Lake Preston'), (30042, 254, 163,
'Lane'), (30055, 254, 163, 'Langford'), (30076, 254, 163,
'Lantry'), (10805, 254, 163, 'Lead'), (30206, 254, 163, 'Lebanon'), (10806,
254, 163, 'Lemmon'), (30305, 254, 163, 'Lennox'), (10807, 254, 163,
'Leola'), (30365, 254, 163, 'Lesterville'), (30368, 254, 163,
'Letcher'), (30570, 254, 163, 'Little Eagle'), (30677, 254, 163,
'Lodgepole'), (30742, 254, 163, 'Long Valley'), (30747, 254, 163,
'Longlake'), (30859, 254, 163, 'Lower Brule'), (30914, 254, 163,
'Ludlow'), (31028, 254, 163, 'Lyons'), (10808, 254, 163,
'Madison'), (31127, 254, 163, 'Mahto'), (31208, 254, 163,
'Manderson'), (31252, 254, 163, 'Mansfield'), (31379, 254, 163,
'Marion'), (10809, 254, 163, 'Martin'), (31480, 254, 163, 'Marty'), (31483,
254, 163, 'Marvin'), (31730, 254, 163, 'Mc Intosh'), (31744, 254, 163, 'Mc
Laughlin'), (31802, 254, 163, 'Meadow'), (31833, 254, 163,
'Meckling'), (31884, 254, 163, 'Mellette'), (31932, 254, 163,
'Menno'), (32101, 254, 163, 'Midland'), (10811, 254, 163,
'Milbank'), (32146, 254, 163, 'Milesville'), (10812, 254, 163,
'Miller'), (32288, 254, 163, 'Mina'), (32363, 254, 163, 'Mission'), (32364,
254, 163, 'Mission Hill'), (32365, 254, 163, 'Mission Ridge'), (10814, 254,
163, 'Mitchell'), (10815, 254, 163, 'Mobridge'), (32461, 254, 163,
'Monroe'), (32553, 254, 163, 'Montrose'), (32669, 254, 163,
'Morristown'), (10816, 254, 163, 'Mound City'), (32828, 254, 163, 'Mount
Vernon'), (32884, 254, 163, 'Mud Butte'), (10817, 254, 163,
'Murdo'), (33110, 254, 163, 'Nemo'), (33202, 254, 163, 'New
Effington'), (33242, 254, 163, 'New Holland'), (33346, 254, 163, 'New
Underwood'), (33398, 254, 163, 'Newell'), (33518, 254, 163,
'Nisland'), (33583, 254, 163, 'Norris'), (33705, 254, 163, 'North Sioux
City'), (33752, 254, 163, 'Northville'), (33807, 254, 163,
'Nunda'), (33826, 254, 163, 'Oacoma'), (33970, 254, 163,
'Oelrichs'), (33983, 254, 163, 'Oglala'), (34007, 254, 163,
'Okaton'), (34019, 254, 163, 'Okreek'), (34056, 254, 163,
'Oldham'), (34077, 254, 163, 'Olivet'), (34113, 254, 163, 'Onaka'), (10818,
254, 163, 'Onida'), (34149, 254, 163, 'Opal'), (34162, 254, 163,
'Oral'), (34203, 254, 163, 'Orient'), (34242, 254, 163, 'Ortley'), (34332,
254, 163, 'Owanka'), (34497, 254, 163, 'Parade'), (10819, 254, 163,
'Parker'), (10813, 254, 163, 'Parkston'), (10820, 254, 163,
'Parmelee'), (34691, 254, 163, 'Peever'), (10821, 254, 163,
'Philip'), (10822, 254, 163, 'Pickstown'), (34917, 254, 163,
'Piedmont'), (34932, 254, 163, 'Pierpont'), (10823, 254, 163,
'Pierre'), (10824, 254, 163, 'Pine Ridge'), (10825, 254, 163,
'Plankinton'), (35121, 254, 163, 'Platte'), (35250, 254, 163,
'Pollock'), (35297, 254, 163, 'Porcupine'), (35462, 254, 163, 'Prairie
City'), (35489, 254, 163, 'Presho'), (35533, 254, 163, 'Pringle'), (35576,
254, 163, 'Provo'), (35585, 254, 163, 'Pukwana'), (35665, 254, 163,
'Quinn'), (35720, 254, 163, 'Ralph'), (35732, 254, 163, 'Ramona'), (10826,
254, 163, 'Rapid City'), (35814, 254, 163, 'Ravinia'), (35835, 254, 163,
'Raymond'), (35893, 254, 163, 'Red Owl'), (10827, 254, 163,
'Redfield'), (10828, 254, 163, 'Redig'), (35932, 254, 163, 'Ree
Heights'), (35963, 254, 163, 'Reliance'), (35978, 254, 163,
'Renner'), (36002, 254, 163, 'Reva'), (36008, 254, 163, 'Revillo'), (36133,
254, 163, 'Ridgeview'), (36312, 254, 163, 'Rochford'), (36351, 254, 163,
'Rockham'), (36474, 254, 163, 'Roscoe'), (36491, 254, 163,
'Rosebud'), (36520, 254, 163, 'Rosholt'), (36525, 254, 163,
'Roslyn'), (36575, 254, 163, 'Rowena'), (36705, 254, 163,
'Rutland'), (36791, 254, 163, 'Saint Charles'), (36812, 254, 163, 'Saint
Francis'), (36848, 254, 163, 'Saint Lawrence'), (36874, 254, 163, 'Saint
Onge'), (10829, 254, 163, 'Salem'), (37181, 254, 163, 'Scenic'), (37241,
254, 163, 'Scotland'), (37353, 254, 163, 'Selby'), (37383, 254, 163,
'Seneca'), (37424, 254, 163, 'Shadehill'), (37744, 254, 163,
'Sinai'), (10830, 254, 163, 'Sioux Falls'), (10831, 254, 163,
'Sisseton'), (37858, 254, 163, 'Smithwick'), (38069, 254, 163, 'South
Shore'), (10832, 254, 163, 'Spearfish'), (38151, 254, 163,
'Spencer'), (38235, 254, 163, 'Springfield'), (38392, 254, 163,
'Stephan'), (38441, 254, 163, 'Stickney'), (38473, 254, 163,
'Stockholm'), (38542, 254, 163, 'Strandburg'), (38559, 254, 163,
'Stratford'), (10834, 254, 163, 'Sturgis'), (14322, 254, 163,
'Summit'), (38857, 254, 163, 'Tabor'), (38961, 254, 163, 'Tea'), (10835,
254, 163, 'Timber Lake'), (39248, 254, 163, 'Tolstoy'), (39291, 254, 163,
'Toronto'), (39336, 254, 163, 'Trail City'), (39364, 254, 163,
'Trent'), (39405, 254, 163, 'Tripp'), (39459, 254, 163, 'Tulare'), (39517,
254, 163, 'Turton'), (39528, 254, 163, 'Tuthill'), (39540, 254, 163, 'Twin
Brooks'), (39569, 254, 163, 'Tyndall'), (10833, 254, 163, 'Union
Center'), (39725, 254, 163, 'Utica'), (39742, 254, 163, 'Vale'), (14663,
254, 163, 'Valley Springs'), (18284, 254, 163, 'Veblen'), (10836, 254, 163,
'Vermillion'), (16884, 254, 163, 'Viborg'), (39952, 254, 163,
'Vienna'), (40005, 254, 163, 'Virgil'), (40013, 254, 163,
'Vivian'), (40020, 254, 163, 'Volga'), (40022, 254, 163, 'Volin'), (40067,
254, 163, 'Wagner'), (40094, 254, 163, 'Wakonda'), (40095, 254, 163,
'Wakpala'), (40133, 254, 163, 'Walker'), (40141, 254, 163, 'Wall'), (40151,
254, 163, 'Wallace'), (40216, 254, 163, 'Wanblee'), (40259, 254, 163,
'Warner'), (40332, 254, 163, 'Wasta'), (40334, 254, 163,
'Watauga'), (10837, 254, 163, 'Watertown'), (40400, 254, 163,
'Waubay'), (40431, 254, 163, 'Waverly'), (10838, 254, 163,
'Webster'), (40581, 254, 163, 'Wentworth'), (40590, 254, 163,
'Wessington'), (10839, 254, 163, 'Wessington Springs'), (40850, 254, 163,
'Westport'), (40867, 254, 163, 'Wewela'), (40914, 254, 163,
'White'), (40933, 254, 163, 'White Lake'), (40946, 254, 163, 'White
Owl'), (10840, 254, 163, 'White River'), (40970, 254, 163,
'Whitehorse'), (41002, 254, 163, 'Whitewood'), (41148, 254, 163, 'Willow
Lake'), (41169, 254, 163, 'Wilmot'), (41246, 254, 163, 'Winfred'), (10841,
254, 163, 'Winner'), (41329, 254, 163, 'Witten'), (41364, 254, 163,
'Wolsey'), (41372, 254, 163, 'Wood'), (10842, 254, 163,
'Woonsocket'), (13432, 254, 163, 'Worthing'), (41489, 254, 163, 'Wounded
Knee'), (41545, 254, 163, 'Yale'), (10843, 254, 163, 'Yankton'), (19109,
254, 164, 'Adams'), (19120, 254, 164, 'Adamsville'), (19161, 254, 164,
'Afton'), (10844, 254, 164, 'Alamo'), (19251, 254, 164, 'Alcoa'), (19285,
254, 164, 'Alexandria'), (19306, 254, 164, 'Allardt'), (19345, 254, 164,
'Allons'), (19350, 254, 164, 'Allred'), (19387, 254, 164,
'Alpine'), (10845, 254, 164, 'Altamont'), (19533, 254, 164,
'Andersonville'), (12875, 254, 164, 'Antioch'), (19609, 254, 164,
'Apison'), (19675, 254, 164, 'Ardmore'), (19728, 254, 164,
'Arlington'), (19751, 254, 164, 'Arnold AFB'), (19764, 254, 164,
'Arrington'), (19780, 254, 164, 'Arthur'), (10846, 254, 164, 'Ashland
City'), (10847, 254, 164, 'Athens'), (17408, 254, 164, 'Atoka'), (19908,
254, 164, 'Atwood'), (19929, 254, 164, 'Auburntown'), (20096, 254, 164,
'Bakewell'), (41971, 254, 164, 'Bartlett'), (20281, 254, 164, 'Bath
Springs'), (20298, 254, 164, 'Baxter'), (20339, 254, 164, 'Bean
Station'), (20412, 254, 164, 'Beech Bluff'), (16834, 254, 164,
'Beechgrove'), (20427, 254, 164, 'Beersheba Springs'), (20446, 254, 164,
'Belfast'), (20461, 254, 164, 'Bell Buckle'), (17625, 254, 164,
'Bells'), (20539, 254, 164, 'Belvidere'), (10849, 254, 164,
'Benton'), (20683, 254, 164, 'Bethel Springs'), (20694, 254, 164,
'Bethpage'), (20752, 254, 164, 'Big Rock'), (20757, 254, 164, 'Big
Sandy'), (20801, 254, 164, 'Birchwood'), (20875, 254, 164,
'Blaine'), (20958, 254, 164, 'Bloomington Springs'), (13719, 254, 164,
'Blountville'), (21009, 254, 164, 'Bluff City'), (21042, 254, 164,
'Bogota'), (10850, 254, 164, 'Bolivar'), (21073, 254, 164, 'Bon
Aqua'), (21226, 254, 164, 'Braden'), (21238, 254, 164, 'Bradford'), (21260,
254, 164, 'Bradyville'), (10851, 254, 164, 'Brentwood'), (21353, 254, 164,
'Briceville'), (21395, 254, 164, 'Brighton'), (10852, 254, 164,
'Bristol'), (10853, 254, 164, 'Brownsville'), (21573, 254, 164,
'Bruceton'), (21594, 254, 164, 'Brunswick'), (21597, 254, 164, 'Brush
Creek'), (21626, 254, 164, 'Buchanan'), (21670, 254, 164, 'Buena
Vista'), (21692, 254, 164, 'Buffalo Valley'), (13715, 254, 164, 'Bulls
Gap'), (21708, 254, 164, 'Bumpus Mills'), (21762, 254, 164,
'Burlison'), (21772, 254, 164, 'Burns'), (21822, 254, 164,
'Butler'), (21835, 254, 164, 'Bybee'), (10854, 254, 164,
'Byrdstown'), (21908, 254, 164, 'Calhoun'), (10855, 254, 164,
'Camden'), (22007, 254, 164, 'Campaign'), (10856, 254, 164,
'Carthage'), (22232, 254, 164, 'Caryville'), (22282, 254, 164, 'Castalian
Springs'), (22372, 254, 164, 'Cedar Grove'), (22376, 254, 164, 'Cedar
Hill'), (10857, 254, 164, 'Celina'), (10858, 254, 164,
'Centerville'), (22521, 254, 164, 'Chapel Hill'), (22531, 254, 164,
'Chapmansboro'), (22541, 254, 164, 'Charleston'), (22549, 254, 164,
'Charlotte'), (10859, 254, 164, 'Chattanooga'), (22673, 254, 164, 'Chestnut
Mound'), (22682, 254, 164, 'Chewalla'), (22748, 254, 164,
'Christiana'), (22756, 254, 164, 'Chuckey'), (22764, 254, 164, 'Church
Hill'), (22806, 254, 164, 'Clairfield'), (22846, 254, 164,
'Clarkrange'), (22860, 254, 164, 'Clarksburg'), (10860, 254, 164,
'Clarksville'), (10861, 254, 164, 'Cleveland'), (22980, 254, 164,
'Clifton'), (14107, 254, 164, 'Clinton'), (23060, 254, 164,
'Coalfield'), (23065, 254, 164, 'Coalmont'), (23123, 254, 164,
'Cokercreek'), (23162, 254, 164, 'College Grove'), (23166, 254, 164,
'Collegedale'), (13447, 254, 164, 'Collierville'), (23187, 254, 164,
'Collinwood'), (10862, 254, 164, 'Columbia'), (23266, 254, 164,
'Como'), (23277, 254, 164, 'Conasauga'), (10863, 254, 164,
'Cookeville'), (23400, 254, 164, 'Copperhill'), (16480, 254, 164,
'Cordova'), (23437, 254, 164, 'Cornersville'), (23462, 254, 164,
'Corryton'), (23478, 254, 164, 'Cosby'), (23485, 254, 164, 'Cottage
Grove'), (23498, 254, 164, 'Cottontown'), (23511, 254, 164,
'Counce'), (10864, 254, 164, 'Covington'), (23538, 254, 164,
'Cowan'), (23564, 254, 164, 'Crab Orchard'), (23605, 254, 164,
'Crawford'), (12756, 254, 164, 'Crockett Mills'), (23697, 254, 164, 'Cross
Plains'), (10865, 254, 164, 'Crossville'), (16905, 254, 164,
'Crump'), (23765, 254, 164, 'Culleoka'), (23778, 254, 164, 'Cumberland
City'), (23780, 254, 164, 'Cumberland Furnace'), (23781, 254, 164,
'Cumberland Gap'), (23792, 254, 164, 'Cunningham'), (17369, 254, 164,
'Cypress Inn'), (23926, 254, 164, 'Dandridge'), (23956, 254, 164,
'Darden'), (10866, 254, 164, 'Dayton'), (10867, 254, 164,
'Decatur'), (24086, 254, 164, 'Decaturville'), (24087, 254, 164,
'Decherd'), (24110, 254, 164, 'Deer Lodge'), (14233, 254, 164, 'Del
Rio'), (24144, 254, 164, 'Delano'), (24167, 254, 164, 'Dellrose'), (24205,
254, 164, 'Denmark'), (10868, 254, 164, 'Dickson'), (24370, 254, 164,
'Dixon Springs'), (10869, 254, 164, 'Dover'), (24486, 254, 164,
'Dowelltown'), (24499, 254, 164, 'Doyle'), (24524, 254, 164,
'Dresden'), (24544, 254, 164, 'Drummonds'), (24584, 254, 164, 'Duck
River'), (24585, 254, 164, 'Ducktown'), (24595, 254, 164, 'Duff'), (24603,
254, 164, 'Dukedom'), (10870, 254, 164, 'Dunlap'), (24712, 254, 164,
'Dyer'), (10871, 254, 164, 'Dyersburg'), (24719, 254, 164, 'Eads'), (24720,
254, 164, 'Eagan'), (24745, 254, 164, 'Eagleville'), (24954, 254, 164,
'Eaton'), (14123, 254, 164, 'Eidson'), (25150, 254, 164, 'Elgin'), (10873,
254, 164, 'Elizabethton'), (25207, 254, 164, 'Elkton'), (25221, 254, 164,
'Ellendale'), (25297, 254, 164, 'Elmwood'), (25300, 254, 164,
'Elora'), (25394, 254, 164, 'Englewood'), (25417, 254, 164,
'Enville'), (10874, 254, 164, 'Erin'), (10875, 254, 164, 'Erwin'), (25489,
254, 164, 'Estill Springs'), (25501, 254, 164, 'Ethridge'), (25514, 254,
164, 'Etowah'), (25540, 254, 164, 'Eva'), (25560, 254, 164,
'Evensville'), (25675, 254, 164, 'Fairview'), (25692, 254, 164, 'Fall
Branch'), (25764, 254, 164, 'Farner'), (10876, 254, 164,
'Fayetteville'), (25874, 254, 164, 'Finger'), (25879, 254, 164,
'Finley'), (25919, 254, 164, 'Five Points'), (25920, 254, 164, 'Flag
Pond'), (25961, 254, 164, 'Flintville'), (26186, 254, 164,
'Fosterville'), (26237, 254, 164, 'Frankewing'), (10877, 254, 164,
'Franklin'), (18192, 254, 164, 'Friendship'), (26372, 254, 164,
'Friendsville'), (26403, 254, 164, 'Fruitvale'), (26444, 254, 164,
'Gadsden'), (10878, 254, 164, 'Gainesboro'), (10879, 254, 164,
'Gallatin'), (26471, 254, 164, 'Gallaway'), (26597, 254, 164,
'Gates'), (10880, 254, 164, 'Gatlinburg'), (26663, 254, 164,
'Georgetown'), (10881, 254, 164, 'Germantown'), (26708, 254, 164,
'Gibson'), (26791, 254, 164, 'Gladeville'), (26813, 254, 164,
'Gleason'), (13700, 254, 164, 'Goodlettsville'), (27012, 254, 164,
'Goodspring'), (27032, 254, 164, 'Gordonsville'), (27134, 254, 164, 'Grand
Junction'), (27159, 254, 164, 'Grandview'), (27204, 254, 164,
'Granville'), (27253, 254, 164, 'Graysville'), (27293, 254, 164,
'Greenback'), (12712, 254, 164, 'Greenbrier'), (10882, 254, 164,
'Greeneville'), (27314, 254, 164, 'Greenfield'), (27406, 254, 164,
'Grimsley'), (27442, 254, 164, 'Gruetli Laager'), (27458, 254, 164,
'Guild'), (27493, 254, 164, 'Guys'), (27572, 254, 164, 'Halls'), (27640,
254, 164, 'Hampshire'), (27651, 254, 164, 'Hampton'), (27785, 254, 164,
'Harriman'), (27808, 254, 164, 'Harrison'), (27825, 254, 164,
'Harrogate'), (27838, 254, 164, 'Hartford'), (10883, 254, 164,
'Hartsville'), (28024, 254, 164, 'Heiskell'), (28038, 254, 164,
'Helenwood'), (10884, 254, 164, 'Henderson'), (10885, 254, 164,
'Hendersonville'), (28083, 254, 164, 'Henning'), (28092, 254, 164,
'Henry'), (14406, 254, 164, 'Hermitage'), (28169, 254, 164,
'Hickman'), (28178, 254, 164, 'Hickory Valley'), (28235, 254, 164,
'Hilham'), (28259, 254, 164, 'Hillsboro'), (18867, 254, 164,
'Hixson'), (10886, 254, 164, 'Hohenwald'), (18144, 254, 164,
'Holladay'), (28395, 254, 164, 'Hollow Rock'), (28533, 254, 164,
'Hornbeak'), (28540, 254, 164, 'Hornsby'), (28677, 254, 164,
'Humboldt'), (28704, 254, 164, 'Huntingdon'), (28715, 254, 164,
'Huntland'), (10887, 254, 164, 'Huntsville'), (28739, 254, 164,
'Huron'), (28742, 254, 164, 'Hurricane Mills'), (28803, 254, 164,
'Idlewild'), (28845, 254, 164, 'Indian Mound'), (28929, 254, 164, 'Iron
City'), (29013, 254, 164, 'Jacks Creek'), (29014, 254, 164,
'Jacksboro'), (10888, 254, 164, 'Jackson'), (10889, 254, 164,
'Jamestown'), (10890, 254, 164, 'Jasper'), (10891, 254, 164, 'Jefferson
City'), (29122, 254, 164, 'Jellico'), (29184, 254, 164, 'Joelton'), (10892,
254, 164, 'Johnson City'), (18483, 254, 164, 'Jonesborough'), (29408, 254,
164, 'Kelso'), (29471, 254, 164, 'Kenton'), (10893, 254, 164,
'Kingsport'), (12578, 254, 164, 'Kingston'), (29615, 254, 164, 'Kingston
Springs'), (10894, 254, 164, 'Knoxville'), (29709, 254, 164,
'Kodak'), (29758, 254, 164, 'Kyles Ford'), (10895, 254, 164, 'La
Follette'), (29782, 254, 164, 'La Grange'), (16469, 254, 164, 'La
Vergne'), (29842, 254, 164, 'Laconia'), (10896, 254, 164,
'Lafayette'), (29896, 254, 164, 'Lake City'), (30025, 254, 164,
'Lancaster'), (30027, 254, 164, 'Lancing'), (30097, 254, 164,
'Lascassas'), (30126, 254, 164, 'Laurel Bloomery'), (30145, 254, 164,
'Lavinia'), (10897, 254, 164, 'Lawrenceburg'), (10898, 254, 164,
'Lebanon'), (10899, 254, 164, 'Lenoir'), (30306, 254, 164, 'Lenoir
City'), (30314, 254, 164, 'Lenox'), (18929, 254, 164, 'Leoma'), (10900,
254, 164, 'Lewisburg'), (10901, 254, 164, 'Lexington'), (17123, 254, 164,
'Liberty'), (30464, 254, 164, 'Limestone'), (10902, 254, 164,
'Linden'), (10903, 254, 164, 'Livingston'), (30643, 254, 164,
'Lobelville'), (30710, 254, 164, 'Lone Mountain'), (10904, 254, 164,
'Lookout Mountain'), (30789, 254, 164, 'Loretto'), (10905, 254, 164,
'Loudon'), (30829, 254, 164, 'Louisville'), (30867, 254, 164,
'Lowland'), (30943, 254, 164, 'Lupton City'), (30947, 254, 164,
'Luray'), (30957, 254, 164, 'Luttrell'), (30958, 254, 164,
'Lutts'), (30975, 254, 164, 'Lyles'), (10906, 254, 164,
'Lynchburg'), (31013, 254, 164, 'Lynnville'), (31069, 254, 164,
'Macon'), (31094, 254, 164, 'Madison'), (31099, 254, 164,
'Madisonville'), (10907, 254, 164, 'Manchester'), (31253, 254, 164,
'Mansfield'), (10908, 254, 164, 'Martin'), (10909, 254, 164,
'Maryville'), (31501, 254, 164, 'Mascot'), (31509, 254, 164,
'Mason'), (31571, 254, 164, 'Maury City'), (10910, 254, 164,
'Maynardville'), (31698, 254, 164, 'Mc Donald'), (31704, 254, 164, 'Mc
Ewen'), (31738, 254, 164, 'Mc Kenzie'), (31748, 254, 164, 'Mc
Lemoresville'), (31754, 254, 164, 'Mc Minnville'), (31848, 254, 164,
'Medina'), (31854, 254, 164, 'Medon'), (10913, 254, 164,
'Memphis'), (18093, 254, 164, 'Mercer'), (32037, 254, 164,
'Michie'), (18662, 254, 164, 'Middleton'), (32115, 254, 164,
'Midway'), (10914, 254, 164, 'Milan'), (32188, 254, 164,
'Milledgeville'), (32214, 254, 164, 'Milligan College'), (12992, 254, 164,
'Millington'), (32274, 254, 164, 'Milton'), (32343, 254, 164, 'Minor
Hill'), (32369, 254, 164, 'Miston'), (32377, 254, 164,
'Mitchellville'), (32407, 254, 164, 'Mohawk'), (32462, 254, 164,
'Monroe'), (10915, 254, 164, 'Monteagle'), (32500, 254, 164,
'Monterey'), (32583, 254, 164, 'Mooresburg'), (32652, 254, 164, 'Morris
Chapel'), (32659, 254, 164, 'Morrison'), (10916, 254, 164,
'Morristown'), (32696, 254, 164, 'Moscow'), (32703, 254, 164,
'Mosheim'), (32707, 254, 164, 'Moss'), (32743, 254, 164, 'Mount
Carmel'), (13569, 254, 164, 'Mount Juliet'), (32801, 254, 164, 'Mount
Pleasant'), (10917, 254, 164, 'Mountain City'), (32845, 254, 164, 'Mountain
Home'), (32892, 254, 164, 'Mulberry'), (32917, 254, 164,
'Munford'), (10918, 254, 164, 'Murfreesboro'), (10919, 254, 164,
'Nashville'), (33251, 254, 164, 'New Johnsonville'), (33279, 254, 164, 'New
Market'), (33340, 254, 164, 'New Tazewell'), (14961, 254, 164,
'Newbern'), (33391, 254, 164, 'Newcomb'), (10920, 254, 164,
'Newport'), (33513, 254, 164, 'Niota'), (33540, 254, 164,
'Nolensville'), (33559, 254, 164, 'Norene'), (33573, 254, 164,
'Normandy'), (33584, 254, 164, 'Norris'), (33810, 254, 164,
'Nunnelly'), (10921, 254, 164, 'Oak Ridge'), (33858, 254, 164,
'Oakdale'), (33865, 254, 164, 'Oakfield'), (33883, 254, 164,
'Oakland'), (33919, 254, 164, 'Obion'), (33943, 254, 164, 'Ocoee'), (34041,
254, 164, 'Old Hickory'), (34055, 254, 164, 'Oldfort'), (34072, 254, 164,
'Olivehill'), (14455, 254, 164, 'Oliver Springs'), (13367, 254, 164,
'Oneida'), (34134, 254, 164, 'Only'), (11941, 254, 164,
'Ooltewah'), (15259, 254, 164, 'Orlinda'), (34372, 254, 164,
'Ozone'), (34426, 254, 164, 'Pall Mall'), (34435, 254, 164,
'Palmer'), (34439, 254, 164, 'Palmersville'), (34451, 254, 164,
'Palmyra'), (10922, 254, 164, 'Paris'), (34569, 254, 164,
'Parrottsville'), (10923, 254, 164, 'Parsons'), (17141, 254, 164,
'Pegram'), (34702, 254, 164, 'Pelham'), (34839, 254, 164,
'Petersburg'), (34852, 254, 164, 'Petros'), (34872, 254, 164,
'Philadelphia'), (17116, 254, 164, 'Pickwick Dam'), (10924, 254, 164,
'Pigeon Forge'), (10925, 254, 164, 'Pikeville'), (35022, 254, 164, 'Piney
Flats'), (35036, 254, 164, 'Pinson'), (35043, 254, 164, 'Pioneer'), (35142,
254, 164, 'Pleasant Hill'), (35153, 254, 164, 'Pleasant Shade'), (35159,
254, 164, 'Pleasant View'), (35165, 254, 164, 'Pleasantville'), (35201,
254, 164, 'Pocahontas'), (35377, 254, 164, 'Portland'), (35423, 254, 164,
'Powder Springs'), (35430, 254, 164, 'Powell'), (35514, 254, 164, 'Primm
Springs'), (35556, 254, 164, 'Prospect'), (35577, 254, 164,
'Pruden'), (10926, 254, 164, 'Pulaski'), (35610, 254, 164,
'Puryear'), (35640, 254, 164, 'Quebeck'), (35728, 254, 164,
'Ramer'), (35860, 254, 164, 'Readyville'), (35861, 254, 164,
'Reagan'), (35877, 254, 164, 'Red Boiling Springs'), (35964, 254, 164,
'Reliance'), (36053, 254, 164, 'Riceville'), (36115, 254, 164,
'Rickman'), (36119, 254, 164, 'Riddleton'), (36131, 254, 164,
'Ridgely'), (36132, 254, 164, 'Ridgetop'), (10927, 254, 164,
'Ripley'), (13480, 254, 164, 'Rives'), (36257, 254, 164, 'Roan
Mountain'), (36275, 254, 164, 'Robbins'), (36328, 254, 164, 'Rock
Island'), (36349, 254, 164, 'Rockford'), (36369, 254, 164,
'Rockvale'), (10928, 254, 164, 'Rockwood'), (10929, 254, 164,
'Rogersville'), (36543, 254, 164, 'Rossville'), (36633, 254, 164,
'Rugby'), (36685, 254, 164, 'Russellville'), (36695, 254, 164,
'Rutherford'), (10930, 254, 164, 'Rutledge'), (36770, 254, 164, 'Saint
Andrews'), (36781, 254, 164, 'Saint Bethlehem'), (36846, 254, 164, 'Saint
Joseph'), (36913, 254, 164, 'Sale Creek'), (36963, 254, 164,
'Saltillo'), (36972, 254, 164, 'Samburg'), (37072, 254, 164, 'Santa
Fe'), (37105, 254, 164, 'Sardis'), (37130, 254, 164, 'Saulsbury'), (17129,
254, 164, 'Savannah'), (37255, 254, 164, 'Scotts Hill'), (10931, 254, 164,
'Selmer'), (37391, 254, 164, 'Sequatchie'), (10932, 254, 164,
'Sevierville'), (37411, 254, 164, 'Sewanee'), (37419, 254, 164,
'Seymour'), (37431, 254, 164, 'Shady Valley'), (37463, 254, 164,
'Sharon'), (37474, 254, 164, 'Sharps Chapel'), (37495, 254, 164,
'Shawanee'), (10933, 254, 164, 'Shelbyville'), (37587, 254, 164,
'Sherwood'), (37598, 254, 164, 'Shiloh'), (18718, 254, 164, 'Signal
Mountain'), (37680, 254, 164, 'Silerton'), (37712, 254, 164, 'Silver
Point'), (37797, 254, 164, 'Slayden'), (37817, 254, 164, 'Smartt'), (10934,
254, 164, 'Smithville'), (14840, 254, 164, 'Smyrna'), (10935, 254, 164,
'Sneedville'), (37899, 254, 164, 'Soddy Daisy'), (10936, 254, 164,
'Somerville'), (11771, 254, 164, 'South Fulton'), (38049, 254, 164, 'South
Pittsburg'), (38106, 254, 164, 'Southside'), (10937, 254, 164,
'Sparta'), (38142, 254, 164, 'Speedwell'), (10938, 254, 164,
'Spencer'), (15813, 254, 164, 'Spring City'), (38196, 254, 164, 'Spring
Creek'), (38208, 254, 164, 'Spring Hill'), (10939, 254, 164,
'Springfield'), (38250, 254, 164, 'Springville'), (38319, 254, 164,
'Stanton'), (38321, 254, 164, 'Stantonville'), (38436, 254, 164,
'Stewart'), (13820, 254, 164, 'Strawberry Plains'), (38632, 254, 164,
'Sugar Tree'), (38677, 254, 164, 'Summertown'), (38692, 254, 164,
'Summitville'), (38714, 254, 164, 'Sunbright'), (15807, 254, 164,
'Surgoinsville'), (10940, 254, 164, 'Sweetwater'), (38864, 254, 164,
'Taft'), (38878, 254, 164, 'Talbott'), (38888, 254, 164,
'Tallassee'), (10941, 254, 164, 'Tazewell'), (38983, 254, 164,
'Telford'), (38986, 254, 164, 'Tellico Plains'), (39000, 254, 164, 'Ten
Mile'), (39012, 254, 164, 'Tennessee Ridge'), (39097, 254, 164, 'Thompsons
Station'), (39104, 254, 164, 'Thorn Hill'), (39165, 254, 164,
'Tigrett'), (39211, 254, 164, 'Tipton'), (10942, 254, 164,
'Tiptonville'), (39270, 254, 164, 'Toone'), (10943, 254, 164,
'Townsend'), (39327, 254, 164, 'Tracy City'), (39330, 254, 164,
'Trade'), (39372, 254, 164, 'Trenton'), (18909, 254, 164,
'Trezevant'), (39391, 254, 164, 'Trimble'), (39431, 254, 164,
'Troy'), (13984, 254, 164, 'Tullahoma'), (39516, 254, 164,
'Turtletown'), (39620, 254, 164, 'Unicoi'), (10944, 254, 164, 'Union
City'), (39671, 254, 164, 'Unionville'), (39823, 254, 164,
'Vanleer'), (13718, 254, 164, 'Viola'), (40028, 254, 164,
'Vonore'), (40155, 254, 164, 'Walland'), (40160, 254, 164,
'Walling'), (10945, 254, 164, 'Wartburg'), (40289, 254, 164,
'Wartrace'), (40299, 254, 164, 'Washburn'), (40335, 254, 164,
'Watauga'), (40368, 254, 164, 'Watertown'), (40397, 254, 164, 'Watts Bar
Dam'), (10946, 254, 164, 'Waverly'), (10947, 254, 164,
'Waynesboro'), (17580, 254, 164, 'Westmoreland'), (40844, 254, 164,
'Westpoint'), (40851, 254, 164, 'Westport'), (40916, 254, 164, 'White
Bluff'), (40930, 254, 164, 'White House'), (16376, 254, 164, 'White
Pine'), (40981, 254, 164, 'Whites Creek'), (40987, 254, 164,
'Whitesburg'), (40989, 254, 164, 'Whiteside'), (40998, 254, 164,
'Whiteville'), (41015, 254, 164, 'Whitleyville'), (18937, 254, 164,
'Whitwell'), (41063, 254, 164, 'Wilder'), (41065, 254, 164,
'Wildersville'), (41115, 254, 164, 'Williamsport'), (41134, 254, 164,
'Williston'), (10948, 254, 164, 'Winchester'), (41244, 254, 164,
'Winfield'), (10949, 254, 164, 'Woodbury'), (41415, 254, 164, 'Woodland
Mills'), (41417, 254, 164, 'Woodlawn'), (41524, 254, 164,
'Wynnburg'), (41601, 254, 164, 'Yorkville'), (41624, 254, 164,
'Yuma'), (19050, 254, 165, 'Abbott'), (19062, 254, 165,
'Abernathy'), (10950, 254, 165, 'Abilene'), (19076, 254, 165,
'Ace'), (19079, 254, 165, 'Ackerly'), (13607, 254, 165, 'Addison'), (19140,
254, 165, 'Adkins'), (19152, 254, 165, 'Adrian'), (19162, 254, 165,
'Afton'), (19175, 254, 165, 'Agua Dulce'), (19185, 254, 165,
'Aiken'), (13127, 254, 165, 'Alamo'), (19212, 254, 165,
'Alanreed'), (19217, 254, 165, 'Alba'), (10951, 254, 165,
'Albany'), (17173, 254, 165, 'Aledo'), (10952, 254, 165, 'Alice'), (19300,
254, 165, 'Alief'), (10953, 254, 165, 'Allen'), (19338, 254, 165,
'Alleyton'), (19343, 254, 165, 'Allison'), (10954, 254, 165,
'Alpine'), (19399, 254, 165, 'Altair'), (17747, 254, 165, 'Alto'), (19440,
254, 165, 'Alvarado'), (10955, 254, 165, 'Alvin'), (19448, 254, 165,
'Alvord'), (10956, 254, 165, 'Amarillo'), (19493, 254, 165,
'Amherst'), (10957, 254, 165, 'Anahuac'), (19530, 254, 165,
'Anderson'), (10958, 254, 165, 'Andrews'), (15961, 254, 165,
'Angleton'), (19569, 254, 165, 'Anna'), (19583, 254, 165,
'Annona'), (10959, 254, 165, 'Anson'), (19596, 254, 165,
'Anthony'), (19601, 254, 165, 'Anton'), (19617, 254, 165, 'Apple
Springs'), (19627, 254, 165, 'Aquilla'), (13825, 254, 165, 'Aransas
Pass'), (10960, 254, 165, 'Archer City'), (19695, 254, 165,
'Argyle'), (10961, 254, 165, 'Arlington'), (19742, 254, 165,
'Armstrong'), (19760, 254, 165, 'Arp'), (19770, 254, 165, 'Art'), (19775,
254, 165, 'Artesia Wells'), (19781, 254, 165, 'Arthur City'), (19803, 254,
165, 'Asherton'), (10962, 254, 165, 'Aspermont'), (19852, 254, 165,
'Atascosa'), (10963, 254, 165, 'Athens'), (10964, 254, 165,
'Atlanta'), (19913, 254, 165, 'Aubrey'), (10965, 254, 165,
'Austin'), (19970, 254, 165, 'Austwell'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities`
(`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (19979, 254, 165,
'Avalon'), (19990, 254, 165, 'Avery'), (19994, 254, 165,
'Avinger'), (20004, 254, 165, 'Avoca'), (20027, 254, 165,
'Axtell'), (20040, 254, 165, 'Azle'), (20048, 254, 165, 'Bacliff'), (20062,
254, 165, 'Bagwell'), (20067, 254, 165, 'Bailey'), (20079, 254, 165,
'Baird'), (10966, 254, 165, 'Ballinger'), (20123, 254, 165,
'Balmorhea'), (10967, 254, 165, 'Bandera'), (20142, 254, 165,
'Bangs'), (20152, 254, 165, 'Banquete'), (20168, 254, 165,
'Bardwell'), (20176, 254, 165, 'Barker'), (20178, 254, 165,
'Barksdale'), (20201, 254, 165, 'Barnhart'), (20217, 254, 165,
'Barry'), (20223, 254, 165, 'Barstow'), (20229, 254, 165,
'Bartlett'), (10968, 254, 165, 'Bastrop'), (20270, 254, 165,
'Batesville'), (20283, 254, 165, 'Batson'), (10969, 254, 165, 'Bay
City'), (20322, 254, 165, 'Bayside'), (10970, 254, 165, 'Baytown'), (20353,
254, 165, 'Beasley'), (10971, 254, 165, 'Beaumont'), (20389, 254, 165,
'Bebe'), (20396, 254, 165, 'Beckville'), (10972, 254, 165,
'Bedford'), (20403, 254, 165, 'Bedias'), (10973, 254, 165,
'Beeville'), (20466, 254, 165, 'Bellaire'), (20495, 254, 165,
'Bellevue'), (20504, 254, 165, 'Bells'), (10974, 254, 165,
'Bellville'), (20519, 254, 165, 'Belmont'), (15196, 254, 165,
'Belton'), (20545, 254, 165, 'Ben Bolt'), (20546, 254, 165, 'Ben
Franklin'), (20550, 254, 165, 'Ben Wheeler'), (20553, 254, 165,
'Benavides'), (20554, 254, 165, 'Bend'), (10976, 254, 165,
'Benjamin'), (20607, 254, 165, 'Berclair'), (20611, 254, 165,
'Bergheim'), (20652, 254, 165, 'Bertram'), (20730, 254, 165, 'Big Bend
National Park'), (10977, 254, 165, 'Big Lake'), (20758, 254, 165, 'Big
Sandy'), (10978, 254, 165, 'Big Spring'), (20765, 254, 165, 'Big
Wells'), (20768, 254, 165, 'Bigfoot'), (20822, 254, 165, 'Bishop'), (20834,
254, 165, 'Bivins'), (20866, 254, 165, 'Blackwell'), (18617, 254, 165,
'Blanco'), (20910, 254, 165, 'Blanket'), (20914, 254, 165,
'Bledsoe'), (20915, 254, 165, 'Bleiblerville'), (15591, 254, 165,
'Blessing'), (20930, 254, 165, 'Bloomburg'), (20941, 254, 165, 'Blooming
Grove'), (20956, 254, 165, 'Bloomington'), (20964, 254, 165,
'Blossom'), (17549, 254, 165, 'Blue Ridge'), (21002, 254, 165,
'Bluegrove'), (21010, 254, 165, 'Bluff Dale'), (14579, 254, 165,
'Bluffton'), (21018, 254, 165, 'Blum'), (10979, 254, 165,
'Boerne'), (21039, 254, 165, 'Bogata'), (21057, 254, 165,
'Boling'), (21075, 254, 165, 'Bon Wier'), (10980, 254, 165,
'Bonham'), (21103, 254, 165, 'Booker'), (10981, 254, 165,
'Borger'), (21160, 254, 165, 'Bovina'), (13104, 254, 165, 'Bowie'), (21198,
254, 165, 'Boyd'), (21214, 254, 165, 'Boys Ranch'), (10982, 254, 165,
'Brackettville'), (10983, 254, 165, 'Brady'), (21287, 254, 165,
'Brandon'), (21308, 254, 165, 'Brashear'), (15109, 254, 165,
'Brazoria'), (10984, 254, 165, 'Breckenridge'), (10985, 254, 165,
'Bremond'), (10986, 254, 165, 'Brenham'), (21356, 254, 165, 'Bridge
City'), (15211, 254, 165, 'Bridgeport'), (21390, 254, 165,
'Briggs'), (21419, 254, 165, 'Briscoe'), (21438, 254, 165,
'Broaddus'), (21472, 254, 165, 'Bronson'), (21474, 254, 165,
'Bronte'), (21481, 254, 165, 'Brookeland'), (21483, 254, 165,
'Brookesmith'), (11985, 254, 165, 'Brookshire'), (21517, 254, 165,
'Brookston'), (10987, 254, 165, 'Brownfield'), (21546, 254, 165,
'Brownsboro'), (10988, 254, 165, 'Brownsville'), (10989, 254, 165,
'Brownwood'), (21577, 254, 165, 'Bruceville'), (10990, 254, 165,
'Bruni'), (10991, 254, 165, 'Bryan'), (21623, 254, 165, 'Bryson'), (21628,
254, 165, 'Buchanan Dam'), (21639, 254, 165, 'Buckholts'), (12858, 254,
165, 'Buda'), (21681, 254, 165, 'Buffalo'), (21686, 254, 165, 'Buffalo
Gap'), (21699, 254, 165, 'Bula'), (21702, 254, 165, 'Bullard'), (15292,
254, 165, 'Bulverde'), (21709, 254, 165, 'Buna'), (18536, 254, 165,
'Burkburnett'), (21741, 254, 165, 'Burkett'), (21743, 254, 165,
'Burkeville'), (21746, 254, 165, 'Burleson'), (21757, 254, 165,
'Burlington'), (10992, 254, 165, 'Burnet'), (21799, 254, 165,
'Burton'), (21808, 254, 165, 'Bushland'), (21838, 254, 165,
'Byers'), (21846, 254, 165, 'Bynum'), (21869, 254, 165, 'Cactus'), (21871,
254, 165, 'Caddo'), (21873, 254, 165, 'Caddo Mills'), (10993, 254, 165,
'Caldwell'), (21917, 254, 165, 'Call'), (21930, 254, 165,
'Calliham'), (21940, 254, 165, 'Calvert'), (21975, 254, 165,
'Camden'), (10994, 254, 165, 'Cameron'), (22006, 254, 165, 'Camp
Wood'), (22013, 254, 165, 'Campbell'), (22020, 254, 165,
'Campbellton'), (10995, 254, 165, 'Canadian'), (10996, 254, 165,
'Canton'), (22087, 254, 165, 'Canutillo'), (10997, 254, 165,
'Canyon'), (22094, 254, 165, 'Canyon Lake'), (22125, 254, 165,
'Carbon'), (22143, 254, 165, 'Carey'), (22160, 254, 165,
'Carlsbad'), (18721, 254, 165, 'Carlton'), (22174, 254, 165,
'Carmine'), (10998, 254, 165, 'Carrizo Springs'), (10999, 254, 165,
'Carrollton'), (11000, 254, 165, 'Carswell Afb'), (11001, 254, 165,
'Carthage'), (22260, 254, 165, 'Cason'), (22285, 254, 165,
'Castell'), (14313, 254, 165, 'Castroville'), (22304, 254, 165, 'Cat
Spring'), (22308, 254, 165, 'Catarina'), (22340, 254, 165,
'Cayuga'), (22365, 254, 165, 'Cedar Creek'), (11002, 254, 165, 'Cedar
Hill'), (22380, 254, 165, 'Cedar Lane'), (17016, 254, 165, 'Cedar
Park'), (22399, 254, 165, 'Cee Vee'), (22400, 254, 165, 'Celeste'), (22402,
254, 165, 'Celina'), (11003, 254, 165, 'Center'), (22424, 254, 165, 'Center
Point'), (11004, 254, 165, 'Centerville'), (22465, 254, 165,
'Centralia'), (22492, 254, 165, 'Chalk'), (14684, 254, 165,
'Chandler'), (11005, 254, 165, 'Channelview'), (11006, 254, 165,
'Channing'), (22530, 254, 165, 'Chapman Ranch'), (22533, 254, 165,
'Chappell Hill'), (22550, 254, 165, 'Charlotte'), (22576, 254, 165,
'Chatfield'), (22624, 254, 165, 'Cherokee'), (22658, 254, 165,
'Chester'), (18273, 254, 165, 'Chico'), (22692, 254, 165,
'Chicota'), (11008, 254, 165, 'Childress'), (22706, 254, 165,
'Chillicothe'), (22710, 254, 165, 'Chilton'), (22716, 254, 165,
'China'), (22717, 254, 165, 'China Spring'), (22728, 254, 165,
'Chireno'), (22743, 254, 165, 'Chriesman'), (22751, 254, 165,
'Christine'), (22753, 254, 165, 'Christoval'), (22777, 254, 165,
'Cibolo'), (22795, 254, 165, 'Cisco'), (11009, 254, 165,
'Clarendon'), (11010, 254, 165, 'Clarksville'), (11011, 254, 165,
'Claude'), (22888, 254, 165, 'Clay'), (22908, 254, 165, 'Clayton'), (11012,
254, 165, 'Cleburne'), (14400, 254, 165, 'Cleveland'), (11013, 254, 165,
'Clifton'), (22995, 254, 165, 'Clint'), (11014, 254, 165, 'Clute'), (11015,
254, 165, 'Clyde'), (23048, 254, 165, 'Coahoma'), (11016, 254, 165,
'Coldspring'), (11017, 254, 165, 'Coleman'), (11018, 254, 165, 'College
Station'), (23167, 254, 165, 'Collegeport'), (18896, 254, 165,
'Colleyville'), (23185, 254, 165, 'Collinsville'), (16401, 254, 165,
'Colmesneil'), (11019, 254, 165, 'Colorado City'), (11020, 254, 165,
'Columbus'), (11021, 254, 165, 'Comanche'), (23245, 254, 165,
'Combes'), (23251, 254, 165, 'Comfort'), (11022, 254, 165,
'Commerce'), (23267, 254, 165, 'Como'), (23275, 254, 165,
'Comstock'), (23278, 254, 165, 'Concan'), (23279, 254, 165,
'Concepcion'), (23292, 254, 165, 'Concord'), (11023, 254, 165,
'Conroe'), (23343, 254, 165, 'Converse'), (11024, 254, 165,
'Cookville'), (23367, 254, 165, 'Coolidge'), (11025, 254, 165,
'Cooper'), (23394, 254, 165, 'Copeville'), (11026, 254, 165,
'Coppell'), (11027, 254, 165, 'Copperas Cove'), (11028, 254, 165, 'Corpus
Christi'), (23460, 254, 165, 'Corrigan'), (11029, 254, 165,
'Corsicana'), (23480, 254, 165, 'Cost'), (23492, 254, 165, 'Cotton
Center'), (11030, 254, 165, 'Cotulla'), (23518, 254, 165,
'Coupland'), (23537, 254, 165, 'Covington'), (23556, 254, 165,
'Coyanosa'), (23587, 254, 165, 'Crandall'), (11031, 254, 165,
'Crane'), (23594, 254, 165, 'Cranfills Gap'), (23606, 254, 165,
'Crawford'), (23641, 254, 165, 'Cresson'), (11032, 254, 165,
'Crockett'), (17356, 254, 165, 'Crosby'), (11033, 254, 165,
'Crosbyton'), (23698, 254, 165, 'Cross Plains'), (11034, 254, 165,
'Crowell'), (17358, 254, 165, 'Crowley'), (11035, 254, 165, 'Crystal
City'), (11036, 254, 165, 'Cuero'), (17917, 254, 165, 'Cumby'), (23789,
254, 165, 'Cuney'), (23793, 254, 165, 'Cunningham'), (23816, 254, 165,
'Cushing'), (13966, 254, 165, 'Cypress'), (23848, 254, 165, 'D
Hanis'), (11037, 254, 165, 'Daingerfield'), (23867, 254, 165,
'Daisetta'), (17215, 254, 165, 'Dale'), (11038, 254, 165,
'Dalhart'), (23884, 254, 165, 'Dallardsville'), (11039, 254, 165,
'Dallas'), (23912, 254, 165, 'Damon'), (23922, 254, 165,
'Danbury'), (23925, 254, 165, 'Danciger'), (23929, 254, 165,
'Danevang'), (23967, 254, 165, 'Darrouzett'), (23992, 254, 165,
'Davilla'), (24012, 254, 165, 'Dawn'), (24019, 254, 165, 'Dawson'), (24034,
254, 165, 'Dayton'), (24043, 254, 165, 'De Berry'), (24047, 254, 165, 'De
Kalb'), (24052, 254, 165, 'De Leon'), (24072, 254, 165,
'Deanville'), (11040, 254, 165, 'Decatur'), (11041, 254, 165, 'Deer
Park'), (11042, 254, 165, 'Del Rio'), (24140, 254, 165, 'Del
Valle'), (24165, 254, 165, 'Dell City'), (24176, 254, 165,
'Delmita'), (11043, 254, 165, 'Denison'), (24211, 254, 165,
'Dennis'), (11044, 254, 165, 'Denton'), (11045, 254, 165, 'Denver
City'), (24236, 254, 165, 'Deport'), (24256, 254, 165,
'Desdemona'), (11046, 254, 165, 'Desoto'), (24267, 254, 165,
'Detroit'), (24269, 254, 165, 'Devers'), (18307, 254, 165,
'Devine'), (24280, 254, 165, 'Deweyville'), (24306, 254, 165,
'Diana'), (24310, 254, 165, 'Diboll'), (11047, 254, 165,
'Dickens'), (24319, 254, 165, 'Dickinson'), (24327, 254, 165,
'Dike'), (24333, 254, 165, 'Dilley'), (24341, 254, 165, 'Dime
Box'), (11048, 254, 165, 'Dimmitt'), (24345, 254, 165, 'Dinero'), (24373,
254, 165, 'Dobbin'), (24378, 254, 165, 'Dodd City'), (24383, 254, 165,
'Dodge'), (24389, 254, 165, 'Dodson'), (24412, 254, 165, 'Donie'), (15837,
254, 165, 'Donna'), (24421, 254, 165, 'Doole'), (24443, 254, 165,
'Doss'), (24447, 254, 165, 'Doucette'), (24451, 254, 165,
'Dougherty'), (24460, 254, 165, 'Douglass'), (24462, 254, 165,
'Douglassville'), (24536, 254, 165, 'Driftwood'), (24537, 254, 165,
'Dripping Springs'), (24539, 254, 165, 'Driscoll'), (24560, 254, 165,
'Dryden'), (14830, 254, 165, 'Dublin'), (11049, 254, 165, 'Dumas'), (24612,
254, 165, 'Dumont'), (11050, 254, 165, 'Duncanville'), (24653, 254, 165,
'Dunn'), (24715, 254, 165, 'Dyess AFB'), (24735, 254, 165, 'Eagle
Lake'), (11051, 254, 165, 'Eagle Pass'), (24762, 254, 165,
'Early'), (24766, 254, 165, 'Earth'), (24779, 254, 165, 'East
Bernard'), (11052, 254, 165, 'Eastland'), (24940, 254, 165,
'Easton'), (24979, 254, 165, 'Ecleto'), (24982, 254, 165, 'Ector'), (24983,
254, 165, 'Edcouch'), (14422, 254, 165, 'Eddy'), (24995, 254, 165,
'Eden'), (25021, 254, 165, 'Edgewood'), (11053, 254, 165,
'Edinburg'), (25035, 254, 165, 'Edmonson'), (11054, 254, 165,
'Edna'), (25043, 254, 165, 'Edroy'), (25075, 254, 165, 'Egypt'), (15599,
254, 165, 'El Campo'), (25088, 254, 165, 'El Indio'), (11055, 254, 165, 'El
Paso'), (11056, 254, 165, 'Eldorado'), (25133, 254, 165,
'Electra'), (25151, 254, 165, 'Elgin'), (25186, 254, 165,
'Elkhart'), (25230, 254, 165, 'Ellinger'), (25267, 254, 165, 'Elm
Mott'), (25273, 254, 165, 'Elmaton'), (25275, 254, 165,
'Elmendorf'), (25287, 254, 165, 'Elmo'), (25306, 254, 165, 'Elsa'), (25329,
254, 165, 'Elysian Fields'), (11057, 254, 165, 'Emory'), (11058, 254, 165,
'Encinal'), (25377, 254, 165, 'Encino'), (25385, 254, 165,
'Energy'), (25399, 254, 165, 'Enloe'), (11059, 254, 165, 'Ennis'), (25403,
254, 165, 'Enochs'), (25419, 254, 165, 'Eola'), (25433, 254, 165,
'Era'), (25484, 254, 165, 'Estelline'), (25511, 254, 165,
'Etoile'), (11060, 254, 165, 'Euless'), (14078, 254, 165,
'Eustace'), (25541, 254, 165, 'Evadale'), (16719, 254, 165,
'Evant'), (25597, 254, 165, 'Fabens'), (11061, 254, 165,
'Fairfield'), (25687, 254, 165, 'Falcon Heights'), (11062, 254, 165,
'Falfurrias'), (25705, 254, 165, 'Falls City'), (25722, 254, 165,
'Fannin'), (17035, 254, 165, 'Farmersville'), (25768, 254, 165,
'Farnsworth'), (11064, 254, 165, 'Farwell'), (25777, 254, 165,
'Fate'), (25792, 254, 165, 'Fayetteville'), (25824, 254, 165,
'Fentress'), (18626, 254, 165, 'Ferris'), (25855, 254, 165,
'Fieldton'), (25887, 254, 165, 'Fischer'), (25925, 254, 165,
'Flat'), (25934, 254, 165, 'Flatonia'), (25955, 254, 165, 'Flint'), (25965,
254, 165, 'Flomot'), (25981, 254, 165, 'Florence'), (11065, 254, 165,
'Floresville'), (11066, 254, 165, 'Flower Mound'), (11067, 254, 165,
'Floydada'), (25998, 254, 165, 'Fluvanna'), (26000, 254, 165,
'Flynn'), (26004, 254, 165, 'Follett'), (26057, 254, 165,
'Forestburg'), (26076, 254, 165, 'Forney'), (26079, 254, 165,
'Forreston'), (26080, 254, 165, 'Forsan'), (15554, 254, 165, 'Fort
Davis'), (26109, 254, 165, 'Fort Hancock'), (26130, 254, 165, 'Fort Mc
Kavett'), (11069, 254, 165, 'Fort Stockton'), (11070, 254, 165, 'Fort
Worth'), (26212, 254, 165, 'Fowlerton'), (26234, 254, 165,
'Francitas'), (26256, 254, 165, 'Franklin'), (26269, 254, 165,
'Frankston'), (26281, 254, 165, 'Fred'), (17187, 254, 165,
'Fredericksburg'), (26297, 254, 165, 'Fredonia'), (11073, 254, 165,
'Freeport'), (26331, 254, 165, 'Freer'), (26356, 254, 165,
'Fresno'), (11074, 254, 165, 'Friendswood'), (26376, 254, 165,
'Friona'), (17277, 254, 165, 'Frisco'), (26380, 254, 165,
'Fritch'), (26389, 254, 165, 'Frost'), (26404, 254, 165,
'Fruitvale'), (26414, 254, 165, 'Fulshear'), (26426, 254, 165,
'Fulton'), (11075, 254, 165, 'Gail'), (11076, 254, 165,
'Gainesville'), (26456, 254, 165, 'Galena Park'), (26469, 254, 165,
'Gallatin'), (11077, 254, 165, 'Galveston'), (26495, 254, 165,
'Ganado'), (26510, 254, 165, 'Garciasville'), (11078, 254, 165, 'Garden
City'), (26523, 254, 165, 'Gardendale'), (11079, 254, 165,
'Garland'), (26567, 254, 165, 'Garrison'), (26575, 254, 165,
'Garwood'), (26578, 254, 165, 'Gary'), (11080, 254, 165,
'Gatesville'), (26604, 254, 165, 'Gause'), (26633, 254, 165,
'Geneva'), (11081, 254, 165, 'George West'), (11082, 254, 165,
'Georgetown'), (26681, 254, 165, 'Geronimo'), (11083, 254, 165,
'Giddings'), (26739, 254, 165, 'Gilchrist'), (26749, 254, 165,
'Gillett'), (11084, 254, 165, 'Gilmer'), (26777, 254, 165,
'Girard'), (26781, 254, 165, 'Girvin'), (26792, 254, 165,
'Gladewater'), (26834, 254, 165, 'Glen Flora'), (11085, 254, 165, 'Glen
Rose'), (26927, 254, 165, 'Glidden'), (26944, 254, 165, 'Gober'), (26949,
254, 165, 'Godley'), (26966, 254, 165, 'Golden'), (26978, 254, 165,
'Goldsboro'), (26980, 254, 165, 'Goldsmith'), (11086, 254, 165,
'Goldthwaite'), (11007, 254, 165, 'Goliad'), (11087, 254, 165,
'Gonzales'), (26996, 254, 165, 'Goodfellow AFB'), (27009, 254, 165,
'Goodrich'), (27030, 254, 165, 'Gordon'), (27036, 254, 165,
'Gordonville'), (27040, 254, 165, 'Goree'), (27048, 254, 165,
'Gorman'), (27071, 254, 165, 'Gouldbusk'), (27094, 254, 165,
'Graford'), (11088, 254, 165, 'Graham'), (11089, 254, 165,
'Granbury'), (11090, 254, 165, 'Grand Prairie'), (27147, 254, 165, 'Grand
Saline'), (17614, 254, 165, 'Grandfalls'), (27160, 254, 165,
'Grandview'), (27166, 254, 165, 'Granger'), (27208, 254, 165,
'Grapeland'), (11091, 254, 165, 'Grapevine'), (11092, 254, 165,
'Greenville'), (27369, 254, 165, 'Greenwood'), (27377, 254, 165,
'Gregory'), (11093, 254, 165, 'Groesbeck'), (27413, 254, 165,
'Groom'), (18386, 254, 165, 'Groves'), (11094, 254, 165,
'Groveton'), (27443, 254, 165, 'Grulla'), (27446, 254, 165,
'Gruver'), (27453, 254, 165, 'Guerra'), (27481, 254, 165,
'Gunter'), (27487, 254, 165, 'Gustine'), (11096, 254, 165,
'Guthrie'), (27492, 254, 165, 'Guy'), (27552, 254, 165, 'Hale
Center'), (27569, 254, 165, 'Hallettsville'), (27577, 254, 165,
'Hallsville'), (14018, 254, 165, 'Haltom City'), (11097, 254, 165,
'Hamilton'), (27625, 254, 165, 'Hamlin'), (27655, 254, 165,
'Hamshire'), (27669, 254, 165, 'Hankamer'), (12426, 254, 165,
'Happy'), (27725, 254, 165, 'Hardin'), (27741, 254, 165,
'Hargill'), (16333, 254, 165, 'Harker Heights'), (27747, 254, 165,
'Harleton'), (11098, 254, 165, 'Harlingen'), (27767, 254, 165,
'Harper'), (27827, 254, 165, 'Harrold'), (16231, 254, 165, 'Hart'), (27846,
254, 165, 'Hartley'), (27880, 254, 165, 'Harwood'), (11099, 254, 165,
'Haskell'), (27885, 254, 165, 'Haslet'), (27939, 254, 165,
'Hawkins'), (27943, 254, 165, 'Hawley'), (11100, 254, 165,
'Hearne'), (11101, 254, 165, 'Hebbronville'), (28015, 254, 165,
'Hedley'), (28021, 254, 165, 'Heidenheimer'), (28046, 254, 165,
'Helotes'), (11102, 254, 165, 'Hemphill'), (11103, 254, 165,
'Hempstead'), (11104, 254, 165, 'Henderson'), (11105, 254, 165,
'Henrietta'), (11106, 254, 165, 'Hereford'), (28122, 254, 165,
'Hermleigh'), (28155, 254, 165, 'Hewitt'), (28158, 254, 165,
'Hext'), (28180, 254, 165, 'Hico'), (28183, 254, 165, 'Hidalgo'), (28189,
254, 165, 'Higgins'), (28197, 254, 165, 'High Island'), (28219, 254, 165,
'Highlands'), (28243, 254, 165, 'Hillister'), (11107, 254, 165,
'Hillsboro'), (12744, 254, 165, 'Hitchcock'), (28327, 254, 165,
'Hobson'), (28329, 254, 165, 'Hochheim'), (28332, 254, 165,
'Hockley'), (28375, 254, 165, 'Holland'), (28384, 254, 165,
'Holliday'), (11108, 254, 165, 'Hondo'), (28466, 254, 165, 'Honey
Grove'), (28479, 254, 165, 'Hooks'), (11109, 254, 165, 'Houston'), (28600,
254, 165, 'Howe'), (28619, 254, 165, 'Hubbard'), (28642, 254, 165,
'Huffman'), (28643, 254, 165, 'Hufsmith'), (28648, 254, 165, 'Hughes
Springs'), (28666, 254, 165, 'Hull'), (11112, 254, 165, 'Humble'), (28691,
254, 165, 'Hungerford'), (28697, 254, 165, 'Hunt'), (28708, 254, 165,
'Huntington'), (11113, 254, 165, 'Huntsville'), (11114, 254, 165,
'Hurst'), (28755, 254, 165, 'Hutchins'), (28759, 254, 165,
'Hutto'), (28776, 254, 165, 'Hye'), (28793, 254, 165, 'Idalou'), (28826,
254, 165, 'Imperial'), (28865, 254, 165, 'Industry'), (28866, 254, 165,
'Inez'), (28873, 254, 165, 'Ingleside'), (28880, 254, 165,
'Ingram'), (28902, 254, 165, 'Iola'), (15791, 254, 165, 'Iowa
Park'), (28916, 254, 165, 'Ira'), (28917, 254, 165, 'Iraan'), (28919, 254,
165, 'Iredell'), (28923, 254, 165, 'Irene'), (11115, 254, 165,
'Irving'), (18625, 254, 165, 'Italy'), (28988, 254, 165, 'Itasca'), (28998,
254, 165, 'Ivanhoe'), (11116, 254, 165, 'Jacksboro'), (16322, 254, 165,
'Jacksonville'), (42380, 254, 165, 'Jamaica Beach'), (29081, 254, 165,
'Jarrell'), (11117, 254, 165, 'Jasper'), (29097, 254, 165,
'Jayton'), (11118, 254, 165, 'Jefferson'), (29145, 254, 165,
'Jermyn'), (29176, 254, 165, 'Jewett'), (29181, 254, 165,
'Joaquin'), (11119, 254, 165, 'Johnson City'), (29210, 254, 165,
'Joinerville'), (29227, 254, 165, 'Jonesboro'), (29236, 254, 165,
'Jonesville'), (29247, 254, 165, 'Josephine'), (14695, 254, 165,
'Joshua'), (29249, 254, 165, 'Jourdanton'), (29257, 254, 165,
'Judson'), (11120, 254, 165, 'Junction'), (29283, 254, 165,
'Justiceburg'), (16517, 254, 165, 'Justin'), (29299, 254, 165,
'Kamay'), (29328, 254, 165, 'Karnack'), (11121, 254, 165, 'Karnes
City'), (11122, 254, 165, 'Katy'), (11123, 254, 165, 'Kaufman'), (29372,
254, 165, 'Keene'), (15084, 254, 165, 'Keller'), (18923, 254, 165,
'Kemah'), (17149, 254, 165, 'Kemp'), (29412, 254, 165, 'Kempner'), (29418,
254, 165, 'Kendalia'), (29423, 254, 165, 'Kendleton'), (29426, 254, 165,
'Kenedy'), (29439, 254, 165, 'Kennard'), (29440, 254, 165,
'Kennedale'), (29449, 254, 165, 'Kenney'), (18074, 254, 165,
'Kerens'), (17054, 254, 165, 'Kermit'), (29491, 254, 165,
'Kerrick'), (11125, 254, 165, 'Kerrville'), (29540, 254, 165,
'Kildare'), (15138, 254, 165, 'Kilgore'), (11126, 254, 165,
'Killeen'), (29595, 254, 165, 'Kingsbury'), (29599, 254, 165,
'Kingsland'), (11127, 254, 165, 'Kingsville'), (29642, 254, 165,
'Kirbyville'), (29647, 254, 165, 'Kirkland'), (29659, 254, 165,
'Kirvin'), (29680, 254, 165, 'Klondike'), (29683, 254, 165,
'Knickerbocker'), (29690, 254, 165, 'Knippa'), (29694, 254, 165,
'Knott'), (29701, 254, 165, 'Knox City'), (29718, 254, 165,
'Kopperl'), (29722, 254, 165, 'Kosse'), (11129, 254, 165,
'Kountze'), (29736, 254, 165, 'Kress'), (13090, 254, 165, 'Krum'), (11130,
254, 165, 'Kurten'), (29755, 254, 165, 'Kyle'), (29762, 254, 165, 'La
Blanca'), (29765, 254, 165, 'La Coste'), (29774, 254, 165, 'La
Feria'), (11131, 254, 165, 'La Grange'), (29790, 254, 165, 'La
Joya'), (29794, 254, 165, 'La Marque'), (11132, 254, 165, 'La
Porte'), (29806, 254, 165, 'La Pryor'), (29816, 254, 165, 'La
Salle'), (29819, 254, 165, 'La Vernia'), (29820, 254, 165, 'La
Villa'), (29821, 254, 165, 'La Ward'), (29851, 254, 165,
'Ladonia'), (29868, 254, 165, 'Laguna Park'), (29873, 254, 165, 'Laird
Hill'), (29901, 254, 165, 'Lake Creek'), (17742, 254, 165, 'Lake
Dallas'), (11134, 254, 165, 'Lake Jackson'), (16406, 254, 165, 'Lake
Whitney'), (29978, 254, 165, 'Lakeview'), (11135, 254, 165,
'Lamesa'), (11136, 254, 165, 'Lampasas'), (11137, 254, 165,
'Lancaster'), (30043, 254, 165, 'Lane City'), (30052, 254, 165,
'Laneville'), (30062, 254, 165, 'Langtry'), (11138, 254, 165,
'Laredo'), (30094, 254, 165, 'Larue'), (30096, 254, 165, 'Lasara'), (30101,
254, 165, 'Latexo'), (30114, 254, 165, 'Laughlin A F B'), (30146, 254, 165,
'Lavon'), (30153, 254, 165, 'Lawn'), (30176, 254, 165,
'Lazbuddie'), (11140, 254, 165, 'League City'), (11141, 254, 165,
'Leakey'), (17696, 254, 165, 'Leander'), (30222, 254, 165,
'Ledbetter'), (30250, 254, 165, 'Leesburg'), (30254, 254, 165,
'Leesville'), (30261, 254, 165, 'Lefors'), (30264, 254, 165,
'Leggett'), (30285, 254, 165, 'Lelia Lake'), (13797, 254, 165,
'Leming'), (30308, 254, 165, 'Lenorah'), (30325, 254, 165, 'Leon
Junction'), (30326, 254, 165, 'Leona'), (30332, 254, 165,
'Leonard'), (30353, 254, 165, 'Leroy'), (11142, 254, 165,
'Levelland'), (11143, 254, 165, 'Lewisville'), (30413, 254, 165,
'Lexington'), (11144, 254, 165, 'Liberty'), (30426, 254, 165, 'Liberty
Hill'), (30443, 254, 165, 'Lillian'), (30477, 254, 165, 'Lincoln'), (30492,
254, 165, 'Lindale'), (17464, 254, 165, 'Linden'), (30506, 254, 165,
'Lindsay'), (30518, 254, 165, 'Lingleville'), (30522, 254, 165,
'Linn'), (30537, 254, 165, 'Lipan'), (11145, 254, 165, 'Lipscomb'), (30551,
254, 165, 'Lissie'), (30571, 254, 165, 'Little Elm'), (30587, 254, 165,
'Little River'), (11146, 254, 165, 'Littlefield'), (42070, 254, 165, 'Live
Oak'), (30621, 254, 165, 'Liverpool'), (11147, 254, 165,
'Livingston'), (11148, 254, 165, 'Llano'), (11149, 254, 165,
'Lockhart'), (30654, 254, 165, 'Lockney'), (30680, 254, 165,
'Lodi'), (30691, 254, 165, 'Lohn'), (30693, 254, 165, 'Lolita'), (30700,
254, 165, 'Lometa'), (30703, 254, 165, 'London'), (30711, 254, 165, 'Lone
Oak'), (30713, 254, 165, 'Lone Star'), (30722, 254, 165, 'Long
Branch'), (30737, 254, 165, 'Long Mott'), (11150, 254, 165,
'Longview'), (30771, 254, 165, 'Loop'), (30773, 254, 165,
'Lopeno'), (30777, 254, 165, 'Loraine'), (30782, 254, 165,
'Lorena'), (30784, 254, 165, 'Lorenzo'), (30799, 254, 165, 'Los
Ebanos'), (17754, 254, 165, 'Los Fresnos'), (30800, 254, 165, 'Los
Indios'), (30814, 254, 165, 'Lott'), (30823, 254, 165, 'Louise'), (30835,
254, 165, 'Lovelady'), (30843, 254, 165, 'Loving'), (30847, 254, 165,
'Lowake'), (30886, 254, 165, 'Lozano'), (11151, 254, 165,
'Lubbock'), (11152, 254, 165, 'Lubbock Reese AFB'), (30918, 254, 165,
'Lueders'), (11153, 254, 165, 'Lufkin'), (30926, 254, 165,
'Luling'), (30933, 254, 165, 'Lumberton'), (30971, 254, 165,
'Lyford'), (31029, 254, 165, 'Lyons'), (17138, 254, 165, 'Lytle'), (13478,
254, 165, 'Mabank'), (31044, 254, 165, 'Macdona'), (11154, 254, 165,
'Madisonville'), (13497, 254, 165, 'Magnolia'), (31145, 254, 165,
'Malakoff'), (31165, 254, 165, 'Malone'), (31193, 254, 165,
'Manchaca'), (31242, 254, 165, 'Manor'), (12667, 254, 165,
'Mansfield'), (31272, 254, 165, 'Manvel'), (31279, 254, 165,
'Maple'), (11155, 254, 165, 'Marathon'), (11156, 254, 165, 'Marble
Falls'), (11157, 254, 165, 'Marfa'), (31363, 254, 165, 'Marietta'), (31380,
254, 165, 'Marion'), (31392, 254, 165, 'Markham'), (11158, 254, 165,
'Marlin'), (31418, 254, 165, 'Marquez'), (11159, 254, 165,
'Marshall'), (31447, 254, 165, 'Mart'), (31465, 254, 165,
'Martindale'), (31477, 254, 165, 'Martinsville'), (31493, 254, 165,
'Maryneal'), (11160, 254, 165, 'Mason'), (31523, 254, 165,
'Masterson'), (11161, 254, 165, 'Matador'), (31526, 254, 165,
'Matagorda'), (31538, 254, 165, 'Mathis'), (31560, 254, 165,
'Maud'), (17177, 254, 165, 'Mauriceville'), (31588, 254, 165,
'Maxwell'), (31592, 254, 165, 'May'), (31598, 254, 165,
'Maydelle'), (31618, 254, 165, 'Maypearl'), (31622, 254, 165,
'Maysfield'), (31655, 254, 165, 'Mc Camey'), (31659, 254, 165, 'Mc
Caulley'), (31684, 254, 165, 'Mc Coy'), (31690, 254, 165, 'Mc
Dade'), (31720, 254, 165, 'Mc Gregor'), (11163, 254, 165, 'Mc
Kinney'), (31750, 254, 165, 'Mc Leod'), (31759, 254, 165, 'Mc
Neil'), (31762, 254, 165, 'Mc Queeney'), (31772, 254, 165,
'McAdoo'), (11162, 254, 165, 'McAllen'), (31784, 254, 165,
'McFaddin'), (41939, 254, 165, 'Mckinney'), (31794, 254, 165,
'McLean'), (31803, 254, 165, 'Meadow'), (31849, 254, 165,
'Medina'), (31864, 254, 165, 'Megargel'), (31881, 254, 165,
'Melissa'), (31906, 254, 165, 'Melvin'), (11164, 254, 165,
'Memphis'), (11165, 254, 165, 'Menard'), (11166, 254, 165,
'Mentone'), (31941, 254, 165, 'Mercedes'), (31951, 254, 165,
'Mereta'), (11167, 254, 165, 'Meridian'), (31965, 254, 165,
'Merit'), (31966, 254, 165, 'Merkel'), (31987, 254, 165,
'Mertens'), (11168, 254, 165, 'Mertzon'), (11169, 254, 165,
'Mesquite'), (12600, 254, 165, 'Mexia'), (32024, 254, 165,
'Meyersville'), (11170, 254, 165, 'Miami'), (32044, 254, 165,
'Mico'), (32090, 254, 165, 'Midfield'), (32091, 254, 165,
'Midkiff'), (11171, 254, 165, 'Midland'), (18624, 254, 165,
'Midlothian'), (32116, 254, 165, 'Midway'), (32126, 254, 165,
'Milam'), (32136, 254, 165, 'Milano'), (32144, 254, 165, 'Miles'), (32156,
254, 165, 'Milford'), (32201, 254, 165, 'Millersview'), (32211, 254, 165,
'Millican'), (32228, 254, 165, 'Millsap'), (32295, 254, 165,
'Minden'), (32302, 254, 165, 'Mineola'), (32304, 254, 165,
'Mineral'), (11172, 254, 165, 'Mineral Wells'), (32326, 254, 165,
'Mingus'), (11173, 254, 165, 'Mirando City'), (11174, 254, 165,
'Mission'), (11175, 254, 165, 'Missouri City'), (32385, 254, 165,
'Mobeetie'), (11176, 254, 165, 'Monahans'), (32480, 254, 165, 'Mont
Belvieu'), (11177, 254, 165, 'Montague'), (32487, 254, 165,
'Montalba'), (16438, 254, 165, 'Montgomery'), (32568, 254, 165,
'Moody'), (32578, 254, 165, 'Moore'), (32602, 254, 165, 'Moran'), (32616,
254, 165, 'Morgan'), (32619, 254, 165, 'Morgan Mill'), (32677, 254, 165,
'Morse'), (11178, 254, 165, 'Morton'), (32697, 254, 165, 'Moscow'), (32716,
254, 165, 'Moulton'), (32718, 254, 165, 'Mound'), (32739, 254, 165, 'Mount
Calm'), (32753, 254, 165, 'Mount Enterprise'), (32802, 254, 165, 'Mount
Pleasant'), (11179, 254, 165, 'Mount Vernon'), (32846, 254, 165, 'Mountain
Home'), (13156, 254, 165, 'Muenster'), (32894, 254, 165,
'Muldoon'), (11180, 254, 165, 'Muleshoe'), (32903, 254, 165,
'Mullin'), (32908, 254, 165, 'Mumford'), (32912, 254, 165,
'Munday'), (32925, 254, 165, 'Murchison'), (32957, 254, 165,
'Myra'), (11181, 254, 165, 'Nacogdoches'), (32970, 254, 165,
'Nada'), (32997, 254, 165, 'Naples'), (33011, 254, 165, 'Nash'), (33026,
254, 165, 'Natalia'), (33049, 254, 165, 'Naval Air Station/ jrb'), (11182,
254, 165, 'Navasota'), (13562, 254, 165, 'Nazareth'), (33070, 254, 165,
'Neches'), (15496, 254, 165, 'Nederland'), (14563, 254, 165,
'Needville'), (33111, 254, 165, 'Nemo'), (33142, 254, 165,
'Nevada'), (33157, 254, 165, 'New Baden'), (11183, 254, 165, 'New
Boston'), (11184, 254, 165, 'New Braunfels'), (33184, 254, 165, 'New
Caney'), (33197, 254, 165, 'New Deal'), (33244, 254, 165, 'New
Home'), (33271, 254, 165, 'New London'), (33338, 254, 165, 'New
Summerfield'), (33345, 254, 165, 'New Ulm'), (33355, 254, 165, 'New
Waverly'), (14978, 254, 165, 'Newark'), (33387, 254, 165,
'Newcastle'), (33410, 254, 165, 'Newgulf'), (11185, 254, 165,
'Newton'), (33524, 254, 165, 'Nixon'), (33531, 254, 165, 'Nocona'), (33537,
254, 165, 'Nolan'), (33539, 254, 165, 'Nolanville'), (33543, 254, 165,
'Nome'), (33557, 254, 165, 'Nordheim'), (33575, 254, 165,
'Normangee'), (33576, 254, 165, 'Normanna'), (33659, 254, 165, 'North
Houston'), (11186, 254, 165, 'North Richland Hills'), (33737, 254, 165,
'North Zulch'), (33756, 254, 165, 'Norton'), (33784, 254, 165,
'Notrees'), (33792, 254, 165, 'Novice'), (33812, 254, 165,
'Nursery'), (33821, 254, 165, 'O Brien'), (33872, 254, 165,
'Oakhurst'), (33884, 254, 165, 'Oakland'), (33906, 254, 165,
'Oakville'), (33911, 254, 165, 'Oakwood'), (33955, 254, 165,
'Odell'), (33956, 254, 165, 'Odem'), (11187, 254, 165, 'Odessa'), (33969,
254, 165, 'Odonnell'), (33985, 254, 165, 'Oglesby'), (33998, 254, 165,
'Oilton'), (34013, 254, 165, 'Oklaunion'), (34038, 254, 165, 'Old
Glory'), (34045, 254, 165, 'Old Ocean'), (34052, 254, 165,
'Olden'), (34081, 254, 165, 'Olmito'), (34088, 254, 165, 'Olney'), (34092,
254, 165, 'Olton'), (34103, 254, 165, 'Omaha'), (34114, 254, 165,
'Onalaska'), (11188, 254, 165, 'Orange'), (34165, 254, 165, 'Orange
Grove'), (34169, 254, 165, 'Orangefield'), (34180, 254, 165,
'Orchard'), (34185, 254, 165, 'Ore City'), (34212, 254, 165,
'Orla'), (34303, 254, 165, 'Ottine'), (34306, 254, 165, 'Otto'), (34319,
254, 165, 'Ovalo'), (34327, 254, 165, 'Overton'), (11189, 254, 165,
'Ozona'), (11190, 254, 165, 'Paducah'), (34402, 254, 165, 'Paige'), (11191,
254, 165, 'Paint Rock'), (11192, 254, 165, 'Palacios'), (11193, 254, 165,
'Palestine'), (34436, 254, 165, 'Palmer'), (34456, 254, 165, 'Palo
Pinto'), (34464, 254, 165, 'Paluxy'), (11194, 254, 165, 'Pampa'), (34475,
254, 165, 'Pandora'), (11195, 254, 165, 'Panhandle'), (34478, 254, 165,
'Panna Maria'), (34481, 254, 165, 'Panola'), (34503, 254, 165,
'Paradise'), (11196, 254, 165, 'Paris'), (11863, 254, 165,
'Pasadena'), (34610, 254, 165, 'Pattison'), (34615, 254, 165,
'Pattonville'), (34637, 254, 165, 'Pawnee'), (34667, 254, 165, 'Pear
Valley'), (11197, 254, 165, 'Pearland'), (11198, 254, 165,
'Pearsall'), (18739, 254, 165, 'Peaster'), (34676, 254, 165, 'Pecan
Gap'), (11199, 254, 165, 'Pecos'), (34693, 254, 165, 'Peggy'), (34730, 254,
165, 'Pendleton'), (34732, 254, 165, 'Penelope'), (34738, 254, 165,
'Penitas'), (34750, 254, 165, 'Pennington'), (34767, 254, 165,
'Penwell'), (34773, 254, 165, 'Pep'), (34797, 254, 165, 'Perrin'), (34809,
254, 165, 'Perry'), (11200, 254, 165, 'Perryton'), (34840, 254, 165,
'Petersburg'), (34851, 254, 165, 'Petrolia'), (34856, 254, 165,
'Pettus'), (34857, 254, 165, 'Petty'), (13582, 254, 165,
'Pflugerville'), (11201, 254, 165, 'Pharr'), (34909, 254, 165,
'Pickton'), (34922, 254, 165, 'Pierce'), (15108, 254, 165, 'Pilot
Point'), (35006, 254, 165, 'Pinehurst'), (35009, 254, 165,
'Pineland'), (35045, 254, 165, 'Pipe Creek'), (11202, 254, 165,
'Pittsburg'), (35079, 254, 165, 'Placedo'), (35100, 254, 165,
'Plains'), (11203, 254, 165, 'Plainview'), (11204, 254, 165,
'Plano'), (35114, 254, 165, 'Plantersville'), (11205, 254, 165,
'Pleasanton'), (35167, 254, 165, 'Pledger'), (35174, 254, 165,
'Plum'), (16078, 254, 165, 'Point'), (35215, 254, 165, 'Point
Comfort'), (35228, 254, 165, 'Pointblank'), (35252, 254, 165,
'Pollok'), (16520, 254, 165, 'Ponder'), (35280, 254, 165,
'Pontotoc'), (35284, 254, 165, 'Poolville'), (16623, 254, 165, 'Port
Aransas'), (11206, 254, 165, 'Port Arthur'), (35301, 254, 165, 'Port
Bolivar'), (35318, 254, 165, 'Port Isabel'), (11207, 254, 165, 'Port
Lavaca'), (35324, 254, 165, 'Port Mansfield'), (15587, 254, 165, 'Port
Neches'), (35329, 254, 165, 'Port O Connor'), (18673, 254, 165, 'Port
O''Connor'), (35360, 254, 165, 'Porter'), (12483, 254, 165,
'Portland'), (11208, 254, 165, 'Post'), (35394, 254, 165,
'Poteet'), (35395, 254, 165, 'Poth'), (35410, 254, 165,
'Pottsboro'), (35413, 254, 165, 'Pottsville'), (35426, 254, 165,
'Powderly'), (35431, 254, 165, 'Powell'), (35454, 254, 165,
'Poynor'), (35465, 254, 165, 'Prairie Hill'), (35467, 254, 165, 'Prairie
Lea'), (35469, 254, 165, 'Prairie View'), (35483, 254, 165,
'Premont'), (11209, 254, 165, 'Presidio'), (35506, 254, 165,
'Price'), (35509, 254, 165, 'Priddy'), (11892, 254, 165,
'Princeton'), (35542, 254, 165, 'Proctor'), (35547, 254, 165,
'Progreso'), (35562, 254, 165, 'Prosper'), (35601, 254, 165,
'Purdon'), (35608, 254, 165, 'Purmela'), (35614, 254, 165,
'Putnam'), (35626, 254, 165, 'Pyote'), (35628, 254, 165, 'Quail'), (11210,
254, 165, 'Quanah'), (35646, 254, 165, 'Queen City'), (35650, 254, 165,
'Quemado'), (12209, 254, 165, 'Quinlan'), (35673, 254, 165,
'Quitaque'), (11211, 254, 165, 'Quitman'), (35703, 254, 165,
'Rainbow'), (35717, 254, 165, 'Ralls'), (35764, 254, 165,
'Randolph'), (35774, 254, 165, 'Ranger'), (11213, 254, 165,
'Rankin'), (35782, 254, 165, 'Ransom Canyon'), (35797, 254, 165,
'Ratcliff'), (35810, 254, 165, 'Ravenna'), (11214, 254, 165,
'Raymondville'), (35844, 254, 165, 'Raywood'), (35862, 254, 165,
'Reagan'), (35863, 254, 165, 'Realitos'), (18622, 254, 165, 'Red
Oak'), (35896, 254, 165, 'Red Rock'), (35915, 254, 165, 'Redford'), (35926,
254, 165, 'Redwater'), (11216, 254, 165, 'Refugio'), (35962, 254, 165,
'Reklaw'), (14983, 254, 165, 'Rhome'), (36045, 254, 165, 'Rice'), (36058,
254, 165, 'Richards'), (11217, 254, 165, 'Richardson'), (36087, 254, 165,
'Richland'), (36088, 254, 165, 'Richland Springs'), (11218, 254, 165,
'Richmond'), (16151, 254, 165, 'Richwood'), (36151, 254, 165,
'Riesel'), (36170, 254, 165, 'Ringgold'), (36184, 254, 165, 'Rio
Frio'), (11219, 254, 165, 'Rio Grande City'), (36187, 254, 165, 'Rio
Hondo'), (36189, 254, 165, 'Rio Medina'), (36195, 254, 165, 'Rio
Vista'), (36210, 254, 165, 'Rising Star'), (36240, 254, 165,
'Riverside'), (36253, 254, 165, 'Riviera'), (36261, 254, 165,
'Roanoke'), (36264, 254, 165, 'Roans Prairie'), (36269, 254, 165, 'Roaring
Springs'), (11220, 254, 165, 'Robert Lee'), (36297, 254, 165,
'Robstown'), (11221, 254, 165, 'Roby'), (36301, 254, 165,
'Rochelle'), (36308, 254, 165, 'Rochester'), (36329, 254, 165, 'Rock
Island'), (17376, 254, 165, 'Rockdale'), (11222, 254, 165,
'Rockport'), (11223, 254, 165, 'Rocksprings'), (11224, 254, 165,
'Rockwall'), (36381, 254, 165, 'Rockwood'), (36411, 254, 165,
'Rogers'), (36433, 254, 165, 'Roma'), (36435, 254, 165, 'Romayor'), (36457,
254, 165, 'Roosevelt'), (36461, 254, 165, 'Ropesville'), (36466, 254, 165,
'Rosanky'), (36475, 254, 165, 'Roscoe'), (36492, 254, 165,
'Rosebud'), (11225, 254, 165, 'Rosenberg'), (36519, 254, 165,
'Rosharon'), (36531, 254, 165, 'Ross'), (36533, 254, 165,
'Rosser'), (36537, 254, 165, 'Rosston'), (36544, 254, 165,
'Rotan'), (36558, 254, 165, 'Round Mountain'), (11226, 254, 165, 'Round
Rock'), (36563, 254, 165, 'Round Top'), (36576, 254, 165,
'Rowena'), (11227, 254, 165, 'Rowlett'), (36593, 254, 165,
'Roxton'), (36608, 254, 165, 'Royalty'), (36610, 254, 165, 'Royse
City'), (36635, 254, 165, 'Rule'), (36643, 254, 165, 'Runge'), (36669, 254,
165, 'Rusk'), (36717, 254, 165, 'Rye'), (36728, 254, 165,
'Sabinal'), (36730, 254, 165, 'Sabine Pass'), (36740, 254, 165,
'Sacul'), (36745, 254, 165, 'Sadler'), (36822, 254, 165, 'Saint
Hedwig'), (36837, 254, 165, 'Saint Jo'), (36909, 254, 165,
'Salado'), (36936, 254, 165, 'Salineno'), (36954, 254, 165, 'Salt
Flat'), (36964, 254, 165, 'Saltillo'), (36973, 254, 165,
'Samnorwood'), (11228, 254, 165, 'San Angelo'), (11229, 254, 165, 'San
Antonio'), (11230, 254, 165, 'San Augustine'), (11231, 254, 165, 'San
Benito'), (11232, 254, 165, 'San Diego'), (36985, 254, 165, 'San
Elizario'), (36986, 254, 165, 'San Felipe'), (36991, 254, 165, 'San
Isidro'), (36995, 254, 165, 'San Juan'), (11233, 254, 165, 'San
Marcos'), (37006, 254, 165, 'San Perlita'), (11234, 254, 165, 'San
Saba'), (37011, 254, 165, 'San Ygnacio'), (11235, 254, 165,
'Sanderson'), (37036, 254, 165, 'Sandia'), (37045, 254, 165,
'Sandy'), (37061, 254, 165, 'Sanford'), (15797, 254, 165,
'Sanger'), (37066, 254, 165, 'Santa Anna'), (37070, 254, 165, 'Santa
Elena'), (17750, 254, 165, 'Santa Fe'), (37074, 254, 165, 'Santa
Maria'), (37077, 254, 165, 'Santa Rosa'), (37083, 254, 165,
'Santo'), (37087, 254, 165, 'Saragosa'), (37097, 254, 165,
'Saratoga'), (11236, 254, 165, 'Sarita'), (37123, 254, 165,
'Satin'), (37147, 254, 165, 'Savoy'), (14131, 254, 165, 'Schertz'), (37207,
254, 165, 'Schulenburg'), (37216, 254, 165, 'Schwertner'), (37242, 254,
165, 'Scotland'), (37262, 254, 165, 'Scottsville'), (37275, 254, 165,
'Scroggins'), (37277, 254, 165, 'Scurry'), (11864, 254, 165,
'Seabrook'), (37286, 254, 165, 'Seadrift'), (37288, 254, 165,
'Seagoville'), (37289, 254, 165, 'Seagraves'), (37298, 254, 165,
'Sealy'), (37317, 254, 165, 'Sebastian'), (11237, 254, 165,
'Seguin'), (37368, 254, 165, 'Selman City'), (11238, 254, 165,
'Seminole'), (11239, 254, 165, 'Seymour'), (37433, 254, 165,
'Shafter'), (37439, 254, 165, 'Shallowater'), (16570, 254, 165,
'Shamrock'), (37515, 254, 165, 'Sheffield'), (37529, 254, 165,
'Shelbyville'), (37557, 254, 165, 'Shepherd'), (37558, 254, 165, 'Sheppard
AFB'), (37570, 254, 165, 'Sheridan'), (11240, 254, 165, 'Sherman'), (37599,
254, 165, 'Shiner'), (37618, 254, 165, 'Shiro'), (37667, 254, 165,
'Sidney'), (11241, 254, 165, 'Sierra Blanca'), (37685, 254, 165,
'Silsbee'), (37690, 254, 165, 'Silver'), (11242, 254, 165,
'Silverton'), (37730, 254, 165, 'Simms'), (37732, 254, 165,
'Simonton'), (11243, 254, 165, 'Sinton'), (37766, 254, 165,
'Skellytown'), (37769, 254, 165, 'Skidmore'), (37793, 254, 165,
'Slaton'), (37803, 254, 165, 'Slidell'), (37822, 254, 165,
'Smiley'), (12398, 254, 165, 'Smithville'), (37865, 254, 165,
'Smyer'), (37875, 254, 165, 'Snook'), (11244, 254, 165, 'Snyder'), (37931,
254, 165, 'Somerset'), (13232, 254, 165, 'Somerville'), (11245, 254, 165,
'Sonora'), (37960, 254, 165, 'Sour Lake'), (37971, 254, 165, 'South
Bend'), (38020, 254, 165, 'South Houston'), (11246, 254, 165, 'South Padre
Island'), (38050, 254, 165, 'South Plains'), (18976, 254, 165,
'Southlake'), (38100, 254, 165, 'Southmayd'), (38113, 254, 165,
'Spade'), (38138, 254, 165, 'Speaks'), (11247, 254, 165,
'Spearman'), (38166, 254, 165, 'Spicewood'), (38173, 254, 165,
'Splendora'), (11248, 254, 165, 'Spring'), (15683, 254, 165, 'Spring
Branch'), (38240, 254, 165, 'Springlake'), (18189, 254, 165,
'Springtown'), (38258, 254, 165, 'Spur'), (38260, 254, 165,
'Spurger'), (38278, 254, 165, 'Stafford'), (12971, 254, 165,
'Stamford'), (11249, 254, 165, 'Stanton'), (38327, 254, 165,
'Staples'), (38333, 254, 165, 'Star'), (11250, 254, 165,
'Stephenville'), (11251, 254, 165, 'Sterling City'), (38455, 254, 165,
'Stinnett'), (38468, 254, 165, 'Stockdale'), (38511, 254, 165,
'Stonewall'), (38536, 254, 165, 'Stowell'), (11252, 254, 165,
'Stratford'), (38577, 254, 165, 'Strawn'), (38579, 254, 165,
'Streetman'), (38616, 254, 165, 'Sublime'), (38620, 254, 165,
'Sudan'), (11253, 254, 165, 'Sugar Land'), (38645, 254, 165, 'Sullivan
City'), (38650, 254, 165, 'Sulphur Bluff'), (11254, 254, 165, 'Sulphur
Springs'), (38669, 254, 165, 'Summerfield'), (38701, 254, 165,
'Sumner'), (15307, 254, 165, 'Sundown'), (38731, 254, 165,
'Sunnyvale'), (38732, 254, 165, 'Sunray'), (38735, 254, 165,
'Sunset'), (14327, 254, 165, 'Sutherland Springs'), (38800, 254, 165,
'Sweeny'), (38805, 254, 165, 'Sweet Home'), (11255, 254, 165,
'Sweetwater'), (38843, 254, 165, 'Sylvester'), (38865, 254, 165,
'Taft'), (11256, 254, 165, 'Tahoka'), (38879, 254, 165, 'Talco'), (38901,
254, 165, 'Talpa'), (38930, 254, 165, 'Tarpley'), (38933, 254, 165,
'Tarzan'), (38942, 254, 165, 'Tatum'), (13992, 254, 165, 'Taylor'), (38964,
254, 165, 'Teague'), (38977, 254, 165, 'Tehuacana'), (38981, 254, 165,
'Telegraph'), (17180, 254, 165, 'Telephone'), (38982, 254, 165,
'Telferner'), (38984, 254, 165, 'Tell'), (11257, 254, 165,
'Temple'), (39002, 254, 165, 'Tenaha'), (39011, 254, 165, 'Tennessee
Colony'), (39016, 254, 165, 'Tennyson'), (11133, 254, 165,
'Terlingua'), (17937, 254, 165, 'Terrel'), (39030, 254, 165,
'Terrell'), (11258, 254, 165, 'Texarkana'), (11259, 254, 165, 'Texas
City'), (39046, 254, 165, 'Texline'), (11260, 254, 165, 'The
Colony'), (41931, 254, 165, 'The Woodlands'), (39074, 254, 165,
'Thicket'), (39084, 254, 165, 'Thomaston'), (39096, 254, 165,
'Thompsons'), (39107, 254, 165, 'Thorndale'), (39118, 254, 165,
'Thornton'), (39132, 254, 165, 'Thrall'), (39138, 254, 165, 'Three
Rivers'), (11261, 254, 165, 'Throckmorton'), (11262, 254, 165,
'Tilden'), (39190, 254, 165, 'Timpson'), (39197, 254, 165,
'Tioga'), (39220, 254, 165, 'Tivoli'), (39236, 254, 165, 'Tokio'), (39238,
254, 165, 'Tolar'), (39252, 254, 165, 'Tom Bean'), (11263, 254, 165,
'Tomball'), (39289, 254, 165, 'Tornillo'), (14580, 254, 165,
'Tow'), (39323, 254, 165, 'Toyah'), (39324, 254, 165, 'Toyahvale'), (39365,
254, 165, 'Trent'), (15285, 254, 165, 'Trenton'), (39395, 254, 165,
'Trinidad'), (15294, 254, 165, 'Trinity'), (39411, 254, 165,
'Troup'), (18943, 254, 165, 'Troy'), (39461, 254, 165, 'Tuleta'), (11264,
254, 165, 'Tulia'), (39493, 254, 165, 'Turkey'), (39523, 254, 165,
'Tuscola'), (39559, 254, 165, 'Tye'), (11265, 254, 165, 'Tyler'), (39568,
254, 165, 'Tynan'), (39604, 254, 165, 'Umbarger'), (18723, 254, 165,
'Universal City'), (39726, 254, 165, 'Utopia'), (11266, 254, 165,
'Uvalde'), (39745, 254, 165, 'Valentine'), (39747, 254, 165,
'Valera'), (39772, 254, 165, 'Valley Mills'), (39775, 254, 165, 'Valley
Spring'), (18409, 254, 165, 'Valley View'), (17826, 254, 165,
'Van'), (39788, 254, 165, 'Van Alstyne'), (39794, 254, 165, 'Van
Horn'), (39799, 254, 165, 'Van Vleck'), (11267, 254, 165,
'Vancourt'), (39816, 254, 165, 'Vanderbilt'), (39818, 254, 165,
'Vanderpool'), (11268, 254, 165, 'Vega'), (39867, 254, 165,
'Venus'), (39881, 254, 165, 'Veribest'), (11269, 254, 165,
'Vernon'), (11270, 254, 165, 'Victoria'), (13693, 254, 165,
'Vidor'), (39966, 254, 165, 'Village Mills'), (40014, 254, 165,
'Voca'), (40026, 254, 165, 'Von Ormy'), (40030, 254, 165, 'Voss'), (40032,
254, 165, 'Votaw'), (40033, 254, 165, 'Voth'), (11271, 254, 165,
'Waco'), (11272, 254, 165, 'Wadsworth'), (40063, 254, 165,
'Waelder'), (40079, 254, 165, 'Waka'), (40098, 254, 165,
'Walburg'), (40142, 254, 165, 'Wall'), (40159, 254, 165, 'Waller'), (40166,
254, 165, 'Wallis'), (40167, 254, 165, 'Wallisville'), (40187, 254, 165,
'Walnut Springs'), (40236, 254, 165, 'Warda'), (40251, 254, 165,
'Waring'), (40271, 254, 165, 'Warren'), (40312, 254, 165,
'Washington'), (40329, 254, 165, 'Waskom'), (40339, 254, 165, 'Water
Valley'), (17533, 254, 165, 'Waxahachie'), (40462, 254, 165,
'Wayside'), (11274, 254, 165, 'Weatherford'), (14034, 254, 165,
'Webster'), (40499, 254, 165, 'Weesatche'), (40502, 254, 165,
'Weimar'), (40504, 254, 165, 'Weinert'), (40508, 254, 165, 'Weir'), (40515,
254, 165, 'Welch'), (40529, 254, 165, 'Wellborn'), (11275, 254, 165,
'Wellington'), (40544, 254, 165, 'Wellman'), (40550, 254, 165,
'Wells'), (11276, 254, 165, 'Weslaco'), (40593, 254, 165, 'West'), (12144,
254, 165, 'West Columbia'), (40729, 254, 165, 'West Point'), (40779, 254,
165, 'Westbrook'), (40809, 254, 165, 'Westhoff'), (40815, 254, 165,
'Westminster'), (40831, 254, 165, 'Weston'), (11277, 254, 165,
'Wharton'), (11278, 254, 165, 'Wheeler'), (40902, 254, 165,
'Wheelock'), (18534, 254, 165, 'White Deer'), (40944, 254, 165, 'White
Oak'), (40964, 254, 165, 'Whiteface'), (40973, 254, 165,
'Whitehouse'), (40985, 254, 165, 'Whitesboro'), (41004, 254, 165,
'Whitewright'), (41006, 254, 165, 'Whitharral'), (41025, 254, 165,
'Whitney'), (41026, 254, 165, 'Whitsett'), (41027, 254, 165,
'Whitt'), (11279, 254, 165, 'Wichita Falls'), (41037, 254, 165,
'Wickett'), (41047, 254, 165, 'Wiergate'), (41068, 254, 165,
'Wildorado'), (16070, 254, 165, 'Willis'), (41142, 254, 165, 'Willow
City'), (41154, 254, 165, 'Wills Point'), (41160, 254, 165,
'Wilmer'), (41181, 254, 165, 'Wilson'), (11995, 254, 165,
'Wimberley'), (41219, 254, 165, 'Windom'), (41235, 254, 165,
'Windthorst'), (41245, 254, 165, 'Winfield'), (41252, 254, 165,
'Wingate'), (11280, 254, 165, 'Wink'), (15384, 254, 165, 'Winnie'), (16710,
254, 165, 'Winnsboro'), (41275, 254, 165, 'Winona'), (41297, 254, 165,
'Winters'), (41339, 254, 165, 'Woden'), (41357, 254, 165, 'Wolfe
City'), (41359, 254, 165, 'Wolfforth'), (41406, 254, 165,
'Woodlake'), (41418, 254, 165, 'Woodlawn'), (41431, 254, 165,
'Woodsboro'), (41435, 254, 165, 'Woodson'), (11281, 254, 165,
'Woodville'), (41452, 254, 165, 'Woodway'), (41478, 254, 165,
'Wortham'), (41500, 254, 165, 'Wrightsboro'), (15470, 254, 165,
'Wylie'), (41548, 254, 165, 'Yancey'), (15117, 254, 165, 'Yantis'), (11282,
254, 165, 'Yoakum'), (41595, 254, 165, 'Yorktown'), (11283, 254, 165,
'Zapata'), (41638, 254, 165, 'Zavalla'), (41648, 254, 165,
'Zephyr'), (19388, 254, 166, 'Alpine'), (19404, 254, 166,
'Altamont'), (19420, 254, 166, 'Alton'), (19424, 254, 166,
'Altonah'), (15697, 254, 166, 'American Fork'), (19550, 254, 166,
'Aneth'), (19571, 254, 166, 'Annabella'), (19597, 254, 166,
'Antimony'), (19958, 254, 166, 'Aurora'), (20028, 254, 166,
'Axtell'), (20348, 254, 166, 'Bear River City'), (20371, 254, 166,
'Beaver'), (20662, 254, 166, 'Beryl'), (11284, 254, 166,
'Bicknell'), (20790, 254, 166, 'Bingham Canyon'), (11285, 254, 166,
'Blanding'), (21000, 254, 166, 'Bluebell'), (21006, 254, 166,
'Bluff'), (21077, 254, 166, 'Bonanza'), (21145, 254, 166,
'Boulder'), (11286, 254, 166, 'Bountiful'), (11287, 254, 166, 'Brian
Head'), (11288, 254, 166, 'Brigham City'), (21619, 254, 166,
'Bryce'), (11289, 254, 166, 'Bryce Canyon'), (11290, 254, 166, 'Bryce
Canyon National Park'), (21868, 254, 166, 'Cache Junction'), (22065, 254,
166, 'Cannonville'), (18164, 254, 166, 'Castle Dale'), (11291, 254, 166,
'Cedar City'), (22389, 254, 166, 'Cedar Valley'), (22433, 254, 166,
'Centerfield'), (12748, 254, 166, 'Centerville'), (22453, 254, 166,
'Central'), (22659, 254, 166, 'Chester'), (22791, 254, 166,
'Circleville'), (22796, 254, 166, 'Cisco'), (22866, 254, 166,
'Clarkston'), (22883, 254, 166, 'Clawson'), (11292, 254, 166,
'Clearfield'), (22957, 254, 166, 'Cleveland'), (11293, 254, 166,
'Coalville'), (23179, 254, 166, 'Collinston'), (23425, 254, 166,
'Corinne'), (23443, 254, 166, 'Cornish'), (23726, 254, 166,
'Croydon'), (23911, 254, 166, 'Dammeron Valley'), (11294, 254, 166,
'Delta'), (24281, 254, 166, 'Deweyville'), (14859, 254, 166,
'Draper'), (11295, 254, 166, 'Duchesne'), (24582, 254, 166, 'Duck Creek
Village'), (24599, 254, 166, 'Dugway'), (24697, 254, 166, 'Dutch
John'), (15633, 254, 166, 'East Carbon'), (24970, 254, 166,
'Echo'), (24996, 254, 166, 'Eden'), (25109, 254, 166, 'Elberta'), (25288,
254, 166, 'Elmo'), (25309, 254, 166, 'Elsinore'), (25347, 254, 166,
'Emery'), (25414, 254, 166, 'Enterprise'), (11296, 254, 166,
'Ephraim'), (11297, 254, 166, 'Escalante'), (25534, 254, 166,
'Eureka'), (25676, 254, 166, 'Fairview'), (25756, 254, 166,
'Farmington'), (25787, 254, 166, 'Fayette'), (25841, 254, 166,
'Ferron'), (25851, 254, 166, 'Fielding'), (11298, 254, 166,
'Fillmore'), (26102, 254, 166, 'Fort Duchesne'), (26193, 254, 166,
'Fountain Green'), (26399, 254, 166, 'Fruitland'), (26518, 254, 166,
'Garden City'), (26546, 254, 166, 'Garland'), (26568, 254, 166,
'Garrison'), (26879, 254, 166, 'Glendale'), (26922, 254, 166,
'Glenwood'), (27060, 254, 166, 'Goshen'), (18358, 254, 166,
'Grantsville'), (11300, 254, 166, 'Green River'), (27349, 254, 166,
'Greenville'), (27361, 254, 166, 'Greenwich'), (27420, 254, 166, 'Grouse
Creek'), (27477, 254, 166, 'Gunlock'), (27479, 254, 166,
'Gunnison'), (27485, 254, 166, 'Gusher'), (11301, 254, 166,
'Hanksville'), (27676, 254, 166, 'Hanna'), (27899, 254, 166,
'Hatch'), (11302, 254, 166, 'Heber City'), (28047, 254, 166,
'Helper'), (28075, 254, 166, 'Henefer'), (28088, 254, 166,
'Henrieville'), (28162, 254, 166, 'Hiawatha'), (17584, 254, 166,
'Hildale'), (14884, 254, 166, 'Hill AFB'), (28287, 254, 166,
'Hinckley'), (28360, 254, 166, 'Holden'), (28468, 254, 166,
'Honeyville'), (28487, 254, 166, 'Hooper'), (28602, 254, 166,
'Howell'), (28709, 254, 166, 'Huntington'), (28726, 254, 166,
'Huntsville'), (28740, 254, 166, 'Hurricane'), (28768, 254, 166, 'Hyde
Park'), (17771, 254, 166, 'Hyrum'), (28782, 254, 166, 'Ibapah'), (29002,
254, 166, 'Ivins'), (29139, 254, 166, 'Jensen'), (11303, 254, 166,
'Joseph'), (29268, 254, 166, 'Junction'), (29298, 254, 166,
'Kamas'), (11304, 254, 166, 'Kanab'), (29304, 254, 166,
'Kanarraville'), (29315, 254, 166, 'Kanosh'), (12462, 254, 166,
'Kaysville'), (29431, 254, 166, 'Kenilworth'), (29612, 254, 166,
'Kingston'), (29714, 254, 166, 'Koosharem'), (29812, 254, 166, 'La
Sal'), (29818, 254, 166, 'La Verkin'), (29946, 254, 166, 'Lake
Powell'), (11305, 254, 166, 'Laketown'), (30082, 254, 166,
'Lapoint'), (11306, 254, 166, 'Layton'), (30191, 254, 166,
'Leamington'), (30242, 254, 166, 'Leeds'), (15555, 254, 166,
'Lehi'), (30375, 254, 166, 'Levan'), (30399, 254, 166, 'Lewiston'), (12797,
254, 166, 'Lindon'), (12084, 254, 166, 'Loa'), (11307, 254, 166,
'Logan'), (30978, 254, 166, 'Lyman'), (31008, 254, 166, 'Lynndyl'), (15485,
254, 166, 'Magna'), (11308, 254, 166, 'Manila'), (11309, 254, 166,
'Manti'), (31270, 254, 166, 'Mantua'), (31301, 254, 166,
'Mapleton'), (31494, 254, 166, 'Marysvale'), (31604, 254, 166,
'Mayfield'), (31804, 254, 166, 'Meadow'), (31923, 254, 166,
'Mendon'), (32015, 254, 166, 'Mexican Hat'), (11310, 254, 166,
'Midvale'), (14919, 254, 166, 'Midway'), (11311, 254, 166,
'Milford'), (32245, 254, 166, 'Millville'), (32316, 254, 166,
'Minersville'), (11312, 254, 166, 'Moab'), (32396, 254, 166,
'Modena'), (32424, 254, 166, 'Mona'), (32463, 254, 166, 'Monroe'), (32513,
254, 166, 'Montezuma Creek'), (11313, 254, 166, 'Monticello'), (32563, 254,
166, 'Monument Valley'), (15094, 254, 166, 'Morgan'), (32639, 254, 166,
'Moroni'), (32744, 254, 166, 'Mount Carmel'), (11890, 254, 166, 'Mount
Pleasant'), (32847, 254, 166, 'Mountain Home'), (41981, 254, 166,
'Murray'), (32965, 254, 166, 'Myton'), (33117, 254, 166, 'Neola'), (11315,
254, 166, 'Nephi'), (33227, 254, 166, 'New Harmony'), (33388, 254, 166,
'Newcastle'), (33443, 254, 166, 'Newton'), (33701, 254, 166, 'North Salt
Lake'), (33831, 254, 166, 'Oak City'), (33890, 254, 166, 'Oakley'), (33914,
254, 166, 'Oasis'), (11316, 254, 166, 'Ogden'), (34173, 254, 166,
'Orangeville'), (34182, 254, 166, 'Orderville'), (11317, 254, 166,
'Orem'), (34477, 254, 166, 'Panguitch'), (34504, 254, 166,
'Paradise'), (34510, 254, 166, 'Paragonah'), (11318, 254, 166, 'Park
City'), (34529, 254, 166, 'Park Valley'), (13349, 254, 166,
'Parowan'), (11319, 254, 166, 'Payson'), (34768, 254, 166, 'Peoa'), (34996,
254, 166, 'Pine Valley'), (12290, 254, 166, 'Pleasant Grove'), (35193, 254,
166, 'Plymouth'), (35351, 254, 166, 'Portage'), (11320, 254, 166,
'Price'), (35572, 254, 166, 'Providence'), (11321, 254, 166,
'Provo'), (35754, 254, 166, 'Randlett'), (11322, 254, 166,
'Randolph'), (35920, 254, 166, 'Redmond'), (11323, 254, 166,
'Richfield'), (36095, 254, 166, 'Richmond'), (36241, 254, 166,
'Riverside'), (36248, 254, 166, 'Riverton'), (36374, 254, 166,
'Rockville'), (11324, 254, 166, 'Roosevelt'), (11325, 254, 166,
'Roy'), (36660, 254, 166, 'Rush Valley'), (12803, 254, 166, 'Saint
George'), (36924, 254, 166, 'Salem'), (36933, 254, 166, 'Salina'), (1180,
254, 166, 'Salt Lake City'), (37046, 254, 166, 'Sandy'), (37068, 254, 166,
'Santa Clara'), (37081, 254, 166, 'Santaquin'), (37226, 254, 166,
'Scipio'), (37408, 254, 166, 'Sevier'), (37675, 254, 166,
'Sigurd'), (37838, 254, 166, 'Smithfield'), (37887, 254, 166,
'Snowville'), (38024, 254, 166, 'South Jordan'), (11329, 254, 166, 'Spanish
Fork'), (38193, 254, 166, 'Spring City'), (38224, 254, 166,
'Springdale'), (16464, 254, 166, 'Springville'), (38413, 254, 166,
'Sterling'), (38486, 254, 166, 'Stockton'), (38683, 254, 166,
'Summit'), (38729, 254, 166, 'Sunnyside'), (38850, 254, 166,
'Syracuse'), (38853, 254, 166, 'Tabiona'), (38898, 254, 166,
'Talmage'), (41984, 254, 166, 'Taylorsville'), (38965, 254, 166,
'Teasdale'), (39094, 254, 166, 'Thompson'), (11331, 254, 166,
'Tooele'), (14958, 254, 166, 'Toquerville'), (17407, 254, 166,
'Torrey'), (39361, 254, 166, 'Tremonton'), (39373, 254, 166,
'Trenton'), (39386, 254, 166, 'Tridell'), (39408, 254, 166,
'Tropic'), (11332, 254, 166, 'Vernal'), (39899, 254, 166,
'Vernon'), (39928, 254, 166, 'Veyo'), (40007, 254, 166, 'Virgin'), (40119,
254, 166, 'Wales'), (40173, 254, 166, 'Wallsburg'), (40313, 254, 166,
'Washington'), (40543, 254, 166, 'Wellington'), (13761, 254, 166,
'Wellsville'), (11333, 254, 166, 'Wendover'), (11969, 254, 166, 'West
Jordan'), (41980, 254, 166, 'West Valley City'), (40979, 254, 166,
'Whiterocks'), (41088, 254, 166, 'Willard'), (41426, 254, 166,
'Woodruff'), (15855, 254, 166, 'Woods Cross'), (11336, 254, 167,
'Abingdon'), (11337, 254, 167, 'Accomac'), (19078, 254, 167,
'Achilles'), (19163, 254, 167, 'Afton'), (19231, 254, 167,
'Alberta'), (19268, 254, 167, 'Aldie'), (11338, 254, 167,
'Alexandria'), (19406, 254, 167, 'Altavista'), (19421, 254, 167,
'Alton'), (19481, 254, 167, 'Amelia Court House'), (11339, 254, 167,
'Amherst'), (19498, 254, 167, 'Amissville'), (19505, 254, 167,
'Ammon'), (19507, 254, 167, 'Amonate'), (19544, 254, 167,
'Andover'), (11340, 254, 167, 'Annandale'), (19613, 254, 167,
'Appalachia'), (11341, 254, 167, 'Appomattox'), (19638, 254, 167,
'Ararat'), (19669, 254, 167, 'Arcola'), (19707, 254, 167, 'Ark'), (11342,
254, 167, 'Arlington'), (19757, 254, 167, 'Aroda'), (19765, 254, 167,
'Arrington'), (19787, 254, 167, 'Arvonia'), (11343, 254, 167,
'Ashburn'), (19818, 254, 167, 'Ashland'), (19842, 254, 167,
'Assawoman'), (19870, 254, 167, 'Atkins'), (19884, 254, 167,
'Atlantic'), (19942, 254, 167, 'Augusta Springs'), (19969, 254, 167,
'Austinville'), (20029, 254, 167, 'Axton'), (20033, 254, 167,
'Aylett'), (20050, 254, 167, 'Bacova'), (20132, 254, 167, 'Banco'), (20139,
254, 167, 'Bandy'), (20161, 254, 167, 'Barboursville'), (20170, 254, 167,
'Barhamsville'), (20209, 254, 167, 'Barren Springs'), (20250, 254, 167,
'Baskerville'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`,
`region_id`, `name`) VALUES (20257, 254, 167, 'Bassett'), (20260, 254, 167,
'Bastian'), (13025, 254, 167, 'Basye'), (20271, 254, 167,
'Batesville'), (20284, 254, 167, 'Battery Park'), (17101, 254, 167,
'Bealeton'), (20363, 254, 167, 'Beaumont'), (20384, 254, 167,
'Beaverdam'), (11344, 254, 167, 'Bedford'), (20408, 254, 167,
'Bee'), (20468, 254, 167, 'Bellamy'), (20474, 254, 167, 'Belle
Haven'), (20528, 254, 167, 'Belspring'), (20547, 254, 167, 'Ben
Hur'), (20552, 254, 167, 'Bena'), (20586, 254, 167, 'Bent
Mountain'), (20603, 254, 167, 'Bentonville'), (20616, 254, 167,
'Bergton'), (11345, 254, 167, 'Berryville'), (20743, 254, 167, 'Big
Island'), (20753, 254, 167, 'Big Rock'), (20764, 254, 167, 'Big Stone
Gap'), (20799, 254, 167, 'Birchleaf'), (20811, 254, 167,
'Birdsnest'), (20823, 254, 167, 'Bishop'), (11346, 254, 167,
'Blacksburg'), (20860, 254, 167, 'Blackstone'), (20864, 254, 167,
'Blackwater'), (20880, 254, 167, 'Blairs'), (11347, 254, 167,
'Bland'), (20969, 254, 167, 'Bloxom'), (20978, 254, 167, 'Blue
Grass'), (20992, 254, 167, 'Blue Ridge'), (21001, 254, 167,
'Bluefield'), (21004, 254, 167, 'Bluemont'), (21044, 254, 167,
'Bohannon'), (21048, 254, 167, 'Boissevain'), (21109, 254, 167, 'Boones
Mill'), (21134, 254, 167, 'Boston'), (11348, 254, 167, 'Bowling
Green'), (21194, 254, 167, 'Boyce'), (11349, 254, 167, 'Boydton'), (21207,
254, 167, 'Boykins'), (21219, 254, 167, 'Bracey'), (21282, 254, 167,
'Branchville'), (21293, 254, 167, 'Brandy Station'), (21317, 254, 167,
'Breaks'), (21337, 254, 167, 'Bremo Bluff'), (13937, 254, 167,
'Bridgewater'), (21398, 254, 167, 'Brightwood'), (14292, 254, 167,
'Bristol'), (21430, 254, 167, 'Bristow'), (21436, 254, 167, 'Broad
Run'), (21439, 254, 167, 'Broadford'), (21448, 254, 167,
'Broadway'), (21461, 254, 167, 'Brodnax'), (21480, 254, 167,
'Brooke'), (21506, 254, 167, 'Brookneal'), (21547, 254, 167,
'Brownsburg'), (21575, 254, 167, 'Brucetown'), (11350, 254, 167,
'Bruington'), (21627, 254, 167, 'Buchanan'), (11351, 254, 167,
'Buckingham'), (21671, 254, 167, 'Buena Vista'), (21687, 254, 167, 'Buffalo
Junction'), (21707, 254, 167, 'Bumpass'), (21734, 254, 167,
'Burgess'), (11352, 254, 167, 'Burke'), (21739, 254, 167, 'Burkes
Garden'), (21744, 254, 167, 'Burkeville'), (21789, 254, 167, 'Burr
Hill'), (21919, 254, 167, 'Callands'), (21921, 254, 167, 'Callao'), (15457,
254, 167, 'Callaway'), (21943, 254, 167, 'Calverton'), (22029, 254, 167,
'Cana'), (22099, 254, 167, 'Cape Charles'), (22107, 254, 167,
'Capeville'), (22116, 254, 167, 'Capron'), (22136, 254, 167,
'Cardinal'), (22139, 254, 167, 'Caret'), (22199, 254, 167,
'Carrollton'), (22201, 254, 167, 'Carrsville'), (22205, 254, 167,
'Carson'), (22216, 254, 167, 'Cartersville'), (22235, 254, 167,
'Casanova'), (22242, 254, 167, 'Cascade'), (22298, 254, 167,
'Castleton'), (22301, 254, 167, 'Castlewood'), (22314, 254, 167,
'Catawba'), (22319, 254, 167, 'Catharpin'), (13544, 254, 167,
'Catlett'), (22360, 254, 167, 'Cedar Bluff'), (22414, 254, 167, 'Center
Cross'), (11354, 254, 167, 'Centreville'), (22473, 254, 167,
'Ceres'), (22508, 254, 167, 'Champlain'), (11355, 254, 167,
'Chantilly'), (22538, 254, 167, 'Charles City'), (22552, 254, 167,
'Charlotte Court House'), (11356, 254, 167, 'Charlottesville'), (22567,
254, 167, 'Chase City'), (14513, 254, 167, 'Chatham'), (22600, 254, 167,
'Check'), (22621, 254, 167, 'Cheriton'), (11357, 254, 167,
'Chesapeake'), (22660, 254, 167, 'Chester'), (22662, 254, 167, 'Chester
Gap'), (11358, 254, 167, 'Chesterfield'), (22702, 254, 167,
'Chilhowie'), (17989, 254, 167, 'Chincoteague'), (22719, 254, 167,
'Chincoteague Island'), (22746, 254, 167, 'Christchurch'), (11359, 254,
167, 'Christiansburg'), (22766, 254, 167, 'Church Road'), (22768, 254, 167,
'Church View'), (22772, 254, 167, 'Churchville'), (22820, 254, 167,
'Claremont'), (16364, 254, 167, 'Clarksville'), (22879, 254, 167,
'Claudville'), (22916, 254, 167, 'Clear Brook'), (22958, 254, 167,
'Cleveland'), (22970, 254, 167, 'Clifford'), (16527, 254, 167,
'Clifton'), (18075, 254, 167, 'Clifton Forge'), (22992, 254, 167,
'Clinchco'), (11360, 254, 167, 'Clintwood'), (23026, 254, 167,
'Clover'), (23032, 254, 167, 'Cloverdale'), (23036, 254, 167, 'Cluster
Springs'), (23080, 254, 167, 'Cobbs Creek'), (23097, 254, 167,
'Coeburn'), (23143, 254, 167, 'Coleman Falls'), (23148, 254, 167, 'Coles
Point'), (23186, 254, 167, 'Collinsville'), (12513, 254, 167, 'Colonial
Beach'), (13391, 254, 167, 'Colonial Heights'), (23222, 254, 167,
'Columbia'), (23293, 254, 167, 'Concord'), (23399, 254, 167, 'Copper
Hill'), (23410, 254, 167, 'Corbin'), (11361, 254, 167,
'Courtland'), (23533, 254, 167, 'Covesville'), (11362, 254, 167,
'Covington'), (23568, 254, 167, 'Craddockville'), (23577, 254, 167,
'Craigsville'), (15639, 254, 167, 'Crewe'), (23658, 254, 167,
'Criders'), (23659, 254, 167, 'Crimora'), (23660, 254, 167, 'Cripple
Creek'), (14928, 254, 167, 'Cristal City'), (23663, 254, 167,
'Critz'), (23668, 254, 167, 'Crockett'), (23695, 254, 167, 'Cross
Junction'), (23727, 254, 167, 'Crozet'), (23728, 254, 167,
'Crozier'), (23742, 254, 167, 'Crystal Hill'), (23764, 254, 167,
'Cullen'), (11363, 254, 167, 'Culpeper'), (11364, 254, 167,
'Cumberland'), (23864, 254, 167, 'Dahlgren'), (23883, 254, 167,
'Daleville'), (23910, 254, 167, 'Damascus'), (23940, 254, 167,
'Dante'), (11365, 254, 167, 'Danville'), (23984, 254, 167,
'Davenport'), (24003, 254, 167, 'Davis Wharf'), (24035, 254, 167,
'Dayton'), (24125, 254, 167, 'Deerfield'), (24147, 254, 167,
'Delaplane'), (24192, 254, 167, 'Deltaville'), (24198, 254, 167,
'Dendron'), (24285, 254, 167, 'Dewitt'), (24325, 254, 167,
'Diggs'), (24339, 254, 167, 'Dillwyn'), (24350, 254, 167,
'Dinwiddie'), (24351, 254, 167, 'Disputanta'), (24390, 254, 167, 'Doe
Hill'), (24393, 254, 167, 'Dogue'), (24403, 254, 167, 'Dolphin'), (24426,
254, 167, 'Doran'), (24444, 254, 167, 'Doswell'), (24509, 254, 167, 'Drakes
Branch'), (24513, 254, 167, 'Draper'), (24527, 254, 167,
'Drewryville'), (24552, 254, 167, 'Dry Fork'), (24561, 254, 167,
'Dryden'), (24576, 254, 167, 'Dublin'), (24596, 254, 167,
'Duffield'), (24598, 254, 167, 'Dugspur'), (42903, 254, 167,
'Dulles'), (24608, 254, 167, 'Dumfries'), (24631, 254, 167,
'Dundas'), (24641, 254, 167, 'Dungannon'), (24655, 254, 167, 'Dunn
Loring'), (24661, 254, 167, 'Dunnsville'), (24701, 254, 167,
'Dutton'), (24716, 254, 167, 'Dyke'), (24739, 254, 167, 'Eagle
Rock'), (24764, 254, 167, 'Earlysville'), (24899, 254, 167, 'East Stone
Gap'), (11367, 254, 167, 'Eastville'), (24964, 254, 167, 'Ebony'), (25025,
254, 167, 'Edinburg'), (25056, 254, 167, 'Edwardsville'), (25070, 254, 167,
'Eggleston'), (25105, 254, 167, 'Elberon'), (25171, 254, 167, 'Elk
Creek'), (25208, 254, 167, 'Elkton'), (25211, 254, 167, 'Elkwood'), (25247,
254, 167, 'Elliston'), (25366, 254, 167, 'Emory'), (11368, 254, 167,
'Emporia'), (25463, 254, 167, 'Esmont'), (25502, 254, 167,
'Etlan'), (25566, 254, 167, 'Evergreen'), (25571, 254, 167,
'Evington'), (25580, 254, 167, 'Ewing'), (25592, 254, 167,
'Exmore'), (25598, 254, 167, 'Faber'), (11369, 254, 167,
'Fairfax'), (25631, 254, 167, 'Fairfax Station'), (25640, 254, 167,
'Fairfield'), (11370, 254, 167, 'Falls Church'), (25707, 254, 167, 'Falls
Mills'), (25720, 254, 167, 'Fancy Gap'), (11371, 254, 167,
'Farmville'), (25766, 254, 167, 'Farnham'), (15270, 254, 167,
'Ferrum'), (25850, 254, 167, 'Fieldale'), (25856, 254, 167,
'Fife'), (11372, 254, 167, 'Fincastle'), (25898, 254, 167, 'Fishers
Hill'), (25901, 254, 167, 'Fishersville'), (25956, 254, 167, 'Flint
Hill'), (11373, 254, 167, 'Floyd'), (26027, 254, 167, 'Ford'), (26039, 254,
167, 'Forest'), (26071, 254, 167, 'Fork Union'), (15680, 254, 167, 'Fort
Belvoir'), (26090, 254, 167, 'Fort Blackmore'), (26098, 254, 167, 'Fort
Defiance'), (26104, 254, 167, 'Fort Eustis'), (26123, 254, 167, 'Fort
Lee'), (26135, 254, 167, 'Fort Mitchell'), (26138, 254, 167, 'Fort
Monroe'), (26162, 254, 167, 'Fort Valley'), (26182, 254, 167,
'Foster'), (13758, 254, 167, 'Franklin'), (26273, 254, 167,
'Franktown'), (11374, 254, 167, 'Fredericksburg'), (26300, 254, 167, 'Free
Union'), (26321, 254, 167, 'Freeman'), (26374, 254, 167, 'Fries'), (11375,
254, 167, 'Front Royal'), (26408, 254, 167, 'Ft Myer'), (26411, 254, 167,
'Fulks Run'), (18261, 254, 167, 'Gainesville'), (11376, 254, 167,
'Galax'), (26569, 254, 167, 'Garrisonville'), (26583, 254, 167,
'Gasburg'), (11377, 254, 167, 'Gate City'), (26787, 254, 167, 'Glade
Hill'), (26789, 254, 167, 'Glade Spring'), (26798, 254, 167,
'Gladstone'), (26800, 254, 167, 'Gladys'), (26808, 254, 167,
'Glasgow'), (26821, 254, 167, 'Glen Allen'), (26843, 254, 167, 'Glen
Lyn'), (26858, 254, 167, 'Glen Wilton'), (11378, 254, 167,
'Gloucester'), (26935, 254, 167, 'Gloucester Point'), (26961, 254, 167,
'Goldbond'), (26982, 254, 167, 'Goldvein'), (11379, 254, 167,
'Goochland'), (26993, 254, 167, 'Goode'), (27014, 254, 167,
'Goodview'), (27033, 254, 167, 'Gordonsville'), (27038, 254, 167,
'Gore'), (27061, 254, 167, 'Goshen'), (27229, 254, 167, 'Graves
Mill'), (14474, 254, 167, 'Great Falls'), (27270, 254, 167, 'Green
Bay'), (27294, 254, 167, 'Greenbackville'), (27301, 254, 167,
'Greenbush'), (27350, 254, 167, 'Greenville'), (27356, 254, 167,
'Greenway'), (27370, 254, 167, 'Greenwood'), (27391, 254, 167,
'Gretna'), (27407, 254, 167, 'Grimstead'), (27419, 254, 167,
'Grottoes'), (11380, 254, 167, 'Grundy'), (27474, 254, 167, 'Gum
Spring'), (27500, 254, 167, 'Gwynn'), (27513, 254, 167,
'Hacksneck'), (27520, 254, 167, 'Hadensville'), (27535, 254, 167,
'Hague'), (27562, 254, 167, 'Halifax'), (12431, 254, 167,
'Hallieford'), (27580, 254, 167, 'Hallwood'), (27613, 254, 167,
'Hamilton'), (27638, 254, 167, 'Hampden Sydney'), (11381, 254, 167,
'Hampton'), (11382, 254, 167, 'Hanover'), (27716, 254, 167,
'Harborton'), (27736, 254, 167, 'Hardy'), (27738, 254, 167,
'Hardyville'), (27750, 254, 167, 'Harman'), (11383, 254, 167,
'Harrisonburg'), (27830, 254, 167, 'Hartfield'), (27863, 254, 167,
'Hartwood'), (27959, 254, 167, 'Hayes'), (27963, 254, 167,
'Haymarket'), (27966, 254, 167, 'Haynesville'), (16647, 254, 167,
'Haysi'), (27970, 254, 167, 'Haywood'), (27988, 254, 167, 'Head
Waters'), (11384, 254, 167, 'Heathsville'), (28093, 254, 167,
'Henry'), (11385, 254, 167, 'Herndon'), (28216, 254, 167, 'Highland
Springs'), (28272, 254, 167, 'Hillsville'), (28280, 254, 167,
'Hiltons'), (28305, 254, 167, 'Hinton'), (28316, 254, 167,
'Hiwassee'), (13493, 254, 167, 'Honaker'), (28475, 254, 167,
'Hood'), (11387, 254, 167, 'Hopewell'), (28541, 254, 167,
'Horntown'), (28546, 254, 167, 'Horsepen'), (28566, 254, 167, 'Hot
Springs'), (28596, 254, 167, 'Howardsville'), (28628, 254, 167,
'Huddleston'), (28630, 254, 167, 'Hudgins'), (28681, 254, 167,
'Hume'), (28720, 254, 167, 'Huntly'), (28735, 254, 167, 'Hurley'), (28744,
254, 167, 'Hurt'), (28749, 254, 167, 'Hustle'), (11388, 254, 167,
'Independence'), (28852, 254, 167, 'Indian Valley'), (28930, 254, 167,
'Iron Gate'), (28949, 254, 167, 'Irvington'), (11389, 254, 167, 'Isle Of
Wight'), (28999, 254, 167, 'Ivanhoe'), (29003, 254, 167, 'Ivor'), (29005,
254, 167, 'Ivy'), (29048, 254, 167, 'Jamaica'), (14740, 254, 167, 'James
City County'), (29066, 254, 167, 'Jamestown'), (29068, 254, 167,
'Jamesville'), (29079, 254, 167, 'Jarratt'), (29090, 254, 167,
'Java'), (29114, 254, 167, 'Jeffersonton'), (29129, 254, 167, 'Jenkins
Bridge'), (29155, 254, 167, 'Jersey'), (29166, 254, 167,
'Jetersville'), (29172, 254, 167, 'Jewell Ridge'), (11390, 254, 167,
'Jonesville'), (29365, 254, 167, 'Keeling'), (29366, 254, 167, 'Keen
Mountain'), (29373, 254, 167, 'Keene'), (29380, 254, 167,
'Keezletown'), (29391, 254, 167, 'Keller'), (29417, 254, 167,
'Kenbridge'), (29473, 254, 167, 'Kents Store'), (29481, 254, 167,
'Keokee'), (29498, 254, 167, 'Keswick'), (14765, 254, 167,
'Keysville'), (29553, 254, 167, 'Kilmarnock'), (29579, 254, 167, 'King and
Queen Court House'), (11391, 254, 167, 'King George'), (11392, 254, 167,
'King William'), (29622, 254, 167, 'Kinsale'), (29768, 254, 167, 'La
Crosse'), (29830, 254, 167, 'Lacey Spring'), (29836, 254, 167,
'Lackey'), (29854, 254, 167, 'Ladysmith'), (30003, 254, 167,
'Lambsburg'), (11394, 254, 167, 'Lancaster'), (30051, 254, 167,
'Laneview'), (30053, 254, 167, 'Lanexa'), (30127, 254, 167, 'Laurel
Fork'), (11396, 254, 167, 'Lawrenceville'), (11397, 254, 167,
'Lebanon'), (11398, 254, 167, 'Leesburg'), (30323, 254, 167,
'Leon'), (11399, 254, 167, 'Lexington'), (30437, 254, 167,
'Lightfoot'), (18777, 254, 167, 'Lignum'), (30478, 254, 167,
'Lincoln'), (30496, 254, 167, 'Linden'), (30527, 254, 167,
'Linville'), (30583, 254, 167, 'Little Plymouth'), (30614, 254, 167,
'Lively'), (30664, 254, 167, 'Locust Dale'), (17270, 254, 167, 'Locust
Grove'), (30670, 254, 167, 'Locust Hill'), (30672, 254, 167,
'Locustville'), (30730, 254, 167, 'Long Island'), (30790, 254, 167,
'Loretto'), (11400, 254, 167, 'Lorton'), (30816, 254, 167,
'Lottsburg'), (11401, 254, 167, 'Louisa'), (30840, 254, 167,
'Lovettsville'), (11402, 254, 167, 'Lovingston'), (30846, 254, 167, 'Low
Moor'), (30876, 254, 167, 'Lowry'), (11403, 254, 167, 'Lunenburg'), (11404,
254, 167, 'Luray'), (30986, 254, 167, 'Lynch Station'), (11405, 254, 167,
'Lynchburg'), (30994, 254, 167, 'Lyndhurst'), (31053, 254, 167,
'Machipongo'), (31070, 254, 167, 'Macon'), (11406, 254, 167,
'Madison'), (14404, 254, 167, 'Madison Heights'), (31096, 254, 167,
'Madison Mills'), (31130, 254, 167, 'Maidens'), (31186, 254, 167, 'Manakin
Sabot'), (11407, 254, 167, 'Manassas'), (31228, 254, 167,
'Mannboro'), (31245, 254, 167, 'Manquin'), (31306, 254, 167,
'Mappsville'), (11408, 254, 167, 'Marion'), (31386, 254, 167,
'Marionville'), (31393, 254, 167, 'Markham'), (31429, 254, 167,
'Marshall'), (11409, 254, 167, 'Martinsville'), (31498, 254, 167,
'Maryus'), (31502, 254, 167, 'Mascot'), (31522, 254, 167, 'Massies
Mill'), (11411, 254, 167, 'Mathews'), (31546, 254, 167,
'Mattaponi'), (31567, 254, 167, 'Maurertown'), (31572, 254, 167,
'Mavisdale'), (31576, 254, 167, 'Max Meadows'), (31580, 254, 167,
'Maxie'), (31669, 254, 167, 'Mc Clure'), (31685, 254, 167, 'Mc
Coy'), (31702, 254, 167, 'Mc Dowell'), (31710, 254, 167, 'Mc
Gaheysville'), (31736, 254, 167, 'Mc Kenney'), (11412, 254, 167, 'Mc
Lean'), (31814, 254, 167, 'Meadows of Dan'), (31815, 254, 167,
'Meadowview'), (31821, 254, 167, 'Mears'), (11413, 254, 167,
'Mechanicsville'), (31866, 254, 167, 'Meherrin'), (31880, 254, 167,
'Melfa'), (31926, 254, 167, 'Mendota'), (31948, 254, 167,
'Meredithville'), (31973, 254, 167, 'Merrifield'), (31984, 254, 167, 'Merry
Point'), (32061, 254, 167, 'Middlebrook'), (32065, 254, 167,
'Middleburg'), (32085, 254, 167, 'Middletown'), (32102, 254, 167,
'Midland'), (18818, 254, 167, 'Midlothian'), (32157, 254, 167,
'Milford'), (32177, 254, 167, 'Millboro'), (32194, 254, 167, 'Millers
Tavern'), (32250, 254, 167, 'Millwood'), (32305, 254, 167,
'Mineral'), (32349, 254, 167, 'Mint Spring'), (32374, 254, 167,
'Mitchells'), (32397, 254, 167, 'Modest Town'), (32422, 254, 167,
'Mollusk'), (32434, 254, 167, 'Moneta'), (32464, 254, 167,
'Monroe'), (32494, 254, 167, 'Montebello'), (32501, 254, 167,
'Monterey'), (32542, 254, 167, 'Montpelier'), (32543, 254, 167, 'Montpelier
Station'), (11414, 254, 167, 'Montross'), (32555, 254, 167,
'Montvale'), (32572, 254, 167, 'Moon'), (32605, 254, 167,
'Morattico'), (32700, 254, 167, 'Moseley'), (32747, 254, 167, 'Mount
Crawford'), (32766, 254, 167, 'Mount Holly'), (32775, 254, 167, 'Mount
Jackson'), (32811, 254, 167, 'Mount Sidney'), (32812, 254, 167, 'Mount
Solon'), (11415, 254, 167, 'Mount Vernon'), (32870, 254, 167, 'Mouth of
Wilson'), (32949, 254, 167, 'Mustoe'), (33005, 254, 167,
'Narrows'), (33007, 254, 167, 'Naruna'), (33024, 254, 167,
'Nassawadox'), (33028, 254, 167, 'Nathalie'), (33039, 254, 167, 'Natural
Bridge'), (33040, 254, 167, 'Natural Bridge Station'), (33095, 254, 167,
'Nellysford'), (33102, 254, 167, 'Nelson'), (33104, 254, 167,
'Nelsonia'), (33186, 254, 167, 'New Canton'), (11416, 254, 167, 'New
Castle'), (33191, 254, 167, 'New Church'), (33247, 254, 167, 'New
Hope'), (11417, 254, 167, 'New Kent'), (33280, 254, 167, 'New
Market'), (33308, 254, 167, 'New Point'), (33319, 254, 167, 'New
River'), (33370, 254, 167, 'Newbern'), (33415, 254, 167,
'Newington'), (33432, 254, 167, 'Newport'), (11418, 254, 167, 'Newport
News'), (33438, 254, 167, 'Newsoms'), (33463, 254, 167, 'Newtown'), (33486,
254, 167, 'Nickelsville'), (33502, 254, 167, 'Ninde'), (11419, 254, 167,
'Nokesville'), (33550, 254, 167, 'Nora'), (11420, 254, 167,
'Norfolk'), (33563, 254, 167, 'Norge'), (33589, 254, 167, 'North'), (33642,
254, 167, 'North Garden'), (33716, 254, 167, 'North Tazewell'), (14171,
254, 167, 'Norton'), (33780, 254, 167, 'Norwood'), (33788, 254, 167,
'Nottoway'), (33815, 254, 167, 'Nuttsville'), (33837, 254, 167, 'Oak
Hall'), (33895, 254, 167, 'Oakpark'), (11422, 254, 167, 'Oakton'), (33912,
254, 167, 'Oakwood'), (13735, 254, 167, 'Occoquan'), (33999, 254, 167,
'Oilville'), (34057, 254, 167, 'Oldhams'), (34117, 254, 167,
'Onancock'), (34130, 254, 167, 'Onemo'), (34133, 254, 167,
'Onley'), (34154, 254, 167, 'Ophelia'), (11423, 254, 167,
'Orange'), (34183, 254, 167, 'Ordinary'), (34209, 254, 167,
'Oriskany'), (34211, 254, 167, 'Orkney Springs'), (34218, 254, 167,
'Orlean'), (34364, 254, 167, 'Oyster'), (34391, 254, 167, 'Paeonian
Springs'), (34405, 254, 167, 'Paint Bank'), (18145, 254, 167,
'Painter'), (11424, 254, 167, 'Palmyra'), (34466, 254, 167,
'Pamplin'), (34519, 254, 167, 'Paris'), (34550, 254, 167,
'Parksley'), (34568, 254, 167, 'Parrott'), (34576, 254, 167,
'Partlow'), (34594, 254, 167, 'Patrick Springs'), (11425, 254, 167,
'Pearisburg'), (19029, 254, 167, 'Pembroke'), (34736, 254, 167,
'Penhook'), (34742, 254, 167, 'Penn Laird'), (16374, 254, 167, 'Pennington
Gap'), (11426, 254, 167, 'Petersburg'), (34867, 254, 167,
'Phenix'), (34885, 254, 167, 'Philomont'), (34950, 254, 167, 'Pilgrims
Knob'), (34954, 254, 167, 'Pilot'), (35025, 254, 167, 'Piney
River'), (35077, 254, 167, 'Pittsville'), (35157, 254, 167, 'Pleasant
Valley'), (35202, 254, 167, 'Pocahontas'), (35296, 254, 167,
'Poquoson'), (35315, 254, 167, 'Port Haywood'), (35335, 254, 167, 'Port
Republic'), (35339, 254, 167, 'Port Royal'), (11427, 254, 167,
'Portsmouth'), (35418, 254, 167, 'Pound'), (35421, 254, 167, 'Pounding
Mill'), (11428, 254, 167, 'Powhatan'), (35474, 254, 167, 'Pratts'), (35518,
254, 167, 'Prince George'), (35557, 254, 167, 'Prospect'), (35573, 254,
167, 'Providence Forge'), (11430, 254, 167, 'Pulaski'), (35596, 254, 167,
'Pungoteague'), (16234, 254, 167, 'Purcellville'), (11431, 254, 167,
'Quantico'), (35653, 254, 167, 'Quicksburg'), (15781, 254, 167,
'Quinby'), (35667, 254, 167, 'Quinque'), (13032, 254, 167,
'Quinton'), (11432, 254, 167, 'Radford'), (35689, 254, 167,
'Radiant'), (35765, 254, 167, 'Randolph'), (35787, 254, 167,
'Raphine'), (35789, 254, 167, 'Rapidan'), (35791, 254, 167, 'Rappahannock
Academy'), (35801, 254, 167, 'Raven'), (35817, 254, 167,
'Rawlings'), (35873, 254, 167, 'Rectortown'), (35874, 254, 167, 'Red
Ash'), (35883, 254, 167, 'Red House'), (35892, 254, 167, 'Red
Oak'), (35929, 254, 167, 'Redwood'), (35943, 254, 167,
'Reedville'), (35969, 254, 167, 'Remington'), (35994, 254, 167, 'Republican
Grove'), (35997, 254, 167, 'Rescue'), (11433, 254, 167, 'Reston'), (36003,
254, 167, 'Reva'), (36035, 254, 167, 'Rhoadesville'), (36046, 254, 167,
'Rice'), (36054, 254, 167, 'Rich Creek'), (36060, 254, 167,
'Richardsville'), (15190, 254, 167, 'Richlands'), (11434, 254, 167,
'Richmond'), (36143, 254, 167, 'Ridgeway'), (36156, 254, 167,
'Rileyville'), (36166, 254, 167, 'Riner'), (36171, 254, 167,
'Ringgold'), (36203, 254, 167, 'Ripplemead'), (16358, 254, 167,
'Rixeyville'), (11353, 254, 167, 'Roanoke'), (36302, 254, 167,
'Rochelle'), (12362, 254, 167, 'Rockbridge Baths'), (36375, 254, 167,
'Rockville'), (15503, 254, 167, 'Rocky Gap'), (11436, 254, 167, 'Rocky
Mount'), (36431, 254, 167, 'Rollins Fork'), (36485, 254, 167, 'Rose
Hill'), (36498, 254, 167, 'Rosedale'), (36505, 254, 167,
'Roseland'), (36553, 254, 167, 'Round Hill'), (36574, 254, 167,
'Rowe'), (36619, 254, 167, 'Ruby'), (36621, 254, 167,
'Ruckersville'), (36650, 254, 167, 'Rural Retreat'), (36689, 254, 167,
'Rustburg'), (36693, 254, 167, 'Ruther Glen'), (36699, 254, 167,
'Ruthville'), (36792, 254, 167, 'Saint Charles'), (36885, 254, 167, 'Saint
Paul'), (36900, 254, 167, 'Saint Stephens Church'), (11437, 254, 167,
'Salem'), (36967, 254, 167, 'Saltville'), (11438, 254, 167,
'Saluda'), (37041, 254, 167, 'Sandston'), (37050, 254, 167, 'Sandy
Hook'), (37051, 254, 167, 'Sandy Level'), (37053, 254, 167, 'Sandy
Point'), (37062, 254, 167, 'Sanford'), (37157, 254, 167, 'Saxe'), (37159,
254, 167, 'Saxis'), (37193, 254, 167, 'Schley'), (37210, 254, 167,
'Schuyler'), (37259, 254, 167, 'Scottsburg'), (37263, 254, 167,
'Scottsville'), (37287, 254, 167, 'Seaford'), (37297, 254, 167,
'Sealston'), (37310, 254, 167, 'Seaview'), (37340, 254, 167,
'Sedley'), (37367, 254, 167, 'Selma'), (37400, 254, 167, 'Seven Mile
Ford'), (37406, 254, 167, 'Severn'), (37421, 254, 167,
'Shacklefords'), (37473, 254, 167, 'Sharps'), (37504, 254, 167,
'Shawsville'), (15932, 254, 167, 'Shenandoah'), (37607, 254, 167,
'Shipman'), (37633, 254, 167, 'Shortt Gap'), (37749, 254, 167, 'Singers
Glen'), (37772, 254, 167, 'Skippers'), (37774, 254, 167,
'Skipwith'), (13647, 254, 167, 'Smithfield'), (37932, 254, 167,
'Somerset'), (37939, 254, 167, 'Somerville'), (11440, 254, 167, 'South
Boston'), (17044, 254, 167, 'South Hill'), (38135, 254, 167,
'Sparta'), (38143, 254, 167, 'Speedwell'), (38152, 254, 167,
'Spencer'), (38163, 254, 167, 'Sperryville'), (38177, 254, 167,
'Spotsylvania'), (38179, 254, 167, 'Spout Spring'), (38205, 254, 167,
'Spring Grove'), (11441, 254, 167, 'Springfield'), (11442, 254, 167,
'Stafford'), (38280, 254, 167, 'Staffordsville'), (11443, 254, 167,
'Stanardsville'), (38311, 254, 167, 'Stanley'), (38313, 254, 167,
'Stanleytown'), (38339, 254, 167, 'Star Tannery'), (38355, 254, 167, 'State
Farm'), (11444, 254, 167, 'Staunton'), (38376, 254, 167, 'Steeles
Tavern'), (15314, 254, 167, 'Stephens City'), (38397, 254, 167,
'Stephenson'), (11445, 254, 167, 'Sterling'), (38423, 254, 167,
'Stevensburg'), (38430, 254, 167, 'Stevensville'), (38502, 254, 167,
'Stonega'), (38516, 254, 167, 'Stony Creek'), (38553, 254, 167,
'Strasburg'), (38560, 254, 167, 'Stratford'), (11446, 254, 167,
'Stuart'), (13648, 254, 167, 'Stuarts Draft'), (18433, 254, 167,
'Studley'), (11447, 254, 167, 'Suffolk'), (38628, 254, 167, 'Sugar
Grove'), (38659, 254, 167, 'Sumerduck'), (11448, 254, 167,
'Surry'), (38756, 254, 167, 'Susan'), (11449, 254, 167, 'Sussex'), (38761,
254, 167, 'Sutherland'), (38763, 254, 167, 'Sutherlin'), (38802, 254, 167,
'Sweet Briar'), (38825, 254, 167, 'Swoope'), (38826, 254, 167, 'Swords
Creek'), (38851, 254, 167, 'Syria'), (38914, 254, 167, 'Tangier'), (38919,
254, 167, 'Tannersville'), (11450, 254, 167, 'Tappahannock'), (38934, 254,
167, 'Tasley'), (11451, 254, 167, 'Tazewell'), (38989, 254, 167,
'Temperanceville'), (39054, 254, 167, 'Thaxton'), (39062, 254, 167, 'The
Plains'), (39106, 254, 167, 'Thornburg'), (39184, 254, 167,
'Timberville'), (39221, 254, 167, 'Toano'), (39258, 254, 167, 'Toms
Brook'), (39280, 254, 167, 'Topping'), (39315, 254, 167,
'Townsend'), (39338, 254, 167, 'Trammel'), (39378, 254, 167,
'Trevilians'), (39384, 254, 167, 'Triangle'), (39417, 254, 167, 'Trout
Dale'), (39423, 254, 167, 'Troutville'), (39432, 254, 167, 'Troy'), (39576,
254, 167, 'Tyro'), (39643, 254, 167, 'Union Hall'), (39672, 254, 167,
'Unionville'), (39683, 254, 167, 'University of Richmond'), (39698, 254,
167, 'Upperville'), (39710, 254, 167, 'Urbanna'), (39746, 254, 167,
'Valentines'), (39826, 254, 167, 'Vansant'), (39903, 254, 167, 'Vernon
Hill'), (39913, 254, 167, 'Verona'), (39924, 254, 167, 'Vesta'), (39926,
254, 167, 'Vesuvius'), (39944, 254, 167, 'Victoria'), (12391, 254, 167,
'Vienna'), (39953, 254, 167, 'Viewtown'), (39965, 254, 167,
'Village'), (39968, 254, 167, 'Villamont'), (39990, 254, 167,
'Vinton'), (40006, 254, 167, 'Virgilina'), (11453, 254, 167, 'Virginia
Beach'), (40023, 254, 167, 'Volney'), (40046, 254, 167,
'Wachapreague'), (40082, 254, 167, 'Wake'), (40090, 254, 167,
'Wakefield'), (40140, 254, 167, 'Walkerton'), (40169, 254, 167, 'Wallops
Island'), (40241, 254, 167, 'Wardtown'), (40244, 254, 167, 'Ware
Neck'), (40249, 254, 167, 'Warfield'), (11455, 254, 167, 'Warm
Springs'), (11456, 254, 167, 'Warrenton'), (11457, 254, 167,
'Warsaw'), (11458, 254, 167, 'Washington'), (40340, 254, 167, 'Water
View'), (40352, 254, 167, 'Waterford'), (40399, 254, 167,
'Wattsville'), (40432, 254, 167, 'Waverly'), (11459, 254, 167,
'Waynesboro'), (40479, 254, 167, 'Weber City'), (40497, 254, 167,
'Weems'), (40597, 254, 167, 'West Augusta'), (40693, 254, 167, 'West
McLean'), (40730, 254, 167, 'West Point'), (40873, 254, 167, 'Weyers
Cave'), (40926, 254, 167, 'White Hall'), (40936, 254, 167, 'White
Marsh'), (40952, 254, 167, 'White Plains'), (40953, 254, 167, 'White
Post'), (40958, 254, 167, 'White Stone'), (40997, 254, 167,
'Whitetop'), (41003, 254, 167, 'Whitewood'), (41040, 254, 167,
'Wicomico'), (41041, 254, 167, 'Wicomico Church'), (11461, 254, 167,
'Williamsburg'), (41124, 254, 167, 'Williamsville'), (41129, 254, 167,
'Willis'), (41130, 254, 167, 'Willis Wharf'), (41187, 254, 167,
'Wilsons'), (11462, 254, 167, 'Winchester'), (41229, 254, 167,
'Windsor'), (41256, 254, 167, 'Wingina'), (11463, 254, 167,
'Winterham'), (41314, 254, 167, 'Wirtz'), (11464, 254, 167,
'Wise'), (41324, 254, 167, 'Withams'), (41362, 254, 167,
'Wolford'), (41363, 254, 167, 'Wolftown'), (41380, 254, 167, 'Woodberry
Forest'), (11465, 254, 167, 'Woodbridge'), (41399, 254, 167,
'Woodford'), (41419, 254, 167, 'Woodlawn'), (41428, 254, 167, 'Woods Cross
Roads'), (11466, 254, 167, 'Woodstock'), (41448, 254, 167,
'Woodville'), (41464, 254, 167, 'Woolwine'), (41519, 254, 167,
'Wylliesburg'), (11467, 254, 167, 'Wytheville'), (41546, 254, 167,
'Yale'), (12546, 254, 167, 'Yorktown'), (41626, 254, 167,
'Zacata'), (41636, 254, 167, 'Zanoni'), (41665, 254, 167, 'Zuni'), (12878,
254, 168, 'Aberdeen'), (19086, 254, 168, 'Acme'), (19129, 254, 168,
'Addy'), (19141, 254, 168, 'Adna'), (19190, 254, 168, 'Airway
Heights'), (19243, 254, 168, 'Albion'), (19352, 254, 168, 'Allyn'), (19364,
254, 168, 'Almira'), (19459, 254, 168, 'Amanda Park'), (19473, 254, 168,
'Amboy'), (12252, 254, 168, 'Anacortes'), (19519, 254, 168,
'Anatone'), (19531, 254, 168, 'Anderson Island'), (19621, 254, 168,
'Appleton'), (19672, 254, 168, 'Ardenvoir'), (19697, 254, 168,
'Ariel'), (14967, 254, 168, 'Arlington'), (19808, 254, 168,
'Ashford'), (19839, 254, 168, 'Asotin'), (11469, 254, 168,
'Auburn'), (12514, 254, 168, 'Bainbridge Island'), (20172, 254, 168,
'Baring'), (20288, 254, 168, 'Battle Ground'), (20302, 254, 168, 'Bay
Center'), (20372, 254, 168, 'Beaver'), (12099, 254, 168,
'Belfair'), (11470, 254, 168, 'Bellevue'), (11471, 254, 168,
'Bellingham'), (20521, 254, 168, 'Belmont'), (20566, 254, 168,
'Benge'), (16582, 254, 168, 'Benton City'), (20708, 254, 168,
'Beverly'), (20717, 254, 168, 'Bickleton'), (20785, 254, 168,
'Bingen'), (20842, 254, 168, 'Black Diamond'), (11472, 254, 168,
'Blaine'), (20887, 254, 168, 'Blakely Island'), (11981, 254, 168,
'Bothell'), (21163, 254, 168, 'Bow'), (21202, 254, 168, 'Boyds'), (11473,
254, 168, 'Bremerton'), (21349, 254, 168, 'Brewster'), (21366, 254, 168,
'Bridgeport'), (21414, 254, 168, 'Brinnon'), (21551, 254, 168,
'Brownstown'), (21598, 254, 168, 'Brush Prairie'), (21649, 254, 168,
'Buckley'), (21659, 254, 168, 'Bucoda'), (21667, 254, 168,
'Buena'), (18013, 254, 168, 'Burbank'), (21747, 254, 168,
'Burley'), (11475, 254, 168, 'Burlington'), (21800, 254, 168,
'Burton'), (12460, 254, 168, 'Camano Island'), (21954, 254, 168,
'Camas'), (22129, 254, 168, 'Carbonado'), (22161, 254, 168,
'Carlsborg'), (22167, 254, 168, 'Carlton'), (22175, 254, 168,
'Carnation'), (22196, 254, 168, 'Carrolls'), (22206, 254, 168,
'Carson'), (22255, 254, 168, 'Cashmere'), (22294, 254, 168, 'Castle
Rock'), (15933, 254, 168, 'Cathlamet'), (22448, 254, 168,
'Centerville'), (11476, 254, 168, 'Centralia'), (22587, 254, 168,
'Chattaroy'), (16135, 254, 168, 'Chehalis'), (22603, 254, 168,
'Chelan'), (22604, 254, 168, 'Chelan Falls'), (11477, 254, 168,
'Cheney'), (22683, 254, 168, 'Chewelah'), (22711, 254, 168,
'Chimacum'), (22723, 254, 168, 'Chinook'), (22785, 254, 168,
'Cinebar'), (22808, 254, 168, 'Clallam Bay'), (12972, 254, 168,
'Clarkston'), (22909, 254, 168, 'Clayton'), (22914, 254, 168, 'Cle
Elum'), (16155, 254, 168, 'Clear Lake'), (22925, 254, 168,
'Clearlake'), (14021, 254, 168, 'Clinton'), (23126, 254, 168,
'Colbert'), (23155, 254, 168, 'Colfax'), (14568, 254, 168, 'College
Place'), (23212, 254, 168, 'Colton'), (11479, 254, 168,
'Colville'), (23285, 254, 168, 'Conconully'), (23296, 254, 168,
'Concrete'), (23319, 254, 168, 'Connell'), (23350, 254, 168,
'Conway'), (23384, 254, 168, 'Copalis Beach'), (23385, 254, 168, 'Copalis
Crossing'), (15435, 254, 168, 'Cosmopolis'), (23504, 254, 168,
'Cougar'), (23505, 254, 168, 'Coulee City'), (23506, 254, 168, 'Coulee
Dam'), (14175, 254, 168, 'Coupeville'), (23548, 254, 168,
'Cowiche'), (23650, 254, 168, 'Creston'), (23794, 254, 168,
'Cunningham'), (13848, 254, 168, 'Curlew'), (23808, 254, 168,
'Curtis'), (23819, 254, 168, 'Cusick'), (23825, 254, 168,
'Custer'), (23892, 254, 168, 'Dallesport'), (23953, 254, 168,
'Danville'), (11999, 254, 168, 'Darrington'), (15096, 254, 168,
'Davenport'), (24036, 254, 168, 'Dayton'), (24106, 254, 168, 'Deer
Harbor'), (24113, 254, 168, 'Deer Park'), (11492, 254, 168,
'Deming'), (24361, 254, 168, 'Dixie'), (24446, 254, 168, 'Doty'), (24562,
254, 168, 'Dryden'), (24672, 254, 168, 'Dupont'), (12683, 254, 168,
'Duvall'), (24863, 254, 168, 'East Olympia'), (11481, 254, 168, 'East
Pasco'), (13073, 254, 168, 'East Wenatche'), (24914, 254, 168, 'East
Wenatchee'), (24941, 254, 168, 'Easton'), (24948, 254, 168,
'Eastsound'), (15186, 254, 168, 'Eatonville'), (11482, 254, 168,
'Edmonds'), (25045, 254, 168, 'Edwall'), (25102, 254, 168, 'Elbe'), (25134,
254, 168, 'Electric City'), (25166, 254, 168, 'Elk'), (11483, 254, 168,
'Ellensburg'), (25272, 254, 168, 'Elma'), (25279, 254, 168, 'Elmer
City'), (25316, 254, 168, 'Eltopia'), (25383, 254, 168,
'Endicott'), (16857, 254, 168, 'Entiat'), (12571, 254, 168,
'Enumclaw'), (11484, 254, 168, 'Ephrata'), (25496, 254, 168,
'Ethel'), (25546, 254, 168, 'Evans'), (11485, 254, 168, 'Everett'), (25568,
254, 168, 'Everson'), (11486, 254, 168, 'Fairchild'), (25619, 254, 168,
'Fairchild Air Force Base'), (25642, 254, 168, 'Fairfield'), (12849, 254,
168, 'Fall City'), (25757, 254, 168, 'Farmington'), (11487, 254, 168,
'Federal Way'), (11488, 254, 168, 'Ferndale'), (26028, 254, 168,
'Ford'), (11489, 254, 168, 'Forks'), (26201, 254, 168, 'Four
Lakes'), (26217, 254, 168, 'Fox Island'), (12573, 254, 168,
'Freeland'), (26322, 254, 168, 'Freeman'), (11491, 254, 168, 'Friday
Harbor'), (26400, 254, 168, 'Fruitland'), (26487, 254, 168,
'Galvin'), (26538, 254, 168, 'Garfield'), (26648, 254, 168,
'George'), (26719, 254, 168, 'Gifford'), (11867, 254, 168, 'Gig
Harbor'), (26903, 254, 168, 'Glenoma'), (26923, 254, 168,
'Glenwood'), (26957, 254, 168, 'Gold Bar'), (26971, 254, 168,
'Goldendale'), (27022, 254, 168, 'Goose Prairie'), (14590, 254, 168,
'Graham'), (15083, 254, 168, 'Grand Coulee'), (13221, 254, 168,
'Grandview'), (27167, 254, 168, 'Granger'), (14036, 254, 168, 'Granite
Falls'), (27209, 254, 168, 'Grapeview'), (27241, 254, 168,
'Grayland'), (27246, 254, 168, 'Grays River'), (27292, 254, 168,
'Greenacres'), (17901, 254, 168, 'Greenbank'), (27614, 254, 168,
'Hamilton'), (11493, 254, 168, 'Hanford'), (27705, 254, 168,
'Hansville'), (27779, 254, 168, 'Harrah'), (27788, 254, 168,
'Harrington'), (27847, 254, 168, 'Hartline'), (27912, 254, 168,
'Hatton'), (27951, 254, 168, 'Hay'), (28026, 254, 168, 'Heisson'), (28321,
254, 168, 'Hobart'), (28476, 254, 168, 'Hoodsport'), (28488, 254, 168,
'Hooper'), (11494, 254, 168, 'Hoquiam'), (28689, 254, 168,
'Humptulips'), (28702, 254, 168, 'Hunters'), (28754, 254, 168,
'Husum'), (13872, 254, 168, 'Ilwaco'), (28829, 254, 168,
'Inchelium'), (28837, 254, 168, 'Index'), (28859, 254, 168,
'Indianola'), (15057, 254, 168, 'Ione'), (12671, 254, 168,
'Issaquah'), (29252, 254, 168, 'Joyce'), (29285, 254, 168,
'Kahlotus'), (29292, 254, 168, 'Kalama'), (29323, 254, 168,
'Kapowsin'), (29392, 254, 168, 'Keller'), (14259, 254, 168,
'Kelso'), (29433, 254, 168, 'Kenmore'), (11495, 254, 168,
'Kennewick'), (11496, 254, 168, 'Kent'), (29500, 254, 168, 'Kettle
Falls'), (29518, 254, 168, 'Keyport'), (17831, 254, 168,
'Kingston'), (11497, 254, 168, 'Kirkland'), (29670, 254, 168,
'Kittitas'), (17226, 254, 168, 'Klickitat'), (29764, 254, 168, 'La
Center'), (17007, 254, 168, 'La Conner'), (29777, 254, 168, 'La
Grande'), (29807, 254, 168, 'La Push'), (11498, 254, 168, 'Lacey'), (29845,
254, 168, 'Lacrosse'), (13123, 254, 168, 'Lake Stevens'), (14733, 254, 168,
'Lakebay'), (11499, 254, 168, 'Lakewood'), (30006, 254, 168,
'Lamona'), (30011, 254, 168, 'Lamont'), (13827, 254, 168,
'Langley'), (30100, 254, 168, 'Latah'), (30136, 254, 168,
'Laurier'), (16876, 254, 168, 'Leavenworth'), (30199, 254, 168,
'Lebam'), (30427, 254, 168, 'Liberty Lake'), (30445, 254, 168,
'Lilliwaup'), (30479, 254, 168, 'Lincoln'), (30490, 254, 168,
'Lind'), (30605, 254, 168, 'Littlerock'), (15236, 254, 168, 'Long
Beach'), (30744, 254, 168, 'Longbranch'), (30750, 254, 168,
'Longmire'), (11500, 254, 168, 'Longview'), (30768, 254, 168,
'Loomis'), (30769, 254, 168, 'Loon Lake'), (30775, 254, 168, 'Lopez
Island'), (30935, 254, 168, 'Lummi Island'), (30974, 254, 168,
'Lyle'), (30979, 254, 168, 'Lyman'), (11501, 254, 168, 'Lynden'), (11502,
254, 168, 'Lynnwood'), (18292, 254, 168, 'Mabton'), (15074, 254, 168,
'Malaga'), (31150, 254, 168, 'Malden'), (31162, 254, 168, 'Malo'), (31166,
254, 168, 'Malone'), (31168, 254, 168, 'Malott'), (12166, 254, 168,
'Manchester'), (31254, 254, 168, 'Mansfield'), (13864, 254, 168,
'Manson'), (31283, 254, 168, 'Maple Falls'), (13117, 254, 168, 'Maple
Valley'), (31323, 254, 168, 'Marblemount'), (31335, 254, 168,
'Marcus'), (31404, 254, 168, 'Marlin'), (31430, 254, 168,
'Marshall'), (14427, 254, 168, 'Marysville'), (31542, 254, 168,
'Matlock'), (31547, 254, 168, 'Mattawa'), (31636, 254, 168,
'Mazama'), (31777, 254, 168, 'McChord AFB'), (31778, 254, 168,
'McCleary'), (31790, 254, 168, 'McKenna'), (15662, 254, 168,
'Mead'), (31841, 254, 168, 'Medical Lake'), (31850, 254, 168,
'Medina'), (31931, 254, 168, 'Menlo'), (11503, 254, 168, 'Mercer
Island'), (31992, 254, 168, 'Mesa'), (32004, 254, 168, 'Metaline'), (32005,
254, 168, 'Metaline Falls'), (32010, 254, 168, 'Methow'), (32033, 254, 168,
'Mica'), (32276, 254, 168, 'Milton'), (32306, 254, 168, 'Mineral'), (32389,
254, 168, 'Moclips'), (32410, 254, 168, 'Mohler'), (32440, 254, 168,
'Monitor'), (11882, 254, 168, 'Monroe'), (32503, 254, 168,
'Montesano'), (32683, 254, 168, 'Morton'), (12778, 254, 168, 'Moses
Lake'), (32712, 254, 168, 'Mossyrock'), (11505, 254, 168, 'Mount
Vernon'), (17855, 254, 168, 'Mountlake Terrace'), (32876, 254, 168,
'Moxee'), (12180, 254, 168, 'Mukilteo'), (32967, 254, 168,
'Naches'), (32974, 254, 168, 'Nahcotta'), (32990, 254, 168,
'Napavine'), (33009, 254, 168, 'Naselle'), (11506, 254, 168, 'Neah
Bay'), (33088, 254, 168, 'Neilton'), (33133, 254, 168, 'Nespelem'), (33421,
254, 168, 'Newman Lake'), (16448, 254, 168, 'Newport'), (33503, 254, 168,
'Nine Mile Falls'), (33546, 254, 168, 'Nooksack'), (13810, 254, 168,
'Nordland'), (14930, 254, 168, 'North Bend'), (33606, 254, 168, 'North
Bonneville'), (33668, 254, 168, 'North Lakewood'), (33750, 254, 168,
'Northport'), (11928, 254, 168, 'Oak Harbor'), (33861, 254, 168,
'Oakesdale'), (33907, 254, 168, 'Oakville'), (33929, 254, 168, 'Ocean
Park'), (11507, 254, 168, 'Ocean Shores'), (33965, 254, 168,
'Odessa'), (34005, 254, 168, 'Okanogan'), (34023, 254, 168,
'Olalla'), (34064, 254, 168, 'Olga'), (11508, 254, 168, 'Olympia'), (11509,
254, 168, 'Omak'), (34115, 254, 168, 'Onalaska'), (11510, 254, 168,
'Opportunity'), (34176, 254, 168, 'Orcas'), (34204, 254, 168,
'Orient'), (34228, 254, 168, 'Orondo'), (34232, 254, 168,
'Oroville'), (17425, 254, 168, 'Orting'), (11511, 254, 168,
'Othello'), (11927, 254, 168, 'Otis Orchards'), (34317, 254, 168,
'Outlook'), (34365, 254, 168, 'Oysterville'), (34379, 254, 168,
'Pacific'), (34380, 254, 168, 'Pacific Beach'), (11512, 254, 168,
'Packwood'), (34424, 254, 168, 'Palisades'), (18158, 254, 168,
'Palouse'), (34505, 254, 168, 'Paradise Inn'), (34534, 254, 168,
'Parker'), (11514, 254, 168, 'Pasco'), (34586, 254, 168,
'Pateros'), (34587, 254, 168, 'Paterson'), (34652, 254, 168, 'Pe
Ell'), (34826, 254, 168, 'Peshastin'), (35195, 254, 168,
'Plymouth'), (35226, 254, 168, 'Point Roberts'), (35259, 254, 168,
'Pomeroy'), (11515, 254, 168, 'Port Angeles'), (35312, 254, 168, 'Port
Gamble'), (35314, 254, 168, 'Port Hadlock'), (35323, 254, 168, 'Port
Ludlow'), (12739, 254, 168, 'Port Orchard'), (11516, 254, 168, 'Port
Townsend'), (11973, 254, 168, 'Poulsbo'), (35488, 254, 168,
'Prescott'), (35500, 254, 168, 'Preston'), (12692, 254, 168,
'Prosser'), (11517, 254, 168, 'Pullman'), (11518, 254, 168,
'Puyallup'), (35654, 254, 168, 'Quilcene'), (11519, 254, 168,
'Quillayute'), (35657, 254, 168, 'Quinault'), (35662, 254, 168,
'Quincy'), (35708, 254, 168, 'Rainier'), (35751, 254, 168,
'Randle'), (35811, 254, 168, 'Ravensdale'), (35836, 254, 168,
'Raymond'), (35865, 254, 168, 'Reardan'), (11521, 254, 168,
'Redmond'), (35921, 254, 168, 'Redondo'), (11522, 254, 168,
'Renton'), (35992, 254, 168, 'Republic'), (35999, 254, 168,
'Retsil'), (36047, 254, 168, 'Rice'), (11523, 254, 168,
'Richland'), (16749, 254, 168, 'Ridgefield'), (11822, 254, 168,
'Ritzville'), (36242, 254, 168, 'Riverside'), (36309, 254, 168,
'Rochester'), (36330, 254, 168, 'Rock Island'), (36350, 254, 168,
'Rockford'), (11480, 254, 168, 'Rockport'), (36428, 254, 168,
'Rollingbay'), (36446, 254, 168, 'Ronald'), (36458, 254, 168,
'Roosevelt'), (36463, 254, 168, 'Rosalia'), (36467, 254, 168,
'Rosburg'), (17420, 254, 168, 'Roslyn'), (18183, 254, 168, 'Roy'), (36601,
254, 168, 'Royal City'), (36714, 254, 168, 'Ryderwood'), (36840, 254, 168,
'Saint John'), (36948, 254, 168, 'Salkum'), (14262, 254, 168,
'Sammamish'), (37124, 254, 168, 'Satsop'), (37282, 254, 168,
'Seabeck'), (37291, 254, 168, 'Seahurst'), (11527, 254, 168,
'Seattle'), (37311, 254, 168, 'Seaview'), (37342, 254, 168, 'Sedro
Woolley'), (37351, 254, 168, 'Sekiu'), (18426, 254, 168, 'Selah'), (11528,
254, 168, 'Sequim'), (37494, 254, 168, 'Shaw Island'), (14523, 254, 168,
'Shelton'), (41977, 254, 168, 'Shoreline'), (37689, 254, 168,
'Silvana'), (37702, 254, 168, 'Silver Creek'), (12889, 254, 168,
'Silverdale'), (37719, 254, 168, 'Silverlake'), (37762, 254, 168,
'Skamokawa'), (37779, 254, 168, 'Skykomish'), (17205, 254, 168,
'Snohomish'), (37876, 254, 168, 'Snoqualmie'), (37877, 254, 168,
'Snoqualmie Pass'), (37892, 254, 168, 'Soap Lake'), (18313, 254, 168,
'South Bend'), (37989, 254, 168, 'South Cle Elum'), (37990, 254, 168,
'South Colby'), (38055, 254, 168, 'South Prairie'), (38112, 254, 168,
'Southworth'), (38117, 254, 168, 'Spanaway'), (38118, 254, 168,
'Spangle'), (11529, 254, 168, 'Spokane'), (15097, 254, 168,
'Sprague'), (38225, 254, 168, 'Springdale'), (11530, 254, 168,
'Stampede'), (14402, 254, 168, 'Stanwood'), (38341, 254, 168,
'Starbuck'), (38354, 254, 168, 'Startup'), (38383, 254, 168,
'Stehekin'), (38384, 254, 168, 'Steilacoom'), (38401, 254, 168,
'Steptoe'), (38427, 254, 168, 'Stevenson'), (38561, 254, 168,
'Stratford'), (14895, 254, 168, 'Sultan'), (11531, 254, 168,
'Sumas'), (17963, 254, 168, 'Sumner'), (38730, 254, 168,
'Sunnyside'), (38747, 254, 168, 'Suquamish'), (11532, 254, 168,
'Tacoma'), (38869, 254, 168, 'Taholah'), (38871, 254, 168,
'Tahuya'), (38979, 254, 168, 'Tekoa'), (39006, 254, 168, 'Tenino'), (39119,
254, 168, 'Thornton'), (39125, 254, 168, 'Thorp'), (39157, 254, 168,
'Tieton'), (39234, 254, 168, 'Tokeland'), (12925, 254, 168,
'Toledo'), (13767, 254, 168, 'Tonasket'), (39279, 254, 168,
'Toppenish'), (39297, 254, 168, 'Touchet'), (39300, 254, 168,
'Toutle'), (39329, 254, 168, 'Tracyton'), (39419, 254, 168, 'Trout
Lake'), (39469, 254, 168, 'Tumtum'), (17038, 254, 168, 'Tumwater'), (39552,
254, 168, 'Twisp'), (39618, 254, 168, 'Underwood'), (39629, 254, 168,
'Union'), (39662, 254, 168, 'Uniontown'), (11533, 254, 168, 'University
Place'), (39715, 254, 168, 'Usk'), (39731, 254, 168, 'Vader'), (39759, 254,
168, 'Valley'), (39779, 254, 168, 'Valleyford'), (11534, 254, 168,
'Vancouver'), (39827, 254, 168, 'Vantage'), (39837, 254, 168,
'Vashon'), (39845, 254, 168, 'Vaughn'), (39869, 254, 168,
'Veradale'), (40069, 254, 168, 'Wahkiacus'), (18427, 254, 168,
'Waitsburg'), (40115, 254, 168, 'Waldron'), (11535, 254, 168, 'Walla
Walla'), (40174, 254, 168, 'Wallula'), (18121, 254, 168, 'Wapato'), (40238,
254, 168, 'Warden'), (14748, 254, 168, 'Washougal'), (40327, 254, 168,
'Washtucna'), (40378, 254, 168, 'Waterville'), (40404, 254, 168,
'Wauconda'), (40409, 254, 168, 'Wauna'), (40433, 254, 168,
'Waverly'), (40545, 254, 168, 'Wellpinit'), (11536, 254, 168,
'Wenatchee'), (40733, 254, 168, 'West Richland'), (13252, 254, 168,
'Westport'), (16020, 254, 168, 'White Salmon'), (40961, 254, 168, 'White
Swan'), (41054, 254, 168, 'Wilbur'), (41078, 254, 168, 'Wilkeson'), (41184,
254, 168, 'Wilson Creek'), (41262, 254, 168, 'Winlock'), (41309, 254, 168,
'Winthrop'), (41320, 254, 168, 'Wishram'), (15311, 254, 168,
'Woodinville'), (14537, 254, 168, 'Woodland'), (41539, 254, 168,
'Yacolt'), (11538, 254, 168, 'Yakima'), (16563, 254, 168, 'Yelm'), (41651,
254, 168, 'Zillah'), (19075, 254, 169, 'Accoville'), (19153, 254, 169,
'Adrian'), (19156, 254, 169, 'Advent'), (19245, 254, 169,
'Albright'), (19267, 254, 169, 'Alderson'), (19303, 254, 169,
'Alkol'), (19319, 254, 169, 'Allen Junction'), (19348, 254, 169,
'Alloy'), (19359, 254, 169, 'Alma'), (19434, 254, 169, 'Alum
Bridge'), (19435, 254, 169, 'Alum Creek'), (19477, 254, 169,
'Ameagle'), (19496, 254, 169, 'Amherstdale'), (19497, 254, 169,
'Amigo'), (19504, 254, 169, 'Amma'), (19520, 254, 169, 'Anawalt'), (19567,
254, 169, 'Anmoore'), (19589, 254, 169, 'Ansted'), (19615, 254, 169, 'Apple
Grove'), (19642, 254, 169, 'Arbovale'), (19748, 254, 169,
'Arnett'), (19753, 254, 169, 'Arnoldsburg'), (19782, 254, 169,
'Arthurdale'), (19783, 254, 169, 'Artie'), (19791, 254, 169,
'Asbury'), (19809, 254, 169, 'Ashford'), (19831, 254, 169,
'Ashton'), (16654, 254, 169, 'Athens'), (19923, 254, 169,
'Auburn'), (19941, 254, 169, 'Augusta'), (19959, 254, 169,
'Aurora'), (19972, 254, 169, 'Auto'), (20019, 254, 169,
'Avondale'), (20082, 254, 169, 'Baisden'), (20087, 254, 169,
'Baker'), (20095, 254, 169, 'Bakerton'), (20100, 254, 169, 'Bald
Knob'), (20115, 254, 169, 'Ballard'), (20116, 254, 169,
'Ballengee'), (20138, 254, 169, 'Bancroft'), (20162, 254, 169,
'Barboursville'), (20208, 254, 169, 'Barrackville'), (20231, 254, 169,
'Bartley'), (11636, 254, 169, 'Bartow'), (20299, 254, 169,
'Baxter'), (20313, 254, 169, 'Bayard'), (12365, 254, 169,
'Beaver'), (11637, 254, 169, 'Beckley'), (20413, 254, 169, 'Beech
Bottom'), (20428, 254, 169, 'Beeson'), (20457, 254, 169,
'Belington'), (12267, 254, 169, 'Belle'), (20492, 254, 169,
'Belleville'), (20523, 254, 169, 'Belmont'), (20533, 254, 169,
'Belva'), (20579, 254, 169, 'Bens Run'), (20604, 254, 169,
'Bentree'), (20605, 254, 169, 'Benwood'), (20608, 254, 169,
'Berea'), (20615, 254, 169, 'Bergoo'), (11638, 254, 169, 'Berkeley
Springs'), (20659, 254, 169, 'Berwind'), (20671, 254, 169,
'Bethany'), (20709, 254, 169, 'Beverly'), (20718, 254, 169,
'Bickmore'), (20729, 254, 169, 'Big Bend'), (20736, 254, 169, 'Big
Creek'), (20755, 254, 169, 'Big Run'), (20759, 254, 169, 'Big
Sandy'), (20762, 254, 169, 'Big Springs'), (20782, 254, 169,
'Bim'), (20795, 254, 169, 'Birch River'), (20861, 254, 169,
'Blacksville'), (20879, 254, 169, 'Blair'), (20908, 254, 169,
'Blandville'), (20932, 254, 169, 'Bloomery'), (20950, 254, 169,
'Bloomingrose'), (20966, 254, 169, 'Blount'), (20974, 254, 169, 'Blue
Creek'), (20983, 254, 169, 'Blue Jay'), (11639, 254, 169,
'Bluefield'), (21027, 254, 169, 'Bob White'), (21063, 254, 169,
'Bolt'), (21070, 254, 169, 'Bomont'), (21105, 254, 169, 'Boomer'), (21116,
254, 169, 'Booth'), (21120, 254, 169, 'Borderland'), (21164, 254, 169,
'Bowden'), (21251, 254, 169, 'Bradley'), (21256, 254, 169,
'Bradshaw'), (21271, 254, 169, 'Bramwell'), (21277, 254, 169,
'Branchland'), (21295, 254, 169, 'Brandywine'), (21322, 254, 169,
'Breeden'), (21340, 254, 169, 'Brenton'), (21344, 254, 169,
'Bretz'), (11640, 254, 169, 'Bridgeport'), (21426, 254, 169,
'Bristol'), (21464, 254, 169, 'Brohard'), (21561, 254, 169,
'Brownton'), (21574, 254, 169, 'Bruceton Mills'), (21588, 254, 169,
'Bruno'), (21634, 254, 169, 'Buckeye'), (11641, 254, 169,
'Buckhannon'), (21662, 254, 169, 'Bud'), (21682, 254, 169,
'Buffalo'), (21715, 254, 169, 'Bunker Hill'), (21758, 254, 169,
'Burlington'), (21781, 254, 169, 'Burnsville'), (21801, 254, 169,
'Burton'), (21859, 254, 169, 'Cabin Creek'), (21861, 254, 169,
'Cabins'), (21886, 254, 169, 'Cairo'), (21895, 254, 169,
'Caldwell'), (21949, 254, 169, 'Calvin'), (21976, 254, 169,
'Camden'), (21977, 254, 169, 'Camden on Gauley'), (21988, 254, 169,
'Cameron'), (21993, 254, 169, 'Camp Creek'), (22059, 254, 169,
'Cannelton'), (22088, 254, 169, 'Canvas'), (22106, 254, 169,
'Capels'), (22113, 254, 169, 'Capon Bridge'), (22114, 254, 169, 'Capon
Springs'), (22140, 254, 169, 'Caretta'), (22182, 254, 169,
'Carolina'), (22263, 254, 169, 'Cass'), (22277, 254, 169,
'Cassville'), (22374, 254, 169, 'Cedar Grove'), (22398, 254, 169,
'Cedarville'), (22425, 254, 169, 'Center Point'), (22466, 254, 169,
'Centralia'), (22471, 254, 169, 'Ceredo'), (13665, 254, 169,
'Chapmanville'), (11642, 254, 169, 'Charles Town'), (11643, 254, 169,
'Charleston'), (22559, 254, 169, 'Charlton Heights'), (22561, 254, 169,
'Charmco'), (22588, 254, 169, 'Chattaroy'), (22592, 254, 169,
'Chauncey'), (17127, 254, 169, 'Chester'), (22733, 254, 169,
'Chloe'), (11644, 254, 169, 'Circleville'), (11645, 254, 169,
'Clarksburg'), (11646, 254, 169, 'Clay'), (22918, 254, 169, 'Clear
Creek'), (22919, 254, 169, 'Clear Fork'), (22943, 254, 169,
'Clendenin'), (22960, 254, 169, 'Cleveland'), (23015, 254, 169,
'Clio'), (23023, 254, 169, 'Clothier'), (23051, 254, 169, 'Coal
City'), (23054, 254, 169, 'Coal Mountain'), (23068, 254, 169,
'Coalton'), (23069, 254, 169, 'Coalwood'), (23131, 254, 169,
'Colcord'), (23157, 254, 169, 'Colfax'), (23169, 254, 169,
'Colliers'), (23252, 254, 169, 'Comfort'), (23363, 254, 169, 'Cool
Ridge'), (23392, 254, 169, 'Copen'), (23402, 254, 169, 'Cora'), (23422,
254, 169, 'Core'), (23426, 254, 169, 'Corinne'), (23481, 254, 169,
'Costa'), (23487, 254, 169, 'Cottageville'), (23528, 254, 169,
'Covel'), (23545, 254, 169, 'Cowen'), (23552, 254, 169, 'Coxs
Mills'), (23565, 254, 169, 'Crab Orchard'), (23578, 254, 169,
'Craigsville'), (23607, 254, 169, 'Crawford'), (23611, 254, 169,
'Crawley'), (23651, 254, 169, 'Creston'), (23657, 254, 169,
'Crichton'), (23731, 254, 169, 'Crum'), (23734, 254, 169,
'Crumpler'), (23755, 254, 169, 'Cucumber'), (23767, 254, 169,
'Culloden'), (23839, 254, 169, 'Cyclone'), (23865, 254, 169,
'Dailey'), (23889, 254, 169, 'Dallas'), (23928, 254, 169,
'Danese'), (23933, 254, 169, 'Daniels'), (12935, 254, 169,
'Danville'), (23993, 254, 169, 'Davin'), (23998, 254, 169,
'Davis'), (24008, 254, 169, 'Davisville'), (24009, 254, 169,
'Davy'), (24010, 254, 169, 'Dawes'), (11647, 254, 169, 'Daybrook'), (24099,
254, 169, 'Deep Water'), (24155, 254, 169, 'Delbarton'), (24169, 254, 169,
'Dellslow'), (24185, 254, 169, 'Delray'), (24307, 254, 169,
'Diana'), (24331, 254, 169, 'Dille'), (24346, 254, 169, 'Dingess'), (24362,
254, 169, 'Dixie'), (24436, 254, 169, 'Dorothy'), (24445, 254, 169,
'Dothan'), (24520, 254, 169, 'Drennen'), (24551, 254, 169, 'Dry
Creek'), (24556, 254, 169, 'Drybranch'), (24563, 254, 169,
'Dryfork'), (24581, 254, 169, 'Duck'), (24617, 254, 169, 'Dunbar'), (24650,
254, 169, 'Dunlow'), (24652, 254, 169, 'Dunmore'), (24683, 254, 169,
'Durbin'), (24773, 254, 169, 'East Bank'), (24847, 254, 169, 'East
Lynn'), (24966, 254, 169, 'Eccles'), (24978, 254, 169, 'Eckman'), (25007,
254, 169, 'Edgarton'), (25033, 254, 169, 'Edmond'), (25072, 254, 169,
'Eglon'), (25107, 254, 169, 'Elbert'), (25132, 254, 169,
'Eleanor'), (11648, 254, 169, 'Elizabeth'), (25173, 254, 169, 'Elk
Garden'), (25189, 254, 169, 'Elkhorn'), (11649, 254, 169,
'Elkins'), (25209, 254, 169, 'Elkview'), (25213, 254, 169,
'Ellamore'), (25215, 254, 169, 'Ellenboro'), (25284, 254, 169,
'Elmira'), (25315, 254, 169, 'Elton'), (25396, 254, 169,
'English'), (25415, 254, 169, 'Enterprise'), (25434, 254, 169,
'Erbacon'), (25458, 254, 169, 'Eskdale'), (25497, 254, 169,
'Ethel'), (25547, 254, 169, 'Evans'), (25564, 254, 169,
'Everettville'), (25584, 254, 169, 'Exchange'), (25622, 254, 169,
'Fairdale'), (25650, 254, 169, 'Fairlea'), (11650, 254, 169,
'Fairmont'), (25677, 254, 169, 'Fairview'), (25699, 254, 169, 'Falling
Rock'), (25700, 254, 169, 'Falling Waters'), (25723, 254, 169,
'Fanrock'), (25758, 254, 169, 'Farmington'), (25793, 254, 169,
'Fayetteville'), (25826, 254, 169, 'Fenwick'), (25896, 254, 169,
'Fisher'), (25932, 254, 169, 'Flat Top'), (25937, 254, 169,
'Flatwoods'), (25948, 254, 169, 'Flemington'), (26003, 254, 169,
'Follansbee'), (26009, 254, 169, 'Folsom'), (26047, 254, 169, 'Forest
Hill'), (26085, 254, 169, 'Fort Ashby'), (26106, 254, 169, 'Fort
Gay'), (26155, 254, 169, 'Fort Spring'), (26183, 254, 169,
'Foster'), (26203, 254, 169, 'Four States'), (26228, 254, 169,
'Frametown'), (26240, 254, 169, 'Frankford'), (11652, 254, 169,
'Franklin'), (26280, 254, 169, 'Fraziers Bottom'), (26323, 254, 169,
'Freeman'), (26343, 254, 169, 'French Creek'), (26350, 254, 169,
'Frenchton'), (26364, 254, 169, 'Friendly'), (26467, 254, 169,
'Gallagher'), (26474, 254, 169, 'Gallipolis Ferry'), (26478, 254, 169,
'Galloway'), (26496, 254, 169, 'Gandeeville'), (26503, 254, 169, 'Gap
Mills'), (26579, 254, 169, 'Gary'), (26587, 254, 169, 'Gassaway'), (26603,
254, 169, 'Gauley Bridge'), (26607, 254, 169, 'Gay'), (26642, 254, 169,
'Genoa'), (26682, 254, 169, 'Gerrardstown'), (26695, 254, 169,
'Ghent'), (26726, 254, 169, 'Gilbert'), (26736, 254, 169,
'Gilboa'), (26766, 254, 169, 'Gilmer'), (26782, 254, 169, 'Given'), (26783,
254, 169, 'Glace'), (26799, 254, 169, 'Glady'), (26809, 254, 169,
'Glasgow'), (26818, 254, 169, 'Glen'), (18689, 254, 169, 'Glen
Dale'), (26829, 254, 169, 'Glen Daniel'), (26830, 254, 169, 'Glen
Easton'), (26833, 254, 169, 'Glen Ferris'), (26836, 254, 169, 'Glen
Fork'), (26842, 254, 169, 'Glen Jean'), (26846, 254, 169, 'Glen
Morgan'), (26852, 254, 169, 'Glen Rogers'), (26856, 254, 169, 'Glen
White'), (26889, 254, 169, 'Glengary'), (26893, 254, 169,
'Glenhayes'), (11653, 254, 169, 'Glenville'), (26924, 254, 169,
'Glenwood'), (27031, 254, 169, 'Gordon'), (27049, 254, 169,
'Gormania'), (11654, 254, 169, 'Grafton'), (27186, 254, 169, 'Grant
Town'), (11655, 254, 169, 'Grantsville'), (27206, 254, 169,
'Granville'), (27222, 254, 169, 'Grassy Meadows'), (27260, 254, 169, 'Great
Cacapon'), (11656, 254, 169, 'Green Bank'), (27285, 254, 169, 'Green
Spring'), (27287, 254, 169, 'Green Sulphur Springs'), (27352, 254, 169,
'Greenville'), (27398, 254, 169, 'Griffithsville'), (27405, 254, 169,
'Grimms Landing'), (27505, 254, 169, 'Gypsy'), (27510, 254, 169, 'Hacker
Valley'), (27579, 254, 169, 'Halltown'), (27586, 254, 169,
'Hambleton'), (11657, 254, 169, 'Hamlin'), (27637, 254, 169,
'Hampden'), (27668, 254, 169, 'Handley'), (27695, 254, 169,
'Hanover'), (27700, 254, 169, 'Hansford'), (27751, 254, 169,
'Harman'), (27768, 254, 169, 'Harper'), (27771, 254, 169, 'Harpers
Ferry'), (11658, 254, 169, 'Harrisville'), (27840, 254, 169,
'Hartford'), (27851, 254, 169, 'Harts'), (27917, 254, 169,
'Havaco'), (27971, 254, 169, 'Haywood'), (27983, 254, 169,
'Hazelton'), (27995, 254, 169, 'Heaters'), (28014, 254, 169,
'Hedgesville'), (28029, 254, 169, 'Helen'), (28050, 254, 169,
'Helvetia'), (28056, 254, 169, 'Hemphill'), (28067, 254, 169,
'Henderson'), (28072, 254, 169, 'Hendricks'), (28076, 254, 169,
'Henlawson'), (28099, 254, 169, 'Hensley'), (28104, 254, 169,
'Hepzibah'), (28129, 254, 169, 'Herndon'), (28130, 254, 169,
'Hernshaw'), (28152, 254, 169, 'Hewett'), (28163, 254, 169,
'Hiawatha'), (28181, 254, 169, 'Hico'), (28203, 254, 169, 'High
View'), (18713, 254, 169, 'Hillsboro'), (28273, 254, 169,
'Hilltop'), (28293, 254, 169, 'Hines'), (11659, 254, 169,
'Hinton'), (28361, 254, 169, 'Holden'), (28454, 254, 169,
'Hometown'), (28536, 254, 169, 'Horner'), (28649, 254, 169,
'Hugheston'), (28690, 254, 169, 'Hundred'), (11660, 254, 169,
'Huntington'), (28741, 254, 169, 'Hurricane'), (28760, 254, 169,
'Huttonsville'), (28781, 254, 169, 'Iaeger'), (28794, 254, 169,
'Idamay'), (28808, 254, 169, 'Ikes Fork'), (28836, 254, 169,
'Independence'), (28861, 254, 169, 'Indore'), (28862, 254, 169,
'Industrial'), (28890, 254, 169, 'Institute'), (17104, 254, 169,
'Inwood'), (28921, 254, 169, 'Ireland'), (28954, 254, 169,
'Isaban'), (28991, 254, 169, 'Itmann'), (29006, 254, 169,
'Ivydale'), (29029, 254, 169, 'Jacksonburg'), (29071, 254, 169, 'Jane
Lew'), (29119, 254, 169, 'Jeffrey'), (29127, 254, 169,
'Jenkinjones'), (29159, 254, 169, 'Jesse'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_cities`
(`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (29183, 254, 169,
'Jodie'), (29213, 254, 169, 'Jolo'), (29217, 254, 169, 'Jonben'), (29248,
254, 169, 'Josephine'), (29262, 254, 169, 'Julian'), (29266, 254, 169,
'Jumping Branch'), (29269, 254, 169, 'Junction'), (29279, 254, 169,
'Junior'), (29282, 254, 169, 'Justice'), (29306, 254, 169, 'Kanawha
Falls'), (29307, 254, 169, 'Kanawha Head'), (29351, 254, 169,
'Kearneysville'), (29381, 254, 169, 'Kegley'), (29404, 254, 169,
'Kellysville'), (29435, 254, 169, 'Kenna'), (29451, 254, 169,
'Kenova'), (29485, 254, 169, 'Kerens'), (17078, 254, 169,
'Kermit'), (29495, 254, 169, 'Keslers Cross Lanes'), (11661, 254, 169,
'Keyser'), (29523, 254, 169, 'Keystone'), (29525, 254, 169,
'Kiahsville'), (29531, 254, 169, 'Kieffer'), (29555, 254, 169,
'Kilsyth'), (29558, 254, 169, 'Kimball'), (29565, 254, 169,
'Kimberly'), (29574, 254, 169, 'Kincaid'), (29587, 254, 169,
'Kingmont'), (11662, 254, 169, 'Kingwood'), (29663, 254, 169,
'Kistler'), (29719, 254, 169, 'Kopperston'), (29756, 254, 169,
'Kyle'), (29870, 254, 169, 'Lahmansville'), (29877, 254, 169,
'Lake'), (29988, 254, 169, 'Lakin'), (30018, 254, 169, 'Lanark'), (30075,
254, 169, 'Lansing'), (30098, 254, 169, 'Lashmeet'), (30140, 254, 169,
'Lavalette'), (30173, 254, 169, 'Layland'), (30185, 254, 169, 'Le
Roy'), (30215, 254, 169, 'Leckie'), (30258, 254, 169, 'Leewood'), (30262,
254, 169, 'Left Hand'), (30281, 254, 169, 'Leivasy'), (30310, 254, 169,
'Lenore'), (30324, 254, 169, 'Leon'), (30347, 254, 169, 'Lerona'), (30354,
254, 169, 'Lesage'), (30359, 254, 169, 'Leslie'), (30362, 254, 169,
'Lester'), (30366, 254, 169, 'Letart'), (30380, 254, 169,
'Levels'), (11663, 254, 169, 'Lewisburg'), (30422, 254, 169,
'Liberty'), (30498, 254, 169, 'Linden'), (30510, 254, 169,
'Lindside'), (30523, 254, 169, 'Linn'), (30565, 254, 169, 'Little
Birch'), (30612, 254, 169, 'Littleton'), (30632, 254, 169,
'Lizemores'), (30645, 254, 169, 'Lochgelly'), (30655, 254, 169,
'Lockney'), (11664, 254, 169, 'Logan'), (30704, 254, 169,
'London'), (30765, 254, 169, 'Lookout'), (30770, 254, 169,
'Looneyville'), (30776, 254, 169, 'Lorado'), (30783, 254, 169,
'Lorentz'), (30804, 254, 169, 'Lost City'), (30807, 254, 169, 'Lost
Creek'), (30930, 254, 169, 'Lumberport'), (30966, 254, 169,
'Lyburn'), (30991, 254, 169, 'Lynco'), (31037, 254, 169, 'Maben'), (31038,
254, 169, 'Mabie'), (31039, 254, 169, 'Mabscott'), (31040, 254, 169, 'Mac
Arthur'), (31049, 254, 169, 'Macfarlan'), (11665, 254, 169,
'Madison'), (31131, 254, 169, 'Maidsville'), (31159, 254, 169,
'Mallory'), (31181, 254, 169, 'Mammoth'), (31185, 254, 169, 'Man'), (31231,
254, 169, 'Mannington'), (31351, 254, 169, 'Marianna'), (11666, 254, 169,
'Marlinton'), (11667, 254, 169, 'Martinsburg'), (31510, 254, 169,
'Mason'), (31514, 254, 169, 'Masontown'), (31527, 254, 169,
'Matewan'), (31529, 254, 169, 'Matheny'), (31537, 254, 169,
'Mathias'), (31543, 254, 169, 'Matoaka'), (31589, 254, 169,
'Maxwelton'), (31596, 254, 169, 'Maybeury'), (31621, 254, 169,
'Maysel'), (31628, 254, 169, 'Maysville'), (31718, 254, 169, 'Mc
Graws'), (31752, 254, 169, 'Mc Mechen'), (31801, 254, 169,
'Meador'), (31805, 254, 169, 'Meadow Bluff'), (31806, 254, 169, 'Meadow
Bridge'), (31807, 254, 169, 'Meadow Creek'), (31811, 254, 169,
'Meadowbrook'), (31853, 254, 169, 'Medley'), (32013, 254, 169,
'Metz'), (32030, 254, 169, 'Miami'), (11668, 254, 169,
'Middlebourne'), (32092, 254, 169, 'Midkiff'), (32117, 254, 169,
'Midway'), (32127, 254, 169, 'Milam'), (32166, 254, 169, 'Mill
Creek'), (32234, 254, 169, 'Millstone'), (32246, 254, 169,
'Millville'), (32251, 254, 169, 'Millwood'), (32278, 254, 169,
'Milton'), (32296, 254, 169, 'Minden'), (32314, 254, 169, 'Mineral
Wells'), (32384, 254, 169, 'Moatsville'), (32408, 254, 169,
'Mohawk'), (32428, 254, 169, 'Monaville'), (32488, 254, 169, 'Montana
Mines'), (32491, 254, 169, 'Montcalm'), (32502, 254, 169,
'Monterville'), (32521, 254, 169, 'Montgomery'), (32554, 254, 169,
'Montrose'), (11669, 254, 169, 'Moorefield'), (11670, 254, 169,
'Morgantown'), (11671, 254, 169, 'Moundsville'), (32729, 254, 169, 'Mount
Alto'), (32741, 254, 169, 'Mount Carbon'), (32745, 254, 169, 'Mount
Clare'), (32757, 254, 169, 'Mount Gay'), (32774, 254, 169, 'Mount
Hope'), (32782, 254, 169, 'Mount Lookout'), (32789, 254, 169, 'Mount
Nebo'), (32816, 254, 169, 'Mount Storm'), (32835, 254, 169, 'Mount
Zion'), (32838, 254, 169, 'Mountain'), (32901, 254, 169,
'Mullens'), (32913, 254, 169, 'Munday'), (32958, 254, 169, 'Myra'), (32979,
254, 169, 'Nallen'), (32987, 254, 169, 'Naoma'), (32993, 254, 169,
'Napier'), (33044, 254, 169, 'Naugatuck'), (33066, 254, 169,
'Nebo'), (33092, 254, 169, 'Nellis'), (33112, 254, 169, 'Nemours'), (33118,
254, 169, 'Neola'), (33139, 254, 169, 'Nettie'), (33194, 254, 169, 'New
Creek'), (33195, 254, 169, 'New Cumberland'), (18136, 254, 169, 'New
Haven'), (33274, 254, 169, 'New Manchester'), (11672, 254, 169, 'New
Martinsville'), (33293, 254, 169, 'New Milton'), (33315, 254, 169, 'New
Richmond'), (33380, 254, 169, 'Newburg'), (33399, 254, 169,
'Newell'), (33412, 254, 169, 'Newhall'), (33445, 254, 169,
'Newton'), (33464, 254, 169, 'Newtown'), (33500, 254, 169,
'Nimitz'), (33520, 254, 169, 'Nitro'), (33538, 254, 169, 'Nolan'), (33577,
254, 169, 'Normantown'), (33677, 254, 169, 'North Matewan'), (33707, 254,
169, 'North Spring'), (33746, 254, 169, 'Northfork'), (33758, 254, 169,
'Norton'), (11673, 254, 169, 'Oak Hill'), (33901, 254, 169,
'Oakvale'), (33933, 254, 169, 'Oceana'), (33950, 254, 169, 'Odd'), (33991,
254, 169, 'Ohley'), (34034, 254, 169, 'Old Fields'), (34104, 254, 169,
'Omar'), (34111, 254, 169, 'Ona'), (34122, 254, 169, 'Onego'), (34196, 254,
169, 'Orgas'), (34217, 254, 169, 'Orlando'), (34224, 254, 169,
'Orma'), (34251, 254, 169, 'Osage'), (34294, 254, 169, 'Ottawa'), (34321,
254, 169, 'Ovapa'), (34389, 254, 169, 'Paden City'), (34394, 254, 169,
'Page'), (34396, 254, 169, 'Pageton'), (34421, 254, 169,
'Palestine'), (34485, 254, 169, 'Panther'), (11674, 254, 169,
'Parkersburg'), (11675, 254, 169, 'Parsons'), (34632, 254, 169, 'Paw
Paw'), (34639, 254, 169, 'Pax'), (34649, 254, 169, 'Paynesville'), (34658,
254, 169, 'Peach Creek'), (34681, 254, 169, 'Pecks Mill'), (34723, 254,
169, 'Pence Springs'), (34755, 254, 169, 'Pennsboro'), (34765, 254, 169,
'Pentress'), (34788, 254, 169, 'Perkins'), (11676, 254, 169,
'Petersburg'), (11984, 254, 169, 'Peterstown'), (34848, 254, 169,
'Petroleum'), (34862, 254, 169, 'Peytona'), (11677, 254, 169,
'Philippi'), (34903, 254, 169, 'Pickens'), (34918, 254, 169,
'Piedmont'), (34964, 254, 169, 'Pinch'), (34976, 254, 169, 'Pine
Grove'), (11678, 254, 169, 'Pineville'), (35026, 254, 169, 'Piney
View'), (35048, 254, 169, 'Pipestem'), (35197, 254, 169, 'Poca'), (11679,
254, 169, 'Point Pleasant'), (35231, 254, 169, 'Points'), (35273, 254, 169,
'Pond Gap'), (35281, 254, 169, 'Pool'), (35364, 254, 169, 'Porters
Falls'), (35435, 254, 169, 'Powellton'), (35446, 254, 169,
'Powhatan'), (35473, 254, 169, 'Pratt'), (35481, 254, 169,
'Premier'), (35508, 254, 169, 'Prichard'), (35517, 254, 169,
'Prince'), (17338, 254, 169, 'Princeton'), (35532, 254, 169,
'Princewick'), (35538, 254, 169, 'Procious'), (35544, 254, 169,
'Proctor'), (35565, 254, 169, 'Prosperity'), (35593, 254, 169,
'Pullman'), (35605, 254, 169, 'Purgitsville'), (35609, 254, 169,
'Pursglove'), (35672, 254, 169, 'Quinwood'), (35681, 254, 169,
'Rachel'), (35685, 254, 169, 'Racine'), (35696, 254, 169,
'Ragland'), (35706, 254, 169, 'Rainelle'), (35716, 254, 169,
'Raleigh'), (35739, 254, 169, 'Ramsey'), (35775, 254, 169,
'Ranger'), (35784, 254, 169, 'Ranson'), (35803, 254, 169,
'Ravencliff'), (18978, 254, 169, 'Ravenswood'), (35815, 254, 169,
'Rawl'), (35841, 254, 169, 'Raysal'), (35846, 254, 169, 'Reader'), (35879,
254, 169, 'Red Creek'), (35884, 254, 169, 'Red House'), (35885, 254, 169,
'Red Jacket'), (35923, 254, 169, 'Redstar'), (35942, 254, 169,
'Reedsville'), (35944, 254, 169, 'Reedy'), (35977, 254, 169,
'Renick'), (36027, 254, 169, 'Reynoldsville'), (36037, 254, 169,
'Rhodell'), (36112, 254, 169, 'Richwood'), (36129, 254, 169,
'Ridgeley'), (36134, 254, 169, 'Ridgeview'), (36145, 254, 169,
'Ridgeway'), (36182, 254, 169, 'Rio'), (11680, 254, 169, 'Ripley'), (36204,
254, 169, 'Rippon'), (36249, 254, 169, 'Riverton'), (36252, 254, 169,
'Rivesville'), (36296, 254, 169, 'Robson'), (36316, 254, 169,
'Rock'), (36318, 254, 169, 'Rock Cave'), (36323, 254, 169, 'Rock
Creek'), (36339, 254, 169, 'Rock View'), (36366, 254, 169,
'Rockport'), (36396, 254, 169, 'Roderfield'), (11681, 254, 169,
'Romney'), (36447, 254, 169, 'Ronceverte'), (36499, 254, 169,
'Rosedale'), (36509, 254, 169, 'Rosemont'), (36580, 254, 169,
'Rowlesburg'), (36648, 254, 169, 'Rupert'), (36729, 254, 169,
'Sabine'), (12967, 254, 169, 'Saint Albans'), (11686, 254, 169, 'Saint
Marys'), (36925, 254, 169, 'Salem'), (36957, 254, 169, 'Salt
Rock'), (37023, 254, 169, 'Sand Fork'), (37043, 254, 169,
'Sandstone'), (37058, 254, 169, 'Sandyville'), (37089, 254, 169, 'Sarah
Ann'), (37131, 254, 169, 'Saulsville'), (37161, 254, 169, 'Saxon'), (37179,
254, 169, 'Scarbro'), (11682, 254, 169, 'Scott Depot'), (37326, 254, 169,
'Secondcreek'), (37355, 254, 169, 'Selbyville'), (37386, 254, 169, 'Seneca
Rocks'), (37398, 254, 169, 'Seth'), (37430, 254, 169, 'Shady
Spring'), (37446, 254, 169, 'Shanks'), (37466, 254, 169, 'Sharon'), (37472,
254, 169, 'Sharples'), (37552, 254, 169, 'Shenandoah Junction'), (18417,
254, 169, 'Shepherdstown'), (37574, 254, 169, 'Sherman'), (37604, 254, 169,
'Shinnston'), (37614, 254, 169, 'Shirley'), (37619, 254, 169,
'Shoals'), (37621, 254, 169, 'Shock'), (37629, 254, 169, 'Short
Creek'), (37731, 254, 169, 'Simon'), (37737, 254, 169, 'Simpson'), (37751,
254, 169, 'Sinks Grove'), (13599, 254, 169, 'Sistersville'), (37767, 254,
169, 'Skelton'), (37778, 254, 169, 'Skygusty'), (37782, 254, 169, 'Slab
Fork'), (37785, 254, 169, 'Slanesville'), (37794, 254, 169,
'Slatyfork'), (37829, 254, 169, 'Smithburg'), (37831, 254, 169,
'Smithers'), (37839, 254, 169, 'Smithfield'), (37856, 254, 169,
'Smithville'), (37863, 254, 169, 'Smoot'), (37886, 254, 169,
'Snowshoe'), (37896, 254, 169, 'Sod'), (37950, 254, 169, 'Sophia'), (38107,
254, 169, 'Southside'), (38121, 254, 169, 'Spanishburg'), (38145, 254, 169,
'Spelter'), (11685, 254, 169, 'Spencer'), (38182, 254, 169,
'Sprague'), (38197, 254, 169, 'Spring Dale'), (38237, 254, 169,
'Springfield'), (38261, 254, 169, 'Spurlockville'), (38264, 254, 169,
'Squire'), (38291, 254, 169, 'Stanaford'), (38363, 254, 169, 'Statts
Mills'), (38398, 254, 169, 'Stephenson'), (38459, 254, 169,
'Stirrat'), (38493, 254, 169, 'Stollings'), (38546, 254, 169, 'Strange
Creek'), (38629, 254, 169, 'Sugar Grove'), (38658, 254, 169,
'Sumerco'), (38673, 254, 169, 'Summerlee'), (11687, 254, 169,
'Summersville'), (38687, 254, 169, 'Summit Point'), (38755, 254, 169,
'Surveyor'), (11688, 254, 169, 'Sutton'), (38820, 254, 169,
'Swiss'), (38822, 254, 169, 'Switchback'), (38824, 254, 169,
'Switzer'), (38844, 254, 169, 'Sylvester'), (38862, 254, 169,
'Tad'), (38880, 254, 169, 'Talcott'), (38891, 254, 169,
'Tallmansville'), (38927, 254, 169, 'Tariff'), (38966, 254, 169,
'Teays'), (39023, 254, 169, 'Terra Alta'), (39035, 254, 169,
'Terry'), (39048, 254, 169, 'Thacker'), (39079, 254, 169,
'Thomas'), (39120, 254, 169, 'Thornton'), (39127, 254, 169,
'Thorpe'), (39143, 254, 169, 'Thurmond'), (39198, 254, 169,
'Tioga'), (39288, 254, 169, 'Tornado'), (39383, 254, 169,
'Triadelphia'), (39434, 254, 169, 'Troy'), (39438, 254, 169,
'True'), (39478, 254, 169, 'Tunnelton'), (39512, 254, 169, 'Turtle
Creek'), (39536, 254, 169, 'Twilight'), (39537, 254, 169, 'Twin
Branch'), (39619, 254, 169, 'Uneeda'), (11689, 254, 169, 'Union'), (39694,
254, 169, 'Upper Tract'), (39696, 254, 169, 'Upperglade'), (39760, 254,
169, 'Valley Bend'), (39767, 254, 169, 'Valley Fork'), (39768, 254, 169,
'Valley Grove'), (39770, 254, 169, 'Valley Head'), (39787, 254, 169,
'Van'), (39834, 254, 169, 'Varney'), (39878, 254, 169,
'Verdunville'), (39891, 254, 169, 'Verner'), (39940, 254, 169,
'Victor'), (16314, 254, 169, 'Vienna'), (40021, 254, 169, 'Volga'), (40038,
254, 169, 'Vulcan'), (40058, 254, 169, 'Wadestown'), (40078, 254, 169,
'Waiteville'), (40134, 254, 169, 'Walker'), (40138, 254, 169,
'Walkersville'), (40152, 254, 169, 'Wallace'), (40156, 254, 169,
'Wallback'), (40205, 254, 169, 'Walton'), (40211, 254, 169,
'Wana'), (40229, 254, 169, 'War'), (40239, 254, 169,
'Wardensville'), (40282, 254, 169, 'Warriormine'), (40315, 254, 169,
'Washington'), (40434, 254, 169, 'Waverly'), (11690, 254, 169,
'Wayne'), (40463, 254, 169, 'Wayside'), (11691, 254, 169,
'Webster'), (40489, 254, 169, 'Webster Springs'), (11692, 254, 169,
'Weirton'), (11693, 254, 169, 'Welch'), (15738, 254, 169,
'Wellsburg'), (40625, 254, 169, 'West Columbia'), (40662, 254, 169, 'West
Hamlin'), (40688, 254, 169, 'West Liberty'), (40698, 254, 169, 'West
Milford'), (11694, 254, 169, 'West Union'), (11695, 254, 169,
'Weston'), (40875, 254, 169, 'Wharncliffe'), (40878, 254, 169,
'Wharton'), (11696, 254, 169, 'Wheeling'), (40945, 254, 169, 'White
Oak'), (11697, 254, 169, 'White Pine'), (11698, 254, 169, 'White Sulphur
Springs'), (40994, 254, 169, 'Whitesville'), (41018, 254, 169,
'Whitman'), (41019, 254, 169, 'Whitmer'), (41044, 254, 169,
'Widen'), (41057, 254, 169, 'Wilcoe'), (41076, 254, 169, 'Wiley
Ford'), (41077, 254, 169, 'Wileyville'), (41081, 254, 169,
'Wilkinson'), (41107, 254, 169, 'Williamsburg'), (11699, 254, 169,
'Williamson'), (17223, 254, 169, 'Williamstown'), (41174, 254, 169,
'Wilsie'), (41185, 254, 169, 'Wilsonburg'), (41186, 254, 169,
'Wilsondale'), (41232, 254, 169, 'Windsor Heights'), (11700, 254, 169,
'Winfield'), (41259, 254, 169, 'Winifrede'), (41276, 254, 169,
'Winona'), (41353, 254, 169, 'Wolf Pen'), (41355, 254, 169,
'Wolfcreek'), (41356, 254, 169, 'Wolfe'), (41449, 254, 169,
'Woodville'), (41477, 254, 169, 'Worth'), (41485, 254, 169,
'Worthington'), (41514, 254, 169, 'Wyatt'), (41515, 254, 169,
'Wyco'), (41535, 254, 169, 'Wyoming'), (41556, 254, 169, 'Yawkey'), (41561,
254, 169, 'Yellow Spring'), (41577, 254, 169, 'Yolyn'), (41621, 254, 169,
'Yukon'), (19049, 254, 170, 'Abbotsford'), (19069, 254, 170,
'Abrams'), (16104, 254, 170, 'Adams'), (19133, 254, 170, 'Adell'), (19164,
254, 170, 'Afton'), (19224, 254, 170, 'Albany'), (11898, 254, 170,
'Algoma'), (19330, 254, 170, 'Allenton'), (11539, 254, 170,
'Alma'), (19360, 254, 170, 'Alma Center'), (19363, 254, 170,
'Almena'), (19369, 254, 170, 'Almond'), (19429, 254, 170,
'Altoona'), (19466, 254, 170, 'Amberg'), (17168, 254, 170,
'Amery'), (19494, 254, 170, 'Amherst'), (19495, 254, 170, 'Amherst
Junction'), (19566, 254, 170, 'Aniwa'), (11540, 254, 170,
'Antigo'), (11541, 254, 170, 'Appleton'), (19656, 254, 170,
'Arcadia'), (18685, 254, 170, 'Arena'), (19685, 254, 170,
'Argonne'), (19696, 254, 170, 'Argyle'), (19709, 254, 170,
'Arkansaw'), (19710, 254, 170, 'Arkdale'), (19730, 254, 170,
'Arlington'), (19743, 254, 170, 'Armstrong Creek'), (19761, 254, 170,
'Arpin'), (19810, 254, 170, 'Ashippun'), (11542, 254, 170,
'Ashland'), (19854, 254, 170, 'Athelstane'), (13745, 254, 170,
'Athens'), (19928, 254, 170, 'Auburndale'), (19940, 254, 170,
'Augusta'), (19980, 254, 170, 'Avalon'), (20005, 254, 170,
'Avoca'), (20044, 254, 170, 'Babcock'), (20061, 254, 170,
'Bagley'), (20069, 254, 170, 'Baileys Harbor'), (20107, 254, 170,
'Baldwin'), (11543, 254, 170, 'Balsam Lake'), (20137, 254, 170,
'Bancroft'), (20141, 254, 170, 'Bangor'), (11544, 254, 170,
'Baraboo'), (20197, 254, 170, 'Barneveld'), (13038, 254, 170,
'Barron'), (20214, 254, 170, 'Barronett'), (20258, 254, 170,
'Bassett'), (20304, 254, 170, 'Bay City'), (11545, 254, 170,
'Bayfield'), (20344, 254, 170, 'Bear Creek'), (11546, 254, 170, 'Beaver
Dam'), (20429, 254, 170, 'Beetown'), (20441, 254, 170,
'Beldenville'), (20451, 254, 170, 'Belgium'), (12236, 254, 170,
'Belleville'), (20522, 254, 170, 'Belmont'), (11547, 254, 170,
'Beloit'), (20564, 254, 170, 'Benet Lake'), (20578, 254, 170,
'Benoit'), (20597, 254, 170, 'Benton'), (11548, 254, 170,
'Berlin'), (15431, 254, 170, 'Big Bend'), (20738, 254, 170, 'Big
Falls'), (20802, 254, 170, 'Birchwood'), (20816, 254, 170,
'Birnamwood'), (20841, 254, 170, 'Black Creek'), (12226, 254, 170, 'Black
Earth'), (11549, 254, 170, 'Black River Falls'), (20878, 254, 170,
'Blair'), (20899, 254, 170, 'Blanchardville'), (20918, 254, 170,
'Blenker'), (16610, 254, 170, 'Bloomer'), (20957, 254, 170,
'Bloomington'), (20987, 254, 170, 'Blue Mounds'), (20996, 254, 170, 'Blue
River'), (21082, 254, 170, 'Bonduel'), (14671, 254, 170,
'Boscobel'), (21148, 254, 170, 'Boulder Junction'), (21177, 254, 170,
'Bowler'), (21195, 254, 170, 'Boyceville'), (21199, 254, 170,
'Boyd'), (21275, 254, 170, 'Branch'), (21289, 254, 170, 'Brandon'), (21305,
254, 170, 'Brantwood'), (21393, 254, 170, 'Briggsville'), (21399, 254, 170,
'Brill'), (21402, 254, 170, 'Brillion'), (21425, 254, 170,
'Bristol'), (21459, 254, 170, 'Brodhead'), (21466, 254, 170,
'Brokaw'), (11550, 254, 170, 'Brookfield'), (21505, 254, 170,
'Brooklyn'), (21559, 254, 170, 'Brownsville'), (21562, 254, 170,
'Browntown'), (21571, 254, 170, 'Bruce'), (21580, 254, 170,
'Brule'), (21603, 254, 170, 'Brussels'), (21613, 254, 170,
'Bryant'), (11551, 254, 170, 'Burlington'), (21764, 254, 170,
'Burnett'), (21823, 254, 170, 'Butler'), (21826, 254, 170, 'Butte des
Morts'), (21829, 254, 170, 'Butternut'), (21863, 254, 170,
'Cable'), (19019, 254, 170, 'Cadott'), (21903, 254, 170,
'Caledonia'), (21958, 254, 170, 'Cambria'), (12228, 254, 170,
'Cambridge'), (16845, 254, 170, 'Cameron'), (21997, 254, 170, 'Camp
Douglas'), (22001, 254, 170, 'Camp Lake'), (22018, 254, 170,
'Campbellsport'), (22184, 254, 170, 'Caroline'), (22243, 254, 170,
'Cascade'), (14173, 254, 170, 'Casco'), (22256, 254, 170,
'Cashton'), (22276, 254, 170, 'Cassville'), (22307, 254, 170,
'Cataract'), (22315, 254, 170, 'Catawba'), (22345, 254, 170,
'Cazenovia'), (22352, 254, 170, 'Cecil'), (22373, 254, 170, 'Cedar
Grove'), (13815, 254, 170, 'Cedarburg'), (22469, 254, 170,
'Centuria'), (14099, 254, 170, 'Chaseburg'), (16117, 254, 170,
'Chetek'), (22703, 254, 170, 'Chili'), (11552, 254, 170,
'Chilton'), (11553, 254, 170, 'Chippewa Falls'), (22809, 254, 170, 'Clam
Lake'), (22910, 254, 170, 'Clayton'), (22921, 254, 170, 'Clear
Lake'), (22959, 254, 170, 'Cleveland'), (23005, 254, 170,
'Clinton'), (23009, 254, 170, 'Clintonville'), (23043, 254, 170,
'Clyman'), (23078, 254, 170, 'Cobb'), (23089, 254, 170,
'Cochrane'), (23128, 254, 170, 'Colby'), (17600, 254, 170,
'Coleman'), (23156, 254, 170, 'Colfax'), (23158, 254, 170,
'Colgate'), (23176, 254, 170, 'Collins'), (16077, 254, 170,
'Coloma'), (23237, 254, 170, 'Columbus'), (23246, 254, 170, 'Combined
Locks'), (23276, 254, 170, 'Comstock'), (23326, 254, 170,
'Conover'), (23331, 254, 170, 'Conrath'), (23371, 254, 170, 'Coon
Valley'), (23436, 254, 170, 'Cornell'), (23446, 254, 170,
'Cornucopia'), (23486, 254, 170, 'Cottage Grove'), (23503, 254, 170,
'Couderay'), (11554, 254, 170, 'Crandon'), (23664, 254, 170,
'Crivitz'), (12235, 254, 170, 'Cross Plains'), (23753, 254, 170, 'Cuba
City'), (23756, 254, 170, 'Cudahy'), (23776, 254, 170,
'Cumberland'), (23810, 254, 170, 'Curtiss'), (23817, 254, 170,
'Cushing'), (23826, 254, 170, 'Custer'), (23880, 254, 170, 'Dale'), (23888,
254, 170, 'Dallas'), (23901, 254, 170, 'Dalton'), (23923, 254, 170,
'Danbury'), (23927, 254, 170, 'Dane'), (16712, 254, 170, 'Darien'), (11555,
254, 170, 'Darlington'), (17334, 254, 170, 'De Forest'), (12502, 254, 170,
'De Pere'), (15134, 254, 170, 'De Soto'), (24114, 254, 170, 'Deer
Park'), (24118, 254, 170, 'Deerbrook'), (12229, 254, 170,
'Deerfield'), (24141, 254, 170, 'Delafield'), (12536, 254, 170,
'Delavan'), (24170, 254, 170, 'Dellwood'), (24206, 254, 170,
'Denmark'), (24317, 254, 170, 'Dickeyville'), (24384, 254, 170,
'Dodge'), (11556, 254, 170, 'Dodgeville'), (24431, 254, 170,
'Dorchester'), (24463, 254, 170, 'Dousman'), (24491, 254, 170,
'Downing'), (24496, 254, 170, 'Downsville'), (24502, 254, 170,
'Doylestown'), (11557, 254, 170, 'Dresser'), (24542, 254, 170,
'Drummond'), (24616, 254, 170, 'Dunbar'), (11558, 254, 170,
'Durand'), (24726, 254, 170, 'Eagle'), (11559, 254, 170, 'Eagle
River'), (24811, 254, 170, 'East Ellsworth'), (14360, 254, 170, 'East
Troy'), (24932, 254, 170, 'Eastman'), (11560, 254, 170, 'Eau
Claire'), (24960, 254, 170, 'Eau Galle'), (24998, 254, 170,
'Eden'), (25004, 254, 170, 'Edgar'), (12237, 254, 170, 'Edgerton'), (25018,
254, 170, 'Edgewater'), (25038, 254, 170, 'Edmund'), (25068, 254, 170, 'Egg
Harbor'), (25100, 254, 170, 'Eland'), (25113, 254, 170, 'Elcho'), (25116,
254, 170, 'Elderon'), (25123, 254, 170, 'Eldorado'), (25138, 254, 170,
'Eleva'), (25177, 254, 170, 'Elk Mound'), (25187, 254, 170, 'Elkhart
Lake'), (11561, 254, 170, 'Elkhorn'), (25245, 254, 170, 'Ellison
Bay'), (25259, 254, 170, 'Ellsworth'), (25265, 254, 170, 'Elm
Grove'), (25298, 254, 170, 'Elmwood'), (25305, 254, 170, 'Elroy'), (25314,
254, 170, 'Elton'), (25331, 254, 170, 'Embarrass'), (25339, 254, 170,
'Emerald'), (25379, 254, 170, 'Endeavor'), (25423, 254, 170,
'Ephraim'), (25518, 254, 170, 'Ettrick'), (25535, 254, 170,
'Eureka'), (12238, 254, 170, 'Evansville'), (25585, 254, 170,
'Exeland'), (25618, 254, 170, 'Fairchild'), (25680, 254, 170,
'Fairwater'), (25694, 254, 170, 'Fall Creek'), (25696, 254, 170, 'Fall
River'), (25815, 254, 170, 'Fence'), (25819, 254, 170,
'Fennimore'), (25842, 254, 170, 'Ferryville'), (25858, 254, 170,
'Fifield'), (25889, 254, 170, 'Fish Creek'), (11562, 254, 170,
'Florence'), (11563, 254, 170, 'Fond Du Lac'), (26014, 254, 170,
'Fontana'), (26019, 254, 170, 'Footville'), (26050, 254, 170, 'Forest
Junction'), (26067, 254, 170, 'Forestville'), (16150, 254, 170, 'Fort
Atkinson'), (26192, 254, 170, 'Fountain City'), (26219, 254, 170, 'Fox
Lake'), (26221, 254, 170, 'Foxboro'), (26232, 254, 170, 'Francis
Creek'), (11564, 254, 170, 'Franklin'), (26270, 254, 170,
'Franksville'), (26283, 254, 170, 'Frederic'), (26298, 254, 170,
'Fredonia'), (26313, 254, 170, 'Freedom'), (26340, 254, 170,
'Fremont'), (11565, 254, 170, 'Friendship'), (26375, 254, 170,
'Friesland'), (26462, 254, 170, 'Galesville'), (26477, 254, 170,
'Galloway'), (26613, 254, 170, 'Gays Mills'), (26625, 254, 170, 'Genesee
Depot'), (26641, 254, 170, 'Genoa'), (26643, 254, 170, 'Genoa
City'), (26678, 254, 170, 'Germantown'), (26742, 254, 170, 'Gile'), (26750,
254, 170, 'Gillett'), (26762, 254, 170, 'Gilman'), (26764, 254, 170,
'Gilmanton'), (26814, 254, 170, 'Gleason'), (26835, 254, 170, 'Glen
Flora'), (26839, 254, 170, 'Glen Haven'), (26861, 254, 170,
'Glenbeulah'), (26925, 254, 170, 'Glenwood City'), (26928, 254, 170,
'Glidden'), (27005, 254, 170, 'Goodman'), (16395, 254, 170,
'Gordon'), (27066, 254, 170, 'Gotham'), (18911, 254, 170,
'Grafton'), (27137, 254, 170, 'Grand Marsh'), (27152, 254, 170, 'Grand
View'), (27188, 254, 170, 'Granton'), (27192, 254, 170,
'Grantsburg'), (27224, 254, 170, 'Gratiot'), (11566, 254, 170, 'Green
Bay'), (27277, 254, 170, 'Green Lake'), (27289, 254, 170, 'Green
Valley'), (27302, 254, 170, 'Greenbush'), (27305, 254, 170,
'Greendale'), (27325, 254, 170, 'Greenleaf'), (27351, 254, 170,
'Greenville'), (27371, 254, 170, 'Greenwood'), (27387, 254, 170,
'Gresham'), (27530, 254, 170, 'Hager City'), (27554, 254, 170, 'Hales
Corners'), (27631, 254, 170, 'Hammond'), (27666, 254, 170,
'Hancock'), (27685, 254, 170, 'Hannibal'), (27694, 254, 170,
'Hanover'), (27829, 254, 170, 'Harshaw'), (13259, 254, 170,
'Hartford'), (27842, 254, 170, 'Hartland'), (27908, 254, 170,
'Hatley'), (27915, 254, 170, 'Haugen'), (27940, 254, 170,
'Hawkins'), (27949, 254, 170, 'Hawthorne'), (11568, 254, 170,
'Hayward'), (27977, 254, 170, 'Hazel Green'), (27979, 254, 170,
'Hazelhurst'), (27990, 254, 170, 'Heafford Junction'), (28037, 254, 170,
'Helenville'), (28107, 254, 170, 'Herbster'), (28141, 254, 170,
'Hertel'), (28156, 254, 170, 'Hewitt'), (28195, 254, 170, 'High
Bridge'), (28211, 254, 170, 'Highland'), (28230, 254, 170,
'Hilbert'), (28246, 254, 170, 'Hillpoint'), (28260, 254, 170,
'Hillsboro'), (28267, 254, 170, 'Hillsdale'), (28297, 254, 170,
'Hingham'), (28317, 254, 170, 'Hixton'), (28355, 254, 170,
'Holcombe'), (28379, 254, 170, 'Hollandale'), (28412, 254, 170,
'Holmen'), (28464, 254, 170, 'Honey Creek'), (28532, 254, 170,
'Horicon'), (28556, 254, 170, 'Hortonville'), (28574, 254, 170,
'Houlton'), (28627, 254, 170, 'Hubertus'), (12569, 254, 170,
'Hudson'), (28670, 254, 170, 'Humbird'), (11569, 254, 170,
'Hurley'), (17195, 254, 170, 'Hustisford'), (28750, 254, 170,
'Hustler'), (28835, 254, 170, 'Independence'), (28903, 254, 170,
'Iola'), (28925, 254, 170, 'Irma'), (28927, 254, 170, 'Iron Belt'), (28931,
254, 170, 'Iron Ridge'), (28932, 254, 170, 'Iron River'), (29008, 254, 170,
'Ixonia'), (29024, 254, 170, 'Jackson'), (11570, 254, 170,
'Janesville'), (11571, 254, 170, 'Jefferson'), (29179, 254, 170, 'Jim
Falls'), (29197, 254, 170, 'Johnson Creek'), (29254, 254, 170,
'Juda'), (29265, 254, 170, 'Jump River'), (11572, 254, 170, 'Junction
City'), (15507, 254, 170, 'Juneau'), (29320, 254, 170,
'Kansasville'), (29341, 254, 170, 'Kaukauna'), (29398, 254, 170,
'Kellnersville'), (29413, 254, 170, 'Kempster'), (29422, 254, 170,
'Kendall'), (29436, 254, 170, 'Kennan'), (11573, 254, 170,
'Kenosha'), (11576, 254, 170, 'Keshena'), (17154, 254, 170,
'Kewaskum'), (11577, 254, 170, 'Kewaunee'), (29532, 254, 170,
'Kiel'), (29533, 254, 170, 'Kieler'), (29564, 254, 170,
'Kimberly'), (29578, 254, 170, 'King'), (29613, 254, 170,
'Kingston'), (29681, 254, 170, 'Knapp'), (15179, 254, 170,
'Kohler'), (29729, 254, 170, 'Krakow'), (11578, 254, 170, 'La
Crosse'), (29769, 254, 170, 'La Farge'), (29803, 254, 170, 'La
Pointe'), (29817, 254, 170, 'La Valle'), (29826, 254, 170, 'Lac du
Flambeau'), (11579, 254, 170, 'Ladysmith'), (29903, 254, 170, 'Lake
Delton'), (18289, 254, 170, 'Lake Geneva'), (29933, 254, 170, 'Lake
Mills'), (29938, 254, 170, 'Lake Nebagamon'), (29950, 254, 170, 'Lake
Tomahawk'), (11845, 254, 170, 'Lakewood'), (12279, 254, 170,
'Lancaster'), (30028, 254, 170, 'Land O Lakes'), (30065, 254, 170,
'Lannon'), (30077, 254, 170, 'Laona'), (30091, 254, 170, 'Larsen'), (30207,
254, 170, 'Lebanon'), (30299, 254, 170, 'Lena'), (30342, 254, 170,
'Leopolis'), (30389, 254, 170, 'Lewis'), (30455, 254, 170, 'Lime
Ridge'), (30497, 254, 170, 'Linden'), (30567, 254, 170, 'Little
Chute'), (30594, 254, 170, 'Little Suamico'), (30625, 254, 170,
'Livingston'), (12234, 254, 170, 'Lodi'), (30689, 254, 170,
'Loganville'), (15741, 254, 170, 'Lomira'), (11581, 254, 170, 'Lone
Rock'), (30735, 254, 170, 'Long Lake'), (30857, 254, 170,
'Lowell'), (30880, 254, 170, 'Loyal'), (30890, 254, 170, 'Lublin'), (30906,
254, 170, 'Luck'), (16635, 254, 170, 'Luxemburg'), (30998, 254, 170,
'Lyndon Station'), (31015, 254, 170, 'Lynxville'), (31030, 254, 170,
'Lyons'), (11582, 254, 170, 'Madison'), (31129, 254, 170, 'Maiden
Rock'), (31167, 254, 170, 'Malone'), (31191, 254, 170, 'Manawa'), (31222,
254, 170, 'Manitowish Waters'), (11583, 254, 170, 'Manitowoc'), (31280,
254, 170, 'Maple'), (31305, 254, 170, 'Maplewood'), (31313, 254, 170,
'Marathon'), (31341, 254, 170, 'Marengo'), (31352, 254, 170,
'Maribel'), (11584, 254, 170, 'Marinette'), (31381, 254, 170,
'Marion'), (31391, 254, 170, 'Markesan'), (31417, 254, 170,
'Marquette'), (31431, 254, 170, 'Marshall'), (11585, 254, 170,
'Marshfield'), (15296, 254, 170, 'Mason'), (31532, 254, 170,
'Mather'), (31556, 254, 170, 'Mattoon'), (11586, 254, 170,
'Mauston'), (31632, 254, 170, 'Mayville'), (31639, 254, 170,
'Mazomanie'), (31709, 254, 170, 'Mc Farland'), (31756, 254, 170, 'Mc
Naughton'), (11587, 254, 170, 'Medford'), (31851, 254, 170,
'Medina'), (31882, 254, 170, 'Mellen'), (31896, 254, 170,
'Melrose'), (13714, 254, 170, 'Menasha'), (16676, 254, 170, 'Menomonee
Falls'), (11588, 254, 170, 'Menomonie'), (11589, 254, 170,
'Mequon'), (31944, 254, 170, 'Mercer'), (11590, 254, 170,
'Merrill'), (13400, 254, 170, 'Merrillan'), (31978, 254, 170,
'Merrimac'), (31988, 254, 170, 'Merton'), (12217, 254, 170,
'Middleton'), (32123, 254, 170, 'Mikana'), (32176, 254, 170,
'Milladore'), (32232, 254, 170, 'Millston'), (32239, 254, 170,
'Milltown'), (32277, 254, 170, 'Milton'), (11591, 254, 170,
'Milwaukee'), (32299, 254, 170, 'Mindoro'), (32310, 254, 170, 'Mineral
Point'), (13589, 254, 170, 'Minocqua'), (32341, 254, 170,
'Minong'), (14606, 254, 170, 'Mishicot'), (32432, 254, 170,
'Mondovi'), (11592, 254, 170, 'Monroe'), (11593, 254, 170,
'Montello'), (32514, 254, 170, 'Montfort'), (32531, 254, 170,
'Monticello'), (32545, 254, 170, 'Montreal'), (32662, 254, 170,
'Morrisonville'), (18748, 254, 170, 'Mosinee'), (32740, 254, 170, 'Mount
Calvary'), (32773, 254, 170, 'Mount Hope'), (12222, 254, 170, 'Mount
Horeb'), (32815, 254, 170, 'Mount Sterling'), (32837, 254, 170,
'Mountain'), (13995, 254, 170, 'Mukwonago'), (32942, 254, 170,
'Muscoda'), (14637, 254, 170, 'Muskego'), (33013, 254, 170,
'Nashotah'), (33068, 254, 170, 'Necedah'), (11594, 254, 170,
'Neenah'), (11595, 254, 170, 'Neillsville'), (33091, 254, 170,
'Nekoosa'), (33103, 254, 170, 'Nelson'), (33106, 254, 170,
'Nelsonville'), (33120, 254, 170, 'Neopit'), (33121, 254, 170,
'Neosho'), (33130, 254, 170, 'Neshkoro'), (33155, 254, 170, 'New
Auburn'), (11596, 254, 170, 'New Berlin'), (33211, 254, 170, 'New
Franken'), (12214, 254, 170, 'New Glarus'), (33243, 254, 170, 'New
Holstein'), (14692, 254, 170, 'New Lisbon'), (11597, 254, 170, 'New
London'), (33295, 254, 170, 'New Munster'), (11598, 254, 170, 'New
Richmond'), (33379, 254, 170, 'Newburg'), (33444, 254, 170,
'Newton'), (33469, 254, 170, 'Niagara'), (33481, 254, 170,
'Nichols'), (33641, 254, 170, 'North Freedom'), (33667, 254, 170, 'North
Lake'), (18674, 254, 170, 'North Prairie'), (33763, 254, 170,
'Norwalk'), (14294, 254, 170, 'Oak Creek'), (33859, 254, 170,
'Oakdale'), (33866, 254, 170, 'Oakfield'), (12481, 254, 170,
'Oconomowoc'), (11599, 254, 170, 'Oconto'), (33946, 254, 170, 'Oconto
Falls'), (33949, 254, 170, 'Odanah'), (33979, 254, 170,
'Ogdensburg'), (33981, 254, 170, 'Ogema'), (34000, 254, 170,
'Ojibwa'), (34008, 254, 170, 'Okauchee'), (34109, 254, 170,
'Omro'), (13986, 254, 170, 'Onalaska'), (34128, 254, 170,
'Oneida'), (34142, 254, 170, 'Ontario'), (34148, 254, 170,
'Oostburg'), (12216, 254, 170, 'Oregon'), (34194, 254, 170,
'Orfordville'), (11600, 254, 170, 'Osceola'), (11601, 254, 170,
'Oshkosh'), (34270, 254, 170, 'Osseo'), (16171, 254, 170, 'Owen'), (34360,
254, 170, 'Oxford'), (34384, 254, 170, 'Packwaukee'), (12324, 254, 170,
'Palmyra'), (34513, 254, 170, 'Pardeeville'), (11602, 254, 170, 'Park
Falls'), (34585, 254, 170, 'Patch Grove'), (34674, 254, 170,
'Pearson'), (34705, 254, 170, 'Pelican Lake'), (34708, 254, 170, 'Pell
Lake'), (34717, 254, 170, 'Pembine'), (34775, 254, 170, 'Pepin'), (34827,
254, 170, 'Peshtigo'), (14761, 254, 170, 'Pewaukee'), (34866, 254, 170,
'Phelps'), (11603, 254, 170, 'Phillips'), (34889, 254, 170,
'Phlox'), (34904, 254, 170, 'Pickerel'), (34906, 254, 170,
'Pickett'), (34941, 254, 170, 'Pigeon Falls'), (34992, 254, 170, 'Pine
River'), (18376, 254, 170, 'Pittsville'), (35084, 254, 170,
'Plain'), (35096, 254, 170, 'Plainfield'), (11604, 254, 170,
'Platteville'), (35151, 254, 170, 'Pleasant Prairie'), (12079, 254, 170,
'Plover'), (35176, 254, 170, 'Plum City'), (14875, 254, 170,
'Plymouth'), (35290, 254, 170, 'Poplar'), (35309, 254, 170, 'Port
Edwards'), (11605, 254, 170, 'Port Washington'), (35348, 254, 170, 'Port
Wing'), (11606, 254, 170, 'Portage'), (35363, 254, 170,
'Porterfield'), (35398, 254, 170, 'Potosi'), (35403, 254, 170,
'Potter'), (35419, 254, 170, 'Pound'), (35441, 254, 170, 'Powers
Lake'), (35451, 254, 170, 'Poy Sippi'), (35453, 254, 170,
'Poynette'), (11607, 254, 170, 'Prairie Du Chien'), (12233, 254, 170,
'Prairie du Sac'), (35464, 254, 170, 'Prairie Farm'), (35484, 254, 170,
'Prentice'), (14969, 254, 170, 'Prescott'), (35491, 254, 170, 'Presque
Isle'), (35529, 254, 170, 'Princeton'), (35591, 254, 170,
'Pulaski'), (11608, 254, 170, 'Racine'), (35690, 254, 170,
'Radisson'), (35767, 254, 170, 'Randolph'), (35769, 254, 170, 'Random
Lake'), (35848, 254, 170, 'Readfield'), (35858, 254, 170,
'Readstown'), (13928, 254, 170, 'Redgranite'), (35938, 254, 170,
'Reedsburg'), (35941, 254, 170, 'Reedsville'), (35945, 254, 170,
'Reeseville'), (15464, 254, 170, 'Rewey'), (11609, 254, 170,
'Rhinelander'), (36042, 254, 170, 'Rib Lake'), (11610, 254, 170, 'Rice
Lake'), (36071, 254, 170, 'Richfield'), (11611, 254, 170, 'Richland
Center'), (36128, 254, 170, 'Ridgeland'), (36144, 254, 170,
'Ridgeway'), (36172, 254, 170, 'Ringle'), (36181, 254, 170, 'Rio'), (36201,
254, 170, 'Ripon'), (11612, 254, 170, 'River Falls'), (36284, 254, 170,
'Roberts'), (36310, 254, 170, 'Rochester'), (36325, 254, 170, 'Rock
Falls'), (36335, 254, 170, 'Rock Springs'), (36359, 254, 170,
'Rockland'), (36513, 254, 170, 'Rosendale'), (36521, 254, 170,
'Rosholt'), (36547, 254, 170, 'Rothschild'), (36607, 254, 170,
'Royalton'), (36614, 254, 170, 'Rubicon'), (36623, 254, 170,
'Rudolph'), (36798, 254, 170, 'Saint Cloud'), (36800, 254, 170, 'Saint
Croix Falls'), (36821, 254, 170, 'Saint Germain'), (36872, 254, 170, 'Saint
Nazianz'), (18850, 254, 170, 'Salem'), (37022, 254, 170, 'Sand
Creek'), (37113, 254, 170, 'Sarona'), (12232, 254, 170, 'Sauk
City'), (37128, 254, 170, 'Saukville'), (37158, 254, 170,
'Saxeville'), (37160, 254, 170, 'Saxon'), (37166, 254, 170,
'Sayner'), (37177, 254, 170, 'Scandinavia'), (37199, 254, 170,
'Schofield'), (37384, 254, 170, 'Seneca'), (37416, 254, 170,
'Sextonville'), (11613, 254, 170, 'Seymour'), (37465, 254, 170,
'Sharon'), (11614, 254, 170, 'Shawano'), (11615, 254, 170,
'Sheboygan'), (37507, 254, 170, 'Sheboygan Falls'), (37537, 254, 170,
'Sheldon'), (11616, 254, 170, 'Shell Lake'), (37588, 254, 170,
'Sherwood'), (37605, 254, 170, 'Shiocton'), (37642, 254, 170,
'Shullsburg'), (11617, 254, 170, 'Silver Lake'), (37753, 254, 170,
'Sinsinawa'), (11618, 254, 170, 'Siren'), (13338, 254, 170, 'Sister
Bay'), (15838, 254, 170, 'Slinger'), (37893, 254, 170, 'Sobieski'), (37907,
254, 170, 'Soldiers Grove'), (15651, 254, 170, 'Solon Springs'), (37925,
254, 170, 'Somers'), (16718, 254, 170, 'Somerset'), (38035, 254, 170,
'South Milwaukee'), (38057, 254, 170, 'South Range'), (38082, 254, 170,
'South Wayne'), (11619, 254, 170, 'Sparta'), (38153, 254, 170,
'Spencer'), (38176, 254, 170, 'Spooner'), (38202, 254, 170, 'Spring
Green'), (38218, 254, 170, 'Spring Valley'), (38221, 254, 170,
'Springbrook'), (38236, 254, 170, 'Springfield'), (38312, 254, 170,
'Stanley'), (38337, 254, 170, 'Star Lake'), (38338, 254, 170, 'Star
Prairie'), (38418, 254, 170, 'Stetsonville'), (38420, 254, 170,
'Steuben'), (11620, 254, 170, 'Stevens Point'), (38463, 254, 170,
'Stitzer'), (38465, 254, 170, 'Stockbridge'), (38474, 254, 170,
'Stockholm'), (38490, 254, 170, 'Stoddard'), (38497, 254, 170, 'Stone
Lake'), (11749, 254, 170, 'Stoughton'), (38562, 254, 170,
'Stratford'), (38591, 254, 170, 'Strum'), (11621, 254, 170, 'Sturgeon
Bay'), (38609, 254, 170, 'Sturtevant'), (38613, 254, 170,
'Suamico'), (38644, 254, 170, 'Sullivan'), (38686, 254, 170, 'Summit
Lake'), (12219, 254, 170, 'Sun Prairie'), (11622, 254, 170,
'Superior'), (38749, 254, 170, 'Suring'), (18521, 254, 170,
'Sussex'), (38952, 254, 170, 'Taylor'), (39070, 254, 170,
'Theresa'), (39077, 254, 170, 'Thiensville'), (39126, 254, 170,
'Thorp'), (39135, 254, 170, 'Three Lakes'), (39162, 254, 170,
'Tigerton'), (39173, 254, 170, 'Tilleda'), (39214, 254, 170, 'Tisch
Mills'), (11623, 254, 170, 'Tomah'), (15705, 254, 170, 'Tomahawk'), (39267,
254, 170, 'Tony'), (39316, 254, 170, 'Townsend'), (39353, 254, 170,
'Trego'), (39362, 254, 170, 'Trempealeau'), (39379, 254, 170,
'Trevor'), (39404, 254, 170, 'Tripoli'), (39474, 254, 170, 'Tunnel
City'), (39514, 254, 170, 'Turtle Lake'), (11624, 254, 170, 'Twin
Lakes'), (12421, 254, 170, 'Two Rivers'), (39631, 254, 170, 'Union
Center'), (39642, 254, 170, 'Union Grove'), (39678, 254, 170,
'Unity'), (39700, 254, 170, 'Upson'), (39738, 254, 170, 'Valders'), (39792,
254, 170, 'Van Dyne'), (12215, 254, 170, 'Verona'), (39921, 254, 170,
'Vesper'), (39998, 254, 170, 'Viola'), (11625, 254, 170,
'Viroqua'), (40044, 254, 170, 'Wabeno'), (40107, 254, 170,
'Waldo'), (40120, 254, 170, 'Wales'), (12120, 254, 170,
'Walworth'), (40275, 254, 170, 'Warrens'), (40295, 254, 170,
'Wascott'), (11627, 254, 170, 'Washburn'), (40320, 254, 170, 'Washington
Island'), (40353, 254, 170, 'Waterford'), (40360, 254, 170,
'Waterloo'), (15626, 254, 170, 'Watertown'), (40405, 254, 170,
'Waukau'), (11628, 254, 170, 'Waukesha'), (12221, 254, 170,
'Waunakee'), (40410, 254, 170, 'Waupaca'), (40411, 254, 170,
'Waupun'), (11629, 254, 170, 'Wausau'), (40414, 254, 170,
'Wausaukee'), (40415, 254, 170, 'Wautoma'), (41962, 254, 170,
'Wauwatosa'), (40416, 254, 170, 'Wauzeka'), (16353, 254, 170,
'Webster'), (41951, 254, 170, 'West Allis'), (11632, 254, 170, 'West
Bend'), (40741, 254, 170, 'West Salem'), (40774, 254, 170,
'Westboro'), (40783, 254, 170, 'Westby'), (40802, 254, 170,
'Westfield'), (40871, 254, 170, 'Weyauwega'), (40872, 254, 170,
'Weyerhaeuser'), (40899, 254, 170, 'Wheeler'), (40934, 254, 170, 'White
Lake'), (11633, 254, 170, 'Whitehall'), (40975, 254, 170,
'Whitelaw'), (11634, 254, 170, 'Whitewater'), (41061, 254, 170, 'Wild
Rose'), (41089, 254, 170, 'Willard'), (41098, 254, 170, 'Williams
Bay'), (41170, 254, 170, 'Wilmot'), (41182, 254, 170, 'Wilson'), (41198,
254, 170, 'Wilton'), (41231, 254, 170, 'Windsor'), (41267, 254, 170,
'Winnebago'), (17458, 254, 170, 'Winneconne'), (41290, 254, 170,
'Winter'), (12231, 254, 170, 'Wisconsin Dells'), (13521, 254, 170,
'Wisconsin Rapids'), (41325, 254, 170, 'Withee'), (41330, 254, 170,
'Wittenberg'), (41370, 254, 170, 'Wonewoc'), (41400, 254, 170,
'Woodford'), (41414, 254, 170, 'Woodland'), (41422, 254, 170,
'Woodman'), (41427, 254, 170, 'Woodruff'), (17062, 254, 170,
'Woodville'), (41455, 254, 170, 'Woodworth'), (41501, 254, 170,
'Wrightstown'), (41528, 254, 170, 'Wyocena'), (41628, 254, 170,
'Zachow'), (41646, 254, 170, 'Zenda'), (19165, 254, 171, 'Afton'), (19206,
254, 171, 'Aladdin'), (19236, 254, 171, 'Albin'), (19253, 254, 171,
'Alcova'), (19389, 254, 171, 'Alpine'), (19436, 254, 171, 'Alva'), (19636,
254, 171, 'Arapahoe'), (19736, 254, 171, 'Arminto'), (19784, 254, 171,
'Arvada'), (19924, 254, 171, 'Auburn'), (20059, 254, 171, 'Baggs'), (20081,
254, 171, 'Bairoil'), (17212, 254, 171, 'Banner'), (20249, 254, 171,
'Basin'), (20400, 254, 171, 'Bedford'), (20704, 254, 171,
'Beulah'), (20741, 254, 171, 'Big Horn'), (11702, 254, 171, 'Big
Piney'), (20777, 254, 171, 'Bill'), (21084, 254, 171, 'Bondurant'), (21124,
254, 171, 'Bosler'), (21146, 254, 171, 'Boulder'), (11703, 254, 171,
'Buffalo'), (21695, 254, 171, 'Buford'), (21759, 254, 171,
'Burlington'), (21773, 254, 171, 'Burns'), (21854, 254, 171,
'Byron'), (22148, 254, 171, 'Carlile'), (22188, 254, 171,
'Carpenter'), (11704, 254, 171, 'Casper'), (22407, 254, 171,
'Centennial'), (11705, 254, 171, 'Cheyenne'), (22758, 254, 171,
'Chugwater'), (22929, 254, 171, 'Clearmont'), (11706, 254, 171,
'Cody'), (23124, 254, 171, 'Cokeville'), (23403, 254, 171, 'Cora'), (23550,
254, 171, 'Cowley'), (23717, 254, 171, 'Crowheart'), (23932, 254, 171,
'Daniel'), (24037, 254, 171, 'Dayton'), (24079, 254, 171,
'Deaver'), (24271, 254, 171, 'Devils Tower'), (24305, 254, 171,
'Diamondville'), (24369, 254, 171, 'Dixon'), (11707, 254, 171,
'Douglas'), (24579, 254, 171, 'Dubois'), (25016, 254, 171,
'Edgerton'), (25178, 254, 171, 'Elk Mountain'), (25332, 254, 171,
'Emblem'), (25375, 254, 171, 'Encampment'), (25508, 254, 171,
'Etna'), (11708, 254, 171, 'Evanston'), (25556, 254, 171,
'Evansville'), (25678, 254, 171, 'Fairview'), (25773, 254, 171,
'Farson'), (25796, 254, 171, 'FE Warren AFB'), (26092, 254, 171, 'Fort
Bridger'), (26121, 254, 171, 'Fort Laramie'), (26164, 254, 171, 'Fort
Washakie'), (26200, 254, 171, 'Four Corners'), (26275, 254, 171,
'Frannie'), (26314, 254, 171, 'Freedom'), (26387, 254, 171,
'Frontier'), (26558, 254, 171, 'Garrett'), (11709, 254, 171,
'Gillette'), (11710, 254, 171, 'Glendo'), (18207, 254, 171,
'Glenrock'), (27168, 254, 171, 'Granger'), (27172, 254, 171, 'Granite
Canon'), (11712, 254, 171, 'Green River'), (27393, 254, 171,
'Greybull'), (27436, 254, 171, 'Grover'), (11713, 254, 171,
'Guernsey'), (27616, 254, 171, 'Hamilton Dome'), (11714, 254, 171,
'Hanna'), (27860, 254, 171, 'Hartville'), (27937, 254, 171, 'Hawk
Springs'), (28229, 254, 171, 'Hiland'), (28268, 254, 171,
'Hillsdale'), (28544, 254, 171, 'Horse Creek'), (28639, 254, 171,
'Hudson'), (28661, 254, 171, 'Hulett'), (28719, 254, 171,
'Huntley'), (28764, 254, 171, 'Hyattville'), (11715, 254, 171,
'Jackson'), (29095, 254, 171, 'Jay Em'), (29120, 254, 171, 'Jeffrey
City'), (29123, 254, 171, 'Jelm'), (29347, 254, 171, 'Kaycee'), (29403,
254, 171, 'Kelly'), (11716, 254, 171, 'Kemmerer'), (29619, 254, 171,
'Kinnear'), (29640, 254, 171, 'Kirby'), (29759, 254, 171, 'La
Barge'), (29864, 254, 171, 'Lagrange'), (30026, 254, 171, 'Lance
Creek'), (11717, 254, 171, 'Lander'), (11718, 254, 171, 'Laramie'), (30279,
254, 171, 'Leiter'), (30466, 254, 171, 'Linch'), (30517, 254, 171,
'Lingle'), (30564, 254, 171, 'Little America'), (30718, 254, 171,
'Lonetree'), (30810, 254, 171, 'Lost Springs'), (30838, 254, 171,
'Lovell'), (30949, 254, 171, 'Lusk'), (30980, 254, 171, 'Lyman'), (31032,
254, 171, 'Lysite'), (31209, 254, 171, 'Manderson'), (31274, 254, 171,
'Manville'), (31740, 254, 171, 'Mc Kinnon'), (31842, 254, 171, 'Medicine
Bow'), (18655, 254, 171, 'Meeteetse'), (31956, 254, 171,
'Meriden'), (32119, 254, 171, 'Midwest'), (18438, 254, 171,
'Mills'), (32574, 254, 171, 'Moorcroft'), (32592, 254, 171,
'Moose'), (32603, 254, 171, 'Moran'), (32860, 254, 171, 'Mountain
View'), (33035, 254, 171, 'Natrona'), (11719, 254, 171,
'Newcastle'), (34150, 254, 171, 'Opal'), (34252, 254, 171,
'Osage'), (34307, 254, 171, 'Otto'), (34546, 254, 171, 'Parkman'), (34627,
254, 171, 'Pavillion'), (11720, 254, 171, 'Pine Bluffs'), (11721, 254, 171,
'Pinedale'), (35223, 254, 171, 'Point of Rocks'), (35422, 254, 171, 'Powder
River'), (14694, 254, 171, 'Powell'), (35724, 254, 171, 'Ralston'), (35741,
254, 171, 'Ranchester'), (11722, 254, 171, 'Rawlins'), (35870, 254, 171,
'Recluse'), (35965, 254, 171, 'Reliance'), (11723, 254, 171,
'Riverton'), (36286, 254, 171, 'Robertson'), (36333, 254, 171, 'Rock
River'), (11724, 254, 171, 'Rock Springs'), (36613, 254, 171,
'Rozet'), (36743, 254, 171, 'Saddlestring'), (36899, 254, 171, 'Saint
Stephens'), (11725, 254, 171, 'Saratoga'), (37143, 254, 171,
'Savery'), (37502, 254, 171, 'Shawnee'), (37540, 254, 171,
'Shell'), (11726, 254, 171, 'Sheridan'), (37615, 254, 171, 'Shirley
Basin'), (37636, 254, 171, 'Shoshoni'), (37746, 254, 171,
'Sinclair'), (37864, 254, 171, 'Smoot'), (14812, 254, 171,
'Story'), (11727, 254, 171, 'Sundance'), (38744, 254, 171,
'Superior'), (39001, 254, 171, 'Ten Sleep'), (39040, 254, 171, 'Teton
Village'), (39060, 254, 171, 'Thayne'), (11728, 254, 171,
'Thermopolis'), (39155, 254, 171, 'Tie Siding'), (11729, 254, 171,
'Torrington'), (39704, 254, 171, 'Upton'), (39798, 254, 171, 'Van
Tassell'), (39927, 254, 171, 'Veteran'), (40102, 254, 171,
'Walcott'), (40210, 254, 171, 'Wamsutter'), (40226, 254, 171,
'Wapiti'), (40833, 254, 171, 'Weston'), (11730, 254, 171,
'Wheatland'), (41183, 254, 171, 'Wilson'), (41347, 254, 171,
'Wolf'), (11731, 254, 171, 'Worland'), (41496, 254, 171, 'Wright'), (41511,
254, 171, 'Wyarno'), (41563, 254, 171, 'Yellowstone National
Park'), (41575, 254, 171, 'Yoder'), (19101, 254, 172, 'Adamant'), (19223,
254, 172, 'Albany'), (19247, 254, 172, 'Alburg'), (42342, 254, 172,
'Andover'), (19729, 254, 172, 'Arlington'), (19792, 254, 172,
'Ascutney'), (19986, 254, 172, 'Averill'), (20091, 254, 172,
'Bakersfield'), (20186, 254, 172, 'Barnard'), (20194, 254, 172,
'Barnet'), (12584, 254, 172, 'Barre'), (20236, 254, 172, 'Barton'), (20411,
254, 172, 'Beebe Plain'), (20422, 254, 172, 'Beecher Falls'), (20502, 254,
172, 'Bellows Falls'), (20520, 254, 172, 'Belmont'), (20540, 254, 172,
'Belvidere Center'), (15209, 254, 172, 'Bennington'), (20584, 254, 172,
'Benson'), (20681, 254, 172, 'Bethel'), (21071, 254, 172,
'Bomoseen'), (21086, 254, 172, 'Bondville'), (21239, 254, 172,
'Bradford'), (21288, 254, 172, 'Brandon'), (15752, 254, 172,
'Brattleboro'), (21380, 254, 172, 'Bridgewater'), (21381, 254, 172,
'Bridgewater Corners'), (21384, 254, 172, 'Bridport'), (21424, 254, 172,
'Bristol'), (21489, 254, 172, 'Brookfield'), (21558, 254, 172,
'Brownsville'), (1153, 254, 172, 'Burlington'), (21865, 254, 172,
'Cabot'), (21889, 254, 172, 'Calais'), (17928, 254, 172,
'Cambridge'), (21965, 254, 172, 'Cambridgeport'), (22034, 254, 172,
'Canaan'), (18049, 254, 172, 'Castleton'), (22332, 254, 172,
'Cavendish'), (22427, 254, 172, 'Center Rutland'), (22551, 254, 172,
'Charlotte'), (22610, 254, 172, 'Chelsea'), (15678, 254, 172,
'Chester'), (22661, 254, 172, 'Chester Depot'), (22732, 254, 172,
'Chittenden'), (12345, 254, 172, 'Colchester'), (23294, 254, 172,
'Concord'), (23430, 254, 172, 'Corinth'), (23531, 254, 172,
'Coventry'), (23569, 254, 172, 'Craftsbury'), (23570, 254, 172, 'Craftsbury
Common'), (23836, 254, 172, 'Cuttingsville'), (23924, 254, 172,
'Danby'), (23952, 254, 172, 'Danville'), (24245, 254, 172,
'Derby'), (24246, 254, 172, 'Derby Line'), (24439, 254, 172,
'Dorset'), (15795, 254, 172, 'East Arlington'), (24774, 254, 172, 'East
Barre'), (24776, 254, 172, 'East Berkshire'), (24791, 254, 172, 'East
Burke'), (24793, 254, 172, 'East Calais'), (24797, 254, 172, 'East
Charleston'), (17717, 254, 172, 'East Corinth'), (24805, 254, 172, 'East
Dorset'), (24806, 254, 172, 'East Dover'), (24814, 254, 172, 'East
Fairfield'), (24830, 254, 172, 'East Hardwick'), (24832, 254, 172, 'East
Haven'), (24855, 254, 172, 'East Middlebury'), (24857, 254, 172, 'East
Montpelier'), (24878, 254, 172, 'East Poultney'), (24884, 254, 172, 'East
Randolph'), (24889, 254, 172, 'East Ryegate'), (24890, 254, 172, 'East
Saint Johnsbury'), (24905, 254, 172, 'East Thetford'), (24909, 254, 172,
'East Wallingford'), (24997, 254, 172, 'Eden'), (24999, 254, 172, 'Eden
Mills'), (25409, 254, 172, 'Enosburg Falls'), (25475, 254, 172,
'Essex'), (15476, 254, 172, 'Essex Junction'), (25606, 254, 172, 'Fair
Haven'), (13460, 254, 172, 'Fairfax'), (25641, 254, 172,
'Fairfield'), (25651, 254, 172, 'Fairlee'), (25840, 254, 172,
'Ferrisburg'), (25982, 254, 172, 'Florence'), (26042, 254, 172, 'Forest
Dale'), (26257, 254, 172, 'Franklin'), (26614, 254, 172,
'Gaysville'), (26761, 254, 172, 'Gilman'), (26938, 254, 172,
'Glover'), (27101, 254, 172, 'Grafton'), (27120, 254, 172,
'Granby'), (27131, 254, 172, 'Grand Isle'), (27176, 254, 172,
'Graniteville'), (27205, 254, 172, 'Granville'), (27335, 254, 172,
'Greensboro'), (27336, 254, 172, 'Greensboro Bend'), (27418, 254, 172,
'Groton'), (27461, 254, 172, 'Guildhall'), (27665, 254, 172,
'Hancock'), (27731, 254, 172, 'Hardwick'), (27839, 254, 172,
'Hartford'), (12996, 254, 172, 'Hartland'), (27843, 254, 172, 'Hartland
Four Corners'), (28205, 254, 172, 'Highgate Center'), (28206, 254, 172,
'Highgate Springs'), (28294, 254, 172, 'Hinesburg'), (28710, 254, 172,
'Huntington'), (28769, 254, 172, 'Hyde Park'), (28774, 254, 172,
'Hydeville'), (28918, 254, 172, 'Irasburg'), (28968, 254, 172, 'Island
Pond'), (28973, 254, 172, 'Isle La Motte'), (29038, 254, 172,
'Jacksonville'), (29049, 254, 172, 'Jamaica'), (29118, 254, 172,
'Jeffersonville'), (29142, 254, 172, 'Jericho'), (29196, 254, 172,
'Johnson'), (29237, 254, 172, 'Jonesville'), (29550, 254, 172,
'Killington'), (29904, 254, 172, 'Lake Elmore'), (30707, 254, 172,
'Londonderry'), (30856, 254, 172, 'Lowell'), (30863, 254, 172, 'Lower
Waterford'), (30915, 254, 172, 'Ludlow'), (30939, 254, 172,
'Lunenburg'), (30996, 254, 172, 'Lyndon'), (30997, 254, 172, 'Lyndon
Center'), (31000, 254, 172, 'Lyndonville'), (31204, 254, 172,
'Manchester'), (31205, 254, 172, 'Manchester Center'), (31400, 254, 172,
'Marlboro'), (31438, 254, 172, 'Marshfield'), (31725, 254, 172, 'Mc Indoe
Falls'), (17803, 254, 172, 'Middlebury'), (32087, 254, 172, 'Middletown
Springs'), (32275, 254, 172, 'Milton'), (32442, 254, 172,
'Monkton'), (32520, 254, 172, 'Montgomery'), (32522, 254, 172, 'Montgomery
Center'), (1154, 254, 172, 'Montpelier'), (32613, 254, 172,
'Moretown'), (32617, 254, 172, 'Morgan'), (32671, 254, 172,
'Morrisville'), (32698, 254, 172, 'Moscow'), (32767, 254, 172, 'Mount
Holly'), (33237, 254, 172, 'New Haven'), (33384, 254, 172,
'Newbury'), (33402, 254, 172, 'Newfane'), (1155, 254, 172,
'Newport'), (33433, 254, 172, 'Newport Center'), (33600, 254, 172, 'North
Bennington'), (33625, 254, 172, 'North Clarendon'), (33627, 254, 172,
'North Concord'), (33639, 254, 172, 'North Ferrisburg'), (33651, 254, 172,
'North Hartland'), (33656, 254, 172, 'North Hero'), (33661, 254, 172,
'North Hyde Park'), (33682, 254, 172, 'North Montpelier'), (33691, 254,
172, 'North Pomfret'), (33693, 254, 172, 'North Pownal'), (33709, 254, 172,
'North Springfield'), (33717, 254, 172, 'North Thetford'), (33718, 254,
172, 'North Troy'), (18803, 254, 172, 'Northfield'), (16485, 254, 172,
'Northfield Falls'), (33757, 254, 172, 'Norton'), (18039, 254, 172,
'Norwich'), (34223, 254, 172, 'Orleans'), (34247, 254, 172,
'Orwell'), (14467, 254, 172, 'Passumpsic'), (34634, 254, 172,
'Pawlet'), (34662, 254, 172, 'Peacham'), (34791, 254, 172,
'Perkinsville'), (34824, 254, 172, 'Peru'), (35071, 254, 172,
'Pittsfield'), (35074, 254, 172, 'Pittsford'), (35095, 254, 172,
'Plainfield'), (35194, 254, 172, 'Plymouth'), (35390, 254, 172, 'Post
Mills'), (17853, 254, 172, 'Poultney'), (35450, 254, 172,
'Pownal'), (35543, 254, 172, 'Proctor'), (35545, 254, 172,
'Proctorsville'), (35621, 254, 172, 'Putney'), (35641, 254, 172,
'Quechee'), (35766, 254, 172, 'Randolph'), (35768, 254, 172, 'Randolph
Center'), (35852, 254, 172, 'Reading'), (35857, 254, 172,
'Readsboro'), (36074, 254, 172, 'Richford'), (36098, 254, 172,
'Richmond'), (36205, 254, 172, 'Ripton'), (18581, 254, 172,
'Rochester'), (36590, 254, 172, 'Roxbury'), (36647, 254, 172,
'Rupert'), (1156, 254, 172, 'Rutland'), (12783, 254, 172, 'Saint
Albans'), (36768, 254, 172, 'Saint Albans Bay'), (1157, 254, 172, 'Saint
Johnsbury'), (36844, 254, 172, 'Saint Johnsbury Center'), (36942, 254, 172,
'Salisbury'), (37163, 254, 172, 'Saxtons River'), (37435, 254, 172,
'Shaftsbury'), (37464, 254, 172, 'Sharon'), (37516, 254, 172,
'Sheffield'), (37520, 254, 172, 'Shelburne'), (37536, 254, 172,
'Sheldon'), (37538, 254, 172, 'Sheldon Springs'), (37627, 254, 172,
'Shoreham'), (37966, 254, 172, 'South Barre'), (37979, 254, 172, 'South
Burlington'), (38019, 254, 172, 'South Hero'), (18060, 254, 172, 'South
Londonberry'), (38030, 254, 172, 'South Londonderry'), (38041, 254, 172,
'South Newfane'), (38053, 254, 172, 'South Pomfret'), (38062, 254, 172,
'South Royalton'), (38064, 254, 172, 'South Ryegate'), (38073, 254, 172,
'South Strafford'), (38093, 254, 172, 'South Woodstock'), (16225, 254, 172,
'Springfield'), (38288, 254, 172, 'Stamford'), (38346, 254, 172,
'Starksboro'), (38464, 254, 172, 'Stockbridge'), (13564, 254, 172,
'Stowe'), (38541, 254, 172, 'Strafford'), (38770, 254, 172,
'Sutton'), (38786, 254, 172, 'Swanton'), (38866, 254, 172,
'Taftsville'), (39072, 254, 172, 'Thetford'), (39073, 254, 172, 'Thetford
Center'), (39317, 254, 172, 'Townshend'), (39433, 254, 172,
'Troy'), (39471, 254, 172, 'Tunbridge'), (17930, 254, 172,
'Underhill'), (39613, 254, 172, 'Underhill Center'), (16756, 254, 172,
'Vergennes'), (39900, 254, 172, 'Vernon'), (39920, 254, 172,
'Vershire'), (14035, 254, 172, 'Waitsfield'), (40163, 254, 172,
'Wallingford'), (40240, 254, 172, 'Wardsboro'), (40272, 254, 172,
'Warren'), (40314, 254, 172, 'Washington'), (40343, 254, 172,
'Waterbury'), (40344, 254, 172, 'Waterbury Center'), (40377, 254, 172,
'Waterville'), (40490, 254, 172, 'Websterville'), (40551, 254, 172,
'Wells'), (40553, 254, 172, 'Wells River'), (40612, 254, 172, 'West
Burke'), (40616, 254, 172, 'West Charleston'), (40629, 254, 172, 'West
Danville'), (40633, 254, 172, 'West Dover'), (40634, 254, 172, 'West
Dummerston'), (40641, 254, 172, 'West Fairlee'), (40653, 254, 172, 'West
Glover'), (40661, 254, 172, 'West Halifax'), (40665, 254, 172, 'West
Hartford'), (40707, 254, 172, 'West Newbury'), (40719, 254, 172, 'West
Pawlet'), (40738, 254, 172, 'West Rupert'), (18835, 254, 172, 'West
Rutland'), (40757, 254, 172, 'West Topsham'), (40759, 254, 172, 'West
Townshend'), (40767, 254, 172, 'West Wardsboro'), (40801, 254, 172,
'Westfield'), (40806, 254, 172, 'Westford'), (40816, 254, 172,
'Westminster'), (40817, 254, 172, 'Westminster Station'), (40832, 254, 172,
'Weston'), (16208, 254, 172, 'White River Junction'), (41011, 254, 172,
'Whiting'), (41012, 254, 172, 'Whitingham'), (41064, 254, 172,
'Wilder'), (41122, 254, 172, 'Williamstown'), (41125, 254, 172,
'Williamsville'), (41135, 254, 172, 'Williston'), (1158, 254, 172,
'Wilmington'), (41230, 254, 172, 'Windsor'), (18684, 254, 172,
'Winooski'), (41345, 254, 172, 'Wolcott'), (41396, 254, 172,
'Woodbury'), (11921, 254, 172, 'Woodstock'), (41470, 254, 172,
'Worcester'), (41770, 254, 5260, 'AOL'), (41771, 254, 5261, 'MSN
TV'), (6769, 256, 4490, 'Artigas'), (13485, 256, 4491, 'Carmelo'), (6770,
256, 4491, 'Colonia'), (13443, 256, 4492, 'Durazno'), (6771, 256, 4492,
'Paso De Los Toros'), (4954, 256, 4496, 'Maldonado'); INSERT INTO
`{#}geo_cities` (`id`, `country_id`, `region_id`, `name`) VALUES (14827,
256, 4496, 'Punta del Este'), (4955, 256, 4497, 'Montevideo'), (4956, 256,
4498, 'Paysandu'), (6772, 256, 4500, 'Rivera'), (6773, 256, 4501,
'Rocha'), (6774, 256, 4502, 'Salto'), (12881, 256, 4503, 'San Jos'), (6775,
256, 4505, 'Tacuarembo'), (4957, 257, 4508, 'Bukhara'), (16672, 257, 4511,
'Urgench'), (4958, 257, 4516, 'Samarkand'), (4959, 257, 4519,
'Tashkent'), (42364, 258, 5073, 'Port Vila'), (5651, 259, 4526,
'Capacho'), (5700, 259, 4526, 'Puerto Ayacucho'), (5712, 259, 4526, 'San
Carlos'), (5723, 259, 4526, 'Santa Barbara'), (5736, 259, 4526,
'Turmero'), (5639, 259, 4527, 'Anaco'), (5669, 259, 4527, 'El
Palito'), (5672, 259, 4527, 'El Tigrito'), (4860, 259, 4527, 'Puerto la
Cruz'), (5703, 259, 4527, 'Puerto Piritu'), (5721, 259, 4527, 'San
Mateo'), (5635, 259, 4528, 'Achaguas'), (5646, 259, 4528,
'Bruzual'), (5675, 259, 4528, 'Elorza'), (5677, 259, 4528,
'Guasdualito'), (5691, 259, 4528, 'Mantecal'), (5718, 259, 4528, 'San
Fernando'), (5719, 259, 4528, 'San Fernando de Apure'), (5644, 259, 4529,
'Bejuma'), (5649, 259, 4529, 'Camatagua'), (5713, 259, 4529, 'San
Casimiro'), (5720, 259, 4529, 'San Juan de Los Morros'), (5722, 259, 4529,
'San Sebastian'), (5643, 259, 4530, 'Barinas'), (5685, 259, 4530, 'Las
Morochas'), (5725, 259, 4530, 'Santa Rosa'), (5667, 259, 4531, 'El
Callao'), (41821, 259, 4531, 'Puerto Ordaz'), (5702, 259, 4531, 'Puertp
Ordaz'), (5737, 259, 4531, 'Upata'), (5715, 259, 4532, 'San Diego'), (6780,
259, 4532, 'Valencia'), (5668, 259, 4533, 'El Junquito'), (5731, 259, 4533,
'Tinaquillo'), (5734, 259, 4534, 'Tucupita'), (4859, 259, 4535,
'Caracas'), (5663, 259, 4535, 'Coro'), (16887, 259, 4535,
'Maracay'), (5638, 259, 4536, 'Amuay'), (5665, 259, 4536,
'Cumarebo'), (5674, 259, 4536, 'El Vigia'), (5680, 259, 4536,
'Judibana'), (5698, 259, 4536, 'Piritu'), (5701, 259, 4536, 'Puerto
Escondido'), (5704, 259, 4536, 'Punta Cardon'), (5637, 259, 4537,
'Altagracia De Orituco'), (5648, 259, 4537, 'Calabozo'), (5670, 259, 4537,
'El Sombrero'), (5740, 259, 4537, 'Valle De La Pascua'), (5742, 259, 4537,
'Zaraza'), (6777, 259, 4538, 'Barquisimeto'), (5647, 259, 4538,
'Cabudare'), (5654, 259, 4538, 'Carora'), (5673, 259, 4538, 'El
Tocuyo'), (5708, 259, 4538, 'Quibor'), (5666, 259, 4539, 'Ejido'), (5692,
259, 4539, 'Merida'), (5694, 259, 4539, 'Mucuchies'), (5657, 259, 4540,
'Catia La Mar'), (5658, 259, 4540, 'Charallave'), (5664, 259, 4540,
'Cua'), (17091, 259, 4540, 'Los Teques'), (5695, 259, 4540, 'Ocumare Del
Tuy'), (5707, 259, 4540, 'Punto Fijo'), (5653, 259, 4541, 'Caripe'), (5655,
259, 4541, 'Carrizales'), (5681, 259, 4541, 'La Asuncion'), (16559, 259,
4541, 'Maturin'), (5705, 259, 4541, 'Punta de Mata'), (5634, 259, 4542,
'Acarigua'), (5686, 259, 4542, 'Las Piedras'), (6779, 259, 4542,
'Margarita'), (5696, 259, 4542, 'Pampatar'), (5699, 259, 4542,
'Porlamar'), (5636, 259, 4543, 'Agua Blanca'), (5641, 259, 4543,
'Araure'), (5676, 259, 4543, 'Guanare'), (5656, 259, 4544,
'Carupano'), (5706, 259, 4544, 'Punta de Piedras'), (5732, 259, 4544,
'Tocuyito'), (5735, 259, 4544, 'Turen'), (5640, 259, 4545,
'Apartaderos'), (5682, 259, 4545, 'La Fria'), (5693, 259, 4545,
'Michelena'), (5709, 259, 4545, 'Rubio'), (5711, 259, 4545, 'San Antonio
Del Tachira'), (5714, 259, 4545, 'San Cristobal'), (5717, 259, 4545, 'San
Felix'), (5728, 259, 4545, 'Tariba'), (5738, 259, 4545, 'Urena'), (5645,
259, 4546, 'Bocono'), (5710, 259, 4546, 'San Antonio'), (5733, 259, 4546,
'Trujillo'), (5739, 259, 4546, 'Valera'), (5660, 259, 4547,
'Chivacoa'), (5716, 259, 4547, 'San Felipe'), (5741, 259, 4547,
'Yaritagua'), (5642, 259, 4548, 'Bachaquero'), (5661, 259, 4548, 'Ciudad
Ojeda'), (5662, 259, 4548, 'Colon'), (5684, 259, 4548,
'Lagunillas'), (5688, 259, 4548, 'Machiques'), (6778, 259, 4548,
'Maracaibo'), (5724, 259, 4548, 'Santa Rita'), (5727, 259, 4548,
'Tamare'), (5730, 259, 4548, 'Tia Juana'), (5652, 259, 5061,
'Caraballeda'), (5683, 259, 5061, 'La Guaira'), (5689, 259, 5061,
'Macuto'), (5690, 259, 5061, 'Maiquetia'), (5697, 259, 5061, 'Piedra
Azul'), (6781, 260, 4564, 'Hanoi'), (4960, 260, 4568, 'Ho Chi Minh
City'), (18543, 260, 4590, 'Bien Hoa'), (4961, 260, 4612, 'Hue'), (6783,
261, 5384, 'Charlotte Amalie'), (41831, 261, 5385, 'Cruz Bay'), (16858,
261, 5386, 'Christiansted'), (12685, 265, 802, 'Hawthorne'), (42046, 270,
4666, 'Mukalla'), (17280, 270, 4675, 'Ibb'), (6784, 270, 4678,
'Sanaa'), (17713, 271, 3941, 'Ada'), (18139, 271, 3941, 'Kisac'), (18025,
271, 3941, 'Kula'), (17675, 271, 3941, 'Novi Sad'), (16062, 271, 3941,
'Pancevo'), (17892, 271, 3941, 'Senta'), (18026, 271, 3941,
'Sombor'), (16174, 271, 3941, 'Subotica'), (18994, 271, 3941,
'Vrsac'), (18146, 271, 3941, 'Zrenjanin'), (17535, 271, 5062,
'Bar'), (19003, 271, 5062, 'Budva'), (14257, 271, 5062,
'Herceg-Novi'), (18786, 271, 5062, 'Kolasin'), (11994, 271, 5062,
'Podgorica'), (17302, 271, 5063, 'Barajevo'), (6785, 271, 5063,
'Belgrade'), (17681, 271, 5063, 'Jagodina'), (18041, 271, 5063,
'Leskovac'), (17009, 271, 5063, 'Nis'), (17760, 271, 5063,
'Obrenovac'), (17792, 271, 5063, 'Topola'), (17712, 271, 5063,
'Zemun'), (41731, 271, 5258, 'Kosovo Polje'), (41824, 271, 5258,
'Pristina'), (4963, 273, 4681, 'Kitwe'), (4964, 273, 4688,
'Lusaka'), (4968, 274, 4689, 'Mutare'), (4966, 274, 4690, 'Gweru'), (16050,
274, 4690, 'Kwekwe'), (4967, 274, 4691, 'Harare'), (19013, 274, 4692,
'Marondera'), (4965, 274, 4693, 'Chinhoyi'), (19015, 274, 4693,
'Kadoma'), (42066, 274, 4694, 'Victoria Falls'), (42385, 274, 4695,
'Beitbridge'), (41921, 274, 5271, 'chitungwiza'), (42026, 275, 5387,
'Hebron'), (17810, 275, 5388, 'Gaza City'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}geo_countries`; CREATE TABLE `{#}geo_countries` ( `id` int(11)
unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT
'', `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100', PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `ordering` (`ordering`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}geo_countries` (`id`, `name`, `ordering`)
VALUES (1, 'Afghanistan', 100), (2, 'Albania', 100), (3, 'Algeria',
100), (4, 'American Samoa', 100), (5, 'Andorra', 100), (6, 'Angola',
100), (7, 'Anguilla', 100), (8, 'Antarctica', 100), (9, 'Antigua and
Barbuda', 100), (10, 'Argentina', 100), (11, 'Armenia', 100), (12, 'Aruba',
100), (13, 'Ashmore and Cartier', 100), (14, 'Australia', 100), (15,
'Austria', 100), (16, 'Azerbaijan', 100), (18, 'Bahrain', 100), (19, 'Baker
Island', 100), (20, 'Bangladesh', 100), (21, 'Barbados', 100), (22, 'Bassas
da India', 100), (23, 'Belarus', 100), (24, 'Belgium', 100), (25, 'Belize',
100), (26, 'Benin', 100), (27, 'Bermuda', 100), (28, 'Bhutan', 100), (29,
'Bolivia', 100), (30, 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 100), (31, 'Botswana',
100), (32, 'Bouvet Island', 100), (33, 'Brazil', 100), (34, 'British Indian
Ocean Territory', 100), (35, 'British Virgin Islands', 100), (36, 'Brunei
Darussalam', 100), (37, 'Bulgaria', 100), (38, 'Burkina Faso', 100), (39,
'Burma', 100), (40, 'Burundi', 100), (41, 'Cambodia', 100), (42,
'Cameroon', 100), (43, 'Canada', 100), (44, 'Cape Verde', 100), (45,
'Cayman Islands', 100), (46, 'Central African Republic', 100), (47, 'Chad',
100), (48, 'Chile', 100), (49, 'China', 100), (50, 'Christmas Island',
100), (51, 'Clipperton Island', 100), (52, 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
100), (53, 'Colombia', 100), (54, 'Comoros', 100), (55, 'Congo, Democratic
Republic of the', 100), (56, 'Congo, Republic of the', 100), (57, 'Cook
Islands', 100), (58, 'Coral Sea Islands', 100), (59, 'Costa Rica',
100), (60, 'Cote d''Ivoire', 100), (61, 'Croatia', 100), (62, 'Cuba',
100), (63, 'Cyprus', 100), (64, 'Czech Republic', 100), (65, 'Denmark',
100), (66, 'Djibouti', 100), (67, 'Dominica', 100), (68, 'Dominican
Republic', 100), (69, 'East Timor', 100), (70, 'Ecuador', 100), (71,
'Egypt', 100), (72, 'El Salvador', 100), (73, 'Equatorial Guinea',
100), (74, 'Eritrea', 100), (75, 'Estonia', 100), (76, 'Ethiopia',
100), (77, 'Europa Island', 100), (78, 'Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)',
100), (79, 'Faroe Islands', 100), (80, 'Fiji', 100), (81, 'Finland',
100), (82, 'France', 100), (83, 'France, Metropolitan', 100), (84, 'French
Guiana', 100), (85, 'French Polynesia', 100), (86, 'French Southern and
Antarctic Lands', 100), (87, 'Gabon', 100), (89, 'Gaza Strip', 100), (90,
'Georgia', 100), (91, 'Germany', 100), (92, 'Ghana', 100), (93,
'Gibraltar', 100), (94, 'Glorioso Islands', 100), (95, 'Greece', 100), (96,
'Greenland', 100), (97, 'Grenada', 100), (98, 'Guadeloupe', 100), (99,
'Guam', 100), (100, 'Guatemala', 100), (101, 'Guernsey', 100), (102,
'Guinea', 100), (103, 'Guinea-Bissau', 100), (104, 'Guyana', 100), (105,
'Haiti', 100), (106, 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 100), (107, 'Holy
See (Vatican City)', 100), (108, 'Honduras', 100), (109, 'Hong Kong (SAR)',
100), (110, 'Howland Island', 100), (111, 'Hungary', 100), (112, 'Iceland',
100), (113, 'India', 100), (114, 'Indonesia', 100), (115, 'Iran',
100), (116, 'Iraq', 100), (117, 'Ireland', 100), (118, 'Israel',
100), (119, 'Italy', 100), (120, 'Jamaica', 100), (121, 'Jan Mayen',
100), (122, 'Japan', 100), (123, 'Jarvis Island', 100), (124, 'Jersey',
100), (125, 'Johnston Atoll', 100), (126, 'Jordan', 100), (127, 'Juan de
Nova Island', 100), (128, 'Kazakhstan', 100), (129, 'Kenya', 100), (130,
'Kingman Reef', 100), (131, 'Kiribati', 100), (132, 'Korea, North',
100), (133, 'Korea, South', 100), (134, 'Kuwait', 100), (135, 'Kyrgyzstan',
100), (136, 'Laos', 100), (137, 'Latvia', 100), (138, 'Lebanon',
100), (139, 'Lesotho', 100), (140, 'Liberia', 100), (141, 'Libya',
100), (142, 'Liechtenstein', 100), (143, 'Lithuania', 100), (144,
'Luxembourg', 100), (145, 'Macao', 100), (146, 'Macedonia, The Former
Yugoslav Republic of', 100), (147, 'Madagascar', 100), (148, 'Malawi',
100), (149, 'Malaysia', 100), (150, 'Maldives', 100), (151, 'Mali',
100), (152, 'Malta', 100), (153, 'Man, Isle of', 100), (154, 'Marshall
Islands', 100), (155, 'Martinique', 100), (156, 'Mauritania', 100), (157,
'Mauritius', 100), (158, 'Mayotte', 100), (159, 'Mexico', 100), (160,
'Micronesia, Federated States of', 100), (161, 'Midway Islands',
100), (162, 'Miscellaneous (French)', 100), (163, 'Moldova', 100), (164,
'Monaco', 100), (165, 'Mongolia', 100), (166, 'Montenegro', 100), (167,
'Montserrat', 100), (168, 'Morocco', 100), (169, 'Mozambique', 100), (170,
'Myanmar', 100), (171, 'Namibia', 100), (172, 'Nauru', 100), (173, 'Navassa
Island', 100), (174, 'Nepal', 100), (175, 'Netherlands', 100), (176,
'Netherlands Antilles', 100), (177, 'New Caledonia', 100), (178, 'New
Zealand', 100), (179, 'Nicaragua', 100), (180, 'Niger', 100), (181,
'Nigeria', 100), (182, 'Niue', 100), (183, 'Norfolk Island', 100), (184,
'Northern Mariana Islands', 100), (185, 'Norway', 100), (186, 'Oman',
100), (187, 'Pakistan', 100), (188, 'Palau', 100), (275, 'Palestinian
Territory, Occupied', 100), (189, 'Palmyra Atoll', 100), (190, 'Panama',
100), (191, 'Papua New Guinea', 100), (192, 'Paracel Islands', 100), (193,
'Paraguay', 100), (194, 'Peru', 100), (195, 'Philippines', 100), (196,
'Pitcairn Islands', 100), (197, 'Poland', 100), (198, 'Portugal',
100), (199, 'Puerto Rico', 100), (200, 'Qatar', 100), (201, 'R',
100), (202, 'Romania', 100), (203, 'Russia', 100), (204, 'Rwanda',
100), (205, 'Saint Helena', 100), (206, 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
100), (207, 'Saint Lucia', 100), (208, 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
100), (209, 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 100), (210, 'Samoa',
100), (211, 'San Marino', 100), (212, 'S', 100), (213, 'Saudi Arabia',
100), (214, 'Senegal', 100), (215, 'Serbia', 100), (216, 'Serbia and
Montenegro', 100), (217, 'Seychelles', 100), (218, 'Sierra Leone',
100), (219, 'Singapore', 100), (220, 'Slovakia', 100), (221, 'Slovenia',
100), (222, 'Solomon Islands', 100), (223, 'Somalia', 100), (224, 'South
Africa', 100), (225, 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
100), (226, 'Spain', 100), (227, 'Spratly Islands', 100), (228, 'Sri
Lanka', 100), (229, 'Sudan', 100), (230, 'Suriname', 100), (231,
'Svalbard', 100), (232, 'Swaziland', 100), (233, 'Sweden', 100), (234,
'Switzerland', 100), (235, 'Syria', 100), (236, 'Taiwan', 100), (237,
'Tajikistan', 100), (238, 'Tanzania', 100), (239, 'Thailand', 100), (17,
'The Bahamas', 100), (88, 'The Gambia', 100), (240, 'Togo', 100), (241,
'Tokelau', 100), (242, 'Tonga', 100), (243, 'Trinidad and Tobago',
100), (244, 'Tromelin Island', 100), (245, 'Tunisia', 100), (246, 'Turkey',
100), (247, 'Turkmenistan', 100), (248, 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
100), (249, 'Tuvalu', 100), (250, 'Uganda', 100), (251, 'Ukraine',
100), (252, 'United Arab Emirates', 100), (253, 'United Kingdom',
100), (254, 'United States', 100), (255, 'United States Minor Outlying
Islands', 100), (256, 'Uruguay', 100), (257, 'Uzbekistan', 100), (258,
'Vanuatu', 100), (259, 'Venezuela', 100), (260, 'Vietnam', 100), (261,
'Virgin Islands', 100), (262, 'Virgin Islands (UK)', 100), (263, 'Virgin
Islands (US)', 100), (264, 'Wake Island', 100), (265, 'Wallis and Futuna',
100), (266, 'West Bank', 100), (267, 'Western Sahara', 100), (268, 'Western
Samoa', 100), (269, 'World', 100), (270, 'Yemen', 100), (271, 'Yugoslavia',
100), (272, 'Zaire', 100), (273, 'Zambia', 100), (274, 'Zimbabwe',
100); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}geo_regions`; CREATE TABLE `{#}geo_regions`
( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `country_id` int(10)
unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `country_id` (`country_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM
DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}geo_regions` (`id`, `country_id`,
`name`) VALUES (1, 14, 'Victoria'), (2, 14, 'Tasmania'), (3, 14,
'Queensland'), (4, 14, 'New South Wales'), (5, 14, 'South Australia'), (6,
14, 'Western Australia'), (7, 14, 'Northern Territory'), (8, 33,
'Acre'), (10, 33, 'Amap'), (11, 33, 'Bahia'), (12, 33, 'Goi'), (13, 33,
'Piau'), (14, 33, 'Cear'), (15, 33, 'Paran'), (16, 33, 'Alagoas'), (17, 33,
'Para'), (18, 33, 'Roraima'), (19, 33, 'Sergipe'), (20, 33,
'Amazonas'), (21, 33, 'Maranh'), (22, 33, 'Rond'), (24, 33, 'S'), (25, 33,
'Tocantins'), (26, 33, 'Mato Grosso'), (27, 33, 'Minas Gerais'), (28, 33,
'Esp'), (29, 33, 'Rio de Janeiro'), (30, 33, 'Santa Catarina'), (32, 33,
'Rio Grande do Sul'), (33, 33, 'Mato Grosso do Sul'), (34, 33, 'Rio Grande
do Norte'), (35, 43, 'Quebec'), (36, 43, 'Alberta'), (37, 43,
'Ontario'), (38, 43, 'Manitoba'), (39, 43, 'Nova Scotia'), (40, 43,
'Saskatchewan'), (41, 43, 'Newfoundland and Labrador'), (42, 43, 'New
Brunswick'), (43, 43, 'British Columbia'), (45, 43, 'Prince Edward
Island'), (46, 43, 'Northwest Territories'), (49, 114, 'Bali'), (56, 159,
'Sonora'), (59, 159, 'Jalisco'), (60, 159, 'Hidalgo'), (61, 159,
'Morelos'), (62, 159, 'Chiapas'), (63, 159, 'Tabasco'), (66, 159,
'Guerrero'), (69, 159, 'Nuevo Leon'), (70, 159, 'Tamaulipas'), (71, 159,
'Guanajuato'), (72, 159, 'Quintana Roo'), (73, 159, 'Baja
California'), (74, 159, 'Baja California Sur'), (75, 165, 'Tov'), (76, 165,
'Uvs'), (80, 165, 'Dornod'), (81, 165, 'Hovsgol'), (82, 165,
'Selenge'), (86, 165, 'Suhbaatar'), (91, 203, 'Komi'), (105, 203,
'Dagestan'), (106, 203, 'Mariy-El'), (110, 203, 'Tatarstan'), (122, 254,
'Alabama'), (123, 254, 'Alaska'), (124, 254, 'Arizona'), (125, 254,
'Arkansas'), (126, 254, 'California'), (127, 254, 'Colorado'), (128, 254,
'Connecticut'), (129, 254, 'Delaware'), (130, 254, 'District of
Columbia'), (131, 254, 'Florida'), (132, 254, 'Georgia'), (133, 254,
'Hawaii'), (134, 254, 'Idaho'), (135, 254, 'Illinois'), (136, 254,
'Indiana'), (137, 254, 'Iowa'), (138, 254, 'Kansas'), (139, 254,
'Kentucky'), (140, 254, 'Louisiana'), (141, 254, 'Maine'), (142, 254,
'Maryland'), (143, 254, 'Massachusetts'), (144, 254, 'Michigan'), (145,
254, 'Minnesota'), (146, 254, 'Mississippi'), (147, 254, 'Missouri'), (148,
254, 'Montana'), (149, 254, 'Nebraska'), (150, 254, 'Nevada'), (151, 254,
'New Hampshire'), (152, 254, 'New Jersey'), (153, 254, 'New Mexico'), (154,
254, 'New York'), (155, 254, 'North Carolina'), (156, 254, 'North
Dakota'), (157, 254, 'Ohio'), (158, 254, 'Oklahoma'), (159, 254,
'Oregon'), (160, 254, 'Pennsylvania'), (161, 254, 'Rhode Island'), (162,
254, 'South Carolina'), (163, 254, 'South Dakota'), (164, 254,
'Tennessee'), (165, 254, 'Texas'), (166, 254, 'Utah'), (167, 254,
'Virginia'), (168, 254, 'Washington'), (169, 254, 'West Virginia'), (170,
254, 'Wisconsin'), (171, 254, 'Wyoming'), (172, 254, 'Vermont'), (174, 14,
'Australian Capital Territory'), (189, 114, 'Papua'), (193, 165,
'Bulgan'), (194, 165, 'Hovd'), (196, 159, 'Chihuahua'), (197, 159,
'Colima'), (198, 159, 'Durango'), (201, 159, 'Oaxaca'), (203, 159, 'San
Luis Potosi'), (204, 159, 'Tlaxcala'), (206, 159, 'Zacatecas'), (268, 269,
'World'), (539, 2, 'Albania'), (540, 3, 'Algeria'), (541, 4, 'American
Samoa'), (542, 5, 'Andorra'), (543, 6, 'Angola'), (544, 7,
'Anguilla'), (545, 8, 'Antarctica'), (546, 9, 'Antigua and Barbuda'), (547,
10, 'Argentina'), (548, 11, 'Armenia'), (549, 12, 'Aruba'), (550, 13,
'Ashmore and Cartier'), (551, 14, 'Australia'), (552, 15, 'Austria'), (553,
16, 'Azerbaijan'), (554, 17, 'The Bahamas'), (555, 18, 'Bahrain'), (556,
19, 'Baker Island'), (557, 20, 'Bangladesh'), (558, 21, 'Barbados'), (559,
22, 'Bassas da India'), (560, 23, 'Belarus'), (561, 24, 'Belgium'), (563,
26, 'Benin'), (564, 27, 'Bermuda'), (565, 28, 'Bhutan'), (566, 29,
'Bolivia'), (567, 30, 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'), (568, 31,
'Botswana'), (569, 32, 'Bouvet Island'), (570, 33, 'Brazil'), (571, 34,
'British Indian Ocean Territory'), (572, 35, 'British Virgin
Islands'), (573, 36, 'Brunei Darussalam'), (574, 37, 'Bulgaria'), (575, 38,
'Burkina Faso'), (576, 39, 'Burma'), (577, 40, 'Burundi'), (578, 41,
'Cambodia'), (579, 42, 'Cameroon'), (580, 43, 'Canada'), (581, 44, 'Cape
Verde'), (582, 45, 'Cayman Islands'), (583, 46, 'Central African
Republic'), (584, 47, 'Chad'), (585, 48, 'Chile'), (586, 49,
'China'), (587, 50, 'Christmas Island'), (588, 51, 'Clipperton
Island'), (589, 52, 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands'), (590, 53,
'Colombia'), (591, 54, 'Comoros'), (592, 55, 'Democratic Republic of the
Congo'), (593, 56, 'Republic of the Congo'), (594, 57, 'Cook
Islands'), (595, 58, 'Coral Sea Islands'), (596, 59, 'Costa Rica'), (597,
60, 'Cote d''Ivoire'), (598, 61, 'Croatia'), (599, 62, 'Cuba'), (600, 63,
'Cyprus'), (601, 64, 'Czech Republic'), (602, 65, 'Denmark'), (604, 67,
'Dominica'), (605, 68, 'Dominican Republic'), (606, 69, 'East
Timor'), (607, 70, 'Ecuador'), (608, 71, 'Egypt'), (609, 72, 'El
Salvador'), (610, 73, 'Equatorial Guinea'), (611, 74, 'Eritrea'), (612, 75,
'Estonia'), (613, 76, 'Ethiopia'), (614, 77, 'Europa Island'), (615, 78,
'Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)'), (616, 79, 'Faroe Islands'), (617, 80,
'Fiji'), (618, 81, 'Finland'), (619, 82, 'France'), (620, 83, 'Metropolitan
France'), (621, 84, 'French Guiana'), (622, 85, 'French Polynesia'), (623,
86, 'French Southern and Antarctic Lands'), (624, 87, 'Gabon'), (625, 88,
'The Gambia'), (626, 89, 'Gaza Strip'), (627, 90, 'Georgia'), (628, 91,
'Germany'), (629, 92, 'Ghana'), (630, 93, 'Gibraltar'), (631, 94, 'Glorioso
Islands'), (632, 95, 'Greece'), (633, 96, 'Greenland'), (634, 97,
'Grenada'), (635, 98, 'Guadeloupe'), (636, 99, 'Guam'), (638, 101,
'Guernsey'), (639, 102, 'Guinea'), (640, 103, 'Guinea-Bissau'), (641, 104,
'Guyana'), (642, 105, 'Haiti'), (643, 106, 'Heard Island and McDonald
Islands'), (644, 107, 'Holy See (Vatican City)'), (645, 108,
'Honduras'), (646, 109, 'Hong Kong (SAR)'), (647, 110, 'Howland
Island'), (648, 111, 'Hungary'), (649, 112, 'Iceland'), (650, 113,
'India'), (651, 114, 'Indonesia'), (652, 115, 'Iran'), (653, 116,
'Iraq'), (654, 117, 'Ireland'), (655, 118, 'Israel'), (656, 119,
'Italy'), (657, 120, 'Jamaica'), (658, 121, 'Jan Mayen'), (659, 122,
'Japan'), (660, 123, 'Jarvis Island'), (661, 124, 'Jersey'), (662, 125,
'Johnston Atoll'), (663, 126, 'Jordan'), (664, 127, 'Juan de Nova
Island'), (665, 128, 'Kazakhstan'), (666, 129, 'Kenya'), (667, 130,
'Kingman Reef'), (668, 131, 'Kiribati'), (669, 132, 'North Korea'), (670,
133, 'South Korea'), (671, 134, 'Kuwait'), (672, 135, 'Kyrgyzstan'), (673,
136, 'Laos'), (674, 137, 'Latvia'), (675, 138, 'Lebanon'), (676, 139,
'Lesotho'), (677, 140, 'Liberia'), (678, 141, 'Libya'), (679, 142,
'Liechtenstein'), (680, 143, 'Lithuania'), (682, 145, 'Macao'), (683, 146,
'The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia'), (684, 147,
'Madagascar'), (685, 148, 'Malawi'), (686, 149, 'Malaysia'), (687, 150,
'Maldives'), (688, 151, 'Mali'), (689, 152, 'Malta'), (690, 153, 'Isle of
Man'), (691, 154, 'Marshall Islands'), (692, 155, 'Martinique'), (693, 156,
'Mauritania'), (694, 157, 'Mauritius'), (695, 158, 'Mayotte'), (697, 160,
'Federated States of Micronesia'), (698, 161, 'Midway Islands'), (699, 162,
'Miscellaneous (French)'), (700, 163, 'Moldova'), (701, 164,
'Monaco'), (702, 165, 'Mongolia'), (703, 166, 'Montenegro'), (704, 167,
'Montserrat'), (705, 168, 'Morocco'), (706, 169, 'Mozambique'), (707, 170,
'Myanmar'), (708, 171, 'Namibia'), (709, 172, 'Nauru'), (710, 173, 'Navassa
Island'), (711, 174, 'Nepal'), (712, 175, 'The Netherlands'), (713, 176,
'Netherlands Antilles'), (714, 177, 'New Caledonia'), (715, 178, 'New
Zealand'), (716, 179, 'Nicaragua'), (717, 180, 'Niger'), (718, 181,
'Nigeria'), (719, 182, 'Niue'), (720, 183, 'Norfolk Island'), (721, 184,
'Northern Mariana Islands'), (722, 185, 'Norway'), (723, 186,
'Oman'), (724, 187, 'Pakistan'), (725, 188, 'Palau'), (726, 189, 'Palmyra
Atoll'), (728, 191, 'Papua New Guinea'), (729, 192, 'Paracel
Islands'), (730, 193, 'Paraguay'), (731, 194, 'Peru'), (732, 195,
'Philippines'), (733, 196, 'Pitcairn Islands'), (734, 197, 'Poland'), (735,
198, 'Portugal'), (736, 199, 'Puerto Rico'), (737, 200, 'Qatar'), (738,
201, 'R'), (739, 202, 'Romania'), (740, 203, 'Russia'), (741, 204,
'Rwanda'), (743, 206, 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'), (744, 207, 'Saint
Lucia'), (745, 208, 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon'), (746, 209, 'Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines'), (747, 210, 'Samoa'), (750, 213, 'Saudi
Arabia'), (751, 214, 'Senegal'), (752, 215, 'Serbia'), (753, 216, 'Serbia
and Montenegro'), (754, 217, 'Seychelles'), (755, 218, 'Sierra
Leone'), (756, 219, 'Singapore'), (757, 220, 'Slovakia'), (758, 221,
'Slovenia'), (759, 222, 'Solomon Islands'), (760, 223, 'Somalia'), (761,
224, 'South Africa'), (762, 225, 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich
Islands'), (763, 226, 'Spain'), (764, 227, 'Spratly Islands'), (765, 228,
'Sri Lanka'), (766, 229, 'Sudan'), (767, 230, 'Suriname'), (768, 231,
'Svalbard'), (769, 232, 'Swaziland'), (770, 233, 'Sweden'), (771, 234,
'Switzerland'), (772, 235, 'Syria'), (773, 236, 'Taiwan'), (774, 237,
'Tajikistan'), (775, 238, 'Tanzania'), (776, 239, 'Thailand'), (777, 240,
'Togo'), (778, 241, 'Tokelau'), (779, 242, 'Tonga'), (780, 243, 'Trinidad
and Tobago'), (781, 244, 'Tromelin Island'), (782, 245, 'Tunisia'), (783,
246, 'Turkey'), (784, 247, 'Turkmenistan'), (785, 248, 'Turks and Caicos
Islands'), (786, 249, 'Tuvalu'), (787, 250, 'Uganda'), (788, 251,
'Ukraine'), (789, 252, 'United Arab Emirates'), (790, 253, 'United
Kingdom'), (791, 254, 'United States'), (792, 255, 'United States Minor
Outlying Islands'), (793, 256, 'Uruguay'), (794, 257, 'Uzbekistan'), (795,
258, 'Vanuatu'), (796, 259, 'Venezuela'), (797, 260, 'Vietnam'), (798, 261,
'Virgin Islands'), (799, 262, 'Virgin Islands (UK)'), (800, 263, 'Virgin
Islands (US)'), (801, 264, 'Wake Island'), (802, 265, 'Wallis and
Futuna'), (803, 266, 'West Bank'), (804, 267, 'Western Sahara'), (805, 268,
'Western Samoa'), (806, 270, 'Yemen'), (808, 272, 'Zaire'), (809, 273,
'Zambia'), (810, 274, 'Zimbabwe'), (815, 43, 'Yukon Territory'), (816, 9,
'Barbuda'), (817, 9, 'Saint George'), (818, 9, 'Saint John'), (819, 9,
'Saint Mary'), (820, 9, 'Saint Paul'), (821, 9, 'Saint Peter'), (822, 9,
'Saint Philip'), (823, 1, 'Badakhshan'), (824, 1, 'Badghis'), (825, 1,
'Baghlan'), (827, 1, 'Bamian'), (828, 1, 'Farah'), (829, 1,
'Faryab'), (830, 1, 'Ghazni'), (831, 1, 'Ghowr'), (832, 1,
'Helmand'), (833, 1, 'Herat'), (835, 1, 'Kabol'), (836, 1, 'Kapisa'), (837,
1, 'Konar'), (838, 1, 'Laghman'), (839, 1, 'Lowgar'), (840, 1,
'Nangarhar'), (841, 1, 'Nimruz'), (842, 1, 'Oruzgan'), (843, 1,
'Paktia'), (844, 1, 'Parvan'), (845, 1, 'Kandahar'), (846, 1,
'Kondoz'), (848, 1, 'Takhar'), (849, 1, 'Vardak'), (850, 1, 'Zabol'), (851,
1, 'Paktika'), (852, 1, 'Balkh'), (853, 1, 'Jowzjan'), (854, 1,
'Samangan'), (855, 1, 'Sare Pol'), (856, 3, 'Alger'), (857, 3,
'Batna'), (858, 3, 'Constantine'), (859, 3, 'Medea'), (860, 3,
'Mostaganem'), (861, 3, 'Oran'), (862, 3, 'Saida'), (863, 3,
'Setif'), (864, 3, 'Tiaret'), (865, 3, 'Tizi Ouzou'), (866, 3,
'Tlemcen'), (867, 3, 'Bejaia'), (868, 3, 'Biskra'), (869, 3,
'Blida'), (870, 3, 'Bouira'), (871, 3, 'Djelfa'), (872, 3, 'Guelma'), (873,
3, 'Jijel'), (874, 3, 'Laghouat'), (875, 3, 'Mascara'), (876, 3,
'M''Sila'), (877, 3, 'Oum el Bouaghi'), (878, 3, 'Sidi Bel Abbes'), (879,
3, 'Skikda'), (880, 3, 'Tebessa'), (881, 3, 'Adrar'), (882, 3, 'Ain
Defla'), (883, 3, 'Ain Temouchent'), (884, 3, 'Annaba'), (885, 3,
'Bechar'), (886, 3, 'Bordj Bou Arreridj'), (887, 3, 'Boumerdes'), (888, 3,
'Chlef'), (889, 3, 'El Bayadh'), (890, 3, 'El Oued'), (891, 3, 'El
Tarf'), (892, 3, 'Ghardaia'), (893, 3, 'Illizi'), (894, 3,
'Khenchela'), (895, 3, 'Mila'), (896, 3, 'Naama'), (897, 3,
'Ouargla'), (898, 3, 'Relizane'), (899, 3, 'Souk Ahras'), (900, 3,
'Tamanghasset'), (901, 3, 'Tindouf'), (902, 3, 'Tipaza'), (903, 3,
'Tissemsilt'), (904, 16, 'Abseron'), (905, 16, 'Agcabadi'), (906, 16,
'Agdam'), (907, 16, 'Agdas'), (908, 16, 'Agstafa'), (909, 16,
'Agsu'), (910, 16, 'Ali Bayramli'), (911, 16, 'Astara'), (912, 16,
'Baki'), (913, 16, 'Balakan'), (914, 16, 'Barda'), (915, 16,
'Beylaqan'), (916, 16, 'Bilasuvar'), (917, 16, 'Cabrayil'), (918, 16,
'Calilabad'), (919, 16, 'Daskasan'), (920, 16, 'Davaci'), (921, 16,
'Fuzuli'), (922, 16, 'Gadabay'), (923, 16, 'Ganca'), (924, 16,
'Goranboy'), (925, 16, 'Goycay'), (926, 16, 'Haciqabul'), (927, 16,
'Imisli'), (928, 16, 'Ismayilli'), (929, 16, 'Kalbacar'), (930, 16,
'Kurdamir'), (931, 16, 'Lacin'), (932, 16, 'Lankaran'), (934, 16,
'Lerik'), (935, 16, 'Masalli'), (936, 16, 'Mingacevir'), (937, 16,
'Naftalan'), (938, 16, 'Naxcivan'), (939, 16, 'Neftcala'), (940, 16,
'Oguz'), (941, 16, 'Qabala'), (942, 16, 'Qax'), (943, 16, 'Qazax'), (944,
16, 'Qobustan'), (945, 16, 'Quba'), (946, 16, 'Qubadli'), (947, 16,
'Qusar'), (948, 16, 'Saatli'), (949, 16, 'Sabirabad'), (950, 16,
'Saki'), (952, 16, 'Salyan'), (953, 16, 'Samaxi'), (954, 16,
'Samkir'), (955, 16, 'Samux'), (956, 16, 'Siyazan'), (957, 16,
'Sumqayit'), (958, 16, 'Susa'), (960, 16, 'Tartar'), (961, 16,
'Tovuz'), (962, 16, 'Ucar'), (963, 16, 'Xacmaz'), (964, 16,
'Xankandi'), (965, 16, 'Xanlar'), (966, 16, 'Xizi'), (967, 16,
'Xocali'), (968, 16, 'Xocavand'), (969, 16, 'Yardimli'), (970, 16,
'Yevlax'), (972, 16, 'Zangilan'), (973, 16, 'Zaqatala'), (974, 16,
'Zardab'), (975, 2, 'Berat'), (976, 2, 'Diber'), (977, 2, 'Durres'), (978,
2, 'Elbasan'), (979, 2, 'Fier'), (980, 2, 'Gjirokaster'), (981, 2,
'Gramsh'), (982, 2, 'Kolonje'), (983, 2, 'Korce'), (984, 2, 'Kruje'), (985,
2, 'Kukes'), (986, 2, 'Lezhe'), (987, 2, 'Librazhd'), (988, 2,
'Lushnje'), (989, 2, 'Mat'), (990, 2, 'Mirdite'), (991, 2, 'Permet'), (992,
2, 'Pogradec'), (993, 2, 'Puke'), (994, 2, 'Sarande'), (995, 2,
'Shkoder'), (996, 2, 'Skrapar'), (997, 2, 'Tepelene'), (998, 2,
'Tropoje'), (999, 2, 'Vlore'), (1000, 2, 'Tiran'), (1001, 2,
'Bulqize'), (1002, 2, 'Delvine'), (1003, 2, 'Devoll'), (1004, 2,
'Has'), (1005, 2, 'Kavaje'), (1006, 2, 'Kucove'), (1007, 2,
'Kurbin'), (1008, 2, 'Malesi e Madhe'), (1009, 2, 'Mallakaster'), (1010, 2,
'Peqin'), (1011, 2, 'Tirane'), (1012, 11, 'Aragatsotn'), (1013, 11,
'Ararat'), (1014, 11, 'Armavir'), (1015, 11, 'Geghark''unik'''), (1016, 11,
'Kotayk'''), (1017, 11, 'Lorri'), (1018, 11, 'Shirak'), (1019, 11,
'Syunik'''), (1020, 11, 'Tavush'), (1021, 11, 'Vayots'' Dzor'), (1022, 11,
'Yerevan'), (1023, 5, 'Andorra la Vella'), (1024, 5, 'Canillo'), (1025, 5,
'Encamp'), (1026, 5, 'La Massana'), (1027, 5, 'Ordino'), (1028, 5, 'Sant
Julia de Loria'), (1029, 6, 'Benguela'), (1030, 6, 'Bie'), (1031, 6,
'Cabinda'), (1032, 6, 'Cuando Cubango'), (1033, 6, 'Cuanza Norte'), (1034,
6, 'Cuanza Sul'), (1035, 6, 'Cunene'), (1036, 6, 'Huambo'), (1037, 6,
'Huila'), (1038, 6, 'Luanda'), (1039, 6, 'Malanje'), (1040, 6,
'Namibe'), (1041, 6, 'Moxico'), (1046, 6, 'Uige'), (1047, 6,
'Zaire'), (1048, 6, 'Lunda Norte'), (1049, 6, 'Lunda Sul'), (1050, 6,
'Bengo'), (1051, 10, 'Buenos Aires'), (1052, 10, 'Catamarca'), (1053, 10,
'Chaco'), (1054, 10, 'Chubut'), (1055, 10, 'Cordoba'), (1056, 10,
'Corrientes'), (1057, 10, 'Distrito Federal'), (1058, 10, 'Entre
Rios'), (1059, 10, 'Formosa'), (1060, 10, 'Jujuy'), (1061, 10, 'La
Pampa'), (1062, 10, 'La Rioja'), (1063, 10, 'Mendoza'), (1064, 10,
'Misiones'), (1065, 10, 'Neuquen'), (1066, 10, 'Rio Negro'), (1067, 10,
'Salta'), (1068, 10, 'San Juan'), (1069, 10, 'San Luis'), (1070, 10, 'Santa
Cruz'), (1071, 10, 'Santa Fe'), (1072, 10, 'Santiago del Estero'), (1073,
10, 'Antartida e Islas del Atlan Tierra del Fuego'), (1074, 10,
'Tucuman'), (1075, 15, 'Burgenland'), (1076, 15, 'Karnten'), (1077, 15,
'Niederosterreich'), (1078, 15, 'Oberosterreich'), (1079, 15,
'Salzburg'), (1080, 15, 'Steiermark'), (1081, 15, 'Tirol'), (1082, 15,
'Vorarlberg'), (1083, 15, 'Wien'), (1084, 18, 'Al Hadd'), (1085, 18, 'Al
Manamah'), (1086, 18, 'Al Muharraq'), (1087, 18, 'Jidd Hafs'), (1088, 18,
'Sitrah'), (1090, 18, 'Al Mintaqah al Gharbiyah'), (1091, 18, 'Mintaqat
Juzur Hawar'), (1092, 18, 'Al Mintaqah ash Shamaliyah'), (1093, 18, 'Al
Mintaqah al Wusta'), (1094, 18, 'Madinat Isa'), (1096, 18, 'Madinat
Hamad'), (1097, 21, 'Christ Church'), (1098, 21, 'Saint Andrew'), (1099,
21, 'Saint George'), (1100, 21, 'Saint James'), (1101, 21, 'Saint
John'), (1102, 21, 'Saint Joseph'), (1103, 21, 'Saint Lucy'), (1104, 21,
'Saint Michael'), (1105, 21, 'Saint Peter'), (1106, 21, 'Saint
Philip'), (1107, 21, 'Saint Thomas'), (1108, 31, 'Central'), (1109, 31,
'Chobe'), (1110, 31, 'Ghanzi'), (1111, 31, 'Kgalagadi'), (1112, 31,
'Kgatleng'), (1113, 31, 'Kweneng'), (1114, 31, 'Ngamiland'), (1115, 31,
'NorthEast'), (1116, 31, 'SouthEast'), (1117, 31, 'Southern'), (1118, 27,
'Devonshire'), (1119, 27, 'Hamilton Municipality'), (1121, 27,
'Paget'), (1122, 27, 'Pembroke'), (1123, 27, 'Saint George'), (1124, 27,
'Saint George''s'), (1125, 27, 'Sandys'), (1126, 27, 'Smiths'), (1127, 27,
'Southampton'), (1128, 27, 'Warwick'), (1129, 24, 'Antwerpen'), (1131, 24,
'Hainaut'), (1132, 24, 'Liege'), (1133, 24, 'Limburg'), (1134, 24,
'Luxembourg'), (1135, 24, 'Namur'), (1136, 24, 'Oost-Vlaanderen'), (1137,
24, 'West-Vlaanderen'), (1138, 17, 'Bimini'), (1139, 17, 'Cat
Island'), (1140, 17, 'Exuma'), (1143, 17, 'Inagua'), (1144, 17, 'Long
Island'), (1145, 17, 'Mayaguana'), (1146, 17, 'Ragged Island'), (1147, 17,
'Harbour Island'), (1148, 17, 'New Providence'), (1149, 17, 'Acklins and
Crooked Islands'), (1150, 17, 'Freeport'), (1151, 17, 'Fresh
Creek'), (1152, 17, 'Governor''s Harbour'), (1153, 17, 'Green Turtle
Cay'), (1154, 17, 'High Rock'), (1155, 17, 'Kemps Bay'), (1156, 17, 'Marsh
Harbour'), (1157, 17, 'Nichollstown and Berry Islands'), (1158, 17, 'Rock
Sound'), (1159, 17, 'Sandy Point'), (1160, 17, 'San Salvador and Rum
Cay'), (1161, 20, 'Chittagong'), (1162, 20, 'Dhaka'), (1163, 20,
'Khulna'), (1164, 20, 'Rajshahi'), (1165, 25, 'Belize'), (1166, 25,
'Cayo'), (1167, 25, 'Corozal'), (1168, 25, 'Orange Walk'), (1169, 25,
'Stann Creek'), (1170, 25, 'Toledo'), (1171, 29, 'Chuquisaca'), (1172, 29,
'Cochabamba'), (1173, 29, 'El Beni'), (1174, 29, 'La Paz'), (1175, 29,
'Oruro'), (1176, 29, 'Pando'), (1177, 29, 'Potosi'), (1178, 29, 'Santa
Cruz'), (1179, 29, 'Tarija'), (1180, 39, 'Rakhine State'), (1181, 39, 'Chin
State'), (1182, 39, 'Ayeyarwady'), (1183, 39, 'Kachin State'), (1184, 39,
'Kayin State'), (1185, 39, 'Kayah State'), (1187, 39, 'Mandalay'), (1189,
39, 'Sagaing'), (1190, 39, 'Shan State'), (1191, 39, 'Tanintharyi'), (1192,
39, 'Mon State'), (1194, 39, 'Magway'), (1195, 39, 'Bago'), (1196, 39,
'Yangon'), (1197, 26, 'Atakora'), (1198, 26, 'Atlantique'), (1199, 26,
'Borgou'), (1200, 26, 'Mono'), (1201, 26, 'Oueme'), (1202, 26,
'Zou'), (1203, 23, 'Brestskaya Voblasts'''), (1204, 23, 'Homyel''skaya
Voblasts'''), (1205, 23, 'Hrodzyenskaya Voblasts'''), (1206, 23,
'Minsk'), (1207, 23, 'Minskaya Voblasts'''), (1208, 23, 'Mahilyowskaya
Voblasts'''), (1209, 23, 'Vitsyebskaya Voblasts'''), (1210, 222,
'Malaita'), (1211, 222, 'Western'), (1212, 222, 'Central'), (1213, 222,
'Guadalcanal'), (1214, 222, 'Isabel'), (1215, 222, 'Makira'), (1216, 222,
'Temotu'), (1217, 33, 'Distrito Federal'), (1219, 33, 'Paro'), (1220, 33,
'Pernambuco'), (1221, 28, 'Bumthang'), (1222, 28, 'Chhukha'), (1223, 28,
'Chirang'), (1224, 28, 'Daga'), (1225, 28, 'Geylegphug'), (1226, 28,
'Ha'), (1227, 28, 'Lhuntshi'), (1228, 28, 'Mongar'), (1229, 28,
'Paro'), (1230, 28, 'Pemagatsel'), (1231, 28, 'Punakha'), (1232, 28,
'Samchi'), (1233, 28, 'Samdrup'), (1234, 28, 'Shemgang'), (1235, 28,
'Tashigang'), (1236, 28, 'Thimphu'), (1237, 28, 'Tongsa'), (1238, 28,
'Wangdi Phodrang'), (1239, 37, 'Burgas'), (1240, 37, 'Sofiya-Grad'), (1241,
37, 'Khaskovo'), (1242, 37, 'Lovech'), (1243, 37, 'Montana'), (1244, 37,
'Plovdiv'), (1245, 37, 'Razgrad'), (1246, 37, 'Sofiya'), (1247, 37,
'Varna'), (1248, 36, 'Belait'), (1249, 36, 'Brunei and Muara'), (1250, 36,
'Temburong'), (1251, 36, 'Tutong'), (1252, 40, 'Bujumbura'), (1253, 40,
'Muramvya'), (1254, 40, 'Bubanza'), (1255, 40, 'Bururi'), (1256, 40,
'Cankuzo'), (1257, 40, 'Cibitoke'), (1258, 40, 'Gitega'), (1259, 40,
'Karuzi'), (1260, 40, 'Kayanza'), (1261, 40, 'Kirundo'), (1262, 40,
'Makamba'), (1263, 40, 'Muyinga'), (1264, 40, 'Ngozi'), (1265, 40,
'Rutana'), (1266, 40, 'Ruyigi'), (1267, 41, 'Batdambang'), (1268, 41,
'Kampong Cham'), (1269, 41, 'Kampong Chhnang'), (1270, 41, 'Kampong
Spoe'), (1271, 41, 'Kampong Thum'), (1272, 41, 'Kampot'), (1273, 41,
'Kandal'), (1274, 41, 'Kaoh Kong'), (1275, 41, 'Krachen'), (1276, 41,
'Mondol Kiri'), (1277, 41, 'Phnum Penh'), (1278, 41, 'Pouthisat'), (1279,
41, 'Preah Vihear'), (1280, 41, 'Prey Veng'), (1283, 41, 'Stoeng
Treng'), (1284, 41, 'Svay Rieng'), (1285, 41, 'Takev'), (1286, 41, 'Rotanah
Kiri'), (1287, 41, 'Siem Reab'), (1288, 41, 'Banteay Mean Cheay'), (1289,
41, 'Keb'), (1290, 41, 'Otdar Mean Cheay'), (1291, 41, 'Preah
Seihanu'), (1292, 47, 'Batha'), (1293, 47, 'Biltine'), (1294, 47,
'Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti'), (1295, 47, 'ChariBaguirmi'), (1296, 47,
'Guera'), (1297, 47, 'Kanem'), (1298, 47, 'Lac'), (1299, 47, 'Logone
Occidental'), (1300, 47, 'Logone Oriental'), (1301, 47,
'Mayo-Kebbi'), (1302, 47, 'Moyen-Chari'), (1303, 47, 'Ouaddai'), (1304, 47,
'Salamat'), (1305, 47, 'Tandjile'), (1306, 228, 'Central'), (1307, 228,
'North Central'), (1308, 228, 'North Eastern'), (1309, 228, 'North
Western'), (1310, 228, 'Sabaragamuwa'), (1311, 228, 'Southern'), (1312,
228, 'Uva'), (1313, 228, 'Western'), (1314, 56, 'Bouenza'), (1315, 56,
'Cuvette'), (1316, 56, 'Kouilou'), (1317, 56, 'Lekoumou'), (1318, 56,
'Likouala'), (1319, 56, 'Niari'), (1320, 56, 'Plateaux'), (1321, 56,
'Sangha'), (1322, 56, 'Pool'), (1323, 56, 'Brazzaville'), (1324, 55,
'Bandundu'), (1325, 55, 'Equateur'), (1326, 55, 'Kasai-Occidental'), (1327,
55, 'Kasai-Oriental'), (1328, 55, 'Katanga'), (1329, 55,
'Kinshasa'), (1331, 55, 'Bas-Congo'), (1332, 55, 'Orientale'), (1333, 49,
'Anhui'), (1334, 49, 'Zhejiang'), (1335, 49, 'Jiangxi'), (1336, 49,
'Jiangsu'), (1337, 49, 'Jilin'), (1338, 49, 'Qinghai'), (1339, 49,
'Fujian'), (1340, 49, 'Heilongjiang'), (1341, 49, 'Henan'), (1342, 49,
'Hebei'), (1343, 49, 'Hunan'), (1344, 49, 'Hubei'), (1345, 49,
'Xinjiang'), (1346, 49, 'Xizang'), (1347, 49, 'Gansu'), (1348, 49,
'Guangxi'), (1349, 49, 'Guizhou'), (1350, 49, 'Liaoning'), (1351, 49, 'Nei
Mongol'), (1352, 49, 'Ningxia'), (1353, 49, 'Beijing'), (1354, 49,
'Shanghai'), (1355, 49, 'Shanxi'), (1356, 49, 'Shandong'), (1357, 49,
'Shaanxi'), (1358, 49, 'Sichuan'), (1359, 49, 'Tianjin'), (1360, 49,
'Yunnan'), (1361, 49, 'Guangdong'), (1362, 49, 'Hainan'), (1363, 49,
'Chongqing'), (1364, 48, 'Valparaiso'), (1365, 48, 'Aisen del General
Carlos Ibanez del Campo'), (1366, 48, 'Antofagasta'), (1367, 48,
'Araucania'), (1368, 48, 'Atacama'), (1369, 48, 'Bio-Bio'), (1370, 48,
'Coquimbo'), (1371, 48, 'Libertador General Bernardo O''Higgins'), (1372,
48, 'Los Lagos'), (1373, 48, 'Magallanes y de la Antartica
Chilena'), (1374, 48, 'Maule'), (1375, 48, 'Region Metropolitana'), (1376,
48, 'Tarapaca'), (1377, 45, 'Creek'), (1378, 45, 'Eastern'), (1379, 45,
'Midland'), (1380, 45, 'South Town'), (1381, 45, 'Spot Bay'), (1382, 45,
'Stake Bay'), (1383, 45, 'West End'), (1384, 45, 'Western'), (1385, 42,
'Est'), (1386, 42, 'Littoral'), (1387, 42, 'NordOuest'), (1388, 42,
'Ouest'), (1389, 42, 'SudOuest'), (1390, 42, 'Adamaoua'), (1391, 42,
'Centre'), (1392, 42, 'ExtremeNord'), (1393, 42, 'Nord'), (1394, 42,
'Sud'), (1395, 54, 'Anjouan'), (1396, 54, 'Grande Comore'), (1397, 54,
'Moheli'), (1398, 53, 'Amazonas'), (1399, 53, 'Antioquia'), (1400, 53,
'Arauca'), (1401, 53, 'Atlantico'), (1402, 53, 'Caqueta'), (1403, 53,
'Cauca'), (1404, 53, 'Cesar'), (1405, 53, 'Choco'), (1406, 53,
'Cordoba'), (1408, 53, 'Guaviare'), (1409, 53, 'Guainia'), (1410, 53,
'Huila'), (1411, 53, 'La Guajira'), (1412, 53, 'Meta'), (1413, 53,
'Narino'), (1414, 53, 'Norte de Santander'), (1415, 53, 'Putumayo'), (1416,
53, 'Quindio'), (1417, 53, 'Risaralda'), (1418, 53, 'San Andres y
Providencia'), (1419, 53, 'Santander'), (1420, 53, 'Sucre'), (1421, 53,
'Tolima'), (1422, 53, 'Valle del Cauca'), (1423, 53, 'Vaupes'), (1424, 53,
'Vichada'), (1425, 53, 'Casanare'), (1426, 53, 'Cundinamarca'), (1427, 53,
'Distrito Capital'), (1428, 53, 'Bolivar'), (1429, 53, 'Boyaca'), (1430,
53, 'Caldas'), (1431, 53, 'Magdalena'), (1432, 59, 'Alajuela'), (1433, 59,
'Cartago'), (1434, 59, 'Guanacaste'), (1435, 59, 'Heredia'), (1436, 59,
'Limon'), (1437, 59, 'Puntarenas'), (1438, 59, 'San Jose'), (1439, 46,
'Bamingui-Bangoran'), (1440, 46, 'Basse-Kotto'), (1441, 46,
'Haute-Kotto'), (1442, 46, 'Haute-Sangha'), (1443, 46,
'Haut-Mbomou'), (1444, 46, 'Kemo-Gribingui'), (1445, 46, 'Lobaye'), (1446,
46, 'Mbomou'), (1447, 46, 'Nana-Mambere'), (1448, 46, 'Ouaka'), (1449, 46,
'Ouham'), (1450, 46, 'Ouham-Pende'), (1451, 46, 'Vakaga'), (1452, 46,
'Gribingui'), (1453, 46, 'Sangha'), (1454, 46, 'Ombella-Mpoko'), (1455, 46,
'Bangui'), (1456, 62, 'Pinar del Rio'), (1457, 62, 'Ciudad de La
Habana'), (1458, 62, 'Matanzas'), (1459, 62, 'Isla de la Juventud'), (1460,
62, 'Camaguey'), (1461, 62, 'Ciego de Avila'), (1462, 62,
'Cienfuegos'), (1463, 62, 'Granma'), (1464, 62, 'Guantanamo'), (1465, 62,
'La Habana'), (1466, 62, 'Holguin'), (1467, 62, 'Las Tunas'), (1468, 62,
'Sancti Spiritus'), (1469, 62, 'Santiago de Cuba'), (1470, 62, 'Villa
Clara'), (1471, 44, 'Boa Vista'), (1472, 44, 'Brava'), (1473, 44, 'Calheta
de S'), (1474, 44, 'Maio'), (1475, 44, 'Paul'), (1476, 44, 'Praia'), (1477,
44, 'Ribeira Grande'), (1478, 44, 'Sal'), (1479, 44, 'Santa
Catarina'), (1480, 44, 'Sao Nicolau'), (1481, 44, 'Sao Vicente'), (1482,
44, 'Tarrafal'), (1483, 63, 'Famagusta'), (1484, 63, 'Kyrenia'), (1485, 63,
'Larnaca'), (1486, 63, 'Nicosia'), (1487, 63, 'Limassol'), (1488, 63,
'Paphos'), (1489, 65, 'Arhus'), (1490, 65, 'Bornholm'), (1491, 65,
'Frederiksborg'), (1492, 65, 'Fyn'), (1493, 65, 'Kobenhavn'), (1494, 65,
'Nordjylland'), (1495, 65, 'Ribe'), (1496, 65, 'Ringkobing'), (1497, 65,
'Roskilde'), (1498, 65, 'Sonderjylland'), (1499, 65, 'Storstrom'), (1500,
65, 'Vejle'), (1501, 65, 'Vestsjalland'), (1502, 65, 'Viborg'), (1503, 65,
'Fredericksberg'), (1504, 66, '''Ali Sabih'), (1505, 66, 'Dikhil'), (1506,
66, 'Djibouti'), (1507, 66, 'Obock'), (1508, 66, 'Tadjoura'), (1509, 67,
'Saint Andrew'), (1510, 67, 'Saint David'), (1511, 67, 'Saint
George'), (1512, 67, 'Saint John'), (1513, 67, 'Saint Joseph'), (1514, 67,
'Saint Luke'), (1515, 67, 'Saint Mark'), (1516, 67, 'Saint
Patrick'), (1517, 67, 'Saint Paul'), (1518, 67, 'Saint Peter'), (1519, 68,
'Azua'), (1520, 68, 'Baoruco'), (1521, 68, 'Barahona'), (1522, 68,
'Dajabon'), (1523, 68, 'Distrito Nacional'), (1524, 68, 'Duarte'), (1525,
68, 'Espaillat'), (1526, 68, 'Independencia'), (1527, 68, 'La
Altagracia'), (1528, 68, 'Elias Pina'), (1529, 68, 'La Romana'), (1530, 68,
'Maria Trinidad Sanchez'), (1531, 68, 'Monte Cristi'), (1532, 68,
'Pedernales'), (1533, 68, 'Peravia'), (1534, 68, 'Puerto Plata'), (1535,
68, 'Salcedo'), (1536, 68, 'Samana'), (1537, 68, 'Sanchez Ramirez'), (1538,
68, 'San Juan'), (1539, 68, 'San Pedro de Macoris'), (1540, 68,
'Santiago'), (1541, 68, 'Santiago Rodriguez'), (1542, 68,
'Valverde'), (1543, 68, 'El Seibo'), (1544, 68, 'Hato Mayor'), (1545, 68,
'La Vega'), (1546, 68, 'Monsenor Nouel'), (1547, 68, 'Monte Plata'), (1548,
68, 'San Cristobal'), (1549, 70, 'Galapagos'), (1550, 70, 'Azuay'), (1551,
70, 'Bolivar'), (1552, 70, 'Canar'), (1553, 70, 'Carchi'), (1554, 70,
'Chimborazo'), (1555, 70, 'Cotopaxi'), (1556, 70, 'El Oro'), (1557, 70,
'Esmeraldas'), (1558, 70, 'Guayas'), (1559, 70, 'Imbabura'), (1560, 70,
'Loja'), (1561, 70, 'Los Rios'), (1562, 70, 'Manabi'), (1563, 70,
'Morona-Santiago'), (1564, 70, 'Pastaza'), (1565, 70, 'Pichincha'), (1566,
70, 'Tungurahua'), (1567, 70, 'Zamora-Chinchipe'), (1568, 70,
'Napo'), (1569, 70, 'Sucumbios'), (1570, 71, 'Ad Daqahliyah'), (1571, 71,
'Al Bahr al Ahmar'), (1572, 71, 'Al Buhayrah'), (1573, 71, 'Al
Fayyum'), (1574, 71, 'Al Gharbiyah'), (1575, 71, 'Al Iskandariyah'), (1576,
71, 'Al Isma''iliyah'), (1577, 71, 'Al Jizah'), (1578, 71, 'Al
Minufiyah'), (1579, 71, 'Al Minya'), (1580, 71, 'Al Qahirah'), (1581, 71,
'Al Qaly'), (1582, 71, 'Al Wadi al Jadid'), (1583, 71, 'Ash
Sharqiyah'), (1584, 71, 'As Suways'), (1585, 71, 'Aswan'), (1586, 71,
'Asyut'), (1587, 71, 'Bani Suwayf'), (1588, 71, 'Bur Sa''id'), (1589, 71,
'Dumyat'), (1590, 71, 'Kafr ash Shaykh'), (1591, 71, 'Matruh'), (1592, 71,
'Qina'), (1593, 71, 'Suhaj'), (1594, 71, 'Janub Sina'''), (1595, 71,
'Shamal Sina'''), (1596, 117, 'Carlow'), (1597, 117, 'Cavan'), (1598, 117,
'Clare'), (1599, 117, 'Cork'), (1600, 117, 'Donegal'), (1601, 117,
'Dublin'), (1602, 117, 'Galway'), (1603, 117, 'Kerry'), (1604, 117,
'Kildare'), (1605, 117, 'Kilkenny'), (1606, 117, 'Leitrim'), (1607, 117,
'Laois'), (1608, 117, 'Limerick'), (1609, 117, 'Longford'), (1610, 117,
'Louth'), (1611, 117, 'Mayo'), (1612, 117, 'Meath'), (1613, 117,
'Monaghan'), (1614, 117, 'Offaly'), (1615, 117, 'Roscommon'), (1616, 117,
'Sligo'), (1617, 117, 'Tipperary'), (1618, 117, 'Waterford'), (1619, 117,
'Westmeath'), (1620, 117, 'Wexford'), (1621, 117, 'Wicklow'), (1622, 73,
'Annobon'), (1623, 73, 'Bioko Norte'), (1624, 73, 'Bioko Sur'), (1625, 73,
'Centro Sur'), (1626, 73, 'Kie-Ntem'), (1627, 73, 'Litoral'), (1628, 73,
'Wele-Nzas'), (1629, 75, 'Harjumaa'), (1630, 75, 'Hiiumaa'), (1631, 75,
'Ida-Virumaa'), (1632, 75, 'Jarvamaa'), (1633, 75, 'Jogevamaa'), (1634, 75,
'Laanemaa'), (1635, 75, 'Laane-Virumaa'), (1636, 75, 'Parnumaa'), (1637,
75, 'Polvamaa'), (1638, 75, 'Raplamaa'), (1639, 75, 'Saaremaa'), (1640, 75,
'Tartumaa'), (1641, 75, 'Valgamaa'), (1642, 75, 'Viljandimaa'), (1643, 75,
'Vorumaa'), (1644, 72, 'Ahuachapan'), (1645, 72, 'Cabanas'), (1646, 72,
'Chalatenango'), (1647, 72, 'Cuscatlan'), (1648, 72, 'La Libertad'), (1649,
72, 'La Paz'), (1650, 72, 'La Union'), (1651, 72, 'Morazan'), (1652, 72,
'San Miguel'), (1653, 72, 'San Salvador'), (1654, 72, 'Santa Ana'), (1655,
72, 'San Vicente'), (1656, 72, 'Sonsonate'), (1657, 72, 'Usulutan'), (1687,
76, 'Harari People'), (1688, 76, 'Gambela Peoples'), (1690, 76,
'Benshangul-Gumaz'), (1691, 76, 'Tigray'), (1692, 76, 'Amhara'), (1693, 76,
'Afar'), (1694, 76, 'Oromia'), (1695, 76, 'Somali'), (1696, 76, 'Addis
Ababa'), (1697, 76, 'Southern Nations'), (1746, 64, 'Hlavni Mesto
Praha'), (1772, 81, 'Ahvenanmaa'), (1777, 81, 'Lappi'), (1779, 81, 'Oulu
Laani'), (1784, 80, 'Central'), (1785, 80, 'Eastern'), (1786, 80,
'Northern'), (1787, 80, 'Rotuma'), (1788, 80, 'Western'), (1789, 160,
'Kosrae'), (1790, 160, 'Pohnpei'), (1791, 160, 'Chuuk'), (1792, 160,
'Yap'), (1793, 82, 'Aquitaine'), (1794, 82, 'Auvergne'), (1795, 82,
'Basse-Normandie'), (1796, 82, 'Bourgogne'), (1797, 82, 'Bretagne'), (1798,
82, 'Centre'), (1799, 82, 'Champagne-Ardenne'), (1800, 82, 'Corse'), (1801,
82, 'Franche-Comte'), (1802, 82, 'Haute-Normandie'), (1803, 82,
'Ile-De-France'), (1804, 82, 'Languedoc-Roussillon'), (1805, 82,
'Limousin'), (1806, 82, 'Lorraine'), (1807, 82, 'Midi-Pyrenees'), (1808,
82, 'Nord-Pas-de-Calais'), (1809, 82, 'Pays de la Loire'), (1810, 82,
'Picardie'), (1811, 82, 'Poitou-Charentes'), (1812, 82,
'Provence-Alpes-Cote d''Azur'), (1813, 82, 'Rhone-Alpes'), (1814, 82,
'Alsace'), (1815, 88, 'Banjul'), (1816, 88, 'Lower River'), (1817, 88,
'MacCarthy Island'), (1818, 88, 'Upper River'), (1819, 88,
'Western'), (1820, 88, 'North Bank'), (1821, 87, 'Estuaire'), (1822, 87,
'Haut-Ogooue'), (1823, 87, 'Moyen-Ogooue'), (1824, 87, 'Ngounie'), (1825,
87, 'Nyanga'), (1826, 87, 'Ogooue-Ivindo'), (1827, 87,
'Ogooue-Lolo'), (1828, 87, 'Ogooue-Maritime'), (1829, 87,
'Woleu-Ntem'), (1831, 90, 'Abkhazia'), (1833, 90, 'Ajaria'), (1879, 90,
'T''bilisi'), (1893, 92, 'Greater Accra'), (1894, 92, 'Ashanti'), (1895,
92, 'Brong-Ahafo'), (1896, 92, 'Central'), (1897, 92, 'Eastern'), (1898,
92, 'Northern'), (1899, 92, 'Volta'), (1900, 92, 'Western'), (1901, 92,
'Upper East'), (1902, 92, 'Upper West'), (1903, 97, 'Saint Andrew'), (1904,
97, 'Saint David'), (1905, 97, 'Saint George'), (1906, 97, 'Saint
John'), (1907, 97, 'Saint Mark'), (1908, 97, 'Saint Patrick'), (1909, 96,
'Nordgronland'), (1910, 96, 'Ostgronland'), (1911, 96,
'Vestgronland'), (1912, 91, 'Baden-Wurttemberg'), (1913, 91,
'Bayern'), (1914, 91, 'Bremen'), (1915, 91, 'Hamburg'), (1916, 91,
'Hessen'), (1917, 91, 'Niedersachsen'), (1918, 91,
'Nordrhein-Westfalen'), (1919, 91, 'Rheinland-Pfalz'), (1920, 91,
'Saarland'), (1921, 91, 'Schleswig-Holstein'), (1922, 91,
'Brandenburg'), (1923, 91, 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern'), (1924, 91,
'Sachsen'), (1925, 91, 'Sachsen-Anhalt'), (1926, 91, 'Thuringen'), (1927,
91, 'Berlin'), (1928, 95, 'Evros'), (1929, 95, 'Rodhopi'), (1930, 95,
'Xanthi'), (1931, 95, 'Drama'), (1932, 95, 'Serrai'), (1933, 95,
'Kilkis'), (1934, 95, 'Pella'), (1935, 95, 'Florina'), (1936, 95,
'Kastoria'), (1937, 95, 'Grevena'), (1938, 95, 'Kozani'), (1939, 95,
'Imathia'), (1940, 95, 'Thessaloniki'), (1941, 95, 'Kavala'), (1942, 95,
'Khalkidhiki'), (1943, 95, 'Pieria'), (1944, 95, 'Ioannina'), (1945, 95,
'Thesprotia'), (1946, 95, 'Preveza'), (1947, 95, 'Arta'), (1948, 95,
'Larisa'), (1949, 95, 'Trikala'), (1950, 95, 'Kardhitsa'), (1951, 95,
'Magnisia'), (1952, 95, 'Kerkira'), (1953, 95, 'Levkas'), (1954, 95,
'Kefallinia'), (1955, 95, 'Zakinthos'), (1956, 95, 'Fthiotis'), (1957, 95,
'Evritania'), (1958, 95, 'Aitolia kai Akarnania'), (1959, 95,
'Fokis'), (1960, 95, 'Voiotia'), (1961, 95, 'Evvoia'), (1962, 95,
'Attiki'), (1963, 95, 'Argolis'), (1964, 95, 'Korinthia'), (1965, 95,
'Akhaia'), (1966, 95, 'Ilia'), (1967, 95, 'Messinia'), (1968, 95,
'Arkadhia'), (1969, 95, 'Lakonia'), (1970, 95, 'Khania'), (1971, 95,
'Rethimni'), (1972, 95, 'Iraklion (Crete)'), (1973, 95, 'Lasithi'), (1974,
95, 'Dhodhekanisos'), (1975, 95, 'Samos'), (1976, 95, 'Kikladhes'), (1977,
95, 'Khios'), (1978, 95, 'Lesvos'), (1979, 100, 'Alta Verapaz'), (1980,
100, 'Baja Verapaz'), (1981, 100, 'Chimaltenango'), (1982, 100,
'Chiquimula'), (1983, 100, 'El Progreso'), (1984, 100, 'Escuintla'), (1985,
100, 'Guatemala'), (1986, 100, 'Huehuetenango'), (1987, 100,
'Izabal'), (1988, 100, 'Jalapa'), (1989, 100, 'Jutiapa'), (1990, 100,
'Peten'), (1991, 100, 'Quetzaltenango'), (1992, 100, 'Quiche'), (1993, 100,
'Retalhuleu'), (1994, 100, 'Sacatepequez'), (1995, 100, 'San
Marcos'), (1996, 100, 'Santa Rosa'), (1997, 100, 'Solola'), (1998, 100,
'Suchitepequez'), (1999, 100, 'Totonicapan'), (2000, 100, 'Zacapa'), (2001,
102, 'Beyla'), (2002, 102, 'Boffa'), (2003, 102, 'Boke'), (2004, 102,
'Conakry'), (2005, 102, 'Dabola'), (2006, 102, 'Dalaba'), (2007, 102,
'Dinguiraye'), (2008, 102, 'Dubreka'), (2009, 102, 'Faranah'), (2010, 102,
'Forecariah'), (2011, 102, 'Fria'), (2012, 102, 'Gaoual'), (2013, 102,
'Gueckedou'), (2014, 102, 'Kankan'), (2015, 102, 'Kerouane'), (2016, 102,
'Kindia'), (2017, 102, 'Kissidougou'), (2018, 102, 'Koundara'), (2019, 102,
'Kouroussa'), (2020, 102, 'Labe'), (2021, 102, 'Macenta'), (2022, 102,
'Mali'), (2023, 102, 'Mamou'), (2024, 102, 'Nzerekore'), (2025, 102,
'Pita'), (2026, 102, 'Siguiri'), (2027, 102, 'Telimele'), (2028, 102,
'Tougue'), (2029, 102, 'Yomou'), (2030, 104, 'Barima-Waini'), (2031, 104,
'Cuyuni-Mazaruni'), (2032, 104, 'Demerara-Mahaica'), (2033, 104, 'East
Berbice-Corentyne'), (2034, 104, 'Essequibo Islands-West Demerara'), (2035,
104, 'Mahaica-Berbice'), (2036, 104, 'Pomeroon-Supenaam'), (2037, 104,
'Potaro-Siparuni'), (2038, 104, 'Upper Demerara-Berbice'), (2039, 104,
'Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo'), (2040, 105, 'Nord-Ouest'), (2041, 105,
'Artibonite'), (2042, 105, 'Centre'), (2043, 105, 'Grand''Anse'), (2044,
105, 'Nord'), (2045, 105, 'Nord-Est'), (2046, 105, 'Ouest'), (2047, 105,
'Sud'), (2048, 105, 'Sud-Est'), (2049, 108, 'Atlantida'), (2050, 108,
'Choluteca'), (2051, 108, 'Colon'), (2052, 108, 'Comayagua'), (2053, 108,
'Copan'), (2054, 108, 'Cortes'), (2055, 108, 'El Paraiso'), (2056, 108,
'Francisco Morazan'), (2057, 108, 'Gracias a Dios'), (2058, 108,
'Intibuca'), (2059, 108, 'Islas de la Bahia'), (2060, 108, 'La
Paz'), (2061, 108, 'Lempira'), (2062, 108, 'Ocotepeque'), (2063, 108,
'Olancho'), (2064, 108, 'Santa Barbara'), (2065, 108, 'Valle'), (2066, 108,
'Yoro'), (2067, 111, 'Bacs-Kiskun'), (2068, 111, 'Baranya'), (2069, 111,
'Bekes'), (2070, 111, 'Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen'), (2071, 111,
'Budapest'), (2072, 111, 'Csongrad'), (2073, 111, 'Debrecen'), (2074, 111,
'Fejer'), (2075, 111, 'Gyor-Moson-Sopron'), (2076, 111,
'Hajdu-Bihar'), (2077, 111, 'Heves'), (2078, 111,
'Komarom-Esztergom'), (2079, 111, 'Miskolc'), (2080, 111, 'Nograd'), (2081,
111, 'Pees'), (2082, 111, 'Pest'), (2083, 111, 'Somogy'), (2084, 111,
'Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg'), (2085, 111, 'Szeged'), (2086, 111,
'Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok'), (2087, 111, 'Tolna'), (2088, 111, 'Vas'), (2089,
111, 'Veszprem'), (2090, 111, 'Zala'), (2091, 111, 'Gyor'), (2092, 111,
'Bekescsaba'), (2093, 111, 'Dunaujvaros'), (2094, 111, 'Eger'), (2095, 111,
'Hodmezovasarhely'), (2096, 111, 'Kaposvar'), (2097, 111,
'Kecskemet'), (2098, 111, 'Nagykanizsa'), (2099, 111,
'Nyiregyhaza'), (2100, 111, 'Sopron'), (2101, 111,
'Szekesfehervar'), (2102, 111, 'Szolnok'), (2103, 111,
'Szombathely'), (2104, 111, 'Tatabanya'), (2105, 111,
'Zalaegerszeg'), (2106, 112, 'Akranes'), (2107, 112, 'Akureyri'), (2108,
112, 'Arnessysla'), (2109, 112, 'Austur-Bardastrandarsysla'), (2110, 112,
'Austur-Hunavatnssysla'), (2111, 112, 'Austur-Skaftafellssysla'), (2112,
112, 'Borgarfjardarsysla'), (2113, 112, 'Dalasysla'), (2114, 112,
'Eyjafjardarsysla'), (2115, 112, 'Gullbringusysla'), (2116, 112,
'Hafnarfjordur'), (2117, 112, 'Husavik'), (2118, 112, 'Isafjordur'), (2119,
112, 'Keflavik'), (2120, 112, 'Kjosarsysla'), (2121, 112,
'Kopavogur'), (2122, 112, 'Myrasysla'), (2123, 112,
'Neskaupstadur'), (2124, 112, 'Nordur-Isafjardarsysla'), (2125, 112,
'Nordur-Mulasysla'), (2126, 112, 'Nordur-Tingeyjarsysla'), (2127, 112,
'Olafsfjordur'), (2128, 112, 'Rang'), (2129, 112, 'Reykjavik'), (2130, 112,
'Saudarkrokur'), (2131, 112, 'Seydisfjordur'), (2132, 112,
'Siglufjordur'), (2133, 112, 'Skagafjardarsysla'), (2134, 112,
'Snafellsnes-og Hnappadalssysla'), (2135, 112, 'Strandasysla'), (2136, 112,
'Sudur-Mulasysla'), (2137, 112, 'Sudur-Tingeyjarsysla'), (2138, 112,
'Vestmannaeyjar'), (2139, 112, 'Vestur-Bardastrandarsysla'), (2140, 112,
'Vestur-Hunavatnssysla'), (2141, 112, 'Vestur-Isafjardarsysla'), (2142,
112, 'Vestur-Skaftafellssysla'), (2143, 114, 'Aceh (Atjeh)'), (2144, 114,
'Bengkulu'), (2145, 114, 'Jakarta Raya (Djakarta Raya)'), (2146, 114,
'Jambi (Djambi)'), (2147, 114, 'Jawa Barat (Djawa Barat)'), (2148, 114,
'Jawa Tengah (Djawa Tengah)'), (2149, 114, 'Jawa Timur (Djawa
Timur)'), (2150, 114, 'Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta)'), (2151, 114, 'Kalimantan
Barat'), (2152, 114, 'Kalimantan Selatan'), (2153, 114, 'Kalimantan
Tengah'), (2154, 114, 'Kalimantan Timur'), (2155, 114, 'Lampung'), (2156,
114, 'Maluku'), (2157, 114, 'Nusa Tenggara Barat'), (2158, 114, 'Nusa
Tenggara Timur'), (2159, 114, 'Riau'), (2160, 114, 'Sulawesi
Selatan'), (2161, 114, 'Sulawesi Tengah'), (2162, 114, 'Sulawesi
Tenggara'), (2163, 114, 'Sulawesi Utara'), (2164, 114, 'Sumatera
Barat'), (2165, 114, 'Sumatera Selatan'), (2166, 114, 'Sumatera
Utara'), (2168, 113, 'Andaman and Nicobar Islands'), (2169, 113, 'Andhra
Pradesh'), (2170, 113, 'Assam'), (2171, 113, 'Bihar'), (2172, 113,
'Chandigarh'), (2173, 113, 'Dadra and Nagar Haveli'), (2174, 113,
'Delhi'), (2175, 113, 'Gujarat'), (2176, 113, 'Haryana'), (2177, 113,
'Himachal Pradesh'), (2178, 113, 'Jammu and Kashmir'), (2179, 113,
'Kerala'), (2180, 113, 'Lakshadweep'), (2181, 113, 'Madhya
Pradesh'), (2182, 113, 'Maharashtra'), (2183, 113, 'Manipur'), (2184, 113,
'Meghalaya'), (2185, 113, 'Karnataka'), (2186, 113, 'Nagaland'), (2187,
113, 'Orissa'), (2188, 113, 'Pondicherry'), (2189, 113, 'Punjab'), (2190,
113, 'Rajasthan'), (2191, 113, 'Tamil Nadu'), (2192, 113,
'Tripura'), (2193, 113, 'Uttar Pradesh'), (2194, 113, 'West
Bengal'), (2195, 113, 'Sikkim'), (2196, 113, 'Arunachal Pradesh'), (2197,
113, 'Mizoram'), (2198, 113, 'Daman and Diu'), (2199, 113, 'Goa'), (2200,
115, 'Azarbayjan-e Gharbi'), (2202, 115, 'Chahar Ma'), (2203, 115, 'Sistan
va Baluchestan'), (2204, 115, 'Kohgiluyeh va Buyer Ahmad'), (2206, 115,
'Fars'), (2207, 115, 'Gilan'), (2208, 115, 'Hamadan'), (2209, 115,
'Ilam'), (2210, 115, 'Hormozgan'), (2212, 115, 'Kermanshah'), (2213, 115,
'Khuzestan'), (2214, 115, 'Kordestan'), (2215, 115, 'Mazandaran'), (2219,
115, 'Bushehr'), (2220, 115, 'Lorestan'), (2221, 115, 'Markazi'), (2222,
115, 'Semnan'), (2223, 115, 'Tehran'), (2224, 115, 'Zanjan'), (2225, 115,
'Esfahan'), (2226, 115, 'Kerman'), (2227, 115, 'Khorasan'), (2228, 115,
'Yazd'), (2229, 115, 'Ardabil'), (2230, 115, 'Azarbayjan-e Sharqi'), (2232,
118, 'HaDarom (Southern)'), (2233, 118, 'HaMerkaz (Central)'), (2234, 118,
'Ha'), (2235, 118, 'H'), (2236, 118, 'Tel Aviv'), (2237, 118, 'Yerushalayim
(Jerusalem)'), (2238, 119, 'Abruzzi'), (2239, 119, 'Basilicata'), (2240,
119, 'Calabria'), (2241, 119, 'Campania'), (2242, 119,
'Emilia-Romagna'), (2243, 119, 'Friuli-Venezia Giulia'), (2244, 119,
'Lazio'), (2245, 119, 'Liguria'), (2246, 119, 'Lombardia'), (2247, 119,
'Marche'), (2248, 119, 'Molise'), (2249, 119, 'Piemonte'), (2250, 119,
'Puglia'), (2251, 119, 'Sardegna'), (2252, 119, 'Sicilia'), (2253, 119,
'Toscana'), (2254, 119, 'Trentino-Alto Adige'), (2255, 119,
'Umbria'), (2256, 119, 'Valle d''Aosta'), (2257, 119, 'Veneto'), (2259, 60,
'Dabakala'), (2260, 60, 'Aboisso'), (2261, 60, 'Adzope'), (2262, 60,
'Agboville'), (2263, 60, 'Biankouma'), (2264, 60, 'Bouna'), (2265, 60,
'Boundiali'), (2266, 60, 'Danane'), (2267, 60, 'Divo'), (2268, 60,
'Ferkessedougou'), (2269, 60, 'Gagnoa'), (2270, 60, 'Katiola'), (2271, 60,
'Korhogo'), (2272, 60, 'Odienne'), (2273, 60, 'Seguela'), (2274, 60,
'Touba'), (2275, 60, 'Bongouanou'), (2276, 60, 'Issia'), (2277, 60,
'Lakota'), (2278, 60, 'Mankono'), (2279, 60, 'Oume'), (2280, 60,
'Soubre'), (2281, 60, 'Tingrela'), (2282, 60, 'Zuenoula'), (2283, 60,
'Abidjan'), (2284, 60, 'Bangolo'), (2285, 60, 'Beoumi'), (2286, 60,
'Bondoukou'), (2287, 60, 'Bouafle'), (2288, 60, 'Bouake'), (2289, 60,
'Daloa'), (2290, 60, 'Daoukro'), (2291, 60, 'Dimbokro'), (2292, 60,
'Duekoue'), (2293, 60, 'Grand-Lahou'), (2294, 60, 'Guiglo'), (2295, 60,
'Man'), (2296, 60, 'Mbahiakro'), (2297, 60, 'Sakassou'), (2298, 60, 'San
Pedro'), (2299, 60, 'Sassandra'), (2300, 60, 'Sinfra'), (2301, 60,
'Tabou'), (2302, 60, 'Tanda'), (2303, 60, 'Tiassale'), (2304, 60,
'Toumodi'), (2305, 60, 'Vavoua'), (2306, 60, 'Yamoussoukro'), (2307, 60,
'Agnilbilekrou'), (2308, 116, 'Al Anbar'), (2309, 116, 'Al Basrah'), (2310,
116, 'Al Muthann'), (2311, 116, 'Al Qadisiyah'), (2312, 116, 'As
Sulaymaniyah'), (2313, 116, 'Babil'), (2314, 116, 'Baghdad'), (2315, 116,
'Dahuk'), (2316, 116, 'Dhi Qar'), (2317, 116, 'Diyala'), (2318, 116,
'Arbil'), (2319, 116, 'Karbala'''), (2320, 116, 'At Ta''mim'), (2321, 116,
'Maysan'), (2322, 116, 'Ninawa'), (2323, 116, 'Wasit'), (2324, 116, 'An
Najaf'), (2325, 116, 'S'), (2326, 122, 'Aichi'), (2327, 122,
'Akita'), (2328, 122, 'Aomori'), (2329, 122, 'Chiba'), (2330, 122,
'Ehime'), (2331, 122, 'Fukui'), (2332, 122, 'Fukuoka'), (2333, 122,
'Fukushima'), (2334, 122, 'Gifu'), (2335, 122, 'Gumma'), (2336, 122,
'Hiroshima'), (2337, 122, 'Hokkaido'), (2338, 122, 'Hyogo'), (2339, 122,
'Ibaraki'), (2340, 122, 'Ishikawa'), (2341, 122, 'Iwate'), (2342, 122,
'Kagawa'), (2343, 122, 'Kagoshima'), (2344, 122, 'Kanagawa'), (2345, 122,
'Kochi'), (2346, 122, 'Kumamoto'), (2347, 122, 'Kyoto'), (2348, 122,
'Mie'), (2349, 122, 'Miyagi'), (2350, 122, 'Miyazaki'), (2351, 122,
'Nagano'), (2352, 122, 'Nagasaki'), (2353, 122, 'Nara'), (2354, 122,
'Niigata'), (2355, 122, 'Oita'), (2356, 122, 'Okayama'), (2357, 122,
'Osaka'), (2358, 122, 'Saga'), (2359, 122, 'Saitama'), (2360, 122,
'Shiga'), (2361, 122, 'Shimane'), (2362, 122, 'Shizuoka'), (2363, 122,
'Tochigi'), (2364, 122, 'Tokushima'), (2365, 122, 'Tokyo'), (2366, 122,
'Tottori'), (2367, 122, 'Toyama'), (2368, 122, 'Wakayama'), (2369, 122,
'Yamagata'), (2370, 122, 'Yamaguchi'), (2371, 122, 'Yamanashi'), (2372,
122, 'Okinawa'), (2373, 120, 'Clarendon'), (2374, 120, 'Hanover'), (2375,
120, 'Manchester'), (2376, 120, 'Portland'), (2377, 120, 'Saint
Andrew'), (2378, 120, 'Saint Ann'), (2379, 120, 'Saint Catherine'), (2380,
120, 'Saint Elizabeth'), (2381, 120, 'Saint James'), (2382, 120, 'Saint
Mary'), (2383, 120, 'Saint Thomas'), (2384, 120, 'Trelawny'), (2385, 120,
'Westmoreland'), (2386, 120, 'Kingston'), (2387, 126, 'Al Balqa'''), (2388,
126, 'Ma''an'), (2389, 126, 'Al Karak'), (2390, 126, 'Al Mafraq'), (2391,
126, '''Amman'), (2392, 126, 'At Tafilah'), (2393, 126, 'Az Zaraq'), (2394,
126, 'Irbid'), (2395, 129, 'Central'), (2396, 129, 'Coast'), (2397, 129,
'Eastern'), (2398, 129, 'Nairobi Area'), (2399, 129,
'NorthEastern'), (2400, 129, 'Nyanza'), (2401, 129, 'Rift Valley'), (2402,
129, 'Western'), (2403, 135, 'Bishkek'), (2404, 135, 'Chuy'), (2405, 135,
'Jalal-Abad'), (2406, 135, 'Naryn'), (2407, 135, 'Osh'), (2408, 135,
'Talas'), (2409, 135, 'Ysyk-Kol'), (2410, 132, 'Chagang-do'), (2411, 132,
'Hamgyong-namdo'), (2412, 132, 'Hwanghae-namdo'), (2413, 132,
'Hwanghae-bukto'), (2414, 132, 'Kaesong-si'), (2415, 132,
'Kangwon-do'), (2416, 132, 'P''yongan-namdo'), (2417, 132,
'P''yongyang-si'), (2418, 132, 'Yanggang-do'), (2419, 132,
'Namp''o-si'), (2420, 132, 'Hamgyong-bukto'), (2421, 131, 'Gilbert
Islands'), (2422, 131, 'Line Islands'), (2423, 131, 'Phoenix
Islands'), (2424, 133, 'Cheju-do'), (2425, 133, 'Cholla-bukto'), (2426,
133, 'Ch''ungch''ong-bukto'), (2427, 133, 'Kangwon-do'), (2428, 133,
'Kyongsang-namdo'), (2429, 133, 'Pusan-gwangyoksi'), (2430, 133,
'Soul-t''ukpyolsi'), (2431, 133, 'Inch''on-gwangyoksi'), (2432, 133,
'Kyonggi-do'), (2433, 133, 'Kyongsang-bukto'), (2434, 133,
'Taegu-gwangyoksi'), (2435, 133, 'Cholla-namdo'), (2436, 133,
'Ch''ungch''ong-namdo'), (2437, 133, 'Kwangju-gwangyoksi'), (2438, 133,
'Taejon-gwangyoksi'), (2439, 134, 'Al Kuwayt'), (2441, 134,
'Hawalli'), (2442, 134, 'Al Ahmadi'), (2443, 134, 'Al Jahra'''), (2444,
134, 'Al Farwaniyah'), (2445, 128, 'Almaty'), (2446, 128, 'Aqmola'), (2447,
128, 'Aqtobe'), (2448, 128, 'Astana'), (2449, 128, 'Atyrau'), (2450, 128,
'Batys Qazaqstan'), (2451, 128, 'Bayqongyr'), (2452, 128,
'Mangghystau'), (2453, 128, 'Ongtustik Qazaqstan'), (2454, 128,
'Pavlodar'), (2455, 128, 'Qaraghandy'), (2456, 128, 'Qostanay'), (2457,
128, 'Qyzylorda'), (2458, 128, 'Shyghys Qazaqstan'), (2459, 128, 'Soltustik
Qazaqstan'), (2460, 128, 'Zhambyl'), (2464, 136, 'Attapu'), (2465, 136,
'Champasak'), (2466, 136, 'Houaphan'), (2467, 136, 'Oudomxai'), (2468, 136,
'Xiagnabouli'), (2469, 136, 'Xiangkhoang'), (2470, 136,
'Khammouan'), (2471, 136, 'Louangnamtha'), (2472, 136,
'Louangphabang'), (2473, 136, 'Phongsali'), (2474, 136, 'Salavan'), (2475,
136, 'Savannakhet'), (2476, 136, 'Bokeo'), (2477, 136,
'Bolikhamxai'), (2478, 136, 'Viangchan'), (2479, 136, 'Xaisomboun'), (2480,
136, 'Xekong'), (2481, 138, 'Beqaa'), (2482, 138, 'Liban-Sud'), (2483, 138,
'Liban-Nord'), (2484, 138, 'Beyrouth'), (2485, 138, 'Mont-Liban'), (2486,
137, 'Aizjrayjkes Rajons'), (2487, 137, 'Aluksnes Rajons'), (2488, 137,
'Balvu Rajons'), (2489, 137, 'Bauskas Rajons'), (2490, 137, 'Cesu
Rajons'), (2491, 137, 'Daugavpils'), (2492, 137, 'Daugavpils
Rajons'), (2493, 137, 'Dobeles Rajons'), (2494, 137, 'Gulbenes
Rajons'), (2495, 137, 'Jekabpils Rajons'), (2496, 137, 'Jelgava'), (2497,
137, 'Jelgavas Rajons'), (2498, 137, 'Jurmala'), (2499, 137, 'Kraslavas
Rajons'), (2500, 137, 'Kuldigas Rajons'), (2501, 137, 'Liepaja'), (2502,
137, 'Liepajas Rajons'), (2503, 137, 'Limbazu Rajons'), (2504, 137, 'Ludzas
Rajons'), (2505, 137, 'Madonas Rajons'), (2506, 137, 'Ogres
Rajons'), (2507, 137, 'Preiju Rajons'), (2508, 137, 'Rezekne'), (2509, 137,
'Rezeknes Rajons'), (2510, 137, 'Riga'), (2511, 137, 'Rigas
Rajons'), (2512, 137, 'Saldus Rajons'), (2513, 137, 'Talsu Rajons'), (2514,
137, 'Tukuma Rajons'), (2515, 137, 'Valkas Rajons'), (2516, 137, 'Valmieras
Rajons'), (2517, 137, 'Ventspils'), (2518, 137, 'Ventspils Rajons'), (2521,
143, 'Alytaus Apskritis'), (2531, 143, 'Kauno Apskritis'), (2535, 143,
'Klaipedos Apskritis'), (2540, 143, 'Marijampoles Apskritis'), (2548, 143,
'Panevezio Apskritis'), (2557, 143, 'Siauliu Apskritis'), (2564, 143,
'Taurages Apskritis'), (2565, 143, 'Telsiu Apskritis'), (2568, 143, 'Utenos
Apskritis'), (2572, 143, 'Vilniaus Apskritis'), (2574, 140, 'Bong'), (2575,
140, 'Grand Gedeh'), (2576, 140, 'Lofa'), (2578, 140, 'Nimba'), (2579, 140,
'Sinoe'), (2580, 140, 'Grand Bassa'), (2581, 140, 'Grand Cape
Mount'), (2582, 140, 'Maryland'), (2583, 140, 'Montserrado'), (2584, 140,
'Bomi'), (2585, 140, 'Grand Kru'), (2586, 140, 'Margibi'), (2587, 140,
'River Cess'), (2588, 220, 'Banskobystricky'), (2589, 220,
'Bratislavsky'), (2590, 220, 'Kosicky'), (2591, 220, 'Nitrinsky'), (2592,
220, 'Presovsky'), (2593, 220, 'Treciansky'), (2594, 220,
'Trnavsky'), (2595, 220, 'Zilinsky'), (2596, 142, 'Balzers'), (2597, 142,
'Eschen'), (2598, 142, 'Gamprin'), (2599, 142, 'Mauren'), (2600, 142,
'Planken'), (2601, 142, 'Ruggell'), (2602, 142, 'Schaan'), (2603, 142,
'Schellenberg'), (2604, 142, 'Triesen'), (2605, 142, 'Triesenberg'), (2606,
142, 'Vaduz'), (2613, 139, 'Berea'), (2614, 139, 'Butha-Buthe'), (2615,
139, 'Leribe'), (2616, 139, 'Mafeteng'), (2617, 139, 'Maseru'), (2618, 139,
'Mohale''s Hoek'), (2619, 139, 'Mokhotlong'), (2620, 139, 'Qacha''s
Hoek'), (2621, 139, 'Quthing'), (2622, 139, 'Thaba-Tseka'), (2623, 144,
'Diekirch'), (2624, 144, 'Grevenmacher'), (2625, 144, 'Luxembourg'), (2627,
141, 'Al ''Aziziyah'), (2629, 141, 'Al Jufrah'), (2631, 141, 'Al
Kufrah'), (2636, 141, 'Ash Shati'''), (2646, 141, 'Murzuq'), (2650, 141,
'Sabha'), (2655, 141, 'Tarhunah'), (2656, 141, 'T'), (2658, 141,
'Zlitan'), (2660, 141, 'Ajdabiya'), (2661, 141, 'Al Fatih'), (2662, 141,
'Al Jabal al Akhdar'), (2663, 141, 'Al Khums'), (2664, 141, 'An Nuqat al
Khams'), (2665, 141, 'Awbari'), (2666, 141, 'Az Zawiyah'), (2667, 141,
'Banghazi'), (2668, 141, 'Darnah'), (2669, 141, 'Ghadamis'), (2670, 141,
'Gharyan'), (2671, 141, 'Misratah'), (2672, 141, 'Sawfajjin'), (2673, 141,
'Surt'), (2674, 141, 'Tarabulus'), (2675, 141, 'Yafran'), (2676, 147,
'Antsiranana'), (2677, 147, 'Fianarantsoa'), (2678, 147,
'Mahajanga'), (2679, 147, 'Toamasina'), (2680, 147, 'Antananarivo'), (2681,
147, 'Toliara'), (2682, 145, 'Ilhas'), (2683, 145, 'Macau'), (2685, 163,
'Balti'), (2689, 163, 'Cahul'), (2696, 163, 'Chisinau'), (2702, 163,
'Stinga Nistrului'), (2703, 163, 'Edinet'), (2706, 163, 'Gagauzia'), (2714,
163, 'Orhei'), (2721, 163, 'Soroca'), (2727, 163, 'Ungheni'), (2729, 165,
'Arhangay'), (2730, 165, 'Bayanhongor'), (2731, 165, 'Bayan-Olgiy'), (2734,
165, 'Dornogovi'), (2735, 165, 'Dundgovi'), (2736, 165, 'Dzavhan'), (2737,
165, 'Govi-Altay'), (2738, 165, 'Hentiy'), (2739, 165, 'Omnogovi'), (2740,
165, 'Ovorhangay'), (2741, 165, 'Ulaanbaatar'), (2742, 165,
'Orhon'), (2743, 167, 'Saint Anthony'), (2744, 167, 'Saint
Georges'), (2745, 167, 'Saint Peter'), (2746, 148, 'Chikwawa'), (2747, 148,
'Chiradzulu'), (2748, 148, 'Chitipa'), (2749, 148, 'Thyolo'), (2750, 148,
'Dedza'), (2751, 148, 'Dowa'), (2752, 148, 'Karonga'), (2753, 148,
'Kasungu'), (2754, 148, 'Machinga (Kasupe)'), (2755, 148,
'Lilongwe'), (2756, 148, 'Mangochi (Fort Johnston)'), (2757, 148,
'Mchinji'), (2758, 148, 'Mulanje (Mlange)'), (2759, 148, 'Mzimba'), (2760,
148, 'Ntcheu'), (2761, 148, 'Nkhata Bay'), (2762, 148,
'Nkhotakota'), (2763, 148, 'Nsanje'), (2764, 148, 'Ntchisi
(Nchisi)'), (2765, 148, 'Rumphi (Rumpil)'), (2766, 148, 'Salima'), (2767,
148, 'Zomba'), (2768, 148, 'Blantyre'), (2769, 148, 'Mwanza'), (2770, 151,
'Bamako'), (2771, 151, 'Gao'), (2772, 151, 'Kayes'), (2773, 151,
'Mopti'), (2774, 151, 'Segou'), (2775, 151, 'Sikasso'), (2776, 151,
'Koulikoro'), (2777, 151, 'Tombouctou'), (2781, 168, 'Agadir'), (2782, 168,
'Al Hoce'), (2783, 168, 'Azilal'), (2784, 168, 'Ben Slimane'), (2785, 168,
'Beni Mellal'), (2786, 168, 'Boulemane'), (2787, 168, 'Casablanca'), (2788,
168, 'Chaouen'), (2789, 168, 'El Jadida'), (2790, 168, 'El Kelaa des
Sraghna'), (2791, 168, 'Er Rachidia'), (2792, 168, 'Essaouira'), (2793,
168, 'Fes'), (2794, 168, 'Figuig'), (2795, 168, 'Kenitra'), (2796, 168,
'Khemisset'), (2797, 168, 'Khenifra'), (2798, 168, 'Khouribga'), (2799,
168, 'Marrakech'), (2800, 168, 'Meknes'), (2801, 168, 'Nador'), (2802, 168,
'Ouarzazate'), (2803, 168, 'Oujda'), (2804, 168, 'Rabat-Sale'), (2805, 168,
'Safi'), (2806, 168, 'Settat'), (2807, 168, 'Tanger'), (2808, 168,
'Tata'), (2809, 168, 'Taza'), (2810, 168, 'Tiznit'), (2811, 168,
'Guelmim'), (2812, 168, 'Ifrane'), (2813, 168, 'Laayoune'), (2814, 168,
'Tan-Tan'), (2815, 168, 'Taounate'), (2816, 168, 'Sidi Kacem'), (2817, 168,
'Taroudannt'), (2818, 168, 'Tetouan'), (2819, 168, 'Larache'), (2820, 168,
'Assa-Zag'), (2821, 168, 'Es Smara'), (2822, 157, 'Black River'), (2823,
157, 'Flacq'), (2824, 157, 'Grand Port'), (2825, 157, 'Moka'), (2826, 157,
'Pamplemousses'), (2827, 157, 'Plaines Wilhems'), (2828, 157, 'Port
Louis'), (2829, 157, 'Rivi'), (2830, 157, 'Savanne'), (2831, 157, 'Agalega
Islands'), (2832, 157, 'Cargados Carajos'), (2833, 157,
'Rodrigues'), (2834, 156, 'Hodh Ech Chargui'), (2835, 156, 'Hodh El
Gharbi'), (2836, 156, 'Assaba'), (2837, 156, 'Gorgol'), (2838, 156,
'Brakna'), (2839, 156, 'Trarza'), (2840, 156, 'Adrar'), (2841, 156,
'Dakhlet Nouadhibou'), (2842, 156, 'Tagant'), (2843, 156,
'Guidimaka'), (2844, 156, 'Tiris Zemmour'), (2845, 156, 'Inchiri'), (2846,
186, 'Ad Dakhiliyah'), (2847, 186, 'Al Batinah'), (2848, 186, 'Al
Wusta'), (2849, 186, 'Ash Sharqiyah'), (2850, 186, 'Az Zahirah'), (2851,
186, 'Masqat'), (2852, 186, 'Musandam'), (2853, 186, 'Zufar'), (2854, 150,
'Seenu'), (2858, 150, 'Laamu'), (2860, 150, 'Thaa'), (2862, 150,
'Raa'), (2865, 150, 'Baa'), (2867, 150, 'Shaviyani'), (2868, 150,
'Noonu'), (2869, 150, 'Kaafu'), (2873, 150, 'Alifu'), (2874, 150,
'Dhaalu'), (2875, 150, 'Faafa'), (2876, 150, 'Gaafu Alifu'), (2877, 150,
'Gaafu Dhaalu'), (2878, 150, 'Haa Alifu'), (2879, 150, 'Haa
Dhaalu'), (2880, 150, 'Lhaviyani'), (2881, 150, 'Maale'), (2882, 150,
'Meenu'), (2883, 150, 'Gnaviyani'), (2884, 150, 'Vaavu'), (2885, 159,
'Aguascalientes'), (2886, 159, 'Campeche'), (2887, 159, 'Coahuila de
Zaragoza'), (2888, 159, 'Distrito Federal'), (2889, 159, 'Mexico'), (2890,
159, 'Michoacan de Ocampo'); INSERT INTO `{#}geo_regions` (`id`,
`country_id`, `name`) VALUES (2891, 159, 'Nayarit'), (2892, 159,
'Puebla'), (2893, 159, 'Queretaro de Arteaga'), (2894, 159,
'Sinaloa'), (2895, 159, 'Veracruz-Llave'), (2896, 159, 'Yucatan'), (2897,
149, 'Johor'), (2898, 149, 'Kedah'), (2899, 149, 'Kelantan'), (2900, 149,
'Melaka'), (2901, 149, 'Negeri Sembilan'), (2902, 149, 'Pahang'), (2903,
149, 'Perak'), (2904, 149, 'Perlis'), (2905, 149, 'Pulau Pinang'), (2906,
149, 'Sarawak'), (2907, 149, 'Selangor'), (2908, 149, 'Terengganu'), (2909,
149, 'Wilayah Persekutuan'), (2910, 149, 'Labuan'), (2911, 149,
'Sabah'), (2912, 169, 'Cabo Delgado'), (2913, 169, 'Gaza'), (2914, 169,
'Inhambane'), (2915, 169, 'Maputo'), (2916, 169, 'Sofala'), (2917, 169,
'Nampula'), (2918, 169, 'Niassa'), (2919, 169, 'Tete'), (2920, 169,
'Zambezia'), (2921, 169, 'Manica'), (2922, 180, 'Agadez'), (2923, 180,
'Diffa'), (2924, 180, 'Dosso'), (2925, 180, 'Maradi'), (2926, 180,
'Niamey'), (2927, 180, 'Tahoua'), (2928, 180, 'Zinder'), (2929, 180,
'Tillaberi'), (2931, 258, 'Aoba//Maewo'), (2932, 258, 'Torba'), (2938, 258,
'Sanma'), (2940, 258, 'Tafea'), (2941, 181, 'Lagos'), (2942, 181,
'Bauchi'), (2943, 181, 'Rivers'), (2944, 181, 'Abuja Capital
Territory'), (2946, 181, 'Ogun'), (2947, 181, 'Ondo'), (2949, 181,
'Plateau'), (2951, 181, 'Akwa Ibom'), (2952, 181, 'Cross River'), (2953,
181, 'Kaduna'), (2955, 181, 'Anambra'), (2956, 181, 'Benue'), (2957, 181,
'Borno'), (2959, 181, 'Kano'), (2960, 181, 'Kwara'), (2961, 181,
'Niger'), (2962, 181, 'Oyo'), (2963, 181, 'Sokoto'), (2964, 181,
'Abia'), (2965, 181, 'Adamawa'), (2966, 181, 'Delta'), (2967, 181,
'Edo'), (2968, 181, 'Enugu'), (2969, 181, 'Jigawa'), (2970, 181,
'Kebbi'), (2971, 181, 'Kogi'), (2972, 181, 'Osun'), (2973, 181,
'Taraba'), (2974, 181, 'Yobe'), (2975, 175, 'Drenthe'), (2976, 175,
'Friesland'), (2977, 175, 'Gelderland'), (2978, 175, 'Groningen'), (2979,
175, 'Limburg'), (2980, 175, 'Noord-Brabant'), (2981, 175,
'Noord-Holland'), (2982, 175, 'Overijssel'), (2983, 175, 'Utrecht'), (2984,
175, 'Zeeland'), (2985, 175, 'Zuid-Holland'), (2989, 175,
'Flevoland'), (2990, 185, 'Akershus'), (2991, 185, 'Aust-Agder'), (2992,
185, 'Buskerud'), (2993, 185, 'Finnmark'), (2994, 185, 'Hedmark'), (2995,
185, 'Hordaland'), (2996, 185, 'More og Romsdal'), (2997, 185,
'Nordland'), (2998, 185, 'Nord-Trondelag'), (2999, 185, 'Oppland'), (3000,
185, 'Oslo'), (3001, 185, ''), (3002, 185, 'Rogaland'), (3003, 185, 'Sogn
og Fjordane'), (3004, 185, 'Sor-Trondelag'), (3005, 185,
'Telemark'), (3006, 185, 'Troms'), (3007, 185, 'Vest-Agder'), (3008, 185,
'Vestfold'), (3009, 174, 'Bagmati'), (3010, 174, 'Bheri'), (3011, 174,
'Dhawalagiri'), (3012, 174, 'Gandaki'), (3013, 174, 'Janakpur'), (3014,
174, 'Karnali'), (3015, 174, 'Kosi'), (3016, 174, 'Lumbini'), (3017, 174,
'Mahakali'), (3018, 174, 'Mechi'), (3019, 174, 'Narayani'), (3020, 174,
'Rapti'), (3021, 174, 'Sagarmatha'), (3022, 174, 'Seti'), (3023, 172,
'Aiwo'), (3024, 172, 'Anabar'), (3025, 172, 'Anetan'), (3026, 172,
'Anibare'), (3027, 172, 'Baiti'), (3028, 172, 'Boe'), (3029, 172,
'Buada'), (3030, 172, 'Denigomodu'), (3031, 172, 'Ewa'), (3032, 172,
'Ijuw'), (3033, 172, 'Meneng'), (3034, 172, 'Nibok'), (3035, 172,
'Uaboe'), (3036, 172, 'Yaren'), (3037, 230, 'Brokopondo'), (3038, 230,
'Commewijne'), (3039, 230, 'Coronie'), (3040, 230, 'Marowijne'), (3041,
230, 'Nickerie'), (3042, 230, 'Para'), (3043, 230, 'Paramaribo'), (3044,
230, 'Saramacca'), (3045, 230, 'Sipaliwini'), (3046, 230, 'Wanica'), (3047,
179, 'Boaco'), (3048, 179, 'Carazo'), (3049, 179, 'Chinandega'), (3050,
179, 'Chontales'), (3051, 179, 'Esteli'), (3052, 179, 'Granada'), (3053,
179, 'Jinotega'), (3054, 179, 'Leon'), (3055, 179, 'Madriz'), (3056, 179,
'Managua'), (3057, 179, 'Masaya'), (3058, 179, 'Matagalpa'), (3059, 179,
'Nueva Segovia'), (3060, 179, 'Rio San Juan'), (3061, 179, 'Rivas'), (3063,
179, 'Atlantico Norte'), (3064, 179, 'Atlantico Sur'), (3089, 178,
'Hawke''s Bay'), (3106, 178, 'Marlborough'), (3126, 178,
'Southland'), (3129, 178, 'Taranaki'), (3137, 178, 'Waikato'), (3170, 193,
'Alto Parana'), (3171, 193, 'Amambay'), (3172, 193, 'Caaguazu'), (3173,
193, 'Caazapa'), (3174, 193, 'Central'), (3175, 193, 'Concepcion'), (3176,
193, 'Cordillera'), (3177, 193, 'Guaira'), (3178, 193, 'Itapua'), (3179,
193, 'Misiones'), (3180, 193, 'Neembucu'), (3181, 193, 'Paraguari'), (3182,
193, 'Presidente Hayes'), (3183, 193, 'San Pedro'), (3184, 193,
'Canindeyu'), (3185, 193, 'Asuncion'), (3186, 193, 'Alto Paraguay'), (3187,
193, 'Boqueron'), (3188, 194, 'Amazonas'), (3189, 194, 'Ancash'), (3190,
194, 'Apurimac'), (3191, 194, 'Arequipa'), (3192, 194, 'Ayacucho'), (3193,
194, 'Cajamarca'), (3194, 194, 'Callao'), (3195, 194, 'Cusco'), (3196, 194,
'Huancavelica'), (3197, 194, 'Huanuco'), (3198, 194, 'Ica'), (3199, 194,
'Junin'), (3200, 194, 'La Libertad'), (3201, 194, 'Lambayeque'), (3202,
194, 'Lima'), (3203, 194, 'Loreto'), (3204, 194, 'Madre de Dios'), (3205,
194, 'Moquegua'), (3206, 194, 'Pasco'), (3207, 194, 'Piura'), (3208, 194,
'Puno'), (3209, 194, 'San Martin'), (3210, 194, 'Tacna'), (3211, 194,
'Tumbes'), (3212, 194, 'Ucayali'), (3216, 187, 'Federally Administered
Tribal Areas'), (3217, 187, 'Balochistan'), (3218, 187, 'North-West
Frontier'), (3219, 187, 'Punjab'), (3220, 187, 'Sindh'), (3221, 187, 'Azad
Kashmir'), (3222, 187, 'Northern Areas'), (3223, 187, 'Islamabad'), (3274,
197, 'Dolnoslaskie'), (3275, 197, 'Kujawsko-Pomorskie'), (3276, 197,
'Lodzkie'), (3277, 197, 'Lubelskie'), (3278, 197, 'Lubuskie'), (3279, 197,
'Malopolskie'), (3280, 197, 'Mazowieckie'), (3281, 197, 'Opolskie'), (3282,
197, 'Podkarpackie'), (3283, 197, 'Podlaskie'), (3284, 197,
'Pomorskie'), (3285, 197, 'Slaskie'), (3286, 197, 'Swietokrzyskie'), (3287,
197, 'Warminsko-Mazurskie'), (3288, 197, 'Wielkopolskie'), (3289, 197,
'Zachodniopomorskie'), (3290, 190, 'Bocas del Toro'), (3291, 190,
'Chiriqui'), (3292, 190, 'Cocle'), (3293, 190, 'Colon'), (3294, 190,
'Darien'), (3295, 190, 'Herrera'), (3296, 190, 'Los Santos'), (3297, 190,
'Panama'), (3298, 190, 'San Blas'), (3299, 190, 'Veraguas'), (3300, 198,
'Aveiro'), (3301, 198, 'Beja'), (3302, 198, 'Braga'), (3303, 198,
'Braganca'), (3304, 198, 'Castelo Branco'), (3305, 198, 'Coimbra'), (3306,
198, 'Evora'), (3307, 198, 'Faro'), (3308, 198, 'Madeira'), (3309, 198,
'Guarda'), (3310, 198, 'Leiria'), (3311, 198, 'Lisboa'), (3312, 198,
'Portalegre'), (3313, 198, 'Porto'), (3314, 198, 'Santarem'), (3315, 198,
'Setubal'), (3316, 198, 'Viana do Castelo'), (3317, 198, 'Vila
Real'), (3318, 198, 'Viseu'), (3319, 198, 'Azores'), (3320, 191,
'Central'), (3321, 191, 'Gulf'), (3322, 191, 'Milne Bay'), (3323, 191,
'Northern'), (3324, 191, 'Southern Highlands'), (3325, 191,
'Western'), (3326, 191, 'Bougainville'), (3327, 191, 'Chimbu'), (3328, 191,
'Eastern Highlands'), (3329, 191, 'East New Britain'), (3330, 191, 'East
Sepik'), (3331, 191, 'Madang'), (3332, 191, 'Manus'), (3333, 191,
'Morobe'), (3334, 191, 'New Ireland'), (3335, 191, 'Western
Highlands'), (3336, 191, 'West New Britain'), (3337, 191,
'Sandaun'), (3338, 191, 'Enga'), (3339, 191, 'National Capital'), (3340,
103, 'Bafata'), (3341, 103, 'Quinara'), (3342, 103, 'Oio'), (3343, 103,
'Bolama'), (3344, 103, 'Cacheu'), (3345, 103, 'Tombali'), (3346, 103,
'Gabu'), (3347, 103, 'Bissau'), (3348, 103, 'Biombo'), (3349, 200, 'Ad
Dawhah'), (3350, 200, 'Al Ghuwayriyah'), (3351, 200, 'Al
Jumayliyah'), (3352, 200, 'Al Khawr'), (3353, 200, 'Al Wakrah'), (3354,
200, 'Ar Rayyan'), (3355, 200, 'Jarayan al Batinah'), (3356, 200, 'Madinat
ash Shamal'), (3357, 200, 'Umm Salal'), (3358, 202, 'Alba'), (3359, 202,
'Arad'), (3360, 202, 'Arges'), (3361, 202, 'Bacau'), (3362, 202,
'Bihor'), (3363, 202, 'Bistrita-Nasaud'), (3364, 202, 'Botosani'), (3365,
202, 'Braila'), (3366, 202, 'Brasov'), (3367, 202, 'Bucuresti'), (3368,
202, 'Buzau'), (3369, 202, 'Caras-Severin'), (3370, 202, 'Cluj'), (3371,
202, 'Constanta'), (3372, 202, 'Covasna'), (3373, 202, 'Dambovita'), (3374,
202, 'Dolj'), (3375, 202, 'Galati'), (3376, 202, 'Gorj'), (3377, 202,
'Harghita'), (3378, 202, 'Hunedoara'), (3379, 202, 'Ialomita'), (3380, 202,
'Iasi'), (3381, 202, 'Maramures'), (3382, 202, 'Mehedinti'), (3383, 202,
'Mures'), (3384, 202, 'Neamt'), (3385, 202, 'Olt'), (3386, 202,
'Prahova'), (3387, 202, 'Salaj'), (3388, 202, 'Satu Mare'), (3389, 202,
'Sibiu'), (3390, 202, 'Suceava'), (3391, 202, 'Teleorman'), (3392, 202,
'Timis'), (3393, 202, 'Tulcea'), (3394, 202, 'Vaslui'), (3395, 202,
'Valcea'), (3396, 202, 'Vrancea'), (3397, 202, 'Calarasi'), (3398, 202,
'Giurgiu'), (3399, 195, 'Abra'), (3400, 195, 'Agusan del Norte'), (3401,
195, 'Agusan del Sur'), (3402, 195, 'Aklan'), (3403, 195, 'Albay'), (3404,
195, 'Antique'), (3405, 195, 'Bataan'), (3406, 195, 'Batanes'), (3407, 195,
'Batangas'), (3408, 195, 'Benguet'), (3409, 195, 'Bohol'), (3410, 195,
'Bukidnon'), (3411, 195, 'Bulacan'), (3412, 195, 'Cagayan'), (3413, 195,
'Camarines Norte'), (3414, 195, 'Camarines Sur'), (3415, 195,
'Camiguin'), (3416, 195, 'Capiz'), (3417, 195, 'Catanduanes'), (3418, 195,
'Cavite'), (3419, 195, 'Cebu'), (3420, 195, 'Basilan'), (3421, 195,
'Eastern Samar'), (3422, 195, 'Davao del Norte'), (3423, 195, 'Davao del
Sur'), (3424, 195, 'Davao Oriental'), (3425, 195, 'Ifugao'), (3426, 195,
'Ilocos Norte'), (3427, 195, 'Ilocos Sur'), (3428, 195, 'Iloilo'), (3429,
195, 'Isabela'), (3430, 195, 'Kalinga-Apayao'), (3431, 195,
'Laguna'), (3432, 195, 'Lanao del Norte'), (3433, 195, 'Lanao del
Sur'), (3434, 195, 'La Union'), (3435, 195, 'Leyte'), (3436, 195,
'Marinduque'), (3437, 195, 'Masbate'), (3438, 195, 'Mindoro
Occidental'), (3439, 195, 'Mindoro Oriental'), (3440, 195, 'Misamis
Occidental'), (3441, 195, 'Misamis Oriental'), (3442, 195,
'Mountain'), (3443, 195, 'RP45'), (3444, 195, 'Negros Oriental'), (3445,
195, 'Nueva Ecija'), (3446, 195, 'Nueva Vizcaya'), (3447, 195,
'Palawan'), (3448, 195, 'Pampanga'), (3449, 195, 'Pangasinan'), (3450, 195,
'Rizal'), (3451, 195, 'Romblon'), (3452, 195, 'Samar'), (3453, 195,
'Maguindanao'), (3454, 195, 'North Cotabato'), (3455, 195,
'Sorsogon'), (3456, 195, 'Southern Leyte'), (3457, 195, 'Sulu'), (3458,
195, 'Surigao del Norte'), (3459, 195, 'Surigao del Sur'), (3460, 195,
'Tarlac'), (3461, 195, 'Zambales'), (3462, 195, 'Zamboanga del
Norte'), (3463, 195, 'Zamboanga del Sur'), (3464, 195, 'Northern
Samar'), (3465, 195, 'Quirino'), (3466, 195, 'Siquijor'), (3467, 195,
'South Cotabato'), (3468, 195, 'Sultan Kudarat'), (3469, 195,
'Tawi-Tawi'), (3470, 195, 'Angeles'), (3471, 195, 'Bacolod'), (3472, 195,
'Bago'), (3473, 195, 'Baguio'), (3474, 195, 'Bais'), (3475, 195, 'Basilan
City'), (3476, 195, 'Batangas City'), (3477, 195, 'Butuan'), (3478, 195,
'Cabanatuan'), (3479, 195, 'Cadiz'), (3480, 195, 'Cagayan de Oro'), (3481,
195, 'Calbayog'), (3482, 195, 'Caloocan'), (3483, 195, 'Canlaon'), (3484,
195, 'Cavite City'), (3485, 195, 'Cebu City'), (3486, 195,
'Cotabato'), (3487, 195, 'Dagupan'), (3488, 195, 'Danao'), (3489, 195,
'Dapitane'), (3490, 195, 'Davao City'), (3491, 195, 'Dipolog'), (3492, 195,
'Dumaguete'), (3493, 195, 'General Santos'), (3494, 195, 'Gingoog'), (3495,
195, 'Iligan'), (3496, 195, 'Iloilo City'), (3497, 195, 'Iriga'), (3498,
195, 'La Carlota'), (3499, 195, 'Laoag'), (3500, 195, 'LapuLapu'), (3501,
195, 'Legaspi'), (3502, 195, 'Lipa'), (3503, 195, 'Lucena'), (3504, 195,
'Mandaue'), (3505, 195, 'Manila'), (3506, 195, 'Marawi'), (3507, 195,
'Naga'), (3508, 195, 'Olongapo'), (3509, 195, 'Ormoc'), (3510, 195,
'Oroquieta'), (3511, 195, 'Ozamis'), (3512, 195, 'Pagadiane'), (3513, 195,
'Palayan'), (3514, 195, 'Pasay'), (3515, 195, 'Puerto Princesa'), (3516,
195, 'Quezon City'), (3517, 195, 'Roxas'), (3518, 195, 'Negros Occidental
San Carlos'), (3519, 195, 'Pangasinan San Carlos'), (3520, 195, 'San
Jose'), (3521, 195, 'San Pablo'), (3522, 195, 'Silay'), (3523, 195,
'Surigao'), (3524, 195, 'Tacloban'), (3525, 195, 'Tagaytay'), (3526, 195,
'Tagbilaran'), (3527, 195, 'Tangub'), (3528, 195, 'Toledo'), (3529, 195,
'Trece Martires'), (3530, 195, 'Zamboanga'), (3531, 195, 'Aurora'), (3532,
195, 'Quezon'), (3533, 195, 'Negros Occidental'), (3534, 203,
'Adygeya'), (3535, 203, 'Aginskiy Buryatskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug'), (3536,
203, 'Altay'), (3537, 203, 'Altayskiy Kray'), (3538, 203, 'Amurskaya
Oblast'''), (3539, 203, 'Arkhangel''skaya Oblast'''), (3540, 203,
'Astrakhanskaya Oblast'''), (3541, 203, 'Bashkortostan'), (3542, 203,
'Belgorodskaya Oblast'''), (3543, 203, 'Bryanskaya Oblast'''), (3544, 203,
'Buryatiya'), (3545, 203, 'Chechnya'), (3546, 203, 'Chelyabinskaya
Oblast'''), (3547, 203, 'Chitinskaya Oblast'''), (3548, 203, 'Chukotskiy
Avtonomnyy Okrug'), (3549, 203, 'Chuvashiya'), (3550, 203, 'Evenkiyskiy
Avtonomnyy Okrug'), (3551, 203, 'Ingushetiya'), (3552, 203, 'Irkutskaya
Oblast'''), (3553, 203, 'Ivanovskaya Oblast'''), (3554, 203,
'Kabardino-Balkariya'), (3555, 203, 'Kaliningradskaya Oblast'''), (3556,
203, 'Kalmykiya'), (3557, 203, 'Kaluzhskaya Oblast'''), (3558, 203,
'Kamchatskaya Oblast'''), (3559, 203, 'Karachayevo-Cherkesiya'), (3560,
203, 'Kareliya'), (3561, 203, 'Kemerovskaya Oblast'''), (3562, 203,
'Khabarovskiy Kray'), (3563, 203, 'Khakasiya'), (3564, 203,
'Khanty-Mansiyskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug'), (3565, 203, 'Kirovskaya
Oblast'''), (3566, 203, 'Komi-Permyatskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug'), (3567, 203,
'Koryakskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug'), (3568, 203, 'Kostromskaya
Oblast'''), (3569, 203, 'Krasnodarskiy Kray'), (3570, 203, 'Krasnoyarskiy
Kray'), (3571, 203, 'Kurganskaya Oblast'''), (3572, 203, 'Kurskaya
Oblast'''), (3573, 203, 'Leningradskaya Oblast'''), (3574, 203, 'Lipetskaya
Oblast'''), (3575, 203, 'Magadanskaya Oblast'''), (3576, 203,
'Mordoviya'), (3577, 203, 'Moskovskaya Oblast'''), (3578, 203,
'Moskva'), (3579, 203, 'Murmanskaya Oblast'''), (3580, 203, 'Nenetskiy
Avtonomnyy Okrug'), (3581, 203, 'Nizhegorodskaya Oblast'''), (3582, 203,
'Novgorodskaya Oblast'''), (3583, 203, 'Novosibirskaya Oblast'''), (3584,
203, 'Omskaya Oblast'''), (3585, 203, 'Orenburgskaya Oblast'''), (3586,
203, 'Orlovskaya Oblast'''), (3587, 203, 'Penzenskaya Oblast'''), (3588,
203, 'Permskaya Oblast'''), (3589, 203, 'Primorskiy Kray'), (3590, 203,
'Pskovskaya Oblast'''), (3591, 203, 'Rostovskaya Oblast'''), (3592, 203,
'Ryazanskaya Oblast'''), (3593, 203, 'Sakha (Yakutiya)'), (3594, 203,
'Sakhalinskaya Oblast'''), (3595, 203, 'Samarskaya Oblast'''), (3596, 203,
'Sankt-Peterburg'), (3597, 203, 'Saratovskaya Oblast'''), (3598, 203,
'Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya'), (3599, 203, 'Smolenskaya Oblast'''), (3600,
203, 'Stavropol''skiy Kray'), (3601, 203, 'Sverdlovskaya Oblast'''), (3602,
203, 'Tambovskaya Oblast'''), (3603, 203, 'Taymyrskiy Dolgano-Nenetskiy
Avtonomnyy Okrug'), (3604, 203, 'Tomskaya Oblast'''), (3605, 203,
'Tul''skaya Oblast'''), (3606, 203, 'Tverskaya Oblast'''), (3607, 203,
'Tyumenskaya Oblast'''), (3608, 203, 'Udmurtiya'), (3609, 203,
'Ul''yanovskaya Oblast'''), (3610, 203, 'Ust''-Ordynskiy Buryatskiy
Avtonomnyy Okrug'), (3611, 203, 'Vladimirskaya Oblast'''), (3612, 203,
'Volgogradskaya Oblast'''), (3613, 203, 'Vologodskaya oblast'''), (3614,
203, 'Voronezhskaya Oblast'''), (3615, 203, 'Yamalo-Nenetskiy Avtonomnyy
Okrug'), (3616, 203, 'Yaroslavskaya Oblast'''), (3617, 203, 'Yevreyskaya
Avtonomnyy Oblast'''), (3619, 204, 'Butare'), (3620, 204, 'Byumba'), (3621,
204, 'Cyangugu'), (3622, 204, 'Gikongoro'), (3623, 204, 'Gisenyi'), (3624,
204, 'Gitarama'), (3625, 204, 'Kibungo'), (3626, 204, 'Kibuye'), (3627,
204, 'Kigali-Rural'), (3628, 204, 'Ruhengeri'), (3629, 213, 'Al
Bahah'), (3630, 213, 'Al Madinah'), (3631, 213, 'Ash Sharqiyah'), (3632,
213, 'Al Qasim'), (3633, 213, 'Ar Riyad'), (3634, 213, '''Asir'), (3635,
213, 'Ha''il'), (3636, 213, 'Makkah'), (3637, 213, 'Al Hudud ash
Shamaliyah'), (3638, 213, 'Najran'), (3639, 213, 'Jizan'), (3640, 213,
'Tabuk'), (3641, 213, 'Al Jawf'), (3643, 206, 'Christ Church
Nicholatown'), (3644, 206, 'Saint Anne Sandy Point'), (3645, 206, 'Saint
George Basseterre'), (3646, 206, 'Saint George Gingerland'), (3647, 206,
'Saint James Windward'), (3648, 206, 'Saint John Capesterre'), (3649, 206,
'Saint John Figtree'), (3650, 206, 'Saint Mary Cayon'), (3651, 206, 'Saint
Paul Capesterre'), (3652, 206, 'Saint Paul Charlestown'), (3653, 206,
'Saint Peter Basseterre'), (3654, 206, 'Saint Thomas Lowland'), (3655, 206,
'Saint Thomas Middle Island'), (3656, 206, 'Trinity Palmetto
Point'), (3657, 217, 'Anse aux Pins'), (3658, 217, 'Anse Boileau'), (3659,
217, 'Anse Etoile'), (3660, 217, 'Anse Louis'), (3661, 217, 'Anse
Royale'), (3662, 217, 'Baie Lazare'), (3663, 217, 'Baie Sainte
Anne'), (3664, 217, 'Beau Vallon'), (3665, 217, 'Bel Air'), (3666, 217,
'Bel Ombre'), (3667, 217, 'Cascade'), (3668, 217, 'Glacis'), (3669, 217,
'Grand'' Anse'), (3670, 217, 'La Digue'), (3671, 217, 'La Riviere
Anglaise'), (3672, 217, 'Mont Buxton'), (3673, 217, 'Mont Fleuri'), (3674,
217, 'Plaisance'), (3675, 217, 'Pointe La Rue'), (3676, 217, 'Port
Glaud'), (3677, 217, 'Saint Louis'), (3678, 217, 'Takamaka'), (3680, 224,
'KwaZulu-Natal'), (3681, 224, 'Free State'), (3683, 224, 'Eastern
Cape'), (3684, 224, 'Gauteng'), (3685, 224, 'Mpumalanga'), (3686, 224,
'Northern Cape'), (3687, 224, 'Northern Province'), (3688, 224,
'North-West'), (3689, 224, 'Western Cape'), (3690, 214, 'Dakar'), (3691,
214, 'Diourbel'), (3692, 214, 'Saint-Louis'), (3693, 214,
'Tambacounda'), (3694, 214, 'Thies'), (3695, 214, 'Louga'), (3696, 214,
'Fatick'), (3697, 214, 'Kaolack'), (3698, 214, 'Kolda'), (3699, 214,
'Ziguinchor'), (3700, 205, 'Ascension'), (3701, 205, 'Saint
Helena'), (3702, 205, 'Tristan da Cunha'), (3703, 221,
'Ajdovscina'), (3704, 221, 'Beltinci'), (3705, 221, 'Bled'), (3706, 221,
'Bohinj'), (3707, 221, 'Borovnica'), (3708, 221, 'Bovec'), (3709, 221,
'Brda'), (3710, 221, 'Brezice'), (3711, 221, 'Brezovica'), (3712, 221,
'Cankova-Tisina'), (3713, 221, 'Celje'), (3714, 221, 'Cerklje Na
Gorenjskem'), (3715, 221, 'Cerknica'), (3716, 221, 'Cerkno'), (3717, 221,
'Crensovci'), (3718, 221, 'Crna na Koroskem'), (3719, 221,
'Crnomelj'), (3720, 221, 'Destrnik-Trnovska Vas'), (3721, 221,
'Divaca'), (3722, 221, 'Dobrepolje'), (3723, 221, 'Dobrova-Horjul-Polhov
Gradec'), (3724, 221, 'Dol pri Ljubljani'), (3725, 221, 'Domzale'), (3726,
221, 'Dornava'), (3727, 221, 'Dravograd'), (3728, 221, 'Duplek'), (3729,
221, 'Gorenja Vas-Poljane'), (3730, 221, 'Gorisnica'), (3731, 221, 'Gornja
Radgona'), (3732, 221, 'Gornji Grad'), (3733, 221, 'Gornji
Petrovci'), (3734, 221, 'Grosuplje'), (3735, 221, 'HodosSalovci'), (3736,
221, 'Hrastnik'), (3737, 221, 'Hrpelje-Kozina'), (3738, 221,
'Idrija'), (3739, 221, 'Ig'), (3740, 221, 'Ilirska Bistrica'), (3741, 221,
'Ivancna Gorica'), (3742, 221, 'Izola'), (3743, 221, 'Jesenice'), (3744,
221, 'Jursinci'), (3745, 221, 'Kamnik'), (3746, 221, 'Kanal'), (3747, 221,
'Kidricevo'), (3748, 221, 'Kobarid'), (3749, 221, 'Kobilje'), (3750, 221,
'Kocevje'), (3751, 221, 'Komen'), (3752, 221, 'Koper'), (3753, 221,
'Kozje'), (3754, 221, 'Kranj'), (3755, 221, 'Kranjska Gora'), (3756, 221,
'Krsko'), (3757, 221, 'Kungota'), (3758, 221, 'Kuzma'), (3759, 221,
'Lasko'), (3760, 221, 'Lenart'), (3761, 221, 'Lendava'), (3762, 221,
'Litija'), (3763, 221, 'Ljubljana'), (3764, 221, 'Ljubno'), (3765, 221,
'Ljutomer'), (3766, 221, 'Logatec'), (3767, 221, 'Loska Dolina'), (3768,
221, 'Loski Potok'), (3769, 221, 'Luce'), (3770, 221, 'Lukovica'), (3771,
221, 'Majsperk'), (3772, 221, 'Maribor'), (3773, 221, 'Medvode'), (3774,
221, 'Menges'), (3775, 221, 'Metlika'), (3776, 221, 'Mezica'), (3777, 221,
'Miren-Kostanjevica'), (3778, 221, 'Mislinja'), (3779, 221,
'Moravce'), (3780, 221, 'Moravske Toplice'), (3781, 221, 'Mozirje'), (3782,
221, 'Murska Sobota'), (3783, 221, 'Muta'), (3784, 221, 'Naklo'), (3785,
221, 'Nazarje'), (3786, 221, 'Nova Gorica'), (3787, 221, 'Novo
Mesto'), (3788, 221, 'Odranci'), (3789, 221, 'Ormoz'), (3790, 221,
'Osilnica'), (3791, 221, 'Pesnica'), (3792, 221, 'Piran'), (3793, 221,
'Pivka'), (3794, 221, 'Podcetrtek'), (3795, 221,
'Podvelka-Ribnica'), (3796, 221, 'Postojna'), (3797, 221,
'Preddvor'), (3798, 221, 'Ptuj'), (3799, 221, 'Puconci'), (3800, 221,
'Race-Fram'), (3801, 221, 'Radece'), (3802, 221, 'Radenci'), (3803, 221,
'Radlje ob Dravi'), (3804, 221, 'Radovljica'), (3805, 221,
'Ravne-Prevalje'), (3806, 221, 'Ribnica'), (3807, 221, 'Rogasevci'), (3808,
221, 'Rogaska Slatina'), (3809, 221, 'Rogatec'), (3810, 221,
'Ruse'), (3811, 221, 'Semic'), (3812, 221, 'Sencur'), (3813, 221,
'Sentilj'), (3814, 221, 'Sentjernej'), (3815, 221, 'Sentjur pri
Celju'), (3816, 221, 'Sevnica'), (3817, 221, 'Sezana'), (3818, 221,
'Skocjan'), (3819, 221, 'Skofja Loka'), (3820, 221, 'Skofljica'), (3821,
221, 'Slovenj Gradec'), (3822, 221, 'Slovenska Bistrica'), (3823, 221,
'Slovenske Konjice'), (3824, 221, 'Smarje pri Jelsah'), (3825, 221,
'Smartno ob Paki'), (3826, 221, 'Sostanj'), (3827, 221, 'Starse'), (3828,
221, 'Store'), (3829, 221, 'Sveti Jurij'), (3830, 221, 'Tolmin'), (3831,
221, 'Trbovlje'), (3832, 221, 'Trebnje'), (3833, 221, 'Trzic'), (3834, 221,
'Turnisce'), (3835, 221, 'Velenje'), (3836, 221, 'Velike Lasce'), (3837,
221, 'Videm'), (3838, 221, 'Vipava'), (3839, 221, 'Vitanje'), (3840, 221,
'Vodice'), (3841, 221, 'Vojnik'), (3842, 221, 'Vrhnika'), (3843, 221,
'Vuzenica'), (3844, 221, 'Zagorje ob Savi'), (3845, 221, 'Zalec'), (3846,
221, 'Zavrc'), (3847, 221, 'Zelezniki'), (3848, 221, 'Ziri'), (3849, 221,
'Zrece'), (3850, 218, 'Eastern'), (3851, 218, 'Northern'), (3852, 218,
'Southern'), (3853, 218, 'Western Area'), (3854, 211, 'Acquaviva'), (3855,
211, 'Chiesanuova'), (3856, 211, 'Domagnano'), (3857, 211,
'Faetano'), (3858, 211, 'Fiorentino'), (3859, 211, 'Borgo
Maaggiore'), (3860, 211, 'San Marino'), (3861, 211, 'Monte
Giardino'), (3862, 211, 'Serravalle'), (3863, 223, 'Bakool'), (3864, 223,
'Banaadir'), (3865, 223, 'Bari'), (3866, 223, 'Bay'), (3867, 223,
'Galguduud'), (3868, 223, 'Gedo'), (3869, 223, 'Hiiraan'), (3870, 223,
'Jubbada Dhexe'), (3871, 223, 'Jubbada Hoose'), (3872, 223,
'Mudug'), (3873, 223, 'Nugaal'), (3874, 223, 'Sanaag'), (3875, 223,
'Shabeellaha Dhexe'), (3876, 223, 'Shabeellaha Hoose'), (3877, 223,
'Togdheer'), (3878, 223, 'Woqooyi Galbeed'), (3886, 226, 'Islas
Baleares'), (3906, 226, 'La Rioja'), (3908, 226, 'Madrid'), (3910, 226,
'Murcia'), (3911, 226, 'Navarra'), (3913, 226, 'Asturias'), (3918, 226,
'Cantabria'), (3930, 226, 'Andalucia'), (3931, 226, 'Aragon'), (3932, 226,
'Canarias'), (3933, 226, 'Castilla-La Mancha'), (3934, 226, 'Castilla y
Leon'), (3935, 226, 'Catalu'), (3936, 226, 'Extremadura'), (3937, 226,
'Galicia'), (3938, 226, 'Pais Vasco'), (3939, 226, 'Valenciana'), (3941,
271, 'Vojvodina'), (3942, 207, 'Anse-la-Raye'), (3943, 207,
'Dauphin'), (3944, 207, 'Castries'), (3945, 207, 'Choiseul'), (3946, 207,
'Dennery'), (3947, 207, 'Gros-Islet'), (3948, 207, 'Laborie'), (3949, 207,
'Micoud'), (3950, 207, 'Soufriere'), (3951, 207, 'Vieux-Fort'), (3952, 207,
'Praslin'), (3953, 229, 'A''ali an Nil'), (3956, 229, 'Al Khartum'), (3957,
229, 'Ash Shamaliyah'), (3962, 229, 'Al Babr al Ahmar'), (3963, 229, 'Al
Buhayrat'), (3964, 229, 'Al Jazirah'), (3965, 229, 'Al Qadarif'), (3966,
229, 'Al Wahdah'), (3967, 229, 'An Nil al Abyad'), (3968, 229, 'An Nil al
Azraq'), (3969, 229, 'Bahr al Jabal'), (3970, 229, 'Gharb al
Istiwa''iyah'), (3971, 229, 'Gharb Bahr al Ghazal'), (3972, 229, 'Gharb
Darfur'), (3973, 229, 'Gharb Kurdufan'), (3974, 229, 'Janub
Darfur'), (3975, 229, 'Janub Kurdufan'), (3976, 229, 'Junqali'), (3977,
229, 'Kassala'), (3978, 229, 'Nahr an Nil'), (3979, 229, 'Shamal Bahr al
Ghazal'), (3980, 229, 'Shamal Darfur'), (3981, 229, 'Shamal
Kurdufan'), (3982, 229, 'Sharq al Istiwa''iyah'), (3983, 229,
'Sinnar'), (3984, 229, 'Warab'), (3986, 233, 'Blekinge Lan'), (3987, 233,
'Gavleborgs Lan'), (3989, 233, 'Gotlands Lan'), (3990, 233, 'Hallands
Lan'), (3991, 233, 'Jamtlands Lan'), (3992, 233, 'Jonkopings Lan'), (3993,
233, 'Kalmar Lan'), (3994, 233, 'Dalarnas Lan'), (3996, 233, 'Kronobergs
Lan'), (3998, 233, 'Norrbottens Lan'), (3999, 233, 'Orebro Lan'), (4000,
233, 'Ostergotlands Lan'), (4002, 233, 'Sodermanlands Lan'), (4003, 233,
'Uppsala Lan'), (4004, 233, 'Varmlands Lan'), (4005, 233, 'Vasterbottens
Lan'), (4006, 233, 'Vasternorrlands Lan'), (4007, 233, 'Vastmanlands
Lan'), (4008, 233, 'Stockholms Lan'), (4009, 233, 'Skane Lan'), (4010, 233,
'Vastra Gotaland'), (4011, 235, 'Al Hasakah'), (4012, 235, 'Al
Ladhiqiyah'), (4013, 235, 'Al Qunaytirah'), (4014, 235, 'Ar
Raqqah'), (4015, 235, 'As Suwayda'''), (4016, 235, 'Dar''a'), (4017, 235,
'Dayr az Zawr'), (4018, 235, 'Rif Dimashq'), (4019, 235, 'Halab'), (4020,
235, 'Hamah'), (4021, 235, 'Hims'), (4022, 235, 'Idlib'), (4023, 235,
'Dimashq'), (4024, 235, 'Tartus'), (4025, 234, 'Aargau'), (4026, 234,
'Ausser-Rhoden'), (4027, 234, 'Basel-Landschaft'), (4028, 234,
'Basel-Stadt'), (4029, 234, 'Bern'), (4030, 234, 'Fribourg'), (4031, 234,
'Geneve'), (4032, 234, 'Glarus'), (4033, 234, 'Graubunden'), (4034, 234,
'Inner-Rhoden'), (4035, 234, 'Luzern'), (4036, 234, 'Neuchatel'), (4037,
234, 'Nidwalden'), (4038, 234, 'Obwalden'), (4039, 234, 'Sankt
Gallen'), (4040, 234, 'Schaffhausen'), (4041, 234, 'Schwyz'), (4042, 234,
'Solothurn'), (4043, 234, 'Thurgau'), (4044, 234, 'Ticino'), (4045, 234,
'Uri'), (4046, 234, 'Valais'), (4047, 234, 'Vaud'), (4048, 234,
'Zug'), (4049, 234, 'Zurich'), (4050, 234, 'Jura'), (4051, 243,
'Arima'), (4052, 243, 'Caroni'), (4053, 243, 'Mayaro'), (4054, 243,
'Nariva'), (4055, 243, 'Port-of-Spain'), (4056, 243, 'Saint
Andrew'), (4057, 243, 'Saint David'), (4058, 243, 'Saint George'), (4059,
243, 'Saint Patrick'), (4060, 243, 'San Fernando'), (4061, 243,
'Tobago'), (4062, 243, 'Victoria'), (4063, 239, 'Mae Hong Son'), (4064,
239, 'Chiang Mai'), (4065, 239, 'Chiang Rai'), (4066, 239, 'Nan'), (4067,
239, 'Lamphun'), (4068, 239, 'Lampang'), (4069, 239, 'Phrae'), (4070, 239,
'Tak'), (4071, 239, 'Sukhothai'), (4072, 239, 'Uttaradit'), (4073, 239,
'Kamphaeng Phet'), (4074, 239, 'Phitsanulok'), (4075, 239,
'Phichit'), (4076, 239, 'Phetchabun'), (4077, 239, 'Uthai Thani'), (4078,
239, 'Nakhon Sawan'), (4079, 239, 'Nong Khai'), (4080, 239, 'Loei'), (4081,
239, 'Udon Thani'), (4082, 239, 'Sakon Nakhon'), (4083, 239, 'Nakhon
Phanom'), (4084, 239, 'Khon Kaen'), (4085, 239, 'Kalasin'), (4086, 239,
'Maha Sarakham'), (4087, 239, 'Roi Et'), (4088, 239, 'Chaiyaphum'), (4089,
239, 'Nakhon Ratchasima'), (4090, 239, 'Buriram'), (4091, 239,
'Surin'), (4092, 239, 'Sisaket'), (4093, 239, 'Narathiwat'), (4094, 239,
'Chai Nat'), (4095, 239, 'Sing Buri'), (4096, 239, 'Lop Buri'), (4097, 239,
'Ang Thong'), (4098, 239, 'Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya'), (4099, 239, 'Sara
Buri'), (4100, 239, 'Nonthaburi'), (4101, 239, 'Pathum Thani'), (4102, 239,
'Krung Thep Mahanakhon'), (4103, 239, 'Phayao'), (4104, 239, 'Samut
Prakan'), (4105, 239, 'Nakhon Nayok'), (4106, 239, 'Chachoengsao'), (4107,
239, 'Prachin Buri'), (4108, 239, 'Chon Buri'), (4109, 239,
'Rayong'), (4110, 239, 'Chanthaburi'), (4111, 239, 'Trat'), (4112, 239,
'Kanchanaburi'), (4113, 239, 'Suphan Buri'), (4114, 239,
'Ratchaburi'), (4115, 239, 'Nakhon Pathom'), (4116, 239, 'Samut
Songkhram'), (4117, 239, 'Samut Sakhon'), (4118, 239,
'Phetchaburi'), (4119, 239, 'Prachuap Khiri Khan'), (4120, 239,
'Chumphon'), (4121, 239, 'Ranong'), (4122, 239, 'Surat Thani'), (4123, 239,
'Phangnga'), (4124, 239, 'Phuket'), (4125, 239, 'Krabi'), (4126, 239,
'Nakon Si Thammarat'), (4127, 239, 'Trang'), (4128, 239,
'Phatthalung'), (4129, 239, 'Satun'), (4130, 239, 'Songkhla'), (4131, 239,
'Pattani'), (4132, 239, 'Yala'), (4134, 239, 'Yasothon'), (4135, 239, 'Ubon
Ratchanthani'), (4136, 239, 'Amnat Charoen'), (4137, 239,
'Mukdahan'), (4138, 239, 'Nong Bua Lamphu'), (4139, 239, 'Sa Kaeo'), (4140,
237, 'Kuhistoni Badakhshon'), (4141, 237, 'Khatlon'), (4142, 237,
'Leninobod'), (4143, 242, 'Ha''apai'), (4144, 242, 'Tongatapu'), (4145,
242, 'Vava''u'), (4167, 212, 'Principe'), (4168, 212, 'Sao Tome'), (4169,
245, 'Al Qasrayn'), (4170, 245, 'Al Qayrawan'), (4171, 245,
'Jundubah'), (4172, 245, 'Al Kaf'), (4173, 245, 'Al Mahdiyah'), (4174, 245,
'Al Munastir'), (4175, 245, 'Bajah'), (4176, 245, 'Banzart'), (4177, 245,
'Nabul'), (4178, 245, 'Silyanah'), (4179, 245, 'Susah'), (4180, 245,
'Aryanah'), (4181, 245, 'Bin ''Arus'), (4182, 245, 'Madanin'), (4183, 245,
'Qabis'), (4184, 245, 'Qafsah'), (4185, 245, 'Qibili'), (4186, 245,
'Safaqi'), (4187, 245, 'Sidi Bu Zayd'), (4188, 245, 'Tatawin'), (4189, 245,
'Tawzar'), (4190, 245, 'Tunis'), (4191, 245, 'Zaghwan'), (4192, 246,
'Adana'), (4193, 246, 'Adiyaman'), (4194, 246, 'Afyon'), (4195, 246,
'Agri'), (4196, 246, 'Amasya'), (4198, 246, 'Antalya'), (4199, 246,
'Artvin'), (4200, 246, 'Aydin'), (4201, 246, 'Balikesir'), (4202, 246,
'Bilecik'), (4203, 246, 'Bingol'), (4204, 246, 'Bitlis'), (4205, 246,
'Bolu'), (4206, 246, 'Burdur'), (4207, 246, 'Bursa'), (4208, 246,
'Canakkale'), (4209, 246, 'Cankiri'), (4210, 246, 'Corum'), (4211, 246,
'Denizli'), (4212, 246, 'Diyarbakir'), (4213, 246, 'Edirne'), (4214, 246,
'Elazig'), (4215, 246, 'Erzincan'), (4216, 246, 'Erzurum'), (4217, 246,
'Eskisehir'), (4218, 246, 'Gaziantep'), (4219, 246, 'Giresun'), (4222, 246,
'Hatay'), (4223, 246, 'Icel'), (4224, 246, 'Isparta'), (4225, 246,
'Istanbul'), (4226, 246, 'Izmir'), (4227, 246, 'Kars'), (4228, 246,
'Kastamonu'), (4229, 246, 'Kayseri'), (4230, 246, 'Kirklareli'), (4231,
246, 'Kirsehir'), (4232, 246, 'Kocaeli'), (4234, 246, 'Kutahya'), (4235,
246, 'Malatya'), (4236, 246, 'Manisa'), (4237, 246,
'Kahramanmaras'), (4239, 246, 'Mugla'), (4240, 246, 'Mus'), (4241, 246,
'Nevsehir'), (4243, 246, 'Ordu'), (4244, 246, 'Rize'), (4245, 246,
'Sakarya'), (4246, 246, 'Samsun'), (4248, 246, 'Sinop'), (4249, 246,
'Sivas'), (4250, 246, 'Tekirdag'), (4251, 246, 'Tokat'), (4252, 246,
'Trabzon'), (4253, 246, 'Tunceli'), (4254, 246, 'Sanliurfa'), (4255, 246,
'Usak'), (4256, 246, 'Van'), (4257, 246, 'Yozgat'), (4258, 246,
'Zonguldak'), (4259, 246, 'Ankara'), (4260, 246, 'Gumushane'), (4261, 246,
'Hakkari'), (4262, 246, 'Konya'), (4263, 246, 'Mardin'), (4264, 246,
'Nigde'), (4265, 246, 'Siirt'), (4266, 246, 'Aksaray'), (4267, 246,
'Batman'), (4268, 246, 'Bayburt'), (4269, 246, 'Karaman'), (4270, 246,
'Kirikkale'), (4271, 246, 'Sirnak'), (4272, 236, 'Fu-chien'), (4273, 236,
'Kao-hsiung'), (4274, 236, 'T''ai-pei'), (4275, 236, 'T''ai-wan'), (4276,
238, 'Arusha'), (4277, 238, 'Dar es Salaam'), (4278, 238, 'Dodoma'), (4279,
238, 'Iringa'), (4280, 238, 'Kigoma'), (4281, 238, 'Kilimanjaro'), (4282,
238, 'Lindi'), (4283, 238, 'Mara'), (4284, 238, 'Mbeya'), (4285, 238,
'Morogoro'), (4286, 238, 'Mtwara'), (4287, 238, 'Mwanza'), (4288, 238,
'Pemba North'), (4289, 238, 'Ruvuma'), (4290, 238, 'Shinyanga'), (4291,
238, 'Singida'), (4292, 238, 'Tabora'), (4293, 238, 'Tanga'), (4294, 238,
'Kagera'), (4295, 238, 'Pemba South'), (4296, 238, 'Zanzibar
Central//South'), (4297, 238, 'Zanzibar North'), (4298, 238,
'Rukwa'), (4299, 238, 'Zanzibar Urban//West'), (4300, 250, 'Apac'), (4301,
250, 'Arua'), (4302, 250, 'Bundibogyo'), (4303, 250, 'Bushenyi'), (4304,
250, 'Gulu'), (4305, 250, 'Hoima'), (4306, 250, 'Iganga'), (4307, 250,
'Jinja'), (4308, 250, 'Kabale'), (4309, 250, 'Kabarole'), (4310, 250,
'Kalangala'), (4311, 250, 'Kampala'), (4312, 250, 'Kamuli'), (4313, 250,
'Kapchorwa'), (4314, 250, 'Kasese'), (4315, 250, 'Kibale'), (4316, 250,
'Kiboga'), (4317, 250, 'Kisoro'), (4318, 250, 'Kitgum'), (4319, 250,
'Kotido'), (4320, 250, 'Kumi'), (4321, 250, 'Lira'), (4322, 250,
'Luwero'), (4323, 250, 'Masaka'), (4324, 250, 'Masindi'), (4325, 250,
'Mbale'), (4326, 250, 'Mbarara'), (4327, 250, 'Moroto'), (4328, 250,
'Moyo'), (4329, 250, 'Mpigi'), (4330, 250, 'Mubende'), (4331, 250,
'Mukono'), (4332, 250, 'Nebbi'), (4333, 250, 'Ntungamo'), (4334, 250,
'Pallisa'), (4335, 250, 'Rakai'), (4336, 250, 'Rukungiri'), (4337, 250,
'Soroti'), (4338, 250, 'Tororo'), (4431, 251, 'Cherkas''ka
Oblast'''), (4432, 251, 'Chernihivs''ka Oblast'''), (4433, 251,
'Chernivets''ka Oblast'''), (4434, 251, 'Dnipropetrovs''ka
Oblast'''), (4435, 251, 'Donets''ka Oblast'''), (4436, 251,
'Ivano-Frankivs''ka Oblast'''), (4437, 251, 'Kharkivs''ka
Oblast'''), (4438, 251, 'Khersons''ka Oblast'''), (4439, 251,
'Khmel''nyts''ka Oblast'''), (4440, 251, 'Kirovohrads''ka
Oblast'''), (4441, 251, 'Avtonomna Respublika Krym'), (4442, 251, 'Misto
Kyyiv'), (4443, 251, 'Kyyivs''ka Oblast'''), (4444, 251, 'Luhans''ka
Oblast'''), (4445, 251, 'L''vivs''ka Oblast'''), (4446, 251,
'Mykolayivs''ka Oblast'''), (4447, 251, 'Odes''ka Oblast'), (4448, 251,
'Poltavs''ka Oblast'''), (4449, 251, 'Rivnens''ka Oblast'''), (4450, 251,
'Misto Sevastopol'), (4451, 251, 'Sums''ka Oblast'''), (4452, 251,
'Ternopil''s''ka Oblast'''), (4453, 251, 'Vinnyts''ka Oblast'''), (4454,
251, 'Volyns''ka Oblast'''), (4455, 251, 'Zakarpats''ka Oblast'''), (4456,
251, 'Zaporiz''ka Oblast'''), (4457, 251, 'Zhytomyrs''ka Oblast'''), (4458,
38, 'Bam'), (4459, 38, 'Bazega'), (4460, 38, 'Bougouriba'), (4461, 38,
'Boulgou'), (4462, 38, 'Boulkiemde'), (4463, 38, 'Ganzourgou'), (4464, 38,
'Gnagna'), (4465, 38, 'Gourma'), (4466, 38, 'Houe'), (4467, 38,
'Kadiogo'), (4468, 38, 'Kenedougou'), (4469, 38, 'Komoe'), (4470, 38,
'Kossi'), (4471, 38, 'Kouritenga'), (4472, 38, 'Mouhoun'), (4473, 38,
'Namentenga'), (4474, 38, 'Naouri'), (4475, 38, 'Oubritenga'), (4476, 38,
'Oudalan'), (4477, 38, 'Passore'), (4478, 38, 'Poni'), (4479, 38,
'Sanguie'), (4480, 38, 'Sanmatenga'), (4481, 38, 'Seno'), (4482, 38,
'Sissili'), (4483, 38, 'Soum'), (4484, 38, 'Sourou'), (4485, 38,
'Tapoa'), (4486, 38, 'Yatenga'), (4487, 38, 'Zoundweogo'), (4488, 256,
'Artigas'), (4489, 256, 'Canelones'), (4490, 256, 'Cerro Largo'), (4491,
256, 'Colonia'), (4492, 256, 'Durazno'), (4493, 256, 'Flores'), (4494, 256,
'Florida'), (4495, 256, 'Lavalleja'), (4496, 256, 'Maldonado'), (4497, 256,
'Montevideo'), (4498, 256, 'Paysandu'), (4499, 256, 'Rio Negro'), (4500,
256, 'Rivera'), (4501, 256, 'Rocha'), (4502, 256, 'Salto'), (4503, 256,
'San Jose'), (4504, 256, 'Soriano'), (4505, 256, 'Tacuarembo'), (4506, 256,
'Treinta y Tres'), (4507, 257, 'Andijon'), (4508, 257, 'Bukhoro'), (4509,
257, 'Farghona'), (4510, 257, 'Jizzakh'), (4511, 257, 'Khorazm'), (4512,
257, 'Namangan'), (4513, 257, 'Nawoiy'), (4514, 257, 'Qashqadaryo'), (4515,
257, 'Qoraqalpoghiston'), (4516, 257, 'Samarqand'), (4517, 257,
'Sirdaryo'), (4518, 257, 'Surkhondaryo'), (4519, 257, 'Toshkent'), (4520,
209, 'Charlotte'), (4521, 209, 'Saint Andrew'), (4522, 209, 'Saint
David'), (4523, 209, 'Saint George'), (4524, 209, 'Saint Patrick'), (4525,
209, 'Grenadines'), (4526, 259, 'Amazonas'), (4527, 259,
'Anzoategui'), (4528, 259, 'Apure'), (4529, 259, 'Aragua'), (4530, 259,
'Barinas'), (4531, 259, 'Bolivar'), (4532, 259, 'Carabobo'), (4533, 259,
'Cojedes'), (4534, 259, 'Delta Amacuro'), (4535, 259, 'Distrito
Federal'), (4536, 259, 'Falcon'), (4537, 259, 'Guarico'), (4538, 259,
'Lara'), (4539, 259, 'Merida'), (4540, 259, 'Miranda'), (4541, 259,
'Monagas'), (4542, 259, 'Nueva Esparta'), (4543, 259, 'Portuguesa'), (4544,
259, 'Sucre'), (4545, 259, 'Tachira'), (4546, 259, 'Trujillo'), (4547, 259,
'Yaracuy'), (4548, 259, 'Zulia'), (4549, 259, 'Dependencias
Federales'), (4551, 260, 'An Giang'), (4553, 260, 'Ben Tre'), (4555, 260,
'Cao Bang'), (4557, 260, 'Dak Lak'), (4558, 260, 'Dong Thap'), (4562, 260,
'Hai Phong'), (4564, 260, 'Ha Noi'), (4568, 260, 'Ho Chi Minh'), (4569,
260, 'Kien Giang'), (4570, 260, 'Lai Chau'), (4571, 260, 'Lam
Dong'), (4572, 260, 'Long An'), (4578, 260, 'Quang Ninh'), (4580, 260, 'Son
La'), (4581, 260, 'Tay Ninh'), (4582, 260, 'Thanh Hoa'), (4583, 260, 'Thai
Binh'), (4585, 260, 'Tien Giang'), (4587, 260, 'Lang Son'), (4590, 260,
'Dong Nai'), (4591, 260, 'Ba Ria-Vung Tau'), (4592, 260, 'Binh
Dinh'), (4593, 260, 'Binh Thuan'), (4594, 260, 'Can Tho'), (4595, 260, 'Gia
Lai'), (4596, 260, 'Ha Giang'), (4597, 260, 'Ha Tay'), (4598, 260, 'Ha
Tinh'), (4599, 260, 'Hoa Binh'), (4600, 260, 'Khanh Hoa'), (4601, 260, 'Kon
Tum'), (4602, 260, 'Lao Cai'), (4604, 260, 'Nghe An'), (4605, 260, 'Ninh
Binh'), (4606, 260, 'Ninh Thuan'), (4607, 260, 'Phu Yen'), (4608, 260,
'Quang Binh'), (4609, 260, 'Quang Ngai'), (4610, 260, 'Quang Tri'), (4611,
260, 'Soc Trang'), (4612, 260, 'Thura Thien-Hue'), (4613, 260, 'Tra
Vinh'), (4614, 260, 'Tuyen Quang'), (4615, 260, 'Vinh Long'), (4616, 260,
'Yen Bai'), (4617, 260, 'Bac Giang'), (4618, 260, 'Bac Kan'), (4619, 260,
'Bac Lieu'), (4620, 260, 'Bac Ninh'), (4621, 260, 'Bin Duong'), (4622, 260,
'Bin Phuoc'), (4623, 260, 'Ca Mau'), (4624, 260, 'Da Nang'), (4625, 260,
'Hai Duong'), (4626, 260, 'Ha Nam'), (4627, 260, 'Hung Yen'), (4628, 260,
'Nam Dinh'), (4629, 260, 'Phu Tho'), (4630, 260, 'Quang Nam'), (4631, 260,
'Thai Nguyen'), (4632, 260, 'Vinh Phuc'), (4635, 171, 'Khomas'), (4636,
171, 'Caprivi'), (4637, 171, 'Erongo'), (4638, 171, 'Hardap'), (4639, 171,
'Karas'), (4640, 171, 'Kunene'), (4641, 171, 'Ohangwena'), (4642, 171,
'Okavango'), (4643, 171, 'Omaheke'), (4644, 171, 'Omusati'), (4645, 171,
'Oshana'), (4646, 171, 'Oshikoto'), (4647, 171, 'Otjozondjupa'), (4648,
210, 'A''ana'), (4649, 210, 'Aiga-i-le-Tai'), (4650, 210, 'Atua'), (4651,
210, 'Fa''asaleleaga'), (4652, 210, 'Gaga''emauga'), (4653, 210,
'Va''a-o-Fonoti'), (4654, 210, 'Gagaifomauga'), (4655, 210,
'Palauli'), (4656, 210, 'Satupa''itea'), (4657, 210, 'Tuamasaga'), (4658,
210, 'Vaisigano'), (4659, 232, 'Hhohho'), (4660, 232, 'Lubombo'), (4661,
232, 'Manzini'), (4662, 232, 'Shiselweni'), (4663, 270, 'Abyan'), (4664,
270, '''Adan'), (4665, 270, 'Al Mahrah'), (4666, 270, 'Hadramawt'), (4667,
270, 'Shabwah'), (4668, 270, 'Lahij'), (4669, 270, 'Al Bayda'''), (4670,
270, 'Al Hudaydah'), (4671, 270, 'Al Jawf'), (4672, 270, 'Al
Mahwit'), (4673, 270, 'Dhamar'), (4674, 270, 'Hajjah'), (4675, 270,
'Ibb'), (4676, 270, 'Ma''rib'), (4677, 270, 'Sa''dah'), (4678, 270,
'San''a'''), (4679, 270, 'Ta''izz'), (4680, 273, 'North-Western'), (4681,
273, 'Copperbelt'), (4682, 273, 'Western'), (4683, 273, 'Southern'), (4684,
273, 'Central'), (4685, 273, 'Eastern'), (4686, 273, 'Northern'), (4687,
273, 'Luapula'), (4688, 273, 'Lusaka'), (4689, 274, 'Manicaland'), (4690,
274, 'Midlands'), (4691, 274, 'Mashonaland Central'), (4692, 274,
'Mashonaland East'), (4693, 274, 'Mashonaland West'), (4694, 274,
'Matabeleland North'), (4695, 274, 'Matabeleland South'), (4696, 274,
'Masvingo'), (4706, 178, 'Auckland'), (4721, 178, 'Wellington'), (4723,
178, 'Canterbury'), (4729, 178, 'Bay of Plenty'), (4741, 178,
'Northland'), (4744, 178, 'Otago'), (4761, 8, 'Enderby Land'), (4763, 8,
'Ross Island'), (4814, 178, 'Chatham Islands'), (4879, 81, 'Etela-Suomen
Laani'), (4975, 156, 'Nouakchott'), (4996, 43, 'Nunavut'), (4997, 252,
'United Arab Emigrates (general)'), (4998, 252, 'Abu Zaby'), (4999, 252,
'''Ajman'), (5002, 252, 'Dubayy'), (5003, 252, 'Al Fujayrah'), (5004, 252,
'Ra''s al Khaymah'), (5005, 252, 'Ash Shariqah'), (5006, 252, 'Umm al
Qaywayn'), (5007, 178, 'Gisborne'), (5010, 178, 'Nelson'), (5018, 178,
'Tasman'), (5019, 178, 'Wanganui-Manawatu'), (5020, 178, 'West
Coast'), (5022, 81, 'Ita-Suomen Laani'), (5023, 81, 'Lansi-Suomen
Laani'), (5024, 271, 'Yugoslavia'), (5025, 61,
'Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska'), (5026, 61, 'Brodsko-Posavka'), (5027, 61,
'Dubrovacko-Neretvanska'), (5028, 61, 'Istarska'), (5029, 61,
'Karlovacka'), (5030, 61, 'Koprivnicko-Krizevacka'), (5031, 61,
'Krapinsko-Zagorska'), (5032, 61, 'Licko-Senjska'), (5033, 61,
'Medimurska'), (5034, 61, 'Osjecko-Baranjska'), (5035, 61,
'Pozesko-Slavonska'), (5036, 61, 'Primorsko-Goranska'), (5037, 61,
'Sibensko-Kninska'), (5038, 61, 'Sisacko-Moslavacka'), (5039, 61,
'Splitsko-Dalmatinska'), (5040, 61, 'Varazdinska'), (5041, 61,
'Viroviticko-Podravska'), (5042, 61, 'Vukovarsko-Srijemska'), (5043, 61,
'Zadarska'), (5044, 61, 'Zagrebacka'), (5045, 61, 'Grad Zagreb'), (5047,
176, 'Curacao'), (5048, 176, 'Bonaire'), (5049, 176, 'St Maarten'), (5051,
24, 'Brussels'), (5052, 5, 'Escaldes-Engordany'), (5053, 247,
'Ahal'), (5054, 247, 'Balkan'), (5055, 247, 'Dashhowuz'), (5056, 247,
'Lebap'), (5057, 247, 'Mary'), (5058, 41, 'Pailin'), (5059, 70,
'Orellana'), (5060, 114, 'Maluku Utara'), (5061, 259, 'Vargas'), (5062,
271, 'Crna Gora (Montenegro)'), (5063, 271, 'Srbija (Serbia)'), (5064, 55,
'Maniema'), (5065, 55, 'Nord-Kivu'), (5066, 55, 'Sud-Kivu'), (5067, 126,
'Ajlun'), (5068, 126, 'Al Aqabah'), (5069, 126, 'Jarash'), (5070, 126,
'Madaba'), (5071, 258, 'Malampa'), (5072, 258, 'Penama'), (5073, 258,
'Shefa'), (5074, 181, 'Bayelsa'), (5075, 181, 'Ebonyi'), (5079, 181,
'Ekiti'), (5080, 181, 'Gombe'), (5081, 181, 'Nassarawa'), (5082, 181,
'Zamfara'), (5083, 163, 'Lapusna'), (5084, 163, 'Tighina'), (5085, 37,
'Blagoevgrad'), (5086, 37, 'Dobrich'), (5087, 37, 'Gabrovo '), (5088, 37,
'Kurdzhali'), (5089, 37, 'Kyustendil'), (5090, 37, 'Pazardzhik'), (5091,
37, 'Pernik'), (5092, 37, 'Pleven'), (5093, 37, 'Ruse'), (5094, 37,
'Shumen'), (5095, 37, 'Silistra'), (5096, 37, 'Sliven'), (5097, 37,
'Smolyan'), (5098, 37, 'Stara Zagora'), (5099, 37, 'Turgovishte'), (5100,
37, 'Veliko Turnovo'), (5101, 37, 'Vidin'), (5102, 37, 'Vratsa'), (5103,
37, 'Yambol'), (5104, 115, 'Golestan'), (5105, 115, 'Qazvin'), (5106, 115,
'Qom'), (5107, 246, 'Ardahan'), (5108, 246, 'Bartin'), (5109, 246,
'Igdir'), (5110, 246, 'Karabuk'), (5111, 246, 'Kilis'), (5112, 246,
'Osmaniye'), (5113, 246, 'Yalova'), (5114, 18, 'Ar Rifa'' wa al Mintaqah al
Janubiyah'), (5115, 30, 'Republika Srpska'), (5116, 30, 'Federation of
Bosnia and Herzegovina'), (5118, 135, 'Batken'), (5119, 132,
'P''yongan-bukto'), (5120, 203, 'Tyva'), (5122, 64, 'Jihomoravsky
Kraj'), (5123, 64, 'Jihocesky Kraj'), (5124, 64, 'Vysocina'), (5125, 64,
'Karlovarsky Kraj'), (5126, 64, 'Kralovehradecky Kraj'), (5127, 64,
'Liberecky Kraj'), (5128, 64, 'Olomoucky Kraj'), (5129, 64,
'Moravskoslezsky Kraj'), (5130, 64, 'Pardubicky Kraj'), (5131, 64,
'Plzensky Kraj'), (5132, 64, 'Stredocesky Kraj'), (5133, 64, 'Ustecky
Kraj'), (5134, 64, 'Zlinsky Kraj'), (5135, 146, 'Aracinovo'), (5136, 146,
'Bac'), (5137, 146, 'Belcista'), (5138, 146, 'Berovo'), (5139, 146,
'Bistrica'), (5140, 146, 'Bitola'), (5141, 146, 'Blatec'), (5142, 146,
'Bogdanci'), (5143, 146, 'Bogomila'), (5144, 146, 'Bogovinje'), (5145, 146,
'Bosilovo'), (5146, 146, 'Brvenica'), (5147, 146, 'Cair'), (5148, 146,
'Capari'), (5149, 146, 'Caska'), (5150, 146, 'Cegrane'), (5151, 146,
'Centar'), (5152, 146, 'Centar Zupa'), (5153, 146, 'Cesinovo'), (5154, 146,
'Cucer-Sandevo'), (5155, 146, 'Debar'), (5156, 146, 'Delcevo'), (5157, 146,
'Delogozdi'), (5158, 146, 'Demir Hisar'), (5159, 146, 'Demir
Kapija'), (5160, 146, 'Dobrusevo'), (5161, 146, 'Dolna Banjica'), (5162,
146, 'Dolneni'), (5163, 146, 'Dorce Petrov'), (5164, 146,
'Drugovo'), (5165, 146, 'Dzepciste'), (5166, 146, 'Gazi Baba'), (5167, 146,
'Gevgelija'), (5168, 146, 'Gostivar'), (5169, 146, 'Gradsko'), (5170, 146,
'Ilinden'), (5171, 146, 'Izvor'), (5172, 146, 'Jegunovce'), (5173, 146,
'Kamenjane'), (5174, 146, 'Karbinci'), (5175, 146, 'Karpos'), (5176, 146,
'Kavadarci'), (5177, 146, 'Kicevo'), (5178, 146, 'Kisela Voda'), (5179,
146, 'Klecevce'), (5180, 146, 'Kocani'), (5181, 146, 'Konce'), (5182, 146,
'Kondovo'), (5183, 146, 'Konopiste'), (5184, 146, 'Kosel'), (5185, 146,
'Kartovo'), (5186, 146, 'Kriva Palanka'), (5187, 146,
'Krivogastani'), (5188, 146, 'Krusevo'), (5189, 146, 'Kuklis'), (5190, 146,
'Kukurecani'), (5191, 146, 'Kumanovo'), (5192, 146, 'Labunista'), (5193,
146, 'Lipkovo'), (5194, 146, 'Lozovo'), (5195, 146, 'Lukovo'), (5196, 146,
'Makedonska Kamenica'), (5197, 146, 'Makedonski Brod'), (5198, 146,
'Mavrovi Anovi'), (5199, 146, 'Meseista'), (5200, 146, 'Miravci'), (5201,
146, 'Mogila'), (5202, 146, 'Murtino'), (5203, 146, 'Negotino'), (5204,
146, 'Negotino-Polosko'), (5205, 146, 'Novaci'), (5206, 146, 'Novo
Selo'), (5207, 146, 'Oblesevo'), (5208, 146, 'Ohrid'), (5209, 146,
'Orasac'), (5210, 146, 'Orizari'), (5211, 146, 'Oslomej'), (5212, 146,
'Pehcevo'), (5213, 146, 'Petrovec'), (5214, 146, 'Plasnica'), (5215, 146,
'Podares'), (5216, 146, 'Prilep'), (5217, 146, 'Probistip'), (5218, 146,
'Radovis'), (5219, 146, 'Rankovce'), (5220, 146, 'Resen'), (5221, 146,
'Rosoman'), (5222, 146, 'Rostusa'), (5223, 146, 'Samokov'), (5224, 146,
'Saraj'), (5225, 146, 'Sipkovica'), (5226, 146, 'Sopiste'), (5227, 146,
'Sopotnica'), (5228, 146, 'Srbinovo'), (5229, 146, 'Staravina'), (5230,
146, 'Star Dojran'), (5231, 146, 'Star Nagoricane'), (5232, 146,
'Stip'), (5233, 146, 'Struga'), (5234, 146, 'Strumica'), (5235, 146,
'Studenicani'), (5236, 146, 'Suto Orizari'), (5237, 146, 'Sveti
Nikole'), (5238, 146, 'Tearce'), (5239, 146, 'Tetovo'), (5240, 146,
'Topolcani'), (5241, 146, 'Valandovo'), (5242, 146, 'Vasilevo'), (5243,
146, 'Veles'), (5244, 146, 'Velesta'), (5245, 146, 'Vevcani'), (5246, 146,
'Vinica'), (5247, 146, 'Vitoliste'), (5248, 146, 'Vranestica'), (5249, 146,
'Vrapciste'), (5250, 146, 'Vratnica'), (5251, 146, 'Vrutok'), (5252, 146,
'Zajas'), (5253, 146, 'Zelenikovo'), (5254, 146, 'Zelino'), (5255, 146,
'Zitose'), (5256, 146, 'Zletovo'), (5257, 146, 'Zrnovci'), (5258, 271,
'Kosovo'), (5259, 113, 'Uttaranchal'), (5260, 254, 'AOL'), (5261, 254,
'WebTV'), (5262, 14, 'AOL'), (5263, 253, 'AOL'), (5264, 33, 'AOL'), (5265,
122, 'AOL'), (5266, 91, 'AOL'), (5267, 113, 'Chhattisgarh'), (5268, 113,
'Jharkhand'), (5269, 40, 'Mwaro'), (5270, 274, 'Bulawayo'), (5271, 274,
'Harare'), (5272, 60, 'Adiake'), (5273, 60, 'Alepe'), (5274, 60,
'Bocanda'), (5275, 60, 'Dabou'), (5276, 60, 'Grand-Bassam'), (5277, 60,
'Jacqueville'), (5278, 60, 'Toulepleu'), (5279, 102, 'Mandiana'), (5280,
102, 'Lola'), (5281, 102, 'Lelouma'), (5282, 102, 'Koubia'), (5283, 102,
'Coyah'), (5284, 114, 'Gorontalo'), (5285, 114, 'Kepulauan Bangka
Belitung'), (5286, 114, 'Banten'), (5287, 133, 'Ulsan-gwangyoksi'), (5289,
250, 'Sembabule'), (5290, 250, 'Nakasongola'), (5291, 250,
'Katakwi'), (5292, 250, 'Busia'), (5293, 250, 'Bugiri'), (5294, 250,
'Adjumani'), (5295, 138, 'Nabatiye'), (5296, 1, 'Khost'), (5297, 1,
'Nuristan'), (5298, 16, 'Sarur'), (5299, 16, 'Sahbuz'), (5300, 16,
'Sadarak'), (5301, 16, 'Ordubud'), (5302, 16, 'Babak'), (5303, 20,
'Barisal'), (5304, 20, 'Sylhet'), (5305, 24, 'Brabant Wallon'), (5306, 24,
'Vlaams-Brabant'), (5308, 27, 'Hamilton'), (5309, 4, 'Eastern
Tutuila'), (5310, 4, 'Unorganized'), (5311, 4, 'Western Tutuila'), (5312,
4, 'Manu''a'), (5313, 30, 'Brcko District'), (5314, 28, 'Tashi
Yangtse'), (5315, 28, 'Gasa'), (5316, 26, 'Plateau'), (5317, 26,
'Littoral'), (5318, 26, 'Donga'), (5319, 26, 'Couffo'), (5320, 26,
'Collines'), (5321, 26, 'Alibori'), (5322, 90, 'Guria'), (5323, 90,
'Imereti'), (5324, 90, 'Kakheti'), (5325, 90, 'Kvemo Kartli'), (5327, 90,
'Mtskheta-Mtianeti'), (5328, 90, 'Racha-Lochkhumi-Kvemo Svaneti'), (5329,
90, 'Samegrelo-Zemo Svateni'), (5330, 90, 'Samtskhe-Javakheti'), (5331, 90,
'Shida Kartli'), (5332, 165, 'Govi-Sumber'), (5333, 165, 'Darhan
Uul'), (5334, 132, 'Najin Sonbong-si'), (5335, 74, 'Anseba'), (5336, 74,
'Semenawi Keyih Bahri'), (5337, 74, 'Maekel'), (5338, 74, 'Gash
Barka'), (5339, 74, 'Debubawi Keyih Bahri'), (5340, 74, 'Debub'), (5341,
44, 'Mosteiros'), (5342, 44, 'Porto Novo'), (5343, 44, 'Santa
Cruz'), (5344, 44, 'S'), (5345, 44, 'S'), (5346, 38, 'Bal'), (5347, 38,
'Banwa'), (5348, 38, 'Ioba'), (5349, 38, 'Komondjari'), (5350, 38,
'Kompienga'), (5351, 38, 'Koulp'), (5352, 38, 'Kourw'), (5353, 38,
'L'), (5354, 38, 'Loroum'), (5355, 38, 'Nayala'), (5356, 38,
'Noumbiel'), (5357, 38, 'Tui'), (5358, 38, 'Yagha'), (5359, 38,
'Ziro'), (5360, 38, 'Zondoma'), (5361, 97, 'Carriacou'), (5362, 140, 'River
Gee'), (5363, 140, 'Gbarpolu'), (5364, 238, 'Pwani'), (5365, 246,
'D'), (5366, 245, 'Manouba'), (5367, 151, 'Kidal'), (5368, 184,
'Rota'), (5369, 184, 'Saipan'), (5370, 184, 'Tinian'), (5371, 204,
'Kigali-Ville'), (5372, 204, 'Umutara'), (5373, 155, 'Trinit'), (5374, 155,
'Saint-Pierre'), (5375, 155, 'Marin'), (5376, 155,
'Fort-de-France'), (5377, 163, 'Taraclia'), (5378, 148, 'Phalombe'), (5379,
148, 'Likoma'), (5380, 148, 'Balaka'), (5381, 149, 'Putrajaya'), (5382, 84,
'Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni'), (5383, 84, 'Cayenne'), (5384, 261, 'Saint
Thomas'), (5385, 261, 'Saint John'), (5386, 261, 'Saint Croix'), (5387,
275, 'West Bank'), (5388, 275, 'Gaza'), (5389, 253, 'Wales'), (5390, 253,
'Scotland'), (5391, 253, 'Northern Ireland'), (5392, 253,
'England'), (5393, 240, 'Centre'), (5394, 240, 'Kara'), (5395, 240,
'Maritime'), (5396, 240, 'Plateaux'), (5397, 240, 'Savanes'), (5398, 221,
'Imo'), (5399, 181, 'Katsina'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}groups`; CREATE
TABLE `{#}groups` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `owner_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Создатель', `date_pub` timestamp
`title` varchar(128) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Название', `description`
text COMMENT 'Описание', `logo` text COMMENT 'Логотип
группы', `rating` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT
'Рейтинг', `members_count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT
'Кол-во членов', `join_policy` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
COMMENT 'Политика вступления', `edit_policy` tinyint(1)
редактирования', `wall_policy` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT
'0' COMMENT 'Политика стены', `is_closed` tinyint(1) NOT
`owner_id` (`owner_id`), KEY `date_pub` (`date_pub`), KEY `rating`
(`rating`), KEY `is_public` (`join_policy`), KEY `is_closed`
(`is_closed`), KEY `members_count` (`members_count`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB
DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Группы (сообщества)'; INSERT
INTO `{#}groups` (`id`, `owner_id`, `date_pub`, `title`, `description`,
`logo`, `rating`, `members_count`, `join_policy`, `edit_policy`,
`wall_policy`, `is_closed`) VALUES (1, 1, '2013-07-24 11:48:28', 'Fans of
Robots', 'The group is dedicated to robots, machine-building and all that
is connected with it.', '---\noriginal: u1/004/f398ad69.png\nbig:
u1/004/f13052e8.png\nnormal: u1/004/de897122.png\nsmall:
u1/004/a442fa4b.png\nmicro: u1/004/c8a73161.png\n', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}groups_invites`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}groups_invites` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `group_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID группы', `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT
NULL COMMENT 'ID пригласившего', `invited_id` int(11)
(`id`), KEY `group_id` (`group_id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY
`invited_id` (`invited_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
COMMENT='Приглашения в группы'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}groups_members`; CREATE TABLE `{#}groups_members` ( `id` int(11) NOT
NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `group_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `user_id` int(11)
DEFAULT NULL, `role` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Роль
пользователя в группе', `date_updated` timestamp NOT
роли', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `group_id` (`group_id`), KEY
`user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `date_updated` (`date_updated`) )
(сообществ)'; INSERT INTO `{#}groups_members` (`id`, `group_id`,
`user_id`, `role`, `date_updated`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 2, '2013-07-24
11:48:28'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}menu`; CREATE TABLE `{#}menu` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT
'Системное имя', `title` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Название меню', `is_fixed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Запрещено удалять?', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY
`name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Меню
сайта'; INSERT INTO `{#}menu` (`id`, `name`, `title`, `is_fixed`)
VALUES (1, 'main', 'Main menu', 1), (2, 'personal', 'Member menu', 1), (3,
'footer', 'Footer menu', 1), (4, 'toolbar', 'Actions menu', 1), (5,
'header', 'Header menu', NULL); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}menu_items`; CREATE TABLE `{#}menu_items` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL
`parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'ID родительского
пункта', `title` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Заголовок пункта', `url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
COMMENT 'Ссылка', `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Порядковый номер', `options` text COMMENT 'Массив
опций', `groups_view` text COMMENT 'Массив
разрешенных групп пользователей',
`groups_hide` text COMMENT 'Массив запрещенных групп
пользователей', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `menu_id`
(`menu_id`), KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`), KEY `ordering`
(`ordering`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Пункты
меню'; INSERT INTO `{#}menu_items` (`id`, `menu_id`, `parent_id`,
`title`, `url`, `ordering`, `options`, `groups_view`, `groups_hide`)
VALUES (6, 1, 0, 'Photos', 'albums', 4, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass:',
'---\n- 0\n', NULL), (7, 1, 0, 'Sites', 'http://www.dmoz.org', 9,
'---\ntarget: _self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (8, 1, 7, 'Yahoo',
'http://www.yahoo.com', 10, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n',
NULL), (9, 1, 7, 'Google', 'http://www.google.com', 11, NULL, NULL,
NULL), (10, 1, 9, 'Google Maps', 'http://maps.google.com', 14, NULL, NULL,
NULL), (11, 1, 9, 'Google Docs', 'http://docs.google.com', 12, NULL, NULL,
NULL), (12, 1, 9, 'GMail', 'http://www.gmail.com', 13, NULL, NULL,
NULL), (13, 2, 0, 'My profile', 'users/{user.id}', 1, '---\ntarget:
_self\nclass: profile', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (14, 2, 0, 'My messages',
'{messages:view}', 2, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass: messages messages-counter
ajax-modal', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (18, 3, 0, 'About', 'pages/about.html',
1, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (19, 3, 0, 'Terms and
conditions', 'pages/terms.html', 2, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass:', '---\n-
0\n', NULL), (21, 1, 7, 'Bing', 'http://www.bing.com', 15, '---\ntarget:
_self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (24, 2, 0, 'Create', '{content:add}',
6, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass: add', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (25, 2, 0,
'Control panel', '{admin:menu}', 7, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass: cpanel',
'---\n- 6\n', NULL), (27, 1, 0, 'Blogs', 'posts', 3, '---\ntarget:
_self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (29, 1, 0, 'Members', 'users', 8,
'---\ntarget: _self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (30, 2, 0,
'Notifications', '{messages:notices}', 3, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass: info
notices-counter ajax-modal', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (31, 1, 0, 'Activity',
'activity', 6, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (32, 1,
0, 'Groups', 'groups', 5, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n',
NULL), (33, 2, 0, 'My groups', '{groups:my}', 5, '---\ntarget:
_self\nclass: group', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (34, 5, 0, 'Login',
'auth/login', 9, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass: ajax-modal key', '---\n- 1\n',
NULL), (35, 5, 0, 'Sign up', 'auth/register', 10, '---\ntarget:
_self\nclass: user_add', '---\n- 1\n', NULL), (36, 5, 0, 'Logout',
'auth/logout', 11, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass: logout', '---\n- 0\n',
'---\n- 1\n'), (37, 2, 0, 'Moderation', '{moderation:panel}', 4,
'---\ntarget: _self\nclass: checklist', '---\n- 5\n- 6\n', NULL), (38, 1,
0, 'Comments', 'comments', 7, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n',
NULL), (40, 1, 0, 'News', '{content:news}', 1, '---\ntarget:
_self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n', NULL), (42, 1, 0, 'Articles',
'{content:articles}', 2, '---\ntarget: _self\nclass:', '---\n- 0\n',
NULL); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}moderators`; CREATE TABLE `{#}moderators`
( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT
NULL, `date_assigned` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `ctype_name`
varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `count_approved` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`count_deleted` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `count_idle` int(11) NOT
NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY
`ctype_name` (`ctype_name`), KEY `count_idle` (`count_idle`) )
ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}moderators` (`id`,
`user_id`, `date_assigned`, `ctype_name`, `count_approved`,
`count_deleted`, `count_idle`) VALUES (1, 1, '2013-07-24 10:42:55',
'articles', 0, 0, 0); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}moderators_tasks`; CREATE
TABLE `{#}moderators_tasks` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`moderator_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `author_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`item_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ctype_name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `url` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
`date_pub` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `is_new_item` tinyint(1) NOT NULL
DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `moderator_id` (`moderator_id`),
KEY `author_id` (`author_id`), KEY `ctype_name` (`ctype_name`), KEY
`date_pub` (`date_pub`), KEY `item_id` (`item_id`), KEY `is_new`
EXISTS `{#}perms_rules`; CREATE TABLE `{#}perms_rules` ( `id` int(11) NOT
'Компонент (владелец)', `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL
COMMENT 'Название правила', `type`
enum('flag','list','number') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'flag' COMMENT 'Тип
выбора (flag,list...)', `options` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Массив возможных значений', PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
KEY `controller` (`controller`), KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB
DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Перечь всех возможных
правил доступа'; INSERT INTO `{#}perms_rules` (`id`,
`controller`, `name`, `type`, `options`) VALUES (1, 'content', 'add',
'flag', NULL), (2, 'content', 'edit', 'list', 'own,all'), (3, 'content',
'delete', 'list', 'own,all'), (4, 'content', 'add_cat', 'flag', NULL), (5,
'content', 'edit_cat', 'flag', NULL), (6, 'content', 'delete_cat', 'flag',
NULL), (8, 'content', 'rate', 'flag', NULL), (9, 'content', 'privacy',
'flag', NULL), (10, 'comments', 'add', 'flag', NULL), (11, 'comments',
'edit', 'list', 'own,all'), (12, 'comments', 'delete', 'list',
'own,all'), (13, 'content', 'view_all', 'flag', NULL), (14, 'comments',
'view_all', 'flag', NULL), (15, 'groups', 'add', 'flag', NULL), (16,
'groups', 'edit', 'list', 'own,all'), (17, 'groups', 'delete', 'list',
'own,all'), (18, 'content', 'limit', 'number', NULL), (19, 'users',
'vote_karma', 'flag', NULL), (20, 'comments', 'rate', 'flag', NULL), (21,
'comments', 'karma', 'number', NULL), (22, 'content', 'karma', 'number',
NULL), (23, 'activity', 'delete', 'flag', NULL), (24, 'content',
'pub_late', 'flag', NULL), (25, 'content', 'pub_long', 'list',
'days,any'), (26, 'content', 'pub_max_days', 'number', NULL), (27,
'content', 'pub_max_ext', 'flag', NULL), (28, 'content', 'pub_on', 'flag',
`{#}perms_users` ( `rule_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID
правила', `group_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID
группы', `subject` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Субъект
действия правила', `value` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT
'Значение правила', KEY `rule_id` (`rule_id`), KEY
`group_id` (`group_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
COMMENT='Привязка правил доступа к группам
пользователей'; INSERT INTO `{#}perms_users` (`rule_id`,
`group_id`, `subject`, `value`) VALUES (1, 4, 'articles', '1'), (1, 5,
'articles', '1'), (1, 6, 'articles', '1'), (4, 5, 'articles', '1'), (4, 6,
'articles', '1'), (3, 4, 'articles', 'own'), (3, 5, 'articles', 'all'), (3,
6, 'articles', 'all'), (6, 5, 'articles', '1'), (6, 6, 'articles',
'1'), (2, 4, 'articles', 'own'), (2, 5, 'articles', 'all'), (2, 6,
'articles', 'all'), (5, 5, 'articles', '1'), (5, 6, 'articles', '1'), (9,
4, 'articles', '1'), (9, 5, 'articles', '1'), (9, 6, 'articles', '1'), (8,
4, 'articles', '1'), (8, 5, 'articles', '1'), (8, 6, 'articles', '1'), (13,
5, 'articles', '1'), (13, 6, 'articles', '1'), (10, 4, 'comments',
'1'), (11, 4, 'comments', 'own'), (15, 4, 'groups', '1'), (17, 4, 'groups',
'own'), (16, 4, 'groups', 'own'), (19, 4, 'users', '1'), (10, 5,
'comments', '1'), (12, 5, 'comments', 'all'), (11, 5, 'comments',
'all'), (14, 5, 'comments', '1'), (15, 5, 'groups', '1'), (17, 5, 'groups',
'all'), (16, 5, 'groups', 'all'), (19, 5, 'users', '1'), (10, 3,
'comments', '1'), (12, 3, 'comments', 'own'), (11, 3, 'comments',
'own'), (1, 4, 'posts', '1'), (1, 5, 'posts', '1'), (1, 6, 'posts',
'1'), (3, 4, 'posts', 'own'), (3, 5, 'posts', 'all'), (3, 6, 'posts',
'all'), (2, 4, 'posts', 'own'), (2, 5, 'posts', 'all'), (9, 4, 'posts',
'1'), (9, 5, 'posts', '1'), (9, 6, 'posts', '1'), (8, 4, 'posts', '1'), (8,
5, 'posts', '1'), (8, 6, 'posts', '1'), (1, 4, 'albums', '1'), (1, 5,
'albums', '1'), (1, 6, 'albums', '1'), (3, 4, 'albums', 'own'), (3, 5,
'albums', 'all'), (3, 6, 'albums', 'all'), (2, 4, 'albums', 'own'), (2, 5,
'albums', 'all'), (2, 6, 'albums', 'all'), (9, 4, 'albums', '1'), (9, 5,
'albums', '1'), (9, 6, 'albums', '1'), (8, 4, 'albums', '1'), (8, 5,
'albums', '1'), (8, 6, 'albums', '1'), (13, 5, 'albums', '1'), (13, 6,
'albums', '1'), (1, 4, 'board', '1'), (1, 5, 'board', '1'), (1, 6, 'board',
'1'), (4, 5, 'board', '1'), (4, 6, 'board', '1'), (3, 4, 'board',
'own'), (3, 5, 'board', 'all'), (3, 6, 'board', 'all'), (6, 5, 'board',
'1'), (6, 6, 'board', '1'), (2, 4, 'board', 'own'), (2, 5, 'board',
'all'), (2, 6, 'board', 'all'), (5, 5, 'board', '1'), (5, 6, 'board',
'1'), (9, 5, 'board', '1'), (9, 6, 'board', '1'), (8, 5, 'board', '1'), (8,
6, 'board', '1'), (13, 5, 'board', '1'), (13, 6, 'board', '1'), (10, 6,
'comments', '1'), (12, 6, 'comments', 'all'), (11, 6, 'comments',
'all'), (20, 4, 'comments', '1'), (20, 5, 'comments', '1'), (20, 6,
'comments', '1'), (14, 6, 'comments', '1'), (1, 4, 'news', '1'), (1, 5,
'news', '1'), (1, 6, 'news', '1'), (4, 6, 'news', '1'), (3, 4, 'news',
'own'), (3, 5, 'news', 'all'), (3, 6, 'news', 'all'), (6, 6, 'news',
'1'), (2, 4, 'news', 'own'), (2, 5, 'news', 'all'), (2, 6, 'news',
'all'), (5, 6, 'news', '1'), (9, 5, 'news', '1'), (9, 6, 'news', '1'), (8,
4, 'news', '1'), (8, 5, 'news', '1'), (8, 6, 'news', '1'), (13, 6, 'news',
'1'), (21, 4, 'comments', '1'), (22, 4, 'articles', '1'), (23, 5,
'activity', '1'), (23, 6, 'activity', '1'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}photos`; CREATE TABLE `{#}photos` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL
AUTO_INCREMENT, `album_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `user_id` int(11) NOT
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `title` varchar(128) NOT NULL, `image` text NOT
NULL, `rating` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `comments` int(11) NOT
NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `album_id` (`album_id`),
KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `date_pub` (`date_pub`), KEY `rating`
(`rating`), KEY `comments` (`comments`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}photos` (`id`, `album_id`, `user_id`,
`date_pub`, `title`, `image`, `rating`, `comments`) VALUES (86, 16, 1,
'2013-11-13 16:49:10', 'Nature by A423', '---\nbig:
u1/004/4f11cd73.jpg\nnormal: u1/004/5b0ff517.jpg\nsmall:
u1/004/5edb4681.jpg\n', 0, 0), (87, 16, 1, '2013-11-13 16:49:10', 'Nature
by dingoou', '---\nbig: u1/004/70b77768.jpg\nnormal:
u1/004/9568f6f9.jpg\nsmall: u1/004/2def2ff8.jpg\n', 0, 0), (88, 16, 1,
'2013-11-13 16:49:10', 'Nature by mimih', '---\nbig:
u1/004/641fbd6c.jpg\nnormal: u1/004/a381f541.jpg\nsmall:
u1/004/0032a402.jpg\n', 0, 0), (89, 16, 1, '2013-11-13 16:49:10', 'Nature
by PopiX', '---\nbig: u1/004/e75ad9ee.jpg\nnormal:
u1/004/862f9e9d.jpg\nsmall: u1/004/554b8c90.jpg\n', 0, 0); DROP TABLE IF
EXISTS `{#}rating_log`; CREATE TABLE `{#}rating_log` ( `id` bigint(20)
пользователя', `target_controller` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL
COMMENT 'Компонент (владелец оцениваемого
контента)', `target_subject` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Субъект (тип оцениваемого контента)',
`target_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID субъекта (записи
оцениваемого контента)', `score` tinyint(4) DEFAULT
NULL COMMENT 'Значение оценки', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY
`user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `target_controller` (`target_controller`),
KEY `target_type` (`target_subject`), KEY `target_id` (`target_id`) )
рейтинга'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}rss_feeds`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}rss_feeds` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ctype_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ctype_name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `title`
varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, `description` text, `image` text,
`mapping` text, `limit` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '15', `is_enabled`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_cache` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`cache_interval` int(11) DEFAULT '60', `date_cached` timestamp NULL
DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `ctype_id` (`ctype_id`), KEY
`ctype_name` (`ctype_name`), KEY `is_enabled` (`is_enabled`), KEY
`is_cache` (`is_cache`), KEY `cache_interval` (`cache_interval`), KEY
`date_cached` (`date_cached`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}rss_feeds` (`id`, `ctype_id`, `ctype_name`,
`title`, `description`, `image`, `mapping`, `limit`, `is_enabled`,
`is_cache`, `cache_interval`, `date_cached`) VALUES (2, 5, 'articles',
'Articles', NULL, NULL, '---\ntitle: title\ndescription: teaser\npubDate:
date_pub\nimage:\nimage_size: normal\n', 15, 1, NULL, 60, '2013-08-12
14:59:27'), (3, 6, 'posts', 'Blog posts', 'Лента
пользовательских постов', NULL, '---\ntitle:
title\ndescription: content\npubDate: date_pub\nimage: picture\nimage_size:
normal\n', 15, 1, NULL, 60, '2013-08-12 14:59:27'), (4, 7, 'albums', 'Photo
albums', NULL, NULL, '---\ntitle: title\ndescription: content\npubDate:
date_pub\nimage: cover_image\nimage_size: normal\n', 15, 1, NULL, 60,
'2013-08-12 14:59:27'), (6, 10, 'news', 'News',
'Информационные сообщения', NULL, '---\ntitle:
title\ndescription: content\npubDate: date_pub\nimage: photo\nimage_size:
normal\n', 15, 1, NULL, 60, NULL); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}scheduler_tasks`; CREATE TABLE `{#}scheduler_tasks` ( `id` int(11)
`controller` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `hook` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`period` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `date_last_run` timestamp NULL DEFAULT
NULL, `is_active` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_new` tinyint(1) NOT NULL
DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `period` (`period`), KEY
`date_last_run` (`date_last_run`), KEY `is_enabled` (`is_active`), KEY
`is_new` (`is_new`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO
`{#}scheduler_tasks` (`id`, `title`, `controller`, `hook`, `period`,
`date_last_run`, `is_active`, `is_new`) VALUES (1, 'Members migrations
between groups', 'users', 'migration', 1440, '2013-08-16 15:28:05', 1,
0), (2, 'Sitemap generation', 'sitemap', 'generate', 1440, '2013-10-09
15:25:38', 1, 0), (3, 'Issuing invitations to users', 'auth',
'send_invites', 1440, '2013-09-06 12:28:31', 1, 0), (4,
'Публикация контента по расписанию',
'content', 'publication', 1440, NULL, 1, 1); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}sessions_online`; CREATE TABLE `{#}sessions_online` ( `session_id`
varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`session_id` (`session_id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY
`date_created` (`date_created`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; DROP
TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}tags`; CREATE TABLE `{#}tags` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL
AUTO_INCREMENT, `tag` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `frequency` int(11) NOT
NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `tag` (`tag`) )
тегов'; INSERT INTO `{#}tags` (`id`, `tag`, `frequency`) VALUES (43,
'example', 6), (44, 'news', 3), (49, 'article', 2), (50, 'science',
2), (55, 'post', 1), (56, 'robots', 1), (58, 'photo', 1); DROP TABLE IF
EXISTS `{#}tags_bind`; CREATE TABLE `{#}tags_bind` ( `id` int(11) NOT
NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `tag_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `target_controller`
varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `target_subject` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`target_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB
DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Привязка тегов к
материалам'; INSERT INTO `{#}tags_bind` (`id`, `tag_id`,
`target_controller`, `target_subject`, `target_id`) VALUES (110, 43,
'content', 'news', 6), (111, 44, 'content', 'news', 6), (112, 43,
'content', 'news', 4), (113, 44, 'content', 'news', 3), (114, 43,
'content', 'news', 3), (115, 44, 'content', 'news', 2), (116, 49,
'content', 'articles', 4), (117, 50, 'content', 'articles', 4), (118, 43,
'content', 'articles', 1), (119, 49, 'content', 'articles', 1), (120, 50,
'content', 'articles', 1), (121, 43, 'content', 'posts', 5), (122, 55,
'content', 'posts', 5), (123, 56, 'content', 'posts', 5), (124, 43,
'content', 'albums', 16), (125, 58, 'content', 'albums', 16); DROP TABLE
IF EXISTS `{#}uploaded_files`; CREATE TABLE `{#}uploaded_files` ( `id`
int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `url_key` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`path` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`counter` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY
`url_key` (`url_key`), KEY `counter` (`counter`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}users`; CREATE TABLE `{#}users` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `groups` text COMMENT
'Массив групп пользователя', `email` varchar(100)
NOT NULL, `password` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Хэш
пароля', `password_salt` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Соль
пароля', `is_admin` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Администратор?', `nickname` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT
'Имя', `date_reg` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Дата
регистрации', `date_log` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Дата последней авторизации', `date_group`
последней смены группы', `ip` varchar(45) DEFAULT
NULL, `is_online` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT
'Пользователь онлайн?', `is_locked` tinyint(1) DEFAULT
NULL COMMENT 'Заблокирован', `lock_until` timestamp NULL
DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Блокировка до', `lock_reason`
varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Причина блокировки',
`auth_token` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Ключ для
автологина', `pass_token` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Ключ для восстановления пароля', `date_token`
timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Дата создания ключа
восстановления пароля', `files_count` int(11) NOT
NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Кол-во загруженных
файлов', `friends_count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT
'Кол-во друзей', `time_zone` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Часовой пояс', `karma` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT
'Репутация', `rating` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT
'Рейтинг', `theme` text COMMENT 'Настройки темы
профиля', `notify_options` text COMMENT 'Настройки
уведомлений', `privacy_options` text COMMENT
'Настройки приватности', `status_id` int(11) DEFAULT
NULL COMMENT 'Текстовый статус', `status_text`
varchar(140) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Текст статуса',
`inviter_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `invites_count` int(11) NOT NULL
DEFAULT '0', `date_invites` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `birth_date`
datetime DEFAULT NULL, `city` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `hobby` text,
`avatar` text, `icq` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `skype` varchar(255)
DEFAULT NULL, `phone` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `music` varchar(255)
DEFAULT NULL, `movies` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `site` text,
PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`), KEY `auth_token`
(`auth_token`), KEY `pass_token` (`pass_token`), KEY `birth_date`
(`birth_date`), KEY `city` (`city`), KEY `is_admin` (`is_admin`), KEY
`friends_count` (`friends_count`), KEY `karma` (`karma`), KEY `rating`
(`rating`), KEY `is_online` (`is_online`), KEY `is_locked`
(`is_locked`), KEY `date_reg` (`date_reg`), KEY `date_log`
(`date_log`), KEY `date_group` (`date_group`), KEY `inviter_id`
(`inviter_id`), KEY `date_invites` (`date_invites`), KEY `ip` (`ip`) )
COMMENT='Пользователи'; INSERT INTO `{#}users` (`id`,
`groups`, `email`, `password`, `password_salt`, `is_admin`, `nickname`,
`date_reg`, `date_log`, `date_group`, `ip`, `is_online`, `is_locked`,
`lock_until`, `lock_reason`, `auth_token`, `pass_token`, `date_token`,
`files_count`, `friends_count`, `time_zone`, `karma`, `rating`, `theme`,
`notify_options`, `privacy_options`, `status_id`, `status_text`,
`inviter_id`, `invites_count`, `date_invites`, `birth_date`, `city`,
`hobby`, `avatar`, `icq`, `skype`, `phone`, `music`, `movies`, `site`)
VALUES (1, '---\n- 6\n', 'admin@example.com',
'34fca9dfb8e5d04bf4dd2013d495c08d', 'ec5afc373e3f492a', 1, 'admin',
'2013-02-02 14:40:35', '2014-07-30 14:01:32', '2013-02-02 14:40:35',
'', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, '5cbac2a8d56a34cd39d6cefc34983a8d', NULL,
'2013-04-24 15:01:17', 468, 2, 'Asia/Yekaterinburg', 0, 0, '---\nbg_img:
null\nbg_color: ''#ffffff''\nbg_repeat: no-repeat\nbg_pos_x:
left\nbg_pos_y: top\nmargin_top: 0\n', '---\nusers_friend_add:
both\nusers_friend_delete: both\ncomments_new: both\ncomments_reply:
email\nusers_friend_aссept: pm\ngroups_invite: email\nusers_wall_write:
email\n', '---\nusers_profile_view: anyone\nmessages_pm: anyone\n', NULL,
NULL, NULL, 0, '2013-09-06 12:28:08', '1985-10-15 00:00:00', 4716, 'Style
too own civil out along. Perfectly offending attempted add arranging age
gentleman concluded.', NULL, '987654321', 'admin', '100-20-30', 'Disco
House, Minimal techno', 'разные интересные',
'instantcms.ru'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}users_contacts`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}users_contacts` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID пользователя', `contact_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID контакта (другого
пользователя)', `date_last_msg` timestamp NULL DEFAULT
последнего сообщения', `messages` int(11) NOT NULL
DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Кол-во сообщений', PRIMARY KEY
(`id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `contact_id` (`contact_id`) )
пользователей'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}users_fields`; CREATE TABLE `{#}users_fields` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL
AUTO_INCREMENT, `ctype_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(20)
DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `hint` varchar(200)
DEFAULT NULL, `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `fieldset` varchar(32)
DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL, `is_in_list` tinyint(1)
DEFAULT NULL, `is_in_item` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_in_filter`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_private` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`is_fixed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_fixed_type` tinyint(1) DEFAULT
NULL, `is_system` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `values` text, `options`
text, `groups_read` text, `groups_edit` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
KEY `ordering` (`ordering`), KEY `is_in_list` (`is_in_list`), KEY
`is_in_item` (`is_in_item`), KEY `is_in_filter` (`is_in_filter`), KEY
`is_private` (`is_private`), KEY `is_fixed` (`is_fixed`), KEY
`is_system` (`is_system`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
COMMENT='Поля профилей пользователей'; INSERT
INTO `{#}users_fields` (`id`, `ctype_id`, `name`, `title`, `hint`,
`ordering`, `fieldset`, `type`, `is_in_list`, `is_in_item`, `is_in_filter`,
`is_private`, `is_fixed`, `is_fixed_type`, `is_system`, `values`,
`options`, `groups_read`, `groups_edit`) VALUES (1, NULL, 'birth_date',
'Age', NULL, 4, 'About', 'age', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, '---\ndate_title: Date of birth\nshow_y: 1\nshow_m: null\nshow_d:
null\nshow_h: null\nshow_i: null\nrange: YEAR\nlabel_in_item:
left\nis_required: null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email:
null\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (2, NULL, 'city', 'City', 'Select the
city where you live', 3, 'About', 'city', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL,
NULL, '---\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required: 1\nis_digits:
\nis_alphanumeric: \nis_email: \nis_unique: \n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n-
0\n'), (3, NULL, 'hobby', 'Tell us about yourself', 'Tell us about your
interests and hobbies', 11, 'About me', 'text', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\nmin_length: 0\nmax_length:
255\nis_html_filter: null\nlabel_in_item: none\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\n', '---\n-
0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (5, NULL, 'nickname', 'Nickname', 'Your display name
on the website', 1, 'About', 'string', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1,
NULL, '---\r\nlabel_in_list: left\r\nlabel_in_item: left\r\nis_required:
1\r\nis_digits: \r\nis_number: \r\nis_alphanumeric: \r\nis_email:
\r\nis_unique: \r\nmin_length: 2\r\nmax_length: 64\r\n', '---\n- 0\n',
'---\n- 0\n'), (6, NULL, 'avatar', 'Avatar', 'Your main photo', 2, 'About',
'image', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 'normal |
default/avatar.jpg\r\nsmall | default/avatar_small.jpg\r\nmicro |
default/avatar_micro.png', '---\nsize_teaser: micro\nsize_full:
normal\nsizes:\n - micro\n - small\n - normal\nlabel_in_item:
left\nis_required: null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email:
null\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 0\n'), (7, NULL, 'icq', 'ICQ', NULL, 8,
'Contacts', 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
'---\nmin_length: 0\nmax_length: 9\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: 1\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\n', '---\n- 0\n',
'---\n- 0\n'), (8, NULL, 'skype', 'Skype', NULL, 9, 'Contacts', 'string',
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\nmin_length:
0\nmax_length: 32\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required: null\nis_digits:
null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n-
0\n'), (9, NULL, 'phone', 'Phone number', NULL, 7, 'Contacts', 'string',
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\nmin_length:
0\nmax_length: 255\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required: null\nis_digits:
null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n-
0\n'), (10, NULL, 'music', 'Favorite Music', NULL, 6, 'Preferences',
'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\nmin_length:
0\nmax_length: 255\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required: null\nis_digits:
null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n-
0\n'), (11, NULL, 'movies', 'Favorite Movies', NULL, 5, 'Preferences',
'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\nmin_length:
0\nmax_length: 255\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required: null\nis_digits:
null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\n', '---\n- 0\n', '---\n-
0\n'), (12, NULL, 'site', 'Website', 'Your personal website', 10,
'Contacts', 'url', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
'---\nredirect: 1\nauto_http: 1\nlabel_in_item: left\nis_required:
null\nis_digits: null\nis_alphanumeric: null\nis_email: null\n', '---\n-
0\n', '---\n- 0\n'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}users_friends`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}users_friends` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID пользователя', `friend_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID друга', `is_mutual` tinyint(1) NOT
(`id`), KEY `from_id` (`user_id`), KEY `to_id` (`friend_id`), KEY
`is_mutual` (`is_mutual`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
COMMENT='Дружба пользователей'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}users_groups`; CREATE TABLE `{#}users_groups` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL
AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Системное
имя', `title` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Название
группы', `is_fixed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Системная?', `is_public` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Группу можно выбрать при регистрации?',
`is_filter` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Выводить группу
в фильтре пользователей?', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY
`is_fixed` (`is_fixed`), KEY `is_public` (`is_public`), KEY `is_filter`
(`is_filter`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Группы
пользователей'; INSERT INTO `{#}users_groups` (`id`, `name`,
`title`, `is_fixed`, `is_public`, `is_filter`) VALUES (1, 'guests',
'Guests', 1, NULL, NULL), (3, 'newbies', 'Newbies', NULL, NULL, NULL), (4,
'members', 'Members', NULL, NULL, NULL), (5, 'moderators', 'Moderators',
NULL, NULL, NULL), (6, 'admins', 'Administrators', NULL, NULL, 1); DROP
TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}users_groups_members`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}users_groups_members` ( `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `group_id`
int(11) NOT NULL, KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `group_id`
(`group_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Привязка
пользователей к группам'; INSERT INTO
`{#}users_groups_members` (`user_id`, `group_id`) VALUES (1, 6); DROP
TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}users_groups_migration`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}users_groups_migration` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`is_active` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
`group_from_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `group_to_id` int(11) DEFAULT
NULL, `is_keep_group` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_passed` tinyint(1)
DEFAULT NULL, `is_rating` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `is_karma`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `passed_days` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`passed_from` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `rating` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`karma` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `is_notify` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`notify_text` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `group_from_id`
(`group_from_id`), KEY `group_to_id` (`group_to_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB
DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Правила перевода между
группами'; INSERT INTO `{#}users_groups_migration` (`id`,
`is_active`, `title`, `group_from_id`, `group_to_id`, `is_keep_group`,
`is_passed`, `is_rating`, `is_karma`, `passed_days`, `passed_from`,
`rating`, `karma`, `is_notify`, `notify_text`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Test of
Time', 3, 4, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, 'From the moment you
register 3 days have passed.\r\nNow you have access to all the site''s
features.'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}users_ignors`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}users_ignors` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id`
int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID пользователя', `ignored_user_id`
int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID игнорируемого
пользователя', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id`
(`user_id`), KEY `ignored_id` (`ignored_user_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
`{#}users_invites` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `code`
varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id`
(`user_id`), KEY `email` (`email`), KEY `key` (`code`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB
`{#}users_karma` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Кто поставил', `profile_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Кому поставил', `date_pub`
оценки', `points` tinyint(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Оценка',
`comment` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Пояснение', PRIMARY
KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `profile_id`
(`profile_id`), KEY `date_pub` (`date_pub`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Оценки репутации
пользователей'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}users_messages`; CREATE TABLE `{#}users_messages` ( `id` int(11) NOT
отправителя', `to_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID
получателя', `date_pub` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT
создания', `is_new` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Не
прочитано?', `content` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Текст
сообщения', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `from_id` (`from_id`),
KEY `to_id` (`to_id`), KEY `date_pub` (`date_pub`), KEY `is_new`
(`is_new`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Личные
сообщения пользователей'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
`{#}users_notices`; CREATE TABLE `{#}users_notices` ( `id` int(11) NOT
NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_pub` timestamp
NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `content` text, `options` text,
`actions` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY
`date_pub` (`date_pub`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; DROP TABLE
IF EXISTS `{#}users_statuses`; CREATE TABLE `{#}users_statuses` ( `id`
'Пользователь', `date_pub` timestamp NULL DEFAULT
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'Дата публикации', `content`
varchar(140) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Текст статуса',
`replies_count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Количество
ответов', `wall_entry_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID
записи на стене', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id`
(`user_id`), KEY `date_pub` (`date_pub`), KEY `replies_count`
(`replies_count`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
COMMENT='Текстовые статусы
пользователей'; INSERT INTO `{#}users_statuses` (`id`,
`user_id`, `date_pub`, `content`, `replies_count`, `wall_entry_id`)
VALUES (1, 1, '2013-07-24 11:35:13', 'We are all made of stars © Moby', 1,
1); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}users_tabs`; CREATE TABLE `{#}users_tabs` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`controller` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`is_active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT
NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `controller` (`controller`), KEY `name`
(`name`), KEY `is_active` (`is_active`), KEY `ordering` (`ordering`) )
ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `{#}users_tabs` (`id`,
`title`, `controller`, `name`, `is_active`, `ordering`) VALUES (1,
'Activity', 'activity', 'activity', 1, 1), (3, 'Friends', 'users',
'friends', 1, 2), (4, 'Comments', 'comments', 'comments', 1, 4), (5,
'Groups', 'groups', 'groups', 1, 3), (6, 'Reputation', 'users', 'karma', 1,
5); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}wall_entries`; CREATE TABLE `{#}wall_entries`
( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `date_pub` timestamp NULL
`controller` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Компонент
владелец профиля', `profile_type` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL
COMMENT 'Тип профиля (пользователь/группа)',
`profile_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID профиля', `user_id`
int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ID автора', `parent_id` int(11) NOT
NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'ID родительской записи',
`status_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Связь со статусом
пользователя', `content` text COMMENT 'Текст
записи', `content_html` text COMMENT 'Текст после
типографа', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `date_pub` (`date_pub`),
KEY `profile_type` (`profile_type`), KEY `profile_id` (`profile_id`),
KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB
DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Записи на стенах
профилей'; INSERT INTO `{#}wall_entries` (`id`, `date_pub`,
`controller`, `profile_type`, `profile_id`, `user_id`, `parent_id`,
`status_id`, `content`, `content_html`) VALUES (1, '2013-07-24 11:35:13',
'users', 'user', 1, 1, 0, 1, 'We are all made of stars © Moby', 'We are
all made of stars © Moby'), (2, '2013-07-24 11:35:31', NULL, 'user', 1, 1,
1, NULL, 'Спасибо что заглянули в мой
профиль!', 'Спасибо что заглянули в мой
профиль!'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{#}widgets`; CREATE TABLE
`{#}widgets` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `controller`
varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Контроллер', `name`
varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Системное имя', `title`
varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Название', `author`
varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Имя автора', `url`
varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Сайт автора', `version`
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'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (2, 'users', 'list', 'Members list',
'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (3, NULL, 'menu',
'Menu', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (4,
'content', 'list', 'Content list', 'InstantCMS Team',
'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (5, 'content', 'categories', 'Content
categories', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (6,
'activity', 'list', 'Activity feed', 'InstantCMS Team',
'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (7, 'comments', 'list', 'Latest
comments', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (8,
'users', 'online', 'Members online', 'InstantCMS Team',
'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (9, 'users', 'avatar', 'Member menu',
'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (10, 'tags',
'cloud', 'Tags cloud', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru',
'2.0'), (11, 'content', 'slider', 'Content slider', 'InstantCMS Team',
'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (12, NULL, 'auth', 'Authorization',
'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'), (13, 'search',
'search', 'Search', 'InstantCMS Team', 'http://www.instantcms.ru',
'2.0'), (14, NULL, 'html', 'HTML block', 'InstantCMS Team',
'http://www.instantcms.ru', '2.0'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
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NULL COMMENT 'Заголовок', `links` text, `class` varchar(64)
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tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Включен?', `is_tab_prev`
tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Объединять с
предыдущим?', `groups_view` text COMMENT 'Показывать
группам', `groups_hide` text COMMENT 'Не показывать
группам', `options` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Опции',
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вывода', `position` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Имя
позиции', `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT
'Порядковый номер', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `is_enabled`
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сайта'; INSERT INTO `{#}widgets_bind` (`id`, `widget_id`, `title`,
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'Main menu', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\n- 0\n', NULL, '---\nmenu:
main\nis_detect: 1\nmax_items: 8\n', 0, 'top', 1), (2, 3, 'Header menu',
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\n- 0\n', NULL, '---\nmenu:
header\nis_detect: 1\nmax_items: 0\n', 0, 'header', 1), (3, 9, 'Member
menu', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\n- 0\n', '---\n- 1\n',
'---\nmenu: personal\nis_detect: 1\nmax_items: 0\n', 0, 'right-center',
2), (5, 3, 'Actions menu', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\n- 0\n',
NULL, '---\nmenu: toolbar\nis_detect: null\nmax_items: 0\n', 0,
'right-center', 3), (6, 8, 'Members online', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL,
'---\n- 0\n', NULL, '---\nis_avatars: 1\ngroups: null\n', 1,
'right-bottom', 1), (8, 10, 'Tags cloud', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL,
'---\n- 0\n', NULL, '---\nordering: tag\nstyle: cloud\nmax_fs: 22\nmin_fs:
12\nlimit: 10\n', 1, 'right-bottom', 4), (9, 6, 'Activity feed', 'All |
activity\r\n{My friends | activity/index/friends}\r\n{My |
activity/index/my}', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, '---\n- 0\n', NULL,
'---\ndataset: all\nshow_avatars: 1\ndate_group: null\nlimit: 5\n', 1,
'left-bottom', 4), (10, 4, 'Articles', 'All | articles\r\n{Add article |
articles/add}', 'columns-2', 1, NULL, 1, '---\n- 0\n', NULL,
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basic\nshow_details: 1\nlimit: 5\n', 1, 'left-bottom', 2), (11, 7, 'Latest
comments', 'All | comments\r\n{My friends | comments/index/friends}\r\n{My
| comments/index/my}', NULL, 1, NULL, 1, '---\n- 0\n', NULL,
'---\nshow_avatars: 1\nshow_text: 1\nlimit: 10\n', 1, 'left-bottom',
5), (12, 5, 'Категории', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, '---\n- 0\n',
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4, 'Photo albums', 'All albums | albums\r\n{Upload photos |
photos/upload}', NULL, 1, NULL, 1, '---\n- 0\n', NULL, '---\nctype_id:
7\ndataset:\nimage_field: cover_image\nteaser_field:\nstyle:
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1, 'right-bottom', 2), (15, 3, 'Footer menu', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
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'footer', 1), (16, 4, 'News', 'All | news\r\nDiscussed | news-discussed',
NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, '---\n- 0\n', NULL, '---\nctype_id:
10\ndataset:\nimage_field: photo\nteaser_field:\nstyle:
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NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, '---\n- 0\n', NULL, '', 0, 'right-center', 1), (21,
13, 'Search', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '---\n- 0\n', NULL, '', 1,
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NULL), (152, 'content', 'posts.list', 'LANG_WP_CONTENT_LIST', 'Blog posts',
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'news\nnews-*\nnews/*', 'news/*.html\nnews/add\nnews/edit/*'), (165,
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'news/*.html', NULL), (166, 'content', 'news.edit',
'LANG_WP_CONTENT_ITEM_EDIT', 'News', NULL, 'news/add\nnews/edit/*', NULL);
Онлайн: 2