Файл: core/MP3Tool.class.php
Строк: 122
* @name MP3Tool class
* @author SkyFire aka XeOn
* @icq 2666440
* @readme readme.txt
* @copyright (c)2012 SkyTech :)
class MP3Tool {
private static $root;
private static $includePath;
* Получаем расширение файла
private function ext($filepath)
$ext = pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
return $ext;
* Конструктор класса
function __construct($file = false)
self::$includePath = dirname(__FILE__);
self::$root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
* Фильтрация строки
private function clean($string)
$string = htmlspecialchars(trim($string));
return $string;
* Получаем информацию о мп3 файле
public function GetMp3Info($file, $mode = false)
//$file = self::$root . '/' . $file;
if(empty($file)) {
exit('Error! Path to file is empty');
if(!file_exists($file)) {
exit('Error! File '.$file.' not exists info');
if(self::ext($file) != 'mp3') {
exit('Error! Valid format files only mp3 '.self::ext($file).'!');
$ID3 = new getID3;
$ID3->encoding = 'UTF-8';
$analyze = $ID3->analyze($file);
$audio = $analyze['audio'];
$info['bitrate'] = $audio['bitrate'];
$info['samplerate'] = $audio['sample_rate'];
$info['cannels'] = $audio['channels'];
$info['duration'] = ceil($analyze['playtime_seconds']);
$info['filesize'] = $analyze['filesize'];
if(!empty($analyze['tags']['id3v2'])) {
$tags = $analyze['tags']['id3v2'];
elseif(!empty($analyze['tags']['id3v1'])) {
$tags = $analyze['tags']['id3v1'];
else {
$tags['artist'][0] = false;
$tags['title'][0] = false;
$tags['genre'][0] = false;
$tags['year'][0] = false;
$tags['comment'][0] = false;
$tags['album'][0] = false;
if($mode != false) {
return $tags;
$info['artist'] = isset($tags['artist'][0]) ? self::clean($tags['artist'][0]) : false;
$info['title'] = isset($tags['title'][0]) ? self::clean($tags['title'][0]) : false;
$info['genre'] = isset($tags['genre'][0]) ? self::clean($tags['genre'][0]) : false;
$info['year'] = isset($tags['year'][0]) ? self::clean($tags['year'][0]) : false;
$info['comment'] = isset($tags['comment'][0]) ? self::clean($tags['comment'][0]) : false;
$info['album'] = isset($tags['album'][0]) ? self::clean($tags['album'][0]) : false;
if(isset($analyze['id3v2']['APIC'][0]['data'])) {
$info['cover'] = $analyze['id3v2']['APIC'][0]['data'];
return $info;
* Записываем обложку
public function Write($file, $tags = false, $cover = false)
//$file = self::$root . '/' . $ffile;
if(empty($file)) {
exit('Error! Path to file is empty write');
if(!file_exists($file)) {
exit('Error! File '.$file.' not exists write');
if($cover == false || !is_array($tags) || !is_string($cover)) {
exit('Error! There are no required parameters!');
$tagArr = self::GetMp3Info($file, true);
if(!empty($cover)) {
//$cover = self::$root . '/' . $cover;
if(!file_exists($cover)) {
exit('File of cover not exists!' . $cover);
if(self::ext($cover) != 'jpg' && self::ext($cover) != 'jpeg') {
exit('Invalid mime type of cover image. Allowed mime type is jpeg!');
if(filesize($cover) > 100 * 1024) {
exit('File size of cover image is big. Max allowed file size is 100kb!');
$data['attached_picture'][] = array(
'data' => file_get_contents($cover),
'description' => 'cover',
'picturetypeid' => '1',
'mime' => 'image/jpeg');
if(!empty($tags)) {
if(!is_array($tags)) {
exit('Error! Tags must be an array!');
foreach($tags as $key => $value) {
$data[$key][0] = $value;
if(!empty($tags)) {
$tagArr = array_merge($tagArr, $data);
$write = new getid3_writetags;
$write->filename = $file;
$write->remove_other_tags = false;
$write->overwrite_tags = true;
$write->tag_encoding = 'UTF-8';
$write->tag_data = $tagArr;
$write->tagformats = array('id3v1', 'id3v2.3');
return $write->WriteTags();
* Обезаем мелодию, если передан параметр
private function Cut($time = array())
if(!is_array($time)) {
exit('Error! Time parameters must be an array!');
$start = gmdate('H:i:s', $time[0]);
$end = gmdate('H:i:s', floor($time[1] - $time[0]));
if($start > $end) {
exit('Error! Start time should not be greater than the final time');
return '-ss ' . $start . ' -t ' . $end;
* Конвертация
public function Convert ($file, $bit, $outFile, $time = false)
if(empty($file)) {
exit('Error! Path to file is empty');
if(!file_exists($file)) {
exit('Error! File '.$file.' not exists');
$ext = self::ext($outFile);
$outFile = self::$root. '/' . $outFile;
$codecs = array(
'mp3' => 'libmp3lame',
'wav' => 'adpcm_ima_wav',
'aac' => 'libfaac',
'm4a' => 'libfaac',
'wma' => 'wmav1'
$sampleRate = array(
'320' => '44100',
'256' => '44100',
'192' => '44100',
'160' => '44100',
'128' => '44100',
'64' => '22050',
'32' => '22050'
$info = self::GetMp3Info($file);
if((ceil($info['bitrate'] / 1000) < $bit) || (ceil($info['bitrate'] / 1000) == $bit && $ext == 'mp3')) {
exit('Error! The new bitrate can not exceed the bitrate of the original file!');
if($time != false) {
$cut = self::Cut($time);
if(file_exists($outFile)) {
return true;
if(exec('ffmpeg -i ' . self::$root . '/' . $file . ' -acodec ' . $codecs[$ext] . ' -ar ' . $sampleRate[$bit] . ' -ab ' . $bit . 'K' . (isset($cut) ? ' ' . $cut : '') . ' -ac 2 ' . $outFile . ' && id3cp ' . $file . ' ' . $outFile))
return true;
return false;