Файл: core/cuctema/antiddos.php
Строк: 140
// KlavaSoft AntiDDOS ver. 3.0
// (C) Cosinus, Klavasoft.com
// http://klavasoft.com/antiddos
class ks_antiddos
var $seconds_limit, $hits_limit, $memlen;
var $status, $error_msg, $now;
var $visitor; // статус визитора
var $warm_level; // количиство хитов за seconds_limit секундпри котором статус визитора устанавливается в warm
var $iplist_var = 1; // номер переменной списка в шареде
var $auto = true;
var $delay = 20; // задержка предлагаемая блокируемым визиторам
var $block_cnet = true; // блокировать всю сеть класса C
function doit($seconds_limit,$hits_limit,$memlen=100000)
if (!function_exists('shm_attach')) return $this->alles(false);
$this->seconds_limit = $seconds_limit;
$this->hits_limit = $hits_limit;
$this->memlen = $memlen;
$this->visitor = 'raw'; // необработан
if (empty($this->warm_level))
$this->warm_level = $this->hits_limit/2;
$this->now = time();
// читаем список
if (false===$this->read_iplist()) return $this->alles(false);
// прочистка списка
// добавляем этот заход
if ($this->block_cnet) $ip = substr($ip,0,strrpos($ip,'.')+1);
if (@!is_array($this->iplist[$ip])) $this->iplist[$ip] = array();
$this->iplist[$ip][] = $this->now;
// сохраняем список
if (false===$this->save_iplist()) return $this->alles(false);
$count = count($this->iplist[$ip]);
$this->status = 'ok';
if ($count==1) // если есть только этот заход в массиве
$this->visitor = "new";
elseif ($count>$this->hits_limit)
$this->visitor = "hot";
elseif ($count>=$this->warm_level)
$this->visitor = "warm";
$this->visitor = "cool";
return $this->alles(true);
// прочистка списка
function clean_list()
foreach($this->iplist as $ip=>$times)
$times_count = count($times);
// исщем заход, который надо оставить вместе с последующими
$actual_ptr = -1;
for($i=0; $i<$times_count; $i++)
if ($times[$i]+$this->seconds_limit>$this->now)
{ // нашли
$actual_ptr = $i;
if ($actual_ptr==-1) // очищаем ИП
$actual_ptr = max($actual_ptr,$times_count-$this->hits_limit);
$this->iplist[$ip] = array_slice($times,$actual_ptr);
function read_iplist()
// подключаемся к памяти
$shm_token = ftok(__FILE__,' ');
$this->shm_id = shm_attach($shm_token,$this->memlen,0766);
if (false===$this->shm_id)
$this->status = 'error';
$this->error_msg = 'cannot attach shared memory. ';
return false;
$this->iplist = @shm_get_var($this->shm_id,$this->iplist_var);
if (false===$this->iplist)
{ // создаем переменную в шареде
$this->iplist = array();
$res = @shm_put_var($this->shm_id,$this->iplist_var,$this->iplist);
if (false===$res)
$this->status = 'error';
$this->error_msg = 'cannot create shared iplist. ';
return false;
return true;
function save_iplist()
$res = true;
if (false===shm_put_var($this->shm_id,$this->iplist_var,$this->iplist)) $res = false;
return $res;
function getmicrotime()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
function alles($res=true)
if (!empty($this->shm_id))
if (false===@shm_detach($this->shm_id))
$this->error_msg .= '; error detaching shared memory. ';
if (!empty($this->error_msg) )
$this->status = 'error';
$res = false;
if ($this->auto && $this->visitor=='hot')
header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
header('Status: 503 Service Unavailable');
header("Retry-After: $this->delay");
print "<html><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='$this->delay'><body><h2>Our server is currently overloaded, your request will be repeated automatically in $this->delay seconds</h2>";
return $res;
if (strrchr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],'/')==='/antiddos.php')
{ // вызов напрямую из браузера
print "<h3>ks_antiddos control pannel</h3>";
$delete_shm = @$_GET['delete'];
$shm_token = ftok(__FILE__,' ');
if ($delete_shm)
print "Deleting shared memory... ";
$shm_id = shm_attach($shm_token);
$res = shm_remove($shm_id);
if ($res)
print "Successfull";
print "Failed";
$shm_token_hex = dechex($shm_token);
print "<br>my shared memory blocks";
$shms = `ipcs -m`;
$shms = explode("n",$shms);
$header = preg_grep('~key~i',$shms);
$header = array_values($header);
$header = $header[0];
$myshms = preg_grep("~$shm_token_hex~",$shms);
$anyway = '';
if (empty($myshms))
print "<li>not found";
$anyway = 'anyway';
$header = preg_split('/[st]+/',$header);
$header = ' '.implode(' ',$header);
$header = str_replace(' ','<th>',$header);
print "<table border=1><thead>$header</thead>n";
$myshms = array_values($myshms);
foreach($myshms as $num=>$line)
$line = preg_split('/[st]+/',$line);
$shm_id = $line[1];
$line = ' '.implode(' ',$line);
$line = str_replace(' ','<td>',$line);
print "<tr>$line
print "</table>
<a href=?delete=1>delete it $anyway</a>";
$ksa = new ks_antiddos();
$ksa->auto = false;
$res = $ksa->read_iplist();
if (!$res)
print "<br>Cannot read IP list: ".$ksa->error_msg;
$count_ips = count($ksa->iplist);
print "n<p> </p><li>total $count_ips stored IPs";
print "n<table cellspacing=3>";
foreach($ksa->iplist as $ip=>$times)
print "n<tr style='font-family:monospace'><td>$ip<td>".count($times)." hits</tr>";
print "n</table>";
print "Please note that I store no more then <b>hits_limit</b> hits";