Файл: New_top/Sys/function.php
Строк: 218
$month = array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
$month_rus = array('Янв','Фев','Мар','Апр','Мая','Июн','Июл','Авг','Сент','Окт','Ноя','Дек');
$timep = date("j M Y в H:i", $time);
$timep = str_replace($month,$month_rus,$timep);
return $timep;
function navigation($total,$page,$url)
if($page-1 > 0)
$left='<span class="str_l"><a href="'.$url.''.($page-1).'">«</a></span>';
if($page+1 > 0 AND $page < $total)
$right = '<span class="str_l"><a href="'.$url.''.($page+1).'">»</a></span>';
if($page-3 > 0)
$first='<span class="str_l"><a href="'.$url.'1">1</a></span>[...]';
if($page-2 > 0)
$page2left='<span class="str_l"><a href="'.$url.''.($page-2).'">'.($page-2).'</a></span>';
if($page-1 > 0)
$page1left='<span class="str_l"><a href="'.$url.''.($page-1).'">'.($page-1).'</a></span>';
if($page+1 <= $total)
$page1right='<span class="str_l"><a href="'.$url.''.($page+1).'">'.($page + 1).'</a></span>';
if($page+2 <= $total)
$page2right='<span class="str_l"><a href="'.$url.''.($page+2).'">'.($page + 2).'</a></span>';
if($page+3 <= $total)
$page3right='[...]<span class="str_l"><a href="'.$url.''.($total).'">'.($total).'</a></span>';
echo '<div class="l1">'.$left.''.$first.$page2left.$page1left.'<span class="o">'.$page.'</span>'.$page1right.$page2right.$page3right.''.$right.'</div>';
function wCache($content, $filename)
$fp = fopen('Cache/'.$filename, 'w');
fwrite($fp, $content);
function unreg()
global $user_data;
header("Location: ../?");
function reg()
global $user_data;
header("Location: ../m/authentication");
function level($level)
global $user_data;
if($user_data AND $user_data['level'] < $level OR !$user_data)
header("Location: ../?");
function filter($text)
global $mysqli;
$text = htmlspecialchars($text);
$text = str_replace("'", "'", $text);
$text = str_replace('\', "\", $text);
$text = str_replace("|", "I", $text);
$text = str_replace("||", "I", $text);
$text = str_replace("/\$/", "$", $text);
$text = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,$text);
return $text;
function password()
$s = str_split('aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ0123456789');
$pass = '';
for ($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i++)
$rand = mt_rand(5,25);
$pass .= $s[$rand];
return $pass;
function keyRand()
$s = str_split('aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ0123456789');
$key = '';
for ($i = 0; $i <= 45; $i++)
$rand = mt_rand(2,30);
$key .= $s[$rand];
return $key;
function mobile()
return true;
function proxy()
return true;
function cy($url)
$url = str_replace("www.", "", $url);
$ci_url = "http://bar-navig.yandex.ru/u?ver=2&show=32&url=http://www.".$url."/";
$ci_data = implode("", file("$ci_url"));
preg_match("/value="(.d*)"/", $ci_data, $ci);
if ($ci[1] == "")
return 0;
return $ci[1];
function antispam_help($text)
$dom = array('www.','wap.'); //поддомены
if(preg_match('#^(https?|ftp)://('.implode('|',$dom).')?'.str_replace('.', '.', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']).'#', $text[0]))
return '<a href="'.$text[0].'">'.$text[0].'</a>';
return '[реклама]';
function antispam($text)
return preg_replace_callback("#(https?|ftp)://S+[^s.,>)];'"!?]#", 'antispam_help', $text);
function compression()
return 1;
return 0;
function bbCodes($text) /*некоторая часть с JohnCms 4.3.0*/
$search = array(
'#[b](.+?)[/b]#is', // Жирный
'#[i](.+?)[/i]#is', // Курсив
'#[red](.+?)[/red]#is', // Красный
'#[green](.+?)[/green]#is', // Зеленый
'#[blue](.+?)[/blue]#is', // Синий
$replace = array(
'<b>$1</b>', // Жирный
'<i>$1</i>', // Курсив
'<span style="color:red">$1</span>', // Красный
'<span style="color:green">$1</span>', // Зеленый
'<span style="color:blue">$1</span>', // Синий
'<img src="$1" alt="*" style="max-width:100%; border-bottom-left-radius: 20px; border-bottom-right-radius: 20px; border-top-right-radius: 20px; border-top-left-radius: 20px;"/>',
return preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);
function smail($text){
$i = '/Design/smail/'; // путь к смайлам
$text = strtr($text, array(
':)'=>'<img src="'.$i.'1.gif" alt=":)"/>',
':('=>'<img src="'.$i.'2.gif" alt=":("/>',
':P'=>'<img src="'.$i.'3.gif" alt=":P"/>',
':D'=>'<img src="'.$i.'4.gif" alt=":D"/>',
'O^'=>'<img src="'.$i.'5.gif" alt="O^"/>',
':ok:'=>'<img src="'.$i.'6.gif" alt=":ok:"/>',
return $text;
$googleua='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/1.5';
function StrToNum($Str, $Check, $Magic) {
$Int32Unit = 4294967296;
$length = strlen($Str);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$Check *= $Magic;
if ($Check >= $Int32Unit) {
$Check = ($Check - $Int32Unit * (int) ($Check / $Int32Unit));
$Check = ($Check < -2147483648) ? ($Check + $Int32Unit) : $Check;
$Check += ord($Str{$i});
return $Check;
function HashURL($String) {
$Check1 = StrToNum($String, 0x1505, 0x21);
$Check2 = StrToNum($String, 0, 0x1003F);
$Check1 >>= 2;
$Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3FFFFC0 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3F);
$Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3FFC00 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3FF);
$Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3C000 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3FFF);
$T1 = (((($Check1 & 0x3C0) << 4) | ($Check1 & 0x3C)) <<2 ) | ($Check2 & 0xF0F );
$T2 = (((($Check1 & 0xFFFFC000) << 4) | ($Check1 & 0x3C00)) << 0xA) | ($Check2 & 0xF0F0000 );
return ($T1 | $T2);
function CheckHash($Hashnum) {
$CheckByte = 0;
$Flag = 0;
$HashStr = sprintf('%u', $Hashnum) ;
$length = strlen($HashStr);
for ($i = $length-1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$Re = $HashStr{$i};
if (1 === ($Flag % 2)) {
$Re += $Re;
$Re = (int)($Re / 10) + ($Re % 10);
$CheckByte += $Re;
$Flag ++;
$CheckByte %= 10;
if (0 !== $CheckByte) {
$CheckByte = 10 - $CheckByte;
if (1 === ($Flag % 2) ) {
if (1 === ($CheckByte % 2)) {
$CheckByte += 9;
$CheckByte >>= 1;
return '7'.$CheckByte.$HashStr;
function getch($url) { return CheckHash(HashURL($url)); }
function getPageRank($url) {
global $googlehost,$googleua;
$ch = getch($url);
if ($fp) {
$out = "GET /tbr?features=Rank&sourceid=navclient-ff&client=navclient-auto-ff&ch=$ch&q=info:$url HTTP/1.1rn";
$out .= "User-Agent: $googleuarn";
$out .= "Host: $googlehostrn";
$out .= "Connection: Closernrn";
fwrite($fp, $out);
while (!feof($fp)) {
$data = fgets($fp, 128);
$pos = strpos($data, "Rank_");
if($pos === false){
} else{
$pr=substr($data, $pos + 9);
if ($pr == "") {return 0;}
else {
return $pr;
function Seo_up(){
function count_day($d,$m,$y){
$thisday=intval((time()-mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y))/86400);
if($thisday==0){$count_day=' [сегодня]';
} elseif($thisday==1){$count_day=' [вчера]';
} elseif($thisday==2){$count_day=' [позавчера]';
} elseif($thisday==3){$count_day=' [' .$thisday .' дня назад]';
} elseif($thisday==4){$count_day=' [' .$thisday .' дня назад]';
} else {$count_day=' [' .$thisday .' дней назад]';}
return $count_day;
function get_updates_pr() {
@$xmldata = simplexml_load_file('http://pr-cy.ru/updates.xml');
return $xmldata;
return '
<div class="li">
- <font color="red"><b>Я</b></font>ндекс ТИЦ: '.$cy_day.' '.$get_up->cy .'<br/>
- <font color="blue">G</font><font color="red">o</font><font color="yellow">o</font><font color="blue">g</font><font color="green">l</font><font color="red">e</font> PR: '.$pr_day .' '.$get_up->pr .'<br/>
- <font color="red"><b>Я</b></font>ндекс выдача: '.$yav_day.' '.$get_up->yav.'