Файл: engine/classes/Fenom/Template.php
Строк: 1572
* This file is part of Fenom.
* (c) 2013 Ivan Shalganov
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the license.md
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Fenom;
use Fenom;
use FenomErrorUnexpectedTokenException;
use FenomErrorCompileException;
use FenomErrorInvalidUsageException;
use FenomErrorSecurityException;
use FenomErrorTokenizeException;
* Template compiler
* @package Fenom
* @author Ivan Shalganov <a.cobest@gmail.com>
class Template extends Render
const VAR_NAME = '$var';
const TPL_NAME = '$tpl';
* Disable array parser.
const DENY_ARRAY = 1;
* Disable modifier parser.
const DENY_MODS = 2;
* @var int shared counter
public $i = 1;
* @var array of macros
public $macros = array();
* @var array of blocks
public $blocks = array();
* @var string|null
public $extends;
* @var string|null
public $extended;
* Stack of extended templates
* @var array
public $ext_stack = array();
public $extend_body = false;
* Template PHP code
* @var string
private $_body;
* Call stack
* @var Tag[]
private $_stack = array();
* Template source
* @var string
private $_src;
* @var int
private $_line = 1;
private $_post = array();
* @var bool|string
private $_ignore = false;
private $_before;
private $_filters = array();
* @var int crc32 of the template name
private $_crc = 0;
* @param Fenom $fenom Template storage
* @param int $options
* @return FenomTemplate
public function __construct(Fenom $fenom, $options)
$this->_fenom = $fenom;
$this->_options = $options;
$this->_filters = $this->_fenom->getFilters();
$this->_tag_filters = $this->_fenom->getTagFilters();
* Get tag stack size
* @return int
public function getStackSize()
return count($this->_stack);
* @param string $tag
* @return bool|FenomTag
public function getParentScope($tag)
for ($i = count($this->_stack) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if ($this->_stack[$i]->name == $tag) {
return $this->_stack[$i];
return false;
* Load source from provider
* @param string $name
* @param bool $compile
* @return self
public function load($name, $compile = true)
$this->_name = $name;
$this->_crc = crc32($this->_name);
if ($provider = strstr($name, ':', true)) {
$this->_scm = $provider;
$this->_base_name = substr($name, strlen($provider) + 1);
} else {
$this->_base_name = $name;
$this->_provider = $this->_fenom->getProvider($provider);
$this->_src = $this->_provider->getSource($this->_base_name, $this->_time);
if ($compile) {
return $this;
* Load custom source
* @param string $name template name
* @param string $src template source
* @param bool $compile
* @return FenomTemplate
public function source($name, $src, $compile = true)
$this->_name = $name;
$this->_src = $src;
if ($compile) {
return $this;
* Convert template to PHP code
* @throws CompileException
public function compile()
$end = $pos = 0;
foreach ($this->_fenom->getPreFilters() as $filter) {
$this->_src = call_user_func($filter, $this, $this->_src);
while (($start = strpos($this->_src, '{', $pos)) !== false) { // search open-symbol of tags
switch ($this->_src[$start + 1]) { // check next character
case "n":
case "r":
case "t":
case " ":
case "}": // ignore the tag
$this->_appendText(substr($this->_src, $pos, $start - $pos + 2));
$end = $start + 1;
case "*": // comment block
$end = strpos($this->_src, '*}', $start); // find end of the comment block
if ($end === false) {
throw new CompileException("Unclosed comment block in line {$this->_line}", 0, 1, $this->_name, $this->_line);
$this->_appendText(substr($this->_src, $pos, $start - $pos));
$comment = substr($this->_src, $start, $end - $start); // read the comment block for processing
$this->_line += substr_count($comment, "n"); // count lines in comments
unset($comment); // cleanup
$this->_appendText(substr($this->_src, $pos, $start - $pos));
$end = $start + 1;
do {
$need_more = false;
$end = strpos($this->_src, '}', $end + 1); // search close-symbol of the tag
if ($end === false) { // if unexpected end of template
throw new CompileException("Unclosed tag in line {$this->_line}", 0, 1, $this->_name, $this->_line);
$tag = substr(
$start + 1, // skip '{'
$end - $start - 1 // skip '}'
if ($this->_ignore) { // check ignore
if ($tag === '/' . $this->_ignore) { // turn off ignore
$this->_ignore = false;
} else { // still ignore
$this->_appendText('{' . $tag . '}');
if ($this->_tag_filters) {
foreach ($this->_tag_filters as $filter) {
$tag = call_user_func($filter, $tag, $this);
$tokens = new Tokenizer($tag); // tokenize the tag
if ($tokens->isIncomplete()) { // all strings finished?
$need_more = true;
} else {
$this->_appendCode($this->parseTag($tokens), '{' . $tag . '}'); // start the tag lexer
if ($tokens->key()) { // if tokenizer have tokens - throws exceptions
throw new CompileException("Unexpected token '" . $tokens->current() . "' in {$this} line {$this->_line}, near '{" . $tokens->getSnippetAsString(0, 0) . "' <- there", 0, E_ERROR, $this->_name, $this->_line);
} while ($need_more);
unset($tag); // cleanup
$pos = $end + 1; // move search-pointer to end of the tag
$this->_appendText(substr($this->_src, $end ? $end + 1 : 0)); // append tail of the template
if ($this->_stack) {
$_names = array();
foreach ($this->_stack as $scope) {
$_names[] = '{' . $scope->name . '} opened on line ' . $scope->line;
throw new CompileException("Unclosed tag" . (count($_names) > 1 ? "s" : "") . ": " . implode(
", ",
), 0, 1, $this->_name, $scope->line); // $scope already defined there!
$this->_src = ""; // cleanup
if ($this->_post) {
foreach ($this->_post as $cb) {
call_user_func_array($cb, array($this, &$this->_body));
$this->addDepend($this); // for 'verify' performance
foreach ($this->_fenom->getPostFilters() as $filter) {
$this->_body = call_user_func($filter, $this, $this->_body);
* Set or unset the option
* @param int $option
* @param bool $value
public function setOption($option, $value)
if ($value) {
$this->_options |= $option;
} else {
$this->_options &= ~$option;
* Execute some code at loading cache
* @param $code
* @return void
public function before($code)
$this->_before .= $code;
* Generate temporary internal template variable
* @return string
public function tmpVar()
return sprintf('$t%x_%x', $this->_crc, $this->i++);
* Append plain text to template body
* @param string $text
private function _appendText($text)
$this->_line += substr_count($text, "n");
if ($this->_filters) {
if (strpos($text, "<?") === false) {
foreach ($this->_filters as $filter) {
$text = call_user_func($filter, $this, $text);
} else {
$fragments = explode("<?", $text);
foreach ($fragments as &$fragment) {
if ($fragment) {
foreach ($this->_filters as $filter) {
$fragment = call_user_func($filter, $this, $fragment);
$text = implode('<?php echo "<?"; ?>', $fragments);
} else {
$text = str_replace("<?", '<?php echo "<?"; ?>' . PHP_EOL, $text);
if($this->_options & Fenom::AUTO_STRIP) {
$text = preg_replace('/s+/uS', ' ', $text);
$text = preg_replace('/s*([pPpS]+)s*/uS', '$1', $text);
$this->_body .= $text;
* Append PHP code to template body
* @param string $code
* @param $source
private function _appendCode($code, $source)
if (!$code) {
} else {
$this->_line += substr_count($source, "n");
$this->_body .= "<?phpn/* {$this->_name}:{$this->_line}: {$source} */n $code ?>";
* @param $tag_name
public function ignore($tag_name) {
$this->_ignore = $tag_name;
* @param callable[] $cb
public function addPostCompile($cb)
$this->_post[] = $cb;
* Return PHP code of template
* @return string
public function getBody()
return $this->_body;
* Return PHP code for saving to file
* @return string
public function getTemplateCode()
$before = $this->_before ? $this->_before . "n" : "";
return "<?php n" .
"/** Fenom template '" . $this->_name . "' compiled at " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " */n" .
$before . // some code 'before' template
"return new Fenom\Render($fenom, " . $this->_getClosureSource() . ", array(n" .
"t'options' => {$this->_options},n" .
"t'provider' => " . var_export($this->_scm, true) . ",n" .
"t'name' => " . var_export($this->_name, true) . ",n" .
"t'base_name' => " . var_export($this->_base_name, true) . ",n" .
"t'time' => {$this->_time},n" .
"t'depends' => " . var_export($this->_depends, true) . ",n" .
"t'macros' => " . $this->_getMacrosArray() . ",n
* Make array with macros code
* @return string
private function _getMacrosArray()
if ($this->macros) {
$macros = array();
foreach ($this->macros as $m) {
if ($m["recursive"]) {
$macros[] = "tt'" . $m["name"] . "' => function ($var, $tpl) {n?>" . $m["body"] . "<?phpn}";
return "array(n" . implode(",n", $macros) . ")";
} else {
return 'array()';
* Return closure code
* @return string
private function _getClosureSource()
return "function ($var, $tpl) {n?>{$this->_body}<?phpn}";
* Runtime execute template.
* @param array $values input values
* @throws CompileException
* @return Render
public function display(array $values)
if (!$this->_code) {
// evaluate template's code
eval("$this->_code = " . $this->_getClosureSource() . ";n$this->_macros = " . $this->_getMacrosArray() . ';');
if (!$this->_code) {
throw new CompileException("Fatal error while creating the template");
return parent::display($values);
* Add depends
* @param Render $tpl
public function addDepend(Render $tpl)
$this->_depends[$tpl->getScm()][$tpl->getName()] = $tpl->getTime();
* Output the value
* @param string $data
* @param null|bool $escape
* @return string
public function out($data, $escape = null)
if ($escape === null) {
$escape = $this->_options & Fenom::AUTO_ESCAPE;
if ($escape) {
return "echo htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');";
} else {
return "echo $data;";
* Import block from another template
* @param string $tpl
public function importBlocks($tpl)
$donor = $this->_fenom->compile($tpl, false);
foreach ($donor->blocks as $name => $block) {
if (!isset($this->blocks[$name])) {
$block['import'] = $this->getName();
$this->blocks[$name] = $block;
* Extends the template
* @param string $tpl
* @return FenomTemplate parent
public function extend($tpl)
if (!$this->_body) {
$parent = $this->_fenom->getRawTemplate()->load($tpl, false);
$parent->blocks = & $this->blocks;
$parent->macros = & $this->macros;
$parent->extended = $this->getName();
if (!$this->ext_stack) {
$this->ext_stack[] = $this->getName();
$this->ext_stack[] = $parent->getName();
$parent->_options = $this->_options;
$parent->ext_stack = $this->ext_stack;
$this->_body = $parent->_body;
$this->_src = $parent->_src;
return $parent;
* Tag router
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @throws SecurityException
* @throws CompileException
* @return string executable PHP code
public function parseTag(Tokenizer $tokens)
try {
if ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_STRING)) {
return $this->parseAct($tokens);
} elseif ($tokens->is('/')) {
return $this->parseEndTag($tokens);
} else {
return $this->out($this->parseExpr($tokens));
} catch (InvalidUsageException $e) {
throw new CompileException($e->getMessage() . " in {$this->_name} line {$this->_line}", 0, E_ERROR, $this->_name, $this->_line, $e);
} catch (LogicException $e) {
throw new SecurityException($e->getMessage() . " in {$this->_name} line {$this->_line}, near '{" . $tokens->getSnippetAsString(0, 0) . "' <- there", 0, E_ERROR, $this->_name, $this->_line, $e);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new CompileException($e->getMessage() . " in {$this->_name} line {$this->_line}, near '{" . $tokens->getSnippetAsString(0, 0) . "' <- there", 0, E_ERROR, $this->_name, $this->_line, $e);
* Close tag handler
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @return string
* @throws TokenizeException
public function parseEndTag(Tokenizer $tokens)
$name = $tokens->getNext(Tokenizer::MACRO_STRING);
if (!$this->_stack) {
throw new TokenizeException("Unexpected closing of the tag '$name', the tag hasn't been opened");
/** @var Tag $tag */
$tag = array_pop($this->_stack);
if ($tag->name !== $name) {
throw new TokenizeException("Unexpected closing of the tag '$name' (expecting closing of the tag {$tag->name}, opened in line {$tag->line})");
return $tag->end($tokens);
* Parse action {action ...} or {action(...) ...}
* @static
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @throws LogicException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws ErrorTokenizeException
* @return string
public function parseAct(Tokenizer $tokens)
$action = $tokens->get(Tokenizer::MACRO_STRING);
if ($tokens->is("(", T_DOUBLE_COLON, T_NS_SEPARATOR) && !$tokens->isWhiteSpaced()
) { // just invoke function or static method
return $this->out($this->parseExpr($tokens));
} elseif ($tokens->is('.')) {
$name = $tokens->skip()->get(Tokenizer::MACRO_STRING);
if ($action !== "macro") {
$name = $action . "." . $name;
return $this->parseMacroCall($tokens, $name);
if ($info = $this->_fenom->getTag($action, $this)) {
$tag = new Tag($action, $this, $info, $this->_body);
if ($tokens->is(':')) { // parse tag options
do {
} while ($tokens->is(':'));
$code = $tag->start($tokens);
if ($tag->isClosed()) {
} else {
array_push($this->_stack, $tag);
return $code;
for ($j = $i = count($this->_stack) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { // call function's internal tag
if ($this->_stack[$i]->hasTag($action, $j - $i)) {
return $this->_stack[$i]->tag($action, $tokens);
if ($tags = $this->_fenom->getTagOwners($action)) { // unknown template tag
throw new TokenizeException("Unexpected tag '$action' (this tag can be used with '" . implode(
"', '",
) . "')");
} else {
throw new TokenizeException("Unexpected tag '$action'");
* Get current template line
* @return int
public function getLine()
return $this->_line;
* Parse expressions. The mix of operators and terms.
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @return string
* @throws ErrorUnexpectedTokenException
public function parseExpr(Tokenizer $tokens)
$exp = array();
$var = false; // last term was: true - variable, false - mixed
$op = false; // last exp was operator
$cond = false; // was comparison operator
while ($tokens->valid()) {
// parse term
$term = $this->parseTerm($tokens, $var); // term of the expression
if ($term !== false) {
if ($this->_options & Fenom::FORCE_VERIFY) {
$term = '(isset(' . $term . ') ? ' . $term . ' : null)';
$var = false;
if ($tokens->is('|')) {
$term = $this->parseModifier($tokens, $term);
$var = false;
if ($tokens->is('?', '!')) {
$term = $this->parseTernary($tokens, $term, $var);
$var = false;
$exp[] = $term;
$op = false;
} else {
if (!$tokens->valid()) {
// parse operator
if ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_BINARY)) { // binary operator: $a + $b, $a <= $b, ...
if ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_COND)) { // comparison operator
if ($cond) {
$cond = true;
} elseif ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_BOOLEAN)) {
$cond = false;
$op = $tokens->getAndNext();
} elseif ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_EQUALS, '[')) { // assignment operator: $a = 4, $a += 3, ...
if (!$var) {
$op = $tokens->getAndNext();
if($op == '[') {
$op = '[]=';
} elseif ($tokens->is(T_STRING)) { // test or containment operator: $a in $b, $a is set, ...
if (!$exp) {
$operator = $tokens->current();
if ($operator == "is") {
$item = array_pop($exp);
$exp[] = $this->parseIs($tokens, $item, $var);
} elseif ($operator == "in" || ($operator == "not" && $tokens->isNextToken("in"))) {
$item = array_pop($exp);
$exp[] = $this->parseIn($tokens, $item, $var);
} else {
} elseif ($tokens->is('~')) { // string concatenation operator: 'asd' ~ $var
if($tokens->isNext('=')) { // ~=
$exp[] = ".=";
} else {
$concat = array(array_pop($exp));
while ($tokens->is('~')) {
if ($tokens->is(T_LNUMBER, T_DNUMBER)) {
$concat[] = "strval(" . $this->parseTerm($tokens) . ")";
} else {
if(!$concat[] = $this->parseTerm($tokens)) {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
$exp[] = "(" . implode(".", $concat) . ")";
} else {
if ($op) {
$exp[] = $op;
if ($op || !$exp) {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
return implode(' ', $exp);
* Parse any term of expression: -2, ++$var, 'adf'
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param bool $is_var is parsed term - plain variable
* @throws ErrorUnexpectedTokenException
* @throws ErrorTokenizeException
* @throws Exception
* @return bool|string
public function parseTerm(Tokenizer $tokens, &$is_var = false)
$is_var = false;
if ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_UNARY)) {
$unary = $tokens->getAndNext();
} else {
$unary = "";
if ($tokens->is(T_LNUMBER, T_DNUMBER)) {
return $unary . $this->parseScalar($tokens, true);
if ($unary) {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens->back());
return $this->parseScalar($tokens, true);
} elseif ($tokens->is(T_VARIABLE)) {
$code = $unary . $this->parseVariable($tokens);
if ($tokens->is("(") && $tokens->hasBackList(T_STRING, T_OBJECT_OPERATOR)) {
if ($this->_options & Fenom::DENY_METHODS) {
throw new LogicException("Forbidden to call methods");
$code = $this->parseChain($tokens, $code);
} elseif ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_INCDEC)) {
$code .= $tokens->getAndNext();
} else {
$is_var = true;
return $code;
} elseif ($tokens->is('$')) {
$var = $this->parseAccessor($tokens, $is_var);
return $unary . $var;
} elseif ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_INCDEC)) {
return $unary . $tokens->getAndNext() . $this->parseVariable($tokens);
} elseif ($tokens->is("(")) {
$code = $unary . "(" . $this->parseExpr($tokens) . ")";
return $code;
} elseif ($tokens->is(T_STRING)) {
if ($tokens->isSpecialVal()) {
return $unary . $tokens->getAndNext();
} elseif ($tokens->isNext("(") && !$tokens->getWhitespace()) {
$func = $this->_fenom->getModifier($tokens->current(), $this);
if (!$func) {
throw new Exception("Function " . $tokens->getAndNext() . " not found");
return $unary . $this->parseChain($tokens, $func . $this->parseArgs($tokens->next()));
} elseif ($tokens->isNext(T_NS_SEPARATOR, T_DOUBLE_COLON)) {
$method = $this->parseStatic($tokens);
$args = $this->parseArgs($tokens);
return $unary . $this->parseChain($tokens, $method . $args);
} else {
return false;
} elseif ($tokens->is(T_ISSET, T_EMPTY)) {
$func = $tokens->getAndNext();
if ($tokens->is("(") && $tokens->isNext(T_VARIABLE)) {
$code = $unary . $func . "(" . $this->parseVariable($tokens->next()) . ")";
return $code;
} else {
throw new TokenizeException("Unexpected token " . $tokens->getNext() . ", isset() and empty() accept only variables");
} elseif ($tokens->is('[')) {
if ($unary) {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens->back());
return $this->parseArray($tokens);
} elseif ($unary) {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens->back());
} else {
return false;
* Parse call-chunks: $var->func()->func()->prop->func()->...
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param string $code start point (it is $var)
* @return string
public function parseChain(Tokenizer $tokens, $code) {
do {
if ($tokens->is('(')) {
$code .= $this->parseArgs($tokens);
if ($tokens->is(T_OBJECT_OPERATOR) && $tokens->isNext(T_STRING)) {
$code .= '->' . $tokens->next()->getAndNext();
} while ($tokens->is('(', T_OBJECT_OPERATOR));
return $code;
* Parse variable name: $a, $a.b, $a.b['c']
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param $var
* @return string
* @throws ErrorUnexpectedTokenException
public function parseVariable(Tokenizer $tokens, $var = null)
if (!$var) {
$var = '$var["' . substr($tokens->get(T_VARIABLE), 1) . '"]';
while ($t = $tokens->key()) {
if ($t === ".") {
if ($tokens->is(T_VARIABLE)) {
$key = '[ $var["' . substr($tokens->getAndNext(), 1) . '"] ]';
} elseif ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_STRING)) {
$key = '["' . $tokens->getAndNext() . '"]';
} elseif ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_SCALAR)) {
$key = "[" . $tokens->getAndNext() . "]";
} elseif ($tokens->is('"')) {
$key = "[" . $this->parseQuote($tokens) . "]";
} else {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
$var .= $key;
} elseif ($t === "[") {
if($tokens->isNext(']')) {
if ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_STRING)) {
if ($tokens->isNext("(")) {
$key = "[" . $this->parseExpr($tokens) . "]";
} else {
$key = '["' . $tokens->current() . '"]';
} else {
$key = "[" . $this->parseExpr($tokens) . "]";
$var .= $key;
} elseif ($t === T_DNUMBER) {
$var .= '[' . substr($tokens->getAndNext(), 1) . ']';
} elseif ($t === T_OBJECT_OPERATOR) {
$var .= "->" . $tokens->getNext(T_STRING);
} else {
return $var;
* Parse accessor
public function parseAccessor(Tokenizer $tokens, &$is_var)
$is_var = false;
$vars = array(
'get' => '$_GET',
'post' => '$_POST',
'session' => '$_SESSION',
'cookie' => '$_COOKIE',
'request' => '$_REQUEST',
'files' => '$_FILES',
'globals' => '$GLOBALS',
'server' => '$_SERVER',
'env' => '$_ENV',
'tpl' => '$tpl->info'
if ($this->_options & Fenom::DENY_ACCESSOR) {
throw new LogicException("Accessor are disabled");
$key = $tokens->need('$')->next()->need('.')->next()->current();
if (isset($vars[$key])) {
$is_var = true;
return $this->parseVariable($tokens, $vars[$key]);
switch ($key) {
case 'const':
$var = '@constant(' . var_export($this->parseName($tokens), true) . ')';
case 'version':
$var = 'Fenom::VERSION';
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens->back());
return $var;
* Parse ternary operator
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param $var
* @param $is_var
* @return string
* @throws UnexpectedTokenException
public function parseTernary(Tokenizer $tokens, $var, $is_var)
$empty = $tokens->is('?');
if ($tokens->is(":")) {
if ($empty) {
if ($is_var) {
return '(empty(' . $var . ') ? (' . $this->parseExpr($tokens) . ') : ' . $var . ')';
} else {
return '(' . $var . ' ?: (' . $this->parseExpr($tokens) . '))';
} else {
if ($is_var) {
return '(isset(' . $var . ') ? ' . $var . ' : (' . $this->parseExpr($tokens) . '))';
} else {
return '((' . $var . ' !== null) ? ' . $var . ' : (' . $this->parseExpr($tokens) . '))';
} elseif ($tokens->is(
) || !$tokens->valid()
) {
if ($empty) {
if ($is_var) {
return '!empty(' . $var . ')';
} else {
return '(' . $var . ')';
} else {
if ($is_var) {
return 'isset(' . $var . ')';
} else {
return '(' . $var . ' !== null)';
} else {
$expr1 = $this->parseExpr($tokens);
$expr2 = $this->parseExpr($tokens);
if ($empty) {
if ($is_var) {
return '(empty(' . $var . ') ? ' . $expr2 . ' : ' . $expr1 . ')';
} else {
return '(' . $var . ' ? ' . $expr1 . ' : ' . $expr2 . ')';
} else {
if ($is_var) {
return '(isset(' . $var . ') ? ' . $expr1 . ' : ' . $expr2 . ')';
} else {
return '((' . $var . ' !== null) ? ' . $expr1 . ' : ' . $expr2 . ')';
* Parse 'is' and 'is not' operators
* @see _tests
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param string $value
* @param bool $variable
* @throws InvalidUsageException
* @return string
public function parseIs(Tokenizer $tokens, $value, $variable = false)
if ($tokens->current() == 'not') {
$invert = '!';
$equal = '!=';
} else {
$invert = '';
$equal = '==';
if ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_STRING)) {
$action = $tokens->current();
if (!$variable && ($action == "set" || $action == "empty")) {
$action = "_$action";
return $invert . sprintf($this->_fenom->getTest($action), $value);
} elseif ($test = $this->_fenom->getTest($action)) {
return $invert . sprintf($test, $value);
} elseif ($tokens->isSpecialVal()) {
return '(' . $value . ' ' . $equal . '= ' . $action . ')';
return $invert . '(' . $value . ' instanceof \' . $this->parseName($tokens) . ')';
} elseif ($tokens->is(T_VARIABLE, '[', Tokenizer::MACRO_SCALAR, '"')) {
return '(' . $value . ' ' . $equal . '= ' . $this->parseTerm($tokens) . ')';
} elseif ($tokens->is(T_NS_SEPARATOR)) { //
return $invert . '(' . $value . ' instanceof \' . $this->parseName($tokens) . ')';
} else {
throw new InvalidUsageException("Unknown argument");
* Parse 'in' and 'not in' operators
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param string $value
* @throws InvalidUsageException
* @throws UnexpectedTokenException
* @return string
public function parseIn(Tokenizer $tokens, $value)
$checkers = array(
"string" => 'is_int(strpos(%2$s, %1$s))',
"list" => "in_array(%s, %s)",
"keys" => "array_key_exists(%s, %s)",
"auto" => 'FenomModifier::in(%s, %s)'
$checker = null;
$invert = '';
if ($tokens->current() == 'not') {
$invert = '!';
if ($tokens->current() !== "in") {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
if ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_STRING)) {
$checker = $tokens->current();
if (!isset($checkers[$checker])) {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
if ($tokens->is('[')) {
if ($checker == "string") {
throw new InvalidUsageException("Can not use string operation for array");
} elseif (!$checker) {
$checker = "list";
return $invert . sprintf($checkers[$checker], $value, $this->parseArray($tokens));
if (!$checker) {
$checker = "string";
} elseif ($checker != "string") {
throw new InvalidUsageException("Can not use array operation for string");
return $invert . sprintf($checkers[$checker], "strval($value)", $this->parseScalar($tokens));
} elseif ($tokens->is(T_VARIABLE, Tokenizer::MACRO_INCDEC)) {
if (!$checker) {
$checker = "auto";
return $invert . sprintf($checkers[$checker], $value, $this->parseTerm($tokens));
} else {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
* Parse method, class or constant name
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @return string
public function parseName(Tokenizer $tokens)
$name = "";
if ($tokens->is(T_STRING)) {
$name .= $tokens->getAndNext();
while ($tokens->is(T_NS_SEPARATOR)) {
$name .= '\' . $tokens->next()->get(T_STRING);
return $name;
* Parse scalar values
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @throws ErrorUnexpectedTokenException
* @return string
public function parseScalar(Tokenizer $tokens)
$token = $tokens->key();
switch ($token) {
return $tokens->getAndNext();
case '"':
return $this->parseQuote($tokens);
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
* Parse string with or without variable
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @throws UnexpectedTokenException
* @return string
public function parseQuote(Tokenizer $tokens)
if ($tokens->is('"')) {
$stop = $tokens->current();
$_str = '"';
while ($t = $tokens->key()) {
$_str .= $tokens->current();
} elseif ($t === T_VARIABLE) {
if (strlen($_str) > 1) {
$_str .= '".';
} else {
$_str = "";
$_str .= '$var["' . substr($tokens->current(), 1) . '"]';
if ($tokens->is($stop)) {
return $_str;
} else {
$_str .= '."';
} elseif ($t === T_CURLY_OPEN) {
if (strlen($_str) > 1) {
$_str .= '".';
} else {
$_str = "";
$_str .= '(' . $this->parseExpr($tokens) . ')';
if ($tokens->is($stop)) {
return $_str;
} else {
$_str .= '."';
} elseif ($t === "}") {
} elseif ($t === $stop) {
return $_str . '"';
} else {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
} elseif ($tokens->is(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) {
return $tokens->getAndNext();
} elseif ($tokens->is(T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE)) {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
} else {
return "";
* Parse modifiers
* |modifier:1:2.3:'string':false:$var:(4+5*$var3)|modifier2:"str {$var+3} ing":$arr.item
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param $value
* @throws LogicException
* @throws Exception
* @return string
public function parseModifier(Tokenizer $tokens, $value)
while ($tokens->is("|")) {
$modifier = $tokens->getNext(Tokenizer::MACRO_STRING);
if ($tokens->isNext(T_DOUBLE_COLON, T_NS_SEPARATOR)) {
$mods = $this->parseStatic($tokens);
} else {
$mods = $this->_fenom->getModifier($modifier, $this);
if (!$mods) {
throw new Exception("Modifier " . $tokens->current() . " not found");
$args = array();
while ($tokens->is(":")) {
if (!$args[] = $this->parseTerm($tokens->next())) {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
if (!is_string($mods)) { // dynamic modifier
$mods = 'call_user_func($tpl->getStorage()->getModifier("' . $modifier . '"), ';
} else {
$mods .= "(";
if ($args) {
$value = $mods . $value . ', ' . implode(", ", $args) . ')';
} else {
$value = $mods . $value . ')';
return $value;
* Parse array
* [1, 2.3, 5+7/$var, 'string', "str {$var+3} ing", $var2, []]
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param int $count amount of elements
* @throws ErrorUnexpectedTokenException
* @return string
public function parseArray(Tokenizer $tokens, &$count = 0)
if ($tokens->is("[")) {
$arr = array();
while ($tokens->valid()) {
if ($tokens->is(']')) {
return 'array(' . implode(', ', $arr) . ')';
if ($tokens->is('[')) {
$arr[] = $this->parseArray($tokens);
} else {
$expr = $this->parseExpr($tokens);
if($tokens->is(T_DOUBLE_ARROW)) {
$arr[] = $expr.' => '.$this->parseExpr($tokens);
} else {
$arr[] = $expr;
if($tokens->is(',')) {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($tokens);
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param $name
* @return string
* @throws InvalidUsageException
public function parseMacroCall(Tokenizer $tokens, $name)
$recursive = false;
$macro = false;
if (isset($this->macros[$name])) {
$macro = $this->macros[$name];
$recursive = $macro['recursive'];
} else {
foreach ($this->_stack as $scope) {
if ($scope->name == 'macro' && $scope['name'] == $name) { // invoke recursive
$recursive = $scope;
$macro = $scope['macro'];
if (!$macro) {
throw new InvalidUsageException("Undefined macro '$name'");
$p = $this->parseParams($tokens);
$args = array();
foreach ($macro['args'] as $arg) {
if (isset($p[$arg])) {
$args[$arg] = $p[$arg];
} elseif (isset($macro['defaults'][$arg])) {
$args[$arg] = $macro['defaults'][$arg];
} else {
throw new InvalidUsageException("Macro '$name' require '$arg' argument");
if ($recursive) {
if ($recursive instanceof Tag) {
$recursive['recursive'] = true;
return '$tpl->getMacro("' . $name . '")->__invoke(' . Compiler::toArray($args) . ', $tpl);';
} else {
$vars = $this->tmpVar();
return $vars . ' = $var; $var = ' . Compiler::toArray($args) . ';' . PHP_EOL . '?>' .
$macro["body"] . '<?php' . PHP_EOL . '$var = ' . $vars . '; unset(' . $vars . ');';
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @throws LogicException
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return string
public function parseStatic(Tokenizer $tokens)
if ($this->_options & Fenom::DENY_STATICS) {
throw new LogicException("Static methods are disabled");
$name = "";
if ($tokens->is(T_STRING)) {
$name .= $tokens->getAndNext();
while ($tokens->is(T_NS_SEPARATOR)) {
$name .= '\' . $tokens->next()->get(T_STRING);
$static = $name . "::" . $tokens->getAndNext();
if (!is_callable($static)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Method $static doesn't exist");
return $static;
* Parse argument list
* (1 + 2.3, 'string', $var, [2,4])
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @throws TokenizeException
* @return string
public function parseArgs(Tokenizer $tokens)
$_args = "(";
$arg = $colon = false;
while ($tokens->valid()) {
if (!$arg && $tokens->is(
) {
$_args .= $this->parseExpr($tokens);
$arg = true;
$colon = false;
} elseif (!$arg && $tokens->is('[')) {
$_args .= $this->parseArray($tokens);
$arg = true;
$colon = false;
} elseif ($arg && $tokens->is(',')) {
$_args .= $tokens->getAndNext() . ' ';
$arg = false;
$colon = true;
} elseif (!$colon && $tokens->is(')')) {
return $_args . ')';
} else {
throw new TokenizeException("Unexpected token '" . $tokens->current() . "' in argument list");
* Parse first unnamed argument
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param string $static
* @return mixed|string
public function parsePlainArg(Tokenizer $tokens, &$static)
if ($tokens->is(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) {
if ($tokens->isNext('|')) {
return $this->parseExpr($tokens);
} else {
$str = $tokens->getAndNext();
$static = stripslashes(substr($str, 1, -1));
return $str;
} else {
return $this->parseExpr($tokens);
* Parse parameters as $key=$value
* param1=$var param2=3 ...
* @static
* @param Tokenizer $tokens
* @param array $defaults
* @throws Exception
* @return array
public function parseParams(Tokenizer $tokens, array $defaults = null)
$params = array();
while ($tokens->valid()) {
if ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_STRING)) {
$key = $tokens->getAndNext();
if ($defaults && !isset($defaults[$key])) {
throw new Exception("Unknown parameter '$key'");
if ($tokens->is("=")) {
$params[$key] = $this->parseExpr($tokens);
} else {
$params[$key] = 'true';
} elseif ($tokens->is(Tokenizer::MACRO_SCALAR, '"', T_VARIABLE, "[", '(')) {
$params[] = $this->parseExpr($tokens);
} else {
if ($defaults) {
$params += $defaults;
return $params;