Файл: bloodlands.pw/include/map.php
Строк: 31
$x = $us['x']-3;
$y = $us['y']+3;
$wave = 1;
$table = 1;
echo'<div class="maps"><table style="font-size:7px;text-align:center;border-collapse:collapse;" cellspacing="0" >';
while($wave <= 49){
if($table == 8) {$table=1; $x=$x-7; $y=$y-1;}
$locas = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `locations` WHERE `x` = '".$x."' AND `y` = '".$y."'"));
if($locas == 1) $xy = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `locations` WHERE `x` = '".$x."' AND `y` = '".$y."'"));
if($table == 1) echo'<tr border="0" height="10">';
if($locas == 1) echo'<td width="7" bgcolor="'.$xy['color'].'">'; else echo'<td width="7" bgcolor="#98614e"';
if($us['x'] == $x && $us['y'] == $y) echo'<img src="img/you.png" alt="" class="karta">';
$usr = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `online` > '".(time()-600)."' AND `x` = '".$x."' AND `y` = '".$y."' AND `city` = '0' AND `id` != '".$user."' AND `busy` = '0'");
$kol = mysql_num_rows($usr);
$bus = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `fight` WHERE `end` = '0' AND `x` = '".$x."' AND `y` = '".$y."'");
$kolb = mysql_num_rows($bus);
if($kol > 0){
$info = mysql_fetch_array($usr);
if($info['x'] != $us['x'] && $info['y'] == $us['y'] or $info['x'] == $us['x'] && $info['y'] != $us['y'] or $info['x'] != $us['x'] && $info['y'] != $us['y']) echo'<img src="img/nub.png" alt="" class="karta">';
} elseif($kolb > 0){
$info = mysql_fetch_array($bus);
if($info['x'] != $us['x'] && $info['y'] == $us['y'] or $info['x'] == $us['x'] && $info['y'] != $us['y'] or $info['x'] != $us['x'] && $info['y'] != $us['y']) echo'<img src="img/bus.png" alt="" class="karta">';
if($table == 7) echo'</tr>';