Файл: masteram_us_8255_cuid/_file-manager/js/elfinder.min.js
Строк: 6472
* elFinder - file manager for web
* Version 2.0 rc1 (2012-04-10)
* http://elfinder.org
* Copyright 2009-2012, Studio 42
* Licensed under a 3 clauses BSD license
*/ (function (a) {
window.elFinder = function (b, c) {
var d = this,
b = a(b),
e = a("<div/>").append(b.contents()),
f = b.attr("style"),
g = b.attr("id") || "",
h = "elfinder-" + (g || Math.random().toString().substr(2, 7)),
i = "mousedown." + h,
j = "keydown." + h,
k = "keypress." + h,
l = !0,
m = !0,
n = ["enable", "disable", "load", "open", "reload", "select", "add", "remove", "change", "dblclick", "getfile", "lockfiles", "unlockfiles", "dragstart", "dragstop"],
o = {}, p = "",
q = {
path: "",
url: "",
tmbUrl: "",
disabled: [],
separator: "/",
archives: [],
extract: [],
copyOverwrite: !0,
tmb: !1
}, r = {}, s = [],
t = {}, u = {}, v = [],
w = [],
x = [],
y = new d.command(d),
z = "auto",
A = 400,
B = a(document.createElement("audio")).hide().appendTo("body")[0],
C, D = function (b) {
if (b.init) r = {};
else for (var c in r) r.hasOwnProperty(c) && r[c].mime != "directory" && r[c].phash == p && a.inArray(c, w) === -1 && delete r[c];
p = b.cwd.hash, E(b.files), r[p] || E([b.cwd]), d.lastDir(p)
}, E = function (a) {
var b = a.length,
while (b--) c = a[b], c.name && c.hash && c.mime && (r[c.hash] = c)
}, F = function (b) {
var c = b.keyCode,
e = !! b.ctrlKey || !! b.metaKey;
l && (a.each(u, function (a, f) {
f.type == b.type && f.keyCode == c && f.shiftKey == b.shiftKey && f.ctrlKey == e && f.altKey == b.altKey && (b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), f.callback(b, d), d.debug("shortcut-exec", a + " : " + f.description))
}), c == 9 && b.preventDefault())
}, G = new Date,
H, I;
this.api = null, this.newAPI = !1, this.oldAPI = !1, this.OS = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") !== -1 ? "mac" : navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Win") !== -1 ? "win" : "other", this.options = a.extend(!0, {}, this._options, c || {}), c.ui && (this.options.ui = c.ui), c.commands && (this.options.commands = c.commands), c.uiOptions && c.uiOptions.toolbar && (this.options.uiOptions.toolbar = c.uiOptions.toolbar), a.extend(this.options.contextmenu, c.contextmenu), this.requestType = /^(get|post)$/i.test(this.options.requestType) ? this.options.requestType.toLowerCase() : "get", this.customData = a.isPlainObject(this.options.customData) ? this.options.customData : {}, this.id = g, this.uploadURL = c.urlUpload || c.url, this.namespace = h, this.lang = this.i18[this.options.lang] && this.i18[this.options.lang].messages ? this.options.lang : "en", I = this.lang == "en" ? this.i18.en : a.extend(!0, {}, this.i18.en, this.i18[this.lang]), this.direction = I.direction, this.messages = I.messages, this.dateFormat = this.options.dateFormat || I.dateFormat, this.fancyFormat = this.options.fancyDateFormat || I.fancyDateFormat, this.today = (new Date(G.getFullYear(), G.getMonth(), G.getDate())).getTime() / 1e3, this.yesterday = this.today - 86400, H = this.options.UTCDate ? "UTC" : "", this.getHours = "get" + H + "Hours", this.getMinutes = "get" + H + "Minutes", this.getSeconds = "get" + H + "Seconds", this.getDate = "get" + H + "Date", this.getDay = "get" + H + "Day", this.getMonth = "get" + H + "Month", this.getFullYear = "get" + H + "FullYear", this.cssClass = "ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder elfinder-" + (this.direction == "rtl" ? "rtl" : "ltr") + " " + this.options.cssClass, this.storage = function () {
try {
return "localStorage" in window && window.localStorage !== null ? d.localStorage : d.cookie
} catch (a) {
return d.cookie
}(), this.notifyDelay = this.options.notifyDelay > 0 ? parseInt(this.options.notifyDelay) : 500, this.draggable = {
appendTo: "body",
addClasses: !0,
delay: 30,
revert: !0,
refreshPositions: !0,
cursor: "move",
cursorAt: {
left: 50,
top: 47
drag: function (a, b) {
b.helper.toggleClass("elfinder-drag-helper-plus", a.shiftKey || a.ctrlKey || a.metaKey)
stop: function () {
helper: function (b, c) {
var e = this.id ? a(this) : a(this).parents("[id]:first"),
f = a('<div class="elfinder-drag-helper"><span class="elfinder-drag-helper-icon-plus"/></div>'),
g = function (a) {
return '<div class="elfinder-cwd-icon ' + d.mime2class(a) + ' ui-corner-all"/>'
}, h, i;
return d.trigger("dragstart", {
target: e[0],
originalEvent: b
}), h = e.is("." + d.res("class", "cwdfile")) ? d.selected() : [d.navId2Hash(e.attr("id"))], f.append(g(r[h[0]].mime)).data("files", h), (i = h.length) > 1 && f.append(g(r[h[i - 1]].mime) + '<span class="elfinder-drag-num">' + i + "</span>"), f
}, this.droppable = {
tolerance: "pointer",
accept: ".elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper,.elfinder-navbar-dir,.elfinder-cwd-file",
hoverClass: this.res("class", "adroppable"),
drop: function (b, c) {
var e = a(this),
f = a.map(c.helper.data("files") || [], function (a) {
return a || null
g = [],
h = "class",
i, j, k, l;
e.is("." + d.res(h, "cwd")) ? j = p : e.is("." + d.res(h, "cwdfile")) ? j = e.attr("id") : e.is("." + d.res(h, "navdir")) && (j = d.navId2Hash(e.attr("id"))), i = f.length;
while (i--) l = f[i], l != j && r[l].phash != j && g.push(l);
g.length && (c.helper.hide(), d.clipboard(g, !(b.ctrlKey || b.shiftKey || b.metaKey)), d.exec("paste", j).always(function () {
}), d.trigger("drop", {
files: f
}, this.enabled = function () {
return b.is(":visible") && l
}, this.visible = function () {
return b.is(":visible")
}, this.root = function (a) {
var b = r[a || p],
while (b && b.phash) b = r[b.phash];
if (b) return b.hash;
while (c in r && r.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
b = r[c];
if (!b.phash && !b.mime == "directory" && b.read) return b.hash
return ""
}, this.cwd = function () {
return r[p] || {}
}, this.option = function (a) {
return q[a] || ""
}, this.file = function (a) {
return r[a]
}, this.files = function () {
return a.extend(!0, {}, r)
}, this.parents = function (a) {
var b = [],
while (c = this.file(a)) b.unshift(c.hash), a = c.phash;
return b
}, this.path2array = function (a) {
var b, c = [];
while (a && (b = r[a]) && b.hash) c.unshift(b.name), a = b.phash;
return c
}, this.path = function (a) {
return r[a] && r[a].path ? r[a].path : this.path2array(a).join(q.separator)
}, this.url = function (b) {
var c = r[b];
if (!c || !c.read) return "";
if (c.url) return c.url;
if (q.url) return q.url + a.map(this.path2array(b), function (a) {
return encodeURIComponent(a)
var d = a.extend({}, this.customData, {
cmd: "file",
target: c.hash
return this.oldAPI && (d.cmd = "open", d.current = c.phash), this.options.url + (this.options.url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + a.param(d, !0)
}, this.tmb = function (b) {
var c = r[b],
d = c && c.tmb && c.tmb != 1 ? q.tmbUrl + c.tmb : "";
return d && (a.browser.opera || a.browser.msie) && (d += "?_=" + (new Date).getTime()), d
}, this.selected = function () {
return s.slice(0)
}, this.selectedFiles = function () {
return a.map(s, function (a) {
return r[a] || null
}, this.fileByName = function (a, b) {
var c;
for (c in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(c) && r[c].phash == b && r[c].name == a) return r[c]
}, this.validResponse = function (a, b) {
return b.error || this.rules[this.rules[a] ? a : "defaults"](b)
}, this.request = function (b) {
var c = this,
d = this.options,
e = a.Deferred(),
f = a.extend({}, d.customData, {
mimes: d.onlyMimes
}, b.data || b),
g = f.cmd,
h = !b.preventDefault && !b.preventFail,
i = !b.preventDefault && !b.preventDone,
j = a.extend({}, b.notify),
k = !! b.raw,
l = b.syncOnFail,
m, b = a.extend({
url: d.url,
async: !0,
type: this.requestType,
dataType: "json",
cache: !1,
data: f
}, b.options || {}),
n = function (b) {
b.warning && c.error(b.warning), g == "open" && D(a.extend(!0, {}, b)), b.removed && b.removed.length && c.remove(b), b.added && b.added.length && c.add(b), b.changed && b.changed.length && c.change(b), c.trigger(g, b), b.sync && c.sync()
}, o = function (a, b) {
var c;
switch (b) {
case "abort":
c = a.quiet ? "" : ["errConnect", "errAbort"];
case "timeout":
c = ["errConnect", "errTimeout"];
case "parsererror":
c = ["errResponse", "errDataNotJSON"];
a.status == 403 ? c = ["errConnect", "errAccess"] : a.status == 404 ? c = ["errConnect", "errNotFound"] : c = "errConnect"
e.reject(c, a, b)
}, p = function (b) {
if (k) return e.resolve(b);
if (!b) return e.reject(["errResponse", "errDataEmpty"], r);
if (!a.isPlainObject(b)) return e.reject(["errResponse", "errDataNotJSON"], r);
if (b.error) return e.reject(b.error, r);
if (!c.validResponse(g, b)) return e.reject("errResponse", r);
b = c.normalize(b), c.api || (c.api = b.api || 1, c.newAPI = c.api >= 2, c.oldAPI = !c.newAPI), b.options && (q = a.extend({}, q, b.options)), e.resolve(b), b.debug && c.debug("backend-debug", b.debug)
}, r, s;
i && e.done(n), e.fail(function (a) {
a && (h ? c.error(a) : c.debug("error", c.i18n(a)))
if (!g) return e.reject("errCmdReq");
l && e.fail(function (a) {
a && c.sync()
}), j.type && j.cnt && (m = setTimeout(function () {
c.notify(j), e.always(function () {
j.cnt = -(parseInt(j.cnt) || 0), c.notify(j)
}, c.notifyDelay), e.always(function () {
if (g == "open") while (s = x.pop())!s.isRejected() && !s.isResolved() && (s.quiet = !0, s.abort());
return delete b.preventFail, r = this.transport.send(b).fail(o).done(p), g == "open" && (x.unshift(r), e.always(function () {
var b = a.inArray(r, x);
b !== -1 && x.splice(b, 1)
})), e
}, this.diff = function (b) {
var c = {}, d = [],
e = [],
f = [],
g = function (a) {
var b = f.length;
while (b--) if (f[b].hash == a) return !0
return a.each(b, function (a, b) {
c[b.hash] = b
}), a.each(r, function (a, b) {
!c[a] && e.push(a)
}), a.each(c, function (b, c) {
var e = r[b];
e ? a.each(c, function (a) {
if (c[a] != e[a]) return f.push(c), !1
}) : d.push(c)
}), a.each(e, function (b, d) {
var h = r[d],
i = h.phash;
i && h.mime == "directory" && a.inArray(i, e) === -1 && c[i] && !g(i) && f.push(c[i])
}), {
added: d,
removed: e,
changed: f
}, this.sync = function () {
var b = this,
c = a.Deferred().done(function () {
d = {
data: {
cmd: "open",
init: 1,
target: p,
tree: this.ui.tree ? 1 : 0
preventDefault: !0
}, e = {
data: {
cmd: "parents",
target: p
preventDefault: !0
return a.when(this.request(d), this.request(e)).fail(function (a) {
c.reject(a), a && b.request({
data: {
cmd: "open",
target: b.lastDir(""),
tree: 1,
init: 1
notify: {
type: "open",
cnt: 1,
hideCnt: !0
}).done(function (a, d) {
var e = b.diff(a.files.concat(d && d.tree ? d.tree : []));
return e.removed.length && b.remove(e), e.added.length && b.add(e), e.changed.length && b.change(e), c.resolve(e)
}), c
}, this.upload = function (a) {
return this.transport.upload(a, this)
}, this.bind = function (a, b) {
var c;
if (typeof b == "function") {
a = ("" + a).toLowerCase().split(/s+/);
for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) t[a[c]] === void 0 && (t[a[c]] = []), t[a[c]].push(b)
return this
}, this.unbind = function (a, b) {
var c = t[("" + a).toLowerCase()] || [],
d = c.indexOf(b);
return d > -1 && c.splice(d, 1), b = null, this
}, this.trigger = function (b, c) {
var b = b.toLowerCase(),
d = t[b] || [],
e, f;
this.debug("event-" + b, c);
if (d.length) {
b = a.Event(b);
for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
b.data = a.extend(!0, {}, c);
try {
if (d[e](b, this) === !1 || b.isDefaultPrevented()) {
this.debug("event-stoped", b.type);
} catch (g) {
window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log(g)
return this
}, this.shortcut = function (b) {
var c, d, e, f, g;
if (this.options.allowShortcuts && b.pattern && a.isFunction(b.callback)) {
c = b.pattern.toUpperCase().split(/s+/);
for (f = 0; f < c.length; f++) d = c[f], g = d.split("+"), e = (e = g.pop()).length == 1 ? e > 0 ? e : e.charCodeAt(0) : a.ui.keyCode[e], e && !u[d] && (u[d] = {
keyCode: e,
altKey: a.inArray("ALT", g) != -1,
ctrlKey: a.inArray("CTRL", g) != -1,
shiftKey: a.inArray("SHIFT", g) != -1,
type: b.type || "keydown",
callback: b.callback,
description: b.description,
pattern: d
return this
}, this.shortcuts = function () {
var b = [];
return a.each(u, function (a, c) {
b.push([c.pattern, d.i18n(c.description)])
}), b
}, this.clipboard = function (b, c) {
var d = function () {
return a.map(v, function (a) {
return a.hash
return b !== void 0 && (v.length && this.trigger("unlockfiles", {
files: d()
}), w = [], v = a.map(b || [], function (a) {
var b = r[a];
return b ? (w.push(a), {
hash: a,
phash: b.phash,
name: b.name,
mime: b.mime,
read: b.read,
locked: b.locked,
cut: !! c
}) : null
}), this.trigger("changeclipboard", {
clipboard: v.slice(0, v.length)
}), c && this.trigger("lockfiles", {
files: d()
})), v.slice(0, v.length)
}, this.isCommandEnabled = function (b) {
return this._commands[b] ? a.inArray(b, q.disabled) === -1 : !1
}, this.exec = function (b, c, d) {
return this._commands[b] && this.isCommandEnabled(b) ? this._commands[b].exec(c, d) : a.Deferred().reject("No such command")
}, this.dialog = function (c, d) {
return a("<div/>").append(c).appendTo(b).elfinderdialog(d)
}, this.getUI = function (a) {
return this.ui[a] || b
}, this.command = function (a) {
return a === void 0 ? this._commands : this._commands[a]
}, this.resize = function (a, c) {
b.css("width", a).height(c).trigger("resize"), this.trigger("resize", {
width: b.width(),
height: b.height()
}, this.restoreSize = function () {
this.resize(z, A)
}, this.show = function () {
b.show(), this.enable().trigger("show")
}, this.hide = function () {
this.disable().trigger("hide"), b.hide()
}, this.destroy = function () {
b && b[0].elfinder && (this.trigger("destroy").disable(), t = {}, u = {}, a(document).add(b).unbind("." + this.namespace), d.trigger = function () {}, b.children().remove(), b.append(e.contents()).removeClass(this.cssClass).attr("style", f), b[0].elfinder = null, C && clearInterval(C))
}, this.setSort(this.options.sort, this.options.sortDirect);
if (!(a.fn.selectable && a.fn.draggable && a.fn.droppable)) return alert(this.i18n("errJqui"));
if (!b.length) return alert(this.i18n("errNode"));
if (!this.options.url) return alert(this.i18n("errURL"));
a.extend(a.ui.keyCode, {
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120
}), this.dragUpload = !1, this.xhrUpload = typeof XMLHttpRequestUpload != "undefined" && typeof File != "undefined" && typeof FormData != "undefined", this.transport = {}, typeof this.options.transport == "object" && (this.transport = this.options.transport, typeof this.transport.init == "function" && this.transport.init(this)), typeof this.transport.send != "function" && (this.transport.send = function (b) {
return a.ajax(b)
}), this.transport.upload == "iframe" ? this.transport.upload = a.proxy(this.uploads.iframe, this) : typeof this.transport.upload == "function" ? this.dragUpload = !! this.options.dragUploadAllow : this.xhrUpload ? (this.transport.upload = a.proxy(this.uploads.xhr, this), this.dragUpload = !0) : this.transport.upload = a.proxy(this.uploads.iframe, this), this.error = function () {
var a = arguments[0];
return arguments.length == 1 && typeof a == "function" ? d.bind("error", a) : d.trigger("error", {
error: a
}, a.each(["enable", "disable", "load", "open", "reload", "select", "add", "remove", "change", "dblclick", "getfile", "lockfiles", "unlockfiles", "dragstart", "dragstop", "search", "searchend", "viewchange"], function (b, c) {
d[c] = function () {
var b = arguments[0];
return arguments.length == 1 && typeof b == "function" ? d.bind(c, b) : d.trigger(c, a.isPlainObject(b) ? b : {})
}), this.enable(function () {
!l && d.visible() && d.ui.overlay.is(":hidden") && (l = !0, a("texarea:focus,input:focus,button").blur(), b.removeClass("elfinder-disabled"))
}).disable(function () {
m = l, l = !1, b.addClass("elfinder-disabled")
}).open(function () {
s = []
}).select(function (b) {
s = a.map(b.data.selected || b.data.value || [], function (a) {
return r[a] ? a : null
}).error(function (b) {
var c = {
cssClass: "elfinder-dialog-error",
title: d.i18n(d.i18n("error")),
resizable: !1,
destroyOnClose: !0,
buttons: {}
c.buttons[d.i18n(d.i18n("btnClose"))] = function () {
}, d.dialog('<span class="elfinder-dialog-icon elfinder-dialog-icon-error"/>' + d.i18n(b.data.error), c)
}).bind("tree parents", function (a) {
E(a.data.tree || [])
}).bind("tmb", function (b) {
a.each(b.data.images || [], function (a, b) {
r[a] && (r[a].tmb = b)
}).add(function (a) {
E(a.data.added || [])
}).change(function (b) {
a.each(b.data.changed || [], function (b, c) {
var d = c.hash;
r[d] = r[d] ? a.extend(r[d], c) : c
}).remove(function (b) {
var c = b.data.removed || [],
d = c.length,
e = function (b) {
var c = r[b];
c && (c.mime == "directory" && c.dirs && a.each(r, function (a, c) {
c.phash == b && e(a)
}), delete r[b])
while (d--) e(c[d])
}).bind("search", function (a) {
}).bind("rm", function (b) {
var c = B.canPlayType && B.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"');
c && c != "" && c != "no" && a(B).html('<source src="./sounds/rm.wav" type="audio/wav">')[0].play()
}), a.each(this.options.handlers, function (a, b) {
d.bind(a, b)
}), this.history = new this.history(this), typeof this.options.getFileCallback == "function" && this.commands.getfile && (this.bind("dblclick", function (a) {
a.preventDefault(), d.exec("getfile").fail(function () {
}), this.shortcut({
pattern: "enter",
description: this.i18n("cmdgetfile"),
callback: function () {
d.exec("getfile").fail(function () {
d.exec(d.OS == "mac" ? "rename" : "open")
pattern: "ctrl+enter",
description: this.i18n(this.OS == "mac" ? "cmdrename" : "cmdopen"),
callback: function () {
d.exec(d.OS == "mac" ? "rename" : "open")
})), this._commands = {}, a.isArray(this.options.commands) || (this.options.commands = []), a.each(["open", "reload", "back", "forward", "up", "home", "info", "quicklook", "getfile", "help"], function (b, c) {
a.inArray(c, d.options.commands) === -1 && d.options.commands.push(c)
}), a.each(this.options.commands, function (b, c) {
var e = d.commands[c];
a.isFunction(e) && !d._commands[c] && (e.prototype = y, d._commands[c] = new e, d._commands[c].setup(c, d.options.commandsOptions[c] || {}))
}), b.addClass(this.cssClass).bind(i, function () {
!l && d.enable()
}), this.ui = {
workzone: a("<div/>").appendTo(b).elfinderworkzone(this),
navbar: a("<div/>").appendTo(b).elfindernavbar(this, this.options.uiOptions.navbar || {}),
contextmenu: a("<div/>").appendTo(b).elfindercontextmenu(this),
overlay: a("<div/>").appendTo(b).elfinderoverlay({
show: function () {
hide: function () {
m && d.enable()
cwd: a("<div/>").appendTo(b).elfindercwd(this),
notify: this.dialog("", {
cssClass: "elfinder-dialog-notify",
position: {
top: "12px",
right: "12px"
resizable: !1,
autoOpen: !1,
title: " ",
width: 280
statusbar: a('<div class="ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-bottom elfinder-statusbar"/>').hide().appendTo(b)
}, a.each(this.options.ui || [], function (c, e) {
var f = "elfinder" + e,
g = d.options.uiOptions[e] || {};
!d.ui[e] && a.fn[f] && (d.ui[e] = a("<" + (g.tag || "div") + "/>").appendTo(b)[f](d, g))
}), b[0].elfinder = this, this.options.resizable && a.fn.resizable && b.resizable({
handles: "se",
minWidth: 300,
minHeight: 200
}), this.options.width && (z = this.options.width), this.options.height && (A = parseInt(this.options.height)), d.resize(z, A), a(document).bind("click." + this.namespace, function (c) {
l && !a(c.target).closest(b).length && d.disable()
}).bind(j + " " + k, F), this.trigger("init").request({
data: {
cmd: "open",
target: d.lastDir(),
init: 1,
tree: this.ui.tree ? 1 : 0
preventDone: !0,
notify: {
type: "open",
cnt: 1,
hideCnt: !0
freeze: !0
}).fail(function () {
d.trigger("fail").disable().lastDir(""), t = {}, u = {}, a(document).add(b).unbind("." + this.namespace), d.trigger = function () {}
}).done(function (b) {
d.load().debug("api", d.api), b = a.extend(!0, {}, b), D(b), d.trigger("open", b)
}), this.one("load", function () {
b.trigger("resize"), d.options.sync > 1e3 && (C = setInterval(function () {
}, d.options.sync))
}, elFinder.prototype = {
res: function (a, b) {
return this.resources[a] && this.resources[a][b]
i18: {
en: {
translator: "",
language: "English",
direction: "ltr",
dateFormat: "d.m.Y H:i",
fancyDateFormat: "$1 H:i",
messages: {}
months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
monthsShort: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
daysShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]
kinds: {
unknown: "Unknown",
directory: "Folder",
symlink: "Alias",
"symlink-broken": "AliasBroken",
"application/x-empty": "TextPlain",
"application/postscript": "Postscript",
"application/vnd.ms-office": "MsOffice",
"application/vnd.ms-word": "MsWord",
"application/vnd.ms-excel": "MsExcel",
"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint": "MsPP",
"application/pdf": "PDF",
"application/xml": "XML",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text": "OO",
"application/x-shockwave-flash": "AppFlash",
"application/flash-video": "Flash video",
"application/x-bittorrent": "Torrent",
"application/javascript": "JS",
"application/rtf": "RTF",
"application/rtfd": "RTF",
"application/x-font-ttf": "TTF",
"application/x-font-otf": "OTF",
"application/x-rpm": "RPM",
"application/x-web-config": "TextPlain",
"application/xhtml+xml": "HTML",
"application/docbook+xml": "DOCBOOK",
"application/x-awk": "AWK",
"application/x-gzip": "GZIP",
"application/x-bzip2": "BZIP",
"application/zip": "ZIP",
"application/x-zip": "ZIP",
"application/x-rar": "RAR",
"application/x-tar": "TAR",
"application/x-7z-compressed": "7z",
"application/x-jar": "JAR",
"text/plain": "TXT",
"text/x-php": "PHP",
"text/html": "HTML",
"text/javascript": "JS",
"text/css": "CSS",
"text/rtf": "RTF",
"text/rtfd": "RTF",
"text/x-c": "C",
"text/x-csrc": "C",
"text/x-chdr": "CHeader",
"text/x-c++": "CPP",
"text/x-c++src": "CPP",
"text/x-c++hdr": "CPPHeader",
"text/x-shellscript": "Shell",
"application/x-csh": "Shell",
"text/x-python": "Python",
"text/x-java": "Java",
"text/x-java-source": "Java",
"text/x-ruby": "Ruby",
"text/x-perl": "Perl",
"text/x-sql": "SQL",
"text/xml": "XML",
"text/x-comma-separated-values": "CSV",
"image/x-ms-bmp": "BMP",
"image/jpeg": "JPEG",
"image/gif": "GIF",
"image/png": "PNG",
"image/tiff": "TIFF",
"image/x-targa": "TGA",
"image/vnd.adobe.photoshop": "PSD",
"image/xbm": "XBITMAP",
"image/pxm": "PXM",
"audio/mpeg": "AudioMPEG",
"audio/midi": "AudioMIDI",
"audio/ogg": "AudioOGG",
"audio/mp4": "AudioMPEG4",
"audio/x-m4a": "AudioMPEG4",
"audio/wav": "AudioWAV",
"audio/x-mp3-playlist": "AudioPlaylist",
"video/x-dv": "VideoDV",
"video/mp4": "VideoMPEG4",
"video/mpeg": "VideoMPEG",
"video/x-msvideo": "VideoAVI",
"video/quicktime": "VideoMOV",
"video/x-ms-wmv": "VideoWM",
"video/x-flv": "VideoFlash",
"video/x-matroska": "VideoMKV",
"video/ogg": "VideoOGG"
rules: {
defaults: function (b) {
return !b || b.added && !a.isArray(b.added) || b.removed && !a.isArray(b.removed) || b.changed && !a.isArray(b.changed) ? !1 : !0
open: function (b) {
return b && b.cwd && b.files && a.isPlainObject(b.cwd) && a.isArray(b.files)
tree: function (b) {
return b && b.tree && a.isArray(b.tree)
parents: function (b) {
return b && b.tree && a.isArray(b.tree)
tmb: function (b) {
return b && b.images && (a.isPlainObject(b.images) || a.isArray(b.images))
upload: function (b) {
return b && (a.isPlainObject(b.added) || a.isArray(b.added))
search: function (b) {
return b && b.files && a.isArray(b.files)
sorts: {
nameDirsFirst: 1,
kindDirsFirst: 2,
sizeDirsFirst: 3,
dateDirsFirst: 4,
name: 5,
kind: 6,
size: 7,
date: 8
setSort: function (a, b) {
this.sort = this.sorts[a] || 1, this.sortDirect = b == "asc" || b == "desc" ? b : "asc", this.trigger("sortchange")
commands: {},
parseUploadData: function (b) {
var c;
if (!a.trim(b)) return {
error: ["errResponse", "errDataEmpty"]
try {
c = a.parseJSON(b)
} catch (d) {
return {
error: ["errResponse", "errDataNotJSON"]
return this.validResponse("upload", c) ? (c = this.normalize(c), c.removed = a.map(c.added || [], function (a) {
return a.hash
}), c) : {
error: ["errResponse"]
iframeCnt: 0,
uploads: {
iframe: function (b, c) {
var d = c ? c : this,
e = b.input,
f = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
a && d.error(a)
}).done(function (a) {
a.warning && d.error(a.warning), a.removed && d.remove(a), a.added && d.add(a), a.changed && d.change(a), d.trigger("upload", a), a.sync && d.sync()
g = "iframe-" + d.namespace + ++d.iframeCnt,
h = a('<form action="' + d.uploadURL + '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" encoding="multipart/form-data" target="' + g + '" style="display:none"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="upload" /></form>'),
i = a.browser.msie,
j = function () {
o && clearTimeout(o), n && clearTimeout(n), m && d.notify({
type: "upload",
cnt: -l
}), setTimeout(function () {
i && a('<iframe src="javascript:false;"/>').appendTo(h), h.remove(), k.remove()
}, 100)
}, k = a('<iframe src="' + (i ? "javascript:false;" : "about:blank") + '" name="' + g + '" style="position:absolute;left:-1000px;top:-1000px" />').bind("load", function () {
k.unbind("load").bind("load", function () {
var a = d.parseUploadData(k.contents().text());
j(), a.error ? f.reject(a.error) : f.resolve(a)
}), n = setTimeout(function () {
m = !0, d.notify({
type: "upload",
cnt: l
}, d.options.notifyDelay), d.options.iframeTimeout > 0 && (o = setTimeout(function () {
j(), f.reject([errors.connect, errors.timeout])
}, d.options.iframeTimeout)), h.submit()
l, m, n, o;
return e && a(e).is(":file") && a(e).val() ? (h.append(e), l = e.files ? e.files.length : 1, h.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + (d.newAPI ? "target" : "current") + '" value="' + d.cwd().hash + '"/>').append('<input type="hidden" name="html" value="1"/>').append(a(e).attr("name", "upload[]")), a.each(d.options.onlyMimes || [], function (a, b) {
h.append('<input type="hidden" name="mimes[]" value="' + b + '"/>')
}), a.each(d.options.customData, function (a, b) {
h.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + a + '" value="' + b + '"/>')
}), h.appendTo("body"), k.appendTo("body"), f) : f.reject()
xhr: function (b, c) {
var d = c ? c : this,
e = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
a && d.error(a)
}).done(function (a) {
a.warning && d.error(a.warning), a.removed && d.remove(a), a.added && d.add(a), a.changed && d.change(a), d.trigger("upload", a), a.sync && d.sync()
}).always(function () {
m && clearTimeout(m), k && d.notify({
type: "upload",
cnt: -i,
progress: 100 * i
f = new XMLHttpRequest,
g = new FormData,
h = b.input ? b.input.files : b.files,
i = h.length,
j = 5,
k = !1,
l = function () {
return setTimeout(function () {
k = !0, d.notify({
type: "upload",
cnt: i,
progress: j * i
}, d.options.notifyDelay)
}, m;
if (!i) return e.reject();
f.addEventListener("error", function () {
}, !1), f.addEventListener("abort", function () {
e.reject(["errConnect", "errAbort"])
}, !1), f.addEventListener("load", function () {
var a = f.status,
if (a > 500) return e.reject("errResponse");
if (a != 200) return e.reject("errConnect");
if (f.readyState != 4) return e.reject(["errConnect", "errTimeout"]);
if (!f.responseText) return e.reject(["errResponse", "errDataEmpty"]);
b = d.parseUploadData(f.responseText), b.error ? e.reject(b.error) : e.resolve(b)
}, !1), f.upload.addEventListener("progress", function (a) {
var b = j,
a.lengthComputable && (c = parseInt(a.loaded * 100 / a.total), c > 0 && !m && (m = l()), c - b > 4 && (j = c, k && d.notify({
type: "upload",
cnt: 0,
progress: (j - b) * i
}, !1), f.open("POST", d.uploadURL, !0), g.append("cmd", "upload"), g.append(d.newAPI ? "target" : "current", d.cwd().hash), a.each(d.options.customData, function (a, b) {
g.append(a, b)
}), a.each(d.options.onlyMimes, function (a, b) {
g.append("mimes[" + a + "]", b)
}), a.each(h, function (a, b) {
g.append("upload[]", b)
}), f.onreadystatechange = function () {
f.readyState == 4 && f.status == 0 && e.reject(["errConnect", "errAbort"])
}, f.send(g);
if (!a.browser.safari || !b.files) m = l();
return e
one: function (b, c) {
var d = this,
e = a.proxy(c, function (a) {
return setTimeout(function () {
d.unbind(a.type, e)
}, 3), c.apply(this, arguments)
return this.bind(b, e)
localStorage: function (a, b) {
var c = window.localStorage;
return a = "elfinder-" + a + this.id, b !== void 0 && c.setItem(a, b), c.getItem(a) || ""
cookie: function (b, c) {
var d, e, f, g;
b = "elfinder-" + b + this.id;
if (c === void 0) {
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != "") {
f = document.cookie.split(";"), b += "=";
for (g = 0; g < f.length; g++) {
f[g] = a.trim(f[g]);
if (f[g].substring(0, b.length) == b) return decodeURIComponent(f[g].substring(b.length))
return ""
return e = a.extend({}, this.options.cookie), c === null && (c = "", e.expires = -1), typeof e.expires == "number" && (d = new Date, d.setTime(d.getTime() + e.expires * 864e5), e.expires = d), document.cookie = b + "=" + encodeURIComponent(c) + "; expires=" + e.expires.toUTCString() + (e.path ? "; path=" + e.path : "") + (e.domain ? "; domain=" + e.domain : "") + (e.secure ? "; secure" : ""), c
lastDir: function (a) {
return this.options.rememberLastDir ? this.storage("lastdir", a) : ""
_node: a("<span/>"),
escape: function (a) {
return this._node.text(a).html()
normalize: function (b) {
var c = function (a) {
return a && a.hash && a.name && a.mime ? (a.mime == "application/x-empty" && (a.mime = "text/plain"), a) : null
return b.files && (b.files = a.map(b.files, c)), b.tree && (b.tree = a.map(b.tree, c)), b.added && (b.added = a.map(b.added, c)), b.changed && (b.changed = a.map(b.changed, c)), b.api && (b.init = !0), b
compare: function (a, b) {
var c = this.sort,
d = this.sortDirect == "asc",
e = d ? a : b,
f = d ? b : a,
g = this.mime2kind(e.mime).toLowerCase(),
h = this.mime2kind(f.mime).toLowerCase(),
i = a.mime == "directory",
j = b.mime == "directory",
k = e.name.toLowerCase(),
l = f.name.toLowerCase(),
m = i ? 0 : parseInt(e.size) || 0,
n = j ? 0 : parseInt(f.size) || 0,
o = e.ts || e.date || "",
p = f.ts || f.date || "";
if (c <= 4) {
if (i && !j) return -1;
if (!i && j) return 1
return c != 2 && c != 6 || g == h ? c != 3 && c != 7 || m == n ? c != 4 && c != 8 || o == p ? e.name.localeCompare(f.name) : o > p ? 1 : -1 : m > n ? 1 : -1 : g.localeCompare(h)
sortFiles: function (b) {
return b.sort(a.proxy(this.compare, this))
notify: function (b) {
var c = b.type,
d = this.messages["ntf" + c] ? this.i18n("ntf" + c) : this.i18n("ntfsmth"),
e = this.ui.notify,
f = e.children(".elfinder-notify-" + c),
g = '<div class="elfinder-notify elfinder-notify-{type}"><span class="elfinder-dialog-icon elfinder-dialog-icon-{type}"/><span class="elfinder-notify-msg">{msg}</span> <span class="elfinder-notify-cnt"/><div class="elfinder-notify-progressbar"><div class="elfinder-notify-progress"/></div></div>',
h = b.cnt,
i = b.progress >= 0 && b.progress <= 100 ? b.progress : 0,
j, k, l;
return c ? (f.length || (f = a(g.replace(/{type}/g, c).replace(/{msg}/g, d)).appendTo(e).data("cnt", 0), i && f.data({
progress: 0,
total: 0
})), j = h + parseInt(f.data("cnt")), j > 0 ? (!b.hideCnt && f.children(".elfinder-notify-cnt").text("(" + j + ")"), e.is(":hidden") && e.elfinderdialog("open"), f.data("cnt", j), i < 100 && (k = f.data("total")) >= 0 && (l = f.data("progress")) >= 0 && (k = h + parseInt(f.data("total")), l = i + l, i = parseInt(l / k), f.data({
progress: l,
total: k
}), e.find(".elfinder-notify-progress").animate({
width: (i < 100 ? i : 100) + "%"
}, 20))) : (f.remove(), !e.children().length && e.elfinderdialog("close")), this) : this
confirm: function (b) {
var c = !1,
d = {
cssClass: "elfinder-dialog-confirm",
modal: !0,
resizable: !1,
title: this.i18n(b.title || "confirmReq"),
buttons: {},
close: function () {
!c && b.cancel.callback(), a(this).elfinderdialog("destroy")
}, e = this.i18n("apllyAll"),
f, g;
return b.reject && (d.buttons[this.i18n(b.reject.label)] = function () {
b.reject.callback( !! g && !! g.prop("checked")), c = !0, a(this).elfinderdialog("close")
}), d.buttons[this.i18n(b.accept.label)] = function () {
b.accept.callback( !! g && !! g.prop("checked")), c = !0, a(this).elfinderdialog("close")
}, d.buttons[this.i18n(b.cancel.label)] = function () {
}, b.all && (b.reject && (d.width = 370), d.create = function () {
g = a('<input type="checkbox" />'), a(this).next().children().before(a("<label>" + e + "</label>").prepend(g))
}, d.open = function () {
var b = a(this).next(),
c = parseInt(b.children(":first").outerWidth() + b.children(":last").outerWidth());
c > parseInt(b.width()) && a(this).closest(".elfinder-dialog").width(c + 30)
}), this.dialog('<span class="elfinder-dialog-icon elfinder-dialog-icon-confirm"/>' + this.i18n(b.text), d)
uniqueName: function (a, b) {
var c = 0,
d = "",
e, f;
a = this.i18n(a), b = b || this.cwd().hash, (e = a.indexOf(".txt")) != -1 && (d = ".txt", a = a.substr(0, e)), f = a + d;
if (!this.fileByName(f, b)) return f;
while (c < 1e4) {
f = a + " " + ++c + d;
if (!this.fileByName(f, b)) return f
return a + Math.random() + d
i18n: function () {
var b = this,
c = this.messages,
d = [],
e = [],
f = function (a) {
var c;
if (a.indexOf("#") === 0) if (c = b.file(a.substr(1))) return c.name;
return a
}, g, h, i;
for (g = 0; g < arguments.length; g++) {
i = arguments[g];
if (typeof i == "string") d.push(f(i));
else if (a.isArray(i)) for (h = 0; h < i.length; h++) typeof i[h] == "string" && d.push(f(i[h]))
for (g = 0; g < d.length; g++) {
if (a.inArray(g, e) !== -1) continue;
i = d[g], i = c[i] || i, i = i.replace(/$(d+)/g, function (a, b) {
return b = g + parseInt(b), b > 0 && d[b] && e.push(b), d[b] || ""
}), d[g] = i
return a.map(d, function (b, c) {
return a.inArray(c, e) === -1 ? b : null
mime2class: function (a) {
var b = "elfinder-cwd-icon-";
return a = a.split("/"), b + a[0] + (a[0] != "image" && a[1] ? " " + b + a[1].replace(/(.|+)/g, "-") : "")
mime2kind: function (a) {
var b = typeof a == "object" ? a.mime : a,
a.alias ? c = "Alias" : this.kinds[b] ? c = this.kinds[b] : b.indexOf("text") === 0 ? c = "Text" : b.indexOf("image") === 0 ? c = "Image" : b.indexOf("audio") === 0 ? c = "Audio" : b.indexOf("video") === 0 ? c = "Video" : b.indexOf("application") === 0 ? c = "App" : c = b;
return this.messages["kind" + c] ? this.i18n("kind" + c) : b;
var b, c
formatDate: function (a, b) {
var c = this,
b = b || a.ts,
d = c.i18,
e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o;
return c.options.clientFormatDate && b > 0 ? (e = new Date(b * 1e3), l = e[c.getHours](), m = l > 12 ? l - 12 : l, n = e[c.getMinutes](), o = e[c.getSeconds](), h = e[c.getDate](), i = e[c.getDay](), j = e[c.getMonth]() + 1, k = e[c.getFullYear](), f = b >= this.yesterday ? this.fancyFormat : this.dateFormat, g = f.replace(/[a-z]/gi, function (a) {
switch (a) {
case "d":
return h > 9 ? h : "0" + h;
case "j":
return h;
case "D":
return c.i18n(d.daysShort[i]);
case "l":
return c.i18n(d.days[i]);
case "m":
return j > 9 ? j : "0" + j;
case "n":
return j;
case "M":
return c.i18n(d.monthsShort[j - 1]);
case "F":
return c.i18n(d.months[j - 1]);
case "Y":
return k;
case "y":
return ("" + k).substr(2);
case "H":
return l > 9 ? l : "0" + l;
case "G":
return l;
case "g":
return m;
case "h":
return m > 9 ? m : "0" + m;
case "a":
return l > 12 ? "pm" : "am";
case "A":
return l > 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
case "i":
return n > 9 ? n : "0" + n;
case "s":
return o > 9 ? o : "0" + o
return a
}), b >= this.yesterday ? g.replace("$1", this.i18n(b >= this.today ? "Today" : "Yesterday")) : g) : a.date ? a.date.replace(/([a-z]+)s/i, function (a, b) {
return c.i18n(b) + " "
}) : c.i18n("dateUnknown")
perms2class: function (a) {
var b = "";
return !a.read && !a.write ? b = "elfinder-na" : a.read ? a.write || (b = "elfinder-ro") : b = "elfinder-wo", b
formatPermissions: function (a) {
var b = [];
return a.read && b.push(this.i18n("read")), a.write && b.push(this.i18n("write")), b.length ? b.join(" " + this.i18n("and") + " ") : this.i18n("noaccess")
formatSize: function (a) {
var b = 1,
c = "b";
return a == "unknown" ? this.i18n("unknown") : (a > 1073741824 ? (b = 1073741824, c = "GB") : a > 1048576 ? (b = 1048576, c = "MB") : a > 1024 && (b = 1024, c = "KB"), (a > 0 ? Math.round(a / b) : 0) + " " + c)
navHash2Id: function (a) {
return "nav-" + a
navId2Hash: function (a) {
return typeof a == "string" ? a.substr(4) : !1
log: function (a) {
return window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log(a), this
debug: function (b, c) {
var d = this.options.debug;
return (d == "all" || d === !0 || a.isArray(d) && a.inArray(b, d) != -1) && window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log("elfinder debug: [" + b + "] [" + this.id + "]", c), this
time: function (a) {
window.console && window.console.time && window.console.time(a)
timeEnd: function (a) {
window.console && window.console.timeEnd && window.console.timeEnd(a)
}, elFinder.prototype.version = "2.0 rc1", a.fn.elfinder = function (a) {
return a == "instance" ? this.getElFinder() : this.each(function () {
var b = typeof a == "string" ? a : "";
this.elfinder || new elFinder(this, typeof a == "object" ? a : {});
switch (b) {
case "close":
case "hide":
case "open":
case "show":
case "destroy":
}, a.fn.getElFinder = function () {
var a;
return this.each(function () {
if (this.elfinder) return a = this.elfinder, !1
}), a
}, elFinder.prototype._options = {
url: "",
requestType: "get",
transport: {},
urlUpload: "",
dragUploadAllow: "auto",
iframeTimeout: 0,
customData: {},
handlers: {},
lang: "en",
cssClass: "",
commands: ["open", "reload", "home", "up", "back", "forward", "getfile", "quicklook", "download", "rm", "duplicate", "rename", "mkdir", "mkfile", "upload", "copy", "cut", "paste", "edit", "extract", "archive", "search", "info", "view", "help", "resize", "sort"],
commandsOptions: {
getfile: {
onlyURL: !0,
multiple: !1,
folders: !1,
oncomplete: ""
upload: {
ui: "uploadbutton"
quicklook: {
autoplay: !0,
jplayer: "extensions/jplayer"
edit: {
mimes: [],
editors: []
help: {
view: ["about", "shortcuts", "help"]
getFileCallback: null,
ui: ["toolbar", "tree", "path", "stat"],
uiOptions: {
toolbar: [
["back", "forward"],
["mkdir", "mkfile", "upload"],
["open", "download", "getfile"],
["copy", "cut", "paste"],
["duplicate", "rename", "edit", "resize"],
["extract", "archive"],
["view", "sort"],
tree: {
openRootOnLoad: !0,
syncTree: !0
navbar: {
minWidth: 150,
maxWidth: 500
onlyMimes: [],
sort: "nameDirsFirst",
sortDirect: "asc",
clientFormatDate: !0,
UTCDate: !1,
dateFormat: "",
fancyDateFormat: "",
width: "auto",
height: 400,
resizable: !0,
notifyDelay: 500,
allowShortcuts: !0,
rememberLastDir: !0,
showFiles: 30,
showThreshold: 50,
validName: !1,
sync: 0,
loadTmbs: 5,
cookie: {
expires: 30,
domain: "",
path: "/",
secure: !1
contextmenu: {
navbar: ["open", "|", "copy", "cut", "paste", "duplicate", "|", "rm", "|", "info"],
cwd: ["reload", "back", "|", "upload", "mkdir", "mkfile", "paste", "|", "sort", "|", "info"],
files: ["getfile", "|", "open", "quicklook", "|", "download", "|", "copy", "cut", "paste", "duplicate", "|", "rm", "|", "edit", "rename", "resize", "|", "archive", "extract", "|", "info"]
debug: ["error", "warning", "event-destroy"]
}, elFinder.prototype.history = function (b) {
var c = this,
d = !0,
e = [],
f, g = function () {
e = [b.cwd().hash], f = 0, d = !0
}, h = function (h) {
return h && c.canForward() || !h && c.canBack() ? (d = !1, b.exec("open", e[h ? ++f : --f]).fail(g)) : a.Deferred().reject()
this.canBack = function () {
return f > 0
}, this.canForward = function () {
return f < e.length - 1
}, this.back = h, this.forward = function () {
return h(!0)
}, b.open(function (a) {
var c = e.length,
g = b.cwd().hash;
d && (f >= 0 && c > f + 1 && e.splice(f + 1), e[e.length - 1] != g && e.push(g), f = e.length - 1), d = !0
}, elFinder.prototype.command = function (b) {
this.fm = b, this.name = "", this.title = "", this.state = -1, this.alwaysEnabled = !1, this._disabled = !1, this.disableOnSearch = !1, this.updateOnSelect = !0, this._handlers = {
enable: function () {
this.update(void 0, this.value)
disable: function () {
this.update(-1, this.value)
"open reload load": function (a) {
this._disabled = !this.alwaysEnabled && !this.fm.isCommandEnabled(this.name), this.update(void 0, this.value), this.change()
}, this.handlers = {}, this.shortcuts = [], this.options = {
ui: "button"
}, this.setup = function (b, c) {
var d = this,
e = this.fm,
f, g;
this.name = b, this.title = e.messages["cmd" + b] ? e.i18n("cmd" + b) : b, this.options = a.extend({}, this.options, c), this.listeners = [], this.updateOnSelect && (this._handlers.select = function () {
this.update(void 0, this.value)
}), a.each(a.extend({}, d._handlers, d.handlers), function (b, c) {
e.bind(b, a.proxy(c, d))
for (f = 0; f < this.shortcuts.length; f++) g = this.shortcuts[f], g.callback = a.proxy(g.callback || function () {
}, this), !g.description && (g.description = this.title), e.shortcut(g);
this.disableOnSearch && e.bind("search searchend", function (a) {
d._disabled = a.type == "search", d.update(void 0, d.value)
}), this.init()
}, this.init = function () {}, this.exec = function (b, c) {
return a.Deferred().reject()
}, this.disabled = function () {
return this.state < 0
}, this.enabled = function () {
return this.state > -1
}, this.active = function () {
return this.state > 0
}, this.getstate = function () {
return -1
}, this.update = function (a, b) {
var c = this.state,
d = this.value;
this._disabled ? this.state = -1 : this.state = a !== void 0 ? a : this.getstate(), this.value = b, (c != this.state || d != this.value) && this.change()
}, this.change = function (a) {
var b, c;
if (typeof a == "function") this.listeners.push(a);
else for (c = 0; c < this.listeners.length; c++) {
b = this.listeners[c];
try {
b(this.state, this.value)
} catch (d) {
this.fm.debug("error", d)
return this
}, this.hashes = function (c) {
return c ? a.map(a.isArray(c) ? c : [c], function (a) {
return b.file(a) ? a : null
}) : b.selected()
}, this.files = function (b) {
var c = this.fm;
return b ? a.map(a.isArray(b) ? b : [b], function (a) {
return c.file(a) || null
}) : c.selectedFiles()
}, elFinder.prototype.resources = {
"class": {
hover: "ui-state-hover",
active: "ui-state-active",
disabled: "ui-state-disabled",
draggable: "ui-draggable",
droppable: "ui-droppable",
adroppable: "elfinder-droppable-active",
cwdfile: "elfinder-cwd-file",
cwd: "elfinder-cwd",
tree: "elfinder-tree",
treeroot: "elfinder-navbar-root",
navdir: "elfinder-navbar-dir",
navdirwrap: "elfinder-navbar-dir-wrapper",
navarrow: "elfinder-navbar-arrow",
navsubtree: "elfinder-navbar-subtree",
navcollapse: "elfinder-navbar-collapsed",
navexpand: "elfinder-navbar-expanded",
treedir: "elfinder-tree-dir",
placedir: "elfinder-place-dir",
searchbtn: "elfinder-button-search"
tpl: {
perms: '<span class="elfinder-perms"/>',
symlink: '<span class="elfinder-symlink"/>',
navicon: '<span class="elfinder-nav-icon"/>',
navspinner: '<span class="elfinder-navbar-spinner"/>',
navdir: '<div class="elfinder-navbar-wrapper"><span id="{id}" class="ui-corner-all elfinder-navbar-dir {cssclass}"><span class="elfinder-navbar-arrow"/><span class="elfinder-navbar-icon"/>{symlink}{permissions}{name}</span><div class="elfinder-navbar-subtree"/></div>'
mimes: {
text: ["application/x-empty", "application/javascript", "application/xhtml+xml", "audio/x-mp3-playlist", "application/x-web-config", "application/docbook+xml", "application/x-php", "application/x-perl", "application/x-awk", "application/x-config", "application/x-csh", "application/xml"]
mixin: {
make: function () {
var b = this.fm,
c = this.name,
d = b.getUI("cwd"),
e = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
a && b.error(a)
}).always(function () {
k.remove(), j.remove(), b.enable()
f = "tmp_" + parseInt(Math.random() * 1e5),
g = b.cwd().hash,
h = new Date,
i = {
hash: f,
name: b.uniqueName(this.prefix),
mime: this.mime,
read: !0,
write: !0,
date: "Today " + h.getHours() + ":" + h.getMinutes()
}, j = d.trigger("create." + b.namespace, i).find("#" + f),
k = a('<input type="text"/>').keydown(function (b) {
b.stopImmediatePropagation(), b.keyCode == a.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE ? e.reject() : b.keyCode == a.ui.keyCode.ENTER && k.blur()
}).mousedown(function (a) {
}).blur(function () {
var d = a.trim(k.val()),
h = k.parent();
if (h.length) {
if (!d) return e.reject("errInvName");
if (b.fileByName(d, g)) return e.reject(["errExists", d]);
h.html(b.escape(d)), b.lockfiles({
files: [f]
}), b.request({
data: {
cmd: c,
name: d,
target: g
notify: {
type: c,
cnt: 1
preventFail: !0,
syncOnFail: !0
}).fail(function (a) {
}).done(function (a) {
return this.disabled() || !j.length ? e.reject() : (b.disable(), j.find(".elfinder-cwd-filename").empty("").append(k.val(i.name)), k.select().focus(), e)
}, a.fn.dialogelfinder = function (b) {
var c = "elfinderPosition",
d = "elfinderDestroyOnClose";
this.not(".elfinder").each(function () {
var e = a(document),
f = a('<div class="ui-widget-header dialogelfinder-drag ui-corner-top">' + (b.title || "Files") + "</div>"),
g = a('<a href="#" class="dialogelfinder-drag-close ui-corner-all"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"/></a>').appendTo(f).click(function (a) {
a.preventDefault(), h.dialogelfinder("close")
h = a(this).addClass("dialogelfinder").css("position", "absolute").hide().appendTo("body").draggable({
handle: ".dialogelfinder-drag",
containment: "parent"
i = h.elfinder("instance");
h.width(parseInt(h.width()) || 840).data(d, !! b.destroyOnClose).find(".elfinder-toolbar").removeClass("ui-corner-top"), b.position && h.data(c, b.position), b.autoOpen !== !1 && a(this).dialogelfinder("open")
if (b == "open") {
var e = a(this),
f = e.data(c) || {
top: parseInt(a(document).scrollTop() + (a(window).height() < e.height() ? 2 : (a(window).height() - e.height()) / 2)),
left: parseInt(a(document).scrollLeft() + (a(window).width() < e.width() ? 2 : (a(window).width() - e.width()) / 2))
}, g = 100;
e.is(":hidden") && (a("body").find(":visible").each(function () {
var b = a(this),
this !== e[0] && b.css("position") == "absolute" && (c = parseInt(b.zIndex())) > g && (g = c + 1)
}), e.zIndex(g).css(f).show().trigger("resize"), setTimeout(function () {
}, 200))
} else if (b == "close") {
var e = a(this);
e.is(":visible") && (e.data(d) ? e.elfinder("destroy").remove() : e.elfinder("close"))
} else if (b == "instance") return a(this).getElFinder();
return this
}, elFinder && elFinder.prototype && typeof elFinder.prototype.i18 == "object" && (elFinder.prototype.i18.en = {
translator: "Troex Nevelin <troex@fury.scancode.ru>",
language: "English",
direction: "ltr",
dateFormat: "M d, Y h:i A",
fancyDateFormat: "$1 h:i A",
messages: {
error: "Error",
errUnknown: "Unknown error.",
errUnknownCmd: "Unknown command.",
errJqui: "Invalid jQuery UI configuration. Selectable, draggable and droppable components must be included.",
errNode: "elFinder requires DOM Element to be created.",
errURL: "Invalid elFinder configuration! URL option is not set.",
errAccess: "Access denied.",
errConnect: "Unable to connect to backend.",
errAbort: "Connection aborted.",
errTimeout: "Connection timeout.",
errNotFound: "Backend not found.",
errResponse: "Invalid backend response.",
errConf: "Invalid backend configuration.",
errJSON: "PHP JSON module not installed.",
errNoVolumes: "Readable volumes not available.",
errCmdParams: 'Invalid parameters for command "$1".',
errDataNotJSON: "Data is not JSON.",
errDataEmpty: "Data is empty.",
errCmdReq: "Backend request requires command name.",
errOpen: 'Unable to open "$1".',
errNotFolder: "Object is not a folder.",
errNotFile: "Object is not a file.",
errRead: 'Unable to read "$1".',
errWrite: 'Unable to write into "$1".',
errPerm: "Permission denied.",
errLocked: '"$1" is locked and can not be renamed, moved or removed.',
errExists: 'File named "$1" already exists.',
errInvName: "Invalid file name.",
errFolderNotFound: "Folder not found.",
errFileNotFound: "File not found.",
errTrgFolderNotFound: 'Target folder "$1" not found.',
errPopup: "Browser prevented opening popup window. To open file enable it in browser options.",
errMkdir: 'Unable to create folder "$1".',
errMkfile: 'Unable to create file "$1".',
errRename: 'Unable to rename "$1".',
errCopyFrom: 'Copying files from volume "$1" not allowed.',
errCopyTo: 'Copying files to volume "$1" not allowed.',
errUpload: "Upload error.",
errUploadFile: 'Unable to upload "$1".',
errUploadNoFiles: "No files found for upload.",
errUploadTotalSize: "Data exceeds the maximum allowed size.",
errUploadFileSize: "File exceeds maximum allowed size.",
errUploadMime: "File type not allowed.",
errUploadTransfer: '"$1" transfer error.',
errNotReplace: 'Object "$1" already exists at this location and can not be replaced by object with another type.',
errReplace: 'Unable to replace "$1".',
errSave: 'Unable to save "$1".',
errCopy: 'Unable to copy "$1".',
errMove: 'Unable to move "$1".',
errCopyInItself: 'Unable to copy "$1" into itself.',
errRm: 'Unable to remove "$1".',
errRmSrc: "Unable remove source file(s).",
errExtract: 'Unable to extract files from "$1".',
errArchive: "Unable to create archive.",
errArcType: "Unsupported archive type.",
errNoArchive: "File is not archive or has unsupported archive type.",
errCmdNoSupport: "Backend does not support this command.",
errReplByChild: "The folder “$1” can’t be replaced by an item it contains.",
errArcSymlinks: "For security reason denied to unpack archives contains symlinks.",
errArcMaxSize: "Archive files exceeds maximum allowed size.",
errResize: 'Unable to resize "$1".',
errUsupportType: "Unsupported file type.",
errNotUTF8Content: 'File "$1" is not in UTF-8 and cannot be edited.',
cmdarchive: "Create archive",
cmdback: "Back",
cmdcopy: "Copy",
cmdcut: "Cut",
cmddownload: "Download",
cmdduplicate: "Duplicate",
cmdedit: "Edit file",
cmdextract: "Extract files from archive",
cmdforward: "Forward",
cmdgetfile: "Select files",
cmdhelp: "About this software",
cmdhome: "Home",
cmdinfo: "Get info",
cmdmkdir: "New folder",
cmdmkfile: "New text file",
cmdopen: "Open",
cmdpaste: "Paste",
cmdquicklook: "Preview",
cmdreload: "Reload",
cmdrename: "Rename",
cmdrm: "Delete",
cmdsearch: "Find files",
cmdup: "Go to parent directory",
cmdupload: "Upload files",
cmdview: "View",
cmdresize: "Resize & Rotate",
cmdsort: "Sort",
btnClose: "Close",
btnSave: "Save",
btnRm: "Remove",
btnApply: "Apply",
btnCancel: "Cancel",
btnNo: "No",
btnYes: "Yes",
ntfopen: "Open folder",
ntffile: "Open file",
ntfreload: "Reload folder content",
ntfmkdir: "Creating directory",
ntfmkfile: "Creating files",
ntfrm: "Delete files",
ntfcopy: "Copy files",
ntfmove: "Move files",
ntfprepare: "Prepare to copy files",
ntfrename: "Rename files",
ntfupload: "Uploading files",
ntfdownload: "Downloading files",
ntfsave: "Save files",
ntfarchive: "Creating archive",
ntfextract: "Extracting files from archive",
ntfsearch: "Searching files",
ntfresize: "Resizing images",
ntfsmth: "Doing something >_<",
ntfloadimg: "Loading image",
dateUnknown: "unknown",
Today: "Today",
Yesterday: "Yesterday",
Jan: "Jan",
Feb: "Feb",
Mar: "Mar",
Apr: "Apr",
May: "May",
Jun: "Jun",
Jul: "Jul",
Aug: "Aug",
Sep: "Sep",
Oct: "Oct",
Nov: "Nov",
Dec: "Dec",
sortnameDirsFirst: "by name (folders first)",
sortkindDirsFirst: "by kind (folders first)",
sortsizeDirsFirst: "by size (folders first)",
sortdateDirsFirst: "by date (folders first)",
sortname: "by name",
sortkind: "by kind",
sortsize: "by size",
sortdate: "by date",
confirmReq: "Confirmation required",
confirmRm: "Are you sure you want to remove files?<br/>This cannot be undone!",
confirmRepl: "Replace old file with new one?",
apllyAll: "Apply to all",
name: "Name",
size: "Size",
perms: "Permissions",
modify: "Modified",
kind: "Kind",
read: "read",
write: "write",
noaccess: "no access",
and: "and",
unknown: "unknown",
selectall: "Select all files",
selectfiles: "Select file(s)",
selectffile: "Select first file",
selectlfile: "Select last file",
viewlist: "List view",
viewicons: "Icons view",
places: "Places",
calc: "Calculate",
path: "Path",
aliasfor: "Alias for",
locked: "Locked",
dim: "Dimensions",
files: "Files",
folders: "Folders",
items: "Items",
yes: "yes",
no: "no",
link: "Link",
searcresult: "Search results",
selected: "selected items",
about: "About",
shortcuts: "Shortcuts",
help: "Help",
webfm: "Web file manager",
ver: "Version",
protocol: "protocol version",
homepage: "Project home",
docs: "Documentation",
github: "Fork us on Github",
twitter: "Follow us on twitter",
facebook: "Join us on facebook",
team: "Team",
chiefdev: "chief developer",
developer: "developer",
contributor: "contributor",
maintainer: "maintainer",
translator: "translator",
icons: "Icons",
dontforget: "and don't forget to take your towel",
shortcutsof: "Shortcuts disabled",
dropFiles: "Drop files here",
or: "or",
selectForUpload: "Select files to upload",
moveFiles: "Move files",
copyFiles: "Copy files",
rmFromPlaces: "Remove from places",
aspectRatio: "Aspect ratio",
scale: "Scale",
width: "Width",
height: "Height",
resize: "Resize",
crop: "Crop",
rotate: "Rotate",
"rotate-cw": "Rotate 90 degrees CW",
"rotate-ccw": "Rotate 90 degrees CCW",
degree: "°",
kindUnknown: "Unknown",
kindFolder: "Folder",
kindAlias: "Alias",
kindAliasBroken: "Broken alias",
kindApp: "Application",
kindPostscript: "Postscript document",
kindMsOffice: "Microsoft Office document",
kindMsWord: "Microsoft Word document",
kindMsExcel: "Microsoft Excel document",
kindMsPP: "Microsoft Powerpoint presentation",
kindOO: "Open Office document",
kindAppFlash: "Flash application",
kindPDF: "Portable Document Format (PDF)",
kindTorrent: "Bittorrent file",
kind7z: "7z archive",
kindTAR: "TAR archive",
kindGZIP: "GZIP archive",
kindBZIP: "BZIP archive",
kindZIP: "ZIP archive",
kindRAR: "RAR archive",
kindJAR: "Java JAR file",
kindTTF: "True Type font",
kindOTF: "Open Type font",
kindRPM: "RPM package",
kindText: "Text document",
kindTextPlain: "Plain text",
kindPHP: "PHP source",
kindCSS: "Cascading style sheet",
kindHTML: "HTML document",
kindJS: "Javascript source",
kindRTF: "Rich Text Format",
kindC: "C source",
kindCHeader: "C header source",
kindCPP: "C++ source",
kindCPPHeader: "C++ header source",
kindShell: "Unix shell script",
kindPython: "Python source",
kindJava: "Java source",
kindRuby: "Ruby source",
kindPerl: "Perl script",
kindSQL: "SQL source",
kindXML: "XML document",
kindAWK: "AWK source",
kindCSV: "Comma separated values",
kindDOCBOOK: "Docbook XML document",
kindImage: "Image",
kindBMP: "BMP image",
kindJPEG: "JPEG image",
kindGIF: "GIF Image",
kindPNG: "PNG Image",
kindTIFF: "TIFF image",
kindTGA: "TGA image",
kindPSD: "Adobe Photoshop image",
kindXBITMAP: "X bitmap image",
kindPXM: "Pixelmator image",
kindAudio: "Audio media",
kindAudioMPEG: "MPEG audio",
kindAudioMPEG4: "MPEG-4 audio",
kindAudioMIDI: "MIDI audio",
kindAudioOGG: "Ogg Vorbis audio",
kindAudioWAV: "WAV audio",
AudioPlaylist: "MP3 playlist",
kindVideo: "Video media",
kindVideoDV: "DV movie",
kindVideoMPEG: "MPEG movie",
kindVideoMPEG4: "MPEG-4 movie",
kindVideoAVI: "AVI movie",
kindVideoMOV: "Quick Time movie",
kindVideoWM: "Windows Media movie",
kindVideoFlash: "Flash movie",
kindVideoMKV: "Matroska movie",
kindVideoOGG: "Ogg movie"
}), a.fn.elfinderbutton = function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = "class",
d = b.fm,
e = d.res(c, "disabled"),
f = d.res(c, "active"),
g = d.res(c, "hover"),
h = "elfinder-button-menu-item",
i = "elfinder-button-menu-item-selected",
j, k = a(this).addClass("ui-state-default elfinder-button").attr("title", b.title).append('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-' + b.name + '"/>').hover(function (a) {
!k.is("." + e) && k[a.type == "mouseleave" ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](g)
}).click(function (a) {
k.is("." + e) || (j && b.variants.length > 1 ? (j.is(":hidden") && b.fm.getUI().click(), a.stopPropagation(), j.slideToggle(100)) : b.exec())
l = function () {
a.isArray(b.variants) && (k.addClass("elfinder-menubutton"), j = a('<div class="ui-widget ui-widget-content elfinder-button-menu ui-corner-all"/>').hide().appendTo(k).zIndex(10 + k.zIndex()).delegate("." + h, "hover", function () {
}).delegate("." + h, "click", function (c) {
c.preventDefault(), c.stopPropagation(), k.removeClass(g), b.exec(b.fm.selected(), a(this).data("value"))
}), b.fm.bind("disable select", l).getUI().click(l), b.change(function () {
j.html(""), a.each(b.variants, function (c, d) {
j.append(a('<div class="' + h + '">' + d[1] + "</div>").data("value", d[0]).addClass(d[0] == b.value ? i : ""))
})), b.change(function () {
b.disabled() ? k.removeClass(f + " " + g).addClass(e) : (k.removeClass(e), k[b.active() ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](f))
}, a.fn.elfindercontextmenu = function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = a(this).addClass("ui-helper-reset ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all elfinder-contextmenu elfinder-contextmenu-" + b.direction).hide().appendTo("body").delegate(".elfinder-contextmenu-item", "hover", function () {
d = b.direction == "ltr" ? "left" : "right",
e = a.extend({}, b.options.contextmenu),
f = '<div class="elfinder-contextmenu-item"><span class="elfinder-button-icon {icon} elfinder-contextmenu-icon"/><span>{label}</span></div>',
g = function (b, c, d) {
return a(f.replace("{icon}", c ? "elfinder-button-icon-" + c : "").replace("{label}", b)).click(function (a) {
a.stopPropagation(), a.stopPropagation(), d()
}, h = function (e, f) {
var g = a(window),
h = c.outerWidth(),
i = c.outerHeight(),
j = g.width(),
k = g.height(),
l = g.scrollTop(),
m = g.scrollLeft(),
n = {
top: (f + i < k ? f : f - i > 0 ? f - i : f) + l,
left: (e + h < j ? e : e - h) + m,
"z-index": 100 + b.getUI("workzone").zIndex()
c.css(n).show(), n = {
"z-index": n["z-index"] + 10
}, n[d] = parseInt(c.width()), c.find(".elfinder-contextmenu-sub").css(n)
}, i = function () {
}, j = function (d, f) {
var h = !1;
a.each(e[d] || [], function (d, e) {
var j, k, l;
if (e == "|" && h) {
c.append('<div class="elfinder-contextmenu-separator"/>'), h = !1;
j = b.command(e);
if (j && j.getstate(f) != -1) {
if (j.variants) {
if (!j.variants.length) return;
k = g(j.title, j.name, function () {}), l = a('<div class="ui-corner-all elfinder-contextmenu-sub"/>').appendTo(k.append('<span class="elfinder-contextmenu-arrow"/>')), k.addClass("elfinder-contextmenu-group").hover(function () {
}), a.each(j.variants, function (b, c) {
l.append(a('<div class="elfinder-contextmenu-item"><span>' + c[1] + "</span></div>").click(function (a) {
a.stopPropagation(), i(), j.exec(f, c[0])
} else k = g(j.title, j.name, function () {
i(), j.exec(f)
c.append(k), h = !0
}, k = function (b) {
a.each(b, function (a, b) {
var d;
b.label && typeof b.callback == "function" && (d = g(b.label, b.icon, function () {
i(), b.callback()
}), c.append(d))
b.one("load", function () {
b.bind("contextmenu", function (a) {
var b = a.data;
i(), b.type && b.targets ? j(b.type, b.targets) : b.raw && k(b.raw), c.children().length && h(b.x, b.y)
}).one("destroy", function () {
}).bind("disable select", i).getUI().click(i)
}, a.fn.elfindercwd = function (b) {
return this.not(".elfinder-cwd").each(function () {
var c = b.storage("view") == "list",
d = "undefined",
e = "select." + b.namespace,
f = "unselect." + b.namespace,
g = "disable." + b.namespace,
h = "enable." + b.namespace,
i = "class",
j = b.res(i, "cwdfile"),
k = "." + j,
l = "ui-selected",
m = b.res(i, "disabled"),
n = b.res(i, "draggable"),
o = b.res(i, "droppable"),
p = b.res(i, "hover"),
q = b.res(i, "adroppable"),
r = j + "-tmp",
s = b.options.loadTmbs > 0 ? b.options.loadTmbs : 5,
t = "",
u = {
icon: '<div id="{hash}" class="' + j + ' {permsclass} {dirclass} ui-corner-all"><div class="elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper ui-corner-all"><div class="elfinder-cwd-icon {mime} ui-corner-all" unselectable="on" {style}/>{marker}</div><div class="elfinder-cwd-filename" title="{name}">{name}</div></div>',
row: '<tr id="{hash}" class="' + j + ' {permsclass} {dirclass}"><td><div class="elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper"><span class="elfinder-cwd-icon {mime}"/>{marker}<span class="elfinder-cwd-filename">{name}</span></div></td><td>{perms}</td><td>{date}</td><td>{size}</td><td>{kind}</td></tr>'
}, v = b.res("tpl", "perms"),
w = b.res("tpl", "symlink"),
x = {
permsclass: function (a) {
return b.perms2class(a)
perms: function (a) {
return b.formatPermissions(a)
dirclass: function (a) {
return a.mime == "directory" ? "directory" : ""
mime: function (a) {
return b.mime2class(a.mime)
size: function (a) {
return b.formatSize(a.size)
date: function (a) {
return b.formatDate(a)
kind: function (a) {
return b.mime2kind(a)
marker: function (a) {
return (a.alias || a.mime == "symlink-broken" ? w : "") + (!a.read || !a.write ? v : "")
}, y = function (a) {
return a.name = b.escape(a.name), u[c ? "row" : "icon"].replace(/{([a-z]+)}/g, function (b, c) {
return x[c] ? x[c](a) : a[c] ? a[c] : ""
}, z = !1,
A = function (b, d) {
function r(a, b) {
return a[b + "All"]("[id]:not(." + m + "):first")
var g = a.ui.keyCode,
h = b == g.LEFT || b == g.UP,
i = S.find("[id]." + l),
j = h ? "first" : "last",
k, n, o, p, q;
if (i.length) {
k = i.filter(h ? ":first" : ":last"), o = r(k, h ? "prev" : "next");
if (!o.length) n = k;
else if (c || b == g.LEFT || b == g.RIGHT) n = o;
else {
p = k.position().top, q = k.position().left, n = k;
if (h) {
do n = n.prev("[id]");
while (n.length && !(n.position().top < p && n.position().left <= q));
n.is("." + m) && (n = r(n, "next"))
} else {
do n = n.next("[id]");
while (n.length && !(n.position().top > p && n.position().left >= q));
n.is("." + m) && (n = r(n, "prev")), n.length || (o = S.find("[id]:not(." + m + "):last"), o.position().top > p && (n = o))
} else n = S.find("[id]:not(." + m + "):" + (h ? "last" : "first"));
n && n.length && (d ? n = k.add(k[h ? "prevUntil" : "nextUntil"]("#" + n.attr("id"))).add(n) : i.trigger(f), n.trigger(e), F(n.filter(h ? ":first" : ":last")), E())
}, B = function (a) {
S.find("#" + a).trigger(e)
}, C = function () {
S.find("[id]." + l).trigger(f)
}, D = function () {
return a.map(S.find("[id]." + l), function (b) {
return b = a(b), b.is("." + m) ? null : a(b).attr("id")
}, E = function () {
b.trigger("select", {
selected: D()
}, F = function (a) {
var b = a.position().top,
c = a.outerHeight(!0),
d = T.scrollTop(),
e = T.innerHeight();
b + c > d + e ? T.scrollTop(parseInt(b + c - e)) : b < d && T.scrollTop(b)
}, G = [],
H = function (a) {
var b = G.length;
while (b--) if (G[b].hash == a) return b;
return -1
}, I = "scroll." + b.namespace,
J = function () {
var d = [],
e = !1,
f = [],
g = {}, h = S.find("[id]:last"),
i = !h.length,
j = c ? S.children("table").children("tbody") : S,
if (!G.length) return T.unbind(I);
while ((!h.length || h.position().top <= T.height() + T.scrollTop() + b.options.showThreshold) && (k = G.splice(0, b.options.showFiles)).length) d = a.map(k, function (a) {
return a.hash && a.name ? (a.mime == "directory" && (e = !0), a.tmb && (a.tmb === 1 ? f.push(a.hash) : g[a.hash] = a.tmb), y(a)) : null
}), j.append(d.join("")), h = S.find("[id]:last"), i && S.scrollTop(0);
M(g), f.length && N(f), e && L()
}, K = a.extend({}, b.droppable, {
over: function (c, d) {
var e = b.cwd().hash;
a.each(d.helper.data("files"), function (a, c) {
if (b.file(c).phash == e) return S.removeClass(q), !1
L = function () {
setTimeout(function () {
S.find(".directory:not(." + o + ",.elfinder-na,.elfinder-ro)").droppable(b.droppable)
}, 20)
}, M = function (c) {
var d = b.option("tmbUrl"),
e = !0,
return a.each(c, function (b, c) {
var g = S.find("#" + b);
g.length ? function (b, c) {
a("<img/>").load(function () {
b.find(".elfinder-cwd-icon").css("background", "url('" + c + "') center center no-repeat")
}).attr("src", c)
}(g, d + c) : (e = !1, (f = H(b)) != -1 && (G[f].tmb = c))
}), e
}, N = function (a) {
var c = [];
if (b.oldAPI) {
data: {
cmd: "tmb",
current: b.cwd().hash
preventFail: !0
}).done(function (a) {
M(a.images || []) && a.tmb && N()
c = c = a.splice(0, s), c.length && b.request({
data: {
cmd: "tmb",
targets: c
preventFail: !0
}).done(function (b) {
M(b.images || []) && N(a)
}, O = function (a) {
var d = c ? S.find("tbody") : S,
e = a.length,
f = [],
g = {}, h = !1,
i = function (a) {
var c = S.find("[id]:first"),
while (c.length) {
d = b.file(c.attr("id"));
if (d && b.compare(a, d) < 0) return c;
c = c.next("[id]")
}, j = function (a) {
var c = G.length,
for (d = 0; d < c; d++) if (b.compare(a, G[d]) < 0) return d;
return c || -1
}, k, l, m, n;
while (e--) {
k = a[e], l = k.hash;
if (S.find("#" + l)
.length) continue;
(m = i(k)) && m.length ? m.before(y(k)) : (n = j(k)) >= 0 ? G.splice(n, 0, k) : d.append(y(k)), S.find("#" + l).length && (k.mime == "directory" ? h = !0 : k.tmb && (k.tmb === 1 ? f.push(l) : g[l] = k.tmb))
M(g), f.length && N(f), h && L()
}, P = function (a) {
var c = a.length,
d, e, f;
while (c--) {
d = a[c];
if ((e = S.find("#" + d)).length) try {
} catch (g) {
b.debug("error", g)
} else(f = H(d)) != -1 && G.splice(f, 1)
}, Q = {
name: b.i18n("name"),
perm: b.i18n("perms"),
mod: b.i18n("modify"),
size: b.i18n("size"),
kind: b.i18n("kind")
}, R = function (d, e) {
var f = b.cwd().hash;
try {
S.children("table," + k).remove().end()
} catch (g) {
S.removeClass("elfinder-cwd-view-icons elfinder-cwd-view-list").addClass("elfinder-cwd-view-" + (c ? "list" : "icons")), T[c ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("elfinder-cwd-wrapper-list"), c && S.html('<table><thead><tr class="ui-state-default"><td >' + Q.name + "</td><td>" + Q.perm + "</td><td>" + Q.mod + "</td><td>" + Q.size + "</td><td>" + Q.kind + "</td></tr></thead><tbody/></table>"), G = a.map(d, function (a) {
return e || a.phash == f ? a : null
}), G = b.sortFiles(G), T.bind(I, J).trigger(I), E()
}, S = a(this).addClass("ui-helper-clearfix elfinder-cwd").attr("unselectable", "on").delegate(k, "click." + b.namespace, function (b) {
var c = this.id ? a(this) : a(this).parents("[id]:first"),
d = c.prevAll("." + l + ":first"),
g = c.nextAll("." + l + ":first"),
h = d.length,
i = g.length,
b.stopImmediatePropagation(), b.shiftKey && (h || i) ? (j = h ? c.prevUntil("#" + d.attr("id")) : c.nextUntil("#" + g.attr("id")), j.add(c).trigger(e)) : b.ctrlKey || b.metaKey ? c.trigger(c.is("." + l) ? f : e) : (S.find("[id]." + l).trigger(f), c.trigger(e)), E()
}).delegate(k, "dblclick." + b.namespace, function (a) {
file: this.id
}).delegate(k, "mouseenter." + b.namespace, function (d) {
var e = a(this),
f = c ? e : e.children();
!e.is("." + r) && !f.is("." + n + ",." + m) && f.draggable(b.draggable)
}).delegate(k, e, function (b) {
var c = a(this);
!z && !c.is("." + m) && c.addClass(l).children().addClass(p)
}).delegate(k, f, function (b) {
!z && a(this).removeClass(l).children().removeClass(p)
}).delegate(k, g, function () {
var b = a(this).removeClass(l).addClass(m),
d = (c ? b : b.children()).removeClass(p);
b.is("." + o) && b.droppable("disable"), d.is("." + n) && d.draggable("disable"), !c && d.removeClass(m)
}).delegate(k, h, function () {
var b = a(this).removeClass(m),
d = c ? b : b.children();
b.is("." + o) && b.droppable("enable"), d.is("." + n) && d.draggable("enable")
}).delegate(k, "scrolltoview", function () {
}).delegate(k, "hover", function (c) {
b.trigger("hover", {
hash: a(this).attr("id"),
type: c.type
}).bind("contextmenu." + b.namespace, function (c) {
var d = a(c.target).closest("." + j);
d.length && (c.stopPropagation(), c.preventDefault(), d.is("." + m) || (d.is("." + l) || (S.trigger("unselectall"), d.trigger(e), E()), b.trigger("contextmenu", {
type: "files",
targets: b.selected(),
x: c.clientX,
y: c.clientY
filter: k,
stop: E,
selected: function (b, c) {
unselected: function (b, c) {
}).droppable(K).bind("create." + b.namespace, function (b, d) {
var e = c ? S.find("tbody") : S;
S.trigger("unselectall"), e.prepend(a(y(d)).addClass(r)), S.scrollTop(0)
}).bind("unselectall", function () {
S.find("[id]." + l + "").trigger(f), E()
}).bind("selectfile", function (a, b) {
S.find("#" + b).trigger(e), E()
T = a('<div class="elfinder-cwd-wrapper"/>').bind("contextmenu", function (a) {
a.preventDefault(), b.trigger("contextmenu", {
type: "cwd",
targets: [b.cwd().hash],
x: a.clientX,
y: a.clientY
U = function () {
var b = 0;
T.siblings(".elfinder-panel:visible").each(function () {
b += a(this).outerHeight(!0)
}), T.height(W.height() - b)
}, V = a(this).parent().resize(U),
W = V.children(".elfinder-workzone").append(T.append(this));
b.dragUpload && (T[0].addEventListener("dragenter", function (a) {
a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(), T.addClass(q)
}, !1), T[0].addEventListener("dragleave", function (a) {
a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(), a.target == S[0] && T.removeClass(q)
}, !1), T[0].addEventListener("dragover", function (a) {
a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation()
}, !1), T[0].addEventListener("drop", function (a) {
a.preventDefault(), T.removeClass(q), a.dataTransfer && a.dataTransfer.files && a.dataTransfer.files.length && b.exec("upload", {
files: a.dataTransfer.files
}, !1)), b.bind("open search", function (a) {
R(a.data.files, a.type == "search")
}).bind("searchend sortchange", function () {
t && R(b.files())
}).bind("searchstart", function (a) {
t = a.data.query
}).bind("searchend", function () {
t = ""
}).bind("viewchange", function () {
var d = b.selected(),
e = b.storage("view") == "list";
e != c && (c = e, R(b.files()), a.each(d, function (a, b) {
}), E()), U()
}).add(function (c) {
var d = b.cwd().hash,
e = t ? a.map(c.data.added || [], function (a) {
return a.name.indexOf(t) === -1 ? null : a
}) : a.map(c.data.added || [], function (a) {
return a.phash == d ? a : null
}).change(function (c) {
var d = b.cwd().hash,
e = b.selected(),
t ? a.each(c.data.changed || [], function (b, c) {
P([c.hash]), c.name.indexOf(t) !== -1 && (O([c]), a.inArray(c.hash, e) !== -1 && B(c.hash))
}) : a.each(a.map(c.data.changed || [], function (a) {
return a.phash == d ? a : null
}), function (b, c) {
P([c.hash]), O([c]), a.inArray(c.hash, e) !== -1 && B(c.hash)
}), E()
}).remove(function (a) {
P(a.data.removed || []), E()
}).bind("open add search searchend", function () {
S.css("height", "auto"), S.outerHeight(!0) < T.height() && S.height(T.height() - (S.outerHeight(!0) - S.height()) - 2)
}).dragstart(function (b) {
var c = a(b.data.target),
d = b.data.originalEvent;
c.is(k) && (c.is("." + l) || (!(d.ctrlKey || d.metaKey || d.shiftKey) && C(), c.trigger(e), E()), S.droppable("disable")), S.selectable("disable").removeClass(m), z = !0
}).dragstop(function () {
S.selectable("enable"), z = !1
}).bind("lockfiles unlockfiles", function (a) {
var b = a.type == "lockfiles" ? g : h,
c = a.data.files || [],
d = c.length;
while (d--) S.find("#" + c[d]).trigger(b);
}).bind("mkdir mkfile duplicate upload rename archive extract", function (c) {
var d = b.cwd().hash,
S.trigger("unselectall"), a.each(c.data.added || [], function (a, b) {
b && b.phash == d && B(b.hash)
}), E()
pattern: "ctrl+a",
description: "selectall",
callback: function () {
var c = [],
S.find("[id]:not(." + l + ")").trigger(e), G.length ? (d = b.cwd().hash, b.select({
selected: a.map(b.files(), function (a) {
return a.phash == d ? a.hash : null
})) : E()
pattern: "left right up down shift+left shift+right shift+up shift+down",
description: "selectfiles",
type: "keydown",
callback: function (a) {
A(a.keyCode, a.shiftKey)
pattern: "home",
description: "selectffile",
callback: function (a) {
C(), F(S.find("[id]:first").trigger(e)), E()
pattern: "end",
description: "selectlfile",
callback: function (a) {
C(), F(S.find("[id]:last").trigger(e)), E()
}), this
}, a.fn.elfinderdialog = function (b) {
var c;
return typeof b == "string" && (c = this.closest(".ui-dialog")).length && (b == "open" && c.is(":hidden") ? c.fadeIn(120, function () {
}) : b == "close" && c.is(":visible") ? c.hide().trigger("close") : b == "destroy" ? c.hide().remove() : b == "toTop" && c.trigger("totop")), b = a.extend({}, a.fn.elfinderdialog.defaults, b), this.filter(":not(.ui-dialog-content)").each(function () {
var c = a(this).addClass("ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content"),
d = c.parent(),
e = "elfinder-dialog-active",
f = "elfinder-dialog",
g = "elfinder-dialog-notify",
h = "ui-state-hover",
i = parseInt(Math.random() * 1e6),
j = d.children(".elfinder-overlay"),
k = a('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonset"/>'),
l = a('<div class=" ui-helper-clearfix ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content"/>').append(k),
m = a('<div class="ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-draggable std42-dialog ' + f + " " + b.cssClass + '"/>').hide().append(c).appendTo(d).draggable({
handle: ".ui-dialog-titlebar",
containment: a("body")
width: b.width,
height: b.height
}).mousedown(function (b) {
b.stopPropagation(), a(document).mousedown(), m.is("." + e) || (d.find("." + f + ":visible").removeClass(e), m.addClass(e).zIndex(n() + 1))
}).bind("open", function () {
b.modal && j.elfinderoverlay("show"), m.trigger("totop"), typeof b.open == "function" && a.proxy(b.open, c[0])(), m.is("." + g) || d.find("." + f + ":visible").not("." + g).each(function () {
var b = a(this),
c = parseInt(b.css("top")),
d = parseInt(b.css("left")),
e = parseInt(m.css("top")),
f = parseInt(m.css("left"));
b[0] != m[0] && (c == e || d == f) && m.css({
top: c + 10 + "px",
left: d + 10 + "px"
}).bind("close", function () {
var e = d.find(".elfinder-dialog:visible"),
f = n();
b.modal && j.elfinderoverlay("hide"), e.length ? e.each(function () {
var b = a(this);
if (b.zIndex() >= f) return b.trigger("totop"), !1
}) : setTimeout(function () {
}, 10), typeof b.close == "function" ? a.proxy(b.close, c[0])() : b.destroyOnClose && m.hide().remove()
}).bind("totop", function () {
n = function () {
var b = d.zIndex() + 10;
return d.find("." + f + ":visible").each(function () {
var c;
this != m[0] && (c = a(this).zIndex(), c > b && (b = c))
}), b
}, o;
b.position || (o = parseInt((d.height() - m.outerHeight()) / 2 - 42), b.position = {
top: (o > 0 ? o : 0) + "px",
left: parseInt((d.width() - m.outerWidth()) / 2) + "px"
}), m.css(b.position), b.closeOnEscape && a(document).bind("keyup." + i, function (b) {
b.keyCode == a.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE && m.is("." + e) && (c.elfinderdialog("close"), a(document).unbind("keyup." + i))
}), m.prepend(a('<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix">' + b.title + "</div>").prepend(a('<a href="#" class="ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"/></a>').mousedown(function (a) {
a.preventDefault(), c.elfinderdialog("close")
}))), a.each(b.buttons, function (b, d) {
var e = a('<button type="button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only"><span class="ui-button-text">' + b + "</span></button>").click(a.proxy(d, c[0])).hover(function (b) {
a(this)[b.type == "mouseenter" ? "focus" : "blur"]()
}).focus(function () {
}).blur(function () {
}).keydown(function (b) {
var c;
b.keyCode == a.ui.keyCode.ENTER ? a(this).click() : b.keyCode == a.ui.keyCode.TAB && (c = a(this).next(".ui-button"), c.length ? c.focus() : a(this).parent().children(".ui-button:first").focus())
}), k.children().length && m.append(l), b.resizable && a.fn.resizable && m.resizable({
minWidth: b.minWidth,
minHeight: b.minHeight,
alsoResize: this
}), typeof b.create == "function" && a.proxy(b.create, this)(), b.autoOpen && c.elfinderdialog("open")
}), this
}, a.fn.elfinderdialog.defaults = {
cssClass: "",
title: "",
modal: !1,
resizable: !0,
autoOpen: !0,
closeOnEscape: !0,
destroyOnClose: !1,
buttons: {},
position: null,
width: 320,
height: "auto",
minWidth: 200,
minHeight: 110
}, a.fn.elfindernavbar = function (b, c) {
return this.not(".elfinder-navbar").each(function () {
var d = a(this).addClass("ui-state-default elfinder-navbar"),
e = d.parent().resize(function () {
d.height(f.height() - g)
f = e.children(".elfinder-workzone").append(d),
g = d.outerHeight() - d.height(),
h = b.direction == "ltr",
a.fn.resizable && (i = d.resizable({
handles: h ? "e" : "w",
minWidth: c.minWidth || 150,
maxWidth: c.maxWidth || 500
}).bind("resize scroll", function () {
top: parseInt(d.scrollTop()) + "px",
left: parseInt(h ? d.width() + d.scrollLeft() - i.width() - 2 : d.scrollLeft() + 2)
}).find(".ui-resizable-handle").zIndex(d.zIndex() + 10), h || d.resize(function () {
d.css("left", null).css("right", 0)
}), b.one("open", function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 150)
}), this
}, a.fn.elfinderoverlay = function (b) {
this.filter(":not(.elfinder-overlay)").each(function () {
b = a.extend({}, b), a(this).addClass("ui-widget-overlay elfinder-overlay").hide().mousedown(function (a) {
a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation()
cnt: 0,
show: typeof b.show == "function" ? b.show : function () {},
hide: typeof b.hide == "function" ? b.hide : function () {}
if (b == "show") {
var c = this.eq(0),
d = c.data("cnt") + 1,
e = c.data("show");
c.data("cnt", d), c.is(":hidden") && (c.zIndex(c.parent().zIndex() + 1), c.show(), e())
if (b == "hide") {
var c = this.eq(0),
d = c.data("cnt") - 1,
f = c.data("hide");
c.data("cnt", d), d == 0 && c.is(":visible") && (c.hide(), f())
return this
}, a.fn.elfinderpanel = function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = a(this).addClass("elfinder-panel ui-state-default ui-corner-all"),
d = "margin-" + (b.direction == "ltr" ? "left" : "right");
b.one("load", function (a) {
var e = b.getUI("navbar");
c.css(d, parseInt(e.outerWidth(!0))), e.bind("resize", function () {
c.is(":visible") && c.css(d, parseInt(e.outerWidth(!0)))
}, a.fn.elfinderpath = function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = a(this).addClass("elfinder-path").html(" ").delegate("a", "click", function (c) {
var d = a(this).attr("href").substr(1);
c.preventDefault(), d != b.cwd().hash && b.exec("open", d)
b.bind("open searchend", function () {
var d = [];
a.each(b.parents(b.cwd().hash), function (a, c) {
d.push('<a href="#' + c + '">' + b.escape(b.file(c).name) + "</a>")
}), c.html(d.join(b.option("separator")))
}).bind("search", function () {
}, a.fn.elfinderplaces = function (b, c) {
return this.each(function () {
var d = [],
e = "class",
f = b.res(e, "navdir"),
g = b.res(e, "navcollapse"),
h = b.res(e, "navexpand"),
i = b.res(e, "hover"),
j = b.res(e, "treeroot"),
k = b.res("tpl", "navdir"),
l = b.res("tpl", "perms"),
m = a(b.res("tpl", "navspinner")),
n = function (a) {
return a.substr(6)
}, o = function (a) {
return "place-" + a
}, p = function () {
b.storage("places", d.join(","))
}, q = function (c) {
return a(k.replace(/{id}/, o(c.hash)).replace(/{name}/, b.escape(c.name)).replace(/{cssclass}/, b.perms2class(c)).replace(/{permissions}/, !c.read || !c.write ? l : "").replace(/{symlink}/, ""))
}, r = function (c) {
var e = q(c);
w.children().length && a.each(w.children(), function () {
var b = a(this);
if (c.name.localeCompare(b.children("." + f).text()) < 0) return !e.insertBefore(b)
}), d.push(c.hash), !e.parent().length && w.append(e), v.addClass(g), e.draggable({
appendTo: "body",
revert: !1,
helper: function () {
var c = a(this);
return c.children().removeClass("ui-state-hover"), a('<div class="elfinder-place-drag elfinder-' + b.direction + '"/>').append(c.clone()).data("hash", n(c.children(":first").attr("id")))
start: function () {
stop: function (b, c) {
var d = x.offset().top,
e = x.offset().left,
f = x.width(),
g = x.height(),
h = b.clientX,
i = b.clientY;
h > e && h < e + f && i > d && i < i + g ? a(this).show() : (s(c.helper.data("hash")), p())
}, s = function (b) {
var c = a.inArray(b, d);
c !== -1 && (d.splice(c, 1), w.find("#" + o(b)).parent().remove(), !w.children().length && v.removeClass(g + " " + h))
}, t = function () {
w.empty(), v.removeClass(g + " " + h)
}, u = q({
hash: "root-" + b.namespace,
name: b.i18n(c.name, "places"),
read: !0,
write: !0
v = u.children("." + f).addClass(j).click(function () {
v.is("." + g) && (x.toggleClass(h), w.slideToggle(), b.storage("placesState", x.is("." + h) ? 1 : 0))
w = u.children("." + b.res(e, "navsubtree")),
x = a(this).addClass(b.res(e, "tree") + " elfinder-places ui-corner-all").hide().append(u).appendTo(b.getUI("navbar")).delegate("." + f, "hover", function () {
}).delegate("." + f, "click", function (c) {
b.exec("open", a(this).attr("id").substr(6))
}).delegate("." + f + ":not(." + j + ")", "contextmenu", function (c) {
var d = a(this).attr("id").substr(6);
c.preventDefault(), b.trigger("contextmenu", {
raw: [{
label: b.i18n("rmFromPlaces"),
icon: "rm",
callback: function () {
s(d), p()
x: c.clientX,
y: c.clientY
tolerance: "pointer",
accept: ".elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper,.elfinder-tree-dir,.elfinder-cwd-file",
hoverClass: b.res("class", "adroppable"),
drop: function (c, e) {
var f = !0;
a.each(e.helper.data("files"), function (c, e) {
var g = b.file(e);
g && g.mime == "directory" && a.inArray(g.hash, d) === -1 ? r(g) : f = !1
}), p(), f && e.helper.hide()
b.one("load", function () {
if (b.oldAPI) return;
x.show().parent().show(), d = a.map(b.storage("places").split(","), function (a) {
return a || null
}), d.length && (v.prepend(m), b.request({
data: {
cmd: "info",
targets: d
preventDefault: !0
}).done(function (c) {
d = [], a.each(c.files, function (a, b) {
b.mime == "directory" && r(b)
}), p(), b.storage("placesState") > 0 && v.click()
}).always(function () {
})), b.remove(function (b) {
a.each(b.data.removed, function (a, b) {
}), p()
}).change(function (b) {
a.each(b.data.changed, function (b, c) {
a.inArray(c.hash, d) !== -1 && (s(c.hash), c.mime == "directory" && r(c))
}), p()
}).bind("sync", function () {
d.length && (v.prepend(m), b.request({
data: {
cmd: "info",
targets: d
preventDefault: !0
}).done(function (b) {
a.each(b.files || [], function (b, c) {
a.inArray(c.hash, d) === -1 && s(c.hash)
}), p()
}).always(function () {
}, a.fn.elfindersearchbutton = function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = !1,
d = a(this).hide().addClass("ui-widget-content elfinder-button " + b.fm.res("class", "searchbtn") + ""),
e = function () {
b.exec(a.trim(g.val())).done(function () {
c = !0, g.focus()
}, f = function () {
g.val(""), c && (c = !1, b.fm.trigger("searchend"))
}, g = a('<input type="text" size="42"/>').appendTo(d).keypress(function (a) {
}).keydown(function (a) {
a.stopPropagation(), a.keyCode == 13 && e(), a.keyCode == 27 && (a.preventDefault(), f())
a('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-search" title="' + b.title + '"/>').appendTo(d).click(e), a('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-close"/>').appendTo(d).click(f), setTimeout(function () {
detach(), b.fm.getUI("toolbar").prepend(d.show());
if (a.browser.msie) {
var c = d.children(b.fm.direction == "ltr" ? ".ui-icon-close" : ".ui-icon-search");
right: "",
left: parseInt(d.width()) - c.outerWidth(!0)
}, 200), b.fm.error(function () {
}).select(function () {
}).bind("searchend", function () {
pattern: "ctrl+f f3",
description: b.title,
callback: function () {
}, a.fn.elfindersortbutton = function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = "class",
d = b.fm,
e = d.res(c, "disabled"),
f = d.res(c, "active"),
g = d.res(c, "hover"),
h = "elfinder-button-menu-item",
i = "elfinder-button-menu-item-selected",
j, k = a(this).addClass("ui-state-default elfinder-button elfiner-button-" + b.name).attr("title", b.title).append('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-' + b.name + '"/>').hover(function (a) {
!k.is("." + e) && k.toggleClass(g)
}).click(function (a) {
k.is("." + e) || (j && b.variants.length > 1 ? (j.is(":hidden") && b.fm.getUI().click(), a.stopPropagation(), j.slideToggle(100)) : b.exec())
l = function () {
a.isArray(b.variants) && (k.addClass("elfinder-menubutton"), j = a('<div class="ui-widget ui-widget-content elfinder-button-menu ui-corner-all"/>').hide().appendTo(k).zIndex(10 + k.zIndex()).delegate("." + h, "hover", function () {
}).delegate("." + h, "click", function (c) {
c.preventDefault(), c.stopPropagation(), k.removeClass(g), b.exec(b.fm.selected(), a(this).data("value"))
}), b.fm.bind("disable select", l).getUI().click(l), b.change(function () {
j.html(""), a.each(b.variants, function (c, d) {
j.append(a('<div class="' + h + " " + (d[0] == b.value ? i : "") + " elfinder-menu-item-sort-" + b.fm.sortDirect + '"><span class="elfinder-menu-item-sort-dir"/>' + d[1] + "</div>").data("value", d[0]))
})), b.change(function () {
b.disabled() ? k.removeClass(f + " " + g).addClass(e) : (k.removeClass(e), k[b.active() ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](f))
}, a.fn.elfinderstat = function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = a(this).addClass("elfinder-stat-size"),
d = a('<div class="elfinder-stat-selected"/>'),
e = b.i18n("size").toLowerCase(),
f = b.i18n("items").toLowerCase(),
g = b.i18n("selected"),
h = function (d, g) {
var h = 0,
i = 0;
a.each(d, function (a, b) {
if (!g || b.phash == g) h++, i += parseInt(b.size) || 0
}), c.html(f + ": " + h + ", " + e + ": " + b.formatSize(i))
b.getUI("statusbar").prepend(c).append(d).show(), b.bind("open reload add remove change searchend", function () {
h(b.files(), b.cwd().hash)
}).search(function (a) {
}).select(function () {
var c = 0,
f = 0,
h = b.selectedFiles();
if (h.length == 1) {
c = h[0].size, d.html(b.escape(h[0].name) + (c > 0 ? ", " + b.formatSize(c) : ""));
a.each(h, function (a, b) {
f++, c += parseInt(b.size) || 0
}), d.html(f ? g + ": " + f + ", " + e + ": " + b.formatSize(c) : " ")
}, a.fn.elfindertoolbar = function (b, c) {
return this.not(".elfinder-toolbar").each(function () {
var d = b._commands,
e = a(this).addClass("ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-top elfinder-toolbar"),
f = c || [],
g = f.length,
h, i, j, k;
e.prev().length && e.parent().prepend(this);
while (g--) if (f[g]) {
j = a('<div class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder-buttonset"/>'), h = f[g].length;
while (h--) if (i = d[f[g][h]]) k = "elfinder" + i.options.ui, a.fn[k] && j.prepend(a("<div/>")[k](i));
j.children().length && e.prepend(j), j.children(":not(:last),:not(:first):not(:last)").after('<span class="ui-widget-content elfinder-toolbar-button-separator"/>')
e.children().length && e.show()
}), this
}, a.fn.elfindertree = function (b, c) {
var d = b.res("class", "tree");
return this.not("." + d).each(function () {
var e = "class",
f = b.res(e, "treeroot"),
g = c.openRootOnLoad,
h = b.res(e, "navsubtree"),
i = b.res(e, "treedir"),
j = b.res(e, "navcollapse"),
k = b.res(e, "navexpand"),
l = "elfinder-subtree-loaded",
m = b.res(e, "navarrow"),
n = b.res(e, "active"),
o = b.res(e, "adroppable"),
p = b.res(e, "hover"),
q = b.res(e, "disabled"),
r = b.res(e, "draggable"),
s = b.res(e, "droppable"),
t = a.extend({}, b.droppable, {
hoverClass: p + " " + o,
over: function () {
var b = a(this);
b.is("." + j + ":not(." + k + ")") && setTimeout(function () {
b.is("." + o) && b.children("." + m).click()
}, 500)
u = a(b.res("tpl", "navspinner")),
v = b.res("tpl", "navdir"),
w = b.res("tpl", "perms"),
x = b.res("tpl", "symlink"),
y = {
id: function (a) {
return b.navHash2Id(a.hash)
cssclass: function (a) {
return (a.phash ? "" : f) + " " + i + " " + b.perms2class(a) + " " + (a.dirs && !a.link ? j : "")
permissions: function (a) {
return !a.read || !a.write ? w : ""
symlink: function (a) {
return a.alias ? x : ""
}, z = function (a) {
return a.name = b.escape(a.name), v.replace(/(?:{([a-z]+)})/ig, function (b, c) {
return a[c] || (y[c] ? y[c](a) : "")
}, A = function (b) {
return a.map(b || [], function (a) {
return a.mime == "directory" ? a : null
}, B = function (a) {
return a ? H.find("#" + b.navHash2Id(a)).next("." + h) : H
}, C = function (c, d) {
var e = c.children(":first"),
while (e.length) {
if ((f = b.file(b.navId2Hash(e.children("[id]").attr("id")))) && d.name.localeCompare(f.name) < 0) return e;
e = e.next()
return a("")
}, D = function (a) {
var c = a.length,
d = [],
e, f, g, h, i;
for (e = 0; e < c; e++) {
f = a[e];
if (H.find("#" + b.navHash2Id(f.hash)).length) continue;
(h = B(f.phash)).length ? (g = z(f), f.phash && (i = C(h, f)).length ? i.before(g) : h.append(g)) : d.push(f)
if (d.length && d.length < c) return D(d);
}, E = function () {
var a = b.cwd().hash,
d = H.find("#" + b.navHash2Id(a)),
g && (e = H.find("#" + b.navHash2Id(b.root())), e.is("." + l) && e.addClass(k).next("." + h).show(), g = !1), d.is("." + n) || (H.find("." + i + "." + n).removeClass(n), d.addClass(n)), c.syncTree && (d.length ? d.parentsUntil("." + f).filter("." + h).show().prev("." + i).addClass(k) : b.newAPI && b.request({
data: {
cmd: "parents",
target: a
preventFail: !0
}).done(function (c) {
var d = A(c.tree);
D(d), G(d, l), a == b.cwd().hash && E()
}, F = function () {
H.find("." + i + ":not(." + s + ",.elfinder-ro,.elfinder-na)").droppable(t)
}, G = function (c, d) {
var e = d == l ? "." + j + ":not(." + l + ")" : ":not(." + j + ")";
a.each(c, function (c, f) {
H.find("#" + b.navHash2Id(f.phash) + e).filter(function () {
return a(this).next("." + h).children().length > 0
}, H = a(this).addClass(d).delegate("." + i, "hover", function (c) {
var d = a(this),
e = c.type == "mouseenter";
d.is("." + o + " ,." + q) || (e && !d.is("." + f + ",." + r + ",.elfinder-na,.elfinder-wo") && d.draggable(b.draggable), d.toggleClass(p, e))
}).delegate("." + i, "dropover dropout drop", function (b) {
a(this)[b.type == "dropover" ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](o + " " + p)
}).delegate("." + i, "click", function (c) {
var d = a(this),
e = b.navId2Hash(d.attr("id")),
f = b.file(e);
b.trigger("searchend"), e != b.cwd().hash && !d.is("." + q) ? b.exec("open", f.thash || e) : d.is("." + j) && d.children("." + m).click()
}).delegate("." + i + "." + j + " ." + m, "click", function (c) {
var d = a(this),
e = d.parent("." + i),
f = e.next("." + h);
c.stopPropagation(), e.is("." + l) ? (e.toggleClass(k), f.slideToggle()) : (u.insertBefore(d), e.removeClass(j), b.request({
cmd: "tree",
target: b.navId2Hash(e.attr("id"))
}).done(function (a) {
D(A(a.tree)), f.children().length && (e.addClass(j + " " + k), f.slideDown()), E()
}).always(function (a) {
u.remove(), e.addClass(l)
}).delegate("." + i, "contextmenu", function (c) {
c.preventDefault(), b.trigger("contextmenu", {
type: "navbar",
targets: [b.navId2Hash(a(this).attr("id"))],
x: c.clientX,
y: c.clientY
H.parent().find(".elfinder-navbar").append(H).show(), b.open(function (a) {
var b = a.data,
c = A(b.files);
b.init && H.empty(), c.length && (D(c), G(c, l)), E()
}).add(function (a) {
var b = A(a.data.added);
b.length && (D(b), G(b, j))
}).change(function (c) {
var d = A(c.data.changed),
e = d.length,
f, g, j, m, n, o, p, q, r;
while (e--) {
f = d[e];
if ((g = H.find("#" + b.navHash2Id(f.hash))).length) {
if (f.phash) {
m = g.closest("." + h), n = B(f.phash), o = g.parent().next(), p = C(n, f);
if (!n.length) continue;
if (n[0] !== m[0] || o.get(0) !== p.get(0)) p.length ? p.before(g) : n.append(g)
q = g.is("." + k), r = g.is("." + l), j = a(z(f)), g.replaceWith(j.children("." + i)), f.dirs && (q || r) && (g = H.find("#" + b.navHash2Id(f.hash))) && g.next("." + h).children().length && (q && g.addClass(k), r && g.addClass(l))
E(), F()
}).remove(function (a) {
var c = a.data.removed,
d = c.length,
e, f;
while (d--)(e = H.find("#" + b.navHash2Id(c[d]))).length && (f = e.closest("." + h), e.parent().detach(), f.children().length || f.hide().prev("." + i).removeClass(j + " " + k + " " + l))
}).bind("search searchend", function (a) {
H.find("#" + b.navHash2Id(b.cwd().hash))[a.type == "search" ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](n)
}).bind("lockfiles unlockfiles", function (c) {
var d = c.type == "lockfiles",
e = d ? "disable" : "enable",
f = a.map(c.data.files || [], function (a) {
var c = b.file(a);
return c && c.mime == "directory" ? a : null
a.each(f, function (a, c) {
var f = H.find("#" + b.navHash2Id(c));
f.length && (f.is("." + r) && f.draggable(e), f.is("." + s) && f.droppable(n), f[d ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](q))
}), this
}, a.fn.elfinderuploadbutton = function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = a(this).elfinderbutton(b).unbind("click"),
d = a("<form/>").appendTo(c),
e = a('<input type="file" multiple="true"/>').change(function () {
var c = a(this);
c.val() && (b.exec({
input: c.remove()[0]
}), e.clone(!0).appendTo(d))
d.append(e.clone(!0)), b.change(function () {
d[b.disabled() ? "hide" : "show"]()
}, a.fn.elfinderviewbutton = function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = a(this).elfinderbutton(b),
d = c.children(".elfinder-button-icon");
b.change(function () {
var a = b.value == "icons";
d.toggleClass("elfinder-button-icon-view-list", a), c.attr("title", b.fm.i18n(a ? "viewlist" : "viewicons"))
}, a.fn.elfinderworkzone = function (b) {
var c = "elfinder-workzone";
return this.not("." + c).each(function () {
var b = a(this).addClass(c),
d = b.outerHeight(!0) - b.height(),
e = b.parent();
e.add(window).bind("resize", function () {
var f = e.height();
e.children(":visible:not(." + c + ")").each(function () {
var b = a(this);
b.css("position") != "absolute" && (f -= b.outerHeight(!0))
}), b.height(f - d)
}), this
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.archive = function () { /* FIX */
var b = this,
c = b.fm,
d = [];
this.variants = [], this.disableOnSearch = !0, c.bind("open reload", function () {
b.variants = [], a.each(d = c.option("archivers").create || [], function (a, d) {
b.variants.push([d, c.mime2kind(d)])
}), b.change()
}), this.getstate = function () {
return !this._disabled && d.length && c.selected().length && c.cwd().write ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b, e) {
var f = this.files(b),
g = f.length,
h = e || d[0],
i = c.cwd(),
j = ["errArchive", "errPerm"],
k = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
a && c.error(a)
if (!(this.enabled() && g && d.length && a.inArray(h, d) !== -1)) { return k.reject(); }
if (!i.write) { return k.reject(j); }
for (l = 0; l < g; l++) if (!f[l].read) { return k.reject(j); }
return c.request({
data: {
cmd: "archive",
targets: this.hashes(b),
type: h
notify: {
type: "archive",
cnt: 1
syncOnFail: !0
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.back = function () {
this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+left backspace"
}], this.getstate = function () {
return this.fm.history.canBack() ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function () {
return this.fm.history.back()
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.copy = function () {
this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+c ctrl+insert"
}], this.getstate = function (b) {
var b = this.files(b),
c = b.length;
return c && a.map(b, function (a) {
return a.phash && a.read ? a : null
}).length == c ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = this.fm,
d = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
return a.each(this.files(b), function (a, b) {
if (!b.read || !b.phash) return !d.reject(["errCopy", b.name, "errPerm"])
}), d.isRejected() ? d : d.resolve(c.clipboard(this.hashes(b)))
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.cut = function () {
this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+x shift+insert"
}], this.getstate = function (b) {
var b = this.files(b),
c = b.length;
return c && a.map(b, function (a) {
return a.phash && a.read && !a.locked ? a : null
}).length == c ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = this.fm,
d = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
return a.each(this.files(b), function (a, b) {
if (!b.read || !b.phash) return !d.reject(["errCopy", b.name, "errPerm"]);
if (b.locked) return !d.reject(["errLocked", b.name])
}), d.isRejected() ? d : d.resolve(c.clipboard(this.hashes(b), !0))
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.download = function () {
var b = this,
c = this.fm,
d = function (c) {
return a.map(b.files(c), function (a) {
return a.mime == "directory" ? null : a
this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "shift+enter"
}], this.getstate = function () {
var b = this.fm.selected(),
c = b.length;
return !this._disabled && c && (!a.browser.msie || c == 1) && c == d(b).length ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = this.fm,
e = c.options.url,
f = d(b),
g = a.Deferred(),
h = "",
i = "",
j, k;
if (this.disabled()) return g.reject();
if (c.oldAPI) return c.error("errCmdNoSupport"), g.reject();
a.each(c.options.customData || {}, function (a, b) {
i += "&" + a + "=" + b
}), e += e.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&";
for (j = 0; j < f.length; j++) h += '<iframe class="downloader" id="downloader-' + f[j].hash + '" style="display:none" src="' + e + "cmd=file&target=" + f[j].hash + "&download=1" + i + '"/>';
return a(h).appendTo("body").ready(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
a(h).each(function () {
a("#" + a(this).attr("id")).remove()
}, a.browser.mozilla ? 2e4 + 1e4 * j : 1e3)
}), c.trigger("download", {
files: f
}), g.resolve(b)
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.duplicate = function () {
var b = this.fm;
this.getstate = function (c) {
var c = this.files(c),
d = c.length;
return !this._disabled && d && b.cwd().write && a.map(c, function (a) {
return a.phash && a.read ? a : null
}).length == d ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = this.fm,
d = this.files(b),
e = d.length,
f = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
a && c.error(a)
g = [];
return !e || this._disabled ? f.reject() : (a.each(d, function (a, b) {
if (!b.read || !c.file(b.phash).write) return !f.reject(["errCopy", b.name, "errPerm"])
}), f.isRejected() ? f : c.request({
data: {
cmd: "duplicate",
targets: this.hashes(b)
notify: {
type: "copy",
cnt: e
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.edit = function () {
var b = this,
c = this.fm,
d = c.res("mimes", "text") || [],
e = function (c) {
return a.map(c, function (c) {
return (c.mime.indexOf("text/") === 0 || a.inArray(c.mime, d) !== -1) && c.mime.indexOf("text/rtf") && (!b.onlyMimes.length || a.inArray(c.mime, b.onlyMimes) !== -1) && c.read && c.write ? c : null
}, f = function (d, e, f) {
var g = a.Deferred(),
h = a('<textarea class="elfinder-file-edit" rows="20" id="' + d + '-ta">' + c.escape(f) + "</textarea>"),
i = function () {
h.editor && h.editor.save(h[0], h.editor.instance), g.resolve(h.getContent()), h.elfinderdialog("close")
}, j = function () {
g.reject(), h.elfinderdialog("close")
}, k = {
title: e.name,
width: b.options.dialogWidth || 450,
buttons: {},
close: function () {
h.editor && h.editor.close(h[0], h.editor.instance), a(this).elfinderdialog("destroy")
open: function () {
c.disable(), h.focus(), h[0].setSelectionRange && h[0].setSelectionRange(0, 0), h.editor && h.editor.load(h[0])
return h.getContent = function () {
return h.val()
}, a.each(b.options.editors || [], function (b, c) {
if (a.inArray(e.mime, c.mimes || []) !== -1 && typeof c.load == "function" && typeof c.save == "function") return h.editor = {
load: c.load,
save: c.save,
close: typeof c.close == "function" ? c.close : function () {},
instance: null
}, !1
}), h.editor || h.keydown(function (a) {
var b = a.keyCode,
c, d;
a.stopPropagation(), b == 9 && (a.preventDefault(), this.setSelectionRange && (c = this.value, d = this.selectionStart, this.value = c.substr(0, d) + " " + c.substr(this.selectionEnd), d += 1, this.setSelectionRange(d, d)));
if (a.ctrlKey || a.metaKey) {
if (b == 81 || b == 87) a.preventDefault(), j();
b == 83 && (a.preventDefault(), i())
}), k.buttons[c.i18n("Save")] = i, k.buttons[c.i18n("Cancel")] = j, c.dialog(h, k).attr("id", d), g.promise()
}, g = function (b) {
var d = b.hash,
e = c.options,
g = a.Deferred(),
h = {
cmd: "file",
target: d
}, i = c.url(d) || c.options.url,
j = "edit-" + c.namespace + "-" + b.hash,
k = c.getUI().find("#" + j),
return k.length ? (k.elfinderdialog("toTop"), g.resolve()) : !b.read || !b.write ? (l = ["errOpen", b.name, "errPerm"], c.error(l), g.reject(l)) : (c.request({
data: {
cmd: "get",
target: d
notify: {
type: "openfile",
cnt: 1
syncOnFail: !0
}).done(function (a) {
f(j, b, a.content).done(function (a) {
options: {
type: "post"
data: {
cmd: "put",
target: d,
content: a
notify: {
type: "save",
cnt: 1
syncOnFail: !0
}).fail(function (a) {
}).done(function (a) {
a.changed && a.changed.length && c.change(a), g.resolve(a)
}).fail(function (a) {
}), g.promise())
this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+e"
}], this.init = function () {
this.onlyMimes = this.options.mimes || []
}, this.getstate = function (a) {
var a = this.files(a),
b = a.length;
return !this._disabled && b && e(a).length == b ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = e(this.files(b)),
d = [],
if (this.disabled()) return a.Deferred().reject();
while (f = c.shift()) d.push(g(f));
return d.length ? a.when.apply(null, d) : a.Deferred().reject()
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.extract = function () {
var b = this,
c = b.fm,
d = [],
e = function (b) {
return a.map(b, function (b) {
return b.read && a.inArray(b.mime, d) !== -1 ? b : null
this.disableOnSearch = !0, c.bind("open reload", function () {
d = c.option("archivers").extract || [], b.change()
}), this.getstate = function (a) {
var a = this.files(a),
b = a.length;
return !this._disabled && b && e(a).length == b ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var e = this.files(b),
f = a.Deferred(),
g = e.length,
h = g,
i, j, k;
if (!(this.enabled() && g && d.length)) return f.reject();
for (i = 0; i < g; i++) {
j = e[i];
if (!j.read || !c.file(j.phash).write) return k = ["errExtract", j.name, "errPerm"], c.error(k), f.reject(k);
if (a.inArray(j.mime, d) === -1) return k = ["errExtract", j.name, "errNoArchive"], c.error(k), f.reject(k);
data: {
cmd: "extract",
target: j.hash
notify: {
type: "extract",
cnt: 1
syncOnFail: !0
}).fail(function (a) {
f.isRejected() || f.reject(a)
}).done(function () {
h--, h == 0 && f.resolve()
return f
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.forward = function () {
this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !0, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+right"
}], this.getstate = function () {
return this.fm.history.canForward() ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function () {
return this.fm.history.forward()
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.getfile = function () {
var b = this,
c = this.fm,
d = function (c) {
var d = b.options;
return c = a.map(c, function (a) {
return a.mime != "directory" || d.folders ? a : null
}), d.multiple || c.length == 1 ? c : []
this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.callback = c.options.getFileCallback, this._disabled = typeof this.callback == "function", this.getstate = function (a) {
var a = this.files(a),
b = a.length;
return this.callback && b && d(a).length == b ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (c) {
var d = this.fm,
e = this.options,
f = this.files(c),
g = f.length,
h = d.option("url"),
i = d.option("tmbUrl"),
j = a.Deferred().done(function (a) {
d.trigger("getfile", {
files: a
}), b.callback(a, d), e.oncomplete == "close" ? d.hide() : e.oncomplete == "destroy" && d.destroy()
k = function (b) {
return e.onlyURL ? e.multiple ? a.map(f, function (a) {
return a.url
}) : f[0].url : e.multiple ? f : f[0]
}, l = [],
m, n, o;
if (this.getstate() == -1) return j.reject();
for (m = 0; m < g; m++) {
n = f[m];
if (n.mime == "directory" && !e.folders) return j.reject();
n.baseUrl = h, n.url = d.url(n.hash), n.path = d.path(n.hash), n.tmb && n.tmb != 1 && (n.tmb = i + n.tmb), !n.width && !n.height && (n.dim ? (o = n.dim.split("x"), n.width = o[0], n.height = o[1]) : n.mime.indexOf("image") !== -1 && l.push(d.request({
data: {
cmd: "dim",
target: n.hash
preventDefault: !0
}).done(a.proxy(function (a) {
a.dim && (o = a.dim.split("x"), this.width = o[0], this.height = o[1]), this.dim = a.dim
}, f[m]))))
return l.length ? (a.when.apply(null, l).always(function () {
}), j) : j.resolve(k(f))
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.help = function () {
var b = this.fm,
c = this,
d = '<div class="elfinder-help-link"> <a href="{url}">{link}</a></div>',
e = '<div class="elfinder-help-team"><div>{author}</div>{work}</div>',
f = /{url}/,
g = /{link}/,
h = /{author}/,
i = /{work}/,
j = "replace",
k = "ui-priority-primary",
l = "ui-priority-secondary",
m = "elfinder-help-license",
n = '<li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top"><a href="#{id}">{title}</a></li>',
o = ['<div class="ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder-help">', '<ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all">'],
p = '<div class="elfinder-help-shortcut"><div class="elfinder-help-shortcut-pattern">{pattern}</div> {descrip}</div>',
q = '<div class="elfinder-help-separator"/>',
r = function () {
o.push('<div id="about" class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"><div class="elfinder-help-logo"/>'), o.push("<h3>elFinder</h3>"), o.push('<div class="' + k + '">' + b.i18n("webfm") + "</div>"), o.push('<div class="' + l + '">' + b.i18n("ver") + ": " + b.version + ", " + b.i18n("protocol") + ": " + b.api + "</div>"), o.push('<div class="' + l + '">jQuery/jQuery UI: ' + a().jquery + "/" + a.ui.version + "</div>"), o.push(q), o.push(d[j](f, "http://elfinder.org/")[j](g, b.i18n("homepage"))), o.push(d[j](f, "https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/wiki")[j](g, b.i18n("docs"))), o.push(d[j](f, "https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder")[j](g, b.i18n("github"))), o.push(d[j](f, "http://twitter.com/elrte_elfinder")[j](g, b.i18n("twitter"))), o.push(q), o.push('<div class="' + k + '">' + b.i18n("team") + "</div>"), o.push(e[j](h, 'Dmitry "dio" Levashov <dio@std42.ru>')[j](i, b.i18n("chiefdev"))), o.push(e[j](h, "Troex Nevelin <troex@fury.scancode.ru>")[j](i, b.i18n("maintainer"))), o.push(e[j](h, "Alexey Sukhotin <strogg@yandex.ru>")[j](i, b.i18n("contributor"))), o.push(e[j](h, "Naoki Sawada <hypweb@gmail.com>")[j](i, b.i18n("contributor"))), b.i18[b.lang].translator && o.push(e[j](h, b.i18[b.lang].translator)[j](i, b.i18n("translator") + " (" + b.i18[b.lang].language + ")")), o.push(q), o.push('<div class="' + m + '">' + b.i18n("icons") + ': <a href="http://pixelmixer.ru/" target="_blank">Pixelmixer</a>, <a href="http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com" target="_blank">Fugue</a></div>'), o.push(q), o.push('<div class="' + m + '">Licence: BSD Licence</div>'), o.push('<div class="' + m + '">Copyright © 2009-2011, Studio 42</div>'), o.push('<div class="' + m + '">„ …' + b.i18n("dontforget") + " ”</div>"), o.push("</div>")
}, s = function () {
var c = b.shortcuts();
o.push('<div id="shortcuts" class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom">'), c.length ? (o.push('<div class="ui-widget-content elfinder-help-shortcuts">'), a.each(c, function (a, b) {
o.push(p.replace(/{pattern}/, b[0]).replace(/{descrip}/, b[1]))
}), o.push("</div>")) : o.push('<div class="elfinder-help-disabled">' + b.i18n("shortcutsof") + "</div>"), o.push("</div>")
}, t = function () {
o.push('<div id="help" class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom">'), o.push('<a href="http://elfinder.org/forum/" target="_blank" class="elfinder-dont-panic"><span>DON'T PANIC</span></a>'), o.push("</div>")
}, u;
this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.state = 0, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "f1",
description: this.title
}], setTimeout(function () {
var d = c.options.view || ["about", "shortcuts", "help"];
a.each(d, function (a, c) {
o.push(n[j](/{id}/, c)[j](/{title}/, b.i18n(c)))
}), o.push("</ul>"), a.inArray("about", d) !== -1 && r(), a.inArray("shortcuts", d) !== -1 && s(), a.inArray("help", d) !== -1 && t(), o.push("</div>"), u = a(o.join("")), u.find(".ui-tabs-nav li").hover(function () {
}).children().click(function (b) {
var c = a(this);
b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), c.is(".ui-tabs-selected") || (c.parent().addClass("ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active").siblings().removeClass("ui-tabs-selected").removeClass("ui-state-active"), u.find(".ui-tabs-panel").hide().filter(c.attr("href")).show())
}, 200), this.getstate = function () {
return 0
}, this.exec = function () {
this.dialog || (this.dialog = this.fm.dialog(u, {
title: this.title,
width: 530,
autoOpen: !1,
destroyOnClose: !1
})), this.dialog.elfinderdialog("open").find(".ui-tabs-nav li a:first").click()
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.home = function () {
this.title = "Home", this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+home ctrl+shift+up",
description: "Home"
}], this.getstate = function () {
var a = this.fm.root(),
b = this.fm.cwd().hash;
return a && b && a != b ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function () {
return this.fm.exec("open", this.fm.root())
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.info = function () {
var b = "msg",
c = this.fm,
d = "elfinder-info-spinner",
e = {
calc: c.i18n("calc"),
size: c.i18n("size"),
unknown: c.i18n("unknown"),
path: c.i18n("path"),
aliasfor: c.i18n("aliasfor"),
modify: c.i18n("modify"),
perms: c.i18n("perms"),
locked: c.i18n("locked"),
dim: c.i18n("dim"),
kind: c.i18n("kind"),
files: c.i18n("files"),
folders: c.i18n("folders"),
items: c.i18n("items"),
yes: c.i18n("yes"),
no: c.i18n("no"),
link: c.i18n("link")
this.tpl = {
main: '<div class="ui-helper-clearfix elfinder-info-title"><span class="elfinder-cwd-icon {class} ui-corner-all"/>{title}</div><table class="elfinder-info-tb">{content}</table>',
itemTitle: '<strong>{name}</strong><span class="elfinder-info-kind">{kind}</span>',
groupTitle: "<strong>{items}: {num}</strong>",
row: "<tr><td>{label} : </td><td>{value}</td></tr>",
spinner: '<span>{text}</span> <span class="' + d + '"/>'
}, this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+i"
}], this.init = function () {
a.each(e, function (a, b) {
e[a] = c.i18n(b)
}, this.getstate = function () {
return 0
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = this,
f = this.fm,
g = this.tpl,
h = g.row,
i = this.files(b),
j = i.length,
k = [],
l = g.main,
m = "{label}",
n = "{value}",
o = {
title: this.title,
width: "auto",
close: function () {
}, p = [],
q = function (a) {
s.find("." + d).parent().text(a)
}, r = f.namespace + "-info-" + a.map(i, function (a) {
return a.hash
s = f.getUI().find("#" + r),
t, u, v, w, x;
if (!j) return a.Deferred().reject();
if (s.length) return s.elfinderdialog("toTop"), a.Deferred().resolve();
j == 1 ? (v = i[0], l = l.replace("{class}", f.mime2class(v.mime)), w = g.itemTitle.replace("{name}", v.name).replace("{kind}", f.mime2kind(v)), v.tmb && (u = f.option("tmbUrl") + v.tmb), v.read ? v.mime != "directory" || v.alias ? t = f.formatSize(v.size) : (t = g.spinner.replace("{text}", e.calc), p.push(v.hash)) : t = e.unknown, k.push(h.replace(m, e.size).replace(n, t)), v.alias && k.push(h.replace(m, e.aliasfor).replace(n, v.alias)), k.push(h.replace(m, e.path).replace(n, f.escape(f.path(v.hash)))), v.read && k.push(h.replace(m, e.link).replace(n, '<a href="' + f.url(v.hash) + '" target="_blank">' + v.name + "</a>")), v.dim ? k.push(h.replace(m, e.dim).replace(n, v.dim)) : v.mime.indexOf("image") !== -1 && (v.width && v.height ? k.push(h.replace(m, e.dim).replace(n, v.width + "x" + v.height)) : (k.push(h.replace(m, e.dim).replace(n, g.spinner.replace("{text}", e.calc))), f.request({
data: {
cmd: "dim",
target: v.hash
preventDefault: !0
}).fail(function () {
}).done(function (a) {
q(a.dim || e.unknown)
}))), k.push(h.replace(m, e.modify).replace(n, f.formatDate(v))), k.push(h.replace(m, e.perms).replace(n, f.formatPermissions(v))), k.push(h.replace(m, e.locked).replace(n, v.locked ? e.yes : e.no))) : (l = l.replace("{class}", "elfinder-cwd-icon-group"), w = g.groupTitle.replace("{items}", e.items).replace("{num}", j), x = a.map(i, function (a) {
return a.mime == "directory" ? 1 : null
}).length, x ? (k.push(h.replace(m, e.kind).replace(n, x == j ? e.folders : e.folders + " " + x + ", " + e.files + " " + (j - x))), k.push(h.replace(m, e.size).replace(n, g.spinner.replace("{text}", e.calc))), p = a.map(i, function (a) {
return a.hash
})) : (t = 0, a.each(i, function (a, b) {
var c = parseInt(b.size);
c >= 0 && t >= 0 ? t += c : t = "unknown"
}), k.push(h.replace(m, e.kind).replace(n, e.files)), k.push(h.replace(m, e.size).replace(n, f.formatSize(t))))), l = l.replace("{title}", w).replace("{content}", k.join("")), s = f.dialog(l, o), s.attr("id", r), u && a("<img/>").load(function () {
s.find(".elfinder-cwd-icon").css("background", 'url("' + u + '") center center no-repeat')
}).attr("src", u), p.length && f.request({
data: {
cmd: "size",
targets: p
preventDefault: !0
}).fail(function () {
}).done(function (a) {
var b = parseInt(a.size);
f.log(a.size), q(b >= 0 ? f.formatSize(b) : e.unknown)
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.mkdir = function () {
this.disableOnSearch = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.mime = "directory", this.prefix = "untitled folder", this.exec = a.proxy(this.fm.res("mixin", "make"), this), this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+shift+n"
}], this.getstate = function () {
return !this._disabled && this.fm.cwd().write ? 0 : -1
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.mkfile = function () {
this.disableOnSearch = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.mime = "text/plain", this.prefix = "untitled file.txt", this.exec = a.proxy(this.fm.res("mixin", "make"), this), this.getstate = function () {
return !this._disabled && this.fm.cwd().write ? 0 : -1
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.open = function () {
this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this._handlers = {
dblclick: function (a) {
a.preventDefault(), this.exec()
"select enable disable reload": function (a) {
this.update(a.type == "disable" ? -1 : void 0)
}, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+down numpad_enter" + (this.fm.OS != "mac" && " enter")
}], this.getstate = function (b) {
var b = this.files(b),
c = b.length;
return c == 1 ? 0 : c ? a.map(b, function (a) {
return a.mime == "directory" ? null : a
}).length == c ? 0 : -1 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = this.fm,
d = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
a && c.error(a)
e = this.files(b),
f = e.length,
g, h, i, j;
if (!f) return d.reject();
if (f == 1 && (g = e[0]) && g.mime == "directory") return g && !g.read ? d.reject(["errOpen", g.name, "errPerm"]) : c.request({
data: {
cmd: "open",
target: g.thash || g.hash
notify: {
type: "open",
cnt: 1,
hideCnt: !0
syncOnFail: !0
e = a.map(e, function (a) {
return a.mime != "directory" ? a : null
if (f != e.length) return d.reject();
f = e.length;
while (f--) {
g = e[f];
if (!g.read) return d.reject(["errOpen", g.name, "errPerm"]);
(h = c.url(g.hash)) || (h = c.options.url, h = h + (h.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + (c.oldAPI ? "cmd=open¤t=" + g.phash : "cmd=file") + "&target=" + g.hash), j = "", g.dim && (i = g.dim.split("x"), j = "width=" + (parseInt(i[0]) + 20) + ",height=" + (parseInt(i[1]) + 20));
if (!window.open(h, "_blank", j + ",top=50,left=50,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes")) return d.reject("errPopup")
return d.resolve(b)
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.paste = function () {
this.disableOnSearch = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.handlers = {
changeclipboard: function () {
}, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+v shift+insert"
}], this.getstate = function (b) {
if (this._disabled) return -1;
if (b) {
if (a.isArray(b)) {
if (b.length != 1) return -1;
b = this.fm.file(b[0])
} else b = this.fm.cwd();
return this.fm.clipboard().length && b.mime == "directory" && b.write ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = this,
d = c.fm,
b = b ? this.files(b)[0] : d.cwd(),
e = d.clipboard(),
f = e.length,
g = f ? e[0].cut : !1,
h = g ? "errMove" : "errCopy",
i = [],
j = [],
k = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
a && d.error(a)
l = function (b) {
return b.length && d._commands.duplicate ? d.exec("duplicate", b) : a.Deferred().resolve()
}, m = function (e) {
var f = a.Deferred(),
h = [],
i = function (b, c) {
var d = [],
e = b.length;
while (e--) a.inArray(b[e].name, c) !== -1 && d.unshift(e);
return d
}, j = function (a) {
var b = h[a],
c = e[b],
i = a == h.length - 1;
if (!c) return;
title: d.i18n(g ? "moveFiles" : "copyFiles"),
text: d.i18n(["errExists", c.name, "confirmRepl"]),
all: !i,
accept: {
label: "btnYes",
callback: function (b) {
!i && !b ? j(++a) : l(e)
reject: {
label: "btnNo",
callback: function (b) {
var c;
if (b) {
c = h.length;
while (a < c--) e[h[c]].remove = !0
} else e[h[a]].remove = !0;
!i && !b ? j(++a) : l(e)
cancel: {
label: "btnCancel",
callback: function () {
}, k = function (a) {
h = i(e, a), h.length ? j(0) : l(e)
}, l = function (c) {
var c = a.map(c, function (a) {
return a.remove ? null : a
e = c.length,
h = {}, i = [],
if (!e) return f.resolve();
j = c[0].phash, c = a.map(c, function (a) {
return a.hash
}), d.request({
data: {
cmd: "paste",
dst: b.hash,
targets: c,
cut: g ? 1 : 0,
src: j
notify: {
type: g ? "move" : "copy",
cnt: e
}).always(function () {
files: c
return c._disabled || !e.length ? f.resolve() : (d.oldAPI ? l(e) : d.option("copyOverwrite") ? b.hash == d.cwd().hash ? k(a.map(d.files(), function (a) {
return a.phash == b.hash ? a.name : null
})) : d.request({
data: {
cmd: "ls",
target: b.hash
notify: {
type: "prepare",
cnt: 1,
hideCnt: !0
preventFail: !0
}).always(function (a) {
k(a.list || [])
}) : l(e), f)
}, n, o;
return !f || !b || b.mime != "directory" ? k.reject() : b.write ? (n = d.parents(b.hash), a.each(e, function (c, f) {
if (!f.read) return !k.reject([h, e[0].name, "errPerm"]);
if (g && f.locked) return !k.reject(["errLocked", f.name]);
if (a.inArray(f.hash, n) !== -1) return !k.reject(["errCopyInItself", f.name]);
o = d.parents(f.hash);
if (a.inArray(b.hash, o) !== -1 && a.map(o, function (a) {
var c = d.file(a);
return c.phash == b.hash && c.name == f.name ? c : null
}).length) return !k.reject(["errReplByChild", f.name]);
f.phash == b.hash ? j.push(f.hash) : i.push({
hash: f.hash,
phash: f.phash,
name: f.name
}), k.isRejected() ? k : a.when(l(j), m(i)).always(function () {
g && d.clipboard([])
})) : k.reject([h, e[0].name, "errPerm"])
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.quicklook = function () {
var b = this,
c = b.fm,
d = 0,
e = 1,
f = 2,
g = d,
h = "elfinder-quicklook-navbar-icon",
i = "elfinder-quicklook-fullscreen",
j = function (b) {
a(document).trigger(a.Event("keydown", {
keyCode: b,
ctrlKey: !1,
shiftKey: !1,
altKey: !1,
metaKey: !1
}, k = function (a) {
return {
opacity: 0,
width: 20,
height: c.view == "list" ? 1 : 20,
top: a.offset().top + "px",
left: a.offset().left + "px"
}, l = function () {
var b = a(window);
return {
opacity: 1,
width: n,
height: o,
top: parseInt((b.height() - o) / 2 + b.scrollTop()),
left: parseInt((b.width() - n) / 2 + b.scrollLeft())
}, m = function (a) {
var b = document.createElement(a.substr(0, a.indexOf("/"))),
c = b.canPlayType && b.canPlayType(a);
return c && c !== "" && c != "no"
}, n, o, p, q, r = a('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-title"/>'),
s = a("<div/>"),
t = a('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info"/>'),
u = a('<div class="' + h + " " + h + '-fullscreen"/>').mousedown(function (d) {
var e = b.window,
f = e.is("." + i),
g = "scroll." + c.namespace,
j = a(window);
d.stopPropagation(), f ? (e.css(e.data("position")).unbind("mousemove"), j.unbind(g).trigger(b.resize).unbind(b.resize), v.unbind("mouseenter").unbind("mousemove")) : (e.data("position", {
left: e.css("left"),
top: e.css("top"),
width: e.width(),
height: e.height()
width: "100%",
height: "100%"
}), a(window).bind(g, function () {
left: parseInt(a(window).scrollLeft()) + "px",
top: parseInt(a(window).scrollTop()) + "px"
}).bind(b.resize, function (a) {
}).trigger(g).trigger(b.resize), e.bind("mousemove", function (a) {
v.stop(!0, !0).show().delay(3e3).fadeOut("slow")
}).mousemove(), v.mouseenter(function () {
v.stop(!0, !0).show()
}).mousemove(function (a) {
})), v.attr("style", "").draggable(f ? "destroy" : {}), e.toggleClass(i), a(this).toggleClass(h + "-fullscreen-off"), a.fn.resizable && p.add(e).resizable(f ? "enable" : "disable").removeClass("ui-state-disabled")
v = a('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-navbar"/>').append(a('<div class="' + h + " " + h + '-prev"/>').mousedown(function () {
})).append(u).append(a('<div class="' + h + " " + h + '-next"/>').mousedown(function () {
})).append('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-navbar-separator"/>').append(a('<div class="' + h + " " + h + '-close"/>').mousedown(function () {
this.resize = "resize." + c.namespace, this.info = a('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-wrapper"/>').append(s).append(t), this.preview = a('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-preview ui-helper-clearfix"/>').bind("change", function (a) {
b.info.attr("style", "").hide(), s.removeAttr("class").attr("style", ""), t.html("")
}).bind("update", function (c) {
var d = b.fm,
e = b.preview,
f = c.file,
g = '<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data">{value}</div>',
f ? (!f.read && c.stopImmediatePropagation(), b.window.data("hash", f.hash), b.preview.unbind("changesize").trigger("change").children().remove(), r.html(d.escape(f.name)), t.html(g.replace(/{value}/, f.name) + g.replace(/{value}/, d.mime2kind(f)) + (f.mime == "directory" ? "" : g.replace(/{value}/, d.formatSize(f.size))) + g.replace(/{value}/, d.i18n("modify") + ": " + d.formatDate(f.date))), s.addClass("elfinder-cwd-icon ui-corner-all " + d.mime2class(f.mime)), f.tmb && a("<img/>").hide().appendTo(b.preview).load(function () {
s.css("background", 'url("' + h + '") center center no-repeat'), a(this).remove()
}).attr("src", h = d.tmb(f.hash)), b.info.delay(100).fadeIn(10)) : c.stopImmediatePropagation()
}), this.window = a('<div class="ui-helper-reset ui-widget elfinder-quicklook" style="position:absolute"/>').click(function (a) {
}).append(a('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-titlebar"/>').append(r).append(a('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-close"/>').mousedown(function (a) {
a.stopPropagation(), b.window.trigger("close")
handle: "div.elfinder-quicklook-titlebar"
}).bind("open", function (a) {
var c = b.window,
d = b.value,
b.closed() && d && (h = q.find("#" + d.hash)).length && (g = e, h.trigger("scrolltoview"), c.css(k(h)).show().animate(l(), 550, function () {
g = f, b.update(1, b.value)
}).bind("close", function (a) {
var c = b.window,
f = b.preview.trigger("change"),
h = b.value,
j = q.find("#" + c.data("hash")),
l = function () {
g = d, c.hide(), f.children().remove(), b.update(0, b.value)
b.opened() && (g = e, c.is("." + i) && u.mousedown(), j.length ? c.animate(k(j), 500, l) : l())
}), this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.value = null, this.handlers = {
select: function () {
this.update(void 0, this.fm.selectedFiles()[0])
error: function () {
b.window.is(":visible") && b.window.data("hash", "").trigger("close")
"searchshow searchhide": function () {
this.opened() && this.window.trigger("close")
}, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "space"
}], this.support = {
audio: {
ogg: m('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"'),
mp3: m("audio/mpeg;"),
wav: m('audio/wav; codecs="1"'),
m4a: m("audio/x-m4a;") || m("audio/aac;")
video: {
ogg: m('video/ogg; codecs="theora"'),
webm: m('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'),
mp4: m('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"') || m('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"')
}, this.closed = function () {
return g == d
}, this.opened = function () {
return g == f
}, this.init = function () {
var d = this.options,
e = this.window,
f = this.preview,
g, h;
n = d.width > 0 ? parseInt(d.width) : 450, o = d.height > 0 ? parseInt(d.height) : 300, c.one("load", function () {
p = c.getUI(), q = c.getUI("cwd"), e.appendTo("body").zIndex(100 + p.zIndex()), a(document).keydown(function (a) {
a.keyCode == 27 && b.opened() && e.trigger("close")
}), a.fn.resizable && e.resizable({
handles: "se",
minWidth: 350,
minHeight: 120,
resize: function () {
}), b.change(function () {
b.opened() && (b.value ? f.trigger(a.Event("update", {
file: b.value
})) : e.trigger("close"))
}), a.each(c.commands.quicklook.plugins || [], function (a, c) {
typeof c == "function" && new c(b)
}), f.bind("update", function () {
}, this.getstate = function () {
return this.fm.selected().length == 1 ? g == f ? 1 : 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function () {
this.enabled() && this.window.trigger(this.opened() ? "close" : "open")
}, this.hideinfo = function () {
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.quicklook.plugins = [function (b) {
var c = ["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif"],
d = b.preview;
a.each(navigator.mimeTypes, function (b, d) {
var e = d.type;
e.indexOf("image/") === 0 && a.inArray(e, c) && c.push(e)
}), d.bind("update", function (e) {
var f = e.file,
a.inArray(f.mime, c) !== -1 && (e.stopImmediatePropagation(), g = a("<img/>").hide().appendTo(d).load(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
var a = (g.width() / g.height()).toFixed(2);
d.bind("changesize", function () {
var b = parseInt(d.width()),
c = parseInt(d.height()),
e, f;
a < (b / c).toFixed(2) ? (f = c, e = Math.floor(f * a)) : (e = b, f = Math.floor(e / a)), g.width(e).height(f).css("margin-top", f < c ? Math.floor((c - f) / 2) : 0)
}).trigger("changesize"), b.hideinfo(), g.fadeIn(100)
}, 1)
}).attr("src", b.fm.url(f.hash)))
}, function (b) {
var c = ["text/html", "application/xhtml+xml"],
d = b.preview,
e = b.fm;
d.bind("update", function (f) {
var g = f.file,
a.inArray(g.mime, c) !== -1 && (f.stopImmediatePropagation(), d.one("change", function () {
!h.isResolved() && !h.isRejected() && h.reject()
}), h = e.request({
data: {
cmd: "get",
target: g.hash,
current: g.phash
preventDefault: !0
}).done(function (c) {
b.hideinfo(), doc = a('<iframe class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-html"/>').appendTo(d)[0].contentWindow.document, doc.open(), doc.write(c.content), doc.close()
}, function (b) {
var c = b.fm,
d = c.res("mimes", "text"),
e = b.preview;
e.bind("update", function (f) {
var g = f.file,
h = g.mime,
if (h.indexOf("text/") === 0 || a.inArray(h, d) !== -1) f.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.one("change", function () {
!i.isResolved() && !i.isRejected() && i.reject()
}), i = c.request({
data: {
cmd: "get",
target: g.hash
preventDefault: !0
}).done(function (d) {
b.hideinfo(), a('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-text-wrapper"><pre class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-text">' + c.escape(d.content) + "</pre></div>").appendTo(e)
}, function (b) {
var c = b.fm,
d = "application/pdf",
e = b.preview,
f = !1;
a.browser.safari && navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") != -1 || a.browser.msie ? f = !0 : a.each(navigator.plugins, function (b, c) {
a.each(c, function (a, b) {
if (b.type == d) return !(f = !0)
}), f && e.bind("update", function (f) {
var g = f.file,
g.mime == d && (f.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.one("change", function () {
}), h = a('<iframe class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-pdf"/>').hide().appendTo(e).load(function () {
b.hideinfo(), h.show()
}).attr("src", c.url(g.hash)))
}, function (b) {
var c = b.fm,
d = "application/x-shockwave-flash",
e = b.preview,
f = !1;
a.each(navigator.plugins, function (b, c) {
a.each(c, function (a, b) {
if (b.type == d) return !(f = !0)
}), f && e.bind("update", function (f) {
var g = f.file,
g.mime == d && (f.stopImmediatePropagation(), b.hideinfo(), e.append(h = a('<embed class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" src="' + c.url(g.hash) + '" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />')))
}, function (b) {
var c = b.preview,
d = !! b.options.autoplay,
e = {
"audio/mpeg": "mp3",
"audio/mpeg3": "mp3",
"audio/mp3": "mp3",
"audio/x-mpeg3": "mp3",
"audio/x-mp3": "mp3",
"audio/x-wav": "wav",
"audio/wav": "wav",
"audio/x-m4a": "m4a",
"audio/aac": "m4a",
"audio/mp4": "m4a",
"audio/x-mp4": "m4a",
"audio/ogg": "ogg"
}, f;
c.bind("update", function (g) {
var h = g.file,
i = e[h.mime];
b.support.audio[i] && (g.stopImmediatePropagation(), f = a('<audio class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-audio" controls preload="auto" autobuffer><source src="' + b.fm.url(h.hash) + '" /></audio>').appendTo(c), d && f[0].play())
}).bind("change", function () {
f && f.parent().length && (f[0].pause(), f.remove(), f = null)
}, function (b) {
var c = b.preview,
d = !! b.options.autoplay,
e = {
"video/mp4": "mp4",
"video/x-m4v": "mp4",
"video/ogg": "ogg",
"application/ogg": "ogg",
"video/webm": "webm"
}, f;
c.bind("update", function (g) {
var h = g.file,
i = e[h.mime];
b.support.video[i] && (g.stopImmediatePropagation(), b.hideinfo(), f = a('<video class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-video" controls preload="auto" autobuffer><source src="' + b.fm.url(h.hash) + '" /></video>').appendTo(c), d && f[0].play())
}).bind("change", function () {
f && f.parent().length && (f[0].pause(), f.remove(), f = null)
}, function (b) {
var c = b.preview,
d = [],
a.each(navigator.plugins, function (b, c) {
a.each(c, function (a, b) {
(b.type.indexOf("audio/") === 0 || b.type.indexOf("video/") === 0) && d.push(b.type)
}), c.bind("update", function (f) {
var g = f.file,
h = g.mime,
a.inArray(g.mime, d) !== -1 && (f.stopImmediatePropagation(), (i = h.indexOf("video/") === 0) && b.hideinfo(), e = a('<embed src="' + b.fm.url(g.hash) + '" type="' + h + '" class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-' + (i ? "video" : "audio") + '"/>').appendTo(c))
}).bind("change", function () {
e && e.parent().length && (e.remove(), e = null)
}], elFinder.prototype.commands.reload = function () {
this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !0, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+shift+r f5"
}], this.getstate = function () {
return 0
}, this.exec = function () {
var a = this.fm,
b = a.sync(),
c = setTimeout(function () {
type: "reload",
cnt: 1,
hideCnt: !0
}), b.always(function () {
type: "reload",
cnt: -1
}, a.notifyDelay);
return b.always(function () {
clearTimeout(c), a.trigger("reload")
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.rename = function () {
this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "f2" + (this.fm.OS == "mac" ? " enter" : "")
}], this.getstate = function () {
var a = this.fm.selectedFiles();
return !this._disabled && a.length == 1 && a[0].phash && !a[0].locked ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function () {
var b = this.fm,
c = b.getUI("cwd"),
d = b.selected(),
e = d.length,
f = b.file(d.shift()),
g = ".elfinder-cwd-filename",
h = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
var d = i.parent(),
e = b.escape(f.name);
d.length ? (i.remove(), d.html(e)) : (c.find("#" + f.hash).find(g).html(e), setTimeout(function () {
c.find("#" + f.hash).click()
}, 50)), a && b.error(a)
}).always(function () {
i = a('<input type="text"/>').keydown(function (b) {
b.stopPropagation(), b.stopImmediatePropagation(), b.keyCode == a.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE ? h.reject() : b.keyCode == a.ui.keyCode.ENTER && i.blur()
}).mousedown(function (a) {
}).dblclick(function (a) {
a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault()
}).blur(function () {
var c = a.trim(i.val()),
d = i.parent();
if (d.length) {
i[0].setSelectionRange && i[0].setSelectionRange(0, 0);
if (c == f.name) return h.reject();
if (!c) return h.reject("errInvName");
if (b.fileByName(c, f.phash)) return h.reject(["errExists", c]);
d.html(b.escape(c)), b.lockfiles({
files: [f.hash]
}), b.request({
data: {
cmd: "rename",
target: f.hash,
name: c
notify: {
type: "rename",
cnt: 1
}).fail(function (a) {
h.reject(), b.sync()
}).done(function (a) {
}).always(function () {
files: [f.hash]
j = c.find("#" + f.hash).find(g).empty().append(i.val(f.name)),
k = i.val().replace(/.((tar.(gz|bz|bz2|z|lzo))|cpio.gz|ps.gz|xcf.(gz|bz2)|[a-z0-9]{1,4})$/ig, "");
return this.disabled() ? h.reject() : !f || e > 1 || !j.length ? h.reject("errCmdParams", this.title) : f.locked ? h.reject(["errLocked", f.name]) : (b.one("select", function () {
i.parent().length && f && a.inArray(f.hash, b.selected()) === -1 && i.blur()
}), i.select().focus(), i[0].setSelectionRange && i[0].setSelectionRange(0, k.length), h)
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.resize = function () {
this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.getstate = function () {
var a = this.fm.selectedFiles();
return !this._disabled && a.length == 1 && a[0].read && a[0].write && a[0].mime.indexOf("image/") !== -1 ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = this.fm,
d = this.files(b),
e = a.Deferred(),
f = function (b, d) {
var f = a('<div class="elfinder-dialog-resize"/>'),
g = '<input type="text" size="5"/>',
h = '<div class="elfinder-resize-row"/>',
i = '<div class="elfinder-resize-label"/>',
j = a('<div class="elfinder-resize-control"/>'),
k = a('<div class="elfinder-resize-preview"/>'),
l = a('<div class="elfinder-resize-spinner">' + c.i18n("ntfloadimg") + "</div>"),
m = a('<div class="elfinder-resize-handle"/>'),
n = a('<div class="elfinder-resize-handle"/>'),
o = a('<div class="elfinder-resize-uiresize"/>'),
p = a('<div class="elfinder-resize-uicrop"/>'),
q = '<div class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder-buttonset"/>',
r = '<div class="ui-state-default elfinder-button"/>',
s = '<span class="ui-widget-content elfinder-toolbar-button-separator"/>',
t = a('<div class="elfinder-resize-rotate"/>'),
u = a(r).attr("title", c.i18n("rotate-cw")).append(a('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-rotate-l"/>').click(function () {
S -= 90, ab.update(S)
v = a(r).attr("title", c.i18n("rotate-ccw")).append(a('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-rotate-r"/>').click(function () {
S += 90, ab.update(S)
w = a("<span />"),
x = a('<div class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all elfinder-resize-reset"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w"/></div>'),
y = a('<div class="elfinder-resize-type"/>').append('<input type="radio" name="type" id="type-resize" value="resize" checked="checked" /><label for="type-resize">' + c.i18n("resize") + "</label>").append('<input type="radio" name="type" id="type-crop" value="crop"/><label for="type-crop">' + c.i18n("crop") + "</label>").append('<input type="radio" name="type" id="type-rotate" value="rotate"/><label for="type-rotate">' + c.i18n("rotate") + "</label>"),
z = a("input", y).change(function () {
var b = a("input:checked", y).val();
Y(), bb(!0), cb(!0), db(!0), b == "resize" ? (o.show(), t.hide(), p.hide(), bb()) : b == "crop" ? (t.hide(), o.hide(), p.show(), cb()) : b == "rotate" && (o.hide(), p.hide(), t.show(), db())
A = a('<input type="checkbox" checked="checked"/>').change(function () {
N = !! A.prop("checked"), Z.fixHeight(), bb(!0), bb()
B = a(g).change(function () {
var a = parseInt(B.val()),
b = parseInt(N ? a / J : C.val());
a > 0 && b > 0 && (Z.updateView(a, b), C.val(b))
C = a(g).change(function () {
var a = parseInt(C.val()),
b = parseInt(N ? a * J : B.val());
b > 0 && a > 0 && (Z.updateView(b, a), B.val(b))
D = a(g),
E = a(g),
F = a(g),
G = a(g),
H = a('<input type="text" size="3" maxlength="3" value="0" />').change(function () {
I = a('<div class="elfinder-resize-rotate-slider"/>').slider({
min: 0,
max: 359,
step: 90, /* FIX */
value: H.val(),
animate: !0,
change: function (a, b) {
b.value != I.slider("value") && ab.update(b.value)
slide: function (a, b) {
ab.update(b.value, !1)
J = 1,
K = 1,
L = 0,
M = 0,
N = !0,
O = 0,
P = 0,
Q = 0,
R = 0,
S = 0,
T = a("<img/>").load(function () {
l.remove(), L = T.width(), M = T.height(), J = L / M, Z.updateView(L, M), m.append(T.show()).show(), B.val(L), C.val(M);
var b = Math.min(O, P) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(L, 2) + Math.pow(M, 2));
Q = L * b, R = M * b, j.find("input,select").removeAttr("disabled").filter(":text").keydown(function (b) {
var c = b.keyCode,
if (c >= 37 && c <= 40 || c == a.ui.keyCode.BACKSPACE || c == a.ui.keyCode.DELETE || c == 65 && (b.ctrlKey || b.metaKey) || c == 27) return;
c == 9 && (d = a(this).parent()[b.shiftKey ? "prev" : "next"](".elfinder-resize-row").children(":text"), d.length && d.focus());
if (c == 13) {
}(c < 48 || c > 57) && b.preventDefault()
}).filter(":first").focus(), bb(), x.hover(function () {
}).error(function () {
l.text("Unable to load image").css("background", "transparent")
U = a("<div/>"),
V = a("<img/>"),
W = a("<div/>"),
X = a("<img/>"),
Y = function () {
B.val(L), C.val(M), Z.updateView(L, M)
}, Z = {
update: function () {
B.val(parseInt(T.width() / K)), C.val(parseInt(T.height() / K))
updateView: function (a, b) {
a > O || b > P ? a / O > b / P ? T.width(O).height(Math.ceil(T.width() / J)) : T.height(P).width(Math.ceil(T.height() * J)) : T.width(a).height(b), K = T.width() / a, w.text("1 : " + (1 / K).toFixed(2)), Z.updateHandle()
updateHandle: function () {
fixWidth: function () {
var a, b;
N && (b = C.val(), b = parseInt(b * J), Z.updateView(a, b), B.val(a))
fixHeight: function () {
var a, b;
N && (a = B.val(), b = parseInt(a / J), Z.updateView(a, b), C.val(b))
}, _ = {
update: function () {
F.val(parseInt(n.width() / K)), G.val(parseInt(n.height() / K)), D.val(parseInt((n.offset().left - V.offset().left) / K)), E.val(parseInt((n.offset().top - V.offset().top) / K))
resize_update: function () {
_.update(), W.width(n.width()), W.height(n.height())
}, ab = {
mouseStartAngle: 0,
imageStartAngle: 0,
imageBeingRotated: !1,
update: function (b, c) {
typeof b == "undefined" && (S = b = parseInt(H.val())), typeof c == "undefined" && (c = !0), !c || a.browser.opera || a.browser.msie && parseInt(a.browser.version) < 9 ? X.rotate(b) : X.animate({
rotate: b + "deg"
}), b %= 360, b < 0 && (b += 360), H.val(parseInt(b)), I.slider("value", H.val())
execute: function (a) {
if (!ab.imageBeingRotated) return;
var b = ab.getCenter(X),
c = a.pageX - b[0],
d = a.pageY - b[1],
e = Math.atan2(d, c),
f = e - ab.mouseStartAngle + ab.imageStartAngle;
return f = Math.round(parseFloat(f) * 180 / Math.PI), a.shiftKey && (f = Math.round((f + 6) / 15) * 15), X.rotate(f), f %= 360, f < 0 && (f += 360), H.val(f), I.slider("value", H.val()), !1
start: function (b) {
ab.imageBeingRotated = !0;
var c = ab.getCenter(X),
d = b.pageX - c[0],
e = b.pageY - c[1];
return ab.mouseStartAngle = Math.atan2(e, d), ab.imageStartAngle = parseFloat(X.rotate()) * Math.PI / 180, a(document).mousemove(ab.execute), !1
stop: function (b) {
if (!ab.imageBeingRotated) return;
return a(document).unbind("mousemove", ab.execute), setTimeout(function () {
ab.imageBeingRotated = !1
}, 10), !1
getCenter: function (a) {
var b = X.rotate();
var c = X.offset(),
d = c.left + X.width() / 2,
e = c.top + X.height() / 2;
return X.rotate(b), Array(d, e)
}, bb = function (b) {
a.fn.resizable && (b ? (m.resizable("destroy"), m.hide()) : (m.show(), m.resizable({
alsoResize: T,
aspectRatio: N,
resize: Z.update,
stop: Z.fixHeight
}, cb = function (b) {
a.fn.draggable && a.fn.resizable && (b ? (n.resizable("destroy"), n.draggable("destroy"), U.hide()) : (V.width(T.width()).height(T.height()), W.width(T.width()).height(T.height()), n.width(V.width()).height(V.height()).offset(V.offset()).resizable({
containment: U,
resize: _.resize_update,
handles: "all"
handle: n,
containment: V,
drag: _.update
}), U.show().width(T.width()).height(T.height()), _.update()))
}, db = function (b) {
a.fn.draggable && a.fn.resizable && (b ? X.hide() : X.show().width(Q).height(R).css("margin-top", (P - R) / 2 + "px").css("margin-left", (O - Q) / 2 + "px"))
}, eb = function () {
var d, g, h, i, j, k = a("input:checked", y).val();
if (k == "resize") d = parseInt(B.val()) || 0, g = parseInt(C.val()) || 0;
else if (k == "crop") d = parseInt(F.val()) || 0, g = parseInt(G.val()) || 0, h = parseInt(D.val()) || 0, i = parseInt(E.val()) || 0;
else if (k = "rotate") {
d = L, g = M, j = parseInt(H.val()) || 0;
if (j < 0 || j > 360) return c.error("Invalid rotate degree");
if (j == 0 || j == 360) return c.error("Image dose not rotated")
if (k != "rotate") {
if (d <= 0 || g <= 0) return c.error("Invalid image size");
if (d == L && g == M) return c.error("Image size not changed")
f.elfinderdialog("close"), c.request({
data: {
cmd: "resize",
target: b.hash,
width: d,
height: g,
x: h,
y: i,
degree: j,
mode: k
notify: {
type: "resize",
cnt: 1
}).fail(function (a) {
}).done(function () {
}, fb = {}, gb = "elfinder-resize-handle-hline",
hb = "elfinder-resize-handle-vline",
ib = "elfinder-resize-handle-point",
jb = c.url(b.hash);
X.mousedown(ab.start), a(document).mouseup(ab.stop), o.append(a(h).append(a(i).text(c.i18n("width"))).append(B).append(x)).append(a(h).append(a(i).text(c.i18n("height"))).append(C)).append(a(h).append(a("<label/>").text(c.i18n("aspectRatio")).prepend(A))).append(a(h).append(c.i18n("scale") + " ").append(w)), p.append(a(h).append(a(i).text("X")).append(D)).append(a(h).append(a(i).text("Y")).append(E)).append(a(h).append(a(i).text(c.i18n("width"))).append(F)).append(a(h).append(a(i).text(c.i18n("height"))).append(G)), t.append(a(h).append(a(i).text(c.i18n("rotate"))).append(a('<div style="float:left; width: 130px;">').append(a('<div style="float:left;">').append(H).append(a("<span/>").text(c.i18n("degree")))).append(a(q).append(u).append(a(s)).append(v))).append(I)), f.append(y), j.append(a(h)).append(o).append(p.hide()).append(t.hide()).find("input,select").attr("disabled", "disabled"), m.append('<div class="' + gb + " " + gb + '-top"/>').append('<div class="' + gb + " " + gb + '-bottom"/>').append('<div class="' + hb + " " + hb + '-left"/>').append('<div class="' + hb + " " + hb + '-right"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-e"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-se"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-s"/>'), k.append(l).append(m.hide()).append(T.hide()), n.css("position", "absolute").append('<div class="' + gb + " " + gb + '-top"/>').append('<div class="' + gb + " " + gb + '-bottom"/>').append('<div class="' + hb + " " + hb + '-left"/>').append('<div class="' + hb + " " + hb + '-right"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-n"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-e"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-s"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-w"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-ne"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-se"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-sw"/>').append('<div class="' + ib + " " + ib + '-nw"/>'), k.append(U.css("position", "absolute").hide().append(V).append(n.append(W))), k.append(X.hide()), k.css("overflow", "hidden"), f.append(k).append(j), fb[c.i18n("btnCancel")] = function () {
}, fb[c.i18n("btnApply")] = eb, c.dialog(f, {
title: b.name,
width: 650,
resizable: !1,
destroyOnClose: !0,
buttons: fb,
open: function () {
k.zIndex(1 + a(this).parent().zIndex())
}).attr("id", d), a.browser.msie && parseInt(a.browser.version) < 9 && a(".elfinder-dialog").css("filter", ""), x.css("left", B.position().left + B.width() + 12), W.css({
opacity: .2,
"background-color": "#fff",
position: "absolute"
}), n.css("cursor", "move"), n.find(".elfinder-resize-handle-point").css({
"background-color": "#fff",
opacity: .5,
"border-color": "#000"
}), X.css("cursor", "pointer"), y.buttonset(), O = k.width() - (m.outerWidth() - m.width()), P = k.height() - (m.outerHeight() - m.height()), T.attr("src", jb + (jb.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + "_=" + Math.random()), V.attr("src", T.attr("src")), X.attr("src", T.attr("src"))
}, g, h;
return !d.length || d[0].mime.indexOf("image/") === -1 ? e.reject() : (g = "resize-" + c.namespace + "-" + d[0].hash, h = c.getUI().find("#" + g), h.length ? (h.elfinderdialog("toTop"), e.resolve()) : (f(d[0], g), e))
function (a) {
var b = function (a, b) {
var c = 0;
for (c in b) if (typeof a[b[c]] != "undefined") return b[c];
return a[b[c]] = "", b[c]
a.cssHooks.rotate = {
get: function (b, c, d) {
return a(b).rotate()
set: function (b, c) {
return a(b).rotate(c), c
}, a.cssHooks.transform = {
get: function (a, c, d) {
var e = b(a.style, ["WebkitTransform", "MozTransform", "OTransform", "msTransform", "transform"]);
return a.style[e]
set: function (a, c) {
var d = b(a.style, ["WebkitTransform", "MozTransform", "OTransform", "msTransform", "transform"]);
return a.style[d] = c, c
}, a.fn.rotate = function (b) {
if (typeof b == "undefined") {
if (a.browser.opera) {
var c = this.css("transform").match(/rotate((.*?))/);
return c && c[1] ? Math.round(parseFloat(c[1]) * 180 / Math.PI) : 0
var c = this.css("transform").match(/rotate((.*?))/);
return c && c[1] ? parseInt(c[1]) : 0
return this.css("transform", this.css("transform").replace(/none|rotate(.*?)/, "") + "rotate(" + parseInt(b) + "deg)"), this
}, a.fx.step.rotate = function (b) {
b.state == 0 && (b.start = a(b.elem).rotate(), b.now = b.start), a(b.elem).rotate(b.now)
if (a.browser.msie && parseInt(a.browser.version) < 9) {
var c = function (a) {
var b = a,
c = b.offsetLeft,
d = b.offsetTop;
while (b.offsetParent) {
b = b.offsetParent;
if (b != document.body && b.currentStyle["position"] != "static") break;
b != document.body && b != document.documentElement && (c -= b.scrollLeft, d -= b.scrollTop), c += b.offsetLeft, d += b.offsetTop
return {
x: c,
y: d
}, d = function (a) {
if (a.currentStyle["position"] != "static") return;
var b = c(a);
a.style.position = "absolute", a.style.left = b.x + "px", a.style.top = b.y + "px"
}, e = function (a, b) {
var c, e = 1,
f = 1,
g = 1,
h = 1;
if (typeof a.style["msTransform"] != "undefined") return !0;
d(a), c = b.match(/rotate((.*?))/);
var i = c && c[1] ? parseInt(c[1]) : 0;
i %= 360, i < 0 && (i = 360 + i);
var j = i * Math.PI / 180,
k = Math.cos(j),
l = Math.sin(j);
e *= k, f *= -l, g *= l, h *= k, a.style.filter = (a.style.filter || "").replace(/progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix([^)]*)/, "") + ("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + e + ",M12=" + f + ",M21=" + g + ",M22=" + h + ",FilterType='bilinear',sizingMethod='auto expand')");
var m = parseInt(a.style.width || a.width || 0),
n = parseInt(a.style.height || a.height || 0),
j = i * Math.PI / 180,
o = Math.abs(Math.cos(j)),
p = Math.abs(Math.sin(j)),
q = (m - (m * o + n * p)) / 2,
r = (n - (m * p + n * o)) / 2;
return a.style.marginLeft = Math.floor(q) + "px", a.style.marginTop = Math.floor(r) + "px", !0
}, f = a.cssHooks.transform.set;
a.cssHooks.transform.set = function (a, b) {
return f.apply(this, [a, b]), e(a, b), b
}(jQuery), elFinder.prototype.commands.rm = function () {
this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "delete ctrl+backspace"
}], this.getstate = function (b) {
var c = this.fm;
return b = b || c.selected(), !this._disabled && b.length && a.map(b, function (a) {
var b = c.file(a);
return b && b.phash && !b.locked ? a : null
}).length == b.length ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = this,
d = this.fm,
e = a.Deferred().fail(function (a) {
a && d.error(a)
f = this.files(b),
g = f.length,
h = d.cwd().hash,
i = !1;
return !g || this._disabled ? e.reject() : (a.each(f, function (a, b) {
if (!b.phash) return !e.reject(["errRm", b.name, "errPerm"]);
if (b.locked) return !e.reject(["errLocked", b.name]);
b.hash == h && (i = d.root(b.hash))
}), e.isRejected() || (f = this.hashes(b), d.confirm({
title: c.title,
text: "confirmRm",
accept: {
label: "btnRm",
callback: function () {
files: f
}), d.request({
data: {
cmd: "rm",
targets: f
notify: {
type: "rm",
cnt: g
preventFail: !0
}).fail(function (a) {
}).done(function (a) {
e.done(a), i && d.exec("open", i)
}).always(function () {
files: f
cancel: {
label: "btnCancel",
callback: function () {
})), e)
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.search = function () {
this.title = "Find files", this.options = {
ui: "searchbutton"
}, this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.getstate = function () {
return 0
}, this.exec = function (b) {
var c = this.fm;
return typeof b == "string" && b ? (c.trigger("searchstart", {
query: b
}), c.request({
data: {
cmd: "search",
q: b
notify: {
type: "search",
cnt: 1,
hideCnt: !0
})) : (c.getUI("toolbar").find("." + c.res("class", "searchbtn") + " :text").focus(), a.Deferred().reject())
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.sort = function () {
var b = this,
c = ["nameDirsFirst", "kindDirsFirst", "sizeDirsFirst", "dateDirsFirst", "name", "kind", "size", "date"],
this.options = {
ui: "sortbutton"
}, this.value = 1, this.variants = [];
for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) this.variants.push([c[d], this.fm.i18n("sort" + c[d])]);
this.disableOnSearch = !0, this.fm.bind("load sortchange", function () {
b.value = c[b.fm.sort - 1], b.change()
}), this.getstate = function () {
return 0
}, this.exec = function (b, d) {
var e = a.inArray(d, c) + 1 == this.fm.sort ? this.fm.sortDirect == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc" : this.fm.sortDirect;
this.fm.setSort(d, e)
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.up = function () {
this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+up"
}], this.getstate = function () {
return this.fm.cwd().phash ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function () {
return this.fm.cwd().phash ? this.fm.exec("open", this.fm.cwd().phash) : a.Deferred().reject()
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.upload = function () {
var b = this.fm.res("class", "hover");
this.disableOnSearch = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.shortcuts = [{
pattern: "ctrl+u"
}], this.getstate = function () {
return !this._disabled && this.fm.cwd().write ? 0 : -1
}, this.exec = function (c) {
var d = this.fm,
e = function (a) {
g.elfinderdialog("close"), d.upload(a).fail(function (a) {
}).done(function (a) {
}, f, g, h, i, j;
return this.disabled() ? a.Deferred().reject() : c && (c.input || c.files) ? d.upload(c) : (f = a.Deferred(), h = a('<input type="file" multiple="true"/>').change(function () {
input: h[0]
}), i = a('<div class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only"><span class="ui-button-text">' + d.i18n("selectForUpload") + "</span></div>").append(a("<form/>").append(h)).hover(function () {
}), g = a('<div class="elfinder-upload-dialog-wrapper"/>').append(i), d.dragUpload && (j = a('<div class="ui-corner-all elfinder-upload-dropbox">' + d.i18n("dropFiles") + "</div>").prependTo(g).after('<div class="elfinder-upload-dialog-or">' + d.i18n("or") + "</div>")[0], j.addEventListener("dragenter", function (c) {
c.stopPropagation(), c.preventDefault(), a(j).addClass(b)
}, !1), j.addEventListener("dragleave", function (c) {
c.stopPropagation(), c.preventDefault(), a(j).removeClass(b)
}, !1), j.addEventListener("dragover", function (a) {
a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault()
}, !1), j.addEventListener("drop", function (a) {
a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault(), e({
files: a.dataTransfer.files
}, !1)), d.dialog(g, {
title: this.title,
modal: !0,
resizable: !1,
destroyOnClose: !0
}), f)
}, elFinder.prototype.commands.view = function () {
this.value = this.fm.storage("view"), this.alwaysEnabled = !0, this.updateOnSelect = !1, this.options = {
ui: "viewbutton"
}, this.getstate = function () {
return 0
}, this.exec = function () {
var a = this.fm.storage("view", this.value == "list" ? "icons" : "list");
this.fm.viewchange(), this.update(void 0, a)