Файл: engine/classes/FloodBlocker.php
Строк: 83
// Author:
// Vagharshak Tozalakyan <vagh@armdex.com>
// This module was written by author on its leasure time.
define ( 'E_TMP_DIR', 'Incorrect temprorary directory specified.' );
define ( 'E_IP_ADDR', 'Incorrect IP address specified.' );
define ( 'E_LOG_FILE', 'Log file access error! Check permissions to write.' );
define ( 'E_CRON_FNAME', 'The name of cron file must begin with dot.' );
define ( 'E_CRON_FILE', 'Cron file access error! Check permissions to write.' );
define ( 'E_CRON_JOB', 'Unable to perform the cron job.' );
class FloodBlocker
var $logs_path = tmpDir;
var $ip_addr;
var $rules;
var $cron_file;
var $cron_interval;
var $logs_timeout;
function __construct($ip = null)
if (!is_dir ( $this->logs_path ))
trigger_error ( E_TMP_DIR, E_USER_ERROR );
$logs_path = str_replace ( '\', '/', $this->logs_path);
if ( substr ( $logs_path, -1 ) != '/' )
$logs_path .= '/';
$this->logs_path = $logs_path;
if (empty($ip))
$ip = ip2long ($ip);
if ($ip == -1 || $ip === FALSE)
trigger_error ( E_IP_ADDR, E_USER_ERROR );
$this->ip_addr = $ip;
$this->rules = unserialize(file_get_contents(H . 'engine/files/data/flood_config.swi'));
$this->cron_file = '.sfb';
$this->cron_interval = 1800; // 30 minutes
$this->logs_timeout = 7200; // 2 hours
function RawCheck ( &$info )
$no_flood = TRUE;
foreach ( $this->rules as $interval=>$limit )
if ($interval < 1)
if ( ! isset ( $info[$interval] ) )
$info[$interval]['time'] = time ( );
$info[$interval]['count'] = 0;
$info[$interval]['count'] += 1;
if ( time ( ) - $info[$interval]['time'] > $interval )
$info[$interval]['count'] = 1;
$info[$interval]['time'] = time ( );
if ( $info[$interval]['count'] > $limit )
$info[$interval]['time'] = time ( );
$no_flood = FALSE;
} // foreach
return $no_flood;
function CheckFlood ( )
$path = $this->logs_path . $this->ip_addr;
if ( ! ( $f = fopen ( $path, 'a+' ) ) )
trigger_error ( E_LOG_FILE, E_USER_ERROR);
flock ( $f, LOCK_EX );
$info = fread ( $f, filesize ( $path ) + 10 );
$info = unserialize( $info );
$result = $this->RawCheck ( $info );
ftruncate ( $f, 0 );
fwrite ( $f, serialize( $info ) );
fflush ( $f );
flock($f, LOCK_UN);
return $result;