Файл: comment/phpmailer/class.smtp.php
Строк: 390
class SMTP
var $SMTP_PORT = 25;
var $CRLF = "rn";
var $do_debug;
var $smtp_conn;
var $error;
var $helo_rply;
function SMTP() {
$this->smtp_conn = 0;
$this->error = null;
$this->helo_rply = null;
$this->do_debug = 0;
function Connect($host,$port=0,$tval=30) {
$this->error = null;
if($this->connected()) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "Already connected to a server");
return false;
if(empty($port)) {
$port = $this->SMTP_PORT;
$this->smtp_conn = fsockopen($host,
if(empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
$this->error = array("error" => "Failed to connect to server",
"errno" => $errno,
"errstr" => $errstr);
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": $errstr ($errno)" . $this->CRLF;
return false;
if(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != "WIN")
socket_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $tval, 0);
$announce = $this->get_lines();
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $announce;
return true;
function Authenticate($username, $password) {
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"AUTH LOGIN" . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($code != 334) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "AUTH not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn, base64_encode($username) . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($code != 334) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "Username not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn, base64_encode($password) . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($code != 235) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "Password not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return true;
function Connected() {
if(!empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
$sock_status = socket_get_status($this->smtp_conn);
if($sock_status["eof"]) {
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> NOTICE:" . $this->CRLF .
"EOF caught while checking if connected";
return false;
return true;
return false;
function Close() {
$this->error = null; # so there is no confusion
$this->helo_rply = null;
if(!empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
# close the connection and cleanup
$this->smtp_conn = 0;
function Data($msg_data) {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Data() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"DATA" . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 354) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "DATA command not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
$msg_data = str_replace("rn","n",$msg_data);
$msg_data = str_replace("r","n",$msg_data);
$lines = explode("n",$msg_data);
$field = substr($lines[0],0,strpos($lines[0],":"));
$in_headers = false;
if(!empty($field) && !strstr($field," ")) {
$in_headers = true;
$max_line_length = 998;
while(list(,$line) = @each($lines)) {
$lines_out = null;
if($line == "" && $in_headers) {
$in_headers = false;
while(strlen($line) > $max_line_length) {
$pos = strrpos(substr($line,0,$max_line_length)," ");
if(!$pos) {
$pos = $max_line_length - 1;
$lines_out[] = substr($line,0,$pos);
$line = substr($line,$pos + 1);
if($in_headers) {
$line = "t" . $line;
$lines_out[] = $line;
while(list(,$line_out) = @each($lines_out)) {
if(strlen($line_out) > 0)
if(substr($line_out, 0, 1) == ".") {
$line_out = "." . $line_out;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,$line_out . $this->CRLF);
fputs($this->smtp_conn, $this->CRLF . "." . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "DATA not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return true;
function Expand($name) {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Expand() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"EXPN " . $name . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "EXPN not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
$entries = explode($this->CRLF,$rply);
while(list(,$l) = @each($entries)) {
$list[] = substr($l,4);
return $list;
function Hello($host="") {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Hello() without being connected");
return false;
if(empty($host)) {
$host = "localhost";
if(!$this->SendHello("EHLO", $host))
if(!$this->SendHello("HELO", $host))
return false;
return true;
function SendHello($hello, $host) {
fputs($this->smtp_conn, $hello . " " . $host . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER: " . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250) {
$this->error =
array("error" => $hello . " not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
$this->helo_rply = $rply;
return true;
function Help($keyword="") {
$this->error = null; # to avoid confusion
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Help() without being connected");
return false;
$extra = "";
if(!empty($keyword)) {
$extra = " " . $keyword;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"HELP" . $extra . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 211 && $code != 214) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "HELP not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return $rply;
function Mail($from) {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Mail() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"MAIL FROM:<" . $from . ">" . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "MAIL not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return true;
function Noop() {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Noop() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"NOOP" . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "NOOP not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return true;
function Quit($close_on_error=true) {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Quit() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"quit" . $this->CRLF);
$byemsg = $this->get_lines();
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $byemsg;
$rval = true;
$e = null;
$code = substr($byemsg,0,3);
if($code != 221) {
$e = array("error" => "SMTP server rejected quit command",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_rply" => substr($byemsg,4));
$rval = false;
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $e["error"] . ": " .
$byemsg . $this->CRLF;
if(empty($e) || $close_on_error) {
return $rval;
function Recipient($to) {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Recipient() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"RCPT TO:<" . $to . ">" . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250 && $code != 251) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "RCPT not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return true;
function Reset() {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Reset() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"RSET" . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "RSET failed",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return true;
function Send($from) {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Send() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"SEND FROM:" . $from . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "SEND not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return true;
function SendAndMail($from) {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called SendAndMail() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"SAML FROM:" . $from . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "SAML not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return true;
function SendOrMail($from) {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called SendOrMail() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"SOML FROM:" . $from . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "SOML not accepted from server",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return true;
function Turn() {
$this->error = array("error" => "This method, TURN, of the SMTP ".
"is not implemented");
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> NOTICE: " . $this->error["error"] . $this->CRLF;
return false;
function Verify($name) {
$this->error = null;
if(!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
"error" => "Called Verify() without being connected");
return false;
fputs($this->smtp_conn,"VRFY " . $name . $this->CRLF);
$rply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($rply,0,3);
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
echo "SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $this->CRLF . $rply;
if($code != 250 && $code != 251) {
$this->error =
array("error" => "VRFY failed on name '$name'",
"smtp_code" => $code,
"smtp_msg" => substr($rply,4));
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
echo "SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] .
": " . $rply . $this->CRLF;
return false;
return $rply;
function get_lines() {
$data = "";
while($str = fgets($this->smtp_conn,515)) {
if($this->do_debug >= 4) {
echo "SMTP -> get_lines(): $data was "$data"" .
echo "SMTP -> get_lines(): $str is "$str"" .
$data .= $str;
if($this->do_debug >= 4) {
echo "SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "$data"" . $this->CRLF;
if(substr($str,3,1) == " ") { break; }
return $data;