Файл: tarifs.php
Строк: 147
$full_home_path = dirname(__FILE__);
if (!EnableLanguages()) { error("Can not load languages."); mclose(); exit; }
if (!GetCurrentCurrency()) { print $_lang[ErrorGetCurrentCurrency]; mclose(); exit; }
$tpl = GetTpl("tpl_tarifsphp", $_SESSION["userLang"]);
if ($tpl[template]) {
print $tpl[template];
} else {
$orderShowTarifMinCost = GetSetting("orderShowTarifMinCost");
print "<H1 class=pagetitle>".$_lang[TarifsTitle]."</H1><hr class=hr>";
if (!$vid) {$vid = "hosting";}
$rowsCnt = $TARIFS_ROWS_CNT; if (!$rowsCnt) {$rowsCnt=5;}
$tarifsgroups = GetTarifsGroups();
$isBegin = true;
while ($isBegin or $tarifsgroup = @mysql_fetch_object($tarifsgroups)) {
if ($isBegin) {
$tarifs = @mysql_query("select * from tarifs where vid='$vid' and active='1' and tarifsgroup='0' order by cost") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>Function: ".__FUNCTION__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
} else {
$tarifs = @mysql_query("select * from tarifs where vid='$vid' and active='1' and tarifsgroup='$tarifsgroup->id' order by cost") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>Function: ".__FUNCTION__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($tarifs) > 0) {
if (!$isBegin) {
print "<H1 class=pagetitle>".$tarifsgroup->name."</H1><hr class=hr>";
if (GetSetting("usersChangeCurrency")) {
print "<form style="margin: 0" method=post>";
print $_lang[tarifsCurrency].": ";
print "<select class=input name=valuta>";
$r = GetCurrencys();
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
if ($rr->code == $valuta or $rr->code == CURС) { $selected = "selected"; } else { $selected = ""; }
print "<option value='$rr->code' $selected>$rr->name</option>";
print "</select> <input type=submit class=button value=OK></form><BR>";
if ($tarifsgroup->description and !$isBegin) {
$tarifsgroup->description = htmlDecode($tarifsgroup->description);
$tarifsgroup->description = preg_replace("/n/ui","<br>",$tarifsgroup->description);
print $tarifsgroup->description; print "<BR><BR>";
$cnt = 0;
print "<table class='rpTableBlank'>";
while ($tarif = @mysql_fetch_object($tarifs)) {
$tarif->cost = $tarif->cost / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($tarif->costCurrency);
$tarif->cost_setup = $tarif->cost_setup / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($tarif->cost_setupCurrency);
if ($cnt == 1) { print "<tr><td class=tarifBlock valign=top>"; }
else { print "<td class=tarifBlock valign=top>"; }
print "<B class=tarifsTitle>".$tarif->name."</B><BR>";
if ($tarif->description) {
$tarif->description = htmlDecode($tarif->description);
$tarif->description = preg_replace("/n/ui","<br>",$tarif->description);
print $tarif->description; print "<BR><BR>";
if ($_SESSION['userId']) {
$tarifSpecCost = GetSpecialCost($_SESSION['userId'],"tarif",$tarif->id);
if ($tarifSpecCost) {
$tarif->cost_setup = $tarifSpecCost["cost1"];
$tarif->cost = $tarifSpecCost["cost2"];
if ($orderShowTarifMinCost) {
$maxDiscount=@mysql_query("select MAX(discount) as maxDiscount from tarifs_sroki where tarif_id='$tarif->id' and `order`='1'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
if (@mysql_num_rows($maxDiscount) > 0) {
$maxDiscount = mysql_fetch_object($maxDiscount);
$maxDiscount = $maxDiscount->maxDiscount;
} else {
$maxDiscount = 0;
} else {
$maxDiscount = 0;
if ($tarif->cost_setup) {
$tarifCostSetup = $tarif->cost_setup;
$tarifCostSetup = round($tarifCostSetup*CURK,2)." ".CURS;
} else {
if ($maxDiscount > 0) {
$tarifCost = $tarif->cost - $tarif->cost/100*$maxDiscount;
$tarifCost = $_lang[OrderFrom]." ".round($tarifCost*CURK,2)." ".CURS."/".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieMonth];
} else {
$tarifCost = round($tarif->cost*CURK,2)." ".CURS."/".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieMonth];
print "<B>".$_lang[TarifsCost].":</b> ".$tarifCost."<BR>";
if ($tarifCostSetup) { print "<B>".$_lang[TarifsCostSetup].":</B> ".$tarifCostSetup."<BR>"; }
print "<BR>";
print "<center><a class=rootlink href=order.php?vid=$vid&tarif=$tarif->id>".$_lang[Order]."</a></center>";
if ($cnt == $rowsCnt) { $cnt=0; print "</td></tr>"; }
else { print "</td>";}
print "</table><BR>";
$isBegin = false;