Файл: calc.php
Строк: 940
$full_home_path = dirname(__FILE__);
if (!EnableLanguages()) { error("Can not load languages."); mclose(); exit; }
if (!GetCurrentCurrency()) { print $_lang[ErrorGetCurrentCurrency]; mclose(); exit; }
print "<H1 class=pagetitle>".$_lang[CalcTitle]."</H1><hr class=hr>";
if ($do == 'order') {
if ($domain_reg == '') {$error=$_lang[OrderErrorNoDomainReg]; $do='';}
else if ((!$domain or !$zone_id) and !$otherdomain and $domain_reg != "2" and $vid != "vpn" and $vid != "ssh") {$error=$_lang[OrderErrorNoDomain]; $do='';}
else if (!$tarif_id) {$error=$_lang[OrderErrorNoTarif]; $do='';}
else if (!$months[$tarif_id]) {$error=$_lang[OrderErrorNoSrokZakaza]; $do='';}
else {
if ($domain and $zone_id) {
$zone = GetZoneById($zone_id);
$domain=mb_strtolower($domain); $fulldomain=mb_strtolower($domain.".".$zone->zone);
} else {
$link = "order.php?vid=$vid&tarif=$tarif_id&domain_reg=$domain_reg&domain=$domain&zone=$zone->zone&otherdomain=$otherdomain";
if ($fulldomain) { $dom=new domain($fulldomain); }
if ($domain_reg == "1" and (mb_strlen($domain) < $zone->minWidth or mb_strlen($domain) > $zone->maxWidth)) { $error = $_lang[OrderErrorDomainLength]; $error=str_replace("{minWidth}",$zone->minWidth,$error);$error=str_replace("{maxWidth}",$zone->maxWidth,$error); $do='';}
else if ($domain_reg == "1" and !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9-]+[a-z0-9]{1}$/u",$domain)) { $error = $_lang[OrderErrorDomainSymbols]; $do=''; }
else if ($domain_reg == "1" and !$dom->is_available()) {$error=$_lang[OrderErrorDomainRegistered]; $do='';}
else {
while (list($k,$v) = @each($selectedAddons)) {
if ($v) {
$selectedAddon = GetAddonById($v);
if ($addonsToSaveText) {
$addonsToSaveText = $addonsToSaveText.", ".$selectedAddon->name;
} else {
$addonsToSaveText = $selectedAddon->name;
$addonsToSave = $addonsToSave.":x:$selectedAddon->id";
#Устанавливаем спец. цену, если она указана для данной доп. услуги и данного пользователя
$addonSpecCost = GetSpecialCost($_SESSION['userId'],"addon",$selectedAddon->id);
if ($addonSpecCost) {
$addonsCost += $addonSpecCost["cost1"];
$addonsCost += $addonSpecCost["cost2"]*$hostmonths;
} else {
$selectedAddon->cost_start = $selectedAddon->cost_start / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($selectedAddon->cost_startCurrency);
$selectedAddon->cost_monthly = $selectedAddon->cost_monthly / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($selectedAddon->cost_monthlyCurrency);
$addonsCost += $selectedAddon->cost_start;
$addonsCost += $selectedAddon->cost_monthly*$hostmonths;
if (!$addonsToSaveText) { $addonsToSaveText="нет"; }
# Учитываем скидку на доп. услуги при регистрации клиента с указанием источника имеющего скидку
if ($aboutusfromid and $addonsCost > 0) {
$t=@mysql_query("select * from tarifs where id='$tarif_id'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
#Устанавливаем спец. цену, если она указана для данного тарифа и данного пользователя
$tarifSpecCost = GetSpecialCost($_SESSION['userId'],"tarif",$t->id);
if ($tarifSpecCost) {
$host_setup = $tarifSpecCost["cost1"];
$hostcost = $tarifSpecCost["cost2"];
} else {
$host_setup = $t->cost_setup / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($t->cost_setupCurrency);
$hostcost = $t->cost / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($t->costCurrency);
$tsroki=@mysql_query("select discount from tarifs_sroki where tarif_id='$tarif_id' and months='$hostmonths' and `order`='1'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($tsroki) > 0) {
} else {
$host=$hostcost*$hostmonths; $host=$host-($host/100)*$srokDiscount+$host_setup;
# Учитываем скидку на хостинг при регистрации клиента с указанием источника имеющего скидку
if ($aboutusfromid and $host > 0) {
if ($domain_reg == "1") {
$tzones=@mysql_query("select id,cost_if_host,cost_if_hostCurrency,minsrok from zones where id='$zone_id'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
#Устанавливаем спец. цену, если она указана для данной доменной зоны и данного пользователя
$domSpecCost = GetSpecialCost($_SESSION['userId'],"zone",$tzones->id);
if ($domSpecCost) {
} else {
$domaincost=$tzones->cost_if_host / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($tzones->cost_if_hostCurrency);
# Учитываем скидку на домен при регистрации клиента с указанием источника имеющего скидку
if ($aboutusfromid and $dom > 0) {
$allsumm = $host+$dom+$addonsCost;
$domainfree = 0;
$tfreedomains=@mysql_query("select * from tarifs_freedomains where tarif_id='$tarif_id' and zone='$zone->zone' and hostmonths='$hostmonths' and renew='0'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($tfreedomains) > 0) {$domainfree=1;}
$tfreedomains=@mysql_query("select * from tarifs_freedomains where tarif_id='$tarif_id' and zone='$zone->zone' and ordersum > 0 and ordersum <= $allsumm and renew='0'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($tfreedomains) > 0) {$domainfree=1;}
if ($domainfree) {$dom=0; $bonus=$_lang[OrderFreeDomainInZone]." $zone->zone<BR>";}
print "
".$_lang[OrderTarif].": $t->name<BR>
".$_lang[OrderSrokZakaza].": $hostmonths ".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieMonth].".<BR>
".$_lang[OrderDomain].": $fulldomain [ $_newreg[$domain_reg] ]<BR>
".$_lang[OrderAddons].": $addonsToSaveText<BR><BR>
".$_lang[OrderType][hosting].": ".round($host*CURK,2)." ".CURS."<BR>
".$_lang[Domain].": ".round($dom*CURK,2)." ".CURS."<BR>
".$_lang[OrderAddons].": ".round($addonsCost*CURK,2)." ".CURS."<BR><BR>
<B>".$_lang[OrderTotal].":</b> ".round(($host+$dom+$addonsCost)*CURK,2)." ".CURS."<BR><BR>
<a href=$link class=rootlink>".$_lang[CalcGotoOrder]."</a><BR><BR>
".$_lang[CalcNePodhodid]."... <A class=rootlink href=calc.php?vid=$vid>".$_lang[CalcAgain]."</a>
if ($do == 'ordershop') {
$shop = GetShopItemById($item_id);
if (!$item_id) {$error=$_lang[OrderErrorNoItem]; $do='';}
else if ($shop->costtype != "one" and !$months[$item_id]) {$error=$_lang[OrderErrorNoSrokZakaza]; $do='';}
else {
if ($_SESSION['userId']) {
$itemSpecCost = GetSpecialCost($_SESSION['userId'],"shop",$shop->id);
if ($itemSpecCost) {
$shop->cost = $tarifSpecCost["cost1"];
$itemmonths = $months[$item_id];
$itemcost = $shop->cost;
if ($shop->costtype == "month") {
} else if ($shop->costtype == "year") {
$itemcost = round($itemcost,2);
if ($shop->costtype == "month") {$msrok = $itemmonths." ".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieMonth]; }
else if ($shop->costtype == "year") {$msrok = ($itemmonths/12)." ".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieGod];}
else { $msrok = $_lang[OrderRazovo]; }
print "
".$_lang[OrderItem].": $shop->name<BR>
".$_lang[OrderSrokZakaza].": $msrok<BR><BR>
".$_lang[OrderItem].": ".round($itemcost*CURK,2)." ".CURS."<BR><BR>
<a href=order.php?type=shop&item=$item_id class=rootlink>".$_lang[CalcGotoOrder]."</a><BR><BR>
".$_lang[CalcNePodhodid]."... <A class=rootlink href=calc.php?vid=$vid>".$_lang[CalcAgain]."</a>
if ($vid and $vid != "shop" and !$do) {
if ($error) {print "<font color=red>".$_lang[Error].": $error</font><BR><BR>";}
if ($vid == "vpn") {$domain_reg='2';}
if ($vid == "ssh") {$domain_reg='2';}
if ($domain_reg == '2') {$check3='checked'; $disabled='disabled'; $disabled2='disabled';}
else if ($domain_reg == '0') {$check1='checked'; $disabled=''; $disabled2='';}
else if ($domain_reg == '1') {$check2='checked'; $disabled='disabled'; $disabled2='';}
else {$check2='checked'; $disabled='disabled';}
if (!($vid == "hosting" or $vid == "reseller" or $vid == "vds" or $vid == "dedicated" or $vid == "vpn" or $vid == "ssh")) {$vid='hosting';}
if ($tarif) {
$r = @mysql_query("select * from tarifs where active='1' and name='$tarif' or id='".intval($tarif)."'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
$tarif_id = $r->id;
$tarif_group = $r->tarifsgroup;
$vid = $r->vid;
} else {
$tarif = "";
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<form method=post name=order>
<input type=hidden name=do value=order>
<input type=hidden name=vid value=<? print $vid?>>
<table class='rpTableBlank' border=0>
<tr><td colspan=3><B><? print $_lang[OrderParamsOfOrder]?>:</b><br><br></td></tr>
<tr <? if ($vid == "vpn" or $vid == "ssh") {print "style='display: none'";} ?>><td align=right valign=top> * <? print $_lang[OrderType][$vid]?>:</td><td colspan="2">
<? if ($vid == "vds" or $vid == "dedicated" or $vid == "vpn" or $vid == "ssh") {?> <input class=input type=radio onclick="javascript: this.form.otherdomain.disabled=1; this.form.domain.disabled=1; this.form.zone_id.disabled=1;" name=domain_reg value="2" <? print $check3?>> <? print $_lang[DomainWithout]?><BR> <?}?>
<input class=input type=radio onclick="javascript: this.form.otherdomain.disabled=0; this.form.domain.disabled=0; this.form.zone_id.disabled=0;" name=domain_reg value=0 <? print $check1?>> <? print $_lang[DomainExists]?><BR>
<input class=input type=radio onclick="javascript: this.form.otherdomain.disabled=1; this.form.domain.disabled=0; this.form.zone_id.disabled=0;" name=domain_reg value=1 <? print $check2?>> <? print $_lang[DomainNew]?>
<tr <? if ($vid == "vpn" or $vid == "ssh") {print "style='display: none'";} ?>><td align=right>* <? print $_lang[OrderDomain]?>:</td><td><input class=input type="text" name="domain" <? print $disabled2?> value="<? print $domain?>"> <select class=input <? print $disabled2?> name="zone_id"><option></option>
$r=@mysql_query("select * from zones where active=1 group by zone order by zone") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
while ($rr=mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
if ($rr->id == $zone_id) {$addon='selected';} else {$addon='';}
print "<option value=$rr->id $addon>.$rr->zone</option>";
<tr <? if ($vid == "vpn" or $vid == "ssh") {print "style='display: none'";} ?>><td align=right></td><td><? print $_lang[CalcDomainInOtherZone]?>:<BR><input class=input type="text" name="otherdomain" <? print $disabled?> value="<? print $otherdomain?>" size=30> <? print $_lang[OrderDomainComment]?></td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right valign=top>* <? print $_lang[OrderTarif]?>:</td><td colspan="2">
if ($group) {
$where = "and tarifsgroup='$group'";
} else if ($tarif_id and $tarif_group) {
$where = "and tarifsgroup='$tarif_group'";
} else if ($tarif_id and !$tarif_group and $one) {
$where = "and id='$tarif_id'";
} else {
$where = "";
$r=@mysql_query("select * from tarifs where active=1 and vid='$vid' $where order by cost") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
$tarifs_cnt = mysql_num_rows($r);
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
$rr->cost_setup = $rr->cost_setup / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($rr->cost_setupCurrency);
$rr->cost = $rr->cost / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($rr->costCurrency);
if ($rr->id == $tarif_id or $tarif == $rr->name or $tarifs_cnt == 1) {$addon='checked'; $tarif_id=$rr->id;} else {$addon='';}
if ($rr->cost_setup) {$addon_cost=" + ".round($rr->cost_setup*CURK,2)." ".CURS." ".$_lang[OrderRazovoZaUstanovku];} else {$addon_cost="";}
print "<input class=input type=radio name=tarif_id value=$rr->id $addon onclick='showdiv(this.value);'> $rr->name (".round($rr->cost*CURK,2)." ".CURS."/".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieMonth].$addon_cost.")<BR>";
<tr><td align=right>* <? print $_lang[RenewNaSrok]?>:</td><td colspan="2">
$r=@mysql_query("select * from tarifs_sroki where `order`='1' order by tarif_id,months");
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
if ($rr->tarif_id == $tarif_id) {$style="style='display: block;'";} else {$style="style='display: none;'";}
if (!$last_tarif_id) {print "<div id=d$rr->tarif_id $style><select class=input name=months[$rr->tarif_id]><option></option>";}
else if ($last_tarif_id != $rr->tarif_id) {print "</select></div><div id=d$rr->tarif_id $style><select class=input name=months[$rr->tarif_id]><option></option>";}
if ($months[$rr->tarif_id] == $rr->months) {$addon='selected';} else {$addon='';}
if ($rr->discount) {$skidka=" (".$_lang[OrderDiscountSmall]." $rr->discount%)";} else {$skidka="";}
print "<option value=$rr->months $addon>$rr->months ".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieMonth]."$skidka</option>";
print "</select></div>";
<tr><td align=right valign=top><? print $_lang[OrderAddons]?>:</td><td colspan="2">
$r=@mysql_query("select * from tarifs where active=1 and vid='$vid' order by cost");
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
if ($rr->id == $tarif_id) {$style="style='display: block;'";} else {$style="style='display: none;'";}
print "<div id=a$rr->id $style>";
while (list($k,$v) = @each($addonsForTarif)) {
if ($v) {
$oneAddon = GetAddonById($v);
if ($oneAddon->active) {
$oneAddon->cost_start = $oneAddon->cost_start / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($oneAddon->cost_startCurrency);
$oneAddon->cost_monthly = $oneAddon->cost_monthly / GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($oneAddon->cost_monthlyCurrency);
$addonMoney = "";
if ($oneAddon->cost_start) {
$addonMoney=round($oneAddon->cost_start*CURK,2)." ".CURS." ".$_lang[OrderRazovo];
if ($oneAddon->cost_monthly) {$addonMoney = $addonMoney." + ";}
if ($oneAddon->cost_monthly) {$addonMoney=$addonMoney.round($oneAddon->cost_monthly*CURK,2)." ".CURS."/".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieMonth];}
if (!$addonMoney) { $addonMoney = $_lang[OrderFree]; }
print "<input class=input type=checkbox name=addons[$rr->id][] value=$oneAddon->id>$oneAddon->name ($addonMoney)<BR>";
if (!$cntAddons) { print $_lang[No]; }
print "</div>";
print "</div>";
<tr><td> </td><td colspan="2"><BR><input class=button type="submit" name="Submit" value="<? print $_lang[CalcCalc]?>"></td></tr>
<br>* - <? print $_lang[Required]?>
if ($vid == "shop" and !$do) {
if ($error) {print "<font color=red>".$_lang[Error].": $error</font><BR><BR>";}
if ($item) {
$r = @mysql_query("select * from shop_items where active=1 and name='$item' or id='".intval($item)."'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
$item_id = $r->id;
$item_group = $r->tarifsgroup;
} else {
$item = "";
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<form method=post name=order>
<input type=hidden name=do value=ordershop>
<input type=hidden name=vid value=<? print $vid?>>
<table class='rpTableBlank' border=0>
<tr><td colspan=3><B><? print $_lang[OrderParamsOfOrder]?>:</b><br><br></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right valign=top>* <? print $_lang[OrderItem]?>:</td><td colspan="2">
if ($one) {
$where = $where." and id='$item_id'";
} else {
if ($group) {
$where = $where." and itemgroup='$group'";
} else if ($item_group) {
$where = $where." and itemgroup='$item_group'";
$r=@mysql_query("select * from shop_items where active=1 $where order by name") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
$items_cnt = mysql_num_rows($r);
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
if ($_SESSION['userId']) {
$itemSpecCost = GetSpecialCost($_SESSION['userId'],"shop",$rr->id);
if ($itemSpecCost) {
$rr->cost = $itemSpecCost["cost1"];
if ($rr->id == $item_id or $item == $rr->name or $items_cnt == 1) {$addon='checked'; $item_id=$rr->id;} else {$addon='';}
if ($rr->costtype == "month") { $itemCostTxtAddon = "/".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieMonth];}
else if ($rr->costtype == "year") { $itemCostTxtAddon = "/".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieGod];}
else { $itemCostTxtAddon = " ".$_lang[OrderRazovo]; }
$itemCostTxt = round($rr->cost*CURK,2)." ".CURS.$itemCostTxtAddon;
$rr->description = htmlDecode($rr->description);
$rr->description = preg_replace("/n/ui","<br>",$rr->description);
if ($rr->description) {$description="<img src=./_rootimages/info.gif alt="$rr->description" border=0>";} else {$description="";}
print "<input class=input type=radio name=item_id value=$rr->id $addon onclick='showdiv(this.value);'> $rr->name (".$itemCostTxt.") $description<BR>";
<tr><td align=right>* <? print $_lang[RenewNaSrok]?>:</td><td colspan="2">
$r=@mysql_query("select * from shop_items where active=1 $where order by name") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
if ($rr->id == $item_id) {$style="style='display: block;'";} else {$style="style='display: none;'";}
print "<div id=d$rr->id $style>";
if ($rr->costtype == "one") {
print $_lang[OrderRazovo];
} else {
print "<select class=input name=months[$rr->id]><option></option>";
$m = $rr->minsrok;
while ($m <= $rr->maxsrok) {
if ($rr->costtype == "month") {$msrok = $m." ".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieMonth]; }
else if ($rr->costtype == "year") {$msrok = ($m/12)." ".$_lang[OrderSokraschenieGod];}
if ($months[$rr->id] == $m) {$addon='selected';} else {$addon='';}
print "<option value=$m $addon> $msrok</option>";
if ($rr->costtype == "month") {$m = $m+1;}
else if ($rr->costtype == "year") {$m = $m+12;}
print "</select>";
print "</div>";
print "</select></div>";
<tr><td> </td><td colspan="2"><BR><input class=button type="submit" name="Submit" value="<? print $_lang[CalcCalc]?>"></td></tr>
<br>* - <? print $_lang[Required]?>
if (!$do and !$vid) {
$weSalesTypes = GetSetting("weSalesTypes");
$weSalesTypes = @mb_split("::",$weSalesTypes);
print "<B>".$_lang[CalcSelect].":</B> <BR><BR>";
print "<form method=post>";
if (@in_array("hosting",$weSalesTypes)) { $resPrint .= "<input class=input type=radio name=vid value=hosting> ".$_lang[OrderType]["hosting"]."<BR>";}
if (@in_array("reseller",$weSalesTypes)) { $resPrint .= "<input class=input type=radio name=vid value=reseller> ".$_lang[OrderType]["reseller"]."<BR>";}
if (@in_array("vds",$weSalesTypes)) { $resPrint .= "<input class=input type=radio name=vid value=vds> ".$_lang[OrderType]["vds"]."<BR>";}
if (@in_array("dedicated",$weSalesTypes)) { $resPrint .= "<input class=input type=radio name=vid value=dedicated> ".$_lang[OrderType]["dedicated"]."<BR>";}
if (@in_array("vpn",$weSalesTypes)) { $resPrint .= "<input class=input type=radio name=vid value=vpn> ".$_lang[OrderType]["vpn"]."<BR>";}
if (@in_array("ssh",$weSalesTypes)) { $resPrint .= "<input class=input type=radio name=vid value=ssh> ".$_lang[OrderType]["ssh"]."<BR>";}
if (@in_array("shop",$weSalesTypes)) { $resPrint .= "<input class=input type=radio name=vid value=shop> ".$_lang[OrderItem]."<BR>";}
print $resPrint;
print "<BR><input type=submit class=input value='".$_lang[Next]."'></form>";