Файл: _xinha/modules/ColorPicker/lang/pt_br.js
Строк: 21
// I18N constants
// LANG: "pt_br", ENCODING: UTF-8
// Portuguese Brazilian Translation
// Author: Marcio Barbosa, <marcio@mpg.com.br>
// MSN: tomarshall@msn.com - ICQ: 69419933
// Site: http://www.mpg.com.br
// Last revision: 06 september 2007
// Please don´t remove this information
// If you modify any source, please insert a comment with your name and e-mail
// Distributed under the same terms as HTMLArea itself.
// This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
"Click a color...": "Selecione uma côr...",
"Close": "Fechar",
"Color: ": "Côr:",
"Sample": "Exemplo",
"Web Safe: ": "Web Segura:"