Файл: _rootlang/english.inc.php
Строк: 4857
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##################### Main Section
$_lang[Warning] = "Warning!";
$_lang[Error] = "Error";
$_lang[Required] = "fields marked with asterisk are required";
$_lang[Yes] = "yes";
$_lang[No] = "no";
$_lang[Pages] = "Pages:";
$_lang[Prev] = "Previous";
$_lang[Next] = "Next";
$_lang[Change] = "Modify";
$_lang[Send] = "Send";
$_lang[Save] = "Save";
$_lang[Order] = "Order Now";
$_lang[Pay] = "Pay";
$_lang[Add] = "Add";
$_lang[Hosting] = "Hosting";
$_lang[Domain] = "Domain";
$_lang[DomainOpt] = "Wholesale domains";
$_lang[DomainNewMin] = "new";
$_lang[DomainExistsMin] = "transfer";
$_lang[DomainWithoutMin] = "without domain";
$_lang[DomainRenewMin] = "renewal";
$_lang[DomainWithoutRenewMin] = "without renewal";
$_lang[DomainNew] = "Register New Domain";
$_lang[DomainExists] = "Domain already registered";
$_lang[DomainWithout] = "Without domain registration";
$_lang[DomainRenew] = "domain renewal";
$_lang[DomainWithoutRenew] = "without domain renewal";
$_lang[BillPayedUslovno]='conditionally paid';
$_lang[OrderStatusNeObrabotan] = "unprocessed";
$_lang[OrderStatusObrabotan] = "processed";
$_lang[OrderStatusSuspended] = "suspended";
$_lang[SortAsc] = "sort ascending";
$_lang[SortDesc] = "sort descending";
$_lang[TicketPriority0] = "low";
$_lang[TicketPriority1] = "middle";
$_lang[TicketPriority2] = "high";
$_lang[TicketStatusOpen] = "opened";
$_lang[TicketStatusClose] = "closed";
$_lang[Captcha] = "Security code";
$_lang[CaptchaNeVidno] = "If you don't see the image below or you<BR> can't make out the characters:<BR>";
$_lang[CaptchaObnovit] = "refresh the image";
$_lang[payWebMoney] = "WebMoney";
$_lang[payYandex] = "Yandex.Money";
$_lang[payEgold] = "E-Gold";
$_lang[payRBKMoney] = "RBK Money";
$_lang[payZPayment] = "Z-Payment";
$_lang[payRoboxchange] = "Roboxchange";
$_lang[payInterkassa] = "InterKassa";
$_lang[payEasyPay] = "EasyPay";
$_lang[payKvitanciya] = "Invoice for individuals";
$_lang[paySchet] = "Legal Entity Invoice";
$_lang[payPartner] = "Partner Account";
$_lang[payBalance] = "Balance";
$_lang[ErrorGetCurrentCurrency] = "Unable to get current currency.";
$_lang[ErrorNoLogin] = "Please enter a username.";
$_lang[ErrorNonExistsLogin] = "Invalid username.";
$_lang[ErrorNoPassword] = "Please enter a password.";
$_lang[ErrorBadPassword] = "Invalid password.";
$_lang[ErrorPasswordNoConfirm] = "Please confirm your password.";
$_lang[ErrorPasswordLength] = "Your password length must be more than 5 characters.";
$_lang[ErrorPasswordConfirm] = "Invalid password confirmation.";
$_lang[ErrorBadLoginOrPassword] = "Invalid username or password.";
$_lang[ErrorWrongCaptcha] = "Security code incorrect.";
$_lang[ErrorBadId] = "Invalid identifier.";
$_lang[OrderType][hosting] = "Hosting";
$_lang[OrderType][reseller] = "Reselling";
$_lang[OrderType][vds] = "VPS/VDS";
$_lang[OrderType][dedicated] = "Dedicated Servers";
$_lang[OrderType][vpn] = "VPN";
$_lang[OrderType][ssh] = "SSH";
$_lang[monthR][1] = "of January";
$_lang[monthR][2] = "of February";
$_lang[monthR][3] = "of March";
$_lang[monthR][4] = "of April";
$_lang[monthR][5] = "of May";
$_lang[monthR][6] = "of June";
$_lang[monthR][7] = "of July";
$_lang[monthR][8] = "of August";
$_lang[monthR][9] = "of September";
$_lang[monthR][10] = "of October";
$_lang[monthR][11] = "of November";
$_lang[monthR][12] = "of December";
##################### billing.php
$_lang[BillingTitle] = "Billing Panel";
$_lang[BillingLogin] = "Username";
$_lang[BillingPassword] = "Password";
$_lang[BillingEnter] = "Enter Billing";
$_lang[BillingForgotPassword] = "Forgot Password?";
$_lang[BillingMenu] = "Menu";
$_lang[BillingMenuBills] = "Accounts";
$_lang[BillingMenuOrders] = "Orders";
$_lang[BillingMenuDomains] = "Domains";
$_lang[BillingMenuProfile] = "Profile";
$_lang[BillingMenuTickets] = "Tickets";
$_lang[BillingMenuPartner] = "Partner";
$_lang[BillingMenuCatalog] = "Catalogue";
$_lang[BillingMenuWhois] = "Whois Look Up";
$_lang[BillingMenuLogout] = "Logout";
$_lang[BillingMenuOrder] = "Services Order";
$_lang[BillingMenuBalance] = "My Balance";
$_lang[BillingMenuAddFunds] = "Add Funds";
##################### billing.php :: profile
$_lang[ProfileTitle] = "Profile";
$_lang[ProfileChangeSuccess] = "Profile successfully modified.";
$_lang[ProfileNeedFromReg] = "Order complete.<BR>You must complete your profile to continue.";
$_lang[ProfileFieldsForAllDomains] = "For registration of domains (except for .ru/.su/.рф) all fields, except for passport information, are required to filling!";
$_lang[ProfileFieldsForRuDomain] = "For registration of domains .ru/.su/.рф, all fields, including passport information, are required to filling!";
$_lang[ProfileOfOrg] = "Company Profile";
$_lang[ProfileOfPrivatePerson] = "User Profile";
$_lang[ProfileContact] = "Contact Person";
$_lang[ProfileSurname] = "Surname";
$_lang[ProfileName] = "First Name";
$_lang[ProfileOtchestvo] = "Middle Name";
$_lang[ProfileOrgData] = "Organization Info";
$_lang[ProfileOrg] = "Company (PLC, LLC, Ltd., and etc.)";
$_lang[ProfileOrgComment] = "Please be sure to list a legal entity that can be substantiated with government-issued documentation of the legal entity's name.<BR>For example, "THOMSON ORGANISATION"";
$_lang[ProfilePassportData] = "Information of passport";
$_lang[ProfilePassportSeriya] = "Series and number";
$_lang[ProfilePassportSeriyaComment] = "The sign of number before the number of passport is not put. <BR>Example, USA: 3402651241.";
$_lang[ProfilePassportVidan] = "Who given out";
$_lang[ProfilePassportVidanComment] = "Complete name of organization, giving out a passport.<BR>Example: 48 pb Moscow";
$_lang[ProfilePassportVidanData] = "Date of delivery";
$_lang[ProfileBirthDate] = "Birthday";
$_lang[ProfileInn] = "TIN";
$_lang[ProfileInnComment] = "Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). <BR>Example: 789012345678";
$_lang[ProfileOrgEng] = "Company";
$_lang[ProfileOrgEngComment] = "Company Name.<BR>Example: "THOMSON ORGANISATION", LTD.";
$_lang[ProfileYuridAddress] = "Registered Address";
$_lang[ProfileYuridAddressComment] = "Company registered address in accordance with constituent documents.";
$_lang[ProfileInnComment2] = "Identification number of taxpayer, appropriated organization.<BR>Example: 7701107259";
$_lang[ProfileOgrn] = "Basic state registration number";
$_lang[ProfileOgrnComment] = "Basic state registration number of artificial person (for Russian organizations). For the artificial persons of other countries is information about a document, certifying registration in accordance with the rules of country (series and number of document).";
$_lang[ProfileOgrnBy] = "By whom Basic state registration number is given out";
$_lang[ProfileOgrnByComment] = "By whom basic state registration number (for Russian company) or other document about registration (for the artificial persons of other countries).";
$_lang[ProfileKpp] = "Code of reason of raising (CRR)";
$_lang[ProfileKppComment] = "CRR of organization. Required for Russian organizations.<BR>Example: 632946014";
$_lang[ProfileOkonh] = "All-russian classifier of industries of national economy";
$_lang[ProfileOkonhComment] = "A code is in the General classifier of areas of national economy. Optional field.<BR>Example: 72000";
$_lang[ProfileBankRekviz] = "Bank requisites";
$_lang[ProfileBank] = "Bank";
$_lang[ProfileBik] = "Bank Identification Code (BIC)";
$_lang[ProfileSchet] = "Operating Account";
$_lang[ProfilePochtAddress] = "Mailing address";
$_lang[ProfileCountry] = "Country";
$_lang[ProfileOblast] = "State/Region";
$_lang[ProfileOblastComment] = "For example, California";
$_lang[ProfileIndex] = "ZIP Code";
$_lang[ProfileIndexComment] = "For example, 189343";
$_lang[ProfileCity] = "City";
$_lang[ProfileCityComment] = "For example, Chicago";
$_lang[ProfileAddress] = "Address";
$_lang[ProfileAddressComment] = "For example, 122 Fleet Street; 2502 North Clark Street, Suite 116";
$_lang[ProfileKomu] = "To";
$_lang[ProfileKomuComment] = "Recipient's name.<BR>Example: John White";
$_lang[ProfileContactInfo] = "Contact Info";
$_lang[ProfilePhone] = "Phone";
$_lang[ProfilePhoneComment] = "Telephone with an international code (including character +); an international code, code of city and local number, is divided by blanks. <BR> For example, +1 206 7292135";
$_lang[ProfileFax] = "Fax";
$_lang[ProfileFaxComment] = "Fax with an international code (including character +); an international code, code of city and local number, is divided by blanks.<BR> For example, +1 206 7292135";
$_lang[ProfileEmail] = "E-mail";
$_lang[ProfileIcq] = "Messengers(ICQ, MSN, and etc.)";
$_lang[ProfileDopInfo] = "Additional Info";
$_lang[ProfileRipn] = "RIPN";
$_lang[ProfileRipe] = "RIPE";
$_lang[ProfileUanic] = "UANIC";
$_lang[ProfileChangePassword] = "Change Password";
$_lang[ProfileNewPassword] = "New Password";
$_lang[ProfileUserSettings] = "My User Settings";
$_lang[ProfileCurrency] = "Site currency";
$_lang[ProfileDefaultCurrency] = "Default currency";
$_lang[ProfileNewSubscribe] = "Subscribe to News";
$_lang[ProfileErrorBadEmail] = "Incorrect e-mail address.";
$_lang[ProfileErrorYouCanWorkWithoutProfile] = "Warning! Billing is unavailable until you complete your profile. We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.";
$_lang[ProfileErrorFields] = "Some fields contain errors";
##################### billing.php :: orders
$_lang[OrdersTitle] = "Orders";
$_lang[OrdersDeleteSuccess] = "The order and all its accounts were successfully deleted.";
$_lang[OrdersErrorCantDelete] = "This order can not be deleted.";
$_lang[OrdersAddonsForOrder] = "Additional services";
$_lang[OrdersNoAddons] = "additional services unordered";
$_lang[OrdersAddonsOrder] = "Order additional services";
$_lang[OrdersNoAvailAddons] = "Additional services unavailable.";
$_lang[OrdersDate] = "Date";
$_lang[OrdersDomain] = "Domain";
$_lang[OrdersTarif] = "Pricing";
$_lang[OrdersEnd] = "End";
$_lang[OrdersLeftDays] = "Days left";
$_lang[OrdersDeleteAlert] = "The order and all its accounts will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?";
$_lang[OrdersDeleteOrder] = "Delete Order";
$_lang[OrdersRenewOrder] = "Renew Order";
$_lang[OrdersDownloadFile] = "Download attachment";
$_lang[OrdersAddonOrder] = "order";
$_lang[OrdersChangeTarif] = "change package type";
$_lang[OrdersTotalOrders] = "Total Orders";
$_lang[OrdersOrdersOnPage] = "orders on page";
$_lang[OrdersErrorNoFiles] = "No attachments for this order.";
$_lang[OrdersErrorNoOrder] = "Order not found.";
##################### billing.php :: domains
$_lang[DomainsTitle] = "Domains";
$_lang[DomainsChangeDNSSuccess] = "DNS server list changed.";
$_lang[DomainsDNSFor] = "DNS servers for";
$_lang[DomainsNS1] = "ServerName 1";
$_lang[DomainsNS2] = "ServerName 2";
$_lang[DomainsNS3] = "ServerName 3";
$_lang[DomainsNS4] = "ServerName 4";
$_lang[DomainsDeleteSuccess] = "The domain and all its related accounts were successfully deleted.";
$_lang[DomainsDate] = "Date";
$_lang[DomainsDomain] = "Domain";
$_lang[DomainsEnd] = "End";
$_lang[DomainsLeftDays] = "Days left";
$_lang[DomainsChangeDNS] = "Change DNS server list";
$_lang[DomainsDeleteAlert] = "The domain and all its related accounts will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?";
$_lang[DomainsDeleteDomain] = "Delete Domain";
$_lang[DomainsRenewDomain] = "Renew Domain";
$_lang[DomainsDomainsTotal] = "Total Domains";
$_lang[DomainsOnPage] = "domains on page";
$_lang[DomainsErrorChangeDNS] = "Could not change DNS server list.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorMin2DNS] = "You are required to have at least two DNS servers.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorCantGetDNS] = "Could not obtain DNS server.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorNoLoginForReg] = "Settings not set for";
$_lang[DomainsErrorZoneNotSupported] = "Domain unsupported by registrar.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorNoRegistrator] = " Select a domain registrar for signup.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorNoUanic] = "Complete the field UANIC and set a Nic-handle as default for";
$_lang[DomainsErrorautoregDisable] = "Domain autoregistration locked.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorZoneNotFound] = "Domain could not be found.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorDomainOrdersNotFound] = "Domain order could not be found.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorUserNotFound] = "User not found.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorCantGetValue] = "Could not get value.";
##################### billing.php :: bills
$_lang[BillsTitle] = "Accounts";
$_lang[BillsDeleteSuccess] = "Account successfully deleted.";
$_lang[BillsNeOplachenoSchetov] = "Toatal unpaid accounts";
$_lang[BillsGoto] = "Go To Section";
$_lang[BillGotoFor] = "for payment";
$_lang[BillsDate] = "Date";
$_lang[BillsBillNo] = "Account ID";
$_lang[BillsTarif] = "Pricing";
$_lang[BillsDomain] = "Domain";
$_lang[BillsCost] = "Price";
$_lang[BillsSumma] = "Total Cost";
$_lang[BillsStatus] = "Status";
$_lang[BillsPay] = "Pay";
$_lang[BillsChangeTarif] = "change pricing";
$_lang[BillsOrderedAddons] = "Ordered additional services";
$_lang[BilldOrderAddons] = "additional services order";
$_lang[BillsPayBill] = "Pay My Account";
$_lang[BillsDeleteBillAlert] = "Are you sure you want to delete the account?";
$_lang[BillsDeleteBill] = "Delete Account";
$_lang[BillsBillByAdmin] = "account billed by administrator";
$_lang[BillsAddFunds] = "add funds to your balance";
$_lang[BillsTotalBills] = "Total Accounts";
$_lang[BillsBillsPerPage] = "accounts on page";
##################### billing.php :: pay
$_lang[PayTitle] = "Pay Account №";
$_lang[PayGoto] = "Go to";
$_lang[PayGotoFor] = "profile completion";
$_lang[PayNullBill] = "Zero-balance account";
$_lang[PayBillPaySuccess] = "Account successfully paid.";
$_lang[PayOrderCreateSuccess] = "Order Complete";
$_lang[PayForTarifChange] = "In order to change package type";
$_lang[PayNeedBillPay] = "you must pay the bill.";
$_lang[PayForPayGoto] = "To make a payment go to merchant page. Choose "Pay" below:";
$_lang[PaySokraschenieRubl] = "USD";
$_lang[PayBillCreateEasyPaySuccess] = "Invoice successfuly issued for EasyPay system";
$_lang[PayBillStatus] = "Account Status";
$_lang[PayCheckBillStatus] = "Check Account Status";
$_lang[PayGotoEasyPay] = "You should pass to <A class=rootlink href=http://www.easypay.by/ target=_blank>www.easypay.by</a> and pay the invoice.<BR><B>After payment press the button "".$_lang[PayCheckBillStatus]."".</b><BR><BR>";
$_lang[PayAlsoYouCan] = "You may also";
$_lang[PaySelectAnotherPayMethod] = "select another payment method";
$_lang[PayPurses] = "Purses";
$_lang[PayToPay] = "to payment";
$_lang[PayPurse] = "Purse";
$_lang[PayPayByHandsAlert] = "Warning! The transaction is being processed manually!";
$_lang[PayAccount] = "User Account";
$_lang[PayBill] = "Account";
$_lang[PayInputEasyPayPurse] = "Specify your purse in EasyPay system";
$_lang[PayCreateBillForSumm] = "Issue an invoice";
$_lang[PayMinBillSummEasyPay] = "Minimal amount of payment with EasyPay - 3 USD.";
$_lang[PayGetKvitansiya] = "Get Receipt";
$_lang[PayGetSchetFaktura] = "Get Invoice-Facture";
$_lang[PayNaSchetu] = "Balance";
$_lang[PayErrorNoOrgOrPhoneInProfile] = "You can't receive the invoice. Complete Company and/or Phone fields in your Profile.";
$_lang[PayErrorNoProfileWithPassport] = "Attention! You can not pay this bill, while will not fill Your profile fully, including information of passport.";
$_lang[PayErrorNoProfile] = "Attention! You can not pay this bill, while will not fill your profile all information, except for information of passport.";
$_lang[PayErrorNoMoneyOnPartner] = "Not enough funds on your partnership account.";
$_lang[PayErrorPartnerOff] = "The partnership program is disabled at the moment.";
$_lang[PayErrorNoMoneyOnBalance] = "Not enough funds on your balance account.";
$_lang[PayErrorPurseNeed] = "You must indicate your purse in EasyPay system (8 characters)";
$_lang[PayErrorBillCreateEasyPayAlready] = "Invoice already issued at EasyPay";
##################### billing.php :: renew & renewdomain
$_lang[RenewTitle] = "Renew Order";
$_lang[RenewTitleDomain] = "Renew Domain";
$_lang[RenewDomain] = "Domain";
$_lang[RenewNaSrok] = "For a period of";
$_lang[RenewYear] = "year";
$_lang[RenewTarif] = "Select a package type";
$_lang[RenewAddons] = "Extra Features";
$_lang[RenewRenew] = "Renew";
$_lang[RenewErrorNoSrok] = "Renewal Period not specified.";
##################### billing.php :: partner
$_lang[PartnerTitle] = "Partnership Program";
$_lang[PartnerMoneyOut] = "Withdraw funds from partnership account:";
$_lang[PartnerMoneyOutSuccess] = "Withdraw funds request successfully sent. Wait for the transfer.";
$_lang[PartnerPartnerSchet] = "Your partnership account";
$_lang[PartnerReferalsLevel1] = "1st Level Refferals";
$_lang[PartnerReferalsLevel2] = "2nd Level Refferals";
$_lang[PartnerPartnerLink] = "Your Partnership Link";
$_lang[PartnerZakazatVivod] = "Withdraw Funds";
$_lang[PartnerSumma] = "Amount";
$_lang[PartnerSposobVivoda] = "Withdraw Funds Method";
$_lang[PartnerPurse] = "Account/Purse Number";
$_lang[PartnerZakazatVivodButton] = "Order Transfer";
$_lang[PartnerOurBanners] = "Our Banners";
$_lang[PartnerErrorMinOut] = "The transfer amount should be not less than";
$_lang[PartnerErrorNoMoneyOnPartner] = "Not enough funds on partnership account.";
$_lang[PartnerErrorNoPayMethod] = "Select the Transfer Method";
$_lang[PartnerNoPurse] = "Specify Account/Purse Number.";
$_lang[PartnerErrorPartnerOff] = "The partnership program is unavailable at this moment.";
##################### billing.php :: tickets
$_lang[TicketsTitle] = "Tickets";
$_lang[TicketsDeleteSuccess] = "Ticket successfully deleted.";
$_lang[TicketsGotoTicketsList] = "go to tickets list";
$_lang[TicketsCloseSuccess] = "Ticket closed.";
$_lang[TicketsGoBackToTicket] = "return to ticket";
$_lang[TicketsNewSuccess] = "Ticket successfully added.";
$_lang[TicketsGotoNewTicket] = "go to opened ticket";
$_lang[TicketsReplySuccess] = "Message successfully added.";
$_lang[TicketsTicketTypeMsg] = "Message";
$_lang[TicketsTicketTypeReply] = "Reply";
$_lang[TicketsPriority] = "Priority";
$_lang[TicketsStatus] = "Status";
$_lang[TicketsTicket] = "Ticket";
$_lang[TicketsTicketView] = "Ticket View";
$_lang[TicketsDate] = "Date";
$_lang[TicketsAddMessage] = "Add Message";
$_lang[TicketsStatusOpen] = "opened";
$_lang[TicketsStatusAll] = "all";
$_lang[TicketsStatusClosed] = "closed";
$_lang[TicketsYourTickets] = "your tickets";
$_lang[TicketsSubject] = "Subject";
$_lang[TicketsTicketReplys] = "Replies";
$_lang[TicketsDeleteAlert] = "Are you sure you want to delete this ticket?";
$_lang[TicketsDelete] = "Delete ticket";
$_lang[TicketsCloseAlert] = "Are you sure you want to close this ticket??";
$_lang[TicketsClose] = "Close Ticket";
$_lang[TicketsTotalTickets] = "Total Tickets";
$_lang[TicketsShow] = "Show";
$_lang[TicketsNewTicket] = "New Ticket";
$_lang[TicketsAddTicket] = "Submit Ticket";
$_lang[TicketsErrorSubject] = "Ticket subject not specified.";
$_lang[TicketsErrorPriority] = "Ticket priority not specified.";
$_lang[TicketsErrorMessage] = "Ticket message not specified.";
$_lang[TicketsErrorNoTicket] = "Ticket not found. It may have been deleted.";
##################### billing.php :: changetarif
$_lang[ChangeTitle] = "The package type Change";
$_lang[ChangeChangeTarifSuccess] = "The package type successfully changed";
$_lang[ChangeErrorChange] = "Could not change the package type automatically. Expect while it will be made by administration.";
$_lang[ChangeDomain] = "Domain";
$_lang[ChangeTarif] = "Package Type";
$_lang[ChangeNewTarif] = "Select a package type";
$_lang[ChangeErrorNoNewTarif] = "Select a new package type.";
$_lang[ChangeErrorNoAccessTarif] = "You can't switch to this package type.";
$_lang[ChangeErrorNoOrder] = "Order not found.";
##################### billing.php :: catalog
$_lang[CatTitle] = "Sites Catalogue";
$_lang[CatSiteDeleteSuccess] = "Site succesfully removed from the catalogue.";
$_lang[CatSiteIP] = "Site IP-address";
$_lang[CatIPDenied] = "is not allowed for the catalogue";
$_lang[CatNewSiteSuccess] = "Site successfully added to the catalogue.";
$_lang[CatSiteEditSuccess] = "Site information successfully modified.";
$_lang[CatAdding] = "Adding";
$_lang[CatEditing] = "Editing";
$_lang[CatSaita] = "site";
$_lang[CatSiteName] = "Name";
$_lang[CatSiteDomain] = "Domain";
$_lang[CatWithoutHttp] = "without http";
$_lang[CatSiteOpisanie] = "Description";
$_lang[CatYourSites] = "Your sites in the catalogue";
$_lang[CatChange] = "Modify";
$_lang[CatDeleteAlert] = "Are you sure you want to remove the site from the catalogue?";
$_lang[CatDelete] = "Remove";
$_lang[CatTotalSites] = "Total Sites";
$_lang[CatAddSite] = "Add site to catalogue";
$_lang[CatErrorSite] = "Site name not specified.";
$_lang[CatErrorDomain] = "Domain not specified.";
$_lang[CatErrorDomainSymbol] = "Forbidden symbols in the site domain.";
$_lang[CatErrorOpisanie] = "Site description not specified.";
$_lang[CatErrorIP] = "Unable to get domain IP-address.";
##################### billing.php :: addfunds
$_lang[FundsTitle] = "Add funds to your balance";
$_lang[FundsMinSumm] = "Minimal amount";
$_lang[FundsSumm] = "Amount";
$_lang[FundsGotoPay] = "Pay Now";
##################### catalog.php
$_lang[CatalogTitle] = "Site registration in the catalogues";
$_lang[CatalogSendSuccess] = "Request successfully sent. The administration will contact you later.";
$_lang[CatalogInfo] = "Please fill in the form below for your site registration in the catalogues.";
$_lang[CatalogCanInput] = "you can introduce";
$_lang[CatalogSymbols] = "characters";
$_lang[CatalogMainTematika] = "The Site Main Topic";
$_lang[CatalogDopTematika] = "The Site Additional Topics";
$_lang[CatalogDopTematikaComment] = "You need to select all the appropriate categories for this site. You can select several ones by holding <b>ctrl</b> button";
$_lang[CatalogURL] = "URL Pages";
$_lang[CatalogURLComment] = "Check out whether the introduced URL is correct";
$_lang[CatalogFullSiteName] = "Website Title";
$_lang[CatalogFullSiteNameComment] = "Try to avoid using junk words (free, crack, porno and so on), otherwise your site may not get registered.";
$_lang[CatalogMediumSiteName] = "Medium length title";
$_lang[CatalogMediumSiteNameComment] = "Required for less than 70 characters title catalogues.";
$_lang[CatalogSmallSiteName] = "Short title";
$_lang[CatalogSmallSiteNameComment] = "Required for less than 50 characters title catalogues.";
$_lang[CatalogFullDescr] = "Full website description";
$_lang[CatalogFullDescrComment] = "Please choose a concise and brief description using keywords at the beginning.<br>Try to avoid using junk words (free, crack, porno and so on), otherwise your site may not get registered.";
$_lang[CatalogMediumDescr] = "Medium length description";
$_lang[CatalogMediumDescrComment] = "Required for less than 250 characters description catalogues.";
$_lang[CatalogSmallDescr] = "Short description";
$_lang[CatalogSmallDescrComment] = "Required for less than 150 characters description catalogues.";
$_lang[CatalogKeyWords] = "Key Words";
$_lang[CatalogViaComma] = "comma separated";
$_lang[CatalogName] = "Your Name";
$_lang[CatalogEmail] = "Your E-mail";
$_lang[CatalogEmailComment] = "may receive confirming registration letters and may be also spammed, that is why we advise you to <a class=rootlink href='http://passport.yandex.ru/passport?mode=register&msg=mail&retpath=http://mail.yandex.ru'>create</a> a separate e-mail address at yandex.ru, such as yourdomainRu@yandex.ru (use only alphanumeric symbols with no dots, dashes or underline symbols), in this way you can redirect e-mails to your current e-mail address and in case of spamming you can close it at any time. Indicating the current e-mail account is required because you might need the incoming information.";
$_lang[CatalogPassword] = "Password for catalogues";
$_lang[CatalogPasswordComment] = "(alphanumeric characters) 8 symbols preferably";
$_lang[CatalogBannerUrl] = "URL Banner (88x31)";
$_lang[CatalogBannerUrlComment] = "if there are";
$_lang[CatalogUrlForLinks] = "URL pages, where you can post catalogues backlinks";
$_lang[CatalogUrlForLinksComment] = "if you're not planning to post them - indicate the registered page URL in this field.";
$_lang[CaalogRegion] = "Site Region";
$_lang[CaalogRegionComment] = "You need to select the country or the region.";
$_lang[CatalogCountry] = "Country";
$_lang[CatalogCountryComment] = "mostly related to the site";
$_lang[CatalogCity] = "City";
$_lang[CatalogCityComment] = "mostly related to the site";
$_lang[CatalogPhone] = "Phone";
$_lang[CatalogFax] = "Fax";
$_lang[CatalogComments] = "Comments";
$_lang[CataloCommentsComment] = "Payment Method, Date, Total due, and so on.<br>RootPanel ordering number (if there is any).<br> In other words, payment checking information.";
$_lang[CatalogCleanFields] = "Clear all fields";
$_lang[CatalogTem01] = "Auto Moto";
$_lang[CatalogTem02] = "Administrations";
$_lang[CatalogTem03] = "Banks";
$_lang[CatalogTem04] = "Security";
$_lang[CatalogTem05] = "Business and Finances";
$_lang[CatalogTem06] = "Cities, Regions";
$_lang[CatalogTem07] = "Children";
$_lang[CatalogTem08] = "Design";
$_lang[CatalogTem09] = "Home Pages";
$_lang[CatalogTem10] = "Soft";
$_lang[CatalogTem11] = "Animals";
$_lang[CatalogTem12] = "Legislation";
$_lang[CatalogTem13] = "Health";
$_lang[CatalogTem14] = "Datings";
$_lang[CatalogTem15] = "Games";
$_lang[CatalogTem16] = "Internet";
$_lang[CatalogTem17] = "Art";
$_lang[CatalogTem18] = "History";
$_lang[CatalogTem19] = "Cinema";
$_lang[CatalogTem20] = "Classifiers";
$_lang[CatalogTem21] = "Companies";
$_lang[CatalogTem22] = "Computers";
$_lang[CatalogTem23] = "Literature";
$_lang[CatalogTem24] = "Medical Science";
$_lang[CatalogTem25] = "Fashion";
$_lang[CatalogTem26] = "Music";
$_lang[CatalogTem27] = "Science";
$_lang[CatalogTem28] = "Real Estate";
$_lang[CatalogTem29] = "Education";
$_lang[CatalogTem30] = "Politics";
$_lang[CatalogTem31] = "Portals";
$_lang[CatalogTem32] = "Nature";
$_lang[CatalogTem33] = "Providers";
$_lang[CatalogTem34] = "Programmes";
$_lang[CatalogTem35] = "Food Stuff";
$_lang[CatalogTem36] = "Other";
$_lang[CatalogTem37] = "Travel";
$_lang[CatalogTem38] = "Jobs";
$_lang[CatalogTem39] = "Radio";
$_lang[CatalogTem40] = "Entertainment";
$_lang[CatalogTem41] = "Miscellaneous";
$_lang[CatalogTem42] = "Advertisement";
$_lang[CatalogTem43] = "Religion";
$_lang[CatalogTem44] = "Mass Media";
$_lang[CatalogTem45] = "Communication";
$_lang[CatalogTem46] = "Services";
$_lang[CatalogTem47] = "Sport";
$_lang[CatalogTem48] = "Construction";
$_lang[CatalogTem49] = "Theatre";
$_lang[CatalogTem50] = "Television";
$_lang[CatalogTem51] = "Engineering";
$_lang[CatalogTem52] = "Technologies";
$_lang[CatalogTem53] = "Goods and Services";
$_lang[CatalogTem54] = "Transport";
$_lang[CatalogTem55] = "Tourism";
$_lang[CatalogTem56] = "Interests and Hobbies";
$_lang[CatalogTem57] = "Pharmaceutics";
$_lang[CatalogTem58] = "Free Stuff";
$_lang[CatalogTem59] = "Expertise";
$_lang[CatalogTem60] = "Electronics";
$_lang[CatalogTem61] = "For Unix-fans";
$_lang[CatalogTem62] = "Legal Services";
$_lang[CatalogTem63] = "Erotic";
$_lang[CatalogReg01] = "Altai Region";
$_lang[CatalogReg02] = "Amur Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg03] = "Arkhangelsk Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg04] = "Astrakhan Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg05] = "Bashkortostan";
$_lang[CatalogReg06] = "Belgorod Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg07] = "Bryansk Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg08] = "Buryatia";
$_lang[CatalogReg09] = "Vladimir Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg10] = "Volgograd Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg11] = "Vologda province";
$_lang[CatalogReg12] = "Voronezh Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg13] = "Dagestan";
$_lang[CatalogReg14] = "Ivanovo Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg15] = "Irkutsk Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg16] = "Kabardino-Balkaria";
$_lang[CatalogReg17] = "Kaliningradskaya Oblast";
$_lang[CatalogReg18] = "Kalmykiya";
$_lang[CatalogReg19] = "Kaluzhskaya Oblast ";
$_lang[CatalogReg20] = "Karelia";
$_lang[CatalogReg21] = "Kemerovo Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg22] = "Kirovskaya Oblast";
$_lang[CatalogReg23] = "Komi";
$_lang[CatalogReg24] = "Kostroma Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg25] = "Krasnodar Region";
$_lang[CatalogReg26] = "Krasnoyarsk Krai";
$_lang[CatalogReg27] = "Kurganskaya Oblast";
$_lang[CatalogReg28] = "Kursk Region";
$_lang[CatalogReg29] = "Leningrad Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg30] = "Lipetsk Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg31] = "Mari El";
$_lang[CatalogReg32] = "Moscow";
$_lang[CatalogReg33] = "Moscow Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg34] = "Mordoviya";
$_lang[CatalogReg35] = "Murmansk Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg36] = "Nizhny Novgorod Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg37] = "Novgorod Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg38] = "Novosibirsk Province,";
$_lang[CatalogReg39] = "Omsk Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg40] = "Oryol Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg41] = "Orenburg Oblast";
$_lang[CatalogReg42] = "Penza Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg43] = "Perm Region";
$_lang[CatalogReg44] = "Kamchatka Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg45] = "Primorsky Krai";
$_lang[CatalogReg46] = "Pskov Oblast";
$_lang[CatalogReg47] = "Rostov Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg48] = "Ryazan Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg49] = "Samara Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg50] = "Saint Petersburg";
$_lang[CatalogReg51] = "Saratov Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg52] = "Sakhalin Oblast";
$_lang[CatalogReg53] = "Sverdlovsk Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg54] = "Smolensk Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg55] = "Stavropol Region";
$_lang[CatalogReg56] = "Tambov Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg57] = "Tatarstan";
$_lang[CatalogReg58] = "Tver Region";
$_lang[CatalogReg59] = "Tomsk Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg60] = "Tuva";
$_lang[CatalogReg61] = "Tula Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg62] = "Tyumen Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg63] = "Udmurtiya";
$_lang[CatalogReg64] = "Ulyanovsk Oblast";
$_lang[CatalogReg65] = "Khabarovsk Region";
$_lang[CatalogReg66] = "Khanty-Mansiysk";
$_lang[CatalogReg67] = "Chelyabinsk Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg68] = "Chita Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg69] = "Chuvashia";
$_lang[CatalogReg70] = "Yakutia (Saha)";
$_lang[CatalogReg71] = "Yaroslavl Province";
$_lang[CatalogReg72] = "Azerbaijan";
$_lang[CatalogReg73] = "Armenia";
$_lang[CatalogReg74] = "Belarus";
$_lang[CatalogReg75] = "Kazakhstan";
$_lang[CatalogReg76] = "Kyrgyz Republic";
$_lang[CatalogReg77] = "Latvia";
$_lang[CatalogReg78] = "Lithuania";
$_lang[CatalogReg79] = "Moldova";
$_lang[CatalogReg80] = "Tajikistan";
$_lang[CatalogReg81] = "Turkmenistan";
$_lang[CatalogReg82] = "Uzbekistan";
$_lang[CatalogReg83] = "Estonia";
$_lang[CatalogReg84] = "Ukraine";
$_lang[CatalogReg85] = "Georgia";
$_lang[CatalogReg86] = "Other Countries";
##################### feedback.php
$_lang[FeedTitle] = "FeedBack";
$_lang[FeedSendSuccess] = "Message sent.";
$_lang[FeedContactViaICQ] = "Contact via ICQ";
$_lang[FeedContactPhones] = "Contact Phones";
$_lang[FeedName] = "Your Name";
$_lang[FeedEmail] = "Your E-mail";
$_lang[FeedICQ] = "Your Messenger (ICQ, MSN, nad etc. For example, icq: 1234567)";
$_lang[FeedOtdel] = "Department";
$_lang[FeedManager] = "Manager";
$_lang[FeedSupport] = "Technical Support";
$_lang[FeedSubject] = "Subject";
$_lang[FeedMessage] = "Message";
$_lang[FeedErrorSupportOnlyViaTickets] = "Registered users support is only provided using the tickets system!";
$_lang[FeedErrorNoName] = "Specify Your Name";
$_lang[FeedErrorBadEmail] = "Incorrect e-mail address.";
$_lang[FeedErrorNoOtdel] = "Specify the department to contact.";
$_lang[FeedErrorNoSubject] = "Specify the subject of your message.";
$_lang[FeedErrorNoMessage] = "Enter the text of your message.";
##################### forgotpass.php
$_lang[ForgotTitle] = "Password Recovery";
$_lang[ForgotSuccess] = "Password successfully modified. Now you may";
$_lang[ForgotEnterToBilling] = "access Billing";
$_lang[ForgotEnterNewPassword] = "Enter New Password";
$_lang[ForgotReEnterNewPassword] = "Confirm New Password";
$_lang[ForgotPrefixDlya] = "for";
$_lang[ForgotInfoSended] = "Password recovery information was sent to your E-mail.";
$_lang[ForgorInputYourNameOrEmail] = "Enter your Username or E-mail";
$_lang[ForgotErrorNameOrEmail] = "Username or E-mail not specified.";
$_lang[ForgotErrorNoUserWithNameOrEmail] = "User with such Login or E-mail not found.";
##################### news.php
$_lang[NewsTitle] = "News";
$_lang[NewsSeeAllNews] = "See all news...";
$_lang[NewsErrorNotFound] = "News not found.";
##################### order.php
$_lang[OrderTitle] = "Order Processing";
$_lang[OrderFreeDomainInZone] = "Free Domain in Zone";
$_lang[OrderComment] = "Comment";
$_lang[OrderStep] = "Step";
$_lang[OrderStepFrom] = "from";
$_lang[OrderSelectUserType] = "Who you are";
$_lang[OrderRegedUser] = "Add this order to my account.";
$_lang[OrderNewClient] = "I am a new customer.";
$_lang[OrderEnterLoginAndPassword] = "Enter Username and Password";
$_lang[OrderLogin] = "Your Username";
$_lang[OrderLoginComment] = "use 3 to 10 characters a-z,0-9";
$_lang[OrderPassword] = "Password";
$_lang[OrderPasswordComment] = "not less than 6 characters";
$_lang[OrderRegData] = "Registration Info";
$_lang[OrderRePassword] = "Verify Password";
$_lang[OrderEmail] = "Your e-mail";
$_lang[OrderUserType] = "Client Type";
$_lang[OrderUserPrivatePerson] = "Private Person";
$_lang[OrderUserOrg] = "Company";
$_lang[OrderAboutUsFrom] = "How did you find us?";
$_lang[OrderRules] = "Privacy Policy";
$_lang[OrderPrefixS] = "The";
$_lang[OrderRules2] = "Privacy Policy";
$_lang[OrderObyazVipolnyat] = "I have read and agree to the ";
$_lang[OrderDogovorOferta] = "Agreement-offer";
$_lang[OrderSUsloviyami] = "The conditions of Conditions";
$_lang[OrderDogovorOferta2] = "agreement-offer";
$_lang[OrderParamsOfOrder] = "Order Options";
$_lang[OrderTarif] = "Package Type";
$_lang[OrderRazovoZaUstanovku] = "for setup";
$_lang[OrderSokraschenieMonth] = "month";
$_lang[OrderDomain] = "Domain Name";
$_lang[OrderDomainNew] = "Register New Domain";
$_lang[OrderDomainExists] = "I will use My Existing Domain and update My Nameservers only.";
$_lang[OrderWithoutDomain] = "without Domain Name";
$_lang[OrderDomainComment] = "For example, example.com";
$_lang[OrderResultOfCheck] = "Inspection Result";
$_lang[OrderDomainSmallOneWord] = "Domain";
$_lang[OrderDomainStatus] = "Domain status";
$_lang[OrderDomainStatusErrorNotCorrect] = "incorrect Domain";
$_lang[OrderDomainStatusErrorLength] = "you can use only {minWidth} to {maxWidth} characters for your Domain";
$_lang[OrderDomainStatusErrorSymbols] = "you can use only a-z0-9 characters and hyphen for your Domain";
$_lang[OrderRegIn] = "registration in";
$_lang[OrderNotSupported] = "is not supported";
$_lang[OrderDomainStatusErrorOtherUser] = "Domain already registered by another registrant";
$_lang[OrderDomainStatusNotFree] = "unavailable Domain";
$_lang[OrderDomainStatusFree] = "Domain available";
$_lang[OrderInputOtherDomains] = "introduce other Domain Names";
$_lang[OrderDNS] = "DNS server list";
$_lang[OrderDNSOne] = "identical for all Domains";
$_lang[OrderDNSEach] = "different for all Domains";
$_lang[OrderAvailZones] = "Available Domains";
$_lang[OrderDomains] = "Domain Names";
$_lang[OrderDomainsComment] = "Introduce each Domain from a new-line.";
$_lang[OrderDomainsCheck] = "Check Domain Names";
$_lang[OrderDomainsCheckAlert] = "you must check the entered Damain Names first!";
$_lang[OrderDomainRegistrator] = "Domain Name Registrar";
$_lang[OrderSrokZakaza] = "Order Period";
$_lang[OrderSrokSmall] = "period";
$_lang[OrderCostSmall] = "price";
$_lang[OrderDiscountSmall] = "discount";
$_lang[OrderTotalSmall] = "Total";
$_lang[OrderAkciyaDomain] = "Promotion! Get a Free Domain!";
$_lang[OrderPriZakaze] = "If you make a package type order";
$_lang[OrderNaSrok] = "for a period of";
$_lang[OrderPoluchaeteVPodarok] = "you get a free domain in one of the following zones";
$_lang[OrderAddons] = "Extra Features";
$_lang[OrderRazovo] = "single-use";
$_lang[OrderFree] = "free";
$_lang[OrderServerPlace] = "Server Location Area";
$_lang[OrderYear] = "a year";
$_lang[OrderNS1] = "NS1";
$_lang[OrderNS1Comment] = "primary DNS server";
$_lang[OrderNS2] = "NS2";
$_lang[OrderNS2Comment] = "secondary DNS server";
$_lang[OrderNS3] = "NS3";
$_lang[OrderNS4] = "NS4";
$_lang[OrderDomainRegistratorSmallOneWord] = "registrar";
$_lang[OrderYourOrder] = "Your Order";
$_lang[OrderUsluga] = "Order Title";
$_lang[OrderSumma] = "Amount";
$_lang[OrderPrefixNa] = "for";
$_lang[OrderSokraschenieGod] = "yr";
$_lang[OrderTotal] = "Total";
$_lang[OrderDopolnitelno] = "Extra";
$_lang[OrderPayMethod] = "Payment Method";
$_lang[OrderButtonOrder] = "Order Now";
$_lang[OrderErrorLoginBegin] = "User name must begin with a-z";
$_lang[OrderErrorLoginSymbols] = "Username must be alphanumeric and start with a lowercase letter.";
$_lang[OrderErrorLoginLength] = "Username Min length: 3. Max length: 8";
$_lang[OrderErrorWrongEmail] = "Incorrect e-mail address.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoOrg] = "Select Private Person or Company.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoRules] = "You did not agree with hosting terms and conditions.";
$_lang[OrderErrorLoginExists] = "Such Username or Password already exists.";
$_lang[OrderErrorAlreadyReged] = "You have been already registered.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoTarif] = "Select the Package Type";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoDomainReg] = "Choose Signup or not";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoDomain] = "Enter a Domain Name.";
$_lang[OrderErrorDomainLength] = "you can use only {minWidth} to {maxWidth} characters for your Domain Name";
$_lang[OrderErrorDomainSymbols] = "you can use only a-z0-9 characters and hyphens for your Domain Name and don't start with a hyphen.";
$_lang[OrderErrorDomainRegistered] = "Domain Name already registered.";
$_lang[OrderErrorTarifForDomainOrderByAnotherUser] = "The Package Type for this Domain Name was already ordered by another user.";
$_lang[OrderErrorDomainOrderByAnotherUser] = "This Domain Name is unavailable.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoFreeDomains] = "No available Domain Names selected.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoDnsType] = "Select the type of DNS server.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoSrokZakaza] = "Select the order period";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoPrymaryNS] = "Select primary DNS server.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoSecondaryNS] = "Select secondary DNS server.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoOneOfNS] = "Primary or Secondary DNS server not specified.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNetSrokovZakaza] = "There are no available periods for this order. Select another package type.";
##################### sites.php
$_lang[SitesTitle] = "Our clients' websites";
$_lang[SitesCatalogDisabled] = "The websites catalogue disabled.";
##################### whois.php
$_lang[WhoisTitle] = "Domain Lookup";
$_lang[WhoisDomainName] = "Domain Name";
$_lang[WhoisSelectZones] = "Select Zones";
$_lang[WhoisSelectZone] = "Select Zone";
$_lang[WhoisCheckButton] = "Lookup";
$_lang[WhoisCheckResult] = "Searching Results";
$_lang[WhoisOrderHostAndDomain] = "order hosting and domain";
$_lang[WhoisOrderDomain] = "Domain Order";
$_lang[WhoisOrderHost] = "Hosting Order";
$_lang[WhoisAvailError] = "error";
$_lang[WhoisAvailFree] = "available";
$_lang[WhoisAvailNotFree] = "not available";
$_lang[WhoisDomainNotActive] = "Domain Zone is not active";
$_lang[WhoisWhois] = "WhoIs";
$_lang[WhoisFreeDomainsInOtherZones] = "Available domains in other domain zones";
$_lang[WhoisNoFreeDomainsInOtherZones] = "there are no available domains in other domain zones";
$_lang[WhoisAboutDomainLength] = "Even if a 2-characters Domain Name is available, it doesn't mean you can register it. Especially concerning the popular domain zones.";
$_lang[WhoisDomainInfo] = "Domain Info";
$_lang[WhoisErrorDomain] = "Select Domain Name.";
$_lang[WhoisErrorZone] = "Select Domain Zone.";
##################### Countrys
$_lang[Country] = array();
$_lang[Country]["AF"] = "AFGHANISTAN";
$_lang[Country]["AX"] = "ALAND ISLANDS";
$_lang[Country]["AL"] = "ALBANIA";
$_lang[Country]["DZ"] = "ALGERIA";
$_lang[Country]["AS"] = "AMERICAN SAMOA";
$_lang[Country]["AD"] = "ANDORRA";
$_lang[Country]["AO"] = "ANGOLA";
$_lang[Country]["AI"] = "ANGUILLA";
$_lang[Country]["AQ"] = "ANTARCTICA";
$_lang[Country]["AG"] = "ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA";
$_lang[Country]["AR"] = "ARGENTINA";
$_lang[Country]["AM"] = "ARMENIA";
$_lang[Country]["AW"] = "ARUBA";
$_lang[Country]["AU"] = "AUSTRALIA";
$_lang[Country]["AT"] = "AUSTRIA";
$_lang[Country]["AZ"] = "AZERBAIJAN";
$_lang[Country]["BS"] = "BAHAMAS";
$_lang[Country]["BH"] = "BAHRAIN";
$_lang[Country]["BD"] = "BANGLADESH";
$_lang[Country]["BB"] = "BARBADOS";
$_lang[Country]["BY"] = "BELARUS";
$_lang[Country]["BE"] = "BELGIUM";
$_lang[Country]["BZ"] = "BELIZE";
$_lang[Country]["BJ"] = "BENIN";
$_lang[Country]["BM"] = "BERMUDA";
$_lang[Country]["BT"] = "BHUTAN";
$_lang[Country]["BO"] = "BOLIVIA";
$_lang[Country]["BA"] = "BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA";
$_lang[Country]["BW"] = "BOTSWANA";
$_lang[Country]["BV"] = "BOUVET ISLAND";
$_lang[Country]["BR"] = "BRAZIL";
$_lang[Country]["BN"] = "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM";
$_lang[Country]["BG"] = "BULGARIA";
$_lang[Country]["BF"] = "BURKINA FASO";
$_lang[Country]["BI"] = "BURUNDI";
$_lang[Country]["KH"] = "CAMBODIA";
$_lang[Country]["CM"] = "CAMEROON";
$_lang[Country]["CA"] = "CANADA";
$_lang[Country]["CV"] = "CAPE VERDE";
$_lang[Country]["KY"] = "CAYMAN ISLANDS";
$_lang[Country]["CF"] = "CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC";
$_lang[Country]["TD"] = "CHAD";
$_lang[Country]["CL"] = "CHILE";
$_lang[Country]["CN"] = "CHINA";
$_lang[Country]["CX"] = "CHRISTMAS ISLAND";
$_lang[Country]["CC"] = "COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS";
$_lang[Country]["CO"] = "COLOMBIA";
$_lang[Country]["KM"] = "COMOROS";
$_lang[Country]["CG"] = "CONGO";
$_lang[Country]["CK"] = "COOK ISLANDS";
$_lang[Country]["CR"] = "COSTA RICA";
$_lang[Country]["CI"] = "COTE D'IVOIRE";
$_lang[Country]["HR"] = "CROATIA";
$_lang[Country]["CU"] = "CUBA";
$_lang[Country]["CY"] = "CYPRUS";
$_lang[Country]["CZ"] = "CZECH REPUBLIC";
$_lang[Country]["DK"] = "DENMARK";
$_lang[Country]["DJ"] = "DJIBOUTI";
$_lang[Country]["DM"] = "DOMINICA";
$_lang[Country]["DO"] = "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC";
$_lang[Country]["EC"] = "ECUADOR";
$_lang[Country]["EG"] = "EGYPT";
$_lang[Country]["SV"] = "EL SALVADOR";
$_lang[Country]["GQ"] = "EQUATORIAL GUINEA";
$_lang[Country]["ER"] = "ERITREA";
$_lang[Country]["EE"] = "ESTONIA";
$_lang[Country]["ET"] = "ETHIOPIA";
$_lang[Country]["FK"] = "FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)";
$_lang[Country]["FO"] = "FAROE ISLANDS";
$_lang[Country]["FJ"] = "FIJI";
$_lang[Country]["FI"] = "FINLAND";
$_lang[Country]["FR"] = "FRANCE";
$_lang[Country]["GF"] = "FRENCH GUIANA";
$_lang[Country]["PF"] = "FRENCH POLYNESIA";
$_lang[Country]["GA"] = "GABON";
$_lang[Country]["GM"] = "GAMBIA";
$_lang[Country]["GE"] = "GEORGIA";
$_lang[Country]["DE"] = "GERMANY";
$_lang[Country]["GH"] = "GHANA";
$_lang[Country]["GI"] = "GIBRALTAR";
$_lang[Country]["GR"] = "GREECE";
$_lang[Country]["GL"] = "GREENLAND";
$_lang[Country]["GD"] = "GRENADA";
$_lang[Country]["GP"] = "GUADELOUPE";
$_lang[Country]["GU"] = "GUAM";
$_lang[Country]["GT"] = "GUATEMALA";
$_lang[Country]["GN"] = "GUINEA";
$_lang[Country]["GW"] = "GUINEA-BISSAU";
$_lang[Country]["GY"] = "GUYANA";
$_lang[Country]["HT"] = "HAITI";
$_lang[Country]["VA"] = "HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)";
$_lang[Country]["HN"] = "HONDURAS";
$_lang[Country]["HK"] = "HONG KONG";
$_lang[Country]["HU"] = "HUNGARY";
$_lang[Country]["IS"] = "ICELAND";
$_lang[Country]["IN"] = "INDIA";
$_lang[Country]["ID"] = "INDONESIA";
$_lang[Country]["IR"] = "IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF";
$_lang[Country]["IQ"] = "IRAQ";
$_lang[Country]["IE"] = "IRELAND";
$_lang[Country]["IL"] = "ISRAEL";
$_lang[Country]["IT"] = "ITALY";
$_lang[Country]["JM"] = "JAMAICA";
$_lang[Country]["JP"] = "JAPAN";
$_lang[Country]["JO"] = "JORDAN";
$_lang[Country]["KZ"] = "KAZAKHSTAN";
$_lang[Country]["KE"] = "KENYA";
$_lang[Country]["KI"] = "KIRIBATI";
$_lang[Country]["KR"] = "KOREA, REPUBLIC OF";
$_lang[Country]["KW"] = "KUWAIT";
$_lang[Country]["KG"] = "KYRGYZSTAN";
$_lang[Country]["LV"] = "LATVIA";
$_lang[Country]["LB"] = "LEBANON";
$_lang[Country]["LS"] = "LESOTHO";
$_lang[Country]["LR"] = "LIBERIA";
$_lang[Country]["LY"] = "LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA";
$_lang[Country]["LI"] = "LIECHTENSTEIN";
$_lang[Country]["LT"] = "LITHUANIA";
$_lang[Country]["LU"] = "LUXEMBOURG";
$_lang[Country]["MO"] = "MACAO";
$_lang[Country]["MG"] = "MADAGASCAR";
$_lang[Country]["MW"] = "MALAWI";
$_lang[Country]["MY"] = "MALAYSIA";
$_lang[Country]["MV"] = "MALDIVES";
$_lang[Country]["ML"] = "MALI";
$_lang[Country]["MT"] = "MALTA";
$_lang[Country]["MH"] = "MARSHALL ISLANDS";
$_lang[Country]["MQ"] = "MARTINIQUE";
$_lang[Country]["MR"] = "MAURITANIA";
$_lang[Country]["MU"] = "MAURITIUS";
$_lang[Country]["YT"] = "MAYOTTE";
$_lang[Country]["MX"] = "MEXICO";
$_lang[Country]["MD"] = "MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF";
$_lang[Country]["MC"] = "MONACO";
$_lang[Country]["MN"] = "MONGOLIA";
$_lang[Country]["MS"] = "MONTSERRAT";
$_lang[Country]["MA"] = "MOROCCO";
$_lang[Country]["MZ"] = "MOZAMBIQUE";
$_lang[Country]["MM"] = "MYANMAR";
$_lang[Country]["NA"] = "NAMIBIA";
$_lang[Country]["NR"] = "NAURU";
$_lang[Country]["NP"] = "NEPAL";
$_lang[Country]["NL"] = "NETHERLANDS";
$_lang[Country]["AN"] = "NETHERLANDS ANTILLES";
$_lang[Country]["NC"] = "NEW CALEDONIA";
$_lang[Country]["NZ"] = "NEW ZEALAND";
$_lang[Country]["NI"] = "NICARAGUA";
$_lang[Country]["NE"] = "NIGER";
$_lang[Country]["NG"] = "NIGERIA";
$_lang[Country]["NU"] = "NIUE";
$_lang[Country]["NF"] = "NORFOLK ISLAND";
$_lang[Country]["MP"] = "NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS";
$_lang[Country]["NO"] = "NORWAY";
$_lang[Country]["OM"] = "OMAN";
$_lang[Country]["PK"] = "PAKISTAN";
$_lang[Country]["PW"] = "PALAU";
$_lang[Country]["PA"] = "PANAMA";
$_lang[Country]["PG"] = "PAPUA NEW GUINEA";
$_lang[Country]["PY"] = "PARAGUAY";
$_lang[Country]["PE"] = "PERU";
$_lang[Country]["PH"] = "PHILIPPINES";
$_lang[Country]["PN"] = "PITCAIRN";
$_lang[Country]["PL"] = "POLAND";
$_lang[Country]["PT"] = "PORTUGAL";
$_lang[Country]["PR"] = "PUERTO RICO";
$_lang[Country]["QA"] = "QATAR";
$_lang[Country]["RE"] = "REUNION";
$_lang[Country]["RO"] = "ROMANIA";
$_lang[Country]["RU"] = "RUSSIAN FEDERATION";
$_lang[Country]["RW"] = "RWANDA";
$_lang[Country]["SH"] = "SAINT HELENA";
$_lang[Country]["KN"] = "SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS";
$_lang[Country]["LC"] = "SAINT LUCIA";
$_lang[Country]["PM"] = "SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON";
$_lang[Country]["WS"] = "SAMOA";
$_lang[Country]["SM"] = "SAN MARINO";
$_lang[Country]["ST"] = "SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE";
$_lang[Country]["SA"] = "SAUDI ARABIA";
$_lang[Country]["SN"] = "SENEGAL";
$_lang[Country]["CS"] = "SERBIA AND CHERNOGORIA";
$_lang[Country]["SC"] = "SEYCHELLES";
$_lang[Country]["SL"] = "SIERRA LEONE";
$_lang[Country]["SG"] = "SINGAPORE";
$_lang[Country]["SK"] = "SLOVAKIA";
$_lang[Country]["SI"] = "SLOVENIA";
$_lang[Country]["SB"] = "SOLOMON ISLANDS";
$_lang[Country]["SO"] = "SOMALIA";
$_lang[Country]["ZA"] = "SOUTH AFRICA";
$_lang[Country]["ES"] = "SPAIN";
$_lang[Country]["LK"] = "SRI LANKA";
$_lang[Country]["SD"] = "SUDAN";
$_lang[Country]["SR"] = "SURINAME";
$_lang[Country]["SJ"] = "SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN";
$_lang[Country]["SZ"] = "SWAZILAND";
$_lang[Country]["SE"] = "SWEDEN";
$_lang[Country]["CH"] = "SWITZERLAND";
$_lang[Country]["SY"] = "SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC";
$_lang[Country]["TW"] = "TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA";
$_lang[Country]["TJ"] = "TAJIKISTAN";
$_lang[Country]["TZ"] = "TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF";
$_lang[Country]["TH"] = "THAILAND";
$_lang[Country]["TL"] = "TIMOR-LESTE";
$_lang[Country]["TG"] = "TOGO";
$_lang[Country]["TK"] = "TOKELAU";
$_lang[Country]["TO"] = "TONGA";
$_lang[Country]["TT"] = "TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO";
$_lang[Country]["TN"] = "TUNISIA";
$_lang[Country]["TR"] = "TURKEY";
$_lang[Country]["TM"] = "TURKMENISTAN";
$_lang[Country]["TC"] = "TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS";
$_lang[Country]["TV"] = "TUVALU";
$_lang[Country]["UG"] = "UGANDA";
$_lang[Country]["UA"] = "UKRAINE";
$_lang[Country]["AE"] = "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES";
$_lang[Country]["GB"] = "UNITED KINGDOM";
$_lang[Country]["US"] = "UNITED STATES";
$_lang[Country]["UY"] = "URUGUAY";
$_lang[Country]["UZ"] = "UZBEKISTAN";
$_lang[Country]["VU"] = "VANUATU";
$_lang[Country]["VE"] = "VENEZUELA";
$_lang[Country]["VN"] = "VIET NAM";
$_lang[Country]["VG"] = "VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH";
$_lang[Country]["VI"] = "VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.";
$_lang[Country]["WF"] = "WALLIS AND FUTUNA";
$_lang[Country]["EH"] = "WESTERN SAHARA";
$_lang[Country]["YE"] = "YEMEN";
$_lang[Country]["ZM"] = "ZAMBIA";
$_lang[Country]["ZW"] = "ZIMBABWE";
##################### v1.6.0
$_lang[PayPortmone] = "Portmone";
$_lang[PaySokraschenieGrivna] = "UAH";
$_lang[PayPortmoneCheckBill] = "If you have already paid using Portmone, press the button "".$_lang[PayCheckBillStatus]."".</b><BR><BR>";
$_lang[PayErrorBadSumm] = "Incorrect payment amount";
$_lang[DomainsErrorRegistratorNotFound] = "Registrar not found";
$_lang[OrderAddonsOs] = "Operating System";
$_lang[OrderAddonsPanel] = "Control Panel";
$_lang[ProfileCodeWord] = "Code word";
$_lang[ProfileCodeWordComment] = "Is used to client authentication when requesting support services.<BR>Can be selected only once. You will not be able to edit or view the field after selecting.";
##################### v1.6.1
$_lang[OrderZoneSmall] = "DNS Zones";
$_lang[OrderFrom] = "From";
$_lang[ZonesTotal] = "DNS Zones";
$_lang[OrderCheckDomainInSelectedZones] = "To Check up for Domain for Select DNS Zones";
$_lang[OrderFreeDomainsInFavoriteZones] = "Free domains in Popular DNS Zones";
$_lang[OrderFreeDomainsInSelectedZones] = "Free domain in Chech up DNS Zones";
$_lang[OrderSmallOrder] = "order";
$_lang[OrdersPrintDogovor] = "To print contract";
$_lang[ProfileEdrpou] = "EDRPOU";
$_lang[ProfileEdrpouComment] = "Code in the State Enterprises Register and Organisations (for Ukraine only). An unessential field. <BR> For example, 2354231243";
##################### v1.6.2
$_lang[Language] = "Language";
$_lang[BillingMenuMail] = "My MailBox";
$_lang[MailLogsTitle] = "Messages Archive";
$_lang[MailLogsDate] = "Date";
$_lang[MailLogsSubject] = "Subject";
$_lang[MailLogsDeleteAlert] = "Are you sure you want to delete message?";
$_lang[MailLogsDelete] = "Delete";
$_lang[MailLogsTotalMail] = "Total";
$_lang[MailLogsOnPage] = "Viewing Messages";
$_lang[MailLogsDeleteSuccess] = "Selected message deleted.";
$_lang[MailLogsErrorNoMail] = "Sorry. This message is not found. May be message has been removed.";
$_lang[MailLogsView] = "Message";
##################### v1.6.3
$_lang[PayPal] = "PayPal";
$_lang[TicketsClosedBySupport] = "This ticket is closed by a support service.";
$_lang[PaySMSCoin] = "SMS:Bank";
$_lang[PayGotoSMSCoin] = "Attention! To the payment sum the tariff of your cellular operator will be added.<BR>If on merchant page there is no your country or the operator, the payment sum too big means.";
$_lang[Pay2Checkout] = "2Checkout";
$_lang[TicketsDisabled] = "The tickets system not allow.";
$_lang[ProfileEmail2] = "Alternative E-mail";
$_lang[ProfileErrorBadEmail2] = "Alternative e-mail is Incorrect.";
##################### v1.6.4
$_lang[SettinsTitle] = "Option";
$_lang[BillingMenuSettings] = "Option";
$_lang[ProfileUserType] = "Profile type";
$_lang[ProfileOfPrivatePredprinimatel] = "The Private Person Profile";
$_lang[OrderUserPrivatePredprinimatel] = "Small Business";
$_lang[OrderDomainOwner] = "The domain name owner";
$_lang[OrderDomainOwnerSmallOneWord] = "owner";
$_lang[ProfileYourProfiles] = "Yours profiles";
$_lang[Select] = "Choose";
$_lang[ProfileCreateNewProfile] = "Create a New Profile";
$_lang[PayAuthorize] = "Authorize.Net";
$_lang[CalcTitle] = "The Services Calculator";
$_lang[CalcNePodhodid] = "Do you want to count once more?";
$_lang[CalcAgain] = "count anew";
$_lang[CalcDomainInOtherZone] = "or the domain in other zone";
$_lang[CalcCalc] = "Calculate cost";
$_lang[FundsCouponCode] = "Coupon code";
$_lang[FundsCouponPay] = "To fill up the account by means of the coupon";
$_lang[FundsCouponSuccess] = "The internal balance is filled successfully up on";
$_lang[FundsErrorCoupon] = "You can not use the given coupon.";
$_lang[OrderPromoCode] = "Promo code (discount)";
$_lang[OrderSkidkaByPromo] = "The discount on a promo code";
$_lang[OrderServerName] = "Server name (hostname)";
$_lang[OrderAdminPassword] = "Password of a server control";
$_lang[OrderErrorServerName] = "Please enter a server name.";
$_lang[OrderErrorAdminPassword] = "Please enter a password of server control.";
$_lang[ProfileICQ] = "Messengers (ICQ, WinMsn., and etc.)";
$_lang[ProfileWMZ] = "WMZ purse";
$_lang[ProfileWMR] = "WMR purse";
##################### v1.6.5
$_lang[OrderRootPassword] = "Your Password Server (For "root" username)";
$_lang[OrderErrorRootPassword] = "You must set a server password.";
$_lang[OrderRemark] = "Your Comments";
$_lang[TicketsClosedByCron] = "The ticket is automatically closed because existence time in system has ended.";
$_lang[PayPrivatbank] = "PrivateBank (Internet Acquiring)";
$_lang[ProfileImage] = "Image №";
$_lang[ProfileErrorCantUpload] = "Picture does not load.";
$_lang[ProfileErrorYouCanWorkWithoutCheckedProfile] = "Attention! You cannot work with billing while the administration will not check up your profile. The notice on necessity of check is sent administration and will be processed in the near future. We apologise for the delivered inconveniences.";
$_lang[PayErrorNoProfileCheck] = "Attention! You cannot pay the given account while the administration will not check up your profile. The notice on necessity of check is sent administration and will be processed in the near future. We apologise for the delivered inconveniences.";
$_lang[OrderErrorEmailExists] = "The user already exists. Please, enter another email!";
$_lang[OnlineBillNotFound] = "Account not found or Invalid Password Problem.";
$_lang[OnlineErrorData] = "This access data is typed incorrectly.";
$_lang[OnlineApproved] = "Payment was successfully accepted.";
$_lang[OnlineDeclined] = "Payment rejected. Please, try again.";
##################### v1.6.6
$_lang[OrderPartnerTitle] = "Partner Registration";
$_lang[ZonesReg] = "registration";
$_lang[ZonesRenew] = "to prolong";
$_lang[ZonesRegCost0] = "order only a domain name";
$_lang[ZonesRenewCost0] = "prolong a domain name registration only";
$_lang[ZonesRegCost1] = "If you're not a hosting customer";
$_lang[ZonesReg2Cost0] = "for order a domain name and hosting";
$_lang[ZonesRenew2Cost0] = "prolong a domain name and a hosting";
$_lang[ZonesReg2Cost1] = "If you're a hosting customer";
$_lang[ZonesHostReseller] = "For Hosting Resellers";
$_lang[ZonesReseller] = "For Domain Name Resellers";
$_lang[PayLiqpay] = "LiqPay";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoOwnNS] = "Billing temporarily does not support Nameservers.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoThirdNS] = "The third Nameserver is incorrectly specified.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoFourNS] = "The fourth Nameserver is incorrectly specified.";
$_lang[ProfilePassportFiles] = "Скан документов";
$_lang[ProfilePassportFilesComment] = "Необходимо загружать все изображения сразу, т.к. после загрузки эта функция станет недоступной.<BR>Разрешено загружать изображения в формате JPG, GIF, PNG, PDF.<BR>Будьте внимательны, т.к. удалить загруженное изображение нельзя.";
$_lang[ProfilePassportFilesUser] = "Необходимо загрузить копию паспорта (страницы с Ф.И.О., данными органа, выдавшего документ, и отметкой о постоянной регистрации (прописке)).";
$_lang[ProfilePassportFilesIP] = "Необходимо загрузить копию паспорта (страницы с Ф.И.О., данными органа, выдавшего документ, и отметкой о постоянной регистрации (прописке)), свидетельство о государственной регистрации и свидетельство о постановке на учет в налоговом органе (ИНН/ЄДРПОУ).";
$_lang[ProfilePassportFilesOrg] = "Необходимо загрузить свидетельство о государственной регистрации, свидетельство о постановке на учет в налоговом органе (ИНН) и приказ о назначении единоличного исполнительного органа (Генерального директора, Директора, Председателя правления).";
$_lang[ProfileDirector] = "Chief Executive Officer";
$_lang[DomainsChangeDNSSendSuccess] = "The inquiry a change in DNS servers has been sent successfully. Nameservers will change in near future.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorDNSTimeout] = "In conformity with options of our billing, you can not change adjustment of NameServers so often. Try again later.";
##################### v1.6.7
$_lang[OrderItem] = "Service/Product";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoItem] = "The service/product has not been choosen.";
$_lang[BillingMenuShop] = "Services/Products";
$_lang[ShopTitle] = "Services/Products List";
$_lang[ShopTotalOrders] = "Total";
$_lang[ShopOrdersOnPage] = "Items per page";
$_lang[RenewTitleShop] = "To prolong the service (Time of a product granting)";
$_lang[RenewShop] = "Service/Product";
$_lang[FaqTitle] = "FAQ";
##################### v1.6.8
$_lang[ShopDownloadDist] = "Download Didtribution Kit";
$_lang[ProfileSocStrahNumber] = "Social Insurance Number";
$_lang[payWebPay] = "WebPay";
$_lang[OrderTestPeriod] = "Test period";
$_lang[OrderTestPeriodOrder] = "Test period Order Now";
$_lang[PayOrderTestCreateSuccess] = "Test period has been opened successfully. Please, pay test account! When your test account will end, your the account will be blocked and deleted.";
$_lang[PayOrderTestCreateLater] = "Dedicated Server Test Access (with full remote access) will be open near time. A temporary root-access has been sent to your email.";
$_lang[ProfileNeedForTestPeriod] = "Please, fill out your profile form that get root-access to the dediated server.";
$_lang[AuthorizationKey] = "Authorization Key";
$_lang[FakturaHost][hosting] = "Hosting package";
$_lang[FakturaHost][reseller] = "Reselling Plan";
$_lang[FakturaHost][vds] = "VPS/VDS Plan";
$_lang[FakturaHost][dedicated] = "Dedicated Server Plan";
$_lang[FakturaHost][vpn] = "VPN Plan";
$_lang[FakturaHost][ssh] = "SSH Plan";
$_lang[FakturaDomain] = "Domain Delegation";
$_lang[FakturaAddon] = "Additional Services for Order ID";
$_lang[FakturaChangeTarif] = "Plan/Package Change For Order ID";
$_lang[FakturaAddFunds] = "Balance Replenishment For User Account ID";
$_lang[FakturaShop] = "Product/Service";
$_lang[FakturaSokraschenieShtuka] = "pieces";
$_lang[FakturaBezNds] = "without VAT";
$_lang[FakturaSNds] = "VAT";
$_lang[FakturaVTomChisleNds] = "with VAT";
$_lang[FakturaGoda] = "year";
$_lang[PayErrorNoNameOrPhoneInProfile] = "You can not receive the invoice since in your profile fields Name and-or Phone are not filled.";
$_lang[PPOTHER] = "Small Business";
$_lang[PPRU] = "Private Person";
$_lang[PPUA] = "Small Business";
$_lang[ProfileAutoRenew] = "Orders Auto-Prolongation";
$_lang[ProfileAutoRenewNo] = "Switch Off";
$_lang[ProfileAutoRenewYes] = "Switch On";
$_lang[PagesBegin] = "First Page";
$_lang[PagesPrev] = "Previous Page";
$_lang[PagesNext] = "Next Page";
$_lang[PagesEnd] = "Last Page";
$_lang[PagesNum] = "Page Number";
$_lang[OrderTitleType][hosting] = "Hosting Packages";
$_lang[OrderTitleType][reseller] = "Reseller Packages";
$_lang[OrderTitleType][vds] = "VPS/VDS";
$_lang[OrderTitleType][dedicated] = "Dedicated Servers";
$_lang[OrderTitleType][vpn] = "VPN Packages";
$_lang[OrderTitleType][ssh] = "SSH Packages";
$_lang[OrderTitleTypeDomain] = "Domains";
$_lang[OrderTitleTypeDomainOpt] = "Wholesale domains";
$_lang[OrderTitleTypeShop] = "Products/Services";
##################### v1.6.9
$_lang[Pay2pay] = "2Pay";
$_lang[ProfileRegNumberPP] = "Рег. номер ЧП";
$_lang[ProfileRegNumberPPComment] = "Регистрационный номер частного предпринимателя.";
##################### v1.7.0
$_lang[CalcSelect] = "Please, select items for calculation";
$_lang[CalcGotoOrder] = "Review and CheckOut";
$_lang[TicketStatusWait] = "waiting";
$_lang[TicketsStatusWait] = "waiting";
$_lang[TicketsDepartment] = "Department";
$_lang[TarifsTitle] = "Tariff plans";
$_lang[TarifsCost] = "Price";
$_lang[TarifsCostSetup] = "Installation";
##################### v1.7.1
$_lang[payUPC] = "The Ukrainian Processing center (UPC)";
$_lang[tarifsCurrency] = "Currency";
$_lang[FeedDolzhnost] = "Your post";
$_lang[FeedCompany] = "Company";
$_lang[FeedTestimonial] = "Testimonial";
$_lang[FeedTestimonialSuccess] = "Testimonial It is successfully added.";
$_lang[NewsTotalNews] = "Total of news";
$_lang[NewsOnPage] = "news per page";
$_lang[TestimonialsTitle] = "Our Customers Testimonials";
$_lang[TestimonialsDisabled] = "Testimonials are not accessible";
$_lang[TestimonialsTotalTestimonials] = "Total of testimonials";
$_lang[TestimonialsOnPage] = "testimonials per page";
$_lang[TestimonialsDeleted] = "Testimonial it is successfully removed.";
$_lang[TestimonialsAddMessage] = "Testimonial addition";
##################### v1.7.2
$_lang[PayP24] = "Privat24";
$_lang[OrdersRestart] = "Reboot";
$_lang[OrdersRestartAlert] = "Are you sure you want to reboot?";
$_lang[OrdersReinstall] = "Resetup";
$_lang[OrdersReinstallAlert] = "Are you sure you want to resetup? All data will be removed.";
$_lang[OrdersRestartSuccess] = "Reboot has been started successfully.";
$_lang[OrdersRestartError] = "Sorry, reboot has not been executed!. Please wait while Administrators reply.";
$_lang[OrdersErrorCantRestart] = "Sorry, you can not execute reboot for this server.";
$_lang[OrdersReinstallSuccess] = "Resetup has been started successfully.";
$_lang[OrdersReinstallError] = "Sorry, you can not execute resetup for this order. Please, wait while administrators reply.";
$_lang[OrdersErrorCantReinstall] = "Sorry, you can not execute resetup for this order.";
$_lang[OrderUseDefaultNS] = "Use the following DNS server addresses by default";
$_lang[OrderFillOwnNS] = "Please, setup DNS Servers";
$_lang[checkDNSNoZoneError] = "The domain zone was not found.";
$_lang[checkDNSCantRunScriptError] = "Sorry, It was not possible to execute a DNS Check Command.";
$_lang[checkDNSNoZoneAtServerError] = "The domain zone does not exist on one of the specified DNS-servers.";
$_lang[checkDNSNoScriptInZoneError] = "In Domain Zone Options the Script for DNS Check is not specified.";
$_lang[OrderCert] = "Certificate";
$_lang[OrderCertOrder] = "Certificate Order Now";
$_lang[WhoisCheckAll] = "Select All";
$_lang[WhoisUnCheckAll] = "Deselect All";
$_lang[WhoisCheckFavorite] = "Select Popular";
$_lang[OrdersGotoAccount] = "Sign In to my Account";
$_lang[OrdersChangePassword] = "Password change";
$_lang[OrdersChangePasswordTitle] = "Order Password Change";
$_lang[OrdersChangePasswordSuccess] = "The password is successfully changed.";
$_lang[OrdersChangePasswordError] = " Sorry, it was possible to change the password. Please, wait while administrators reply.";
$_lang[BillsGetFaktura] = "To receive invoice ";
$_lang[OrderSlotsCount] = "Amount of slots";
$_lang[OrderForSlot] = "per slot";
##################### v1.7.3
$_lang[ProfilePhoneCountryCodeComment] = "Include Country Code +<BR>For example, USA Country Code: +1<BR>United Kingdom Country Code: + 44";
$_lang[ProfilePhoneCodeComment] = "City Phone Code <BR>For example, Seattle: 206<BR>New York City: 212";
$_lang[ProfilePhoneNumberComment] = "Phone Number Only<BR>For example, phone number: 7777777";
$_lang[ProfileFaxNumberComment] = "Fax Number Only<BR>For example, fax number: 5555555";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoSlots] = "The slots number is not specified.";
$_lang[OrderErrorMinSlots] = "The minimum slots number can not be less than";
$_lang[OrderErrorMaxSlots] = "The maximum slots number can not be more than";
$_lang[ProfileMobile] = "Cell. Phone Number";
$_lang[ProfileMobileCodeComment] = "Cell. Phone Code<BR>For example, Orange UK Cell. Code: 797<BR>For example, T-Mobile USA (Seattle) Cell. Code: 206";
$_lang[SettingsSMS] = "SMS Notices Options";
$_lang[SettingsSMSComment] = "Необходимо отметить уведомления, которые вы хотите получать на мобильный телефон.";
$_lang[SettingsSMSBillRemind] = "Notices on not paid accounts.";
$_lang[SettingsSMSOrderRemind] = "Notices on the termination of the paid period";
$_lang[SettingsSMSOrderDomainRemind] = "Notices on the termination of the paid period (domains)";
$_lang[SettingsSMSOrderShopRemind] = "Notices on the termination of the paid period (the goods or services)";
$_lang[SettingsSMSTicketNew] = "New Tickets Notifications";
$_lang[TicketsSendSMS] = "To get a notification when answer has been sent";
$_lang[TicketPrioritySMS0] = "low";
$_lang[TicketPrioritySMS1] = "middle";
$_lang[TicketPrioritySMS2] = "high";
$_lang[OrderErrorField] = "Error in field";
##################### v1.7.4
$_lang[DomainsControlDNS] = "DNS Servers Manage";
$_lang[DomainsDNSRecordsFor] = "DNS Servers For";
$_lang[DomainsErrorCantGetDNSRecords] = "Can't get DNS Servers";
$_lang[DomainsDeleteDomainRecord] = "DNS Server Delete";
$_lang[DomainRecordDeleteAlert] = "Are sure that DNS Server delete?";
$_lang[DomainsDNSRecordsUpdateSuccess] = "DNS Servers are successfully updated.";
$_lang[DomainsDNSRecordsCreateSuccess] = "DNS Server is successfully updated.";
$_lang[DomainsDNSRecordsDeleteSuccess] = "DNS Server is successfully removed.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorCantCreateZone] = "It was not possible to create a Domain DNS Zone.";
$_lang[DomainsUtils] = "Additional Features";
$_lang[DomainsMassNS] = "All DNS Servers Change";
$_lang[DomainsErrorMassNoDomains] = "You have not specified any domain name.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorInactive] = "Domain is not active.";
$_lang[OrderSSHLogin] = "SSH Access";
$_lang[OrderSSHPassword] = "SSH Password";
$_lang[OrderErrorSSHLogin] = "You have not written your SSH Login.";
$_lang[OrderErrorSSHPassword] = "You have not written your SSH Password.";
$_lang[OrderErrorSSHLoginSymbols] = "Inadmissible symbols in the SSH field login. Latin letters and figures are resolved only.";
$_lang[OrderErrorSSHPasswordSymbols] = "Inadmissible symbols in the SSH field password. Latin letters, figures, and as underlining and a hyphen are resolved only.";
$_lang[OrderReferalLogin] = "Your friend's login";
$_lang[OrderLisenseName] = "Licence Name";
$_lang[OrderLisenseIP] = "Licence IP Address";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoLicenseName] = "Licence Name it is not specified.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoLicenseIP] = "Licence IP Address it is not specified.";
$_lang[ShopChangeLicenseName] = "Licence Name Change.";
$_lang[ShopChangeLicenseIP] = "Licence IP Address Change.";
$_lang[ShopChangeLicense] = "Licence Change.";
$_lang[ShopChangeLicenseSuccess] = "Licence is successfully changed.";
$_lang[ShopChangeLicenseError] = "Error for attempt the licence change.";
$_lang[ShopChangeLicenseIPAlert] = "Attention! Licence IP Address Change is impossible more often than an once a month.";
$_lang[OrderErrorDomainFreeLimit] = "Limit of free domains registration on quantity a day is exceeded.";
##################### v1.7.5
$_lang[ProfileFieldsForPPUADomain] = "For domains .pp.ua registration cell. number field necessarily to filling! The domain activation code will be sent on cell. number.";
$_lang[DomainsChangeContact] = "Contacts Change";
$_lang[DomainsChangeContactFor] = "Contacts Change For";
$_lang[DomainsChangeContactSelectProfile] = "Specify a profile. The data from this profile contacts can be used for update whois!";
$_lang[DomainsWarningUkrnames] = "Обратите внимание, для украинских доменов изменить информацию о владельце невозможно. Информация о владельце домена (admin-c) для украинских доменов изменяется на сайте http://hostmaster.net.ua/";;
$_lang[DomainsChangeContactSuccess] = "Whois Domain Contacts are successfully changed.";
$_lang[DomainsChangeContactError] = "Domain Contacts it was not possible to change.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorRegistratorUnknown] = "Unknown type of the registrar.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorProfileNotCheckedByAdmin] = "The profile is not checked up by administrators.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorProfileNotFilled] = "Fill in all necessary data in Profile.";
$_lang[DomainsErrorRegistratorInactive] = "The registrar temporarily is not accessible or is not available.";
$_lang[DomainsChangeProfileTypeError] = "The profile type should not differ from profile type on which the domain was initially registered.";
$_lang[DomainsWarningUpdateRUSU] = "Обратите внимание, если домен регистрировался на организацию, то Наименование организации, ИНН и Юридический адрес изменены не будут. Если домен регистрировался на физическое лицо, то не будут изменены ФИО, Паспорт и Дата рождения.";
$_lang[ProfileEunic] = "EUNIC";
$_lang[OrdersLogin] = "Login";
##################### v1.7.6
$_lang[OrderErrorSSHLoginExists] = "Error: The specified SSH login is already in use.";
$_lang[ProfileDpnic] = "DPNIC";
$_lang[payA1Lite] = "А1 Aggregator";
$_lang[CatSiteImage] = "Image";
$_lang[CatSiteImageMaxSize] = "the maximum size";
$_lang[CatSiteImageWrongType] = "Error loading image: resolved upload only jpg, gif and png images only.";
$_lang[CatSiteImageCantMove] = "Error loading image: impossible to move file.";
$_lang["CatSiteImageWrongSize"] = "Error loading image: the maximum size:";
$_lang["FaqOglavlenie"] = "Return to List of Questions";
##################### v1.7.7
$_lang["FundsLoginOrId"] = "Login or ClientID";
$_lang[FundErrorNoLoginOrId] = "Login or ClientID is not specified.";
$_lang[FundErrorNoUser] = "Client not found.";
$_lang[CatSiteErrorNoImage] = "You should load your scanned image. Please, load your scanned image.";
$_lang[CatSiteImageWrongTochnSize] = "Admissibility of Digitally Scanned Images:";
$_lang[payTaulinkKZ] = "Терминалы Таулинк Казахстан";
$_lang[payTaulinkKZDetails] = "Необходимо произвести оплату на произвольную сумму через один из терминалов Таулинк, а затем оплатить счет с помощью внутреннего баланса.<BR><BR><B>Идентификатор для использования в терминале:</b>";
$_lang[BillsSelectedBills] = "Noted Accounts";
$_lang[BillsBillsAttach] = "Unite";
$_lang[BillsBillsUnAttach] = "Other accounts are attached to the given account. You can cancel association of accounts if will press this reference. We don't recommend to you to do this action if you have settled an account, but its status, but account's status is visible as unpaid.";
$_lang[BillsBillsAttachTo] = "This account has been attached to the account № ";
$_lang[BillsBillsIsMainAttach] = "Other accounts have been attached to this account";
##################### v1.7.8
$_lang[BillsBillByAttach] = "United Account";
$_lang[OrdersChangeServer] = "Server Change";
$_lang[OrdersServer] = "Server";
$_lang[BillsChangeServer] = "Server Change";
$_lang[ChangeServerTitle] = "Server Change";
$_lang[ChangeServerChangeServerSuccess] = "The server is successfully changed.";
$_lang[ChangeServerErrorChange] = "It was not possible to change automatically the order's server. Please, wait while administrators change your server's order.";
$_lang[ChangeServer] = "Server";
$_lang[ChangeNewServer] = "New Server";
$_lang[ChangeErrorNoNewServer] = "Sorry, you haven't chosen the new server!";
$_lang[ChangeErrorNoAccessServer] = "Sorry, you can't signup on this server.";
$_lang[ChangeServerDoplata] = "Surcharge";
$_lang[ChangeServerDoplataWithout] = "Without Surcharge";
$_lang[ChangeServerBackMoney] = "Money Back";
$_lang[PayForServerChange] = "For Server Change";
$_lang[ChangeErrorLimit] = "Sorry, you have made the maximum quantity of server's changes.";
$_lang[ProfileApi] = "API Options";
$_lang[ProfileApiKey] = "API Key";
$_lang[ProfileErrorApiKey] = "The API key's length can't be less than 10. It for safety.";
$_lang[payTeleMoney] = "TeleMoney";
$_lang[OrderPrivacy] = "Privacy Protection";
$_lang[OrderPrivacyOrder] = "Domain Whois Privacy Protection Order";
$_lang[OrderrOnlyForPerson] = "For citizens/small business only";
$_lang[DomainsChangePrivacy] = "Privacy Protection Changing";
$_lang[DomainsPrivacyFor] = "Privacy Protection Options for";
$_lang[DomainPrivacyEnable] = "Switch On";
$_lang[DomainPrivacyDisable] = "Switch Off";
$_lang[DomainPrivacyProfileError] = "This option isn't accessible, if your domain has been registered on a profile for the organization.";
$_lang[OrdersPrivacyChangeError] = "It was not possible to setup Privacy Protection Option. Please, wait while it will make our administrators.";
$_lang[DomainPrivacyChangeSuccess] = "Privacy Protection's options it is successfully changed.";
$_lang[DomainPrivacyChangeNoPrivacy] = "Privacy Protection it is not specified. Please, switch on or switch Off of Privacy Protection.";
$_lang[OrderGeneratePassword] = "Create a New Password";
$_lang[OrderStatusTest] = "Free Test Period";
$_lang[OrdersStatusObrab] = "your inquiry in turn";
##################### v1.7.9
$_lang[OrderErrorOwnNS1] = "Sorry, you haven't setup IP Address for NS1 of domain which you register.";
$_lang[OrderErrorOwnNS2] = "Sorry, you haven't setup IP Address for NS2 of domain which you register.";
$_lang[OrderErrorOwnNS3] = "Sorry, you haven't setup IP Address for NS3 of domain which you register.";
$_lang[OrderErrorOwnNS4] = "Sorry, you haven't setup IP Address for NS4 of domain which you register.";
$_lang[OrderErrorOwnNSIP] = "You should setup IP address for Domain DNS Servers if you want to have own DNS Servers. For example, for domain.tld, you want to use ns1.domain.tld, ns2.domain.tld, etc.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoOwnNSForOptAndOne] = "Sorry, you can't use own DNS Servers for one of registered domains. When you use domains registration by the gross you should use identical DNS Servers.";
$_lang[OrderErrorOwnNSOpt] = "Sorry, you haven't IP address for setup one of DNS Servers of registered domain.";
$_lang[OrderIP] = "IP";
$_lang[DomainsIP] = "Your IP";
$_lang[OrderDomainStatusErrorSymbols] = "The Domain name can contain only numbers (0-9), upper and lower case letters (A-Z, a-z) ans hyphens (-).";
$_lang[OrderDomainStatusErrorSymbolsNoIDN] = "The Domain name can contain only numbers (0-9), upper and lower case letters (A-Z, a-z) ans hyphens (-).";
$_lang[OrderDomainStatusErrorSymbolsOnlyIDN] = "The Domain name can contain only numbers (0-9), upper and lower case letters (A-Z, a-z) ans hyphens (-).";
$_lang[OrderErrorDomainSymbols] = "The Domain name can contain only numbers (0-9), upper and lower case letters (A-Z, a-z) ans hyphens (-). So domain name shouldn't begin with hyphens (-).";
$_lang[OrderErrorDomainSymbolsNoIDN] = "The Domain name can contain only numbers (0-9), upper and lower case letters (A-Z, a-z) ans hyphens (-). So domain name shouldn't or to come to an end hyphens (-).";
$_lang[OrderErrorDomainSymbolsOnlyIDN] = "The Domain name can contain only numbers (0-9), upper and lower case letters (A-Z, a-z) ans hyphens (-). So domain name shouldn't begin with hyphens (-) and to come to an end hyphens (-).";
$_lang[OrderDomainTM] = "Trade mark";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoLicense] = "Sorry, you have forgotten Identification number, pursuant to VAT.";
$_lang[payIntellectMoney] = "IntellectMoney";
##################### v1.8.0
$_lang[payAssist] = "Assist";
$_lang[payKkbkz] = "Казкоммерцбанк";
$_lang[OrderCostsVariants] = "либо укажите другой вариант цены";
$_lang[OrderErrorCostsVariant] = "Вы не можете использовать цену другого тарифного плана.";
##################### v1.8.1
$_lang[DomainTransferMin] = "transfer";
$_lang[DomainTransfer] = " Transfer your domain to us";
$_lang[OrderDomainTransfer] = " transfer your domain to us";
$_lang[OrderErrorDomainNotRegistered] = "The Domain name is not registered.";
$_lang[OrderDomainTransferAuth] = " The Transfer Code (AUTH-CODE)";
$_lang[OrderErrorDomainNoTransferSupport] = "Zone transfers are not supported.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoTransferAuth] = "Please, write a code to transfer a domain name.";
$_lang[PartnerReferalsLevel1] = "Referrals";
$_lang[PartnerReferalsLevel2] = "Referrals (Level #2)";
$_lang[PartnerStats] = "statistics";
$_lang[PartnerReferalId] = "Referral ID";
$_lang[PartnerReferalDate] = "Date";
$_lang[PartnerReferalSumIn] = "Invoice";
$_lang[PartnerReferalSumPartner] = "Remuneration";
$_lang[PartnerErrorNoStats] = "No statistics.";
$_lang[PartnerReferalsLevel2Min] = "level #2";
$_lang[PartnerSendMoney] = "Funds transfer";
$_lang[PartnerSendUser] = "Customer Login";
$_lang[PartnerSendMoneyButton] = "Money Transfer";
$_lang[PartnerErrorNoUserLogin] = "Please, write a customer login to which you want to transfer funds.";
$_lang[PartnerErrorNoUserFound] = "Sorry, a customer wich you would like to transfer the funds could not be found.";
$_lang[PartnerMoneySend] = "Partnership Transfer";
$_lang[PartnerMoneySendSuccess] = "Partnership funds successfully transferred.";
$_lang[PartnerErrorSendMoneyOff] = " Sorry, the partnership transfers currently disabled.";
$_lang[PartnerErrorNoSendItself] = "You can not make a transfer to himself.";
$_lang[OrderSkidkaByPromo] = " your discount received from the promo code";
$_lang[PayWebMoneyRisks] = "Risk Disclosure";
$_lang[PayWebMoneyAlert] = "Предлагаемые товары и услуги предоставляются не по заказу лица либо предприятия, эксплуатирующего систему WebMoney Transfer. Мы являемся независимым предприятием, оказывающим услуги, и самостоятельно принимаем решения о ценах и предложениях. Предприятия, эксплуатирующие систему WebMoney Transfer, не получают комиссионных вознаграждений или иных вознаграждений за участие в предоставлении услуг и не несут никакой ответственности за нашу деятельность.<BR><BR>Аттестация, произведенная со стороны WebMoney Transfer, лишь подтверждает наши реквизиты для связи и удостоверяет личность. Она осуществляется по нашему желанию и не означает, что мы каким-либо образом связаны с продажами операторов системы WebMoney.";
$_lang[DomainsDomainSearch] = "Search";
##################### v1.8.2
$_lang[PayCoPAYCo] = "CoPAYCo";
$_lang[payQIWI] = "QIWI Account";
$_lang[PayQIWIPhone] = "Account ID or Phone ID";
$_lang[ProfileEpnic] = "EPNIC";
$_lang[SettingsSMSBillNew] = "New email notification about new invoices sent to Administrator";
$_lang[payMoneXy] = "MoneXy";
$_lang[PayLiqpayCard] = "use you credit card";
$_lang[PayLiqpayPhone] = " use your credit phone";
$_lang[PayLiqpayNalichnie] = "use your cash ";
$_lang[SettingsSMSOrderSuspend] = "notice to stop accounts";
$_lang[ShopDownloadFile] = "Download File";
$_lang[ErrorNoMoreActiveLink] = "In the link has expired life.";
$_lang[ErrorNoMoreDownloadCnt] = "Please, you have used the permitted number of downloads for this reference.";
##################### v1.8.3
$_lang[PayRussianCard] = "Russian Bank Credit Card";
$_lang[ErrorUserBanned] = " Your account has been blocked. Please, contact us.";
$_lang[OrderPurposeOfUse] = " Using aim";
$_lang[OrderErrorPurposeOfUse] = "Sorry, but you did not write the using aim";
$_lang[ShopDownloadLinkDays] = "The life of exile, days (left / total)";
$_lang[ShopDownloadLinkCount] = "Downloads (loaded / total)";
$_lang[ShopDownloadLinkConfirm] = "Are you sure you want to upload a file?";
$_lang[DomainsPush] = "Domain transfer";
$_lang[DomainsPushDomain] = "domain transfer";
$_lang[DomainsPushUserLogin] = "Login a new owner";
$_lang[ErrorPushCant] = "The domain name is available for transfer.";
$_lang[Push] = "Push";
$_lang[DomainsPushSuccess] = "Your domain is transferred successfully";
##################### v1.8.4
$_lang[payNetCard] = "NetCard.az";
$_lang[payNetCardComment] = "To pay a bill, please, fill out the following boxes with your correct credit card information.<BR><BR><B>Attention!</B>If the value is less than the amount of card accounts, funds will be transferred to the internal balance.";
$_lang[payNetCardNumber] = "The Credit Card Number ";
$_lang[payNetCardToBalanceSuccess] = "If the value is less than the amount of card accounts, funds will be transferred to the internal balance.";
$_lang[payNetCardLeftToBalanceSuccess] = "If the value of cards exceed the sum of the account balance will be credited to your inner balance.";
##################### v1.8.5
$_lang[paySpryPay] = "SpryPay.ru";
$_lang[TicketsRating] = "Estimate";
$_lang[TicketsErrorNoParams] = "No incoming parameters.";
$_lang[PayMoneyua] = "Money.ua";
$_lang[PayMoneyuaSelect] = " Please, select a payment method.";
$_lang[OrderPersonalInfo] = "Agreement on personal information";
$_lang[OrderPersonalInfo2] = "Agreement for use of personal data.";
$_lang[OrderPretenziyNeImeyu] = "I am agree and aware of no objection to this.";
$_lang[OrderErrorNoPersonalInfo] = "You have not confirmed that you agree with the Agreement for use of personal data.";
$_lang[VerificationTitle] = " Registration Confirmation";
$_lang[VerificationComment] = " Sorry, we do not provide services to anonymous customers. You need to confirm your phone number. Testing is carried out in automatic mode.";
$_lang[VerificationComment2] = "Please, check/enter your mobile phone number and click on the "Get Verification Code".";
$_lang[VerificationGetCode] = "Get verification code";
$_lang[ErrorSendVerificationSMS] = " Error in sending SMS. Please try again later.";
$_lang[VerificationComment3] = "Enter the verification code.";
$_lang[VerificationCode] = "Verification code";
$_lang[VerificationComment4] = " If you have not received the verification code, please, click on button below.";
$_lang[VerificationNewCode] = "Get a new verification code";
$_lang[ErrorVerificationCode] = "You have entered an incorrect verification code.";
$_lang[SettinsChangeSuccess] = "Your preferences have been successfully changed.";
$_lang[VerificationPass] = "number is confirmed";
$_lang[VerificationInfo] = " Sorry, we do not provide services to anonymous customers. You need to confirm your phone number. Testing is carried out in automatic mode.";
$_lang[SettingsErrorYouCanWorkWithoutSettings] = " Attention! Sorry, you can not use our billing system because it does not fill your contact information in your profile.";
$_lang[SettingsErrorFields] = "Fields Errors";
$_lang[OrderErrorMobileExists] = " his mobile phone number used by another customer.";
$_lang[payOnPay] = "OnPay.ru";
$_lang[PayOnpaySelect] = "Please, select a payment method.";
##################### v1.8.7
$_lang[payLibertyReserve] = "Liberty Reserve";
$_lang[payKzmkz] = "KZM";
$_lang[PartnerErrorNoMinActiveReferals] = " You do not have enough active referrals the first level.";
##################### v1.8.8
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode1] = "Sorry, error connecting to database";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode2] = "Unable to save resource data to the database";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode3] = "Please, enter your login";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode4] = "User not found";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode5] = "API access is disabled";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode6] = "You did not enter a password or API key";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode7] = "You did not enter a valid password or API key";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode8] = "Unknown command";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode9] = "Please, don't use password and API key in a single query";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode10] = "Profile not found";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode11] = "Errors in the profile fields";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode12] = "You did not specify any fields to change or update your profile";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode13] = "You do not specify a domain";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode14] = "You do not specify a domain zone";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode15] = "You have entered an invalid domain zone, or domain zone is not active";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode16] = "The domain name's length must range between/and characters";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode17] = "The omain name must contain only a-z0-9а-я and -";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode18] = "The domain name has been registered";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode19] = "Sorry, the domain name has been ordered other our customer to our billing system";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode20] = "You have exceeded the limit of free domains number for registration day";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode21] = "Please, specify of the domain registration period";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode22] = "The available period of domain registration, years";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode23] = "Sorry, use dns servers for this domain zone is disabled by default";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode24] = "Sorry, your primary dns server is not available or this specified dns server could be incorrect";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode25] = "Sorry, your secondary dns server is not available or this specified dns server could be incorrect";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode26] = "Sorry, your third dns server is not available or this specified dns server could be incorrect";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode27] = "Sorry, your fourth dns server is not available or this specified dns server could be incorrect";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode28] = "API does not work with your own dns servers for this domain zone";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode29] = "DNS servers checking fail error";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode30] = "The demand is accepted, but will be for technical reasons processed in a manual mode";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode31] = "It is not enough money on your balance";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode32] = "Sorry, your order for a domain name not found";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode33] = "Sorry, еhe domain can not be ordered because you order domain registration in the domain zone is not in our database";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode34] = "Please, specify of the domain extension period";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode35] = "Available domain renewal period, years";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode36] = "This action is not possible because you have unpaid bills";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode37] = "The action is not possible, because order is not processed";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode38] = "Renewal of domain can not be earlier than X days prior to expiration date";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode39] = "Your profile type should be such as a profile which was originally registered this domain";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode40] = "This action is not possible, because order has expired";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode41] = "Sorry, action not supported for this domain zone";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode42] = "You did not specify the country code";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode43] = "List of states or regions for the country not specified";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode44] = "For this domain zone you can not choose a registrar";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode45] = "Please, specify your IP address of your own NS1 Nameserver";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode46] = "You set the IP address for the NS1 Nameserver, which is not its own domain dns server";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode47] = "Please, specify your IP address of your own NS2 Nameserver";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode48] = "You set the IP address for the NS2 Nameserver, which is not its own domain dns server";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode49] = "Please, specify your IP address of your own NS3 Nameserver";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode50] = "You set the IP address for the NS3 Nameserver, which is not its own domain dns server";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode51] = "Please, specify your IP address of your own NS3 Nameserver";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode52] = "You set the IP address for the NS4 Nameserver, which is not its own domain dns server";
$_lang[ErrorAPIcode53] = "DNS servers error";
$_lang[DomainDeleteReasonExpired] = "expired domain registration, the domain is not renewed";
$_lang[DomainDeleteReasonRegistratorCancel] = "domain registration has been canceled by the registrar";
$_lang[DomainDeleteReasonTransferRequestApprove] = "Domain transfer to another registrar was performed succesfull";
$_lang[DomainDeleteReasonTransferReject] = "transfer has not been confirmed";
$_lang[ShopDeleteReasonExpired] = "order has expired and the product/service is not extended";
$_lang[OrdersOrderIPsCount] = "of IP Addresses";
$_lang[OrderErrorServerName] = "Sorry, invalid characters in the "Name server". Please, use letters, numbers, hyphens only.";
$_lang[payQiwiKZ] = "QIWI's terminals in Kazakhstan";
$_lang[payQiwiKZDetails] = "You must pay any amount in one of the terminals QIWI. Next, you should pay the bill using the internal balance. <BR> <BR> <B> Identifier for use in the terminal:</b>";
$_lang[paySuperLend] = "SuperLend.ru - buying goods on credit";
$_lang[BillsChangeSlots] = "changing of the slots number";
$_lang[OrdersChangeSlots] = "to change the slots number";
$_lang[OrdersSlots] = "slots";
$_lang[PayForSlotsChange] = "to the slots number change";
$_lang[ChangeSlotsTitle] = "Changing the slots number";
$_lang[ChangeSlotsChangeSuccess] = "Slots Number has been changed successfully.";
$_lang[ChangeSlotsErrorChange] = "Unable to automatically change the slots number for ordering. Please, wait it makes the support service.";
$_lang[ChangeSlots] = "Slots Numbers";
$_lang[ChangeNewSlots] = "The new slots number";
##################### v1.8.9
$_lang[TicketsAttachFiles] = "attach files";
$_lang[TicketsFileNumber] = "a file #";
$_lang[TicketsFileAttachSuccess] = "your file has been uploaded successfully";
$_lang[TicketsFileAttachError] = "Error: Failed to Load";
$_lang[TicketsFileAttachFileExists] = "File already exists";
$_lang[OrderErrorAddonsCntWrong] = "The maximum number of additional services";
$_lang[FakturaNewServer] = "Changing the server ID for the order";
$_lang[FakturaNewSlots] = "Change the slots number for the order ID";
$_lang[FakturaPrefixSrok] = "period";
##################### v1.9.0
$_lang[DomainDeleteReasonRegistratorCancel2] = "domain is removed from the register";
$_lang[OrderLocalContact] = "A Local Contact";
$_lang[OrderLocalContactHelp] = "The domain will be registered with the Registrar's contacts. Your personal data is displayed in the whois will not.";
$_lang[OrderLocalContactOrder] = "Order of the local contact use";
$_lang[ErrorUpdContactWithLocalContact] = "Contacts change is forbidden, please, contact technical support.";
$_lang[PayInterkassaSelect] = "Pleas, select a payment method";