Файл: _rootfuncs.php
Строк: 3852
* Nulled by Alex.Volk *
* Thanks for sidxx55 *
* Nulled.CC *
function EnableLanguages($isAdmin = 0)
global $full_home_path;
global $lang;
global $newlang;
global $languages;
global $_lang;
global $login;
global $pass;
require_once ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/_langconfig.inc.php");
require_once ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/russian.inc.php");
@include_once ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/russian.local.inc.php");
if (!$isAdmin) {
$default_language = getsetting("lngDefault");
$lngUsersCanChange = getsetting("lngUsersCanChange");
if ($lngUsersCanChange) {
$lngEnableLangVariable = getsetting("lngEnableLangVariable");
if ($lngEnableLangVariable) {
$lang = strtolower($lang);
else {
$lang = "";
if ($newlang) {
$lang = $newlang;
if (!$lang && !$_SESSION["userLogin"] && $login && $pass) {
$user = getuserbylogin($login);
if ($user->lang) {
$lang = $user->lang;
if ($lang && ($languages[$lang] != "")) {
$_SESSION["userLang"] = $lang;
else if (!$_SESSION["userLang"]) {
$_SESSION["userLang"] = $default_language;
else if ($_SESSION["userLang"]) {
$sess_lang = $_SESSION["userLang"];
if (!$sess_lang || ($sess_lang && !$languages[$sess_lang])) {
$_SESSION["userLang"] = $default_language;
else {
$_SESSION["userLang"] = $default_language;
if ($_SESSION["userLang"] && @file_exists($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/" . $_SESSION["userLang"] . ".inc.php")) {
require_once ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/" . $_SESSION["userLang"] . ".inc.php");
@include_once ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/" . $_SESSION["userLang"] . ".local.inc.php");
return $_SESSION["userLang"];
else {
return false;
else {
function LoadLanguageToVariable($lng = "")
global $full_home_path;
require ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/_langconfig.inc.php");
require ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/russian.inc.php");
@include ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/russian.local.inc.php");
if ($lng && $languages[$lng]) {
require ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/" . $lng . ".inc.php");
@include ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/" . $lng . ".local.inc.php");
else {
$default_language = getsetting("lngDefault");
if ($languages[$default_language]) {
require ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/" . $default_language . ".inc.php");
@include ($full_home_path . "/_rootlang/" . $default_language . ".local.inc.php");
return $_lang;
function SetLanguageVariables()
global $_lang;
global $_yes;
global $_status;
global $_statusBill;
global $_newreg;
global $_renew;
global $_newregmin;
global $_renewmin;
global $_sort;
global $_priority;
global $_prioritysms;
global $_statusTicket;
$_yes[0] = $_lang[No];
$_yes[1] = $_lang[Yes];
$_status[0] = $_lang[OrderStatusNeObrabotan];
$_status[1] = $_lang[OrderStatusObrabotan];
$_status[2] = $_lang[OrderStatusSuspended];
$_status[3] = $_lang[OrdersStatusObrab];
$_statusBill[0] = $_lang[BillNotPayed];
$_statusBill[1] = $_lang[BillPayed];
$_statusBill[2] = $_lang[BillPayedUslovno];
$_newreg["0"] = $_lang[DomainExists];
$_newreg["1"] = $_lang[DomainNew];
$_newreg["2"] = $_lang[DomainWithout];
$_newreg["3"] = $_lang[DomainTransfer];
$_renew[0] = $_lang[DomainWithoutRenew];
$_renew[1] = $_lang[DomainRenew];
$_newregmin[0] = $_lang[DomainExistsMin];
$_newregmin[1] = $_lang[DomainNewMin];
$_newregmin[2] = $_lang[DomainWithoutMin];
$_newregmin[3] = $_lang[DomainTransferMin];
$_renewmin[0] = $_lang[DomainWithoutRenewMin];
$_renewmin[1] = $_lang[DomainRenewMin];
$_sort[asc] = $_lang[SortAsc];
$_sort[desc] = $_lang[SortDesc];
$_priority[0] = $_lang[TicketPriority0];
$_priority[1] = $_lang[TicketPriority1];
$_priority[2] = $_lang[TicketPriority2];
$_prioritysms[0] = $_lang[TicketPrioritySMS0];
$_prioritysms[1] = $_lang[TicketPrioritySMS1];
$_prioritysms[2] = $_lang[TicketPrioritySMS2];
$_statusTicket[open] = $_lang[TicketStatusOpen];
$_statusTicket[closed] = $_lang[TicketStatusClose];
$_statusTicket[wait] = $_lang[TicketStatusWait];
function adminLogOn($log, $pas)
global $ip;
($admin = @mysql_query("select * from admin_users where login='{$log}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 284 . "<BR>Function: " . "adminLogOn" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($admin)) {
$admin = mysql_fetch_object($admin);
if (crypt($pas, $admin->password) == $admin->password) {
$_SESSION["adminId"] = $admin->id;
$_SESSION["adminLogin"] = $admin->login;
$_SESSION["adminName"] = $admin->name;
$_SESSION["adminHash"] = $admin->password;
$_SESSION["adminFullAccess"] = $admin->fullaccess;
$_SESSION["adminAccessto"] = $admin->accessto;
$_SESSION["adminAccesstoArray"] = @mb_split("::", $admin->accessto);
$_SESSION["adminIP"] = $ip;
$_SESSION["adminLastDate"] = $admin->curDate;
$_SESSION["adminLastIp"] = $admin->curIp;
$_SESSION["adminAvatar"] = $admin->avatar;
$_SESSION["disallowLastSeen"] = $admin->disallowLastSeen;
$_SESSION["disallowLicenseInfo"] = $admin->disallowLicenseInfo;
$_SESSION["billsShow"] = "";
$_SESSION["billsSort"] = "";
$_SESSION["billsDesc"] = "";
$_SESSION["billskvShow"] = "";
$_SESSION["billskvSort"] = "";
$_SESSION["billskvDesc"] = "";
$_SESSION["domainShow"] = "";
$_SESSION["domainSort"] = "";
$_SESSION["domainDesc"] = "";
$_SESSION["domainCertsShow"] = "";
$_SESSION["domainCertsSort"] = "";
$_SESSION["domainCertsDesc"] = "";
$_SESSION["orderShow"] = "";
$_SESSION["orderShowVid"] = "";
$_SESSION["orderSort"] = "";
$_SESSION["orderDesc"] = "";
$_SESSION["ticketsStatus"] = "";
$_SESSION["ticketsDepartment"] = "";
$_SESSION["whoisLogsShow"] = "";
@mysql_query("UPDATE admin_users set lastDate=curDate,lastIp=curIp where id='{$admin->id}'") || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 322 . "<BR>Function: " . "adminLogOn" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
@mysql_query("UPDATE admin_users set curDate=NOW(),curIp='{$ip}' where id='{$admin->id}'") || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 323 . "<BR>Function: " . "adminLogOn" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
return 1;
return 0;
function adminLogOut()
return 1;
function validateAdmin()
global $ip;
if ($_SESSION["adminId"]) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from admin_users where id='" . $_SESSION["adminId"] . "' and password='" . $_SESSION["adminHash"] . "' and fullaccess='" . $_SESSION["adminFullAccess"] . "' and accessto='" . $_SESSION["adminAccessto"] . "'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 356 . "<BR>Function: " . "validateAdmin" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if ((mysql_num_rows($r) == 0) || ($_SESSION["adminIP"] != $ip)) {
else {
return 1;
return 0;
function validateUser()
global $ip;
if ($_SESSION["userId"]) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from users where id='" . $_SESSION["userId"] . "' and password='" . $_SESSION["userHash"] . "' and banned<>1")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 371 . "<BR>Function: " . "validateUser" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if ((mysql_num_rows($r) == 0) || ($_SESSION["userIP"] != $ip)) {
else {
return 1;
function userLogOn($u, $p)
global $ip;
$u = strtolower($u);
($r = @mysql_query("select * from users where login='{$u}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 385 . "<BR>Function: " . "userLogOn" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
if (($r->password && (crypt($p, $r->password) == $r->password)) || ($r->tempPassword && (crypt($p, $r->tempPassword) == $r->tempPassword))) {
if (!$r->banned) {
$_SESSION["userId"] = $r->id;
$_SESSION["userLogin"] = $r->login;
$_SESSION["userEmail"] = $r->email;
$_SESSION["userEmail2"] = $r->email2;
$_SESSION["userCurrency"] = $r->currency;
$_SESSION["userHash"] = $r->password;
$_SESSION["userIP"] = $ip;
if ($r->lang && !$_SESSION["userLang"]) {
$_SESSION["userLang"] = $r->lang;
$_SESSION["userAttachPDFtoBill"] = $r->attachPDFtoBill;
if ($r->tempPassword) {
@mysql_query("update users set tempPassword='' where id='{$r->id}'") || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 402 . "<BR>Function: " . "userLogOn" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
adduserlog($r->id, "auth", "OK [{$ip}]");
return 1;
else {
adduserlog($r->id, "auth", "USER BANNED [{$ip}]");
return -2;
else {
adduserlog($r->id, "auth", "BAD PASSWORD [{$ip}]");
return 0;
else {
return -1;
function userLogOut()
return 1;
function GetVersionNormal()
global $version;
$my->cvkDefcz = $version;
return $my->cvkDefcz;
function GetVersionInt()
$my->blFgess = mystrreplace(getdot(), "", getversionnormal());
return $my->blFgess;
function GetStepen()
return mysubstr(getversionnormal(), 0, 3);
function GetDot()
return mychr(46);
function GetStartPos($i)
$my->vcEwpskfgd = mysplit("\" . getdot(), getversionnormal());
return $my->vcEwpskfgd[$i];
function GetKeyPart1()
$key->lfEfxcve3Ws = getversionint();
$key2->vbRdfsplsdgf = mypow($key->lfEfxcve3Ws, getstepen());
return mysubstr(mymd5($key2->vbRdfsplsdgf), getstartpos(2), 16);
function GetKeyPart2()
$key->poFdsfe342s = getversionint();
return mysubstr(mymd5($key->poFdsfe342s * getstartpos(1)), getstartpos(2), 16);
function GetKeyPart3()
$key->zxcsadwerfsd = getversionint();
return mysubstr(mymd5($key->zxcsadwerfsd * $key->zxcsadwerfsd), getstartpos(1), 16);
function GetKey()
return getkeypart1() . getkeypart2() . getkeypart3();
function GetLicenseFileName()
return mychr(108) . mychr(105) . mychr(99) . mychr(101) . mychr(110) . mychr(115) . mychr(101) . mychr(46) . mychr(114) . mychr(112) . mychr(108);
function GetLicenseError($l)
return mychr(108) . mychr(105) . mychr(99) . mychr(101) . mychr(110) . mychr(115) . mychr(101) . mychr(32) . mychr(101) . mychr(114) . mychr(114) . mychr(111) . mychr(114) . " " . $l;
function GetEncodingType()
return mychr(77) . mychr(67) . mychr(82) . mychr(89) . mychr(80) . mychr(84) . mychr(95) . mychr(82) . mychr(73) . mychr(74) . mychr(78) . mychr(68) . mychr(65) . mychr(69) . mychr(76) . mychr(95) . mychr(49) . mychr(50) . mychr(56);
function GetDecrypted($s, $k)
return mytrim(mcrypt_cbc(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, mysubstr($k, 0, 32), $s, MCRYPT_DECRYPT, mysubstr($k, 20, 16)));
function checkLicenseFile()
global $full_home_path;
if (!myfileexists($full_home_path . "/" . getlicensefilename())) {
function readLicenseEncryptedArray()
global $full_home_path;
$lfbmktDvdvc = myfopen($full_home_path . "/" . getlicensefilename(), "rb");
$CcvsSw2esxc = myfread($lfbmktDvdvc, myfilesize($full_home_path . "/" . getlicensefilename()));
$CcvsSw2esxc = mysplit("&kd@3sa2", $CcvsSw2esxc);
return $CcvsSw2esxc;
function checkRplBy($l, $k)
if (!getdecrypted($l[0], $k)) {
function checkRplId($l, $k)
global $retfsff;
$my->XDFser45c = getdecrypted($l[1], $k);
$retfsff = $my->XDFser45c;
if (!0 < $my->XDFser45c) {
function checkRplDate($l, $k)
global $vfdFDsdfg;
$my->vfdFDsdfg = getdecrypted($l[2], $k);
$vfdFDsdfg = $my->vfdFDsdfg;
if ($my->vfdFDsdfg && ($my->vfdFDsdfg < mytime())) {
function checkRplDomain($l, $k)
global $sfsdfewwc;
$my->sdWEfrvcx1 = getdecrypted($l[3], $k);
$my->sdWEfDSas2 = getdecrypted($l[4], $k);
$sfsdfewwc[0] = $my->sdWEfrvcx1;
$sfsdfewwc[1] = $my->sdWEfDSas2;
if (($my->sdWEfrvcx1 != getnulltxt()) && !myeregi(mychr(99) . mychr(114) . mychr(111) . mychr(110), mygetscriptname()) && !myeregi(mychr(95) . mychr(114) . mychr(111) . mychr(111) . mychr(116) . mychr(115) . mychr(101) . mychr(110) . mychr(100) . mychr(101) . mychr(114), mygetscriptname())) {
if (!myeregi($my->sdWEfrvcx1, mygethost())) {
if (!$my->sdWEfDSas2) {
else {
$sdjdsfSsdfccx = mysplit("::", $my->sdWEfDSas2);
$bzbzdvd = 0;
while (list($ccvcv, $dfwewe) = @each($sdjdsfSsdfccx)) {
if (myeregi($dfwewe, mygethost())) {
$bzbzdvd = 1;
if (!$bzbzdvd) {
function checkRplIp($l, $k)
global $ertdsfgsdf;
$my->sdWEfrvcx1 = getdecrypted($l[5], $k);
$ertdsfgsdf[0] = $my->sdWEfrvcx1;
$my->sdWEfDSas2 = getdecrypted($l[6], $k);
$ertdsfgsdf[1] = $my->sdWEfDSas2;
if (($my->sdWEfrvcx1 != getnulltxt()) && !myeregi(mychr(99) . mychr(114) . mychr(111) . mychr(110), mygetscriptname()) && !myeregi(mychr(95) . mychr(114) . mychr(111) . mychr(111) . mychr(116) . mychr(115) . mychr(101) . mychr(110) . mychr(100) . mychr(101) . mychr(114), mygetscriptname())) {
if ($my->sdWEfrvcx1 != mygetserverip()) {
if (!$my->sdWEfDSas2) {
else {
$sdjdsfSsdfccx = mysplit("::", $my->sdWEfDSas2);
if (!myinarray(mygetserverip(), $sdjdsfSsdfccx)) {
function checkRplSc($s, $l, $k)
if (getdecrypted($l[7], $k) != $s) {
function checkNewInstall($d, $s)
if ($d == 'createadmin' && !$s) {
$my->CXsdfsdf = 'install';
else if (myeregi('update.php', mygetscriptname())) {
$my->CXsdfsdf = 'update to ' . getversionnormal();
if ($my->CXsdfsdf) {
$my->ooooqqqw = mychr(118) . getsetting("version") . mychr(32) . $my->CXsdfsdf . mychr(32) . mychr(58) . getbr() . getbr() . mygethost() . mychr(32) . mygetserverip() . getbr() . getbr() . $my->lfdgjfgh1 . getbr() . $my->ldfkfdgj2 . getbr() . $my->leotiuer3 . getbr() . $my->pooiuewr4 . getbr() . $my->powqdswe5 . getbr() . $my->bvdefedd6 . getbr() . $my->qwssdfdf7 . getbr();
function mconnect($silent = 0)
global $dbhost;
global $dbuser;
global $dbpass;
global $dbname;
global $GLOBALerror;
if ($silent) {
$dblink = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
$GLOBALerror = mysql_error();
else {
($dblink = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 489 . "<BR>Function: " . "mconnect" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if ($dblink) {
@mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");
if ($silent) {
$db = @mysql_select_db("{$dbname}");
$GLOBALerror = mysql_error();
else {
($db = @mysql_select_db("{$dbname}")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 499 . "<BR>Function: " . "mconnect" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if ($db) {
return $dblink;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
function mencoding($encoding)
global $dbname;
@mysql_query("SET NAMES {$encoding}");
@mysql_select_db("{$dbname}") || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 514 . "<BR>Function: " . "mencoding" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
function mclose()
if (@mysql_ping()) {
function getfont()
global $font_row;
global $font_row1;
global $font_row2;
if ($font_row == $font_row1) {
$font_row = $font_row2;
else {
$font_row = $font_row1;
function htmlEncode($txt)
return @htmlspecialchars($txt, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
function htmlDecode($txt)
return @htmlspecialchars_decode($txt, ENT_QUOTES);
function mydate($date)
$date = mb_split("-", $date);
return $date[2] . "." . $date[1] . "." . $date[0];
function fromMyDate($date)
$date = mb_split("\.", $date);
return $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-" . $date[0];
function dateNow()
return date("d.m.Y");
function head($enc = "windows-1251", $CUR_PAGE_TITLE = "")
global $full_home_path;
global $languages;
global $_lang;
$PAGE_TITLE = parserpstrarray(getsetting("pageTitle"), ":xxx:", ":xx:");
$lngUser = $_SESSION["userLang"];
$lngDefault = getsetting("lngDefault");
if ($lngUser && $languages[$lngUser] && $PAGE_TITLE[$lngUser]) {
else {
if ($lngDefault && $languages[$lngDefault] && $PAGE_TITLE[$lngDefault]) {
$PAGE_TITLE = $PAGE_TITLE[$lngDefault];
else {
$pageTitleAddPage = getsetting("pageTitleAddPage");
if ($PAGE_TITLE && $pageTitleAddPage && $CUR_PAGE_TITLE) {
$pageTitleDelimiter = getsetting("pageTitleDelimiter");
$PAGE_TITLE = $CUR_PAGE_TITLE . " " . $pageTitleDelimiter . " " . $PAGE_TITLE;
if ($enc == "utf-8") {
require ($full_home_path . "/_rootheader.utf8.php");
else if ($enc == "koi8-r") {
$PAGE_TITLE = iconv("utf-8", "koi8-r", $PAGE_TITLE);
require ($full_home_path . "/_rootheader.koi8r.php");
else if ($enc == "windows-1251") {
$PAGE_TITLE = iconv("utf-8", "windows-1251", $PAGE_TITLE);
require ($full_home_path . "/_rootheader.php");
print("<script src="./_rootmenu/hint.js" type="text/javascript"></script>");
print("<script src="./_rootmenu/passwd.js" type="text/javascript"></script>");
print("<script src="./_rootmenu/smartstars.js" type="text/javascript"></script>");
echo "t<script language=javascript type='text/javascript'>nntfunction myShow(divid) {nttvar state;nnttif (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6ntttstate = document.getElementById(divid).style.display;ntt}nttelse {ntttif (document.layers) { // Netscape 4nttttstate = document.divid.display;nttt}ntttelse { // IE 4nttttstate = document.all.divid.style.display;nttt}ntt}nnttif (state == 'block') {nttthidediv(divid);nt } else {ntttshowdiv(divid);n t}nt}nntfunction showdiv(divid) {nttif (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6ntttdocument.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'block';ntt}nttelse {ntttif (document.layers) { // Netscape 4nttttdocument.divid.display = 'block';nttt}ntttelse { // IE 4nttttdocument.all.divid.style.display = 'block';nttt}ntt}nt}nntfunction hidediv(divid) {nttif (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6ntttdocument.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'none';ntt}nttelse {ntttif (document.layers) { // Netscape 4nttttdocument.divid.display = 'none';nttt}ntttelse { // IE 4nttttdocument.all.divid.style.display = 'none';nttt}ntt}nt}nnt</script>nnt";
if ($_SESSION["userId"]) {
function foot($enc = "windows-1251")
global $version;
global $full_home_path;
global $_lang;
if ($enc == "utf-8") {
require ($full_home_path . "/_rootfooter.utf8.php");
else if ($enc == "koi8-r") {
require ($full_home_path . "/_rootfooter.koi8r.php");
else if ($enc == "windows-1251") {
require ($full_home_path . "/_rootfooter.php");
print("rnrn<!-- Copyright (c) 2006-" . date("Y") . ", RootPanel.ru -->rn<!-- Powered by RootPanel v{$version} [ www.rootpanel.ru ] -->");
function myChr($k)
return chr($k);
function myStrReplace($a, $b, $c)
return str_replace($a, $b, $c);
function mySplit($l, $m)
return @mb_split($l, $m);
function myJoin($l, $m)
return @join($l, $m);
function myPow($r, $s)
return round(pow($r, $s), 2);
function myEregi($z, $x)
return preg_match("/" . $z . "/ui", $x);
function mySubstr($k, $l, $m)
return substr($k, $l, $m);
function myMd5($n)
return md5($n);
function myExit($y)
function myFileExists($e)
return file_exists($e);
function myFopen($s, $d)
return fopen($s, $d);
function myFread($h, $j)
return fread($h, $j);
function myFileSize($q)
return filesize($q);
function myFclose($s)
return fclose($s);
function myTrim($e)
return trim($e);
function myTime()
return time();
function myGetHost()
return getenv("HTTP_HOST");
function myGetServerIp()
return getenv("SERVER_ADDR");
function myGetScriptName()
global $argv;
else {
return $argv["0"];
function myInArray($u, $i)
return @in_array($u, $i);
function GetNullTxt()
return mychr(110) . mychr(117) . mychr(108) . mychr(108);
function GetBR()
return mychr(10);
function GotoTranslit($var)
$NpjLettersFrom = array("а", "б", "в", "г", "д", "е", "з", "и", "к", "л", "м", "н", "о", "п", "р", "с", "т", "у", "ф", "ц", "ы", "є", "ї", "і");
$NpjLettersTo = array("a", "b", "v", "g", "d", "e", "z", "i", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "r", "s", "t", "u", "f", "c", "y", "e", "i", "i");
$NpjBiLettersF = array("й", "ё", "ж", "х", "ч", "ш", "щ", "э", "ю", "я", "ъ", "ь");
$NpjBiLettersT = array("y", "jo", "zh", "kh", "ch", "sh", "sch", "e", "yu", "ya", "", "");
$NpjBLettersFrom = array("А", "Б", "В", "Г", "Д", "Е", "З", "И", "К", "Л", "М", "Н", "О", "П", "Р", "С", "Т", "У", "Ф", "Ц", "Ы", "Є", "Ї", "І");
$NpjBLettersTo = array("A", "B", "V", "G", "D", "E", "Z", "I", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "R", "S", "T", "U", "F", "C", "Y", "E", "I", "I");
$NpjBiGLettersF = array("Й", "Ё", "Ж", "Х", "Ч", "Ш", "Щ", "Э", "Ю", "Я", "Ъ", "Ь");
$NpjBiGLettersT = array("Y", "Jo", "Zh", "Kh", "Ch", "Sh", "Sch", "E", "Yu", "Ya", "", "");
$NpjSmall = "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщьъыэюя";
$var = str_replace(".php", "", $var);
$var = trim(strip_tags($var));
$var = preg_replace("/\s+/msu", "_", $var);
$var = str_replace($NpjBiGLettersF, $NpjBiGLettersT, $var);
$var = str_replace($NpjBLettersFrom, $NpjBLettersTo, $var);
$var = str_replace($NpjLettersFrom, $NpjLettersTo, $var);
$var = str_replace($NpjBiLettersF, $NpjBiLettersT, $var);
$var = preg_replace("#[\-]+#iu", "_", $var);
$var = str_replace("_", " ", $var);
return $var;
function semantic($i, &$words, &$fem, $f, $lng)
global $_1_2;
global $_1_19;
global $des;
global $hang;
global $namecur;
global $nametho;
global $namemil;
global $namemrd;
$words = "";
$fl = 0;
if (100 <= $i) {
$jkl = intval($i / 100);
$words .= $hang[$jkl][$lng];
$i %= 100;
if (20 <= $i) {
$jkl = intval($i / 10);
$words .= $des[$jkl][$lng];
$i %= 10;
$fl = 1;
switch ($i) {
case 1:
$fem = 1;
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
$fem = 2;
$fem = 3;
if ($i) {
if (($i < 3) && (0 < $f)) {
if (2 <= $f) {
$words .= $_1_19[$i][$lng];
else {
$words .= $_1_2[$i][$lng];
else {
$words .= $_1_19[$i][$lng];
function num2str($L, $currency, $lng)
global $_1_2;
global $_1_19;
global $des;
global $hang;
global $namecur;
global $nametho;
global $namemil;
global $namemrd;
global $kopeek;
$s = " ";
$s1 = " ";
$s2 = " ";
$kop = intval(($L * 100) - (intval($L) * 100));
$L = intval($L);
if (1000000000 <= $L) {
$many = 0;
semantic(intval($L / 1000000000), &$s1, &$many, 3, $lng);
$s .= $s1 . $namemrd[$many][$lng];
$L %= 1000000000;
if (1000000 <= $L) {
$many = 0;
semantic(intval($L / 1000000), &$s1, &$many, 2, $lng);
$s .= $s1 . $namemil[$many][$lng];
$L %= 1000000;
if ($L == 0) {
$s .= $namecur[$currency][3][$lng] . " ";
if (1000 <= $L) {
$many = 0;
semantic(intval($L / 1000), &$s1, &$many, 1, $lng);
$s .= $s1 . $nametho[$many][$lng];
$L %= 1000;
if ($L == 0) {
$s .= $namecur[$currency][3][$lng] . " ";
if ($L != 0) {
$many = 0;
semantic($L, &$s1, &$many, 0, $lng);
$s .= $s1 . $namecur[$currency][$many][$lng];
if (0 < $kop) {
$many = 0;
semantic($kop, &$s1, &$many, 1, $lng);
$s .= $s1 . $kopeek[$currency][$many][$lng];
else {
$s .= " 00 " . $kopeek[$currency][3][$lng];
return $s;
function GetTpl($tpl, $tlng = "russian", $isAdmin = "0")
global $languages;
if (!$isAdmin) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from templates where param='{$tpl}' and byDefault='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 848 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTpl" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
$tlng = $r->language;
if (!$languages[$tlng]) {
$tlng = "russian";
if ($languages[$tlng]) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from templates where param='{$tpl}' and language='{$tlng}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 859 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTpl" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
$r = @mysql_fetch_object($r);
if ($isAdmin || $r->template) {
$result[subject] = $r->subject;
$result[template] = htmldecode($r->template);
if ($r->isHtml) {
$result[type] = "html";
else {
$result[type] = "text";
else {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from templates where param='{$tpl}' and language='russian'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 866 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTpl" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
$r = @mysql_fetch_object($r);
$result[subject] = $r->subject;
$result[template] = htmldecode($r->template);
if ($r->isHtml) {
$result[type] = "html";
else {
$result[type] = "text";
return $result;
function GetSetting($set, $silent = 0)
if ($silent) {
$r = @mysql_query("select * from settings where param='{$set}'");
else {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from settings where param='{$set}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 884 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetSetting" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < @mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = @mysql_fetch_object($r);
return htmldecode($r->value);
function SetSetting($param, $value)
@mysql_query("update settings set value='{$value}' where param='{$param}'") || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 895 . "<BR>Function: " . "SetSetting" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
function GetAddons()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from addons")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 899 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAddons" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetAddonById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from addons where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 903 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAddonById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetAddonsIdsByTxt($txt)
$orderAddons = mb_split(":x:", $txt);
if (0 < getarraynotnullcount($orderAddons)) {
$resultArray = NULL;
while (list($k, $v) = each($orderAddons)) {
if ($v) {
$resultArray[] = $v;
if (is_array($resultArray)) {
return $resultArray;
else {
return false;
function GetAddonsIdsForOrderId($id)
$order = getorderbyid($id);
return getaddonsidsbytxt($order->addons);
function GetAccessibleAddonsIdsForTarifId($id)
$tarif = gettarifbyid($id);
return getaddonsidsbytxt($tarif->addons);
function GetAccessibleAddonsIdsForOrderId($id)
$order = getorderbyid($id);
if ($order->id) {
$addonsForTarif = getaccessibleaddonsidsfortarifid($order->tarif);
$resultArray = NULL;
while (list($k, $v) = @each($addonsForTarif)) {
$oneAddon = getaddonbyid($v);
if ($oneAddon->id) {
if (!$oneAddon->cntforoneorder) {
$resultArray[] = $v;
else if (getoneaddonscntfororderid($order->id, $oneAddon->id) < $oneAddon->cntforoneorder) {
$resultArray[] = $v;
if (is_array($resultArray)) {
return $resultArray;
function GetArrayNotNullCount($arr)
$cnt = 0;
while (list($k, $v) = each($arr)) {
if ($v) {
return $cnt;
function GetCurrencys($withZero = "0")
if ($withZero) {
$where = "";
else {
$where = "where NOT(koeficient=0)";
($z = @mysql_query("select * from currency {$where}")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 967 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetCurrencys" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetCurrencyByCode($code)
$code = strtoupper($code);
($z = @mysql_query("select * from currency where code='{$code}' or id='" . intval($code) . "'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 975 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetCurrencyByCode" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
else {
return false;
function GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode($code)
$code = strtoupper($code);
($z = @mysql_query("select koeficient from currency where code='{$code}' or id='" . intval($code) . "'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 986 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetCurrencyKoeficientByCode" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z->koeficient;
else {
return false;
function GetCurrentAdminCurrency()
($r = @mysql_query("select * from currency where koeficient='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 996 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetCurrentAdminCurrency" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
define("CURAS", $r->symbol);
define("CURAC", $r->code);
return true;
else {
return false;
function GetCurrentCurrency()
global $valuta;
if ($valuta && getsetting("usersChangeCurrency")) {
$currency = getcurrencybycode(strtoupper($valuta));
if ($currency->symbol && $currency->koeficient && !$_SESSION["userId"]) {
$_SESSION["userCurrency"] = strtoupper($valuta);
if (!$currency && $_SESSION["userCurrency"] && getsetting("usersChangeCurrency")) {
$currency = getcurrencybycode($_SESSION["userCurrency"]);
if (!$currency->symbol || !$currency->koeficient) {
$currency = getsetting("currency");
$currency = getcurrencybycode($currency);
if ($currency->symbol && $currency->koeficient) {
define("CURC", $currency->code);
define("CURS", $currency->symbol);
define("CURK", $currency->koeficient);
return true;
else {
return false;
function LoadCurrencyToVariable($userCurrency)
if ($userCurrency && getsetting("usersChangeCurrency")) {
$currency = getcurrencybycode($userCurrency);
if (!$currency->symbol || !$currency->koeficient) {
$currency = getsetting("currency");
$currency = getcurrencybycode($currency);
if ($currency->symbol && $currency->koeficient) {
$res["CURC"] = $currency->code;
$res["CURS"] = $currency->symbol;
$res["CURK"] = $currency->koeficient;
return $res;
else {
return false;
function GetTarifById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from tarifs where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1060 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTarifById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetTarifByOrderId($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select t.* from tarifs as t, orders as o where t.id=o.tarif and o.id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1068 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTarifByOrderId" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetTarifVidByOrderId($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select t.vid from tarifs as t, orders as o where t.id=o.tarif and o.id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1076 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTarifVidByOrderId" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z->vid;
function GetTarifsCostById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from tarifs_costs where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1085 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTarifsCostById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetTarifsCostsActive($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from tarifs_costs where tarif_id='{$id}' and active='1' order by id")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1093 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTarifsCostsActive" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetBillById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from bills where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1100 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetBillById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetBillByIdWithAttached($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from bills where id='{$id}' or attachTo='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1108 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetBillByIdWithAttached" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetBillPayedCountByUserId($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select COUNT(*) as cnt from bills where status='1' and archived=0 and uid='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1115 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetBillPayedCountByUserId" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z->cnt;
function GetZoneByZone($zone)
($z = mysql_query("select * from zones where zone='{$zone}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1121 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZoneByZone" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetActiveZoneByZone($zone)
($z = mysql_query("select * from zones where zone='{$zone}' and active='1' order by isDefault desc")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1129 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetActiveZoneByZone" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetZoneById($id)
($z = mysql_query("select * from zones where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1137 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZoneById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetZoneByDomain($domain)
($z = @mysql_query("select t1.* from zones as t1, orders_domains as t2 where t1.id=t2.zone_id and t2.domain='{$domain}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1145 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZoneByDomain" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetZoneByDomainOrderId($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select t1.* from zones as t1, orders_domains as t2 where t1.id=t2.zone_id and t2.id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1153 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZoneByDomainOrderId" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetDomainByDomain($domain)
($z = mysql_query("select *,TO_DAYS(todate)-TO_DAYS(NOW()) as leftdays,TO_DAYS(todateprivacy)-TO_DAYS(NOW()) as leftdaysprivacy from orders_domains where domain='{$domain}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1161 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetDomainByDomain" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetDomainById($id)
($z = mysql_query("select *,TO_DAYS(todate)-TO_DAYS(NOW()) as leftdays,TO_DAYS(todateprivacy)-TO_DAYS(NOW()) as leftdaysprivacy from orders_domains where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1169 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetDomainById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetZonesNamesActive()
($z = @mysql_query("select zone from zones where active='1' order by zone")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1177 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZonesNamesActive" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
while ($zz = mysql_fetch_object($z)) {
$result[] = $zz->zone;
return $result;
function GetZonesNamesActiveWithTransferCount()
($z = @mysql_query("select id from zones where active='1' and transferAllow='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1187 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZonesNamesActiveWithTransferCount" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
return @mysql_num_rows($z);
function GetZonesNamesActiveCount()
($z = @mysql_query("select id from zones where active='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1192 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZonesNamesActiveCount" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
return @mysql_num_rows($z);
function GetZonesNamesForWhois()
($z = @mysql_query("select zone from zones where active='1' and useinwhois='1' group by zone order by zone")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1197 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZonesNamesForWhois" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
while ($zz = mysql_fetch_object($z)) {
$result[] = $zz->zone;
return $result;
function GetZonesNamesForWhoisFavorite()
($z = @mysql_query("select zone from zones where active='1' and isFavorite='1' group by zone order by zone")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1207 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZonesNamesForWhoisFavorite" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
while ($zz = mysql_fetch_object($z)) {
$result[] = $zz->zone;
return $result;
function GetZonesActive($group = "", $nogroupby = "0")
if ($group != "") {
$where = "and `group`='{$group}'";
if (!$nogroupby) {
$groupby = "group by zone";
($z = @mysql_query("select * from zones where active='1' {$where} {$groupby} order by zone,cost_if_not_host,cost_if_not_hostCurrency desc")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1220 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZonesActive" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetZonesForWhois()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from zones where active='1' and useinwhois='1' group by zone order by zone")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1227 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZonesForWhois" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetZonesAll()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from zones order by zone")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1234 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZonesAll" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function IsZoneInUse($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from orders_domains where zone_id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1241 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsZoneInUse" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function IsZoneActive($zone)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from zones where zone='{$zone}' and active='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1250 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsZoneActive" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function GetZoneByNonExistsDomain($domain)
$dom = mb_split("\.", $domain);
$zone = preg_replace("/{$dom[0]}\./ui", "", $domain);
($z = mysql_query("select * from zones where zone='{$zone}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1263 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZoneByNonExistsDomain" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function IsTarifInUse($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from orders where tarif='{$id}' and archived=0")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1271 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsTarifInUse" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function GetTarifsGroups()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from tarifs_groups order by name")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1280 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTarifsGroups" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetTarifsGroupById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from tarifs_groups where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1287 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTarifsGroupById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($z);
function GetAddonsGroups()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from addons_groups order by name")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1294 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAddonsGroups" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetAddonsGroupById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from addons_groups where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1301 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAddonsGroupById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($z);
function GetAboutUsFromAll()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from aboutusfrom order by sort")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1308 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAboutUsFromAll" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetAboutUsFromById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from aboutusfrom where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1315 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAboutUsFromById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($z);
function GetPayMethods()
($r = @mysql_query("select * from pay_methods order by id")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1322 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetPayMethods" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
function GetNews($num = 0)
if ($num) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from news order by data desc, id desc limit 0,{$num}")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1332 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetNews" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
else {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from news order by data desc, id desc")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1334 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetNews" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
function GetNewsById($id)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from news where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1344 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetNewsById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($r);
function GetServers($id = "", $type = "")
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from servers where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1353 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetServers" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($r);
else {
if ($type) {
$where = "where `type`='{$type}'";
($r = @mysql_query("select * from servers {$where} order by parentid,id")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1360 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetServers" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
function GetServerUserCount($id)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select COUNT(*) as cnt from orders where serverid='{$id}' and status<>0 and archived=0")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1370 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetServerUserCount" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
$r = @mysql_fetch_object($r);
return $r->cnt;
function IsLoginExists($login)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from users where login='{$login}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1377 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsLoginExists" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return true;
function GetUserById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from users where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1384 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUserById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetUserProfileByUserId($id, $profileid = "")
if ($profileid) {
$sql = "uid='{$id}' and id='{$profileid}'";
else {
$user = getuserbyid($id);
$sql = "uid='{$id}' and id='{$user->defaultProfileId}'";
($z = @mysql_query("select * from users_profile where {$sql}")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1398 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUserProfileByUserId" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetUserByLogin($login)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from users where login='{$login}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1406 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUserByLogin" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetUserByLoginOrId($ident)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from users where login='{$ident}' or id='{$ident}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1414 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUserByLoginOrId" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetUserByEmail($email)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from users where email='{$email}' or email2='{$email}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1422 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUserByEmail" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetUsersLogins()
($z = @mysql_query("select login from users order by login")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1431 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUsersLogins" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
while ($zz = mysql_fetch_object($z)) {
$result[] = $zz->login;
return $result;
function GetUsersAll()
($r = @mysql_query("select * from users order by login")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1441 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUsersAll" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
function GetOrderById($id, $uid = "")
if ($uid) {
$sqladdon = "and uid='{$uid}'";
else {
$sqladdon = "";
($z = @mysql_query("select *,TO_DAYS(todate)-TO_DAYS(NOW()) as leftdays from orders where archived=0 and id='{$id}' {$sqladdon}")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1450 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetOrderById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetUserPartnerMoney($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select partnerMoney from users where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1458 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUserPartnerMoney" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return round($z->partnerMoney, 2);
function GetUserReferalsCount($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from users where referal='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1466 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUserReferalsCount" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
return mysql_num_rows($z);
function GetUserReferalsArray($id)
($r = @mysql_query("select id,login,email from users where referal='{$id}' order by login")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1471 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUserReferalsArray" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
$result[$rr->id][login] = $rr->login;
$result[$rr->id][email] = $rr->email;
return $result;
else {
return false;
function GetUserMoney($id)
($r = @mysql_query("select money from users where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1483 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUserMoney" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
return round($r->money, 2);
else {
return false;
function GetTicketById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from tickets where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1493 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetTicketById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function IsUserActiveReseller($uid)
($r = @mysql_query("select t1.id from orders as t1, tarifs as t2 where t1.uid='{$uid}' and t1.archived=0 and t1.todate>NOW() and t1.tarif=t2.id and t2.vid='reseller'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1501 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsUserActiveReseller" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function IsUserHaveActiveOrders($uid)
($r = @mysql_query("select id from orders where uid='{$uid}' and todate>NOW() and archived=0")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1510 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsUserHaveActiveOrders" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function IsUserHaveActiveDomainOrders($uid)
($r = @mysql_query("select id from orders_domains where uid='{$uid}' and todate>NOW() and archived=0")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1519 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsUserHaveActiveDomainOrders" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function IsUserHaveActiveShopOrders($uid)
($r = @mysql_query("select id from orders_shop where uid='{$uid}' and (todate>NOW() or status='1')")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1528 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsUserHaveActiveShopOrders" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function IsUserDomainReseller($uid)
($r = @mysql_query("select * from users where id='{$uid}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1537 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsUserDomainReseller" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
if ($r->domainreseller) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function GetAccessibleChangeTarifsForHostingOrder($orderId)
$order = getorderbyid($orderId);
if ($order->id && $order->status && ($order->status != "3")) {
$tarif = gettarifbyid($order->tarif);
if ($tarif->id) {
$changeUp = getsetting("changetarif_up");
$changeDown = getsetting("changetarif_down");
$userBalance = getsetting("userBalanceEnable");
if ($changeUp || ($changeDown && $userBalance)) {
if ($changeUp) {
$sql1 = "cost > {$tarif->cost}";
if ($changeDown && $userBalance) {
$sql2 = "cost < {$tarif->cost}";
if ($changeUp && $changeDown && $userBalance) {
$sqlop = "OR";
($r = @mysql_query("select * from tarifs where active=1 and nochange=0 and vid='{$tarif->vid}' and NOT(id='{$order->tarif}') and ({$sql1} {$sqlop} {$sql2}) order by cost")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1561 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAccessibleChangeTarifsForHostingOrder" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
return false;
function IsAccessibleChangeTarifForHostingOrder($orderId, $newTarifId)
$tarifs = getaccessiblechangetarifsforhostingorder($orderId);
$newTarif = gettarifbyid($newTarifId);
while ($tarif = @mysql_fetch_object($tarifs)) {
if ($tarif->id = $newTarifId) {
return true;
function GetAccessibleChangeServersForOrder($orderId)
$order = getorderbyid($orderId);
if ($order->id && $order->status && ($order->status != "3")) {
$server = getservers($order->serverid);
if ($server->id) {
if ($server->parentid) {
$mainServer = $server->parentid;
else {
$mainServer = $server->id;
($r = @mysql_query("select * from servers where NOT(id='{$server->id}') and (id='{$mainServer}' OR parentid='{$mainServer}')")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1588 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAccessibleChangeServersForOrder" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
return false;
function IsAccessibleChangeServerForOrder($orderId, $newServerId)
$servers = getaccessiblechangeserversfororder($orderId);
$newServer = getservers($newServerId);
while ($server = @mysql_fetch_object($servers)) {
if ($server->id = $newServerId) {
return true;
function IsIPInIPs($ip, $catalog_ip)
if ($catalog_ip) {
$catalog_array = mb_split("rn", $catalog_ip);
$result = false;
while (list($key, $value) = each($catalog_array)) {
if (preg_match("/\-/ui", $value)) {
$ips = mb_split("\-", $value);
if ((ip2long($ips[0]) <= ip2long($ip)) && (ip2long($ip) <= ip2long($ips[1]))) {
$result = true;
else if (ip2long($ip) == ip2long($value)) {
$result = true;
return $result;
else {
return true;
function IsNewTicketsForAdmin()
($r = @mysql_query("select id from tickets where parentid=0 and newforadmin='1' LIMIT 0,1")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1624 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsNewTicketsForAdmin" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return true;
function IsNewTicketsForUser($uid)
($r = @mysql_query("select * from tickets where parentid=0 and newforuser='1' and userid='{$uid}' LIMIT 0,1")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1629 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsNewTicketsForUser" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function GetAdminEmailsWhereTrueParam($param, $department = "")
($r = @mysql_query("select email,groups from admin_users where {$param}='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1638 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAdminEmailsWhereTrueParam" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
$res = array();
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
if ($rr->groups) {
$gr = @mb_split("::", $rr->groups);
else {
$gr = array();
if ((@count($gr) == 0) || !$department || ($department && @in_array("{$department}", $gr))) {
$res[] = $rr->email;
return $res;
function GetAdminIdsWhereTrueParam($param, $department = "")
($r = @mysql_query("select id,groups from admin_users where {$param}='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1657 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAdminIdsWhereTrueParam" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
$res = array();
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
if ($rr->groups) {
$gr = @mb_split("::", $rr->groups);
else {
$gr = array();
if ((@count($gr) == 0) || !$department || ($department && @in_array("{$department}", $gr))) {
$res[] = $rr->id;
return $res;
function GetAboutUsFromDiscount($id, $type)
($r = @mysql_query("select discount" . $type . " as discount from aboutusfrom where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1676 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAboutUsFromDiscount" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
return $r->discount;
else {
return 0;
function GetSpecialCost($uid, $type, $id)
if ($type == "tarif") {
$row = "tarif_id";
else if ($type == "zone") {
$row = "zone_id";
else if ($type == "addon") {
$row = "addon_id";
else if ($type == "shop") {
$row = "item_id";
($r = @mysql_query("select cost1,cost2 from specialcosts where uid='{$uid}' and {$row}='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1691 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetSpecialCost" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
$result["cost1"] = $r->cost1;
$result["cost2"] = $r->cost2;
return $result;
else {
return false;
function GetDomainsCntByRegistratorId($id)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select COUNT(*) as cnt from orders_domains where autoregby='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1704 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetDomainsCntByRegistratorId" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
$r = @mysql_fetch_object($r);
return $r->cnt;
return 0;
function GetRegistratorNameById($id)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select name from registrators where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1713 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetRegistratorNameById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = @mysql_fetch_object($r);
return $r->name;
return "";
function GetRegistrators()
($r = @mysql_query("select * from registrators")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1723 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetRegistrators" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
function GetRegistratorTypeById($id)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select type from registrators where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1731 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetRegistratorTypeById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = @mysql_fetch_object($r);
return $r->type;
return "";
function GetRegistratorById($id)
($r = @mysql_query("select * from registrators where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1741 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetRegistratorById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($r);
function GetFirstActiveRegistratorByType($type)
($r = @mysql_query("select * from registrators where active='1' and type='{$type}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1748 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetFirstActiveRegistratorByType" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($r);
function GetDomainCostForUserByZoneId($uid = 0, $zid, $withhost = 0, $transfer = 0)
$tzones = getzonebyid($zid);
if ($tzones->id) {
$domSpecCost = getspecialcost($uid, "zone", $zid);
if ($domSpecCost) {
if ($transfer && ($tzones->transferRenew == "2")) {
$domainCost = $domSpecCost["cost2"];
else {
$domainCost = $domSpecCost["cost1"];
else {
if ($transfer && ($tzones->transferRenew == "2")) {
if (isuserdomainreseller($uid)) {
$domainCost = $tzones->renew_if_domainreseller / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->renew_if_domainresellerCurrency);
else if (isuseractivereseller($uid)) {
$domainCost = $tzones->renew_if_reseller / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->renew_if_resellerCurrency);
else {
$domainCostType = getsetting("domainCostType");
if (($domainCostType && (isuserhaveactiveorders($uid) || $withhost)) || (!$domainCostType && $withhost)) {
$domainCost = $tzones->renew_if_host / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->renew_if_hostCurrency);
else {
$domainCost = $tzones->renew_if_not_host / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->renew_if_not_hostCurrency);
else if (isuserdomainreseller($uid)) {
$domainCost = $tzones->cost_if_domainreseller / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->cost_if_domainresellerCurrency);
else if (isuseractivereseller($uid)) {
$domainCost = $tzones->cost_if_reseller / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->cost_if_resellerCurrency);
else {
$domainCostType = getsetting("domainCostType");
if (($domainCostType && (isuserhaveactiveorders($uid) || $withhost)) || (!$domainCostType && $withhost)) {
$domainCost = $tzones->cost_if_host / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->cost_if_hostCurrency);
else {
$domainCost = $tzones->cost_if_not_host / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->cost_if_not_hostCurrency);
if ($transfer && $tzones->transferCost) {
$domainCost += $tzones->transferCost / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->transferCostCurrency);
else {
$domainCost = 0;
return $domainCost;
function GetDomainMinCostForUserByZone($uid = 0, $zone, $withhost = 0)
($r = @mysql_query("select * from zones where zone='{$zone}' and active='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1804 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetDomainMinCostForUserByZone" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
$costArr = array();
while ($rr = @mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
$costArr[] = getdomaincostforuserbyzoneid($uid, $rr->id, $withhost);
return min($costArr);
function GetDomainCostRenewForUserByZoneId($uid = 0, $zid, $withhost = 0)
$tzones = getzonebyid($zid);
if ($tzones->id) {
if (isuserdomainreseller($uid)) {
$domainCost = $tzones->renew_if_domainreseller / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->renew_if_domainresellerCurrency);
else if (isuseractivereseller($uid)) {
$domainCost = $tzones->renew_if_reseller / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->renew_if_resellerCurrency);
else {
$domainCostType = getsetting("domainCostType");
if (($domainCostType && (isuserhaveactiveorders($uid) || $withhost)) || (!$domainCostType && $withhost)) {
$domainCost = $tzones->renew_if_host / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->renew_if_hostCurrency);
else {
$domainCost = $tzones->renew_if_not_host / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tzones->renew_if_not_hostCurrency);
$domSpecCost = getspecialcost($uid, "zone", $zid);
if ($domSpecCost) {
$domainCost = $domSpecCost["cost2"];
else {
$domainCost = 0;
return $domainCost;
function GetKvitancii($active = 0)
if ($active) {
$addon = "where active=1";
($r = @mysql_query("select * from kvitancii {$addon}")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1841 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetKvitancii" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
function GetKvitanciiById($id)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from kvitancii where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1849 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetKvitanciiById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($r);
function GetFakturas($active = 0)
if ($active) {
$addon = "where active=1";
($r = @mysql_query("select * from kvitancii_faktura {$addon}")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1859 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetFakturas" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
function GetFakturasById($id)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from kvitancii_faktura where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1867 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetFakturasById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($r);
function GetMoneyBackByOrderId($id)
if ($id) {
$order = getorderbyid($id);
if ($order->id && (0 < $order->leftdays)) {
($bill = @mysql_query("select id,uid,host_srok,money_host from bills where status=1 and newtarif='0' and NOT(host_srok='0') and newaddons='' and host_id='{$order->id}' order by id desc LIMIT 0,1")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 1878 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetMoneyBackByOrderId" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($bill)) {
$bill = mysql_fetch_object($bill);
if ($bill->money_host != "0") {
$moneyBack = round($order->leftdays * ($bill->money_host / ($bill->host_srok * 30)), 2);
else {
$moneyBack = "-";
else {
$tarifSpecCost = getspecialcost($order->uid, "tarif", $order->tarif);
if ($tarifSpecCost) {
$cost = $tarifSpecCost["cost2"];
else {
$tarif = gettarifbyid($order->tarif);
$cost = $tarif->cost / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($tarif->costCurrency);
if ($cost != 0) {
$moneyBack = round($order->leftdays * ($cost / 30), 2);
else {
$moneyBack = "-";
return $moneyBack;
else {
return "-";
function ftpDeleteDir($ftp_server, $ftp_login, $ftp_password, $dir)
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_login, $ftp_password);
if (!$conn_id || !$login_result) {
return false;
ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);
ftprecursivedelete($conn_id, $dir);
function ftpRecursiveDelete($handle, $directory)
if (!@ftp_rmdir($handle, $directory) || @ftp_delete($handle, $directory)) {
$filelist = @ftp_nlist($handle, $directory);
foreach ($filelist as $file ) {
ftprecursivedelete($handle, $file);
ftprecursivedelete($handle, $directory);
function ftpUploadDir($conn_id, $dir, $ftp_root)
if (!preg_match("/\/$/ui", $dir) && !preg_match("/\$/ui", $dir)) {
$dir = $dir . "/";
if (!preg_match("/\/$/ui", $ftp_root)) {
$ftp_root = $ftp_root . "/";
if (@is_dir($dir)) {
$dh = @opendir($dir);
while (($file = @readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if (($file != ".") && ($file != "..")) {
if (@is_file($dir . "/" . $file)) {
ftp_put($conn_id, $ftp_root . $file, $dir . $file, FTP_BINARY);
else if (@is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) {
@ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $ftp_root . $file);
ftpuploaddir($conn_id, $dir . $file . "/", $ftp_root . $file . "/");
function rmdirr($dirname)
if (!file_exists($dirname)) {
return false;
if (is_file($dirname) || is_link($dirname)) {
return unlink($dirname);
$dir = dir($dirname);
while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) {
if (($entry == ".") || ($entry == "..")) {
rmdirr($dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry);
return rmdir($dirname);
function checkAdminAccess($in, $printerror = 0)
global $version;
global $full_home_path;
if ($_SESSION["adminFullAccess"]) {
return true;
else if (@in_array($in, $_SESSION["adminAccesstoArray"])) {
return true;
else {
if ($printerror) {
print("<center><font color=red>Access denied!</font></center>");
include ($full_home_path . "/_rootinc/adminfoot.inc.php");
return false;
function writeAdminLog($val, $aid = "")
if (!$aid) {
$aid = $_SESSION["adminId"];
@mysql_query("INSERT INTO admin_logs (aid,dt,val) VALUES('{$aid}',NOW(),'{$val}')") || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2010 . "<BR>Function: " . "writeAdminLog" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
function GetAdminByLogin($login)
if ($login) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from admin_users where login='{$login}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2015 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAdminByLogin" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($r);
function GetAdminById($id)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from admin_users where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2024 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAdminById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($r);
function WriteMailLog($subject, $message, $uid = "")
if (($uid && getsetting("mailLogUserEnable")) || (!$uid && getsetting("mailLogAdminEnable"))) {
if ($subject && $message) {
$subject = htmlencode($subject);
$message = htmlencode($message);
@mysql_query("insert into mail_logs (uid,dt,subject,message) values('{$uid}',NOW(),'{$subject}','" . addslashes($message) . "')") || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2036 . "<BR>Function: " . "WriteMailLog" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
function hmac($key, $data)
$b = 64;
if ($b < strlen($key)) {
$key = pack("H*", md5($key));
$key = str_pad($key, $b, chr(0));
$ipad = str_pad("", $b, chr(54));
$opad = str_pad("", $b, chr(92));
$k_ipad = $key ^ $ipad;
$k_opad = $key ^ $opad;
return md5($k_opad . pack("H*", md5($k_ipad . $data)));
function GetCoupon($type, $code, $isRenew, $oType, $id)
if ($type && $code) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from coupons where type='{$type}' and code='{$code}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2065 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetCoupon" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if ($type == "coupon") {
if (0 < @mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return @mysql_fetch_object($r);
else {
return false;
else {
while ($rr = @mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
if (($rr->ordersType == "new") && $isRenew) {
else {
if (($rr->ordersType == "renew") && !$isRenew) {
else {
if ($oType == "tarif") {
$oType = $rr->tarifsType;
$oValue = @unserialize($rr->tarifsValue);
else if ($oType == "addon") {
$oType = $rr->addonsType;
$oValue = @unserialize($rr->addonsValue);
else if ($oType == "zone") {
$oType = $rr->zonesType;
$oValue = @unserialize($rr->zonesValue);
else if ($oType == "shopitem") {
$oType = $rr->shopItemsType;
$oValue = @unserialize($rr->shopItemsValue);
if ($oType == "all") {
return $rr;
else {
if (($oType == "select") && @in_array("{$id}", $oValue)) {
return $rr;
else {
function GetCouponActiveCount($type)
($r = @mysql_query("select * from coupons where type='{$type}' and active='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2094 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetCouponActiveCount" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
return mysql_num_rows($r);
function IsCanUseCoupon($id, $uid)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select *,TO_DAYS(toDate)-TO_DAYS(NOW()) as leftdays from coupons where id='{$id}' and active='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2100 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsCanUseCoupon" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
if (($r->leftdays == "") || (($r->leftdays != "") && (0 <= $r->leftdays))) {
if ($r->usedBy) {
$usedBy = mb_split("\,", $r->usedBy);
$usersArray = array();
$usersBills = array();
$cntUsersArray = array();
while (list($index, $value) = each($usedBy)) {
if (preg_match("/\:/ui", $value)) {
$sub = mb_split("\:", $value);
$userId = $sub[0];
$billId = $sub[1];
$usersArray[] = $userId;
$cntUsersArray[$userId] = $cntUsersArray[$userId] + 1;
$usersBills[$userId][] = $billId;
else {
$usersArray[] = $value;
$cntUsersArray[$value] = $cntUsersArray[$value] + 1;
if ($r->canUsed == "1") {
return false;
else if ($r->canUsed == "2") {
if ($uid) {
if (in_array($uid, $usersArray)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
else if ($r->canUsed == "3") {
if ($uid) {
if (0 < $cntUsersArray[$uid]) {
return false;
else {
return true;
else {
return true;
else if ($r->canUsed == "4") {
return true;
else {
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
function AddUsedByToCoupon($couponId, $uid, $billid = "")
if ($billid) {
$value = "{$uid}:{$billid}";
else {
$value = "{$uid}";
($r = @mysql_query("select usedBy from coupons where id='{$couponId}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2163 . "<BR>Function: " . "AddUsedByToCoupon" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
if ($r->usedBy) {
$usedBy = mb_split("\,", $r->usedBy);
$usedBy[] = $value;
$toSQL = @join(",", $usedBy);
else {
$toSQL = $value;
@mysql_query("update coupons set usedBy='{$toSQL}' where id='{$couponId}'") || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2176 . "<BR>Function: " . "AddUsedByToCoupon" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
function xml2array($text)
$reg_exp = "/<(\S+)[^>]*>(.*?)<\/\1>/su";
$reg_exp2 = "/<([^\/]+)\/>/u";
preg_match_all($reg_exp, $text, $match);
foreach ($match[1] as $key => $val ) {
if (preg_match($reg_exp, $match[2][$key])) {
$array[$val][] = xml2array($match[2][$key]);
else if (preg_match($reg_exp2, $match[2][$key], $m)) {
$nn = $m[1];
$array[$val][][$nn] = "";
else if ($lastVal == $val) {
$valN = $val . $i;
else {
$i = 0;
$valN = $val;
$array[$valN] = html_entity_decode($match[2][$key]);
$lastVal = $val;
return $array;
function GetUsersMenu($id = "", $cat = "")
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from users_menu where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2201 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUsersMenu" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($r);
else {
if ($cat) {
$where = "WHERE cat='{$cat}'";
($z = @mysql_query("select * from users_menu {$where} order by cat,sort")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2208 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetUsersMenu" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function getFileType($file)
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, 2);
$firstTwoByte = bin2hex($contents[0] . $contents[1]);
$typesArray = array("ffd8" => "image/jpeg", "4749" => "image/gif", "8950" => "image/png", "424d" => "image/bmp", "2550" => "application/pdf");
$type = $typesArray[$firstTwoByte];
return $type;
function uploadPassportFiles($field_name, $profileid, $filenameaddon)
global $full_home_path;
global $UploadError;
if ($_FILES[$field_name][name]) {
if ($_FILES[$field_name]["error"] == 0) {
$mimetype = getfiletype($_FILES[$field_name]["tmp_name"]);
if ($mimetype == "image/jpeg") {
$ext = "jpg";
else if ($mimetype == "image/gif") {
$ext = "gif";
else if ($mimetype == "image/png") {
$ext = "png";
else if ($mimetype == "application/pdf") {
$ext = "pdf";
else {
$ext = "";
if ($ext) {
$newfile = "passport_" . $profileid . "_" . $filenameaddon . "." . $ext;
$file = $full_home_path . "/_rootfiles/" . $newfile;
if (!file_exists($file)) {
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field_name]["tmp_name"], $file)) {
@chmod($file, 511);
return $newfile;
else {
$UploadError = "cant move tmp file";
return false;
else {
$UploadError = "file exists";
return false;
else {
$UploadError = "bad mime type";
return false;
else {
$UploadError = "code: " . $_FILES[$field_name]["error"];
return false;
function IsProfileUsed($profileId)
($r = @mysql_query("select * from orders_domains where profileId='{$profileId}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2265 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsProfileUsed" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return true;
else {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from users where defaultProfileId='{$profileId}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2269 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsProfileUsed" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function IsEmailUsed($email)
($r = @mysql_query("select * from users where (email='{$email}' OR email2='{$email}')")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2279 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsEmailUsed" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function hexbin($temp)
$len = strlen($temp);
$i = 0;
for (; $i < $len; $i += 2) {
$data .= chr(hexdec(substr($temp, $i, 2)));
return $data;
function GetServersIPs($server_id, $order_id = "")
if ($order_id) {
$addon = "and order_id='{$order_id}'";
($r = @mysql_query("select * from servers_ips where server_id='{$server_id}' {$addon} order by ip")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2296 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetServersIPs" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
function GetFreeServerIP($server_id)
($r = @mysql_query("select * from servers_ips where server_id='{$server_id}' and order_id='0' LIMIT 0,1")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2303 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetFreeServerIP" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = @mysql_fetch_object($r);
return $r;
function GetOrderIpByOrderId($order_id)
$order = getorderbyid($order_id);
if ($order->id && $order->serverid) {
$server = getservers($order->serverid);
($r = @mysql_query("select * from servers_ips where server_id='{$server->id}' and order_id='{$order->id}' and isMain='1'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2315 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetOrderIpByOrderId" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
return $r->ip;
else {
return $server->userip;
function printTarifCost($tarif_id, $valuta, $months, $enc = "windows-1251")
$tarif = gettarifbyid($tarif_id);
if ($tarif->id) {
($srok = @mysql_query("select * from tarifs_sroki where tarif_id='{$tarif->id}' and months='{$months}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2329 . "<BR>Function: " . "printTarifCost" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($srok)) {
$srok = mysql_fetch_object($srok);
$currency = getcurrencybycode(strtoupper($valuta));
if ($currency->code) {
$cost = ($tarif->cost * $months) - ((($tarif->cost * $months) / 100) * $srok->discount);
$cost = $cost * $currency->koeficient;
$cost = round($cost, 2);
if ($enc == "utf-8") {
else if ($enc == "koi8-r") {
$currency->symbol = iconv("utf-8", "koi8-r", $currency->symbol);
else if ($enc == "windows-1251") {
$currency->symbol = iconv("utf-8", "windows-1251", $currency->symbol);
print($cost . " " . $currency->symbol);
else {
print("no currency");
else {
print("no srok");
else {
print("no tarif");
function GetShopItemGroups()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from shop_groups order by name")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2358 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetShopItemGroups" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetShopItemGroupById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from shop_groups where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2365 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetShopItemGroupById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($z);
function IsShopItemInUse($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from orders_shop where item='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2372 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsShopItemInUse" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function GetShopItemById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from shop_items where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2381 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetShopItemById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetOrderShopById($id, $uid = "")
if ($uid) {
$sqladdon = "and uid='{$uid}'";
else {
$sqladdon = "";
($z = @mysql_query("select *,TO_DAYS(todate)-TO_DAYS(NOW()) as leftdays,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(todate) as todateunixtimestamp from orders_shop where id='{$id}' {$sqladdon}")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2391 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetOrderShopById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
return $z;
function GetShopItems()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from shop_items order by name")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2399 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetShopItems" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetFaqGroups()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from faq_groups order by sort,id")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2406 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetFaqGroups" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetFaqGroupById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from faq_groups where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2413 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetFaqGroupById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($z);
function GetZonesGroups()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from zones_groups order by sort,id")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2420 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZonesGroups" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetZonesGroupById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from zones_groups where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2427 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetZonesGroupById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($z);
function GetFaqs($group = "")
if ($group != "") {
$addon = "where `group`='{$group}'";
($z = @mysql_query("select * from faq {$addon} order by `group`,sort,id")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2436 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetFaqs" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetFaqById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from faq where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2443 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetFaqById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($z);
function printDomainCost($zone_id, $costType, $isRenew, $valuta, $enc = "windows-1251")
$zone = getzonebyid($zone_id);
if ($zone->id) {
if ($costType == "cost1") {
if ($isRenew) {
$cost = $zone->renew_if_not_host / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($zone->renew_if_not_hostCurrency);
else {
$cost = $zone->cost_if_not_host / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($zone->cost_if_not_hostCurrency);
else if ($costType == "cost2") {
if ($isRenew) {
$cost = $zone->renew_if_host / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($zone->renew_if_hostCurrency);
else {
$cost = $zone->cost_if_host / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($zone->cost_if_hostCurrency);
else if ($costType == "reseller") {
if ($isRenew) {
$cost = $zone->renew_if_reseller / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($zone->renew_if_resellerCurrency);
else {
$cost = $zone->cost_if_reseller / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($zone->cost_if_resellerCurrency);
else if ($costType == "domainreseller") {
if ($isRenew) {
$cost = $zone->renew_if_domainreseller / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($zone->renew_if_domainresellerCurrency);
else {
$cost = $zone->cost_if_domainreseller / getcurrencykoeficientbycode($zone->cost_if_domainresellerCurrency);
else {
print("no costtype");
if ($cost) {
$currency = getcurrencybycode(strtoupper($valuta));
if ($currency->code) {
$cost = $cost * $currency->koeficient;
$cost = round($cost, 2);
if ($enc == "utf-8") {
else if ($enc == "koi8-r") {
$currency->symbol = iconv("utf-8", "koi8-r", $currency->symbol);
else if ($enc == "windows-1251") {
$currency->symbol = iconv("utf-8", "windows-1251", $currency->symbol);
print($cost . " " . $currency->symbol);
else {
print("no currency");
else {
print("no zone");
function parseRPStrArray($str, $d1, $d2)
$ss = @mb_split("{$d1}", $str);
while (list($k, $v) = @each($ss)) {
$qq = @mb_split("{$d2}", $v);
$param = $qq[0];
$value = $qq[1];
if ($param && $value) {
$res_array[$param] = $value;
return $res_array;
function parseRPArrayStr($arrayTo, $d1, $d2)
while (list($k, $v) = @each($arrayTo)) {
$arrayToJoin[] = $k . "{$d2}" . $v;
$resString = @join($d1, $arrayToJoin);
return $resString;
function GetAdminGroups()
($z = @mysql_query("select * from admin_groups order by name")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2527 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAdminGroups" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return $z;
function GetAdminGroupById($id)
($z = @mysql_query("select * from admin_groups where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2534 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetAdminGroupById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($z);
function printCourses($code, $enc = "utf-8")
$code = strtoupper($code);
($z = @mysql_query("select * from currency where code='{$code}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2543 . "<BR>Function: " . "printCourses" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($z)) {
$z = mysql_fetch_object($z);
if ($enc == "utf-8") {
else if ($enc == "koi8-r") {
$z->symbol = iconv("utf-8", "koi8-r", $z->symbol);
else if ($enc == "windows-1251") {
$z->symbol = iconv("utf-8", "windows-1251", $z->symbol);
print($z->koeficient . " " . $z->symbol);
else {
print("no currency");
function IsNonCheckedTestimonials()
($r = @mysql_query("select id from testimonials where checked=0 LIMIT 0,1")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2562 . "<BR>Function: " . "IsNonCheckedTestimonials" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return true;
function GetSMSGateways($onlyActive = 0)
if ($onlyActive) {
$where = "where active=1";
($r = @mysql_query("select * from smsgateways {$where}")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2569 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetSMSGateways" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return $r;
function GetSMSGatewayTypeById($id)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select type from smsgateways where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2577 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetSMSGatewayTypeById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = @mysql_fetch_object($r);
return $r->type;
return "";
function GetSMSGatewayById($id)
($r = @mysql_query("select * from smsgateways where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2587 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetSMSGatewayById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return mysql_fetch_object($r);
function GetDomainsFreeCountTodayByUserId($userid)
($r = @mysql_query("select freeDomainCount from users where id='{$userid}' and TO_DAYS(freeDomainDay)=TO_DAYS(NOW())")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2594 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetDomainsFreeCountTodayByUserId" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
$r = mysql_fetch_object($r);
return $r->freeDomainCount;
else {
return 0;
function encodePwd($data, $decode = 0)
$pwd = "dfkDFG$#rdsf%^4dsfxdsf23534";
if (!$data) {
return "";
$pwd_length = strlen($pwd);
$i = 0;
for (; $i < 255; $i++) {
$key[$i] = ord(substr($pwd, ($i % $pwd_length) + 1, 1));
$counter[$i] = $i;
$i = 0;
for (; $i < 255; $i++) {
$x = ($x + $counter[$i] + $key[$i]) % 256;
$temp_swap = $counter[$i];
$counter[$i] = $counter[$x];
$counter[$x] = $temp_swap;
$i = 0;
for (; $i < strlen($data); $i++) {
$a = ($a + 1) % 256;
$j = ($j + $counter[$a]) % 256;
$temp = $counter[$a];
$counter[$a] = $counter[$j];
$counter[$j] = $temp;
$k = $counter[($counter[$a] + $counter[$j]) % 256];
$Zcipher = ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) ^ $k;
$Zcrypt .= chr($Zcipher);
if ($decode) {
return $Zcrypt;
else {
return bin2hex($Zcrypt);
function decodePwd($data)
return encodepwd(hex2binrp($data), 1);
function hex2binRP($hexdata)
$i = 0;
for (; $i < strlen($hexdata); $i += 2) {
$bindata .= chr(hexdec(substr($hexdata, $i, 2)));
return $bindata;
function AddAPILog($login, $command, $status, $serializedData, $id = "", $querySeconds = "")
global $ip;
if (!$id) {
@mysql_query("INSERT INTO api_logs (dtStart,ip,login,command,request) VALUES(NOW(),'{$ip}','{$login}','{$command}','{$serializedData}')") || exit(mysql_error());
$id = @mysql_insert_id();
return $id;
else {
@mysql_query("UPDATE api_logs set dtEnd=NOW(),querySeconds='{$querySeconds}',response='{$serializedData}',status='{$status}' WHERE id='{$id}'") || exit(mysql_error());
return true;
function addWhoisLog($userid, $domain, $result)
global $ip;
$whoisLogEnable = getsetting("whoisLogEnable");
if ($whoisLogEnable) {
@mysql_query("INSERT INTO whois_logs (uid,domain,dt,result,ip) VALUES('{$userid}','{$domain}',NOW(),'{$result}','{$ip}')") || exit(mysql_error());
return true;
else {
return false;
function GetPaymentSystemById($id)
if ($id) {
($r = @mysql_query("select * from pay_systems where id='{$id}'")) || exit("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . 2678 . "<BR>Function: " . "GetPaymentSystemById" . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
if (0 < mysql_num_rows($r)) {
return @mysql_fetch_object($r);
function xmlToArrayL($xml, $get_attributes = 1, $priority = "tag")
if (!$xml) {
return array();
if (!function_exists("xml_parser_create")) {
return array();
$xml = preg_replace("/<\w+:(\w+)/", "<$1", $xml);
$xml = preg_replace("/<\/\w+:(\w+)/", "</$1", $xml);
$parser = xml_parser_create("");
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_parse_into_struct($parser, trim($xml), $xml_values);
if (!$xml_values) {
return NULL;
$xml_array = array();
$parents = array();
$opened_tags = array();
$arr = array();
$current = &$xml_array;
$repeated_tag_index = array();
foreach ($xml_values as $data ) {
$result = array();
$attributes_data = array();
if (isset($value)) {
if ($priority == "tag") {
$result = $value;
else {
$result["value"] = $value;
if (isset($attributes) && $get_attributes) {
foreach ($attributes as $attr => $val ) {
if ($priority == "tag") {
$attributes_data[$attr] = $val;
else {
$result["attr"][$attr] = $val;
if ($type == "open") {
$parent[$level - 1] = &$current;
if (!is_array($current) || !in_array($tag, array_keys($current))) {
$current[$tag] = $result;
if ($attributes_data) {
$current[$tag . "_attr"] = $attributes_data;
$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level] = 1;
$current = &$current[$tag];
else {
if (isset($current[$tag][0])) {
$current[$tag][$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level]] = $result;
$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level]++;
else {
$current[$tag] = array($current[$tag], $result);
$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level] = 2;
if (isset($current[$tag . "_attr"])) {
$current[$tag]["0_attr"] = $current[$tag . "_attr"];
unset($current[$tag . "_attr"]);
$last_item_index = $repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level] - 1;
$current = &$current[$tag][$last_item_index];
else if ($type == "complete") {
if (!isset($current[$tag])) {
$current[$tag] = $result;
$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level] = 1;
if (($priority == "tag") && $attributes_data) {
$current[$tag . "_attr"] = $attributes_data;
else {
if (isset($current[$tag][0]) && is_array($current[$tag])) {
$current[$tag][$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level]] = $result;
if (($priority == "tag") && $get_attributes && $attributes_data) {
$current[$tag][$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level] . "_attr"] = $attributes_data;
$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level]++;
else {
$current[$tag] = array($current[$tag], $result);
$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level] = 1;
if (($priority == "tag") && $get_attributes) {
if (isset($current[$tag . "_attr"])) {
$current[$tag]["0_attr"] = $current[$tag . "_attr"];
unset($current[$tag . "_attr"]);
if ($attributes_data) {
$current[$tag][$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level] . "_attr"] = $attributes_data;
$repeated_tag_index[$tag . "_" . $level]++;
else if ($type == "close") {
$current = &$parent[$level - 1];
return $xml_array;
function calculatePromoDiscountWithMaxSrok($summ, $srok, $promoMaxSrok, $promoDiscount)
if ($promoMaxSrok && ($promoMaxSrok < $srok)) {
$oneMonthCost = $summ / $srok;
$summWithoutDiscount = $oneMonthCost * ($srok - $promoMaxSrok);
$summForDiscount = $oneMonthCost * $promoMaxSrok;
$summDiscount = ($summForDiscount / 100) * $promoDiscount;
$result[summDiscount] = $summDiscount;
$result[totalSummWithDiscount] = ($summForDiscount - $summDiscount) + $summWithoutDiscount;
else {
$result[summDiscount] = ($summ / 100) * $promoDiscount;
$result[totalSummWithDiscount] = $summ - (($summ / 100) * $promoDiscount);
return $result;
function GetUserActiveReferalsLevel1Count($userId)
$cnt = 0;
$referals = getuserreferalsarray($userId);
while (list($id, $refArray) = @each($referals)) {
if (getbillpayedcountbyuserid($id) || isuserhaveactiveorders($id) || isuserhaveactivedomainorders($id) || isuserhaveactiveshoporders($id)) {
return $cnt;
function convertToLinks($text)
$text = preg_replace("/((ht|f)tp(s)?:\/\/[\w]+[^ "nrt<]*)/is", "<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/([a-z0-9&\-_\.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+)+)/i", "<a href="mailto:$1@$2" target="_blank">$1@$2</a>", $text);
return $text;
function GetOneAddonsCntForOrderId($orderid, $addonid)
$order = getorderbyid($orderid);
$addonsIdsArray = getaddonsidsbytxt($order->addons);
$cnt = 0;
while (list($k, $v) = @each($addonsIdsArray)) {
if ($v == $addonid) {
return $cnt;
@ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime", 0);
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if ($key != "message") {
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$$key = array();
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if ($kkey != "message") {
$vval = stripslashes($vval);
$tmp[$kkey] = htmlencode($vval);
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$tmp2 = array();
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if ($kkkey != "message") {
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$tmp2[$kkkey] = htmlencode($vvval);
$tmp[$kkey] = $tmp2;
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$queryParametersForLog["{$key}"] = $tmp;
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$_1_2[2][russian] = "две ";
$_1_2[1][ukrainian] = "одна ";
$_1_2[2][ukrainian] = "дві ";
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$_1_19[2][russian] = "два ";
$_1_19[3][russian] = "три ";
$_1_19[4][russian] = "четыре ";
$_1_19[5][russian] = "пять ";
$_1_19[6][russian] = "шесть ";
$_1_19[7][russian] = "семь ";
$_1_19[8][russian] = "восемь ";
$_1_19[9][russian] = "девять ";
$_1_19[10][russian] = "десять ";
$_1_19[11][russian] = "одиннацать ";
$_1_19[12][russian] = "двенадцать ";
$_1_19[13][russian] = "тринадцать ";
$_1_19[14][russian] = "четырнадцать ";
$_1_19[15][russian] = "пятнадцать ";
$_1_19[16][russian] = "шестнадцать ";
$_1_19[17][russian] = "семнадцать ";
$_1_19[18][russian] = "восемнадцать ";
$_1_19[19][russian] = "девятнадцать ";
$_1_19[1][ukrainian] = "одна ";
$_1_19[2][ukrainian] = "дві ";
$_1_19[3][ukrainian] = "три ";
$_1_19[4][ukrainian] = "чотири ";
$_1_19[5][ukrainian] = "п'ять ";
$_1_19[6][ukrainian] = "шість ";
$_1_19[7][ukrainian] = "сім ";
$_1_19[8][ukrainian] = "вісім ";
$_1_19[9][ukrainian] = "дев'ять ";
$_1_19[10][ukrainian] = "десять ";
$_1_19[11][ukrainian] = "одинадцять ";
$_1_19[12][ukrainian] = "дванадцять ";
$_1_19[13][ukrainian] = "тринадцять ";
$_1_19[14][ukrainian] = "чотирнадцять ";
$_1_19[15][ukrainian] = "п'ятнадцять ";
$_1_19[16][ukrainian] = "шістнадцять ";
$_1_19[17][ukrainian] = "сімнадцять ";
$_1_19[18][ukrainian] = "вісімнадцять ";
$_1_19[19][ukrainian] = "дев'ятнадцять ";
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$des[3][russian] = "тридцать ";
$des[4][russian] = "сорок ";
$des[5][russian] = "пятьдесят ";
$des[6][russian] = "шестьдесят ";
$des[7][russian] = "семьдесят ";
$des[8][russian] = "восемдесят ";
$des[9][russian] = "девяносто ";
$des[2][ukrainian] = "двадцять ";
$des[3][ukrainian] = "тридцять ";
$des[4][ukrainian] = "сорок ";
$des[5][ukrainian] = "п'ятдесят ";
$des[6][ukrainian] = "шістдесят ";
$des[7][ukrainian] = "сімдесят ";
$des[8][ukrainian] = "вісімдесят ";
$des[9][ukrainian] = "дев'яносто ";
$hang[1][russian] = "сто ";
$hang[2][russian] = "двести ";
$hang[3][russian] = "триста ";
$hang[4][russian] = "четыреста ";
$hang[5][russian] = "пятьсот ";
$hang[6][russian] = "шестьсот ";
$hang[7][russian] = "семьсот ";
$hang[8][russian] = "восемьсот ";
$hang[9][russian] = "девятьсот ";
$hang[1][ukrainian] = "сто ";
$hang[2][ukrainian] = "двісті ";
$hang[3][ukrainian] = "триста ";
$hang[4][ukrainian] = "чотириста ";
$hang[5][ukrainian] = "п'ятсот ";
$hang[6][ukrainian] = "шістсот ";
$hang[7][ukrainian] = "сімсот ";
$hang[8][ukrainian] = "вісімсот ";
$hang[9][ukrainian] = "дев'ятсот ";
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$nametho[2][russian] = "тысячи ";
$nametho[3][russian] = "тысяч ";
$nametho[1][ukrainian] = "тисяча ";
$nametho[2][ukrainian] = "тисячі ";
$nametho[3][ukrainian] = "тисяч ";
$namemil[1][russian] = "миллион ";
$namemil[2][russian] = "миллиона ";
$namemil[3][russian] = "миллионов ";
$namemil[1][ukrainian] = "мільйон ";
$namemil[2][ukrainian] = "мільйони ";
$namemil[3][ukrainian] = "мільйонів ";
$namemrd[1][russian] = "миллиард ";
$namemrd[2][russian] = "миллиарда ";
$namemrd[3][russian] = "миллиардов ";
$namemrd[1][ukrainian] = "мільярд ";
$namemrd[2][ukrainian] = "мільярди ";
$namemrd[3][ukrainian] = "мільярдів ";
$namecur[RUB][1][russian] = "рубль ";
$namecur[RUB][2][russian] = "рубля ";
$namecur[RUB][3][russian] = "рублей ";
$namecur[UAH][1][russian] = "гривна ";
$namecur[UAH][2][russian] = "гривны ";
$namecur[UAH][3][russian] = "гривен ";
$namecur[KZT][1][russian] = "тенге ";
$namecur[KZT][2][russian] = "тенге ";
$namecur[KZT][3][russian] = "тенге ";
$namecur[UZS][1][russian] = "сум ";
$namecur[UZS][2][russian] = "сума ";
$namecur[UZS][3][russian] = "сум ";
$namecur[RUB][1][ukrainian] = "рубль ";
$namecur[RUB][2][ukrainian] = "рубля ";
$namecur[RUB][3][ukrainian] = "рублів ";
$namecur[UAH][1][ukrainian] = "гривня ";
$namecur[UAH][2][ukrainian] = "гривні ";
$namecur[UAH][3][ukrainian] = "гривень ";
$namecur[KZT][1][ukrainian] = "тенге ";
$namecur[KZT][2][ukrainian] = "тенге ";
$namecur[KZT][3][ukrainian] = "тенге ";
$namecur[UZS][1][ukrainian] = "сум ";
$namecur[UZS][2][ukrainian] = "сума ";
$namecur[UZS][3][ukrainian] = "сум ";
$kopeek[RUB][1][russian] = "копейка ";
$kopeek[RUB][2][russian] = "копейки ";
$kopeek[RUB][3][russian] = "копеек ";
$kopeek[UAH][1][russian] = "копейка ";
$kopeek[UAH][2][russian] = "копейки ";
$kopeek[UAH][3][russian] = "копеек ";
$kopeek[KZT][1][russian] = "тиын ";
$kopeek[KZT][2][russian] = "тиын ";
$kopeek[KZT][3][russian] = "тиын ";
$kopeek[UZS][1][russian] = "тийин ";
$kopeek[UZS][2][russian] = "тийин ";
$kopeek[UZS][3][russian] = "тийин ";
$kopeek[RUB][1][ukrainian] = "копійка ";
$kopeek[RUB][2][ukrainian] = "копійки ";
$kopeek[RUB][3][ukrainian] = "копійок ";
$kopeek[UAH][1][ukrainian] = "копійка ";
$kopeek[UAH][2][ukrainian] = "копійки ";
$kopeek[UAH][3][ukrainian] = "копійок ";
$kopeek[KZT][1][ukrainian] = "тіин ";
$kopeek[KZT][2][ukrainian] = "тіин ";
$kopeek[KZT][3][ukrainian] = "тіин ";
$kopeek[UZS][1][ukrainian] = "тійін ";
$kopeek[UZS][2][ukrainian] = "тійін ";
$kopeek[UZS][3][ukrainian] = "тійін ";
$lknbsdfc->wweqwrexs = readlicenseencryptedarray();
$lsknhdsf->qwwdxz = getkey();
checkrplby($lknbsdfc->wweqwrexs, $lsknhdsf->qwwdxz);
checkrplid($lknbsdfc->wweqwrexs, $lsknhdsf->qwwdxz);
checkrpldate($lknbsdfc->wweqwrexs, $lsknhdsf->qwwdxz);
checkrpldomain($lknbsdfc->wweqwrexs, $lsknhdsf->qwwdxz);
checkrplip($lknbsdfc->wweqwrexs, $lsknhdsf->qwwdxz);
checkrplsc($sc, $lknbsdfc->wweqwrexs, $lsknhdsf->qwwdxz); */
checknewinstall($do, $_SESSION["adminId"]);
/* $lti = $retfsff;
$ltd = $vfdFDsdfg;
$ltr = $sfsdfewwc;
$ltq = $ertdsfgsdf; */