Файл: _rootadmin/_shop.inc.php
Строк: 276
if ($sub == 'delete') {
if ($reason) {
if (!$mass) { $elementsToCheck = array(); $elementsToCheck[] = $id; }
if (count($elementsToCheck) > 0) {
while (list($k,$v) = @each($elementsToCheck)) {
$orderShop = GetOrderShopById($v);
$shopItem = GetShopItemById($orderShop->item);
$user = GetUserById($orderShop->uid);
if ($orderShop->id) {
if ($shopItem->type == "avdesk" or $shopItem->type == "avdesk6") {
if ($orderShop->field1) {
if (deleteShopOrder($orderShop->id)) {
print "Аккаунт <B>$orderShop->field1</b> для заказа на товар <B>ID #$orderShop->id ($shopItem->name)</b> автоматически удален на сервере.<BR>";
} else {
print "Аккаунт <B>$orderShop->field1</b> для заказа на товар <B>ID #$orderShop->id ($shopItem->name)</b> не удален на сервере ($GLOBALerror).<BR>";
} else {
print "Аккаунт для заказа на товар <B>ID #$orderShop->id ($shopItem->name)</b> не удалён на сервере (не указан логин на сервере).<BR>";
@mysql_query("delete from orders_shop where id='$orderShop->id'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
$bs = @mysql_query("select * from bills where shop_id='$orderShop->id'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
while ($b = @mysql_fetch_object($bs)) {
if (!$b->status) {
@mysql_query("delete from bills where id='$b->id'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
} else {
@mysql_query("update bills set archived=1 where id='$b->id'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
writeAdminLog("Удален заказ на товар ID # $orderShop->id, $shopItem->name ($reason)");
$tpl=GetTpl('email_touser_shop_delete', $user->lang);
$subject=$tpl[subject]; $template=$tpl[template];
if ($subject and $template) {
$template = str_replace('{company_name}',$company_name,$template);
$template = str_replace('{company_url}',$company_url,$template);
$template = str_replace('{support_url}',$support_url,$template);
$template = str_replace('{item}',$shopItem->name,$template);
$template = str_replace('{reason}',$reason,$template);
print "Заказ на товар <B>ID # $orderShop->id, $shopItem->name</b> и все счета, относящиеся к нему, успешно удалены.<BR>";
print "<BR>";
else {
print "<form method=post>";
print "<input type=hidden name=do value='$do'>";
print "<input type=hidden name=sub value='$sub'>";
print "<input type=hidden name=mass value='$mass'>";
if (!$mass) {
print "<input type=hidden name=id value='$id'>";
} else {
while (list($k,$v) = @each($elementsToCheck)) {
print "<input type=hidden name=elementsToCheck[] value='$v'>";
print "<B>Причина удаления заказа на товар:</b> <input type=text name=reason size=20> ";
print "<input type=submit value=Удалить>";
print "</form><BR><BR>";
if ($param == "uid" and $search) { print menu_admin_client($search); }
if ($param and $search) {$linkAddon = "param=$param&search=$search";}
if ($mitem_id) { $linkAddon .= "&mitem_id=$mitem_id"; }
if ($mitem_id) { $param = "item"; $search = $mitem_id; $show = "all"; }
$myShow = $_SESSION["shopShow"]; if (!$myShow) { $myShow="all"; }
if ($show and $show != $myShow) { $myShow = $show; $_SESSION["shopShow"] = $myShow; }
$mySort = $_SESSION["shopSort"];
if ($myShow == "all") {
$where = "where 1";
} else if ($myShow == "vobrab") {
$where = "where o.status=3";
} else if ($myShow == "obrab") {
$where = "where o.status=1";
} else if ($myShow == "noobrab") {
$where = "where o.status=0";
} else if ($myShow == "suspended") {
$where = "where o.status=2";
} else if ($myShow == "toexpire") {
$where = "where NOT(o.todate='0000-00-00') and TO_DAYS(o.todate)-TO_DAYS(NOW())>=0 and TO_DAYS(o.todate)-TO_DAYS(NOW())<=15";
} else if ($myShow == "expired") {
$where = "where NOT(o.todate='0000-00-00') and TO_DAYS(o.todate)-TO_DAYS(NOW())<0";
if ($param == 'name') { $operat = "t.$param LIKE '%$search%'"; } else if ($param == 'uid' or $param == 'item') { $operat = "o.$param = '$search'"; } else { $operat = "o.$param LIKE '%$search%'"; }
if ($search) { $where .= " and t.id=o.item and $operat"; } else {$where .= " and t.id=o.item";}
if (!$mySort) { $mySort = "id"; } # установка поля для сортировки по умолчанию, если не указано
if ($sort and $sort != $mySort) { $mySort = $sort; } # установка нового типа сортировки, если клиент выбрал другой
$_SESSION["shopSort"] = $mySort;
if (!$_SESSION["shopDesc"]) { $_SESSION["shopDesc"] = "desc"; } # получение направления сортировки или установка по умолчанию
if ($desc and $desc != $_SESSION["shopDesc"]) { $_SESSION["shopDesc"] = $desc; } # установка нового направления сортировки, если клиент выбрал другое
if (!$desc and $_SESSION["shopDesc"]) { $desc = $_SESSION["shopDesc"]; }
if ($desc == "desc") { $desc = "asc"; } else { $desc = "desc"; }
$myDesc = $_SESSION["shopDesc"];
if (!$mitem_id) {
<table width=99%>
<Td valign=top>
<table width=270>
<tr><td align=center bgcolor=<? print $font_head?>><B>Фильтр</b></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor=<? print $font_row?>>
<form method=post>
Статус заказов: <select name=show>
<option value=all <? if ($myShow == 'all') {print "selected";} ?>>Все заказы</option>
<option value=vobrab <? if ($myShow == 'vobrab') {print "selected";} ?>>В обработке</option>
<option value=obrab <? if ($myShow == 'obrab') {print "selected";} ?>>Обработанные</option>
<option value=noobrab <? if ($myShow == 'noobrab') {print "selected";} ?>>Не обработанные</option>
<option value=suspended <? if ($myShow == 'suspended') {print "selected";} ?>>Приостановленные</option>
<option value=toexpire <? if ($myShow == 'toexpire') {print "selected";} ?>>Заканчивающиеся</option>
<option value=expired <? if ($myShow == 'expired') {print "selected";} ?>>Закончившиеся</option>
<center><input type=submit value=Показать></center>
<td width=50> </td>
<Td valign=top>
<table width=340>
<tr><td align=center bgcolor=<? print $font_head?>><B>Поиск</b></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor=<? print $font_row?>><form method=post><input type=hidden name=show value=all><select name=param><option value=name selected>Товар:</option><option value=remark>Комментарий:</option></select> <input type=text name=search size=20> <input type=submit value=Найти></form></td></tr>
<td width=100%></td>
$r=@mysql_query("select o.*,TO_DAYS(o.todate)-TO_DAYS(NOW()) as leftdays,t.name from orders_shop as o, shop_items as t $where order by o.$mySort $myDesc") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
$rows = mysql_num_rows($r);
list($start, $perPage, $txt) = MakePages($page, $rows, $linkAddon);
<form method=post>
<input type=hidden name=do value=<? print $do?>>
<input type=hidden name=sub value=delete>
<input type=hidden name=mass value=1>
<table cellpadding=3 width=99%>
<tr><td colspan=10 align=right><? print $txt?></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=10 align=center bgcolor=<? print $font_head?>><B>Заказы на товары</b></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=<? print $font_head?> align=center>
<td><input type=checkbox onclick='setChecked(this,0)'></td>
<td><a href=?do=<? print $do?>&sort=id&desc=<? print $desc?>&mitem_id=<? print $mitem_id?>>ID <? if ($mySort == "id") { print "<img src=./_rootimages/s_".$myDesc.".png border=0 width=11 height=9 alt='".$_sort[$myDesc]."'>"; } ?></a></td>
<td><a href=?do=<? print $do?>&sort=orderdate&desc=<? print $desc?>&mitem_id=<? print $mitem_id?>>Дата <? if ($mySort == "orderdate") { print "<img src=./_rootimages/s_".$myDesc.".png border=0 width=11 height=9 alt='".$_sort[$myDesc]."'>"; } ?></a></td>
<td><a href=?do=<? print $do?>&sort=item&desc=<? print $desc?>&mitem_id=<? print $mitem_id?>>Товар <? if ($mySort == "item") { print "<img src=./_rootimages/s_".$myDesc.".png border=0 width=11 height=9 alt='".$_sort[$myDesc]."'>"; } ?></a></td>
<td><a href=?do=<? print $do?>&sort=todate&desc=<? print $desc?>&mitem_id=<? print $mitem_id?>><img src=./_rootimages/shop.gif border=0 alt='Товар'> Конец <? if ($mySort == "todate") { print "<img src=./_rootimages/s_".$myDesc.".png border=0 width=11 height=9 alt='".$_sort[$myDesc]."'>"; } ?></a></td>
<td><img src=./_rootimages/shop.gif border=0 alt='Товар'> Статус</td>
$r=@mysql_query("select o.*,TO_DAYS(o.todate)-TO_DAYS(NOW()) as leftdays,t.name from orders_shop as o, shop_items as t $where order by o.$mySort $myDesc LIMIT $start,$perPage") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($r)) {
$u=mysql_query("select * from users where id = '$rr->uid'");
$t=mysql_query("select * from shop_items where id = '$rr->item'");
$b=mysql_query("select * from bills where archived=0 and shop_id = '$rr->id'") or die("File: ".__FILE__."<BR>Line: ".__LINE__."<BR>MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
if ($rr->leftdays == "") {$rr->leftdays=0;}
if ($rr->leftdays <= 15 and $rr->startdate != "0000-00-00" and $rr->todate != "0000-00-00") {$rr->leftdays = "<font color=red>".$rr->leftdays."</font>";}
$statusShop="<img src=./_rootimages/obrabotan_".$rr->status."_small.gif border=0 alt='".$_status[$rr->status]."'>";
$leftDaysShop="<label alt='осталось дней'>[$rr->leftdays]</label>";
if ($rr->startdate != "0000-00-00" and $rr->todate != "0000-00-00") { $toDateShopTxt = "$toDateShop $leftDaysShop"; } else { $toDateShopTxt = "-"; }
$remarkTxt = "";
if ($rr->comment) { $remarkTxt .= "<B>Комментарий клиента:</b> $rr->comment<BR>"; }
if ($rr->remark) { $remarkTxt .= "<B>Заметки для админа:</b> $rr->remark<BR>"; }
if ($rr->remarkUser) { $remarkTxt .= "<B>Заметки для клиента:</b> $rr->remarkUser<BR>"; }
if ($remarkTxt) { $remarkTxt = preg_replace("/rn/ui","<BR>",$remarkTxt); $remarkTxt = " <img src=./_rootimages/question.gif alt="$remarkTxt">"; }
print "
<tr bgcolor=$font_row height=30>
<td align=center width=20><input type=checkbox name=elementsToCheck[] value=$rr->id>
<td align=center width=20>
<a href=?do=$do&sub=delete&id=$rr->id onclick="javascript: return confirm('Будет удален заказ, а так же все счета, относящиесу к нему. Вы уверены, что хотите удалить заказ?');"><img src=./_rootimages/del.gif border=0 alt='Удалить заказ'></a>
<td align=center>".$rr->id."</td>
<td align=center>".mydate($rr->orderdate)."</td>
<td align=center><a href=?do=fullinfo&id=$u->id>$u->login</a></td>
<td align=center>$t->name$remarkTxt</td>
<td align=center nowrap>$toDateShopTxt</td>
<td align=center>$statusShop</font></td>
<td align=center width=50>
<a href=?do=editorder&shop_id=$rr->id><img src=./_rootimages/edit.gif border=0 alt='Редактировать заказ'></a>
<A href=?do=bills¶m=shop_id&search=$rr->id><img src=./_rootimages/bills.gif border=0 alt='Счета по данному заказу: $bills'></a>
<tr bgcolor=<? print $font_head?>><Td colspan=10>Всего заказов: <? print $rows?>, заказов на странице: <? print $cnt?></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=10 align=right><? print $txt?></td></tr>
Отмеченные заказы: <input type=submit value=Удалить>