Вход Регистрация
Файл: styles/templates/buildings/buildings_script.tpl
Строк: 60
<br> {bd_actual_production} <div id=bx
class=z></div> <script
type="text/javascript"> v = new Date(); p = 0; g =
{b_hangar_id_plus}; s = 0; hs = 0; of = 1; c = new Array({c}''); b
= new Array({b}''); a = new Array({a}''); aa =
'{bd_completed}'; function t() { if ( hs == 0 ) { xd(); hs =
1; } n = new Date(); s = c[p] - g - Math.round((n.getTime() -
v.getTime()) / 1000.); s = Math.round(s); m = 0; h = 0; if ( s <
0 ) { a[p]--; xd(); if ( a[p] <= 0 )
{ p++; xd(); } g = 0; v = new Date(); s = 0; } if (
s > 59 ) { m = Math.floor(s / 60); s = s - m * 60; } if ( m
> 59 ) { h = Math.floor(m / 60); m = m - h * 60; } if ( s <
10 ) { s = "0" + s; } if (m < 10) { m =
"0" + m; } if ( p > b.length - 2 )
{ document.getElementById("bx").innerHTML=aa ; } else
{ document.getElementById("bx").innerHTML=b[p]+"
} window.setTimeout("t();", 200); } function xd() { while
(document.Atr.auftr.length > 0)
{ document.Atr.auftr.options[document.Atr.auftr.length-1] =
null; } if ( p > b.length - 2 )
{ document.Atr.auftr.options[document.Atr.auftr.length] = new
Option(aa); } for ( iv = p; iv <= b.length - 2; iv++ ) { if (
a[iv] < 2 ) { ae = " "; } else { ae = "
"; } if ( iv == p ) { act = "
{bd_operating}"; } else { act =
""; } document.Atr.auftr.options[document.Atr.auftr.length]
= new Option( a[iv] + ae + " \"" + b[iv] +
"\"" + act, iv + of ); } } window.onload =
t; </script> <br /> <form name="Atr"
action="game.php?page=buildings"> <input
type="hidden" name="mode"
value="fleet"> <table
width="650"> <tr> <td class="c"
>{work_todo}</td> </tr> <tr> <th ><select
size="10"></select></th> </tr> <tr> <td
></td> </tr> </table> </form> <br
/> {total_left_time}
{pretty_time_b_hangar}<br></center> <br />
Онлайн: 2