Файл: includes/plugins.php
Строк: 233
* Plugins system
* @author Perberos
* @modified Adri93
* @package XNova
* @version 0.3
* @copyright (c) 2008,2009 XNova Group
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
if (!defined('INSIDE'))
die('Hacking attempt');
//Ahora el sistema de plugins es compatible con todas las versiones, solo hay que cambiar el root que utiliza el juego desde aqui :D
$game_root = $xgp_root;
// return the name of php file without extension
function phpself()
global $game_root;
$file = pathinfo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
// fix for PHP PHP 4 > 5.2.0
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '<'))
$file['filename'] = substr($file['basename'], 0,
strlen($file['basename']) - strlen($file['extension']) - 1);
if (basename($game_root) != '.')
return basename($file['dirname']).'/'.$file['filename'];
return $file['filename'];
// return if a name of php file is same of $name
function is_phpself($name)
return (phpself() == $name);
* This system is little similar to the punBB hook system, but it is more
* insecured and lazy.
* Now the code must be populated with:
* ($hook = get_hook('NameOfHook')) ? eval($hook) : null;
// this function store code into an array
function set_hook($name, $code)
global $plugins_hooks;
$plugins_hooks[$name][] = $code;
// this is used to get all code for the hook
function get_hook($name)
global $plugins_hooks;
if (isset($plugins_hooks[$name]))
return implode('', $plugins_hooks[$name]);
* This system say if the plugin is on or not.
* Now the code must be:
* PluginAct($name_of_the_plugin);
* @author adri93
function PluginAct($name)
$Exists = doquery("SELECT status FROM {{table}} WHERE `plugin` = '" . $name . "' LIMIT 1;", "plugins", true);
if(!$Exists) doquery("INSERT INTO {{table}} SET `plugin` = '" . $name . "';", "plugins");
return ($Exists[0]);
* Make a table for the configuration page of the plugin system
* Now the code must be:
* AdmPlugin($name_of_the_plugin, $description);
* @author adri93
function AdmPlugin($name, $desc)
$page = $_GET['modo'];
if(is_phpself('adm/SettingsPage') && $page=='plugins'){
$activado = PluginAct($name);
$config_line .= "<tr>";
if($activado == "1") { //if the plugin is on
$config_line .= "<td class="c" style="color:#FFFFFF">".$name."</td>";
$config_line .= "<td align="left" class="c" style="color:green"><b>On</b></td>";
$config_line .= "<td align="center" class="c" width="20px" style="color:#FFFFFF"><a href="SettingsPage.php?modo=plugins&desactivate=".$name."">Деактивировать</a></td>";
} else { //if the plugin is off
$config_line .= "<td class="c" style="color:#FFFFFF"><a href="#" onMouseOver='return overlib("".$desc."", CENTER, OFFSETX, 120, OFFSETY, -40, WIDTH, 250);' onMouseOut='return nd();' class="big">".$name."</a></td>";
$config_line .= "<td align="left" class="c" style="color:red"><b>Off</b></td>";
$config_line .= "<td align="center" class="c" width="20px" style="color:#FFFFFF"><a href="SettingsPage.php?modo=plugins&activate=".$name."">Активировать</a></td>";
$config_line .= "</tr>";
return ($config_line);
$config_line = "";
// making a little better the code using one var instead of two.
$plugins_path = $game_root.'includes/plugins/';
// this variable is only for compatibility reasons, using version_compare()
$plugins_version = '0.3';
// this array is used to store code for actions trigger in some hooks
$plugins_hooks = array();
// open all files inside plugins folder
$dir = opendir($plugins_path);
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
// we check if the file is a include file
$extension = '.'.substr($file, -3);
// and include once the file
if ($extension == '.'.$phpEx)
include $plugins_path . $file;
elseif (file_exists($plugins_path.$file.'/'.$file.'.'.$phpEx))
{ // by the way, we check if the plugin is inside of a folder
include $plugins_path.$file.'/'.$file.'.'.$phpEx;
*Plugins admin panel
*This is a little plugin integrated in the system
*for control the others plugins.
*@author adri93
if ( defined('IN_ADMIN') )
$lang['mu_settings'] .= '</a></th></tr><tr><th ".$onMouseOverIE." class="ForIE"><a href="SettingsPage.php?modo=plugins" target="Hauptframe">Config. plugins';
$dpath = "../". DEFAULT_SKINPATH ;
$page = $_GET['modo'];
if(is_phpself('adm/SettingsPage') && $page=='plugins'){
//Si existe activar, activamos el plugin, xD
if($_GET['activate']) {
$plugin = $_GET['activate'];
//Verificamos que exista
$ex = doquery("SELECT status FROM {{table}} WHERE `plugin`='". $plugin ."' LIMIT 1", 'plugins', true);
doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `status` = 1 WHERE `plugin`='".$plugin."' LIMIT 1", "plugins");
$info = "<big>Плагин Активирован</big>";}
//Si existe desactivar, lo desactivamos
if($_GET['desactivate']) {
$plugin = $_GET['desactivate'];
//Verificamos que exista
$ex = doquery("SELECT status FROM {{table}} WHERE `plugin`='". $plugin ."' LIMIT 1", 'plugins', true);
doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `status` = 0 WHERE `plugin`='". $plugin ."' LIMIT 1", "plugins");
$info = "<h1>Плагин Деактивирован</h1>";}
$settingsplug =' <br><table width="250"><br>';
$settingsplug .=' <td class="c" colspan="3" style="color:#FFFA00"><font size="3">Панель Плагинов</font></td>';
$settingsplug .= $info;
$settingsplug .=' <br>';
$settingsplug .=' <tr>';
$settingsplug .=' <td class="a" colspan="3" style="color:#FFFFFF"><strong> Плагины </strong></td>';
$settingsplug .=' </tr>';
$settingsplug .= $config_line;
$settingsplug .=' </table>';
display($settingsplug, false, '', true, false);