Файл: includes/functions/CreateOnePlanetRecord.php
Строк: 373
# * #
# * #
# * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 By lucky from xgproyect.net #
# * #
# * #
# * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# * (at your option) any later version. #
# * #
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# * GNU General Public License for more details. #
# * #
if(!defined('INSIDE')){ die(header("location:../../"));}
function PlanetSizeRandomiser ($Position, $HomeWorld = false)
global $game_config, $user;
if (!$HomeWorld)
$ClassicBase = 163;
$SettingSize = $game_config['initial_fields'];
$PlanetRatio = floor ( ($ClassicBase / $SettingSize) * 10000 ) / 100;
$RandomMin = array ( 140, 150, 155, 200, 195, 180, 215, 220, 225, 175, 180, 185, 160, 140, 150);
$RandomMax = array ( 290, 295, 295, 440, 440, 430, 380, 380, 390, 325, 320, 330, 360, 500, 350);
$CalculMin = floor ( $RandomMin[$Position - 1] + ( $RandomMin[$Position - 1] * $PlanetRatio ) / 100 );
$CalculMax = floor ( $RandomMax[$Position - 1] + ( $RandomMax[$Position - 1] * $PlanetRatio ) / 100 );
$RandomSize = mt_rand($CalculMin, $CalculMax);
$MaxAddon = mt_rand(0, 110);
$MinAddon = mt_rand(0, 100);
$Addon = ($MaxAddon - $MinAddon);
$PlanetFields = ($RandomSize + $Addon);
$PlanetFields = $game_config['initial_fields'];
$PlanetSize = ($PlanetFields ^ (14 / 1.5)) * 75;
$return['diameter'] = $PlanetSize;
$return['field_max'] = $PlanetFields;
return $return;
function CreateOnePlanetRecord($Galaxy, $System, $Position, $PlanetOwnerID, $PlanetName = '', $HomeWorld = false)
global $lang;
$QrySelectPlanet = "SELECT `id` ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "FROM {{table}} ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "WHERE ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "`galaxy` = '". $Galaxy ."' AND ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "`system` = '". $System ."' AND ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "`planet` = '". $Position ."';";
$PlanetExist = doquery( $QrySelectPlanet, 'planets', true);
if (!$PlanetExist)
$planet = PlanetSizeRandomiser ($Position, $HomeWorld);
$planet['diameter'] = ($planet['field_max'] ^ (14 / 1.5)) * 75 ;
$planet['metal'] = BUILD_METAL;
$planet['crystal'] = BUILD_CRISTAL;
$planet['deuterium'] = BUILD_DEUTERIUM;
$planet['metal_perhour'] = $game_config['metal_basic_income'];
$planet['crystal_perhour'] = $game_config['crystal_basic_income'];
$planet['deuterium_perhour'] = $game_config['deuterium_basic_income'];
$planet['metal_max'] = BASE_STORAGE_SIZE;
$planet['crystal_max'] = BASE_STORAGE_SIZE;
$planet['deuterium_max'] = BASE_STORAGE_SIZE;
// Posistion 1 - 3: 80% entre 40 et 70 Cases ( 55+ / -15 )
// Posistion 4 - 6: 80% entre 120 et 310 Cases ( 215+ / -95 )
// Posistion 7 - 9: 80% entre 105 et 195 Cases ( 150+ / -45 )
// Posistion 10 - 12: 80% entre 75 et 125 Cases ( 100+ / -25 )
// Posistion 13 - 15: 80% entre 60 et 190 Cases ( 125+ / -65 )
$planet['galaxy'] = $Galaxy;
$planet['system'] = $System;
$planet['planet'] = $Position;
if ($Position == 1 || $Position == 2 || $Position == 3) {
$PlanetType = array('trocken');
$PlanetClass = array('planet');
$PlanetDesign = array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10');
$planet['temp_min'] = rand(0, 100);
$planet['temp_max'] = $planet['temp_min'] + 40;
} elseif ($Position == 4 || $Position == 5 || $Position == 6) {
$PlanetType = array('dschjungel');
$PlanetClass = array('planet');
$PlanetDesign = array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10');
$planet['temp_min'] = rand(-25, 75);
$planet['temp_max'] = $planet['temp_min'] + 40;
} elseif ($Position == 7 || $Position == 8 || $Position == 9) {
$PlanetType = array('normaltemp');
$PlanetClass = array('planet');
$PlanetDesign = array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07');
$planet['temp_min'] = rand(-50, 50);
$planet['temp_max'] = $planet['temp_min'] + 40;
} elseif ($Position == 10 || $Position == 11 || $Position == 12) {
$PlanetType = array('wasser');
$PlanetClass = array('planet');
$PlanetDesign = array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09');
$planet['temp_min'] = rand(-75, 25);
$planet['temp_max'] = $planet['temp_min'] + 40;
} elseif ($Position == 13 || $Position == 14 || $Position == 15) {
$PlanetType = array('eis');
$PlanetClass = array('planet');
$PlanetDesign = array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10');
$planet['temp_min'] = rand(-100, 10);
$planet['temp_max'] = $planet['temp_min'] + 40;
} else {
$PlanetType = array('dschjungel', 'gas', 'normaltemp', 'trocken', 'wasser', 'wuesten', 'eis');
$PlanetClass = array('planet');
$PlanetDesign = array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '00',);
$planet['temp_min'] = rand(-120, 10);
$planet['temp_max'] = $planet['temp_min'] + 40;
$planet['image'] = $PlanetType[ rand( 0, count( $PlanetType ) -1 ) ];
$planet['image'] .= $PlanetClass[ rand( 0, count( $PlanetClass ) - 1 ) ];
$planet['image'] .= $PlanetDesign[ rand( 0, count( $PlanetDesign ) - 1 ) ];
$planet['planet_type'] = 1;
$planet['id_owner'] = $PlanetOwnerID;
$planet['last_update'] = time();
$planet['name'] = ($PlanetName == '') ? $lang['sys_colo_defaultname'] : $PlanetName;
$QryInsertPlanet = "INSERT INTO {{table}} SET ";
if($HomeWorld == false)
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`name` = '".$lang['fcp_colony']."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`id_owner` = '". $planet['id_owner'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`id_level` = '". $user['authlevel'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`galaxy` = '". $planet['galaxy'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`system` = '". $planet['system'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`planet` = '". $planet['planet'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`last_update` = '". $planet['last_update'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`planet_type` = '". $planet['planet_type'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`image` = '". $planet['image'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`diameter` = '". $planet['diameter'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`field_max` = '". $planet['field_max'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`temp_min` = '". $planet['temp_min'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`temp_max` = '". $planet['temp_max'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`metal` = '". $planet['metal'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`metal_perhour` = '". $planet['metal_perhour'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`metal_max` = '". $planet['metal_max'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`crystal` = '". $planet['crystal'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`crystal_perhour` = '". $planet['crystal_perhour'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`crystal_max` = '". $planet['crystal_max'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`deuterium` = '". $planet['deuterium'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`deuterium_perhour` = '". $planet['deuterium_perhour'] ."', ";
$QryInsertPlanet .= "`deuterium_max` = '". $planet['deuterium_max'] ."';";
doquery( $QryInsertPlanet, 'planets');
$QrySelectPlanet = "SELECT `id` ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "FROM {{table}} ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "WHERE ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "`galaxy` = '". $planet['galaxy'] ."' AND ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "`system` = '". $planet['system'] ."' AND ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "`planet` = '". $planet['planet'] ."' AND ";
$QrySelectPlanet .= "`id_owner` = '". $planet['id_owner'] ."';";
$GetPlanetID = doquery( $QrySelectPlanet , 'planets', true);
$QrySelectGalaxy = "SELECT * ";
$QrySelectGalaxy .= "FROM {{table}} ";
$QrySelectGalaxy .= "WHERE ";
$QrySelectGalaxy .= "`galaxy` = '". $planet['galaxy'] ."' AND ";
$QrySelectGalaxy .= "`system` = '". $planet['system'] ."' AND ";
$QrySelectGalaxy .= "`planet` = '". $planet['planet'] ."';";
$GetGalaxyID = doquery( $QrySelectGalaxy, 'galaxy', true);
if ($GetGalaxyID)
$QryUpdateGalaxy = "UPDATE {{table}} SET ";
$QryUpdateGalaxy .= "`id_planet` = '". $GetPlanetID['id'] ."' ";
$QryUpdateGalaxy .= "WHERE ";
$QryUpdateGalaxy .= "`galaxy` = '". $planet['galaxy'] ."' AND ";
$QryUpdateGalaxy .= "`system` = '". $planet['system'] ."' AND ";
$QryUpdateGalaxy .= "`planet` = '". $planet['planet'] ."';";
doquery( $QryUpdateGalaxy, 'galaxy');
$QryInsertGalaxy = "INSERT INTO {{table}} SET ";
$QryInsertGalaxy .= "`galaxy` = '". $planet['galaxy'] ."', ";
$QryInsertGalaxy .= "`system` = '". $planet['system'] ."', ";
$QryInsertGalaxy .= "`planet` = '". $planet['planet'] ."', ";
$QryInsertGalaxy .= "`id_planet` = '". $GetPlanetID['id'] ."';";
doquery( $QryInsertGalaxy, 'galaxy');
$RetValue = true;
$RetValue = false;
return $RetValue;