Файл: modules/wysibb/lang/en.js
Строк: 56
if (typeof (WBBLANG)=="undefined") {WBBLANG = {};}
WBBLANG['en'] = {
bold: "Bold",
italic: "Italic",
underline: "Underline",
strike: "Strike",
link: "Link",
img: "Insert image",
sup: "Superscript",
sub: "Subscript",
justifyleft: "Align left",
justifycenter: "Align center",
justifyright: "Align right",
table: "Insert table",
bullist: "• Unordered list",
numlist: "1. Ordered list",
quote: "Quote",
offtop: "Offtop",
code: "Code",
spoiler: "Spoiler",
fontcolor: "Font color",
fontsize: "Font size",
fontfamily: "Font family",
fs_verysmall: "Very small",
fs_small: "Small",
fs_normal: "Normal",
fs_big: "Big",
fs_verybig: "Very big",
smilebox: "Insert emoticon",
video: "Embed a video",
removeFormat:"Remove Format",
modal_link_title: "Insert link",
modal_link_text: "Display text",
modal_link_url: "URL",
modal_email_text: "Display email",
modal_email_url: "Email",
modal_link_tab1: "Insert URL",
modal_img_title: "Insert image",
modal_img_tab1: "Insert URL",
modal_img_tab2: "Upload image",
modal_imgsrc_text: "Enter image URL",
modal_img_btn: "Choose file",
add_attach: "Add Attachment",
modal_video_text: "Enter the URL of the video",
close: "Close",
save: "Save",
cancel: "Cancel",
remove: "Delete",
validation_err: "The entered data is invalid",
error_onupload: "Error during file upload",
fileupload_text1: "Drop file here",
fileupload_text2: "or",
loading: "Loading",
auto: "Auto",
views: "Views",
downloads: "Downloads",
sm1: "Smile",
sm2: "Laughter",
sm3: "Wink",
sm4: "Thank you",
sm5: "Scold",
sm6: "Shock",
sm7: "Angry",
sm8: "Pain",
sm9: "Sick"