Файл: style/keyboard.js
Строк: 719
/* ********************************************************************
* HTML Virtual Keyboard Interface script - v1.4a
* Copyright (c) 2007 - GreyWyvern
* - Licenced for free distribution under the BSDL
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.asp
* Add a script-driven keyboard interface to your text fields, password
* fields and textareas.
* See http://www.greywyvern.com/code/js/keyboard.html for examples and
* usage instructions.
* Version 1.4a - October 15, 2007
* - Keyboard is fully removed from document when hidden
* Version 1.4 - August 1, 2007
* - Simplified layout syntax a bit
* - Added version number to lower right of interface
* - Various other small bug fixes
* Version 1.3 - July 30, 2007
* - Interaction styling changes (Alt, AltGr, Shift)
* - Justified keys - last key expands to fit width
* - If no dead keys in layout, dead key checkbox is hidden
* - Option to disable dead keys per keyboard
* - Added the Number Pad layout
* - Pulled all variations of script up to same version number
* Version 1.2 - July 24, 2007
* - Added support for dead keys
* Keyboard Credits
* - Lithuanian and Russian keyboard layouts added by Ramunas
* - German keyboard layout added by QuHno
* - French keyboard layout added by Hidden Evil
* - Polish Programmers layout assisted by moose
* - Turkish keyboard layouts added by offcu
* - Dutch and US Int'l keyboard layouts assisted by jerone
* - Portuguese keyboard layout added by clisboa
function buildKeyboardInputs() {
var self = this;
this.VKI_version = "";
this.VKI_target = this.VKI_visible = "";
this.VKI_shift = this.VKI_capslock = this.VKI_alternate = this.VKI_dead = false;
this.VKI_deadkeysOn = false;
this.VKI_kt = "US"; // Default keyboard layout
this.VKI_range = false;
this.VKI_keyCenter = 3;
/* ***** Create keyboards **************************************** */
this.VKI_layout = new Object();
this.VKI_layoutDDK = new Object();
// - Lay out each keyboard in rows of sub-arrays. Each sub-array
// represents one key.
// - Each sub-array consists of four slots described as follows:
// example: ["a", "A", "u00e1", "u00c1"]
// a) Normal character
// A) Character + Shift or Caps
// u00e1) Character + Alt or AltGr
// u00c1) Character + Shift or Caps + Alt or AltGr
// You may include sub-arrays which are fewer than four slots. In
// these cases, the missing slots will be blanked when the
// corresponding modifier key (Shift or AltGr) is pressed.
// - If the second slot of a sub-array matches one of the following
// strings:
// "Tab", "Caps", "Shift", "Enter", "Bksp", "Alt" OR "AltGr"
// then the function of the key will be the following,
// respectively:
// - Insert a tab
// - Toggle Caps Lock (technically a Shift Lock)
// - Next entered character will be the shifted character
// - Insert a newline (textarea), or close the keyboard
// - Delete the previous character
// - Next entered character will be the alternate character
// The first slot of this sub-array will be the text to display on
// the corresponding key. This allows for easy localisation of key
// names.
// - Layout dead keys (diacritic + letter) should be added as arrays
// of two item arrays with hash keys equal to the diacritic. See
// the "this.VKI_deadkey" object below the layout definitions. In
// each two item child array, the second item is what the diacritic
// would change the first item to.
// - To disable dead keys for a layout, simply assign true to the
// this.VKI_layoutDDK (DDK = disable dead keys) object of the same
// name as the layout. See the Numpad layout below for an example.
// - Note that any characters beyond the normal ASCII set should be
// entered in escaped Unicode format. (eg u00a3 = Pound symbol)
// You can find Unicode values for characters here:
// http://unicode.org/charts/
// - To remove a keyboard, just delete it, or comment it out of the
// source code
this.VKI_layout.Belgian = [ // Belgian Standard Keyboard
[["u00b2", "u00b3"], ["&", "1", "|"], ["u00e9", "2", "@"], ['"', "3", "#"], ["'", "4"], ["(", "5"], ["u00a7", "6", "^"], ["u00e8", "7"], ["!", "8"], ["u00e7", "9", "{"], ["u00e0", "0", "}"], [")", "u00b0"], ["-", "_"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["a", "A"], ["z", "Z"], ["e", "E", "u20ac"], ["r", "R"], ["t", "T"], ["y", "Y"], ["u", "U"], ["i", "I"], ["o", "O"], ["p", "P"], ["u005e", "u00a8", "["], ["$", "*", "]"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["q", "Q"], ["s", "S"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L"], ["m", "M"], ["u00f9", "%", "u00b4"], ["u03bc", "u00a3", "`"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["<", ">", "\"], ["w", "W"], ["x", "X"], ["c", "C"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N"], [",", "?"], [";", "."], [":", "/"], ["=", "+", "~"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["AltGr", "AltGr"]]
this.VKI_layout.Dutch = [ // Dutch Standard Keyboard
[["@", "u00a7", "u00ac"], ["1", "!", "u00b9"], ["2", '"', "u00b2"], ["3", "#", "u00b3"], ["4", "$", "u00bc"], ["5", "%", "u00bd"], ["6", "&", "u00be"], ["7", "_", "u00a3"], ["8", "(", "{"], ["9", ")", "}"], ["0", "'"], ["/", "?", "\"], ["u00b0", "~", "u00b8"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["q", "Q"], ["w", "W"], ["e", "E", "u20ac"], ["r", "R", "u00b6"], ["t", "T"], ["y", "Y"], ["u", "U"], ["i", "I"], ["o", "O"], ["p", "P"], ["u00a8", "^"], ["*", "|"], ["<", ">"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A"], ["s", "S", "u00df"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L"], ["+", "u00b1"], ["u00b4", "u0060"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["]", "[", "u00a6"], ["z", "Z", "u00ab"], ["x", "X", "u00bb"], ["c", "C", "u00a2"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N"], ["m", "M", "u00b5"], [",", ";"], [".", ":", "u00b7"], ["-", "="], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["AltGr", "AltGr"]]
this.VKI_layout.Dvorak = [ // Dvorak Keyboard
[["`", "~"], ["1", "!"], ["2", "@"], ["3", "#"], ["4", "$"], ["5", "%"], ["6", "^"], ["7", "&"], ["8", "*"], ["9", "("], ["0", ")"], ["[", "{"], ["]", "}"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"],["'", '"'], [",", "<"], [".", ">"], ["p", "P"], ["y", "Y"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["c", "C"], ["r", "R"], ["l", "L"], ["/", "?"], ["=", "+"], ["\", "|"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A"], ["o", "O"], ["e", "E"], ["u", "U"], ["i", "I"], ["d", "D"], ["h", "H"], ["t", "T"], ["n", "N"], ["s", "S"], ["-", "_"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], [";", ":"], ["q", "Q"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["x", "X"], ["b", "B"], ["m", "M"], ["w", "W"], ["v", "V"], ["z", "Z"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " "]]
this.VKI_layout.French = [ // French Standard Keyboard
[["u00b2", "u00b3"], ["&", "1"], ["u00e9", "2", "~"], ['"', "3", "#"], ["'", "4", "{"], ["(", "5", "["], ["-", "6", "|"], ["u00e8", "7", "u0060"], ["_", "8", "\"], ["u00e7", "9", "u005e"], ["u00e0", "0", "u0040"], [")", "u00b0", "]"], ["=", "+", "}"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["a", "A"], ["z", "Z"], ["e", "E", "u20ac"], ["r", "R"], ["t", "T"], ["y", "Y"], ["u", "U"], ["i", "I"], ["o", "O"], ["p", "P"], ["^", "u00a8"], ["$", "u00a3", "u00a4"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["q", "Q"], ["s", "S"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L"], ["m", "M"], ["u00f9", "%"], ["*", "u03bc"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["<", ">"], ["w", "W"], ["x", "X"], ["c", "C"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N"], [",", "?"], [";", "."], [":", "/"], ["!", "u00a7"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["AltGr", "AltGr"]]
this.VKI_layout.German = [ // German Standard Keyboard
[["u005e", "u00b0"], ["1", "!"], ["2", '"', "u00b2"], ["3", "u00a7", "u00b3"], ["4", "$"], ["5", "%"], ["6", "&"], ["7", "/", "{"], ["8", "(", "["], ["9", ")", "]"], ["0", "=", "}"], ["u00df", "?", "\"], ["u00b4", "u0060"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["q", "Q", "u0040"], ["w", "W"], ["e", "E", "u20ac"], ["r", "R"], ["t", "T"], ["z", "Z"], ["u", "U"], ["i", "I"], ["o", "O"], ["p", "P"], ["u00fc", "u00dc"], ["+", "*", "~"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A"], ["s", "S"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L"], ["u00f6", "u00d6"], ["u00e4", "u00c4"], ["#", "'"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["<", ">", "u00a6"], ["y", "Y"], ["x", "X"], ["c", "C"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N"], ["m", "M", "u00b5"], [",", ";"], [".", ":"], ["-", "_"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["AltGr", "AltGr"]]
this.VKI_layout.Greek = [ // Greek Standard Keyboard
[["`", "~"], ["1", "!"], ["2", "@", "u00b2"], ["3", "#", "u00b3"], ["4", "$", "u00a3"], ["5", "%", "u00a7"], ["6", "^", "u00b6"], ["7", "&"], ["8", "*", "u00a4"], ["9", "(", "u00a6"], ["0", ")", "u00ba"], ["-", "_", "u00b1"], ["=", "+", "u00bd"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], [";", ":"], ["u03c2", "^"], ["u03b5", "u0395"], ["u03c1", "u03a1"], ["u03c4", "u03a4"], ["u03c5", "u03a5"], ["u03b8", "u0398"], ["u03b9", "u0399"], ["u03bf", "u039f"], ["u03c0", "u03a0"], ["[", "{", "u201c"], ["]", "}", "u201d"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["u03b1", "u0391"], ["u03c3", "u03a3"], ["u03b4", "u0394"], ["u03c6", "u03a6"], ["u03b3", "u0393"], ["u03b7", "u0397"], ["u03be", "u039e"], ["u03ba", "u039a"], ["u03bb", "u039b"], ["u0384", "u00a8", "u0385"], ["'", '"'], ["\", "|", "u00ac"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["<", ">"], ["u03b6", "u0396"], ["u03c7", "u03a7"], ["u03c8", "u03a8"], ["u03c9", "u03a9"], ["u03b2", "u0392"], ["u03bd", "u039d"], ["u03bc", "u039c"], [",", "<"], [".", ">"], ["/", "?"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["AltGr", "AltGr"]]
this.VKI_layout.Lithuanian = [ // Lithuanian Standard Keyboard
[["`", "~"], ["u0105", "u0104"], ["u010D", "u010C"], ["u0119", "u0118"], ["u0117", "u0116"], ["u012F", "u012E"], ["u0161", "u0160"], ["u0173", "u0172"], ["u016B", "u016A"], ["u201E", "("], ["u201C", ")"], ["-", "_"], ["u017E", "u017D"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["q", "Q"], ["w", "W"], ["e", "E"], ["r", "R"], ["t", "T"], ["y", "Y"], ["u", "U"], ["i", "I"], ["o", "O"], ["p", "P"], ["[", "{"], ["]", "}"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A"], ["s", "S"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L"], [";", ":"], ["'", '"'], ["\", "|"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["u2013", "u20AC"], ["z", "Z"], ["x", "X"], ["c", "C"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N"], ["m", "M"], [",", "<"], [".", ">"], ["/", "?"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " "]]
this.VKI_layout.Norwegian = [ // Norwegian Standard Keyboard
[["|", "u00a7"], ["1", "!"], ["2", '"', "@"], ["3", "#", "u00a3"], ["4", "u00a4", "$"], ["5", "%"], ["6", "&"], ["7", "/", "{"], ["8", "(", "["], ["9", ")", "]"], ["0", "=", "}"], ["+", "?"], ["\", "`", "u00b4"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["q", "Q"], ["w", "W"], ["e", "E", "u20ac"], ["r", "R"], ["t", "T"], ["y", "Y"], ["u", "U"], ["i", "I"], ["o", "O"], ["p", "P"], ["u00e5", "u00c5"], ["u00a8", "^", "~"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A"], ["s", "S"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L"], ["u00f8", "u00d8"], ["u00e6", "u00c6"], ["'", "*"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["<", ">"], ["z", "Z"], ["x", "X"], ["c", "C"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N"], ["m", "M", "u03bc", "u039c"], [",", ";"], [".", ":"], ["-", "_"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["AltGr", "AltGr"]]
this.VKI_layout.Numpad = [ // Number pad
[["$"], ["u00a3"], ["u20ac"], ["u00a5"], ["/"], ["^"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["."], ["7"], ["8"], ["9"], ["*"], ["<"], ["("], ["["]],
[["="], ["4"], ["5"], ["6"], ["-"], [">"], [")"], ["]"]],
[["0"], ["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["+"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[[" "]]
this.VKI_layoutDDK.Numpad = true;
this.VKI_layout["Polish Prog"] = [ // Polish Programmers Keyboard
[["`", "~"], ["1", "!"], ["2", "@"], ["3", "#"], ["4", "$"], ["5", "%"], ["6", "^"], ["7", "&"], ["8", "*"], ["9", "("], ["0", ")"], ["-", "_"], ["=", "+"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["q", "Q"], ["w", "W"], ["e", "E", "u0119", "u0118"], ["r", "R"], ["t", "T"], ["y", "Y"], ["u", "U"], ["i", "I"], ["o", "O", "u00f3", "u00d3"], ["p", "P"], ["[", "{"], ["]", "}"], ["\", "|"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A", "u0105", "u0104"], ["s", "S", "u015b", "u015a"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L", "u0142", "u0141"], [";", ":"], ["'", '"'], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["z", "Z", "u017c", "u017b"], ["x", "X", "u017a", "u0179"], ["c", "C", "u0107", "u0106"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N", "u0144", "u0143"], ["m", "M"], [",", "<"], [".", ">"], ["/", "?"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["Alt", "Alt"]]
this.VKI_layout.Portuguese = [ // Portuguese Standard Keyboard
[["`", "u00ac", "u00a6"], ["1", "!"], ["2", '"'], ["3", "u00a3"], ["4", "$", "u20ac"], ["5", "%"], ["6", "^"], ["7", "&"], ["8", "*"], ["9", "("], ["0", ")"], ["-", "_"], ["=", "+"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["q", "Q"], ["w", "W"], ["e", "E", "u00e9", "u00c9"], ["r", "R"], ["t", "T"], ["y", "Y"], ["u", "U", "u00fa", "u00da"], ["i", "I", "u00ed", "u00cd"], ["o", "O", "u00f3", "u00d3"], ["p", "P"], ["[", "{"], ["]", "}"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A", "u00e1", "u00c1"], ["s", "S"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L"], ["u00e7", "u00c7"], [";", ":"], ["'", "@"], ["#", "~"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["\", "|"], ["z", "Z"], ["x", "X"], ["c", "C"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N"], ["m", "M"], [",", "<"], [".", ">"], ["/", "?"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["AltGr", "AltGr"]]
this.VKI_layout.Russian = [ // Russian Standard Keyboard
[["u0451", "u0401"], ["1", "!"], ["2", '"'], ["3", "u2116"], ["4", ";"], ["5", "%"], ["6", ":"], ["7", "?"], ["8", "*"], ["9", "("], ["0", ")"], ["-", "_"], ["=", "+"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["u0439", "u0419"], ["u0446", "u0426"], ["u0443", "u0423"], ["u043A", "u041A"], ["u0435", "u0415"], ["u043D", "u041D"], ["u0433", "u0413"], ["u0448", "u0428"], ["u0449", "u0429"], ["u0437", "u0417"], ["u0445", "u0425"], ["u044A", "u042A"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["u0444", "u0424"], ["u044B", "u042B"], ["u0432", "u0412"], ["u0430", "u0410"], ["u043F", "u041F"], ["u0440", "u0420"], ["u043E", "u041E"], ["u043B", "u041B"], ["u0434", "u0414"], ["u0436", "u0416"], ["u044D", "u042D"], ["\", "/"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["/", "|"], ["u044F", "u042F"], ["u0447", "u0427"], ["u0441", "u0421"], ["u043C", "u041C"], ["u0438", "u0418"], ["u0442", "u0422"], ["u044C", "u042C"], ["u0431", "u0411"], ["u044E", "u042E"], [".", ","], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " "]]
this.VKI_layout["Turkish-F"] = [ // Turkish F Keyboard Layout
[['+', "*", "u00ac"], ["1", "!", "u00b9", "u00a1"], ["2", '"', "u00b2"], ["3", "^", "#", "u00b3"], ["4", "$", "u00bc", "u00a4"], ["5", "%", "u00bd"], ["6", "&", "u00be"], ["7", "'", "{"], ["8", "(", '['], ["9", ")", ']'], ["0", "=", "}"], ["/", "?", "\", "u00bf"], ["-", "_", "|"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["f", "F", "@"], ["g", "G"], ["u011f", "u011e"], ["u0131", "u0049", "u00b6", "u00ae"], ["o", "O"], ["d", "D", "u00a5"], ["r", "R"], ["n", "N"], ["h", "H", "u00f8", "u00d8"], ["p", "P", "u00a3"], ["q", "Q", "u00a8"], ["w", "W", "~"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["u", "U", "u00e6", "u00c6"], ["i", "u0130", "u00df", "u00a7"], ["e", "E", "u20ac"], ["a", "A", " ", "u00aa"], ["u00fc", "u00dc"], ["t", "T"], ["k", "K"], ["m", "M"], ["l", "L"], ["y", "Y", "u00b4"], ["u015f", "u015e"], ["x", "X", "`"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["<", ">", "|", "u00a6"], ["j", "J", "u00ab", "<"], ["u00f6", "u00d6", "u00bb", ">"], ["v", "V", "u00a2", "u00a9"], ["c", "C"], ["u00e7", "u00c7"], ["z", "Z"], ["s", "S", "u00b5", "u00ba"], ["b", "B", "u00d7"], [".", ":", "u00f7"], [",", ";", "-"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["AltGr", "AltGr"]]
this.VKI_layout["Turkish-Q"] = [ // Turkish Q Keyboard Layout
[['"', "u00e9", "<"], ["1", "!", ">"], ["2", "'", "u00a3"], ["3", "^", "#"], ["4", "+", "$"], ["5", "%", "u00bd"], ["6", "&"], ["7", "/", "{"], ["8", "(", '['], ["9", ")", ']'], ["0", "=", "}"], ["*", "?", "\"], ["-", "_", "|"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["q", "Q", "@"], ["w", "W"], ["e", "E", "u20ac"], ["r", "R"], ["t", "T"], ["y", "Y"], ["u", "U"], ["u0131", "u0049", "u0069", "u0130"], ["o", "O"], ["p", "P"], ["u011f", "u011e", "u00a8"], ["u00fc", "u00dc", "~"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A", "u00e6", "u00c6"], ["s", "S", "u00df"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L"], ["u015f", "u015e", "u00b4"], ["u0069", "u0130"], [",", ";", "`"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["<", ">", "|"], ["z", "Z"], ["x", "X"], ["c", "C"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N"], ["m", "M"], ["u00f6", "u00d6"], ["u00e7", "u00c7"], [".", ":"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["AltGr", "AltGr"]]
this.VKI_layout.UK = [ // UK Standard Keyboard
[["`", "u00ac", "u00a6"], ["1", "!"], ["2", '"'], ["3", "u00a3"], ["4", "$", "u20ac"], ["5", "%"], ["6", "^"], ["7", "&"], ["8", "*"], ["9", "("], ["0", ")"], ["-", "_"], ["=", "+"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["q", "Q"], ["w", "W"], ["e", "E", "u00e9", "u00c9"], ["r", "R"], ["t", "T"], ["y", "Y"], ["u", "U", "u00fa", "u00da"], ["i", "I", "u00ed", "u00cd"], ["o", "O", "u00f3", "u00d3"], ["p", "P"], ["[", "{"], ["]", "}"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A", "u00e1", "u00c1"], ["s", "S"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L"], [";", ":"], ["'", "@"], ["#", "~"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["\", "|"], ["z", "Z"], ["x", "X"], ["c", "C"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N"], ["m", "M"], [",", "<"], [".", ">"], ["/", "?"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["AltGr", "AltGr"]]
this.VKI_layout.US = [ // US Standard Keyboard
[["`", "~"], ["1", "!"], ["2", "@"], ["3", "#"], ["4", "$"], ["5", "%"], ["6", "^"], ["7", "&"], ["8", "*"], ["9", "("], ["0", ")"], ["-", "_"], ["=", "+"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["q", "Q"], ["w", "W"], ["e", "E"], ["r", "R"], ["t", "T"], ["y", "Y"], ["u", "U"], ["i", "I"], ["o", "O"], ["p", "P"], ["[", "{"], ["]", "}"], ["\", "|"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A"], ["s", "S"], ["d", "D"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L"], [";", ":"], ["'", '"'], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["z", "Z"], ["x", "X"], ["c", "C"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N"], ["m", "M"], [",", "<"], [".", ">"], ["/", "?"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " "]]
this.VKI_layout["US Int'l"] = [ // US International Keyboard
[["`", "~"], ["1", "!", "u00a1", "u00b9"], ["2", "@", "u00b2"], ["3", "#", "u00b3"], ["4", "$", "u00a4", "u00a3"], ["5", "%", "u20ac"], ["6", "^", "u00bc"], ["7", "&", "u00bd"], ["8", "*", "u00be"], ["9", "(", "u2018"], ["0", ")", "u2019"], ["-", "_", "u00a5"], ["=", "+", "u00d7", "u00f7"], ["Bksp", "Bksp"]],
[["Tab", "Tab"], ["q", "Q", "u00e4", "u00c4"], ["w", "W", "u00e5", "u00c5"], ["e", "E", "u00e9", "u00c9"], ["r", "R", "u00ae"], ["t", "T", "u00fe", "u00de"], ["y", "Y", "u00fc", "u00dc"], ["u", "U", "u00fa", "u00da"], ["i", "I", "u00ed", "u00cd"], ["o", "O", "u00f3", "u00d3"], ["p", "P", "u00f6", "u00d6"], ["[", "{", "u00ab"], ["]", "}", "u00bb"], ["\", "|", "u00ac", "u00a6"]],
[["Caps", "Caps"], ["a", "A", "u00e1", "u00c1"], ["s", "S", "u00df", "u00a7"], ["d", "D", "u00f0", "u00d0"], ["f", "F"], ["g", "G"], ["h", "H"], ["j", "J"], ["k", "K"], ["l", "L", "u00f8", "u00d8"], [";", ":", "u00b6", "u00b0"], ["'", '"', "u00b4", "u00a8"], ["Enter", "Enter"]],
[["Shift", "Shift"], ["z", "Z", "u00e6", "u00c6"], ["x", "X"], ["c", "C", "u00a9", "u00a2"], ["v", "V"], ["b", "B"], ["n", "N", "u00f1", "u00d1"], ["m", "M", "u00b5"], [",", "<", "u00e7", "u00c7"], [".", ">"], ["/", "?", "u00bf"], ["Shift", "Shift"]],
[[" ", " ", " ", " "], ["Alt", "Alt"]]
/* ***** Define Dead Keys **************************************** */
this.VKI_deadkey = new Object();
// - Lay out each dead key set in one row of sub-arrays. The rows
// below are wrapped so uppercase letters are below their lowercase
// equivalents.
// - The first letter in each sub-array is the letter pressed after
// the diacritic. The second letter is the letter this key-combo
// will generate.
// - Note that if you have created a new keyboard layout and want it
// included in the distributed script, PLEASE TELL ME if you have
// added additional dead keys to the ones below.
this.VKI_deadkey['"'] = this.VKI_deadkey['u00a8'] = [ // Umlaut / Diaeresis / Greek Dialytika
["a", "u00e4"], ["e", "u00eb"], ["i", "u00ef"], ["o", "u00f6"], ["u", "u00fc"], ["y", "u00ff"], ["u03b9", "u03ca"], ["u03c5", "u03cb"],
["A", "u00c4"], ["E", "u00cb"], ["I", "u00cf"], ["O", "u00d6"], ["U", "u00dc"], ["Y", "u0178"], ["u0399", "u03aa"], ["u03a5", "u03ab"]
this.VKI_deadkey['~'] = [ // Tilde
["a", "u00e3"], ["o", "u00f5"], ["n", "u00f1"],
["A", "u00c3"], ["O", "u00d5"], ["N", "u00d1"]
this.VKI_deadkey['^'] = [ // Circumflex
["a", "u00e2"], ["e", "u00ea"], ["i", "u00ee"], ["o", "u00f4"], ["u", "u00fb"], ["w", "u0175"], ["y", "u0177"],
["A", "u00c2"], ["E", "u00ca"], ["I", "u00ce"], ["O", "u00d4"], ["U", "u00db"], ["W", "u0174"], ["Y", "u0176"]
this.VKI_deadkey['`'] = [ // Grave
["a", "u00e0"], ["e", "u00e8"], ["i", "u00ec"], ["o", "u00f2"], ["u", "u00f9"],
["A", "u00c0"], ["E", "u00c8"], ["I", "u00cc"], ["O", "u00d2"], ["U", "u00d9"]
this.VKI_deadkey["'"] = this.VKI_deadkey['u00b4'] = this.VKI_deadkey['u0384'] = [ // Acute / Greek Tonos
["a", "u00e1"], ["e", "u00e9"], ["i", "u00ed"], ["o", "u00f3"], ["u", "u00fa"], ["u03b1", "u03ac"], ["u03b5", "u03ad"], ["u03b7", "u03ae"], ["u03b9", "u03af"], ["u03bf", "u03cc"], ["u03c5", "u03cd"], ["u03c9", "u03ce"],
["A", "u00c1"], ["E", "u00c9"], ["I", "u00cd"], ["O", "u00d3"], ["U", "u00da"], ["u0391", "u0386"], ["u0395", "u0388"], ["u0397", "u0389"], ["u0399", "u038a"], ["u039f", "u038c"], ["u03a5", "u038e"], ["u03a9", "u038f"]
this.VKI_deadkey["u0385"] = [ // Greek Dialytika + Tonos
["u03b9", "u0390"], ["u03c5", "u03b0"]
this.VKI_deadkey['u00b0'] = this.VKI_deadkey['u00ba'] = [ // Ring
["a", "u00e5"],
["A", "u00c5"]
/* ***** Find tagged input & textarea elements ******************* */
var inputElems = [
for (var y = 0, inputCount = 0; y < inputElems.length; y++) {
if (inputElems[y]) {
for (var x = 0; x < inputElems[y].length; x++) {
if ((inputElems[y][x].nodeName == "TEXTAREA" || inputElems[y][x].type == "text" || inputElems[y][x].type == "password") && inputElems[y][x].className.indexOf("keyboardInput") > -1) {
var keyid = "";
if (!inputElems[y][x].id) {
do { keyid = 'keyboardInputInitiator' + inputCount++; } while (document.getElementById(keyid));
} else keyid = inputElems[y][x].id;
var keybut = document.createElement('img');
keybut.src = "keyboard.png";
keybut.alt = "Keyboard interface";
keybut.className = "keyboardInputInitiator";
keybut.title = "Display graphical keyboard interface";
keybut.onclick = (function(a) { return function() { self.VKI_show(a); }; })(keyid);
inputElems[y][x].id = keyid;
inputElems[y][x].parentNode.insertBefore(keybut, inputElems[y][x].nextSibling);
inputElems[y][x].onclick = inputElems[y][x].onkeyup = inputElems[y][x].onselect = function() {
if (self.VKI_target.createTextRange) self.VKI_range = document.selection.createRange();
/* ***** Build the keyboard interface **************************** */
this.VKI_keyboard = document.createElement('table');
this.VKI_keyboard.id = "keyboardInputMaster";
this.VKI_keyboard.cellSpacing = this.VKI_keyboard.cellPadding = this.VKI_keyboard.border = "0";
var layouts = 0;
for (ktype in this.VKI_layout) if (typeof this.VKI_layout[ktype] == "object") layouts++;
var thead = document.createElement('thead');
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
var th = document.createElement('th');
if (layouts > 1) {
var kblist = document.createElement('select');
for (ktype in this.VKI_layout) {
if (typeof this.VKI_layout[ktype] == "object") {
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.value = ktype;
kblist.value = this.VKI_kt;
kblist.onchange = function() {
self.VKI_kt = this.value;
var label = document.createElement('label');
var checkbox = document.createElement('input');
checkbox.type = "checkbox";
checkbox.checked = this.VKI_deadkeysOn;
checkbox.title = "Toggle dead key input";
checkbox.onclick = function() {
self.VKI_deadkeysOn = this.checked;
this.nextSibling.nodeValue = " Dead keys: " + ((this.checked) ? "On" : "Off");
return true;
label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Dead keys: " + ((checkbox.checked) ? "On" : "Off")))
var td = document.createElement('td');
var clearer = document.createElement('span');
clearer.id = "keyboardInputClear";
clearer.title = "Clear this input";
clearer.onmousedown = function() { this.className = "pressed"; }
clearer.onmouseup = function() { this.className = ""; }
clearer.onclick = function() {
self.VKI_target.value = "";
return false;
var closer = document.createElement('span');
closer.id = "keyboardInputClose";
closer.title = "Close this window";
closer.onmousedown = function() { this.className = "pressed"; }
closer.onmouseup = function() { this.className = ""; }
closer.onclick = function(e) { self.VKI_close(); }
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
var td = document.createElement('td');
td.colSpan = "2";
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = "keyboardInputLayout";
var div = document.createElement('div');
var ver = document.createElement('var');
ver.appendChild(document.createTextNode("v" + this.VKI_version));
/* ***** Functions ************************************************ */
/* ******************************************************************
* Build or rebuild the keyboard keys
this.VKI_buildKeys = function() {
this.VKI_shift = this.VKI_capslock = this.VKI_alternate = this.VKI_dead = false;
this.VKI_deadkeysOn = (this.VKI_layoutDDK[this.VKI_kt]) ? false : this.VKI_keyboard.getElementsByTagName('label')[0].getElementsByTagName('input')[0].checked;
var container = this.VKI_keyboard.tBodies[0].getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
while (container.firstChild) container.removeChild(container.firstChild);
for (var x = 0, hasDeadKey = false; x < this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt].length; x++) {
var table = document.createElement('table');
table.cellSpacing = table.cellPadding = table.border = "0";
if (this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x].length <= this.VKI_keyCenter) table.className = "keyboardInputCenter";
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
for (var y = 0; y < this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x].length; y++) {
if (!this.VKI_layoutDDK[this.VKI_kt] && !hasDeadKey)
for (var z = 0; z < this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y].length; z++)
if (this.VKI_deadkey[this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y][z]]) hasDeadKey = true;
var td = document.createElement('td');
var alive = false;
if (this.VKI_deadkeysOn) for (key in this.VKI_deadkey) if (key === this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y][0]) alive = true;
td.className = (alive) ? "alive" : "";
if (this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x].length > this.VKI_keyCenter && y == this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x].length - 1)
td.className += " last";
if (this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y][0] == " ")
td.style.paddingLeft = td.style.paddingRight = "50px";
td.onmouseover = function(e) { if (this.className != "dead" && this.firstChild.nodeValue != "xa0") this.className += " hover"; }
td.onmouseout = function(e) { if (this.className != "dead") this.className = this.className.replace(/ ?(hover|pressed)/g, ""); }
td.onmousedown = function(e) { if (this.className != "dead" && this.firstChild.nodeValue != "xa0") this.className += " pressed"; }
td.onmouseup = function(e) { if (this.className != "dead") this.className = this.className.replace(/ ?pressed/g, ""); }
td.ondblclick = function() { return false; }
switch (this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y][1]) {
case "Caps":
case "Shift":
case "Alt":
case "AltGr":
td.onclick = (function(type) { return function() { self.VKI_modify(type); return false; }})(this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y][1]);
case "Tab":
td.onclick = function() { self.VKI_insert("t"); return false; }
case "Bksp":
td.onclick = function() {
if (self.VKI_target.setSelectionRange) {
var srt = self.VKI_target.selectionStart;
var len = self.VKI_target.selectionEnd;
if (srt < len) srt++;
self.VKI_target.value = self.VKI_target.value.substr(0, srt - 1) + self.VKI_target.value.substr(len);
self.VKI_target.setSelectionRange(srt - 1, srt - 1);
} else if (self.VKI_target.createTextRange) {
try { self.VKI_range.select(); } catch(e) {}
self.VKI_range = document.selection.createRange();
if (!self.VKI_range.text.length) self.VKI_range.moveStart('character', -1);
self.VKI_range.text = "";
} else self.VKI_target.value = self.VKI_target.value.substr(0, self.VKI_target.value.length - 1);
if (self.VKI_shift) self.VKI_modify("Shift");
if (self.VKI_alternate) self.VKI_modify("AltGr");
return true;
case "Enter":
td.onclick = function() {
if (self.VKI_target.nodeName == "TEXTAREA") { self.VKI_insert("n"); } else self.VKI_close();
return true;
td.onclick = function() {
if (self.VKI_deadkeysOn && self.VKI_dead) {
if (self.VKI_dead != this.firstChild.nodeValue) {
for (key in self.VKI_deadkey) {
if (key == self.VKI_dead) {
if (this.firstChild.nodeValue != " ") {
for (var z = 0, rezzed = false; z < self.VKI_deadkey[key].length; z++) {
if (self.VKI_deadkey[key][z][0] == this.firstChild.nodeValue) {
rezzed = true;
} else {
rezzed = true;
} else rezzed = true;
self.VKI_dead = false;
if (!rezzed && this.firstChild.nodeValue != "xa0") {
if (self.VKI_deadkeysOn) {
for (key in self.VKI_deadkey) {
if (key == this.firstChild.nodeValue) {
self.VKI_dead = key;
this.className = "dead";
if (self.VKI_shift) self.VKI_modify("Shift");
if (self.VKI_alternate) self.VKI_modify("AltGr");
if (!self.VKI_dead) self.VKI_insert(this.firstChild.nodeValue);
} else self.VKI_insert(this.firstChild.nodeValue);
return false;
for (var z = this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y].length; z < 4; z++)
this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y][z] = "xa0";
this.VKI_keyboard.getElementsByTagName('label')[0].style.display = (hasDeadKey) ? "inline" : "none";
if (window.sidebar || window.opera) {
this.VKI_keyboard.onmousedown = function() { return false; }
this.VKI_keyboard.onclick = function() { return true; }
} else this.VKI_keyboard.onselectstart = function() { return false; }
/* ******************************************************************
* Controls modifier keys
this.VKI_modify = function(type) {
switch (type) {
case "Alt":
case "AltGr": this.VKI_alternate = !this.VKI_alternate; break;
case "Caps": this.VKI_capslock = !this.VKI_capslock; break;
case "Shift": this.VKI_shift = !this.VKI_shift; break;
var vchar = 0;
if (!this.VKI_shift != !this.VKI_capslock) vchar += 1;
var tables = this.VKI_keyboard.getElementsByTagName('table');
for (var x = 0; x < tables.length; x++) {
var tds = tables[x].getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var y = 0; y < tds.length; y++) {
var dead = alive = target = false;
switch (this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y][1]) {
case "Alt":
case "AltGr":
if (this.VKI_alternate) dead = true;
case "Shift":
if (this.VKI_shift) dead = true;
case "Caps":
if (this.VKI_capslock) dead = true;
case "Tab": case "Enter": case "Bksp": break;
if (type) tds[y].firstChild.nodeValue = this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y][vchar + ((this.VKI_alternate && this.VKI_layout[this.VKI_kt][x][y].length == 4) ? 2 : 0)];
if (this.VKI_deadkeysOn) {
var char = tds[y].firstChild.nodeValue;
if (this.VKI_dead) {
if (char == this.VKI_dead) dead = true;
for (var z = 0; z < this.VKI_deadkey[this.VKI_dead].length; z++)
if (char == this.VKI_deadkey[this.VKI_dead][z][0]) { target = true; break; }
for (key in this.VKI_deadkey) if (key === char) { alive = true; break; }
tds[y].className = (dead) ? "dead" : ((target) ? "target" : ((alive) ? "alive" : ""));
if (y == tds.length - 1 && tds.length > this.VKI_keyCenter) tds[y].className += " last";
/* ******************************************************************
* Insert text at the cursor
this.VKI_insert = function(text) {
if (this.VKI_target.setSelectionRange) {
var srt = this.VKI_target.selectionStart;
var len = this.VKI_target.selectionEnd;
this.VKI_target.value = this.VKI_target.value.substr(0, srt) + text + this.VKI_target.value.substr(len);
if (text == "n" && window.opera) srt++;
this.VKI_target.setSelectionRange(srt + text.length, srt + text.length);
} else if (this.VKI_target.createTextRange) {
try { this.VKI_range.select(); } catch(e) {}
this.VKI_range = document.selection.createRange();
this.VKI_range.text = text;
} else this.VKI_target.value += text;
if (this.VKI_shift) this.VKI_modify("Shift");
if (this.VKI_alternate) this.VKI_modify("AltGr");
/* ******************************************************************
* Show the keyboard interface
this.VKI_show = function(id) {
if (this.VKI_target = document.getElementById(id)) {
if (this.VKI_visible != id) {
this.VKI_range = "";
try { this.VKI_keyboard.parentNode.removeChild(this.VKI_keyboard); } catch (e) {}
var elem = this.VKI_target;
this.VKI_target.keyboardPosition = "absolute";
do {
if (VKI_getStyle(elem, "position") == "fixed") {
this.VKI_target.keyboardPosition = "fixed";
} while (elem = elem.offsetParent);
this.VKI_keyboard.style.top = this.VKI_keyboard.style.right = this.VKI_keyboard.style.bottom = this.VKI_keyboard.style.left = "auto";
this.VKI_keyboard.style.position = this.VKI_target.keyboardPosition;
this.VKI_visible = this.VKI_target.id;
} else this.VKI_close();
/* ******************************************************************
* Position the keyboard
this.VKI_position = function() {
if (self.VKI_visible != "") {
var inputElemPos = VKI_findPos(self.VKI_target);
self.VKI_keyboard.style.top = inputElemPos[1] - ((self.VKI_target.keyboardPosition == "fixed") ? document.body.scrollTop : 0) + self.VKI_target.offsetHeight + 3 + "px";
self.VKI_keyboard.style.left = Math.min(VKI_innerDimensions()[0] - self.VKI_keyboard.offsetWidth - 15, inputElemPos[0]) + "px";
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.VKI_position, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent('onresize', this.VKI_position);
/* ******************************************************************
* Close the keyboard interface
this.VKI_close = function() {
try { this.VKI_keyboard.parentNode.removeChild(this.VKI_keyboard); } catch (e) {}
this.VKI_visible = "";
this.VKI_target = "";
/* ***** Attach this script to the onload event ******************** */
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('load', buildKeyboardInputs, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent('onload', buildKeyboardInputs);
/* ********************************************************************
* Handy element positioning function
function VKI_findPos(obj) {
var curleft = curtop = 0;
do {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
curtop += obj.offsetTop;
} while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
return [curleft, curtop];
/* ********************************************************************
* Return the dimensions of the viewport, also from Quirksmode.org
function VKI_innerDimensions() {
if (self.innerHeight) {
return [self.innerWidth, self.innerHeight];
} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
return [document.documentElement.clientWidth, document.documentElement.clientHeight];
} else if (document.body)
return [document.body.clientWidth, document.body.clientHeight];
return [0, 0];
/* ********************************************************************
* Return an element's set style
function VKI_getStyle(obj, styleProp) {
if (obj.currentStyle) {
var y = obj.currentStyle[styleProp];
} else if (window.getComputedStyle)
var y = window.getComputedStyle(obj, null)[styleProp];
return y;